

Il movimento di opposizione all'ingresso nella NATO, in Slovenia, sta
crescendo (1). E' un risveglio che fa ben sperare, anche per le
implicazioni che puo' avere, nel segno della pace, su tutta l'area
limitrofa e su quella balcanica in particolare, interessata non solo
dalle spinte per l'allargamento formale della Alleanza Atlantica, ma
anche, in questi ultimi, purtroppo da operazioni di guerra effettiva
condotte dalla NATO, nonche' da insediamenti militari NATO sempre piu'

Parte integrante del movimento contro la NATO sono 188 intellettuali -
artisti, ricercatori scientifici, saggisti - firmatari di un documento
che chiede che l'eventuale adesione alla Alleanza sia sottoposta ad un
referendum popolare (2).
L'esito di un tale referendum sarebbe tutt'altro che scontato.
Infatti, le forze indipendentiste in Slovenia si sono si' avvalse
della NATO per secedere dalla Repubblica Federativa Socialista di
Jugoslavia, dando cosi' il via alla guerra fratricida, ma - anche
laddove la nostalgia per il passato jugoslavo non arrivi ad incidere
politicamente - per la piccola Repubblica, continuamente e
storicamente sottoposta a pressioni e rivendicazioni ignobili dai
paesi vicini, l'indipendenza reale e' una chimera da ricercare in
continuazione. In particolare in questa fase, internazionalmente cosi'
difficile, la Slovenia puo' riuscire ad allargare il proprio spazio
autonomo di manovra giocando nella contesa, sempre piu' esplicita ed
aspra, tra Europa e Stati Uniti d'America.

Mentre scriviamo non sappiamo se tra i firmatari del documento "dei
188" c'e' anche Slavoj Zizek, il "filosofo di formazione
hegelian-lacaniana, da anni in movimento perenne fra l'università di
Lubiana e i campus americani", caro alla sinistra dei "movimenti" e
specialmente al "Manifesto" (3). Saremmo curiosi di saperlo. In
passato ci e' sembrato di poter annoverare Zizek tra quegli
intellettuali e accademici (post? ex? anti?) jugoslavi che con la
distruzione del loro paese hanno fatto, piu' o meno cinicamente,
carriera. Lontano dal marxismo di qualsivoglia scuola, Zizek si e'
impegnato in questi anni in una decostruzione (ulteriore) del marxismo
stesso come di ogni "pensiero forte" e nella solita critica, ossessiva
e fuori tempo massimo, ai sistemi del "socialismo reale". A differenza
del piu' noto Predrag Matvejevic - che e' piuttosto legato
all'ambiente letterario e post-sessantottino francese - Zizek
predilige la cultura statunitense, attinge dalla psicanalisi
intellettualistica di Lacan ed usa "preferibilmente i testi della
cultura di massa, e il cinema in particolare (non parla di nulla senza
portare a sostegno di quello che dice un paio di film, «e qualche
volta non li ho neanche visti per intero», ride) come canale di
scorrimento fra una dimensione e l'altra".

Nell'intervista rilasciata pochi giorni fa ad Ida Dominijanni, Zizek
mostra pero' una attenzione ed una verve critica che fanno ben
sperare. E' per questo che ci piacerebbe vederlo tra i firmatari
dell'appello di cui sopra (chissa'?). Non stonerebbe affatto, una sua
firma, con la sua analisi della guerra contemporanea (dopo l'11
settembre): "una guerra motivata da ragioni classicamente economiche,
il petrolio del Caspio, e geopolitiche, la ridefinizione del rapporto
fra Stati uniti e Arabia Saudita". Si accenna ai bombardamenti
sull'Afghanistan, ed a quelli sull'Iraq. Giustamente si nega che il
problema all'ordine del giorno sia lo "scontro tra civilta'":
piuttosto, "lo scontro passa all'interno di ciascuna civiltà".

Il problema e' che, nell'intervista, non si parla della guerra in
Strano: possibile che un intellettuale sloveno abbia rimosso cosi'
presto, confinato in qualche baratro della coscienza, i bombardamenti
sulle industrie chimiche della Serbia (1999), o le sparatorie attorno
alle caserme federali, proprio in Slovenia (1991), o lo stillicidio di
vittime del terrorismo di ispirazione nazionalista in Kosovo e
Macedonia (adesso)?
"Dobbiamo lottare contro il terrorismo, ma riformulando e allargando
la sua definizione, in modo da includervi anche alcune azioni
americane e di altre potenze occidentali", dice Zizek. D'accordo,
purche' questo saggio criterio venga applicato incominciando dalla
propria realta'. Per esempio, firmando l'appello "dei 188".

Altrimenti, l'esito logico delle giuste considerazioni di Zizek rimane
debole ed ambiguo. "Cosa resta allora? «L'Europa. Invece che discutere
dello scontro di civiltà fra Occidente e Islam, dobbiamo lavorare a
approfondire il conflitto che sulla guerra in Iraq si sta già
delineando fra modello americano e modello europeo.» E si ritorna a
quanto sopra: in questa fase internazionalmente cosi' difficile,
l'intellettuale sloveno - anziche' approfittarne per marcare uno
spazio autonomo - rischia di schierarsi, nella contesa sempre piu'
esplicita ed aspra che oppone Europa e Stati Uniti d'America, dalla
parte dell'Europa. Potrebbe persino andar bene: purche' si affronti il
problema della NATO e del nazionalismo che - grazie alla
sponsorizzazione della NATO - ha "etnicamente" smembrato il proprio

(Italo Slavo)

=== NOTE ===

(1) "Resistance against NATO in Slovenia"

Vai a:



BELGRADE, November 19 /from RIA Novosti's Aleksandr Slabynko/ -
Prominent figures of Slovenia's intellectual community - writers,
artists, scientists, public activists - have demanded that the
national parliament hold a referendum should the upcoming NATO summit
in Prague invite the country to join the Alliance.
The relative statement, which was signed by 188 prominent cultural and
scientific figures, demands that the government arrange the referendum
and a thorough, open and competent discussion of all the positive and
negative consequences Slovenia is going to face if it joins NATO.
The intelligentsia believes the arguments in favour of the NATO
membership the government had offered were not sound enough and
resulted in a greater number of those sceptical about the prospect.
Professor Kovacevic believes the government will have a tough time
trying to convince the nation to support NATO.
There are fierce opponents to the entry to NATO among those who signed
the statement. Darij Zadnikar, a professor of philosophy at Ljubljana
University, qualified the political elite's assertion that the NATO
membership means "joining the world" as dangerous manipulation of
public opinion.
The scientists and men in the arts urge the national vote on the entry
to NATO should take place simultaneously with a referendum on
Slovenia's admission to the European Union, due as early as in March,
2003, according to unofficial reports. Slovenia is a claimant for the
EU membership along with Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta,
Poland, Slovakia, Czechia and Estonia.

© 2001 RIA Novosti

(3) "Il manifesto" del 16 Novembre 2002: "La messa in scena della

«L'11 settembre ha messo a nudo la fragilità del mondo in cui viviamo
e i limiti della cultura liberal e radical americana». Un incontro con
il filosofo sloveno Slavoj Zizek - IDA DOMINIJANNI


Il parlamento della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia ha abolito il 18
novembre u.s. (2002) la festa nazionale, che dal 1945 si festeggiava il
29 novembre. Il passo era stato deciso da piu' di un anno dai
partiti della destra di governo, per rompere ogni legame simbolico con
la tradizione antifascista del paese e compiacere cosi' i paesi della

Il 29 novembre 1943, nell'apice della guerra partigiana, a Jajce in
Bosnia-Erzegovina il Consiglio Antifascista di Liberazione Nazionale
della Jugoslavia (AVNOJ) proclamava la nascita della Jugoslavia libera,
socialista e multinazionale.

Nonostante la secessione di Croazia, Slovenia, Bosnia e Macedonia e la
costituzione nel 1992 della attuale Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia
(Serbia e Montenegro), il governo delle sinistre guidato da Slobodan
Milosevic aveva optato per il mantenimento di quella festivita', come
segno di continuita' con la tradizione partigiana. Non a caso, contro
l'abolizione della Festa della Repubblica hanno votato solamente il
Partito socialista (Sps) di Milosevic e la Jul (sinistra jugoslava) di
Mira Markovic, nonche' il Partito radicale serbo (Srs) del nazionalista
Vojislav Seselj, che ha partecipato al governo di unita' nazionale fino
al 2000 ed e' tuttora alleato delle sinistre nella competizione
elettorale per l'elezione del Presidente della Serbia.

(A cura di I.S. - Fonte: ANSA 18/11/2002 - )


Dopo il ricovero in ospedale di uno degli studenti della facolta' di
legge dell'universita' di Belgrado scesi in sciopero della fame, il 13
novembre l'estrema protesta e' stata sospesa. Gli studenti - che in
precedenza avevano anche trattenuto per alcune ore il ministro della
pubblica istruzione contro l'aumento delle spese per lo studio,
decuplicate rispetto agli anni precedenti - hanno comunque
sottolineato che non intendono arrendersi.

Nel frattempo, dall'ufficio di collocamento della Serbia giunge la
notizia che il numero ufficiale dei disoccupati nel paese ha raggiunto
gli 890.000 lavoratori su una popolazione totale di 7,5 milioni di
abitanti. Negli ultimi 12 mesi altre 100.000 persone si sono infatti
unite all'esercito dei disoccupati, con un incremento del 14,5 %.
Oltre la meta' dei senza lavoro sono donne, e circa un terzo sono
persone con basso livello scolastico.

La gravissima situazione sociale in Serbia, dovuta alle politiche
ultraliberiste del regime, viene perfettamente ignorata dalla
"sinistra" italiana, che avendo appoggiato la "svolta"
filo-occidentale dell'ottobre 2000 ed e' ora costretta a tacere sulle
attuali condizioni di vita in quel paese.

(A cura di I.S., fonte ANSA: )


La competenza trasferita da Bari a Genova (ANSA 5/11/2002)
Il suo giornale aveva rivelato dettagli del contrabbando di sigarette,
chiamando in causa il presidente Djukanovic. Nel frattempo, altri
organi di stampa difendono "a spada tratta" il Presidente ed i
contrabbandieri (ANSA 18 e 20/11/2002)
Djukanovic preferisce la poltrona di premier; le opposizioni non hanno
altre chances che il boicottaggio (ANSA 15 e 19/11/2002)

Contrabbando, indagato il presidente del Montenegro. La Dda di Bari:
Djukanovic non ha l´immunità (La Stampa 30/5/2002)
Centinaia di mazzette con contrassegno diplomatico versate in Svizzera
e a Cipro (Barisera 30/5/2002)
(Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 30/5/2002)

1.FONTE: internet
2.TITOLO: "Komisches Gefühl" [Una strana sensazione]
3.INDICE: Drei Jahre nach den NATO-Bomben beginnt in Pancevo das
langsame Sterben [Tre anni dopo le bombe della NATO ha inizio a
Pancevo la morte lenta]
5.AUTORE: Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis / Nr. 463 / 21.06.2002;
il giornalista Boris Kanzleiter.
7.DATA: 21.06.2002.

[Nota: chi avesse la possibilita' di tradurre in italiano questo
importante articolo e' pregato di contattarci: <jugocoord@...>.
Ringraziamo Alberto e Zivkica per la segnalazione.]

ak - analyse & kritik, Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis / Nr. 463
/ 21.06.2002

"Komisches Gefühl"

Drei Jahre nach den NATO-Bomben beginnt in Pancevo das langsame

"Immer mehr Leute in der Stadt sterben an Krebs", sagt Ivan Zafirovic
fast beiläufig. Der schlacksige junge Mann sitzt in seinem Büro im
zweiten Stock des Rathauses von Pancevo und wippt in einem
Plastikledersessel. Als einziger Abgeordneter der Grünen Partei im
Stadtparlament ist er zuständig für den Umweltschutz. Zafirovic blickt
hilflos auf Unterlagen, die sich vor ihm auf dem Tisch stapeln. Es
sind Berichte über die ökologischen Folgen der NATO-Bombardements vor
drei Jahren. "Heute sterben viel mehr Leute als vor den Bombardements
1999. Aber es ist ein Tabu darüber zu reden", wiederholt er sich.

An 17 Tagen und Nächten trafen im Frühjahr vor drei Jahren
Marschflugkörper und Bomben Ziele in der knapp 100.000 EinwohnerInnen
zählenden Stadt. Was Zehntausenden Arbeit und bescheidenen Wohlstand
einbrachte, wurde zum Fluch für die BewohnerInnen. Pancevo ist einer
der wichtigsten Industriestandorte in Jugoslawien. Hier, nur zwanzig
Kilometer die Donau entlang flussabwärts hinter der
Zwei-Millionen-Metropole Belgrad, konzentriert sich die petrochemische
Industrie des Landes. Benzin, Düngemittel, Kunststoffe, Lacke und Öle
stellen die ArbeiterInnen im Industrierevier her.
"Am 24. März 1999 um 20:40 Uhr schlugen die ersten Bomben ein",
erinnert sich Ivan Zafirovic. Der 24. März war der erste Tag des
Krieges, fünf Tage zuvor waren die Hoffnungen auf eine
Verhandlungslösung im Kosovo-Konflikt im Schloss Rambouillet bei Paris
gescheitert. "Zuerst trafen die Bomben die Fabrik Lola Utva, dort
wurden Kleinflugzeuge für die Landwirtschaft montiert", sagt
Zafirovic. Dann, in den folgenden Wochen, trafen die Bomben die
Raffinerie, die Düngemittelfabrik Azotara und die Kunststofffabrik
Petrohjemija. Immer wieder bis zum letzten Tag des Kriegs am 8. Juni,
als ein Waffenstillstandsabkommen unterzeichnet wurde und sich die
jugoslawische Armee aus dem Kosovo zurückzog.

"Es ist ein Tabu darüber zu reden"

Die Bombenangriffe auf Pancevo wurden akribisch dokumentiert. Schon im
Oktober 1999, nur vier Monate nach Ende des Krieges, veröffentlichte
das Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (UNEP) einen ausführlichen
Bericht über die ökologischen Konsequenzen der Bombardements. Die
ExpertInnen der Genfer Behörde hatten in den Wochen nach dem Abschluss
der Waffenstillstandsvereinbarung Recherchereisen durch Jugoslawien
unternommen und mit WissenschaftlerInnen und AugenzeugInnen vor Ort
versucht, eine Bestandsaufnahme durchzuführen. Pancevo identifizierten
sie neben der Industriestadt Kragujevac als "am schlimmsten"

"Es war ein Albtraum", sagt Zafirovic und versucht zu lächeln, denn
schließlich ist das alles schon so lange her. "Die Bomben haben große
Teile der Tanks getroffen, in denen die Grundstoffe für die Produktion
gelagert waren." Insbesondere in der Woche zwischen dem 13. und dem
20. April geriet die Bevölkerung in Panik. In jeder Nacht rasten die
Cruise Missiles in das Industriegebiet, das direkt an ein Wohnviertel
anschließt. Flammen loderten in den Nachthimmel. Tagsüber blieb es
dunkel, weil sich eine gewaltige Rauchwolke über die Stadt wölbte.
Erst als es anfing zu regnen, lichtete sich der Himmel. "Auf den
Autos, auf den Straßen, überall klebte ein schwarzer schmieriger
Schleim", erinnert sich der junge Abgeordnete. "Viele Menschen sind
damals aus Pancevo zu Freunden oder Verwandten nach Belgrad oder in
andere Städte geflüchtet", erzählt er. "Die Menschen hatten Angst.
Viele schwangere Frauen haben abgetrieben, weil sie sich vergiftet
vorkamen." Dazu hatten ihnen die Ärzte in den Krankenhäusern geraten.

Die Katastrophe kam unerwartet über die Stadt. Pancevo liegt in der
Vojvodina-Region, die Grenze zu Ungarn und Rumänien ist viel näher als
Pristina. Von den Auseinandersetzungen im Süden lasen die Menschen nur
in der Zeitung. Dass die Fabriken in der Nachbarschaft gefährlich
waren, wussten sie allerdings genau. "Die Chemieindustrie war schon
immer eine Bedrohung", sagt Zafirovic. "Die Arbeiter hier sterben
jung." Beim Aufbau der jugoslawischen Chemieindustrie in den 60er und
70er Jahren spielten Umweltbestimmungen keine wichtige Rolle. Als
"Pancevo-Krebs" bezeichneten die Ärzte eine Krankheit, unter der
insbesondere die Arbeiter der PVC-Fabrik Petrohjemija litten, ein
Krebs, der die Leber befällt. Verantwortlich dafür machten sie
hauptsächlich die Chemikalien Ethylen-Dichlorid (EDC) und
Vinyl-Chlorid-Monomer (VCM), die Grundstoffe der PVC-Produktion. Der
"Pancevo-Krebs" greift nun weiter um sich, denn es sind gerade diese
Chemikalien, die durch die NATO-Bomben in großem Umfang freigesetzt

Das Umweltlexikon beschreibt die Wirkung von Ethylen-Dichlorid:
"Hautreizend, narkotisierend, mutagen und karzinogen" ist der Stoff.
Die Vergiftungssymptome bestehen aus "Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit mit
Erbrechen, blutigen Durchfällen, Koliken, tiefer Narkose".
Langzeitbelastung verursacht "Depressionen und Magenbeschwerden mit
Erbrechen". Es drohen "starke Organschädigungen (Leber, Niere, Blut).
Erhöhung der Frühgeburts- und Totgeburtenrate". Auch Vinylchlorid wird
als "eindeutig Krebs erzeugender Stoff" ausgewiesen. "Es kann kein
medizinisch unbedenklicher Grenzwert festgelegt werden, da jede noch
so geringe Konzentration schädigend wirkt", heißt es. Für
Arbeitsplätze gilt in Deutschland die Überschreitung einer
Konzentration von 3 ppm (ml/m3) als nicht mehr tolerierbar. In
Jugoslawien liegt der Grenzwert bei 5 ppm (ml/m3).

Die Messteams des Institutes für Gesundheitsschutz in Pancevo haben am
18. April 1999, die Fabriken brannten lichterloh, an verschiedenen
Punkten der Stadt eine VCM-Konzentration gemessen, die den
jugoslawischen Grenzwert um das 7.200- bis 10.600fache überschritt.
Der Berichte der UNEP nennt weitere Zahlen. In der Plastikfabrik
Petrohjemija flossen 2.100 Tonnen des giftigen Ethylen-Dichlorid (EDC)
aus. 460 Tonnen Vinyl-Chlorid-Monomer (VCM) verbrannten.

Auch andere toxische Substanzen wirbelten mit den Flammen durch die
Luft, versickerten im Boden oder flossen in die Donau. Acht Tonnen
Quecksilber wurden in Petrohjemija freigesetzt, ein Schwermetall, das
sich in der Nahrungskette anreichert. Und in der neben der
Plastikfabrik liegenden Raffinerie verbrannten nach Angaben der Genfer
ExpertInnen mindestens 80.000 Tonnen Rohöl und Ölprodukte. Dabei
entstanden ebenfalls Krebs erregende polyzyklische aromatische
Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAH).

"Gesundheitssystem ist pleite"

Nicht alle Substanzen wurden unmittelbar durch die Bombardierungen
freigesetzt. Zwei Tage nachdem am 13. April die massive Angriffswelle
eingesetzt hatte, entschlossen sich die Geschäftsführer der
Kunstdüngerfabrik Azotara, 250 Tonnen flüssiges Ammoniak in einen
offenen Kanal zu leiten, der in die Donau führt. Dort setzte
anschließend ein Fischsterben ein, aber die Azotara-Manager hatten
Schlimmeres befürchtet, wären Bomben in die vollen Tanks gefallen.
Tatsächlich wurden die entleerten Tanks einen Tag später getroffen.

"Es war gut, dass die UNEP-Experten so schnell vor Ort waren", meint
Ivan Zafirovic. "Wir wissen nun, was damals geschah." Aber seitdem sei
so gut wie nichts passiert, um die Bevölkerung zu schützen. Zwar könne
man die Vergiftung nicht mehr rückgängig machen, aber heute würden die
Bauern auf den Feldern Gemüse produzieren, über die damals der
schwarze Regen niederging. Noch nicht einmal verlässliche Statistiken
über die Todesfälle gibt es, erklärt Zafirovic. "Das Gesundheitssystem
ist pleite und es gibt auch keine Vergleichswerte zu früher."

Roeland Kortas ist Chef des Clean-Up-Programms der UNEP. Mit seinen
zehn Mitarbeitern sitzt er in einem Büro im Belgrader Stadtviertel
Zemun, dort wo Sava und Donau zusammenfließen, um vereint in Richtung
Schwarzes Meer zu fließen. Clean Up ist eigentlich das falsche Wort
für Kortas' Arbeit. "Bisher wurden keine Maßnahmen ergriffen, um
Wasser und Böden in Pancevo zu entgiften", sagt er. "Wir können uns
nur auf die dringendsten Aufgaben konzentrieren." Und diese bestehen
momentan beispielsweise darin, einen Abwasserkanal zu sichern, der vom
bombardierten Pancevoer Industriegebiet in die Donau führt. In diesem
Kanal landeten Tonnen gefährlicher Substanzen, die sich weiter zu
verbreiten drohen. "Bei der Bombardierung ist die Kläranlage zerstört
worden", erläutert Kortas. An anderen Orten versucht die UNEP
ausgelaufene Chemikalien einzusammeln, die Verbreitung von
kontaminiertem Grundwasser einzudämmen oder hochgradig vergiftete
Böden abzutragen. Es geht darum zu verhindern, dass die Schäden nicht
noch größer werden, könnte man den Ansatz der UNEP zusammenfassen.

"Die UNEP hat nach dem Krieg in Jugoslawien 26 Projekte identifiziert,
die dringend durchgeführt werden müssten, um das Gesundheitsrisiko für
die Bevölkerung zu reduzieren. Für die Umsetzung benötigen wir 20
Millionen Dollar", sagt Kortas. Bis jetzt seien bei Sammelaktionen in
den europäischen Hauptstädten aber nur 11 Millionen zusammengekommen.
Deutschland ist mit 870.000 Dollar dabei. Während die NATO-Staaten in
den drei Kriegsmonaten etwa 12 Milliarden Dollar ausgaben, um den
Angriff auf Jugoslawien zu führen, scheint nun kein Geld mehr in den
Kassen zu sein, um dem Land beim Wiederaufbau zu helfen. "Um wirklich
Clean Up durchzuführen, würden wir hunderte von Millionen Dollar
benötigen", sagt Kortas. "Aber Umweltschutz ist keine Top-Priorität."

Im Stadtkern von Pancevo sitzen Jugendliche in den Cafes.
Straßenverkäuferinnen versuchen eine Zeitung loszuwerden. Lieferwagen
biegen um die Ecke. Die Menschen kaufen ein, gehen zur Arbeit oder
fahren ins nahe Belgrad, um ins Kino zu gehen. Drei Jahre nach dem
Bombardement simulieren die Menschen Normalität. "Die Leute hier
versuchen alles zu vergessen", meint Alexandar Weisner. Er ist
Mitglied einer Friedensgruppe und hat mit seinen FreundInnen in den
vergangenen zehn Jahren den oft aussichtslos scheinenden Kampf gegen
Nationalismus und Krieg geführt. Heute versucht er die Menschen auf
die Umweltkatastrophe aufmerksam zu machen. Aber die Bevölkerung ist
wie gelähmt. "Die Leute haben andere Probleme. Die Arbeitslosigkeit
ist hoch und die Löhne liegen bei 150 Euro im Monat. Alle versuchen
irgendwie zu überleben", sagt er.

Niemand scheint ein Interesse zu haben, über die Folgen der
Bombardements zu reden. "Die Regierung käme doch unter den Druck der
Bevölkerung etwas zu tun", meint Weisner. "Aber es gibt kein Geld",
sagt er. Nach Angaben des serbischen Ministerpräsidenten Zoran
Djindjic haben die NATO-Bombardements Schäden in Höhe von fünf
Milliarden Dollar verursacht. Von den versprochenen großzügigen
Hilfeleistungen nach dem Sturz Slobodan Milosevic' sind bisher gerade
500 Millionen Dollar überwiesen worden. Überall ist dringender
Investitionsbedarf. Krankenhäuser und Schulen sind in einem
erbärmlichen Zustand, die ohnehin niedrigen Löhne können oft nicht
ausgezahlt werden.

"Fast jeder kennt jemanden, der krank ist

Auch die internationale Gemeinschaft schweigt lieber. Käme die
Zerstörung der Fabriken von Pancevo zur Sprache, müssten viele Fragen
beantwortet werden, die man in Brüssel, Berlin oder Washington lieber
nicht hören möchte. Warum wurden die Fabriken von Pancevo bombardiert,
obwohl dort gar keine Waffen hergestellt wurden? Ging es den
NATO-Zielplanern also um die Zerstörung eines wichtigen
Industriekomplexes, um die Wirtschaftskraft des Landes zu schwächen?
Oder wollten sie nur die Raffinerie zerstören, die immerhin die größte
in Jugoslawien war und Treibstoffe herstellte? Warum wurden aber dann
die Kunststofffabrik und die Düngemittelfabrik an mehreren aufeinander
folgenden Tagen bombardiert? In den Zusatzprotokollen zu den Genfer
Konventionen steht, dass "Kriegführung, die ausgedehnte, lang
anhaltende oder schwere Schäden der natürlichen Umwelt verursacht",
verboten ist. Warum hat das Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag
selbst Ermittlungen gegen die NATO-Planer abgelehnt?

Alexandar Weisner weiß es nicht. Doch er weiß etwas anderes: "Fast
jeder hier kennt jemanden, der krank ist. Das ist ein komisches

Boris Kanzleiter

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Italiano / English / Srpskohrvatski

=== Italiano ===

La Repubblica Serba di Bosnia fu bombardata a piu' riprese, ed in
particolare nel settembre 1995, dalla NATO, che pote' cosi' imporre la
propria presenza su quel territorio (accordi di Dayton, novembre
1995). Si tratto' della prima azione di guerra su territorio europeo
dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, e della "prova generale"
della aggressione contro la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia
(primavera 1999), anche essa effettuata con l'impiego di proiettili
all'uranio impoverito (U238).
Ricordiamo che all'epoca (1995) la "sinistra" italiana, influenzata
dalla disinformazione dei media su gravi episodi di guerra e loro
false attribuzioni, in massima parte tacque oppure appoggio' ed
incoraggio' i bombardamenti della NATO: si veda ad esempio
l'intervista a Rossana Rossanda pubblicata su "Il Manifesto" il
ferragosto 1995, ed i numerosi interventi di Adriano Sofri, tra i
quali il film-documentario di propaganda serbo-fobica "I cani di
Sarajevo" - dove "cani" erano gli abitanti serbi di Sarajevo,
colpevoli di non voler diventare "minoranza etnica" nella
Bosnia-Erzegovina governata dall'islamista Alija Izetbegovic.
(A cura di Italo Slavo)]


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 11 NOV - Gli esperti del Programma per l'ambiente
delle Nazioni unite (Unep) hanno trovato tracce di uranio impoverito
in tre siti militari in Bosnia, nei pressi di Sarajevo.
Lo ha reso noto il capo della missione dell'Unep Pekka Haavisto,
citato dall'agenzia di stampa Fena, presentando oggi a Sarajevo i
risultati preliminari di una ricerca fatta dal 12 al 24 ottobre,
quando sono stati prelevati circa 200 campioni del suolo, dell'acqua,
dell'aria, in 15 localita' bosniache.
Tracce di uranio impoverito sono state trovate nella caserma
dell'esercito serbo bosniaco di Han Pijesak, 60 chilometri circa a est
da Sarajevo, e in una fabbrica di Hadzici, alla periferia sud-ovest
della capitale bosniaca, nei capannone per la riparazione dei carri
armati e nel deposito di munizioni.
Il rapporto definitivo sara' presentato nel marzo prossimo, ma gli
esperti dell'Onu hanno raccomandato alle autorita' locali di
bonificare con urgenza gli interni della fabbrica di Hadzici e la
caserma di Han Pijesak.
Alla ricerca hanno partecipato anche rappresentanti
dell'Organizzazione mondiale di sanita' che hanno visitato strutture
sanitarie per raccogliere informazioni su malattie che potrebbero
essere causate dall'uranio impoverito.
Frammenti di proiettili all'uranio impoverito sono stati trovati nel
gennaio del 2001 nella 'Remontni zavod' di Hadzici, che prima della
guerra era il piu' grande centro dell'ex esercito jugoslavo per la
manutenzione di armi e mezzi militari. Controllata dai serbi durante
la guerra (1992-95), fu bombardata dalla Nato il 30 agosto 1995.
(ANSA). COR*VD 11/11/2002 17:06


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 12 NOV - ''Nel territorio della Federazione Bh
(entita' croato musulmana) si registra quest'anno un notevole aumento
di casi di leucemia nei bambini, ma per il momento e' difficile dire
se questo si possa collegare con la presenza di tracce di uranio
impoverito''. Lo ha dichiarato oggi il capo della divisione oncologia
della Clinica pediatrica di Sarajevo, prof. Edo Hasanbegovic. Secondo
quanto riporta l'agenzia di stampa Fena, il professor Hasanbegovic ha
precisato che secondo i dati della clinica sarajevese nei cinque anni
precedenti si sono registrati 13 nuovi casi di leucemia e dall'inizio
dell'anno fino ad oggi i casi sono 24. Ieri gli esperti del Programma
per l'ambiente delle Nazioni unite hanno reso noto i dati preliminari
di un'analisi di campioni prelevati in ottobre in 15 localita' intorno
a Sarajevo e nell'est della Bosnia, dove la Nato ha bombardato le
postazioni serbe nell'agosto del 1995. In tre siti militari sono state
trovate tracce di uranio impoverito, nella caserma serbo bosniaca di
Han Pijesak, 60 chilometri a est da Sarajevo, e in due siti nella
fabbrica di hadzici, sobborgo della capitale bosniaca, dove frammenti
di proiettili all'uranio impoverito sono stati trovati ancora nel
gennaio dell'anno scorso. I bambini ammalati di leucemia, ha, pero',
sottolineato Hasanbegovic, provvengono da tutte le parti della
Federazione. I casi piu' gravi vengono dalla zona di Velika Kladusa e
Buzim, nel nord-ovest del paese, vicino al confine con la Croazia.
''Bisognerebbe analizzare il suolo e l'acqua in quella zona - ha detto
medico -, c'e' anche una miniera di manganese''. Il rapporto
definitivo degli esperti dell'Onu sara' presentato nel marzo prossimo.
Secondo il capo della missione Pekka Haavisto, sette anni fa la Nato
ha lanciato, nei dintorni di Sarajevo e di Foca, 2000 proiettili, vale
a dire 600 chilogrammi di uranio impoverito.
(ANSA) COR*VD 12/11/2002 18:54

=== English ===

Radioactivity Detected in Bosnia Where NATO Used
Depleted Uranium Shells

VOA [Voice of America] News
November 11, 2002

United Nations environmental experts have said they
have detected radioactivity in three areas of Bosnia
where NATO forces used depleted uranium shells during
an air strike in 1995.
U.N. Environment Program officials Monday warned
against deploying forces in those areas for fear of a
possible health risk coming from the radioactive
The head of the U.N. team, Pekka Haavisto, said the
three places of concern were an ammunition storage
site near Sarajevo, a nearby tank repair factory and a
military barracks in Han Pijesak in eastern Bosnia.
The areas were hit by NATO air strikes using depleted
uranium armor-piercing rounds in 1995 as part of an
effort to curb attacks by Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Investigators had probed 14 sites over the past month.

NATO authorities last year launched a probe into the
possible link between the use of depleted uranium
ammunition in the Balkans and increased cancer rates
among peacekeepers who had served in the area. But a
committee reported that medical research so far had
not proved any link between the weapons and the health
Some information for this report provided by AP and


The Guardian
From the Associated Press

Bosnian Radiation Blamed on NATO

Monday November 11, 2002 8:40 PM
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - U.N. experts said
Monday they found three radioactive hotspots in Bosnia
resulting from ammunition containing depleted uranium
used during NATO airstrikes in 1995.
The tests found radiation at two sites in the Sarajevo
suburb of Hadzici and one in Han Pijesak, in the
Bosnian Serb republic, according to preliminary
results released by the United Nations Environmental
During its 1995 bombings of Serb positions around
Sarajevo, NATO used munitions containing depleted
uranium, a slightly radioactive heavy metal that is
used to pierce armor. The Bosnian government said some
10,800 rounds with the material were fired in its
Once lodged in the soil, the munitions can pollute the
environment and create an up to 100-fold increase in
uranium levels in groundwater, according to the U.N.
Environmental Program.
``We are concerned about the situation at the Hadzici
tank repair facility and the Han Pijesak barracks,´´
said Pekka Haavisto, the chairman of the U.N. agency´s
task force.
In Sarajevo, the U.N. team detected depleted
uranium-related materials and dust inside buildings
that are now used by private businesses. At the site
in the Bosnian Serb republic, the contaminated area is
used as a storage facility by army troops.
The areas where radiation is detected should not be
used until the sites are decontaminated, Haavisto
The international experts were invited by the Bosnian
government to investigate concerns that depleted
uranium could harm residents and international
The U.N. team advised the Bosnian government to start
decontaminating the three sites and educating people
about potential hazards.
Apart from this team, a medical sub-team composed of
experts from the World Health Organization and the
U.S. Army, visited several hospitals in Bosnia,
collecting medical data and statistics. A full report
was to be published by UNEP in March 2003.


Environmental News Network

UNEP Identifies DU Risks in Bosnia-Herzegovina

From: United Nations Environment Programme
Monday, November 11, 2002

A team of experts fielded by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) has investigated 15 sites
in Bosnia and Herzegovina targeted with weapons
containing depleted uranium (DU) during the mid-1990s.
The UNEP team used highly sensitive instruments to
measure surface radioactivity at 14 sites. These
measurements revealed the presence of radioactive "hot
spots" and pieces of DU weapons at three sites - the
Hadzici tank repair facility, the Hadzici ammunition
storage area and the Han Pijesak barracks.
"Following a request by the Council of Ministers of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, UNEP is carrying out this
scientific assessment", said Klaus Toepfer, Executive
Director of UNEP. "Seven years after the conflict, DU
still remains an environmental concern and, therefore,
it is vital that we have the scientific facts, based
upon which we can give clear recommendations how to
minimize any risk."
"We are concerned about the situation at the Hadzici
tank repair facility and the Han Pijesak barracks",
said Pekka Haavisto, Chairman of UNEP DU projects.
"The UNEP team detected DU-related materials and DU
dust inside buildings that are currently used by local
businesses or, in the case of Han Pijesak, by troops
as storage facilities."
"Before using any DU-targeted building there should
always be proper clean-up. When people are working in
buildings that have not been decontaminated,
unnecessary risks are being taken, and, therefore, we
will discuss with the Bosnia and Herzegovina
authorities the need for decontamination inside the
buildings currently in use as a first precautionary
step. Such a job should be carried out by experts",
said Mr. Haavisto.
The UNEP team found that the general public is not
aware of what DU ammunition looks like and the dangers
it can pose. UNEP will discuss with the national civil
protection authorities the possibility of offering
de-mining personnel, other local authorities involved
in DU work, and interested members of the public with
an easy-to-read flyer on the issue of DU ammunition in
the environment.
The two recommended precautionary measures of
decontaminating the targeted buildings and educating
the public are consistent with those proposed in
UNEP's earlier DU studies in Serbia & Montenegro and
In addition to the 14 sites that were examined the
team could not to enter one site due to safety
concerns over nearby mines.
The 17-member UNEP team included experts from UNEP,
the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI),
Spiez Laboratory (Switzerland), Italy's Environmental
Protection Agency and Technical Services (APAT, former
ANPA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
the World Health Organization (WHO), the Greek Atomic
Energy Commission, the US Army Center for Health
Promotion and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM), the
Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, and the University of Bristol (UK).
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry for European
Integration hosted the UNEP team. Local scientists
also joined the team on different occasions. The team
received local support from the United Nations Mission
to Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH), the Bosnia and
Herzegovina Mine Action Center (MAC) and NATO/SFOR.
The team took almost 200 environmental samples,
including 47 surface soil samples, three full soil
profiles, three penetrators, one full DU bullet, four
smear samples, 24 air samples, 42 water samples, 19
lichen samples, and three bark, two moss, one mushroom
and two vegetable samples.
The samples collected will be analysed for
radioactivity and toxicity at three internationally
recognized laboratories - Spiez Laboratory
(Switzerland), APAT (Italy) and Bristol University
A medical sub-team composed of the experts from WHO
and the US Army Center (USACHPPM) visited three
hospitals and examined medical data and statistics in
the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation and in the
Republika Srpska. The sub-team stayed in close contact
with both Ministries of Health (Srpska and Federation)
and received their full support.
In parallel to the medical sub-team, the IAEA expert
assessed the overall situation on radioactive sources
in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This included regulations
on handling, radioactive sources in use and storage of
radioactive wastes.
The UNEP DU assessment is funded by the Governments of
Italy and Switzerland. The final results will be
published in a UNEP report in March 2003.
For more information, please contact: Mr. Pekka
Haavisto, Chairman of UNEP DU Projects,
+41-79-477-0877, pekka.haavisto@..., Eric Falt,
UNEP Spokesperson in Nairobi, +254-20-623292, or
Michael Williams, UNEP Information Officer in Geneva,
at +41-22-917-8242, +41-79-409-1528 (cell),
michael.williams@.... See also
For more information, contact:
Jim Sniffen
Information Officer
United Nations Environment Programme
Web site:


Bloomberg News
November 11, 2002

UN Detects Radiation at Sites of NATO Shelling in
Bosnian War
By Paul Tighe

-The North Atlantic Treaty Organization fired about
10,000 rounds of depleted uranium shells on Bosnia
during the conflict.

Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nov. 12 (Bloomberg) --
United Nations inspectors found three sites in
Bosnia-Herzegovina where radiation levels are high as
a result of NATO using ammunition containing depleted
uranium in 1995, the Associated Press said.

The UN Environment Program team found two sites in
Hadzici, a suburb of Sarajevo, and one in Bosnia's
Serb area where radiation levels cause concern, AP
cited Pekka Haavisto, chairman of the assessment team,
as saying yesterday. The area in Sarajevo is now used
by private businesses and the Bosnian Serb site is an
army storage plant, AP said.

Depleted uranium, a by-product of enriched uranium, is
used in anti-tank weapons because its high density
gives it armor- piercing capabilities. NATO carried
out air strikes in Bosnia- Herzegovina in 1994 and
1995 in retaliation for Bosnian Serb shelling of

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization fired about
10,000 rounds of depleted uranium shells on Bosnia
during the conflict. The UN team is assessing whether
the use of such shells poses a threat to health in
Bosnia, the Environment Program said on its Web site.
Bosnia is split between two autonomous regions, a Serb
republic, known as Republika Srpska, and the
Muslim-Croat Federation.

(AP, 11-12)


00:12 2002-11-13

Depleted Uranium: UN Confirms Radioactivity in Bosnia

The United Nations Environment Program task force inspecting
Bosnia-Herzegovina have claimed that DU can create an increase of
uranium concentration 100 times natural that of levels in groundwater.
Three sites have been declared as radioactive and have been cordoned

The government of Bosnia-Herzegovina has claimed that 10,800 rounds of
DU ordnance were fired into its territory by NATO aircraft during the
Bosnian War in 1995. This weaponry is coated with Depleted Uranium to
give shells a greater penetration into their target. Despite numerous
claims by NATO that this weaponry is safe, there have been a growing
number of scientific reports which would suggest that this is not the
case. Inhalation of DU dust has been stated to be the cause of raised
levels of cancer in areas where DU has been deployed, namely in
Southern Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo and southern Yugoslavia. In Iraq, up to
500,000 children have died in the area targeted by DU during the Gulf
War of cancer-related illnesses.

Pekka Haavisto, the Chairman of the UNEP team in Bosnia, declared that
"We are concerned about the situation at the Hadzici tank repair
facility and the Han Pijesak barracks". He added that the areas where
radiation has been detected should be abandoned until they are

The team has admitted that there are potential hazards to people who
come into contact with DU.
Meanwhile, World Health Organisation experts have been visiting
hospitals in Bosnia, performing tests on patients who claim to have
been contaminated by DU. The UNEP team has warned that troops should
not be deployed in the areas contaminated.

The more NATO denies that DU is dangerous, the more evidence is
overturned which states the contrary. In deploying DU, NATO blatantly
disregarded the terms of the Geneva Convention, which states that
weapons that leave a lasting on the battlefield must not be deployed.
NATO is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and, were the
world order based upon justice, its leaders would be liable to stand
trial at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

This, however, will never happen because the United States of America
considers that its citizens are above international justice, leaving
this country a free reign to go globe-trotting on a gung-ho mission of
arrogance and abject disrespect for international norms of behaviour.



Stars And Stripes
November 14, 2002

U.N. team discovers three radioactive sites in Bosnia
By Ivana Avramovic, Stars and Stripes

TUZLA, Bosnia and Herzegovina - United Nations
Environment Program experts said Monday they have
discovered three radioactive sites in Bosnia.

?Seven years after the conflict, [depleted uranium]
still remains an environmental concern, and therefore
it is vital that we have the scientific facts, based
upon which we can give clear recommendations how to
minimize any risk,? said Klaus Töpfer, executive
director of environmental program.
The 17-member team took almost 200 environmental
samples from 15 locations around the country.
The World Health Organization and the U.S. Army Center
for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine also
examined medical data and statistics from three
hospitals in the Federation, the Muslim-Croat
controlled part of the country, and the Republika
Srpska, the Serb-dominated part.
Bosnian scientists joined the U.N. team on several
occasions, according to organizers.
The team found radioactive ?hot spots? and pieces of
depleted uranium weapons in the tank-repair facility
and ammunition storage area in Hadzici, a city just
outside Sarajevo, and in the Han Pijesak military
barracks, about 50 miles northeast of Sarajevo.
The U.S. military has said that depleted uranium
rounds do not pose a radiation risk.
Depleted uranium rounds, surrounded in a swirl of
controversy, are very effective in piercing armor.
Some NATO planes, which included U.S. aircraft, used
the rounds during raids in Bosnia and Kosovo. All 15
sites recently investigated were NATO targets at the
According to an Associated Press report, the Bosnian
government said some 10,800 rounds containing the
depleted uranium were fired in its territory.
?We are concerned about the situation at the Hadzici
tank repair facility and the Han Pijesak barracks,?
said Pekka Haavisto, chairman of U.N. environmental
projects involving depleted uranium.
?The UNEP team detected DU-related materials and DU
dust inside buildings that are currently used by local
businesses or, in the case of Han Pijesak, by troops
as storage facilities.?
Haavisto recommended that the sites be decontaminated
by experts.
After speculation in 2000 that about 30 Italian
peacekeeping Balkan veterans died of cancer - five of
them of leukemia - because of depleted uranium
exposure, fear spread among local population who lived
in NATO-bombed areas at the time.
Many attributed their illnesses to that exposure.
The U.N. team recommended that an easy-to-read flier
be made to educate the general public of what the
ammunition looks like and the dangers it can pose.
UNEP could not investigate one of the 15 sites because
of the danger of mines in the area.
The samples collected will be analyzed in laboratories
in United Kingdom, Switzerland and Italy.
The team is expected to publish a report on its
findings in March of 2003.

=== Srpskohrvatski ===

--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., "Miroslav Antic" wrote:

Radioaktivna i okolina Sarajeva

BANJALUKA (Srna) - ©ef tima za istra¾ivanje posledica dejstva
osiroma¹enog uranijuma u BiH Peka Havisto rekao je da je Sfor potvrdio
da pored 15 lokacija koje je posetio Tim UN za oèuvanje ¾ivotne
sredine, u okolini Sarajeva postoji jo¹ osam lokacija koje su gaðane
municijom sa osiroma¹enim uranijumom, za koje nema preciznih

Havisto je u intervjuu "Glasu srpskom" podsetio da je na tri od 15
lokacija koje su ispitivane pronaðen osiroma¹eni uranijum - u kasarni
u Han Pijesku, te u Remontnom zavodu i skladi¹tu municije u Had¾iæima.


Propongo ad amici e compagni di impegnarsi cinque minuti in un gioco
virtuoso. Si tratta di aiutare i giornalisti de "Il Manifesto" a
rendere ancora piu' enfatica la loro prosa sugli avvenimenti
balcanici, inventando prefissi e superlativi aventi la radice:


Regole del gioco:
Bisogna applicare l'epiteto esclusivamente alle sinistre oppure alle
destre anti-occidentali. E' fatto divieto di usarlo per criticare il
conservatore monarchico serbo Vojislav Kostunica, che, in quanto
rappresentante degli interessi europei in quell'area, piuttosto va
Inviate i vostri componimenti a: <redazione@...>
Buon divertimento!

(Italo Slavo)


il manifesto - 15 Novembre 2002


«Milosevic torni a Belgrado»

Il parlamento chiede all'Aja che l'ex presidente, gravemente malato,
si curi in patria e si difenda a piede libero


La notizia di mercoledì 13 non deve avere fatto molto piacere ai
giudici del Tribunale dell'Aja, già alle prese con mille
contraddizioni del processo Milosevic. Inaspettata poi, visto il caos
che regnava a Belgrado dopo l'annullamento delle presidenziali serbe
del 13 ottobre scorso. La camera alta del Parlamento jugoslavo ha
adottato una risoluzione nella quale chiede al Tribunale dell'Aja di
consentire all'ex leader serbo Slobodan Milosevic, detenuto in attesa
della conclusione del processo a suo carico, di poter venire curato in
patria e di difendersi poi a piede libero. La risoluzione è stata
votata da tutti i partiti, ed è stata promossa dal Partito socialista
serbo (Sps) di Milosevic e dallo Jul (Sinistra jugoslava) legato a
«Mira» Markovic, moglie di Milosevic.
L'associazione ipernazionalista [sic] «Libertà» - che ha lanciato
nelle elezioni una campagna a favore dell'ultranazionalista [sic]
Vojslav Seselj arrivato al 22% - ha accusato davanti alla corte di
Belgrado di tentato omicidio il procuratore dell'Aja Carla Del Ponte.
Ecco che l'ombra di Milosevic e le ambiguità sostanziali del processo
dell'Aja, tornano al centro della crisi a Belgrado. Il maxiprocesso
contro Milosevic - dieci anni di guerre interetniche nei Balcani e un
solo colpevole, così l'ha costruito la Del Ponte -, dopo «Kosovo» e
«Bosnia» è entrato nella fase «Croazia», ma è stato più volte sospeso
a causa delle gravi condizioni di salute dell'imputato eccellente. I
media internazionali sfottevano sulla sua «malattia», poi le visite
dei medici dello stesso Tribunale dell'Aja hanno provato che soffre
gravemente di ipertensione e problemi cardiaci e che l'assiduità del
processo e il ruolo che lui ha di «difensore di se stesso» possono
provocare «il peggio». E mercoledì i giudici dell'Aja hanno ordinato
un esame psichiatrico per «la pressione mentale» esercitata
sull'imputato e un «rapporto medico sull'estremo affaticamento». Il
processo è stato sospeso fino a lunedì. Solo in questo mese le
sospensioni sono state tre. Dura così da quattro mesi.

Ora il voto del parlamento di Belgrado ricorda alla comunità
internazionale che la Jugoslavia e il suo presidente Kostunica,
avrebbero preferito per Milosevic un processo in patria. E che un
peggioramento delle sue condizioni di salute - oltre che a
«santificarlo» - sarebbero un peso insopportabile che già grava sulle
presidenziali serbe dell'8 dicembre prossimo, per le quali si è
ricandidato Kostunica dopo l'accordo con il presidente serbo Dijndijc
per eliminare la clausola che prevede il quorum del 50%
dell'elettorato al secondo turno per rendere valido il voto. E il
processo dell'Aja? A questo punto i magistrati internazionali
cominciano a temere concretamente il fallimento del maxi-giudizio.

1. Yugoslav Federal Parliament: Milosevic should be cured in
Yugoslavia! (13/11)
2. Criminal Charges against Carla del Ponte filed (SLOBODA 15/11)
3. ICTY Stalls Acceptance of Milosevic Committee as Amicus Curiae
(ICDSM 15/11)
4. ICDSM Letter to The Hague Tribunal: Specialists Must Examine
Slobodan Milosevic Now! (ICDSM 16/11)
* Now is the Time! Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!
* The Hague Tribunal is in Crisis
5. SPS: Big protest rally for Milosevic "welcomes" Kofi Annan; Support
for Seselj's candidacy (SPS 17/11)


The Hague Is Quiet... Milosevic Is Exhausted
(by Sergey Yugov)

Milosevic Update: Let's Fight Back! (by Jared Israel)

Hague Tribunal Shows Desperation by Cutting
Milosevic's Statements from Transcript
(by J. Israel & V. Krsljanin)

=== 1 ===

Subject: Federal Parliament: Milosevic should be cured in Yugoslavia!
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 21:33:18 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

On the basis of Article 77 Para 1 and Article
78 points 4 and 5 of the Constitution of the FR Yugoslavia,
the Federal Parliament, in the session of the Chamber of
Republics on November 13, 2002, adopts the following



1. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government
to perform all necessary measures in order enable Slobodan
Milosevic to return to the country for medical treatment;

2. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government
to submit urgently appropriate guarantees to the Hague
Tribunal in order to make possible defense of Slobodan
Milosevic from freedom after successfully finished medical

3. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government,
in order to secure the human rights of Slobodan Milosevic, to
make all measures on its disposal for the protection of
Slobodan Milosevic as one suspected by the Hague Tribunal;

4. This Declaration shall be published in the
"Official Gazette of FRY".

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

=== 2 ===

Subject: Criminal Charges against Carla del Ponte filed by SLOBODA
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 13:04:02 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

District State Attorney's Office-Belgrade

B e l g r a d e

16A Slobodana Penezica St.

Pursuant to the Art. 224 of the Law on Criminal Proceedings and
the Art. 107 item 1 of the Penal Code of FRY, the above
Attorney' s Office being of actual and regional jurisdiction has
been filed the following



1.Carla del Ponte, the Attorney of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Hague;
2.Geoffrey Nice, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
3.Dirk Ryneveld, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
4.Cristina Romano, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
5.Milbert Shin, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
6.Daniel Saxon, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
7.Julia Baly, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY;
8.Daryl A. Mundis, the Deputy Attorney of the ICTY

Them having deliberately ever since June 26, 2001, initiated the
procedure of life deprivation of Slobodan Milosevic, him being at
request of the Attorney's Office of the Hague Tribunal, kept in
the Detention Unit of the ICTY in Scheweningen in the Hague;
him being occasionally, ever since February 12, 2002, brought
and kept under surveillance in the court -room in the Hague and
him being returned to the Detention Unit although all of them
knowing that the health condition of Slobodan Milosevic requires
urgent medical treatment outside prison; them depriving
Slobodan Milosevic necessary cardiology specialist treatment
and further care; them doing this persistently and deliberately,
ignoring opinions and recommendations of the physicians
conference from FRY and recommendations of the physicians
Dr. J.W. Crosse and Dr. H.A. Rodrigues from Holland dtd. June
17, 2002, as well as opinions of the Head of the Cardiology Clinic
of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, FRY dtd. July 23,
2002, that tried persistently to propose to the Trial Chamber
Slobodan Milosevic being assigned defense attorney instead of
Slobodan Milosevic temporarily being relieved due to further
medical treatment and seriously aggravated health condition that
might cause his death.

Them, hereby, being co-executors for the criminal offense of
attempted murder pursuant to the Art 47 item 1 of the Penal Code
of the Republic of Serbia in connection with the Art. 19 of the
Penal Code of FRY.

Them although chosen by the OUN and having the above
assignments, deliberately and roughly broke their professional
code of conduct and the acts of the OUN, representing the
generally binding acts of the international public law that covers
bodies and institutions of the OUN as well as the stuff of the
OUN, i.e.:

"the principles of medical ethics applied to medical stuff,
physicians mostly, to protect detainees and persons detained
from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments
or deeds" (Adopted by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on Dec. 18 1982, the Resolution 37/94),

as well as

"The Code of Conduct of Persons Liable for Introduction of the
Law" adopted on the part of the General Assembly of the United
Nations on Dec. 17, 1979, the Resolution 34/169.

The Art. 6 of this Code determined that "persons liable for
application of this law should take care that health of persons
entrusted to them should be FULLY PROTECTED and they
provide the affected persons with all medical care whenever
need arises".

They violated severely the Art. 3 of the Universal Declaration on
Human Rights that guarantees that "EVERYBODY HAS RIGHT

The Attorney and her Deputies do not propose to the President
of the Court and the Trial Chamber neither the change of
conditions for Slobodan Milosevic pursuant to the Art. 64 of the
Rules nor do they initiate the Trial Chamber to release
temporarily Slobodan Milosevic due to medical treatment
pursuant to the Art. 65 of the Rules although they are well
acquainted with the quoted medical reports and proposals.

In Annex to these Charges we provide copies of medical reports
of Dr. J.W. Crosse and Dr. H.A. Rodriques from Holland dtd.
July 19, 2002, done upon request of the court council of MKSJ
and Dr. Sc. Med. Zdravko Mijailovic, the Head of the Cardiology
Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade.

Hereinafter we propose pursuant to the legal jurisdiction
mentioned in the Law on Public Attorney Office Work and the
Criminal Proceedings Regulations to take all necessary steps for
suspects' persecution in conformity with the presentation of
evidence and their punishment before authorized courts.

In Belgrade on Nov. 12, 2002.

Charges filed by

Association of Citizens "FREEDOM'

National Committee for Release of Slobodan Milosevic

Belgrade, 16 Rajiceva St.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic)
icdsm mirror address:
for your donations:

=== 3 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
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ICTY Stalls Acceptance of Milosevic Committee (ICDSM)
as Amicus Curiae
Comments by Jared Israel, Vice-Chairman, ICDSM
15 November 2002

Below is a transcript of the cover page, and a link
to the pdf file for the entire text, of the fax the
ICDSM received from The Hague Tribunal (ICTY) on Nov.
6th. The fax was in response to our motion. In that
motion we both applied for amicus curiae status in
the Milosevic proceedings, and stated our proposals
concerning Mr. Milosevic's health and the future
course of the proceedings. The motion can be read at

The ICTY's response, reproduced below, is reasonable
in tone. But they tell us to rewrite our motion
because, they say, we failed to take into account
"United Nations document number IT/122 which directly
concerns submission of Amicus curiae briefs." They
include the text of IT/122.

Based on this supposed procedure, we have submitted
two more motions, one asking for amicus curiae
status, and a second stating what we want done to
protect Mr. Milosevic. However, note that when Mr.
Richard May, who is in charge of the proceedings
against Mr. Milosevic, asked for submissions
regarding the Yugoslav President's health and the
future conduct of the trial, he said *nothing* about
any rule IT/122. Nor has said rule been mentioned any
other time that we know of. Nor, though we searched
the Tribunal's Website could we locate any such rule.

So we have a new twist in the macabre proceedings of
the ICTY: the secret procedure. This is a rule which
a) must be followed but which b) only appears in
response to an urgent motion filed by the supporters
of the Yugoslav leader whom one is attempting to do
away with, along with the truth.

Let there be no question. Mr. Milosevic's current
life-threatening health emergency results from the
conscious policies of the ICTY. See "Hague Tries to
Quietly Murder Milosevic" at

It is instructive that in the midst of this health
emergency, the guilty party plays procedural games to
stall and thereby exclude those who strongly hold
that Mr. Milosevic is innocent and NATO - sponsor of
the ICTY - is guilty. Mr. Milosevic's life is at
stake. When could it be more true that, "Justice
delayed is justice denied"? (1)

The fax can be read in full in pdf form at

Here is the first part, the letter from The Hague
Tribunal registry.

-- Jared Israel, ICDSM


Dear Mr. Varkevisser,

This letter pertains to your submission as Amicus
Curiae, dated 5 November 2000, directed to Trial
Chamber III in the case, Prosecutor v. Slobodan

The Registry acknowledges receipt of the amicus
brief; however, pursuant to the general practice of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia, an applicant wishing to submit an amicus
brief must file an application with the Registry. The
Registry will then forward the application, along
with this amicus brief to the Trial Chamber for
decision pursuant to Rule 74 of the Rules of
Procedure and Evidence. For more detailed information
please find attached United Nations document number
IT/122 which directly concerns submission of Amicus
curiae briefs.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact this office.

Yours Sincerely,




Footnotes & Further Reading Follow the Appeal

Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!

Events are moving very fast. On Tuesday SLOBODA, the
Freedom Foundation, which is the ICDSM in Yugoslavia,
filed suit in Belgrade against Prosecutor Carla del
Ponte and seven of her deputies at The Hague
Tribunal. The charge: the attempted murder of
Slobodan Milosevic.

The same day The Hague Tribunal ordered that Slobodan
Milosevic, former President of both Yugoslavia and
Serbia, undergo psychiatric examinations.

This is a new insult to Mr. Milosevic and to the
people of Yugoslavia. Given, on the one hand, the
intelligence and sustained concentration and dignity
with which Mr. Milosevic has solidly defeated an
avalanche of liars, and, on the other hand, the
bizarre behavior of this court, judges and
prosecutors alike, this order for psychiatric
evaluation is misdirected. Physicians: heal

Clearly the Tribunal wishes to find some basis, any
basis, to forbid Slobodan Milosevic the basic human
right to conduct his own defense. Apparently they
hope that some psychiatrist will declare Mr.
Milosevic unfit to represent himself. Hague official
Florence Hartmann suggested yesterday that Mr.
Milosevic could be moved to some outside facility
while they continue these proceedings in his absence.

The ICDSM needs to send a delegation including our
attorney, Tiphaine Dickson, as soon as possible to
The Hague. That delegation will reach the
international media and directly interact with The

In order to send that delegation *we need your help.*

If you were thinking of making a donation, now is the
time! Now, when The Tribunal is denying Mr. Milosevic
proper health care in order to pressure him to
appoint substitute counsel we need to get our
delegation to The Hague.

For we represent the other side.

We actually believe Slobodan Milosevic is innocent.
The charges against him and the Serbian people are
based on a campaign of lies. We have the facts.
Milosevic has all the facts and that is why they want
so desperately to replace him.

We believe Slobodan Milosevic is 100% right not to
appoint a lawyer to represent him before the
Tribunal. *Not even a lawyer who claims to support


Because it is Mr. Milosevic who led Serbia and
Yugoslavia during the period under discussion.
Because no lawyer on earth can - or will dare - to
stand up to this NATO-controlled Tribunal as Mr.
Milosevic has done, to tell the truth without fear of
consequence or career. There is no lawyer who can
demonstrate by his very demeanor, that the Serbs are
innocent and it is NATO, which attacked Yugoslavia
with bombs and lies and by instigating racial hatred,
which is guilty.

Slobodan Milosevic is the national leader who stood
up to NATO. It is a terrible blow for this Tribunal,
NATO's Tribunal, that they have been defeated by him,
day after day, since the trial began in February.

That is why in the proceedings this past Monday, the
three Judges presented every argument to convince Mr.
Milosevic to let some lawyer - any lawyer - replace
him, or partly replace him, or sit with him in court,
or take some step, any step to lessen his direct
impact. To lessen his impact today and to lessen the
impact of the transcripts of these proceedings which
stand as permanent proof that Milosevic told the
truth and NATO lied about the Serbs.

In order to get our delegation to The Hague we need
your financial help. Slobodan Milosevic is making a
great impact. We are making an impact too and with
your help, with your help we can do a hundred times
more to assist him, to defend the truth.

** Here's How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go to
You can use VISA, MasterCard or Discover

Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at:
ICDSM, USA 1 617 916-1705
Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11 3282491 or 381
638 862 301

Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

Make a donation by wire. For instructions, go to

Thank you!


Footnotes and Further Reading

We in the ICDSM have studied the record and we are
convinced that Mr. Milosevic and the Serbian people
have been the victims of a campaign of media lies.
Here are two articles where this is discussed:

1) "KLA Attacks Everyone; Media Attacks...Milosevic?"
by Jared Israel at

2) "Media Misrepresentation Of Milosevic's Words: A
Review Of The Evidence," by Prof. Francisco Gil-White

3) Regarding our charge that the ICTY is NATO's
instrument, see "Official Statements Prove Hague
'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO," at


* Concerning Mr. Milosevic's Health *

On 15 July 2002 ICTY 'Judge' Richard May summarized
the findings of the *non-specialist* physicians who
were, finally, permitted to examine Slobodan
Milosevic. Note that the ICDSM and others, including
Yugoslav physicians, had many times requested that
*cardiologists* be permitted to examine the former
Yugoslav President, but this urgent request had been
denied without explanation.

Here are 'Judge' May's own words during the session
of the so-called trail on the 25th:

??We have received a report, a medical report, which in
its conclusion describes the accused as a man with
severe cardiovascular risk which demands careful
future monitoring. The authors recommend that his
workload be reduced??

As the German Nobel Prize winning physicians noted in
their open letter to The Hague, since Judge May made
this statement, the ICTY has done exactly the

2) What can be the motivation of The Hague Tribunal
in doing exactly the opposite of what their own
doctors have recommended regarding Mr. Milosevic's
health? It does not take a brain surgeon to figure it

Originally, the "trial" was to be broadcast on TV
worldwide, but when the 'tribunal' realized that
Milosevic was winning (he had the unfair advantage of
truth) the broadcasting was drastically curtailed in
February and then virtually stopped.

His statements and arguments are seldom if ever
quoted in the press. Thus, there has been an obvious
effort to silence him. But their problem is - he has
not been silenced. And they know this record, the
transcripts of these proceedings, cannot be erased.
More and more people will read them and learn that
they were lied to.

Therefore, The Tribunal has essentially instigated
this health crisis, by refusing to act on 'Judge"
May's own July 25th report of the findings of The
Tribunal's own doctors. (1) The idea is to silence
Mr. Milosevic by any means necessary. To replace him
with some attorney or, failing that, to have him
suffer a heart attack or stroke, which they will
describe as ' most regrettable.'

--- Jared Israel for the ICDSM

=== 4 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
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ICDSM Letter to The Hague Tribunal (ICTY)
Specialists Must Examine Slobodan Milosevic Now!
16 November 2002

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

Sloterkade 20 * 1058 HE Amsterdam * The Netherlands

Ph. 31 20 615 1122 Fax: 31 20 615 1120

Mr. Claude Jorda, President MOST URGENT
Mr. Richard May, President Trial Chamber III
Mr. Hans Holtius, Registrar
The Hague
The Netherlands


Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic suffers from
malignant hypertension which has already damaged his heart
(agina pectoris).
On July 25th a team of non-specialist physicians was finally
permitted to examine President Milosevic. Judge Richard May summarized
their findings as follows:

"We have received a report, a medical report, which in its
conclusion describes the accused as a man with severe cardiovascular
risk which demands careful future monitoring. The authors recommend
that his workload be reduced"

However, subsequently, no cardiologist was called in to examine
President Milosevic. This despite numerous requests from SLOBODA
(Freedom Foundation) in Belgrade, and from medical experts, that
President Milosevic be examined by physicians from the Military
Medical Academy [VMA] in Belgrade who have followed his health for

Moreover, President Milosevic's living and working conditions have
not improved; they have worsened. He receives neither proper food, nor
sufficient rest, nor exercise, nor fresh air, nor clean air, nor
adequate time and facilities to prepare his defense. His workday has
been lengthened.

This has, predictably, exacerbated his malignant hypertension. He
suffered a severe escalation of blood pressure on October 31st. The
proceedings were cancelled on November 1st and Judge May made the
following statement:

"In the light of the state of the accused's health and the length
and complexity of the case, the Trial Chamber is concerned about
completion of the trial, and therefore, we wish to have submission
from the parties on the future conduct of the case in order to ensure
its expeditious conclusion."

We note that the concern expressed here is for the ICTY's
proceedings, not for the life and health of Slobodan Milosevic. This
is consistent with the failure to give President Milosevic proper
medical care throughout his imprisonment and especially since July
25th. This failure of a UN body to provide humane medical care, in
flat violation of UN resolutions, combined with the pressure being
exerted on President Milosevic to appoint counsel, may be construed as
torture: life threatening abuse intended to produce compliance with a
demand, in this case that the President cease conducting his own

President Milosevic is, first, a human being. He is, second, the
former head of state of both Serbia and Yugoslavia. He led the
resistance to NATO aggression; NATO spokesman Jamie Shea has publicly
boasted [1] that NATO controls the ICTY. President Milosevic was
brought to The Hague in a highly questionable manner; we say,
illegally. It is not only a violation of international law, but it is
a direct assault on the dignity of his office and therefore on the
people of Yugoslavia that Slobodan Milosevic be denied the most basic
human right: proper medical care.

We urge you in the strongest terms to correct this abuse before
your policies cause President Milosevic to suffer a heart attack or
Based on consultation with medical experts, we offer you the names of
three of the world's leading cardiologists. We urge you in the
strongest terms to permit these physicians to examine Slobodan
Milosevic in The Hague.

The physicians are:

[Editor's note: At the request of the three physicians we are not
publishing their names at this time. However, the names have been sent
to the ICTY.]

Please, act now, while there is time. You can inform us of your
decision either through our telephone in Amsterdam, 31 20 615 1122,
or by fax, 31 20 615 1120, or by calling SLOBODA (Freedom Association)
in Belgrade.

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

Footnotes & Further Reading Follow the Appeal
Now is the Time!
Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!

** Here is How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go to
You can use VISA, MasterCard or Discover

Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at:
ICDSM, USA 1 617 916-1705
Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11 3282491 or 381 638 862 301

Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

Make a donation by wire. For instructions, go to

Thank you!



* The Hague Tribunal is in Crisis *

Events are moving very fast. On Tuesday SLOBODA, the Freedom
Foundation, filed suit in Belgrade against Prosecutor Carla del Ponte
and seven of her deputies at The Hague Tribunal. The charge: the
attempted murder of Slobodan Milosevic.

The same day The Hague Tribunal ordered that Slobodan Milosevic,
former President of both Yugoslavia and Serbia, undergo psychiatric

This is a new insult to Mr. Milosevic and to the people of
Yugoslavia. Given, on the one hand, the intelligence and sustained
concentration and dignity with which Mr. Milosevic has solidly
defeated an avalanche of liars, and, on the other hand, the bizarre
behavior of this court, judges and prosecutors alike, this order for
psychiatric evaluation is misdirected.
Physicians: heal thyselves.

Clearly the Tribunal wishes to find some basis, any basis, to
forbid Slobodan Milosevic the basic human right to conduct his own
defense. Apparently they hope that some psychiatrist will declare Mr.
Milosevic unfit to represent himself. Hague official Florence Hartmann
suggested yesterday that Mr. Milosevic could be moved to some outside
facility while they continue these proceedings in his absence.

The ICDSM needs to send a delegation including our attorney,
Tiphaine Dickson, as soon as possible to The Hague. That delegation
will reach the international media and be present to handle matters
relating to the motion we have filed with the ICTY.

In order to send that delegation *we need your help.*

If you were thinking of making a donation, now is the time! Now,
when The Tribunal is denying Mr. Milosevic proper health care in order
to pressure him to appoint substitute counsel we need to get our
delegation to The Hague.

For we represent the other side.

We actually believe Slobodan Milosevic is innocent. The charges
against him and the Serbian people are based on a campaign of lies.
We have the facts. Milosevic has all the facts and that is why they
want so desperately to replace him.

We believe Slobodan Milosevic is 100% right not to appoint a
lawyer to represent him before the Tribunal. *Not even a lawyer who
claims to support him.*


Because it is Mr. Milosevic who led Serbia and Yugoslavia during
the period under discussion. Because no lawyer on earth can - or will
dare - to stand up to this NATO-controlled Tribunal as Mr. Milosevic
has done, to tell the truth without fear of consequence or career.
There is no lawyer who can demonstrate by his very demeanor, that the
Serbs are innocent and it is NATO, which attacked Yugoslavia with
bombs and lies and by instigating racial hatred, which is guilty.

Slobodan Milosevic is the national leader who stood up to NATO. It
is a terrible blow for this Tribunal, NATO's Tribunal, that they have
been defeated by him, day after day, since the trial began in

That is why in the proceedings this past Monday, the three Judges
presented every argument to convince Mr. Milosevic to let some lawyer
- any lawyer - replace him, or partly replace him, or sit with him in
court, or take some step, any step to lessen his direct impact. To
lessen his impact today and to lessen the impact of the transcripts of
these proceedings which stand as permanent proof that Milosevic told
the truth and NATO lied about the Serbs.

In order to get our delegation to The Hague we need your financial
Slobodan Milosevic is making a great impact. We are making an
impact too and with your help, with your help we can do a hundred
times more to assist him, to defend the truth.

To make a donation, see above.

--- Jared Israel for the ICDSM

Backup ICDSM Website at

=== 5 ===

Subject: SPS: Big protest rally for Milosevic "welcomes" Kofi Annan;
Support for Seselj's candidacy
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 19:19:36 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

The Socialist Party of Serbia

Head Committee

Belgrade, November 17, 2002


The Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia
supported unanimously on its today's session a plan of further
activities to protect life of President Slobodan Milosevic, whose
health has been seriously damaged by the so-called Hague Tribunal
using exhausting rhythm of the process and inhumane life conditions.
Members and organs of SPS on all levels will perform strongest
actions in order to secure for President Milosevic to get back to
Yugoslavia for medical therapy and preparation for the extension of
his struggle for the truth.

The Executive Committee supports the organization of the
protest rally, on invitation of the National Committee "Sloboda"
(Freedom), which will be held on Tuesday, November 19 at 03:00 p.m.
on the Republic Square in Belgrade, on the occasion of the visit of
the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. All SPS members and all citizens
are invited to take part and to express clearly the demand to stop
the crime against Slobodan Milosevic.

Starting from the fact that DOS regime prevented the
candidacy of President Slobodan Milosevic, who has the largest
respect and support of the people and underlying that the policy of
peoples' unity, advocated for years by SPS, is the only policy
capable to return freedom and prospective to the people, the
Executive Committee in agreement with President Milosevic adopted a
position that Dr Vojislav Seselj has to be supported as common
candidate of the opposition. In adoption of this position, has also
been taken into account the fact that Dr Vojislav Seselj publicly
accepted to act as a common candidate of the patriotic opposition, on
the basis of the policy of peoples' unity.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

2. Traje pauza na sudjenju Milo¹eviæu
3. SPS: Podrska Seselju, miting za Slobu u utorak

=== 1 ===

Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 20:40:41 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

Na osnovu clana 77. stav 1. i clana 78. tac.
4. i 5. Ustava SR Jugoslavije, Savezna skupstina, na sednici
Veca Republika od 13. novembra 2002. godine, donela je



1. Vece trazi od Savezne vlade da hitno
preduzme potrebne mere da se Slobodanu Milosevicu omoguci
povratak u zemlju radi lecenja;

2. Vece trazi od Savezne vlade da hitno uputi Haskom
tribunalu odgovarajuce garancije kojima bi se omogucilo da se
Slobodan Milosevic brani sa slobode nakon uspesno obavljenog

3. Vece trazi od Savezne vlade da u cilju
obezbedjenja ljudskih prava Slobodana Milosevica preduzme sve
mere koje stoje na raspolaganju radi zastite Slobodana
Milosevica kao osumnjicenog od strane Haskog tribunala.

4. Ova deklaracija objavice se u "Sluzbenom listu SRJ".

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

=== 2 ===

----- Original Message -----
From: Miroslav Antic
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 11:55 PM
Subject: [] Traje pauza na sudjenju Milo¹eviæu

Traje pauza na sudjenju Milo¹eviæu

Milo¹eviæ se ¾ali na iscrpljenost i umor

Suðenje biv¹em jugoslovenskom predsedniku Slobodanu Milo¹eviæu pred
Ha¹kim tribunalom neæe biti nastavljeno ni danas, saop¹teno je sinoæ u
Su¹enje je po peti put odlo¾eno u utorak, zbog lo¹eg zdravstvenog
stanja optu¾enog.
Predsednik Sudskog veæa Rièard Mej nalo¾io je lekarima da Milo¹eviæa,
koji pati od ozbiljnih kardiovaskularnih tegoba i visokog krvnog
pritiska, temeljno pregledaju i da sudu dostave izve¹taj o tome kada
bi proces mogao da se nastavi i kakva je medicinska prognoza
Milo¹eviæeve bolesti.
Tim povodom BBC je pitao struènjaka za medjunarodno pravo i profesora
uglednog londonskog fakulteta London School of Economics Gerija
Simpsona koje su opcije na raspolaganju Sudskom veæu.
"Mislim da je jedna moguænost da se proces jednostavno zavr¹i zbog
lo¹eg zdravstvenog stanja optu¾enog. U ovom trenutku, to nije i
najizvesnija moguænost, ali ona postoji i èesto se koristi u
unutra¹njem pravu. Druga opcija je da se optu¾enom sudi u odsustvu. To
se dogodilo u Nirnbergu, u sluèaju nacistièkog zloèinca Martina
Bormana, koji je osudjen u odsustvu. Medjutim, Statut Ha¹kog tribunala
ne dopu¹ta tu moguænost".
Statut ne dopu¹ta ni moguænost imenovanja advokata po slu¾benoj
du¾nosti Milo¹eviæu, koji se brani sam, pa ipak Tu¾ila¹tvo na tome
Profesor Simpson o tome ka¾e:
"Èlan 22 Statuta jasno ka¾e da optu¾eni ima pravo na pravnu pomoæ, ali
nisam siguran da mu Sud to mo¾e nametnuti. Mislim da postojeæe
formulacije u najmanju ruku nagove¹tavaju da optu¾eni sam odluèuje o
tome da li æe uzeti branioca. Nema medjutim nikakve nedoumice o tome
da je, po Statutu, nu¾no prisustvo optu¾enog u sudnici da se proces
bez njega ne mo¾e nastaviti".
Zamoljen da prognozira odluku Sudskog veæa, profesor Simpson napominje
da Ha¹ki sud, kao potpuno nov medjunarodno pravni instrument, ima
tendenciju da u hodu menja pravila rada i da se ne mo¾e iskljuèiti
nijedna moguænost. Ipak...
"Mislim da æe proces biti na du¾e vreme prekinut. U tom periodu
Milo¹eviæ bi trebalo da bude podvrgnut leèenju. Ako se i kada oporavi
sudjenje bi se nastavilo".
Profesor Geri Simspon takodje smatra da rok koji je Savet bezbednosti
dao Tribunalu da okonèa sve procese, do 2008. godine, ne bi trebalo da
utièe na odluku u privremenom prekidu sudjenja Milo¹eviæu - èak i da
prekid traje du¾e od godinu dana, ima dovoljno vremena da se proces
Ako Tu¾ila¹tvo nije u stanju da to uèini, nije trebalo ni da podi¾e
optu¾nicu, zakljuèuje profesor Simpson.
Na primedbu da bi, po mnogima, najgori ishod za Ha¹ki sud i za
medjuanarodno pravosudje bilo da Milo¹eviæ umre u toku procesa,
profesor Simpson ka¾e:
"Gledano iz srpskog ugla, to bi svakako bila najgora varijanta. Nema
sumnje da bi u delu srpskog dru¹tva on dobio oreol muèenika i junaka,
a to svakako nije bio cilj sudjenja u Hagu. Dodu¹e, nisam siguran da
bi krivica za eventualnu Milo¹eviæevu smrt mogla da se u potpunosti
svali da tribunal. Takve stvari se ponekad dogadjaju, mada sam uveren
da bi Sudsko veæe ¾elelo da takav ishod, ako je ikako moguæe,

=== 3 ===

Subject: SPS: Podrska Seselju, miting za Slobu u utorak
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 18:20:48 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>

Socijalisticka partija Srbije

Glavni odbor

Beograd, 17. novembra 2002.g.


Na danasnjoj sednici Izvrsnog odbora Glavnog odbora
Socijalisticke partije Srbije jednoglasno su usvojeni stavovi
i aktivnosti za zastitu zivota Predsednika Slobodana
Milosevica, cije je zdravlje ozbiljno ugrozeno od strane tzv.
haskog tribunala, iscrpljujucim procesom i nehumanim uslovima.
Clanovi i organi SPS na svim nivoima delovace najaktivnije
kako bi Predsedniku Milosevicu sto pre bilo omoguceno da u
nasoj zemlji i na slobodi sanira svoje zdravstveno stanje i
pripremi se za nastavak borbe za istinu.

IO GO SPS podrzava organizovanje protestnog skupa,
koji ce, na poziv Nacionalnog komiteta "Sloboda", biti orzan u
utorak, 19. novembra u 15:00 casova na Trgu Republike u
Beogradu, povodom dolaska u Beograd Generalnog sekretara OUN
Kofi Anana. Pozivaju se svi clanovi SPS i svi gradjani da
ucestvuju i jasno izraze zahtev da se zaustavi zlocin nad
Slobodanom Milosevicem.

Polazeci od cinjenice da je DOS-ov rezim onemogucio
da Predsednik Slobodan Milosevic, kao licnost sa najvecim
ugledom i podrskom u narodu, bude kandidat na predsednickim
izborima, a isticuci da je politika narodnog jedinstva koju
SPS godinama zastupa, jedina politika koja narodu moze
povratiti slobodu i perspektivu, IO GO SPS je u dogovoru sa
Predsednikom Milosevicem zauzeo stav da treba podrzati dr
Vojislava Seselja kao zajednickog kandidata opozicije. Pritom
se imalo u vidu i da je dr Vojislav Seselj javno prihvatio da
nastupa kao zajednicki kandidat patriotske opozicije, na
osnovama politike narodnog jedinstva.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

Artel Geopolitika by
Datum: 16. novembar 2002


Ruzica Milosavljevic: Druga iluzija o Americi
Beograd, 16. novembar 2002. godine


Posle mnogobrojnih najava, predugovora i iscekivanja vise od jedne
decenije, "Zastava automobili" za strateskog partnera nisu dobili
nijednog od velikih svetskih proizvodjaca automobila. Umesto
najavljivanih Fiata, Pezoa i Renoa, ministar za privatizaciju
Aleksandar Vlahovic objavio je vest da je potpisan predugovor kojim
je "Zastavi" pronadjen strateski partner i to u Sjedinjenim Americkim
Drzavama. Prema Vlahovicu novoformirana americka firma iz Nju Dzersija
NUCARCO ciji je vlasnik Malkolm Briklin i "Zastava automobili"
potpisali su predugovor o formiranju zajednickog preduzeca pod
imenom "Zastava Motor Works" i da je velika verovatnoca da ce do
potpisivanja glavnog ugovora doci najkasnije do 1. marta 2003. godine
Aranzmanom je predvidjeno da americki partner u strukturi zajednickog
preduzeca ucestvuje sa 80 %, "Zastava automobili" sa 20 %.
Svoje ucesce americki partner ce obezbediti investiranjem 150.000.000
dolara u naredne tri godine, od cega ce 100.000.000 dolara biti
investirano u tehnicko poboljsanje kvaliteta proizvodnje, a 50.000.000
dolara bi resilo problem obrtnih sredstava i konsolidaciju kooperantske
mreze. "Zastava automobili" ce u zajednicko preduzece uneti svoju
imovinu (hale, zgrade, opremu, masine, intelektualnu svojinu),
tehnologiju automobila marki "skala", "jugo" i "florida" sto se
procenjuje kao vrednost od 30.000.000 - 40.000.000 miliona dolara.
Dugovi "Zastava automobili" koji su i glavna smetnja klasicne prodaje
ove fabrike bice preneti na holding "Zastava" i u njihovom
restruktuiranju ce aktivno ucesce uzeti drzava. Naravno najveci je dug
prema italijanskom "Fiat"-u koji je odbio ponudu "Zastave" da preuzme
fabriku za dug uz obavezu odrzavanja proizvodnje.
Prilikom osnivanja mesovite firme strani partner je prihvatio 4.500
radnika koji su sada zaposleni u fabrici automobila za proizvodnju
60.000 vozila u prvoj godini, a u roku od pet godina kada proizvodnja
dostigne cifru od 220.000 vozila godisnje broj zaposlenihn bice povecan
do 9.000, sto je prilicno proizvoljna krajnja cifra.
Predugovorom je projektovano da americka firma 75 % vozila izveze na
trziste Amerike, Evropske unije i zemalja u razvoju, preciznije u prvoj
godini vozila bi se plasirala na trzista Centralne i Juzne Amerike.
Vest o novo-starom strateskom partneru u liku Malkolma Briklina
izazvala je burna reagovanja domace javnosti : Sa etiketom "bankrot-
majstora", njegov poslovni povratak u "Zastavu" se ocenjuje kao los
izbor, i pitanje je sta ce se dogoditi sa "Zastavom", ako se i ovaj
posao zavrsi kao i onaj krajem osamdesetih.
Naime, 1984. godine u velikoj americkoj delegaciji koja je dosla u
Jugoslaviju radi uspostavljanja do tada najveceg bilateralnog
ekonomskog aranzmana, nasao se i preduzetnik Malkolm Briklin koji se
zainteresovao za mogucnost da zastavino vozilo "jugo" plasira na
americko trziste. Ponudjeni aranzman je podrazumevao da SAD snabdeva
Jugoslaviju naftom i to kvotom koja je na godisnjem nivou vredela ni
manje ni vise nego milijardu dolara, a da Jugoslavija to "pokrije"
proizvodima identicne vrednosti. Obzirom da je problem bio na domacoj
strani kako obezbediti isporuke robe u toj vrednosti ideja preduzetnika
Briklina o izvozu "Zastavinog" vozila marke "jugo" je bila i spasonosno
U "Zastavi" su strucnjaci procenjivali da bi bila cista iluzija da tako
nesto samostalno radimo, ali kako su drugi pravili ugovore u nase ime,
ostalo nam je da se sto bolje organizujemo za realizaciju "posla
U celom poslu najteze za godinu dana bilo dovesti "proizvod" na nivo
zahtevnog americkog trzista, posebno u pogledu sigurnosti i emisije
izduvnih gasova.
U pocetku je postojao i problem sa "Fiat"-om, jer su kao strateski
partneri i suvlasnici "Zastava automobili" bili krajnje skepticni,
posto su i sami prethodno doziveli neuspeh u SAD. Bila je potrebna i
formalna saglasnost partnera iz Torina da "Zastava" nastupi na novom
trzistu, zasta on nije bio spreman. Medjutim, posredovanjem bivseg
americkog ambasadora u Beogradu Lorensa Inglbergera koji je tada radio
u Kisindzerovoj firmi, koristeci licno prijateljstvo sa vlasnikom
italijanske fabrike Anjelijem ubedio je "Fiat" da promeni misljenje.
Naravno citav posao su stalno nadgledali americki ambasadori u
Jugoslaviji, Dejvid Anderson i Dzon Skenlan, iako konacno nije bio
napravljen aranzman sa naftom.
Jula 1985. godine iz luke Bar za Baltimor krenule su prve isporuke
vozila "jugo" za americko trziste.
Vaznu ulogu u ovom poslu naravno odigrao i sam Briklin; koji je uspeo
da animira 300 americkih dilera da uloze pare u posao, pa je preko
takve dilerske mreze za cetiri godine izvezeno skoro 100.000 vozila,
dok firma "Jugo-amerika" koja se bavila uvozom nije bankrotirala.
Posle citavih sedamnaest godina"Zastavi" se ukazuje prilika da svoja
vozila ponovo prodaje u Americi, posto je nadjen "strateski partner",
kakvom se ovde niko nije nadao, i upravo je to razlog za zebnju, posto
se slican posao sa istim partnerom zavrsio ne bas slavno.
Sa pravom se pitamo da li je to nasa druga iluzija o Americi ?


Gli studenti della facolta' di legge di Belgrado, che hanno tenuto
"sequestrato" per alcune ore in facolta' il ministro della pubblica
istruzione Gaso Knezevic (ANSA 08/11/2002) e sono entrati in sciopero
della fame come forma estrema di protesta contro l'ammontare
esorbitante delle tasse universitarie (TANJUG 10/11/2002), minacciano
adesso il blocco ad oltranza della attivita' accademica, dopo che il
Consiglio della Facolta' di Giurisprudenza si e' rifiutato di
accogliere le loro richieste.

Le tasse di iscrizione universitarie in Serbia, a partire dalla fine
del 2000 - dopo l'insediamento del nuovo regime iper-liberista - hanno
raggiunto cifre inaudite, dell'ordine delle centinaia di euro,
assolutamente proibitive per le famiglie.
Il movimento degli studenti di Belgrado viene ignorato dalla
"sinistra" italiana, che attraverso i suoi organi di stampa ha
appoggiato la "svolta" filo-occidentale dell'ottobre 2000 in Serbia ed
e' ora costretta a tacere omertosamente sulle attuali condizioni di
vita in quel paese.

(A cura di I.S.)

BELGRAD. Der Vorsitz der Rechtswissenschafts Universität von Belgrad
hat nicht die Forderungen nach Senkungen der Studiengebühren durch
das Rektorat der Belgrader Universität und der Studenten angenommen,
die in den Hungerstreik gegangen sind. Wenn diese Forderungen nicht
angenommen werden, werden die Studenten die Universität blockieren.

(Balkan-Telegramm, 12. November 2002 -

1. Il G.A.MA.DI. sulla detenzione di Milosevic
2. Piotr Bein and C.A.N.A.: Appeals for Milosevic

=== 1 ===

All'attenzione del Tribunale dell'AJA
All'attenzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU

Questa organizzazione, fondata e composta da illustri personalità del
mondo culturale italiano ed estero, esprime seria preoccupazione e
notevole inquietudine per il trattamento riservato al già Presidente
della Serbia Slobodan Milosevic.

Non è né umanamente né civilmente accettabile che si tolga ad una
persona il diritto all'autodifesa, previsto da tutte le costituzioni e
da tutti i codici dei Paesi Europei. Ed altresì non è accettabile che
una persona malata non abbia il diritto di curarsi con il medico e nel
modo più consono alla propria persona.

Sono tuttora incomprensibili le ragioni per le quali il presidente
Milosevic sia stato trascinato all'Aja, considerando che egli non è
mai uscito dai confini del suo Stato per andare, in armi, ad aggredire
altri popoli.

Questo orribile fatto, l'aver trascinato Milosevic all'Aja, è stato
compiuto e se ne dovrà rispondere dinanzi alla Storia.


Noi cittadini della nuova Europa, una Europa nata dopo gli orrori
della seconda guerra mondiale, orrori che avevamo giurato non si
dovessero ripetere mai più, siamo offesi ed indignati perché verso la
persona del presidente Milosevic, questo Tribunale viola ogni premessa
di democrazia e di rispetto per la dignità umana, ogni impegno dalla
nuova Europa assunto.

Chiediamo che al Presidente Milosevic sia consentito di esprimere le
ragioni della sua difesa, chiediamo che gli sia consentito di curarsi
nel modo e nei tempi ritenuti idonei dal suo medico curante.


Ci rivolgiamo in modo particolare alla Sua persona. Ella non ignora
certamente che la partecipazione femminile, nelle istituzioni del
mondo è stato motivo di illuminismo, di sentimenti umani che,
certamente sono indispensabili per l'umanità tutta, in quanto figlia
preziosa della Natura. Noi, Donne, dobbiamo dare all'Europa
quell'input umano negato ove le Donne mancassero. La preghiamo di non
sciupare questo nostro continente europeo, lasciando ombre terribili
sull'operato che proprio in Europa, all'Aja, è in via di compimento.

Nel ringraziare per l'attenzione e certi che questa nostra istanza non
rimarrà inevasa, in attesa, porgiamo distinti saluti.

Miriam Pellegrini Ferri

13 novembre 2002

Gruppo Atei Materialisti Dialettici
Via di Casal Bruciato, 15 Roma
Telefono 0339 3873909
a mail: gamadilavoce@...
Tutti i Martedì dalle ore 15.30-17.30
Mensile del G.A.MA.DI.
P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 27
00043 Ciampino (Roma)
Telefax o6 / 7915200
Presidente: Miriam Pellegrini Ferri

=== 2 ===

Subject: fax to ICTFY
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 22:42:38 -0800
From: "Piotr Bein"

Vancouver, Canada
November 11, 2002

The Hague
The Netherlands
fax + 31 70 512 8637

Re: Conditional release of Mr. Slobodan Miloseviæ

I am respectfully demanding that the accused be conditionally
released for treatment of his health problem.

A sick and exhausted defendant is an impediment to a timely conduct
of a trial that the world is watching with expectation of justice
being done.

A defendant deceased because of maltreatment at the ICTFY would be
a shame for the justice system of the international community.

Informed observers are hoping that a shameful case like that of
General Ðorðe Ðukiæ in 1996 will not happen again.


Piotr Bein, PhD, PEng


Subject: appeal to china re Hague & US-UK banditry
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:59:06 -0000
From: "" <>
To: "United Nations Information" <info@...>,
"UN Secretary General Kofi Annan" <perry-carpenter@...>,
"Royal Norwegian Embassy" <bmi@...>,
"French Embassy" <presse.londres-embas@...>,
"Embassy of Mexico" <mexuk@...>,
"Chinese Embassy" <press@...>,
"afif safieh" <palestiniianuk@...>,
"Royal NetherlandsEmbassy" <LONDON@...>
CC: "Director Justice" <aowers@...>

Appeal to Chinese Government re President Milosevic

An appeal has been addressed to the Chinese delegate @
the United Nations Security Council, its President
H.E. Wang Yingfan, asking the Council to intervene in
respect of the trial of former Yugoslav President
Milosevic " to stop this grisly farce".

William Spring Director of an ecumenical peace group
CANA UK says President Milosevic is held in "Gestapo
conditions" & is denied proper food, exercise, fresh
air, family contacts, access to legal advisors, &
logistical support in terms of his attempts to respond
to The Tribunal.

He accuses the presiding judge of torturing the
prisoner, contrary to UK law, & the Netherlands
Government & the Security Council of running an

"There has not been an Inquisition in The Netherlands
since the sixteenth century, but the current
Netherlands Government is indifferent to the profound
human rights abuses being perpetrated upon Mr
Milosevic & other political prisoners detained in The

He accuses prosecutor Carla del Ponte of seeking to
deny to Milosevic "a basic right in natural justice,
i.e. the freedom to prepare his own defence. This
right is enshrined in all human rights documents,
emanating both from the UN & the Council of Europe.
Article Six of the European Convention of Human Rights
specifically says that one can represent oneself in
any criminal or civil proceeding."

He calls on the Court to grant Mr Milosevic immediate
bail & to rule on "the crime which has been committed
over his person". (He emphasises the criminal nature
of the process by which Mr Milosevic was transferred
to The Hague, a conspiracy to abduct in which Geoff
Hoon MP was "a prime mover").

A further appeal is made to the Chinese Government
that ".... the Peoples Republic of China fulfil its
role in terms of protecting against the banditry of
the British & American Governments international
socialism, justice, the legal order, & world peace."

Documentation attached first sent to the Chinese
Embassy in London relating to last week's UN Security
Council resolution over Iraq accuses the French of
conceding world hegemony to the Anglo-Saxons, & Russia
& China of running away from their international
obligations by failing to veto the US - UK war plan.

"The failure to cast a veto has destroyed the United
Nations" comments William Spring. "The UN should
respect the national sovereignty of its members & not
conduct negotiations under the threat of force. This
is illegal in international law. Tony Blair is
fanning the flames of terrorism. The UK-US response to
terrorism is to make more terrorists.The planned
attack on Iraq is a criminal enterprise which will do
nothing to reduce international tension."

Text of appeal to the Chinese delegate @ the Security
Council is pasted below.


information telephone 0044208 376 1454

By e mail, also by fax & post

To the President of The United Nations Security

Permanent Representative and Ambassador of The Peoples
Republic of China

The Honourable Comrade His Excellency Wang Yingfan

UN Security Council
New York


November 12th 2002

Your Excellency

This e mail is to express to Your Excellency & to your
Government our profound concern that the Peoples
Republic of China fulfil its role in terms of
protecting against the banditry of the British &
American Governments international socialism, justice,
the legal order, & world peace.

We refer to two items:

1. The role of the Security Council in maintaining &
sustaining the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia.

2. The unanimous vote of the Security Council this
week regarding Iraq.

Re (1) we are particularly concerned about the
conditions in which the UN is holding one of its high
profile political prisoners, Mr Slobodan Milosevic,
who the Tribunal, i.e. the prosecutor & presiding
judge, appear anxious to murder, by virtue of denying
him adequate medical attention, proper meals, respite
care, exercise etc, or any facilities to assist him in
conducting his defence.

I paste below this communication a letter I have e
mailed & faxed & posted to presiding Judge May.

I have had no acknowledgement from The Court so far.

Although on assignment to The Hague Judge May remains
as one of Her Majesty's judges & consequently as an
official of the United Kingdom Government can be
indicted ( subject to the approval of the Attorney
General) for the crime of torture in the English
Courts & my application is precisely this.

The Security Council has set up what is an

There has not been an Inquisition in The Netherlands
since the sixteenth century, but the current
Netherlands Government is indifferent to the profound
human rights abuses being perpetrated upon Mr
Milosevic & other political prisoners detained in The

Therefore it is for The Security Council to intervene
to stop this grisly farce.

Carla del Ponte must be prevailed upon to withdraw her
motion that the prisoner be denied a basic right in
natural justice, i.e. the freedom to prepare his own

This right is enshrined in all human rights
documents, emanating both from the UN & the Council of

Article Six of the European Convention of Human Rights
specifically says that one can represent oneself in
any criminal or civil proceeding.

It is not Mr Milosevic's decision to represent himself
which is aggravating his illness, but the inhumane &
Gestapo conditions in which he is held.

One solution is to grant him immediate bail.

The prisoner has no wish to abscond. He simply wishes
to answer his accusers - to press The Tribunal to rule
on the crime which has been committed over his person.

(You are aware how he was abducted illegally,
kidnapped, from Yugoslavia, by criminal elements, a
conspiracy against Yugoslav & international law in
which a prime mover & accomplice was a Mr Geoff Hoon,
UK Defence Secretary).

I attach as appendices in reference to point (1) a
copy of the letter I have sent to Judge May

I attach as appendices in reference to point (2) a
copy of an appeal sent to your Embassy here in London
on November 8th + a copy of the statement issued to
the press later that day following the adoption of the
Security Council resolution on Iraq.

Yours truly

William Spring

Director CANA Christians Against Nato Aggression UK.

Tel 0044 208 376 1454

1 Scales Road London N17 9HB England


Re point 1 -

To the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former

for the attention of Judge May

From William Spring 1 Scales Road London N17 9HB

6th November 2002

also by fax & post

Dear Judge May,

As you probably don't know, as your officials haven't
told you, I have sent various e mails to you in the
past relating to your role in the trial of Mr

I am concerned not only @ the indignities you & your
fellow judges routinely inflict upon the accused, but
at indications you consistently interfere with his
defence, limiting his time, while seeking to protect
dubious witnesses, (as for example when the well known
war manufacturer /CIA agent/ & Jesuit massacre
defender William Walker appeared before you).

I have looked @ the transcripts, although I was not in
Court myself.

But you should have known & did know how important the
evidence of Walker was, & in fact you gave him two
days to present his evidence.

But Mr Milosevic you only allowed him 3 hours to cross
examine & in the middle of that cross examination you
cut Mr Milosevic off, as you have done so many times
in the past, @ the very point when Mr Milosevic was
asking questions relating to Walker's role in his
cover up of the murder of six Jesuit priests in El
Salvador in the 1980's.

At that time Walker was employed as a CIA agent (using
US diplomatic cover), running the contras, useful
experience for him prior to taking over a similar role
in Kosovo.

Walker told your tribunal "I made an inaccurate
statement, in hindsight".

Mr Milosevic then pointed out how, when the KLA was
blamed for the killing of the Serb teenagers in Pec,
he had said, " when you don't know what has happened,
it's a lot more difficult to sort of pronounce
yourself ... to this day we do not know who committed
that act."

But Walker did not exercise the same degree of caution
regarding Racak.

At that point you intervened to stop the cross
examination by saying: "your attempt to discredit
this witness with events so long ago the Trial Chamber
has ruled as irrelevant. "

And later:

"This is an absurd question, absolutely absurd. Now
you're wasting everybody's time."

But the time spent cross examining the initiator of
the Kosovo War was not wasted.

It is vital to get to the truth about the 1999 NATO
war on Yugoslavia.

It may be that as a lawyer you don't have any regard
for the truth, by which I mean you don't regard its
pursuit as a priority.

But as a contemporary historian, & as a concerned
citizen, worried @ the waste of UK taxpayers' money
spent funding your illicit judicial forum, I do.

My point is you have disqualified yourself by
prejudice & bias from any further conduct of this

I have made a formal complaint to the Lord Chancellor
about your conduct of the trial

I refer as well to the failure of The Tribunal to
provide medical facilities for the prisoner, nor
access to family, nor access to lawyers, nor access to
potential witnesses, such as myself, nor access to
advisers, nor access to telephones & fax machines, nor
access to the Internet, nor even access to a computer.

You give him inedible meals & you deny him exercise.

You are engaged in torture.

You sneer @ the prisoner - you generally seek to
demean him, you inflict indignities & gratuitous
humiliation upon him.

I believe you & the other UK officials @ the Court,
including Steven Kay, the MI6 agent drafted in so the
prosecution can also take over the defence, all of
you have systematically conspired to deny the prisoner
a fair trial, both on account of the numerous rulings
you have made against him, & those you have not,
particularly in respect to the conditions of his
unlawful detention.

You are aware how he is being unlawfully detained,
having been kidnapped, i.e. illegally abducted,
(through the complicity of agents of the British
Government, & the RAF) from the sovereign territory of

These agents & the RAF personnel were acting upon the
instructions of Geoff Hoon MP.

Yet the crime committed over his person you refuse to
rule on.

You have refused to consider the circumstances by
which Mr Milosevic arrived @ your Court.

You & Stephen Kay are no better than the Japs,
(who were probably quite humane gaolers of our men on
the Burma Road, compared to the insidious protracted
long term psychological torture you inflict on Mr

Nothing is worse than the turning of the planetary
moral & legal order upside down, the bringing of
international law into disrepute, so that those who
are actually criminals, (such as Walker, & NATO satrap
Paddy Ashdown, + the German NATO air commander, I
think his name is Nauman or something like that, but
all of whom were responsible for the aggression
against Yugoslavia), they are allowed accuse
Milosevic, but they are not held responsible for their
own crimes.

This is absurd.

Now we hear the Americans are planning another set of
show trials, this time for Iraq.

Corrupt Courts, staffed by corrupt judges, & corrupt
prosecutors, travel in the baggage of the Allies, as
the Bourbons travelled in their baggage in 1815.

Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 prevents
any official of the UK Govt engaging in torture in
any capacity, for which reason I am sending a copy to
this letter to the Lord Chancellor & to the A-G.

Yours sincerely

William Spring

Re point 2

To the Ambassador of the Republic of China in London

His Excellency Mr Zha Peixin

From the Director of Christians Against Nato
Aggression CANA UK

1 Scales Road London N17 9HB

Tel: 0208 376 1454


Your Excellency,

CANA UK is an ecumenical peace group established in
1999 @ the time of the NATO aggression against the
Republic of Yugoslavia.

CANA UK engages in an ongoing programme of research,
press releases & political lobbying, + organising
seminars & conferences on international relations.

This is a request that your Government vote against
the joint US-UK war plan now tabled @ the UN Security
Council in New York.

The demands that the so called 'inspectors' be allowed
to abduct Iraqi citizens from Iraqi territory, + many
other requirements concerning the immunity of these so
called inspectors from Iraqi law, + the vesting in
them of colonial privileges & immunities, all these &
many other aspects of the resolution make it
unacceptable, either to Iraq or to any state valuing
its national sovereignty.

If Iraq is forced to agree to any aspect of such a
resolution, (assuming it is passed, which we hope it
isn't) it will only be under the threat of massive

Any negotiation conducted under the threat of force,
as you well know, is outlawed in international law.
We specifically ask the Chinese Government (as it
currently occupies the Presidency of the Security
Council) to rule as inadmissible the UK & US tabling
the resolution in the first place.

Neither the US nor the UK should be allowed either to
table or to vote on any resolution relating to Iraq as
both states are already in a state of war with Iraq,
as neither have accepted the terms of the Gulf War
cease fire, which they themselves negotiated.

While saying Iraq threatens them, both the UK & USA
have, already, & over a number of years, engaged in
hostile acts contrary to international law against the
Republic of Iraq.

The no fly zones & the continued US-UK bombing raids
on Iraq are entirely illegal.

Article 27 of the UN Charter says 'a party to a
dispute shall abstain from voting.'

The US-UK draft resolution, if endorsed by the
Security Council today will represent the final
triumph of US militarism over considerations of
international law: the final subversion the UN Charter
by one heavily armed rogue state, perhaps even the
final collapse of civilisation on this planet.

We have addressed similar appeals in recent days to
the Governments of Norway, France, Mauritius, Mexico &

For your information I paste below a copy of the
statement sent to the French Embassy on October 18th &
a copy of the similar statement sent to the Norwegian

With best wishes

William J Spring

Statement from CANA Christians Against Nato Aggression
UK re the Security Council decision in respect to Iraq

Today's decision by the Security Council November 8th
2002 marks the end of the UN organisation as a body
committed to the peaceful resolution of
disputes formally predicated upon respect for state
sovereignty, including respect for the territorial
integrity of member states.

As the old League of Nations was destroyed by the
fascist regimes walking out of it, so its successor is
now defunct on the basis of the US & UK staying in it.

The diktat now inflicted upon Iraq will probably not
be resisted.

Iraq has no choice other than to accept what is a new
form of colonialism.

But acceptance of the diktat is very unlikely to save
Iraq from massive bombing.

Bombing is what the Americans like to do.

The Amerians have become the enemies of world peace.

In a unipolar world their notion of diplomacy is
merely to bully & bribe.

America now has no friends & consists of a public
ignorant of foreign affairs & kept in ignorance by a
US media which consciously & consistently
misrepresents the facts in respect to international

Curses against America are not loud, but deep, & they
are also universal.

There is a long list of countries which have been
forced to capitulate before US power, including Haiti
& Yugoslavia.

Today's decision of the Security Council will not add
to US security.

During the past few days various appeals have been
addressed by NGO's, including CANA UK, to the
Governments of the members of the UN Security Council,
asking them to resist US pressure.

We regret these appeals have been ignored - that
countries like Norway & Ireland have chosen to vote
against the rights of small countries & for the
destruction of the ideals of the UN.

We regret that France has chosen to concede world
hegemony to the Anglo-Saxons, & that Russia & China
have once again run away from their international

Today marks the formal end of the United Nations & of
the system of international law enshrined in its now
defunct Charter.


Intellectual property rights asserted. The above may
be reproduced on the Internet, or in any other media,
subject to acknowledgement as to source. CANA UK
engages in an ongoing programme of research, press
releases & political lobbying, organising seminars +
conferences on international relations, the next
scheduled for Spring 2003 (in Islington). Copies of
videos & a text version of proceedings of previous
Conferences are obtainable from CANA UK 1 Scales Road
London N17 9HB Telephone 0044(0)208 376 1454.
Donations/gifts/legacies, & voluntary help, are
welcome. The CANA UK account is held @ Lloyds Bank,
539 High Rd, London N17 6SD (account number 0094920
sort code 30 98 70)