

June 2003

=== 1 ===

Written By: Andy Wilcoxson

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003 Zoran Lilic began to give his testimony at
the so-called “trial” of Slobodan Milosevic. 

Zoran Lilic has held the highest offices in Serbia and Yugoslavia. Mr.
Lilic was the President of the Serbian National Assembly, the
President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the Deputy Prime
Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The testimony of Zoran Lilic is certainly the most important testimony
that the Milosevic “trial” has seen.

Two things were apparent from watching Lilic. The first obvious fact
is that Slobodan Milosevic is not a war criminal. The 2 nd obvious
fact, contrary to media reports, is that Mr. Lilic was not and is not
“in the hip pocket” of President Milosevic.

Indeed, Mr. Lilic was critical of Milosevic on some matters. First of
all, Lilic believed that Milosevic, as the SPS President, allowed the
JUL to have too much influence during the time that the SPS-JUL-ND
coalition was formed.

Lilic was also critical of the Kumanovo Agreement. Mr. Lilic favored a
different plan that had been put forward by Helmut Kohl.

It is therefore incorrect that the media should portray Mr. Lilic as
“Milosevic’s puppet.” Zoran Lilic is his own man, with his own
opinions, which as we see above do not always coincide Slobodan
Milosevic’s views.

When it comes to the subject of war crimes it was apparent that the
prosecution had made a mistake in bringing Lilic to testify. Lilic
proved to be a much better witness for the defense than for the

From the outset of his examination-in-chief it could be seen that
Preident Lilic’s statements were not what the prosecutor was looking
for. For example, Mr. Nice was trying to get Lilic to explain the
phrase “all Serbs in one state.” Mr. Nice obviously wanted Lilic to
say that this referred to some “greater Serbia plan,” instead Lilic
explained that the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)
allowed all Serbs to live in one state and that the statement, “all
Serbs in one state” meant that the SFRY should be preserved at all

Mr. Nice also unsuccessfully attempted to get Lilic to say that
Milosevic “controlled” the leadership and the military forces of the
SAO Krajina and Republika Srpska. Lilic explained that Milosevic did
not control anybody over there, and when he did try to exercise
influence over them it was always to try and get them to accept peace

At this point, in spite of efforts by Mr. Nice to change the topic,
Lilic went into the events in Srebrenica. Lilic explained that nobody
from the authorities of either Serbia or the FRY could have had
anything to do with what happened there.

Lilic explained that Milosevic’s reaction to Srebrenica was that of
shock and extreme anger when he heard what had happened there. Lilic
said that it was obvious that there was no possibility that Milosevic
could have had anything at all to do with Srebrenica, or any other
wartime event in Bosnia and Croatia.

On the subject of Srebrenica, it should be noted that it is the
“sweetest plum” in the prosecution’s false indictment. Srebrenica is
where the genocide charge emanates from.

When Milosevic cross-examined Lilic on the subject of Srebrenica, Lilic
further explained that when the FRY authorities inquired about
Srebrenica the Republika Srpska leadership was just as surprised as
anybody to hear about what had happened there. Lilic explained that
this meant that individual criminals, and not any government controlled
forces, had perpetrated the crimes that occurred in Srebrenica. Not
only does this testimony jive with the claims that Milosevic made in
his opening statement, but it also jives with the report of the Dutch

When Milosevic opened the cross-examination he began by asking Lilic
about Kosovo. Zoran Lilic is probably the best suited person to talk
about Kosovo and the position of the FRY government there. As the
Deputy Prime Minister of the time Lilic took numerous fact finding
missions to Kosovo. As a high official in the Government of Yugoslavia
Mr. Lilic was privy to all manner of intelligence reports.

During cross-examination Lilic explained that the Yugoslav and Serbian
authorities took exceptional care to protect Kosovo’s civilian
population. In fact so much care was taken that the Albanian
terrorists knew that by mingling themselves with civilians that they
would be able to flee from the authorities without being touched,
because the authorities were under orders never to fire on the
terrorists if doing so would endanger civilians.

Mr. Lilic explained Slobodan Milosevic’s position was that all
citizens and ethnic groups should be equal. Lilic stated that it was
President Milosevic’s firm conviction that nobody in Yugoslavia should
live as a second class citizen because of their ethnicity.

Mr. Lilic went on to explain that the Serbian and Yugoslav authorities
always differentiated between Albanian terrorists, and regular
Albanian civilians. He explained that orders were issued that human
rights need to be respected, and that all soldiers and police were
given copies of the Geneva Conventions to ensure that this happened.

Mr. Lilic explained that the V.J. and MUP protected Albanian civilians
precisely from the Albanian terrorists who were seeking to break
Kosovo away from Serbia. Lilic explained how both Albanians, and
non-Albanians were under threat from the KLA terrorists. Lilic stated
that normal Albanian civilians who wished to live as peaceful law
abiding citizens of Yugoslavia were under the greatest danger from the
KLA terrorists.

Lilic dismissed as an absurdity that Serbia or Yugoslavia could have
had any plan to expel Albanians from Kosovo. Lilic explained that the
Serb and Yugoslav authorities had a great desire, and made great
efforts to try to engage the Kosovo Albanians so that a peaceful
political solution could be found. 

Being Yugoslavia’s Deputy Prime Minister at the time Mr. Lilic had
access to all manner of intelligence information regarding the
Albanian terrorists that were operating in Kosovo at the time.

On the basis of the intelligence information that he had received as
the Deputy Prime Minster, Mr. Lilic explained that the United States,
and in particular the American ambassador Hill, prepared the KLA
terrorists for their “spring offensive” and that this was done with a
view to provoke a conflict that would create a pretext for the illegal
NATO aggression and the eventual occupation of Kosovo and Metohija.

Lilic went on to explain how the Milosevic-Holbrooke agreement had
been abused. Lilic explained how the Kosovo Verification Mission of
the OSCE was being used as a cover to further arm the Albanian
terrorists. He explained that during that time the Albanian terrorists
had received East German weapons, and other high-tech weaponry that
could only come to them with the cooperation of foreign governments.

Lilic began to explain about how the KLA would force Albanians to flee
from Kosovo to create the false illusion that Albanians were being
expelled by Serbs, but at this point the so-called “Judge” May didn’t
want to hear anymore.

This same “Judge,” who is so deeply interested in hearing all about
what some local yokel says he heard second hand, from God only knows
who, off in some village in Bosnia, refused to hear what a high
government official knew from the intelligence documents that he was
privy to. The so-called “Judge” ruled the information as irrelevant
since the Deputy PM didn’t go out into the battlefield and gather the
information personally.

This so-called “Judge” must be smoking some good crack to be able to
say something as stupid as that. How could any government function if
the highest officials always have to gather the intelligence in
person? Does George W. Bush know that Osama bin Laden blew up the
World Trade Center because he was personally hiding in the cave in
Afghanistan listening to bin Laden make the plans? Of course not, but
he has the relevant intelligence information, and so he is perfectly
competent to say that bin Laden did it.

At any rate, after Kosovo was discussed, Milosevic began to ask Lilic
about Bosnia and Croatia. Mr. Lilic explained in no uncertain terms
that neither Serbia, nor the FRY, nor any official from Serbia or the
FRY had any command or control over the Bosnian Serbs or the Krajina
Serbs, and Lilic in view of the positions he held, is in a better
position than anybody to know that.

Mr. Lilic proceeded to explain how the conflicts in Bosnia and Croatia
evolved and the manner in which the governments of Serbia and the FRY
were involved.

First of all Lilic, explained that all of the efforts of Serbia and
the FRY were directed towards humanitarian assistance and negotiating
an end to the armed conflicts.

Lilic explained that in Croatia the Serbian population was in jeopardy
from the Croatian government, and that the Krajina Serbs did not
launch aggression on Croatia, but simply defended their own land that
they had been living on for centuries.

Lilic explained how Serbia, the FRY, and Milosevic in particular
worked tirelessly to achieve the Vance Plan, and that all of
Milosevic’s efforts in respect to the Krajina, and the war in Croatia
were directed exclusively towards achieving peace.

As for the civil war in Bosnia, Lilic explained in no ambiguous terms
that neither Serbia nor the FRY had anything to do with that, and that
it was in fact a civil war in Bosnia and, not some sort of aggression
by Serbia or Yugoslavia.

Lilic explained that Serbia, even under sanctions, extended
humanitarian assistance to the people in Bosnia and to all of the
refugees who came to Serbia, irrespective of their ethnicity.

In fact, Serbia even allowed Muslim soldiers from the Army of B-H to
come to Serbia as refugees as long as they didn’t bring their weapons.
In this case both the R.S. and the Muslim authorities wanted these
soldiers handed over to them, but Milosevic steadfastly refused their
demands, and insisted that these soldiers be allowed to control their
own fate.

Lilic explained that the war in Bosnia broke out when independence was
declared on the basis of and illegal and unconstitutional referendum.
Lilic said that the first armed attacks of the Bosnian war came from
Muslim extremists who were attacking the Serb population in Bosnia.

Lilic explained how prior to the all out warfare that tore through
Bosnia that a peace plan had been reached. He told about how the
Serbs, the Croats, and the Muslims all negotiated and signed a peace
agreement in Lisbon called the Cutilero Plan. Lilic explained that
after the agreement was signed that the Muslim President, Alija
Izetbegovic reneged on the agreement, withdrew his signature, and the
war began in earnest.

Lilic explained that after the war began the Muslim side began to
bring in Mujahideens and Islamic fundamentalists from the Middle East
to fight against the Serbs.

During the examination in chief, Fikret Abdic was mentioned, because
he had traveled to Belgrade and met with President Milosevic. The
prosecution had tried to present this like some sort of secret meeting
even though it was reported quite openly in the Media, and Lilic
confirmed in the cross-examination that this meeting was no secret.

For those of you who don’t know who Fikret Abdic is I would encourage
you to research him. Fikret Abdic was the winner of the 1990 elections
in Bosnia, but unfortunately Alija Izetbegovic (who lost the
elections) managed to take over power from him.

Fikret Abdic is a Muslim of the Croatian ethnicity. He has dual
Croat/Bosnian citizenship. Unlike Alija Izetbegovic, Mr. Abdic got
along splendidly with the Serbs, and for a time with the Croats until
they allied with Izetbegovic.

Fikret Abdic and his Muslim followers in western Bosnia declared
independence from Bosnia, signed peace agreements with the Serbs and
Croats, and were able to escape the war, until Alija Izetbegovic sent
in the 5 th Corps of the Army of B-H to attack the Muslim population
there, killing them, looting their homes, and forcing the survivors to
flee to the Krajina where they lived with the Serbs until the Croats
committed genocide with Operation Storm and Operation Flash eliminating
nearly all of the Serb population from the Krajina.

Lilic confirmed Milosevic’s claim that Serbia and the FRY’s policy
towards Bosnia was exclusively a policy of peace aimed at ending the

Lilic explained that nobody worked harder to bring peace to Bosnia
than Slobodan Milosevic. The Government of Serbia, the Government of
the FRY, and Slobodan Milosevic personally endorsed the Vance-Owen
Plan, the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan, the Contact Group Plan, the Action
Plan of the European Union, and the Dayton Accords.

Lilic testified about how hard Milosevic worked to negotiate the
Vance-Owen plan, and how hard Milosevic tried to convince the
Republika Srpska Assembly to accept the plan. Slobodan Milosevic
addressed the R.S. Assembly on 2 occasions to try to convince them to
accept the plan.

When the R.S. assembly refused to adopt the Vance-Owen Plan Milosevic
was furious. President Milosevic insisted that the Serbia/FRY
delegation leave immediately, even though it was a great risk to his
own personal safety since it was late at night, and a Muslim attack
was feared.

It was precisely the refusal of the R.S. to adopt the Vance-Owen plan
that strained relations between Belgrade and Pale, and that lead to
the decision of Serbia and the FRY to blockade the Drina River.

Lilic explained how, at Dayton, Slobodan Milosevic saved the Republika
Srpska from certain destruction. At the time NATO air strikes were
rapidly diminishing the R.S. territory and a failure to reach an
agreement at that point would have definitely meant the end of the
Republika Srpska.

Through the efforts of Slobodan Milosevic at Dayton the Republika
Srpska was recognized, and territory that had been lost over the
course of the NATO air strikes was even returned to Republika Srpska.

As the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Zoran Lilic
served on the Supreme Defense Council together with Slobodan Milosevic
(while Milosevic was the President of Serbia). Therefore, Mr. Lilic is
in a unique position to be able to see how decisions were taken.

The prosecution has tried to allege that Slobodan Milosevic behaved
like some sort of dictator in the Supreme Defense Council. But the
testimony of Lilic proves otherwise. Lilic testified that the
decisions of the SDC were reached by consensus and that Milosevic
didn’t have any more power than any of the other members of the SDC.

The prosecution also alleges that the Serbia and FRY authorities
formed and supported paramilitaries and sent them to Bosnia and
Croatia, and that Milosevic is responsible for this. Lilic’s testimony
again proves otherwise. Lilic stated, and he produced the documents to
prove it that the SDC (which Milosevic served on) took a decision that
paramilitaries should be disarmed and abolished.

Lilic explained that some opposition parties were forming units, but
that the SPS never had any sort of units, nor did the SPS engage in
any sort of cooperation with the SDS. Lilic not only being the former
head of state, but also being a former member of the SPS himself,
would certainly be in a position to know about this.

Slobodan Milosevic asked Lilic point-blank if he knew of any order or
any de-facto policy emanating from the Government of Serbia or
Yugoslavia, or any officials of those governments that the Army or
Police personnel should commit any crimes against anybody. Lilic said
that there was absolutely not any such policy, and that the Army and
the police were under the strictest orders to combat crime regardless
of who the perpetrator was, even if the perpetrator was a soldier or a
police officer.

President Lilic’s testimony is the most important testimony that this
farce of a “trial” has seen. Historians will be able to read his
testimony and see quite clearly that Slobodan Milosevic is innocent.
In spite of the best efforts of this illegal tribunal, history will
never be able to successfully record the lie that Slobodan Milosevic is
a war criminal.

Lilic’s testimony is not yet complete. He will return at a later date
to complete his cross-examination, be cross-examined by the Amicus,
and be re-examined by the prosecution. No hearing is scheduled on
Friday. The next hearing will be on Monday, but other witnesses have
been scheduled.

Sequence of Events:
1. JUNE 17, 2003 – Lilic is examined by the Prosecutor, Mr. Nice.
2. JUNE 18, 2003 – Mr. Nice concludes his examination of Lilic.
3. JUNE 18, 2003 – Slobodan Milosevic begins his cross-examination
of Lilic.
4. JUNE 19, 2003 – Slobodan Milosevic continues his
cross-examination of Lilic.  

=== 2 ===


Written by: Andy Wilcoxson

Michael Williams, the former advisor and spokesman of the former chief
of the UN Mission to Bosnia Jasusi Akasi, testified at the so-called
"trial" of Slobodan Milosevic on Tuesday.

The main point of Mr. Williams's testimony seemed to be to bad mouth
the VRS and the Bosnian-Serb leadership. None of that has anything to
do with Milosevic, but this is the Hague Tribunal, and propaganda is
the main order of the day.

Mr. Williams's "evidence" against Milosevic was practically
non-existent. Williams doubted the veracity of the blockade that
Yugoslavia placed on the Republika Srpska, over their refusal to accept
various peace plans, but he didn't have any evidence that the Yugoslav
side was violating the blockade. All he had was his suspicions.

Williams did however confirm that Milosevic's policy from the
beginning was that the war in Bosnia should be stopped. He also
confirmed that Milosevic endorsed various peace plans aimed at ending
the war.

In other news, much has been made in the media recently over a
document produced by the prosecution last week which purports to
"link" Milosevic to the alleged events at Srebrenica.

The document in question is allegedly an order from a Bosnian-Serb
police commander where the MUP of Serbia mentioned as participating in
counter-insurgency operations in Srebrenica.

The document has some major problems. The problems indicate that the
document is quite probably a forgery:

1. The document is typewritten, but no Serbian type characters appear
in the typewritten text.
2. The document is typed on a blank piece of paper. It is not typed on
official letterhead.
3. The document isn't signed.
4. The document isn't stamped with the seal of the relevant government
5. The document contains typographical errors.
6. The words "very urgent" are typed in the English language on the
top of this alleged "Serbian document."


From looking at the document it is quite obvious that anybody with
access to a typewriter and a blank piece of paper could have produced

=== 3 ===

28 June 2003

On June 28, 2003 the Socialist Party of Serbia circulated a petition
around Serbia calling for the abolition of the Hague Tribunal, and an
end to the selling out of the country to Western capitalists.

Over the period of only a couple of hours the SPS managed to gather
more than 3,000 signatures at their desk at Republic Square in
Belgrade, and the SPS gathered more than 60,000 signatures for the
whole of Serbia.

The police in "democratic" Serbia were unhappy that the flag of the
SPS was displayed publicly and so they "invited" the organizer of the
demonstration to come to the police station with them.

Below are photos of the police, the demonstrators, and the citizens
queuing to sign the petition at Republic Square.

(see: )

=== 4 ===


Written by: Vera Martinovic - July 14, 2003

Here's a brief summary of the last 12 witnesses, 5 of which were known
by numbers instead of names, with blurred faces and distorted voices,
and 1 not even that (he was nameless and numberless, and it was simply
announced that his whole testimony would be given in a private

B-1244, a Bosnian Serb civil official during the war, first confirmed
that 30 Frenki Simatovic's men [Commander of the Serbian Special
Police unit] participated in the military takeover of his town (being
asked about it by the Prosecutor Groome in a highly suggestive and
confusing manner]. Then, when Milosevic asked about these men in
detail, he clarified that they were in fact members of the Serbian
Radical Party who arrived in the municipality as volunteers with no
link to Simatovic or to the State Security Department of the Police of
Serbia whatsoever.

C-0006 seemed totally unreliable, claiming to be a Croat who was first
arrested by the local Serbs, and then forced to become a member of the
Serb Territorial Defence in Vukovar. As a shanghaied soldier, he was
somehow at liberty to be miraculously present at all the key moments
and places during these two critical days, seeing all of the important
players in action at least three times a day, listening to their
conversations, coming and going not once but twice to Ovcara Farm,
doing nothing, just puttering about.

He even claimed to have seen Major Sljivancanin in person at Ovcara.
Such a bold thing has never claimed by anybody so far. He even said
hello to the Major, but the latter failed to reply. To boot, he gave
his testimony in English. Yet, with all his alleged hovering presence
(like a Victorian novelist, he was even able to read minds of his
characters), his testimony boiled to already well-known general things
that could be told by anybody watching TV at that time.

Witness "X", testifying in a private session, probably gave crucial
relevant evidence based on his personal gut feeling about how
"Milosevic was a thief who was too much in love with his overweight

Vlado Vukovic, a former Croatian policeman who fought against the JNA
[Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija = Yugoslav National Army] in Krajina,
became POW and was exchanged later on, claimed that the JNA was in
fact attacking this defenseless Croatian village with no reason at all.
I repeat, he was captured while attacking a JNA facility near the said
village, together with the rest of Croatian policemen and irregulars.

C-1230 testified that how he was the only one who survived an alleged
execution by JNA soldiers in Krajina. The problem is that in his
previous 3 written statements given to the OTP he never mentioned JNA
soldiers, only some local Serb irregulars. Perhaps his memory got
better after several years.

Andreas Riedlemayer, a Harvard expert on Islamic architecture, was
again commissioned by the OTP (after his testimony about Kosovo) to
talk about the destruction of not only the Islamic, but also the
Catholic monuments in Bosnia (as an expert on the Islamic architecture,
of course, and not on destruction nor on Catholicism).

Riedlemayer was not tasked with researching the destruction of the
Catholic monuments destroyed by the Muslims, nor the destruction of
the Muslim monuments destroyed by the Catholics - only the destruction
of the Muslim and Catholic monuments destroyed by the Serbs.

While not being an expert on arms and explosives (by his own
admission), Mr. Riedlemayer somehow managed to know how, and under
what circumstances, all of those monuments were destroyed. Although he
had never bothered to investigate the destruction of Serb monuments,
he somehow knew their destruction was not substantial.

Riedelmayer, was even bold enough to claim that the fact he wrote a
letter to Clinton demanding the UN arms embargo against Bosnian
Muslims should cease to be respected by the US, did not affect his
professional objectivity in the least.

Zoran Lilic, former Yugoslav President, was summoned again, one month
after his previous appearance, to testify about some important
documents recently received by the OTP from the Yugoslav authorities,
namely the transcripts of the meetings of the Supreme Defence Council,
as well as some intercepted highly confidential phone calls.

It turned out to be an anticlimactic, the Council transcripts merely
demonstrated that Milosevic had even less influence, let alone direct
authority over Bosnian Serbs, who opposed him bitterly at every

The intercepts (most probably made by the Croatian Security Services)
were useless due to the poor technical quality, so their written
transcripts had been used instead. Nevertheless, they were completely
uninteresting, except one: a phone call between Lilic and General
Perisic (the YU Army Chief of Staff), where Lilic said it had been
agreed that a written guarantee would be provided to General Mladic to
assure him he will not be delivered to the ICTY, in exchange for the
return of two captured French pilots [downed by the Bosnian Serbs
while their Mirage fighter participated in the NATO bombing of the
Serb positions near Pale].

The juicy detail was when Lilic said to Perisic he should explain to
Mladic when negotiating the release of the pilots that both French
President Jacques Chirac and Milosevic had agreed to give that same
guarantee [in order not to spoil the upcoming signing of the Dayton
Accords in Paris].

Another interesting intercept (or, alleged intercept, since there was
no tape at all, just the transcript) was the one in which Milosevic's
wife spoke to the Chef de Cabinet of Karadzic about those French
pilots. The alleged conversation contains no damning details at all, it
could only give a general impression of Milosevic's wife being
influential and meddling into her husband's business. The problem was
that in this transcript Mrs. Markovic called her interlocutor "Rajko"
and referred to her husband as "President Milosevic".

Milosevic claimed his wife never knew any of these people, let alone
on a first-name basis, and expressed surprise that she should refer to
him as "President Milosevic", after spending her whole life with him.
He expressed his concern that the evidence might be forged. He said he
would love to hear the tape of this conversation be played in the
courtroom. It turned out that Mr. Nice couldn't produce any tape, and
so he withdrew this particular piece of "evidence".

Edin Pasic, former translator for Arabic and Turkish in the
ex-Yugoslav federal bodies and the current Ambassador of Bosnia &
Herzegovina to Kuwait, stated that, while passing the corridors of the
Presidential palace on his way to his task of interpreting the
telephone conversation between Muammar el Gaddafi of Libya and the
Yugoslav President Dobrica Cosic in 1992. He saw men in mudded
uniforms who were talking of the killings and throat-cutting they had
done in Bosnia. He must've passing those clean corridors real slow to
be able to hear all the colorful details by those mudded fighters.

Pasic said that the Belgrade mosque on Knez Mihailova street, which he
said he attended regularly, was attacked by a hand grenade. When
Milosevic pointed out that the mosque (repaired and guarded by the
police after that) was not on that street, and when Tapuskovic showed
some interest in how come a Communist like Mr Pasic was attending a
mosque at all, Mr Pasic explained that the mosque must've been
somewhere in the general vicinity of the park (the man had lived in
Belgrade for 16 years, mind you), and that he was not a Communist, but
merely a member of the League of Communists.

Pasic expressed his disdain for the Belgrade Mufti [the head of the
Muslim community], who was regularly seeing Milosevic, or, as the
witness put it "flirted with Milosevic".

Pasic claimed that the Muslims in Belgrade lived under terror, feeling
as if they were wearing "yellow arm-bands" (used by Nazis to identify
Jews), and that the ethnic cleansing had in fact started from
Belgrade. To strengthen such a claim he used his own "horrifying
experience:" President Cosic allegedly offered him to be his adviser
for Islamic countries, but he proudly refused, not wanting to become a
puppet to Milosevic, which Cosic already was (the hapless Cosic
allegedly admitted as much in desperate whispers to his
interpreter/wannabe adviser, who fell down on his knees, begging Cosic
to protect the Bosnian Muslims).

After that, Pasic felt as if he had been followed and his apartment
entered. The terror was such that full 4 years later Pasic calmly left
with his whole family to Hungary, and thence to Egypt, regularly using
his passport to do so. Milosevic didn't appreciate the kneeling
melodrama in the Presidential cabinet and reminded the witness that
Cosic was alive and could testify that nothing similar had happened
and voiced his disgust that such a story came from the witness in the
worst of taste.

May said the bad taste is unimportant, only the sterling quality of
the evidence this witness is providing. Mr Pasic had to say something
damning about the Colonel Sljivancanin, too: apparently, during an
official reception, the Colonel's face literally "lit up when Milosevic
entered the room."

Safet Avdic, a Muslim from Foca who had been a POW in a Bosnian Serb
detention facility and who was subsequently exchanged, described his
prison days, complaining that he has lost a lot of weight there. Oddly
enough, he has never been maltreated, but he heard that some other POWs

Jusuf Taranin, was another Muslim from the same municipality, who
described how 7 Muslims were killed by a bunch of irregulars in a
warehouse that used to belong to the JNA (that must've been the reason
the Prosecution summoned this particular witness - the JNA had been
somehow mentioned in his testimony). He also stated that 10 days
before the clashes began, the JNA came and distributed guns to local
Serbs. When Milosevic asked whether this could have been local
Territorial Defence guys who came and distributed guns, the reliable
witness said: "I don't know, could be."

B-1120 was in the same detention facility in Foca as Safet Avdic, and
he also claimed that the local Muslims were unarmed when attacked by
the vicious Serbs, and that they never fired at all towards the Serb
positions. He had trouble answering how come the battle for Foca lasted
for full 8 days, then.

C-1171 was a member of the ZNG [Zbor Narodne Garde = Croatian National
Guard Corps] in Vukovar, who saw the end was near and with hundreds of
other zenge came to Vukovar Hospital, pretending to be wounded or a
staff member, to be able to come out of the town in a humanitarian
convoy. Along with the others, he was arrested and taken to the Ovcara
Farm. He managed to jump out of the truck, but was caught again.
Strangely enough, he was not executed as could have been expected from
the Serbs on a killing spree, but was shipped to the Belgrade Military
Prison, where he had not been maltreated and where it was established
he was a suspect war criminal (a member of the ZNG explosives unit,
who demolished private Serb property in Vukovar, killing civilians).

C-1171 was subsequently exchanged. His damning testimony re the Ovcara
case was that he, unlike the omnipresent earlier witness C-0006, never
saw Colonel Sljivancanin at the Ovcara Farm at all. He did see some
uniformed men there who had parts of the JNA uniforms on plus fur hats
and various insignia, so sometimes he referred to them as the JNA
soldiers and sometimes as the local irregulars.

When directly asked by Milosevic whether he could confirm these people
were the JNA soldiers, the witness said he didn't know and playfully
added that Milosevic should answer that instead. Witty, but not
evidence. There was an interesting moment when Milosevic produced and
tendered into evidence the original Vukovar Hospital register [taken
away by the JNA after they took over the Hospital], showing that only
45 wounded persons in all (both civilians and military) had been
admitted during the fiercest final battle between 2 and 18 November
1991, a far cry from that horrifying picture that the Hospital
Director Dr Bosanac had painted of overcrowded facility with hundreds
and hundreds of wounded.

The problem with this legal procedure is that it needs some relevant
and hard evidence to build up the case against the defendant. So far,
it was as described above, or even worse. May I suggest to May & Co.
to explain their final sentence by the damning testimony of that
secret witness "X"?

Vera Martinovic is an independent writer based in Belgrade Yugoslavia.
Article Posted For Fair Use Only

=== 5 ===

Written by: Andy Wilcoxson

After over 10 days of not watching I found that the so-called "trial"
at the Hague to be as much of a joke as ever.

Today there were 2 secret witnesses who testified, B-1120 and C-1171.

B-1120 was a 92-bis witness for Foca, and his testimony was downright

B-1120 was a member of the main board of the SDA in Foca virtually
since the inception of the party in 1990.

B-1120 initially claimed that Muslims in Foca armed themselves and
formed armed night patrols before the war began. However, as is often
the case at this so-called "trial," he changed this story 5 minutes
later and claimed that the Muslims had no weapons.

B-1120 explained the deaths of 1,100 Serbs and the burning of Serb
houses and the mass-exodus of Serbs from Foca to Montenegro was all
done by the Serbs themselves!

According to B-1120 the Serbs were killing themselves, expelling
themselves, and burning down their own houses. Only at the Hague
Tribunal could a cock and bull story like that make sense.

The next witness to testify was another secret witness called C-1171.

C-1171 was a member of the ZNG in Vukovar.

Apparently, C-1171 is some sort of war criminal himself, but the
details of his crimes were dealt with in closed session.

At any rate C-1171's testimony had nothing to do with Milosevic. The
only thing that could possibly be connected to Milosevic was the time
that C-1171 spent in the JNA's military prison in Belgrade, and C-1171
testified that nobody mistreated him there.

Between those 2 secret witnesses the so-called "trial chamber" dealt
with the testimony of 6 other secret witnesses who gave mostly secret
evidence in other "trials".

So what we have here is secret witnesses testifying about
God-knows-what with no opportunity for President Milosevic to ask
these secret witnesses about their secret evidence.

This circus in The Hague puts Barnum and Bailey to shame.

Tre modelli a confronto

Breve relazione sulle forme storiche
della regolazione socialista dell’economia

di Gianmarco Pisa, Federazione Prc Napoli
(ringraziamo l'autore per avere messo il testo a disposizione)

1. Sull’economia socialista di piano

All’interno di un sistema socialista a direzione pianificata centrale,
il piano si pone innanzitutto come “metodo”, criterio generale di
determinazione politica delle linee generali della produzione,
orientato all'individuazione delle produzioni strategiche, mediante un
sistema di controllo e direzione, che si articola in due momenti: il
primo quello della definizione politica degli obiettivi generali della
produzione, il secondo quello della partecipazione all'elaborazione del
piano da parte dei singoli responsabili della produzione.
Il piano punta alla determinazione degli obiettivi generali della
crescita economica, della produzione settoriale, e degli assetti
strategici della produzione, secondo una definizione contenuta nel
piano (tipicamente quinquennale, più raramente settennale) definito
appunto ‘prospettico’, in quanto finalizzato a stabilire l'obiettivo
generale di produzione di medio-periodo; e definisce le ricadute
effettive del piano prospettico, che diventa operativo nella forma
di‘piano annuale’ (con i suoi articolati trimestrali o semestrali),
atto a fornire le linee guida delle operazioni economiche da compiere,
le direttive della produzione, le forme dell'interazione tra i vari
comparti produttivi. Qui si inserisce un terzo tipo di piano, che va
sotto il nome di ‘piano degli investimenti’, che fissa gli orientamenti
rispetto alla destinazione degli investimenti produttivi, in ordine
alla quota di pil da destinare all'investimento generale, alla quota di
capitale preventivato da destinare tra i vari settori produttivi, e
infine alla quota di investimento all'interno di ciascun settore. Il
primo orientamento spetta alla dirigenza politica e attiene
strettamente agli obiettivi fissati nel piano prospettico, il secondo
viene preso dai ministeri ed uffici preposti (l'Ufficio Centrale della
Pianificazione stabilisce le coordinate generali del piano e attraverso
i suoi dipartimenti, uffici e ministeri economici le ricadute
particolari) sulla base delle indicazioni emergenti dai dati raccolti
dalla base aziendale, mentre il terzo consta delle decisioni operative
sulla base di un calcolo generale del tasso di interesse e dei tempi di
ammortamento, in un quadro complessivo di gestione a più livelli
dell’intero sistema produttivo.
In questo panorama generale emerge il problema storico dell’economia
sovietica, quello del mantenimento di una forma di mercato ‘socialista’
sotto forma di mantenimento della forma monetaria dello scambio, dovuto
alla permanenza della contraddizione città-campagna e,
conseguentemente, del problema degli approvvigionamenti. Questo
problema determinò la consapevolezza della inopportunità di spingere la
lotta di classe nelle campagne fino alle sue estreme conseguenze
cosicché la collettivizzazione delle campagne non fu resa integrale, ed
accanto al sistema dei sovchoz (le aziende agricole statali, in cui i
contadini lavoravano alle dirette dipendenze dello Stato su una terra
integralmente statalizzata), si affermò quello della cooperazione
contadina nei kolchoz (aziende cooperative non statali, in cui i
contadini cooperatori lavoravano direttamente la terra collettivizzata
con strumenti di produzione di proprietà dello Stato al quale dovevano
poi vendere i loro prodotti).
Il sistema sovietico corrisponde, quindi, alla formulazione socialista
di un sistema economico mediato tra forme statali e cooperative, il che
non traduce in effetti il programma di socializzazione integrale dei
mezzi di produzione (anche in virtù del limite della statalizzazione),
ma risponde alla campagna antikulaki e di conseguenza alla necessità di
assicurare all'egemonia operaia una base salda di collaborazione con il
mondo delle campagne e le fonti di approvvigionamento. Rimaneva
pertanto, di conseguenza, all'interno della pianificazione sovietica,
la validità della legge del valore e la formalizzazione del valore nei
prezzi dei beni, sulla base del lavoro astratto oggettivato contenuto
in essi.
Tale contraddizione all'interno del sistema generale dell'economia di
piano non valse comunque ad inficiare l'impianto generale, appunto per
il carattere non autoregolativo della forma monetaria dello scambio
introdotto nell'Unione e nel sistema delle relazioni tra macrostrutture
distinte (agricoltura, industria, servizi). Se è vero che i prodotti si
scambiano su base mercantile, è anche vero che i prezzi che esprimono
il rapporto di valore all'interno di quella forma di scambio non
esprimono alcun valore aggiunto al bene-merce, come accade nelle
economie capitalistiche, ma semplicemente il valore in sé del
bene-merce sulla base del lavoro sociale oggettivato in esso contenuto
sotto forma di costi diretti della produzione, senza alcuna eccedenza
di valore diversamente capitalizzabile (per esempio sotto forma di
acquisto della forza-lavoro o dei mezzi della produzione, forma
dell’accumulazione capitalistica).
Dal punto di vista strutturale, si può dire che nel sistema economico
sovietico la pianificazione si pone come criterio generale di
regolazione dell’applicazione della legge del valore, in virtù del
quale quest'ultima, pur permanendo come dato all'interno del sistema
della produzione, non assume valore condizionante, nel senso che non
assume alcuna funzione generale di regolazione sociale. Ciò è
dimostrato dalla sostanziale scomparsa delle forme tipicamente
capitalistiche dello “scambio ineguale”, sia nel senso dell'allocazione
sulmercato della forza-lavoro, dal momento che nell'economia sovietica
questa allocazione non esisteva (in quanto il lavoratore non vendeva
privatamente la sua forza-lavoro al capitalista, ma la massa
complessiva di forza-lavoro era allocata nei vari comparti della
produzione sulla base della decisione politica), sia nel senso della
compravendita dei prodotti-merci (in quanto il sistema dello scambio si
fondava non sulla compravendita finalizzata al profitto mediante
accumulazione di quote di valore eccedentarie contenute nel prezzo,
bensì sulla compravendita regolata in sede politica, finalizzata
all'approvvigionamento reciproco mediante una forma monetaria sancita
dal prezzo imposto, uguale ai costi diretti della produzione, sulla
base di una valutazione politica generale orientata all'annullamento
della quota-capitale). .
Ne derivano due conseguenze: la forza-lavoro come valore-lavoro non ha
carattere salariale, dal momento che essa si esprime mediante
aggregazioni salariali su tutti i comparti della vita sociale (l’intero
sistema dei servizi sociali nella struttura sovietica è gratuito) e
come lavoro-vivo non entra all'interno delle quote di capitale
accumulabile dal momento che non esiste proprietà privata dei mezzi di
produzione. Inoltre, l'assenza di unaproprietà privata degli strumenti
della produzione e il sistema della regolazione generale dei prezzi
impedisce la formazione di qualunque profitto aggiuntivo a quello che è
considerato “profitto minimo” (quantità di valore arbitrariamente
fissata in sede politica nell'ambito del computo dei prezzi come
determinazione del valore contenuto nel bene-merce sulla base del
lavoro socialmente necessario), e il sistema stesso della proprietà
statale dei mezzi di produzione fa sì che tutte le quotazioni in conto
capitale (quota del profitto minimo, quote di ammortamento del capitale
fisso, quota generale delle imposte) pertengano al controllo e alla
disponibilità dello Stato e rifluiscano (in quote politicamente
determinate) al sistema delle aziende solo sotto forma di
quote-capitale non capitalizzabili ma investibili unicamente nella
La conseguenza del sistema è quella di agire direttamente su tutti i
versanti della composizione sociale del meccanismo della riproduzione,
cioè a dire sui rapporti sociali di produzione: su quello della
forza-lavoro, in quanto ne garantisce la riproducibilità in forme non
capitalistiche, e su quello dei dirigenti delle aziende in quanto
impedisce la maturazione di un plusprofitto e quindi la accumulazione
di capitale. Ciò garantisce il sistema dalla riproduzione della prassi
dell’accumulazione, ma al tempo stesso lo espone al limite della
determinazione simultanea di tutti i singoli fattori della produzione,
compito sostanzialmente inespletabile dal pianificatore in maniera
compiuta, specie se si considerano i limiti della tecnologia sovietica
del software e del calcolo automatico, necessari per questo genere di
operazioni di computo a molteplici livelli.

2. Sull’economia socialista di mercato

La Cina, nella III sessione plenaria dell'XI congresso del Pcc del
1978, ha compiuto una svolta storica, ridislocando il concetto di lotta
di classe, intesa non più come punto centrale del programma del
partito, sostituendolo con quello di “costruzione economica”. Di
conseguenza, la distinzione marxista tra forze produttive e rapporti
sociali di produzione, sebbene rimanga rilevante, viene rivista in
termini diversi da quelli tradizionali, il mercato viene utilizzato
come elemento di dinamizzazione per le forze produttive socialiste e la
nuova condizione del ‘socialismo di mercato’ è finalizzata alla
innovazione economica. Attualmente il sistema produttivo cinese è
ripartito in modo equanime tra il settore pubblico, quello cooperativo
e quello privato, con una leggera preponderanza del primo e all’interno
di un orientamento generale fissato dal piano generale della produzione
sotto la direzione politica del partito. Il risultato di questa
evoluzione si misura nei tassi di crescita dell'economia cinese (10%
circa annuo in tutti gli anni Novanta), un tasso di crescita che
consentirà nel giro di un decennio alla Cina di superare il prodotto
interno lordo Usa. Non stupisce quindi il grado dell’integrazione
dell’economia cinese con la maggiore economia mondiale, quella Usa:
tale integrazione economica si spiega anche con i dati degli scambi: la
Cina esporta 32.4 b$ negli Usa (35% export cinese) e importa 8.8 b$
dagli Usa (2% export statunitense, dati 1999). La Cina rappresenta la
fonte del 7.5% dell'import statunitense, mentre viene dagli Usa il 5%
dell'import Cinese. Si ritiene valutabile in 200.000 posti di lavoro
negli Usa il costo sociale di un taglio dei rapporti con la Cina.
Il XXI secolo si apre per la Cina all'insegna della necessità di
mantenere una propria egemonia strategica nella regione e un proprio
primato rispetto alle economia delle altre ‘tigri asiatiche’, in modo
da confermarle lo status di potenza regionale - e nel medio periodo non
solo regionale - che attualmente le compete, nonostante il
rallentamento dell'ultimo biennio, che comunque non le ha impedito di
mantenere la media di incremento del proprio pil su valori stabilmente
ancorati attorno all'8% annuo in media, e di registrare nel 1999 un
aumento su base annua del valore degli scambi borsistici pari al 50%
superando la media giornaliera dei 13 mld di yuan, un valore di
crescita assolutamente strabiliante. La forza dell'economia cinese si
basa su due pilastri: il sistema misto integrato che caratterizza la
struttura economica, nel quadro del modello socialista di mercato, e le
‘regioni economiche speciali’, con la funzione dinamizzante
dell’economia di mercato a spingere la crescita e il sistema regolativo
centrale, guidato dall’impresa pubblica e dalla forte spinta agli
investimenti, attualmente concentrati nelle regioni dell’interno, ad
assicurare il controllo governativo e a fare da calmiere nei periodi di
recessione. Ciò significa che il modello cinese misto, controllato
dallo Stato ma aperto al libero mercato e in grado di cogliere ogni
occasione di crescita, è percepito come una garanzia di mantenimento di
un tasso di crescita costantemente superiore a quello della stragrande
maggioranza degli altri paesi del mondo, tanto è vero che la bilancia
commerciale ha fatto segnare per il 1999 un surplus di 30 mld di
dollari, con riserve straniere che ammontano a quasi 150 mld di
dollari, parzialmente convertiti in euro.
Dopo aver viaggiato agli inizi degli anni Novanta su punte massime
addirittura superiori al 14% nei casi record, attualmente il pil
viaggia intorno a valori più regolari e stabili del 7-8% annuo, con un
tasso di crescita delle esportazioni introno al 6-8%, arrivando a circa
200 mld $ nell'insieme nel 2000. Se a ciò si aggiunge che il volume
degli scambi negli ultimi 25 anni è passato da 20 a 450 mld $, cioè si
è moltiplicato di ben 25 volte (quello americano di appena 8.5 volte)
si può affermare che la Cina è destinata a giocare un ruolo chiave
nell'economia mondiale già a partire da questa generazione. Questo,
però, non significa per la Cina la soluzione di tutti i problemi, anzi:
la crescita della domanda interna, che pure viaggia a ritmi assai
sostenuti, tra il 6 e l'8% annuo, non è in grado da sola di fare da
traino ad una ripresa così vigorosa dell'economia. In particolare, il
sistema bancario è in difficoltà: tra sofferenze (3%) e crediti
dichiarati inesigibili (9%) i problemi finanziari delle banche hanno
raggiunto una dimensione tale che si è reso necessario l'intervento
della banca centrale per garantire la tenuta dell'intero sistema. La
prevista riconversione di una parte delle aree destinate alla
coltivazione del cotone, del riso e dello zucchero, con l'obiettivo di
migliorarne la qualità, aumentarne le quotazioni sul mercato, favorire
una maggiore diversificazione della produzione agricola, incoraggiando
anche colture più remunerative, ha ricevuto un forte impulso, ma
procede ancora lentamente, rivelandosi ancora una volta l’agricoltura
l'anello debole della catena produttiva cinese - come del resto è
sempre stato storicamente per tutti i sistemi a guida
grande-industriale. Una peculiarità del sistema cinese del socialismo
di mercato è la non armonicità del sistema creditizio: il 75% del pil
proviene dai settori privati, che però hanno accesso soltanto al 35%
dell'ammontare dei crediti bancari, laddove il restante 25% della quota
pil dovuta al settore pubblico è finanziato ancora per il 65% dal
credito bancario. E’ una caratteristica significativa, perché rende
ragione della centralità pubblica della direzione del meccanismo della
riproduzione economica in Cina. E’ noto che l'economia cinese del
resto, prova a evolvere sul duplice binario del mercato e della
direzione socialista dell’economia, puntando da una parte a chiudere le
imprese di Stato improduttive e dall'altra a mantenere in piedi e
cercare anzi di potenziare quelle redditizie, secondo un progetto di
integrazione competitiva tra le due economie, che potrebbe
rappresentare una sintesi originale delle esperienze storiche
precedenti ed anche un modo di tenere insieme l'esigenza di una
maggiore competitività sui mercati finanziari mondiali e quella di
garantire un livello di protezione sociale, adeguato agli standard
socialisti, alla luce di un’esigenza resa impellente dalla complessità
della struttura sociale interna della Cina.
In questo quadro è da interpretarsi il progetto degli investimenti per
infrastrutture strategiche messo in cantiere dal governo cinese per
l'ammodernamento di tutto il sistema-paese in un arco di tempo
decennale a partire dal 1999, nonché altri provvedimenti significativi:
l'entrata in vigore della nuova legge che elimina il monopolio statale
sui movimenti del mercato del lavoro (assunzioni e licenziamenti),
affidandoli anche a enti parastatali o privati sotto controllo
pubblico, ed il lancio del software “red flag linus” per
l'informatizzazione dell'apparato amministrativo. La vera forza
dell'ammodernamento della Cina è probabilmente il settore delle
comunicazioni: in questo ambito si inseriscono il piano di
razionalizzazione delle 27 compagnie aeree del paese, che hanno
determinato nel 1999 un volume d'affari di 1mld $ di profitti per 65
mln di passeggeri, attorno ai tre poli dell'Air China su Pechino, la
China Eastern su Shanghai, e la China Southern a Guangdong; il piano
commerciale di interscambio con l'Ue (la Cina con il10% del volume
totale è già oggi il terzo fornitore del nostro paese dopo Francia e
Germania e punta ad una vera e propria egemonia dei mercati mondiali,
grazie soprattutto alla competitività dei suoi prodotti, in virtù del
basso costo del lavoro); il piano Internet (su cui il governo cinese
esercita un rigoroso controllo ma che ha già aperto a decine di mln di
abbonati); ed infine, la conquista più recente, l'ingresso ufficiale
della Cina nel Wto del 2002. L'ingresso formale della Cina nel Wto è
stato assicurato a Ginevra il 17/9/2001, e ufficializzato durante il
Wto round in Quatar: l'ingresso ripropone la questione della
competitività del sistema cinese, ma anche il suo ruolo di regolatore
degli scambi nell’area Asean (di cui diede prova già al tempo della
crisi del Sudest asiatico, recuperata proprio grazie alla politica
valutaria decisa dal governo cinese e alla non svalutazione della sua
moneta). Del resto la Cina punta a essere competitiva per determinati
comparti produttivi e a battere la concorrenzadi altri paesi in via di
sviluppo e che figurano tra i 146 membri del Wto. In particolare, il
documento sottoscritto a Ginevra, che è la piattaforma dell'ingresso
della Cina, contiene un capitolo, che è la grande vittoria politica di
Pechino, in cui, a dispetto del fatto che a partire dal 2010 il pil
della Cina raggiungerà quello americano, è stato stabilito che sino al
2008 i cinesi pagheranno per ben 1600 prodotti dazi inferiori all'1%,
in virtù dello status di “nazione povera” ad essa concesso, il che le
ha già provocato l'accusa di fare una politica di vero e proprio
dumping sociale.

3. Sull’autogestione

Il sistema dell’autogestione corrisponde alla formazione economica
adottata in Jugoslavia a partire dal 1950, anno in cui, a seguito dei
limiti del sistema di pianificazione centrale adottato precedentemente
(bassa accumulazione causata dalla mancata decentralizzazione
produttiva, scarsa diversificazione qualitativa dei prodotti, carente
formazione di quadri nelle diverse specializzazioni
tecnico-produttive), è stata assunta le decisione di passare alla forma
dell’autogestione. Questa si basa sulla struttura del consiglio
operaio, che è un organismo sociale, formalmente non collocato sotto il
controllo del partito, incaricato della direzione della produzione e
delle relazioni industriali. Il modello ha consentito, attraverso il
controllo diretto della produzione e la riduzione degli addetti
dell’apparato, una maggiore aderenza al mercato, la regolazione della
produzione sulla base della legge della domanda e dell’offerta (con
conseguente diversificazione produttiva), ma anche, d’altra parte, una
certa sperequazione tra le diverse imprese, quanto alla
compartecipazione del reddito complessivo prodotto, e tra le diverse
regioni della Federazione, dovuta aldiverso ritmo di sviluppo e alla
non omogenea industrializzazione del Paese. Non a caso a seguito
dell’adozione dell’autogestione, che ha finito con il migliorare la
produzione, ma anche con l’accrescere simili disparità, si è imposta
una modalità nuova di intervento dello Stato centrale, che regola la
compartecipazione al reddito agendo soprattutto mediante la leva degli
investimenti e attraverso l’imposizione di barriere doganali volte a
difendere la produzione industriale.
Lo Stato acquisisce all’interno del sistema la funzione di orientamento
e riequilibrio attraverso la leva dei fondi di investimento, che
mediamente raccolgono circa il 50% dei profitti della Federazione;
viceversa, il Partito non detiene un ruolo centrale, se non quello
della definizione ideologica della funzione della autogestione e
dell’autogoverno e, conseguentemente, quello della regolazione sociale
del consenso, attraverso gli organismi sociali di massa. In altre
parole, il partito agisce tra le masse attraverso i suoi quadri che
sostengono le posizioni generali negli organismi, ma senza esercita una
direzione politica impositiva all’interno dei consigli: non a caso,
esso possiede un funzionariato piuttosto ridotto e ha un funzionamento
interno decisamente snello, specialmente se comparato con gli organismi
dei partiti al potere nelle altre democrazie popolari. Il partito, ha,
invece, un ruolo cruciale al di fuori dei luoghi della produzione, dove
funge da organizzatore sociale, attraverso le assemblee, nei suoi vari
gradi, e svolge questo ruolo di concerto con i consigli dei produttori,
pur esercitando in questo caso una funzione dirigente più esplicita:
formalmente, comunque, le assemblee di partito e i consigli dei
produttori hanno diritti uguali per i problemi di rispettiva competenza
e possono tenere sedute comuni per problemi comuni.
All’interno del quadro economico generale, tutte le attività produttive
sono autogestite e le forze produttive fondamentali, di proprietà
sociale, sono controllate dai consigli dei lavoratori, eccezion fatta
per la terra (di proprietà statale) e per alcuni settori
dell’artigianato (che hanno una regolazione diversa e privatistica). Il
consiglio operaio è una struttura assembleare elettiva (è eletto dalle
maestranze): i suoi membri non sono remunerati e tutti i membri devono
essere attivi all’interno della produzione. Pur essendo una struttura
sostanzialmente leggera, e comunque poco burocratizzata, in ragione
della gran mole di ambiti sui quali interviene (sostanzialmente, tutte
le questioni del lavoro, della produzione e delle relazioni
industriali), esso si struttura in commissioni interne, di cui possono
far parte anche operai non membri del consiglio (democrazia interna).
Il consiglio operaio detiene il potere formale ed effettivo nella
produzione e le sue decisioni, oltre ad essere vincolanti, non possono
essere annullate se non dal consiglio medesimo. Il reddito netto delle
aziende viene diviso in base ad una legge apposita (definita ‘legge dei
salari’) e ripartito nei diversi fondi di investimento per la quota
destinata allo Stato; il salario viene invece garantito dall’unità
produttiva per l’80% e per il restante 20% compartecipato dallo Stato,
che detiene il controllo di un fondo, da cui si estrae una quota
eccedentaria corrisposta al lavoratore in premio (qualcosa di simile,
per intenderci, alla nostra 13a). Il reddito nel sistema jugoslavoè
diviso tra salari per i lavoratori, quota destinata alla comune, quota
destinata all’accumulazione o al consumo (questa è una voce variabile,
a seconda della decisione del consiglio di fabbrica). Il sindacato
svolge una funzione importante: partecipa alla fissazione dei salari,
si occupa della previdenza, gestisce le funzioni ricreative e,
parzialmente, associative.
Il vantaggio principale dell’autogestione è indubbiamente connesso con
la possibilità di associare direttamente alla direzione del sistema
produttivo la classe operaia: da questo punto di vista, in effetti, vi
è una divisione delle mansioni di responsabilità, dal momento che,
all’interno della fabbrica, la responsabilità tecnica e legale è del
direttore, ma la responsabilità generale di direzione ed organizzazione
della produzione è del consiglio di fabbrica; il suo svantaggio
probabilmente è quello di non garantire necessariamente uno sviluppo
armonico della produzione e di non poter impedire un ruolo socialmente
regolativo della legge del valore e della funzione di mercato
(permanenza della validità della legge della domanda e dell’offerta).
Non a caso, lo Stato, anche in regime di autogestione, interviene con
diversi mezzi per riequilibrare gli scompensi: non solo gli
investimenti, ma anche, ad esempio, gli incentivi materiali, il
controllo del commercio estero della valuta, la predisposizione di
fondi speciali di sostegno per le regioni arretrate.
Pur garantendo uno sviluppo dell’economia in senso socialista, grazie
soprattutto alla funzione dello Stato, il sistema economico resta
duale, e può essere definito come un sistema a economia pianificata di
mercato. In questo sistema un ruolo centrale rivestono le cooperative,
il cui sviluppo è stato storicamente condizionato dallo sviluppo della
meccanica e dell’industrializzazione del paese (macchine e
fertilizzanti) e la cui funzione è quella dell’organizzazione della
produzione contadina sulla base di un modello
solidaristico-collettivistico (vicino a quello del kolchoz sovietico);
il sistema delle cooperative costituisce, in effetti, nel sistema
economico jugoslavo, la funzione di controllo dell’intero lavoro dei
contadini, non esistendo un sistema di aziende agricole di Stato
sufficientemente esteso.
L’assenza di direzione politica effettiva del partito all’interno dei
luoghi della produzione fa sì che si registri una singolare
non-omogeneità politica tra i lavoratori medesimi rispetto alle grandi
questioni teorico-politiche ed ideologiche: erano, ad esempio, diffuse
tra i lavoratori jugoslavi, posizioni che sostenevano che
l’autogestione consentisse una trasformazione delle basi materiali del
sistema capitalistico, rendendolo,di conseguenza, accettabile, oppure
che ritenevano non vi fosse una frontiera geografica ed economica tra i
Paesi del blocco socialista e quelli capitalisti, segno, questo,
probabilmente, della notevole apertura al mercato internazionale da
parte della Jugoslavia, in rapporto agli altri Paesi del blocco
socialista, e della sua mancata adesione al Comecon.
Si registrano, inoltre, interventi attivi, sebbene sporadici, dello
Stato all’interno del sistema di fabbrica per fermare il
corporativismo, altra minaccia al sistema dell’autogestione; in ogni
caso, anche in circostanze di questo genere, non è il partito che
interviene. Del resto i meccanismi del controllo, nella realtà
produttiva jugoslava, risultano essere decisamente ridotti,
riguardando, in prevalenza, controlli di legittimità e di rispetto
della legge, anche in virtù della sostanziale assenza di conflitti
interni al sistema delle relazioni di fabbrica. Lo stesso apparato
ispettivo della Federazione, nonché le commissioni di controllo del
partito sono relativamente modeste e impegnate in circostanze
specifiche generalmente non concernenti conflitti di lavoro; da questo
punto di vista si può dire che il risultato più importante conseguito
dal modello dell’autogestione è proprio quello di aver coniugato in
maniera più efficace di altri sistemi storicamente sviluppati le
esigenze della produzione con quelli di un’effettiva democrazia
socialista in generale, e, in particolare, sui luoghi di lavoro.


Novi list 25.05.2003.


Hrvatska je na ringišpilu koji neće tako skoro stati

S čela skupine od 28 tranzicijskih zemalja Hrvatska je došla na
začelje. Pa, sada smatramo uspjehom ako nas Europa tretira da smo
jednako zreli za EU kao Rumunjska i Bugarska

Razgovarao Neven ŠANTIĆ

Sredinom lipnja dr. Stipe Šuvar, sveučilišni profesor, predsjednik
Spcijalističke radničke partije (SRP) te vlasnik i urednik časopisa
»Hrvatska ljevica«, objavit će, nakon pauze od 14 godina, svoju 20.
knjigu. Na više od 500 stranica sakupio je svoje tekstove pisane u
posljednjih 13 godina, naslovivši knjigu »Hrvatski karusel« (prilozi
političkoj sociologiji hrvatskog društva).
Bez obzira na to što su tekstovi u knjizi dosad već objavljeni u
novinama, časopisima, znanstvenim, stručnim i političkim
skupovima, očekujete li i da ovako skupljeni nekoga ponukaju na
razmišljanje a ponekog i na polemiku s Vama?
– Ovi tekstovi neće ponukati na razmišljanje one koji su ih i dosad
imali priliku čitati, a ti se uglavnom slažu sa mnom. Nisam siguran da
će ih čitati oni drugi koji misle različito od mene, ali knjigu
i dajem na uvid široj javnosti da bi ih eventualno zaintrigirao i
polemizirao s njima. Kroz cijeli život nisam bježao od polemike,
štoviše volim je. Inače, kroz posljednjih petnaest godina ispisao sam
mnogo toga i ako bude vremena i mogućnosti pojavit će se još dvije moje
knjige. Jedna bi se zvala »Historija tragikomika«, a druga »Pogledi o
tranziciji i globalizaciji«.
Zašto baš »Hrvatski karusel«?
– Karusel je internacionalna riječ koja znači vrtuljak, ringišpil. Htio
sam poručiti da je Hrvatska cijelo to vrijeme od 1990. godine, od kada
se kao država osamostalila, na vrtuljku i da to stanje neće u dogledno
vrijeme prestati.
»Kolonije od Triglava do Vardara«

Samo letimičan pogled na jedanaest poglavlja i naslove tekstove
izazivaju dojam katastrofičnosti. Smatrate li sebe katastrofičarem?
– Ako sam katastrofičar onda bih sam sebi tepao da sam katastrofičar
sui generis. U Hrvatskoj je malo ljudi koji danas nisu
katastrofičari. Uzmite hadezeovce i sve te stranke koje su se iščilile
iz HDZ-a kada se on danas raspada kao svenarodni pokret. Vidite da
svaki dan kada zinu oglašavaju se kao katastrofičari. Kažu da je
postojeća vlast dovela Hrvatsku u katastrofu i da jedini izlaz njihov
povratak na vlast. Ako pak gledate ove koji su sada na vlasti, oni su
isto katastrofičari. Kažu da je stanje bilo katastrofalno i da oni sada
kola izvlače iz blata, pa traže još vremena da bude bolje. Ja sam
katastrofičar u tom smislu što na stvari gledam tako da se s Hrvatskom
dogodilo to što se dogodilo i da u nečemu dijeli sudbinu svih 28
tranzicijskih zemalja, s tim što je ona kroz ovo vrijeme s čela,
ekonomski i civilizacijski, zemalja te skupine došla na začelje. Pa,
sada smatramo uspjehom ako nas Europa tretira da smo jednako zreli za
EU kao Rumunjska i Bugarska, koje su 1990. godine bile daleko iza
Pa i to je nešto.
– Hrvatska je sada mala, periferna europska zemlja koja nikome nije
zanimljiva, ali će je EU uzeti u svoje okrilje jer mora uzeti
cijeli jugoistok Europe. Uzet će nas možda ipak zajedno sa Srbijom,
BiH, Makedonijom i Albanijom, onako uđuture, a ako nas uzmu četiri ili
dvije godine ranije opet je to ista sudbina. Katastrofičar sam u tom
smislu kako sagledavam stvari ne samo u odnosu na Hrvatsku nego na
cijeli ovaj prostor koji je bio u granicama bivše Jugoslavije. Zato i
zadnje poglavlje knjige nosi naslov »Kolonije od Triglava do
Ne do Đevđelije?
– To je bio prvi naslov koji ću vjerojatno promijeniti, iako bi
efektniji naslov bio »Od Triglava do Đevđelije, kolonija do kolonije«.
Dakle, Hrvatsku promatram u jednom geostrateškom okruženju, a
to mora činiti svaki ozbiljan analitičar.
Nema planova razvoja

Je li moglo biti drukčije?
– Svakako da je moglo. Uzmite samo usporedbu Slovenije i Hrvatske. U
Sloveniji se štošta ispod žita događa što je također onespokojavajuće.
Podsjećam samo na bezobzirno brisanje »južnjaka« iz popisa postojećih
građana. Ali Slovenija je iskoristila priliku raspada Jugoslavije i
izlaska iz nje na puno pametniji i racionalniji način. Ona je početkom
devedesetih bila 30 posto razvijenija od Hrvatske, a sada je sto posto.
Nije bezobzirno rasprodavala svoju društvenu imovinu, sačuvala je mnoga
socijalna i radna prava, standard njenih građana je mnogo veći.
Vrijedi li i sredinom 2003. godine ona Vaša pozanta izreka da je
račanizam nastavak tuđmanizma?
– Vaša kolegica Jelena Lovrić, s čijim se kolumnama uglavnom slažem,
upozorava na bit Račanove politike i njegove stranke. U jednoj
od posljednjih kolumni napisala je da nema nijedne stranke koja
zagovara interese rada, a da i Račanova stranka zagovara interese
kapitala. Postoji, međutim, stranka kojoj sam ja na čelu, SRP, koja
zagovara interese rada samo što je nema u Saboru. Niti je mogla ući u
Sabor jer se 2000. godine za nju gotovo nije ni znalo. A svi su tada
išli na izbore samo s željom da HDZ siđe s vlasti i glasali za
koaliciju Račan-Budiša. No, SDP nije više, to ljudi trebaju shvatiti,
stranka socijaldemokracije. Socijaldemokracija je na strani
rada, a kroz ove tri i pol godine mandata koalicije u kojoj je SDP
najutjecajniji pokazalo se da ta stranka nije na strani rada.
I birači sazrijevaju

Gdje je onda uopće izlaz iz situacije u kojoj jesmo?
– Moramo imati koncept razvoja, a sve smo to razradili u programu
SRP-a, u kojem moramo polaziti od svojih komparativnih resursa,
od obrazovne razine svog stanovništva, od prirodne radišnosti,
nadarenosti i sposobnosti, da i ja kažem to patetično, hrvatskog
čovjeka bez obzira na etničku pripadnost, od optimalnog uklapanja u
najbliže regionalno, europsko i svjetsko tržište. Sada toga nema. Nitko
ne radi na planovima razvoja, mi smo jedina država u Europi koja nema
resor planiranja.
Tvrdite, dakle, da Vaša stranka nudi izlaz, ali što to vrijedi kada
vas birači ne prepoznaju?
– Naša stranka koja je pod staklenim zvonom, prešućuju nas,
nemamo novca, logistike, ima više pristaša i dobit će na
izborima više glasova nego Liberalna stranka, čak više nego IDS i mnoge
stranke koje su sada u parlamentu. Ali, nas neće u koaliciju, kao što
ni mi nećemo s nekima. Realnost je da imamo dvije stranke, SDP i HDZ,
koje se hrvu za vlast i treću između njih, HSS, koja će se prodati
onome od koga više dobije. HSS je sada dobro jer ima 10 posto birača i
bar 40 posto vlasti u Hrvatskoj. No, da se vratim SRP-u, da u Hrvatskoj
ljudi ne rezoniraju po sistemu »vi ste mali i nemoćni, ne
prihvaća vas šira javnost, ako damo vama glas onda je to izgubljen glas
pa je bolje dati glas SDP-u«, mi bismo mirne duše mogli reći da bi
dobili desetak posto glasova, iako sam i sada optimist i smatram da
ćemo ući u parlament. A kada bi ušli u Sabor sve bi bilo drukčije. Ali
promijenit će se i to, SRP neće uvijek biti na margini. Ne moram ja to
dočekati. Za pet, šest godina u Hrvatskoj će biti drukčiji tokovi,
treba puno očekivati od političkog osvješćivanja mlađeg naraštaja koji
sada glumi apolitičnost, prilike će nas sve zajedno prisiliti na neke
rezove i preokrete. I birači polako ali sigurno sazrijevaju.

Novi list 17.07.2003.



Treba objediniti sve pokrete koji vode k slobodi i demokraciji

Zanemarena je važna činjenica da u Rijeci djeluju još najmanje
dvije antifašističke grupacije i to – mladi socijalisti SRP-a i
mladi SDP-a. Njihova antifašistička ishodišta sigurno nisu
potpuno neovisna o idealima NOB-a

Osjećam potrebu da svoje reagiranje otpočnem priznanjem »Novom
listu« što je i ove godine obilježio 22. lipnja, Dan
antifašističke borbe. Isto tako pohvalu zaslužuje Robert Frank
koji je nastojao otkriti neke manje poznate pojave o novom
antifašizmu. On naglašava, što ističe i u naslovu svoga teksta,
da novi antifašizam ne koketira ni s Titom ni s NOB-om. Motivi
antifašizma zaista mogu biti različiti, ali suština ostaje
uvijek ista borba protiv autoritarizma, ideološke
jednostranosti, ugrožavanja ljudskih sloboda, uskih interesa nacionalne
buržoazije, itd. Upravo zbog mogućih dilema, uprkos izrečenoj
pohvali, smatram da treba reagirati na spomenuti tekst i malo
šire procjenjivati pojave.
    U svom tekstu Robert Frank navodi nekoliko grupa
mladih antifašista (RAF – riječki antifašistički front, AFF –
antifašistički front, AFA – antifašističke akcija, RAI – riječki
anarhisti te grupe trockista), a njihova ishodišta vidi u pokretu
pankera i antiglobalista, koji imaju sve veći utjecaj na mlade u
Hrvatskoj. Iz teksta se vidi da su ove grupe još malobrojne i
daleko ispod snaga neofašističkih grupacija, koje uglavnom
djeluju javno noseći ustaška znamenja, kukasti križ i sliku
Ante Pavelića. Iako vjerujem da utjecaj NOB-a nije presudan,
treba imati u vidu da antiglobalizam, kao otpor dominaciji
interesa krupnog kapitala, u suštini ima sličnu reakciju kao
nekada antifašizam u vrijeme postojanja nasilja i rata fašističkih
država ili, u današnje vrijeme, nasilja i agresivnosti neofašizma.
Bliskost fašističkih metoda i današnjih centara moći u interesu
male grupacije ljudi otkrio je i prošlogodišnji razgovor o
fašizmu i antifašizmu u »Novom listu« eminentnih stručnjaka.
Sličan otpor oblicima moći dvaju blokova pružao je svojedobno i
Tito osnivanjem pokreta nesvrstanih. Otuda je prividna
neovisnost današnjih mladih antifašista od Tita i NOB-a.
    Međutim, u zaključku Roberta Franka o neovisnosti
novih antifašista, zanemarena je važna činjenica da u Rijeci djeluju
još najmanje dvije antifašističke grupacije i to – mladi
socijalisti SRP-a i mladi SDP-a. Njihova antifašistička ishodišta
sigurno nisu potpuno neovisna o idealima NOB-a, iako je danas postao
aktualniji otpor fašizma s pozicija novih shvaćanja o
demokratskom socijalizmu. Kao i zreli građani i mladi osjećaju
svu izopačenost ne samo neofašizma, već i manjkavost današnjih
normi građanske i parlamentarne demokracije. To neminovno vodi
do traženja modela novog, boljeg svijeta, a on se može naći
samo u potpunom oslobađanju čovjeka od ovisnosti, dakle u
ljudskoj slobodi, njegovom utjecaju na sve tokove života u
punoj demokratskoj proceduri.
    Demokracija se, dakle, može samo širiti na nova
područja života od sadašnjeg političkog, preko ekonomskog do društvenog
područja. Tome se uzaludno suprotstavljaju fašisti. I u tome je
i suština borbe antifašista, koji će slabljenjem fašizma,
izgubiti veće društvene značenje, nažalost, danas još moraju
imati. Vjerujem u objedinjavanje svih pokreta koji vode slobodi
i demokraciji, reagira Bogomil Karlavaris, Kastav.

(english / italiano)

La eliminazione dei serbi dalla Croazia

1: Il ruolo attivo degli USA

A. Coverup at The Hague Tribunal - Mercenary Outfit on Contract to the
Pentagon behind 1995 Ethnic Massacres in the Krajina region of Croatia
(M. Chossudovski / Centre for Research on Globalisation / CBC Canada)

B. Was the US behind the single greatest act of ethnic cleansing in
Yugoslavia? (By Stephen Gowans)

C. U.S., Clinton accused of war atrocities (J.T. Kuhner, The Washington
Times 4/22/2002)

=== A ===
Centre for Research on Globalisation
Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation
Coverup at The Hague Tribunal

Mercenary Outfit on Contract to the Pentagon behind 1995 Ethnic
Massacres in the Krajina region of Croatia   July 2003
The URL of this article is:
The Hague Tribunal (ICTY) has asked:

"to interview retired [Croatian] general Mirko Norac as a suspect over
two military operations during the 1991-95 war, a government statement
Norac, 34, was sentenced in March by a Croatian court to a 12 years in
jail for organizing the executions of at least 50 ethnic Serbs
civilians in October 1991 near the central town of Gospic.
He is the highest ranking Croatian officer to be sentenced by a local
court for war crimes committed during the 1991-95 war with
Belgrade-backed rebel Serbs, who opposed Croatia's independence from
the former Yugoslavia.
The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) wants
to interview Norac about a 1993 operation in the so-called Medak
pocket, in central Croatia, and a 1995 operation -- dubbed Storm --
which practically ended the  conflict." AFP, 19 July, 2003).

On 21 July,  the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) acknowledged
the role of MPRI, a US mercenary Outfit on contract to the Pentagon in
Operation Storm,  the 1995 ethnic massacres in the Krajina region of
Serbia. Since the 1990s, both the ICTY and the media have been involved
in a coverup of the role of the US military in the 1993 Medak pocket 
and 1995 Operation Storm ethnic massacres.

Below you will find  the following texts:

1. Transcript of CBS New Story: Croatian Atrocities being forgotten:

2. Part of a text by Michel Chossudovsky on the role of MPRI, in
Krajina first published in 1999 as part of a larger study entitled NATO
has Installed a Reign of Terror in Kosovo, ( or )
--- Croatian Atrocities being forgotten ---

CBC Report
21 Jul 2003 9:32:11 OTTAWA

Canadian officers say they are frustrated by inaction over a 1995
ethnic cleansing operation by Croatians against Serbs – one in which
the Croats may have had western help.
They documented numerous atrocities during Operation Storm, which was a
four-day campaign by the Croats to recover land held in central and
southern Croatia for four years by Serbian militias.
However, not one person has been arrested and brought before the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
More than 200,000 Serbs were expelled, and thousands were killed.
"Just amazing. You can see the holes in the back of the head," said
Capt. Gerry Carron, showing pictures he took to document the killings.
"We found people in wells," he said. "There was an old lady we found
head-first in a well. Why did they do that?"
Some top military officers said the expertise required to plan and
execute Operation Storm meant it couldn't have been done by the Croats

Croatia's American consultant

Fingers have been pointed at Military Professional Resources Inc.
(MPRI), a U.S. consulting company based in Alexandria, Virginia.
The company's Web site points to an article in which the Croatian
government praised the job MPRI has done for it – although MPRI has
denied involvement in Operation Storm.
"I don't think it was the Croats themselves that did that," said
Maj.-Gen. Alain Fourand, who commanded UN forces in the area of
Operation Storm, adding he suspected it was MPRI.
Maj.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, who will be going to Afghanistan to command
Canadian troops, also said he doubts the Croats themselves pulled off
Operation Storm.
"That was done by people who really knew what they were doing," he
said, adding he didn't think the Croats had the expertise.
Croatia was getting assistance in other ways. Argentina supplied
artillery used in Operation Storm – despite a UN ban and even though
their own soldiers were working there as peacekeepers.
Looking back, Carron said peacekeepers may have made things worse by
disarming the Serbs while the Croats re-armed.
Canadian officers say the involvement of the West could explain the
foot-dragging on prosecution, although the tribunal said the case is
largely circumstantial.
The Canadians also believe the Croatian commander of Operation Storm is
being protected by supporters in Croatia's government, and that not
enough diplomatic pressure is being exerted.

Written by CBC News Online staff
--- The Role of the MPRI in the Krajina Massacres ---

by Michel Chossudovsky
31 July 1999

This following excerpt was part of a text presented to the Independent
Commission of Inquiry to Investigate U.S./NATO War Crimes Against The
People of Yugoslavia, International Action Center, New York, July 31,
1999. The full text entitled: NATO has installed a Reign of Terror in
Kosovo, can be consulted at or
According to the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights,
Operation Storm resulted in the massacre of at least 410 civilians in
the course of a three day operation (4 to 7 August 1995).22 An internal
report of The Hague War Crimes Tribunal (leaked to the New York Times),
confirmed that the Croatian Army had been responsible for carrying out:

"summary executions, indiscriminate shelling of civilian populations
and "ethnic cleansing" in the Krajina region of Croatia...."23

In a section of the report entitled "The Indictment. Operation Storm, A
Prima Facie Case.", the ICTY report confirms that:

"During the course of the military offensive, the Croatian armed forces
and special police committed numerous violations of international
humanitarian law, including but not limited to, shelling of Knin and
other cities... During, and in the 100 days following the military
offensive, at least 150 Serb civilians were summarily executed, and
many hundreds disappeared. ...In a widespread and systematic manner,
Croatian troops committed murder and other inhumane acts upon and
against Croatian Serbs." 24


The internal 150 page report concluded that it has "sufficient material
to establish that the three [Croatian] generals who commanded the
military operation" could be held accountable under international
law.25 The individuals named had been directly involved in the military
operation "in theatre". Those involved in "the planning of Operation
Storm" were not mentioned:

"The identity of the "American general" referred to by Fenrick [a
Tribunal staff member] is not known. The tribunal would not allow
Williamson or Fenrick to be interviewed. But Ms. Arbour, the tribunal's
chief prosecutor, suggested in a telephone interview last week that
Fenrick's comment had been `a joking observation'. Ms. Arbour had not
been present during the meeting, and that is not how it was viewed by
some who were there. Several people who were at the meeting assumed
that Fenrick was referring to one of the retired U.S. generals who
worked for Military Professional Resources Inc. ... Questions remain
about the full extent of U.S. involvement. In the course of the three
yearinvestigation into the assault, the United States has failed to
provide critical evidence requested by the tribunal, according to
tribunal documents and officials, adding to suspicion among some there
that Washington is uneasy about the investigation...
The Pentagon, however, has argued through U.S. lawyers at the tribunal
that the shelling was a legitimate military activity, according to
tribunal documents and officials".26

The Tribunal was attempting to hide what had already been revealed in
several press reports published in the wake of Operation Storm.
According to a US State Department spokesman, MPRI had been helping the
Croatians "avoid excesses or atrocities in military operations."27
Fifteen senior US military advisers headed by retired two star General
Richard Griffitts had been dispatched to Croatia barely seven months
before Operation Storm. 28 According to one report, MPRI executive
director General Carl E. Vuono: "held a secret top-level meeting at
Brioni Island, off the coast of Croatia, with Gen. Varimar Cervenko,
the architect of the Krajina campaign. In the five days preceding the
attack, at least ten meetings were held between General Vuono and
officers  involved in the campaign..."29

According to Ed Soyster, a senior MPRI executive and former head of the
Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA):

"MPRI's role in Croatia is limited to classroom instruction on
military-civil relations and doesn't involve training in tactics or
weapons. Other U.S. military men say whatever MPRI did for the Croats
and many suspect more than classroom instruction was involved it was
worth every penny." Carl Vuono and Butch [Crosbie] Saint are hired guns
and in it for the money," says Charles Boyd, a recently retired four
star Air Force general who was the Pentagon's No. 2 man in Europe until
July [1995]. "They did a very good job for the Croats, and I have no
doubt they'll do a good job in Bosnia."30


The untimely leaking of the ICTY's internal report on the Krajina
massacres barely a few days before the onslaught of NATO's air raids on
Yugoslavia was the source of some embarrassment to the Tribunal's Chief
Prosecutor Louise Arbour. The Tribunal (ICTY) attempted to cover up the
matter and trivialise the report's findings (including the alleged role
of the US military officers on contract with the Croatian Armed
Forces). Several Tribunal officials including American Lawyer Clint
Williamson sought to discredit the Canadian Peacekeeping officers'
testimony who witnessed the Krajina massacres in 1995.31
Williamson, who described the shelling of Knin as a "minor incident,"
said that the Pentagon had told him that Knin was a legitimate military
target... The [Tribunal's] review concluded by voting not to include
the shelling of Knin in any indictment, a conclusion that stunned and
angered many at the tribunal"...32
The findings of the Tribunal contained in the leaked ICTY documents
were downplayed, their relevance was casually dismissed as
"expressions of opinion, arguments and hypotheses from various staff
members of the OTP during the investigative process".33
According to the Tribunal's spokesperson "the documents do not
represent in any way the concluded decisions of the Prosecutor." 34
The internal 150 page report has not been released. The staff member
who had leaked the documents is (according to a Croatian TV report) no
longer working for the Tribunal. During the press Conference, the
Tribunal's spokesman was asked: "about the consequences for the person
who leaked the information", Blewitt [the ICTY spokesman] replied that
he did not want to go into that.
He said that the OTP would strengthen the existing procedures to
prevent this from happening again, however he added that you could not
stop people from talking".35


The massacres conducted under Operation Storm "set the stage" for the
"ethnic cleansing" of at least 180,000 Krajina Serbs (according to
estimates of the Croatian Helsinki Committee and Amnesty
International). According to other sources, the number of victims of
ethnic cleansing in Krajina was much larger.
Moreover, there are indications that chemical weapons may have been
used in the Yugoslav civil war (1991-95).36 Although there is no firm
evidence of the use of chemical weapons against Croatian Serbs, an
ongoing enquiry by the Canadian Minister of Defence (launched in July
1999) points to the possibility of toxic poisoning of Canadian
Peacekeepers while on service in Croatia between 1993 and 1995:

"There was a smell of blood in the air during the past week as the
media sensed they had a major scandal unfolding within the Department
of National Defense over the medical files of those Canadians who
served in Croatia in 1993.  Allegations of destroyed documents, a
coverup, and a defensive minister and senior officers..."37

The official release of the Department of National Defence (DND) refers
to possibility of toxic "soil contamination" in Medak Pocket in 1993
(see below). Was it "soil contamination" or something far more serious?
The criminal investigation by the Royal Canadian  Mounted Police (RCMP)
refers to the shredding of medical files of former Canadian
peacekeepers by the DND. In other words did the DND have something to
hide? The issue remains as to what types of shells and ammunitions were
used by the Croatian Armed Forces ie. were chemical weapons used
against Serb civilians?


Prior to the onslaught, Croatian radio had previously broadcasted a
message by president Franjo Tudjman, calling upon "Croatian citizens of
Serbian ethnicity... to remain in their homes and not to fear the
Croatian authorities, which will respect their minority rights."38
Canadian peacekeepers of the Second Battalion of the Royal 22nd
Regiment witnessed the atrocities committed by Croatian troops in the
Krajina offensive in September 1995:

"Any Serb who had failed to evacuate their property were systematically
"cleansed" by roving death squads. Every abandoned animal was
slaughtered and any Serb household was ransacked and torched".39

Also confirmed by Canadian peacekeepers was the participation of German
mercenaries in Operation Storm:

"Immediately behind the frontline Croatian combat troops and German
mercenaries, a large number of hardline extremists had pushed into the
Krajina. ...Many of these atrocities were carried out within the
Canadian Sector, but as the peacekeepers were soon informed by the
Croat authorities, the UN no longer had any formal authority in the

How the Germans mercenaries were recruited was never officially
revealed. An investigation by the United Nations Human Rights
Commission (UNHRC) confirmed the that foreign mercenaries in Croatia
had in some cases "been paid [and presumably recruited] outside Croatia
and by third parties."41


According to Jane Defence Weekly (10 June 1999), Brigadier General Agim
Ceku (now in charge of the KLA) also "masterminded the successful HV
[Croatian Army] offensive at Medak" in September 1993. In Medak, the
combat operation was entitled "Scorched Earth" resulting in the total
destruction of the Serbian villages of Divoselo, Pocitelj and Citluk,
and the massacre of over 100 civilians.42

These massacres were also witnessed by Canadian peacekeepers under UN

"As the sun rose over the horizon, it revealed a Medak Valley engulfed
in smoke and flames. As the frustrated soldiers of 2PPCLI waited for
the order to move forward into the pocket, shots and screams still rang
out as the ethnic cleansing continued. ...About 20 members of the
international press had tagged along, anxious to see the Medak
battleground. Calvin [a Canadian officer] called an informal press
conference at the head of the column and loudly accused the Croats of
trying to hide war crimes against the Serb inhabitants. The Croats
started withdrawing back to their old lines, taking with them whatever
loot they hadn't destroyed. All livestock had been killed and houses
torched. French reconnaissance troops and the Canadian command element
pushed up the valley and soon began to find bodies of Serb civilians,
some already decomposing, others freshly slaughtered. ...Finally, on
the drizzly morning of Sept. 17, teams of UN civilian police arrived to
probe the smouldering ruins for murder victims. Rotting corpses lying
out in the open were catalogued, then turned over to the peacekeepers
for burial."43

The massacres were reported to the Canadian Minister of Defence and to
the United Nations:

"Senior defence bureaucrats back in Ottawa had no way of predicting the
outcome of the engagement in terms of political fallout. To them, there
was no point in calling media attention to a situation that might
easily backfire. ...So  Medak was relegated to the memory hole no
publicity, no recriminations, no official record. Except for those
soldiers involved, Canada's most lively military action since the
Korean War simply never happened."44

23. Quoted in Raymond Bonner, War Crimes Panel Finds Croat Troops
Cleansed the Serbs, New York Times, 21 March 1999).
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Raymond Bonner, op cit.
27. Ken Silverstein, "Privatizing War", The Nation, New York, 27 July
28. See Mark Thompson et al, "Generals for Hire", Time Magazine, 15
January 1996, p. 34.
29. Quoted in Silverstein, op cit.
30. Mark Thompson et al, op cit.
31. Raymond Bonner, op cit.
32. Ibid.
33. ICTY Weekly Press Briefing, 24 March 1999).
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.
36. See inter alia Reuters dispatch, 21 October 1993 on the use of
chemical grenades, a New York Times report on 31 October 1992 on the
use of poisoned gas).
37. Lewis MacKenzie, "Giving our soldiers the benefit of the doubt",
National Post, 2 August 1999.
38. Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, Croatia, August 5 1996.
39. Scott Taylor and Brian Nolan, The Sunday Sun, Toronto, 2 November
40. Ibid.
41. United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Fifty-first session,
Item 9 of the provisional agenda, Geneva, 21 December 1994).
42. (See Memorandum on the Violation of the Human and Civil Rights of
the Serbian People in the Republic of Croatia,
43. Excerpts from the book of Scott Taylor and Brian Nolan published in
the Toronto Sun, 1 November 1998.
44. Ibid.

© Copyright CBC 2003  For fair use only/ pour usage équitable seulement

=== B ===

What's Left
July 21, 2003

Was the US behind the single greatest act of ethnic cleansing in

By Stephen Gowans

It was one of those peeks into what really happened that are
occasionally glimpsed long after anyone cares, like finding out after
the invasion of Iraq that the US and Britain had already begun aerial
operations to pick apart Iraq's defenses long before the invasion had
begun, at a time both countries were denying they had already made a
decision to go to war ("U.S.
Moved Early for Air Supremacy: Airstrips on Iraqi Defenses Began Long
Before Invasion, General Says," The Washington Post, July 20, 2003).
Those who saw the news reports may have raised their eyebrows, but the
reports were too obscure to have flitted, even briefly, across the
consciousness of most (even ardent) newspaper readers. The secret,
though technically out, remained a secret, lost in the deluge of other
news, bereft of any urgency for being about an event that had happened
months before.

So who's going to care about something that happened almost eight years

"In early August 1995," writes researcher Gregory Elich, "the Croatian
invasion of Serbian Krajina precipitated the worst refugee crisis of
the Yugoslav civil war. Within days, more than two hundred thousand
Serbs, virtually the entire population of Krajina, fled their homes,
and 14,000 Serbian civilians lost their lives." ("The invasion of
Serbian Krajina," NATO in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition,
International Action Center, New York, 1998.)

This was Operation Storm, "the largest single act of ethnic cleansing
of the Yugoslav civil war," according to Even Dyer, a journalist with
CBC Radio. "And yet not one person has been arrested and brought before
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia"
("Croatian atrocities being forgotten: Cdn. Officers," CBC News, July
21, 2003.)

The popular mythology about the Yugoslav civil war is that it was the
Serbs, led by Slobodan Milosevic, who embarked on a program of ethnic
cleansing to create a greater Serbia. Milosevic is on trial at the
Hague Tribunal, facing genocide charges.

So it should strike a dissonant chord that:
the single greatest act of ethnic cleansing does not have the Serb's
signature on it (they were the victims); and the Hague Tribunal, which
professes to be impartial, has done nothing to
bring the authors of the atrocity to book.
The Tribunal says the evidence is circumstantial, but senior Canadian
soldiers, including a general who commanded peacekeeping forces in the
area of Operation Storm, say they suspect the real reason for the
Tribunal's inaction is that Western governments were in the background
pulling the strings.
For example, Argentina provided artillery to the Croats, despite a UN
embargo on supplying materiel and even though their own troops were in
Croatia as peacekeepers.
And a private US military contractor, Military Professional Resources
Inc (MPRI), headed by a former US Army Chief of Staff, likely planned
the operation.

Canada's Major-General Andrew Leslie says he doubts the Croats could
have pulled off Operation Storm themselves. "That was done by people
who really knew what they were doing."
Leslie's colleague, Major-General Alain Fourand, agrees. He says he
suspects it was MPRI that was behind the operation.
The MPRI Web site, according to CBC news, "points to an article in
which the Croatian government praised the job MPRI has done for it."

There is much that is misunderstood about the Yugoslav civil war, and
the Hague Tribunal.
For one, the Croats were a lot closer to the image of Nazis than the
Serbs were, though it was Serbs who were portrayed, for propaganda
reasons, as successors of Hitler's fascists. After the breakaway Croat
republic violently seceded from Yugoslavia in 1991, Franjo Tudjman, the
country's president, began to resurrect symbols of Croatia's Nazi
puppet state past.
According to Elich, "the Croatian fascist(s) murdered as many as one
million Serbs, Jews and Romani" during WWII.

And the Tribunal is funded in part by billionaire financier George
Soros, who has a long history of underwriting programs to destabilize
countries whose markets are closed, or partly closed, to Western
investment. Once a renitent government is ousted, and a Western
friendly regime is installed, Soros swoops in to buy up state assets at
fire sale prices. Soros is said to have his eyes on the massive Trepca
mining complex in Kosovo, worth an estimated $5 billion. The Hungarian
émigré spent $100 million to oust Milosevic, who presided over a
largely socially owned economy ("The billionaire trader has become
Eastern Europe's uncrowned king and the prophet of an 'open society."
But open to what?" New Statesman, June 2, 2003.)

The US and Germany began supporting secessionist forces in Yugoslavia
after the collapse of Communism in the former Soviet Union, when the
Yugoslav federation refused to be brought wholly into the Western
orbit. Former Communist countries were undergoing a spate of
privatization. But, according to Neil Clark, "Over 700,000 Yugoslav
enterprises remained in social ownership and most were still controlled
by employee-management committees, with only 5% of capital privately
owned." ("The quisling of Belgrade," The Guardian (UK), March 14,
2003.) The West aligned itself with Alija
Izetbegovic in Bosnia, who wanted to makeover the multi-ethnic republic
as an Islamic religious state, though Bosnia had a large non-Muslim,
including Serb, population. And Tudjman, the West's favorite in
Croatia, reeked to heaven of fascism and anti-Serb fanaticism. But both
were useful as instruments to tear apart the federation and deliver it,
piece by piece, into the hands of the West, and its corporate sector.
Later, secessionist in Kosovo would be encouraged, trained, and
bankrolled by the West, sparking a civil war that furnished NATO with a
pretext to launch a "humanitarian" war, and ultimately, the ouster of
Milosevic, working through its proxy, the Democratic Opposition of

The atrocities of August 1995 are now largely forgotten in the West,
and while they seem to be old news, they do shed light of recurrent
patterns that can be glimpsed today. The West's penchant for
precipitating crises that can be used as pretexts for intervention in
countries that seek to pursue an independent course hasn't abated. And
it's all too common for victims of Western-backed aggressions to be
portrayed as the aggressors themselves. North Korea, for example, is
now widely understood to be a hostile nation, even though it is the US
that shows every indication of being hell-bent on resuming a war with
the impoverished country it has never entirely renounced. Cuba,
Belarus, Zimbabwe, part of a complement of nations George W. Bush has
designated "captive nations," along with North Korea ("Bush blacklists
Zimbabwe, Cuba,", July 19, 2003) are portrayed as brutal,
repressive, regimes, though the reason they're demonized has
everything to do with their inhospitable orientation to the global
capitalist economy dominated by the United States.

That too was the Serb's offense, in the eyes of the West, which is why
there ever was an Operation Storm, why there's a Star Chamber at the
Hague, and why MPRI won't soon be facing war crimes charges.

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What's Left

=== C ===

U.S., Clinton accused of war atrocities

Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Published 4/22/2002

The lawyer for a Croatian general indicted by the
war crimes tribunal in The Hague says his client's
case opens the possibility that former President
Clinton will be charged with crimes against humanity
for authorizing a Croatian military offensive in 1995
that recaptured territory from rebel Serbs.
"According to the unjust indictment brought
against my client, there is a basis for an
investigation and indictment of high-ranking Clinton
administration officials who oversaw Operation Storm,"
said Luka Misetic, the defense attorney for Gen. Ante
The high-ranking Croatian general was indicted in
June 2001 by the prosecutor's office at the U.N. War
Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague
on charges that he exercised "command responsibility"
over the military campaign in which 150 Serbian
civilians were killed.
Secretly supported by the Clinton
administration, Croatian forces launched a three-day
massive military offensive — known as "Operation
Storm" — on Aug. 5, 1995 in which Croatia recovered
territories occupied by rebel Serbs following
Croatia's bloody drive for independence from
Yugoslavia in 1991.
Gen. Gotovina was the military commander of
Sector South of the operation, which was responsible
for the capture of the rebel-held city of Knin. He is
also accused of overseeing the ethnic cleansing of
150,000 Serbs who fled from Croatia during the
military offensive.
The United States provided military and technical
assistance to Operation Storm in order to block
then-Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic's goal of
forging an ethnically pure "Greater Serbia."
The Clinton administration viewed Croatia's
military campaign as pivotal to tilting the strategic
balance of power in the region against Serbian forces,
paving the way for the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords that
ended the war in neighboring Bosnia.
However, Mr. Misetic said U.S. support and
approval for the military offensive means the
indictment against Gen. Gotovina could lead to the
prosecution by The Hague tribunal of Mr. Clinton and
other high-ranking U.S. officials on charges of having
command responsibility for war crimes that were
committed during the operation.
"The theory against Gotovina can now be brought
against Clinton, [Assistant Secretary of State
Richard] Holbrooke and all the way down the U.S. chain
of command. On the prosecution's logic, they should be
indicted as well. They knew the attack was coming and
gave it the green light," Mr. Misetic said.
"The prosecutor's office is punting on an issue
that is clearly there. They are claiming that ethnic
cleansing took place during this operation. They are
claiming that by virtue of his position, Gotovina had
knowledge of war crimes. His knowledge was shared and
given to him by the Pentagon," he said.
Florence Hartmann, spokeswoman for chief
prosecutor Carla del Ponte, said the tribunal is not
challenging the legitimacy of Croatia's military
offensive but individual atrocities carried out by
Croatian soldiers whose actions fell under the
responsibility of Gen. Gotovina.
"It is not Operation Storm that is being
indicted, but the crimes that were committed during
and afterward," Mrs. Hartmann said.
U.S. support for the operation "has to be
established," she said. "I don't know that the
[Clinton] administration was involved."
Asked whether the prosecutor's office was
planning to issue indictments against either Mr.
Clinton or other administation officials, Mrs.
Hartmann said: "We have no comment because there is no
evidence to substantiate the charges of Gen.
Gotovina's lawyers. They can make their case with
evidence to the court."
Mr. Misetic dismissed Mrs. Hartmann's comments as
"blatant hypocrisy."

il manifesto - 22 Luglio 2003

Jugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq: l'agonia del quarto potere


Le tre guerre dell'Impero - Jugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq - sono state
precedute, accompagnate, sostenute da possenti campagne, dove tutti i
principali media, quale con più eleganza «pluralistica», quale con più
protervia mentitrice, hanno partecipato stando dalla parte della guerra
e dei suoi organizzatori. Nel primo e nel secondo caso, proclamata la
vittoria di guerre che Franco Cardini ha sferzantemente definito
«saggiamente vili», i media hanno, come si suol dire, «gabbato lo
santo» e si sono dedicati ad altro. Magari a preparare con solerzia la
prossima guerra.

Chi volesse divertirsi a raccogliere gli articoli già pubblicati dai
media italiani sulle armi atomiche «presto in possesso» dell'Iran
scoprirebbe che volumi di sciocchezze, sicuramente preparati in qualche
luminoso ufficio adibito alla disinformazione mondiale, sono già stati
ripresi e pubblicati da decine di giornali, mentre le relative e
manipolate immagini volavano via etere e cavo nelle case di milioni di
ignari telespettatori. Ignari e impossibilitati a difendersi.

Il fenomeno è mondiale. In Italia lo stato dell'informazione e della
comunicazione - salvo, lo ripeto, eccezioni - è sceso a tali livelli di
indecenza che le stesse cose che, negli Stati uniti, Paul Krugman
denuncia con accenti di tragedia, da noi possono essere trattate solo
come una farsa. Che però non fa ridere.

Stiamo assistendo a uno straordinario fenomeno: la fine del «quarto
potere». Consumata con la complicità dei suoi più augusti tenutari,
sempre impegnati a proclamare la loro funzione di servizio nei
confronti di lettori e telespettatori.

Nel caso iracheno la frittata è stata troppo grande e ha finito per
uscire dalla padella. Pezzi di verità hanno cominciato ad emergere.
Perché è vero che i direttori sono stati ammaestrati, magari
partecipando agl'incontri Bilderberg, a dire quello che devono, ma
esistono ancora giornalisti che hanno dignità e bagaglio professionale
a sufficienza per aggirarne i divieti.

E poi, diciamocelo francamente, anche le balle hanno dei limiti
invalicabili. E pensare che tutti non si fossero accorti che le statue
di Saddam Hussein non le avevano buttate giù gli iracheni festanti, ma
i carri armati occupanti non è cosa realistica. Figurarsi poi le armi
di distruzione di massa, che hanno motivato la guerra e che non
c'erano. E l'uranio che Saddam avrebbe comprato, o stava per comprare,
e che finisce nei discorsi ufficiali sullo Stato dell'unione, o
all'ombra del Big Ben, si scopre che era già stato cestinato da tutti
quelli che avevano dato un'occhiata anche sommaria ai documenti falsi.
Falsificati così male, del resto, che l'ultimo dei cronisti, magari un
praticante alle prime armi, mandato sul luogo, avrebbe potuto
accorgersene da solo.

Per cui sorge adesso, imperiosa, una domanda: ma quei media che hanno
raccolto e accolto come vere tutte queste castronerie; quei giornalisti
che le hanno scritte senza nemmeno provare a verificarle; quei
commentatori che ne hanno tratto conclusioni epocali, sulla base delle
quali hanno controfirmato le guerre «giuste»; quegli inviati embedded ,
che raccontavano i minimi dettagli dei cespugli in cui s'imbattevano
appena scesi dai carri armati invasori, ma che non ci dicevano che non
erano in grado di vedere la foresta. Tutti costoro cosa ci dovrebbero
dire, adesso? Adesso, intendo dire, dopo la morte di Kelly?

Ci aspetteremmo un'autocritica. Sarebbe una prova che la decenza,
almeno quella, non è andata del tutto perduta.

Invece no. Abbiamo di fronte a noi uno dei pochi esempi di una
televisione - pubblica - che ha fatto il suo mestiere, il suo dovere.
Parlo ovviamente della Bbc, che si erge da sola a difendere l'onore
britannico, infangato dal suo governo. E' andata alla ricerca della
verità. Ha trovato una fonte assolutamente al di sopra di ogni
sospetto. Chi poteva sapere meglio di Kelly lo stato degli armamenti
iracheni? Chi poteva sapere, meglio di Kelly, che Tony Blair stava di
nuovo facendo il gioco delle tre tavolette, dopo le famose «prove»,
esibite nell'ottobre 2001, della colpevolezza di Osama bin Laden? (A
proposito: che fine hanno fatto quelle prove? Chi le ha viste? E perché
adesso non le rendono pubbliche? Non vorranno raccontarci mica che, a
due anni da quella splendida vittoria, c'è ancora bisogno di tenere il
segreto? E, infine, proposta a qualcuno dei grandi giornali e delle
grandi televisioni: perché non aprire un bel lavoro d'indagine
giornalistica su quelle prove, e sull'11 settembre, tanto per non
dimenticare che tutto, a quanto pare, viene da lì?)

La Bbc ha rispettato i suoi spettatori e non ha guardato in faccia al
potere. Ecco un «quarto potere» che funziona. Ma - sopresa - invece di
lodare lo sforzo, ecco che i bugiardi che hanno sostenuto la guerra,
cercano di confondere le acque, magari cercando di far pensare a
lettori e telespettatori che la colpa della morte di Kelly è di chi ha
fatto un ottimo lavoro giornalistico, non di chi ha ingannato milioni
di elettori inglesi.

Così ecco la chiusura del cerchio. Adesso i due bugiardi principali,
George Bush e Tony Blair, trovano schierati a loro difesa tutti i
bugiardi di rimessa, cioè tutti coloro che hanno loro tenuto bordone,
che li hanno aiutati a diffondere menzogne, a uccidere e storpiare
innocenti, a cancellare governi, a bombardare i palazzi
dell'informazione dei nemici. Che adesso scopriamo con inquietudine non
essere peggiore di quella che informa i vincitori, ma che nessuno potrà
mai bombardare. Media di regime. Col che diventa inevitabile porre
un'altra domanda ai farisei del tempio: di quale democrazia andate
cianciando? Non può esserci democrazia se la gente è privata della
possibilità di sapere.

Srbija i Crna Gora (7--12)

KONACNE POBEDE... (B. Urosevic / Artel, 5.6.2003)
8. PREZIVLJAVANJE (M. Belosevic / Artel, 1.5.2003)
10. KAKO ZIVIMO (M. Belosevic / Artel, 12.4.2003)
11. SIVO TRŽIŠTE (M. Belosevic / Artel, 5.4.2003)
12. AUKCIJE (M. Belosevic / Artel, 21.3.2003)

=== 7 ===


Borivoje Uroševic
Beograd, 5. juni 2003. godine

Na konferenciji za štampu, održanoj 20. maja 2003. godine predsednik
Sindikata Srbije Milenko Smiljanic je objavio generalni protest radnika
u Srbiji sledecom recenicom : ''Ne možemo više da cekamo da oni na
vlasti i dalje upravljaju našim životima i zbog toga krecemo u akciju''.
Zahtevi kojima se Sindikat obraca Vladi i od kojih nece odustati su
" Da se zaustavi dalje otpuštanje radnika;
" Da se donese program kojim bi se obezbedilo zapošljavanje velikog
broja nezaposlenih;
" Da se hitno utvrdi strategija razvoja Srbije, usvoje socijalni
programi i uspostavi pravi sicijalni dijalog;
" Da se, izmenama modela privatizacije, iz nje iskljuce svi koji
sumnjivim kapitalom peru pare;
" Da se sva prava zaposlenih koja proisticu iz rada regulišu iskljucivo
kolektivnim ugovorima;
" Da se izmire sva dugovanja prema zaposlenima i izvrši povezivanje
njihovog radnog staža;
" Da se odustane od svih povecanja cena koje su u nadležnosti Vlade i
organa lokalne samouprave.
Ukoliko Vlada Srbije u roku od 30 dana ne postigne odgovarajuci
sporazum u dijalogu sa Savezom samostalnih sindikata Srbije i ne uvaži
iznete zahteve, Sindikat ce tražiti njenu ostavku, odnosno smenu i
raspisivanje prevremenih parlamentarnih izbora.
Scenario protesta zamišljen je tako što ce obustave rada i protesti
biti održani po svim vecim gradovima Srbije u odredjene dane a glavni
protest, na kome ce ucestvovati predstavnici radnika iz cele Srbije i
Beograda, održace se 25. juna 2003. godine u Beogradu.
Lepo zamišljeno, ali bojim se, teško ostvarivo.Suviše dugo se cekalo da
se stvori ''kriticna masa'' i da se izadje na ulice. Privreda više ne
radi, radnici su izgubili nadu i samopouzdanje i dok totalna glad i
nemaština ne zahvati veliku vecinu stanovništva Srbije, teško da ce se
nešto bitno pokrenuti. Samo, tada nece trebati sndikati da ih
Vanredno stanje, koje je u Srbiji bilo uvedeno posle ubistva premijera,
i represija vlasti prema desetinama hiljada privedenih i uhapšenih, da
bi konacno sudjenje bilo odredjeno za njih oko 40 - tak, stvorilo je
strah i nepoverenje kod gradjana. Teško ih je sada pokrenuti jer oni
koji imaju nešto ( a i to nešto je ustvari ništa ) boje se da ce ostati
i bez toga i ne bi da se javno konfrontiraju.
Ne želim da budem prorok, izaci cu na protest, ali se bojim da cemo
proci kao prilikom protesta oko Zakona o radu. A sve je, ustvari, od
toga pocelo da ide nizbrdo.
Vizija rukovodstva Sindikata Srbije i predsednika Milenka Smiljanica za
buducnost radnickog pokreta je skoro osnivanje ''Nacionalnog radnickog
konzorcijuma sa ciljem da se u privatizaciji, putem insajderske
prodaje, spreci da preduzeca odlaze u bezcenje i da ih kupuje sumnjivi
kapital. Ocekuje se da ce Konzorcijumu pristupiti sto hiljada radnika
koji ce u narednih šest godina uplatiti od 100 do 3000 evra
pojedinacno, cime ce stvoriti kapital od 50 do 100 miliona evra''.
U situaciji kada porodice radnika u Srbiji ''žive'' od mesecnih
primanja od oko 100 evra, utopija je ocekivati da ce imati da odvoje
planiranu sumu od 100 do 3000 evra, mada je ideja dobra, ali je za sada
na ''dugom štapu''.
Parola pod kojom ce se održavati protesti je : ''Za spas radništva i
privrede Srbije''.
Nasuprot analizama Sindikata i ponižavajuceg stanja velike vecine
porodica u Srbiji, zvanican izveštaj Saveznog zavoda za statistiku
''Cene na malo u maju više su za 0,5 odsto od aprilskih a za 13,4 odsto
više u odnosu na maj 2002. godine''. Iz ovog izveštaja takodje vidimo
da su troškovi života u odnosu na april 2003. povecani za smo 0,4 odsto
a u poredjanju sa decembrom 2002. godine za 2,6 odsto.
Dalje se kaže da su najviše poskupeli poljoprivredni proizvodi (
ishrana ) pice i industrijski neprehrambeni proizvodi. Statistika dalje
kaže da su cene indusrijsko-prehrembenih proizvoda u maju, cak, bile
niže za 0,2 odsto u odnosu na april i da su tome doprinele niže cene
svežeg mesa i pojedinih mesnih preradjevina kao i svežeg preradjenog
mleka i masnoca.
A šta statistika ne kaže, a šta se ustvari dogodilo ?! Prekomernim
uvozom mesa, mesnih preradjevina i mleka ''ubijena'' je cena domacih
proizvoda, desetkovan je stocni fond, poskupeo je kukuruz, suša
najavljuje loš prinos ove jeseni i šta nas ceka u buducnosti ? Bez
stocnog fonda nema ni mesa, ni mleka, ni mesnih preradjevina...
Ministar poljoprivrede je podneo ostavku, ali ne zbog loše vodjene
politike u agraru ( što je bilo evidentno odavno ) vec zbog tragicnog
saobracajnog incidenta u sred Beograda, u kome je ucestvovalo njegovo
vozilo i vozac i kome je i on prisustvovao.
Statistika je zaboravila još da nam kaže da nisu možda drasticno
pojeftinile u maju mesecu lokomotive, turbine za elektrane i slicno, pa
nam je prosek tako dobar i za hvaljenje.
Šta li nas još ceka od ove ekspertske Vlade ?
I za kraj, ili umesto zakljucka, koji ostavljam Vama koji cete ovo
citati, želim da kažem da iskreno podržavam proteste u koje krecemo
ovog juna. Nešto mora ozbiljno da se dogodi da bi se promenilo na
bolje. Hoce li to biti ovoga puta vodecemo uskoro.

=== 8 ===

Mirela Beloševic: Prezivljavanje

Beograd, 1. maj 2003. godine

Kada su Milicu Petrovic pitali kako spaja kraj s krajem uz primanja od
5000 dinara jednostavno je odgovorila da ne zna. Mnogo je onih cija
primanja su tolika da se zapitate kako ti ljudi uspevaju da potroše
makar i samo deset hiljada dinara za hranu, plate racune, kupe lekove.
Snalaze se, a to znaci po dva posla, bar jedan u domenu sivog trzista i
možda neka pomoc sa sela. Živi se u zejdnickim domacinstvima u kojima
roditelji pomažu decu a cesto i deca roditelje. To je život ili tacnije
preživljavanje. Medjutim statisticari bi to okarakterisali kao
subjektivni utisak. Kažu, teško je od prosecnog coveka ocekivati da
realno proceni da li živi bolje ili lošije nego pre godinu dana jer to
zavisi i od ocekivanja i uporedjivanja da li su drugi u ovom periodu
materijalno bolje prošli. Analize trgovaca pokazuju da se dnevno troši
170 do 190 dinara, ili oko 2 ipo evra, a pri tom treba imati u vidu da
naši ljudi niti mogu, niti imaju naviku da idu u velike mesecne
nabavke. Ako se posmatraju mesecni troškovi, u aprilu smo recimo mogli
da kupimo pola kilograma viršli više nego u martu a to baš i nije u
skladu sa našim ocekivanjima. Zvanicna statistika kasni i prema
njihovim podacima neto plata u Srbiji bila je manja u martu za 2,3
odsto u odnosu na februar, a smanjenje zarada uticace i da penzije budu
manje za drugo tromesecje ove godine.
Prema istraživanjima Stratedžik Marketinga jedna trecina stanovništva
pokazuje veliko nezadovoljstvo ali to su subjektivne procene koje se ne
uzimaju u obzir u pravljenju strategije borbe protiv siromaštva, ali bi
ih trebalo uzeti u obzir u strategiji politickog nastupa. Objektivni
pokazatelji ukazuju da ima 10 odsto siromacnih. Pri tom ima mnogo
ugroženih a granica izmedju ove dve kategorije je tanka pa bi ovaj
procenat mogao biti i veci. U svim zemljama u tranziciji osnovni
zadatak je rad na strategiji borbe protiv siromaštva, s tim što u
principu postoje dva puta. Jedan je da se tacno definiše ko ne može bez
pomoci države i da im se onda pomaže, ali uz povratnu informaciju da li
je pomoc otišla u prave ruke. Druga mogucnost zahteva više novca za
ulaganje u privredni razvoj i time se naravno postiže dugorocno bolji
efekat. Koji put ce izabrati naši stratezi još ne znamo.
Sa rastom industrijske proizvodnje se baš ne mozemo pohvaliti. Fizicki
obim industrijske proizvodnje u martu veci je nego u februaru za 7,4
odsto ali je lošiji od prošlogodisnjeg martovskog bilansa. Strani
analiticari imaju obicaj da kažu da koliko radimo-dobro i živimo. Prema
proizvodnji mi zasluzujemo platu manju i od 140 evra. Kada dodju kod
nas i pogledaju pokazatelje proizvodnje zakljuce da je naša ekonomija
mrtva a onda s druge strane, kad izadju na ulicu i vide 5000 kafana u
Beogradu koje su pune tokom celog dana ostaju u najmanju ruku šokirani.
U odnosu na druge evropske gradove, gde su saobracajne gužve u vreme
dolaska i odlaska sa posla, kod nas je gužva uvek. Narod se negde
krece, obavlja neke poslove, snalazi se. Kada je onemogucen rad na
crnom trzistu cigareta i nafte 100000 ljudi koji su se time bavili se
odjednom preselilo u neke druge sektore i niko ne zna gde. U sferi
crnog tržista još radi 700000 ljudi. Mnogo je medju njima onih koji se
bave svim i svacim da bi preziveli jer izgubiti posao kod nas ne znaci
i brzo naci drugi.
Srednji sloj, koji su cinili polticki uticajni intelektualci, nestao je
devedestih godina. Cinilo ga je 15 do 20 odsto stanovnistva. Sada se
takodje oformio srednji sloj u istom procentu ali to više nisu
intelektualci. U Srbiji ima 60 do 80 hiljada registrovanih preduzeca i
200000 zanatskih radnji a oni koji žive od njihovog privredjivanja sada
cine srednji sloj.
Osecamo se siromašni i zato što pored sebe gledamo one koji su se
obogatili, u najmanju ruku, na cudne nacine. Zato bi borba sa
privrednim kriminalom znacila bar u psihološkom smislu, da ne gledaš
lopova pored sebe. Dugorocno, znacilo bi to i povratak investiranja u
Srbiju. Medjutim ne treba se zavaravati da ce borba biti laka. Manje
opasna možda, ali jednostavna ni malo. Oni koji su najviše zaradili
imali su i finansijske mogucnosti da plate najbolje knjigovodje tako da
prema njihovim poslovnim knjigama sve može izgledati po zakonu.
Nedostaju nam i instrumenti borbe. Poreski broj smo skoro uveli,
fiskalne kase tek pocinju da se primenjuju a još nemamo porez na dodanu
vrednost. Ocekivanja u narodu su vec porasla zbog obecanja politicara,
ali ne treba se mnogo nadati. Pomak u borbi sa privrednim kriminalom bi
medjutim bio važan, kao što rekosmo ako ni zbog cega drugog onda zbog
psiholoških razloga.


Mlekare u poslednje vreme ne otkupljuju mleko jedan ili dva dana u
nedelji. Takodje prave selekciju i otkupljuju ga uglavnom od velikih,
takozvanih robnih proizvodjaca. Bilo bi lako slegnuti ramenima uz
komentar da su to cudi trzišta, odnosno ponude i potražnje. Da li su
jedino mali proizvodjaci zabrinuti zato što im mleko nije otkupljeno
ili i sve ostale treba da brine što ce posledica verovatno biti manje
krava muzara. Sada ih umesto milion, koliko ih je donedavno bilo, ima
oko 700000. Uobicajeno je da se višak mleka javlja leti pa zato i
pitanje zašto je ove godine višak "poranio". U magacinima ima 680 tona
mleka u prahu, 670 tona maslaca i oko 435 tona sireva. Kako proizvodnja
nije povecana, utisak je da je višak nastao zbog preteranog uvoza.
Prošlogodisnji uvoz mleka i mlecnih preradjevina bio je u vrednosti od
desetak miliona dolara a u prva dva meseca ove godine vrednost uvoza je
milion dolara. Dobra vest je da je iz ministarstva poljoprivrede i
trgovine stigao predlog da se povecaju uvozne takse za mleko i mlecne
proizvode od 20 do 100 odsto. U ministarstvu trgovine kažu da ce se o
tome odlucivati ovih dana. Višak mleka za sad robne rezerve nece
otkupljivati pa bi rešenje bilo povecana potrošnja, ili izvoz. Naša
komisija obišla je mlekare i utvrdila da su najbliži zahtevima Evropske
Unije, Imlek i Suboticka mlekara. Predlozi se šalju, pa onda dolazi
komisija Evropske Unije i to može biti za nedelju ali i za godinu dana.
Do tad naša trzišta su Hrvatska, Bosna i Hercegovina i Makedonija.
Povecanje potrošnje na domacem trzištu kažu proizvodjaci ne moze se
ocekivati dok god je kilogram svinjskog buta jeftiniji od kilograma
sira. Zato je potrebno da se ukine porez na promet tvrdih sireva.


U Beogradu su do nedavno bile dva velika trgovinska lanca sa
prehrambenom robom C market i Pekabeta. Sad je jedan od tih lanaca
kupio vlasnik Delte, a pri tom je i direktoru drugog lanca predložio da
se udruže u jedan nacionalni lanac. Kako nije naišao na razumevanje
druge strane, kupovao je lokacije i otvarao prodavnice uz vec
razradjene prodavnice konkurencije.Vodi se bitka u kojoj se novinari
pitaju kako ce nastupiti država kada bude prodavala svoje akcije u C
marketu. Ako vlasnik Delte kupi i deonice C marketa doci ce do
monopolizacije trgovine i do smanjenja kokurencije što nikako nije
dobro.Taman smo kao potrošaci poceli da osecamo blagodeti konkurencije
i sad bi to moglo biti uskraceno. No, o tome cemo opširnije pisati
nekom drugom prilikom.

=== 9 ===

Mirela Belosevic: Kako zivimo


Beograd, 12. april 2003. godine

Poslovna klima u nasoj zemlji je u februaru i pocetkom marta ove godine
bila nesto povoljnija u odnosu na prethodni period, ali jos nije
povoljna za inteziviranje privrednih aktivnosti, ocenjeno je u
Institutu za trzisna istrazivanja. U narednom periodu poboljsanju
uslova za privredjivanje u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori doprinece prijem u Savet
Evrope, borba protiv organizovanog kriminala i znacajan pomak u procesu
privatizacije, rekao je direktor IZIT-a Jova Todorovic.
Poboljsanju poslovne klime u februaru i pocetkom marta doprinelo je
blago povecanje industrijske proizvodnje, porast neto zarada,
poboljsanje priliva domacih i stranih porudzbina, jacanje ugovaranja
gradjevinskih poslova, smanjenje spoljnotrgovinskog deficita. Medjutim,
istovremeno je doslo do povecanja broja nezaposlenih. Broj lica koja
traze zaposlenje za 1,6 odsto je veci nego u januaru a 17,9 odsto veci
nego u februaru prosle godine, dok 17 odsto radnika, kojima je
obracunata neto zarada, nisu primili plate. U februaru je zabelezeno
poboljsanje kupovne moci. Prosecna neto zarada u februaru je iznosila
10.367 dinara ili 167 evra, pa su zaposleni imali 16,6 odsto vecu
kupovnu moc nego prosle godine. Prosecna penzija je u februaru iznosila
7.243 dinara ili 117 evra, ali je realna kupovna moc penzionera bila
0,5 odsto manja nego u januaru ove godine i 0,4 odsto manja nego u
februaru prosle godine.
Analiza Ekonomskog instituta pokazuje, na osnovu ankete u 350
privrednih preduzeca da je prisutan optimizam, ali je to obicno tako
posle januarskog pada proizvodnje. Anketa je radjena pre ubistva
premijera i pokazuje da je rasla iskoriscenost kapaciteta a zalihe bile
optimalne za normalnu proizvodnju. Najveca ogranicenja bila su:
nedostatak sirovina, slaba traznja i manjak kredita. Makroekonomsku
sliku pored vec navedenog u Institutu za trzisna istrazivanja, cinila
je stabilnost cena i monetarna restrikcija.
Cene na malo u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori su u martu u odnosu na februar
povecane za 0,4 odsto, dok su troskovi zivota porasli za 0,3 odsto.
Ukoliko ne dodje do poskupljenja nafte i naftinih derivata kretanje
maloprodajnih cena ukazuje da ce godisnja inflacija biti ispod deset
odsto, zakljucili su u Saveznom zavodu za statistiku.
U prvom tromesecju ove godine vrednost dinara je, prema evru, opala za
2,6 odsto, kazu u Institutu ekonomskih nauka. Ukoliko bi se zadrzao taj
tempo na kraju godine dinar bi depresirao 10 odsto, a rast cena bi bio
veci od planiranog ekomskom poltikom, predvidjaju analiticari ovog
instituta. Takvo kretanje bi zadovoljilo izvoznike ali, dugorocno
gledano, time se ne bi obezbedio privredni rast a javili bi se i
problemi otplate spoljnog duga posle 2007. godine.

Ostvaren je dobar rezultat u izvozu gvozdja, celika i secera pa bi to
mogli da budu glavni domaci artikli za izvoz. Kod izvoza secera jedna
afera bi mogla da ugrozi dobre izvozne rezultate. Naime, mi smo prosle
godine izvezli sav visak secera zato sto smo dobili izuzetno povoljne
uslove od Evropske Unije. Pred kraj prosle godine i sada, striglo je
upozorenje iz Evropske Unije da nisu zadovoljni kontrolom izvoza iz
nase zemlje. Pojavila se sumnja da je neka od nasih fabrika prepakivala
uvezen secer od trske i prodavala kao secer od secerne repe, ili je
neka od susednih zemalja dosla do nase ambalaze i iskoristila nase
povoljnosti za izvoz. Osnovana je nasa komisija koja bi trebalo u roku
od mesec dana da utvrdi da li je bilo zloupotrebe a takodje i komisija
Evropske Unije ce se baviti ovim problemom. Ono sto je dobro, ovaj
slucaj inicirao je promenu propisa u toj oblasti i vise nece moci
secerane same sebi da daju potvrdu o kvalitetu secera.

U svim satsitikckim pracenjima zivota obicnih ljudi primecuje se da
ipak najteze spajaju kraj s krajem ljudi sa skolskom decom. Kod nas je,
recimo, obicaj da se kraj srednje, pa i osnovne skole, obelezava tako
sto se u hotelima organizuju maturske veceri. Najjeftinija vecara uz
jedno pice i muziku po osnovcu kosta 535 dinara dok recimo u hotelu
"Hajat" srednjoskolci po osobi moraju da izdvoje od 30 do 35 evra.
Pored toga treba izdvojiti povecu sumu novca za odecu za tu priliku,
frizure i dzeparac.

Pocetkom aprila konzorcijum od 550 zaposlenih kupio je svoje preduzece
po paprenoj ceni. Najvisa cena do sada postignuta na aukcijama,
ostvarena je prilikom aukcije preduzeca "Hidrotehnika
-hidroinzinjering" Beograd. Za ovu graditeljsku firmu koja sada gradi
tri velike brane : kod Valjeva,Vranja i Kursumlije, izlicitirana je
cena od dve milijarde i trista miliona dinara ili oko 38 miliona evra.
Pocetna cena uvecana je 38 puta ali radnici nisu odustali zeleci da
sacuvaju preduzece koje su razvijali vise od pet decenija.
Skupstina akcionara Beogradske industrije piva donela je odluku da
ponudi drzavi da se dug od milijardu i cetirstotine miliona dinara
pretvori u akcije drzave. Ako bi vlada to prihvatila, drzava bi postala
vecinski vlasnik, mogla bi da trazi strateskog partnera i obezbedi
socijalni program. U Srbiji i Crnoj Gori radi 15 pivara sto je previse
za ovako malo trziste, pogotovo sto ima mnogo i uvoznog piva. Zbog
sankcija BIP ima zastarelu tehnologiju. Prosle godine ulozili su sedam
miliona evra u razvoj ali im je potrebno jos 15, pa tako ne postoji
drugi nacin za saniranje njihovih dugova drzavi, osim naravno da odu u
stecaj. Potencijalni investitori zadovoljni su njihovom lokacijom blizu
poslovnog centra Beograda ali otezavajuca okolnost je sto BIP ima vise
programa na razlicitim lokacijama: za proizvodnju slada, vode, sokova
pa im nece probleme resiti samo jedan kupac.

U toku je uskladjivanje carinskih propisa Srbije i Crne Gore. Jedan od
ciljeva harmonizacije je sprecavanje sive ekonomije. Do sada se
desavalo da se proizvodi uvoze preko Crne Gore gde je niska carinska
tarifa a prodaju u Srbiji sa visom carinskom terifom i tako stice
zarada u domenu sive ekonomije. Najvaznije za nase fabrike je da se
smanji do 5 odsto carinska stopa za repromaterijal. Uskladjivanje
obavljaju eksperti u okviru odredjenih grupacija. Tako je za tekstil to
vec obavljeno a sada se harmonizuju carinske stope za hemiju: lekove,
kozmetiku, djubrivo. Uskladjivanje ne ide bas lako, jer je 95 odsto
industrijske proizvodnje u Srbiji, zato Crnogorci imaju mnogo manje
razloga da visokim carinskim stopama stite svoje finalne proizvode.

Prvi put je delegacija drzavne zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore i
delegacija iz dve clanice zajednice, otisla na sastanak Svetske banke i
Medjunarodnog monetarnog fonda . U toku su pregovori o kreditima za
podrsku privatizacije nasih preduzeca i reformu finansijskog i
bankarskog sektora. Rec je o novih 80 miliona dolara kredita u okviru
ranije odobrene sume od 540 miliona dolara na period od tri godine.
Ocekuje se da bord direktora do kraja maja ili pocetkom juna usvoji
kredit. To bi bio snazan signal podrske i verovatno bi zastoj u prilivu
stranih investicija, koji se ocekivao posle ubistva premijera, bio

Ispitivanja javnosti pokazala su veliku podrsku borbi protiv
kriminala.Ono sto obican narod ocekuje jeste i borba protiv privrednog
kriminala. Neslaganja i optuzivanja kao sto je izjava premijera da
Narodna banka Srbije ne postoji dok se ne donese zakon, uznemiravaju ne
samo obicne ljude vec verovatno i strane investitore. Napetost na
liniji Vlada-Narodna banka Srbije pocela je da popusta nakon razgovora
premijera i guvernera Centralne banke. Iako nije bilo zvanicnog
saopstenja , niti komentara Zivkovica i Dinkica, javnost je saznala da
je dogovorena dalja saradnja Vlade i Narodne banke Srbije. Da li
politicari znaju koliko narod prizeljkuje da stranacki interesi ostanu
po strani, dok je zemlja u ovako teskoj situaciji kao sto je nasa?

=== 10 ===

Prof. dr Mihajlo Marković:
Strategija razvoja u otežanim uslovima

Izlaganje Prof. dr MIHAILA MARKOVIĆA, akademika, člana SANU na okruglom
stlu na temu "Strategija razvoja u otežanim uslovima"
Beograd, 15. aprila 2003. godine

Ja bi se ograničio na temu o ciljevima društvenog razvoja. Pošto svaka
strategija podrazumeva odredjenu koncepciju o ciljevima. Pokušao bih da
pokažem kako se do jedne objektivne i široko prihvaćene koncepcije
ciljeva može doći na osnovu analize nekih medjunarodnih dokumenata, a
onda bih pokazao da je naša sadašnja situacija u potpunoj
protivrečnosti sa svim tim pretpostavkama koje su izložene u
medjunarodnim dokumentima i prema tome mi u ovom času teško možemo
govoriti o strategiji ovog našeg sadašnjeg društva. Možemo govoriti o
teorijskim pitanjima, možemo isto tako govoriti i o strateškim
pitanjima s obzirom na neke pretpostavke koje realno ne postoje kod
nas, ali praktično svaki taj naš razgovor, svaki naš pokušaj ukazivanja
na neku moguću strategiju ovog sadašnjeg društva, pre nego {šo dodje do
nekih bitnih promena, jednostavno nije moguć.

Pre svega bih istakao da strateško mišljenje ne može da se zasniva na
ekstrapolacijama nekih postojećih tendencija i kretanja. Prosto,
automatsko, stihijno, produžavanje nekih datih trendova neumno je i
nedostojno slobodnog mislećeg bića. Ono pogotovo ne dolazi u obzir onda
kada u društvenim procesima ima mnogo regresivnih tendencija. Takvo
projektovanje bi samo učvrstilo kretanje od zla na još gore. Prema
tome, svaka strategija podrazumeva neki vrednosni izbor, drugim rečima,
neku koncepciju o ciljevima društvenog razvoja. Ti ciljevi mogu biti
subjektivni pristrasni, mogu izražavati egoističke interese pojedinaca,
ili posebnih društvenih grupa. Takvi će biti ugradjeni u strategiji
pojedinih vlastodržaca, posebnih društvenih grupa i političkih partija.
Svaka od tih strategija će biti različita i neprihvatljiva za pojedince
iz društvenih grupa koje imaju različite interese. Problem je kako doći
do koncepcije ciljeva koji bi bili objektivni i po mogućstvu
opšte-ljudski? Teorijski gledano, izbor bi mogao biti u formulisanju
nekih etičkih principa, koji po definiciji treba da imaju univerzalno
ljudski karakter. Pošto je etičko ono što je već po pretpostavci
univerzalno ljudsko.

Filozofija treba da bude u stanju da formuliše takve principe, ali
filozofija ima raznih. Svaka posebna filozofska škola, svaki pravac
imaće svoju teoriju etike i bar za nijansu različite formulacije tih
etičkih principa. Naravno, da bi medjusobno te razne škole i pravci
mogli da imaju dijalog i putem tog dijaloga doći do istine o onim
etičkim principima koji su zaista objektivni i univerzalni. To je tako
- teorijski gledano. Praktički gledano, moglo bi se poći od dijaloga
koji su već obavljeni i od saglasnosti koja je već postignuta u
načelima koja treba da regulišu društveni život. S te strane je
dragoceno postojanje Povelje o ljudskim pravima organizacije UN iz
1948. godine, dve konvencije o ljudskim pravima iz 1966. g., od kojih
je jedna politička a druga socijalnoekonomska. Tu je obavljen veoma
ozbiljan dijalog medju stranama različitih ideologija, različitih
političkih shvatanja koji su došli do saglasnosti oko osnovnih ljudskih
prava, ljudskih potreba.

Naravno, koncepcija ljudskih prava nosi u sebi univerzalne ljudske
vrednosti iz kojih slede etički principi, a samim tim objektivni
sveopšti ciljevi društvenog razvoja.

Već u preambuli Povelje, kaže se da je najviša težnja svakog čoveka -
stvaranje sveta u kome će ljudsko biće uživati slobodu govora i
uverenja kao i slobodu od straha i nestašice. U prvom članu Povelje
kaže se da se sva ljudska bića radjaju slobodna, jednaka u dostojanstvu
i pravima. Član drugi utvrdjuje da ne sme biti nikakve diskriminacije u
pogledu rase, boje kože, pola, jezika, religije, političkog ili drugog
mišljenja, nacionalnog ili drugog porekla, rodjenja itd. Zatim se u
članovima 9, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27 precizira o kojim vrstama
slobode je reč. Garantuje se sloboda kretanja, stanovanja, sloboda
mišljenja i izražavanja, sloboda mirnog zbora i udruživanja, sloboda
učestvovanja u upravljanju svojom zemljom. Garantuje se, zatim, sloboda
biranja svojih predstavnika, sloboda izbora zaposlenja, pravo na rad,
sloboda učešća u kulturnom životu zajednice, sloboda razvoja svoje
ličnosti. U svim ovim članovima Povelje, prisutna je sloboda kao
temeljna ljudska vrednost i kao etički princip, i to sloboda u daleko
širem smislu nego što je usko liberalistički shvaćena politička
sloboda, predstavnička demokratija kao društveni cilj. Reč je i o
ekonomskoj slobodi. Garantuje se pravo na rad, pravo na izbor
zanimanja, na posedovanje imovine, učešće u upravljanju. Tu je reč i o
kulturnoj slobodi, slobodi uverenja, slobodi saopštavanja svojih ideja,
pravu na školovanje, pravu na slobodno učestvovanje u kulturnom životu
zajednice. U osnovi svih tih sloboda nalazi se svestrana emancipacija

Prema tome, u ovako bogatom, višedimenzionalnom smislu termina sloboda,
temeljni cilj društvenog razvoja jeste svestrani, slobodni razvoj
svakog čoveka.

Druga bitna univerzalna vrednost koja prožima celu Povelju je
jednakost, razume se ne u vulgarnom smislu jednakih stomaka ili
jednakih zarada za sve. Član prvi govori o jednakosti u dostojanstvima
i pravima. Ćlan sedmi o jednakosti pred zakonom, o podjednakoj zaštiti
protiv bilo kakve diskriminacije, o jednakom pravu na socijalnu
sigurnost, daleko šire nego jednakost u pravu na rad.. Garantuju se
pravični i povoljni uslovi rada i pravo na jednaku platu za jednak rad,
pravo na osiguranje u slučaju nesposobnosti, bolesti ili
onesposobljenja. Dalje, pravo na pravičnu nagradu koja radniku i
njegovoj porodici obezbedjuje egzistenciju koja odgovara ljudskom
dostojanstvu. Najzad, potvrdjuje se pravo na socijalnu zaštitu.

Prema tome, druga osnovna vrednost i univerzalni etnički princip jeste
jednakost koja ne treba da bude shvaćena kao apsolutno identifikovanje
nesumnjivo različitih pojedinaca, već kao jednakost pred zakonom i
jednakost nekih bitnih preduslova života, već prema dostignutom stepenu
razvoja zajednice.

Prema tome, ciljevi društvenog razvoja moraju biti i društvena pravda,
solidarnost, socijalna sigurnost, odnosno obezbedjenje nekog minimalnog
nivoa zadovoljavanja materijalnih i kulturnih potreba svih članova
zajednice, što naravno, ne negira mogućnost da neki posebno sposobni,
posebno kreativni pojedinci mogu da se uzdignu iznad tog nivoa.

U odnosu na ove temeljne vrednosti, nalaze se instrumentalne vrednosti,
posebno ekonomske, političke, kulturne. U tom smislu su recimo
ekonomski ciljevi: zadovoljavajući privredni rast, porast životnog
standarda, efikasna organizacija proizvodnje, pravična raspodela
proizvoda, puna zaposlenost, zaštita prirodne sredine, smanjenje dužine
radnog vremena. U Povelji o ljudskim pravima izričito piše da se mora
ograničavati dužina radnog vremena, a po meri povećanja produktivnosti
rada i smanjivati. Posebni politički ciljevi društvenog razvoja jesu
državna suverenost, vladavina prava, razvoj demokratskih institucija,
ravnopravnost političkih organizacija, podela vlasti, sloboda medija
javne komunikacije. Posebni kulturni ciljevi jesu maksimalno moguća
društvena podrška obrazovanju naučnom i kulturnom stvaralaštvu,
održanje ravnoteže nacionalne tradicije i globalne modernizacije,
svestrano razvijanje kulturnih institucija, ograničenje odliva mozgova
odgovarajućim materijalnim i kulturnim stimullansima itd.

Većina ovih ciljeva društvenog razvoja, nespojiva je sa politikom koja
se u našoj zemlji vodi poslednjih godina, bilo pod pritiskom
spoljašnjih činilaca, ili usled domaćih ideoloških zabluda. Tako pre
svega, nije moguća emancipacija ličnosti i demokratizacija javnog
života, ako, pre svega, postoji monopol moći jedne posebne političke
grupacije što je bila situacija i pre 2000.-te godine, a još gore, još
drastičnije, u poslednje vreme.

Drugo, ne postoji mogućnost neke demokratizacije ako se ne poštuje
izborna volja gradjana, bilo kradjom izbora ili ovim što se u poslednje
vreme dogadja; nasilnim oduzimanjem mandata jednim političkim partijama
i davanjem tih mandata drugim. Zatim, nemoguća je neka dalja
demokratizacija ako izvršna vlast dominira nad zakonodavnom i sudskom,
umesto da se one zadrže u neophodnoj ravnoteži u podeli vlasti. Zatim
nemoguća je dalja demokratizacija ako bilo koja organizacija ima
monopol na masovne medije. Isto tako, ako se na čelu mnogih preduzeća i
ustanova nalaze nekompetentni ljudi, postavljeni spoljnim, političkim
pritiskom (preko tzv. kriznih štabova), ili ako se tzv. "lustracijom"
(koja se ne samo sprema, već i sprovodi i koja je slična nekadašnjim
merilima moralno političke podobnosti) uklanjaju iz javnog života
pripadnici protivničkih političkih grupacija.

Nemoguće je kretati se ka nekoj demokratiji, ako se promenom krivičnih
zakona daju prevelika ovlašćenja policiji i tužilaštvu, tako se
politički produžava vanredno stanje i onda kada ono bude formalno
ukinuto i na taj način borba protiv organizovanog kriminala se pretvara
u obračun s političkom opozicijom.

S druge strane, u strategiju društvenog razvoja sadašnje vlasti,
sadašnjeg našeg društva, ne može biti ugradjen ni drugi temeljni cilj,
ostvarenje društvene pravde, solidarnosti i socijalne sigurnosti, jer
svi procesi idu u suprotnom pravcu. Prvo drastično se povećavaju
socijalne razlike, jer rastu razlike u prihodima pojedinaca i pojedinih
grupa gradjana. Rasprodajom društvene imovine ekspropišu se radnici
koji su je svojim radom stvorili dok se na drugoj strani stvara sloj
krupnih profitera, po modelu ranog kapitalizma 19 veka. Povećava se
nezaposlenost uz nedovoljne mere socijalne zaštite. Zatim, kao u
kapitalizmu od pre jednog veka, vlada ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost
za proizvodnju i za njen stabilni rast. To, navodno, uopšte nije njen
posao. Privreda je u alarmantnoj stagnaciji, a nema uopšte vidljivih
napora da se ta stagnacija prevazidje.

Zatim, raste jaz izmedju uvoza i izvoza, zemlja se sve više zadužuje,
iako je imala vrlo loše iskustva sa preteranim stranim kreditima. Ranih
80-tih godina je po izjavi tadašnjeg predsednika Savezne vlade Mikulića
zemlja uzela 22 milijarde dolara kredita, platila za kamate 30
milijardi i ostalo joj je duga 20 milijardi. Za 30 milijardi kamata je
smanjila dug za dve milijarde.

I što je najtragičnije, zemlja je izgubila veliki deo državnog
suvereniteta i ne postoji mogućnost da se povede bilo kakva samostalna
razvojna politika koja bi pokušala da demobiliše sopstvene snage za
izlaz iz ogromnih rastućih teškoća.

Naše društvo svojim zakonima i svojom praksom protivreči osnovnim
principima koji su uloženi u Povelju o qudskim pravima Organizacije UN.
U takvoj situaciji može se raspravljati o teoriji razvoja, može se
praviti strategija razvoja o pretpostavkama koje realno kod nas sada ne
postoje, ali je iluzorno razgovarati o strategiji razvoja društva
onakvog kakvo postoji u Srbiji, aprila 2003. godine.

=== 11 ===

Mirela Beloševic: SIVO TRŽIŠTE


Beograd, 5. april 2003. godine

U Srbiji 800 000 ljudi "jedva sastavlja kraj s krajem cesto na racun
neredovne ishrane" izjavila ja Gordana Matkovic srpski ministar za
socijalna pitanja na konferenciji "Politika smanjenja siromaštva" koji
je u Centru "Sava" organizovao Centar za liberalno-demokratske studije.
Ako bi se granica u odredjivanju siromaštva pomerila za 10 odsto
naviše, sa sadšnjih 4.500 dinara mesecno po odraslom clanu domacinstva
taj broj bi porastao na milion i 600 000 gradjana. Socijalnu pomoc na
osnovu zakona prima 35 000 porodica, a 15 000 porodica dobija pomoc
koja je obezbedjena donacijama i sama ministarka je ocenila da je to
"veoma mali broj ljudi". Deciji dodatak prima 500 000 dece odnosno
svako trece dete u Srbiji. Deset odsto gradjana je ekstremno siromašno.
Narodne kuhinje funkcionisace do 31 marta na osnovu pomoci
medjunarodnog crvenog krsta a onda cemo morati da se oslonimo na
sopstvene snage, što znaci da ce morati da se ukljuce lokalni donatori.
Ministarka je ocenila da je u sistemu socijalne zaštite loše što je taj
sistem koncipiran tako da se pomoc vezuje za prosek zarada u opštinama,
pa je zbog toga u siromašnim opštinama socijalna pomoc manja nego u
onim bogatijim. Od 2000 - te godine smanjeni su zaostaci u socijalnim
davanjima. Ministarka je najavila je da ce se usvajanjem strategije za
borbu protiv siromaštva rešiti nepovezanost izmedju delova sistema za
socijalnu zaštitu.Boško Mijatovic iz Centra za liberalno-demokratske
studije predložio je da se socijalna pomoc i deciji dodatak objedine u
"porodicni dodatak". Po njegovim recima država bi ubuduce trebalo da
pomaže samo one koji nisu u stanju da se brinu o sebi. Boris Begovic,
potpredsednik Centra za liberalno-demokratske studije je rekao da bi
zakonima trebalo smanjiti socijalne zahteve investitorima , jer takvi
zahtevi usporavaju proces privatizacije.
Na sve ove brojeve i konstatcije treba dodati da 30 odsto ljudi u
Srbiji živi iskljucivo od sivog tržišta.
Prema recima Tomislava Milenkovica iz Instituta za tržišna
istraživanja, u Srbiji 60 odsto zaposlenih prima plate manje od
republickog proseka (za januar 9.468 dinara). Taj sloj ne može da
podmiri potrebe ni egzistencijalnog minumuma cetvoroclanog domacinstva
koji je u januaru bio 13 000 dinara. Ako se ima u vidu da više ljudi
ostaje bez posla, pa u porodici više nisu zaposlena 2 vec samo jedan
clan, jasno je da je više onih koji pokušavaju da se snadju na sivom
tržištu. U januaru je bilo nezaposleno 923 000 lica dok od ukupnog
broja zaposlenih u Srbiji, plate nije primilo oko 262 000 ljudi (25
odsto zaposlenih). Ukoliko se zbroje svi koji žive bez prihoda, iz samo
dve pomenute kategorije, dolazi se do podtaka da je oko 1,2 miliona
ljudi upuceno na bilo kakav rad da bi opstali. Ko danas dobro živi, bez
materijalnih trzavica? Ratnih profitera nema u statistici ali zato
statistika kaže da 9,8 odsto od ukupnog broja zaposlenih ima zarade
koje premašuju 17.795 dinara, 24,4 odsto ima primanja od 11 800 do 17
800 i kad se to sabere jedna trecina stanovništva ne kuburi sa
podmirivanjem troškova. 10 odsto živi u teškom siromaštvu i potrebna im
je pomoc države. Pokazalo se da je ispravljanje cenovnih dispariteta
ipak bilo udar na standard. Skica za sliku tranzicionog pregrupisavanja
našeg društva: bogati ne pitaju koliko šta košta, porodice sa školskom
decom se dovijaju da prežive a penzioneri uredno placaju racune, kupuju
hleb i mleko.
Analiza ekonomskog instituta koja je radjena na osnovu ankete u 350
preduzeca, pre ubistva premijera, pokazuje optimizam privrednika a na
osnovu toga sto raste iskorišcenost kapaciteta i ima zaliha za
optimalno poslovanje. Kao najveci ogranicavajuci faktor privrednici su
naveli nedostatak sirovina, slabu tražnju i manjak kredita.
Makroekonomski sistem prema dr Neobojši Savicu karakterišu stabilne
cene, rast industrijske proizvodnje, monetarna restrikcija i rast plata.
Prema najnovijim podacima Ministarstva za trgovinu i turizam u Vladi
Srbije za pokrice minimalne potrošacke korpe u februaru trebalo je
izdvojiti 10.531 dinara, ili 1,02 prosecne zarade, a za prosecnu,
takozvanu proširenu korpu 17.010 dinara, odnosno 1,64 srpskih plata. U
poredjenju sa prethodnim mesecom, obe korpe ukazuju na neznatan porast
kupovne moci stanovništva, i to kod minimlne za 0,08 odsto ili 88
dinara, a prosecne za 0,15 odsto. Prosecna zarada zaposlenih u februaru
u Srbiji iznosila je 10.367 dinara i veca je za 9,5 odsto u odnosu na
januar, medjutim još je niža u odnosu na decembar prošle godine za 10,3
odsto. U prošlom mesecu povecan je broj isplacenih radnika u odnosu na
januar za 34 hiljade, a smanjen broj onih zaposlenih koji nisu primili
platu što se pozitivno odrazilo na standard. Oko 13,6 odsto radnika
primilo je polovinu prosecne zarade, 41,5 njih je dobilo izmedju 50 i
100 odsto plate, 33 odsto je dobilo do 150 procenata zarade a 11,9
odsto i vise od toga. Republicki ministar za trgovinu je na
konferenciji za novinare rekao da ostvarena kupovna moc pokazuje ponovo
povoljan trend, nakon odredjenog pogoršanja zbog januarskog pada
prosecne zarade.
U obe korpe izdaci za komunalije su veci za 67 dinara jer je nedavno
znacajno poskupela voda, otpadne vode i iznošenje smeca.
U minimalnoj korpi 63 odsto izdataka "ide" na hranu i pice, 27,5 odsto
na komunalije, PTT, saobracaj i struju a 9,4 odsto na neprehrambene
Cene na malo posmatrano februar- januar u Srbiji porasle su za 0,6
odsto, koliko iznosi i rast troškova života, pri cemu ukupan rast cena
na malo od pocetka godine je 1,5 odsto, a troškovi života jedan odsto.
Poredjenjem kolicine proizvoda koju su gradjani mogli da kupe za
prosecnu platu februara 2002. i sada pokazuju da su im za recimo
frizider bile potrebne dve prosecne plate a sada 1,5. Kada je u pitanju
hrana, u isto vreme prošle godine za prosecnu platu moglo je da se
pazari 37 kilograma svinjetine a sada 52 kilograma.
Statistika je uporedjivala i zarade u 15 gradova Srbije. Više od
proseka zabeleženo je u Pancevu, Novom Sadu, Beogradu, Subotici, dok su
najslabije zarade registrovane u Uzicu, Smederevu, Valjevu...

=== 12 ===

Mirela Beloševic: AUKCIJE

Beograd, 21. mart 2003. god.

Od prodaje na aukciji u Privrednoj komori Srbije i Crne Gore državna
kasa prihodovace 458,737.000 dinara pod uslovom da svi kupci ispune
svoje obaveze i plate iznose koje su preuzeli. Po pocetnoj ceni prodato
je devet preduzeca. Najvišu cenu dostigao je ''Jugoagent'' iz Beograda
koji je za 151 milion dinara prodat konzorcijumu iz dijaspore, a
pocetna cena je bila 15,8 miliona dinara. Za clanove ovog konzorcijuma
je, kako kažu, narocito povoljna organizacija transporta sada kad je
Dunav otvoren za plovidbu. Za ovu firmu nadmetalo se 6 ucesnika.
Preduzece ima 113 zaposlenih i oko 1.000 kvadratnih metara prostora.
Protest zbog prodaje ovog preduzeca uložili su predstavnici sindikata i
penzionera te firme. Prema njihovim recima , prodajom ove firme nije
priznat kapital ranijih akcionara pošto je ova kompanija postala
akcionarsko društvo 1998. godine. Ova grupa predstavnika sindikata
istce da "Jugoagent" ima mnogo vrednije nekretnine u inostranstvu i
republikama bivše SFRJ.
Preduzece ''Seme'' iz Beograda prodato je za 132,000.000 dinara firmi
Astra simit, koje je u sastavu Kompanije "Braca Karic". U konkurenciji
dva ucesnika pocetna cena od oko 59 miliona dinara uvecana je na 132
miliona dinara. "Seme" zapošljava132 radnika, a u vlasništvu ima
dvadesetak prodavnica u Beogradu, poslovnu zgradu i magacine. Medjutim,
zbog lošag poslovanja radnici nisu primali plate nekoliko meseci.
Vlasnik trgovinskog preduzeca ''Perper'', Slobodan Jankovic proširio je
svoje kapacitete kupovinom "Rul-a" iz Leskovca za 22,733.000 dinara.
"Rul" proizvodi lustere, punjace za akumulatore i drugo, zapošljava 330
radnika, ali ima gubitke od 4o miliona dinara. Prema recima novog
vlasnika ocekuju ih novi poslovi i saradnja sa poznatom firmom "Ikea".
"Sokogradnja" iz Sokobanje prodata je za 4,000.000 dinara dvoclanom
konzorcijumu iz unutrašnjosti dok je" Ineks-trešnjica" iz Požege , koja
u svom sastavu ima jedan hotel i dva restorana prodata za 7,665.000
dinara. Prodat je "Adriakop" iz Šapca,"Gaj" iz Panceva, preduzece koje
se bavi proizvodnjom madraca za 5,100.000. Firma" Prvi maj" iz Raške
koja se bavi prozvodnjom hleba i peciva dostigla je cenu 11,200.000
dinara a "Metalac" iz Beograd 16,600.000. Trgovinsko preduzece
"Elektronabava" iz Beograda prodato je za obveznice devizne štednje u
iznosu od 954.000 dinara-pocetna cena od 50.000 dinara uvecana je 128
puta. Restorani iz Vršca prodati su za 23,361.000 dinara firmi "Mladost
turist" za obveznice stare devizne štednje. Restorani su pripadali
preduzecu "Srbija" a za njih je bila zainteresovana samo direktorka
marketinga hotela "Mladost turist" koja je predstavljala konzorcijum od
oko stotinu radnika koji su se udružili i kupili hotel sa 80 soba,
cetiri restorana a sve ukupno na oko 10.000 kvadrata , sa 85
Najinteresantniji primer u ovoj, a moglo bi se reci i u svim dosadšnjim
prodajama, je slucaj Rodoljuba Cojica koji je kupio "Moravateks" iz
Žitkovca, a zajedno sa fabrikom za proizvodnju rublja za domacinstvo
dobio i nalazište mineralne vode. "Moravateks" je sagradjen na parceli
ispod koje je izvorište mineralne vode. Zbog toga je bio spreman da
fabriku plati mnogo više od procenjene vrednosti od 2,1 milion dinara,
ali je kao jedini kupac prihvatio pocetnu cenu. Prema recima novog
vlasnika, on ima svoju firmu koja se od 1983.godine bavi geološkim
istraživanjima, te je tako i otkrio ispod "Moravateksa" veliko
nalazište mineralne vode i to sa malim procentom minerala, što znaci da
ce moci da je piju i bebe. U avgustu 2002. godine od Ministarstva za
rudarstvo i energetiku dobio je dozvolu za eksploataciju. Logicno je
onda upitati se šta ce biti sa 47 radnika do sad zaposlenih u
"Moravateksu"? Novi vlasnik obecava da nece rušiti fabriku, bar ne u
naredne dve godine,na koliko je i zakonom obavezan, a toliko mu je
vreme i potrebno da bi postavio uredjaje za eksploataciju mineralne
vode. Za jedanaest preduzeca medju kojima je i Radio B 92 aukcija je
odložena. Nova aukcija zakazana je za 7.april, a po prvi put je ucešce
potencijalnih kupaca na aukciji uslovljeno time da se na licitaciji
mogu prijaviti samo pravna i fizicka lica iz iste branše.
Pre izvesnog vremena bila je neuspela prodaja preduzeca "Dragan
Markovic" iz Obrenovca. Niko nije bio zainteresovan a sama farma nema
mogucnosti da životinjama obezbedi hranu. Životinje su izgladnele,
krave daju samo deset litara mleka. Srecni su kada obezbede životinjama
hranu za taj dan i to po sistemu iz srednjeg veka, razmenjuju životinje
za hranu. Inace cena svinjskog mesa je opala i ocekuje se da Robne
rezerve otkupe izvesnu kolicinu mesa. Medjutim dok se obavi
administrativna procedura otkup ce biti prilicno zakasnela mera.
Nedavno je i fabrika smrznute hrane i sladoleda "Frikom" prodata
hrvatskom koncernu "Agrokoru" koji je raspisao oglas za sva direktorska
mesta i šefove prodajnih mesta. Domaci menadžeri na to nisu navikli.
Prema recima sadašnjeg direktora novi vlasnik je formirao novu
skupštinu i Upravni odbor pa želi da proveri da li je moguc izbor nove
menadžerske ekipe. Planiraju da ojacaju prodajnu mrežu zašta ranije
nije bilo para. Bice otvoreni i novi distributivni centri pa ce
povecati i broj zaposlenih. U oglasu za direktorska mesta navodi se da
kandidati "moraju biti skloni neprekidnom ucenju i usavršavanju".
Hrvatski vlasnik želi da proveri da li ce prijavljeni kandidati biti
kvalitetniji od nasledjenih. Kad bude izabran direktor , on ce birati
svoj tim. Po "Agrokorovoj" koncepciji menadžerski tim ce ciniti šest a
ne kao do sada pet direktora. Ovi poslovi bi najverovatnije trebalo da
budu gotovi do pocetka sezone. Sa "Agrokorom" je dogovoreno da naš
sladoled, pod našom robnom markom ide na hrvatsko tržište, kao i povrce
i lisnata testa, pa ce prvi kontigent robe u kome je povrce krenuti
uskoro u njihove trgovine. Na taj nacin ce se izbeci posrednici jer je
"Agrokor" vec kupovao robu za svoju maloprodajnu mrežu. "Frikom" ce od
ove hrvatske firme kupovati smrznutu ribu. Da potsetimo "Agrokor" je
kupujuci "Frikom" pristao da vrati dug koji potice od pre nekoliko
godina kada je "Frikom" investirao u novu hladnjacu i pozajmio novac od
Kapital banke i Beobanke. U toku su pregovori oko nacina vracanja ovih
Srpski ministar za privredu i privatizaciju Aleksandar Vlahovic
potvrdio je da je vlasnik kanadske firme "Jukan" privremeno odustao od
investiranja u kragujevacku fabriku "Zastava". Za ulaganje u "Zastava
automobile" zainteresovan je i Malkom Briklin, vlasnik americke
kompanije "Njukarko" sa kojim je Vlada Srbije u oktobru prošle godine
potpisala pismo o namerama koje predvidja da konacni ugovor bude
potpisan od marta ove godine. Briklin radi na finalnoj pripremi
zaokruženja finansijske konstrukcije ugovora sa "Zastavom".
Povodom najave da ce americka kompanija "Ju Es Stil" potpisati ugovor
sa koncernom crne metalurgije "Sartidom", Vlahovic je rekao da to
zavisi od okoncanja stecajnog postupka u toj smederevskoj fabrici.

1. Covic: Basic guidelines for resolving the Kosmet crisis

2. RESOLUTION 1244 (1999) adopted by the Security Council at its 4011th
meeting, on 10 June 1999

=== 1 ===

Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 10:49:01 -0300
From: "decani3"
To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

July 24, 2003

ERP KIM Newsletter 24-07-03b(1)


The text is available in MS Word format (87 Kb) at:

Joint Coordinating Center of Serbia-Montenegro and
the Republic of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija

Dr. Neboisa Covic,
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and
President of the Joint Coordinating Center of Serbia-Montenegro
the Republic of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija

Belgrade, July 22, 2003

The Kosmet [Kosovo and Metohija][1] crisis, like all
controversial issues of Serbs, Albanians and other peoples in the
region, represents the basis of the BALKAN CRISIS. Instead of
constantly dwelling on the past we must turn toward the future in the
hope that one day the Balkan peoples will establish ties and become
integrated. It is essential to achieve good and stable relations among
the countries in the region.

It is necessary for us to jointly arrive at European and world
standards, and free ourselves of the misconception that the Balkan
peoples of Europe are second-class peoples and that they are in
constant need of tutors.

The "standards before status" approach presupposes a liberal
democracy, individual rights and freedoms, the rule of law, religious
pluralism, market competitiveness... Europe is offering us membership
in exchange for conquering the past, and it does not want a game for a
political entity surrounded by those whose leaders do not accept that
conquering one's own past is liberating its future freedom. Freedom
from the past and turning toward the future does not mean the
independence of Kosovo and Metohija if we want a sustainably stable
region. The countries in this region need to build a network of mutual
ties in all domains. This approach will reduce the importance and
frustrations regarding borders and thus contribute to the concept of

A positive foundation for the constitutional and legal status of
Kosmet within Serbia in UN Security Council Resolution 1244, whose
implementation must be analogous to similar processes in the
implementation of the Dayton Agreement [Dayton-Paris Peace Accords] in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the Erdut Agreement in Croatia in order to
avoid the trap of "double standards." It is not good that some
international decision makers are interpreting certain documents
however they see fit, and this approach does not contribute to
resolving problems. This is the same logic used by those who hastily
and frequently force the topic of "the final status of Kosovo," using
the following approaches:

''Without the final status of Kosovo there can be no advance in

''Without the final status of Kosovo nationalism and xenophobia
are being fanned in Belgrade";

''Without the final status of Kosovo Belgrade will have problems
with respect to its own priorities: reconstruction, the economy, and
gradual integration into the international community"; and

''Serbia cannot become a fully democratic country until the
status of its southern province is resolved."

in the attempt to realize some partial geopolitical interest,
contrary to the process of consistent implementation of UNSC Res. 1244.
Occasionally the topic of "final status" is artfully substituted with
talk about "standards" more concerned with prejudicing status that with
standards themselves. The criteria of enclaves and ghettoes must yield
before global and European standards of normal life. Lack of success in
respecting the "standards before status" approach would be lack of
success in the implementation of UNSC Res. 1244, and therefore a
failure on the part of the international community. It is manifestly
clear that without the return of internally displaced persons and
refugees there can be no multiethnic life and therefore no progress in

Not only is the number of returnees insignificant but the number
of desperate people who will not, dare not and cannot return to the
territory of Kosovo and Metohija has grown immensely. If the
international community continues to content itself with political
rhetoric about rights and the necessity of Serb returns to Kosmet
without the same kind of energetic measures undertaken in Bosnia to
force the conflicting sides to enable returns to displaced people and
refugees, if territories where they once lived are not provided for the
Serbs with appropriate social and political institutions, if something
does not change radically by the end of the year in the position of the
international community and UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, then only a
few desperate people will return to Kosmet. To date their number does
not exceed two percent of the displaced population.

In many areas in Kosmet the situation is more difficult for the
Serbs and other non-Albanians than it was at the end of the twentieth
century despite the efforts of the international community and the
proclaimed declarations of Albanian leaders. We must understand that
something is very wrong in Kosmet and that a prolific future demands
political initiative. If the domestic and international public, as well
as the majority of Kosmet Albanians do not begin to understand the
necessity of holding Albanian leaders to their word, political
responsibility will remain a completely foreign concept, and the great
majority of displaced persons will not return to their homes.

Albanian political leaders must demonstrate the readiness to risk
their lives by speaking the truth and thus toppling the idols of their
destructive nationalism. This is the only way we can avoid "having the
future turn its back on us because we failed to conquer our past."

Issues relating to the prosperity of the citizens and peoples of
the Balkans cannot be resolved solely by insisting on historical and
national categories but also on cooperation and integration, equality
and multiethnicity. The principles of national self-determination are
the principles of a war-time, not a peace-time organization of European
states, and therefore, of Balkan states, too. All those who insist only
on these principles in Kosmet are losers from the start - Serbs guided
by the principle of historic origin and Albanians with the principle of
national self-determination.

In conditions of distinct multiethnicity the principle of
national self-determination is not a democratic but a discriminatory
and war principles. It cannot be implemented for several reasons. If
the right to national self-determination is made possible for the
Albanians as a universal, positive international principle, then it
must be implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. If it is used an
exclusive principle only for the Albanians, it would represent
discrimination toward all other Balkan peoples. The demand that an
ethnically pure state be formed in the Balkans does not differ, in
essence, from the demand that a state be formed exclusively of
ideological or religious like-minded persons.

The Albanians are completely homogenous in their demand for the
independence of Kosovo and Metohija. Albanians in Kosmet are sabotaging
cooperation with UNMIK in accordance with UNSC Res. 1244. It is now
manifestly clear that they are insincere. The status of human rights,
security, and freedom of movement for the Serbian national community
and other non-Albanian communities is exceptionally low.

The former regime used Kosovo and Metohija to draw attention away
from everyday problems and its own failed policies. Among political
organizations in Serbia there is no homogenous position regarding the
sovereignty of Serbia in Kosmet. The fate of Kosovo and Metohija is
viewed with an incredible indifference, among individuals in the ruling
coalition and even in the approach to the principle regarding the
sovereignty of Serbia in Kosmet.

We must find the right balance between our goal and strategy
toward Kosovo and Metohija and the political and other dependence of
Serbia on international decision makers among whom some or openly or
covertly sympathizers and supporters of Albanian separatist goals.

There are attempts to consciously and purposely undermine UNSC
Res. 1244 with regard to the sovereignty of Serbia-Montenegro in Kosovo
and Metohija through the following:

a.. speeding up the solution of the final status of Kosovo
and Metohija;

b.. evident violations of UNSC Res. 1244 by international
decision makers with the constant interpretation of same that
everything is being done according to the Resolution. The problem is
who interprets and arbitrates with regard to the Resolution and its

c.. tempting political and material offers being made toward
Serbia with the goal of convincing her to give up her southern province
in exchange for easier and faster ascension to the EU and NATO.

It is impermissible for a serious and responsible government to
find ourselves in the situation of A EUROPEAN STATE GIVING UP A
SIGNIFICANT PART OF ITS TERRITORY in order to satisfy international
expectations and pressures.

Expectations exist among some international subjects that within
Serbia a consciousness will crystallize regarding acceptance and
shaping of a political and legal framework that would ease and enable a
decision on separating Kosovo and Metohija from Kosovo. The creation of
a loose union between Serbia and Montenegro serves to support such a

There is a danger that the separation of Kosmet from Serbia will
be carried out by a skillful political maneuver used to circumvent the
formal violation of the principle of further unchangeability of borders
and thus satisfy the demand of the Kosmet Albanians for independence
from Serbia.

Kosovo and Metohija are rapidly being furnished with the
necessary state attributes. Parallel to this, attempts exist to prepare
Serbia, its public and Government, to give up on its legitimate and
internationally recognized right to Kosmet. This would be disguised by
the supposed joining of the state of Kosovo to the present sate union
of Serbia and Montenegro. It is assumed that Serbia will be unable to
immediately concur with the independence of Kosovo and Metohija;
however, this could be carried out through appropriate compensation in
the form of quick ascension to Euro-Atlantic organizations and large
investments. The plan is to carry this out in two phases to avoid
destabilization of Daytonian Bosnia and Herzegovina and faltering
Macedonia[2], as well as some other European countries. Momentous
preparations are already in the works for the implementation of this
strategy through the activities of various U.S. and European NGOs,
analytical centers and lobbyist groups openly advocating the
independence of Kosovo and Metohija, that is, the self-determination of
Albanians in that province. Unacceptable are approaches to blackmail
Serbia advocated by certain lobbyists who propose the following very
dangerous theses:

"Discussion regarding practical matters should take place
parallel to the process of decision-making regarding the final status
of the province, with appropriate compensation for Serbia."

"No agreement between Belgrade and the Albanian leaders in Kosovo
should be implemented until the independence of the province is

"The Serbian pain resulting from the loss of Kosovo can be
compensated by practical gains in the economic and social spheres."

"If Serbia wants certain issues to be resolved, she must accept
the independence of Kosovo."

"Finally, the resolution of the status of Kosovo should be the
precondition for the ascension of Serbia to the EU. 'Status before
integration' would be an appropriate motto for the region."

No one from the international community will oppose independence
as the solution for Kosovo and Metohija if Serbia agrees to it.
Serbia's acquiescence to the amputation of Kosmet would end the
international community's (U.S. and EU's) problems in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Macedonia because there would be no further question of
the rewarding of separatism but an agreed upon separation of Kosmet
from Serbia. This represents a great danger for Serbia if state
organizations accept it indifferently.

The entire strategy consists of the following: The Serb public
and official government need to be convinced that it is in Serbia's own
best interest to get rid of the burden of Kosovo and Metohija as soon
as possible in order to join Euro-Atlantic organizations more easily
and quickly.



[1] The official name of the southern Serbia's Province is used
throughout the text. Kosovo and Metohija (pronounced as Kossovo and
Metóchya) is often abbreviated as KOSMET.

[2] Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)


Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:01:37 -0300
From: "decani3"
To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

July 24, 2003

ERP KIM Newsletter 24-07-03b(2)


The text is available in MS Word format (87 Kb) at:

Joint Coordinating Center of Serbia-Montenegro and
the Republic of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija

Belgrade, July 22, 2003


The basic position of the Serbian state and its organizations
should be based on the following guidelines and principles:

(i) Serbia must not give up Kosovo and Metohija at any price and
no politician in Serbia has a right to take this approach. Everything
that is done with Kosmet from now on without the acquiescence of Serbia
would be illegal and represent extortion.

(ii) Firm and clear insistence on UNSC Res. 1244[3]. State
sovereignty has priority over the separatist aspirations of a minority
ethnic community living in it. Not one international document
acknowledges the right to secession of minority ethnic communities. The
break up of the territorial integrity of Serbia must not be permitted.

(iii) The Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation
in Europe in Helsinki guarantees the inviolability of external border
of member countries, except in the case of their concurrence; these
principles were confirmed at an international conference in The Hague,
and the adoption of the findings of the Badinter Arbitration

By voting to accept the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro) as a member, the UN General Assembly ratified the
position of the Badinter Commission with respect to the sovereignty of
Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija, as the province is located within her
AVNOJ[5] borders.

Full respect for the London Agreement of 1913, the Versailles
Peace Treaty of 1919 and the Paris Peace Agreement of 1947 where the
sovereignty of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija is confirmed.

At the same time, it is well to keep in mind situations where the
international community can interpret these documents to suit itself
when the need arises. Hence these documents do not give absolute
protection and support if there is no consensus regarding these issues
in Belgrade.

(iv) The new constitution of Serbia, in addition to the part on
the inviolability of her territory, should include a special provision
prohibiting the renouncement of Kosmet, and this provision should be
confirmed and emphasized for the benefit of all international decision
makers, particularly the UN (Security Council and General Assembly),
the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe, the European Union, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

(v) A clear and categorical position that the ascension of
Serbia-Montenegro to the Council of Europe, the European Union, the
World Trade Organization or Partnership for Peace/NATO is only possible
within the AVNOJ borders of Serbia-Montenegro.

(vi) Constantly insist before international decision makers that
our country is not asking for anything more than what other former
Yugoslav republics and Eastern European countries already have: namely,
guaranteed territorial integrity and external borders, equal treatment
and intact national and state dignity.

(vii) That legal protection be sought from the permanent
International Court of Justice in The Hague with respect to the
privatization of Serbian state-owned property in Kosovo and Metohija.

(viii) Our program for the final status of Kosovo and Metohija is
based on the sovereignty of Serbia in Kosmet and this is
non-negotiable; everything else can be a topic of negotiation and
agreement. Sovereignty and democracy are not opposing values and
represent a sufficient broad and flexible framework within which the
final status of Kosovo and Metohija can be found recognizing the
legitimate interests of both sides.

(ix) Insistence on the broadest autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija,
with international guarantees and supervision, as a framework within
which the Albanian national community can be offered a high level of
independence with respect to its mother state of Serbia. By so doing
Kosovo and Metohija are provided with all the advantages of faster
progress in a broader community, with the goal of integration into
Balkan and Euro-Atlantic organizations.

(x) It is essential to make it easier for the Albanian community
to understand that an independent Kosovo and Metohija is unrealistic
and dangerous as a factor of permanent instability in the region. All
citizens of Kosmet and the region must face the European reality that
does not permit the forcible change of borders. The province of Kosovo
and Metohija may become an entity with more than autonomy but less than
statehood within the framework of Serbia. Within the framework of such
an entity the Serbian community would receive territorial and cultural
autonomy. After the ascension of the state union to the EU, which is
expected in the near future, the psychological crowding upon the
suggested final status of Kosmet would be less apparent. All citizens
would become members of a broad Balkan and European family where
national and state borders no longer have the significance they had in
the past.

(xi) It is essential that Serbia firmly and consistently, without
regard for changes in the government organization, uphold its position
on its sovereignty in Kosmet. No government in Serbia has the right to
renounce the land deeds in the province of Kosovo and Metohija or to
transfer them to others in whole or in part. Renouncing Kosmet would
mean giving up the national and state rights of Serbia, and toying with
the fate of her southern province.

(xii) Serbia must act very responsibly and decisively to prevent
certain international decision makers in supporting the independence of
Kosovo and Metohija. The position of all relevant subjects of Serbia
must be clear: If the international community, or one of its parts,
proclaims the independence of Kosmet without the acquiescence of
Serbia, this will mean forcible extortion of the a part of Serbian
territory outside the norms of international law and the risk that this
forcible precedent may be turned against the international community.

(xiii) Serbia has no alternative to Euro-Atlantic integration;
however, the haste for Serbia-Montenegro's ascension to Euro-Atlantic
organizations must be carried out at the right speed and with a sense
of balance. It must occur that the impression is made that Serbia and
the state union do not care about Kosmet, and that they might consider
some solution less than the sovereignty of Serbia in Kosovo and

(xiv) It is impermissible for any representative of the official
government to issue official or unofficial statements where it is
possible to discern doubt with respect to the maintenance of the
present borders of Serbia, or to allow the possibility of exchanging
Kosovo and Metohija, or even abandoning the entire province if it is
left without a Serbian population.

(xv) Kosovo and Metohija must not be viewed as an obstacle or a
burden to be rid of in order to achieve the ascension of the state
union to the EU and NATO as soon as possible. No active politician on
the Serbian scene today has the right to this approach, regardless of
whether he is part of the government or the opposition.

(xvi) It is necessary to protect the cultural and historic
identity of the Serbian people preserved in Orthodox Christian
monasteries, churches, and cemeteries.[6] Long-term measures are
essential to protect our cultural and historic treasures located in
Kosmet through the following:

a.. Selection and categorization of cultural and religious

b.. Establishment of protective zones around the most important
cultural monuments (patrimonial sites)

c.. Implementation of a model of preservation for cultural and
historic monuments

(xvii) Insistence on the beginning of dialog between Belgrade and
Pristina in the presence of all relevant international decision makers;
upon the arrival of the new Special Representative of the UN Secretary
General [head of UNMIK] this will include respecting the mechanism of
the high task group defined in the joint document signed between
Belgrade and Pristina (November 5, 2001). [7] In addition to UNSC Res.
1244, the Kumanovo Military-Technical Agreement[8] and the
Constitutional Framework[9], there is also an Agreement on Cooperation
between Yugoslavia and UNMIK that is internationally recognized to
which we must adhere.

(xviii) Insistence that the Hague tribunal continue issuing
indictments against war criminals who unquestionably committed
genocidal crimes in Kosmet, including those among the ranks of the
Albanians. Serbia must energetically, through all international forums
and the Hague tribunal, demand the trial of Albanian war criminals
because she has also begun to try her own Serbian war criminals. If the
Hague tribunal does not undertake more significant action with respect
to these issues, it will be a sign that permanent terrorism and
extremist by Albanian extremist groups is free to continue unpunished
in Kosmet.

(xix) It is essential to carry out the operationalization of
standards in such a way that it is exactly known who is responsible for
what, by when it must be implemented and by when a certain level of
standards is to be achieved. It is necessary to establish a mechanism
for following progress in the attainment of a certain level of
standards. It is unacceptable to allow the SRSG himself to assess
whether a result has been achieved or not. For that very reason, the
Contact Group, together with Belgrade and UNMIK, should follow progress
toward achievement of standards on a monthly basis, and submit a
quarterly report regarding same to the UN Security Council and

(xx) There can be no discussion regarding the status of Kosmet
until all provisions of UNSC Res. 1244 are implemented, and full
respect for the Military-Technical Agreement, the Constitutional
Framework and the Agreement on Cooperation between Yugoslavia and UNMIK
are ensured.

We cannot discuss the final status of Kosovo and Metohija until
appropriate standards of multiethnic life are achieved, and this is to
a great extent dependent on the conscience of the citizens and
politicians leading them. What is important to us is constant tracking
of the actual situation and progress so that meeting of certain
criteria is realized by a date when it will be possible to discuss a
date for the beginning of dialog on the status of Kosmet.

It is essential that all subjects understand that it is very
dangerous to force any type of solution for the final status of Kosovo
and Metohija. No matter how absurd it may sound, time the great
protector of us all. Otherwise, we will divide everything and draw new
borders only to find ourselves once again drawn into new dangerous and
bloody conflicts that bring destruction, not integration and progress.

It is time for the Serbs and the Albanians, as well as the
Macedonians and all other peoples in the Balkans, to think a little bit
on their possible future fate on the basis of their experience in the
recent past. The basic experience is that no annexation of territory,
no change of border have resulted in greater economic power or progress
but in destruction, devastation, enormous human and material losses,
and poverty. The accent of our future should be within the framework of
solutions based on the integrative processes of the Western Balkans.
After all UNSC Res. 1244 and the international troops are here
partially due to future integrations and the control of that process.

Otherwise there is a danger that the leaders of the majority
population in Kosmet will not allow a large number of displaced and
expelled persons to return there, to their own land and their own
homes. If that is the case, it will turn out that the prerequisite for
the new Kosovo was the crime of ethnic cleansing. I am convinced that
the international community will not support leaders and residents who
reject the norms of the civilization that waged war for them.

(The text was presented by Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Nebojsa
Covic at the press conference in Belgrade, July 22, 2003)

Translation: S. Lazovic


[3] UNSC Resolution 1244:

[4] Badinter Commission, a group of European jurists set up in
1991 by the European Union to arbitrate disputes and establish criteria
for recognition of independence for the former Yugoslav republics. The
Arbitration Commission became known as the Badinter Commission after
the name of the French lawyer (Robert Badinter) appointed as its
president. Badinter Commission's report [at the time of the collapse of
former Yugoslavia] says that Serbia should remain within its [legal]
boundaries, i.e. including Kosovo and Vojvodina autonomous provinces.

[5] AVNOJ: Antifasisticko Vijece Narodnog Oslobodjenja
Jugoslavije (Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of
Yugoslavia), the government body of Tito's partisans that in 1943
declared formation of the new Yugoslavia and in 1945 determined borders
of the republics within that are now, with exception of Montenegro,
considered international borders. According to this mapping Kosovo and
Metohija Province was an integral part of Republic of Serbia, and not a
separate Republic. Although the Province, according to the 1974
Constitution was allowed to have direct representatives in the Federal
Parliament too, Kosovo nevertheless remained a province of Serbia and
never became a separate Republic.

[6] See UNSC Resolution 1244, Annex 2, 6

[7] So called "Haekkerup-Covic Agreement", signed on November 5,

[8] Military-Technical Agreement:

[9] Constitutional Framework, May 15, 2001:

Footnotes supplied by ERP KIM Info-service


ERP KIM Info-Service is the official Information Service of the
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren and works with the
blessing of His Grace Bishop Artemije.
Our Information Service is distributing news on Kosovo related
issues. The main focus of the Info-Service is the life of the Serbian
Orthodox Church and the Serbian community in the Province of Kosovo and
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Copyright 2003, ERP KIM Info-Service


=== 2 ===

Resolution 1244 (1999)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4011th meeting,
on 10 June 1999

The Security Council,

Bearing in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the
United Nations, and the primary responsibility of the Security Council
for the maintenance of international peace and security,

Recalling its resolutions 1160 (1998) of 31 March 1998, 1199 (1998) of
23 September 1998, 1203 (1998) of 24 October 1998 and 1239 (1999) of 14
May 1999,

Regretting that there has not been full compliance with the
requirements of these resolutions,

Determined to resolve the grave humanitarian situation in Kosovo,
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and to provide for the safe and free
return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes,

Condemning all acts of violence against the Kosovo population as well
as all terrorist acts by any party,

Recalling the statement made by the Secretary-General on 9 April 1999,
expressing concern at the humanitarian tragedy taking place in Kosovo,

Reaffirming the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return
to their homes in safety,

Recalling the jurisdiction and the mandate of the International
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,

Welcoming the general principles on a political solution to the Kosovo
crisis adopted on 6 May 1999 (S/1999/516, annex 1 to this resolution)
and welcoming also the acceptance by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
of the principles set forth in points 1 to 9 of the paper presented in
Belgrade on 2 June 1999 (S/1999/649, annex 2 to this resolution), and
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's agreement to that paper,

Reaffirming the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act and
annex 2,

Reaffirming the call in previous resolutions for substantial autonomy
and meaningful self-administration for Kosovo,

Determining that the situation in the region continues to constitute a
threat to international peace and security,

Determined to ensure the safety and security of international personnel
and the implementation by all concerned of their responsibilities under
the present resolution, and acting for these purposes under Chapter VII
of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Decides that a political solution to the Kosovo crisis shall be
based on the general principles in annex 1 and as further elaborated in
the principles and other required elements in annex 2;

2. Welcomes the acceptance by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of the
principles and other required elements referred to in paragraph 1
above, and demands the full cooperation of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia in their rapid implementation;

3. Demands in particular that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia put an
immediate and verifiable end to violence and repression in Kosovo, and
begin and complete verifiable phased withdrawal from Kosovo of all
military, police and paramilitary forces according to a rapid
timetable, with which the deployment of the international security
presence in Kosovo will be synchronized;

4. Confirms that after the withdrawal an agreed number of Yugoslav and
Serb military and police personnel will be permitted to return to
Kosovo to perform the functions in accordance with annex 2;

5. Decides on the deployment in Kosovo, under United Nations auspices,
of international civil and security presences, with appropriate
equipment and personnel as required, and welcomes the agreement of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to such presences;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to appoint, in consultation with the
Security Council, a Special Representative to control the
implementation of the international civil presence, and further
requests the Secretary-General to instruct his Special Representative
to coordinate closely with the international security presence to
ensure that both presences operate towards the same goals and in a
mutually supportive manner;

7. Authorizes Member States and relevant international organizations to
establish the international security presence in Kosovo as set out in
point 4 of annex 2 with all necessary means to fulfil its
responsibilities under paragraph 9 below;

8. Affirms the need for the rapid early deployment of effective
international civil and security presences to Kosovo, and demands that
the parties cooperate fully in their deployment;

9. Decides that the responsibilities of the international security
presence to be deployed and acting in Kosovo will include:

a. Deterring renewed hostilities, maintaining and where necessary
enforcing a ceasefire, and ensuring the withdrawal and preventing the
return into Kosovo of Federal and Republic military, police and
paramilitary forces, except as provided in point 6 of annex 2;

b. Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and other armed
Kosovo Albanian groups as required in paragraph 15 below;

c. Establishing a secure environment in which refugees and displaced
persons can return home in safety, the international civil presence can
operate, a transitional administration can be established, and
humanitarian aid can be delivered;

d. Ensuring public safety and order until the international civil
presence can take responsibility for this task;

e. Supervising demining until the international civil presence can, as
appropriate, take over responsibility for this task;

f. Supporting, as appropriate, and coordinating closely with the work
of the international civil presence;

g. Conducting border monitoring duties as required;

h. Ensuring the protection and freedom of movement of itself, the
international civil presence, and other international organizations;

10. Authorizes the Secretary-General, with the assistance of relevant
international organizations, to establish an international civil
presence in Kosovo in order to provide an interim administration for
Kosovo under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy
within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and which will provide
transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the
development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to
ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants of

11. Decides that the main responsibilities of the international civil
presence will include:

a. Promoting the establishment, pending a final settlement, of
substantial autonomy and self-government in Kosovo, taking full account
of annex 2 and of the Rambouillet accords (S/1999/648);

b. Performing basic civilian administrative functions where and as long
as required;

c. Organizing and overseeing the development of provisional
institutions for democratic and autonomous self-government pending a
political settlement, including the holding of elections;

d. Transferring, as these institutions are established, its
administrative responsibilities while overseeing and supporting the
consolidation of Kosovo's local provisional institutions and other
peace-building activities;

e. Facilitating a political process designed to determine Kosovo's
future status, taking into account the Rambouillet accords (S/1999/648);

f. In a final stage, overseeing the transfer of authority from Kosovo's
provisional institutions to institutions established under a political

g. Supporting the reconstruction of key infrastructure and other
economic reconstruction;

h. Supporting, in coordination with international humanitarian
organizations, humanitarian and disaster relief aid;

i. Maintaining civil law and order, including establishing local police
forces and meanwhile through the deployment of international police
personnel to serve in Kosovo;

j. Protecting and promoting human rights;

k. Assuring the safe and unimpeded return of all refugees and displaced
persons to their homes in Kosovo;

12. Emphasizes the need for coordinated humanitarian relief operations,
and for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to allow unimpeded access to
Kosovo by humanitarian aid organizations and to cooperate with such
organizations so as to ensure the fast and effective delivery of
international aid;

13. Encourages all Member States and international organizations to
contribute to economic and social reconstruction as well as to the safe
return of refugees and displaced persons, and emphasizes in this
context the importance of convening an international donors'
conference, particularly for the purposes set out in paragraph 11 (g)
above, at the earliest possible date;

14. Demands full cooperation by all concerned, including the
international security presence, with the International Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia;

15. Demands that the KLA and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups end
immediately all offensive actions and comply with the requirements for
demilitarization as laid down by the head of the international security
presence in consultation with the Special Representative of the

16. Decides that the prohibitions imposed by paragraph 8 of resolution
1160 (1998) shall not apply to arms and related matériel for the use of
the international civil and security presences;

17. Welcomes the work in hand in the European Union and other
international organizations to develop a comprehensive approach to the
economic development and stabilization of the region affected by the
Kosovo crisis, including the implementation of a Stability Pact for
South Eastern Europe with broad international participation in order to
further the promotion of democracy, economic prosperity, stability and
regional cooperation;

18. Demands that all States in the region cooperate fully in the
implementation of all aspects of this resolution;

19. Decides that the international civil and security presences are
established for an initial period of 12 months, to continue thereafter
unless the Security Council decides otherwise;

20. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council at regular
intervals on the implementation of this resolution, including reports
from the leaderships of the international civil and security presences,
the first reports to be submitted within 30 days of the adoption of
this resolution;

21. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Annex 1

Statement by the Chairman
on the conclusion of the meeting of the G-8 Foreign Ministers
held at the Petersberg Centre on 6 May 1999

The G-8 Foreign Ministers adopted the following general principles on
the political solution to the Kosovo crisis:

Immediate and verifiable end of violence and repression in Kosovo;

Withdrawal from Kosovo of military, police and paramilitary forces;

Deployment in Kosovo of effective international civil and security
presences, endorsed and adopted by the United Nations, capable of
guaranteeing the achievement of the common objectives;

Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo to be decided by
the Security Council of the United Nations to ensure conditions for a
peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants in Kosovo;

The safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons and
unimpeded access to Kosovo by humanitarian aid organizations;

A political process towards the establishment of an interim political
framework agreement providing for a substantial self-government for
Kosovo, taking full account of the Rambouillet accords and the
principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and the other countries of the region, and the
demilitarization of the KLA;

Comprehensive approach to the economic development and stabilization of
the crisis region.

Annex 2

Agreement should be reached on the following principles to move towards
a resolution of the Kosovo crisis:

1. An immediate and verifiable end of violence and repression in Kosovo.

2. Verifiable withdrawal from Kosovo of all military, police and
paramilitary forces according to a rapid timetable.

3. Deployment in Kosovo under United Nations auspices of effective
international civil and security presences, acting as may be decided
under Chapter VII of the Charter, capable of guaranteeing the
achievement of common objectives.

4. The international security presence with substantial North Atlantic
Treaty Organization participation must be deployed under unified
command and control and authorized to establish a safe environment for
all people in Kosovo and to facilitate the safe return to their homes
of all displaced persons and refugees.

5. Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo as a part of
the international civil presence under which the people of Kosovo can
enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
to be decided by the Security Council of the United Nations. The
interim administration to provide transitional administration while
establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic
self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and
normal life for all inhabitants in Kosovo.

6. After withdrawal, an agreed number of Yugoslav and Serbian personnel
will be permitted to return to perform the following functions:

Liaison with the international civil mission and the international
security presence;
Marking/clearing minefields;
Maintaining a presence at Serb patrimonial sites;
Maintaining a presence at key border crossings.

7. Safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons under the
supervision of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees and unimpeded access to Kosovo by humanitarian aid

8. A political process towards the establishment of an interim
political framework agreement providing for substantial self-government
for Kosovo, taking full account of the Rambouillet accords and the
principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and the other countries of the region, and the
demilitarization of UCK. Negotiations between the parties for a
settlement should not delay or disrupt the establishment of democratic
self-governing institutions.

9. A comprehensive approach to the economic development and
stabilization of the crisis region. This will include the
implementation of a stability pact for South-Eastern Europe with broad
international participation in order to further promotion of democracy,
economic prosperity, stability and regional cooperation.

10. Suspension of military activity will require acceptance
of the principles set forth above in addition to agreement
to other, previously identified, required elements, which are specified
in the footnote below.( 1) A military-technical agreement will then be
rapidly concluded that would, among other things, specify additional
modalities, including the roles and functions of Yugoslav/Serb
personnel in Kosovo:


Procedures for withdrawals, including the phased, detailed schedule and
delineation of a buffer area in Serbia beyond which forces will be

Returning personnel

Equipment associated with returning personnel;
Terms of reference for their functional responsibilities;
Timetable for their return;
Delineation of their geographical areas of operation;
Rules governing their relationship to the international security
presence and the international civil mission.


Other required elements:

A rapid and precise timetable for withdrawals, meaning, e.g., seven
days to complete withdrawal and air defence weapons withdrawn outside a
25 kilometre mutual safety zone within 48 hours;

Return of personnel for the four functions specified above will be
under the supervision of the international security presence and will
be limited to a small agreed number (hundreds, not thousands);

Suspension of military activity will occur after the beginning of
verifiable withdrawals;

The discussion and achievement of a military-technical agreement shall
not extend the previously determined time for completion of withdrawals.

Kosmet (italiano / english)

1. Presa di posizione ufficiale Belgrado contro la secessione

2. Nominato il nuovo governatore straniero della colonia-protettorato

=== 1 ===


(ANSA-AFP)- BELGRADO, 24 LUG - Belgrado si e' detto pronta a discutere
del futuro del Kosovo, ma esclude l'indipendenza che rivendica la
popolazione albanese maggioritaria nella provincia del sud della
Serbia. Lo scrive in un documento Nebojsa Covic, vice-premier serbo
incaricato del Kosovo.
Secondo il documento, ''la Serbia non puo', ad alcun prezzo,
disfarsi del Kosovo e nessun uomo politico in Serbia ha il diritto di
adottare questo approccio''.
''Una violazione delli'integrita' territoriale della Serbia non
puo' essere tollerata...e la nuova Costituzione serba deve contenere
una clausola d'interdizione sulla rinuncia al Kosovo, un atto che sara'
approvato da tutte le istituzioni internazionali'', afferma Covic.
''Il nostro progetto di statuto finale del Kosovo- si legge ancora-
e' fondato sulla sovranita' della Serbia sul Kosovo e questo non e' in
discussione, mentre tutti gli altri aspetti legati allo statuto possono
essere discussi''.
Secondo il documento, intitolato ''Principi fondamentali per la
risoluzione della crisi in Kosovo'', Belgrado deve insistere fermamente
e chiaramente per una rigorosa applicazione della risoluzione 1244 del
Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'Onu'' (adottata nel 1999) che definisce il
Kosovo come una provincia dello Stato di Serbia e Montenegro. (ANSA)
24/07/2003 19:53


Per il testo integrale del documento di Covic, e per il testo integrale
della Risoluzione ONU 1244 - entrambi in lingua inglese - si veda il
nostro precedente messaggio su:

=== 2 ===


(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 25 LUG - L'ex primo ministro finlandese Harri
Holkeri e' stato nominato nuovo amministratore dell' Onu per il
Kosovo. Lo ha reso noto a New York Fred Eckhard, il portavoce del
segretario generale Kofi Annan.
Holkeri, che e' stato anche presidente dell'assemblea generale
dell'Onu, avra' il compito di gestire in Kosovo il delicato avvio dei
negoziati tra Pristina e Belgrado sullo status definitivo della
Holkeri andra' a prendere il posto del tedesco Michael Steiner, che ha
lasciato Pristina nei giorni scorsi dopo un anno e mezzo di lavoro nel
corso del quale ha dovuto far fronte ad accuse e contestazioni
soprattutto da parte dei serbi.
L'ex premier finlandese, secondo un comunicato dell'Onu, ''portera' a
questo incarico una ricchezza di esperienza politica, cosi' come una
reputazione di mediatore capace e costruttore di consenso''. Annan lo
ha scelto dopo aver valutato una decina di candidati. L'Unione Europea
aveva indicato vari nomi, ponendo in cima alla lista l'ambasciatore
svedese all'Onu, Pierre Schori e l'ambasciatore italiano Antonio
Holkeri, 56 anni, ha guidato il governo finlandese tra il 1987 e il
1991 e sul piano internazionale, oltre a presiedere l'Assemblea
dell'Onu e la sua sessione del Millennio, ha partecipato al processo
di pace per l'Irlanda del Nord, come membro della delegazione che con
l'americano George Mitchell e il canadese John de Chastelain pose le
basi per il cammino verso la pacificazione. (ANSA). BM
25/07/2003 18:08


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 8 LUG - Dopo 18 mesi alla guida
dell'amministrazione delle Nazioni Unite in Kosovo, il tedesco
Michail Steiner ha lasciato oggi il suo incarico senza che ancora sia
stato nominato un successore. A poche ore dalla sua partenza, Steiner
e' stato investito dall'ennesima polemica aperta dal governo di
Belgrado, che ha criticato aspramente l'accordo per il libero
commercio firmato proprio ieri fra il Kosovo e l'Albania. Accordo del
quale invece il governatore Onu si era detto ''orgoglioso''. In
tutto il suo mandato Steiner ha dovuto fronteggiare varie volte
accuse e contestazioni, non solo da parte serba. Con gli albanesi, ad
esempio, poche settimane fa c'e' stato un duro scontro diplomatico
dopo che l'amministratore tedesco aveva bocciato una delibera del
parlamento con la quale i deputati definivano ''lotta di
liberazione'' la guerriglia armata condotta fino al 1999
dall'Esercito di liberazione del Kosovo(Uck): come sanzione per quel
gesto politico, inviso a Belgrado, Steiner estromise i rappresentanti
albanesi da tre vertici internazionali. ''Se qualcuno qui e'
criticato sia dai serbi che dagli albanesi vuol dire che ha fatto
bene il proprio lavoro'', commenta senza ironia una fonte diplomatica
occidentale a Pristina. Resta un dato, che nessuno tuttavia se la
sente di imputare a Steiner: il livello di popolarita' della missione
Onu in Kosovo e' ai minimi storici. Secondo un sondaggio realizzato
dall'agenzia di stampa online Kosovapress, gli albanesi
preferirebbero restare uniti alla federazione serbo-montenegrina
insieme agli odiati governanti di Belgrado, piuttosto che rimanere
ancora a lungo sotto l'amministrazione delle Nazioni Unite. Fra le
cause di tanto risentimento, innanzitutto il pachidermico apparato
burocratico dell'Onu che mal si concilia con lo sbrigativo
pragmatismo balcanico che vorrebbero invece applicare i leader
albanesi. Lasciando il Kosovo Steiner, apparso per un anno e mezzo
freddo e rigoroso, ha comunque voluto lasciare di se' anche
un'immagine piu' fragile. E nel confessare che il Kosovo ''me lo
portero' nell'anima'', ha presentato in pubblico la sua bellissima
fidanzata albanese, Bukurje Gjonbalaj, 23 anni piu' giovane di lui,
finora apparsa al suo fianco sempre e soltanto come interprete
ufficiale. Bukurje, che in albanese significa ''bellezza'', seguira'
Steiner nel suo nuovo incarico di rappresentante tedesco presso le
Nazioni Unite a Ginevra. (ANSA). BLL 08/07/2003 20:33


Riportiamo di seguito i dispacci in lingua inglese pervenuti sullo
stesso argomento. Ulteriore documentazione sul tira-e-molla diplomatico
che ha preceduto la nomina di Holkeri a governatore del protettorato si
trova alla URL:


Finland's Holkeri Named UN Governor in Kosovo

Fri July 25, 2003 02:38 PM ET
By Evelyn Leopold

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Former Finnish Prime Minister Harri Holkeri,
a one-time president of the U.N. General Assembly, was named on Friday
as the new U.N. administrator for Kosovo, a compromise candidate.
The decision to appoint Holkeri, who has no experience in the Balkans,
was made by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan after interviewing about
a dozen candidates amid squabbles between the United States and the
European Union, which finances most of the operation.
Holkeri was acceptable to all sides, diplomats said.
He would replace German Michael Steiner as the head of UNMIK, the U.N.
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. Steiner resigned on July 8
after 18 months in the job and is now his country's ambassador to the
United Nations in Geneva.
Annan, after writing a letter to the U.N. Security Council about his
choice, said he expected Holkeri to be in Kosovo within a month. He
said he was "very pleased" Holkeri decided "to take on this challenge
and assignment."
"The operations and our activities there have reached a critical stage
and to have a man of this experience, his caliber and his judgment in
Kosovo is going to be a great asset to this organization," Annan told
As the new governor of Kosovo, Holkeri faces the sensitive task of
supervising the start of negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade on
the final status of the province.
The European Union had put forth several names, beginning with Sweden's
U.N. ambassador, Pierre Schori, and Italy's roving ambassador, Antonio
Armellini. The United States campaigned against Schori because he
criticized the invasion of Iraq and the United Nations rejected
Armellini as lacking political weight.
NATO waged an air war against former Yugoslavia in 1999 to force the
Serbian army out of Kosovo and halt ethnic cleansing by then-President
Slobodan Milosevic's security forces.
The province has since been in diplomatic limbo, with limited
self-government under a U.N. mandate and NATO-led troops serving as
Holkeri, who participated in the Northern Ireland peace process, was
president of the 191-nation General Assembly in 2000-2001, presiding
over its Millennium session.
He and retired Canadian Gen. John de Chastelain joined former U.S. Sen.
George Mitchell to help resolve problems in the Northern Ireland peace
process from 1995 to 1998.
Holkeri served from 1978 to 1997 on the board of the Bank of Finland
and has been a board member of a number of other companies and
organizations, including Finland's national airline Finnair .
He is president of the Finnish National Commission for the U.N.
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO. Holkeri is
married and the father of a son and a daughter and the grandfather of


Mr. Harri Holkeri, the former President of the fifty-fifth session of
the United Nations General Assembly - the Millennium Assembly 2000-2001
- brings to the post of Special Representative of the UN Secretary
General a wealth of political experience, as well as a reputation as a
skilled mediator and consensus builder. He was Finland's Prime Minister
from 1987 to 1991, and for over four decades has served his country and
the international community in several political and economic posts.

The most renowned and prestigious conservative political figure in
Finland over the last few decades, he served as Secretary of the
National Coalition Party from 1965 to 1971 and as Party Leader from
1971 to 1979. From 1970 to 1978, he was a Member of the Parliament. He
also served as a Member of the Board of Governors of the Bank of
Finland (central bank) from 1978 to 1997. As Prime Minister, he headed
a coalition formed by his party and the Social Democrats.

Mr. Holkeri played a key role in developing the social consensus that
led to the creation of the coalition government in power from 1987 to
1991, and of which he was Prime Minister. That government was based on
cooperation between the Conservative and the Social Democratic parties
- a cooperation that extended to international affairs as well. His
political philosophy - "You cannot make easy decisions unless you first
commit yourself to hard solutions" - has guided his political life.

His skills as a mediator and coalition builder have played an important
role in Finland's foreign relations. After the Second World War,
Finland, situated on the border between the East and the West, needed a
workable and trustful relationship with both the West and its eastern
neighbours and the former Soviet Union. The country's decision to
pursue a policy of military non-alignment and cooperation needed
internal popular support, as well as international acceptance. But the
difficulties faced in normalizing relations with the East were
compounded by distrust of the Finnish Right, both inside and outside
the country. During Mr. Holkeri's term as the Party Leader in the
1970s, Finnish Conservatives explicitly pledged to support the national
consensus foreign policy. This contributed to the restoration of
national harmony, helped to form broadly based governmental coalitions
and led to expanding international cooperation.

Mr. Holkeri has been a friend of three Presidents of Finland - Mr. Urho
Kekkonen, Mr. Mauno Koivisto and Mr. Martti Ahtisaari - all of whom
used him as their contact person in their relations with the political
right. He was a presidential candidate twice, in 1982 and 1988. Both
times he ran against Dr. Koivisto, with whom he had worked at the Bank
of Finland and with whom he had a close and personal relationship. In
1987, President Koivisto appointed Mr. Holkeri Prime Minister.

Mr. Holkeri has also been active at the international level. He was a
member of the Finnish delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
from 1963 to 1965. During his career as a Member of Parliament he held
various international positions, including as a member of the Nordic
Council from 1975 to 1978, Vice-President of the European Free Trade
Association (EFTA) Parliamentarians from 1974 to 1975, and their
President in 1976.

From 1995 to 1998, Mr. Holkeri was a member of The International Body_a
group set up by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Ireland_on
the issue of the decommissioning of illegal weapons in Northern
Ireland. He was one of the three independent chairmen of the
multi-party peace negotiations, where his skills as a consensus builder
contributed greatly to furthering the peace process.

In 1999, Mr. Holkeri received an honorary British knighthood, Honorary
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, for his
achievements in the Northern Ireland peace process. A year earlier,
President Ahtisaari had accorded him a Finnish honorary title,
valtioneuvos, for his national and international merits.

Mr. Holkeri was Chair of the Helsinki City Council from 1981 to 1987.
He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Finnair, Finland's
national airline, and sits on the boards of various Finnish industries
and organizations.

Mr. Holkeri was born on 6 January 1937. His upbringing in the small
rural city of Toijala, where his father was a police officer, formed
the basis of his personal values, which are centred on the family, love
of one's neighbour and love for and loyalty to one's own country. He
has a Master of Political Science degree from the University of
Helsinki. His military rank is major in the reserve.

He is very interested in sports, particularly long-distance
cross-country skiing and running. He has taken part in several
marathons, including the New York City Marathon. Golf has lately become
one of his favourite sports.

Mr. Holkeri is married, and has two children and six grandchildren.



BRUSSELS, July 21 (Beta) - On July 21, EU foreign
ministers "took note" of the fact that UN General
Secretary Kofi Anan was considering the former Finnish
prime minister, Harri Holkeri, as "the most likely"
candidate for the post of the new UNMIK chief in
Kosovo, the sources in Brussels said.
EU ministers supported the "swift reestablishment of
direct negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina on
practical issues of common interest" and "invited both
sides to act in line with the obligations undertaken
at the EU summit in Thessaloniki."
The ministers concluded that "the EU will continue to
support this process" and expressed "pleasure at the
Kosovo leaders' appeal for the return of the
"Reiterating the fact that the creation of conditions
for sustainable return was the key step towards
bringing a multiethnic and democratic Kosovo closer to
Europe, within the process of stabilization and
accession and in line with Resolution 1244 SBUN, the
EU council of ministers invites all Kosovo leaders to
turn their words into deeds."


Beta News Agency, Belgrade
July 22, 2003

Annan proposes former Finnish PM for Kosovo job

11:35 -> 13:05 | Beta
BRUSSELS -- Tuesday -- UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has proposed to
EU Foreign Ministers former Finnish Prime Minister Harri Halkeri as
candidate for the vacant UNMIK governor's position.
According to sources in Brussels, European ministers are repeating
their call for the hasty launching of talks between Belgrade and
Pristina on practical issues of mutual interest.
An EU ministerial meeting saw representatives urge both Serbia and
Kosovo to act in accordance with obligations defined at the EU Summit
in Thessalonica. Participants of the meeting concluded that the
European Union will continue to assist in this process.



Holkeri Tipped for UN Kosovo Role19.07.2003, 20.36

Former Finnish Prime Minister Harri Holkeri has reportedly been named
as the new head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
The Swedish News Agency TT reported the appointment on Saturday, citing
reliable sources.
The agency says that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has asked Holkeri
to take over the post, and that Holkeri has accepted. On Saturday
Holkeri declined to comment on the report.
A senior Foreign Ministry official confirmed to YLE television
news that the UN had been in contact with Holkeri regarding the post.
However he said no final decision has been made.
Annan's last Special Representative in Kosovo, Michael Steiner of
Germany, left the post on July 8 after a year and a half in the job.
UNMIK was established in 1999.
Since stepping down as prime minister in 1991, the 66-year-old Holkeri
has served in a range of international duties.
He was president of the UN General Assembly's Millenium Session, and
has served as a mediator in the Northern Ireland conflict.
YLE24, TT, Finnish News Agency


The Scotsman
July 18, 2003

Cook linked to top UN role in Kosovo

The selection of the head of the UN mission has been lengthy after the
departure of the previous incumbent because of opposition to the
candidates. Robin Cook's name has been thrown into the ring at a late
stage, although he denies the rumours.

Nearly 60 per cent of Kosovans are out of work, the
average monthly income is just £137 and its status in
relation to its neighbours in the Balkans is still
-[P]ierre Schori, the Swedish ambassador to the UN,
was vetoed by the United States because of his
opposition to the Iraq war. Robin Cook, the former foreign secretary,
was at the
centre of a deepening mystery last night, over claims
that he was being lined up for a new job as the United
Nations’ top man in Kosovo. UN sources in New York said Mr Cook had a
chance" of being offered the post of the UN secretary
general’s special representative for Kosovo, a job
which comes with a six-figure salary. Sources within the Kosovan civil
administration also
told The Scotsman that Mr Cook, who was foreign
secretary during the successful operation to drive
Serbian forces from Kosovo, had been mentioned as a
leading contender for the job. Kofi Annan, the UN
secretary general, is believed to want a
higher-profile political figure to take on the
difficult task of running the country. Mr Cook, who took part in the
post-war peace
conference at Rambouillet in France, would fit that
description and has clearly ruled out any prospect of
returning to high political office in the UK. Yesterday, a UN spokesman
in New York said he had a
"good chance" of being offered the job, adding: "As
for Robin Cook, I think his chances may be good, but
it has been an unusually long process". But, in an extraordinary move
last night, Mr Cook and
Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, issued a joint
statement flatly denying the reports. "Neither of us
has any idea where this has come from. There is no
truth in it," the statement said. The post of head of the UN mission in
Kosovo has been
vacant since Michael Steiner, of Germany, completed
his 18-month term of office last week. The position
has also been held by Bernard Kouchner, from France,
and Hans Haekkerup, from Denmark. But internal wrangling among UN
members has hampered
attempts to fill the post. Silvio Berlusconi, the
Italian prime minister, blocked the appointment of one
of the other front-runners, Stefano Sannino, because
he works for Mr Berlusconi’s political adversary,
Romano Prodi, the European Commission president. Another candidate,
Pierre Schori, the Swedish
ambassador to the UN, was vetoed by the United States
because of his opposition to the Iraq war. Mr Cook, a fierce opponent
of the Iraq conflict [sic],
has been a thorn in the side of the government since
he resigned his Cabinet post as leader of the Commons
on the eve of the war. His appointment in a role away
from Westminster would be seen as a welcome move in
some government circles. An ambitious politician, he was hurt when he
lost the
job of foreign secretary after the last election. In
an interview last month, he said he had achieved what
he set out to do in British politics and had "been up
there at the top". Earlier yesterday, Mr Cook refused to speculate on
Kosovo job, but the task facing any new man is
daunting. Nearly 60 per cent of Kosovans are out of work, the
average monthly income is just £137 and its status in
relation to its neighbours in the Balkans is still

--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., Rick Rozoff wrote:

Financial Times
July 3, 2003

Frustration as choice of envoy blocked

By Judy Dempsey in Brussels

Silvio Berlusconi, Italian prime minister, has stepped
into more controversy by pushing his own candidate to
take over as the European Union's special envoy to
Kosovo and blocking another with wide support from
other member states.
The moves have frustrated many diplomats as they have
left Kosovo without a special envoy at a critical
time, with German Michael Steiner's term ending this
Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief, wants to
start political negotiations with the Serbs and ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo.
The hope is that such negotiations would lead to final
status talks, ending one of the most difficult
disputes that have dogged a permanent peace in the
"We need an envoy to mediate between both sides and
one who is more trusted than Steiner," said a senior
EU diplomat. "Berlusconi has not made life easy for us."
The Italian leader prevented one of the favoured
candidates, Stefano Sannino, from getting the job for
political reasons. He works for his old foe, Romano
Prodi, European Commission president.
Mr Sannino, an Italian career diplomat who has served
twice in Belgrade, is foreign policy adviser, with
responsibility for the Balkans, to Mr Prodi.
"Berlusconi believed Sannino was in the other
political camp. He stopped his appointment," a
diplomat said.
Another candidate for the post, Pierre Schori, Swedish
ambassador to the United Nations, was rejected by the
US because he opposed the American-led war against
Mr Berlusconi then proposed Antonio Armellini, Rome's
envoy in Baghdad. "Armellini is a professional
diplomat but with no experience of the Balkans. He is
now a Berlusconi man through and through," said a
Balkan expert. So determined was Italy to have Mr
Armellini appointed that Rome lobbied the Bush
administration, confident of some payoff after Italy's
support of the US-led war in Iraq.
But Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general, who has the
final say, diplomatically avoided choosing between Mr
Sannino and Mr Armellini on the grounds that a
candidate with a higher political profile was needed.
Mr Berlusconi has also lobbied to have Laura
Mirachian, his ambassador to Damascus, succeed Miguel
Moratinos, outgoing EU Middle East envoy.
"This is a brute of a job. You have to win the
confidence of all sides. With Berlusconi pushing to
bring Israel into the EU, we wonder if she could win
the trust of the Palestinians," said a senior western
diplomat. By Thursday night, senior foreign ministry
officials from the 15 member states meeting in Rome
were trying to find a compromise candidates.
Even if they manage to do so, another foreign policy
controversy is looming. Desperate to stop illegal
immigration from Libya, Italy wants to supply night
vision technology, gun-boats and other equipment to
Libya. Several EU countries claim these items, which
Italy insists are for civilian use, could contravene
the embargo on arms exports. "If you think the envoys
are a headache, wait for Libya," added a diplomat.

--- End forwarded message ---

S. Taylor e J. Israel sul Kosmet

Quella che segue e' la traduzione del commento originariamente apparso
su: (oppure ).
Essa ci e' pervenuta da A. Lattanzio, che ringraziamo.

L'articolo di Scott Taylor "Extremist on UN's payroll" ("Estremisti sul
libro paga dell'ONU"), al quale qui ci si riferisce, e' leggibile
integralmente in inglese alla URL:

Scott Taylor e' tra l'altro autore di "Diary of an Uncivil War", libro
del quale diffondiamo qui di seguito un nuovo estratto, dopo quello
gia' fatto circolare:

Dello stesso Taylor consigliamo anche la lettura del recente
e dei numerosi altri articoli, dedicati anche alla aggressione NATO/UCK
contro la FYROM, da noi archiviati in:


Commenti sull'articolo di Scott Taylor...
Come la NATO e L'ONU sono colpevoli per il terrore in
di Jared Israel [3 Giugno 2003]

Molta della copertura sull'assalto terroristico al
Kosovo e alla Macedonia è stata pura disinformazione.
Perfino il miglior articolo è generalmente pieno di
affermazioni gratuite. Per esempio l'ultimo pezzo di
Scott Taylor sull'Halifax Herald. Taylor è un reporter
coraggioso. Ha intervistato un comandante terrorista
secessionista albanese che conduceva gli attacchi alla
Macedonia provando il supporto dato loro dall'US Army.
Ha rischiatola propria vita per dirci la verità. Ma
mentre Taylor tenta di superare le menzogne ufficiali,
egli spesso soccombe alla pressione di tutte queste
menzogne, anche quando i fatti che riporta
contraddicono le bugie! Possiamo, così, avere molte
notizie dagli articoli di Taylor, ma da maneggiare con
cura. Vediamo il caso dell'articolo del 2 giugno 2003
comparso sul The Halifax Herald, intitolato:
"Estremisti sul libro paga dell'ONU". Io avevo postato
la prima parte dell'articolo, nella sezione con alcuni

Pristina, Kosovo - In nel loro piccolo ufficio nel
quartier generale della polizia dell'ONU, l'ex
poliziotto di Ottawa Derek Chappell e il suo collega
Barry Fletcher, un ex poliziotto di New Orleans, mi
disse della loro frustrazione nel tentativo di
controllare l'andamento delle violenze etniche in
questa provincia balcanica devastata dalla guerra. Fin
dall'arrivo delle forze NATO in Kosovo e dalla
ritirata delle forze serbe nel giugno 1999, la
maggioranza degli attacchi terroristici erano compiuti
da estremisti albanesi contro serbi e altre minoranze
etniche. Il risultato è stato l'espulsione di circa
240.000 non-Albanesi dal Kosovo, con quei pochi
rimasti, rinchiusi in enclaves isolate. Tale pulizia
etnica del Kosovo ha avuto luogo negli anni appena
passati, nonostante la presenza di 27.000 soldati
della NATO e 4.400 poliziotti internazionali.

COMMENTO: è un bene che Taylor riporti il fatto che
usualmente i media ufficiali "scordano", quella del
quarto di milione di serbi e altri che sono stati
cacciati dal Kosovo. Adesso il dato è maggiore, ma va
bene, almeno parla dell'espulsione di massa. Tuttavia,
l'affermazione che "la maggioranza degli attacchi
terroristici erano compiuti da estremisti albanesi ...
ha avuto luogo negli anni appena passati" è assai
fuorviante. Suggerisce l'idea di una lotta tra gruppi
etnici opposti, che modella la percezione dominante:
il problema del Kosovo è la mostruosa prassi da "ogni
parte" e che questo comportamento cattivo nasca
spontaneamente nelle guerre di odio. Ma non è così. Il
terrore non proviene da tutti i lati, e non è
spontaneo. Gli attacchi sono assai organizzati, solo
da un lato, e sono sanzionati dalle potenze NATO.
Molti dei "Serbi e altre minoranze" sono stati
attaccati e cacciati dal Kosovo poco dopo l'arrivo
delle truppe NATO. Le forze terroriste "marciano a
fianco delle truppe NATO in Kosovo." Erano negli scopi
e negli intenti, parte della Nato. Una descrizione
grafica dell'unità del KFOR e i terroristi può essere
trovata nell'articolo: "come la NATO ha portato
l'inferno a Orahovac."
Tale articolo consiste di interviste con tre donne
della città del Kosovo di Orahovac, occupata dalla
NATO nel Giugno 1999. Le interviste furono fatte alla
fine dell'estate del 1999. Orahovac era una eccezione,
poiché all'arrivo dei terroristi, i serbi ivi
residenti, perlopiù "non" se ne andarono. Ho sentito
da queste tre donne, difficile da scrivere, anticipare
la cacciata dei serbi. In questa intervista, ho
chiesto a un a donna, Natasha Grkovic, perché i 3000
Serbi che erano rinchiusi a Orahovac, divenuta un
campo di concentramento, non se ne fossero andati
"prima" dell'arrivo della NATO. Non sapevano
dell'incubo che stava cadendo su di loro? Grkovic
spiegò che il bombardamento della NATO distrusse le
linee di comunicazione con Belgrado. Quindi, prima
dell'occupazione NATO, le notizie provenienti a
Orahovac erano della radio della NATO, inclusi le
costanti promesse che la NATO portava pace e
sicurezza. Il giorno prima dell'arrivo della NATO,
spedirono dei rappresentanti a incontrare delle
personalità importanti serbe, che ripetevano tali

Grkovic: "la mattina prima dell'arrivo della KFOR vi
fu un meeting dei loro rappresentanti con il sindaco,
un serbo, più altri serbi inclusi il capo della
polizia. La KFOR disse che in due giorni la vita
sarebbe tornata normale. Il giorno dopo le nostre case
bruciavano." "Con la KFOR, giunse l'UCK. Lo stesso
giorno. Alcuni dei nostri vicini albanesi apparvero
con l'uniforme dell'UCK. Eravamo terrorizzati. Non ci
sentivamo al sicuro nel settore misto di Orahovac,
così partimmo per la parte serba. "quando ce ne
andammo, vedemmo, ancora, le case di serbi bruciare
ancora. La KFOR non fece nulla. Ci lamentammo,
risposero che non avevano abbastanza uomini. Presto
altre truppe NATO arrivarono ma la situazione non mutò
per un mese. Centinaia di case bruciarono. Rubavano
tutto il possibile. Alcune case di nomadi [Roma]
furono bruciate. 25 persone residenti nella zona mista
furono rapite, e le loro case bruciate. "Lentamente
capimmo la misura dell'errore che facemmo non
andandocene. Ogni giorno la KFOR offriva nuove scuse.
Dissero: 'non possiamo mettere guardie davanti ogni
casa. Non possiamo dare a ogni serbo una guardia
armata.' "Il checkpoint KFOR era vicino al ghetto. La
guardia KFOR era posta all'entrata e all'uscita
dell'area serba. Vi erano delle barricate, messe dagli
albanesi. Prima metti la KFOR e poi le barricate
albanesi. La KFOR dava tende agli albanesi che misero
su le barricate. E vi portarono la luce elettrica."

Da, "Intervista con tre donne serbe del Kosovo...Come
la NATO ha portato l'inferno a Orahovac," su

'Nonostante o a causa'?

Nel suo articolo, Taylor dice che il terrore etnico
contro i serbi si svolse " nonostante la presenza di
27.000 soldati della NATO troops e 4.400 poliziotti
internazionali." Ciò suggerisce che la NATO fallì nel
prevenire il terribile crimine dovuta alla
interferenza politica o incompetenza. Ma Grkovic
descrive cose diverse: un "sistema" di terrore. In
questo sistema, l'UCK operava come braccio
terroristico della NATO, permettendo alla NATO il
lusso della negazione plausibile. Il lavoro sporco era
fatto e la NATO è criticata da Taylor, per
*omissione*. Ma l'evidenza punta sulla *commistione.*

L'inganno sul ruolo dell'ONU

Taylor certo non può essere incolpato per i commenti
dei due poliziotti che ha intervistato. Tuttavia,
forse una maggior accuratezza nella informazione
avrebbe potuto ottenere se avesse fatto domande più
pertinenti. Per esempio, uno dei poliziotti affermò
che il crimine organizzato in Kosovo:

"Uno dei maggiori ostacoli dell'ONU nell'affrontare la
mafia albanese che usa la bandiera del nazionalismo
kossovaro quando persegue i suoi scopi." dice
Fletcher. "ogni volta che arrestiamo un capobanda, si
avvolge nella bandiera albanese e le strade si
riempiono di protestanti questa non è una società
affetta dal crimine organizzato, ma è una società
basata sul crimine organizzato."

Mr. Fletcher ha detto, "Uno dei maggiori ostacoli
dell'ONU nell'affrontare la mafia albanese...". Ciò
suggerisce che la ben organizzata Mafia è, invece, un
ostacolo dell'ONU. Il problema è che la Mafia non era
ben piantata prima che NATO e ONU entrassero nel
Kosovo e ONU e NATO, che sia chiaro fin da subito,
hanno appoggiato ufficialmente le azioni dei
gangster-terroristi. Considerato il seguente brano da
una intervista con Cedomir Prlincevic, leader della
defunta comunità ebraica di Pristina, capitale della
provincia del Kosovo. Ho detto "defunta" poiché gli
ebrei sono fuggiti da Pristina pochi giorni dopo
l'arrivo della NATO. Qui è Prlincevic a descrivere la
risposta della KFOR inglese (nome della NATO in
Kosovo) all'attacco di un enorme gruppo di terroristi
albanesi a un complesso residenziale cui vivevano
migliaia di persone. Ciò pochi giorni dopo l'arrivo
della NATO a Pristina, accompagnata, secondo
Prlincevic, dagli assassini dell'UCK:

Cedda: quando gli albanesi iniziarono la distruzione
degli appartamenti, un persona chiamò la KFOR e i
soldati della KFOR entrarono nelle case, vi era una
squadra. E c'era un gruppo [di albanesi
gangster-terroristi] che saliva le scale, 24 ore di
persone che salivano e scendevano le scale, che
bussavano, entravano e demolivano... abbattevano le
porte, gettavano gas lacrimogeno, e rubavano.
Jared: scusami?
Cedda: rubavano, rubavano.
Jared: ora, dici che i soldati della KFOR erano lì?
Erano testimoni?
Cedda: Sì
Jared: che dicevano?
Cedda: Nulla. Non hanno aiutato nessuno.
Jared: per Dio, che dicevano?
Cedda: dicevano che le autorità civili avrebbero
sistemato la cosa. Si preoccupavano solo degli
Jared: Chi erano le autorità civili?
Cedda: Non c'erano.
Jared: credevi che ti avreb0bero ucciso se qualcuno
avesse abbattuto la porta? Suppongo che tu saresti
stato ucciso, vero?
Cedda: Sì. Avevano dei documenti nel caso fossi stato

Quindi nelle città del Kosovo, Orahovac o Pristina, o
altrove, procedeva la gangsterizzazione della
provincia in *mano della NATO*. È semplicemente
assurdo argomentare che tale processo avveniva senza
la guida della NATO. Così il tipo di scena descritta
da Fletcher, dove un criminale albanese veniva
arrestato, seguiva una dimostrazione albanese che ne
chiedeva il rilascio, ciò è solo un gioco.
Il gioco
a) permette all'ONU/KFOR di mantenere la pretesa che
"cerchino" di affrontare tale ondata di gangsters che
costituisce un terribile "ostacolo" mentre
b) infatti rafforza la banda dei gangsters.
Fletcher dice che i gangsters ", si avvolgono nella
bandiera albanese." Ma infatti, gli ultra nazionalisti
dell'UCK è sempre una organizzazione di gangsters. Per
garantire un adeguato aiuto ai gangsters dell'UCK, una
delle prime cose che la KFOR fece nell'entrare in
Kosovo fu di aprire i confini con l' Albania, come ben
spiega il seguente brano dell'articolo che ho scritto
nell'Agosto 1999, due mesi dopo la presa NATO del

"Non è stata la NATO che ha usato la minaccia di
bombardamenti continui delle forze jugoslave ai
confini per costringerle a abbandonare i propri posti
sul confine albanese? La NATO non può dichiarare che
intendeva proteggere l'etnia albanese nel Kosovo; le
guardie di confine controllano il confine. L'Albania
del Nord, che confina con il Kosovo, è controllato da
bande di gangsters e dall'UCK che arruolano criminali.
I guardiani del confine della Yugoslavia avevano un
ruolo cruciale nel proteggere albanesi a chiunque
altro nel Kosovo dagli attacchi criminali e
terroristici. Allontanati gli jugoslavi, la NATO non
installò guardie proprie. Il confine si aprì, non
poroso, aperto. La NATO è così stupida da sapere che i
confini non custoditi permettono ai criminali di
passare? Forse, ma la stupidità non è una scusa. Il
confine albanese è stato l'oggetto del contendere tra
NATO e governo jugoslavo per un anno. Invece, quando
la minaccia dei bombardamenti della NATO spinse gli
jugoslavi a ritirarsi in parte nell'Ottobre 1998, gli
fu permesso di mantenere dei soldati nel Kosovo
precisamente allo scopo di proteggere il confine. La
NATO ha saputo che aprire il confine avrebbe garantito
un flusso di assassini dell'UCK e di criminali. Fin
quando la NATO insiste nel mantenere aperti i confini,
possiamo solo concludere che la NATO desidera il
risultato di tale apertura. Adesso che i
terroristi/criminali sono dentro, la NATO offre "aiuto
nei confronti del caos" come soluzione per non fermare
il terrore secessionista. Non è ragionevole per i
critici della NATO vedere che ciò è un colpo
propagandistico, teso a nascondere una reale divisione
del lavoro? Insomma la presenza della NATO è tesa a
impedire agli jugoslavi di intervenire e di illudere
la gente di credere di essere protetta, ciò per
garantire che essi non prendano misure di autodifesa?
Così che, con molta sorpresa della NATO, i
terroristi/criminali possono attaccare con impunità?
Con il risultato che i sopravvissuti lasciano il
Kosovo? Solo un superstite di Gracko ha lasciato,

Io accuso la NATO di organizzare la presa del Kosovo
da parte dei secessionisti/gangsters albanesi, per due
ragioni. Primo, poiché i gangsters-terroristi albanesi
hanno i loro scopi nel distruggere le organizzazioni
politiche di *ogni* gruppo etnico che vuole tenere il
Kosovo nella Serbia, libero dal dominio straniero.
Secondo, poiché questi secessionisti sono consumati
dall'odio verso serbi, zingari (Roma), Gorani e altri
gruppi etnici favorevoli all'unità della Yugoslavia,
la distruzione di essi è il maggior obiettivo della
NATO nei Balcani.

Si può leggere l'ultimo articolo di Taylor in forma integrale su

Tempo permettendo, metterò altri commenti sullo
scritto di Taylor, fin quando fornirà informazioni
utili e motivi di riflessione.
Jared Israel

Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio
e-mail: alexlattanzio@...


This is the first chapter of Scott Taylor's upcoming book, Diary of an
Uncivil War, detailing the author's war reporting in Macedonia.

PRISTINA, KOSOVO - 15 JUNE 1999 (Tuesday)

Queuing up at 6:00 a.m., I was lucky to get a ticket on the last
Belgrade-bound bus. It was standing room only as I boarded with 67 Serb
refugees carrying all their worldly possessions. The 78-day bombing
campaign had reduced the Pristina bus station to little more than a
pile of rubble.
(The first NATO ground troops had arrived in the capital of Kosovo two
days earlier, and it was now serving as a major logistics point for the
British 5th Brigade.) As our overloaded bus backed away from the
platform, British soldiers came out of their tents to laugh at the

Since Sunday, the streets of Pristina had been clogged with dusty
columns of retreating Yugoslav Army units. British tanks and armoured
vehicles were overseeing their progress at every major intersection.
Under the terms of the Technical Agreement, signed June 9 in Kumanovo,
Macedonia, the Yugoslav security forces still had 48 hours to withdraw
from Kosovo. The presence of 4800 NATO peacekeepers had done little to
reassure Serbian civilians of their continued safety. Televised
statements by U.S. State Department officials fuelled their fears by
warning, "Kosovo will not be a very healthy place for Serbs in the
coming days."

The Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army wasted little time in making that
prophecy a reality. As the first NATO vehicles rolled into the
embattled province, several off-duty Serbian soldiers waiting for
withdrawal orders were gunned down in Pristina while dozens of farmers
were brutally murdered
outside Prizren. The outbreak of violence sparked the exodus of
hundreds of thousands of terrified Serbian civilians.

Although I had been offered safe passage back to Belgrade with a
NATO-escorted convoy of foreign journalists, I felt the major news
story was the reverse ethnic-cleansing. What better way to cover it
than as a participant.

Just before noon our bus reached the northern city limits of Pristina.
There to greet us were 600 or so rock-throwing Albanians. British
soldiers were on hand, but they made no attempt to disperse the crowd.
As our driver accelerated, the bus was pelted with rocks. It was a
terrifying experience,
particularly for the young children and elderly.

The gauntlet had been established coincidentally with the arrival of
the NATO vanguard on Sunday. For two days and nights groups of
Albanians manned this checkpoint to "see off" their Serbian neighbours.
Several vehicles had been disabled and their Serbian occupants hauled
out and beaten.

Pristina, June 1999. Despite the presence of NATO troops, not all
Serbian refugees passed through the Albanian gauntlets unharmed. When
vehicles were disabled by the stone-throwing mobs, the occupants would
often be dragged into the streets and beaten. (Photo by Scott Taylor)

Here too, British troops stood by, laughed and did nothing. Except for
me, no reporter was there to record the incident, despite the fact that
2700 foreign journalists had been accredited by NATO to report from

Apparently, this gauntlet was not considered newsworthy enough.
Journalists were distracted by the victory celebrations following
NATO's "liberation" of Kosovo, and images of terrified Serbs being
taunted and stoned by Kosovars might have also altered the cultivated
image of Albanians as "innocent victims of an oppressive regime."

Of course, it was largely these same journalists, through their
one-sided reporting on the war, who had created this simplified picture
of a complex situation. When the NATO campaign began, only a handful of
Western journalists had been allowed to remain inside Serbia and
Kosovo. The Serbs had great difficulty in presenting their side of the
story as television
studios and transmitters were bombed. As a result, most of the daily
news coverage came from either the NATO press center in Brussels or
from unconfirmed witness statements collected from refugee camps in
neighbouring Macedonia. Although the exodus of Albanians from Kosovo
started two days after the air strikes began, this humanitarian crisis
and allegations of
genocide were accepted as justification for the Alliance's military

As the bombing campaign dragged on and the Serbs showed no sign of
surrender, the prospect of NATO launching a ground assault loomed

In order to strengthen support for such a risky escalation of the
conflict, NATO spokesman Jamie Shea simply upped his numbers.
Overnight, the figure of Albanians presumed murdered by the Serbs was
multiplied tenfold to 100,000.

Similarly, NATO's tactical successes were wildly exaggerated by Shea,
and dutifully reported by the Western media.

When the horde of journalists finally descended upon Kosovo, reporters
weren't interested in Albanian revenge killings of Serbs - they were on
a collective race to uncover the first "mass graves," discover the
"rape camps," and the shattered remains of the Serbian army.

What they found was evidence of a very different war from the one they
had just spent the past three months reporting. The mass grave sites
proved to be elusive. Despite much-repeated eyewitness accounts of the
execution of 700 Albanians at the Trepca mines for example, not a
single body was found.
The biggest find was seven corpses exhumed at Ljubenic - a site which
had purportedly been the burial ground of over 350 Kosovars. After five
months of searching, UN forensic teams had uncovered only 670 bodies:
Keeping in mind that this tally included Albanian, Serbian and Gypsy
civilians plus suspected combatants, the numbers did not justify the
careless use of the
word genocide, and was a far cry from Jamie Shea's wildly exaggerated

As the last of the Yugoslav Army and police columns withdrew,
journalists were equally hard-pressed to locate the burnt-out hulks of
vehicles promised them by Jamie Shea. In his daily press briefings,
Shea had kept a running tally of destroyed Serbian weapon systems,
boasting that NATO air power had
effectively created "a ring of death around Kosovo."

The truth was sobering. Despite dropping over $15 billion (U.S.) worth
of ordnance, only 13 Serbian tanks were destroyed in 78 days of
bombing, and five of these were credited to UCK land mines.

Claims of mass rape also failed to stand up to scrutiny.

At the height of the fighting, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
produced a short documentary profiling a female fighter in the Kosovo
Liberation Army. Her heart-rending story was that she had taken up arms
after being forced to watch as Serbian police raped, then killed, her
sister. When a television news crew tracked her down for a follow-up
homecoming piece, they found her sister very much alive - and
When the CBC aired what amounted to a retraction of the original story,
she was unrepentant. "We did what we had to do," she said. "We could
not beat the Serbs ourselves."

As journalists are loathe to admit they've been duped, retractions or
corrections rarely receive the same prominence as the original stories
- and once public opinion has been shaped, it is difficult to shift.
Since news reports are considered the first rough draft of history,
books based on this one-sided coverage of the conflict exacerbate the
original distortions.

As Serbian refugees fled their homes, their departure from Kosovo was
hastened by angry mobs of Albanian civilians. The Western media largely
ignored this reversal in ethnic cleansing. (Photo by Scott Taylor)

In Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond, Canadian author and Balkan analyst
Michael Ignatieff perpetuated many of the falsehoods generated to
justify NATO's intervention. Although it can be gleaned from the
anecdotes he uses that only one side of the conflict is being
presented, Ignatieff gives the impression that he is telling the whole
story. His interviews with U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke, The Hague War
Crimes chief prosecutor Louise Arbour, and General Wesley Clark are not
offset with the views of the Serbian leadership. Much of Virtual War
was written during the air campaign and was based only on information
available at the time.

Consequently, Ignatieff's supporting arguments for the campaign are
based on the same two "galvanizing incidents" used by NATO spokesmen to
justify their actions: the January 1999 massacre of Albanian civilians
by Serbian police at Racak, and Operation Horseshoe, the plan for
Yugoslavia to
ethnically-cleanse Kosovo. By the time Virtual War was published in
2000, German intelligence confessed to having fabricated the Operation
Horseshoe documents, and a UN forensic team had concluded that "no
massacre" had taken place at Racak. Despite the importance of these
findings, Ignatieff chose to ignore them rather than rethink his basic

Likewise, veteran CBC journalist Carol Off failed to note that Racak
was a hoax in The Lion, The Fox and The Eagle: A story of generals and
justice in Rwanda and Yugoslavia. Although Off devoted one-third of her
book to Hague prosecutor Louise Arbour (the Eagle), no mention was made
of this new evidence.

Arbour's indictment of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic as a war
criminal on the basis of the Racak massacre during the NATO air
campaign had served the U.S. State Department's propaganda interests.
However, by proceeding with this indictment without corroborating
forensic evidence,
Arbour undermined not only the credibility of The Hague Tribunal, but
also her professional reputation as an impartial prosecutor.

In her book, and her subsequent defence of it, Carol Off displays a
marked anti-Serbian bias, which is echoed by many of the Western
journalists who ventured into the Balkans from time to time over the
past decade to size up the situation. Their stories were often
misleading. Conditions in the "besieged" Muslim enclave of Sarajevo,
for example, were deemed
representative of the overall situation in Bosnia.

A dumbed-down version of 'Serbs as aggressors' became the
media-accepted template for coverage, even when it completely ignored
the complexity behind the multi-factional violence taking place in the
former Yugoslavia.

In reporting the civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia, journalists often
described the Serbs as invaders and whatever territory they occupied
was referred to as captured.

Such simplistic interpretations ignore history. Most of the ethnic
Serbian inhabitants of disputed areas have been living there for over
250 years. Forced from Kosovo, their religious heartland, by the Turks
in 1737 during the Great Migration, thousands of displaced Serbs
resettled in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and formed a buffer zone
against further Turkish expansion.

In addition to ignoring past population shifts, the Western media also
chose to rewrite modern history. Inspired by Croatian- and
Muslim-funded U.S. public relations firms, the Serbs were often
compared to Nazi stormtroopers. For the Serbian people to be depicted
in this fashion is particularly
puzzling. In World War II, when the Germans invaded Yugoslavia, Hitler
had exploited underlying ethnic hatreds to divide and conquer. Croatia
was recognized as an independent state and its Ustasha pledged
allegiance to the
Nazis. Albanians in Kosovo were recruited in great numbers into an SS
Division, Skenderberg, while the Bosnian Muslims joined another SS
Division, Handschar, noted for its brutality. As they had in World War
I, the Serbs supported the Allied cause and fiercely resisted German
occupation. As Communist partisans, or Royalist Chetniks, the Serbs
were dogged fighters, much admired in the West. But they paid a hefty
price for their defiance. As part of the Nazi policy of retribution,
the death of every German soldier was avenged with the execution of 100
Serbian civilians. At concentration camps in Croatia, the Ustasha
exterminated Serbs, Jews and Gypsys with such savagery that even the
German SS commanders were compelled to protest.

The media continued to refer to the Serbian military as a Nazi-like
juggernaut throughout the various Balkan wars of the past decade. Some
juggernaut. By the time the Dayton Peace Accord was signed in December
1995, it had been defeated on all fronts and over 750,000 Serb
civilians had been expelled from lost territory in western Slovonia,
the Krajina, eastern
Croatia and Bosnia.

Despite military setbacks and widespread suffering in Yugoslavia after
a decade of economic sanctions, the media stereotype remained
unchanged. In March 1999, on the eve of the Kosovo conflict, U.S.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright likened Slobodan Milosevic to
"Adolf Hitler in 1938."

Milosevic was the very man who, in 1996, Albright had praised as a "man
of peace," in recognition of the part he played in securing the Dayton
agreement. When hundreds of thousands of Serbs took to the streets of
Belgrade later that same year to protest his manipulation of municipal
elections, the U.S. refused to intervene. With a U.S.-led NATO
stabilization force maintaining a shaky cease-fire in Bosnia, the
Americans needed Milosevic.

On June 16, 1999, British troops watched as hundreds of cheering
Albanians formed a gauntlet on the streets of Pristina. (Photo by Scott

While the American media chose to ignore Albright's flip-flop, the
Serbs did not forget. As NATO bombs rained down on Belgrade, so did
U.S. propaganda leaflets urging Yugoslavs to rise up and overthrow
Milosevic. Despite their hatred for the president, they were not about
to do America's bidding while
in the cross-hairs of a bombsight.

In the end, NATO had been forced to back down and negotiate the Kosovo
peace deal with indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic. In return for
allowing NATO ground troops to enter the province (under a United
Nations mandate), Kosovo was to remain the sovereign territory of
Yugoslavia, the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army was to be disbanded,
and Serbian security forces were to remain in control of the border

The neighbouring Republic of Macedonia expected its own reward for
having provided emergency assistance to the flood of Albanian refugees
and for allowing NATO troops to use its territory as a staging ground
for the Kosovo operation. Bankrupt and militarily unprepared, the
Macedonians believed that they would be accepted as partners in NATO
and the European Union, and that they would not be caught up in the
escalating regional violence.
Events would prove them wrong.

Scott Taylor is editor of Esprit de Corps magazine and writes for the
Canadian press."
Thanks to Benjamin Works of the Strategic Issues Research Institute of
the US (SIRIUS).


From: jugoistrijan
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 19:21:43 +0200



=== 1 ===


WASHINGTON, Jul 18 (Tanjug) - US Congressman Kurt
Weldon wondered Thursday why the Democratic Party had
not protested when former president Bill Clinton had
lied and twisted facts on alleged mass murders in the
Balkans in order to justify the NATO invasion on the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999.

Reacting in the Congress to the strong criticism by
the democrats regarding the truthfulness of the
reasons President George Bush had given for the recent
intervention in Iraq, Weldon said he wished to remind
fellow democrats of the claims made by Clinton to
justify the bombing of Yugoslavia.

The Clinton administration had claimed at the time
that hundreds of thousands of people had been killed
in ethnic cleansing and buried in mass graves, in an
attempt to justify the NATO intervention and war
against (former Yugoslav president) Slobodan
Milosevic, in which both US soldiers and innocent
Serbs were being killed, Weldon said, underlining that
the justification for the US involvement in the war in
Yugoslavia was a load of false information.


HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Wednesday, July 16, 2003

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH -- (House of Representatives - July 16, 2003)

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Gingrey). The gentleman from Pennsylvania
(Mr. Weldon) is recognized for 40 minutes.

Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, enough is enough. I sat in my
office last night and listened to Member after Member on the other side
rail about President Bush and whether or not we could trust him in the
Iraqi situation. I have listened to my colleagues tonight. Enough is
enough. Mr. Speaker, this is just outrageous.

So what I have done is I have got a whole file here, and I am going to
remind my colleagues on the other side of the aisle about their
President for the previous 8 years, and I am going to cite articles and
claims and I am going to cite the justification for the invasion of
Yugoslavia as outlined by President Clinton.

Where were these voices, where were these petitions, where were these
outcries when President Clinton told us about the Balkans mass deaths
to justify NATO's invasion into the Balkans? The Clinton administration
claimed that ethnic cleansing had killed hundreds of thousands of
people, and I will include the articles from the papers in the
Congressional Record.

The Clinton administration was later criticized, and I have newspaper
articles here to back it up by the press for grossly exaggerating the
number of victims of ethnic cleansing, the mass graves. President
Clinton told us we would find 100,000 people that were murdered and
that was his justification for using NATO for the only time ever to
invade a non-NATO
country in order to justify a war against Slobodan Milosevic where U.S.
citizens, where U.S. troops, and where innocent Serbs were killed. That
is the first example.


Mr. Speaker, in one night, in one day, I have listed five times of
major significance that the leader of the party of the other side,
these righteous, indignant people who have railed and whined and cried
on the floor of this body said nothing about lies to the American

Mr. Speaker, some would say, well, these did not involve death of
American citizens or war, and I would remind my colleagues, the
justification that President Clinton used to take this country into war
in Yugoslavia was basically a bunch of false information. In fact, it
was the USA Today in July of 1999, an article that said, ``As the
allied forces take control in Kosovo, many of the figures used by the
Clinton administration and NATO were greatly exaggerated. Six hundred
thousand ethnic Albanian men were not trapped within Kosovo or buried
in mass graves, as President Clinton told a veterans group. Instead of
100,000 ethnic Albanian men feared murdered, officials now estimate
about 10,000; and we think the confirmed number was 3,000.''

Mr. Speaker, that was from USA Today in 1999.

Let us go to the Little Rock newspapers. They did an investigative
story on January 16, 2000, after the Clinton administration had made
these outrageous claims of ethnic cleansing. Why did they say these
things, Mr. Speaker? Because they wanted the Congress and they wanted
the American people to support his war to get Milosevic out of power.

Let us read some of the quotes from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette,
January 16, 2000:

``Of 500 potential grave sites, 150 have been opened and, no, we have
not found the 100,000 missing declared by President Clinton, or the
lower but probably equally preposterous figure of 10,000 advanced by
British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook and repeated by the BBC.''

This was not the Republican Party. This was the Arkansas Democrat
Gazette on January 16, 2000, saying that all the justification that
Clinton used to go to war in Yugoslavia was false, it was erroneous.

Where was the outcry by these liberal groups in this country? Where was
the outcry by the Democrats we have seen running down to the well
complaining that this President needs to be investigated? Where was the
consistency of the principled position of my colleagues on the other

Let us go on, Mr. Speaker, with the Arkansas Democrat Gazette article
of January 16, 2000: ``We have more than 10,000 photographs of graves,
sites and bodies, and more than 300 hours of video, and we share all
our evidence with the war crimes tribunal. From survivors who are
giving us testimonies,
we calculate there were 6,000 Kosovo Albanians killed in the 3 months
of the war,'' not before the war, in the 3 months of the war which
President Clinton led, ``and perhaps 2,000 still in Serbian prisons.''

Listen to this, Mr. Speaker. In the previous 12 months before the war,
there were 1,000 killed. So 1,000 were killed in the previous months,
6,000 were killed in the immediate 3 months of the war itself by the
bombs of the U.S., France and Germany and the other NATO countries.

``But then the figures become a little vague. The total of dead and
missing becomes 7,000 rather than 8,000; the figure of prewar killings
rises from 1,000 to 2,000.'' Mr. Speaker, the information leading up to
President Clinton's decision to go to war in Yugoslavia is filled with
gross, not just information distorted, gross distortions of fact, lies.

Where are my colleagues? What were they saying?

Let us go on, Mr. Speaker, to some other examples.

Here is an article from the Washington Post, March 26, 2000. The
headline, Was It a Mistake? We Were Suckers for the KLA was the
headline of this article written by Christopher Layne and Benjamin
Schwartz. Let us go through some of the claims.

``Clinton's assertion,'' and I am quoting here, Mr. Speaker, ``at a
June 25, 1999, postwar news conference that the bombing was a way to
stop, quote, deliberate, systematic efforts at genocide,'' he called it
genocide in Kosovo. It goes on to say, ``was either disingenuous or
ignorant. Before the start of NATO's bombing on March 24, 1999, almost
2,000 civilians,
overwhelmingly ethnic Albanians but also Serbs, had been killed in 15
months of bitter warfare. Up to that point, there had been no genocide
or ethnic cleansing.'' The genocide and ethnic cleansing started when
Bill Clinton and Jacques Chirac started the war against Milosevic.

I will go on, Mr. Speaker, this same article, Washington Post, March
26, 2000:

``Not only did the forced removal of civilians result from the NATO
bombing, but administration claims of mass killings, made to rally
popular support for the war, turn out to have been exaggerated. Clinton
defended the intervention on the grounds that the Yugoslavs had
slaughtered tens of thousands.'' President Clinton said tens of
thousands, Mr. Speaker. It never
turned out to be true. All lies. Secretary of Defense William Cohen
termed it a, quote, horrific slaughter. The numbers we now have,
according to this article in the Post, disprove those claims. U.N.
numbers and U.S. numbers and Allied numbers say the information
provided to Congress was wrong.
Let us go on to a story in the Contra Costa Times, March 4, 2000. ``We
became involved in Kosovo after being bombarded with exorbitant claims
of ethnic cleansing, subsequently proven exaggerated and largely
committed after NATO started bombing.''

Another newspaper, Mr. Speaker. I do not remember my colleagues quoting
from these papers. I do not remember my colleagues coming to the floor
and demanding an investigation of Bill Clinton for distorting things.
Not only were these distortions, they were outright, outright lies.

We will go on with that Contra Costa story of March 4, 2000:

``As a result of false and misleading news reports, Americans were led
to believe tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of ethnic
Albanians were killed by the Serbs and buried in mass graves. Many are
still under that impression.

``According to U.N. investigators who have been scouring the area since
the bombing stopped, the total number of ethnic Albanians killed by the
Serbs is closer to 2,000, far fewer than the number of civilians killed
by NATO bombers.''

Let me repeat that statement again, Mr. Speaker. Listen to this,
please, quoted from the Contra Costa Times, March 4, 2000: ``According
to U.N. investigators who scoured the area since the bombing stopped,
the total number of ethnic Albanians killed by the Serbs is closer to
2,000, far fewer than the total number of civilians killed by NATO

Let us go on to some additional articles, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the
distortions of the other side are outrageous. I did not want to get up
and do this. But I, Mr. Speaker, was sick and tired of sitting in my
office listening to Members parade down here, 1-hour special orders,
talking about how they were misled. What a crock, Mr. Speaker.

First of all, if any Member of Congress was misled by President Bush's
State of the Union speech, then there has got to be something wrong
with them, because the vote to give the President the use of force was
in October of last year. What did they do, read the speech 3 months
before it occurred?
The vote did not come after the President's speech. These Members on
the other side who voted to give the President the use of force to
remove Saddam Hussein voted in the fall of last year, 3 months before
President Bush made the State of the Union speech here.

Mr. Speaker, it is all partisan rhetoric, and I am sick of it.


Mr. Speaker, I could go on and on. I did the research in 1 day. I could
have gone on and probably spent weeks and weeks getting tons of
additional information about the misstatements, about the denial of the
missiles that were sent to Pakistan, about the misleading information
leading up to the war in Kosovo. Yet we never heard one peep out of the
other body. I raise all of these facts, Mr. Speaker, only as a
defensive response to my colleagues on the other side. They have made
such outrageous claims, and I heard it in 5-minute speeches tonight. I
heard it in 1-hour Special Orders last night. I heard it right before I
spoke here tonight like somehow this is not going to go refuted and,
Mr. Speaker, I cannot do that. George Bush
had the decency and honesty to say that when he made the State of the
Union speech from that podium, perhaps that information given him, even
though today he maintains it is still factually correct, should not
have been included in the State of the Union speech. He was honest.

Where was the honesty of the previous President? Where was the other
party that was down here railing about Bush and demanding a retraction?
Where were these interest groups on the Internet demanding that we have
accountability through petition drives? Where were they? They did not
exist because they are a part of the Democrat machine that did not care
what Bill Clinton said, did not care about distortions, did not care
about out-and-out lies.


Why would my colleagues on the other side think it was okay to support
President Clinton in using military force to remove Milosevic from
power, and, by the way, they did not go to the U.N. for that vote
because France knew Russia would veto a U.N. resolution? How could they
support that military action, but then question President Bush when he
uses military action to remove the worst human rights violator since
Adolph Hitler from power just this year? And that claim of Saddam
Hussein's being the worst human rights violator since Adolph Hitler
does not come from me. It comes from the U.N. Special Rappateur for
human rights when he was comparing the human rights record of Saddam


Mr. Speaker, I will make this commitment to my colleagues. If this
partisan rhetoric continues on the floor, I will be back here every
night and I will refute it, and I will bring out more of the gross
Clinton lies and distortions which that side remained silent on year
after year after year. I challenge them to end this garbage. Enough is
enough, Mr. Speaker.


=== 2 ===

ANTIWAR, Thursday, June 12, 2003

Balkan Express
by Nebojsa Malic

Remember Kosovo?

Balkans And the Big Picture A Year Later

There has been lately a great deal of commotion in the press as to
whether Emperor Bush the Lesser and his satellites have lied to their
people about the supposed "weapons of mass destruction," which have not
been found even after six weeks of occupation and unfettered access to
all parts of Iraq. As if the notion of the Emperor deceiving his
subjects was something new!

Does anyone remember Racak, the "massacre" used to justify the
Rambouillet ultimatum and the subsequent bombing of Serbia in 1999? Or,
for that matter, the "genocide" that took place in Kosovo during the
bombing only, it didn't? Apparently not. Nor is it remembered that
even after these lies were
decisively debunked, their peddlers never suffered any adverse
In the specific case of Kosovo, the train of lies and abuses is so long
a thick book would hardly do it justice.

What is happening in Iraq now is merely a re-run of what happened in
Kosovo. Because the Empire got away with murder, literally, launching a
clear war of aggression and occupation while spinning all sorts of
preposterous lies about it, Kosovo made Iraq possible. Never forget

Even as Tony Blair was trying to lie its way out of Iraq lies, the
Guardian featured a series of articles seemingly critical of British
support for Imperial interventions, titled "Did we make it better?" In
the segment on Kosovo, writer Jon Henley creates an impression that
even as poverty, crime and violence are rampant, NATO's bombing and
invasion in 1999 and the
subsequent occupation is one hundred percent justified. Four years
after the Operation Allied Force ended, the lies behind it persist.

Reign of Terror

On June 9, 1999, representatives of the Yugoslav government and NATO
signed an armistice in a tent outside Kumanovo, Macedonia, ending
NATO's 78-day air assault. Within a week, NATO troops occupied the
Serbian province of Kosovo, and their KLA allies began a reign of
terror that has continued ever

In June 1999 alone, over 250,000 Serbs, Roma, Turks, Muslims, and Jews
were forced to leave Kosovo, often with little or no property. In
addition to targeting Serbs, Albanians launched special pogroms against
the Roma ("Gypsies"), in the best tradition of their WW2 ancestors.

In July 1999, 14 Serb farmers were murdered while harvesting their
fields outside the hamlet of Staro Gracko. (An IWPR hack aptly named
Fron Nazi claimed they were victims of "Serb subterfuge," even as KFOR
statistics showed one Serb was being murdered every 24 hours.)

In October 1999, an Albanian mob murdered Bulgarian UN worker Valentin
Krumov for speaking what sounded like Serbian.

In February 2001, a bus full of Serbs who were coming to visit their
cemeteries was blown up by a remote-controlled mine. Three Albanians
arrested in connection with the bombing were released by December 2001,
and one "escaped" from the US fortified base Camp Bondsteel.

Throughout Kosovo, Serbs have retreated into towns and villages that
have become virtual concentration camps. If they venture outside those
areas, which are guarded by NATO troops and not infrequently cordoned
off with barbed wire, they risk death. The most notorious ghetto has
been Orahovac.
Other enclaves, like Gracanica and Decani monastery, are frequently
under attack.

In the north of Kosovo, local Serbs have managed to stop the Albanian
takeover on the southern side of the Ibar River, in Mitrovica. Together
with several towns in the north, this is the only remaining territory
in Kosovo not dominated by the Albanian separatists, which has made it
a target for constant attacks by Albanians, occupation authorities, and

Even Albanians have been targets of organized violence, as the
terrorist KLA targeted "collaborators," political rivals and witnesses
to its murderous deeds.

Albanian militants have demolished or desecrated over 110 churches,
chapels and monasteries. They have destroyed hundreds of monuments and
even libraries, renamed towns, streets, and the entire province
("Kosova") in an effort to completely eradicate any non-Albanian
presence in Kosovo.

Reign of Lies

Reports often say all of this has happened despite the presence of
30,000 NATO troops, but the truth is, it happened because of their
The vast majority of attacks were never solved. Yet it is a public
secret that most perpetrators are "former" KLA now employees of the
UN-funded "Kosovo Protection Corps," commanded by the notorious KLA
leader and former Croatian officer Agim Ceku.

In April 2002, two men were killed while trying to plant a bomb under a
railroad track used by Serbs. They belonged to the "Albanian National
Army," the newest incarnation of the KLA, declared shortly thereafter a
"terrorist organization." They were also members of the KPC!

On June 3, 1999, NATO was still attacking Yugoslavia and the Alliance
mouthpiece Jamie Shea gave his usual afternoon briefing. When a
reporter asked if there were any indications that the KLA was prepared
to be disarmed by NATO "peacekeepers," Shea responded coyly: "Well, we
will have to
wait and see, won't we?"

We didn't have to wait for long. The KLA entered Kosovo perched upon
NATO tanks, rampaged through the province unchallenged, made a big show
of handing over a handful of obsolete weapons, changed uniforms and
went legit, with a UN paycheck as an added bonus.

A Deadly Message

Four years after NATO's "humanitarian war" ended, it still claims
lives. UN police found the butchered bodies of Slobodan, Ljubinko and
Radmila Stolic [Stolich] inside their burnt-out home early on June 4
this year. It was an ax murder sloppily contrived to look like an

UN police spokesman Derek Chapelle is quoted in a June 4 Reuters report,
"The people were attacked as they were lying in bed in the middle of
the night. These people died as a result of a brutal beating, not a
At the very bottom of the article, tucked into near-oblivion, is a note
that local Serbs told the reporters the Stolic family was under
Albanian pressure to sell their house and leave Kosovo. That their
murder was meant as a message to other Serbs is abundantly clear. But
is this mentioned? No.

In fact, reporting that some 400 Serbs decided to pack up and leave
town after the murders, Agence France-Presse never once mentioned
possible perpetrators of the attack, let alone the motive. Official
American propaganda carried the same story, but focused on dismissing
Serb concerns about their security, and again, never even hinted at the
obvious identity
of the murderers. These are but the latest examples of an ongoing
pattern of denial and obfuscation, pervasive throughout the Imperial
media when it comes to reporting on Kosovo.

Murders of Serbs by Albanians were initially excused as "revenge
attacks," implying some sort of "payback" for Serb atrocities. But as
the attacks continued and atrocities accusations became increasingly
impossible to substantiate, a new euphemism was created: "ethnic
violence." This implies
that Serbs and Albanians are attacking each other. Yet no one can cite
a single case of Serbs wantonly attacking and murdering Albanians in
these past four years. Not one! When Albanians suffer violent deaths in
Kosovo these days, it is at the hands of other Albanians members of
crime syndicates or "former" KLA (often one and the same).

Spin the Murder

The Stolic family was murdered again this time metaphorically when
the politicians took the stage. UN Viceroy Michael Steiner claimed the
Obilic murders were "clearly aimed at stopping reconciliation a
perfidious crime which was directed against multi-ethnicity in Kosovo."
What reconciliation?
What multi-ethnicity? What planet does Steiner live on?
Kosovo Albanian "prime minister" Bayram Rexhepi issued a statement
expressing condolences to the Stolic family (!) and termed the murders
a "criminal act directed against the stability, peace, and prosperity
of Kosovo and its future."

But of course! Why hasn't anyone thought of this before? All these
brutal murders, abductions and massacres are really a sinister plot to
make the innocent, victimized Kosovo Albanians look bad and ruin their
future of peace, prosperity, multi-ethnic democracy and independence!
Why, the dastardly Serbs must have massacred themselves!

Official Serbian news agency cites an interview UNMIK spokesman Simon
Haselock gave BBC radio, where he is quoted as saying that "no police
force in the world is capable of protecting every family and every
individual" and that the security situation in Kosovo has lately
"improved dramatically."

Like the rest of NATO apologists to be fair, this is actually his job
Haselock uses the diminishing frequency of attacks to claim
improvement. But that attacks on Serbs now happen once a month instead
of once a day has largely been a function of the diminishing number of
Serbs, not the diminishing desire of Albanian segregationists to attack

The platitudes of Steiner and Rexhepi and Haselock's tautological
nonsense are trying to divert attention from the realities of the
occupation. Kosovo Serbs and other ethnic groups are targets of an
organized, systematic Albanian campaign of ethnic cleansing, aimed at
creating an ethnically
pure, independent Albanian Kosovo. Sounds familiar? That's because this
was an accusation leveled at the victims, the Serbs, by the Albanians
and the Empire in an effort to preclude their defense.

Good Riddance

On the eve of the murders in Obilic, Viceroy Steiner announced he would
be quitting the job at the end of June. Kosovo Serbs should bid him
good riddance. From his first act in office forging a unified
Albanian political front to his most recent prevarications, Steiner
has pushed the occupied province on the road to ethnically cleansed
However welcome his departure may be, one must remember that Steiner
was never the real problem.

Conceived, established and perpetuated by violence, the occupation of
Kosovo is itself the greatest enemy of peace, liberty and prosperity in
the southern Balkans.

Bloody Hands

Many opponents of the Kosovo war supported George W. Bush in 2000,
fooled by the neocons' loud opposition to the bombing, which was
nothing more than opportunistic posturing, into believing Kosovo was
"Clinton's war." But
Bush the Lesser has made no changes to Clinton's policy in Kosovo or
anywhere in the Balkans, for that matter. And why would he? It was
Kosovo that made Iraq possible: both illegal, illegitimate wars
resulting in equally illegal and illegitimate occupations, not to
mention the toll in destroyed human lives and property, or the
destruction of social and cultural heritage.

Senator Joseph Lieberman, who would like to be Emperor after Bush, said
in 1999 that the blatantly fascist KLA was "fighting for American
Lieberman came close to being elected vice-president in 2000, and this
statement was never held against him. There have been several proposed
resolutions in the Congress supporting the independence of Albanized
Kosovo, but not one not one! demanding an end to the occupation.
Today, Kosovo is an issue almost forgotten in the American political
discourse, even
though the United States is chiefly responsible for the current state
of affairs in that Serbian province. Empire's hands are drenched with
blood of the massacred and tears of the dispossessed.

It is not surprising that those who should be ashamed of their actions
have forgotten Kosovo. But those who care about honor, justice and
liberty have every reason to remember.



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Osnivačka skupština  Saveza društava "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske



Davati što više šanse mladima,koji su danas na brisanom prostoru -
Okupiti znanstvenike i stručnjake.

Savez društava "Josip Broz Tito", utemeljen je na osnivačkoj Skupštini
održanoj 15. veljače u Zagrebu kao dobrovoljno i nestranačko udruženje
Društava privrženih antifašizmu i promoviraju poruke Titovog vremena -
antifašistički pokret, NOR 1941.-1945, poslijeratnu izgradnju
socijalističke zemlje, ostvarivanje demokracije i socijalne pravde,
borbe za mir, suradnju i ravnopravnost među narodima i državama i
Pokreta nesvrstanih zemalja u svijetu i poštuju velikana minule epohe i
njegovo monumentalno djelo. Za predsjednika Saveza izabran je  Tomislav
Badovinac, a za tajnika Ilija Labus.

Prije toga članovi pjevačkog zbora Hrvatskog kulturno- mjetničkog
društva "Željezničar" izveli su himnu, a potom je svim poginulim
antifašistima i borcima te umrlim članovima Društva "Josip Broz Tito"
odana pošta minutom šutnje.

Osnivačkoj skupštini su prisustvovali po dva predstavnika iz Društava
Tito, koja su donijela odluku o osnivanju Saveza Društava "Josip Broz
Tito" Hrvatske. Svi su izabrani predstavnici bili prisutni na
Osnovačkoj skupštini i to: Poreč: Martin Matošević i Šime Perica;
Varaždin: Tomislav Kobal i Štefica Novak; Rijeka: Zdenko Jurčić i Vlah
Branko; Bujština: Renato Krevatin i Đorđo Černac; Zagreb: Vjekoslav
Brundić i Tomislav Badovinac; Labinština: Lucijan Martinčić i Bešić

Uz delegate osnivanju tog tijela prisustvovali su i pozdravljeni su mr.
Ivan Fumić, Edo Vostrel, Milivoj  Boroša i druge ličnosti SABA, RVIH i
 Sindikata umirovljenika, te brojni članovi Društva Tito Zagreb i
gosti. Posebno su pozdravljeni prisutni novinari.

Dr. T. Badovinac u nastavku je podsjetio nazočne da se upravo danas
organizira  protestni zbor na Jelačićevom  trgu u Zagrebu u povodu
 američkih prijetnji Iraku. Nažalost, nismo mogli odgoditi ovu
Skupštinu, pa da i mi budemo sa Zagrepčanima, da dignemo svoj glas
protiv huškača rata, jer nosimo ime čovjeka koji je neupitno gotovo
čitav svoj državnički vijek odradio u borbi za mir putem
koegzistencije, nesvrstavanja i u direktnim sukobima s onima što su
 bili druga vrsta  imperijalizma- staljinizma.

Kao Titovi sljedbenici protivimo se bilo kakvom nastraju na mir, to tim
više što ima jako malo podataka koji čvrsto govore da Irak zaista
posjeduje zastrašujuće oružja. Ta vrsta oružja je američka propagandna
izmišljotina. Inspektori ga nisu našli. Jedino čime se može razoružati
 Irak jeste njegova nafta.

Izražavam u ime svih vas protest  protiv onih što silom oružja
pokušavaju nametnuti svoje vlastite želje da pokore male zemlje i
narode da bi tako došli do "crnog zlata"- podvukao je dr. Badovinac.

            Zbog čega se osniva Savez  Društava "Josip Broz Tito"
objasnio je  dr. Tomislav Badovinac, inače  predsjednik zagrebačkog
društva s Titovim imenom, osnovanog 25. svibnja  1996. godine.
Podsjetio je da je  u proteklih šest i pol godina osnovano 25 ogranaka
s oko 4.000 članova, u većem dijelu zemlje.

Društvo koje je registrirano time je steklo i svojstvo pravne osobe,
dok su ogranci bili u svojstvu podružnice, bez svojstva pravne osobe.

Nalazimo se  pred novim iskorakom u organiziranju i  omasovljavanju
Društava Tito, naročito mladim članovima, što će biti i najbitnija
 zadaća u narednom vremenu. To tim više, što se borci antifašističkog
rata- NOB-e brojčano svakim danom sve više smanjuju. Mlade generacije
koje su sklone antifašističkim tekovinama, iako nisu dovoljno upoznate,
trebale bi dostojanstveno nastaviti uvažavati i dalje razvijati
dostignuća NOB-e i socijalističke izgradnje i tekovine Titovih poruka.
Najprihvatljiviji i najuspješniji iskorak će biti utoliko koliko se mi
stariji budemo više oslobađali sektaškog odnosa prema mladima i ne
budemo odmjeravali ponašanje mladih prema našim idejno-političkim
aršinima. Riječ je o borbi za svakog pojedinca, jer su, danas, na
brisanom prostoru i mogli bi potpasti pod utjecaj nama tuđih shvaćanja.

Već danas se osjeća da je postojeće Društvo postalo preglomazno, te je
s organizacijskog stajališta, postalo nedovoljno efikasno i skučeno u
djelovanju, jer nije uspijevalo poticati aktivnost članova.
Mnogobrojnost članova ogranaka, a bez raznih drugih interesnih oblika
organiziranja aktivnosti, imalo je za posljedicu i nedovoljno
razgranjavanje aktivnosti i nedovoljno povećanje broja članova,
pogotovo mladih. Svako novo Društvo, u svojstvu pravne osobe, može
osnivati svoje ogranke i druge oblike organiziranja, kako po osnovi
interesnih aktivnosti ( klubovi, sekcije, tribine, forumi itd.) tako i
po osnovi mjesta prebivanja ( škola, fakultet, selo, grad, općina
itd.), što će pridonijeti znatnijem djelovanju i proširivanju
aktivnosti članova, kao i daljem povećanju broja članova Društva.

Imajući u vidu činjenicu da ogranci formalno pravno ne mogu samostalno
djelovati, već samo u okviru Društva, teoretski je moguće pretpostaviti
 da postojeće Društvo, iz razno raznih objektivnih ili subjektivnih
okolnosti, može biti onemogućeno da djeluje, došlo bi do prestanka rada
svih ogranaka i aktivnosti njenih članova, što bi bio najveći i
neoprostivi propust.

Budući da ogranci nemaju svojstvo pravne osobe, nemaju ni legitimitet
da mogu konkurirati za financijsku potporu i osiguranje neophodnih
radnih prostorija od organa vlasti na čijem su području.

Osim pitanja adekvatnije organizacije, prigodnih oblika i formi
okupljanja članova u ispoljavanju njihovih aktivnosti u Društvu,
posebno je značajno da se  na nivou Saveza Društava "Josip Broz Tito"
Hrvatske organiziraju Dan Mladosti - radosti u Kumrovcu i povremeno
izdavanje "Glasila", organizacija znanstvenih skupova i drugi
usuglašeni zadaci iz Programa Saveza  Društva "Josip Broz Tito".

Poglavito je značajno da se okupe znanstvenici i stručnjaci, prije
svega, iz cijele zemlje u  Savjet Saveza Društava "Josip Broz Tito"
kako bi mogli organizirati stručno- znanstvene skupove na teme
suvremenih aktualnih pitanja, koja se mogu sagledati na temelju pouka
Titovog vremena. To su prije svega:

- Ekonomska aktualna situacija izražava se u visokoj stopi
nezaposlenosti, koje je posljedica restauracije kapitalizma, pretvorbe,
kojom je opljačkana radnička klasa, odnosno društvena  imovina, i
onemogućeno proširenje tržišta, koje bi omogućilo proizvodnju,
povećanjem zaduženosti zbog nerazmjernog uvoza u odnosu  na izvoz kao
posljedice nerealnog tečaja, a postoje pouke kako su se rješavala
slična pitanja i kako bi se  mogla rješavati;

- Poimanje demokracije, koja se poistovjećuje s višestranačjem, a
zanemaruje se činjenica da punu demokratizaciju čine politička,
socijalna i ekonomska komponenta;

- Antifašizam i fašizam su u trajnoj sukobljenosti, pobjeda antifašizma
je civilizacijska tekovina (neprekidna aktivnost u održanju mira,
ravnopravnosti, pravednosti, jednakosti i međusobnom poštivanju);

- Sučeljavanje suprotstavljenih sila, nekadašnji NATO i Varšavski vojni
paktovi temeljem ideoloških suprotnosti, danas se sučeljavaju
najbogatiji, snagom oružja i najsiromašniji žrtvujući svoje živote -
terorizmom, što bi trebalo zamijeniti politikom aktivne i miroljubive
koegzistencije radi iznalaženja ravnopravnijih  međusobnih odnosa u
raspodjeli proizvodnih rezultata.

Na taj način bi trebali podstaći istraživanje u poukama Titovog doba i
sagledavanje istine o pionirskim djelima, koja su nasilno prekinuta, a
kojima predstoji budućnost.

Sudionici osnivačke Skupštine u nastavku uz stanovite korekcije i
konstruktivne prijedloge i sugestije jednoglasno usvojili su Program
aktivnosti od 2003. do 2004. godine i Statut Saveza Društava "Josip
Broz Tito". U tim dokumentima je potanje  naznačena tematika
djelatnosti  Saveza i njihovim jednodušnim usvajanjem na osnivačkoj
Skupštini precizirana, utvrđena buduća profilacija toga tijela.

Članovi osnivačke Skupštine Saveza potom su utvrdili i izabrali organe

Predsjedništvo: Tomislav Badovinac ( Zagreb), Vjekoslav Brundić
(Zagreb), Đorđo Černac ( Bujština), Ruđero  Faraguna ( Labinština),
Vitomir Grbac (Rijeka), Štefanija Novak ( Varaždin), Ilija Labus
(Zagreb), Dragica  Lovreković (Zagreb) i Martin Matošević (Poreč).

Nadzorni odbor: Augustin Bajčić (Zagreb), Narcisa Čemalović (Zagreb) i
dr. Ivan Nemarnik (Rijeka).

Statutarna komisija: Slobodan Colović (Split), Vinko Horvat (Varaždin)
i Anđelko Kušće (Bujština).

Članovi Znanstvenog vijeća/ Savjeta/ su: maestro  Emilio Cossetto, dr.
Dušan Dragosavac, dr. Branko Horvat, dr. Maja Hribar Ožegović, Juraj
Hrženjak, dr. Neda Kauzlarić Andrić, dr. Slavko Komar, dr. Vlasta
Kraljević, dr. Slavko Kulić, dr. Ivan Mecanović, dr. Ranka  Peašinović,
dr. Guste Santini, dr. Rikard Štajner, dr. Stipe Šuvar, Nikola Uzelac,
dr. Vladimir Velebit i dr. Savo Zlatić.

Potom je uslijedila kraća pauza i za to vrijeme održana je
konstituirajuća sjednica Predsjedništva. Za predsjednika Saveza izabran
je Tomislav Badovinac, a za tajnika Ilija Labus. Osnovan je Izvršni
odbor, kao organ, odnosno uže operativno tijelo Predsjedništva u
sastavu: Tomislav Badovinac, Ilija  Labus i Dragica  Lorković.

Uz to donijeta je i privremena odluka o participaciji društava Tito za
program aktivnosti Saveza društava "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske po kojoj
svako društvo participira 25% od članarine za ovu godinu.

Prije nego što su se razišli sudionici skupa prihvatili su Odluku o
osnivanju Saveza i pokretanju postupka za upis u Registar udruga
Republike Hrvatske.

Osnivačka skupština Saveza društva "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske upamćena
je i po  iznimno velikom broju predstavnika tiska, medija  i agencije
HINA, što će reći da je tom događaju dan  naglašen publicitet u svim
medijima u zemlji.                           

Jozo Petričević


Osnivačka Skupština Saveza Društva "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske održana
15. veljače 2003. godine u  Zagrebu, Pavla Hatza 14., sukladno čl. 10.
Zakona o udrugama N.N. 88/01. donijela je:



o osnivanju Saveza Društava "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske i

pokretanju postupka za upis u Registar udruga Republike Hrvatske


1. Osniva se Savez Društava "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske, kao dobrovoljna
nestranačka i neprofitabilna udruga svojih članova;

- skraćeni naziv je: Savez Društava Tito,

- sjedište Saveza Društava Tito je u Zagrebu, Pavla Hatza 14.

2. Savez Društava Tito, djeluje na području Republike Hrvatske, a na
temelju  svog Statuta i Programa donijetog na Osnivačkoj skupštini, a
primjenjivat će se nakon ovjere kod nadležnog državnog ureda.  

3. Pokreće se postupak za upis Savez Društava Tito, kao pravne osobe u
Registar udruga Republike Hrvatske.

4. Za zastupanje Saveza Društva Tito i za podnošenje zahtjeva za upis u
Registar udruga Republike Hrvatske, ovlašćuje se (ime i prezime JMBG,


U Zagrebu, 15. veljače 2003.

Osnivačke Skupštine:
Dr. sc. Tomislav Badovinac




Postoje rije čimongolske ,perzijske , š panjolske inorve ške ,koje su
razumljive isklju čivo  Mongolima ,   Perzijancima , Španjolcima
 iNorve žanima -ali postoje isvjetske rije čikoje su jasne svim
narodima svijeta .

Kad izusti štakvu rije čna bilo kojem meridijanu ,ona svuda isto zna
či,svud izaziva istu misao ili asocijaciju .

Takva svjetska riječ je TITO.  

Jedva da ima jezika na kojem ova riječ nije izgovorena. I gdje god su
je izgovorili, znaju, da je ona jednoznačna sa slobodom.

Ali ima ona i druga značenja - prije svega znači: čovjek, vatra,

Ali znači i proljeće. Proljeće koje zrači nadom za svijet. Znači toplu
zemlju iz koje klija sjeme.

Svjetska riječ na svim jezicima znači: bratstvo, borbu, otpor u borbi.

Znači ravnopravnost svih naroda ...

Novu točku gledišta i perspektivu.

I opet znači: čovjek. Znači: nov položaj čovjeka, nov položaj njegov u
društvu. Nov moralni kriterij...

I ona svjetska riječ znači i sve to zajedno: na mongolskom, perzijskom,
španjolskom, norveškom i na svim jezicima svijeta znači: mladost,
pametnu, lijepu igru i ljubav, vjeru hrabrih, i mir, mir, mir.

                    Ištvan Nemet




U četvrtak, 17. listopada osnovano je Društvo "Josip Broj Tito", koje
ima 119 članova s područja Varaždina, a dosad je djelovalo kao Ogranak
Društva "Josip Broj Tito"Zagreb.

Na osnivačkoj skupštini usvojen je Statut te su izabrani članovi
Predsjedništva i Nadzornog odbora, kao i članovi drugih organa Društvo

Za članove Predsjedništva Društva Tito izabrani su: Tomislav Kobal,
Štefica Novak, Stjepan Oskoruš, Zvonko Gabarić, Zvonimir Lacković,
Josip Drožđek, Dane Milošević, Robert Čurić i Franjo Čavlek. Za članove
Nadzornog odbora izabrani su: Vinko Horvat, Mariša Horvat i Milan

Osnivačka skupština je pokrenula postupak za osnivanje saveza društva
Tita na razini Hrvatske.

Na konstituirajućoj sjednici članovi Predsjedništva izabrali su za
predsjednika Tomislava Kobala i zamjenika predsjednika Društva Šteficu





U Bujama je 21. studena održana osnivačka skupština Društva "Josip Broz
Tito" za područje Bujštine. Osnovano je Društvo Tito, a dosad je
djelovalo kao Ogranak Društva Tito Zagreb.

Za predsjednika Društva Tito izabran je Renato Krevatin, tajnik je
Đorđe Černac, a osim njih u predsjedništvu su Božidar Caković, Vlado
Jažić i Anđelka Stanić iz Novigrada, Vladimir Croilla, Anđelko Kušće,
Čedomir Poljak i David Vranjac iz Grožnjana, Armando Degrassi, Lorena
Radetić, Franko Rosso i Josip Špoler iz Umaga, te Lino Šepić i Angelo
de Domizio iz Buja.

Osnivačka skupština je pokrenula postupak za osnivanje saveza društva
Tita na razini Hrvatske. Usto, nastojat će animirati što više mladih te
sve antifašistički usmjerene građane da se učlane u Društvo Tito.



Osnivačka Skupština Saveza Društava''Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske, 15.
veljače 2003. godine, donijela je:



I. Realizacija ciljeva i zadataka utvrđenih Statutom Saveza Društava:

Statutom Društava ''Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske utvrđeni su kao trajni i
strateški ciljevi:

- gajenje, čuvanje i razvijanje poštovanja prema djelu Josipa Broza

- odavanje komemorativne počasti povodom smrti;

- organiziranje dana radosti u povodu Dana Mladosti;

- povjesna valorizacija Josipa Broza Tita i njegova vremena, kako u
Narodno oslobodilačkoj borbi, tako i u stvaranju Federacije
ravnopravnih Republika, povjesnom "NE" Informbirou, uvođenju
samoupravljanja, stvaranju Pokreta

 nesvrstanih, te trasiranja puta prema miroljubivoj koegzistenciji;

- manifestiranje antifašizma;

- aktivno učešće i rad na razvijanju demokracije, humanizma,
nacionalne, vjerske i političke tolerancije, socijalne pravde, prava
radnika i građana.


II. Aktivnosti Saveza Društva Tito u narednom razdoblju:

U narednom razdoblju rad Savez Društva Tito zasnivat će se na
prijedlozima rješavanja aktualnih problerna hrvatskog društva, a na
osnovama Titovih ideja i njegovih vizionarskih pogleda u budućnost. Na
taj način, pronalaženjem dodirnih točaka izmedju sadašnjih problema i
Titove misli moguće je dati doprinos rješavanju nagomilanih problema u
zemlji, kao i u odnosima prema svijetu, a posebno prema susjedstvu.

Saglasno tome Savez Društvo Tito će organizirati okrugle stolove,
predavanja, konferencije za tisak kao i druge oblike javne rasprave,
komunikacija putem medija i izdavačke djelatnosti, kako bi upoznalo
javnost sa svojim stavovima, vezanim uz djelo Josipa Broz Tita, te
pružilo pomoć u rješavanju pojedinih pitanja, a osobito o :

- ravnopravnosti naroda i narodnosti, kao nastavka Titove politike:
bratstva i jedinstva, miroljubive koegzistencije i suradnje u
medjunarodniin odnosima, a bez dogmatskih pristupa, kako u pogledu
formi suradnje, tako i izbora država s kojima će se razvijati
bilateralni i multilateralni odnosi;

- društveno-ekonomskim problemima, vezanih uz društvenu, ekonomsku i
pravnu krizu, koja je u nas evidentna, uz naznačivanje mogućih rješenja

- suradnji u okviru Pakta o stabilnosti u cilju ostvarenja ekonomske
integracije, posebno osiguranja potrošača, odnosno tržišta je temeljni
preduvjet za rast i razvoj proizvodnje. U naše vrijeme tržište se   
povećava ekonomskom  integracijom. Veliko   tržište omogućava slobodni
protok robe, ljudi i kapitala;

- formiranja carinske unije s Bosnom i Hercegovinom, jer bi to
predstavljalo jedinstveno ekonomsko područje, a to bi značilo ukidanje
carinskih troškova na zajedničkoj granici. Hrvatskoj trebaju
komunikacije s jugom zemlje, lektroenergija i  sirovine, a Bosni i
Hercegovini trebaju more, veći asortiman  proizvoda i razvijeniji
partner koji može u mnogo ćemu pomoći. Obje zemlje imaju koristi od
podvostručenja    unutrašnjeg tržišta. Carinska unija tek je početak
integracionih procesa koji se nonnalno razvijaju do ekonomske unije.
Poput EU, treba razraditi kratka i jasna načela koja treba ispuniti
svaka zemlja koja želi biti primljena u ekonomsku uniju;

- decentralizaciji i privredne i političke. Da bi se u potpunosti
mobilizirali ljudski resursi, potrebno je koristiti    sve informacije
koje u društvu postoje. Za to je potrebna decentralizacija odlučivanja,
koja znači privrednu i političku samoupravu.Ona osim toga omogućava
incijativu, što predstavlja trajan podsticaj.

Stoga je nužno osposobljavanje lokalne samoupravne zajednice, kao
oblika demokratske participacije građana u donošenju javnih odluka;

- participaciji radnika u privatnim poduzećima i samoupravnom
organiziranju u  javnim poduzećima;

- razvitku lokalne samouprave, koja treba da osigura prava i
zadovoljavanje interesa i potreba građana, sa znatno širim ovlastima od
onih kojima danas jedinice lokalne samouprave raspolažu, uz analizu
novih, neformalnih oblika  djelovanja radnih ljudi i građana odbori za
očuvanje poduzeća, javni prosvjedi i sl.)  uz konfrontiranje pojavama
tajkunizacije, korupcije, birokratskog ponašanja i sl.;

- punoj demokraciji, koja omogućava korištenje svih ideja i incijativa
koje se u društvu javljaju. Znatno reducira mogućnost dominacije
pojedinih grupa koje nameću vlastite interese na račun društvenih
interesa. Omogućava ravnomjemiju raspodjelu dohotka i pravednije

- pravnoj državi kao neophodnoj za efikasno funkcioniranje tržišta i
planiranja. Pored toga, važna je i za eliminiranje korupcije. Treba
uskladiti naslijeđena pravna rješenja s modernom ekonomskom praksom
razdvojenog vlasništva kapitala i vlasništva poduzeća;

- pravnim i ekonomskim aspektima globalizacije. Globalizacija djeluje
snažno na pravni poredak i to: mijenja se pojam suvereniteta država, a
s tim i sadržaj ustava i ustavnog prava i u gospodarskom se pravu sve
više vrši unifikacija prava na  globalnoj razini, te o postojećem
stanju, koje se može definirati kao globalizacija kroz novčarski
kapital, i modelu ekonomske globalizacije, koja polazi od optimalnog
korištenja svjetskih resursa;

- globalizaciji humanizma koja bi se trebala razvijati na  principima
miroljubive koegzistencije i slobode svih naroda da samostalno biraju
svoj sustav u okviru kojeg će se razvijati - politički, ekonomski,
kulturni i sl. i punoj ravnopravnosti naroda bez obzira na veličinu
države, kao i na principima samoupravljanja.


III. Organizacijske aktivnosti Saveza Društava Tito u narednom razdoblju

U narednom razdoblju Savez Društava Tito će djelovati na:

- osnivanju i omasovljenju novih Društava,

- uključivanje u rad mladih ljudi, ljudi iz znanstvenog, kulturnog i
umjetničkog života, te svih antifašistički i demokratski usmjerenih
građana, uz povećanje broja aktivista u Predsjedništvu i Savjetu

Potrebno je medijski afirmirati Savez Društava Tito, uz praćenje
njegove aktivnosti kroz medije. Uz veliki broj jedinica i informacija o
Titu na Internetu,  na WEB stranici. Nastojati izdavati bilten Saveza
Društava Tito, koji bi trebao afirmirati aktivnosti članova i kao
komunikacijsko sredstvo između Društava Tito.

Savez Društava Tito će koordinirati aktivnosti u realizaciji Programa,
uz jasnu oznaku orijentacije i Društva i ogranaka kao i nevladinih,
nepolitičkih, tolerantnih i javnih oblika udruživanja građana.

U svojem radu Savez Društava će surađivati sa Savezom antifašističkih
boraca i Savezom ratnih vojnih invalida na onim aktivnostima, koje su
zajedničke sa Savezima. Dalje razvijati suradnju s Društvom za istinu o
Antifašističkoj NOB u Jugoslaviji (1941-1945.), SUBNOAR  Bosne i
Hercegovine i Zveze borcev in udeležencev Slovenije i nastojati
uspostaviti suradnju drugih udruga sličnog programa aktivnosti
znanstvenih institucija i pojedinaca;

U realizaciji Programa Saveza Društava Predsjedništvo će utvrđivati
godišnju i terminsku dinamiku pojedinih aktivnosti, zavisno od
aktualnosti i mogućnosti realizacije.




 Kako je član delegacije Društva za istinu o NOB 1941-1945 iz Beograda



U Zagrebu je nedavno održana svečanost kojom je obeležena 60.
godišnjica osnivanja Prvog hrvatskog partizanskog korpusa (Četvrtog
korpusa NVO i PO Jugoslavije), kao i godišnjica osnivanja VI, VIII, X i
XI korpusa.

Svečanoj akademiji koja je održana u Velikoj dvorani Doma hrvatske
vojske, pored predsednika Republike Hrvatske Stipe Mesića prisustvovali
su predstavnici boračkih organizacija bivših YU republika, Italije,
Mađarske, Društva "Josip Broz Tito" iz Zagreba, Društva za istinu o NOB
1941-1945. iz Beograda, političke stranke Hrvatske: HNS, SDP i SRP.
Zapaženo je prisustvo više generala HV na čelu sa načelnikom Glavnog
stožera HV generalom Petrom Stipetićem.

U pozdravnoj reči predsednik Mesić je istakao da je Hrvatska "nastala
na tekovinama antifašisticke borbe", te da je "antifašizam temelj na
kojem se grade moderne države". Upozorio je da smo u poslednje vreme
svedoci "različitih ekscesa, od rušenja spomenika antifašizma do
oživljavanja ikonografije iz vremena koje ostavlja jednu sjenu nad
hrvatskim antifašizmom" te da "ne smijemo" dopustiti da oni poprime
ozbiljne dimenzije".

Predsednik Saveza antifašističkih boraca Hrvatske Ivan Fumić u svojoj
reči istakao je da "bez NOB ne bi bilo Hrvatske". I on je upozorio na
opasnost da se ideje fašizma i ustaštva u Hrvatskoj ponovo javljaju i
dodao "vidimo ih u crnim odorama i ustaškom znamenju, i čujemo ih kod
onih koji zapjenjeni urlaju protiv svega demokratskog".

Akademik dr Petar Strčić govorio je "O ulozi i značaju hrvatskih
korpusa u NOV i NOB". Za sve vreme izlaganja na velikom monitoru
prikazivani su dijapozitivi (slike, svedočanstva) iz vremena NOB, sa
dominantnom pojavom lika J.B.Tita.

Kulturno-umetnički deo programa izvodio je simfonijski orkestar HV, pri
čemu je posebno snažan utisak ostavila poslednja tačka puna sete i
emocija partizanska pesma "Po šumama i gorama", koju je pevala čitava
sala, a mnogi već uveliko osedeli ratnici sa Kozare, Neretve, Sutjeske
i drugih poprišta partizanske borbe širom Jugoslavije, propratili su je
i suzama.

Valja napomenuti da su svi mediji u Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj dali širok i
pozitivan publicitet ovom događaju. (Mediji u Beogradu, nažalost, ovaj
su događaj prečutali.)
Izuzetak je "prosvijed" Središnjeg stožera hrvatskih branitelja grada
Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije, koji je ovu svečanost nazvao sramotnom i
ponižavajućom za sve branitelje Domovinskog rata i celi hrvatski narod.
Važno je napomenuti da je pomenuti protest prošao gotovo nezapaženo u
široj javnosti.

Tako smo, zahvaljujući obeležavanju jedne značajne godišnjice NOB,
spoznali kako se barem najviši vrh Republike Hrvatske odnosi prema
tradiciji antifašističke partizanske borbe, s jedne strane, a sa druge,
kako istovremeno kritički uočava opasnost pojavljivanja i obnavljanja
prevaziđenih retrogradnih fašističkih i ustaških ideologija i pokreta.

Neizbežno se nameće istorijska potreba da Srbija, koja nesumljivo ima
sjajnu antifašističku i partizansku tradiciju, prema toj tradiciji od
strane vlasti, boračkih i drugih organizacija neguje odnos visokog
poštovanja i da sledstveno tome dostojno obeležava njene slavne datume.

Istovremeno, to podrazumeva doslednu demokratsku akciju u borbi protiv
prisutnih pojava i nosilaca sovinizma, ksenofobije, pa i pojavljivanja
povampirenog fašizma.

Stevo Dokmanović, general


Anegdote :


"Koja su za Hrvatsku najve ćadostignu ćautoku NOB -e?"

Odgovor : " Stvaranje Federalne Dr žave Hrvatske ,uTopuskom 9. svibnja
1944. iprije toga stvaranje Demokratske Federativne Jugoslavije uJajcu
29. studenoga 1943." Ipjesmom je pozdravljena : " Republiko majko na
šami smo tvoji sinovi !"


Imali smo ve ćuprvoj godini borbe problema sna šim "Smrt fa šizmu
-sloboda narodu !", naime ,kad se na naredbama ovo skratilo na "S.F. -
S.N!". S takvim je pismom jedan borac upućen intendantu Simi, da mu
dade cipele, jer je bos. Simo ga lijepo primi, ali iznenada promijeni
raspoloženje zbog ovoga "S.F - S.N." i kaže jadniku da cipela - nema!
Ovaj se vrati komandantu i kaže što je bilo. Komandant nazove Simu i
izgrdi ga što nije dao cipele, iako ih ima. Simo mu pak odgovori - "Eh,
ali radi onog dolje!". "Što dolje, izdere se komandant." "Dobro sam
razumio ono "S.F. - S.N."- odgovori Simo. "Pa što si razumio" još jače
vikne komandant. "Pa "S.F. - S.N." znači - "Simo Fol - Simo Nedaj"!





          U Zagrebu je 10. listopada održana 4. redovna - izborna
skupština Društva "Josip Broz Tito" Zagreb. Na skupštini su razmotreni
i usvojeni izvještaji Predsjedništva i  Nadzornog odbora. Usvojen je
Program aktivnosti Društva Tito za naredno mandatno razdoblje
2002.-2004. godine. U Predsjedništvo su izabrani: Adori ćRanko ,Bo žovi
ćMladen ,Brundi ćVjekoslav ,Colovi ćSlobodan ,Dasovi ćKatarina ,Galovi
ćStojan ,Jakovljevi ćFeri ,Joji ćSvetozar ,Jurak Vlado ,Koruni ćVedran
,Luki ćMeri ,Mahmed Stjepan , Š upica Danica ,aza predsjednika je
izabran Vjekoslav Brundi ć, za tajnika Vedran Koruni ćiblagajnika
Danica Šupica ,uNadzorni odbor :Bori ćJasenka , Ć emalovi ćNarcisa
iNjivojda Bartol ,auStatutarnu komisiju :Bajsi ćAugustin ,Bla žičevi
ćMarko iBr čićAn đela .

          Dosada šnji predsjednik Tomislav Badovinac zahvalio se na
podr šci isuradnji koja mu je pru žena uproteklih šest godina
provedenih uDru štvu "Josip Broz Tito ".

          Skup ština je jednoglasno donijela odluku kojom se -pokreće
postupak za osnivanje Saveza Društava "Josip Broz Tito" Hrvatske, kao
krovne organizacije svih dobrovoljno učlanjenih Društava  "Josip Broz
Tito" sa područja Republike Hrvatske, s ciljem koordinacije i
unapređivanja aktivnosti i Društvo "Josip Broz Tito" Zagreb je
suosnivač i član Saveza Društava "Josip Broz Tito"Hrvatske.





Već je pred nama knjiga "Split u Titovo doba", ovaj novi izdavački
projekt koji je u zadnje vrijeme na sebe skrenuo višestruku pozornost.
Prvo iz razloga jer dolazi iz Splita, grada koji je ovo cijelo
desetljeće i dulje izgledao kao centar rigidne hrvatske desnice, a
novoizdana knjiga vrlo pozorno odslikava vrijeme najvećeg uspona i
izgradnje Splita u cijeloj njegovoj povijesti, vrijeme kojim se posebno
ponosi u prvom redu današnja hrvatska ljevica.

Knjiga već plijeni samim svojim izgledom. Na preglednom formatu, na 350
stranica, kvalitetno uređena i opremljena bogatom arhivskom građom i
mnoštvom dokumentarnih crno bijelih i fotografija u boji (djelo 45
autora, a glavni i odgovorni urednik je prof. Miroslav Ćurin), govori o
jednom vremenu, koje tek sada, sa jedne povjesne distance, imajući sa
čime da se usporedi nakon toga,(iako su prošla samo dva desetljeća
nakon Tita), pomoći će da se postupno formira svijest dolazećim
generacijama o njegovom istinskom značaju, značaju toga vremena velikog
društvenog napretka i izgradnje i općedruštvene dobrobiti.

Splitska promocija knjige održana je 12. studenoga 2002. godine u
prostorijama Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti "Palača Milesi" u
Splitu na Voćnom trgu. Mnoštvo prisutnih na toj promociji ukazivalo je
na za Split poseban događaj. Savez antifašističkih boraca i antifašista
Split i Društvo "Josip Broz Tito" Ogranak Split, kao izdavači ove
knjige i organizatori promocije, okupili su toga dana mnoštvo svojih
članova i simpatizera a cijeli tijek promocije i sve što se na njoj
čulo, stvorilo je jednu posebno nadahnutu atmosferu među prisutnima.
"... djelo koje nije objavljeno, kako ćete možda pomisliti, prije
1980., već upravo ove, 2002. godine, kao pothvat desetak entuzijasta. U
knjizi se dokumentarno i dojmljivo nabrajaju svi uspjesi građana i
grada Splita u Titovo doba, ali i golemi, nerjetko krvlju plaćeni
napori da se do tog doba dođe. Izvrsno uređena i sjajno opremljena
knjiga zasad je rjedak, ... prijeko potreban pokušaj da se
demistificira i pobije ... revizija novije hrvatske povijesti, kojom se
i dalje, katkad vrlo agresivno pokušava prekriti velom zaborava upravo
ono što je u toj povijesti najsvjetlije."(Jutarnji list 30.11.2002.,
Magazin-Radovan Stipetić, strana 33.) Poslije ove prve promocije
usljedila je 13. prosinca 2002. promocija knjige u Zagrebu.

U dvorani Saveza antifašističkih boraca i antifašista R.H., promociji
su prisustvovali mnogi ugledni znanstvenici, borci NOR-a, sudionici u
tim povjesnim zbivanjima i Titovi suvremenici kao i oni mlađih
generacija koje zanima ova povjesna istina prikazana u ovoj knjizi.
Atmosfera nadahnutosti, stvorena repliciranjem i ukazivanjem na
povjesne događaje i činjenice kronološki iznjete i obrađene bogatom i
imresivnom historiografskom građom i ovoga se puta ponovila.

Promocija u Rijeci održana je 20. prosinca 2002. godine u prepunoj
dvorani na Rivi br.8. (bivša dvorana Croatia-Line). To se u potpunosti
ponovilo a i dan kasnije 21. prosinca 2002. na promociji u Puli, ono
čvrsto uvjerenje prisutnih da iako promovirana knjiga govori o
"splitskom dobu" - da je to ipak bilo i moglo se prepoznati i doba
njihovih gradova i kada se podsjećamo na Tita i Titovo doba, ne može se
izbjeći generaliziranje koje se samo nameće a neminovno se prisjećamo i
toga da posebna vrijednost nekih narodnih vođa jeste u tome da je u
njihovo vrijeme narod živio u miru, blagostanju, sigurnosti i
prosperitetu. Malo je takvih u povijesti bilo a Tito i njegovo doba
sigurno su jedno od tih i takvih.

Knjiga se može nabaviti kod izdavača na telefon:021/482 934 po cijeni
od 200 kuna.
                             Slobodan Colovic




"Bio sam najmlađi Titov partizanski gardist - bilo mi je 16 godina i 2
mjeseca kad je 4. studenog 1942. godine u Bosanskom Petrovcu formiran
je Prateći bataljon Vrhovnog štaba, koji je bio preteča Titove garde.
Kasnije je Garda taj datum slavila kao dan svog osnutka", objasnio je
Vitomir Grbac, autor knjige "U Titovoj pratnji", na promociji koja je
jučer održana u organizaciji Društva "Josip Broz Tito" Labinštine.
Knjigu je objavila izdavačka kuća "Adamić" iz Rijeke.

Grbac je rodom Kastavac, a danas živi u Rijeci. Osam mjeseci obavljao
je zadatke tjelesnog osiguranja partizanskog vrhovnog komandanta. Uz
njega je bio za vrijeme Prvog zasjedanja AVNOJa i za vrijeme bitki na
Neretvi i Sutjesci.            Njegova knjiga sadrži sjećanja mladića
koji je stasao u najtežim trenucima rata, na čijem mu je početku
poginula majka koja je u partizane otišla kao zdravstvena radnica.

Poslije rata studira i postaje magistar povijesnih znanosti. 1979.
godine napušta vojnu karijeru, u činu pukovnika, i predaje na Pravnom
fakultetu u Rijeci.

Prvo izdanje knjige rasprodano je u dva mjeseca, a doživjela je i drugo
izdanje, koje se dobro prodaje.




GLAS ISTINE - list Društva za istinu o antifašističkoj
 narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi u Jugoslaviji 1941-1945


Kada se pojavila knjiga "Titova poslednja ispovest" Vjenceslava
Cenčića, štampana u Beogadu, u Društvu za istinu o antifašističkom NOBu
u Jugoslaviji odlučeno je da se odgovori knjigom kako bi se
argumentovano demantovale izrečene neistine i razobličili falsifikati
na kojima se gradi konstrukcija navodne Titove ispovesti.

            Posle dužeg rada, za štampu je pripremljena knjiga "Velika
podvala - Cenčić podmeće Titu izmišljene stenogrrame" koja će uskoro
biti dostupna javnosti. Već u predgovoru ukazuje se da se Cenčićeva
knjiga zasniva na tri izmišljena stenograma, kao i na motive zbog kojih
je pisana. Posle

uvodnog teksta "Knjiga falsifikata, neistina i intriga", koji je
napisao Raif Dizdarević, predočavaju se ključni dokumenti - stvarno
Titovo izlaganje u Karađorđevu 21. decembra 1979. godine i sastav
delegacije Oružanih snaga SFRJ koja je tom prilikom razgovarala sa

Reč se zatim daje svedocima - učesnicima pomenutog razgovora i
neposrednim Titovim saradnicima. U tom odeljku knjige nalaze se i:

• Lične beleške nekadašnjeg saveznog sekretara za narodnu odbranu
generala Nikole LJubičića "Sa Titom od 15. avgusta do 23. decembra
1979. godine";

• Prilog admirala Branka Mamule, tadašnjeg načelnika Generalštaba JNA
"Odgovomo tvrdim da ništa iznijetog u Cenčićevoj knjizi Tito nije rekao
pred vojnim vrhom u decembru 1979", kao i još nekoliko pisama i ranije
objavljenih Mamulinih reagovanja na pomenutu knjigu, uključujući i
Cenčićev odgovor Mamuli;

• Presek rasprave o Cenčićevoj knjizi vođene u Zvezi borcev Slovenije
koji je priredio general Ilija Radaković, nekadašnji pomoćnik i zamenik
saveznog sekretara za narodnu odbranu i učesnik u razgovoru sa Titom
21. decembra 1979;

• Osvrt nedavno preminulog generala Džemila Šarca, tadašnjeg
podsekretara u SSNO;

• Tekst "Moj poslednji susret s Titom" generala Daneta Petkovskog,
tadašnjeg zamenika saveznog sekretara za narodnu odbranu;

• Tekst "Titova poslednja ispovest" generala Branka Jerkiča, tadašnjeg
komandanta teritorijalne odbrane Slovenije i istoimeni komentar
Milivoja Pisara.

U knjizi se nalaze i prilozi, odnosno izjave tadašnjih Titovih
neposrednih saradnika - savetnika za štampu u Titovom kabinetu Blaže
Mandića, šefa i zamenika šefa Protokola Predsednika Republike Antona
Laha i Vojislava Vučićevića, tekst Miloša Minića koji je tada, pre i za
vreme Šestog samita nesvrstanih u Havani, bio u stalnom kontaktu sa

U ovom poglavlju knjige koje nosi naslov "Svedoci govore", nalazi se i
beleška o razgovoru sa Berislavom Badurinom, tu je i komentar o
Cenčićevoj knjizi koji je dala nekadašnja Titova supruga Herta Haas a
ona je priložila i izjavu o Josipu Kopiniču. Data je i polemika
nekadašnjeg ministra inostranih poslova SFRJ Josipa Vrhovca sa
Vjenceslavom Cenčicem, dok general JNA Milan Šijan odgovara na pitanje
ko je ubio Marka Oreškovića.

U poglavlju "Reagovanje javnosti na Cenčićevu knjigu" nalaze se, između

• Polemika  dr  Zorice  Slipetić, nekadašnje direktorke Inslituta za
radnički pokret Hrvatske sa Cenčićem ("Titov politički testament iz
lažiranih stenograma");

• Pismo Biljane Kovačević-Vučo, ćerke generala Veljka Kovačevića,
povodom Cenčićeve knjige:

• Prilog "Neistine o smrti generala Koste Nađa" Georgija Jovičića,
generala, nekadašnjeg sekretara Opunomoćstva CK SKJ za JNA;

• Tekst prenet iz podgoričkih "Vijesti" u kome novinar i publicista
Boro Krivokapić tvrdi: "Cenčiću, Krležine (sada i Titove) riječi su iz
moje knjige 'Pitao sam Tita'.

U poglavlju "Reč istoričara" objavljuju se prilozi dr Pere Damjanovića,
Radomira Ljake Vujoševića, akademika Petra Strčića, Abdulaha Kosovca,
dr  Dragoljuba Petrovića, dr Nikole Anića, dok su u završnom poglavlju
dati dokumenti koji potkrepljuju osnovne teze knjige.

Redak primer falsifikata

U beogradskom hotelu "Metropol", 23. marta 2001, promovisana je knjiga
Vjenceslava Cenčića "Titova posljednja ispovijest".

Promocija je bila, u izvesnom smislu, neobična. Umesto uobičajenih
izlaganja dva-tri promotera, ovoga puta je o Cenčićevoj knjizi otvorena
diskusija koju je vodio Milomir Marić (novinar, publicista). Odmah su
se iz publike javili pojedini ljudi koji su svojim ocenama, ili
postavljanjem pitanja, poveli raspravu o knjizi. Stekao sam utisak da
je deo tih ljudi bio već unapred angažovan za takva, u osnovi, pohvalna
izlaganja, mada je u diskusiji bilo i kritičkih opaski. Tako je, između
ostalog, osporen način ubistva Marka Oreškovića, vođe ustanka u Lici
1941, koga su, po Cenčiću, ubili partizani. Slično se čulo i o načinu
likvidaci|e Rade Končara, sekretara CK KP Hrvatske.

            Na osnovu ovih saznanja, zaključio sam da je reč o
problematičnoj knjizi, što sam rekao i Cenčiću. Kazao sam mu da se
njegova knjiga bavi istorijskim činjenicama, ali u njoj, kako vidim,
ima mnogo netačnosti i iskrivljavanja. Cenčić mi je odmah odgovorio da
se ona zasniva na stenogramima i drugim dokumentima.

Kada sam, kasnije, temeljitije pročitao ovu knjigu, sve moje
pretpostavke i sumnje su se potvrdile. I to višestruko!

Glavni sadržaj knjige je pokušaj diskreditacije Tita kao vodeće
ličnosti jugoslovenskog revolucionarnog pokreta, a lime i umanjivanje
značaja našeg celokupnog antifašističkog NOP-a i njegovih vrednosti. Za
to se koriste različite varijante falsifikovanja činjenica. Izmišljaju
se događaji koji se nisu dogodili, partizanskom pokretu pripisuju se
nečasni metodi, direktnim lažima ili suptilnijim iskrivljavanjima
obezvređuju se pojedine ličnosti, pre svega Josip Broz Tito i njegovi
saradnici i saborci. Na udaru su posebno njegovi saradnici iz Slovenije
i Hrvatske koji se, pojedinačno i svi zajedno, optužuju i kao glavni
vinovnici kraha SFRJ. Na njih se baca glavna krivica i za najnovije
besmislene ratove, kao i za sva zla koja su nas u njima i sa njima
snašla. Očita je namera autora i njegovih pokrovitelja da se uzroci i
krivci za izazvane strahovite tragedije, koje su zadesile jugoslovenske
narode pri kraju XX veka, traže izvan Srbije i mimo njenih tadašnjih

(Iz teksla dr Pere Damjanovića "Cenčićeva krijiga - redak primer
falsifikata" priređenog za knjigu "Velika podvala")