
Srebrenica, lettere di protesta ai giornali
(english / italiano)

Sulla vicenda di Srebrenica abbiamo diffuso in passato, e continueremo
a diffondere in futuro, la documentazione che evidenzia le
manipolazioni giornalistiche soprattutto sugli antefatti, sulla
dinamica e sull'entita' del massacro.

In lingua italiana consigliamo in proposito l'analisi di Juergen
Elsaesser contenuta nel suo libro "Menzogne di guerra" (ed. Citta' del
Sole, Napoli 2002).

In lingua inglese, tra le tante cose, suggeriamo il link:

What really happened in Srebrenica ?


Ad Alessandro Curzi e Rina Gagliardi
Alla Redazione di "Liberazione"
Sovente nei giornali vengono riproposte notizie di agenzie che non
corrispondono alla verità  e che sono, da tempo, smentite.
I vari "Metro", "City" vengono distribuiti gratis, ma sono tanto più
pericolosi proprio perché arrivano in mano a chiunque, anche ai
giovanissimi... Trovando riportate queste "verità" su "Liberazione",
viene da ripetere la frase di R. Rossanda, "Al diavolo (tali)
Non si capisce la subalternità di questo giornale (forse ai Dalemiani,
again?)... Come poi giudicare, quando anche un vostro giornalista che
scrive "come si deve"  dall'Irak, dalla Palestina, dalla Jugoslavia,
viene censurato e poi licenziato!? Davvero, salvo pochi casi sporadici,
di fatto non avete preso una netta posizione e "non avete visto" le
vere ragioni della distruzione anche di quello che rimaneva della
Jugoslavia. Avete seguito anche voi il coro dei "Ne - Ne"...
Scrivo, in ritardo, a proposito di Srebrenica, titolo apparso due
settimane fa su "Liberazione". Notizie, come sopra, smentite "da quel
dì"... Tante se ne susseguono... e poi il caldo. Protesto in ritardo
anche perché il  tempo libero lo dedico (e lo dedichiamo) al lavoro
volontario di assistenza ai tre bambini malati di leucemia e simili,
ricoverati al "San Camillo" di Roma: Marko di 14 anni dalla Serbia,
Lazar 4 anni e Miroje 17 dal Montenegro.
Per quanto riguarda il caso di Srebrenica, ed altri eventuali "casi" da
sollevare nel prossimo futuro (Racak, etc, etc), rileggetevi il libro
"Menzogne di guerra" di Jurgen Elsasser, Edizioni "La Città del Sole",
una recensione del quale è stata  pubblicata anche da "Liberazione".

Ivan Pavicevac  


Da: Boba
Data: Mar 5 Ago 2003 17:45:11 Europe/Rome
A: (Recipient list suppressed)
Oggetto: Re: BBC// Clinton to open Srebrenica memorial

My letter to BBC

To: INFO@... ; worldservice.letters@...
Cc: newsonline@...
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Response to BBC report: Clinton to open Srebrenica memorial


5 August 2003
In responding to your article, "Clinton to open Srebrenica memorial" (5

"Killers always come back to the scene of their crime". So is the case
of the former US president Bill Clinton. It is under his command and
his approval that unspeakable crimes of the 20th century were allowed
to happen and some of them are hidden from the world and justice. It is
with his knowledge and the knowledge of his generals, MPRI generals and
his secretary of State, Albright that Muslim mujahedeens used UN
protected "save haven" to wage terror on Serb villages surrounding

Judging by Mr. Clinton's dishonesty and distorted way of applying
justice I am sure that he would not remember Naser Oric, Muslim
general, turned war criminal, responsible for killing over 640 Serbs in
villages that surrounded Srebrenica!
Oric used the "safe-haven" of Srebrenica as a military base to destroy
42 Serbian villages in the year prior to Srebrenica's fall.
Clinton even found support in his wife Hillary who in a strange way of
patching up for his infidelity with Monica Lawinsky ordered Bill to
bomb Serbs in 1998. Strange couple, these Clintons, indeed! What else
are they capable of doing?

The Clinton's administration for its part let Islamic extremists range
terror in the Balkans and against Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo. Militant
Islamic extremism found its base and support in Europe and elsewhere.
These were essential steps in the overall terrorist escalations which
were to later include the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World
Trade Center in
New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC and the October 2002
attacks in Bali, Indonesia.

Clinton couldn't care less for Srebrenica victims. All he cares is the
money that might come from Saudi Arabia or others, now that he does his
part in overall media campaign of lies about the wars in the Balkans.

Boba Borojevic
Ottawa, Canada


(Note: Nasir Oric has been recently brought to The Hague; however, his
responsabilities are never brought to light by the media)

Da: Boba
Data: Lun 14 Lug 2003 01:40:04 Europe/Rome
A: letters@..., forum@...
Oggetto: Re: WT // Bodies identified from massacre buried on 8th
anniversary, by Almir Arnaut

RE: Bodies identified from massacre buried on 8th anniversary, by Almir
The Washington Times

WORLD -- 12 July 2003/Pg.A5
Letter to the Editor:

Goebbels said: 'Tell a lie a hundred times, it becomes the truth.' And
this is what Washington Times and other Western media have done.
Playing with false numbers of killed Muslims without mentioning
killings of Serbs by Muslims in Serb villages surrounding Srebrenica
equals Nazi style propaganda.
By purposely avoiding any mention of Muslim attacks on dozens of Serb
villages surrounding Srebrenica, killing of Serbs and torching of Serb
houses, Washington Times also fell pray to Muslim stories from
In fact The Washington Times helps the spreading of these lies.
Deceptively, Almir Arnaut omits any reference to Naser Oric, a war
criminal responsible for killing over 640 Serbs in villages that
surrounded Srebrenica and he is not even indicted! This Muslim criminal
has created video films of his exterminations. These videos are being
sold on street corners in the Arab world showing Naser Oric
decapitating and murdering innocent Serbian victims, the Muslim world's
version of pornography. Oric used the "safe-haven" of Srebrenica as a
military base to destroy 42 Serbian villages in the year prior to
Srebrenica's fall. Naser Oric is also the same Muslim that converted
the Serbian Orthodox Church in Konjic into a public
toilet and the Serbian church in Srebrenica into a stable."*
"ICRC document 37, dated September 13, 1995, reveals that some 5,000
Srebrenica Muslims left the enclave prior to its fall and that the
Muslim government has admitted that these men were reassigned to other
units of its armed forces. The fact that family members were not
informed of it was justified by the obligation to keep it a military
Mr. Almir Arnaut proves capable of ignoring any evidence that
contradicts his own Muslim bias toward the Serbs.
And yet this inevitable play with numbers that does not prove anything
gives the story a false credibility. Even Goebbels would be surprised
with this kind of propaganda machine.
"Since the New York Times story, the figure of 8,000 Muslim men and
boys "massacred by the Serbs" has taken on a life of its own and
despite challenges from a number of sources the mainstream media in the
West continues to repeat the figure. Nor has the War Crimes Tribunal
ever attempted to set the record straight. It accepted the allegations
from the outset. It did so despite any hard evidence other than hearsay
provided by claimed eyewitnesses and documentation promised to be
forthcoming from United States sources. The documentation from the
United States has never been produced."**
Even today, eight years after the fall of Srebrenica we do not know how
many Serbs have been murdered by Muslims? How many Muslims were really
killed? How many of these Muslims were Muslim soldiers hiding armed in
the UN in safe-haven?
The only thing we know is that this twisted story about "Srebrenica
massacre" will feed generations, unchallenged by the Western media.
Thus, protecting real war criminals and their masters, who are still
active in spreading lies about the Serbs and the war in Slovenia,
Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, i.e. Kosovo, such as Clinton and his
Secretary of State Madeline
Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Jaime Rubin, William Cohen, et. al. and
the" usual pimps to power in the media" Thomas Friedman, David Rhode,
Roy Gutman, Robert Kaplan, Noel Malcolm, Christopher Hitchens, Todd
Gitlin and countless
network news and media outlets.


Boba Borojevic
Ottawa, Canada

"Processo" Milosevic

1. Carla Del Ponte scende sempre piu' in basso
2. Dichiarazione di Ghennadij Zjuganov
Allegato: "Carla Del Ponte ha rivelato ai killer come trovarmi"

=== 1 ===

Carla Del Ponte scende sempre piu' in basso

(a cura di I. Slavo)

La procuratrice svizzera Carla Del Ponte, "pubblico ministero" al
"processo dell'Aia" contro Milosevic, ha recentemente rilasciato una
comica intervista al settimanale svizzero "Die Weltwoche" (n. 32/03, si
veda: ,
ripresa anche da Expres, Belgrado, n.29/7).

Eccone alcuni stralci:

Nel suo ufficio, subito vicino alla porta, un grande poster segnaletico
per la cattura con la scritta: «Up to $ 5 Mio. Reward» (Fino a 5
milioni di dollari) e tre grandi fotografie - di Milosevic, Karadzic e
Mladic. Sulla foto di Milosevic e' stato tracciato con violenza un
segno a penna, e fintantoche non potra' fare lo stesso con le altre due
teste la 57enne Carla Del Ponte non lascera' il suo ufficio di
procuratore generale al Tribunale dell'Aia...

...Deve cercare sostegno politico soprattutto in Occidente, per il suo
lavoro. Li chiama 'pellegrinaggi' - non sono proprio la sua occupazione
prediletta, benche' varie foto nell'ufficio li testimonino... Una
stretta di mano con il ministro degli esteri USA Colin Powell, e di
quest'ultimo anche la affettuosa dedica «To Carla, with admiration and
best wishes».

...Due matrimoni non sono sopravvissuti allo zelo di Carla del Ponte
per la propria carriera professionale. Ama i gioielli e le automobili
veloci, ma oltre ad essere stata entusiasta guidatrice di Porsche, essa
intraprende oggi anche tour in bicicletta per l'Olanda, dove le e'
capitato di andare a sbattere contro la propria guardia del corpo,
ferendosi un ginocchio.

"...Naturalmente siamo felici per ogni arresto, ma io aspetto ancora 17
persone (...) tra cui 2 grossi nomi - Karadzic e Mladic. La
soddisfazione e' dunque ancora incompleta..."

"...Karadzic e' nella Repubblica Srpska, ben nascosto. Viene difeso da
tutto il popolo, per loro lui e' un eroe... Nessuno lo
consegnerebbe, dunque questo lo devono fare la SFOR e la NATO... E'
davvero sorprendente... Quando dal comando supremo arrivano 150 soldati
con automezzi blindati ed elicotteri per arrestare Karadzic, lui riesce
a saperlo ed in 5 minuti scompare... Mladic e' in Serbia protetto da
settori dell'esercito"

[Qui Del Ponte prosegue sostenendo che Esercito e Polizia in Serbia si
scaricherebbero la palla a vicenda, IS.]

...Che cosa la motiva nel suo lavoro?

"La giustizia. Ed anche l'esperienza personale con 350 donne di

[Forse le stesse andate a protestare dopo la cattura del signor Nasir
Oric? IS.]

...Lei ha materiale a sufficienza per condannare Milosevic?

"Credo di si... Gia' solo per i crimini di guerra in Croazia e Kosovo
lo potremmo dal mio punto di vista condannare all'ergastolo."

[Dal suo punto di vista, sicuramente Milosevic si potrebbe condannare
all'ergastolo anche senza processo. Comunque, in base ad altre fonti la
Del Ponte ha promesso di tirare fuori nuove "prove evidenti" e
"decisive" contro Milosevic dopo l'estate - in particolare ottobre
dovrebbe essere "decisivo" (intervista all'AP 16/7/03). IS.]

...C'e' qualcuno che lei vorrebbe assolutamente vedere giudicato da
questo nuovo Tribunale penale internazionale?

"Saddam Hussein."

...In Serbia la hanno odiata a lungo. E' migliorato qualcosa negli
scorsi mesi? Oggi lei se ne andrebbe in giro da sola per Belgrado una

"No, no di certo."

"...Per riuscire ad arrestare Mladic, (Djindjic) doveva riorganizzare
l'esercito e la polizia. Due settimane prima di morire mi disse che per
ora questo era impossibile. Ma dopo avermi spiegato i suoi piani
aggiunse anche: «They will kill me.» (mi ammazzeranno). Non intendeva
proprio sul serio... E' stato ucciso perche' voleva arrestare gli
elementi criminali in Serbia, ed i criminali di guerra. Credeva nel
futuro del proprio paese."

Commenti della stampa francese ed anche voci dalla Serbia sostengono
che lei sia responsabile della morte di Djindjic. Questo deve averla

"Proprio per niente. Io so bene come e' andata tra noi e Djindjic.
Quello che mi ha colpito e' stata la sua morte. Una amara ironia in
tutto questo sta nel fatto che con la sua morte a Belgrado molte cose
sono migliorate. Solo la sua morte ha consentito di colpire la

Si noti il cinismo della Del Ponte, che dimentica di spiegare che a
Belgrado dopo la morte di Djindjic e' stato instaurato un regime
autoritario, che esistono denunce di ogni parte sulle violazioni dei
diritti umani, e che il governo si e' ripetutamente spaccato per le
accuse incrociate di legami con la mafia e la criminalita'.
Nell'intervista la del Ponte e' anche evasiva su Berlusconi, sui suoi
rapporti con la mafia ed il conflitto tra politica e magistratura in
Infine, brillano per la loro assenza dall'intervista due questioni
- la prima, l'annunciata sostituzione della Del Ponte dalla funzione di
pubblico ministero nel processo per il Ruanda, sostituzione che si dice
sia voluta da Annan, e della quale si e' parlato sulla stampa di luglio;
- la seconda, le responsabilita' della Del Ponte nell'insabbiamento
dell'inchiesta Mabetex-Pacolli e nella morte di alcuni testimoni,
denunciate nell'intervista a F. Turover che riproduciamo in allegato.

Sulla strana carriera della Del Ponte si veda anche:

=== 2 ===


Dichiarazione di Ghennadij Zjuganov                                                             
                                                   1 agosto 2003

Sono nuovamente peggiorate le condizioni di salute del più noto
prigioniero politico del mondo: l’ex presidente della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic. La malattia si è talmente
acutizzata che persino l’ingiusto tribunale della NATO si è visto
costretto a sospendere il suo lavoro.

L’opinione pubblica mondiale ha ripetutamente richiesto di inviare
all’ex capo di stato jugoslavo in carcere medici dalla Jugoslavia e da
altri paesi, per procedere a consulti regolari e per assicurargli cure
specialistiche. Ma i giudici del tribunale NATO e le autorità olandesi
si rifiutano nel modo più vergognoso di adempiere agli obblighi più
elementari nei confronti del prigioniero politico S. Milosevic.

Il Partito Comunista della Federazione Russa (PCFR) e l’Unione Popolare
Patriottica di Russia (UPPR) esigono la liberazione immediata di
Slobodan Milosevic dalla prigionia.

Egli deve avere la possibilità di ristabilire completamente la propria
salute a Belgrado, presso i medici che lo seguono da molti anni.

Slobodan Milosevic deve anche avere la possibilità di prepararsi alla
seconda fase del processo, in cui presenterà le prove della sua
innocenza riguardo ai crimini, che gli vengono falsamente imputati dal
“tribunale” della NATO dell’Aia.

Traduzione dal russo di Mauro Gemma  

=== ALLEGATO ===

Felipe Turover:
"Carla Del Ponte ha rivelato ai killer come trovarmi"

Articolo apparso sulla rivista KONKRET, dicembre 2002
Vedi anche:

"La giustizia è donna" aveva detto il Segretario Generale dell'ONU,
Kofi Annan, riferendosi a Carla Del Ponte, Pubblico Ministero nel
processo presso il Tribunale dell'Aia contro Slobodan Milosevic. Sono
invece di tutt'altro segno le esperienze fatte da Felipe Turover con il
magistrato svizzero. L'uomo, un trentasettenne, proviene da una
famiglia spagnola repubblicana; i suoi genitori erano fuggiti da
Franco, assieme a lui, nell'Unione Sovietica. Dopo la morte del
dittatore, Turover tornò nella sua patria per ritornare di nuovo a
Mosca, verso la fine degli anni Ottanta, in veste di consulente
finanziario, pronto a partecipare agli sviluppi positivi promessi dalla
Perestrojka. Ha lavorato con il governo Jelzin dal 1992 fino al 1999,
nella cogestione dei crediti con le banche creditrici occidentali.


Elsaesser: Lei è il testimone principale dell'accusa nell'affare
Mabetex, diventato famoso come "Russia-Gate". Di che cosa si tratta e
come c'entra Carla Del Ponte con questo affare?

Turover: La Mabetex è un'azienda che opera nel settore dell'edilizia,
con sede a Lugano, nella Svizzera italiana. Titolare dell'azienda è
l'albanese-kosovaro Beghijet Pacolli, che nel frattempo ha ottenuto un
passaporto svizzero. Pacolli ed il suo socio d'affari, Viktor
Stolpowskich, durante gli anni Novanta hanno ricevuto dal Cremlino
appalti nell'ordine di due miliardi di Euro, in divisa odierna,
apparentemente per lavori di costruzione e di risanamento nel quartiere
governativo e presidenziale.

E' ormai provato che nell'ambito di questi appalti sono scomparsi
miliardi di dollari verso l'estero e, in direzione opposta, sono
affluite a Mosca tangenti miliardarie. Pacolli ha firmato le
fidejussioni per carte di credito intestate a Jelzin ed alle due figlie
di Jelzin, secondo quanto viene confermato dalla Banca del Gottardo che
aveva emesso le carte di credito. Carla del Ponte, all'epoca Pubblico
Ministero della Confederazione, si era messa in contatto con me durante
l'anno 1997 invitandomi a rendermi disponibile a deporre, in veste di
testimone, su questa faccenda. Più tardi, Carla Del Ponte ha invitato
il Pubblico Ministero russo Jurji Skuratow, che ricopriva l'incarico di
giudice inquirente, a recarsi in Svizzera dove me lo ha fatto
conoscere. All'epoca, Carla Del Ponte aveva già la reputazione di una
paladina della giustizia e perciò io avevo fiducia in lei. Questo è
stato un errore che per un pelo non mi è costato la vita.

Elsaesser: E perché?

Turover: Io mi basavo sull'onestà ed avevo fatto presente a Del Ponte,
sin dall'inizio, che la mia deposizione mi avrebbe esposto al pericolo
di morte. Occorre considerare che all'epoca lavoravo ancora come
consulente per i vertici del governo russo - cioè esattamente per le
persone contro le quali i miei documenti fornivano prove di gravi reati
a loro carico. Ma cosa fece la signora Del Ponte? Comunico' alla stampa
il mio nome completo, precisando anche la mia funzione. Era come se io,
dalla città di Medellin, avessi dato informazioni sul clan degli
Escobar direttamente alla polizia anti-droga degli USA, per leggere poi
sul New York Times, stando sempre a Medellin, il mio nome come quello
del testimone principale convocato contro Escobar. Nel mio caso non si
trattava di Medellin, ma di Mosca, ed il giornale in questione era il
Corriere della Sera, ma l'effetto era tale e quale: ero "bruciato", e
sono riuscito a salvarmi la vita solo grazie ad una fuga precipitosa da
Mosca. Da allora, cioè, da ormai tre anni, vivo da clandestino. Per
questa mia situazione devo ringraziare Carla Del Ponte. E' stata lei ad
indicare ai killer la strada che porta a me.

Elsaesser: Ma non sta forse esagerando parecchio? Che responsabilità
può avere un Pubblico Ministero svizzero per un articolo uscito su di
un quotidiano italiano?

Turover: I due giornalisti del Corriere hanno avuto tutte le loro
informazioni dalla Del Ponte, anche il mio numero di cellulare. Loro
stessi me l'hanno confermato, perché sanno che la mia vita è in

Elsaesser: La Del Ponte ha smentito questo.

Turover: Allora sta dicendo il falso. Io viceversa ho confermato la
mia versione già molte volte, senza mai essere stato querelato dalla
Del Ponte per calunnia. Il motivo è semplice: lei non ha alcuna prova,
io invece, sì.

Elsaesser: Il capo della Mabetex, Pacolli, non è poi soltanto un pezzo
grosso nel settore dell'edilizia: si dice che avrebbe anche saldi
legami con i terroristi dell'UCK kosovaro-albanese.

Turover: E' proprio così. Secondo le sue proprie affermazioni, al suo
gruppo di imprese farebbe capo, almeno fino al 2000, anche il
quotidiano kosovaro-albanese Bota Sot che è stato incriminato perfino
dall'OSCE per gli articoli razzisti che pubblica. Questo giornale
conduce una campagna razzista, innanzitutto a danno dei serbi, ma è
anche antisemita in quanto mi aveva bollato come "il giudeo Turnover".

Elsaesser: Nel caso che tangenti kosovaro-albanesi siano state pagate
al clan di Jelzin, avremmo una spiegazione per il comportamento del
Presidente della Russia durante la primavera del 1999. Mentre la NATO
stava preparando la guerra contro la Jugoslavia, Jelzin non ha mosso un
dito per difendere il popolo serbo, ufficialmente popolo fratello.
Durante la Conferenza di Rambouillet, ad esempio, mentre gli Stati-NATO
prendevano una posizione estremamente unilaterale a favore degli
albanesi, Mosca non protestò, e ciò benche' i suoi diplomatici
partecipassero al tavolo delle trattative. Gli albanesi-kosovari
avevano forse comprato un atteggiamento passivo da parte di Jelzin?

Turover: Questo potrebbe spiegare come sono andare le cose. Queste
storie costituiscono una simbiosi di politica, saccheggio e lavaggio di
danaro in grande stile.

Elsaesser: E nel caso della Del Ponte?

Turover: Tutte le indagini condotte in Svizzera per il caso Mabetex
sono state archiviate per motivi politici su disposizione delle
altissime gerarchie. Di più: i documenti trasmessi, a suo tempo, dal
magistrato russo Skuratow alla sua collega svizzera Del Ponte sono
finiti, per vie misteriose, presso Pacolli. Pacolli ha informato i suoi
amici a Mosca, Jelzin e Borodin. In seguito, Skuratow, un giurista
onesto e competente, è stato destituito - e ciò benche' il Senato russo
si fosse espresso, quasi all'unisono, a suo favore. La fine della
carriera di Skuratow ha segnato anche la fine delle indagini sulla
Mabetex - la più recente indagine è stata archiviata nel dicembre 2000.

Elsaesser: La Del Ponte si è mossa in veste di protettrice della mafia
albanese, oppure del clan Jelzin?

Turover: Ne' l'uno ne' l'altro. Lei si muove soltanto nell'interesse
proprio. E' totalmente indifferente agli obiettivi politici. Consideri,
ad esempio, che quando decise di rendere pubbliche le sue conoscenze
sulla faccenda Mabetex, compreso il mio nome, eravamo alla fine
dell'agosto 1999. Questo non fu soltanto un colpo contro di me, ma
anche contro Jelzin. E' vero che lei successivamente non contino' le
sue indagini, ma nel preciso momento in cui fece le sue rivelazioni,
queste avevano danneggiato Jelzin gravemente. Poco prima di queste
rivelazioni, nell'estate 1999, vi fu la spettacolare azione dei soldati
russi d'elite nel Kosovo: dopo l'armistizio, avevano occupato
l'aeroporto di Pristina, mentre le forze della NATO arrivarono in
ritardo. Per un pelo non è scoppiata la terza guerra mondiale per
questo incidente, come spiegò allora il capo britannico delle forze
KFOR, Michael Jackson. Mosca stava giocando una carta molto importante,
voleva prendere possesso di una propria zona di occupazione nel Kosovo
per poter proteggere i serbi. Per tenere testa all'imbarazzante sfida
russa, Jelzin doveva essere abbattuto. Quindi, l'allora Ministro degli
Esteri USA, Madeleine Albright, si incontrò nel luglio 1999
nell'aeroporto londinese di Heathrow con la Del Ponte, probabilmente
per fare presente l'urgenza della situazione. In agosto poi, tramite il
Corriere della Sera, la Del Ponte fa le sue rivelazioni al pubblico
incalzando il governo di Mosca con un'ulteriore dichiarazione fatta in
settembre alla CNN, nella quale denuncia la corruzione del governo
russo. Jelzin è messo alle strette e deve temere una procedura di
destituzione, accompagnata perfino da una processo penale. Verso la
fine di settembre, due attentati dinamitardi colpiscono Mosca e gli
danno subito respiro. Apparentemente gli attentati sono stati
perpetrati da terroristi ceceni e, di conseguenza, forze armate russe
invadono la Cecenia distraendo l'opinione pubblica dalla faccenda

Elsaesser: In queste circostanze la Del Ponte si era mossa su
disposizione di Washington?

Turover: Lei non è ne' pro-americana ne' filo-albanese. Si muove
all'inseguimento dell'interesse svizzero, cioè, nell'interesse della
politica favorevole alla mafia, condotta dalla Svizzera.

Elsaesser: Quest'affermazione chiede di essere spiegata meglio.

Turover: La Svizzera e le banche svizzere campano innanzitutto grazie
al riciclaggio di denaro. Tutti i dittatori e tutti i grandi criminali
di questo mondo depositano i loro soldi sporchi qui; innanzitutto il
Canton Ticino si presta in modo favoloso: basta attraversare i confine
tra l'Italia e la Svizzera con i milioni in una valigia o nel cassetto
del cruscotto. Lo sanno tutti i politici del Ticino e tutti ne traggono
vantaggio. E la del Ponte, come Procuratore del Cantone Ticino, aveva
protetto queste pratiche già prima dell'affare Mabetex, sorto negli
anni Novanta. Guardi, ad esempio, il caso di una società per azioni di
Chiasso, contro la quale fu aperta un'indagine per il sospetto di
coinvolgimento nel lavaggio di denaro per conto della mafia italiana.
La Del Ponte fece archiviare le indagini. La del Ponte è,
innanzitutto, pro-Del Ponte. Farebbe di tutto per promuovere la propria
carriera, metterebbe sotto accusa perfino George W. Bush. Come
giurista, del resto, vale zero. Lei riesce ad immaginarsi che, per
quanto ne sappia io, nel corso della sua intera carriera, la Del Ponte
non ha vinto una sola causa da Pubblico Ministero? La sua unica
capacità e quella della promozione di se stessa, il marketing di se

Elsaesser: Il suo accordo con la Albright è, comunque, risultato
vantaggioso. Poco dopo, si e' vista promossa Pubblico Ministero al
Tribunale dell'Aia - su proposta di Washington. Il giornale di Zurigo,
Die Weltwoche, s'e' meravigliato: "Per quale motivo gli americani
l'abbiano voluta come successore della scomoda, precocemente
dimissionata Louise Arbour, rimane un mistero. In fin dei conti, non
hanno mai nascosto il fatto cheritengono il Tribunale una gran cosa

Turover: La Del Ponte ed il governo della Svizzera hanno aiutato la
Albright e come compenso - gli americani sono gente onesta, pagano per
l'esecuzione delle loro commissioni - Del Ponte ha avuto l'incarico
all'Aia. Anche su quella poltrona riesce a vendersi molto bene. E
ciononostante, il processo e' una grande catastrofe. Non ha nulla in
mano contro Milosevic, il quale, per legge, sarebbe dovuto essere
rilasciato da tempo. In questo modo Milosevic, che è soltanto un
bandito ed un truffatore, riesce a presentarsi nel ruolo di un
perseguitato innocente, mentre il nazionalismo serbo viene
incoraggiato, come hanno dimostrato le ultime elezioni. Ma è possibile
che all'Aia non sappiano che il governo svizzero ha dato incarico
speciale ad un giudice per svolgere indagini a carico della Del Ponte?
Com'è possibile che una donna rimanga al suo posto quale Pubblico
Ministero di un Tribunale dell'ONU per crimini di guerra, mentre essa
stessa è sottoposta ad indagini per il sospetto di essere coinvolta in
crimini gravi?

Elsaesser: Nel marzo 2001 lei ha sporto una denuncia contro Carla Del
Ponte ed ignoti, tra l'altro per avere messo in pericolo la sua vita e
per tentato assassinio nell'ambito dell'affare Russia-Gate. Ma il
Pubblico Ministero della Svizzera, Valentin Roschacher, ha respinto
l'accusa mossa contro il suo predecessore. Come fa allora, a sostenere
che ci sarebbero indagini speciali in corso contro la Del Ponte?

Turover: Il Roschacher ha protetto la Del Ponte e perciò l'ho
denunciato per favoreggiamento nei confronti della Del Ponte. Questa
denuncia non solo è stata accolta, ma nel maggio 2002 è stato
incaricato persino un Inquirente speciale dal Consiglio Confederale
della Svizzera, Arthur Hublard, ex Pubblico Ministero del Cantone Jura.
E' lui chi conduce, adesso, le indagini in seguito alla mia accusa
contro Roschacher - ma con ciò, la faccenda Del Ponte riaffiora
finalmente. Ho inoltre intentato una causa contro la Svizzera davanti
al Tribunale Europeo per i Diritti Umani a Strasburgo.

Elsaesser: Contro la Svizzera - non contro la Del Ponte?

Turover: A Strasburgo non si può querelare una persona privata. Ma
nella sostanza, la mia querela è diretta, innanzitutto, contro la Del
Ponte, perché operando come Pubblico Ministero della Svizzera, lei ha
esposto a pericolo la mia vita. E' insensato che lei possa continuare a
rappresentare l'accusa all'Aia, mentre a suo carico sono in corso due
cause specifiche.

Elsaesser: Lei vive sotto falso nome nella clandestinità, cambiando
continuamente domicilio. Per quanto tempo ancora pensa di reggere in
questa situazione?

Turover: A causa della del Ponte sono costretto a vivere così,
altrimenti sarei un uomo morto. Ovviamente ho preso le mie precauzioni
provvedendo a che, in caso di una mia morte, informazioni ancora più
scottanti affiorino. Ma certamente, non ne ricavo una tranquillità per
la mia vita. Ad ogni modo, finora sono stati già eliminati almeno
cinque testimoni dell'accusa nell'affare Mabetex. La vittima più
recente era la segretaria personale di Pacolli, una signora 32enne,
trovata morta nel suo bagno, apparentemente in seguito ad un coagulo
del sangue. Sul cadavere non e' stata condotta alcuna autopsia, ed il
giorno dopo il decesso esso e' stato cremato.

L'intervista è stato condotta da Juergen Elsaesser.

[Ringraziamo Susanne per la traduzione. Revisione di A.M.]


John Ranz

The Jewish Week, July 28, 1995.

A Holocaust Survivor Speaks

What in the world is going on? How is it possible that some Jewish
³leaders" can be so blinded, brainwashed or corrupt and support
Bosnian Moslems in their denying the Serbs their human rights.

Never again will the Serbs be ruled by those who yesterday murdered
their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, kidnapped and forcefully
converted their children to Islam. The Serbs who survived the
Nazi-Bosnian Moslem occupation in their villages cannot forget these
things and want to be free on the soil they tilled for centuries. 65%
of Bosnia was always owned by the Serbs. They were and still are the
peasant class. The Moslems were the rulers; "urban boys;" the elite.
They were the elite because they were converted to Islam. Originally
Bosnia was all Serbs and Croats.

Don't we Jews remember that the Mufti of Jerusalem, the highest Moslem
official in Palestine, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini went to Berlin in 1941
and offered Hitler a Moslem army to help fight the allies and win the
war? His only condition was that after the Nazis win the war Hitler
should liquidate-exterminate the entire Zionist-Jewish population of
the then Palestine. Hitler readily agreed, and the Mufti in a
surprisingly short time organized two divisions of Bosnian Moslems -
incorporated into the S.S.; the most infamous murderers. These Bosnian
Moslem SS soldiers not only burned Serbian villages, churches with the
people to the ground but also murdered most of the Bosnian Jews, 90%
of them. They then volunteered to hunt the Jews in Croatia together
with the Ustashi (the Croatian Nazis). They battled Russians on the
Stalingrad front.

Just imagine if these two divisions would have been a decisive part of
a Nazi victory - not a single Jew, in all of Europe, would have
remained alive...Over 1 million Serbs, 80,000 Jews and 25,000 Gypsies
died and were buried in common graves. They shared our fate.

The Serbs did not want to surrender. They fought Nazis courageously.
In anger, Hitler ordered - no mercy for the Serbs. Belgrade was bombed
and for each Nazi soldier who died in Serbia, 100 Serbs were executed.
Jews were killed anyway.

As incredible and incomprehensible as it may seem, there are Jewish
"leaders" today that urge that the U.S. should follow in Hitler's
footsteps and bomb the Serbs.

In the Serbian mountains Jews were welcomed by the Serbian partisans
with open arms, and the 5,000 that survived in Yugoslavia survived
among the partisans. At the same time the Serbs helped 500 American
fliers to survive when they were shot down by the Nazi Wehrmacht. The
Serbs protected them until the end of the war at the risk of
endangering their own lives.

July 5, 1995 at Ravna Gora these American fliers, under the leadership
of Major Richard Felman (a Jew) returned to Bosnia to say "thank you
Serbian people for saving our lives" and they embraced and kissed each
other, the Serbs and the Americans, and cried.

But all that was 50 years ago, "today is different" the "wise"
admirers of bombing say. ..So let's see. Bosnia is being more and more
converted into an Islamic fundamentalist country where the Serbs were
and would be again - second-class citizens. President Izetbegovic
declared that in Bosnia today there is no place for any other
philosophies but Islam.

Today in Bosnia hundreds of Hamas and Hetzbolah volunteers are getting
special courses how to commit terror in Israd (Yediot Achronot related
by the Forward 7-15-94, page 3). They stated that after defeating the
Serbs, they will "finish" Israel. They get all the weapons they need
from Iran, Iraq. ..The embargo is non existent.

Aren't these Hamas volunteers the new Nazis of today, helped and
supported by the government of Moslem Bosnia? And Jewish ³leaders² the
A. Lewises, Safires and even the long discredited Wiesenthal Centre in
Los Angeles (an insult to the Memory of the Holocaust) are urging
Clinton to bomb the Serb ..Aren't these people betraying the memory of
the Holocaust, the victims of Nazism, Jews and non-Jews alike? Yes
these people are with the Hamas and other Moslem fundamentalist and
are helping them to de troy the Serbs and Israel.

And finally "The New Order," the organ of the American Nazis, in the
issue of Feb. 1994 calls on all National Socialists, here and in
Europe, to join the war against "Communist Serbs." Standing
triumphantly on top of a tank is a uniformed Nazi. This is today, not
50 years ago.

White Nazis, Islamic Nazis, they both have the same objectives - to
kill the Serbs and then the Jews. The Nazis and some Jewish "leaders"
urge our President, NATO, and now Germany to bomb and bomb instead of,
as A.M. Rosenthal from the New York Times suggested to negotiate with
the Bosnian and Croatian Serbs an agreement they can live with,
guaranteeing the Serbs their right to self determination and freedom
from a nightmare they lived first under the Turks and then under the

We Jews have a choice: urge the president and the congress to
negotiate with the Serbs for a peaceful solution for which the Serbs
are ready; or join the White Nazis and the Hamas Moslem Nazis and urge
to bomb the Serbs and widen the war. We must decide, some of our
"leaders" already did. Our dead are listening.

John Ranz, Chairperson

Survivors of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp Box 14, Homecrest
Station, Brooklyn, NY 11229


This article does not have permission of the copyright by owner, but is
being offered for comment, criticism and research under the "fair use"
provisions of the Federal copyright laws

Social massacre in Serbia (3)


B. Links to Human Rights Watch documents on the mistreatment of
political prisoners in Serbia


D. Massive Army purge has begun


F. The New Janissaries
How Low Can Serbia's Rulers Go? (N. Malic)

=== A ===


TEL AVIV,July 30 (Beta)-Serbia&Montenegro Defense
Minister Boris Tadic said on July 30 that he had
talked with senior managers of the Izreali military
and aircraft industry about possible modes of
cooperation and that there was a possibility of
reaching an agreement.
Tadic told BETA in a telephone conversation that the
projects included a certain type of automatic rifle
produced by Serbia&Montenegro and unmanned aerial
Tadic said that these vehicles had important software
components, which could be produced in Serbia and
Montenegro. He added that they had also considered the
possibility of modernizing Russianmade helicopters,
which are commonly used in Serbia&Montenegro and the
neighboring countries.
Tadic, who is on a threeday visit to Israel, said that
an expert meeting had been scheduled, to discuss the
possibility of reaching an agreement with the Isreali
aircraft industry on one of these projects.
He said that he had talked with Izreali Prime Minister
Shimon Perez about the peace process in the Middle
East and the Balkans and the solutions that could be
applied in both cases.


TEL AVIV,July 31 (Beta)-Minister of Defense for
SerbiaMontenegro, Boris Tadic, and the Israeli defense
Minister Saul Mofaz, have signed an agreement on July
30 in Tel Aviv, about a collaboration between the two
"We've analyzed the possibilities of
militaryindustrial cooperation, which was the goal of
this visit, modernizing helicopters, new antiterrorism
weapons, which are at a high technological level in
Israel", said Tadic during a telephone conversation
with Beta.
The Defense Minister for SerbiaMontenegro also said
that the results of the visits to Israel will be seen
after expert and work groups from the two countries
meet in Belgrade in September, where a finalization of
all the agreements will be made.

=== B ===

to Human Rights Watch documents on the mistreatment of political
prisoners in Serbia:

Serbia: Run-Around on Prison Visits

The Serbian authorities are obstructing efforts by Human Rights Watch
and other nongovernmental organizations to visit people arrested during
the state of emergency, Human Rights Watch said today.
May 14, 2003     Press Release

Serbia: Detainees’ Access to Lawyers Long Overdue

Serbia should ensure that all persons detained during the state of
emergency promptly get access to lawyers, Human Rights Watch said today.
May 10, 2003     Press Release

Serbia: End Complete Isolation of Detainees

Serbia Should Uphold Council of Europe Standards
Serbia should immediately end the isolation of those detained during
the ongoing state of emergency, Human Rights Watch said today.
April 7, 2003     Press Release

Serbia: Emergency Should Not Trump Basic Rights

Certain restrictions on rights imposed by the Serbian government in the
wake of the assassination of Prime Minister Djindjic may not be
justified under international law, Human Rights Watch said in a letter
( to Prime Minister
Zoran Zivkovic today.
March 25, 2003     Press Release

=== C ===

From: Vladimir Krsljanin / Sloboda Association


Press Conference of Belgrade Lawyers Mr. Balsa Govedarica and Ms. Sanja

Belgrade, August 4, 2003.

The Belgrade media reported recently that ‘the interrogation of
Slobodan Milosevic by the Belgrade investigative judge is scheduled for
August 6 and 7 in The Hague tribunal’. It is supposed, but never
officially confirmed, that the interrogation is linked with the
“Stambolic case”. The media also quoted a statement of the Hague
tribunal spokesman Jim Landale saying that the interrogation ‘will not
be public, in spite the tribunal is not against the public hearing, but
Belgrade authorities demand that it shall be without public, in the
interest of the investigation’.

Both information have been condemned yesterday by Mr. Balsa Govedarica
and Ms. Sanja Pejovic, the Belgrade legal counsels of President
Milosevic in the “Stambolic” and other recently fabricated cases. They
have underlined that in spite their attempts, they had no insight into
court documents concerning the investigation against President
Milosevic, except the file number – Ki.P. No.1/03. In addition, they
have been orally informed by the investigative judge that he plans to
go to The Hague for the interrogation, but the judge refused to answer
whether he would accept the request of President Milosevic for public
interrogation, nor did he even explain what the interrogation is about.
According to the Hague tribunal rules, the interrogation is possible
only if the detainee agrees.

Govedarica and Pejovic stressed the lack of legality and morality in
the investigation, which makes their job as attorneys almost
impossible. Behind the behavior of the Belgrade authorities, the have
concluded, the obvious intention to make a moral and political
disqualification of President Milosevic is seen. The authorities
continue an illegal and morally unacceptable public campaign against
Slobodan Milosevic and his family and show no will to allow that his
arguments become public. The public campaign led by high government
officials (Interior Minister, Head of the governing coalition
Parliamentary Group) refers to “information obtained in the
investigation”, in spite all the information of the investigation have
been proclaimed “official secret” by the Belgrade District Court. Such
behavior of the authorities and of the Belgrade court violates
international and Serbian law. Under such conditions, when there are no
guarantees for a public and fair interrogation, Mr. Govedarica and Ms.
Pejovic will not travel to The Hague. It is expected that President
Milosevic will not agree to a non-public interrogation.

After launching a campaign of media lynching against President
Milosevic and his family in March 2003, during the “state of
emergency”, the Belgrade puppet regime filed “criminal charges” against
around a dozen of people as alleged perpetrators and inspirers of the
murder of Ivan Stambolic and the attempted murder of Vuk Draskovic.
Most of these persons are detained in Belgrade. According to the Law on
the Criminal Procedure, the investigative judge can make a decision to
launch an investigation against certain person, only after
interrogating that person. So, formally, we are dealing here only with
the “pre-investigation” procedure. An eventual indictment is only a
possible third step.

As we reported earlier

on March 31, President Milosevic stated at The Hague (we quote the

President Slobodan Milosevic

Since we are again at the open session and the new witness has not come
yet, can I get the floor in relation to my requests?

Richard May


President Slobodan Milosevic

So, first of all I repeat my request to allow my questioning and to
make it possible to be in public, since it is related to the media
campaign that is going on publicly. The retaliation against one’s wife
and children is something we remember from the darkest days of the last
century, from the darkest years of the last century! I also demand an
investigation about the involvement of this illegal prosecution in the
fabrication of untruths that are being launched. Besides that…

Richard May

Mr. Milosevic, I have stopped you already once. The events in Belgrade
are not something that this court deals with. If that would have any
direct influence to this trial, than we would take it into
consideration, but nothing you have said up to now shows that it has
any influence. You wanted to say something about your health. That’s
what we would like to hear.

President Slobodan Milosevic

I will tell you about the health, but direct influence is in their aim
to prevent my wife to give me her assistance and support. And above
that, I want to inform you that they have arrested several members of
the National Committee for my defense "SLOBODA" ("Freedom"), in spite
they have no ground for that. Accordingly, we deal here with an
orchestrated attempt to put pressure on me and my family since this
false Prosecution suffers a fiasco here every day. I consider as your
duty to establish the degree of their involvement.

Richard May

That is only your comment. There is absolutely no evidence to support
what you are saying. Maybe there are good reasons for some people to be
arrested. However, in this moment we will not deal with such

-End quote-

So, using Nazi methods, Del Ponte’s prosecution and its Belgrade
servants separate President Milosevic from his wife and family and try
to discredit him with fabricated accusations without giving him a
chance to respond.

All this is done in order to undermine his successful and heroic
struggle for the truth at The Hague and its enormous political impact
on Serbian people.

The regime in Belgrade as the worst outrage in Serbian history has to
be exposed and attacked with all our weapons.

If not earlier than now! After the recent offer of Serbian Prime
Minister Zivkovic to send 1000 Serbian troops to Iraq, after the
military agreements signed with Israel and after the decision of the
Supreme Council of Defense to depose an unaccountable number of army
officers, the regime which sent Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague has to
be condemned by all as one of the worst US puppet cliques – in the same
line with Pinochet and the South African apartheid regime.

as they now illegally call it) EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES THE STOP OF


Vladimir Krsljanin,
Sloboda/Freedom Association



The work for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic totally depends on your

For more details, see:

Send a check to our address:

Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia

or transfer your donation to our account using the instructions at:

SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

=== D ===

Serbia and Montenegro dismiss 12 army generals
Saturday, 02-Aug-2003 12:30PM

BELGRADE, Aug 2 (AFP) - Serbia and Montenegro's Supreme Defence
Council, which is in charge of the army of the new union, has dismissed
12 army generals, including the chief of army intelligence, the
Politika daily reported Saturday.
The 12 included General Vladimir Lazarevic, who commanded the Pristina
corps that were responsible for the majority Albanian region of Kosovo
during the 11-week NATO bombing campaign on Yugoslavia in spring 1999,
the daily said.
The reasons for Lazarevic's dismissal were unclear, but it may be due
to rumours that some international officials have demanded it as a
condition for the country's integration into the European Union and the
NATO alliance, Politika said.
Serbia and Montenegro, a loose union that replaced federal Yugoslavia
in February, have applied for membership in NATO's Partnership for
Peace Programme, considered the first step towards full membership in
the alliance.
Lazarevic's departure was reportedly demanded due to his military
engagement in Kosovo during the 1998-99 war, particularly during the
NATO bombardment, Politika said.
According to the daily, international pressure may also be a reason for
dismissal of General Radoslav Skoric, chief of army's intelligence
Defence Minister Boris Tadic would neither confirm or deny the reports
of the dismissal of the top army generals, but has said there would be
personnel changes as part of army reform.
B92 - August 6, 2003

Defence Council poised for massive army purge

BELGRADE -- Wednesday – Twenty generals and another
three hundred senior officers will be either retired
or replaced by the Supreme Defence Council at its
meeting tomorrow, B92 has learnt.
Unofficial sources say that the purge will begin at
the top, with the head of the National Defence Academy
and a number of corps commanders leading the way.
The list also includes the former commander of the
joint forces in southern Serbia, General Ninoslav Krstic.
B92’s source also confirmed that the head of military
intelligence, General Radoslav Skoric “will not keep
his job”.
Tomorrow’s meeting of the Defence Council will be held
in Meljine in Montenegro.
The three-man Council consists of Montenegrin
President Filip Vujanovic, acting Serbian president
Natasa Micic and federal President Svetozar Marovic,
who chairs the body.
Defence Minister Boris Tadic, who has proposed the
personnel changes, will also attend the meeting,
together with Chief of Staff Branko Krga and Marovic’s
security advisor, General Blagoje Grahovac.
Beta - August 6, 2003

Customs begins purge of border officers

BELGRADE -- Wednesday – The Customs Service has begun
a purge of employees at the Subotica Customs Office
near the Hungarian border.
Sixty customs officers have been sacked since the
beginning of August, on orders from the Ministry of
“In a few months Subotica will be a gateway between
Serbia and Europe and we must put it into order,” said
Finance Minister Bozidar Djelic.
Djelic told media that some officers who had already
been dismissed were complaining about unjust
dismissal, despite being known to have taken advantage
of their position and living in ostentatious wealth.
“We will bring in new blood, young officers who will
take their jobs seriously and won’t use them to amass
private wealth but will work for the good of the state
and the society,” said the finance minister.

=== E ===
B92 - August 6, 2003

Zivkovic confirms peacekeeping offer

BELGRADE -- Wednesday – Serbian Prime Minister Zoran
Zivkovic tonight confirmed that he had discussed the
possibility of Serbia-Montenegro troops being deployed
in international peace missions during his recent
visit to the US.
Zivkovic told state media that the issue had been
raised by senior US official Jacques Klein.
“Our return to peacekeeping operations anywhere in the
world would primarily mean another political victory,”
said the prime minister, adding that there was also a
clear financial and development interest in such a
He said that he expected a response to his offer in
the near future.
FoNet/Beta - August 6, 2003

Support for troop deployment, but precision needed

BELGRADE -- Wednesday -- Deputy Serbian Prime Minister
Zarko Korac said today that leaders of the country's
DOS ruling coalition wholeheartedly supported PM Zoran
Zivkovic's offer to send 1,000 troops of the
Serbia-Montenegro army to serve in the UN's
international peace missions.
Korac explained that the decision was made for
"political reasons" at a meeting of the government's
executive committee.
Fellow deputy PM Nebojsa Covic warned that the
government must be "very precise and careful" when
passing decisions to send soldiers to participate in
such missions.
Covic said that the issue should first be discussed
and carefully analysed, bearing in mind the events of
the past decade.
Covic supported Zivkovic's initiative in principle,
explaining that it was launched in an effort to hasten
the state union's accession to international
Beta - August 6, 2003

Otpor backs peace troop offer

Uzice -- Wednesday – The Otpor People’s Movement has
thrown its support behind Prime Minister Zivkovic’s
offer of federal troops for international peacekeeping
Otpor representative Srdjan Milivojevic said today
that, as a signatory to the UN Charter,
Serbia-Montenegro was obliged to take part in peace
Moreover, he said, troops would be better occupied in
crisis regions around the world than creating them at

=== F ===

August 7, 2003

The New Janissaries

How Low Can Serbia's Rulers Go?
by Nebojsa Malic

This week, just as His Elevated Majesty was becoming increasingly testy
about all the questioning of his feeble rationalizations for the
Empire's Middle Eastern adventure – which has turned quite sour for the
troops on the ground – Washington received an unlikely morale booster.
It was announced that during hi late July visit to Washington, Serbian
Prime Minister Zoran Zivkovic offered 1000 Serbian troops for the
occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan – "any mission" His Majesty decides

During the centuries of occupation, Ottoman Turks would regularly round
up young Serbs and other Balkans Christians, march them to Istanbul,
convert them to Islam and train them as the sultans' shock troops and
administrators. This was known as devshirme, or the "blood levy," and
these converts as janissaries. This conscription and forcible
conversion was considered a particularly painful episode in Serbian
history. Apparently, in the "new democracy," that has changed.

The Blood Offering

Zivkovic came to Washington in order to boost his flagging popularity
among Serbians by appearing to enjoy favor with the ultimate power.
Upon his return, he talked about "strategic partnership" and "end to
pressure and coercion," never mentioning the troops.

The Prime Minister's offer was revealed in a patronizing Washington
Post column this Monday. Even as it actually sought foreign mercenaries
to relieve the strain on its shock troops, the Empire was so scornful
of its groveling slaves that it treated the offer cautiously. The
columnist who reported it, one Jackson Diehl, was openly contemptuous.

One is tempted to treat Diehl himself with caution. He displays
appalling disrespect for facts by claiming NATO "crushed"
the Yugoslav Army in 1999 (it didn't), and that
Serbia was "the most frequent starting point for European wars in the
past 100 years" (it wasn't). He reported differently from Kosovo back
in 1986, when he still knew how. But given the Dossies' record of
prostrating Serbia (not so much themselves) before Washington, the
claim that Zivkovic offered troops is credible

Furthermore, news from Belgrade this past weekend was that Dossie
defense minister Boris Tadic purged the top brass, forcing into
retirement a perfectly competent general who humbled NATO in Kosovo, as
well as the head of Army Intelligence. While Tadic has pledged to purge
opposition to joining NATO's satellite program
"Partnership for Peace," these dismissals might be aimed specifically
at clearing the way for Zivkovic's troop offer.

"Partners" or Servants

Is it not enough that four years ago the Empire launched a war
of aggression against Serbia – accusing it of "invading"
its own territory – thus committing a clear-cut prima facie
war crime? Now the Serbs are expected to join Imperial
aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, and God only knows who
else, and maybe even say, "thank you very much, may we have
another?" to the whole issue of NATO's barbaric bombing.

Perhaps not. Again, Zivkovic had not mentioned the troops at
all until Tuesday night, when the word got out on CNN. Serbian
media then re-broadcast the news, and it was all over the
Wednesday morning newspapers as well. Obviously, someone
in Washington talked. So much for the "strategic partnership,"

So what now? With the Empire "considering" Zivkovic's
offer, how will Serbia react? Will the Women In Black protest
the deployment of Serbian conscripts to an Imperial war, the
way they protested "Serbian nationalist aggression"? Or is it
OK to die for foreign "democracy," but not for one's own
home? Don't bet on it. All the supposedly pro-peace and
human-rights NGOs are a pillar of Dossie (i.e. Imperial) power,
guided by nothing even remotely resembling a coherent
principle. Knowing which side their bread is buttered on, they
will stay silent.

Prattle aside, there will never be a "partnership" – strategic
or otherwise – between Serbia and the Empire. The neocons
want servants, not "partners;" compliance, not "cooperation."
Everything Washington needs in the Balkans, it has already
received from Serbia's hostile neighbors, and even its co-
habitant in the "union," Montenegro. Far from securing some
sort of preferential treatment, further groveling will only
invite further abuse. But that is yet another concept the
Dossies are incapable of comprehending.

A Power Struggle

Some clues as to why Zivkovic is courting support from
Washington come from Serbia itself. In late July, the
government managed to purge the Serbian central bank,
whose governor was leader of an opposition party. In place of
Mladjan Dinkic and his G17 associates – chiefly responsible
for the Dossies' economic program in 2000, be it noted – DOS
appointed Kori Udovicki, former Energy Minister notorious for soaking
the life savings of elderly Serbians by raising electricity

The departing governor accused two high-ranking advisors in
the Zivkovic government – and members of his Democratic
Party – of money-laundering. This pushed the already
scandal-ridden government's approval rating to new lows.
DOS-friendly analysts at Radio Netherlands speculated
this week that the scandal would herald a power struggle
within the Democratic Party, from which Zivkovic would emerge
stronger and ready to "confront the voters," but that is
highly unlikely. Dossies view elections as a vampire would
garlic and stakes – with a mixture of fear and loathing.

And with good reason. Their former Trojan horse Vojislav
Kostunica is enjoying rising poll numbers, a development the
Empire is observing with some concern. Erstwhile Djindjic
stooge Miroljub Labus is also polling well, though not
nearly as well as Kostunica. Both of them are just as committed
to "reforms" and service to the Empire, albeit somewhat
more subtly, as DOS. Empire's grip on Serbia is not in
jeopardy, unfortunately – only Zivkovic's.

Lessons from Another Vassal

Another recent visitor to Washington was the Macedonian KLA
leader Ali Ahmeti, until recently on the US terrorist blacklist.
His one-time nemesis, former interior minister Ljube
Boskovski, was meanwhile added to the blacklist. Neither
change was followed by an explanation, leaving the
Macedonians confused. They've done everything the US has
asked of them, and more, yet the Empire has persistently
favored the Albanian segregationists. While the Empire claims
to fight terrorism, it blacklists Macedonian security officials and
treats the leaders of terrorists ("murderous thugs," as NATO
chief Robertson called them) as statesmen.

Back in September 2001 it was obvious that US actions (or
rather, lack thereof) in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia made
the "war on terror" as good as lost. For their part, Macedonians
learned a depressing lesson from their bitter experience:
sometimes, even being an obedient US vassal cannot save


In fact, Zivkovic & Co. should read one of Wednesday’s
editorials in the Washington Times, composed by the known
Serbophobe Helle (Bering) Dale. Her "Are you being Serbed?"
asks how these uppity savages dare protest US hostility and
demand fair treatment, when the entire world knows they are
as racist, genocidal and criminal as Nazi Germany. Zivkovic
and his foreign minister, Svilanovic, yap to presstitutes
at Washington clubs over brandy and cigars, but it’s the people
they represent who suffer. Dale's verbal abuses are one thing,
but deaths in battle quite another. No number of dead Serbs
can ever appease the likes of Dale and her employers at the
Heritage Foundation and the Council of Foreign Relations.
Yet that’s what Zivkovic is trying to do.

DOS is nothing but a motley collection of irresponsible, corrupt,
statist kleptocrats, who came to power only because of the
public's resentment of the government they replaced – and
lots of bags filled with US taxpayers' cash. Ostensibly
"democrats," they've established a "domination of political and
economic life of which Slobodan Milosevic could only have
dreamed" (BHHRG). Whatever troubles beset Serbia before 5
October 2000, the situation today is entirely the fault of DOS.
Zivkovic's groveling offer of Serbian troops to help the Empire's
wars of conquest and occupation ought to be the last straw for
the people who simply cannot take any more social
engineering, deliberately malicious or otherwise.

It is time to show these lying, plundering quisling sleazebags
the door – preferably to Hell, or prison, but out of office
will do. Anyone else could run Serbia better, preferably
as little as possible, guaranteeing the Serbians their liberty
but otherwise not preventing them from improving their lives,
as all governments have done so far.

At some point during the Dossie reign, an anonymous
Belgrade street artist made a pun on the ruling band of thieves'
name: "DOSta," meaning "Enough of DOS." It's time the pun
becomes reality, before young Serbians start coming home in
body bags from once again serving a cruel conqueror.

Nebojsa Malic


Okrugli sto na temu "Četiri godine od agresije NATO na SRJ"

1. APEL Beogradskog foruma 09.06.2003.
Izlaganje Vladislava Jovanovića
3. AGRESIJA NA JUGOSLAVIJU- vojno-strateški aspekt
Izlaganje prof. dr Radovana Radinovića, generala u penziji


=== 1 ===

APEL Beogradskog foruma

Beograd, 09.06.2003.

Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih, dana 07.06.2003. godine održao
je okrugli sto na temu Oružana agresija NATO četiri godine posle. Na
skupu su učestvovali eminentni naučni i javni radnici iz naše zemlje i
inostranstva. Tokom rasprave razmorena su sva relevantna pitanja i
aspekti te zločinačke agresije, njene karakteristike i brojne,
raznovrsne posledice. Kako se u našoj zemlji od strane aktuelne vlasti
i kontrolisanih medija uporno nastoji da se agresija zaboravi, a njene
razorne posledice po naš narod i državu u potpunosti ignorišu, a
vinovnici te agresije amnestiraju od svake vrste odgovornosti, učesnici
okruglog stola su odlučili da našoj javnosti upute sledeći


1.) Oružana agresija NATO na SR Jugoslaviju je bila nelegitimno nasilje
suprotno Povelji UN i izvedena bez saglasnosti Saveta bezbednosti UN
koji je inače jedini bio ovlašten da zatraži primenu vojne sile protiv
neke od svojih članica. Zato se i okupacija Kosova i Metohije kao
direktna posledica tog nelegitimnog vojnog nasilja ne može prihvatiti
kao trajno rešenje niti kao prvi korak na putu ka potpunom državnom
osamostaljivanju od Srbije kao njegove matične države.
Da bi to političko stanovište zadobilo odgovarajuću specifičnu težinu,
Forum zahteva da se što hitnije održi vanredna sednica Skupštine Srbije
na kojoj će se usvojiti deklaracija o Kosovu i Metohiji. Tom
deklaracijom treba izričito zabraniti bilo kome da u ime srpske države,
srpskog naroda i srpske istorije pristupi pregovorima o konačnom
statusu te pokrajine. Kosovo i Metohija je neotudjivi deo srpske države
i niko nema mandat da ga bilo kome, pod bilo kojim ucenama i pretnjama
ustupa u vidu njenog konačnog rešenja. Pregovarati se mora i može, i
treba pregovarati o svemu osim o izdvajanju Kosova iz srpske države. O
tome se pregovarati ne može.

2.) Isto onako kako niko ne može dobiti mandat da Kosovo i Metohiju
ustupa bilo kome, tako ne može dobiti mandat niti da oprašta ratne
zločine koji su počinjeni u toj nelegitimnoj agresiji. Uostalom, sama
ta agresija je zločin protiv čovečnosti i protiv mira. Zato je
neophodno u deklaraciji izričito zabraniti bilo kome da u ime srpskog
naroda i hiljada nevino stradalih, ranjenih i osakaćenih, proteranih i
ostalih bez krova i celokupne pokretne i nepokretne imovine, oprašta
vinovnicima zločina za njihova zlodela. Oni treba da odgovaraju pred
sudom, a njihove države da nadoknade ogromnu ratnu štetu koju su naneli
našoj državi i narodu. Ovo podrazumeva da mora ostati na snazi tužba
koju je naša zemlja podigla pred medjunarodnim sudom. U njoj treba
rezolutno zahtevati nadoknadu ratne štete čiju je visinu utvrdila
Savezna vlada tadašnje savezne države. Nikakvo članstvo ni u NATO ni u
"Partnerstvu za mir", pa čak ni u EU, niti donacije i tzv. povoljni
krediti ne mogu biti pravedna nadoknada za zločine učinjene našoj
zemlji i za njihove nemerljive materijalne i nematerijalne posledice.

3.) Po svemu sudeći, aktuelna vlast pažljivo priprema našu javnost za
prihvatanje američkog zahteva o izuzeću američkih državljana od
odgovornosti pred medjunarodnim sudom za ratne zločine. Taj zahtev SAD
smatramo krajnje licemernim i nečuveno uvredljivim iz dva bitna
razloga: 1. Prvo, što je i glavni pokretač i izvršilac zločinačke
agresije na našu zemlju bila upravo Amerika i
2. Drugo, što Amerika najglasnije, kao uslov svih uslova, našoj zemlji
nameće obavezu izručenja svih njenih državljana koje potražuje Haški
tribunal, iako je svima pa i Americi jasno da se radi o izrazito
političkom sudu. Na tako licemeran zahtev SAD ne treba pristati i zato
što je prioritet naše zemlje učlanjenje u EU, a upravo EU od nas traži
da taj zahtev ne prihvatimo.

U Beogradu, 07.06.2003.


=== 2 ===

Cetiri godine posle:

Okrugli sto na temu "Četiri godine od agresije NATO na SRJ"

Izlaganje Vladislava Jovanovića
07. juni 2003. godine

Vremenski razmak od cetiri godine nije, u principu, dovoljan da se o
nekom znacajnom dogadjaju da valjani sud.

U slucaju vazdušne agresije SAD i NATO na SRJ pravilo o istorijskoj
distanci nije relevantno.

SAD i NATO su se u toj vojnoj operaciji bili suviše odmetnuli od
medjunarodne zajednice, suviše su bili arogantno prisvojili njene
prerogative, suviše osnovnih principa medjunarodnog prava su bili grubo
i izazivacki prekršili, suviše su nepoštovanja i prezira bili pokazali
prema sopstvenim statutarnim obavezama, suviše su se bili služili
obmanama i manipulacijama, suviše su bili ugrozili mir i bezbednost u
našem regionu - da bi mogli da se stave pod zaštitno krilo istorijske

Moral, pravo, istina, viteštvo i humanost bili su njihove prve i
najvece žrtve. Dvostruki aršin i dvostruka pravda bili su i ostali
instrumenti njihove politike.

Sa bezbednih visina i ogromnih daljina njihovi piloti i artiljerci su
"nevidljivi i kukavicki" rušili civilnu infrastrukturu i ubijali naše
nenaoružane gradjane. Toga se predsednik Buš nije setio kada je s
pravom osudio Bin Ladenove teroriste koji su se isto tako "kukavicki i
nevidljivi" bili obrušili na imovinu i civile SAD 11. septembra 2001.
godine. Da se tada toga setio i da je u isto vreme osudio i prethodnu
americku administraciju što je Bin Ladenu pružila obrazac kako
kukavicki i nevidljivo napasti civilne objekte u nekoj zemlji, sadašnji
americki predsednik bi stekao zasluženi moralni kredibilitet.

Da bi se dobio izgovor za agresiju na SRJ, našoj zemlji su u Rambujeu
bili postavljeni nemoguci uslovi i upuceni ultimativni zahtevi da
izvrši samoamputaciju Kosova i Metohije. Takav metod razgovora pod
pretnjom rata nije u svetskoj politici bio praktikovan od 1938. godine,
kada je Hitler, pod pretnjom oružane invazije, zahtevao od Cehoslovacke
da mu preda Sudetsku oblast. Nažalost, smrt Hitlera nije oznacila kraj
hitlerovskog metoda teritorijalnog cepanja jedne suverene clanice
medjunarodne zajednice. Taj metod je, iako osudjen na nirnberškom
procesu 1946, zadržan kao najznacajnija ratna reparacija. Demokratski
zapad je brzo uvideo njegovu efikasnost i ugradio ga u tzv. novi
svetski poredak, nedavno preimenovan u proces globalizacije.

Agresiju na SRJ NATO je izvršio bez odobrenja Saveta bezbednosti,
nadležnog organa za pitanja mira i bezbednosti u svetu, cime je pocinio
eklatantan primer zlocina protiv mira. Nažalost, Svetska organizacija,
umesto da osudi i zaustavi agresiju, povila se i povukla pred
bezobzirnim vojnim maršem novog svetskog poretka. Zakon sile je
nadjacao snagu prava. Presedan je bio napravljen. Senka Abisinije se
nadnela nad OUN, kao što je pre 60 godina doprinela nestajanju Lige
naroda. Vojne intervencije NATO u drugim zemljama postale su moguce bez
saglasnosti Saveta bezbednosti. Bauk "humanitarnih intervencija" NATO-a
poceo je da kruži planetom.

Sve ono što je decenijama, ako ne i vekovima služilo kao zaštita manjih
i slabijih država i predstavljalo nezamenjiv okvir i temelj njihove
koegzistencije sa vecim i jacim silama - suverenitet, jednaka
bezbednost, medjunarodno pravo, primarna uloga i odgovornost OUN u
ocuvanju mira, bezbednosti i stabilnosti u svetu - bilo je dovedeno u
pitanje, ugroženo ili na drugi nacin kompromitovano.

Posle agresije NATO na SRJ, svet više nije bio isti. Jednopolarnost je
antipod svakoj ravnoteži. Nastale na poukama iz drugog svetskog rata i
ravnoteži interesa pobednicke koalicije, OUN nije više mesto gde SAD sa
svojim saveznicima ostvaruju svoje vitalne interese. Svetska
organizacija se sve više i opasnije marginalizuje. Sa uzurpacijom
ovlašcenja Saveta bezbednosti od strane NATO, nastalo je vreme
bezakonja u medjunarodnim odnosima. Upotreba sile ili pretnje silom pod
jedva argumentovanim izgovorom opasno su ucestale. Razlozi koji se
navode za njenu upotrebu najcešce se zaboravljaju tokom same upotrebe i
u hodu zamenjuju nekim drugim, kao što pokazuju primeri Avganistana i
Iraka. Pravi razlog se ne navodi, iako je on uvek geostrategijske,
geopoliticke ili geoekonomske prirode.

Pored sve organizovanijeg i agresivnijeg medjunarodnog terorizma,
maligna priroda jednopolarnosti predstavlja najneposredniju pretnju
miru u svetu. Posle neizazvanog i protivpravnog oružanog napada NATO na
SRJ, prvo i najvažnije pitanje je bilo: "Ko je sledeci?" Naša zemlja je
Savetu bezbednosti s pravom ukazala da bi nesuprotstavljanje agresiji
na nas predstavljalo ohrabrenje za nove agresije i da bi se u tom
slucaju mnoge zemlje, posebno one slabije i manje, mogle uskoro naci na
udaru NATO-a. Nažalost, OUN i Savet bezbednosti su se odlucili za
politiku noja, cime su izgubili poverenje mnogih zemalja. Kao rezultat
toga, neke srednje i manje razvijene zemlje pocele su se okretati
raketnom i nuklearnom oružju kao jedinom sredstvu koje NATO, odnosno
SAD, možda može odvratiti od agresivnih namera. Indija, Pakistan i DR
Koreja su možda samo vrh ledenog brega. Nepoznato je da li i koliko
drugih zaplašenih zemalja razmišlja na slican nacin. To je direktan
rezultat protivpravne vojne akcije SAD i NATO protiv SRJ. Umesto da se
svet krece ka deklarisanom idealu nuklearnog i raketnog razoružavanja i
bržem ekonomskom razvoju, odvija se suprotan proces. Vidi se pocetak te
spirale, ali ne i njen kraj. Jedina preostala supersila ubrzano i
dramaticno razvija nove vojne tehnologije 21. veka, a zemlje koje
oružano kažnjava zbog neposlušnosti služe joj kao poligon za
isprobavanje novih vrsta oružja.

Pošto je i sama bila jedan takav poligon, naša zemlja ne samo da još
oseca posledice takvih oružja, nego ce ih osecati i generacije koje ce
doci. Zemlje NATO-a nemaju zbog toga nikakvu grižu savesti. Naprotiv,
jedan od uslova koje postavljaju sadašnjoj vlasti naše zemlje je da za
ulazak u Partnerstvo za mir moramo povuci tužbe kod Stalnog
medjunarodnog suda u Hagu za naplatu ratne štete. U isto vreme, SAD
snažno podupiru tužbe koje su ranija muslimanska vlada BiH i vlada
Hrvatske podnele tom istom sudu za osudu SRJ zbog navodne agresije
pocinjene protiv njih i naplatu ratne štete na osnovu toga.

Nema sumnje da je rec o nastavljanju politike pritisaka na našu zemlju
i posle politickih promena izvršenih posle 5. oktobra 2000. Ta
politika, pored one koja se vrši zadržavanjem i neprekidnim
produžavanjem otvorene liste zahteva predstavlja dvostruku omcu oko
vrata naše zemlje. Cilj je da se naša zemlja ucini mekom i popustljivom
do te mere da joj iznudjeni pristanak na formalnu ili fakticku
nezavisnost Kosova i Metohije i transformisanje preostale Srbije u neku
labavu federaciju bude izgledalo kao kraj muka, a ne kao pocetak novih

Zlocin NATO protiv mira bio je moguc zato što ad hoc Haški krivicni
tribunal, pod ociglednim uticajem SAD, nije takav zlocin uvrstio u
spisak ratnih zlocina za koje se optužuju pojedina lica sa prostora
bivše SFRJ. Tako je taj najveci ratni zlocin, iz kojeg proizlaze svi
ostali ratni zlocini, zašticen pravilom "nulum crimen, nula pena sine
lege". Ali, ako zbog toga nije bilo formalno -pravnog osnova za
podizanje optužnica protiv politickih i vojnih lidera NATO i njegovih
pojedinih clanica, nesporna cinjenica da je vojna akcija NATO protiv
SRJ bila protivpravna predstavlja dovoljan osnov za njihovo gonjenje od
strane Haškog tužilaštva. Polazeci od toga, Haško tužilaštvo nije smelo
da prihvati teoriju agresora o kolateralnoj šteti, jer je opšte poznato
da nepravo ne radja pravo. Ali Haški tribunal zna da ne sme da dira u
nedodirljivo. Kada bi, iz obaveze prema cinjenicama i duga prema
pravicnosti to cinio, prestao bi da postoji. Njegov zadatak je da
izvršava volju agresora, a ne da joj se suprotstavlja.

Na zvanicnoj vlasti naše zemlje je velika odgovornost da ne podlegne
neprincipijelnim pritiscima i ucenama. Agresija na našu zemlju je bio
suviše veliki zlocin sa suviše velikim i štetnim posledicama da bi se
zemlje pocinioci amnestirale. Utoliko pre što i u tim zemljama sve više
probija svest o neprihvatljivosti nepravde koja nam je bila nanesena.
Politika pomirenja i obnavljanja normalne saradnje je neophodna posle
svakog rata, ali ona pretpostavlja uzajamnost a ne jednostranost
ustupaka. Pored toga što znaci slabljenje sopstvenog položaja,
jednostranost ustupaka opravdava i nagradjuje agresiju. Nije moralno,
pravedno i isplativo da se zemlje koje su nam ucinile tolika zla i
nanele toliku materijalnu štetu oslobode odgovornosti za to. Skoro
tromesecno bombardovanje naše zemlje bilo je, po svim definicijama
medjunarodnog prava, stoprocentna protivpravna akcija. Sve posledice te
protivpravne akcije bile su, takodje, protivpravne. Eufemizam
šteta" koji je NATO uporno ponavljao i prodavao svetskoj javnosti,
predstavljao je svestan pokušaj agresora da izbegne krivicnu i
materijalnu odgovornost.

Pravo je i obaveza naše zemlje pred istorijom i istinom da insistira
kod Stalnog medjunarodnog suda u Hagu na odgovornosti NATO-a za
pocinjenu agresiju i njene posledice. Takav uspravan stav ne slabi vec
ucvršcuje naš opšti položaj prema zemljama pociniocima i odnose sa
njima cini ravnopravnijim i valjanijim. Iskustvo sadašnje vlasti sa
zemljama NATO-a pokazuje da neprincipijelno popuštanje donosi našoj
zemlji manje koristi i uvažavanja, a više novih pritisaka i ucenjivanja.

=== 3 ===

General Radovan Radinović:
AGRESIJA NA JUGOSLAVIJU- vojno-strateški aspekt

Beograd, 07. juni 2003. godine
Okrugli sto na temu "NATO agresija na SRJ - četiri godine posle"

Izlaganje prof. dr Radovana Radinovića, generala u penziji

Proteklo je dovoljno vremena da bi se imala neophodna kritička distanca
za objektivno razmatranje prirode agresije i njenih posledica. Takodje,
u medjuvremenu je po sličnom scenariju izvršena agresija na Irak, pa je
moguće povlačiti izvesne paralele i uočavati sličnosti i razlike
izmedju ova dva zločina prema miru. Ovaj skup smatram tim značajnijim
što se vladajuće i opslužujuće elite u našoj državi silno trude da se
ta agresija, taj sramni zločin Zapada prema našem narodu zaboravi i da
naprasno svi zavolimo NATO.

Agresiju NATO prema Jugoslaviji potrebno je, a i moguće razmatrati sa
različitih aspekata: kulturno-istrorijskih, civilizacijskih,
ekonomskih, političkih i geopolitičkih, ekoloških, vojnih i
geostrateških itd. Ja ću ukratko razmotriti neke vojno-strateške
karakteristike i posledice te agresije.


Nikada u istoriji ratovanja u jednom ratu nije uspostavljen tako i
toliko neravnopravan odnos vojnih i svih drugih snaga i moći kao što je
to bio slučaj u agresiji NATO na Jugoslaviju. Ta činjenica je dobro
poznata i ovog puta je ne ističem da bi je uočili i registrovali kao
objektivnu karakteristiku tog rata, već da bih na taj način podvukao
krajnje antiherojski (Smilja Avramov) i zločinački karakter agresije
Zapada na Jugoslaviju. Taj zločinački karakter posebno se ogleda u
činjenici da žrtva agresije nije bila u stanju da nanese bilo kakvu
ozbiljniju štetu agresoru, osim da izbegava udare i prekomerne gubitke.
To je agresor znao i time je rat kao sudar dve strane, dve volje radi
ostvarivanja političkih ciljeva izgubio svaki smisao i srozao se na
puko kažnjavanje i ubijanje jednog naroda i to isključivo iz mržnje da
bi njegovo političko vodjstvo prinudio na kapitulaciju. To se jasno
može zaključiti ako se pogleda šta su bile mete napada: infrastrukura,
javni objekti, mostovi, civilna naselja. Iako je agresor pouzdano znao
da u epicentru Beograda nema vojske, to ga nije sprečilo da taj deo
grada izloži najčešćim udarima. On je znao da preko mostova na Dunavu
iz Vojvodine i ka Vojvodini uopšte neće prolaziti nikakve vojne snage,
ali ga to nije sprečilo da ih sve do jednog razori. Pazite paradoksa:
danas se u Hagu sudi srpskim političkim i vojnim liderima najčešće za
dva navodna ratna zločina: za neselektivnu upotrebu vojne sile i za
neproporcionalno dejstvo po inače legitimnim vojnim ciljevima. Voleo
bih da mi neko danas objasni kako je to NATO u agresiji na Jugoslaviju
selektivno koristio vojnu silu ako se zna da je pogadjao putničke
vozove, pešake na mostovima, civile na pijacama i bolesnike u
bolnicama. Nije li možda TV Beograd, inače simbol slobode medija i
neophodan uslov svake demokratije, bila vojni cilj. I kako to razumeti.
Je li to taj princip selektivnosti na koji se danas tako rezolutno
poziva Haška pravda. Još je drastičniji slučaj sa principom
proporcionalnosti upotrebe sile. Zna se da je smisao tog principa nalog
da se prema legitimnim vojnim ciljevima upotrebi onoliko sile koliko je
dovoljno da se taj cilj onemogući u svom delovanju. Ne, dakle, iznad
granica od kojih se tom cilju nanose nepotrebne dodatne patnje.
Zamislite, molim vas, kako taj princip funkcioniše u praksi ako se zna
da je NATO na našu zemlju ispalio na desetine hiljada tona eksplozivnih
naprava i to sa daljina na kojim im naša vojska uopšte nije mogla ničim
i nikako nauditi. Je li to princip proporcionalnosti ne važi za NATO
već samo za njegove žrtve?


Agresija Zapada na Jugoslaviju (ja namerno podvlačim da se radi o
agresiji Zapada, a ne NATO) poslužila je kao laboratorija za testiranje
doktrine novog intervencionalizma. Ovo je bitno uočiti jer se radi o
korenitom preobraćaju NATO kao vojnog saveza. Od nominalno odbrambenog,
od ove agresije NATO je postao ofanzivni i agresivni vojni savez
Zapada. S obzirom na činjenicu da mu na čelu stoji jedna imperijalna
sila, bilo je samo pitanje dana kada će se taj odbrambeni savez
pretvoriti u agresivni, tj. u sredstvo za američko preoblikovanje
sveta. Osnovne stavke te doktrine novog intervencionalizma su:

- sloboda izbora prava na intervenciju protiv bilo koje države ili
političke grupacije za koju SAD procene da ugrožava njihove strateške
interese, naravno koje mogu da poraze bez ozbiljnijih posledica po
sopstvene snage;
- pravo na intervenciju bez saglasnosti Saveta bezbednosti UN i uprkos
njegovom protivljenju;
što je posebno zabrinjavajuće, pravo na preventivnu intervenciju, tj.
protiv onih država za koje SAD procene da mogu u perspektivi da ugroze
njihove strateške interese.

Nema sumnje da se SAD ovim izborom svrstavaju u red arogantnih imperija
koje su bez milosti i bez ikakvih kočnica, mimo principa prava i
pravde, gazile sve one narode i države koji su im stajali na putu
ovladavanja svetom. Kuda to Amerika vodi svet ostaje da se vidi. No,
bojim se da se ostvaruje ona crna slutnja koju je Ignacio Ramone
izrekao pre izvesnog vremena u svojoj knjizi ''Geopolitika haosa'' da
se svet približava više haosu nego uredjenom svetskom poretku.


Pre tridesetak godina svet se poradovao da je prošlo vreme politike
topovnjača i ekspedicionih korpusa kao sredstva kolinijalne strategije
i da je vojni faktor ustupio mesto političkom. Agresija Zapada na
Jugoslaviju nas je grubo otreznila i ponovo vratila u eru
militarizacije svetske politike, ali sa monopolom jedne sile na tu
militarizaciju. Inače, svaka objektivna analiza pokazala bi da bi svi
politički ciljevi koji su isticani kao motiv za agresiju bili uspešnije
ostvareni bez vojnog faktora nego pomoću njega. Takodje analiza bi
otkrila potpuno izvrnutu logiku, tj. da su politički ciljevi i politika
poslužili vojnom faktoru i ratu, umesto da bude obrnuto, tj. da vojni
faktor bude sredstvo. U ovom slučaju vojni faktor je bio cilj. Rat i
agresija nisu bili u funkciji ostvarivanja političkih ciljeva već su
politički ciljevi (navodno smirivanje krize na Kosovu i Metohiji i
zaštita prava Albanske manjine) izmišljeni samo da bi se legitimisala
oružana agresija u okviru koje je trebalo inaugurisati jednu potpuno
novu doktrinu Atlantskog saveza - doktrinu intervencionizma po
sopstvenom izboru i tu doktrinu praktično isprobati.

Tako militarizovana medjunarodna politika dovela je, po prvi put nakon
Jalte, da se vojna sila upotrebi kao sredstvo za geopolitičko
preoblikovanje evropskog kontinenta. Tri su pokazateqa tog
geopolitičkog prekomponovanja dela Evrope (Balkana):

- Rusija je prvi put u njenoj novijoj političkoj istoriji isterana sa
Balkana, čime je praktično svedena na rang minornog geopolitičkog
faktora koji se više ništa ne pita kada je reč o globalnim svetskim
- Srpski faktor je primoran da učini oštar otklon od svog autentičnog
kulturno-civilizacijskog i geopolitičkog identiteta tako što je gurnut
u naručje NATO i primoran da se do karikaturalnih razmera dodvorava
Zapadu, zaboravljajući da to neće ići lako niti bez lomova i u realnom
životu i u dušama qudi;
- Agresija na Jugoslaviju predstavlja praktično kamen temeljac u zgradi
koja se zove ''Velika Albanija''. Možda je upravo to najočitiji znak
tog geopolitičkog prekomponovanja Balkana. Posledice toga se danas tek
naziru, a tek u budućnosti će pokazati svoje nakazno lice.


Najtragičnija posledica oružane agresije Zapada na na{š zemlju je
okupacija. Agresija je trajala petnaestak godina (različitim
sredstvima, traje i danas) i imala je karakter svedimenzionalne
agresije: u privredi, politici, medijima, u svetskom javnom mnjenju, u
kulturi ... Kao kruna svega napokon je usledila oružana agresija. Isto
onako kako je agresija bila svedimenzionalna, tako je okupacija kao
njena posledica svedimenzionalna:

Politički i ideološki smo potpuno okupirani i to spolja raznom vrstom
političkih diktata, a iznutra jednom nametnutom i potpuno nelegitimnom
vlašću koja sve čini da što dublje udjemo u odnos potčinjenosti prema
U kulturi i ideologiji (tu podrazumevam celokupnu i celovitu nacionalnu
i državnu ideologiju) podvrgnuti smo jednom nečuvenom ispiranju mozga
kako bi se obrisao svaki trag bilo čega što pripada nacionalnom i
kulturnom civilizacijskom identitetu našeg naroda. To poprima
zastrašujuće razmere tako da su napadnute sve nacionalne institucije:
od Srpske akademije nauka, preko univerziteta, do Srpske pravoslavne
crkve. Sve što je nacionalno proglašava se primitivnim. Patriotizmu se
rugaju tako što ga izjednačavaju sa kriminalom i ratnim zločinom. To
ponižavanje naroda poprima karikaturalne razmere. Postali smo zemlja
koja hapsi i zlostavlja svoje borce za slobodu protiv NATO agresije, a
slavi špijune. Uz to, sa zvaničnog mesta se naredjuje oficirima da
špijuniraju svoje dojučerašnje saborce i preti im se sankcijama.
Izgleda kao da smo u Nušićevom dobu i da nam je svima sudbina da
postanemo rejonski, mesni, opštinski ili sreski špijuni. Isto onako
kako je to bio čuveni Aleksa Žunić, sreski špijun iz jednog Nušićevog
dela. Bilo bi komično da nije tragično;
U ekonomiju se ne razumem, ali ipak znam toliko da smo narod koji živi
od donacija i tzv. povoljnih kredita, a da ubrzano rasprodajemo imetak
koji su decenijama stvarale generacije radnih ljudi koje danas žive
doslovce u bedi;
Vojna okupacija je posebna priča i ona me ovde i danas posebno zanima.
Nije samo okupirana Srbija, već i sve srpske zemlje. Negde Srba više ni
nema kao političkog naroda, a tamo gde ih ima ili im se preti da će
izgubiti entitet (Republika Srpska), ili im se priprema status
nacionalne manjine i to u sopstvenoj nacionalnoj državi (u Crnoj Gori).
Najizrazitiji oblik vojne okupacije je prisustvo stranih vojnih snaga
na Kosovu i Metohiji. Neću da ulazim u raspravu da li je do okupacije
moralo doći, koliko će ona trajati i dr. Želim samo da podvučem da se
radi o okupaciji za otimanje Kosova i Metohije kao dela državne i
nacionalne teriotorije srpskog naroda. Te okupacione snage su pod
direktnim diktatom Amerike, za koju naša vlada kaže da je naš danas
osvedočeni prijatelj, pa zato zaslužuje da se odreknemo prava za
gonjenje američkih državljana za počinjene ratne zločine u našoj zemlji
dok ista ta Amerika iz dana u dan imperativno traži sve više srpskih
glava u Hagu. Takodje, ista ta Amerika čini sve da teritoriju Kosova i
Metohije odcepi od Srbije. U toj funkciji legalizovali su terorističku
paravojnu organizaciju OVK pod eufemističkim imenom ''Kosovski zaštitni
korpus'' - to je onaj korpus koji izvodi diverzije po srpskim
enklavama. Medjunarodna uprava na Kosovu i Metohiji po diktatu Amerike
ne dozvoljava da se vrate proterani Srbi sa Kosova, poklanja srpsku
imovinu Šiptarima, kao da im je to dedovina. Amerika sponzoriše
raznovrsne i brojne rezolucije, deklaracije i izjave proalbanskog
lobija u Americi za nezavisno Kosovo i na taj način praktično pomaže
proces dalje destrukcije srpske države.

Ja naravno znam da mi nismo u stanju da se sami odupremo američkoj
zlovolji sadržanoj u nameri da se u perspektivi ali što pre Kosovo otme
Srbiji. No, jedna je stvar nešto primiti k znanju kao trenutno realno
stanje stvari, a sasvim druga pristati na to kao na trajno rešenje.
Znam takodje da ako se to bude zahtevalo iz svetskih centara moći,
moramo prihvatiti razgovore o Kosovu i Metohiji. Radi se o tome da se
zna o kakvoj vrsti razgovora i pregovora može biti reči. Jedino na šta
sme pristati bilo koja prolitička garnitura u Srbiji jeste da je Kosovo
bilo, da ono danas jeste i da će u budućnosti biti deo srpske državne
teritorije. Niko nema mandat da tu teritoriju ustupa bilo kome pod bilo
kojom pretnjom ili ucenom. Smatram da bi jedna od tačaka u zaključcima
ovog skupa trebalo da bude obraćanje našeg foruma javnosti u kojem
zahtevati da se u Skupštini Srbije usvoji deklaracija koja će izričito
zabraniti bilo kome da u ime srpskog naroda potpiše ustupanje Kosova i
Metohije pod izgovorom tzv. konačnog statusa. Okupacija Kosova i
Metohije je posledica nelegitimne oružane agresije Zapada i nju ne
priznajemo kao trajno rešenje niti kao osnovu za bilo kakve pregovore o
eventualnom izdvajanju Kosova i Metohije iz sastava Srbije.


A sada mi dozvolite da se sa par napomena osvrnem na neke čisto vojne
aspekte ove agresije. Agresija je pokazala da je danas strategija
odvraćanja njenim tradicionalnim standardima u ozbiljnoj krizi, tj. da
uopšte ne funkcioniše. Njena je uloga da spreči odnosno, da odvrati
agresora od namere da napadne. Odvraćanje inače, funkcioniše na dva
načina i dva modela: odbranom i odmazdom. U osnovi oba ova dva modela
odvraćanja je realna pretnja. U odbrani da je napadnuta zemlja u stanju
da nametne takav rat koji će dovesti do nepodnošljivih gubitaka
agresora, pa se on u takav rat ne sme upustiti. Odmazdom se preti tako
što nakon otpočinjanja agresije, zemlja žrtve je u stanju da izvrši
kaznene udare po vitalnim ciljevima agresora, što takodje ne sme da
prihvati, pa ga to primorava da agresiju i ne preduzima.

Videli smo da je NATO kao agresor, odnosno SAD kao njegov čelnik u
stanju da ignorišu obe ove pretnje i to tako što udare vrše sa bezbedne
distance i što ne ulaze u rizike kopnenih operacija. Bilo da se ceo rat
vodi udarima sa distance, bilo da se u kopnena dejstva ulazi tek nakon
vatrene obrade bojišta koja ga lišava bilo kakvih gubitaka ili ih svodi
na podnošljivu meru. Moglo bi se čak reći i da SAD ili vojne koalicije
koje SAD sklapaju radi preduzimanja oružanih agresija širom sveta, za
svoje agresivne ciljeve biraju isključivo one zemlje koje nemaju
nikakvih mogućnosti da zaprete, odnosno da i agresoru nametnu
odgovarajuće gubitke.

Dakle, SAD su postigle takvu vojnu nadmoć da samo mali broj zemalja ima
mogućnosti da realno odvrati tu imperiju od namere oružane agresije.
Jedino zemje koje raspolažu pomorskim, vazduhoplovnim i raketnim
nuklearnim sredstvima mogu da tu vrstu pretnje ostvare. Njihova
strategija odvraćanja još uvek deluje efikasno. No, u vremenu koje
sledi za očekivati je nove tehnološke napore SAD koji će i tu vrstu
pretnji svesti na prihvatljivu meru, čime bi se strategija svetske
dominacije Amerike oslobodila do apsoluta. Ne kažem da je takvo
očekivanje realno, ali da će Amerika to pokušati, u to sam posve
ubedjen. To će dovesti do nove neslućene trke u naoružanju. Upravo je
to najavio vojni budžet SAD za iduću godinu koji je dimenzionisan preko
400 milijardi dolara.

Šta preostaje malim i nerazvijenim zemljama koje nisu spremne da kleknu
pred američkom zastrašujućom pretnjom. Ništa osim terorizma. Dakle,
paradoksalno, ali tačno, sama Amerika svojom imperijalnom politikom i
strategijom neprikosnovenog gospodara sveta proizvodi terorizam kao
svog najvećeg neprijatelja. Terorizam u svim oblicima: klasični koji se
vidi svakog dana na Bliskom Istoku, Africi, Aziji i Latinskoj Americi,
Rusiji, Čečeniji itd. Ali, i rafiniraniji i sofisticiraniji oblik
terorizma: od hemijsko-biološkog do mininuklearnog. Šta drugo da
izazove američka odluka da nastavi ulaganja u istraživanja i razvoj
mininuklearnih sredstava osim isto takvog terorizma. U najvećem obimu i
intenzitetu ta vrsta terorizma bila bi uperena protiv Amerike. Ako bi
do toga došlo, tada bi upravo terorističke snage ovladale svetom i to
bi bio kraj civilizacije u njenom današnjem obliku. Izlaz, dakle, nije
u sve izrazitijoj američkoj vojnoj svemoći, već u potpuno drugačijoj
američkoj odgovornosti za stanje u svetu. Tu bih se u potpunosti složio
sa gospodinom Jakšićem i onim što je pre izvesnog vremena objavio u
"Politici" pišući o neuspehu američke antiterorističke strategije.


U istoriji i teoriji ratovodstva i ratne veštine agresija NATO na SRJ
će biti zabeležena kao potpuno novi oblik, odnosno novi tip rata. U
časopisu "Geopolitička raskršća" (leto 2000), na godišnjcu te agresije,
taj rat ja sam nazvao "Rat bez bitke". I danas stojimo na istom tom
stanovištu. Možda se čini da isticanje ove odrednice agresije suviše
ulazi u okvire vojne struke u njenom najužem smislu i značenju. Ali
držim da se radi o bitno novoj karakteristici rata koja će sve više
zauzimati centralno mesto u svim narednim vojnim intervencijama, kojih
će na žalost biti i to ne tako retko.

U agresiji NATO su izostali sudari zaraćenih strana na bojnom polju, a
što je inače bila suštinska odrednica rata u njegovom klasičnom
poimanju. Zapravo, ako sudara nema, reklo bi se da tada nema ni rata. I
u ovom smislu ova agresija je do izvesne mere izokrenuti rat. U svim
dosadašnjim ratovima, uvek je žrtva agresije nastojala da u nepovoljnom
odnosu vojnih snaga izbegne odlučujuće vojne sudare i to tako što je
ratni proces fragmentirala na više manjih žarišta. U ovom ratu sudar,
odnosno bitku je izbegavao agresor, a ne žrtva i to je pravi paradoks
koji će se u narednim ratovima pretvoriti u zakonomernost. Isti taj
slučaj se zbio i u dva naredna rata nakon te agresije, tj. u
Avganistanu i u Iraku. Bez obzira što je izvesnog otpora bilo, ali ni u
ova dva rata nije vodjena ni jedna prava bitka. A većina vojnih
eksperata je očekivala bitke za velike gradove, naročito u agresiji na
Irak. Gotovo da je stručno neobjašnjivo zašto je to izostalo. Očito je
da se tu nešto zbilo što još uvek nije dostupno pravim vojnim analizama.

Ako podjemo od toga da je cilj svakog rata nametanje volje protivniku,
u ovom slučaju prisiliti državno rukovodstvo SRJ da prihvati ultimatum
iz Rambujea, neophodan uslov za to prirodno bi bio poraz VJ na bojnom
polju u sudarima sa NATO alijansom. Dakle, političkom porazu je trebalo
da prethodi vojni poraz. A tako nije bilo. Niti je bilo vojnog poraza,
niti je agresor nameravao da taj poraz ishoduje. On je stalno pretio
tzv. kopnenom invazijom, a sve je preduzeo da do nje ne dodje. Ovde
naravno, ne računam pokušaj upada šiptarskih terorističkih snaga iz
Albanije i unutrašnje vojne aktivnosti delova razbijene OVK na KiM.
Tako smo došli do još jednog paradoksa ovoga rata, a to je da se VJ
povukla sa KiM, da je dakle pristala da prihvati poraz bez bitke, jer
je tome prethodio politički poraz rukovodstva, koje je prihvatilo
nametnute rezolucije i sporazume. Ni ovo se nije dogadjalo u ratovima
pre ove agresije. Naravno, ovde bi bilo potrebno odgovoriti na pitanje
šta je primoralo državno rukovodstvo SRJ da prihvati okupaciju dela
državne teritorije bez vojnog sudara u ratu koji je trajao, ali to bi
bila duga priča i ne za ovu priliku.


Namerno koristim termin "zemlje", a ne država ili "Srbija i Crna Gora".
Činim to iz dva razloga. Prvo nisam siguran da se ovde može govoriti
uop{še o državi i drugo destrukcija naše vojne moći je okončana znatno
ranije, još dok smo se zvali SR Jugoslavija. To je bilo sasvim
očekivano, jer NATO nije mogao oprostiti VJ i njenom komandnom kadru to
što se u svakom pogledu, sem u materijalno tehničkom pokazao
superiornim u odmeravanju snaga sa NATO-om. Prvo što je preduzeto jeste
nametanje odgovornosti VJ za navodne ratne zločine. Još dok je rat
trajao, Hag je podigao optužnicu protiv vrhovne komande, tj. protiv
predsednika države, načelnika štaba Vrhovne komande i šefa zajedničke
komande za KiM. Apsolutno je izvesno da u vreme pokretanja tih
optužnica niko iz Haga niti oko njega (tj. iz NATO i SAD) nije imao
niti je mogao imati ni jednog dokaza za te monstruozne optužbe ljudi
koji su imali smelosti da se suprotstave agresiji. Jedini cilj i smisao
podizanja tih optužnica u vreme dok je trajala odbrana agresije bio je
da se ta odbrana delegitimiše i proglasi za zločin.

Drugi udar na vojnu moć naše zemlje usledio je iznutra. Na domaćoj
sceni je iskovana jedna bestijalna laž da je vojska bila stub jedne
zločinačke politike i da se sa tom navodno zločinačkom politikom nije
moguće obračunati dok se vojska kao njen noseći stub ne razori.
Otpočelo je izgladnjivanje vojske, daljnje osiromašenje komandnog
kadra, izmišljane su i podgrejavane afere u vojsci i oko vojske,
najčešće bez osnova, a ponekad na žalost i uz pomoć iz same vojske.
Nastavljeno je radikalno tehničko zaustavljanje vojske. Javost je
podstrekavana da se okrene protiv nje. Na sreću u tome se nije uspelo u

Treći udar, ujedno i završni, je upravo u toku. To se usaglašeno vodi
iz tri centra: prvo iz centrala NATO i njemu opslužujućih strateških
radionica koje nude raznovrsne scenarije "reformisanja" vojske tako što
će je svesti na minormnu meru; drugo, iz centara političke vlasti naše
zemlje, a posebno iz Crne Gore, kako bi se osporila potreba za
postojanje i te jedine zajedničke snage dve republike; treće, iz
domaćih ekspertskih krugova. Zamislite paradoks: ministar odbrane za
svoje vojne savetnike bira ljude koji sa tom strukom nemaju nikakve
veze i o vojsci i odbrani ne znaju ama baš ništa. Šef državne zajednice
za svog vojnog savetnika imenuje generala koji se već pet godina po
belom svetu bori da dokaže kako je naša vojska zločinačka, kako se od
Beograda beži kao od kuge i kako je Beograd kao svoj strateški plan
odabrao genocid prema svim nesrpskim narodima, a da je u tome vojska
imala glavnu ulogu. Istovremeno je da je isti taj general za to vreme
za koje optužuje i politiku i vojsku za zločin dobio dva generalska
čina. Pitam, koji bi to general mogao opstati u službi, a da ne govorim
u njoj napredovati, a da svakoga dana nije iskazivao naglašenu
lojalnost prema najvišoj državnoj vlasti. Eto taj savetnik predsednika
državne zajednice po Srbiji danas telali o tome kako VJ Srbije i Crne
Gore treba svesti na 25 000 od čega za Srbiju 22, a za Crnu Goru 3
hiljade. Potpuno je jasno da taj savetnik smatra da vojsku treba
podeliti na srpsku i na crnogorsku i da nam ne treba jedinstvena
vojska. Treba mu verovati da je Crnoj Gori dovoljno 3 000 vojnika, ali
treba znati ono što i on nije rekao, a to je da Crna Gora već ima
pripremljenu policiju kao paravojsku. Samo je treba promovisati u
republičku vojsku, ona čak ima i svoga komandanta. Šta više, taj vajni
general se zalaže za internacionalne jedinice u regionu ali kojima će
komandovati NATO oficiri, jer navodno naši oficiri za to nisu sposobni.
To je direktna uvreda naših oficira koji su se u borbi protiv NATO
pokazali u svakom pogledu superiorni. Puštaju tog generala da priča,
niko mu ne staje na put. A on i dalje savetuje šefa države, onog ko zlu
ne trebalo treba da ostvari vrhovno komandovanje. To je za normalni
svet apsolutno neshvatljivo. U isto vreme predsednik Republike Srbije,
odnosno njegov vršilac dužnosti nema ama baš nikoga u svom savetničkom
timu ko se imalo razume u vojsku i odbanu. A kao što se zna, ta
gospodja je po funkciji član Vrhovnog saveta odbrane koji donosi sve
strateške odluke vezane za vojsku i odbranu zemlje. Nije mi jasno kako
to ona može ravnopravno učestvovati u raspravi i odlučivanju o tako
delikatnim temama, a da je niko pri tome ne savetuje. Ili je možda
Srbija odlučila da tu vrstu strateškog odlučivanja prepusti Crnoj Gori
koja je ionako odavno zauzela stav da nam ne treba ni država, ni
vojska, ni odbrana.

Razbijanje vojske i njeno slabljenje ima dva strateška cilja: prvo, da
Srbija ne bude u stanju da igra ključnu geostratešku i bezbednostnu
ulogu u regionu, a ta uloga joj inače po svim objektivnim merilima,
posebno na osnovu strateškog položaja na Balkanu, nesumnjivo pripada;
drugo, da se i u disoluciji vojske pripremi konačna razdelnica za novi
raspon države i izbegnu nesporazumi oko predstojećih podela vojnih
efektiva. Jedino u toj funkciji se može razumeti novo pripremljeni
koncept vojne organizacije u kojoj se, kako to saznaju neslužbeni
izvori, jedan od korpusa te vojske naziva podgorički ili crnogorski, a
svi drugi gube svoje ranije geografske nazive. Zar to nije priprema za
nova cepanja. Zar to nije najava raspada države.

=== 4 ===

From: Vladimir Krsljanin


2. AHMETAJ AGRON, 10, Korisa
3. BERISA ELVIS, 17, Prizren
4. BERISA ESAD, 12, Prizren
5. BESIM VALJETA, 6, Djakovica
7. GASI DEA, 9, Pristina
8. GASI DENISA, 4, Pristina
9. GASI REA, 6, Pristina
10. DACIC SENAD, 18, Besnik
11. DIMIC DRAGANA, 12, Staro Gradsko
12. ZIVANCEVIC MIODRAG, 8, Djakovica
13. ZECIRI NERCIVANE, 17, Djakovica
14. ZULJFERI BECIR - BECA, 14, Prizren
16. ZULJFERI MAKSUM, 2, Prizren
17. KASTRATI KUJTIM, 1, Orahovac
19. KOPOLA ARIJETA, 13, Podujevo
20. KOPOLA MERLJINDA, ?, Podujevo
21. KOPOLA MERUSA, ?, Podujevo
22. KOPOLA CAVIT, 15, Podujevo
23. KOPOLA FLJORINDA, 18, Podujevo
24. KODZA BURIM, 14, Kacanik
25. KODZA VALJDET, 15, Kacanik
26. KODZA EDON, 4, Kacanik
27. KODZA OSMAN, 14, Kacanik
28. KODZA FISTIK, 5, Kacanik
29. KRASNICI ERNEST, 3, Orahovac
30. KREPNIK HAJDARAJ, 16, Djakovica
31. KUKAJ ALJBON, 14, Korisa
32. KUKAJ FLJORINDA, 5, Korisa
33. LUGICI ARTA, 13, Lipljan
35. MILENKOVIC SANJA, 16, Varvarin
36. MILIC VLADIMIR, 12, Surdulica
37. MILIC MILJANA, 15, Surdulica
38. MILOVANOVIC MILOMIR, 17, Surdulica
39. MITIC IRENA, 16, Nis
40. NIKOLIC GORDANA, 18, Vladicin Han
41. OSMANI EDON, 14, Djakovica
44. PAJAZITI VIOLETA, 16, Djakovica
45. PAJAZITI VJOLCA, 18, Djakovica
46. PALJUSI DIJANA, 5, Korisa
47. PETROVIC MARIJA, 15, Podujevo
48. PETROVIC NIKOLA, 17, Podujevo
49. PECOLI BESMILJE, 17, Prizren
51. RAKIC MILICA, 3, Batajnica
52. ROGLIC MARKO, 16, Novi Pazar
53. SIMIC MARKO, 2, Novi Pazar
54. SMAJLJI BERSADA, 7, Djakovica
56. STOJANOVIC MILICA, 13, Pavlovac
57. TASIC DALIBOR, 18, Vranje
58. TOSOVIC BOJANA, 1, Kursumlija
59. DZAFERI REZARTA, 6, Korisa
60. DZAFERI SERANDA, 2, Korisa
61-81. 20 nepoznate dece uzrasta 3 meseca do 18 godina, Korisa
/20 unknown children aged 3 months to 18 years, Korisa

Iz knjige «Deca optuzuju».
From the book «Children Accuse».
Dal libro «I bambini accusano».

Convegno CNJ 16/11/2002
2: Pavlovic


Trieste / Trst, 16 novembre 2002, Convegno:

(Associazione "Decja Istina", Belgrado)

La situazione sociale nella RF di Jugoslavia
due anni dopo il 5-10-2000
Sono Gordana Pavlovic e faccio parte dell'organizzazione umanitaria
"Decja Istina" ["La verita' dei bambini"] la quale collabora con varie
organizzazioni italiane. Qui c'è anche Ivan con il quale collaboro che
è il nostro principale referente a Roma, collaboriamo abbastanza bene
(anche) con le città di Torino e Bari. Ci arrivano le borse di studio e
spesso arrivano aiuti sotto forma di vestiario, medicinali, materiale
scolastico. Ringraziamo per gli aiuti che continuano ad arrivare, che
sono sempre più necessari, invece del contrario...

Non so se preferite che incominciamo facendo un piccolo riassunto degli
ultimi due anni o se vi interessa iniziare con la situazione attuale in
Jugoslavia, quale io la vedo. Suppongo che siate informati di quello
che sta succedendo. Quello che è attuale in questo momento sono le
elezioni per la presidenza della Serbia. Ci sono stati degli scandali
per quanto riguarda il traffico di armi. Abbiamo il problema di trovare
un accordo con il Montenegro. L'occidente prima voleva distruggere la
Jugoslavia e adesso cerca di tenere uniti la Serbia e il Montenegro. Ci
occupiamo tanto degli scandali, ma i problemi reali non li trattiamo.
Con il cambiamento di regime noi viviamo di donazioni e il nostro
sistema economico non si basa sulla produzione interna, ma sui crediti
internazionali, con i quali si vuole mantenere in vita il regime
Nell'ottobre del 2000 l'occidente ha finanziato il nuovo governo con
circa 60 milioni di dollari, ma i soldi sono finiti nelle tasche di
pochi. Da anni non ci sono investimenti produttivi. Il processo di
privatizzazione ha riguardato unicamente il settore alberghiero. Penso
personalmente che non sia necessario che tutti gli alberghi siano a
cinque stelle, mentre le fabbriche rimangono chiuse... Ci sono sempre
più persone che vivono sulla soglia della povertà.
Suppongo che voi siate ben informati sulla situazione della Zastava,
l'ultimo piano per la soluzione del problema della Zastava è stato
proposto dalla ditta americana NewCarCo. La NewCarCo. propone di
investire nella Zastava 150 milioni di dollari per produrre 220.000
automobili all'anno. Il signor Bricklin proprietario della ditta, è
fallito più volte negli Stati Uniti... le trattative dovrebbero essere
svolte tramite una banca che opera in Europa e il profitto delle sue
5-6 filiali è stato di 1400 dollari. Mi interessa sapere dove troverà i
rimanenti 150 milioni di dollari da investire. Questa è stata una mossa
poco seria da parte del nostro governo che conclude degli affari con
una persona di dubbia reputazione... è poco serio perché giocano con
l'esistenza di 15.000 operai e delle loro famiglie. Probabilmente siete
informati che questa era una delle proposte oltre a quella di aprire
una fabbrica di sigarette. Da ciò potete notare la serietà del nostro
governo e di quanto si occupa del futuro degli operai. Ogni giorno da
mezzogiorno in poi nel centro di Belgrado ci sono persone che
scioperano. È in corso il fallimento della catena di grandi
magazzini... Ed anche di una ditta come la Inex. La magistratura ancora
poco efficiente ha scioperato fino a quando non stati aumentati gli
stipendi. Anche la sanità è in sciopero e si trova in condizioni
peggiori... Si avvicina l'inverno e sempre di più ci fa paura, i prezzi
dell'energia elettrica aumentano con la scusa che devono adeguarsi con
i prezzi europei. Per una famiglia di quattro persone ci vogliono per
vivere modestamente 28-30 mila dinari cioè 450-500 euro [al mese]
mentre lo stipendio medio è di 160 euro.
Voglio farvi un esempio. La Ministra dell'energia elettrica ci spiega
questi nuovi prezzi dell'elettricità: dobbiamo pagare quello che
abbiamo consumato e in più... non sappiamo neanche noi cosa dobbiamo
pagare, pare sia ogni metro di filo elettrico in più. Il termine che
usano e' "energia elettrica ingaggiata". Dunque dobbiamo pagare quello
che abbiamo consumato, ed in più prendono un tot per questo che ogni
mese aumenta. Ci sono tante cose illogiche che ci dicono, ci spiegano
qualcosa, ci presentano il conto, dobbiamo pagare, non c'è verso di
Questa è una difficoltà particolarmente per gli anziani che non possono
pagare il riscaldamento né l'affitto. Il ministero ha deciso di vendere
questi appartamenti [di edilizia popolare]; la ministra Ludovicki ha
studiato i problemi dei paesi in transizione... Certe persone che hanno
vissuto all'estero una volta rientrati e diventati ministri si sono
messi a distruggere il sistema economico. Il loro modo di pensare è
quello di mettere sullo stesso piano la Serbia e l'Occidente, per
eseguirne i diktat.
Adesso ci avviciniamo alle elezioni previste per l'8 di dicembre ci
sono due candidati, Vojislav Kostunica e Vojislav Seselj, che non hanno
un programma politico. Entrambi sono nazionalisti, anche in Bosnia
Erzegovina e in Croazia hanno vinto i partiti nazionalisti e con questo
ritorniamo alla situazione dei primi anni '90. Dunque: ognuno per il
proprio popolo - e non si vede una via d'uscita, e se continua così
potrebbe scoppiare un'altra guerra. Milosevic è stato accusato di voler
fare la Grande Serbia e tra due anni sarà discussa l'indipendenza del
Kosovo e la Serbia potrebbe diventare ancora più piccola. Di nuovo
sulla scena politica ci sono i nazionalisti di tutte le parti, e poco
si parla di solidarietà e collaborazione. Il nostro problema non è che
la Serbia sarà ancora più piccola, ma che resterà isolata, perché
noi... La vecchia Jugoslavia non esisterà mai piu' come prima, ma
soltanto pochi di noi si rendono conto che solo quella Jugoslavia aveva
un futuro. Avevamo tutto e potevamo presentarci al mondo... Adesso non
so proprio come usciremo da questa situazione, perché siamo sottoposti
a continue pressioni. Si viene incontro a tutte le richieste della
signora Del Ponte in brevissimo tempo... Questo comportamento è
umiliante - cosa dobbiamo fare per essere accettati come persone
normali! Il rapporto di forza è tale che quelli avanzano sempre nuove
richieste. Anche nei paesi occidentali la gente la pensa diversamente,
e lavora... Che ci consentano di pensare e di lavorare per noi stessi!
Nessuno verrà ad investire in una zona instabile come i Balcani.
Noi siamo già da tempo un territorio instabile, appena risolveranno il
problema del Kosovo ci sarà il problema della Vojvodina... Il problema
è: come continueremo con il Montenegro, e ci viene da pensare che il
futuro non prometta niente di buono.
Gli operai ricevono il denaro dai fondi statali, la produzione è ferma,
le persone non sono iscritte alle liste di collocamento e, anche se
lavorano, i datori di lavoro non versano i contributi nelle casse dello
Stato dunque non possono neanche usufruire della previdenza sociale.
Tante persone che devono andare in pensione non possono andarci perché
non vengono pagati i contributi. Circa il 60% dei pensionati riceve una
pensione di 50 euro. L'inverno scorso la nostra organizzazione ha
lavorato per la distribuzione degli aiuti mandati dalla FAO: ci sono
tantissime persone che si mettono in fila per ricevere questi aiuti.
Quando incontrate queste persone per strada, quando parlate con queste
persone è veramente triste ed umiliante, perché hanno lavorato tutta la
vita... Il 56% delle tasse sugli stipendi, nella ex Jugoslavia,
servivano per coprire i fondi statali. Il nostro ordinamento oggi non
prevede un fondo per l'assistenza sociale perché le spese per
l'assistenza sociale sono pagate direttamente da chi necessita una
prestazione. Nemmeno siamo capaci di scrivere una Costituzione
figuriamoci quando incominceremo a risolvere i problemi esistenziali!...
Il passaggio da un sistema economico politico comunista a uno
capitalista non si può fare solo con i tagli. Come ceto intellettuale,
nella nostra società, non vediamo una prospettiva. Vorremmo che questo
nostro futuro fosse un po' più tranquillo. C'è chi non si esalta quando
sente che una piccola somma del debito internazionale viene cancellata:
noi ci chiediamo dove sono i nostri fondi esteri, quelli che sono stati
congelati durante le sanzioni. La Jugoslavia socialista oltre ai debiti
che aveva all'estero aveva anche dei soldi fatturati, ma mai incassati,
per lavori svolti all'estero.
Adesso dovremmo rallegrarci perché loro ci restituiscono soldi nostri?!

Lo so che voi non potete aiutarci in questo senso perché sono necessari
mezzi più consistenti. Noi possiamo parlare e scambiare delle
informazioni, discutere. Adesso risponderò alle vostre domande, se vi
interessa sapere qualcosa, e dopo vorrei esporvi un caso, Ivan lo
conosce già, quello di una famiglia che grazie al G.A.MA.DI. [un gruppo
italiano] usufruisce di una borsa di studio. Ho portato un ritaglio di
un giornale... è la situazione di una famiglia in cui ci sono tre
bambini e il padre, che è stato ferito due volte in Kosovo ed è rimasto
immobilizzato a letto. Volevo pregarvi, se possibile, di organizzare
una raccolta di fondi per l'acquisto di una sedia a rotelle elettrica.
Tutti i tre bambini ora vanno a scuola... Per noi va bene trovare anche
una sedia a rotelle di seconda mano. Lui possiede già una sedia a
rotelle ma siccome i suoi muscoli sono atrofizzati non ha più la forza
di spingere. Con i suoi colleghi siamo riusciti a ottenere che gli sia
dato un appartamento arredato. Vive da solo con i bambini e le sue
sorelle lo aiutano. Lui ha una quarta bambina di due anni e mezzo che
abita con i genitori della moglie e quest'ultima è in cura in una
clinica psichiatrica. La loro storia è stata travagliata dal momento in
cui hanno dovuto lasciare la città di Pec. Zoran Pusic ha 35 anni e noi
cerchiamo di aiutare la famiglia che vive con la sua pensione; quando
arrivano gli aiuti cerchiamo di aiutare questi bambini e cercheremo di
fare qualche raccolta anche in Jugoslavia, per quanto è possibile. Un
anno fa la sedia a rotelle costava da 3500 a 6000 euro, e ho
l'impressione che con l'arrivo dell'euro i prezzi siano aumentati al
punto che basta togliere solo tre zeri dai marchi tedeschi. A luglio di
quest'anno sono stata a Torino e quando sono tornata in Jugoslavia ho
pensato che anche per loro dobbiamo fare qualcosa... Per non parlarvi
degli altri problemi.

D: Di fronte a questa crisi delle fabbriche, che comporterà anche il
licenziamento o la cassa integrazione per molti, c'è stato in qualche
fabbrica un qualche tentativo di occupazione o autogestione?
Gordana:  Ci sono stati dei casi e tentativi isolati ma la gente ha
paura. Sperano nei capitali esteri che sono stati promessi. Se qualcosa
viene privatizzato di solito sono i nostri a farlo. La disciplina è
molto più rigida nelle ditte private. I licenziamenti avvengono più
facilmente. L'operaio pensa che i suoi diritti siano garantiti, ma i
nuovi proprietari al momento di organizzare il processo di produzione
si trovano con personale in esubero del 20-30% rispetto alla situazione
precedente, così sono costretti a licenziare la parte in esubero. I
nuovi proprietari promettono salari di 150 euro, poi al momento del
pagamento gli operai si ritrovano con 100 euro con la scusa che la
produzione non è andata bene. Gli operai sono costretti ad accettare
queste condizioni.
D: E la tutela sindacale? Le organizzazioni sindacali?
Gordana:  I sindacati funzionano - ci sono quelli governativi e quelli
indipendenti - ma non so dire come funzionano, io mi occupo di attività
umanitarie... Ci sono cose che non mi saranno mai chiare, tra queste il
funzionamento dei nostri sindacati oggi. Io sono figlia del socialismo
e questo sistema proprio non lo capisco.
D: Io vorrei chiedere soltanto una cosa, ma importante anche per noi
qui in Italia: per quanto riguarda il disastro ecologico che i
bombardamenti hanno provocato, abbiamo avuto un effetto diretto sui
soldati italiani che sono andati in quelle zone. Vorrei capire se ci
sono dati sul disastro ecologico che i bombardamenti hanno provocato
soprattutto in due zone: Kragujevac e Pancevo.

Gordana: Nel 1999 Fulvio Grimaldi ha filmato Pancevo, Novi Sad,
Kragujevac e Belgrado, e io sono stata con lui perché facevo parte
dell'organizzazione. Tutto quello che è stato filmato e presentato
allora è la testimonianza più veritiera. Con l'arrivo del nuovo governo
c'è stata la tendenza a non enfatizzare troppo gli effetti dei
bombardamenti. L'intervento della Nato è servito per dare una lezione a
Milosevic, destituirlo ed instaurare un altro governo in Serbia. Io ho
le informazioni riservate dei dottori che lavorano nell'ospedale
militare. Abbiamo i dati dell'aumento delle malattie cancerogene fra la
popolazione femminile, mentre gli uomini sono affetti da ictus
cerebrale. Abbiamo dei casi di leucemia tra i militari e i riservisti
che hanno passato un po' di tempo in Kosovo. A Smederevo in agosto e a
dicembre del 1999 sono nati dei bambini deformi. Questi casi con il
nuovo governo non vengono menzionati... La stampa e la televisione non
ci informano, c'è solo una televisione "indipendente", B92, finanziata
da Soros. Per quanto riguarda la catastrofe ecologica, sicuramente c'è
qualcuno che sta facendo dei rilevamenti e degli studi e che solo un
giorno saranno a nostra disposizione. Noi stiamo vivendo questa
situazione: la mortalità è aumentata nelle giovani generazioni.
Nell'agosto del '99 sono stata con Fulvio Grimaldi a Kragujevac, e
indossavo dei sandali. Tornando a Belgrado la pelle dei miei talloni si
è completamente spellata perché sono passata vicino alle zone

il manifesto - 30 Luglio 2003

Il bel Danubio in mano agli affaristi

I paesi ricchi della Ue speculano sulla ricostruzione postbellica. A
danno dei popoli balcanici

Scorre di nuovo il fiume Danubio, anzi il Dunav: il nome in serbo dei
2860 chilometri d'acqua che collegano la Mitteleuropa all'Oriente. Dove
una volta c'erano detriti di cemento e acciaio, ora lussureggianti
distese d'erba delineano le rive. A Novi Sad, capoluogo della
Vojvodina, quel che restava dei ponti bombardati dalla Nato nel 1999,
arte astratta balcanica, macabre montagne russe, è stato rimosso; il
ponte Sloboda, il ponte della libertà, cartolina dell'ingerenza
umanitaria, si era spezzato ma non si era piegato sotto le bombe
dell'alleanza atlantica: la campata centrale si era afflosciata in due
tronconi immergendosi nelle acque cariche di limo e ostruendo il corso
del fiume. Dopo quattro anni, oltre sei mesi in ritardo sui tempi
previsti, la Commissione per il Danubio ha finalmente annunciato la
fine dei lavori: sono stati rimossi gli scheletri di cemento armato,
gli ordigni inesplosi, ed è stato ripulito il letto. Così, il fiume che
scorreva senza più traffici, ritorna al centro degli interessi politici
ed economici del vecchio continente. Già all'indomani della pioggia di
morte e distruzione - la Serbia ha subito approssimativamente danni per
cento miliardi di dollari dall'aviazione Nato, senza calcolare
l'incidenza del blocco fluviale - la Commissione del Danubio (organismo
cui aderiscono tutti i paesi bagnati dal fiume più la Russia e
l'Ucraina che sovrintende sui diritti di navigabilità e sullo statuto
internazionale) aveva quantificato in 90 milioni di euro la cifra per
rendere di nuovo percorribile il Danubio. L'Unione europea si era
impegnata a stanziare 30 milioni di euro. La Nato, irremovibile,
neanche un centesimo. Nel braccio di ferro intorno al Kosovo prima, e
al cambio di regime a Belgrado poi, i fondi sono rimasti congelati.
Alla fine, solamente dopo lo sbarco di Milosevic all'Aja - gradito
ospite di Carla Del Ponte - è stato avviato il progetto «Clearence of
the fairway of the Danube», pulizia del canale navigabile del Danubio.
Ventisei i milioni di euro stanziati. I maggiori contribuenti: l'Unione
europea, che con 22 milioni di euro ha coperto l'85% dei costi, la
Germania e l'Austria. Considerate le perdite della comunità danubiana
dovute alla paralisi dei traffici, all'incirca un milione di euro al
giorno, si è trattato di un investimento molto vantaggioso e
redditizio, soprattutto a medio e lungo termine.

Il Danubio rientra infatti appieno nella strategia della Commissione
europea per lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture nei Balcani. Proprio
nell'Europa del Sud-Est si gioca la partita più difficile: quella
dell'allargamento e dell'integrazione comunitari. L'impegno operativo
di Bruxelles, per dare nuovo slancio all'impresa, deve partire dagli
assi strutturali, quelli che la Ue ha definito corridoi privilegiati,
senza tuttavia creare economie dipendenti dai sussidi, non
autosufficienti - come ad esempio quella del protettorato bosniaco - e
senza lasciare mano libera ai forti nei confronti dei deboli,
permettendo l'affermarsi di egemonie e di sfere d'influenza più o meno

In tale direzione non sembrano però orientate le misure proposte dal
libro bianco sulla politica dei trasporti europei fino al 2010; una
delle priorità del programma è infatti l'eliminazione delle strozzature
presenti sul corridoio Reno-Meno-Danubio a tutto vantaggio
dell'economia austriaca e, soprattutto, di quella tedesca. Proprio
Germania e Austria, che considerano i 3500 chilometri che collegano
Rotterdam al mar Nero come «Die blaue Autobahn», l'autostrada blu,
rivestono il ruolo principale nella realizzazione del piano. Sia il
quinto che il sesto programma quadro dell'Ue prevedono due progetti
danubiani (ALSO Danube, in fase esecutiva, e C4 Freight, appena
presentato) entrambi coordinati dalla Via Donau, Donau transport
Entwicklunggesellschaft, compagnia fondata dal ministero federale
austriaco per il trasporto l'innovazione e la tecnologia. Ad ALSO
Danube sono associate 23 società di sei nazioni: nove austriache, sei
tedesche, due olandesi, due slovacche, una finlandese, una spagnola,
una ungherese e una rumena. Niente serbo-montenegrini. Bruxelles ha
garantito un finanziamento di 3.250.000 euro a fronte di un costo di
6.800.000 euro. Invece, la spesa per l'intero progetto di miglioramento
della navigabilità dell'idrovia Reno-Meno- Danubio sarà di 1miliardo e
770 milioni di euro.

«La Germania e l'Austria sono i paesi più interessati alla navigazione
sul fiume a causa del canale Reno-Meno-Danubio e per ottenere ciò che
vogliono fanno pressioni sui paesi più deboli» afferma Velijko Komad,
funzionario del ministero dell'agricoltura nonché responsabile della
gestione delle acque della Vojvodina. E continua: «Lo stato serbo
sinora non ha guadagnato assolutamente nulla. Alla pulizia del fiume ha
partecipato solo una ditta di Belgrado, la Mostogradnija. E' vero, ora
il Danubio è pulito, grazie anche al contributo interessato di tedeschi
e austriaci, ma i problemi restano. Su tutti - dice Komad - la
questione delle tasse di navigazione: il governo serbo chiede 1 euro e
50 centesimi per ogni tonnellata lorda di carico, invece, chi transita
in Serbia vorrebbe pagare solo 15 centesimi o addirittura non pagare».
E quali sono le prospettive? «Abbiamo una classe politica
imprevedibile, sia essa serba o europea, quindi è difficile dire quali
progetti verranno finanziati e come si realizzeranno. Servirebbero 20
milioni di euro per ricostruire il ponte Sloboda, la principale arteria
del traffico regionale; in questo modo non si dovrebbe più aprire il
ponte galleggiante - che sostituisce quello distrutto dai raid Nato -
per consentire il passaggio dei cargo, così come vogliono i paesi
ricchi. Tuttavia - conclude Komad - finché i loro governi "doneranno"
miliardi di euro ai progetti comunitari, vedendoli poi rientrare con
gli appalti assegnati alle loro aziende, incuranti delle nostre
necessità, non si può esser ottimisti». Il fiume, anche nella sua
dimensione mitica, irridente al mutare di nomi e nazioni, sembra
arrendersi impotente al terreno mondo degli affari.

Oil Pipelines and Transport Corridors

Balkans Crisis supports US Corporate Interests

By Alfred John Mendes 29 July 2003
The URL of this article is:

This article is primarily concerned with the Balkan crisis, which, on
the face of it, may seem a somewhat untimely divergence of attention
from the more exigent crisis in Iraq - but, with a little patience on
the part of the reader, it will become apparent that there are basic,
causal factors common to both. And given the dominant rôle played by
one country, America, in both these crises, this should hardly be

This Balkan crisis - now over a decade old - differs from the region’s
previous, numerous crises (in the past invariably referred to as ‘That
Balkan Problem!’) in that it is now playing a pivotal rôle in a
scenario of global dimensions, due, primarily, to the fact that the
main protagonist  in this crisis is also by far the world’s most
economically powerful state - namely, Corporate America, a state
embarked upon world domination under the banner of ‘Profit’.

To determine why America/NATO became involved in this region it is, of
course, necessary to view its actions within a wider historical
context, but insofar as this is covered in this author’s previous
article, ‘An Alternative View of The Yugoslav Crisis’, this article
will concern itself with the situation in the aftermath of the collapse
of the Soviet Union (As a result of which, it must be kept in mind,
Yugoslavia was no longer a useful foil for the West in its stand-off
with the USSR), with particular emphasis on the role that oil has
played in determining the strategy of the US in the region. The big oil
corporations had wasted little time in buying their way into the vast
ex-Soviet oil & gas reserves - especially those in Kazakhstan, and the
enormous potential for profit that lay in this Caucasus region would
play an important part in determining US strategy in the Balkans.

The Trade & Development Agency (TDA - now known as the USTDA) was given
the task of overseeing this project, known as the South Balkan
Development Initiative (SBDI) of 1996. This was an agency which had
been set up in 1981 to deal with just such a situation. Following are
some of its aims, quoted from its reports of the years 2000 & 2001:
(italics are the authors’)

(a) “It provides funding for US companies to conduct feasibility
studies on major projects in developing & middle-income countries”;
(b) “It promotes economic development while helping the US private
sector get involved in projects that offer significant US export
opportunities... Exports of US goods and services related specifically
to those projects already total over $1.2 billion”;
(c) “TDA’s strategy is to identify those areas in which US companies
are highly competitive - rail, aviation, power, and oil & gas”; and
(d) “The longest lasting impact we can have is to bring US technology &
investment to the Balkans through our private sector” (1). It is worthy
of note that the TDA describes itself as “ an independent US government
agency”. Equivocal phraseology, to say the least - but it is a token of
the clonal relationship between the government and the so-called
independent (corporate) establishment.

Understandably, the problem of transporting oil & gas from the Caucasus
to its markets featured early on in the deliberations between the TDA
and the oil corporations, one of the factors taken into consideration
being that there was already a Russian plan on the table: a pipeline
from the Bulgarian port of Burgas on the Black Sea to the Greek port of
Alexandropolous on the Aegean Sea (thus by-passing the heavily
trafficked Bosphorous). The TDA settled for a different plan: they
would run a 900 kilometer trans-Balkan pipeline, called Corridor 8,
from Burgas - via Skopje in Macedonia - to the Albanian port of Vlore
on the Adriatic Sea at an estimated cost originally estimated to be
$825 million, but later imcreased to $1.13 billion. On the face of it,
this would seem to have been a strange choice for the Americans to have
made in view of the fact that the US and Russia were already partners
in the Caspian pipeline project, and could have continued this
partnership in the latter’s Burgas to Alexandropolous project. After
all, the latter was - at 280 kms. - a much shorter route and presented
far fewer topographical problems. The American’s main objection to it 
- and it was a valid one - was that the Albanian port of Vlore, with
its deeper water could accomodate larger tankers, and was more
accessible to the oil markets than Alexandropolous. However, other
factors of a more political nature played a more crucial role in the
American’s choice.

One clue to this was hinted at by the Director of TDA, J. Joseph
Grandmaison, when, in a press release he described TDA’s $588,000
feasibility grant for the project as “..a significant step forward for
this policy and for US business interests in the Caspian region”. What
he did not mention was that the company which TDA had chosen to run the
Corridor 8 pipeline had obtained “exclusive right” so to do at a
meeting with the three countries involved in the project, and that one
of the three, Bulgaria, had also granted Russia “exclusive right” to
run its line through Bulgaria! A very strange interpretation of the
term “exclusive”. Further clues can be found by a brief look at how
these TDA grants were distributed throughout the Balkan region as
stated in their 2001 report: It reveals that there was a bias in the
distribution thereof. Total grants to the countries through which
Corridor 8 would run, Bulgaria, Macedonia & Albania, (countries, it
should be noted, not directly involved in the disastrous Yugoslav civil
war), were - respectively -$14,636,555; $10,030,285; and $9,161,856 -
whereas Bosnia-Herzogovina, which had suffered heavily in the war,
received $7,929,309 (2). It should be stressed here that the above
grants were for feasibility studies only. Other, much larger grants
were being supplied by other US government bodies. For instance, when,
in 1998, the Bulgarian President Petar Stoyanov met Clinton in
Washington, their joint statement at the conclusion of the meeting
contained the following items of pertinent interest:

(a) “Over the past 7 years, the United States has provided Bulgaria
with over $235 million in assistance under the Support for East
European Democracy Program (SEED) to advance fundamental economic
reforms”, and
(b) also provided a $3.2 million Foreign Military Financing program
..and a US “military liaison team resident in the Bulgarian Ministry of
Defense to organize staff & information exchanges” (3). This would be
but one more stride of America’s military march eastwards (details of
which, more later).

As can be seen from the foregoing facts and quotes, the Corridor 8
project, accompanied as it would be by linked facilities such as roads,
telecommunications, rail and security, would act as the thin end of the
wedge, opening up the prospect of further lucrative contracts for other
US businesses - thus leading to the influx of American exports,
capital, and eventual economic domination of the region. Or, as TDA
puts it in their Annual Report 2000: “...we always knew Corridor 8 was
far more than just a road (sic). As the links among the economies and
cultures of the three countries continue to grow, Corridor 8 will
become a vital economic Corridor as well” (4). What they could have
added was that it would also provide a reason for maintaining a strong
military presence (NATO) in the region for security.

In 1996 TDA gave the Albanian Macedonian Bulgarian Oil Corporation
(AMBO) the exclusive right to run the Corridor 8 pipeline. Once again,
a somewhat puzzling choice. AMBO was/is a company founded by one Vuko
Tashkovikj, an immigrant to the USA from Macedonia who became an
architect and set up an architectural firm in Pond Ridge, NY. How did
an architect become an oilman? The answer to this is, for now, veiled
in mystery. The feasibility study for this pipeline project was
contracted out - by the TDA - to the prestigious oil/construction
company Brown & Root (the CEO of whose parent company, Halliburton, had
been Dick Cheney - now Vice-President under Bush jnr.); the economic
analysis sub-contracted to Credit Suisse First Boston (of which Richard
Holbrooke,. the much-publicised Balkan ‘peace-maker’, was
Vice-Chairman); the legal aspects overseen by the New York law firm,
White & Case (which President Clinton joined on losing his presidency).
But perhaps the most fortuitous ‘coincidence’ occurred in January 1997
when Edward Ferguson, Director of Oil & Gas  Development in Brown &
Root, was appointed President & CEO of AMBO.

Brown & Root Services (BRS), of Texas, is one of the many American
companies involved in high-profile projects in the Balkans, and it is a
company that bears all the hallmarks of membership of Corporate
America, demonstrated by its clonal relationship with the US
Administration over the years. It certainly benefitted from
fellow-Texan LBJ’s presidency - and will just as surely benefit from
George W. Bush’s presidency (after all, Halliburton had donated one
quarter of a million dollars to his election campaign). Brown & Root’s
entry into the Balkans was no ‘shot in the dark’, as a brief resumé of
its recent, pertinent history reveals (by Robert Bryce in the Austin
Chronicle of August 2nd 2000): (a) From 1962 to 1972, Brown & Root
built roads, landing strips, harbors & military bases in South Vietnam;
(b) In 1992, when Dick Cheney was US Secretary of State for Defense
under Bush Snr., the Pentagon “paid BRS $3.9 million to produce a
classified report detailing how private companies - like itself - could
help provide logistics for American troops in potential war zones
around the world”. Later that same year giving BRS “an additional $5
million to update its report”; (c) “Between 1992 and 1999, the Pentagon
paid BRS more than $1.2 billion for its work in trouble spots around
the globe. In May of 1999, the US Corps of Army Engineers re-enlisted
the company’s help in the Balkans, giving it a new 5-year contract
worth $731 million” (5).

Brown & Root’s most important Balkan project, begun in the immediate
aftermath of NATO’s bombing of Kosovo and Serbia, was almost certainly
the $36.6 million US military base Camp Bondsteel, near Urosevac in
Gnjilane county in southeastern Kosovo. As the OSCE Mission in Kosovo
(OMIK) noted in their report in the aftermath of the Kosovo conflict -
and after the arrival of NATO in the area - this was an area  in which
the Serbs were the majority ethnic group, and it had remained
relatively calm during the conflict. “Since the end of the conflict,
however, the situation has been startlingly different.” For instance,
whereas in June 1999 “..only one house in Gnjilane had been destroyed”
- by October of that same year “the number had risen to 280!”. And the
KLA was now in the area in force. The Serbs and Romas (Gypsies) had
fled, and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the party of the
liberal Albanian, Ibrahim Rugova, was also being targeted by the KLA.

This OMIK report preceeded the construction of the base, for which the
Americans had no mandate - other than their own. It involved the
seizure and flattening of two hills of cultivated land of some 800
acres (the largest foreign-based camp since Vietnam). This could only
have meant that the Americans intended to remain there for a long time.
Were the reasons for establishing Camp Bondsteel in this autocratic
manner ‘humanitarian’? (If there is one thing to be said in favour of
the feudal barons as they built their walled, impregnable castles
throughout Europe, it is that at least they made no bones about why
they were doing so!).  Be that as it may, Camp Bondsteel is also
strategically placed near the Kosovo-Macedonia border, giving it easy
access southwards. So easy, in fact, that the KLA used it for their
subsequent incursions into Macedonia - unhindered! Could it be that the
security of Corridor 8 was/is of prime importance to the US, to the
exclusion of much else - at least, for now? And with the above in mind,
is it not rational to assume that, at the very least, NATO was
deliberately not preventing the KLA's incursions into Macedonia because
the ensuing friction there accomplished two things:

(a) it justified the need for NATO’s presence in the region (and this
includes Macedonia), and
(b) it ensured that the latter ‘played ball’ over Corridor 8? Why else
had the ‘peacekeepers’ in the stand-off between the Serbs and Albanians
in Macedonia included such men as Solana (who had been NATO General
Secretary through much of the crisis), and James Pardew (the Pentagon
representive sent to persuade the Bosnians to use the mercenary MPRI’s
services in the aftermath of the Dayton Accord)? Indeed, the early
reaction of distrust evinced by the Macedonian Slavs to America’s
“peace-keeping” moves in the region was surely understandable in view
of the fact that their Army was concurrently being
advised/trained/aided by that prestigious group of ‘privatised’ retired
US Generals known as the Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) -
under the command of ex-General Richard Griffiths (as admitted by Major
General Metodi Stamboliski of the Macedonian Army General Staff in the
Macedonian magazine “Defence” no.60 April 2001)  (6).

After all, this is an organisation which: (a) assisted/trained the
Croatian Army in preparation for the latter’s attack on the Serbs in
West Krajina; (b) aided & assisted in the reformation of the Bosnian
Army after the Dayton Accord; and (c) aided and assisted the KLA after
NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia in ‘99. This was all under the command of
the self-same General Richard Griffiths who, from ‘89 to ‘91 had been
US Assistant Commander in Europe for Intelligence - in Frankfurt. In
Croatia, he, naturally, had had a close relationship with Brigadier
Agim Ceku, a Kosovan, who was then serving with the Croatian Army - but
had later left to become Commander of the KLA in Kosovo. To cap it all,
it transpires that when the then Chief of Staff of the Macedonian Army,
General Jovan Andrejevski attended Military School in the US, Richard
Griffiths had been his tutor!

On September 11th 2001 - with G.W.Bush jnr. now President - the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked, causing severe civilian
and military casualities. With surprising alacrity the US laid the
blame for this event at the door of the Afghan Taliban and its
al-Quaeda  cohorts - and decided to invade Afghanistan. But the fact
that for years there had been a close relationship between the US (its
Intelligence Services in particular) and the Taliban - to say nothing
of the Pakistan ISI - immediately posed a question, best expressed by
Paul JosephWatson in his article ‘The End Justifies the Means’: “When
one considers the voluminous evidence derived from official sources,
domestic and foreign mainstream media, and alternative media, the only
logical conclusion  is that elements within the US Government had
specific foreknowledge of the events of September 11th and allowed the
attacks to take place when preventative measures could and should have
been taken to prevent them..”. He intriguingly added: “What is also
patently clear is that a New World Order has been fuelled and
accelerated by September 11th”. (7)

America invaded Afghanistan and a ‘War on Terrorism’ was now the
clarion call-of-the-day. The US Central Command (CENTCOM - which had
led the ‘allies’ in the Gulf War of ‘91), led the invasion, and using
Bulgaria’s and Romania’s prospective membership of NATO as an incentive
(to say nothing of grants, etc.), the Americans, in return,  gained
from those two countries: (a) contracts to improve their military bases
and Black Sea ports - and use of same for possible interventions in the
Middle East; (b) permission to overfly their countries using military
aircraft. This cooperation resulted in Bulgarian and Romanian troops
serving with the peace-keeping force in post-war Afghanistan. (8)

In the spring of 2003, the Americans, again using their strike force
CENTCOM, invaded Iraq with Britain as its only ally. They had planned
on using their old NATO ally Turkey as a jumping off point for moving
their troops in a pincer movement into northern (Kurdish) Iraq, but the
Turks balked at this and refused permission. The conveniently-placed
Balkan countries, Bulgaria and Romania, were used instead, and 3000 US
troops (including ‘special operations units’) - and weapons - were
flown to the frontline in Iraq during the invasion (9). Apparently, a
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was now involved/participating in
this Middle East fracas. Disorienting, to say the least - but not if it
is recalled that 

(a) both NATO and CENTCOM were/are American-controlled forces, and
(b) both had been formed in order to protect and propagate the
socio-economic system of its Corporate capitalist masters. Indeed, it
would seem that the present secretary-general of NATO, Lord Robertson,
agrees with this: to quote the Independent on Sunday dated July 6th ‘03
“Last week Cable & Wireless announced that Lord Robertson, the
secretary-general of NATO, will join the company in December as
executive deputy chairman. His role will be to foster relations with
overseas governments. A meeting with the Japenese administration is
likely to be at the top of his agenda”. In any case, the term NATO is
today certainly a misnomer, and thus it would not be surprising if its
title were to be changed in the near future.

It was now evident that there was a change in US military strategy. As
Will Dunham (of Reuters) reported on June 13th 2003: “The United States
has begun a dramatic realignment of its military forces abroad, making
key changes in the Middle East and Asia and preparing a restructuring
in Europe to confront emerging 21st century threats” (10). This was
confirmation of a previous report by George Jahn (of Associated Press)
written on April 1st 2002: “Even before September 11th, Caspian Sea oil
and gas - and planned pipelines for deliveries of those energy sources
- had dictated a re-evaluation of Western strategic interests” (11). As
evidence of this new strategy, Dunham (see above) notes

(a) in the aftermath of its invasion of Iraq, the US is pulling out
5000 of its troops from Saudi Arabia;
(b) it intends moving its troops from the vulnerable demilitarized zone
in Korea to ‘hub bases’ further south;
(c) it will reduce its forces based in Germany quite drastically - but
its Ramstein airbase will remain; and
(d) if (and it is a big ‘if’) the US manages to set up military bases
in Iraq, the deteriorating relationship with Turkey could result in the
US removing all troops from that latter country - even the Incirlik
airbase. (However, their Intelligence Base outside Diyarbakir would
pose a serious problem!)

Defense Secretary Rumsfeld’s statement in June of this year sums it all
up concisely (again quoting Dunham): “We have been reviewing our
presence around the world, in every portion of the globe”, adding that
“US forces are still deployed as if the USSR still existed” - a
statement which, on the face of it, would seem to be just another
non-sequitur from the lips of an Administration somewhat prone to such.
But, on reflection, it transpires that Rumsfeld, a veteran of the ‘Cold
War’, meant what he said, knowing full well that the creed of Marxism
(in his eyes, ‘The USSR’) did not die away with the collapse of that
régime - and is still very much alive, and thus a threat to its
antithesis, Capitalism. NATO is confirmation of that.

The rapidly increasing, insidious encroachment of corporations of vast
wealth and influence into the military arena - in the form of mercenary
groups such as the MPRI (above) does not augur well for the future,
inasmuch as it reflects the sinister trend towards what is, in effect,
the privatisation of military tasks, which leads, inevitably, to the
demise of democratic accountability in this field.

That oil has played an important role in determining the
policies/actions of the US (NATO) in the Balkan crisis was clearly, if
inadvertently, spelt out by the then Bulgarian President, Petar
Stoyanov,  at an international conference on Europe-Caucas-Asia
transport corridor held in Bulgaria in September 1998, mainly to
discuss the Trans-Balkan pipeline. When asked whether regional
conflicts - particularly in Kosovo - would hinder these infrastructural
projects, he replied: “Economic profit is a significant tool in
political decision-making” (12). Never were truer words spoken!


(2) ibid
(7) justifies means 2 text only.html

© Copyright Alfred John Mendes 2003  For fair use only/ pour usage
équitable seulement .


--- (english / italiano) ---

La eliminazione dei serbi dalla Croazia
3: Otto anni dopo

B: In memory of over 250,000 Serbs expelled from their homes in Krajina
by Croatian forces (Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society)
C: Re: Letters to WT Re: Facing reality at the ICTY By JeffreyT. Kuhner
D: Comments on a National Post FAIR PLAY IN THE BALKANS article,
published July 28, 2003, and the issue of Gen. Gotovina

NOTE: Most materials used here have been forwarded to us by

=== A ===


(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 24 LUG - Pulizia etnica della popolazione serba di
Croazia organizzata e in accordo con il nemico; uccisione di almeno 83
civili; saccheggi e numerose violazioni dei fondamentali diritti
umani: queste le principali accuse del Comitato di Helsinki croato
per i diritti umani (Hho) sull'offensiva dell'esercito di Zagabria
che nel maggio del 1995 permise alla Croazia di riprendere il
controllo della Slavonia occidentale, dal 1991 nelle mani dei
secessionisti serbi. I dirigenti dell'Hho Zarko Puhovski e Ranko
Helebrant, citati dall'agenzia di stampa Hina, hanno presentato oggi
il rapporto sull'operazione militare conosciuta sotto il nome
'Bljesak' ('Lampo') che contiene anche i nomi di 83 civili serbi
uccisi dall'esercito croato durante l'offensiva iniziata all'alba del
primo maggio 1995 e conclusasi 30 ore piu' tardi. Di questi, 53
furono uccisi nelle loro case, mentre altri 30 persero la vita nelle
incursioni croate contro colonne di profughi che fuggivano, assieme
ai militari serbi, verso la Bosnia. Puhovski ha detto che una parte
dei profughi, non precisandone il numero, e' stata eliminata dagli
stessi soldati serbi che in questo modo volevano facilitare il
ripiegamento. Secondo i dirigenti dell'Hho l'elenco degli 83 non e'
definitivo poiche' nel rapporto sono citati solo i casi verificati
da piu' fonti. Il massacro piu' grave e' avvenuto nel villaggio di
Medari, il primo in cui entrarono le forze croate, ''dove - ha detto
Helebrant - delle 24 persone rimaste sopravvissero solo due bambine,
salvate da un soldato che le ha riconosciute e non ha permesso che
venissero eliminate''. Il rapporto parla anche delle case serbe
saccheggiate dai soldati croati, mentre gli abitanti per due giorni
venivano tenuti lontano dai villaggi. Ai serbi non e' stato permesso
di seppellire i loro morti, seppelliti poi dall'esercito croato in
fosse comuni, molte delle quali rimaste non segnalate. ''L'esodo e
la pulizia etnica dei serbi della Slavonia occidentale avvenuta
durante l'operazione e' stata organizzata dai dirigenti croati e
serbi, ma anche da una parte della comunita' internazionale'' ha
detto Puhovski argomentando la tesi con il fatto che l'esodo sia
iniziato nel momento stesso in cui fu lanciata l'offensiva croata. In
tal senso Puhovski ha anche fatto notare che dalla zona della Bosnia
controllata dai serbi, che si trovava al confine con la Slavonia
occidentale, non sia stato sparato un solo colpo, mentre l'esercito
croato non ha preso alcuna misura di protezione contro un possibile
attacco serbo dalla Bosnia. Secondo i dati ufficiali di Zagabria
nell'operazione 'Lampo' hanno partecipato 7.200 soldati e poliziotti
croati, e 42 di loro hanno perso la vita. Le perdite serbe vengono
stimate a circa 450 uomini. Secondo fonti indipendenti soltanto 1.000
dei circa 13.000 serbi sono rimasti nella regione dopo questa
offensiva croata, alla quale, nell'agosto dello stesso anno, segui'
l'operazione 'Tempesta' che permise a Zagabria di riprendere il
controllo dell'intera regione della Krajina, durante il conflitto
serbo-croato (1991-1995) nelle mani dei secessionisti serbi. In
quell'occasione dal paese fuggirono altri 150.000 civili e almeno 150
furono uccisi. COR*VD
24/07/2003 17:03

=== B ===

[Note: We absolutely DISAGREE with shifting responsability of Croatian
crimes to Tito and the socialist Yugoslavia. This sort of revisionism
only contributes creating a distorted feeling and rewriting history, as
if the main culprits for nationalisms and divisions were those - like
Tito - who lead the most heroic and successful battles against
nationalisms and divisions. CNJ]

The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society
3662 Albion Rd. South,
Gloucester, Ontario, K1T 1A3

Remembering Krajina
August 4, 2003

In memory of over 250,000 Serbs
expelled from their homes in Krajina by Croatian forces
Eight years ago on this day, Croatian army, trained, aided and abetted
by NATO, murdered approximately 14,000  civilians in the most brutal
To this day, the disgraceful involvement of Western "democracies" in
this atrocity has remained secret and unpunished.
Expulsion of Serbs in 1995 was but a final step in the plan to make
Croatia an ethnically pure state devised by Ustashe - Nazi Croatian
forces who are responsible for the murdered of over one million Serbs
during W.W.II.   This atrocity has remained secret and unpunished for
over 60 years due to the
efforts of Former Yugoslav Communists led by then President Tito.
Civil wars in former Yugoslavia in 1991-1999, have left well over one
million Serbs expelled from their homes in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. 
On August 4, 2003 we will  remember those victims, ignored and
forgotten by the world.
Stanko Vuleta,
The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society

=== C ===

Subject: Re: Letters to WT Re: Facing reality at the ICTY By JeffreyT.
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 12:47:19 -0400
From: Boba

Letter to the Editor :


Facing reality at the ICTY
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner, Aug. 8, 2003

Letter to the Editor:

What do we have here? An extended PR company of Croatian government
among the editorial staff of Washington Times?
Mr. Kuhner looses his coolness when faced with reality of Croatian
crimes against Krajina Serbs from 1992-1995.
If the Washington Times agrees with his view or not it is up to the
editor and the owner of the newspaper. However, your readers deserve a
dose of a reality here.
The fact of a matter is that Serbs lived in the area of Krajina for
centuries, long before Croatia even became an independent country. It
is also true that Croat forces expelled in the most brutal way over
200.000 Serbs in one day only during the Croatian military action
called " Operation Storm". It is also true that Canadian forces fought
Croatian forces to save innocent Serb civilians in Medak pocket in
1993. It is considered to be
the most severe action Canadian troops have been involved in since the
Korean War. They became witness of a Croatian military campaign, which
was carried out with brutality, wanton murder, and indiscriminate
shelling of civilians.
Over 650.000 Serbs were ethically cleansed out of Croatia from 1992 to
An estimated number of 30.000 Serbs have returned to Croatia to find
their homes either burned or inhabited by others. There is no respect
for human rights for Serbs in Croatia -- thus Croatia achieve their
goal of a pure Croatian state that Ante Pavelic of Nazi Croatia and
Hitler could only promise.
The National Post (from Canada) was right in requesting general
Gotovina to be sent to the Hague. Now it is up to the Washington Times
to at least publish someone else's opinion on Croatian atrocities other
then Mr. Kuhner's.

Boba Borojevic

=== D ===

Subject: re "fair play in the balkans"
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:14:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: joann fredrick
To: letters@...

perhaps, using the same logic applied in 1999, 78 days of the bombing
of croatian schools, hospitals, day care centers, world heritage sites,
and the occasional tank are in order; excuse the hyperbole, but it is a
necessary prrelude for the following facts:

croatia was an illegal state in the 1990's; yugoslavia in the 1990's
was not

croatia has a long history of intolerance; yugoslavia does not have any
such history

croatia was an enemy of canadians during WW2, yugoslavia was an ally

croatia perpetrated unspeakable atrocities during WW2; yugoslavs,
especially serbs, were the victims

croatia turned over jews to the nazis or killed jews themselves;
yugoslavia protected them throughout the 1940's

even today, croatia uses the same fascist symbols it employed during
WW2, including its flag; the history of yugoslavia remains a symbol of
triumph against prejudice and fear

croatia worked with those who allied with so-called muslim
fundamentalists, some of whom were involved with those planning and
training for 9/11; yugoslavia tried to stop the onslaught of
intolerance from the days of prince lazar and into the 1990's

croatia and its allies tried to kill canadian peacekeepers; yugoslavs
never have done this

croatia did commit atrocities duriing the 1990s; the government of
yugoslavia had committed atrocities

yugoslavs historically were our friends, as they were america's
friends; many WW2 pilots talk of the risks undertaken by serbs to save
them- and we rewarded this historical and longstanding friendship by
making up stories about serbs killing innocent peopleand "punishing" a
criminal act which never existed. at the same time, we carry on
relations with croatia.

there can be no "fair play" in the balkans unless canada apologizes and
makes amends for its culpability in the murder of innocent yugoslavs
disguised as "humanitarian intervention"....and as long as your
newspaper and other mainstream media continue to obfuscate the truth,
"fair play in the balkans" will always remain an oxymoron

chris soda


Subject: National Post // FAIR PLAY IN THE BALKANS, July 28, 2003
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 00:43:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Slobodanka Borojevic

National Post
To the Editor: letters@...


Your article "Fair play in the Balkans" is a perfect example how to
write an article about war crimes and remain kind toward the
perpetrator of these crimes.
There is a real prejudice against the Serbs not only in academia, but
also in media and the Western political circles.
Over 250,000 Krajina Serbs were ethnically cleansed from their
ancestral homes and those too old or infirm to flee remained only to
have their throats slit by the Croatian forces during the "Opration
Storm" in 1995.
It was military aid and technology provided by the Clinton
Administration, on the advice of Madeleine Albright and Richard
Holbrooke, that made it possible for Croatian forces to conduct
"Operation Storm" in order to achieve their goal of a pure Croatian
state that Hitler could only promise.
No general media outrage to what was described in Newsweek (April 5,
1999) as "the largest ethnic cleansing of the entire Balkan wars.
Investigators with the war-crimes tribunal in The Hague have concluded
that this campaign was carried out with brutality, wanton murder and
shelling of civilians . . ."
In his book "To end a War" Richard Holbrooke said about the August
1995 Croat offensive against the Serbian Krajina, that during one
meeting with Croatian officials, Robert Frasure had handed Holbrooke a
note (describing the operation of Croat forces in Krajina): "Dick: We
"hired" these guys to be our junkyard dogs because we were desperate.
We need to try to
"control" them."
In June 2001, Carla del Ponte from the Hague Tribunal issued an
indictment for Croatian Gen. Ante Gotovina on charges that he exercised
"command responsibility" over the 1995 military operation.
Gen. Gotovina for his part insisted that Operation Storm had been
conducted in cooperation with the US army and Clinton administration.
It is well known that the Pentagon endorsed a contract between MPRI--
Military Professional Resource Inc, which was staffed by former US
generals and the Croatian
Approximately 650,000 Serbs have been driven out of Croatia since 1992
with little prospect of ever returning.
The late Zoran Djindjic (and not Vojislav Kostunica) handed over
Milosevic to the Hague. While Djindji's followers continue hunting
Serbs on behalf of ICT and the 'international community", Croatia has
refused to hand over any of its generals accused by the Tribunal for
the most brutal murders and the greatest ethnic cleansing of the
late-20th century.

Boba Borojevic
30 Walgate Ave - Ottawa, ON. - Canada


Da: "D. Dostanic"
Data: Lun 28 Lug 2003 16:18:11 Europe/Rome
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Oggetto: NPost: Fair play in the Balkans

NATIONAL POST, Monday, July 28, 2003 EDITORIAL

Fair play in the Balkans

Eight years ago, Canadian peacekeepers witnessed one of the late 20th
century's most brutal attempts at ethnic cleansing. In August, 1995,
over a span of just 64 hours, Croatian soldiers forced 200,000 Serbs
from their homes in Croatia -- the largest single act of ethnic
cleansing of all the Balkan wars between 1991 and 1995. The military
action -- dubbed Operation Storm -- involved the Croats' entire
100,000-man army. Canadian soldiers stationed in the area documented
the Croats' efficiency. Colonel Andrew Leslie, for example, reported
that of the 40,000 people who lived in the Serb stronghold of Knin,
barely 1,000 remained once the operation ended.

It took some time, but two years ago, the UN's International Criminal
Tribunal (ICT) began seriously looking into claims regarding war crimes
committed during Operation Storm. In 2001, the ICT issued an indictment
against Ante Gotovina, a Croatian general with an allegedly central
role in the operation. But Gen. Gotovina promptly went underground.
Lawyers working on his behalf say he is willing to answer questions
from the ICT -- but only if it first drops its indictment.

Unfortunately, the Croatian government has failed to fully co-operate
in bringing Gen. Gotovina to justice. Though the Croatian Interior
Ministry has issued a warrant for his arrest (and a bounty of $80,000
for information leading to his arrest), authorities have done little to
apprehend him. One reason for this is that ultra-nationalist Croats see
the general as a hero. In May, Gen. Gotovina even had the audacity to
send an official message of support to a gathering of 15,000 Croatian
nationalists. They had met to mourn the death of Janko Bobetko, another
general who defied an ICT order to answer questions about his own
involvement in possible crimes against humanity by Croatian forces.

The case of Gen. Gotovina is important not only as a matter of justice,
but of politics as well. The Croats and Serbs have had their share of
murderous feuds, and the Serbs would be understandably outraged if the
world community aggressively prosecuted allegations of Serb atrocities
while passing over those in which Serbs were victims. In 2001, the ICT
formally demanded that the Serbs force former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic to appear for trial on charges of war crimes. NATO
member states, including Canada and the United States, put a full-court
press on the Serbs to hand Mr. Milosevic over -- and even made his
handover a condition of economic aid. As a result, Mr. Milosevic's
successor, Vojislav Kostunica, duly served him up to The Hague.

Those same NATO states should make a similar effort to get Croatia to
secure Gen. Gotovina. He's been allowed to run free long enough.


Macelleria UCKFOR in Kosmet, giugno-luglio 2003

(english / italiano)


Nota: le notizie da noi qui riportate non sono in alcun modo esaustive
degli avvenimenti nella provincia del Kosmet (Kosovo e Metohija), e
vanno intese solo come esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica

Ricordiamo che i numeri piu' recenti di questo "bollettino di guerra"
sul Kosmet sono archiviati alle URL:

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, Maggio-Luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, fine luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, agosto-settembre 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, settembre-ottobre 2002

Kosmet, bollettino di guerra: fine ottobre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra novembre-dicembre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra gennaio-febbraio 2003

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra marzo-aprile 2003

La "liberta'" a colpi di accetta (maggio - inizio giugno 2003)

Kosovo: The bloodshed continues

Hashim Thaci detto "il Serpente"

L'AMICO AMERICANO / 7: Games Surrounding Kosovo

Kosmet: presa di posizione ufficiale Belgrado +
Nomina nuovo governatore della colonia-protettorato

Un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime di terrore
instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali (KFOR) e
dai neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare sempre nel nostro archivio:

Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija si
veda in particolare:
ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

Molti dei materiali qui riportati vengono diffusi regolarmente sulle
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Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
e dal bollettino della chiesa ortodossa in Kosmet
ERP KIM Newsletter

(a cura di Andrea)



ERP KIM Info-Service is the official Information Service of the
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren and works with the
blessing of His Grace Bishop Artemije.
Our Information Service is distributing news on Kosovo related
issues. The main focus of the Info-Service is the life of the Serbian
Orthodox Church and the Serbian community in the Province of Kosovo and
Metohija. ERP KIM Info Service works in cooperation with as well as the Kosovo Daily News (KDN) News
Our Newsletters are available on our ERP KIM Info-service Web-Page:

Additional information on our Diocese and the life of the Kosovo
Serb Community may be found at:




        OBILIC, June 8 (Tanjug) - More than 20 Kosovo Serb families
from  Obilic, close to Pristina, said on Sunday they would evacuate,
since  they did not feel safe and saw no possibility for living in the 
province any more after the recent brutal murder of the three-member 
Kosovo Serb Stolic family. 
        Representatives of the endangered Kosovo Serb families told
Tanjug  that they would leave their homes, and symbolically give their
keys  to Serbia-Montenegro President Svetozar Marovic and Serbian
Premier  Zoran Zivkovic to keep them. 
        In his Sunday phone statement, Serbia Deputy Premier and head
of  the Kosovo-Metohija coordination centre, Nebojsa Covic told Tanjug 
that the Serbian government understood the rage and justified the 
worry of Kosovo Serbs, but pointed out that evacuation would  represent
a wrong move, since it was in contradiction with their  interests and
did the work for ethnic Albanian terrorists. 
        "The terrorists were the ones who murdered three Kosovo Serbs
so  as to carry out an ethnic cleansing in Obilic and make another
step  towards independence," Covic said, and called on the local Serb 
population to show courage and stay where it was, promising Belgrade 
would help them in their efforts.
Tanjug - June 9, 2003

Over 4,000 Serbs have left Obilic, Jakovljevic

16:56 BELGRADE , June 9 (Tanjug) - A total of 8,000
Serbs inhabited the Obilic municipality before June
1999, while less than 4,000 remain four years after
the international community assumed the administration
of Kosovo-Metohija, a member of the Serbian National
Council for Central Kosovo, Mirce Jakovljevic said in
Obilic on Monday.
At present only a mere 450 Serbs live in the town of
Obilic, in the most difficult conditions, without any
freedom of movement and in constant fear from ethnic
Albanian extremists, Jakovljevic told Tanjug following
a meeting between the Serb delegation and Serbian
Deputy Premier Nebojsa Covic, who is also
Kosovo-Metohija Coordination Center head.

Tanjug - June 9, 2003

Still no KFOR patrols to protect Serbs in Obilic

20:33 OBILIC , June 9 (Tanjug) - Six days after the
monstrous murder of the three-member Stolic family by
Albanian extremists in Obilic, near Pristina, there is
no sign of the KFOR patrols in the street inhabited by
22 Serb families. As Tanjug learns from its Serb
sources in Obilic, KFOR patrols were noticed on Monday
only in the town center, inhabited by Albanians only,
and on the road leading out of the town to the
Serb-populated village of Plemetina.
The day following the murder, the Kosovo police
service (KPS), in co-operation with the KFOR troops
from Norway, proclaimed June 5 "the welcome day to the
police station" in Obilic, which was interpreted by
Serbs as cynicism.

Tanjug - June 10, 2003

UNMIK spokesman says situation has improved
dramatically (SIC)

12:18 LONDON , June 10 (Tanjug) - Commenting on the
murder of the Stolic family in Obilic,
Kosovo-Metohija, UNMIK spokesman Simon Haselock has
said that no police force in the world is capable of
protecting every house and every individual and that
the security situation in Kosovo has lately improved
Speaking for the BBC radio, Haselock said he did not
wish to underestimate the dreadfulness of this crime,
which had seriously aggravated the atmosphere in
Kosovo, but that no police in the world could protect
every family or every individual from extremists.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 24 GIU Saranno i carabinieri dell'Unita'
specializzata multinazionale (Msu) a garantire la sicurezza della
comunita' serba di Obilic, piccolo centro del Kosovo orientale dove
tre serbi sono stati uccisi nelle scorse settimane. La notizia,
anticipata dall'agenzia Tanjug, e' stata successivamente confermata a
Pristina dal portavoce della Kfor (forza di pace a guida Nato), Gary
Banister ha detto che la Msu ''sta gia' effettuando posti di
blocco'' intorno all'enclave. Finora la sicurezza nella zona era
invece affidata alla polizia della missione delle Nazioni Unite
La Msu e' una forza comandata e composta in gran parte da
carabinieri italiani ma della quale fanno parte anche gendarmi
francesi ed estoni. (ANSA). BLL 24-GIU-03 16:24 NNNN
24/06/2003 17:31

Italian carabinieri to protect Serbs in Obilic 

PRISTINA, June 24 (Tanjug) - Kosovo-Metohija coordinating center 
President Nebojsa Covic conferred with KFOR commander, Italian  General
Fabio Mini in Pristina late Monday, who promised Italian  carabinieri
of that local peacekeeping force would protect Serbs in  Obilic.  Covic
insisted, together with political representatives of Obilic  Serbs, on
greater safety and freedom of movement for the Serb  community in this
town in central Kosovo and Metohija, where ethnic  Albanian terrorists
murdered a Serb family of three 20 days ago. 
General Mini provided solid guarantees that security would be 
improved, Covic said, since he said the KFOR carabinieri would set  up
control checkpoints in all Serb-populated parts of Obilic, and  step up
patrols.  Each patrol will include one Serb interpreter who will 
communicate with the local community so that the KFOR troops can  help
them whenever necessary, Tanjug learned.




Four years on, Kosovo is still a mess

Aleksandar Mitic

BELGRADE, June 10 (AFP) - Four years after the end of
the Serbo-Albanian war in Kosovo, the southern Serbian
province is still wracked by violence and ethnic
hatred overseen by a United Nations mission which is
losing the respect of all sides to the conflict.
A crackdown on the ethnic-Albanian majority by forces
of then-Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic was the
initial justification for NATO's 1999 intervention.
But now it is the Serbs who are living in fear of
Albanian extremists.
More than 200,000 Kosovo Serbs have left their homes
as a result of extremist violence or fearing bloody
reprisals from Albanians. The 80,000 to 120,000 Serbs
who remain live in isolated enclaves, sometimes as
small as a single apartment block, "protected" by NATO
That security -- a key obligation of the international
community if it seriously wants to build a
multi-ethnic, democratic Kosovo -- proved to be
tragically absent last week when an elderly Serb
couple and their son were brutally murdered.
The victims were asleep in their home in Obilic, just
north of the capital Pristina, when they were hacked
to death with axes by unknown attackers, who then set
their home on fire. The slaughter came after several
days of threats, according to relatives.
No one has claimed responsibility for the homicide,
the worst violence in Kosovo in more than a year, but
few are in any doubt that it was a hate crime by
Albanian extremists bent on driving Serbs out of the
When the chief of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK),
Michael Steiner, rushed to the scene to offer his
condolences, he was jeered by angry and frightened
Serb villagers, many of whom have now fled their
Twenty-three Serb families, all residents of the same
street in Obilic, decided to leave the province and
join the ranks of refugees in Serbia, Beta news agency
reported. They accused NATO, which has 30,000 troops
in Kosovo, of ignoring their pleas for extra security.
"The Serbs of Obilic don't want to ask anything more
from UNMIK and KFOR (the NATO-led protection force),
which have demonstrated over the past four years that
they have no intention of protecting the Serbs," said
local councillor Mirce Jakovljevic.

"The people are desperate."

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic,
Belgrade's pointman for Kosovo, has said he does not
want to give "false hopes" to the province's Serbs
because the authority of the Serbian government was
suspended with the UN takeover in 1999.
Always walking a tightrope between the frustrations of
the Serbs and the need to maintain good relations with
UNMIK, Covic said he hoped the Obilic families would
return to their homes because their departure only
handed victory to the Albanian "terrorists".
The events in Obilic are just a further blow to the
credibility of the UN mission in Kosovo, which has
failed to fulfil its promise of securing the return of
the refugees or win the support of either of the two
opposing ethnic communities.
For their part the Albanians are impatient to declare
independence and take control of the province once and
for all, but the UN says the time has not yet come to
decide Kosovo's "final status" and when it does it
will be a decision for the Security Council.
Earlier this year Steiner banned ethnic-Albanian
politicians from attending two international
conferences because they passed a motion in parliament
recognising the Kosovo Liberation Army -- seen as
terrorists by Serbs -- as heroes.
"The bureaucrats in Pristina, Belgrade, Brussels, New
York, they talk a lot but they do very little," said
Zoran Masic, a Serb who fled his home in Pristina
after the war.
"I no longer have any illusions, no hope that anything
will change."

Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Ven 11 Lug 2003 13:01:26 Europe/Rome
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Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] KFOR Predicts 'Summer Crime Boom' For Kosovo

[Don't expect KFOR to do anything about it. It's
evidently in the prediction and not prevention
business. Or the protection business.]

SRNA (Serbia) - July 11, 2003

KFOR predicts crime boom

-Turning to local forces, KFOR added that state
union's security forces continue to honour provisions
and conditions stipulated in the Military-Technical
Agreement, while the Kosovo Protection Corps is under
investigation for ties to extremists and terrorist

NEW YORK -- Friday – A KFOR report submitted to the UN
Security Council forecasts a summer crime boom for
In particular, the Kosovo force predicts increases in
smuggling and illegal border crossings, as well as the
appearance of large quantities of drugs and
counterfeit money.
The report notes several ethnically-motivated
incidents in May, but insists that the overall
security situation in the province was mainly stable.
The report reads:
"The number of murders, kidnappings and rapes
increased compared to last month, but the number of
thefts dropped, while the total number of incidents is
less than in May 2002".
KFOR draw attention to ethnic tensions evident in the
northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, highlighting the
as yet unsolved murders of two Serbs in the Klokot
region, near Vitina. The international force also
notes 27 attempted illegal border crossings in May – a
two-fold increase on the previous month.
Turning to local forces, KFOR added that state union's
security forces continue to honour provisions and
conditions stipulated in the Military-Technical
Agreement, while the Kosovo Protection Corps is under
investigation for tiess to extremists and terrorist




        KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, June 9 (Tanjug) - According to UNMIK's 
assessment, ethnic Albanians have usurped between 75,000 and 77,000 
houses, flats and other facilities in Kosovo-Metohija, and looted  and
torched 30,000 others. 
        According to UNMIK, Kosovo-Metohija is populated by between
1.8  and 2.4 million people. With more than 300 people per square 
kilometer, Serbia's southern province is the most densely populated 
region of Europe.  Kosovo also has the highest birth rate - 27 babies
to 1,000  people. In the past few years, the number of newborn babies,
mostly  ethnic Albanian, ranged between 55,000 and 57,000. 
        Today, Pristina is populated by about 500,000 ethnic Albanians 
and 170 Serbs. In 1999, Pristina was populated by 250,000 people, 
including 40,000 Serbs. The largest number of Serbs, 125,000, live in
northern Kosovo-Metohija.  The Kosovo parliament has recently adopted a
law on the census  and property registration, which will take place on
April 1-15,  2004. Kosovo Serb representatives say that this law
legalizes the  exodus of Serbs, which happened in the past four years.


Despite the objections of the Serbian government the privatization of
socially-owned and state-owned property has begun in Kosovo and
Vecernje Novosti daily, Belgrade - July 18, 2003

PRISTINA - Despite the objections of the Serbian government the
privatization of socially-owned and state-owned property has begun in
Kosovo and Metohija.
No official information is available; however, from sources close to
Albanian business men we have learned that the brick factory in Srbica,
which has been renamed by the Albanians as Skenderaj, has already been
sold. The buyer is from Albania and has also purportedly expressed
interest in a similar factory in Pec. An Austrian venture has expressed
interest in "Termovent" in Orahovac, built by the Belgrade company of
the same name. "Energoinvest" and "Energomontini", built by the former
Sarajevo conglomerate, have only drawn the interest of businessmen from
Albania, who are waiting for a better purchase price to buy.
The rock quarry in Klina has already been purchased by local Albanians.
A tender is expected to be issued at the end of the month for about ten
companies but no official information by the provisional Kosovo
institutions for privatization has yet been released.


BELGRADE, July 23 (Tanjug) - Serbian Deputy Premier
and Coordinating Center for Kosovo and Metohija chief
Nebojsa Covic has announced that Serbia will file
charges with the international court because of the
manner in which privatization is being realized in
Kosovo and Metohija.
The formula of a 99-year lease is being used to try
and privatize what local residents built for
generations, Covic said in a broadcast on
Belgrade-based Studio B TV late Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Serbia must pay 1.8 billion dollars in
debts incurred in the province, without getting any
income from there, Covic said.


MakFax (Macedonia) - June 9, 2003

Greece: Ta Nea daily claims Kosovars will declare

The Head of UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Michael
Steiner and KFOR Commander, General Fabio Mini, have
informed NATO and Greece, current holder of EU
rotating presidency, that Kosovar Albanians appear
strongly determined to declare an independence, said
Greek daily Ta Nea.
Referring to its own reliable sources, Ta Nea daily
says the Greek Government has available information
showing the strong determination of Kosovar Albanians
to declare independence by the end of 2003.
Greek daily says the Greek Government fears that such
development of events and any unilateral decision
could trigger conflicts and destabilization of the
region. Ta Nea daily says the reactions of the
international community would be weak given that its
attention is currently directed to other problems in
the world.


Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Gio 12 Giu 2003 18:39:12 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] Feast Of The NATOvity: KosovA Celebrates
'Freedom Day'

1) KosovA Celebrates NATO's Conquest Of Province,
Boasts Of Increased Stability, Security, Democracy
2) Serbian Officials Refuse to Meet With 'Kosovar'
Representatives At EU Meeting In Greece
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (US government site)
June 12, 2003


-He called on the international community to support
independence for Kosova and its integration into NATO
and the EU.

Celebrations took place across Kosova on 12 June to
mark Freedom Day, which is the anniversary of the
arrival of NATO troops in 1999 and the end of Serbian
rule over the more than 90 percent ethnic Albanian
majority, RFE/RL's South Slavic and Albanian Languages
Service reported. On 11 June, President Ibrahim Rugova
said in Prishtina: "During those four years, Kosova
has achieved significant progress in all areas. The
overall security situation and political stability
have improved considerably, especially with regards to
the functioning of democratic institutions. These
results have been achieved together with the UNMIK [UN
civilian administration in Kosova], OSCE, KFOR and
with the all-round help of the United States, the
European Union, and other countries," Hina reported.
Rugova noted the tasks ahead in privatization, job
creation, and the integration of ethnic minorities. He
called on the international community to support
independence for Kosova and its integration into NATO
and the EU. PM

[Note that this US government site distinguishes
between Serbians and Kosovars, when Kosovo is still an
internationally recognized province of Serbia.
Moreover, after the Bosnia model, the term Kosovar is
transparently used to exclusively connote ethnic
Albanian citizens of the Serbian province.
And that provincial representatives from Kosovo are
invited to the Thessaloniki EU conference, thereby
effectively elevating them to the level of national
status, is another travesty of international law and
diplomatic protocol.]

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - June 12, 2003


In the run-up to the Serbian general elections widely
expected in 2003 or 2004, two Serbian deputy prime
ministers said on 11 June that Serbian representatives
will not talk with Kosovar officials at the EU's 21
June Thessaloniki summit, RFE/RL's South Slavic and
Albanian Languages Service reported. Cedomir Jovanovic
said in Zagreb that Serbian officials will not have
direct talks with Kosovar leaders until the Kosovars
"meet basic preconditions," including improving the
security situation and "not allowing ethnic criteria
to be paramount in state institutions" in the
province. Nebojsa Covic said in Bujanovac that talks
in Thessaloniki cannot be "serious" and that Serbia
wants only "serious" talks. In related news, Covic
called on the governing Democratic Opposition of
Serbia (DOS) to chose between him and his critics
among the Kosovar Serb political leadership. PM

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - June 18, 2003


-"The EU does not have a strategy for resolving the
Kosova question. Some of its members are one-sided [in
the matter] and showed this four years ago when they
opposed NATO's intervention [against Serbian forces].
Because of this, politicians and the public in Kosova
are convinced that the Kosova question cannot be
resolved without the direct and leading role of the
United States."

Nexhat Daci, who is speaker of Kosova's parliament,
said in Prishtina on 17 June that any upcoming talks
between Kosova and Serbia will deal with purely
practical questions and serve to make life easier for
ordinary citizens, RFE/RL's Albanian-language
broadcasters reported. He stressed that status talks
will come later and must involve the United States in
the "leading role," even though the most important
"European countries are gradually coming to understand
the Kosova question better." Elsewhere, Bujar Dugolli,
who is a member of the parliament's presidency and of
the Alliance for the Future of Kosova (AAK), said:
"The EU does not have a strategy for resolving the
Kosova question. Some of its members are one-sided [in
the matter] and showed this four years ago when they
opposed NATO's intervention [against Serbian forces].
Because of this, politicians and the public in Kosova
are convinced that the Kosova question cannot be
resolved without the direct and leading role of the
United States." PM

Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Lun 23 Giu 2003 09:22:27 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: EU, US To Back Talks Next Month On 'Splitting' Kosovo From
Financial Times - June 23, 2003

Support for talks on splitting Serbia, Kosovo

By Judy Dempsey and Kerin Hope in Thessaloniki

-Diplomats hope the talks could eventually lead to
Serbia and Kosovo agreeing on how they could
peacefully separate from each other, with
internationally recognised borders.

The European Union and the US will back direct talks
between Serbia and Kosovo that could help end one of
the last outstanding disputes to dog stability and
security in the Balkans.
Diplomats hope the talks could eventually lead to
Serbia and Kosovo agreeing on how they could
peacefully separate from each other, with
internationally recognised borders.
The talks, expected to take place next month outside
the region, were agreed in principle at the EU-western
Balkan summit in Thessaloniki, where European leaders
at the weekend promised the countries integration and
eventual membership under stringent conditions.
In particular, EU leaders spelt out how the region had
to combat corruption, human and drug trafficking and
smuggling, which is rife in Albania, Serbia and
Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.
These countries were told their chances of becoming
closer to Europe depended on strengthening the rule of
law and, crucially, co-operation among the police
forces across the region to weaken criminal gangs.
"These countries have a road open to the European
Union. They know what they have to do," said Javier
Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief.
The EU has provided Ä4.6bn (£3.2bn) for 2000-2006 to
the region, topped up by an additional Ä200m pledged
at the summit.
But diplomats said the changing attitude at the summit
reflected a growing consensus by the EU and US that
any stable, long-term integration into Europe by the
western Balkans will not be possible until the
territorial and border disputes are resolved.
Constitutionally, Kosovo is still part of Serbia. In
practice, since 1999 it has been under a United
Nations-sanctioned international protectorate.
"We now support a dialogue," said Zoran Zivkovic,
prime minister of Serbia. He insisted, however, that
talks with Kosovo would only begin once Michael
Steiner, the UN's special envoy for the province, left
his job later this month.
Mr Steiner has proved a controversial figure in
Kosovo. Diplomats said that he had quickly alienated
the Serbs in both Kosovo and Serbia.


PRISTINA, July 22 (Beta) - Kosovo Assembly Speaker
Nexhat Daci said on July 22 that he believed that
Kosovo would become independent when the mandate of
the existing provisional institutions expired.
At a conference held in the Kosovo Academy of Arts and
Sciences, Daci said that the wishes of the Kosovo
people would be realized at a certain pace, and that
the process would be brought to an end when the
mandate of Kosovo's temporary institutions expired.
"The issue of Kosovo should be settled considering the
principle of self-determination and the will of the
people," German professor of international law Johann
Frovin said.
The Kosovo Assembly and cabinet were assembled at the
end of 2001 and the beginning of 2002. Their mandate
is three years and it expires at the end of next year
and the beginning of 2005.


PRISTINA,July 26 (Srna,Reuters)-Kosovo President
Ibrahim Rugova has welcomed the appointment of former
Finnish Prime Minister Harri Holkeri as head of the
United Nations administration in the province.
A statement from the office of the president said that
Rugova expected Holkeri to continue with the gradual
handover of responsibilities from UNMIK to the Kosovo
institutions. Rugova said he hoped that Holkeri would
contribute to Kosovo's integration into Europe and
help the province on its path to independence.
SRNA News Agency, Bijeljina - July 30, 2003

Kosovo official demands Belgrade apology | 10:48 | SRNA

PRISTINA -- Wednesday - The government in Kosovo will not attend talks
with Serbian officials until Belgrade apologises for the crimes
committed by its troops during the war, Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister
Jakub Krasnici was quoted as saying today.
The official also demanded Belgrade "give up its hegemonic claims" on
Kosovo and withdraw the arrest warrants issued against a number of
senior Kosovo politicians. "This is the only way to create the
conditions for Pristina to have an equal and legitimate delegation" at
talks, he said.


SALZBURG, July 31 (Tanjug) - Kosovo's independence and
secession from Serbia and Montenegro is not a desired
prospect of the European Union, Austrian Chancellor
Wolfgang Schuessel told Tanjug on Thursday. After a
meeting of the premiers of South-East European
countries in Salzburg, Schuessel said that the
situation in Kosovo was presently certainly better
than two of three years ago, but that time was needed
for the situation to start developing for the better.
Schuessel said that the international presence helped
improve the situation in Kosovo. He urged the
exclusion of extreme forces and said that Kosovo could
no longer resemble that from the Milosevic era when it
was fully dependent and oppressed.


Russian Information Agency (Novosti) - June 11, 2003


MOSCOW, June 11 (RIA Novosti) - The problem of
Kosovo's status cannot be settled in the current
situation, believes former Yugoslavian ambassador to
Russia Borislav Milosevic.
"The final status of Kosovo cannot be determined
without Serbia's legitimate participation," he told
RIA Novosti on Wednesday. "Western powers, first of
all the USA, are creating in Kosovo and Metohija
another, besides Albania, Albanian Muslim state in the
Balkans, using expansion of Albanian nationalism,"
Milosevic said.
Western experts believe that Serbia will have to grant
Kosovo "independence to speed up the process of
joining the European Union," he pointed out. Yet this
means abolishment of UN Security Council's resolution
1244 "which provides for Kosovo's broad autonomy, but
not independence," the diplomat emphasized.
"To break the deadlock we have to adopt a new
resolution, which many observers, including myself,
believe utterly unreal in the current situation,"
Milosevic concluded.

Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Gio 12 Giu 2003 09:16:59 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] Russia Worried By 'Alarming Trends' In Kosovo
Russian Information Agency (Novosti) - June 11, 2003


-The Russian Foreign Ministry drew the attention to
the fact that Security Council members have broadly
supported the thesis, of which the Russian envoy
spoke, of the inadmissibility of decisions, pushed by
Kosovo political leaders through the Kosovo assembly,
fomenting ethnic strife and seeking "retailoring" the
Kosovo ethnic map.

MOSCOW, JUNE 11 (RIA NOVOSTI) - Moscow voices concern
over the alarming trends surfacing in the process of a
comprehensive settlement in Kosovo, the RIA Novosti
correspondent quotes the press and information board
of the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying.
It recalled that an open session of the United Nations
Security Council on Kosovo was held on June 10 under
Russia's chairmanship.
"The discussion has confirmed that, despite the
tremendous efforts it has made in the Kosovo
settlement, the international community has, so far,
failed to attain safe and equal conditions of life for
all the residents of Kosovo," said the Russian Foreign
Conferees have confirmed the United Nations Security
Council's adherence to the full and efficient
fulfillment of resolution 1244 and abidance by the
"standards after status" concept. The common opinion
was that a decision on the final status should remain
with the United Nations in line with resolution 1244,
provide for the passing of powers to the Kosovo organs
of self-government and secure the observance of
legitimate rights of all the residents of Kosovo.
The Russian Foreign Ministry drew the attention to the
fact that Security Council members have broadly
supported the thesis, of which the Russian envoy
spoke, of the inadmissibility of decisions, pushed by
Kosovo political leaders through the Kosovo assembly,
fomenting ethnic strife and seeking "retailoring" the
Kosovo ethnic map.
Russia will continue to assist overcoming the
"alarming trends" in the process of Kosovo settlement
on the basis of a due fulfillment of resolution 1244,
stressed the Russian Foreign Ministry.


Beta - June 18, 2003

Former Kosovo Liberation Army member jailed

PRISTINA -- Tuesday ñ The Pec District Court today
sentenced a former member of the outlawed [sic] Kosovo
Liberation Army to seven years in prison.
Dibran Fylli was found guilty of being an accomplice
to the murder of fellow Albanian Ali Rraci.
UNMIK spokesman Andrea Angeli told media that Fylli,
47, had been convicted because he took Rraci from his
home and delivered him to the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Rraci was killed by an unidentified person.
Another defendant in the same proceedings was
acquitted because of lack of evidence.
The trial took place before an international judge.

Police officers injured in search for Kosovo fugitive

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, July 18 (AFP) - Three
police officers were injured Friday as they tried to
apprehend a suspect wanted for kidnapping and sexual
assault in central Kosovo, United Nations police said.
The incident happened early Friday near the town of
Srbica, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of the
provincial capital Pristina, Barry Fletcher, spokesman
for the UN police in Kosovo, told AFP.
"The injuries are not believed to be life
threatening," he said.
A group of around 15 of the fugitive's relatives
attacked the international police officer and two
local officers with metal bars as they entered the
family compound in search of him, officials said.
The suspect was armed with a machine gun, which the
police managed to wrest away from him, before extra
police and NATO-led peacekeepers (KFOR) arrived at
scene of the incident.
"Police confiscated the machine gun and ammunition,
three hand grenades, the metal bars used in the
attack, and a quantity of counterfeit money," Fletcher
Four others were arrested on various charges including
the attempted murder of police officers and illegal
posession of weapons.
Some 4,000 international policemen serve alongside
local police in the southern Serbian province, which
has been under UN and NATO control since 1999.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 16 LUG - Quattro albanesi del Kosovo, ex membri
dell'ormai disciolto Esercito di liberazione del Kosovo (Uck), sono
stati condannati oggi a Pristina al termine di un lungo processo
durato oltre un anno. Rustem Mustafa, ex alto responsabile dell'Uck,
noto con il nome di battaglia ''comandante Remi'', e i suoi tre
collaboratori sono stati accusati di crimini di guerra, commessi
contro i serbi e albanesi civili, prima e dopo la guerra. Mustafa
e' stato condannato a 17 anni, mentre per gli altri tre, Latif Gashi,
Nazif Mehmeti e Naim Kadriu, i giudici hanno deciso condanne che
vanno da 13 a 5 anni. Mustafa, che era uno dei comandanti dell'Uck
nel nord del Kosovo e' stato accusato in particolare di arresti
illegali, trattamenti inumani, torture e omicidio. Il processo contro
i quattro esponenti dell'Uck era stato accompagnato da forti
polemiche e proteste da parte degli albanesi del Kosovo. (ANSA) COR
16/07/2003 11:29


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 16 LUG - Una condanna per crimini di guerra e'
stata emessa oggi per la prima volta a Pristina da gudici internazion
nei confronti di un alto esponente dell'ormai disciolto Esercito di
Liberazione del Kosovo (Uck), Rustem Mustafa. La corte ha condannato
l'ex comandante della guerriglia albanese, noto con il nome di
battaglia ''Remi'' a 17 anni di reclusione. Pene che vanno da 13 a 5
anni sono state inflitte ad altri tre collaboratori di Mustafa: Nazif
Mehmeti, Latif Gashi e Naim Kadriu. I quattro sono stati accusati
''di aver ordinato l'omicidio di cinque albanesi del Kosovo''
ritenuti dai guerriglieri ''collaborazionisti dei serbi''. Secondo
quanto detto dai giudici, Mustafa, che durante il conflitto armato
del 1998-1999 era a capo delle unita' della guerriglia albanese nella
zona di Podujevo, a 50 chilometri al nord di Pristina, aveva
costituito ''un campo di detenzione''. L'ex comandante dell'Uck e'
stato ritenuto colpevole anche di ''arresti illegali, trattamenti
inumani, torture e omicidio''. Mustafa, 30 anni, era uno dei
personaggi di rilievo tra le file dell'ex guerriglia. Anche dopo la
fine del conflitto, e' diventato uno degli esponenti del Corpo di
Protezione Civile del Kosovo (Tmk) in cui si e' trasformato l'Uck.
Visto come un eroe dagli albanesi, la sua immagine subi' un primo
colpo nel luglio del 2001, quando il suo nome era apparso nella lista
del presidente statunitense George W. Bush, tra ''le persone che
mettono in pericolo la pace e la stabilita' nei Balcani''. Un anno
dopo, nell'agosto 2002, Mustafa e' stato fermato dalla polizia
dell'Unmik (amministrazione Onu in Kosovo) e dalle truppe della
Kfor(forza di pace a guida Nato). Il suo arresto aveva suscitato
forti polemiche e proteste di migliaia di albanesi che chiedevano la
sua liberazione. Il conflitto fra gli albanesi del Kosovo e
l'esercito jugoslavo, si e' concluso nel giugno 1999 dopo 78 giorni
di bombardamenti della Nato. Dopo il ritiro dalla provincia delle
truppe jugoslave, circa 200 mila serbi del Kosovo furono costretti
alla fuga. In questi anni il loro rientro e' stato molto lento e
accompagnato da incidenti. Segnali di distensione si sono visti
pero' negli ultimi tempi. Ieri, 25 capifamiglia serbi che sono
tornati nelle loro case situate a un chilometro dalla nuova base
''Villaggio Italia'' di Belo Polje, nella zona di Pec (Kosovo
occidentale) hanno gia' iniziato i lavori e vengono assistiti
dall'Unhcr oltre che dai militari italiani e dalle donne della vicina
enclave serba di Gorazdevac. Questo e' il piu' consistente
ritorno di quest'anno, avvenuto pacificamente e contraddistinto da
gesti distensivi da ambo le parti. Padre Sava, abate vicario del
monastero di Decani, ha ringraziato i militari italiani impegnati
nella zona.(ANSA). COR 16/07/2003 18:30

Grenade blast near Kosovo police station; no casualties

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, July 17 (AFP) - Unknown
assailants on Thursday detonated a hand grenade near a
police station in a northern Kosovo town, the day
after four ethnic Albanians from the town were
sentenced for war crimes, UN officials in the province
said. There were no casualties or damage.
Two other grenades were found unexploded outside the
police station, in the town of Podujevo said Derek
Chappell, a spokesman for the UN police in the
He said the incident, which appeared to be an attempt
to intimidate the police rather than attack them, was
being investigated.
On Wednesday several hundred ethnic Albanian in
Podujevo protested a landmark ruling before a Kosovo
court, which sentenced four former rebels to between
five and 17 years in prison for war crimes.
"If they wanted to attack the police they could have
done so. I wouldn't say it was a deliberate attack,
but an attempt to intimidate or warn the police,"
Chappell said.
Rustem Mustafa, once a senior officer in the now
disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and three of
his associates were convicted of crimes including
murder, illegal detention, inhumane treatment and
Mustafa, known as Remi, was sentenced to 17 years for
ordering the murder of five Kosovo Albanians and
"failing to prevent illegal detention" in his zone of
command during the 1998-1999 conflict.
The crimes were committed in what was then Mustafa's
zone of command in the region of Podujevo, some 50
kilometers (30 miles) north of Pristina, the capital
of the southern Serbian province.
The police station in Podujevo houses both UN
policemen and members of the local police force, the
Kosovo Police Service.
NATO-led peacekeepers, KFOR, were deployed to dispose
of the remaining hand grenades, Chappell said.
Kosovo, a southern Serbian province, has been under UN
administration since NATO bombed Yugoslavia to force
the withdrawal of Serb troops in 1999.
Beta - June 20, 2003

KFOR disarm bomb outside Pristina court

PRISTINA -- Friday -- Finnish KFOR troops have
successfully disarmed an explosive device in the
provincial capital today.
The device, the strength of which has yet to be
released, was rigged to explode in front of Pristina's
Municipal Court building.
KFOR have blocked main streets in the city as the
investigation gets underway.
No further information has been released at this time.

Two explosions hit police, court building in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, July 20 (AFP) - Two
explosions rocked Kosovo's capital Pristina Sunday
evening in what was believed to be a deliberate attack
on the police and judiciary in the province, a UN
official said.
The explosions happened shortly after 9:00 pm (1900
GMT) in the center of Pristina. No injuries were
reported, Barry Fletcher, spokesman for the UN police
in the province, told AFP.
"The first explosion took place by the District Court
building and the second one at a police station,"
Fletcher said.
"We are making the assumption that this is a
deliberate attack," Fletcher said.
Fletcher said one police vehicle was damaged at the
station housing both international and local
policemen. It was not immediately clear what kind of
explosives were used.
On Thursday, unknown assailants threw a hand grenade
near a police station in a northern Kosovo town, a day
after four ethnic Albanians from the town were
sentenced for war crimes.
Rustem Mustafa, once a senior officer in the now
disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and three of
his associates were convicted of crimes including
murder, illegal detention, inhumane treatment and
The district court of Pristina sentenced Mustafa to 17
years for ordering the murder of five Kosovo Albanians
and "failing to prevent illegal detention" in his zone
of command during the 1998-1999 conflict.
The verdict was not welcomed by his supporters who
view the former rebels as heroes for fighting a
separatist war against the Yugoslav army and security
Kosovo has been under UN administration since NATO
bombed Yugoslavia to force the withdrawal of Serb
troops in 1999.

Police, judiciary targeted after Kosovo war crimes

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, July 21 (AFP) - The
UN-run police and judiciary in Kosovo are being
targeted with violence after four former
ethnic-Albanian rebels were found guilty of war
crimes, UN officials said Monday.
Officials said a spate of attacks against United
Nations police and courts represented an attempt to
disrupt the internationally-backed court proceedings
against war veterans in the southern Serbian province.
"These were cowardly criminal incidents aimed at
threatening the police and the judiciary," said Stefan
Feller, head of the UN-police here.
Speaking in front of Pristina's shrapnel-scarred
district court where the verdicts were handed down
last week, he said the violence was an attempt to
"disrupt unbiased court proceedings".
Rockets struck a police station and justice building
in the provincial capital Pristina on Sunday, causing
material damage but no injuries to police.
A police station housing international and local
police in Podujevo, 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of
Pristina, was attacked with hand grenades and a dozen
police vehicles have been vandalised in different
parts of Kosovo.
"We do believe all these events are connected to the
verdict in the recent war crimes trial," a UN official
said on condition of anonymity.
International judges last week found four former
ethnic-Albanian rebels guilty of war crimes against
the civilian population during the 1998-99 war against
Serbian security forces under then-leader Slobodan
One of them was Rrustem Mustafa, a commander of the
now disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army, who was
sentenced to 17 years jail for ordering the murder of
five Kosovo Albanians, among other crimes.
But the verdict has angered Kosovo's majority
ethnic-Albanian population, most of whom see the
rebels as heroes who fought the oppression of
Kosovo has been under UN administration since NATO
bombed Yugoslavia to force the withdrawal of Serb
troops in 1999.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 20 LUG - Due forti esplosioni hanno scosso questa
sera poco dopo le 21 il centro di Pristina, capoluogo della provincia
a maggioranza albanese. Un razzo e' stato lanciato contro la sede
della Corte distrettuale. Lo ha detto all'Ansa il portavoce dell'
Unmik (amministrazione Onu in Kosovo) Andrea Angeli. L'edificio della
Corte e' situato vicino a quello del comune e del palazzo del
Governo. La polizia, che ha trovato vicino alla zona il lanciarazzi
abbandonato, ha confermato che non ci sono vittime ma solo danni
riportati all' edificio. La seconda esplosione, sempre in centro,
e' avvenuta nel parcheggio antistante un commissariato di polizia.
Non si sa ancora se e' stata una granata a mano o un razzo. Solo una
macchina e' stata distrutta. Le due esplosioni avvengono pochi
giorni dopo la decisione della Corte di Pristina contro un gruppo di
ex esponenti dell' ormai disciolto esercito per la liberazione del
Kosovo (Uck) accusati di crimini di guerra: la prima sentenza di
questo genere verso l'ex guerriglia albanese. Una giuria di giudici
internazionali aveva condannato a 17 anni di reclusione Rustem
Mustafa, noto con il nome di battaglia di 'comandante Remi'. La
decisione della Corte aveva provocato una serie di proteste per
chiedere la sua liberazione. (ANSA). COR/IAT 20/07/2003 22:49
Beta - July 21, 2003

Shots fired at home of Kosovo speaker

PRISTINA -- Monday – The house belonging to Kosovo’s
parliamentary speaker was shot at this morning, United
Nations police in the province said today.
UN police spokesman Barry Fletcher said that bullets
had been found outside Nedzat Daci’s Pristina home,
which had suffered material damage.
He said that an investigation was underway.
A grenade was lobbed at the UN police building in
Pristina shortly after midnight, and the Pristina
District Court also came under fire last night.
Tensions in the province are said to be running high
after four former members of the Kosovo Liberation
Army were found guilty on Wednesday of war crimes and
sentenced to between five and 17 years imprisonment.
SRNA News Agency, Bijeljina - July 21, 2003

Grenade attacks hit Kosovo | 10:39 | SRNA

PRISTINA/LIPLJAN -- Monday - As yet unidentified attackers hurled
grenades at a number of public buildings in Pristina and Lipljan last
UNMIK police confirmed to agency SRNA that a hand grenade was thrown at
the Lipljan court building shortly after midnight and a rocket-launcher
projectile was fired at the second floor of the Pristina District Court
building shortly before a second hand grenade was thrown at the UN's
police station in Pristina.
Considerable structural damage has been caused, but nobody was injured
in any of the attacks.



Kosovo: Pathologists exhume 51 bodies from Pristina cemetery

Text of report in English by Belgrade-based Radio B92 text web site on
21 June
Gracanica: Pathologists from UNMIK and Belgrade's Kosovo Coordination
Centre have exhumed 51 bodies from the Dragodan Muslim cemetery in
Pristina over the past five days. Belgrade pathologist Slavisa
Dobricanin told media that these were most probably the bodies of
Serbs. He added that the bodies included those of eight babies,
probably from a maternity hospital. Dobricanin said that there were
still ten bodies to be exhumed on Monday 23 June . The bodies have been
taken to the UNMIK centre in Orahovac for identification.
Copyright 2003 British Broadcasting Corporation  
BBC Monitoring Europe - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
SOURCE: Radio B92 text web site, Belgrade, in English 1929 gmt 21 Jun 03


PRISTINA, June 19 (Beta) -  The head of the Coordinating Center for
Kosovo's bureau for exhumation and identification, Slavisa Dobricanin,
said on June 19 that the center's experts, in association with UNMIK,
in the last two days had exhumed 40 bodies of Serbs, Albanians, and
Roma including the remains of eight babies from a Pristina cemetery. 
        He said that the autopsy of the remains had not yet been
carried out, but he added that he assumed the babies had been brought
to the cemetery from a maternity clinic, while the discovered severed
body parts had been amputated in hospitals. 
        The bodies exhumed at the cemetery have been transported to the
autopsy center in Orahovac and will be given to their families after
identification. According to Dobricanin, another 10 bodies will be
exhumed at this location.
SNRA - June 24, 2003

Three Kosovo-Serb bodies identified

PRIZREN -- Thursday -- The remains of three
Kosovo-Serbs have been identified after being exhumed
from shallow graves on the Suva Reka (dry river) road
near the village of Dulja in Prizren.
The bodies have been identified as those of Dejan
Jezdic, a former Yugoslav Army officer from Vranje,
Stanko Saranovic, kidnapped in Pristina in 1999, and
Zvezdan Mojsic, abducted from a bus-stop in Djakovica
in 1999.
Vujadin Otasevic, representative of the Coordination
Centre for Kosovo and Southern Serbia, confirmed that
the bodies are soon to be returned to their families
at the Merdare administrative border crossing.






[ Some context needs to be provided to the story
below. First, "Kosovo police" is a politically correct
misnomer for an all-Albanian Michael Steiner's and
UNMIK's legalized paramilitary in Kosovo. Many of these
police proudly 'served' as members of the so-called
"Kosovo Liberation Army" in the past. Second, the
Serbs and other minorities in central Kosovo (Kosovo
Polje is in vicinity of the capital, Pristina) have
virtually no access to friendly and reliable health
services. Serb doctors and nurses were virtually
thrown out of most of Pristina's and other hospitals
throughout Kosovo once NATO/KFOR occupied the
province, and Serb patients were experiencing
systematic and frequent verbal, physical and other
abuses at the health care institutions now staffed
exclusively by ethnic Albanians. One 'safe haven' for
the Serbs in central Kosovo was the hospital in Kosovo
Polje that was under the Russian KFOR control. Now
that the Russians are completely withdrawing from the
peacekeeping/occupation operations in Kosovo, the
local Serbs want to insure that this sole hospital
will remain accessible to Serb and other non-Albanian
patients, that the doctors and nurses there won't
be thrown out into the streets like in many other
situations throughout Kosovo, and the like. Why
"Kosovo and UNMIK police" had to take over this health
institution, and especially the way this attempt was
carried out, speaks volumes about the true state of
'democracy', 'human rights', 'minority rights' and
other lovely sounding fantasy concepts in that
lawlessness, terror, violence and crime ridden black
hole of Europe that this NATO's protectorate of Kosovo
has been over these four years of NATO's "glorious
victory" and subsequent occupation - pardon,
liberation - of Serbia's southern province.
P.S. The lines in the last paragraph in TANJUG report
below are underlined by me, PT. ]

Kosovo, UNMIK police clash with Serbs over control of
Russian hospital

Tanjug - June 19, 2003
Kosovo Polje, 19 June: Over 1,000 policemen from the
Kosovo and UNMIK [UN Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo] police today tried to take over the Russian
hospital in Kosovo Polje following the withdrawal of
the Russian Kfor [Kosovo Force] contingent, duty
doctor Nebojsa Dzelatovic has told Tanjug.
Strong police forces tried to storm the building and
remove about 30 patients and the Serb medical staff.
"When I tried to get into the building where a woman
was in labour at the time, the police prevented me by
throwing tear gas. I and my colleagues, who also tried
to defend the hospital, were injured. Several of us
have sustained burns," Dr Dzelatovic said.
He said that the UNMIK police also wanted to storm the
building with special units, but when they encountered
strong resistance, the commander of these units, an
American, told him that it had been decided that UNMIK
would take control of the hospital.
"We have managed to save the hospital. We have 10
injured people. The UNMIK administrator, who came to
the scene of conflict, promised that force would not
be used any more," Dzelatovic said.
[Serb] Return Coalition deputy Randjel Nojkic, who
also came to the scene of conflict, was affected by
tear gas and is currently being treated at the Kosovo
Polje hospital.
Several hundred Serbs from Kosovo Polje, Gracanica and
Gusterica have ^^^ gathered together around the hospital with the
intention of saving the only Serb hospital in the Kosovo Polje area. ^^^


        KOSOVO POLJE, June 19 (Tanjug) - Over 1000 Kosovo and UNMIK 
policemen attempted on Thursday to take over the Russian hospital in 
Kosovo Polje, following the withdrawal of the Russian contingent of 
KFOR, doctor Nebojsa Dzeletovic who was on duty at the time told 
        Strong police forces attempted to storm the building and expel 
about 30 patients and the Serbian medical personnel.  "When I tried to
get into the building where a woman was in labor  at the time, the
police prevented me by throwing tear-gas. Also  injured were my
colleagues who also tried to defend the hospital,  and some of us have
burns," dr Dzeletovic said.  "We have succeeded to save the hospital,
and we have 10 injured,  while the UNMIK administrator, who arrived to
the spot, has promised  that force will not be used any more," dr
Djelerovic said.

UNMIK and Kosovo police violate Serb hospital with tear gas

ERP and SNC KIM: Communique: Unprecedented and immoral act

UN police in Kosovo use pepper spray against angry
Serb crowd

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, June 19 (AFP) - UN
police in Kosovo on Thursday used pepper spray to
disperse a crowd of angry Serbs who were trying to
break into a hospital, a UN police spokesman said.
"The police tried to shut the inner gate and were
attacked by a crowd on the other side. Three policemen
were lightly injured and then the police used pepper
spray," spokesman Jack Kraus said.
No civilian injuries were reported.
Police said the crowd in the Serb part of Kosovo
Polje, to the west of the capital Pristina, had been
demonstrating against the departure of Russian
peacekeepers from the area.
The Russians, serving with the NATO-led peacekeeping
mission in Kosovo, have begun withdrawing from the
region and are scheduled to complete their pullout
from Kosovo by the end of July.
They were deployed in Serb-inhabited areas to prevent
attacks by Albanian extremists seeking revenge [sic]
for years of repression from governments in Serbia, of
which Kosovo is a province.
The southern Serbian province of Kosovo has been under
United Nations and NATO control since June 1999 when
Serbian forces under then Yugoslav president Slobodan
Milosevic withdrew from the province and ended a
brutal crackdown on Albanian separatists and
But the Serb minority in the province complains that
NATO forces have failed to protect them from Albanian
Beta - June 20, 2003

Grenade attack in Kosovo Polje

KOSOVO POLJE -- Friday -- A hand grenade was
discharged in front of the Kosovo Polje Medical Centre
in the early hours of this morning, causing minimal
damage but injur[ing] nobody.
Speaking to agency Beta, doctors of the centre
expressed their belief that the attack was an act of
attempted intimidation, which follows a clash between
Serb doctors and UNMIK police yesterday after police
tried to take control of the centre.
KFOR have arrived on the scene and an investigation is
Beta - June 24, 2003

Serbs form crisis centre to protect services

KOSOVO POLJE -- Saturday -- Serbs remaining in Kosovo
Polje and nearby villages have formed a crisis centre
to protect and sustain their medical centre, senior
school, post office and other services crucial to
their survival.
Speaking to agency Beta, coordinator of the new centre
Miroslav Velickovic said that it is vitally important
for the 4,000 Serbs remaining in the Kosovo Polje area
that their services be protected.
The forming of the crisis centre follows the refusal
of Serb medical centre staff to hand responsibility to
UNMIK as requested.
The new centre has invited UNMIK governor Michael
Steiner and Coordination Centre for Kosovo chief
Nebojsa Covic to visit the area and help address
disputed issues.

Russian KFOR Troops Leave Kosovo (by Seremb Gjergji)



(si veda anche / see also: )
MakFax (Macedonia) - June 20, 2003

Macedonia: Kosovar Roma refugees will be relocated in

Kosovoís Roma refugees, who have been accommodated in
make-shift refugee camp at the border crossing of
Medjitlija, will be transferred in Kumanovo. They will
stay in Kumanovo as long as the necessary conditions
for transfer to Skopje are provided, said Makfax news
Representatives of the UNHCR Office in Skopje
confirmed this information. UNHCRís team has been
engaged over the past few days in reconstruction of a
facility in Kumanovo, where some 600 Kosovoís Roma
refugees will be accommodated.
UNHCR representative told Kumanovoís correspondent of
Makfax news agency that accommodation of Kosovoís Roam
refugees will be temporal. Later on, they will be
transferred to Skopje and hosted by families.
Kosovoís Roma refugees fled the collective centers in
Skopje one month ago and headed to Macedonian-Greek
border (Medjitlija border crossing). They urged Greek
authorities to allow entry of some 600 Roma people
into Greece or countries in Western Europe. Greek
authorities however rebuffed to grant asylum to Roma
refugees, noting that they are not welcomed in Greece
or any other member-state of the EU. UN Administrator
in Kosovo Michael Steiner called upon Kosovoís Roma
refugees to return to Kosovo but made it clear that he
could not guarantee their security.
Macedonia Information Agency - June 20, 2003


Skopje, June 20 (MIA) - Kosovo Roma, who are at the
improvised refugee camp Medzitlija for more than a
month, will be transferred to Kumanovo, where they
will stay until conditions are created for their
transfer in Skopje.
UNHCR representatives in Skopje confirmed this. Their
teams intensively work on providing conditions in
Kumanovo, where Roma will be sheltered.
Macedonian Information Agency - June 23, 2003


Skopje, June 23 (MIA) - According to UNHCR, Kosovo
Romas, who are located at border crossing Medzitlija
for more than two months, requiring asylum in Greece,
will be settled in Kumanovo, if they agree.
They will be settled in a temporary center, i.e. an
adjusted storehouse, where they will stay for one-two
days, which is a period necessary for them to find
private lodging on their own account. For that
purpose, UNHCR will provide Denar 15,000 for six
persons per month. Besides the financial assistance,
they will also receive hygienic packages and food
The Kosovo Romas have a status of temporary protected
persons in Macedonia, which ends on September 29,
after which they will acquire a status of refugees.
They rejected to fill in the forms for acquiring of
such a status, but also reject their transfer to
According to the Government's decision, those persons
that have not regulated their status, i.e. have not
filled in the forms, should accept the provided
settlement in families or in the collective center
"Katlanovo". The Government does not allow building of
illegal refugee camps or any type of lodging out of
the offered solutions, especially at places lacking
infrastructure, which do not allow suitable protection
of these persons.
Despite their efforts for asylum in some Western
European countries, no state has shown interest as yet.



Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Lun 23 Giu 2003 23:15:55 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Kosovo: UNMIK Official Sentenced For Stealing $4.3 Million
From Serbian Utility

[Three and a half years in prison equals 30,660 hours.
$4.3 million dollars divided by 30,660 is over $142
per hour, waking and sleeping. Not bad wages in most
of the world.]

FoNet - June 23, 2003

UNMIK official in jail after $4.3 million theft

BOCHUM -- Monday ñ An official of the UN mission in
Kosovo was sentenced in Germany today to three and a
half years in prison for stealing $4.3 million while
serving in Kosovo.
A court in Bochum sentenced 37-year-old Joe Trutschler
after an investigation established that he had
embezzled funds intended for the Kosovo Electricity
Company and transferred it to his account in
A further attempt to forward the funds from Gibraltar
to Belize was thwarted by investigating bodies.
Only $3.2 million of the funds has been recovered.




        KOSOVO POLJE,June23 (Beta)-After his meeting with Serbs from
Kosovo Polje on June 23, the Kosovo Coordinating Center chief, Nebojsa
Covi<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

'We just hate Serbs'

Julia Pascal

I take my actors to the Sibenik International Children's Theatre
Festival. 0n the idyllic Croatian coast, we pass burned-out Serbian
villages. This is a clear message to any Serbs planning return. We are
to perform The Golem. This Yiddish Frankenstein story comes from
medieval Prague and, in my version, the monster created to defend
ghettoised Jews from Catholics, is a metaphor for the conflict between
self-defence and violence. Most importantly, it is about minority
culture. The contradiction between what we are presenting and what we
are seeing soon becomes apparent. "U" signs are common graffiti. This
is the "U" of the fascist Ustashe, the puppet Nazi state of the second
world war which still has underground support.

We give theatre workshops to teenagers. War talk is taboo at home but
with us, they feel safe enough to reveal childhood memories of bombings
and tanks. Our workshop leader asks, "What is the ‘U’ painted on the
walls here?" The next day I am hauled into the theatre programmer's
office and ordered to keep politics out of the festival. "Parents have
been complaining," she says. "You mustn't talk about war and certainly
never mention Ustashe in the theatre." Another theatre board member
proclaims that my troupe are "not English, they're Jews". Before our
performance, we give a synopsis of The Golem in Croatian for
non-English speakers. The translation is scrupulously checked to ensure
it contains no Serbian or international vocabulary. Language, as well
as people, must be ethnically cleansed. Minorities have got the
message. The few remaining Serbs and Bosnians here are fast changing
their names and converting to Catholicism .

I meet a 40-year-old Serb married to a Croatian. He was drafted by the
Croatian army to fight Serbs in l99l. His reward was being thrown out
of his flat for being a Serb. I meet "J", a 76-year-old Croatian who,
at 15, ran to the partisans. This war heroine fought Ustashe, Italians
and Germans and still has a body full of shrapnel fragments. President
Franjo Tudjman withdrew the partisans' pensions for six months during
the 199l war and her husband, once Tito's bodyguard, starved to death.
0thers committed suicide at the humiliation of being transformed from
heroes to pariahs.

Today, "J's" pension has been cut in half, the stolen 50% going to the
Ustashe fascists who attacked her in the 40s. I tell her joining the EU
will rebalance this injustice, but I might as well be talking about
flying saucers. All around I find suspicion of European solutions.
Croatia is isolated and traumatised. "J" cries at the death of Tito's
dream of a multi-ethnic Yugoslavia. "I am a Yugoslav," she insists. "I
spent my whole life fighting nationalism. And it was all for nothing."

Back in the Solaris Hotel I talk to a Croatian waiter, a former
gastarbeiter in Germany. We discuss Berlin. "Sheisse," he spits.
"Berlin is sheisse. Too many Turks. Just like the Bosnians. I hate
Muslims, I want to go to Iraq and fight Muslims." On the last night of
the festival, our driver, who is the son of a theatre secretary, is to
return us to Solaris. His drinking mate, a six-foot giant, sandwiches
me in. I am crushed between the two drunks who scream with laughter and
hardly look at the road. "Calm down," I tell the driver who ignores me.
When our Croatian actor/translator intervenes, he yells at her, "Fuck
off, you. And your Jews."

It is our last day and we chill out. One of the actors starts a jamming
session on the beach. The Hotel Solaris Animation Team join us. These
local musicians are paid to entertain the mainly German guests. Tonight
is a Caribbean evening. The singers are wearing rasta wigs and have
blacked up. I tell them, "You know this would be seen as offensive in
Britain." "Look," they say in surprise, "we are not racist. We don't
even dislike black people. We just hate Serbs."

NOTA: This artcile was published at The Guardian (July 14, 2003). Julia
Pascal's last play Crossing Jerusalem is published by Oberon Books. She
can be tuched at pascal7038@...

Yugoslavia and the Jews
3: Are some genocides more equal than others?

A. Jewish Educational Multimedia still fiercely attacking the Serbs on
B. Guenther Lewy´s racist book on the Nazi persecution of the Gypsies

=== A ===

Da: Boba
Data: Sab 5 Lug 2003 20:34:45 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: My letter // to the Jewish Educational Multimedia

To : Jewish Educational Multimedia


Re: Your Movie: "From Kosovo, Good Cheer and Charisma Intact"

I am shocked that you would produce movie of this kind and contest. It
is pure anti-Serbian propaganda and misinterpretation of facts.
Hollywood and you alike have done monstrous injustice to the suffering
of Serbian people in Kosovo and elsewhere. You are justifying genocide
committed by Albanians in Kosovo against the Serbs, by producing this
kind of films. Would dirty Albanian money make you happy? Before the
war against Serbia, Albanians joined by Osama bin Laden, had NATO to
reach their goal of ethnically pure, albanized (Serbian province of)
Kosovo. In the "time of peace" they have Jewish Educational Multimedia
to cover up lies they used to reach their goal.
The only good thing you could do is to prevent these lies to be

To educate yourself, please read the below articles.

After all, truth liberates.

Boba Borojevic

Srdja Trifkovic "Kosovo: Invented Massacres"

From Kosovo to Baghdad
The Past And Coming War

=== 2 ===

Subj: [Samudaripen_Holocaust] Comment on article "The Nazi War on the
Date: 7/4/03 2:58:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: irka.cederberg
Reply-to: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Sent from the Internet

I strongly object to Gad Nashron´s praising of Guenther Lewy´s book on
the Nazi persecution of the Gypsies.
This book has been strongly criticised among Roma and almost everybody
has been dismayed by Lewy´s conclusions.  One woman for example
expresses what many Roma seem to feel: 
"This book frightens me, many will believe it and use it against us."
The British scholar Donald Kenrick, - who has written the so far ONLY
standard book on the subject,  in fact the "most comprehensive and
compelling account available of the fate of the Gypsies under the Nazi
inferno" (to quote Gad Nahshon)  in his review of the book says:
"The author's position is clearly aligned with that of Yehuda Bauer and
Eli Wiesel. For him, too, the genocide of the Jews is unique. He will
not accept that the Nazi policy towards the Gypsies was also one of
genocide, albeit evolving in a different way.
In his review the Romani scholar doctor Ian Hancock wrote: "The
statement that Nazi policy towards Romanies was not race-based is
patently absurd.  The belief that Romani "criminality" was a genetic
defect which caused "hereditarily diseased offspring" is racist in
itself, and was justification for terminating Romani "lives unworthy of
life." "The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies is a dangerous book.  It is
another title in the antiquated tradition of an expert treatise on a
people whom the author has never met nor has made any effort to meet".