

Tratto da "La Voce del Popolo" (Rijeka/Fiume, 29/9/2003):


Josip Bozanic innalzato alla porpora
L'annuncio fatto ieri durante l'Angelus in Piazza San Pietro

CITTÀ DEL VATICANO - Sono sette prelati di Curia, 19 vescovi di
altrettante diocesi, 4 ecclesiastici e uno "in pectore" i nuovi
cardinali che il Papa nominerà nel concistoro del 21 ottobre.
L'annuncio è stato fatto ieri da Papa Giovanni Paolo II nel corso
dell'Angelus in Piazza San Pietro. Tra i nuovi cardinali figura pure
l'arcivescovo di Zagabria, nonché presidente della Conferenza
episcopale croata, monsignor Josip Bozanic, che sarà così il sesto
porporato nella storia della diocesi metropolitana di Zagabria, dopo
Juraj Haulik, Josip Mihajlovic, Aloizije Stepinac, Franjo Seper e
Franjo Kuharic.
Josip Bozanic è nato a Fiume il 20 marzo 1949. Dopo aver concluso gli
studi medi al Ginnasio classico di Pisino, mons. Bozanic ha studiato
teologia a Fiume e Roma. Alla Facoltà cattolica di Zagabria ha concluso
gli studi post-laurea in Dottrina della fede, mentre alla Pontificia
Università Lateranense ha conseguito la Licenza in diritto canonico. È
stato professore ordinario di teologia e diritto canonico al seminario
di Fiume.
Mons. Josip Bozanic è stato ordinato sacerdote nel vescovado di Veglia
nel 1975. Dopo esser stato nominato vescovo coadiutore della stessa
diocesi vegliota il 10 maggio 1989, sei mesi più tardi ha preso in mano
le sorti del vescovado di quella che può essere considerata l'isola più
cattolica del Paese e senza dubbio la che ha dato il maggior numero di
sacerdoti e prelati. Il 4 ottobre 1997, dopo che il cardinale Franjo
Kuharic aveva dovuto lasciare l'incarico per raggiunto limite d'età - a
75 anni la Legge gli impone di rassegnare le dimissioni -, la Santa
Sede gli ha affidato l'arcivescovado di Zagabria. Dieci giorni più
tardi è stato nominato anche presidente della Conferenza episcopale
Alla Seconda assemblea speciale per l'Europa del Sinodo dei vescovi,
nell'ottobre del 1999, è stato nominato membro del Consiglio
presinodale, mentre il Consiglio delle Conferenze episcopali d'Europa
lo ha nominato come suo vicepresidente il 18 aprile del 2001. Il nuovo
porporato croato è membro della Congregazione pontificia per il Culto
divino e la Disciplina dei sacramenti. Nel febbraio del 2002 Papa
Giovanni Paolo II lo ha nominato membro del Consiglio pontificio per i
"Interpreto la decisione del Papa di nominarmi cardinale al concistoro
del 21 ottobre - è stata la prima dichiarazione a caldo di mons. Josip
Bozanic - come un'ulteriore conferma del suo attaccamento al popolo
croato e alla Chiesa in Croazia, cosa che abbiamo potuto sentire tutti
in occasione della sua terza visita pastorale al nostro Paese".
Non appena appresa la notizia, il presidente della Repubblica, Stjepan
Mesic, ha inviato un messaggio d'auguri a mons. Josip Bozanic nel quale
sottolinea che la sua nomina a cardinale è un motivo di soddisfazione
per tutti i fedeli e per il popolo croato. All'indirizzo del nuovo
porporato sono giunti anche i messaggi d'auguri del presidente del
Sabor Zlatko Tomcic e del premier Ivica Racan, secondo il quale la
nomina di Bozanic a cardinale rappresenta un riconoscimento da parte
del Santo padre alla Croazia e al lavoro svolto dall'arcivescovo di
Zagabria per il progresso non soltanto della Chiesa cattolica bensì
dell'intera società civile.,

[Altri quotidiani croati in questi giorni evidenziano come alti prelati
croati debbano necessariamente far parte del porporato cardinalizio,
visto il ruolo della Croazia come "prima linea" per l'evangelizzazione
- con tutti i mezzi necessari - dell'Europa centroorientale. Essi
evidenziano anche come il Papa abbia nominato i nuovi cardinali perché
facciano parte del consiglio per la elezione del prossimo Papa.
Sulla storia, davvero indecente, della Chiesa cattolica croata nel
Novecento consigliamo, di M.A. Rivelli:

(The english original at: )

The Center for an Informed America

CNN – La voce della CIA: Come opera?

Dave McGowan

A febbraio, una cosa già apparsa sulla stampa
europea fu riportata da Alexander Cockburn -
co-editore di Counterpunch – riguardante l’uso nella
CNN di specialisti militari della guerra psicologica.

Come altri articoli di Cockburn, ed i numeri di 'Action
Alert' del gruppo per il controllo dei media FAIR
(Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), il rapporto fu
ignorato dalla stampa USA.
Come riportato in origine da Abe de Vries sulla
rivista olandese Trouw, la storia era: "Negli
ultimi anni, la CNN ha assunto militari specialisti
di 'operazioni psicologiche' (psyops). Questo
è stato confermato a Trouw dal portavoce della
U.S. Army. I militari hanno influenzato i servizi
della CNN sulla crisi nel Kosovo." (1)

Possibile? La parola 'duh' può essere usata qui...
Infatti ecco un flash d’agenzia: I militari influenzavano
le notizie di tutti i media che riguardavano il
bombardamento del Kosovo. Le sole notizie al riguardo
provenivano dalla NATO e dal Pentagono. Quando si è
la sola fonte di informazione, si tende a imporre la
propria influenza.
Ma non è questa la notizia qui. Il problema riguarda
piuttosto il coinvolgimento dei militari nel confezionare
le notizie della CNN destinate agli organi di
informazione e presentate come 'notizie' da altri
militari. Questo appare come un meccanismo
pesantemente disturbato, e suppongo, non tanto per
il fatto che i media USA siano infestati da interessi
strategici, visto che è difficile capire quale
differenza farebbero pochi altri interessi mirati in
più... Certo, molti si presentano come reporter,
editorialisti, pubblicisti, analisti, produttori, editori, ecc.

La differenza qui è che tali particolari figure sono
apertamente usate dalla CNN, senza una copertura giornalistica. Il
Maggiore Thomas Collins, del U.S. Army Information Service, ci informa

"Il personale per le Psyops, soldati e ufficiali, ha
lavorato nel quartier generale della CNN di Atlanta
tramite il nostro programma 'addestra nell’industria'.
Lavoravano come comuni impiegati della CNN.
Probabilmente, hanno lavorato sulle notizie
riguardanti la guerra del Kosovo. Hanno favorito la
produzione di nuovi tipi di notizie." (2)

L'espressione "produzione di notizie" è assai ambigua
quando usata in tale contesto. Potrebbe facilmente
definire la fabbricazione di notizie. Fabbricazione,
infatti, è ciò che gli specialisti di 'operazioni
psicologiche' fanno. De Vries nota:

"Il personale militare della CNN proviene dal 4°
Gruppo aeromobile per le Operazioni Psicologiche
(airmobile Fourth Psychological Operations Group),
stanziato a Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Uno dei
principali compiti di tale gruppo di circa 1200
soldati e ufficiali, è diffondere 'informazioni
scelte'. [Dobbiamo fermarci qui un attimo per notare
che in tale contesto, la frase 'informazioni scelte'
significa, generalmente, distorsione volontaria e
bugie vergognose].
Le truppe di psyops USA tentano, con varie tecniche,
di influenzare i media e l’opinione pubblica nei
conflitti in cui gli ‘interessi degli USA’ sono
presenti. [Dobbiamo fermarci, ancora, per notare che
‘interessi degli USA’ significa interessi finanziari
dei monopoli capitalisti degli USA.] Il gruppo di
propaganda e' stato coinvolto nella Guerra del Golfo,
nella guerra bosniaca e nella crisi del Kosovo." (1)

In altre parole, durante la guerra in Kosovo hanno
fatto... quello che hanno sempre fatto. Oggi, tuttavia,
essi operano più apertamente. Ciò prova una maggiore
complicità della CNN, con operazioni tese a screditare
e ad incutere imbarazzo nei concorrenti. Ma ciò che si
richiede, oggi, è un simulacro di “libertà di

Di fatto, ciò che è successo è che questa storia ha avuto
un paio di brevi menzioni nella stampa alternativa ed è
stata poi del tutto trascurata. E questo è il solo articolo
a riguardo, dopo che il pezzo tradotto è apparso su
internet, soprattutto sul sito "Emperor's Clothes". Ma,
tranne pochi altri casi, la storia non è venuta a galla su
questi lidi. Né vi è stato un seguito all’articolo di de Vries
Sulla stessa pubblicazione, nei giorni seguenti.
De Vries riporta che il comandante del Fourth
Psychological Operations Group, Colonnello Cristopher
St. John, descrive la cooperazione con la CNN come
"esempio da manuale del tipo di legami che vi devono
essere tra forze armate USA e media." (2)
Un tipo di legami che permetta di “diffondere
informazioni scelte e tenerne nascoste altre... per
controllare internet, condurre la guerra elettronica
contro i media disobbedienti, e controllare i
satelliti commerciali." (2) Molte cose, si deve
notare, che le intelligence già fanno in vario modo.
Quindi, il controllo non basta.
De Vries spiega che il personale psyops non era
completamente soddisfatto delle operazioni in Kosovo:
"Secondo loro, molte informazioni sulle conseguenze
non previste dei bombardamenti sono venute a galla.
[Fermiamoci ancora, e notiamo che 'conseguenze non
previste dei bombardamenti' si riferisce alla ben prevista
carneficina di civili.]
Il Contrammiraglio Thomas Steffens dell’U.S. Special
Operations Command (SOCOM) afferma che egli
avrebbe la capacità di mettere sotto “un cono di
silenzio” le informazioni nelle aree interessate da
operazioni speciali. Ciò significa, in realtà, ciò che
ha dimostrato il bombardamento della
televisione di Stato della Serbia, RTS, a Belgrado." (2)

Inoltre, a proposito dei bombardamenti della stazione
della televisione di Stato della Serbia, vi è un'altra
cosa che circola nella stampa europea, e che
mette sotto una cattiva luce la CNN - molto più della
storia riportata dalla pubblicazione olandese.
Significativamente, questa cosa non e' stata
ripresa negli USA. E' apparsa, tuttavia, nel Regno
Unito, in una corrispondenza di Robert Fisk su The
Independent. L’articolo afferma che:

"Due giorni prima che la NATO bombardasse la sede
della televisione di Stato della Serbia a Belgrado, la
CNN ricevette una nota dal suo quartier generale di
Atlanta che diceva che la sede della RTS sarebbe stata
distrutta. Dissero di togliere le loro attrezzature al
più presto dal bersaglio. Cosa che fecero." (3)

Apparentemente, l’aiuto venne dagli specialisti di
psyops. Fisk ricorda ciò che il giorno dopo gli disse
Aleksandar Vucic, il Ministro dell’Informazione serbo,
e cioè che ricevette un invito a apparire al “Larry King
Live show” [della CNN] allo scopo di dare una audience,
via satellite, presso Larry, al punto di vista serbo sul
conflitto. Vi erano due seri problemi relativamente al
suo invito, tuttavia. Primo, il fatto che la CNN avrebbe
invitato un dirigente serbo per trasmetterne il punto di
vista, alquanto “differente”. Ma, più importante, lo
studio che avrebbe ospitato Vucic sarebbe dovuto
essere deserto. Tuttavia gli fu chiesto di essere
presente per il trucco alle 2:00 per l’apparizione
alle 2:30.

"Vucic arrivò in ritardo, giusto per salvarsi dal missile
NATO che colpì l’edificio alle 2:06. Esso esplose
nella stanza del trucco dove la giovane assistente
morì carbonizzata. La CNN disse che era una
coincidenza, affermando che il Larry King show,
trasmesso dalla divisione intrattenimento, non
conosceva le istruzioni della divisione notizie,
riguardo lo sgombero dell’edificio di Belgrado." (3)

Le spiegazioni della CNN sono, certo, fasulle.
Infatti, l'idea che esista un qualche tipo di distinzione
tra divisione intrattenimento della CNN e divisione
notizie è altrettanto fasulla. La verità appare essere
che la CNN fu direttamente coinvolta nel crimine di
guerra. Tale atto fu, senza ombra di dubbio, un crimine
di guerra. Il deliberato attacco e tentativo di assassinio
di un ministro straniero – anche in tempo di guerra –
è un crimine di guerra e basta. Dunque pare che i nostri
media abbiano varcato la linea della complicità nel
coprire i crimini di guerra degli USA – che per
decenni era un limite invalicabile della stampa:
un’altra seria trasgressione, voluta ed accuratamente
trascurata dai media USA. Ciò è certamente dovuto al
fatto che l’intelligence ed i media dei monopoli USA
hanno uno stretto controllo su tutti i media. Ecco
perché, quando storie come il rapporto CNN/Psyops
emergono nei media 'progressisti', anche se in modo
assai limitato, esse sono accompagnate da commenti
divertiti e analisi intese a mascherare il significato
Per esempio, Cockburn si meraviglia: "Potrebbe essere
che la CNN sia stata presa di mira da una penetrazione
di psyops, ma è troppo naïf farla apparire al di fuori degli
eventi." (4) Al contrario, sembra che la CNN fosse ben
consapevole di partecipare attivamente ad un
Analogamente, per FAIR ciò che "sconvolge in modo
particolare è il fatto che il network permetta
all’esercito di propagandisti occulti di lavorare nel
suo Quartier generale, dove imparano i trucchi delle
operazioni della CNN. Persino gli ufficiali delle psyops lavorano negli
studi, senza influenzare i notiziari. Il
network ha permesso ai militari di condurre una missione,
di raccolta dati e d’intelligence, contro la stessa CNN?" (5)

O, magari, è la stessa CNN una operazione di
"intelligence", ed ha compiuto la sua prima missione?
La CNN che andrebbe ridenominata, avendo precorso
il concetto di conflitti armati come una mini-serie –
completa di colonne sonore e di titoli – fin dalla
Guerra del Golfo. Questo è, certo, lo schema che è stato
seguito, fin da allora, dai media, con una ampia
copertura delle azioni militari USA.
Uno dei compiti specifici che la CNN sembra avere è la
presentazione delle conquiste imperialiste militari
come missioni umanitarie. In altre parole, "diffondere
‘notizie scelte’ " allo scopo di "influenzare media e
opinione pubblica sui conflitti in cui gli interessi
degli USA sono coinvolti." La glorificazione delle
sofisticate armi USA, la demonizzazione dei nemici
degli USA, la santificazione di leader militari
genocidi, consigliati dalla linea NATO/Pentagono/
Dipartimento di Stato, il deliberato inganno nel
riportare, "ripuliti", casi di brutalità statunitense e
crimini di guerra – il tutto indicativo di un programma
di psyops, non di una presunta agenzia d’informazione

Come nota il gruppo FAIR: "La CNN ha sempre avuto
una stretta relazione con il Pentagono, dando accesso
agli alti ufficiali, secondo la necessità di un network che
basa la sua reputazione sull’essere sempre presente
nelle guerre e in altre operazioni belliche." (5)
Essere sempre presente nelle guerre e in altre
operazioni belliche è, certamente, una buona cosa se si
è un reporter. È anche una buona cosa se si è, come si
è visto, appartenenti alla comunità degli spioni.
Che la CNN sia nata come uno dei fronti
dell’intelligence probabilmente non è noto se non
come un fatto insignificante, come pure sin dalla guerra
del Kosovo è stato annunciato che essa è divenuta
parte della famiglia AOL. E AOL, come dice un recente
articolo di Spin Cycle (Sony's Magic Cameras), fa
un dannato lavoro nel presentarsi come un fronte
di intelligence.

Cosi, se la CNN non era stata concepita all’inizio
come entità per la guerra psicologica (anche se appare
esserlo, nonostante lo status di servitù dell’infantile
Ted Turner, marito di Jane Fonda), certamente lo è
divenuta poi. E, nel frattempo, nessuno ricorda quando
Jane era ritenuta essere una brava ragazza? Basta

1. Abe de Vries "U.S. Army 'Psyops' Specialists Worked
for CNN," Trouw, February 21, 2000.
2. Abe de Vries "The American Army Loves CNN," Trouw,
February 25, 2000.
3. Robert Fisk "Taken In By the NATO Line," The
Independent, July 2, 1999.
4. Alexander Cockburn "CNN And Psyops," Counterpunch,
March 26, 2000.
5. "Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On
News At CNN?," FAIR Action Alert, March 27, 2000.

30 agosto 2003

Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio
Email: alexlattanzio@...

Revisione del testo italiano a cura del CNJ

Bosnia: NATO ready for new actions; Wild privatization deals

1. On NATO Orders, Bosnia To Develop Central Military Command
(France-Presse 25/9/2003)
2. Dynamic Response 03 preps for possible Balkans action
(Stars And Stripes, September 22, 2003)
3. Bosnia hopes to boost NATO ties with defence reform
(Reuters, September 26, 2003)
4. Explosions Shake Sarajevo, Wild Privatizations on the Background

=== 1 ===

From: Rick Rozoff
Subject: On NATO Orders, Bosnia To Develop Central Military Command

Agence France-Presse

Bosnian leaders agree on central command for armed

-"We have reached an agreement," said Verdan Perisic,
spokesman for the international community's top
representative in Bosnia, Paddy Ashdown.
-The reform is key to securing Bosnia's entry into
NATO's Partnership for Peace program, launched in 1994
as a mechanism for building trust between NATO states
and countries that had been part of the Soviet-era
Warsaw Pact. [Of course Bosnia, being then part of
Yugoslavia, was never a member of the Warsaw Pact.]

SARAJEVO, Sept 25 (AFP) - Bosnia's Serb, Muslim and
Croat leaders late Thursday reached an agreement aimed
at establishing a unified command for the country's
armed forces, the first step toward joining NATO's
Partnership for Peace program.
"We have reached an agreement," said Verdan Perisic,
spokesman for the international community's top
representative in Bosnia, Paddy Ashdown.
Under the accord, the armies of Bosnia's two
highly-independent entities - the Croat-Muslim
Federation and the Republika Srpska - will have a
central command headquarters, the same flag and
uniform but will remain ethnically distinct.
Ashdown on Monday had voiced concern about lagging
defence reform, one of the most sensitive issues in
the country since the end of the 1992-1995 war, which
saw bitter fighting between the country's Croat,
Muslim and Serb communities.
The European Union's foreign policy chief Javier
Solana also warned Bosnia its reputation would be
"dangerously and seriously harmed" if the negotiations
on reforming the defence sector failed.
The reform is key to securing Bosnia's entry into
NATO's Partnership for Peace program, launched in 1994
as a mechanism for building trust between NATO states
and countries that had been part of the Soviet-era
Warsaw Pact.
The Muslim nationalist Party of Democratic Action
(SDA) last week had said the reform was unacceptable
as it did not plan for unifying the country's armies,
now divided along ethnic lines.

=== 2 ===

Stars And Stripes, September 22, 2003

Dynamic Response 03 preps for possible Balkans action

By Ivana Avramovic

MANJACA, Bosnia and Herzegovina — U.S. soldiers from
Task Force 1-18 Infantry in Germany joined
international troops in Bosnia and Herzegovina in
patrols and at checkpoints last week as part of the
monthlong Dynamic Response 03 exercise.
The troops were practicing for a situation in which
they would have to deploy quickly to the Balkans and
provide stability to the region, said 1st Lt. Scott
“We don’t need [troops] right here in Bosnia if we can
deploy and operate in a short period of time,” Hady
“So for the people, it’s showing they still have a
safe and secure environment even though we’re not here
in the country.”
Troops from seven NATO and Partner nations deployed to
Bosnia and Kosovo to rehearse different scenarios and
demonstrate the ability of international forces to
react quickly. The annual exercise began Aug. 26, with
paratroops jumping into Bosnia, and ends Wednesday.
Last week Hady’s soldiers went through a military camp
at the Manjaca Range of the Republika Srpska military
from the Serb-run part of the country. They searched
weapons storage sites and other buildings to see if
Serb forces are complying with regulations on types
and numbers of weapons and ammunition they are
authorized to have.
They found “a fair amount of stuff” including rounds,
ammunition and projectile fuses.
“I wouldn’t say it’s anything major. It’s not a
noncompliance issue,” Hady said, suggesting it was
rather misplaced.
“They’re not breaking any serious regulations, but if
we do identify any small infractions, we will
confiscate the weapons.”
British soldiers who have been in the country for the
last six months went with the Americans to help clear
up any questions on what is and is not authorized.
“I’ve not found that I needed to interfere with the
U.S. troops. They are very professional,” said British
Sgt. H. Gledhill of 7th Regiment Army Air Corps.
The U.S. troops helped the limited staff on ground
cover the 75 square miles of the range near Banja Luka
in northwest Bosnia.
“To be honest, to have people to look in areas where
you’ve never had time to look, its outstanding
really,” Gledhill said.
During the exercise, a British Merlin helicopter
sling-loaded a U.S. Humvee, the first time the two had
been paired together. Information on how fast and at
what angle the helicopter can fly while carrying the
Humvee will be added to the helicopter’s manual on
bearing different loads.
Other U.S. troops, along with Dutch, Canadian and
British forces stationed in Bosnia, went through
communities asking about possible weapons caches left
from the war. The patrols were aimed at ridding the
country of dangerous weapons and strengthening
relationships between the coalition forces.
In Bosnia, the number of international troops has
dwindled from 60,000 in 1996 to fewer than 12,000 now.
The exercise showed how quickly reinforcements could
be in place.
“No matter how small the force gets, we can still
react [with] the troops in Europe,” said Sgt. 1st
Class Benjamin Cortes, fire support and information
operations noncommissioned officer in charge for the
Some of the troops in Task Force 1-18, a part of the
1st Infantry Division, performed similar operations
during an eight-month deployment in Kosovo that ended
in July, but some were new to the unit or did not get
to go there.
The 1st ID is scheduled for a rotation in Iraq next
year, and this exercise proved good training for
future missions.
“It gives the soldiers experience they need to get
better. For our unit, this was very helpful
experience,” said Maj. Steven Miska, operations
officer for Task Force 1-18.
For example, troops and equipment had to move through
different countries and government systems, Miska
Also, troops learned the importance of establishing a
good relationship with the local people and explaining
to them the military’s goals, he said.
“You can only be as efficient as the local people will
tolerate,” he said.
Rehearsing operations such as searches, checkpoints
and urban reconnaissance is also good training, Hady
“We’ll have a stepping stone to launch ourselves in a
more dangerous situation,” he said. “What we’re doing
here is what we’re gonna be doing there [in Iraq], but
it’s much more dangerous there. The environment is
different, but the operations are pretty much gonna be
the same.”

=== 3 ===

From: Rick Rozoff

MSNBC / Reuters, September 26, 2003

Bosnia hopes to boost NATO ties with defence reform

By Maja Zuvela

-The agreement, a key condition for membership in
NATO's Partnership for Peace (PfP) cooperation
programme, was hammered out by a U.S.-chaired defence
commission late on Thursday.
-Government officials hope NATO, which runs a
12,000-strong peace force in Bosnia, can accept it as
a member of the PfP by early 2004. Grouping more than
40 countries [in addition to 19 current NATO members
and seven more Mediterranean Dialogue adjuncts, in all
63 nations from Latvia to Kazakhstan, from Morocco to
Georgia, from Israel to Iceland], it is the alliance's
basis for security cooperation with non-members.

SARAJEVO, Sept. 26 — Bosnia's Serbs, Muslims and
Croats, who fought each other in a 1992-1995 war, have
agreed to a joint command of separate armed forces to
try to move closer to NATO in the country's most
radical post-war military reform.
The agreement, a key condition for membership in
NATO's Partnership for Peace (PfP) cooperation
programme, was hammered out by a U.S.-chaired defence
commission late on Thursday. It must still be approved
by Bosnia's state parliament.
NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson said in a
statement the agreement was ''only one step'' towards
the PfP.
''But it was a fundamental step if that ambition is to
be fulfilled and I congratulate the political leaders
of Bosnia and Herzegovina on their wisdom and
vision,'' Robertson said, adding this proved how much
progress post-war Bosnia has made.
The U.S.-brokered 1995 Dayton peace agreement that
ended Europe's worst conflict since World War Two
divided Bosnia into two autonomous regions, the Serb
Republic and the Muslim-Croat federation, with their
own armies and police.
Western diplomats have long made clear they would like
to see strengthened ties between the former deadly
Government officials hope NATO, which runs a
12,000-strong peace force in Bosnia, can accept it as
a member of the PfP by early 2004. Grouping more than
40 countries, it is the alliance's basis for security
cooperation with non-members.
''Completion of this process will make Bosnia and
Herzegovina a credible candidate for Partnership for
Peace,'' said U.S. diplomat James Locher, who chaired
the commission.
Bosnian Muslim leaders had pushed for creating a
single and multi-ethnic army but had to settle for
less under pressure from Western diplomats seeking a
compromise with Bosnian Serb officials, generally more
wary of giving up regional powers.
Under the agreed package, Bosnia will get a state
defence minister and general staff that will command
the two armies, roles until now conducted by the
Bosnian Serb president and the Muslim and Croat
members of the state presidency.
The defence ministries of the Serb republic and the
federation would remain in place but with reduced
roles. Soldiers will wear common uniforms with state
insignia on them and will take an oath to the country.

It would also give state parliament wider powers, for
example in declaring war. The legislature would
oversee the military as well as state defence
(Additional reporting by Sebastian Alison in Brussels)

=== 4 ===

Explosions Shake Sarajevo

By Ena Latin for Southeast European Times in Sarajevo

In the past ten days, four explosive devices have detonated in
Sarajevo, causing significant damage to infrastructure and creating
fear. Fortunately, no one has been killed in the blasts and at this
point, there have been no authorititive explanations concerning the
nature or motive for the bombings. Some have classified them as
terrorism, while others attribute them to the mafia settling scores
with wealthy businesspeople. Whatever the case, the opposition has
sought to use the blasts as proof that current authorities are
incapable of leading the country and to call for early elections.

On 4 August at about 11 pm, a bomb exploded under a Land Rover owned by
the Stanic electronic merchandise company. The vehicle was destroyed
and a nearby house was damaged. On 6 August, a shoulder-launched RPG
fired a rocket at the house of the director and major shareholder of
the Hilmo Selimovic brewery, causing extensive damage. On 7 August, a
hand grenade was thrown into the yard of a family in Zehirovic, whose
members later admitted that they had received threatening phone calls
over unpaid debts. Several cars were damaged and the windows of
neighbouring houses shattered. On the same day, an explosive device was
found in the toilet of a popular cafe in central Sarajevo. Most
recently, in the early hours of 11 August, a bomb completely destroyed
a luxury double-decker coach that was supposed to take several dozen
passangers to Sweden the following morning.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) police have vowed to bring the
perpetrators to justice, but thus far have not been able to establish
any real motives for the bombings. However, the state prosecutor says
the incidents can be clasified as terrorist attacks.

"There are indications that the goals of the attacks were to endanger
civilians, and we certainly have a frightened population as a
consequence of these acts, which is why they can be interpreted as
terrorist attacks," prosecutor Zdravko Knezevic said, adding that he
might bring terrorism charges against the perpetrators.

© 1999 - 2003 Southeast European Times. All Rights Reserved.


27 August 2003

Explosive Dealings

An explosion that rocked Bosnia’s capital--one of several in the past
month--brings attention to dirty methods and ethical lapses at the
country’s most popular newspaper.

by Anes Alic

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina--In early and mid-August, the Bosnian
capital of Sarajevo began once again to resemble a war zone, if not the
scene of the latest Hollywood blockbuster, as a series of explosions
over seven days shocked the capital.
Police say the explosions, which remain unsolved, do not appear to be
connected, but one assault in particular has generated an inordinate
amount of publicity: a rocket attack on the house of Hilmo Selimovic,
the director and major shareholder of the Sarajevo Brewery. After
Selimovic accused a prominent newspaper, Dnevni avaz, and its owner of
being behind the crime, attention soon focused on the sorry state of
Bosnian journalism, where the country’s biggest circulation daily
regularly engages in calculated smear campaigns--and gets away with it.
The 6 August hand-held rocket launched at Selimovic’s house came in the
middle of a violent week that saw a bomb explode under a Land Rover
belonging to an electronics company; a hand grenade thrown into the
yard of family that had earlier received threatening phone calls over
unpaid debts; an explosive device found in the restroom of a popular
café; and a bomb completely destroy an empty, luxury tour bus.
Selimovic is refusing to speak to the media during the police
investigation into the incident, which his family, in the house at the
time, narrowly escaped unharmed. But Nikica Grzic, Selimovic’s lawyer,
has spread the word that his client believes Fahrudin Radoncic, the
owner of the Sarajevo daily Dnevni avaz is behind the attack.
Grzic has, however, provided no proof of that accusation, and the
police have not yet charged anyone.
On 15 August, the Sarajevo Prosecutor’s Office ordered the
interrogation of 40 people in connection with the attack on Selimovic’s
house. Prosecutors say they may have information that could lead to
those responsible for the attack. Radoncic was listed among the 40.
Radoncic, who was interrogated for more than five hours, has refused to
give details of his testimony, telling local media only that he was
interrogated as a witness and not as a suspect. He has denied
Selimovic’s accusations, insisting that his newspaper has simply
reported on Selimovic’s alleged crimes in accordance with journalistic


Selimovic’s statement that Dnevni avaz owner Radoncic is behind the
attack is perhaps unsurprising. In the past eight months Selimovic has
been the victim of a relentless media attack by Dnevni avaz journalists.
Dnevni avaz is the leading Bosniak nationalist daily. Radoncic, who has
often been described as one of the wealthiest Bosniaks, is thought to
have built his media empire thanks to his connections with Bosniak
wartime leader Alija Izetbegovic. Avaz was launched during the war as a
party paper, but Radoncic, a Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) journalist from
Montenegro, was soon able to start a series of other publications and
buy numerous marketing and production facilities.
In recent months, Dnevni avaz has accused Selimovic of various
crimes--among other things, of illegally privatizing the Sarajevo
Brewery, committing nepotism, stealing from workers, confiscating
apartments owned by the previously state-run factory, planning to evict
residents from buildings near the factory, and of being a spy for
Serbia and committing treason against Bosnia.
The daily’s reporters claim that Selimovic and his family are members
of the “Kaljina” criminal gang (Kaljina is the small village in eastern
Bosnia from where Selimovic hails). They have also accused the brewery
director of financially supporting indicted Bosnian Serb war criminals.
In addition, Dnevni avaz reporters claim that Mujo Selimovic, Hilmo’s
son, had close ties with a Moldovan mafia ring that specializes in
human trafficking. The daily later claimed that Mujo had fallen out
with the Moldovan gang, which then sought to kill him.
Five months ago, Selimovic and his son reported to police that they had
received several threatening telephone calls and letters, saying that
those threats coincided with negative stories about the brewery’s
activities published in Dnevni avaz and other publications owned by
Grzic said that the Selimovic family sent requests for protection to
all the relevant institutions in Bosnia, including the Office of High
Representative (OHR), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE), and the Bosnian Press Council. They also demanded local
police protection.


Uncorroborated and often wild allegations are a standard feature of
Bosnia’s public life. Even though many such statements in the press or
in parliament could be considered slanderous, libel charges are very
rarely pressed.
But the Selimovic family had initiated a libel case against Dnevni avaz
in April and asked for damages of $250,000.
After four months of deliberation, the Sarajevo District Court One
found the daily guilty of slander, saying that over the course of the
past eight months, Dnevni avaz had published 52 articles about
Selimovic and his son, all of them false and slanderous.
The court’s decision, however, did little to stop the daily’s campaign
against Selimovic. Dnevni avaz continued to publish accusations against
Selimovic, labeling him a “Serbian spy,” “thief of Bosniak (Bosnian
Muslim) property,” and “mafia spokesperson.”
In response, Judge Dinka Beslagic on 13 August forbade Dnevni avaz and
other publications owned by Radoncic to publish anything at all about
Selimovic. It was a decision without precedent in Bosnia’s legal


Selimovic is not the only high-profile businessman under attack by
Dnevni avaz. The media campaign launched against Selimovic coincided
with similar attacks on the director of the Sarajevo Klas bakery,
Husein Ahmovic, and Bosnalijek pharmaceutical company director Edin
All three were accused of illegal privatization and embezzlement. But
the campaigns against Ahmovic and Arslanagic were short-lived. In a
matter of only a few days, the two directors were suddenly transformed
into respectable businessmen on the pages of Dnevni avaz.
Workers and trade union members had stood up in a show of support for
the Klas bakery and Bosnalijek directors, forcing the daily to back
down on its unproven accusations.
Some independent media connected the daily’s changing attitudes to the
three businessmen to what the media have called Dnevni avaz’s shotgun
advertising strategy. The independent weekly Slobodna Bosna says that
Selimovic, Ahmovic, and Arslanagic had recently refused to buy $50,000
each in advertisements in Dnevni avaz, concluding that the daily was
blackmailing them to advertise. The result of their refusal was a
heavy-hitting media campaign that attempted to portray them as
With the unflattering publicity surrounding Dnevni avaz and Radoncic, a
key supporter of the ruling Bosniak Party of Democratic Action (SDA),
the Selimovic attack was bound to have political
connections--especially amid the other unexplained incidents of
Following the series of explosions, the opposition leader of the
moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP) Zlatko Lagumdzija asked both
Bosnian and Federation Parliament to address the country’s security
Lagumdzija’s demands, however, failed to meet with approval among the
ruling nationalist parties, the SDA and the Croatian Democratic Union
(HDZ). Both parties accused Lagumdzija of using the incidents to create
an atmosphere of chaos and fear among the citizens and force early
Lagumdzija and other opposition politicians in the Federation also
demanded that the Federal government hold an urgent special session to
discuss the recent explosions. Their request was denied, with
Federation Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic (SDA) asking: “Do they
really expect that we are going to hold a session after every explosion
in the Federation?”

Anes Alic is TOL’s correspondent in Sarajevo.

Decontaminazione col contagocce e nuovi crimini ecologici

Dalla rassegna di Zivkica Nedanovska due notizie: la prima sugli enormi
ritardi nella decontaminazione del territorio della ex jugo colpito dai
bombardamenti all'uranio impoverito, nonche' dalle bombe sulle
industrie soprattutto chimiche; la seconda sulle sempre piu' devastanti
condizioni ambientali di Pancevo.


1.FONTE: B-92 del 24.09.2003.

2.TITOLO: Il Ministero per la protezione dell’ambiente sulla pulizia
delle aree contaminate in Serbia

3.AUTORE: B-92



6.DATA: 24.09.2003.

La decontaminazione di una delle cinque località dove è stata
registrata la presenza del DU, dovrebbe essere terminata in questo
anno, mentre per il 2004 è stata pianificata la bonifica delle altre
quattro località contaminate nei comuni di Bujanovac, Presevo  e
Vranje. Secondo il Comunicato, il Ministero per la protezione
dell’ambiente, in collaborazione con l’Esercito di Serbia e Montenegro
e l’Istituto”Vinca”, procede  con la bonifica della località nel comune
di Bujanovac, Bratoselce, e nel corso dell’anno prossimo  dovrebbero
essere bonificate dal DU le aree di Reljani, Borovac e Pljackovica,
nella Serbia meridionale.
Dopo i bombardamenti della NATO nel 1999, in Serbia sono state
registrate cinque località colpite con i proiettili all’uranio
impoverito, mentre in Montenegro è stato colpito il promontorio Azra,
nella penisola di Lustica, che è stato bonificato nel corso del 1999.
La prima bonifica di località simili in Serbia è cominciata solo l’anno
scorso e recentemente si sta procedendo con i lavori. Dopo i
bombardamenti della NATO, nel Kosovo sono registrate più di 150
località dove erano state usate munizioni con DU, però nessuna di esse,
secondo informazioni del Ministero, è stata decontaminata.
Il ministro per l’ambiente, Anjelka Mihajlov, ha sottolineato che il
problema non è stato risolto perchè la Serbia aspettava che i donatori
stranieri stanziassero i soldi per questo obiettivo, il che non è
successo. Per quanto riguarda la bonifica di Pljackovica, dove ci sono
124 fonti di acqua potabile, ha aggiunto che lì c’è il problema della
strada di accesso che, fra l’altro, dovrebbe essere risolto all’inizio
del 2004, in collaborazione con le autorità locali e l’Esercito di
Serbia e Montenegro. Inoltre, ha detto che l’UNEP, nel 1999, ha
accertato che le città di Pancevo, Bor, Kragujevac e Novi Sad sono
molto a rischio, a causa dei forti bombardamenti della NATO. Secondo
lei, Kragujevac è stata ripulita completamente, e le conseguenze dei
bombardamenti di Bor sono risanate, mentre la decontaminazione di
Pancevo e Novi Sad non è neanche cominciata. Per la bonifica di queste
due città si dovrebbero stanziare ancora 13 milioni di €, la cifra che
finora è stata impiegata per la decontaminazione di Kragujevac e Bor.

1.FONTE: Politika-Belgrado

2.TITOLO: Scandalo ecologico a Pancevo: nel “Petrolchimico“ vengono
bruciati segretamente rifiuti pericolosi

3.AUTORE: Miodrag Sasic



6.DATA :13.09.2003.     

La sindaca di Pancevo si è rivolta a molte persone responsabili per
l’ecologia in Serbia  con una lettera con il simbolo ”urgente”, in cui
spiega che nei giorni precedenti i cittadini di Pancevo non potevano
respirare  a causa di un odore forte e irritante che si diffondeva
dalla direzione del complesso petrolchimico. Secondo le informazioni
semiufficiali della sindaca, nel corso di tre giorni, in settembre,
prima che si sentisse l’odore pesante, a Pancevo sono arrivate cisterne
con un liquido che è stato trasferito nei serbatoi del Petrolchimico e
poi ivi bruciato. Gli operai che hanno fatto questa operazione hanno
avuto l’ordine di applicare tutte le misure di sicurezza, inclusi anche
gli ”scafandri”.
Visto che erano chiamati in causa, i responsabili della fabbrica hanno
deciso di parlare, però evitando per il pubblico i dettagli piu’
importanti. Hanno dichiarato al giornalista che, nel corso di quella
settimana, a più riprese, veniva bruciato il residuo liquido
dell’idrogeno carburato (la combinazione chimica più simile alla
benzina) trasportata dalla fabbrica di caucciù Elemir (vicino a
Zerenjan). Questa combinazione chimica rimane dopo la lavorazione di
frazione F4 che si trasporta a Elemir. Visto che il serbatoio di 60
tonnellate di questo residuo chimico è diventato pieno e il
“Petrolchimico” non ha avuto risposta dagli organi competenti al
livello della Repubblica su come distruggerlo o immagazzinarlo,
dovevano trovare il modo di liberarsene. Loro affermano che  questa
combinazione, prima di bruciarla, sia stata mescolata con il masut,
così che la percentuale del residuo carbo-idrato non superasse il 5%, 
e che quindi non si liberassero materie pericolose.
Simon Bancev, assessore all’ecologia dell’Esecutivo locale, e gli altri
soggetti compenti, tuttavia non approvano questa storia. Essi affermano
che nei periodi di attivita’ a pieno ritmo  della fabbrica di caucciù
artificiale a Elemir, questo residuo era fino a 60 tonnellate al mese.
Adesso ce ne sono molte di meno, ma non sotto le 15 tonnellate. Allora,
a quei tempi, il residuo chimico lo bruciavano a Elemir. A causa del
terribile odore i cittadini di Elemir si sono ribellati e cosi la
dirigenza del ”Petrochimico” ha cominciato a vendere il residuo ai 
mercanti privati e loro alle mattonaie, come combustibile. Il
commerciante di maggior rilievo, Aleksandar Pavlov, che si è arricchito
vendendo il veleno, è stato arrestato nell’azione “Sciabola'' [lo
"stato di emergenza" instaurato la scorsa primavera, ndCNJ], e al
“Petrolchimico” è stata proibita la vendita a tutti quelli che non
hanno la licenza  per la manipolazione di materie pericolose.
Mentre al ”Petrolchimico” dicono che non si tratta di un rifiuto
pericoloso, le nostre fonti affermano che l’Istituto per la protezione
della salute di Belgrado a questa composizione chimica assegna il nome
H-11, come dire H-13, il che, secondo la classificazione
internazionale, significa che si tratta di rifiuto pericoloso,
infiammabile, velenoso e cancerogeno.

Wesley Clark War Crimes amply documented




Wesley Clark War Crimes amply documented:
NATO's War of Aggression against Yugoslavia
(by Michel Chossudovsky)



A militarist as “peace” candidate: Retired general Wesley Clark enters
Democratic presidential race
(by Alex Lefebrve)

Enter the 'anti-war' war criminal
(by Fred Goldstein)

'Wesley & Me': A Real-Life Docudrama
(by Norman Solomon)

Wesley Clark: The Guy Who Almost Started World War III
(by Stella Jatras)

Who is Wesley Clark?
(by Stephen Gowans)

Gen. Wesley Clark -- War Criminal, Don't Be Fooled
(by Mitchel Cohen)

General Wesley Clark, From Waco to Yugoslavia:
The US military was at Waco

More on Wesley Clark's career:

US Army Page

Foreign Honors and Awards

Was Gen. Clark Also "Unprepared" for the Postwar?
(by Zoltan Grossman)

General Wesley Clark (by William Fielder)

Wesley Clark Jumps in With Kosher-Style Kickoff

Wesley Clark: The Score
(by Srdja Trifkovic)



War Criminal Wesley Clark for President? Including:
1. Links
2. A commentary by Rick Rozoff
3. A commentary by Mitchel Cohen
4. A commentary by Wayne Madsen at
5. Extracts from (with many
interesting links!)

=== 1 ===

Will Wesley Clark Do Tomorrow The Opposite Of What He
Did Yesterday?

Latin America, Yugoslavia, China and a few other

September 26, 2003

Is Wesley Clark the long hoped for contender to go up
against Bush II?
Further on we will examine why certain leadership
circles in the U.S. anticipate the possibility to
"change horses". But, first of all, why this silence
about Clark's past record? Yes, you could vote for
Wesley Clark, provided that your forget about...

Clark, assigned to Panama to lead the US Southern
Command, namely, Latin American operations, supplied
various regimes that practice terror on their
citizenry with a great many military "advisors" and US
During this period, Latin America experienced a sharp
increase in human rights violations. In Colombia, for
example, there were 2,400 political assassinations
(not taking into consideration the numerous incidents
of people going missing or simply vanishing) committed
by the military as well as paramilitary groups that
were trained and equipped by Wesley Clark.
The Objective: a long series of aggressions against
Chile, Cuba and many others. It's about waging brutal
combat operations against liberation movements in
Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico and Bolivia. It's
always done for the purpose of allowing U.S.
multi-nationals to continue to keep the upper hand,
with respect to economic relations, in Latin America.
fact that these wars were fought far away from news
cameras does not diminish Clark's responsibility.

What about the war against Yugoslavia? Some people saw
it as a humanitarian operation whose real goals
corresponded to its announced goals. Others
saw a hypocritical military operation that foresaw
gaining control of Balkan oil routes and the country's
markets, meanwhile eliminating workers'
self-management and the social benefits of "Yugoslav
It seems that Clark himself could have answered this
question by drawing on the following summary he made
of his own mandate: "Potential adversaries should
recognize that Western nations are fully capable -
militarily, diplomatically and industrially - of high
intensity combat operations that include the use of
ground forces when their vital interests are involved
andeven when less-than-vital interests are involved."
Clark forgot to mention of the humanitarian pretexts
that had been so frequently invoked before and
during the war. ("Clark Recalls 'Lessons' of Kosovo,
IHT, May 3, 2000).
Be that as it may, the crimes committed during this
war by NATO, which was under the command of Wesley
Clark, are undeniable. Even though Clark, among
others, will never be convicted because international
law does not exist for the mighty.
What about criminal acts? Even though he hit a
laughably small number of Yugoslav tanks, Clark bombed
the Radio-Television building (killing 16
journalists and technicians), factories, petrochemical
complexes (which resulted in a dramatic rise in
cancers and other maladies), civilian
infrastructure (electric power generating stations), a
convoy of Albanian refugees who were returning to
Kosovo (70 victims), a passenger train...and, last but
not least, the Chinese embassy (3 victims). Which was,
in other words, a "warning" because Beijing was
supporting Yugoslav independence. And let us not omit
the use of "fragmentation bombs", which are deadliest,
in the long term, for children. And the use of
so-called "depleted" uranium shells that has polluted
the region for a long time to come. The Spanish NATO
pilot, Martin de la Hoz, protested openly against the
deliberate bombardment of civilian targets (Articulo
20, Madrid, June 14, 1999).
Far from simply being a "obedient soldier", Clark is
described by one and all as a "super-hawk" who, most
notably, wanted to bomb all the bridges of Belgrade in
order to intimidate the population. This super -
hawkishness could also be seen in his attitude right
after the war when Russian troops moved toward
Prishtina to try to protect the minority Serb
Wesley Clark, in a fit of monstrous rage, demanded
that British General Jackson block the Prishtina
airport to prevent the Russians from landing.
General Jackson replied: "Sir, I'm not going to start
WWIII for you!".
Afterwards, Clark helped the terrorist militias of the
KLA (UCK) escape demilitarization, which had
nevertheless been stipulated by a UN resolution.
Today, these military mafias are conducting a reign of
terror against all of the national communities in
Kosovo as well as against a large part of the
Albanian population.

IRAK (2003):
Now that Bush has gotten entangled with the resistance
put up by the Iraqi people, Wesley Clark brags: "I
told you so". He is even trying to cultivate
an "anti-war" image through the electoral process. But
what did he say before the war? "I am
categorically certain that Saddam possesses weapons of
mass destruction" (CNN, January 18, 2001).
And what did he write on April 10 of this year? Oh,
well, he welcomed the aggression against Iraq, which
was motivated, according to him, by "strong
convictions (...) Bush and Blair can be proud of their
determination." He reasoned that "nothing could be
more moving" than the "liberation" of Baghdad and that
it was necessary to hurry up and "achieve
this great victory". He also applauded General Tommy
Franks, a war criminal who is guilty of having, on the
one hand, ordered or, on the other, having
concealed, the bombardment of civilians and attacks
against hospitals, ambulances, journalists...
And Clark, "a man of peace", has announced that "the
operation in Iraq will also serve as a point of
departure (...) for military actions against
countries that support terrorism and have deployed
weapons of mass destruction". This is an article to
which Bush could have added his by-line.
(The Times of London)

Why is Clark scaling the ladders of power? Because the
setbacks experienced by Bush have begun to disturb one
part of the leadership circle in the
United States. They are afraid that, by having
disregarded all of their allies, it is becoming
increasingly more difficult to wage the various
wars of aggression that they have prepared. In fact,
the various factions of the U.S. bourgeoisie are in
complete agreement with the plan to totally
recolonize the world in order to save U.S.
multi-national corporations from an economic crisis.
But these factions disagree on the methods: Should
they share a tiny part of the plunder and booty with
their European allies or not? Should they respect at
least the semblance of international law or not?
If Bush is going to be discredited by the resistance
put up by occupied countries, by his own lies, by
scandals and by the failure of his own economic
policies, then it will be necessary for a replacement
to lead the very same policies more effectively.
The episode demonstrates that the U.S., despite its
superpower status, has its weaknesses. The leadership
circles in the U.S. are now in
trouble because resistance to their policies is
growing worldwide. At the same time, the affair also
shows that the "solutions" put forth by this system
consist of replacing one war criminal with another.
The professional positions that Clark held previously
in his career prove that he too will be a man who
belongs to U.S. multi-nationals and their dangerous
projects. Knowing that China is being singled out to a
greater and greater degree as a major target for the
U.S. around 2015, it is interesting to recall one
recent interview that went almost unnoticed.
Wesley Clark, questioned on the subject of Saddam,
responded that the U.S. would do much better to
express more interest in China: "During the
Cultural Revolution they had cannibalism in China. And
the same guys that ran over the students in Tiananmen,
they're still there." (Fortune Magazine, quoted in
General Jackson wasn't wrong, it seems, when he
labeled Wesley Clark as the man who wanted to start
WWIII... Progressives, despairing for their cause, do
not chose a shark that appears to be less dangerous
than the one currently in power. Progressive politics
is concerned with eliminating the system of sharks.

P.S. Wesley Clark is president of "Wesley Clark &
Associates" consulting for military industries,
administrator of WaveCrest Laboratories (closely
linked with US Military & Industrial Complex), Sirva
Corp, Messer-Griesheim, EnTrust Inc, Time Domain,
Axiom Corp, etc.. But he will not be influenced by
the interests of the multinationals...

Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich

=== 2 ===

Our Newest Savior - Wesley Clark

William Blum

September 23, 2003

In case anyone is still embracing any illusions that
General Wesley Clark is likely the hero who can bring
closer to fruition our belief and hope that Another
World Is Possible, here are a few more items about
this charming man.
At the start of the 78-day NATO bombing of Serbia in
1999, which he oversaw as Supreme Allied Commander in
Europe, Clark declared: "We are going to
systematically and progressively attack, disrupt,
degrade, devastate and ultimately destroy these forces
and their facilities and support unless President
Milosevic complies with the demands of the
international community."
(Los Angeles Times, 26 March 1999)

Clark was among 68 leaders charged with war crimes by
a group of international-law professionals from
Canada, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the American
Association of Jurists. The group filed its
well-documented complaints with the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The
Netherlands, charging leaders of NATO countries and
officials of NATO itself with crimes similar to those
for which the Tribunal had issued indictments
shortly before against Serbian leaders. Amongst the
charges filed were: "grave violations of international
humanitarian law", including "wilful killing,wilfully
causing great suffering and serious injury to body and
health, employment of poisonous weapons and other
weapons to cause unnecessary suffering, wanton
destruction of cities, towns and villages, unlawful
attacks on civilian objects, devastation not
necessitated by military objectives, attacks
on undefended buildings and dwellings, destruction and
wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to
religion, charity and education, the arts and
At one point in the bombing campaign it was reported
that "[Clark] would rise out of his seat and slap the
table. 'I've got to get the maximum violence out of
this campaign -- now!'" (Washington Post, 21 September

And last year found our hero in New Hampshire,
endorsing Democrat Katrina Swett for Congress, as
reported by the local paper. "Clark, who supports a
congressional resolution that would give President
Bush authority to use military force against Iraq,
said if Swett were in Congress this week, he would
advise her to vote for the resolution, but only after
vigorous debate."
(The Union Leader, Manchester, NH, 10 October 2002)

Bill Blum
Author, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA
Interventions Since World War II" and "Rogue State: A
Guide to the World's Only Superpower"


1929-1941: Il separatismo croato in Italia

di Pasquale Juso

Gangemi Editore, 1998
Collana Storia e filosofia
Prezzo € 14,46, 144 p.
ISBN: 8874488769



Capitolo 1: Il fascismo, gli ustascia e la Jugoslavia: il primo livello
di intervento
(Il fascismo e la penisola balcanica; La politica segreta del fascismo
nei Balcani fino al 1928; Il primo livello)

Capitolo 2: La nascita e l'organizzazione del secondo e del terzo
livello italiano di intervento
(Le coperture italiane; Il secondo livello di intervento;
L'organizzazione degli ustascia in Italia; Il terzo livello di

Capitolo 3: Dalla nascita dell'organizzazione all'attentato di
Marsiglia: 1929-1934
(I campi di addestramento; L'eccidio di Marsiglia)

Capitolo 4: Da Marsiglia a Lipari: 1934-1936
(Le conseguenze dell'attentato di Marsiglia rispetto agli ustascia in
Italia; A Lipari: il "falso confino" e il periodo di detenzione di Ante
Pavelic; Dalla liberazione di Pavelic allo scioglimento
dell'organizzazione in Italia; La copertura del "nucleo ungherese")

Capitolo 5: Dallo scioglimento alla riunione: 1937-1941
(L'accordo Ciano-Stoijadinovic e lo scioglimento dell'organizzazione in
Italia; Lipari: i trasferimenti e i nuclei sparsi; 1937-1940, il
problema dei rimpatri; 1939-1941, il nuovo interesse italiano e la
ricostituzione del reparto militare; Il finanziamento e i costi dal
1929 all'aprile 1941; verso lo stato croato indipendente)

[Nell'articolo che segue si spiega il fenomeno della rinuncia alla
cittadinanza della Bosnia-Erzegovina come un atto dettato dalla
necessita', accompagnato da dispiacere e dolore. In verita', se da una
parte le stesse ragioni pratiche valgono per tantissimi cittadini di
ciascuna delle repubblichine post-jugoslave, costretti a rifugiarsi
all'estero - foss'anche solo per sopravvivere economicamente -, noi
conosciamo bosniaci che hanno rinunciato alla cittadinanza con rabbia
piuttosto che con dispiacere. Si tratta infatti spesso anche del
rifiuto di una identita' che e' stata imposta, e che viene ritenuta
fittizia. A questo rifiuto generalizzato si sta accompagnando, in tutta
la Bosnia-Erzegovina, la rinascita del sentimento jugoslavista nelle
famiglie e nei giovani di ogni origine "etnica".
Italo Slavo]

Mai più Bosniaco

Ogni giorno più di 50 persone si fanno cancellare dal registro dei
cittadini della Bosnia Erzegovina. Dalla fine della guerra ad oggi sono
circa in 20.000 ad aver preso questa decisione

(12/09/2003) Essere Bosniaci oggi non è un gran complimento. Gli
abitanti della Bosnia Erzegovina in Europa sono considerati cittadini
di ultima classe, extracomunitari, musulmani, poveri. Il passaporto
bosniaco non vale un soldo bucato. Così, tutti quelli che hanno la
possibilità di ottenere un'altra cittadinanza lo fanno volentieri.
Quasi tutti i cattolici bosniaci hanno preso la cittadinanza croata, e
con il passaporto croato si riesce a viaggiare con pochi problemi. I
passaporti più ambìti però sono senza dubbio quelli dei paesi
dell’Unione Europea. In questi ultimi anni tantissimi bosniaci, oltre
un milione, sono andati a vivere fuori dal proprio paese e lì sono
diventati “cittadini normali”. Il sistema legale anglosassone permette
ad una persona di avere la doppia cittadinanza. I Bosniaci che vivono
in America, Australia, Gran Bretagna ne hanno approfittato. Con altri
paesi, invece, la questione della doppia cittadinanza non è stata
ancora risolta. Proprio in questo periodo si sta negoziando con
Svezia e Svizzera. In molti paesi tuttavia la gente è obbligata a
scegliere una cittadinanza sola. Per questo motivo ogni giorno, presso
il Ministero degli affari civili, più di 50 persone si fanno cancellare
dal registro dei cittadini della Bosnia Erzegovina. Dal 1996 al 25
agosto 2003, da quel registro sono state cancellate 17.458 persone. Si
tratta soprattutto di gente giovane (Slobodna Bosna,04.09.2003).

Se volete parlare con loro, intervistarli, non sono molto disponibili.
Dicono tutti di essere dispiaciuti per il fatto che devono fare una
cosa del genere. Ma che sono costretti. La procedura non è semplice.
Per essere cancellati dal registro dei cittadini della BiH la procedura
dura più di un anno e mezzo, mentre ad esempio per la stessa persona
la procedura per mettersi in regola in Austria dura non più di un paio
di settimane. In Bosnia la “cancellazione” costa 1.700 marchi
convertibili (poco meno di 850 €, ndr) e poi si pagano altri 1.800 euri
per la nuova cittadinanza. Se la procedura viene fatta in uno dei
consolati bosniaci in Europa vanno aggiunte tasse per 450 euri.

La procedura è complicata quanto a tempo e soldi necessari, ma per
quanto riguarda il resto è molto semplice. Ad esempio al ministero non
vi chiedono i vostri motivi. La gente è libera di scegliere. Però,
dicono gli impiegati, capita spesso che la gente cerchi di spiegarsi da
sola, senza esserne richiesta. Alcuni raccontando la propria storia, a
volte piangono. Dicono che hanno deciso dopo tanti dilemmi, incertezze,
e che lo fanno soprattutto per i loro figli. Un certo numero di
Bosniaci che durante la guerra stava all’estero era tornato in Bosnia
cercando di ricominciare da capo, ma con le case non ancora
ricostruite, la povertà, e senza lavoro, dopo un breve periodo di
tentativi sono tornati in Occidente. E per vivere lì, ovviamente, è
meglio avere la cittadinanza.

Facendo i conti, in questi dieci anni la Bosnia ha perso altri 20.000
cittadini. Per non pensare che ce ne sono ancora più di un milione che,
forse, faranno la stessa fine.

» Fonte: da Mostar, Dario Terzic
© Osservatorio sui Balcani

Il terrorismo "buono"
7: Bin Laden focuses on the Balkans

[NOTE: the following articles cannot be only understood keeping in mind
that the activities which are allegedly directed by Osama Bin Laden
have always been supported by CIA, especially in the Balkans, where
Osama is reported to have collaborates with Izetbegovic's and UCK
pro-western separatists. I. Slavo]

Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, August 2003
By Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor

ONASA - September 25, 2003
Tanjug - September 25, 2003

See also:

Al-Qaeda's Balkan Presence
Link to Bodansky's "Iran's European Springboard?"

Link to "Al Qaeda's Balkan links." (Wall Street Journal)

=== 1 ===

Current Estimate - An estimate of an area of key current significance
Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, August 2003

By Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor

STARTING IN MID-AUGUST 2003, radical Islamist leaders elevated the
role of the terrorism infrastructure in the Balkans as a key
facilitator of a proposed escalation of conflict into the heart of
Europe, Israel and the United States. The terrorism campaign aims to
define the US occupation of Baghdad as the turning point in the
fateful jihad for the future of Islam. The importance of the
concurrent expansion of Islamist operations in the Balkans should be
examined in this overall context.

The most telling development was the nomination of Shahid Emir Mussa
Ayzi to coordinate and run special recruitment operations. Ayzi is a
veteran of Afghanistan who is close not only to the al-Qaida elite but
also the Taliban leadership. Recently, al-Qaida leader Osama bin
Laden's senior commanders decided to expand the recruitment and
activation of Slav cadres, because they look European and non-Arab, in
order to enhance their ability to operate at the heart of the West.

In August 2003, Ayzi took over this sensitive recruitment drive. The
main recruitment pool consists of Bosnian Muslims with a smaller
effort relying on Russian converts recruited in Chechnya and the
Caucasus as a whole. Although the Islamists had run a recruitment and
training drive of Bosnian Muslim expert terrorists and would-be
martyr-bombers since the early 1990s, these cadres had not until now
been used.

Now, circumstances seem to be changing. In late August 2003, Ayzi sent
a report to Mullah Qudratullah, a senior Taliban official, about his
success in enlisting "persons of Slav ethnicity" to the Islamist
jihad. He added that some of these "white devils" had already been
indoctrinated and trained to the point of sending them to carry out
"Allah's Work" - that is, terrorist martyrdom-strikes - "in a number
of European cities and on Israeli territory." The preparation of
additional Slav cadres for US operations is in progress, Ayzi reported.
The training and preparation of Ayzi's recruits is taking place in the
Balkans and the Caucasus, mainly Georgia.

The Balkans undertaking is part of an overall increase in the Islamist
buildup under the overall supervision of Muhammad al-Zawahiri, the
brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two leader in al-Qaida. The
senior Islamist commanders now consider what they call "the Albanian
land" - Albania, Serbia's Kosovo province and parts of Macedonia - to
be safe for use as a springboard for the insertion of a new wave of
expert terrorists, including the Slavs, into Western Europe and onward
throughout the West.

Indeed, starting in mid-August 2003, there was a discernible increase
in the number of foreigners in the Islamist mosques throughout
Albania. "They [originally] come from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
and Iran. They come from many countries," noted an eyewitness in
Tirana. They arrive [in Tirana] from Afghanistan," he added. These
expert terrorists are being prepared in Albania for their specific
missions in the West.

This training program is conducted under the cover of the Albanian
National Army (ANA or AKSh in Albanian) with most senior trainers and
commanders being "mujahedin who retreated from Bosnia" and are
affiliated with al-Qaida.

In return for the Albanian support of this endeavor, the Islamists
assist the local terrorists in preparing for launching spectacular
terrorism into the major cities of Serbia and Montenegro, with
Belgrade and Nis believed to be the top targets. As well, Islamist
cadres, mainly veterans of Bosnia, are providing advance training to
thousands of Albanian terrorists in camps in Kosovo-Metohija, near
Prizren, on the slopes of Mt. Sara, in the Kosovo Morava River valley,
in the Albanian towns of Kukes and Tropoje, and around Tetovo in
western Macedonia.

These operations are also run under the banner of the ANA/AKSh.

Significantly, the growing importance of the Balkans cause was also
reflected in the Islamist communiques claiming and explaining the
bombing of the UN building in Baghdad. This was the most important and
authoritative doctrinal statement of the Islamist leadership in August

The statements stressed the situation in Bosnia as a major grievance
of the Islamists against the UN and the West. The first statement was
issued on August 19, 2003, by the Abu-Hafs al-Masri Brigades, itself a
front group of al-Qaida. The Islamists claimed that UN officials
"oversaw the massacre of Bosnian women and children in 1992 and 1995,"
and that "the United Nations was responsible for the massacre of 7,000
Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995 because it sponsored the idea of 'not
establishing an Islamic state in Europe.'"

On August 24,2003, the London-based Al-Muhajiroun, bin Laden's primary
mouthpiece in Europe, elaborated on this theme in order to explain why
the UN building in Baghdad was a legitimate target: "Verily it was the
UN soldiers in Bosnia who were recorded to have stood by when the
barbaric Serbs massacred Muslims. The UN first decided to take away
the weapons of the Muslims (fearing that they might actually defend
themselves and establish Islamic rule) and thereby facilitated their
massacre, and were then even photographed helping in the mass murder
and gang rape of Muslim women and children. The wounds are still

The statements were clearly intended to compound the disinformation
that 7,000 Muslims were killed in Srebrenica, when all independent
forensic evidence points to Muslim casualties in the hundreds,
possibly the low hundreds. Continued emphasis on such allegedly high
numbers of Muslim deaths at Srebrenica also obfuscates the Muslim
murders in that city, earlier, of Serb civilians.

Indeed, the August 2003 statements and intelligence, leading up to the
proposed September 2003 opening of the new Islamist shrine - built at
Srebrenica with US funds - all support analysis that a significant new
wave of terrorism, this time by many European Islamists, is to begin

Yossef Bodansky is the Director of the Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare of the U. S. Congress, as well as the World
Terrorism Analyst with the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies
(Houston, Texas). He is a contributing editor of Defense and Foreign
Affairs; Strategic Policy. He is a contributing expert at the
Israel-based Ariel Center for Policy Research. He is the author of
several books (Target America, Terror, Crisis in Korea, Offensive in
the Balkans, Some Call it Peace, and Islamic Anti-Semitism as a
Political Pursuit), as well as several book chapters, entries for the
International Military and Defense Encyclopedia, and numerous articles
in several periodicals, including Global Affairs, Jane's Defense
Weekly, Defense and Foreign Affairs: Strategic Policy, Nativ and
Business Week. In the 1980s, he acted as a senior consultant for the
Department of Defense and the Department of State.

Copyright 2003 Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy
Posted for Fair Use only.

=== 2 ===


ONASA - September 25, 2003

Banja Luka - The adviser of the Serb member of the BiH
(Bosnia-Hercegovina) Presidency for legal issues and implementation of
the Dayton Agreement, Slobodan Radulj, said in a statement Thursday
(25 September) that "the invitation the Serb returnees received from
the mujahedin to convert to Islam if they want to live safely in
Bocinja", indicates more clearly than anything else that this village
on the slopes of Ozren mountain was turned into a camp for ideological
training of terrorists.

"The ideological training is intended for those who have agreed to
subject their lives to, and to sacrifice their lives for Islam, and it
is mostly conducted in the religious centres," Radulj told daily Glas
Srpske in a statement. Radulj claims that the mujahedin are aided by a
number of Islamic, allegedly humanitarian, organizations which operate
in BiH.

"One of these organizations is a branch of the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood, which operates in BiH under the name of the Young
Muslims. This organization is notorious for producing so called
sleepers, who, after they undergo ideological training, await their
tasks," Radulj explained.

He said the it was "no secret" that Al-Qa'idah in its cells in BiH,
Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo, trained local Muslim population for
terrorist operations across the world.

"Since the terrorist operations have been conducted by the Arabs so
far, Al-Qa'idah wants to recruit and train new kind of terrorists,
according to them, blond and with blue eyes," Radulj said.

The similar claims have been uttered by former Maglaj Municipal
Assembly speaker Dzevad Galijasevic, who dubs Bocinja a gun-powder
barrel, since "terrorists from across the world, the persons who
commit murders and sabotages across the West Europe" come to this

Source: Onasa news agency web site, Sarajevo, in English 25 Sep 03
Copyright 2003 Financial Times Information
All rights reserved
Global News Wire - Asia Africa Intelligence Wire 
Copyright 2003 BBC Monitoring/BBC  
BBC Monitoring International Reports
Posted for Fair Use only

Bocinja - camp for training Islamic terrorists, Radulj

Tanjug - September 25, 2003
13:58 SARAJEVO - Advisor to the Serb member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina
Presidency Slobodan Radulj said on Friday that the Mujaheddin's offer
to the local Serbs in Bocinj near Maglaj, in the Bosnia-Herzegovina
Federation, that they had to accept Islam as their religion if they
wanted to live there in peace and safety - represented an evident
proof that this Ozren village had been turned into a camp for an
ideological training of Islamic terrorists.
"The ideological training is aimed for those who have accepted to
sacrifice their lives for Islam," Radulj told the Republika Srpska
media, and added that a number of Islamic, so-called humanitarian
organizations who operated in Bosnia-Herzegovina, offered assistance
to the training which was mostly carried out at corresponding
religious centres.

Copyright 2003 Tanjug News Agency
Posted for Fair Use Only

Milosevic "trial" suspended again

1. ICTY PRESS RELEASE: No trial next week but hearing scheduled
regarding prosecution motion on implications of the accused's recurring
ill health

2. OPEN LETTER from the Irish Committee

Copenhagen, 25/9/2003

=== 1 ===

ICTY - September 25, 2003
Press Advisory . Avis pour information
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 25 September 2003


Please be advised that the Milosevic trial next week, Monday 29
September to Friday 3 October 2003, has been cancelled due to the
ill-health of the accused.
However, following the filing on 23 September 2003 of the "Prosecution
Motion for a Hearing to Discuss the Implications of the Accused’s
Recurring Ill Health", Trial Chamber III has ordered that it shall
hear oral submissions of the parties, including the amici curiae, on
Tuesday, 30 September 2003 at 10.00 a.m. in Courtroom I.

Copyright 2003 ICTY P.I.S.
Posted for Fair Use Only

=== 2 ===



The International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Branch)
joins with the United States National Section of the International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, and many other National and
International Committees, Organisations and individuals in raising
protest against the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia's violations
of human rights and international law in the treatment of President
Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague, Netherlands.
In this politically motivated trial staged to direct attention away
from NATO and the West's responsibility for the debacle in the Balkans
victimisation of the former leader of Yugoslavia is becoming
increasingly obvious well beyond the parameters of The Hague in the
The denial to Mr Milosevic of adequate medical attention given the
parlous state of his health is in violation of the Geneva Convention
and the European Declaration of Human Rights.
From simply the standpoint of common decency this denial is an outrage.
No medical attention in a life threatening situation. Visiting rights
denied both to Mr Milosevic's closest advisers and, disgracefully, to
members of his own family.
We demand release of President Milosevic for at least two years, for
health recuperation and adequate preparation for the presentation of
true facts on Balkan tragedy. Denial by the tribunal to take care of
his health and to let him prepare his presentation is a clear sign of a
desperate fear from the truth.
Clearly the purpose of these actions is to undermine Mr Milosevic's
capacity to defend himself in the face of trumped up charges in this
contemporary version of the Inquisition.

June Kelly
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Branch)
23 Prospect Court
Dublin Road
County Westmeath
Tel/Fax: +044 45787
Email: cdsmireland@...


Mr. Theodor Meron, President The Trial Chamber III: Mr. Richard May,
Presiding, Mr. Patrick Robinson, Mr. O-Gon Kwon
Office of the Prosecutor: Mr Geoffrey Nice, Ms Hildergaard
Uertz-Retzlaff, Dermot Groome Amici Curiae: Mr Steven Kay, Mr Branislav
Tapuskovic, Mr Timothy McCormack Mr. Hans Holthuis, Registrar

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,
Churchillplein 1, 2517JW, The Hague, Netherlands. PO Box 13888, 2501EW
The Hague, Netherlands.

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - Geneva
World Health Organisation - Geneva
International Committee of the Red Cross - Geneva

Copies to: Office of The UN Secretary General, First Avenue, 46th
Street, NY 10017, USA
The Permanent Missions of the Members of the UN Security Council - New

=== 3 ===


Copenhagen, 25 September, 2003

Dear Anders Fogh Rasmussen,

May I draw your attention to the current position at the U.N.
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The
Hague, where the Prosecution's case in the socalled "trial" against the
former President of The
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, mr. Slobodan Milosevic, is now grinding
towards its final halt, - after next to two years of proceedings.
On the eve of the Prosecution's case, new accusations have been
levelled against mr. Milosevic by Belgrade authorities, to which he has
responded with calm and clarity (1).

As you will probably have learned these ICTY proceedings were cancelled
for most of this week (Tuesday 23 to Friday 26 September) due to the
ill health of the accused; I have just been informed by mr. Krsljanin,
the secretary of the
SLOBODA/Freedom Association in Belgrade, that mr. Milosevic is actually
deemed to be in a life-threatening situation.

The former president, I am told, suffers from malignant hypertension
and his heart is damaged. Now in permanent risk of a heart attack or a
brain-stroke his health and ability to stand the second half of the
process cannot be recuperated under prison conditions.

The ICTY has flagrantly violated legal norms by failing to provide
adequate medical attention for mr. Milosevic (2), by denying visitation
rights to his closest advisors (3) and by threatening to deny him
adequate conditions for the preparation of his defence case (4).

The recent decision of the Tribunal (2 September, 2003) to give mr.
Milosevic only three months to prepare his defence case in the prison,
which has been widely protested internationally, in my opinion serves
to prove that the Tribunal unfairly aims at making the task of the
former president impossible by depriving him of reasonable conditions
and by increasing the threat to
his life.

Mr. Milosevic has argued for two years of preparation in freedom, - a
demand that I hereby wish to expressly support.

I urge you to use your good office to secure, that as from now mr.
Milosevic be given a fair trial with respect for internationally
accepted legal norms and under complete equality of arms.

yours sincerely,

Godfred Louis-Jensen, architect


(1) President Milosevic's public response to the charges, 17 August 2003

(2) Appeal to the Tribunal by 10 medical doctors, 18 September 2003

(3) Letter to the Tribunal by ICDSM co-chair Valkanov and attorneys
Black, Kuznecov and Verges of the ICDSM Legal Committee, 26 August 2003

(3) Statement of the Russian Parliamentarians in Duma, 12 September 2003

(3) Statement of the U.S. Section of the ICDSM, 13 September 2003

(4) Statement of the Russian Section of the ICDSM, 18 September 2003

c.c. SLOBODA/Freedom Association


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)


La pubblicita' di una ditta di motoscafi appare da mesi ogni giorno su
"Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto", tanto da annoiare i lettori abituali:
suggeriamo percio' alla agenzia pubblicitaria di competenza di fare uso
piuttosto della fotografia di Massimo D'Alema, al timone della sua
imbarcazione, che e' visibile a questo indirizzo:

(Massimo D'Alema sulla sua barca.
Da "Liberazione", agosto 2002)

19.06.2001 - Roma

Il miliardario George Soros ha presentato un progetto per assegnare
borse di studio a centinaia di zingari che vivono in Europa dell'Est.
In un discorso tenuto a Bratislava, Soros ha spiegato che gran parte
del denaro per le borse di studio viene dall'oro rubato alla comunità
rom dai nazisti durante la Seconda guerra mondiale e custodito poi
dagli alleati. La Open Society di Soros provvederà al resto del denaro
che servirà per finanziare gli studi dei ragazzi rom di sette ex paesi
comunisti: Bulgaria, Repubblica Ceca, Ungheria, Macedonia, Romania,
Slovacchia e Serbia. Il progetto mira a costituire una nuova elite rom,
mentre adesso i giovani rom spesso non possono continuare gli studi per
mancanza di fondi.
Fonte: Asca

(ringraziamo Paola per la segnalazione)

by  ARTEL -  , office@...
S. Deretic: Srbi i Palestinci / Serben und Palästinenser
(srpskohrvatski / deutsch)

--- srpskohrvatski ---


Spomenka Deretic, novinar
Beograd, 17. septembar 2003. godine

Dok sam ponovo procitavala sjajnu studiju Majkla Parentija "Ubiti
naciju" nametnulo mi se nekoliko pitanja. U kakvom svetu mi to zivimo
ako u njemu vlada zakon dzungle, odnosno, zakon jacega. Kakav je to
svet u kojem male nacije nemaju pravo da samostalno odlucuju od
drustvenim uredjenjima u svojim drzavama. Kakav je to svet u kojem je
nekima dozvoljeno da druge drzave, manje i slabije, bombarduju,
unistavaju, i porobljavaju. Mi zivimo u svetu koji nije multipolaran.
Zivimo u vremenu kada nad nasom Planetom vlada zlo zvano Sjedinjene
Americke Drzave i njen monstruozni NATO vojni dzin. Na svu srecu
ubedjena sam, a istorija me je tome naucila, da niko nije zemaljskom
kuglom gospodario dugo. Majkl Parenti me je naterao da se prisetim
poslednje nepravde koju drzava Izrael pod mocnom zastitom Sjedinjenih
Americkih Drzava nanosi malom palestinskom narodu. Izrealski
funkcioneri hladnokrvno su izjavili da ce proterati Palestinskog lidera
Jasera Arafata iz Palestine, a neki Izraelaci zvanicnici da ga treba
ubiti. Jasera Arafata Izrael optuzuje da podstice palestinski
terorizam, ja mislim da je palestinski terorizam izazvao jedino Izrael
okupacijom Palestine. Do stvaranja jevrejske drzave na tlu Palestine,
posle Drugog svetskog rata, - Arapi i Jevreji su vekovima ziveli
zajedno. Nisu Arapi srusili Solomonov hram u Jerusalimu nego su to
ucinili pre dve hiljade godina Rimljani. Nisu Jevreje iz Izraela
iselili Palestinci nego su se pred rimskom vojnom silom Jevreji
rasprsili svuda po svetu. Nisu Palestinci izvrsili genocid nad
Jevrejima u Drugom svetskom ratu nego su to ucinili evropski nacisti.
Priznajem da se Palestinci nisu obradovali osnivanju cionistickih
naseobina na tlu Palestine koja su pocela da se grade na pocetku
dvadesetog veka. Ali takodje necu da zaboravim da jevrejske izbeglice
iz Centralne Evrope nisu rado prihvatali ni Velika Britanija ni
Sjedinjene Americke Drzave a ni Petenova Francuska. Kao sto sam zalila
Jevreje kada su stradali, tako sada zalim Palestince i Iracane - i moje
Zamislite sta bi se desilo da je Slobodan Milosevic proterao ubicu i
pljackasa Hasima Tacija ili lidera albanske nacionalne manjine na
Kosovu i Metohiji Ibrahima Rugovu? Pa Srbiju je NATO bombardovao zbog
izmisljenih albanski izbeglica, a sta bi tek uradio da su Srbi bili
prema Albancima onakvi kakvi Izraelci jesu prema Palestincima. I kada
se srpska policija branila od zaseda ubacenih iz Albanije, albanskih
terorista koje su dobro obucili penzionisani americkli, britanski i
nemacki oficiri, nije palila niti do temelja rusila albanska sela u
srpskoj pokrajini Kosovo i Metohija. Izraelci do temelja ruse
palestinska sela. Oni to mogu jer ih Sjedinjene Americke Drzave stite.
Ponekad mi se cini da Tel Aviv vlada Vasingtonom.

Bombardovanje Srbije bilo je duboko nemoralni cin. Majkl Parenti kaze
da je vazdusni napad NATO-a na Jugoslaviju unistio veci deo onoga sto
je preostalo od nase zemlje i priblizio Jugoslaviju sve vise
privatizovanoj, razindustrijalizvanoj, ponovo kolonizovanoj, prosjackoj
drzavi jeftine radne snage i bogatih izvora koji su na raspolaganju po
niskim cenama. Bombardovanjem Jugoslavije i dovodjenjem na vlast
partija i partijica koje je Vasingrton direktno finansirao Jugoslaviji
je oduzeta svaka mogucnost odbrane od prodora divljackog kapitalizma
toliko povijena da se nikada vise nece uzdici, cak ni kao konkurentna
burzaoaska zemlja sposobna za zivot.
U ovoj nesreci nismo sami. Amerika i Velika Britanija unistile su svaku
poljoprivrednu jedinicu u Iraku. Sporazumima Svetske trgovinske
organizacije (WTO) o "slobodnoj trgovini" u Meksiku, Indiji, Africi
unistava se moguca konkurencija i uvecavaju trzisne mogucnosti za
poljoprivredno poslovanje multinacionalnih korporacija. Unistavnje
nasih drzavnih fabrika koje proizvode farmaceutske proizvode pod znatno
nizim cenama od svojih konkurenata sa zapada ima za cilj uvecanje
vrednosti investicija zapadnih farmaceutskih kompanij. Hvala Parentiju
sto je napisao da svaka srpska televizijska ili radio stanica koja je
unistena NATO bombama ili koju su zapadni Evropljani zatvorili preko
svojih vazala u Srbiji, produzava ideolosku i komunikacijsku dominaciju
kartela zapadnih medija.
Jedini izlaz vidim u borbi protiv nacisticke globalizacije sveta koju
sprovode Sjedinjene Americke Drzave uz pomoc vlada mocnih zemalja u
Zapadnoj Evropi. Moje oruzje je pisanje a moja municija su cinjenice.
Za mene je sloboda pojam iznad svih pojmova.

--- deutsch ---


Spomenka Deretic, Journalistin
Belgrad, 17. September 2003

Als ich erneut die brillante Studie Michael Parentis "Eine Nation
töten" las, drängten sich mir einige Fragen auf. In was für einer Welt
leben wir, wenn in ihr das Dschungelgesetz bzw. das Gesetz des
Stärkeren herrscht? Was ist das für eine Welt, in der kleine Nationen
kein Recht haben, selbstständig über die Gesellschaftsordnungen in
ihren Staaten zu entscheiden? Was ist das für eine Welt, in der es
einigen erlaubt ist, andere Staaten, kleinere und schwächere, zu
bombardieren, zu vernichten und zu unterdrücken? Wir leben in einer
Welt, die nicht multipolar ist. Wir leben in einer Zeit, da über
unseren Planeten das Übel, genannt USA, und deren monströser
militärischer NATO-Riese herrscht. Zum Glück, davon bin ich überzeugt,
und die Geschichte hat mich das gelehrt, hat niemand lange den Erdball
beherrscht. Michael Parenti brachte mich dazu, mich an die letzte
Ungerechtigkeit zu erinnern, die der Staat Israel unter dem mächtigen
Schutz der USA dem kleinen palästinensischen Volk zufügt. Israelische
Funktionäre erklärten kaltblütig, sie werden den palästinischen Führer
Yassir Arafat des Landes verweisen, und einige israelische Offizielle,
sie werden ihn töten. Israel beschuldigt Yassir Arafat, den
palästinensischen Terrorismus zu stimulieren. Ich glaube, den
palästinensischen Terrorismus hat einzig und allein Israel mit der
Okkupation Palästinas verursacht. Bis zur Gründung des jüdischen
Staates auf dem Boden Palästinas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg haben
Araber und Juden seit Jahrhunderten zusammen gelebt. Es waren nicht die
Araber, die Salomos Tempel in Jerusalem zerstörten, sondern das taten
vor zweitausend Jahren die Römer. Nicht die Palästinenser haben die
Juden Israel ausgesiedelt, sondern die Juden haben sich vor der
römischen Militärgewalt überall in der Welt zerstreut. Nicht die
Palästinenser haben im Zweiten Weltkrieg ein Genozid an den Juden
begangen, sondern das taten die europäischen Nazis. Zugegeben, die
Palästinenser waren nicht erfreut, als auf dem Boden Palästinas zu
Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zionistische Siedlungen gegründet wurden.
Aber ich werde auch nicht vergessen, dass weder Großbritannien, noch
die USA und auch nicht Pétains Frankreich die jüdischen Flüchtlinge aus
Mitteleuropa gern aufgenommen haben. So wie ich die Juden bedauerte,
als sie in ihr Unglück gestürzt wurden, so bedauere ich jetzt die
Palästinenser und die Iraker - und meine Serben.
Stellen Sie sich vor, was passiert wäre, wenn Slobodan Miloševic die
Mörder und Plünderer Hashim Taqis oder des Führers der albanischen
nationalen Minderheit in Kosovo und Metohija, Ibrahim Rugova,
vertrieben hätte? Die NATO hat Serbien bombardiert wegen erfundener
albanischer Flüchtlinge. Was hätte sie aber erst getan, hätten sich die
Serben gegenüber den Albanern wie die Israelis gegenüber den
Palästinensern verhalten? Und als sich die serbische Polizei vor den
aus Albanien eingeschleusten albanischen Terroristen, gut ausgebildet
von pensionierten amerikanischen, britischen und deutschen Offizieren,
verteidigte, hat sie die albanischen Dörfer in der serbischen Provinz
Kosovo und Metohija nicht gebrandschatzt oder dem Erdboden
gleichgemacht. Die Israelis zerstören die palästinensischen Dörfer in
Grund und Boden. Sie können das, denn die USA schützen sie. Manchmal
scheint es mir, als herrsche Washington über Tel Aviv.

Die Bombardierung Serbiens war ein zutiefst unmoralischer Akt. Michael
Parenti schreibt, der Luftangriff der NATO auf Jugoslawien habe einen
größeren Teil dessen zerstört, was noch von unserem Land übrig
geblieben ist, und Jugoslawien immer mehr einem privatisierten,
industrielosen, erneut kolonisierten Bettelstaat billiger Arbeitskräfte
und reicher Quellen angenähert, die zu niedrigen Preisen zur Verfügung
stehen. Durch die Bombardierung Jugoslawiens und die Machteinsetzung
von Parteien und Splitterparteien, die Washington direkt finanzierte,
wurde Jugoslawien jede Möglichkeit der Verteidigung vor dem Vorstoß des
aggressiven Kapitalismus genommen und dermaßen zu Boden gedrückt, so
dass es niemals wieder auf die Beine kommt, sogar auch nicht als
bourgeoises konkurrenzfähiges und daseinsfähiges Land.
In diesem Unglück stehen wir nicht alleine da. Amerika und
Großbritannien haben jeden Landwirtschaftsbetrieb im Irak zerstört.
Durch Abkommen der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) über die
"Freihandelszone" in Mexiko, Indien, Afrika wird die eventuelle
Konkurrenz ausgeschaltet. Außerdem werden die Marktmöglichkeiten für
landwirtschaftliche Geschäfte multinationaler Korporationen gesteigert.
Die Vernichtung unserer staatlichen Fabriken, die pharmazeutische
Erzeugnisse zu erheblich niedrigeren Preisen als ihre Konkurrenten im
Westen herstellen, bezweckt die Wertsteigerung der Investitionen der
westlichen pharmazeutischen Gesellschaften. Parenti sei gedankt für
seine niedergeschriebenen Worte, dass jedes serbische Fernsehen oder
jeder serbische Rundfunksender, die von NATO-Bomben zerstört wurden
oder die Westeuropäer über ihre Vasallen in Serbien haben schließen
lassen, die ideologische und Kommunikationsdominierung des Kartells der
westlichen Medien verlängert. Den einzigen Ausweg sehe ich im Kampf
gegen die von den USA mit Hilfe der Regierungen der mächtigen Länder
Westeuropas durchgeführte nazistische Globalisierung der Welt. Meine
Waffe ist das Schreiben und meine Munition sind Tatsachen. Für mich ist
die Freiheit der Begriff aller Begriffe.