
...La corrispondente di Der Spiegel che, mentre aspettava di essere
ricevuta dal leader dei fondamentalisti bosniaco-musulmani, Alija
Izetbegovic, a Sarajevo nel 1995 fece la conoscenza di Bin Laden
in persona?...


DER SPIEGEL (Germany), Saturday, September 21, 2002 KOSOVO

The Cruelest Cleansings

The UN police get tougher with Albanian war criminals in Kosovo. New
unrest possible, because for many these criminals are still heroes

A strange grave lies in the midst of a large meadow in the village of
Crni Luk. There are no names on the four gravestones, and the
inhabitants of village of 3,000 react with distrust to questions about
the dead. "This is where we buried the charred remains of the Krasniqi
clan," says a young Albanian man and adds immediately with a wave of
his hand: "But I do not know more than that."

Twenty-four Albanians were shot, among them 13 children, and their
houses were burned down. But the victims are not buried in the heroes'
cemetery at the end of the village, where under a sea of Albanian
flags rest its former inhabitants killed in clashes with the Serbs.
They are not buried there because, according to protected testimony by
eyewitnesses, the Krasniqis were apparently executed by their
compatriots only after the arrival of KFOR international peacekeeping
forces in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo.

The four Krasniqi brothers were considered "loyalists to the Serbian
regime" and worked in Serbian companies; one of them was even as a
journalist for the Serbian language newspaper "Jedinstvo". Under the
Milosevic regime they enjoyed privileges; afterwards, this was their
death sentence.

The extermination of this family, like other Albanian crimes, could
have been quickly hushed up. For since the United Nations made the
Kosovo their protectorate in July 1999, they had proceeded against
presumed war criminals from the numbers of the Kosovo Albanians only
with velvet gloves. But now, more than three years after the NATO
takeover, the international community finally dares to also confront
its recent allies. Its investigators have even arrested some leaders
of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) who are suspected of
committing murder.

"Everyone in Kosovo knows but none dares to speak about it," says the
former prime minister of the exiled Kosovars and current chairman of
the New Party for Kosovo, Bujar Bukoshi. "After the war the cruelest
cleansings took place among the Albanians. Under the pretext that they
were 'Serbian collaborators', the leaders of the KLA liquidated their
political opponents; old blood feuds were settled, and Albanian
civilians were executed by the Albanians themselves."

The number of the victims is estimated to be more than a thousand. The
perpetrators or instigators were usually former senior KLA leaders;
after the war they were integrated nearly without exception into the
KLA successor organization, the civilian Kosovo Protection Corps.

Allegedly a former KLA commander and two of his fellow soldiers,
according to their indictment, instigated a war criminal to kill the
former KLA commander Ekrem Rexha known as "Drini". This moderate
Albanian had announced the publication of a book on war crimes in
Kosovo, including those committed by the KLA. A few hours after
Drini's death KLA deputies visited his widow in order to get "the
computer with records on the announced book". However the
international police responsible for postwar crimes was faster.

Also awaiting trial since not long ago are once legendary KLA
commanders Sami Lushtaki and Rustem Mustafa ("Remi"). The latter is
accused, along with three other KLA officers, of having raped Albanian
women and killed at least five civilians in private prison camps
during and after the war.

Daut Haradinaj, the notorious brother of the former KLA commander
Ramush Haradinaj (who in the meanwhile became head of the third
largest political party, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo), is
accused with five other members of the Kosovo Liberation Army of the
murder of four members of the Liberal Party (LDK) of Kosovo president
Ibrahim Rugova.

After arresting an influential KLA commander near the town of Dragas,
the police stated that at the same time bomb attacks in the region

Recently another senior KLA member from Prizren was brought before the
investigating judge. He is accused not only of having committed
criminal activities but also of being the top agent of the Albanian
secret service. The hard disk of his computer in the meanwhile has
become a treasure trove of information on war crimes, extortion and
Albanian secret service plans.

"We are slowly moving forward," says German Christian Lindmeier, a
spokesman for the UN administration in Kosovo (UNMIK). Unnoticed by
the public the Hague tribunal has also opened an office in Pristina.
Rumors according to which the list of the Hague investigators, in
addition to Serb war criminals, also includes three former KLA leaders
and now influential politicians - Hashim Thaci, Agim Cheku and Ramush
Haradinaj - have been neither confirmed nor denied by the spokesmen of
the tribunal. According to Hague tribunal chief prosecutor Carla del
Ponte, in any case indictments against some Kosovo Albanians will be
filed before the end of the year.

Shortly before the end of the war Thaci was sentenced in absentia by a
Serbian court in Pristina to ten years' imprisonment. Belgrade
presented the chief prosecutor in The Hague with a disk with 27,000
pages on the alleged war crimes committed by the top KLA triumvirate.
The extradition of at least one of the former KLA leaders would be
welcome for many Serbs to explain the Serbian war crimes in the Kosovo
as defense of the state and population.

"We know a lot," says UNMIK spokesman Lindmeier, "but our problem is
witnesses. They have a gun pointed at their head. Many withdraw their
original statements after threats by their former KLA fellow

The heroic elite which ended up in jail is guarded by about twenty
prison wardens from Germany flown in by plane to do the job. Albanian
guards received death threats if they attempted to prevent escape

For many Albanians the imprisoned KLA leaders are still war heroes.
Every Friday demonstrators lay flowers in front of the prison in
Pristina. They accuse UNMIK of developing "Milosevic tendencies". The
chairman of the journalist federation, Milan Zeka, has even called on
his colleagues to fight against the "police dictatorship" of UNMIK
chief Michael Steiner. The German, they say, is insulting a whole
generation of Albanians.

But this will not discourage Steiner from further arrests and
extradition of Albanians to the Hague tribunal despite rumors in
Kosovo of a huge revolt by the Albanians. He will carry out every
warrant for arrest of the Hague tribunal: "During my mandate we will
adhere to law and order in Kosovo."



21. September 2002 KOSOVO

Grausamste Säuberungen

Die Uno-Polizei geht verschärft gegen albanische Kriegsverbrecher vor.
diese Männer für viele noch immer Helden sind, drohen Unruhen.

Es ist eine merkwürdige Grabstätte, die inmitten der großen Wiese im
Crni Luk liegt. Die vier Grabsteine tragen keine Namen, und die
des 3000-Seelen-Dorfes reagieren misstrauisch bei Fragen nach den
"Hier haben wir die verkohlten Überreste des Krasniqi-Clans begraben",
ein junger Albaner und fügt sofort mit abwehrender Geste an: "Aber
mehr weiß
ich nicht."

Die 24 Albaner, darunter 13 Kinder, wurden erschossen, ihre Häuser
niedergebrannt. Doch die Opfer sind nicht auf dem Heldenfriedhof am
begraben, wo unter einem Meer albanischer Flaggen die im Kampf gegen
Serben gefallenen Dorfbewohner ruhen. Denn die Krasniqis wurden
von den eigenen Landsleuten hingerichtet, geheimen Zeugenaussagen
sogar erst nach dem Einzug der internationalen Friedenstruppe Kfor in
jugoslawische Provinz Kosovo.

Die vier Brüder galten als "Loyalisten gegenüber dem serbischen
Regime" und
arbeiteten in serbischen Betrieben, einer von ihnen sogar als
Journalist bei
der serbischsprachigen Zeitung "Jedinstvo". Unter dem Milosevic-Regime
genossen sie Privilegien, danach war dies ihr Todesurteil.

Der Mord an der Familie könnte, wie andere albanische Verbrechen auch,
gesühnt werden. Seit die Vereinten Nationen das Kosovo im Juli 1999 zu
Protektorat gemacht haben, waren sie gegen mutmaßliche
Kriegsverbrecher aus
den Reihen der Kosovo-Albaner nur mit Samthandschuhen vorgegangen.
jetzt, mehr als drei Jahre nach dem Nato-Einmarsch, traut sich die
internationale Gemeinschaft endlich auch an die Verbündeten von damals
heran. Ihre Ermittler verhafteten sogar Führer der ehemaligen
Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee (UÇK) unter Mordverdacht.

"Jeder im Kosovo weiß es, doch keiner wagt darüber zu sprechen", sagt
einstige Premier der Exil-Kosovaren und heutige Vorsitzende der "Neuen
Partei Kosovo" Bujar Bukoshi: "Nach dem Krieg fanden grausamste
unter den Albanern statt. Unter dem Vorwand, es handele sich um
Kollaborateure', liquidierten Führer der UÇK ihre politischen Gegner,
alte Blutfehden bereinigt und albanische Zivilisten von Albanern

Die Zahl der Opfer wird auf mehr als 1000 geschätzt. Die Täter oder
Anstifter sind meist ehemalige hohe UÇK-Führer - nach dem Krieg wurden
fast ausnahmslos ins zivile Kosovo-Schutzkorps TMK integriert, der

So sollen ein ehemaliger UÇK-Kommandeur und zwei seiner Mitkämpfer
Anklage einen Killer angeheuert haben, um den früheren UÇK-Kommandeur
Rexha, genannt "Drini", zu töten. Der gemäßigte Albaner hatte die
Veröffentlichung eines Buches über Kriegsverbrechen angekündigt, auch
der UÇK. Wenige Stunden nach Drinis Tod besuchten UÇK-Abgesandte die
um den "Computer mit den Buchaufzeichnungen" zu holen. Doch die für
Nachkriegsverbrechen zuständige internationale Polizei war schneller.

Auf ihren Prozess warten seit kurzem zwei einst legendäre
Sami Lushtaki und Rustem Mustafa ("Remi"). Letzterem wird vorgeworfen,
gemeinsam mit drei weiteren UÇK-Offizieren in privaten Folterlagern
und nach dem Krieg albanische Frauen vergewaltigt und mindestens fünf
Zivilisten getötet zu haben.

Daut Haradinaj, berüchtigter Bruder des ehemaligen UÇK-Kommandeurs
Haradinaj (inzwischen Chef der drittstärksten Partei "Allianz für die
Zukunft Kosovos"), ist gemeinsam mit fünf anderen Angehörigen des
Kosovo-Schutzkorps wegen der Ermordung von vier Mitgliedern der
Partei LDK des Kosovo-Präsidenten Rugova angeklagt.

Nachdem sie bei Dragas einen einflussreichen UÇK-Kommandeur verhaftet
stellte die Polizei fest, dass damit in der Region auch die

Kürzlich wurde ein weiterer hoher UÇK-Mann aus Prizren dem Haftrichter
vorgeführt. Ihm werden nicht nur kriminelle Machenschaften
vorgeworfen, er
war auch Spitzenagent des albanischen Geheimdienstes. Die Festplatte
Computers ist mittlerweile für die Ermittler eine Fundgrube mit
auf Kriegsverbrechen, Erpressungen und albanische Geheimdienstpläne

"Wir arbeiten uns langsam vor", sagt der Deutsche Christian Lindmeier,
Sprecher der Uno-Verwaltung im Kosovo (Unmik). Unbemerkt von der
Öffentlichkeit hat auch das Haager Tribunal in Pristina ein Büro
Gerüchte, wonach neben serbischen Kriegsverbrechern auch die drei
UÇK-Führer und mittlerweile einflussreichen Politiker Hashim Thaçi,
Çeku und Ramush Haradinaj auf der Liste der Haager Ermittler stehen,
von den Sprechern des Tribunals weder bestätigt noch dementiert. Gegen
einige Kosovo-Albaner, so die Haager Staatsanwältin Carla Del Ponte,
jedenfalls noch vor Jahresende Anklage erhoben.

Thaçi wurde kurz vor Kriegsende von einem serbischen Gericht in
Pristina in
Abwesenheit zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt. Belgrad überreichte der
Chefanklägerin eine Diskette mit 27 000 Seiten über angebliche
Kriegsverbrechen des UÇK-Spitzen-Trios. Die Auslieferung eines
Ex-UÇK-Führers wäre vielen Serben willkommener Anlass, die serbischen
Kriegsverbrechen im Kosovo als Verteidigung von Vaterland und Volk zu

Wir wissen viel, sagt Unmik-Sprecher Lindmeier, "doch unser Problem
sind die
Zeugen. Denen sitzt die Knarre im Nacken. Viele widerrufen ihre
ursprünglichen Aussagen angesichts der Drohungen ihrer einstigen

Bewacht wird die gefallene Heldenelite von zwei Dutzend aus
eingeflogenen Gefängniswärtern. Albanischen Aufsehern war mit Mord
worden, falls sie eine Befreiungsaktion verhindern würden.

Für viele Albaner sind die einsitzenden UÇK-Fürsten noch immer
Jeden Freitag legen Demonstranten vor dem Gefängnis in Pristina Blumen
nieder. Die Unmik beschuldigen sie, "Milosevic-Tendenzen" zu
entwickeln. Der
Vorsitzende der Journalistenföderation, Milain Zeka, forderte seine
sogar auf, gegen die "Polizeidiktatur" von Unmik-Chef Michael Steiner
kämpfen. Der Deutsche beleidige eine ganze Generation von Albanern.

Doch Steiner will sich nicht von weiteren Verhaftungen oder gar einer
Auslieferung von Albanern an das Haager Tribunal abhalten lassen, auch
im Kosovo schon von einer albanischen Großrevolte geraunt wird. Er
jeden Haftbefehl des Haager Tribunals vollstrecken: "Während meines
werden wir uns im Kosovo an Recht und Ordnung halten."



Nessun organo di informazione occidentale riporta la notizia delle
nuove manifestazioni studentesche a Belgrado. Centinaia di studenti
universitari hanno ad esempio preso parte ad una manifestazione contro
i nuovi aumenti delle tasse di iscrizione, che per alcune facolta'
arrivano ai 700 euro, cifra equivalente a molte volte lo stipendio
medio mensile in Serbia. Il governo della destra ultraliberista,
guidato da Zoran Djindjic, promette ulteriori tagli e balzelli.

BELGRAD. Mehrere hundert Studenten der Belgrader Universität haben
gegen die Bildungspolitik der prowestlichen Regierung Djindjics
protestiert. Die Semesterbeiträge belaufen sich in den einzelnen
Fachbereichen bis auf 700 Euro, was für die Lebensverhältnisse der
Studenten in Belgrad sehr viel Geld ist. Die prowestliche Regierung
Djindjic hat weitere "Sparmassnahmen" angekündigt. INET-NEWS
Balkan-Telegramm, 8.Oktober 2002 -

2/10/2000, il Presidente Milosevic si rivolge alla Nazione.

English version:

En francais:
(prima parte)
(seconda parte)

Belgrado, 2 ottobre 2000 - (Tanjug) -

Il Presidente della R.F.J. Slobodan Milosevic lunedì 2 ottobre
2000 si è rivolto alla nazione attraverso la radiotelevisione


Cari concittadini,

nell'attesa del secondo turno delle elezioni colgo l'occasione
per esporvi la mia opinione sulla situazione politica ed
elettorale nel nostro Paese, e in special modo in Serbia.
Come voi sapete, da dieci anni sono in corso manovre per porre
tutta la penisola balcanica sotto il controllo di alcune potenze
occidentali. Buona parte di questo lavoro è stato compiuto
mediante l?insediamento di governi fantoccio in alcuni paesi,
trasformati in paesi a sovranità limitata, cioè privati a tutti
gli effetti di sovranità.

A causa della resistenza opposta dal nostro Paese a una tale
sorte, siamo stati sottoposti a tutte le forme di pressione alle
quali un popolo può essere sottoposto nel mondo contemporaneo.
Queste pressioni sono andate via via crescendo in quantità ed
intensità. Tutta l'esperienza accumulata dalle grandi potenze nel
corso della seconda metà del XX secolo nell'arte di rovesciare
governi, provocare disordini, fomentare guerre civili, screditare
o liquidare coloro che lottano per la libertà nazionale, ridurre
le nazioni e gli stati sull'orlo della miseria - tutto ciò è
stato applicato contro il nostro Paese e il nostro popolo.
Tutto quello che è stato organizzato attorno a queste elezioni fa
parte quindi della persecuzione organizzata contro il nostro
Paese e il nostro popolo, perchè il nostro Paese e il nostro
popolo costituiscono una barriera contro lo stabilirsi di un
dominio totale nella penisola balcanica.
Da molto tempo è presente in mezzo a noi un raggruppamento che,
con il pretesto di orientare i partiti politici di opposizione,
rappresenta gli interessi di quei governi che sono stati
protagonisti delle pressioni contro la Jugoslavia e specialmente
contro la Serbia. Questa lobby si è presentata a queste elezioni
sotto il nome di Opposizione Democratica Serba (D.O.S.). Il suo
vero capo non è il suo candidato alla presidenza. Da molti anni
il suo capo è il presidente del Partito Democratico,
collaboratore dell'allenza militare che ha scatenato la guerra
contro il nostro Paese. Egli non ha neanche potuto nascondere la
sua collaborazione con quelsta alleanza. Nei fatti, tutto il
nostro popolo è al corrente del suo appello alla NATO perchè
continuasse a bombardare la Serbia per tutto il tempo necessario
a spezzarne la resistenza. Il cartello che si è così organizzato
per le elezioni rappresenta gli eserciti e i governi che hanno
appena condotto la guerra contro la Jugoslavia. Rappresentando
quegli interessi, ha lanciato alla opinione pubblica il messaggio
che, con loro al potere, la Jugoslavia sarebbe uscita da ogni
pericolo di guerra e di violenza, sarebbe riavviata la prosperità
economica, il tenore di vita sarebbe migliorato visibilmente e
rapidamente, la Jugoslavia sarebbe reintegrata nelle istituzioni
internazionali, e via dicendo.
Cari concittadini, è mio dovere mettervi pubblicamente in guardia
e per tempo sulla falsità di queste promesse e sul fatto che la
situazione è ben diversa. E? proprio la nostra politica che
garantisce la pace, mentre la loro provoca conflitti incessanti e
violenza e vi dirò perchè.

Con l?instaurazione di un governo appoggiato o direttamente
insediato dalla comunità dei paesi riuniti nella NATO, la
Jugoslavia diventerebbe inevitabilmente un Paese il cui
territorio verrebbe rapidamente smembrato.
Queste non sono soltanto le intenzioni della NATO. Queste sono le
promesse pre-elettorali della Opposizione Democratica Serba. Noi
l'abbiamo ascoltato dalla bocca dei suoi stessi rappresentanti:
- il Sangiaccato otterrebbe l'autonomia che un membro della
coalizione, leader di un'organizzazione separatista musulmana,
Suleiman Ugljanin, reclama da dieci anni- e che significherebbe,
nei fatti, la separazione definitiva del Sangiaccato dalla
- Le loro promesse comprendono anche l'ottenimento da parte della
Vojvodina di un'autonomia che non soltanto la separerebbe dalla
Serbia e dalla Jugoslavia, ma la trasformerebbe nei fatti in
parte integrante della vicina Ungheria.
- Nello stesso modo, altre regioni sarebbero separate dalla
Serbia, e anche alcune zone di frontiera. La loro annessione da
parte degli Stati confinanti costituisce da lungo tempo un
imperativo per questi paesi, che continuano ad incitare le loro
minoranze presenti in Jugoslavia a contribuire all'integrazione
di queste parti del nostro Paese negli Stati vicini.
- Nel quadro di questa politica di smembramento della Jugoslavia,
il Kosovo sarebbe la prima vittima. Il suo status attuale sarebbe
dichiarato legale e definitivo. Questa sarebbe la prima parte del
suo territorio cui la Serbia dovrebbe dire addio, senza poter
neanche sperare che questa parte della sua terra le possa mai
essere restituita.
- Il resto del territorio che continuerà a chiamarsi Serbia
verrebbe occupato da forze militari internazionali, USA o
comunque straniere, che tratteranno il nostro territorio come
loro zona di esercitazioni militari e loro proprietà, da
controllare secondo gli interessi della potenza che disloca il
proprio esercito di occupazione. Abbiamo visto casi di controllo
simili, e le loro conseguenze, negli scorsi decenni, e
specialmente negli ultimi dieci anni in molti paesi nel mondo e
ultimamente purtroppo anche in Europa, per esempio nel Kosovo,
nella Repubblica Serba di Bosnia, in Macedonia, per restare
intorno a noi. Il popolo della Serbia subirebbe la stessa sorte
dei Kurdi, con la prospettiva di essere sterminato ben più
rapidamente dei Kurdi, essendo meno numeroso e muovendosi su un
territorio assai più ristretto del loro.
- Quanto al Montenegro, il suo destino sarebbe lasciato nelle
mani della mafia le cui regole del gioco i cittadini dovrebbero
conoscere: ogni infrazione alla disciplina e soprattutto ogni
opposizione agli interessi mafiosi è punita con la morte, senza
alcun diritto di appello.

Vi ho descritto il destino della Jugoslavia in caso di
accettazione dell?opzione NATO per il nostro paese, con l'intento
di mettervi in guardia che oltre e più della perdita territoriale
e all?umiliazione del popolo, noi ci troveremo tutti a vivere in
un clima di continue violenze. I nuovi proprietari degli antichi
territori dello Stato di Jugoslavia e gli occupanti del restante
territorio serbo terrorizzerebbero, come è nella natura delle
cose, le popolazioni dei territori che andrebbero ad occupare.
Nello stesso tempo, il popolo serbo stesso si batterebbe
continuamente per ristabilire uno Stato serbo nel quale potersi
Queste potenze non vogliono la pace e la prosperità nei Balcani.
Esse vogliono che questa sia una zona di conflitti permanenti e
di guerre che servano da alibi a far perdurare la loro presenza.
Un governo fantoccio è una garanzia certa di violenze, forse
anche di molti anni di guerra. Di tutto salvo che di pace. Solo
il nostro governo indipendente può garantire la pace.
Non solo questo. Tutti i paesi che si sono trovati in condizioni
di sovranità limitata e con governi sotto l'influenza di potenze
straniere si sono rapidamente impoveriti in misura tale da
distruggere ogni speranza di relazioni sociali più giuste e
umane. La divisione radicale tra una maggioranza povera e una
minoranza ricca: questo è il quadro che l?Europa orientale ci
presenta da diversi anni ormai, come tutti possono constatare. La
stessa cosa accadrebbe anche a noi. Anche noi, una volta
sottoposti al comando e al controllo di quelli che dominerebbero
il paese, avremo in breve un'immensa maggioranza di gente nella
più estrema povertà, con una prospettiva di uscirne molto, molto
incerta e lontana. La minoranza ricca sarebbe composta da
un?elite di profittatori del mercato nero, cui sarà concesso di
arricchirsi solo a patto di sottostare ciecamente al potere di
chi deciderebbe del destino del nostro Paese.
La proprietà sociale e pubblica sarebbe rapidamente privatizzata,
ma i nuovi padroni, come l?esperienza dei paesi vicini dimostra,
sarebbero di regola stranieri. Tra le rare eccezioni figureranno
coloro che avranno acquistato il loro diritto di proprietà con la
loro obbedienza e sottomissione, cosa che porterà alla scomparsa
di ogni più elementare dignità, nazionale e umana.
In queste circostanze, le principali ricchezze della nazione
diverrebbero proprietà straniera, e coloro che le già
amministravano normalmente continuerebbero a farlo nella nuova
situazione ma come impiegati di società straniere nel loro paese.
L'umiliazione nazionale, la frammentazione dello Stato e la
povertà sociale condurrebbero necessariamente a ogni tipo di
patologia sociale, di cui il crimine sarà il primo. Questa non è
una supposizione: è l'esperienza vissuta da tutti i Paesi che
hanno preso il cammino che noi cerchiamo di evitare a tutti i
costi. I centri del crimine non sono più nell'Europa occidentale,
si sono spostati verso l'Europa dell'Est da una decina d'anni. Il
nostro popolo ha già dovuto mal sopportare l'incidenza criminale
attuale, perchè noi abbiamo vissuto a lungo, dalla Seconda guerra
mondiale agli anno '90, in una società che non conosceva quasi
per niente il crimine. La criminalità a grande scala, che non
potrebbe essere evitata nel tipo di società che diverrebbe la
nostra in caso di perdita della nostra sovranità e di una parte
del nostro territorio, sarebbe tanto pericolosa per la società e
i cittadini e per il nostro piccolo popolo, che non vi è
abituato, quanto può esserlo la guerra.

Uno degli obiettivi e compiti essenziali di un governo fantoccio,
non importa in quale Paese, compreso il nostro se noi dovessimo
avere un tale governo, è la perdita di identità nazionale. I
Paesi sotto potere straniero si separano velocemente dalla loro
storia, dal loro passato, dalle loro tradizioni, dal loro stile
di vita, e spesso anche dal loro idioma letterario. Ciò sarà
invisibile all'inizio, ma una selezione molto efficacie e senza
pietà dell'identità nazionale la ridurrà a qualche pietanza
locale, qualche canzone e danza folcloristica, ed al nome di
qualche eroe nazionale utilizzato come marca di cosmetici o di
prodotti alimentari. Nel XX secolo, una delle più evidenti
conseguenze dell'usurpazione dei territori nazionali da parte
delle grandi potenze è l'annichilimento dell'identità di popolo
di questi paesi.
L'esperienza delle altre nazioni mostra che le persone possono
difficilmente sopportare la velocità alla quale esse devono
cominciare a servirsi di una lingua straniera come fosse la loro,
ad identificarsi in figure storiche straniere dimenticando le
loro, ad avere più familiarità con la letteratura dei loro
occupanti che con la loro, a glorificare la Storia degli altri
sminuendo la loro, ad assomigliare agli altri e non a sè stessi.
La perdita dell'identità nazionale è la più grande sconfitta che
una nazione possa conoscere, ed essa è inevitabile nella forma
moderna di colonialismo. Inoltre, questa nuova forma di
colonozzazione mette fuori norma, per sua stessa natura, ogni
possibilità di libertà di parola e di decisione, e soprattutto
ogni forma di creatività. Quando un Paese non è libero, esso
rifiuta ai popoli che vivono nel suo seno il diritto di esprimere
liberamente le proprie opinioni, perchè queste opinioni rischiano
di trovarsi in conflitto con l'assenza di libertà. E' per questo
che la tortura del pensiero è la forma più essenziale ed
efficacie in un paese che ha perduto la libertà. Quanto ad
esercitare il proprio libero arbitrio, è naturalmente fuori di
discussione. La libertà di decisione non è permessa che
illusoriamente. Essa è accordata solo ai lacchè dei dominatori
stranieri, perchè la loro sedicente lobertà serve agli occupanti
per proclamare di avere instaurato la Democrazia, nel nome della
quale avevano preso possesso del Paese di un altro popolo.
Io vorrei sottolinearlo particolarmente all'attenzione dei
giovani, intellettuali o sapienti: è di regola che i Paesi
privati di sovrantà nazionale siano privati del diritto al lavoro
creativo, e specialmene al lavoro creativo in campo scientifico.
Sono i centri di potere e le grandi potenze che finanziano il
lavoro scientifico, controllano i suoi risultati e decidono della
loro applicazione. Negli Stati dipendenti, i laboratori di
ricerca e gli istituti scientifici non sono indipendenti ma
operano in qualità di branche controllate da un centro. Le loro
realizzazioni devono restare entro dei limiti che non rischino di
introdurre nei Paesi e nei popoli occupati un seme di ribellione
o di emancipazione.

Al momento in cui vi parlo, siccome l'Opposizione Democratica
Serba non è sicura di raggiungere i risultati che le sono
necessari, i leader del DOS stanno accettando, con il denaro
introdotto nel paese, di far ricattare e logorare i cittadini, di
organizzare degli scioperi, di creare un clima di insicurezza e
di violenza, con l'intento di arrestare la produzione, ogni
lavoro e ogni attività. Tutto ciò ha lo scopo evidente di
arrestare la vita in Serbia, e di affermare che essa riprenderà
con successo e benessere solo quando sarà organizzata da coloro
che tra noi rappresentano le intenzioni, i piani e gli interessi
degli occupanti.
Il nostro Paese è uno Stato sovrano. Ha le sue leggi, la sua
Costituzione e le sue istituzioni. La Serbia ha il dovere e il
diritto all'autodifesa dall'invasione che è stata preparata
contro di essa attraverso diverse forme di sovversione. E i
cittadini devono sapere che partecipando ad una sovversione il
cui obiettivo è la dominazione straniera o l'occupazione del loro
Paese, essi
portano la responsabilità storica di privare il loro Paese del diritto
all'esistenza, così come la responsabilità di perdere il controllo
propria esistenza. Abandonando il loro Paese in mano ad altri, a degli
stranieri, essi stanno per mettere nelle mani dello straniero la loro
vita, la
vita dei loro figli e di molte altre persone.

Io ho ritenuto mio dovere mettere in guardia i cittadini della nostra
sulle conseguenze di queste attività, finanziate e sostenute dai
paesi NATO. I cittadini possono credermi, ma non ne sono obbligati. Mi
soltanto che non si ricredano quando sarà troppo tardi, che non si
avvedano di
questa realtà quando sarà difficile correggere gli errori fatti
per ingenuità, o per errore o indifferenza, perchè quegli errori
avranno prodotto situazioni difficili e forse impossibili da
raddrizzare, e certamente non avranno mai una riparazione.
Nel dire queste cose non ho motivazioni di carattere personale.
Sono stato eletto due volte presidente della Serbia e una volta
presidente della Jugoslavia. Dovrebbe essere chiaro a tutti, dopo
questi dieci anni, che non attaccano la Serbia perchè c?è
Milosevic, ma attaccano Milosevic per attaccare la Serbia. La mia
coscienza al riguardo è assolutamente tranquilla. Ma non lo
sarebbe del tutto se io non dicessi al mio popolo, dopo tutti
questi anni trascorsi alla sua guida, quella che io penso sarà la
sua sorte, sia che il suo destino gli sia imposto da altri, sia
che ciò significhi dire al popolo che questo destino se lo sta
scegliendo con le sue stesse mani. L'errore di giudizio che
consiste nello scegliere ciò che è stato scelto da altri è il più
pericoloso degli errori di giudizio, e questa è essenzialmente la
ragione della mia decisione di rivolgermi pubblicamente ai
cittadini della Jugoslavia.

Vi ringrazio.

Presidente Slobodan Milosevic


Yugoslav Committee for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic
ICDSM International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

1. APPEAL: Donate and help the voice of freedom to be heard!
3. Valkanov on the Wladimiroff case (25/09/02)

=== 1 ===


Protect the life of Slobodan Milosevic!

Donate and help the voice of freedom to be heard!

Do you know that:

· Yesterday afternoon President Milosevic was forced to wait one
and a half hour to be transported from the "tribunal" to his prison
cell. It was the afternoon between the examination of Stipe Mesic,
President of Croatia, by the "prosecution" and the cross examination
of the same "witness" by President Milosevic.

· A day before that, Richard May, the "judge" announced that
the "trial chamber" can return on Thursday to earlier practice of
whole day long hearings. This was after the same "trial chamber" weeks
ago publicly admitted existence of serious health and life risks for
President Milosevic and declared that tempo of the "trial" will be
slowed down and President Milosevic will have more days for rest.

· At the same day, Geoffrey Nice, the "prosecutor" in charge,
tried to explain the problems "prosecution" has in bringing
appropriate "witnesses" to the "court", which caused lack of the
schedule of "witnesses" to come. In his explanation, he complained
because the "reserved witnesses" (who could 'fill the gaps' without
previous announcement) were not allowed.

· Today, the "judge" Richard May served as a counsel to Stipe
Mesic, in Tito's time imprisoned for Ustashi propaganda, the guy who
triumphantly shouted in Croatian Parliament: "I fulfilled my mission -
there is no more Yugoslavia!". By all means (cutting and "translating"
President Milosevic, shortening the time for cross examination,
allowing Mesic cynical and unlimited comments) May tried (without
success) to save his "client" from total disaster.

· President Milosevic, with malignant hypertension and heart
damages, still has no specialists' medical care.

· Death of six prisoners (all of them were Serbs) was caused by
the "tribunal" - in three cases it was due to lack of medical
assistance or due to improper medical care.

· With more than 100.000 pages of materials concerning Croatia
and Bosnia submitted to him by the "court" and more than seven months
of every day "trial" behind him and more than year and a half ahead,
President Milosevic still has no conditions to prepare his defense, in
cynical violation of the 'equality of arms' principle.

· Assistance in preparing facts and proofs for President
Milosevic to confront tons of materials prepared by thousand of
employees of the "tribunal" and by Western secret services is done by
group of volunteers in Freedom Association in Belgrade and in ICDSM.
Our funds and pockets are empty. After eight months since the Hague
process begun, there is almost no possibilities to collect money from
patriots in the impoverished country and with government which
produces only obstacles for our work.

But you certainly know that:

· President Slobodan Milosevic, undisputable leader of the
unconquered nation and the NATO war prisoner, is in unique and
extremely important position for all fighters for freedom and peace in
the World, to confront the Empire and its war machinery - NATO, with
truth and strong arguments.

· Only a part of the citizens of Yugoslavia are able to follow
every day TV transmissions from The Hague. As a result, unification of
the patriotic opposition is becoming a key factor on Serbian political
scene, despite the hard repression and all kinds of manipulations by
the current colonial regime in Belgrade.

Therefore, we dramatically appeal:

· Use all means to protest the killing conditions at the NATO-
Nazi dungeon in Scheweningen and in NATO martial court at The Hague.
Life of President Milosevic has to be saved! The only proper way to
avoid the threat is his release!

· Donate for our common struggle! Form your own foundations in
your countries, organize fund-raising campaigns! Keep part of
collected money to broaden actions and campaigns. Now President
Milosevic has only one assistant at The Hague. Without your help he
can stay even without that!

Here's how you can help...

* You can contribute by credit card. Soon we will have an ICDSM secure
server so you can contribute directly on the Internet.

For now, you can contribute by credit card in two ways: *

You can Contribute by Credit Card over the Telephone by calling:

ICDSM office, USA: +1 617 916-1705
SLOBODA (Freedom) Association office, Belgrade: +381 63 8 591 569

You can Contribute using PayPal at:
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

You can Contribute by mail to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

- OR -

You can Contribute by wire transfer to Sloboda Association

Zurich, Switzerland
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH

Account with:
/ 756 - CHF
/ 840 - USD
/ 978 - EUR
Komercijalna Banka AD
Sv. Save 14, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Swift Code: KOBBYUBG


Account No. 5428-1246-16154-6
Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia

- OR -

You can also send money to Belgrade using Western Union to our address:


Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

In this case, don't forget to inform us about the amount of money
you've sent

by telephone +381 63 8 591 569 or by fax +381 11 639 152 or
send us e-mail to


Thank you!

=== 2 ===


Belgrade, September 24, 2002

In their common press conference the Chairman of the International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic professor Velko Valkanov and
the Chairman of the Yugoslav National Committee "Sloboda" Mr. Bogoljub
Bjelica sent an appeal to international public to react powerfully in
order to stop the mechanism for destruction of human lives and health
in The Hague dungeon.

They underlined that it is duty of the Yugoslav authorities as well as
of international organizations to prevent the evil machinery which
systematically undermines the health of the prisoners, up to most
tragic consequences.

Reminding about the exhausting treatment of President Milosevic
combined with the negligence about his heart problems by the
NATO "tribunal", Valkanov and Bjelica also presented the



February 1996, near Sarajevo - General Djordje Djukic was
arrested and taken to The Hague. He was released only a month before
his death caused by pancreas cancer.

June 1997, near Erdut - Former Mayor of Vukovar was
arrested after he left a meeting with Jacques Klein, despite security
guarantees granted by Mr. Klein. According to the "Tribunal"'s report,
he committed suicide in his prison cell at The Hague near the end of

July 10, 1997, Prijedor - Manager of Prijedor hospital dr
Milan Kovacevic was brutally arrested. He died from a heart attack
after a year spent in The Hague prison, because of the lack of medical
care and belatedly medical assistance.

End of August 1999, Vienna - Col. General Momir Talic,
Chief of the Republika Srpska Army Headquarters, was arrested, despite
his immunity as a participant of an OSCE Expert Seminar and guest of
the Military Academy in Vienna. He has been released recently from the
Hague prison for the reason of his serious illness (the lung cancer
which escalated due to the lack of medical care).

On July 10, 1997, Sima Drljaca, retired Chief of Prijedor
police, was killed in an "arrest attempt" by the British commandos
from SFOR, on the shores of Gradina lake. Mr. Drljaca was killed in
the presence of his juvenile son.

On January 09, 1998, on the road between Ustipraca and
Srbinje, in another "arrest attempt", Dragan Gagovic was brutally
killed by shot in the head by SFOR soldiers, who stated that they shot
in self-defense. All this happened before the eyes of four kids.

On April 12, 2002, in protest against the treason of the
Belgrade puppet regime, which adopted an unconstitutional law
on "cooperation" with the NATO tribunal, Vlajko Stojiljkovic, MP and
former Serbian Minister of Interior, committed a suicide on the stairs
of the Yugoslav Parliament building.

=== 3 ===

Data: 25/09/2002 00:05
Da: Vladimir Krsljanin
Oggetto: Valkanov: No Pardon for The Hague Tribunal!

Concerning the "Wladimiroff" case, an outrageous example of the NATO
tribunal arrogance and partiality, founder and co-chairman of the
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, well known
Bulgarian jurist and politician, former presidential candidate, long
time MP and president of the Bulgarian Antifascist Union, professor
Velko Valkanov have sent the attached letter to the "president of the
trial chamber", British missed politician, "judge" Richard May.
I apologize to all friends for the length of the attachment. I am
sending it as a facsimile, since it is a document which demands legal
respond, if there is any moral at The Hague.

To download the attachment "Valkanov on the Wladimiroff case"
(25/09/02) please click here:


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

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Slobodan Milosevic's Cross-Examination of
Croatian President Stjepan Mesic: PART I
Because the transcript of the cross-examination is 150 pages long we
have broken it into 12 easy to read segments. If you wish to read the
whole thing at once go to:


Page 10614

1 Wednesday, 2 October 2002

2 [Open session]

3 [The accused entered court]

4 [The witness entered court]

5 --- Upon commencing at 9.10 a.m.

6 JUDGE MAY: Yes, Mr. Milosevic.


8 [Witness answered through interpreter]

9 Cross-examined by Mr. Milosevic:

10 Q. [Interpretation] How long a prison sentence did you serve in

11 Gradisce?

12 A. One year.

13 Q. You were there together with Petar Sale and another person in the

14 same cell; right?

15 A. Yes, in the same penitentiary, but we were not in the same room.

16 Q. And you know, later, that the state security service recorded

17 activities with the third person that you were with?

18 A. I don't know anything about that.

19 Q. Is it correct -- I mean, I imagine that you do know that at that

20 time you were monitored, taken care of, I don't know how to put it,

21 Milanko Orescanin, an operations officer of the state security

22 A. This is the first time I hear that name.

23 Q. He worked at the state security service in Slavonski Brod?

24 A. This is the first time I hear that name, and in Slavonski Brod, I

25 was there only a few times in my life.

Page 10615

1 Q. Well, he had very detailed information about your activities

2 concerning that person. Tell me: Do you know anything about that?

3 Because there is evidence that after the HDZ victory, you were the

4 who gave instructions to have that operations officer killed, the
man from

5 Slavonski Brod, and he was liquidated on the 15th of August, 1991, a

6 religious holiday, Sunday.

7 Q. This is the first I ever hear of it. I never held any executive

8 positions and I had no influence whatsoever on anyone's liberty or

9 Q. But there are persons, there are witnesses, Mr. Mesic, who

10 according to your instructions kidnapped that person, Mijokovic,

11 from Slavonski Brod and Jokic, Ivan from Slavonski Brod?

12 A. You're probably the one who is socialising with them. I have no

13 idea.

14 Q. Also according to your instructions, Momo Devrnja, a Serb from

15 Orahovac, a forwarder was liquidated, a man who had a conflict with

16 I imagine you remember that?

17 A. Just as much influence as I had on Lincoln's assassination.

18 That's about it.

19 Q. On the 24th of December, Muselinovic, Miodrag with his wife

20 and neighbour Desanka Radonjic [phoen] was the chief of SUP in

21 and he was killed according to your instructions.

22 A. The same answer as for the previous one.

23 THE INTERPRETER: Could the accused please repeat the question.

24 The speed is impossible to follow.

25 JUDGE MAY: We'll have to pause. The interpreters can't keep up

Page 10616

1 this pace. Now, you both speak the same language; therefore, it
would be

2 better if there was a pause between the question and answer. And also

3 after the answer. Mr. Milosevic, will you bear that in mind.

4 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

5 Q. According to your instructions, Serb villages Pusina, Kokocak,

6 Kraskovici [phoen], Brekoracani [phoen], Gornja Pistana, Slatinski

7 Drenovac were destroyed; is that correct or is that not correct?

8 A. That has nothing to do with actual facts. I found out about the

9 torching of these villages and I protested. I launched by protest

10 President Tudjman.

11 Q. With who?

12 A. With President Tudjman, and you had also socialised with him.

13 Q. You were involved in the Hefner affair in 1967, the one that had

14 to do with the selling of white slaves, and also you remember that

15 referred to an affair that you were involved in that had to do with

16 machinery for the textile industry in Leskovac.

17 A. No. This is just a figment of someone's imagination.

18 Q. Is it correct that you were the main organiser of the affair that

19 had to do with military records, abolishing the security records
that were

20 kept? Need I remind you of why you did that?

21 A. This is no affair. This has to do with the following: The

22 National Defence authorities kept records about young men who were

23 supposed to go and do their military service. As president of the

24 municipality, I got information that Croats were not being

25 active in the army, that they did not enroll in military schools.

Page 10617

1 did not take up commissions and they did not go to military schools

2 general. I was surprised by the fact that it was only Serbs who were

3 applying. I realised that there was one particular item in

4 questionnaires, that is to say, item 32, and this was something that

5 filled by the officials of the Secretariats of National Defence and I

6 asked to see what was written there. Since a person involved

7 because it said that his father -- his name is Slavko Sulovnjak. He

8 in the army. And in that questionnaire, it said that his father was

9 Ustasha from 1941 and that he was tried as a war criminal. However,

10 father had been a partisan. His father had retired as an non-

11 officer of the Yugoslav People's Army. I asked for this to be looked

12 into. They did look into it and they established that for over 90

13 cent of Croatian young men, it said that they were children of

14 and that therefore they could not attend such schools. Serb
children did

15 have passing grades, though, so to speak. That is what I know about

16 32.

17 Q. That's what the Croatian authorities wrote. It was not the Serb

18 authorities.

19 A. It was Serbs who were employed in the National Defence

20 authorities, and I can even give you names if you're really

21 Q. Are you trying to say that Croats were not employed in Croatia in

22 National Defence authorities?

23 A. It is only when I came to Orahovac as president of the

24 municipality, the first Croat became head of the Secretariat for

25 Defence.

Page 10618

1 Q. All right. Is it correct that while you were in prison, and this

2 Petar Sale, by the way, is a well-known chauvinist from Sibenik; is

3 right? While you were in prison, the officials of the state security

4 service of Croatia tried to employ your services for the rest of your

5 prison term?

6 A. Again this is a figment of your imagination. I did have a prison

7 sentence of two years and two months. This was the first-instance

8 that made that ruling. However, the Supreme Court reduced the
sentence to

9 one year and I served one year. I don't really see why anybody would

10 to enlist my services. This is again pure fantasy.

11 JUDGE MAY: Mr. Mesic, remind us again: When was this prison

12 sentence? What years.

13 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] From 1975, from May 1975 until May

14 1976.

15 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

16 Q. Is it correct that after that you worked for the state security

17 service of Croatia in the sector for internal enemies at that?

18 JUDGE MAY: Just a moment, Mr. Milosevic.

19 The next question is: What was the sentence imposed for?

20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] For participation in the Croatian

21 Spring. I was president of a municipality and I took part in the

22 Spring, as it was called. I can also give you a list of all the

23 that I was accused of, if the Trial Chamber is interested in that.

24 JUDGE MAY: Yes, Mr. Milosevic.

25 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

Page 10619

1 Q. When was this Croatian Spring?

2 A. One of the crimes was that I said: Let the devil get warm by our

3 Croatian fire but let him not extinguish the fire. At that time, a

4 topical question throughout Yugoslavia was the struggle for

5 amendments. I said for all of those who wish to see democracy, there

6 place in the train leading to democracy. Every person who tries to

7 sidetrack that train by putting his foot in front of it can only

8 without that foot. That's what I said.

9 I also said that the Croats tread their path to the Adriatic Sea

10 with their own sabres and all the rest followed in their footsteps.

11 are the crimes for which I was sentenced to two years, two months in

12 prison.

13 Q. Is it true that you worked then for the state security service of

14 Croatia in the department for internal enemies and that after that

15 started working for the state security service of the Yugoslav army?

16 A. The truth is that I asked for a passport. For 15 years I did not

17 have a passport. I asked for a passport to be issued to me as a free

18 citizen. I was refused a passport, and I lodged a complaint because

19 that. And I did that every year, a few times every year, as a
matter of

20 fact. That is more or less all the contact I had with the police.

21 the rest just pertains to the realm of fantasy.

22 Q. All right. You did not work for the state security service of

23 Croatia, you did not work for the counter-intelligence service of

24 army, I assume. And it is assumed that your relationship with

25 dates back to those days, that is to say, some other period of
time. Do

Page 10620

1 you know that Franjo Tudjman replaced Spegelj as well because it was

2 suspicion that he was an agent of the KOS and that is why he fled

3 the border with the assistance of Josip Manolic, former head of the

4 Croatian police, with a false passport issued in a false name?

5 A. This is pure fantasy and that can be proved by the following: In

6 order to get a job after prison, I applied at 150 different posts.

7 JUDGE MAY: Let the witness finish. Yes. Let him finish.

8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] My question was different, and it

9 had to do with Spegelj.

10 JUDGE MAY: Let the witness finish and give his explanation.

11 A. What is the logic? Why would I work for the state security

12 service and I could not find a job? And I applied at 150 different

13 places, and I did not get a job anywhere. What is the logic of
that? And

14 for 15 years I did not have a passport.

15 As for Spegelj, the situation was well known. At a meeting of the

16 Croatian political leadership, Spegelj presented a plan, which is

17 to in Croatia as the Spegelj Plan. He proposed that warehouses be

18 from the Yugoslav People's Army, where weapons were, depots with the

19 weapons of the Yugoslav People's Army, and not to touch military

20 but to take weapons. Since in these depots there were several
hundreds or

21 perhaps thousands of tanks, Spegelj said: If we take these weapons,

22 each tank we have people who are trained, who were in the army, and

23 Milosevic wants to move against Croatia, we have the resources to

24 him. In this way, we are going to avoid a war, because the Yugoslav

25 is in disarray. However, if we go on waiting, the Yugoslav army will

Page 10621

1 consolidate itself, it's going to become a Serb army, and Milosevic

2 going for try to conquer Croatian territories with it. Tudjman

3 with that. I was the only one who voted in favour of that proposal,

4 that is why General Spegelj left his post.

5 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

6 Q. I see that you really have this hang-up about Milosevic. You

7 mentioned me in every other sentence you uttered yesterday. On the

8 of what you said just now, Mr. Mesic, is that to show that you were

9 radical than Tudjman in your viewpoints that had to do with the war,

10 radical than Tudjman?

11 A. I'm really pleased that this question was put to me, because I

12 responded in one case how war can be averted; to take weapons from

13 hands of the army and to avoid the war. Because Croatia would have

14 something to meet Milosevic with if he were to attack. So this is a

15 about which I think I was right until the present day, and I think

16 General Spegelj was right too. Many lives would have been saved,
both of

17 Serbs and Croats, had it been that way.

18 Q. Mr. Mesic, is it clear to you, in connection with these

19 accusations levelled against Milosevic, and Milosevic's purported

20 over the army, what you said just now, that I really had -- had I

21 had the possibility of commanding the army, Yugoslavia would not

22 fallen apart, there would not have been a civil war. Regrettably, I

23 not have that possibility, so what happened, happened. But please

24 the following: You spoke about motives a few minutes ago. Motive
for a

25 cooperation with the state security service. Could your motive not

Page 10622

Blank page inserted to ensure pagination corresponds between the
French and English transcripts.

Page 10623

1 been to reduce your prison sentence from two years to one year? You

2 it yourself. Just like now, the motive for cooperation here is to

3 punishment and responsibility that is your due, since you are a
person --

4 JUDGE MAY: Mr. Milosevic, you know you have to ask questions here

5 and not make speeches. The witness has said that he did not cooperate

6 with the state security service, so there seems little point going on

7 about it. Your next question.

8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well.

9 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

10 Q. Now that we're on the subject, that we're discussing such

11 questions: On the 24th of April -- on the 26th of April, 1994, you

12 for Feral Tribune: There were quite a few murders in the case of

13 the perpetrators, though known, are not in prison yet. People know

14 killed Reihl-Kir and Saban Krivokuca, the Zec family. The murders
of the

15 Zec family said themselves that they raped the woman and her 12-

16 daughter and killed them. One of them is employed by the Ministry of

17 Defence. You know it's not easy to sit at the same table with a

18 whose bodyguard took a 12-year-old child, followed a bullet into
his head

19 and then threw him into the garbage. It is my understanding that it

20 become clear to the Croat people as well that things have happened

21 are leading us to an abyss. So that is your own statement, isn't
it? I

22 have quoted you correctly, I believe. My question is: The changes in

23 Croatia - you are now president of Croatia - is this fact --

24 JUDGE MAY: Let us first of all deal with the quotation which you

25 have attributed to the witness.

Page 10624

1 Mr. Mesic, that is a quotation from a paper in April 1994. Is the

2 quotation correct, and is there anything you want to say about it

3 we move on to another subject?

4 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Correct. I always struggled for the

5 rule of law, and I did assert that crimes had been committed, and
the rule

6 of law had to prevail. I am struggling for the rule of law now as

7 I'm struggling for ascertaining individual guilt and responsibility,

8 because in that case, collective responsibility will be halted.

9 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

10 Q. All right. My question was: The changes in Croatia which have

11 taken place, and you have been elected president, has that led to

12 clearing up and settling of accounts with the killers that you

13 said were known, that their names were known, the people who did the

14 killings were known? Now, you, as head of the Croatian state now,

15 you succeeded in clearing all this up and bringing these people to

16 justice?

17 A. The people that you are talking about in this particular case are

18 undergoing trial in Croatia at the moment.

19 Q. You mean all the victims that you mentioned, or just some of

20 A. The ones that we learnt about have been taken to trial, but none

21 of the cases have been completed, no files have been closed, and

22 investigations are under way and the perpetrators will be

23 Q. Do you yourself feel responsible for what took place and for the

24 crimes that were committed while you yourself occupied the highest

25 and offices in Croatia after Tudjman, that is to say, up until 1994?

* Continued at:


***** Urgent Message from Sloboda (Freedom) Association and the
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic!

The Freedom Association in Belgrade and the ICDSM, based outside
Yugoslavia, are the two organizations formed at the request of
Slobodan Milosevic to aid in his defense.

Up until now our main work has been threefold. We have publicized the
truth about The Hague's phony trial. We have organized research to
help President Milosevic expose NATO's lies. And we have initiated
legal action in the Dutch and European Courts.

Now our job has increased. The defense phase of the "trial" starts in
May 2003. No longer will Mr. Milosevic be limited to cross-examining
Hague witnesses. The prosecution will be forced further onto the
defensive as victims of NATO's aggression and experts from Yugoslavia
and the NATO countries tell what really happened and expose media
lies. Moreover, Mr. Milosevic will call leaders, from East and West,
some friendly and some hostile to the truth.

The controlled mass media will undoubtedly try to suppress this
testimony as they have tried to suppress Mr. Milosevic's cross-
examinations. Nevertheless this phase of the "trial" will be the
biggest international forum ever to expose NATO's use of racism,
violence and lies to attack Yugoslavia.

We urgently need the help of all people who care about what is
happening in The Hague. Right now, Nico Steijnen , the Dutch lawyer in
the ICDSM, is waging legal battles in the Dutch courts and before the
European Court, about which more news soon. These efforts urgently
require financial support. We now maintain a small staff of Yugoslav
lawyers in Holland, assisting and advising Mr. Milosevic full-time. We
need to expand our Dutch facilities, perhaps bringing in a non-
Yugoslav attorney full-time. Definitely we must guarantee that we have
an office and office manager available at all times, to compile and
process evidence and for meetings with witnesses and lawyers and as a
base for organizing press conferences.

All this costs money. And for this, we rely on those who want Mr.
Milosevic to have the best possible support for attacking NATO's lies.

Here's how you can help...

* You may contribute by credit card. By the end of September we will
have an ICDSM secure server so you can contribute directly on the

For now, you can contribute by credit card in two ways: *

You can Contribute by Credit Card over the Telephone by calling:

ICDSM office, USA: 1 617 916-1705
SLOBODA (Freedom) Association office, Belgrade: 381 63 279 819

You can Contribute using PayPal at:
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

You can Contribute by mail to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

- OR -

You can Contribute by wire transfer to Sloboda Association

Zurich, Switzerland
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH

Account with:
/ 756 - CHF
/ 840 - USD
/ 978 - EUR
Kmercijalna Banka AD
SV. Save 14, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Swift Code: KOBBYUBG

Beneficiary: Account No. 5428-1246-16154-6
Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia

Thank you!

Da "Liberazione", domenica 29/9/02:


Bugie e vittime della Nato nel conflitto del Kosovo in un libro di

Tonino Bucci

<<E' chiaramente lo spettro di Auschwitz, dei campi di sterminio nazisti
- cio' che non sarebbe dovuto apparire mai piu' nel mondo - che
attraverso le immagini e le parole che le accompagnano, s'intende
evocare: i "nazionalisti serbi" sono come i nazisti, Milosevic e' come
Hitler>>. Come questo meccanismo di identificazione sia stato applicato
sistematicamente da giornali, radio e televisioni dei paesi della Nato,
ben prima dello scatenarsi dei bombardamenti sulla Jugoslavia, e'
documentato nel volume di Juergen Elsaesser, Menzogne di guerra. Le bugie
della Nato e le loro vittime nel conflitto per il Kosovo, in uscita per
le edizioni La Citta' del Sole (pp. 190, euro 11,00) e presentato
giovedi' a Roma su iniziativa del coordinamento nazionale per la
Jugoslavia, insieme all'autore stesso.

<<Negli stessi giorni in cui all'Aja - scrive Andrea Catone nella
prefazione al volume - cominciava in pompa magna e mondovisione il
processo del secolo contro l'ex presidente della Repubblica Federale di
Jugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic... appariva sui giornali la notizia che il
Pentagono aveva elaborato "un piano di disinformazione rivolto a Paesi
amici e nemici">>.

E' lo stesso quotidiano cattolico "l'Avvenire" a riportare in Italia la
notizia di una <<guerra di bugie del Pentagono>>, di un <<Ufficio di
influenza strategica creato dal Pentagono dopo l'11 settembre>> in vista
di <<un'offensiva su scala mondiale per cercare di presentare la politica
Usa in una luce positiva nei confronti di amici e avversari>>.
Distorsioni, manipolazioni di cifre, montature fotografiche, mettono in
moto <<l'enorme mole di menzogne prodotte a proposito della Jugoslavia>>,
che ancora oggi continua <<a circolare pressoche' impunemente sul mercato
mediatico, per sostenere e supportare l'operazione orchestrata dai
governi dei paesi Nato>>.

Era stato gia' un giornalista belga, Michel Collon, (nel volume Poker
Menteur, Epo) a smascherare l'agenzia americana Ruder&Finn, attiva
nell'inventare l'immagine di una nuova Auschwitz, di un nuovo genocidio
in piena Europa alle soglie del XXI secolo. <<La nazificazione dei serbi,
il paragone tra Milosevic e Hitler - ha spiegato Juergen Elsaesser alla
presentazione del suo libro - e' stata particolarmente efficace in
Germania. Per la prima volta dopo la seconda guerra mondiale ci si e'
potuto riscattare partecipando a una coalizione antinazista>>.

Non possono essere sottaciute le responsabilita' di paesi come
<<Germania, Austria e Vaticano che all'inizio degli anni '90 sono
stati i piu' attivi nel favorire la disintegrazione della Jugoslavia,
riconoscendo per primi l'indipendenza di Croazia e Slovenia, mentre
altri paesi, tra cui gli stessi Stati Uniti, propendevano per il
mantenimento della Federazione.
E' stato sufficiente che sloveni e croati affermassero "non siamo
jugoslavi" per appoggiare la loro secessione. Questo processo si spiega
con calcoli economici: le due repubbliche, piu' ricche, hanno preferito
l'indipendenza per non dividere le risorse con il resto piu' povero della
Jugoslavia. Croazia e Slovenia hanno fatto valere la posizione
geografica: la prima favorita dall'industria turustica sulle proprie
coste, la seconda dalla vicinanza ai mercati occidentali. E' la stessa
politica egoista e antisociale di Umberto Bossi quando distingue la
ricca Padania dal resto dell'Italia>>.

E', quindi, la politica estera europea ad aver fomentato instabilita' e
secessioni interne alla Jugoslavia, ad aver creato le condizioni per un
intervento "umanitario". Anche le strategie economiche internazionali,
imposte dagli Stati piu' forti, hanno indotto il governo jugoslavo a
privatizzare settori un tempo sotto il controllo statale. Sono stati
colpiti i salari, e' cresciuto il debito con l'estero ed inasprito il
contrasto tra regioni ricche e regioni povere.

Elsaesser ripercorre - corredato da atti ufficiali del governo americano,
dell'Onu, di giornali occidentali, di Nato, Osce e Unhcr - i passaggi
essenziali nella campagna massmediatica per imporre all'opinione
pubblica occidentale l'equazione tra nazismo e governo jugoslavo. I
primi antefatti di questa costruzione che aprira' il passaggio alla
guerra giusta, necessaria e "umanitaria" vengono fatti risalire al
conflitto bosniaco, da Srebenica (1995) fino a Racak (1999) e
all'imbroglio delle trattative di Rambouillet. Come approdo della
mobilitazione di giornali e agenzie c'e' l'invenzione di una nuova
Auschwitz, in nome della quale la Nato ha giustificato la propria
aggressione, 600 missioni aeree al giorno, pallottole all'uranio, bombe
sulle industrie chimiche di Pancevo e sulla Zastava, distruzione di
ponti e centrali elettriche, di acquedotti e reti fognarie, di scuole,
ospedali, ospizi, asili, stazioni.

Infine, su altri due aspetti si sofferma Elsaesser. Il primo e'
l'invenzione da parte del ministro tedesco socialdemocratico della
difesa Scharping, pochi giorni dopo lo scoppio della guerra, di un
ipotetico piano serbo - chiamato "ferro di cavallo" - per scacciare
l'intera popolazione albanese dal Kosovo. Un espediente per mostrare
all'opinione pubblica che l'aumento dei profughi non era dovuto alla
guerra, ma a progetti di pulizia etnica. L'altro aspetto e' la
<<riservatezza>> dell'esercito tedesco <<nei confronti dell'Uck>>.
<<Un anno dopo gli attacchi aerei della Nato contro la Jugoslavia -
cosi' la testimonianza di poliziotti tedeschi - in Kosovo e' fiorente
la criminalita' organizzata. Ex combattenti dell'Uck fanno traffico di
droghe e uomini ed estorcono tangenti. L'Onu sembra impotente e blocca
le sue stesse indagini>>. <<Il Kosovo odierno - sintetizza Elsaesser -
incarna l'immagine fascista di un paese "puro". Tutte le minoranze non
albanesi sono state cacciate via. La Croce rossa internazionale denuncia
una cifra di 200mila persone costrette ad abbandonare il paese: tra loro
ci sono serbi, ma anche altre minoranze, turchi, ebrei, rom. Per quanto
in passato la situazione in Kosovo, sotto il governo Milosevic, non
quadrasse del tutto, e' evidente che la guerra ha portato ad un
peggioramento. Nonostante tutto esisteva una societa' multiculturale,
tutte le minoranze avevano diritti di cittadinanza e parlavano la
propria lingua. E' la guerra che ha scatenato la pulizia etnica>>.


Appello (fai girare!)

Le portaerei e le basi USA in Qatar sono in allerta e Tel Aviv è in

Il Presidente Bush ha dichiarato che: "...da troppi anni Israele è un
pericolo per la pace e si è messo fuori dalla comunità internazionale.
E' necessario bombardare subito Tel Aviv perché:

- Israele si è sempre opposto alle ispezioni dell'ONU.

- Non ha mai firmato il Trattato di non-proliferazione nucleare.

- Possiede 300 testate nucleari conservate nella base sotterranea di
Dimona nel deserto del Negev (il tecnico nucleare Mordechai Vanunu che
lo ha denunciato è stato rapito a Roma da un commando israeliano e
imprigionato in isolamento da 15 anni per rivelazione di segreti

- Nel 67 ha invaso l'Egitto e la Giordania , il Libano nell'82, la
Palestina nel 2001

- Nel 68 ha rubato 200 tonnellate di Uranio dalla nave Jumblatt nel

- Nel 73 ha dirottato aerei della Meaddle East Airlaines per catturare
i dirigenti di AlFatah

- Nel 76 ha abbattuto l'aereo militare italiano Argo 16 (l'articolo 5
del Trattato Nato impone che tutta la Nato è automaticamente in guerra
contro uno Stato che aggredisce un suo membro)

- Nell'82 ha bombardato la centrale nucleare di Bagdad

- Nell'83 ha bombardato il quartier generale palestinese di Tunisi

- Il capo di Israele, Ariel Sharon, è un criminale di guerra che ha
ordinato le stragi di Sabra e Chatila sottraendosi poi al processo di
Bruxelles per i crimini contro l'umanità

- Nonostante sia l'unico stato fondato su dichiarazione dell'ONU (del
'47) non ha mai rispettato le delibere dell'ONU (le delibere 242 e 338
gli impongono da 35 anni di abbandonare la Cisgiordania occupata)

- Israele applica al suo interno, contro il 19% della sua popolazione
di origine araba, leggi razziali praticamente uguali a quelle emesse
da Mussolini nel '38 contro gli ebrei

- Violando qualsiasi regola internazionale Israele uccide i dirigenti
dell'ANP, imprigiona le loro famiglie e distrugge le case dei
Palestinesi; invade militarmente i quartieri palestinesi, ruba le case
arabe falsificando il catasto, arma i coloni che aggrediscono gli

Il Presidente Bush ha intimato un ultimatum all'ONU: "...dovete
approvare il nostro bombardamento di Tel Aviv. Gli Stati Uniti, in
nome della pace internazionale e dei Diritti Umani, hanno deciso di
dare una lezione militare a Israele per imporgli di adeguarsi alle
regole di convivenza fra Stati..."

Di fronte a queste dichiarazioni l'Unione Europea e Kofi Hannan si
oppongono al bombardamento di Tel Aviv perché ritengono che: "
possano ancora trovare spiragli di trattative negoziali, mentre la
guerra scatenerebbe solo reazioni antioccidentali in tutto il mondo
ebraico, anche in quella componente democratica che si oppone ai
crimini di Israele"

Finora gli USA hanno solo l'appoggio della Gran Bretagna e dell'Irak.

Berlusconi ha dichiarato che "siamo a fianco degli USA e difendiamo
l'ONU in nome dell'Unione Europea" (nessuno ha capito cosa
significasse, tranne l'Onorevole Cirami che ha proposto una legge per
finanziare i debiti di Mediaset).

Manifestiamo la nostra opposizione al bombardamento di uno stato
pacifico e democratico che, nonostante qualche piccola marachella, non
produce nemmeno una goccia di petrolio.

Diffondiamo questa E-mail e ricordiamoci che abbiamo una testa fatta
anche per pensare

(ricevuto via email)

Von Klaus Hartmann
(Vizepräsident des Internationalen Komitees für die Verteidigung von
Slobodan Milosevic)
[ 1 ]

Aus: KONKRET 9/02
[ 2 ]

Moritz Hunzinger, Einflußagent der Rüstungsindustrie, hat sich nicht
nur einen deutschen Verteidigungsminister gehalten, sondern auch den
serbischen Ministerpräsidenten aufgebaut
Von Jürgen Elsässer.
Aus: KONKRET 9/02
[ 3 ]

- Erklärung des Rechtsanwalts Nico Steijnen im Namen von Slododan
Milosevic und Kommentar zum Hintergrund der Beschwerde -
(18. 09. 02)
[ 4 ]

[ 5 ]

Alle Artikeln unter:

zu lesen.

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic *

The URL for this article is:

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posted at
The Freezer Truck Hoax
How NATO framed Slobodan Milosevic
* In Four Parts *
Part I: NATO's Problem
by Francisco J. Gil-White
[Posted 19 September 2002]

During the war on Yugoslavia, NATO justified its shower
of bombs by claiming that Slobodan Milosevic was in the
process of killing as many as 100,000 Albanian
civilians. [1]

In late May 1999, during the bombing, the Hague
Tribunal issued an indictment against Slobodan
Milosevic for ?war crimes.?[2] Then after the bombing,
from June until November 1999, NATO and UN
investigators scoured Kosovo NATO looking for evidence
of mass murder so they could send Milosevic to The

There was only one problem: NATO produced no evidence.


"UN investigators have exhumed 2,108 corpses in Kosovo
so far, but the true number of ethnic Albanian victims
may be much higher, the chief UN [War Crimes Tribunal]
prosecutor Carla del Ponte said on Wednesday."[3]


NATO had claimed up to 100,000 Albanian civilians were
killed by Milosevic's forces. But 2108 is only 2% of
100,000. Could NATO really be off by 98%?

No, it was worse.

*Before* the onset of bombing, NATO estimated that
fighting between the Yugoslav Army and the Kosovo
Liberation Army terrorists, or KLA, had resulted in
2000 deaths on all sides. [4] So, if they found 2108
corpses in their post-bombing investigation, then by
NATO's own numbers no more than 108 people had died
during NATO's attack.

So, NATO had produced only 108 out of the claimed
100,000? That is, they were off by 99.9%?

No, it was worse.

First, Del Ponte?s 2108 figure was of ?exhumed
corpses.? Thus it included not only Albanian civilians,
but Serbian civilians, KLA combat deaths, Serbian
combat deaths, NATO-bomb victims, KLA victims-everyone.

Moreover, we know that NATO dropped bombs primarily on
civilian targets, including convoys of tractors and
cars full of?*Albanian civilians* (see APPENDIX).

Finally, the KLA several times proudly claimed
responsibility for terrorist attacks against
uncooperative Albanian civilians. [5]

So we can't assume the "extra" 108 were all Albanian
civilians and we can't assume they were killed by
Serbian forces. We can't assume anything.

So what do we have? That, *using NATO?s own numbers*:

1. NATO?s estimate of murdered Albanian civilians was
off by 100%.

2. NATO?s bombs and KLA terrorism can easily account
for any Albanian civilians who might be among del
Ponte?s exhumed corpses.

Hence NATO's problem. Because the Hague Tribunal meant
to put *Slobodan Milosevic* on trial for war crimes-not
NATO, and not the KLA.

You may well ask: why is this a ?problem?? Why not just
drop the charges against Milosevic and try NATO and its
ally, the KLA, for war crimes?

Because that's not the function of the Hague Tribunal.
It was set up illegally and is funded by NATO for the
specific purpose of putting Serbs on trial, not NATO
officials. (See here, and here).

And thus on 13 June 2000, the Hague Tribunal announced
?that no investigation [will] be commenced by the OTP
[Office of The Prosecutor] in relation to the NATO
bombing campaign.?[6]

And that is why, in her November 1999 press conference,
Carla del Ponte, The Hague's chief prosecutor,
expressed the hope (!) that ?the true number of ethnic
Albanian victims may be much higher.?

But del Ponte?s hoped-for corpses did not materialize,
and by August 2000, as the UN and NATO forensic experts
wrapped up their investigations, the *total* body count
was still??under 3,000.?[7] Without the promised
cartloads of murdered Albanians, how were they going to
get Milosevic to The Hague?

NATO took a year trying to solve that one. And then
they came up with a solution. They suddenly 'realized'
that Milosevic?s forces had used freezer trucks to haul
thousands of murdered Albanians out of Kosovo, hiding
the bodies in Serbia.

Presto! Problem solved.

Never mind that before April 2001, in over two years of
investigations, this ?theory? *was never even heard
of*-not even hinted at; never mind that this 'theory'
was *patently absurd*; never mind that this 'theory'
was every so convenient for NATO.

Never mind that not *one shred* of evidence ever
existed to support this 'theory'?

On the ?strength? of this 'theory', Milosevic was
illegally abducted and sent to The Hague.


Up next I will do the following (if there is no link, I
am still working on that part):

PART 2. - I Examine the freezer-truck story on its own
terms and show that it defied all reason.

PART 3. - I show that the story was, in every respect,
*utterly false*.

To be precise, I will show that the whole thing was a
hoax perpetrated by the new, NATO-installed government
in Belgrade, in order to send Milosevic to The Hague
and please their masters. I will give proof.

PART 4. - I Examine how the mainstream Western press
*consciously lied* to the public concerning these

I will show how the media enthusiastically and
lyrically grew and developed the freezer-truck story,
communicating with every turn of phrase that all its
important details were established fact, *always
disregarding available contrary evidence* including
evidence the press itself had already published.

To trace the details of the freezer-truck story is to
get an education in the structure and operation of a
vast propaganda system, colloquially known as the
Western free press.



[1] The Times (London), November 2, 1999, Tuesday,
Features, 553 words, Kosovo?s corpse count.

[2] In late May 1999, the Hague Tribunal decided to
indict Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes. See: The New
York Times, May 27, 1999, Thursday, Late Edition -
Final, Section A; Page 1; Column 6; Foreign Desk,
1323 words, "Crisis In The Balkans: The Indictment;
Tribunal Is Said To Cite Milosevic For War Crimes," By
Roger Cohen, Brussels, May 26

[3] Reuters, 11-10-99

[4] ?In Kosovo, an estimated 2000 people died from
February last year until March this year under
President Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic
Albanian rebels.? The Daily Telegraph, June 5, 1999,
Saturday, WORLD; Pg. 20, 1026 words, Last hours of
an evil dream - But NATO leaders still wary of
Milosevic, Tom Hundley

[5] Here is an example: ?The clandestine Albanian
separatist movement Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) has
vowed 'multiple vengeance for the innocent deaths' in
the Serbian region's central Drenica area, in a
statement published Wednesday?The UCK, a group that
wants the province to secede, has claimed
responsibility for numerous deadly attacks against
Serbian civilians and Albanians loyal to the Belgrade
regime.? Agence France Presse, March 04, 1998,
International news, 243 words, "Albanian separatists
vow 'multiple vengeance'"

[6] ?On the basis of the information available, the
committee recommends that no investigation be commenced
by the OTP in relation to the NATO bombing campaign or
incidents occurring during the campaign.?

This is the last, concluding line in: ICTY, Final
Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee established
to Review the NATO bombing Campaign Against the FRY,
PR/P.I.S./510-E, 13 June 2000

This document may be found in Krieger, H. (2001). The
Kosovo conflict and international law: An analytical
documentation 1974-1999, Cambridge International
Documents Series, Volume II. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (pp.340-352).

[7] The Guardian, August 18, 2000, 989 words, "Serb
killings ?exaggerated? by west: Claims of up to 100,000
ethnic Albanians massacred in Kosovo revised to under
3,000 as exhumations near end," Jonathan Steele

* Francisco J. Gil-White is Assistant Professor of
Psychology at University of Pennsylvania and a fellow
in the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical
Conflict. He specializes in ethnicity and the
psychology of ethnic conflict. He is Deputy Editor of
Emperor's Clothes.


***** Urgent Message from Sloboda (Freedom) Association
and the International Committee to Defend Slobodan

The Freedom Association in Belgrade and the ICDSM,
based outside Yugoslavia, are the two organizations
formed at the request of Slobodan Milosevic to aid in
his defense.

Up until now our main work has been threefold. We have
publicized the truth about The Hague's phony trial. We
have organized research to help President Milosevic
expose NATO's lies. And we have initiated legal action
in the Dutch and European Courts.

Now our job has increased. The defense phase of the
"trial" starts in May 2003. No longer will Mr.
Milosevic be limited to cross-examining Hague
witnesses. The prosecution will be forced further onto
the defensive as victims of NATO's aggression and
experts from Yugoslavia and the NATO countries tell
what really happened and expose media lies. Moreover,
Mr. Milosevic will call leaders, from East and West,
some friendly and some hostile to the truth.

The controlled mass media will undoubtedly try to
suppress this testimony as they have tried to suppress
Mr. Milosevic's cross-examinations. Nevertheless this
phase of the "trial" will be the biggest international
forum ever to expose NATO's use of racism, violence and
lies to attack Yugoslavia.

We urgently need the help of all people who care about
what is happening in The Hague. Right now, Nico
Steijnen , the Dutch lawyer in the ICDSM, is waging
legal battles in the Dutch courts and before the
European Court, about which more news soon. These
efforts urgently require financial support. We now
maintain a small staff of Yugoslav lawyers in Holland,
assisting and advising Mr. Milosevic full-time. We need
to expand our Dutch facilities, perhaps bringing in a
non-Yugoslav attorney full-time. Definitely we must
guarantee that we have an office and office manager
available at all times, to compile and process evidence
and for meetings with witnesses and lawyers and as a
base for organizing press conferences.

All this costs money. And for this, we rely on those
who want Mr. Milosevic to have the best possible
support for attacking NATO's lies.

Here's how you can help...

* You may contribute by credit card. By the end of
September we will have an ICDSM secure server so you
can contribute directly on the Internet.

For now, you can contribute by credit card in two ways:

* Contribute by Credit Card over the Telephone

ICDSM office, USA: 1 617 916-1705
SLOBODA (Freedom) Association office, Belgrade: 381 63
279 819

* Contribute using PayPal at:
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

* Contribute by mail to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

* Contribute by wire transfer to Sloboda Association

Zurich, Switzerland
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH

Account with:
/ 756 - CHF
/ 840 - USD
/ 978 - EUR
Kmercijalna Banka AD
SV. Save 14, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Swift Code: KOBBYUBG

Beneficiary: Account No. 5428-1246-16154-6
Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia

Thank you!

URL for this article is

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Receive articles from Emperor's Clothes Website * [Emperor's Clothes]

by Francisco J. Gil-White and Jared Israel
[Posted 23 September 2002]
This is also the Appendix to "The Freezer Truck Hoax:
How NATO framed Slobodan Milosevic, Part 1"
which can be read at

According to the Freezer Truck Story, Yugoslav forces
transported dozens of freezer trucks full of murdered
Albanian civilians over hundreds of kilometers of
roads, many of them partly bombed-out, and often over
mountains, out of Kosovo and deep into upper Serbia.

This was done, we are told, in the midst of
around-the-clock NATO bombing.

The idea of trying to hide bodies by transporting them
hundreds of miles in freezer trucks (Mercedes Benz, no
less!) is grotesquely absurd. But in addition we must
factor in the risk, given what NATO was doing at that
time to Serbia, including Kosovo.

This is described in text and pictures in the "White
Book on NATO Aggression Against Yugoslavia." The White
Book is based on evidence compiled by forensic
technicians and magistrates and was published by the
Yugoslav government. You may access it at

The White Book makes clear that NATO could bomb
anything that moved in Kosovo. Anything.

Had Serbian forces attempted to drive dozens of
slow-moving freezer trucks cross-country, some surely
would have been bombed while others would have been
ambushed by Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists. The KLA
terrorists had excellent rapport with the Western
media. Within hours the news would have been broadcast
worldwide. Anybody attempting such a hair-brained
cover-up could be certain that some of their trucks
would be bombed and others would end up illustrating a
Carlotta Gall article in the New York Times.

* NATO Bombs an Albanian Refugee Column *

The first case the White Book explores is the bombing
of a column of Albanian refugees who, according to
Yugoslav officials, were attempting to return to their
homes when NATO incinerated them.

This internationally reported war crime took place 13
April 1999 near Djakovica in the Kosovo section of

As you may recall, NATO first denied it had bombed the
refugees, suggesting that the slaughter was the work of
Yugoslav forces. In response, the Yugoslav government
brought reporters to the scene. They examined pieces of
missiles and identified US markings.

This was a bit embarrassing, but no problem: NATO
simply changed the official story. According to the new
story, yes, NATO pilots did bomb the refugees, but it
was a mistake. They had attacked military vehicles
responsible for burning an Albanian village and in the
confusion they also bombed a refugee convoy. (Thus the
Serbs, not NATO, were ultimately responsible...)

To back up the new story, NATO held a press conference
in which they played a tape of a voice, supposedly that
of the pilot, explaining the confusion that led up to
bombing the refugee column. Here's how Deutsche
Presse-Agentur reported the NATO press conference:

"*In a tape recording played at the daily briefing at
NATO headquarters, the unidentified NATO pilot* made no
mention of tractors or other signs of civilian life
during the attack.

"He said he was convinced he was targeting Yugoslav
forces responsible for the burning of villages."
--Deutsche Presse-Agentur (our emphasis)
April 15, 1999, "Convoy tragedy 'will not undermine
NATO resolve'"

Because of what NATO would say in their *next* story,
it is important to determine whether the mass media
(such as Deutsche Presse-Agentur) was correct in
reporting that NATO had indeed claimed that the voice
on the tape was the *actual voice* of the *actual
pilot* involved in the attack.

Just to be clear on this, here is an excerpt from the
press conference at which the tape was played. In the
excerpt a reporter asks General Giuseppe Marani some
questions about the supposed pilot's description of the
attack. This part is irrelevant. The important things
to notice are that:

a) by asking a question about what "the pilot said,"
the reporter showed he believed he had just heard a
tape of the *actual pilot who attacked the convoy* and,

b) Note that in response to the reporter's question,
General Giuseppe Marani did *not* say, "that was not
the actual voice of the actual pilot." Instead he also
spoke of what "the pilot said" thus confirming that the
voice on the tape did indeed belong to the pilot who
had dropped bombs on a column of refugees:

[START, Excerpt from "NATO Briefing
Regarding Military Action In Yugoslavia" - 15 April

"QUESTION: I also note that *the pilot said* that he
saw three dark green, two-and-a-half ton vehicles,
which are obviously not tractors with trailers behind
them or horses and carts. Is there some discrepancy
here? Are we talking about two possible different

GEN. MARANI: *The pilot said* he saw the houses burning
on a road north of the road that we are talking about.
[Our emphasis]

[END, Excerpt from "NATO Briefing
Regarding Military Action In Yugoslavia" - 15 April

Unfortunately for NATO, the tape story also had
problems. First, some of the Western reporters whom the
Yugoslavs brought to the scene of attack actually
reported that they saw no evidence of anything but a
civilian convoy. Second, a few of the reporters
interviewed Albanian survivors who said there were no
military vehicles present. And Serbian TV (RTS) was
broadcasting these facts around the world 24 hours a
day. (RTS was bombed a few days later...)

So NATO did another flip-flop, claiming they had never
meant to say this was the *actual* tape of the *actual*
pilot. Rather, they had only presented the tape as an
*example* of what such a pilot might have said about
such an incident!

This remarkable claim was made by none other than
General Giuseppe Marani, the very NATO spokesperson
who, in the excerpt from the press conference, quoted
above, referred to the tape as being what "the pilot

Here's the admission that the tape was fiction

[START tortured admission from Agency France Presse]

"Alliance officials admitted that a pilot's statement
they released last week did not correspond to the
specific incident for which NATO has accepted

"This is contrary to what the world's media was given
to believe on Thursday when NATO broadcast a recording
of a pilot talking about how he had taken the decision
to bomb what he believed to be a military vehicle.

"NATO spokesman Brigadier General Giuseppe Marani said
the purpose of the broadcast was 'to clarify the
process of a pilot involved in an action of that type.'

"The alliance had not meant to imply there was 'a
relationship between that pilot and the narrative on
the tape and specific events on the ground.'"
- Agence France Presse, April 18, 1999

[END tortured admission from Agency France Presse]

In the popular image of the "free press," reporters are
hell-bent on exposing wrongdoing by the powers-that-be.
But note, in the real world, the strained gentleness of
AFP's words. Phrases like,

"Alliance officials admitted that a pilot's statement
they released last week did not correspond to the
specific incident [!] for which NATO has accepted


"contrary to what the world's media was given to

And consider the remarkable headline which AFP gave
this piece. Please keep in mind that, with any news
article, most people read *only* the headline, making
it crucial. What would have been an accurate headline?
How about:

"NATO Admits Pilot Tape a Hoax," or, "NATO Botches
Pilot Tape Lie."

Perhaps you may think of a better headline but we doubt
you can equal the one that AFP came up with. Here it

"NATO pilot was not responsible for bombing of refugee

Isn't that wondrous? It manages to be literally true -
that is, since the tape was a hoax it follows that
*that particular* NATO pilot (or whoever was the voice
on the tape!) did not bomb the refugees - while at the
same time communicating a lie - that *NATO* cannot be
held responsible for bombing the refugees.

One might ask, why *did* NATO bomb these particular

Yugoslav officials stated that the refugees were
attempting to return home.

According to Kosovo historian Cedomir Prlincevic, in
the spring of 1999 the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
fascist-terrorists were attempting to take control of
the clans that exert an all-powerful influence over
Albanians in Kosovo. He explains the special features
of Albanian culture which rendered these centralized
clans especially susceptible to violent coercion. The
text of his interview, "Why Albanians Fled Kosovo
During NATO Bombing," can be read at

According to Prlincevic, the KLA had ordered all
Albanians out of Kosovo. The KLA, and its NATO
handlers, filmed the exodus and, using carefully
selected interviews, convinced the world that the Serbs
were "cleansing" the province of Albanians, thus
seeming to justify the NATO bombing.

The KLA served as bombing spotters for NATO air
attacks. If indeed these Albanians had rejected KLA
orders to vacate and were trying to return home, it is
possible that the KLA called in a NATO air strike as an
object lesson to other refugees who might also be
thinking of returning home. This would explain why, on
a perfectly clear day, NATO bombed what was obviously a
refugee column. The bombing would serve as a warning to
Albanians. The denial would mitigate bad publicity in
the West.

To see the horrifying results of what was perhaps
NATO's object lesson go to

-- Francisco Gil-White & Jared Israel

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JUDGMENT! Video Exposes the Phony 'Death Camp' Pictures
that Fooled the World...

In August 1992, millions of people were shocked to see
photographs of a supposed Bosnian Serb death camp.

The photos were produced by ITN, the British TV news
giant, from footage shot by an ITN film crew which
spent 15 hours in Bosnia.

Most of the photographs featured a tall, painfully thin
man, stripped to the waist, apparently penned in behind
barbed wire.

Travelling with the authorization of Radovan Karadzic,
the Bosnian Serb leader, the ITN crew filmed at a
detention center in Omarska and a refugee center in
Trnopolje. The ITN photos were broadcast worldwide
beginning August 6th, accompanied by sensational
captions and comments.

For example Ian Williams, one of the journalists who
accompanied the ITN crew, appeared on U.S. Public
Television's MacNeil-Lehrer Report on August 6th. Mr.
Williams referred to the Trnopolje refugee center as a
"camp," as in concentration camp, saying it was "at the
center of allegations of atrocities." Williams claimed

"Conditions at this camp were appalling. In 100 degree
heat hundreds of men were forced to eat and sleep
outside in the field behind barbed wire."
-- MacNeil-Lehrer Report, 6 August 1992

And indeed, the ITN photos seemed to show people living
outside, caged like animals behind barbed wire. But Mr.
Williams knew this impression was false. He knew the
Muslim refugees were moving about freely, that it was
the ITN people who were filming from inside a small
barbed wire enclosure. He knew the ITN pictures had
been doctored to create the illusion of a death camp.
This is *proved* in the Emperor's Clothes video,

How can 'JUDGMENT!' have proved this?

By luck, a news crew from Serbian State Television
(called RTS) covered the ITN visit. They went wherever
ITN went, filming what ITN filmed and filming the ITN
crew as well. Thus there is a visual record of what the
ITN people did and what they actually saw. Using this
footage, the 'JUDGMENT!' video shows, step by step, how
pictures of a humanitarian refugee center at Trnopolje
were transformed into 'death camp' photos that fooled
the world.

The 'JUDGMENT!' video proves that Ian Williams, now the
UN correspondent for the NATION magazine, and other
journalists who traveled to Bosnia with ITN, lied to
the public.

Mr. Bush Responds with Superhuman Speed

On 6 August 1992, just *20 minutes* after the pictures
were released, George Bush held a press conference at a
Colorado Air Base:

"Reports say that 20 minutes after the ITN footage was
shown in the United States, President George Bush
changed his hands-off policy and promised to 'press
hard for quick passage' of a UN Security Council
resolution authorising the use of force in the
-- "The Straits Times, August 16, 1992
"Holocaust images of Bosnia prison camps make the West
sit up," by Lee Siew Hua

Bush demanded that the Serbs be harshly punished,

"tighten[ing] economic sanctions on Serbia so that all
understand that there is a real price to be paid for
the Serbian government's continued aggression."

Bush also announced that the U.S. would recognize
Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia as independent from
Yugoslavia. He thus approved the break-up of Yugoslavia
and guaranteed that the Bosnian war would continue.

Consider the remarkable speed with which President Bush

Some photos are shown on TV.

Immediately, President Bush contacts his cabinet
members, who, coincidentally, have also seen the

They confer. Somehow they determine that the pictures
are genuine.

They contact leaders of, at least, Germany and England,
possibly other countries. They plan draconian anti-Serb
measures including economic sanctions that will cut
Serbia off from the world.

They contact congressional leaders. They agree that
Bush will announce the US intent to recognize no fewer
than three new Yugoslav secessionist states.

They call a press conference at a Colorado Air Base.
They write a press release. They compose Mr. Bush's

The mass media receives the press release. Film crews
travel to the Air base and set up their equipment.

And all this is done in...20 minutes?

Isn't it more likely that the timing of the TV
broadcast of these pictures was coordinated between ITN
and either the State Department, the CIA or some
similar body? That Bush scheduled his press conference
to be held just after the pictures were shown so
ordinary people would believe that these terrible
pictures compelled President Bush to endorse extreme

Perhaps ITN's trip to Bosnia, supposedly to
"investigate claims that concentration camps had been
set up" (Strait Times), was planned from the outset as
a hunt for footage which could be used to produce such
doctored evidence.

ITN had a prior history of aggressively anti-Serbian
coverage of the break-up of Yugoslavia. So one might
ask, why did the Bosnian Serb leadership give ITN
access to Trnopolje and Omarska, about which the
Western media (for example, NEWSDAY, 21 July 1992) were
already spreading nightmare tales? Perhaps they hoped
that if they just let the ITN people see for
themselves, ITN would be fair. They did not comprehend
the moral standards of the people with whom they were

Get a copy of 'JUDGMENT!' If after viewing this video
you don't think we've proved our case we'll refund
every penny.

We cannot bring back the dead. However, we can honor
them by telling the truth.

Instructions to Purchase 'JUDGMENT!' Video

In U.S. - $25.00
Outside U.S. - $26.00 (USD)
[If you can donate more, it will help us cover expenses
and allow us to distribute copies to people who cannot
afford $26, which is a week's wages or more in some

BY PHONE - U.S.A. phone number - 1 617 916-1705

BY MAIL - Send check to Emperor's Clothes, PO Box
610-321, Newton, MA 02461-0321. USA. (If your check
includes an extra donation, please indicate how many
copies of JUDGMENT! you are buying!)

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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia


Giovedi 26/9/2002, a partire dalle ore 17:30, si terra'
presso la Facoltà di Sociologia dell'Università degli
Studi di Roma «La Sapienza» (Via Salaria 113,
aula "Mauro Wolf", I piano) la presentazione del libro
di Juergen Elsaesser "MENZOGNE DI GUERRA",
recentemente edito da "La Citta' del Sole".

Il libro analizza le operazioni di disinformazione
strategica messe in atto soprattutto da settori
della NATO nel contesto del conflitto per il Kosovo,
conflitto che ha raggiunto il suo momento piu' drammatico
con i bombardamenti della primavera 1999.

Hanno annunciato la loro presenza al dibattito,
oltre all'AUTORE ed all'editore SERGIO MANES:
il giornalista de La Stampa GIUSEPPE ZACCARIA, esperto dell'area
balcanica; GIULIA BARONE, storica (Università La Sapienza, Roma);
ALDO BERNARDINI, docente di Diritto Internazionale (Università di
Teramo); STEFANO CRISTANTE, sociologo delle comunicazioni
di massa (Università La Sapienza, Roma); ROSSELLA REGA, ricercatrice

L'iniziativa si svolge nell'ambito di una serie di presentazioni del
libro, che si terranno in diverse citta' italiane. Per ulteriori
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ): <jugocoord@...>
Edizioni "La Citta' del Sole": Telefono 081-4206374, Fax 081-7041804



venerdì 27 settembre,
ore 20,30 - sala Benjamin, via del Pratello 53

Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
Commissione Esteri P.R.C.
Comitato Cittadino Contro La Guerra
"Un ponte per"
Associazione "A.L.J"



domenica 29 settembre, ore 18
Circolo Culturale Concetto Marchesi
via Spallanzani 6, Milano
(MM1 P.ta Venezia, tram 9, 29, 30)

Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
Collettivo Resistenza

Per il CNJ interviene:
Massimo Zucchetti, Prof. del Politecnico di Torino e membro del comitato
Scienziati contro la Guerra



ROMA mercoledi 25/9
dalle ore 11:00 presso:
Associazione della Stampa Estera, Sala Soci, Via dell'Umilta' 83/c

NAPOLI mercoledi 25/9
dalle ore 17:30 presso:
Sala "Giordano Bruno" del Centro Culturale "La Città del Sole"
Via dei Tribunali, 362 - Palazzo Spinelli


Le bugie della NATO e le loro vittime nel conflitto per
il Kosovo"

di Jürgen Elsässer
Traduzione di Mara Oneta
Prefazione di Andrea Catone
Collana "Frontiere del presente"
Ed. La Citta' del Sole, Napoli 2002
ISBN 88-8292-183-2; prezzo 11 euro

Per l'Indice e la Presentazione si veda:

Ancora cronache da Novi Pazar e dintorni (Sangiaccato): dopo i gravi
incidenti avvenuti a latere dei festeggiamenti per la vittoria della
Jugoslavia ai Mondiali di pallacanestro, un gruppo di religiosi e
pellegrini e' stato preso di mira da estremisti nei pressi del monastero
ortodosso di Sopocani. Contro il gruppo sono stati sparati vari colpi di
pistola da una postazione nascosta. Per fortuna nessuno e' stato ferito.
Nel frattempo, la lista secessionista "Sandjak" (Sangiaccato) ha
invitato a votare, tra i candidati alle prossime elezioni presidenziali
serbe, per Miroljub Labus, esponente dell'attuale governo ultraliberista
e filo-NATO guidato da Zoran Djindjic.



NOVI PAZAR. Mehrere Hundert moslemische Gewalttäter griffen im
südwestserbischen Novi Pazar eine Gruppe von jungen Serben an,
die den Sieg der Nationalmanschaft bei der Basketball-WM
feierten. Auch die lokale Polizei, die überwiegend aus Moslems
besteht, stellte sich auf die Seite der Gewalttäter und nahm
mehrere Serben fest. Die moslemischen Gewalttäter riefen: "Das
ist Türkei!" und "Tötet die Tschetniks!" STIMME KOSOVOS

Balkan-Telegramm, 9. September 2002 -



RASKA. Der Abt des Kloster Sopocani in der südwestserbischen
Region Raska hat heute mitgeteilt, daß unbekannte Täter gestern
gegen 17 Uhr eine Gruppe von orthodoxen christlichen Pilgern in
der Nähe des Kolsters beschossen haben. In der Region leben
mehrheitlich die "vertürkten" slawischen Moslems, die in der
letzten Zeit immer gewalttätiger gegen die Serben werden.

Die separatistische Partei der Moslems in der Raska-Region
"Sandzak-Liste" hat heute angekündigt, den Kandidaten der
NATO-treuen Kräfte Labus bei den bevorstehenden
Präsidentschaftswahlen in Serbien zu unterstützen. STIMME KOSOVOS

Balkan-Telegramm, 23. September 2002 -