
(Nel seguente articolo Jasna Tkalec ricorda la Rivoluzione di Berlino del gennaio 1919 e l'assassinio dei suoi leader, Karl Liebknecht e Rosa Luxemburg)

Berlinska revolucija januara 1919 

Rosa Luxemburg i Karl Liebknecht: njihova smrt značila je kraj nade u pobjedu svjetske revolucije

U januaru mjesecu 1919. oteti su, podvrgnuti torturi i mučki ubijeni osnivači Komunističke partije Njemačke i vođe pobune Saveza Spartakista Karl Liebknecht i Rosa Luxemburg. Izvršioci zločina bili su Freikörpsi i vojni streljački odredi, a okrutna ubojstva izvršena su po nalogu socijaldemokratske vlade na čelu sa Friedrichim Ebertom. Tijelo Rose Luxebmurg bačeno je u kanal rijeke toliko iskasapljeno da ni kasnije, po pronalaženju, nikad nije točno utvrđeno da li se radi o autentičnim ostacima, čak ni kad su svečano sahranjeni i kad je žrtvama podignut spomenik. Ova mračna januarska katastrofa imala je tragične posljedice po historiju ne samo međunarodnog radničkog pokreta nego i po cijelu svjetsku historiju i na neki neizravan način ona je daleki uzrok teških dana koje i danas proživljavamo. 
Lenjin i boljševici, kad su u jeku rata podigli Oktobarsku revoluciju, nisu ni jednog časa sumnjali da će se dići cijeli svjetski proletarijat i da će revolucija biti svjetska. Samo kao svjetska revolucija ona je imala nade u uspjeh. To su pokazivali mnogi znaci, jer je do pobuna došlo svugdje od Kube i Španjolske i od Meksika do Austro-Ugarske. Svuda su se u bazi stvarali savjeti vojnika, radnika i seljaka i narod se odlučno bunio protiv krvave kasapnice Prvog svjetskog rata, bezdušnog izrabljivanja i mučnog života. U našim krajevima došlo je do ustanka mornara u Boki Kotorskoj, koji je ugušen u krvi strijeljanjem mornarskih vođa. Zemlja koja je bila najbliža Rusiji i s čijim su vođama ruski boljševici (pa i menjševici i socijalisti revolucionari) imali najprisnije veze, koja je bila industrijski razvijena i politički organizirana, a čija je radnička klasa bila teško pogođena ratnim gubicima, bila je Njemačka.
I zaista topovi s krstarice Aurora i pad Zimskog dvorca snažno su odjeknuli čitavom Njemačkom. Rat je naglo završen u novembru 1918 na zapadnom frontu, u Francuskoj, budući da je u Njemačkoj došlo do revolucije. Primirje je sklopljeno u željezničkom vagonu u Compiègnu, jer usprkos velikim gubicima Nijemci vojno nisu bili sasvim poraženi. To će izazvati osjećaj povrijeđenosti ponižavajuće teškim uvjetima Versailleskog mira, koji će zemlju baciti na koljena i kazniti je kao agresora, dok se masama u Njemačkoj činilo netočnim i jedno i drugo, a ujedno su doživjele kao veliku nepravdu oduzimanje prostranih pokrajina na istoku i na zapadu. Sve to bit će uzrokom druge, još veće i još krvavije katastrofe: izbijanja II svjetskog rata. No u novembru i decembru 1918 godine, nakon što je rat prekinut, a car poslan u umobolnicu, cijela se zemlja zatalasala pod crvenim revolucionarnim valom. Od sjevera do juga zemlje planule su bune. Prvo pobune mornara i vojnika u Kielu, pa u Berlinu i u Mǖnchenu. Plamen je bio velik, ali kratkotrajan.
Njemačka je bila druga po redu zemlja u kojoj su revolucionarni mornari zavijorili zastavu sovjeta duž cijele zemlje i u kojoj je izvršni komitet berlinskih radnika i vojnika imenovao socijalističku vladu u zemlji. Na trenutak se učinilo da su se ruska Februarska i Oktobarska revolucija slile u jednu u toj zemlji, jer čim je imperator abdicirao, izgledalo je da je stvarna vlast u prijestolnici smjesta prešla u ruke najradikalnijih socijalista. Nažalost radilo se o iluziji, koju je izazvala trenutna, ali potpuna paraliza dotadašnje vojske i državnog aparata, dotučenih dotad najstrašnijim dvostrukim slomom kao i iznenadnim izbijanjem revolucije.
Historija nosi iznenadne bljeskove, kad revolucionarni plamen visoko sukne izazvavši skokove unaprijed, da bi potom pad bio još dublji. Ubrzo se prijašnji režim u republikanskom ruhu vratio na svoje staro mjesto i za njega socijalisti nisu više značili ozbiljna opasnost, jer na izborima raspisanim smjesta nakon revolucije radikalno krilo socijalista nije dobilo većinu. Socijaldemokrati su dobili 38% glasova, dok su odcijepljeni revolucionarni socijalisti dobili svega 7,5% glasova. Još je manju prijetnju za njemačke kapitaliste predstavljala tek osnovana Komunistička partija, čiji su lideri smjesta ubijeni.
Boljševička nada u svjetsku revoluciju i u pobjedu revolucionarnih snaga u Njemačkoj ostajala je žilava usprkos pogibije Rose Luxemburg i Karla Liebknechta. Isto su takvo nepokolebljivo uvjerenje pokazali i njemački komunisti. U proljeće te nesretne 1919 godine bila je i u Bavarskoj proklamirana Sovjetska republika, koja je ugušena ubojstvom njenog vođe, nakon čega se pobunio Mǖnchen, središte kulture i umjetnosti zemlje s tradicionalno jakom opozicijom . Revolucionarno talasanje u Evropi time nije još bilo završeno i davalo je i dalje nade boljševicima: nakon Njemačke podigla se Mađarska, u kojoj je revolucija trajala od mjeseca marta do jula 1919 godine, ali i ona je bila poražena i izazvala veliki emigrantski val.
Poraz revolucija u Evropi ostavio je Rusiju odnosno Sovjetski Savez izoliran i osamljen pa ga ni herojstvom izvojevana pobjeda u građanskom ratu ni poraz strane intervencije neće uspjeti spasiti od zastranjivanja. Nikad ni Marx ni nitko drugi tko je pasionirano slijedio nauk Kapitala i Komunističkog Manifesta nije računao na pojedu komune samo u jednoj zemlji i još tako užasno zaostaloj kao što je bila Rusija. Bila je to revolucija protiv Kapitala, kako ju je nazvao Antonio Gramsci, odnosno sve tragedije, svi neuspjesi i mrlje na crvenoj zastavi, sva sramoćenja revolucionarnog pokreta, koja su se dogodila u dvadesetom stoljeću prouzročio je neuspjeh svjetske revolucije, a njen prvi tragični poraz bilo je obezglavljivanje revolucionara u Njemačkoj, slom Spartakovaca i ubojstva revolucionarnih vođa Liebknechta i Luxemburgove. Kažu da je i sam Lenjin toga bio itekako svjestan, a Trocki nikad nije prestao propovijedati i vidjeti pobjedu revolucije isključivo kao svjetski fenomen.
Makar i u jednoj jedinoj zemlji, Oktobarska revolucija, ta prva pobjeda u historiji najbjednijih nad kapitalom, obilježila je cijelo XX stoljeće oslobađanjem od životnih muka i robovskog rada ugnjetenih u vlastitoj zemlji te razbuktavši veliku nadu, kojom je obasjala svijet i inspirirala kroz cijeli vijek porobljene. Zemlja sovjeta podnijela je i lavovski dio u antifašističkoj borbi u II svjetskom ratu, položivši za pobjedu nacifašizma dvadeset milijuna života svojih građana i omogućavala sve antiimperijalističke i antikolonijalne pokrete Trećeg svijeta uz udoban položaj radničke klase na Zapadu, jer se svjetski kapitalizam bojao bastiona radničke pobjede, koji je, usprkos svemu, predstavljao SSSR.
Ipak, razilaženja u shvaćanju revolucije i njenih institucija između boljševika i njemačkih lijevih socijalista ispoljila su se veoma rano – u poznatoj polemici između Lenjina i Luxenburgove. Rosa Luxenburg bila je protiv diktature proletarijata u Lenjinovoj interpretaciji, protiv raspuštanja ustavotvorne skupštine i za striktno poštovanje prava zbora i dogovora kao i političkog organiziranja. Ona je bila za proširenje, a ne za sužavanje prava izborenih Francuskom revolucijom. Bez tih prava smatrala je da će radnička klasa biti sputana luđačkom košuljom i da je ukidanje demokracije i slobode parlamenta kobno i po samu radničku klasu. Ipak, čvrsto je stajala i ostajala na strani revolucije u burnim danima, koji su zahvatili Njemačku. Još i danas odjekuje i jednako je živ njen historijski poklič: »Revolucija ili barbarstvo!» 
Nažalost u Njemačkoj će konzervativne snage iznijeti pobjedu i 1919 i 1933 godine, a ta će pobjeda dovesti na svjetsku pozornicu barbarstvo. Dotad nezamisliva surovost te industrija rata i smrti krvlju će okupati svijet. Propast Spartakovaca bio je u neku ruku najava svih nadolazećih katastrofa dvadesetog stoljeća, njegovih ratova s neviđenim razaranjima, a indirektno i najava konačnog sloma Sovjetskog Saveza, kao i današnje svjetske tragedije ljevice. Da je pobijedila revolucija u Njemačkoj, historija dvadesetog stoljeća poprimila bi sasvim drugi tok.
Koncepcije za koji se zalagali Spartakovci žive u radničkom pokretu i dan danas i predstavljaju ciljeve za koje se još uvijek vrijedi boriti. A ti su principi revolucionarna spontanost, demokracija koja polazi odozdo, iz baze, gdje se donose odluke u savjetima. Revolucionarna tijela i organi imaju se povinovati demokratski donesenim odlukama baze, a ne rezolucijama partijskog aparata. Jednaka je i važnost proleterskog internacionalizma, koji lokalne manjine pretvara u ogromnu većinu. Oni koji nemaju, oni izrabljivani jučer kao i danas predstavljaju nesumnjivu većina .Veliku važnost treba pridavati svijesti klase rada, jer bez nje nema pobjede u klasnoj borbi. Spartakovci su se također opredijelili protiv privatnog vlasništva nad sredstvima za proizvodnju, a smatrali su svojim glavnim zadatkom borbu za mir, protiv imperijalističkog rata i gajili uvjerenje da opći štrajk svih radnika svijeta može dovesti do pobjede svjetske revolucije. Njihov je krajnji daleki cilj bilo ostvarenje komunističkog društva, a taj san završio je njihovom fizičkom likvidacijom i bacanjem u kanal njihovih posmrtnih ostataka. Tako je san o svjetskoj revoluciji završio jednog hladnog januarskog dana u Sprevi, a nad svijet se nadvila buduća nesreća neslućenih razmjera.

Rosa Luxemburg, čije ime i danas inspirira komuniste, revolucionare i autentične ljevičare širom svijeta, rođena je u poljskom gradiću Zamošć 1871 kao peto dijete siromašne židovske porodice. Djevojčica se u školi isticala neobičnom umnošću i uspjela je, usprkos siromaštva, studirati u Zǚrichu s cijelom plejadom ličnosti, koje će odigrati važnu ulogu u radničkom pokretu, u revoluciji te u intelektualnim domašajima Evrope početkom dvadesetog stoljeća. Po završetku studija Luxemburg se bavila političkom agitacijom u Poljskoj, ali zbog progona mora pobjeći iz zemlje te je od 1907 do 1914 predavala u Berlinu političku ekonomiju. Kad je izbio rat čvrsto je stala na antiimperijalističke pozicije i organizira niz pacifističkih manifestacija, zbog čega je uhapšena po nalogu cara Vilchelma II. Iako je osuđena na robiju, iz zatvora izlazi 1916 godine sa Karlom Liebknechtom nastavlja politički rad. Pacifistička djelatnost Rose Luxemburg, Karla Liebknechta, Clare Zetkin i Franza Mehringa predstavljaju, uz glas Jeana Jaurèsa u Francuskoj, kojeg su morali ubiti da bi otpočeli svjetski rat, jedine svijetle trenutke u općem pomračenju razuma cijelih nacija, što je dovelo do sveopćeg pokolja u interesu imperijalista i njihovih slugu.
Jorès i Luxenburgova pozivali su na generalni štrajk protiv rata, što će ih oboje doći glave. Smrt Rose Luxemburg osim sudbinskog gubitka za njemačku i poljsku revoluciju, značila je i gubitak izvanredne teoretičarke marksizma, koja je vrlo rano uvidjela golemu žilavost kapitalizma, što je ovaj crpi od imperijalizmu, te nije predviđala, za razliku od Lenjina i boljševika, njegov skori i munjevit kraj. Ipak, argumentirano se i neštedimice obračunavala sa socijaldemokratskim revizionizmom Bernsteina, a uz naglašeno nepristajanje na privatno vlasništvo ima historijsku zaslugu što nikad nije posumnjala da je jedina alternativa socijalizmu barbarstvo. Kao poljska Židovka zazirala je od nacionalističkih pokreta pa je čak izrazila sumnju i u lenjinistički princip samoopredjeljenja naroda, dijelom jer je doživjela krvavi uspon poljskog nacionalizma, a dijelom jer je smatrala da treba u svakom slučaju dati prednost klasnoj borbi i internacionalizmu. Iza tragedije te rijetke žene ostala su pisma iz zatvora, djela Kapital i njegova akumulacija te Revolucija u Rusiji, polemika s Lenjinom i mnogobrojni napisi inspirativni i uvijek aktualni, pravi rudnik misli i stavova, a svakako da svojevrsni kuriozitet predstavlja i činjenica što ju je dao ubiti njen vlastiti učenik, predsjednik socijaldemokratske vlade, Ebert. 
Suosnivač Spartakovaca ubijen zajedno s Rosom, Karl Liebknecht, bio je sin osnivača Njemačke socijaldemokratske partije, Wilhelma Liebknechta iz Leipziga. Pošto je završio pravo i političku ekonomiju te doktorirao, otvorio je s bratom Theodorom advokatsku kancelariju u kojoj je branio osuđivane socijaliste. Kao član socijaldemokratske partije bio je predsjednik Socijalističke Internacionale, a zbog djela Militarizam i antimilitarizam prvi put je uhapšen 1910. Potom postaje zastupnik Reihstaga , a 1914 osnovao je s Franzom Mehrigom, Klarom Zetkin, Paulom Levijem te Leom Jogichesom Savez Spartakovaca. Uskoro je uhapšen i upućen na front.
Oslobođen zbog bolesti ponovo je uhapšen 1916 i osuđen za veleizdaju. Po izbijanju revolucionarnog pokreta u Berlinu 1918 pušten je iz zatvora te je nastavio revolucionarno djelovanje i rad. Ekspresionistički pisac Döblin posvetio je najljepše stranice svog djela liku narodnog vođe te Liebknechtovim riječima na pogrebu žrtava revolucije 1918. Spartakovci izdaju novine «Crvena zastava», a u novembru 1918 Liebknecht proglašava Slobodnu socijalističku Republiku s balkona Berlinskog dvorca, svega dva sata nakon što je Philipp Schleidemann  proglasio Njemačku Republiku sa balkona Reichstaga 31 decembra 1918. Prvog januara 1919 osnovana je Komunistička partija Njemačke. Dana 6 januara Spartakovci su u Berlinu podigli ustanak na čelu kojeg su bili Karl Liebkneht, Klara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg i Leo Jogiches. Ustanak nije uspio - vojska ga je okrutno ugušila - bilo je mnogo žrtava. Rosa Luxemburg i Karl Liebknecht oteti si 13 januara, a ubijeni vjerojatno 15 i bačeni u kanal rijeke Spree.
Tog hladnog siječnja nisu samo prestala kucati dva revolucionarna srca njemačkog naroda. Uništena su i dva sjajna uma, koja su umjela razumjeti i predvidjeti historiju. 

Jasna Tkalec

(italiano / srpskohrvatski)


2) 14° IMCWP - Dichiarazione conclusiva

Sul 14esimo Incontro internazionale dei partiti comunisti ed operai, tenutosi in Libano a novembre, si vedano anche, in italiano: 

The official documentation in english:

=== 1 ===

(Di seguito la documentazione fornita dal Nuovo Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia - NKPJ - sull'Incontro internazionale dei partiti comunisti ed operai tenutosi in Libano a novembre. 

Sulla Risoluzione contro il "Tribunale ad-hoc" dell'Aia, proposta dal NKPJ ed approvata al 14esimo Incontro internazionale, rimandiamo al nostro post precedente:
Komunisti protiv Haškog tribunala )



Krajem svake godine održava se međunarodni sastanak komunističkih i radničkih partija, što predstavlja najznačajniji radni skup međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta u godini. To je prilika da se susretnu komunisti, odnosno autentične marksističko-lenjinističke snage sa svih kontinenata. Iako skupu prisustvuju partije iz socijalističkih i kapitalističkih zemalja, partije koje su na vlasti i koje su u opoziciji, parlamentarne i vanparlamentarne, velike i male, partije koje postoje gotovo čitav vek kao i one koje postoje tek desetak godina, sve su objedinjene i ravnopravne na skupu koji visoko ističe solidarnost među partijama borbenog fronta savremenog komunističkog pokreta, iako se mora istaći da među njima postoje i neke značajne nepodudarnosti u pogledu političke prakse, analize i ocene istorijskih događaja i zbivanja kao i partijske organizacione strukture i strategije delovanja.

Skup svake godine demonstrira međusobnu solidarnsot kao moćno oružje u borbi međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta, ali i solidarnost s narodom određene zemlje ili regiona u kom se skup organizuje. Otud je bilo odlučeno da se ovogodišnji skup organizuje u Bejrutu, glavnom gradu Libana, što na simboličan način pruža višestruku poruku solidarnoti s narodom ne samo Libana već i čitavog Bliskoistočnog, tj regiona Istočnog Mediterana, koji u najnovijim događanjima, poglavito u Palestini i Siriji na najočigledniji način trpi posledice rušilačkog karaktera imperijalističkog varvarstva. U besprekorno organizovanom od strane partije domaćina, Libanske komunističke partije, trodnevnom skupu koji je trajao između 22. i 25. novembra, učešće je uzelo 84 delegata iz 60 partija sa svih kontinenata. Mnoge partije su iz niza razloga bile sprečene da skupu prisustvuju ali su poslale svoje pismene referate čime su takođe doprinele radnom delu sastanka. Svaka partija je nastpuila tokom usmenog izlaganja koje je bilo vezano za tematski okvir ovogodišnjeg skupa naslovljenog: „Osnažimo borbu protiv eskalacije imperijalističke agresivnosti, za zadovoljenje socio-ekonomsko-demoktaskih prava i aspiracija ljudi, za socijalizam“. Na skupu je usvojena finalna „Deklaracija iz Bejruta“ u kojoj se između ostalog ističe da „je skup predstavljao kontinuiranu solidarnost i podršku borbi radničke klase i narodnih ustanaka u arapskim zemljama protiv imperijalističke agresivnosti i krupnog kapitala.Ovogodišnji 14. skup je potvrdio pređašnje konstatacije međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta u pogledu kapitalističke krize čiji koreni leže u kontradikcijama između kapitala i rada i koje nastavljaju da se produbljuju i intenziviraju. Imperijalistička reakcija na krizu je obeležena višestrukom ofanzivom protiv socijalnih, ekonomskih, demokratskih i nacionalnih prava naroda sa ciljem da se unište dostignuća izborena tokom radničkih i narodnih borbi u XX veku, kao i da se intenzivira nivo eksploatacije i ugnjetavanja. Imperijalizam pokušava da na širokoj skali destrukcije ekonomskih, socjalnih, političkih, kulturnih i nacionalnih prava agresivnošću pospeši regresivnu otuđenost rada i kapitala u korist kapitala. Reizbor Baraka Obame na čelo SAD neće povući agresivnu politiku SAD-a i NATO-a posebno utvrđenu na prethodnom NATO samitu u Čikagu pod tzv. platformom „pametne odbrane“. Kampanja militarističke agresije imperijalizma je upotpunjena drskim javnim političkim intervencijama protiv volje naroda koje imaju za cilj da u političku arenu ubace različite kontrarevolucionarne i reakcionarne političke snage poput neofašista, klerikalnih organizacija, drugih organizacija različitih reakcionarnih zaleđa, ne prezajući pritom ni od terorističkih napada, vojnih pučeva i drugih akcija u cilju prekrajanja granica, implementiranja principa tržišne ekonomije i imperijalističke dominacije koja se oslanja na svoje poluge koje uporno osnažuje, poput EU, MMF, Svetske banke... Sledstveno tome predlažemo zajedničke aktivnosti vezane za:

1. borba u cilju konfrontacije sa novim planovima imperijalizma na vojnom, političkom, ekonomskom i socijalnom polju u cilju prevencije svetske kontrole i rušilačkih tendencija imperijalista.

2. zahtvenaje povlačenja NATO vojnih baza kao i povlačenje iz imperijalističkih alijansi.

3. izražavanje klasne solidarnosti i pružanje podrške jačanju radničke klase i borbe naroda u kapitalističkim zemljama protiv politike daljeg opterećivanja naroda a za dobijanje boljih uslova života radnika i naroda kao efekta revolucionarnih promena.

4. potvrđivanje internacionalističke solidarnosti sa demokratskim narodnim pokretima i ustancima uprkos okupacionim i ugnjetavajućim režimima; kao i nepopustljivo odmacivanje imperijalističkih intervencija u tim zemljama.

5. konfrontacija sa antikomunističkim zakonima, merama i progonima; vođenje ideološke borbe protiv istorijskog revizionizma, za naglašavanje doprinosa komunista i radničkog pokreta u ljudskoj istoriji.

6. osuđivanje američke blokada Kube i podrška kubanskoj borbi u trenutnom podizanju zemlje. Osnaživanje kampanje za oslobađanje i povratak petorice kubanskih patriota na Kubu.

7. osuđivanje aktuelnih zverstava koje čine izraelske okpacione snage nad narodom Palestine, podrška njihovom pravu za otporom okupaciji, i kreiranjem njihove nezavisne države sa Jerusalimom kao glavnim gradom, kao i osnaženje kampanje za momentalno ukidanje blokade Gaze i za pravo na povratak raseljenjih.

8. promovisanje međunarodnog fronta u borbi protiv imperijalizma i podrška masovnim međunarodnim antiimperijliastičkim organizacijama, Svetskoj federaciji sindikata (WFTU), Svetskom savetu za mir (WPC), Svetskoj federaciji demokratske omladine (WFDY) i Međunarodnoj ženskoj demokratskoj federaciji (WIDF) u njihovim specifičnim nastojanjima u svakoj ponaosob zemlji.“

Naša Nova komunistička partija Jugoslavije s ponosom ističe da je na ovom 14. kao i na svim skupovima do sada uzela učešće i time doprinela ideološkom i organizacionom osnaženju međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta. NKPJ je ugledna članica međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta s bezrezervnom podrškom svih relevantnih sestrinskih autentično marksitističko-lenjinističkih partija u svetu. Na ovogodišnjem skupu našu partiju je predstavljao Izvršni sekretar Partije i Prvi sekretar SKOJ-a, drug Aleksandar Banjanac. Drug Banjanac je imao više bilateralnih sastanaka tokom skupa, što uključuje pored partijskih i sastanak sa rukovodstvom omladine Libankse komunističke partije. Drug Banjanac je tokom skupa pročitao zvanični refert koji je usvojio Sekretarijat NKPJ, a koji je dobio ovacije na skupu. Jako je važno istaći da je od strane naše Partije podnesena rezolucija „Ujedinjeni protiv imperijalističke poluge Međunarodnog kriminalnog tribunla za bivšu Jugoslaviju u Hagu“ koju je potpisala velika većina partija učesnica skupa.

Sekretarijat NKPJ,
Beograd, 28. novembar 2012.god.

Tekstove referata i rezolucije koje je podnela naša Partija možete naći u nastavku teksta.


Drage drugarice i drugovi,

najsrdačnije vas pozdravljam ispred Nove komunističke partije Jugoslavije i želim posebno da zahvalim Libanskoj komunističkoj partiji na organizovanju 14. međunarodnog susreta komunističkih i radničkih partija. Svesni ogromnog značaja međunarodih susreta komunističkih i radničkih partija, a posebno u periodu intenziviranja imperijalističke agresivnosti kao logične posledice sistemske krize kapitalizma, naša partija je redovno učestvovala na svim do sada skupovima. Rukovodeći se principima proleterskog internacionalizma naša partija je poseban akcenat, s pravom smatramo, pridavala međunarodnim sastancima komunističkih i radničkih partija i to predstavljena na najvišem nivou, uglavnom učešćem Generalnog sekretara naše partije, što je do ove godine bio drug Branko Kitanović koji na žalost više nije s nama. Drug Branko je preminuo prošle godine neposredno po održavanjau prethodnog 13. međunarodnog susreta komunističkih i radničkih partija u Atini u decembru prošle godine na kom je bio lider delegacije naše partije. Ovu priliku ću iskoristiti još jednom da srdačno zahvalim u ime NKPJ svim našim bratskim partijama koje su uputile iskrene izjave saučešća povodom gubitka istaknutog revolucinara i borca našeg pokreta, druga Branka Kitanovića.

Drage drugarice i drugovi, naša partija smatra radni naslov ovogodišnjeg skupa u celosti pravilnim, uzevši u obzir isticanje u prvi plan „borbe protiv eskaliranja imperijalističke agresivnosti“ koje je više nego očigledno u regionu Bliskog istoka tokom najnovijih događanja. Otud je održavanje ovogdišnjeg skupa upravo u regionu Bliskog istoka najbolji mogući vid jasne poruke solidarnosti progresivnog međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta s narodima koji trpe najsuroviji vid eksploatacije od krvožednog imperijalizma, a s kojim i naša partija, kao i narod naše domovine, ističe potpunu i bezrezervnu podršku i solidarnost. Novog starog predsednika SAD-a, sa starom nepromnjenom hegemonisrtičkom i zločinačkom spoljnom politikom SAD-a, koja u svojoj suštini predtsavlja egzamplarni primer imperijalizma, Izraelci su počastili granatiranjem oblasti Gaze uz novo prolivanje potoka krvi nevinih žrtava naroda nad kojim se vrši neviđeno zločinačko divljanje. Ovo je bio potez Izraelskog premijera Netanjahua kojem je potrebna pomoć svog najvećeg saveznika kako bi dobio još jedan mandat na predstojećim izborima. Ukoliko Netanjahu bude „uspešno“ vodio rat njegovo novo premijersko mesto je zagarantovano. Državna sekretarka SAD Hilari Klinton je sve to pozdravila nedavnim sastankom s Netanjahuom na kom je govorila o tome kako će „i nadalje nastaviti da se pomno konsultuje s Izraelom kao i do sada, gotovo svakodnevno između dve vlade, kako bi se pronašao najbolji put ka miru i stabilnosti za Izrael, za Sjedinjene Američke Države i svet“ i sve to dok bombe padaju na nevinu decu oblasti Gaze. Ovakvo licemerje dopunjuje osuda izraelskih napada od strane pojedinih evropskih predstavnika, predstavnika imperijalističke EU, Arapske lige među kojima su neki istaknuti saveznici ili direktni sprovodioci imperijalističke politike, kao i predstavnika vlasti u Turskoj, koji su svi skupa, kao što je poznato, na sve načine potpomogli imperijalističku intervenciju u Siriji. Najnoviji napadi u oblasti Gaze, uprkos trenutnim i kratkotrajnim političkim razvojnim procesima vezanim za izbore u Izraelu, nisu ništa drugo nego akcija koja ima za cilj generalizaciju imperijalističke agresivnosti prema Siriji i Iranu. NKPJ nedvosmisleno osuđuje cionističke napade u oblasti Gaze i zahteva hitnu i objektivnu istragu o ovim ratnim zločinima počinjenim nad nevinim narodom Palestine, za čiju se nezavisnu državu sa prestonicom u Istočnom Jerusalimu i punopravnim članstvom u UN mi zalažemo.

U slučaju Sirije mi ponavljamo naš stav da samo narod Sirije ima pravo da upravlja svojom sudbinom, i da se situacija u Siriji mora razrešiti bez stranog mešanja, bez NATO, USA, EU, Saudijske i Turske intervencije. NKPJ osuđuje najnovije zločine u Siriji, a taođe koristimo ovu priliku da još jednom izrazimo našu solidarnost s narodom Sirije i sirijskim komunistima i izrazimo zabrinutost povodom teške situacije u Siriji i novih najva otvaranja novih frontova imperijalističke agresije.

Stav naše partije je da su najnovija dešavanja u regionu direktan rezultat sistemske krize kapitalizma koji na najvarvarskije načine pokušava da odloži svoj konačan krah, prolivajući krv nevinih ljudi iz potrebe za potpunom ekonomskom, vojnom i političkom dominacijom u važnom geostrateškom regionu. Sаdаšnjа krizа je sаmo jednа u nizu krizа sistemа koji pokаzuje jаsno dа nigde gde vlаdа kаpitаlističko vаrvаrstvo nemа boljitkа, nemа lepših vremenа nа vidiku, nemа jаsnog rešenjа i idejа koje će u okviru kаpitаlističkog sistemа i svih njegovih vаrijаtetа ostаvariti bolje uslove životа grаđаnimа.Osnova kriza leži u samom sistemu kapitalističke privrede. Krize su imanentno svojstvene kapitalizmu, kapitalizam ne može da se razvija bez kriza. Da bi se uništile krize, treba uništiti kapitalizam, tj imperijalizam kao njegov vrhunski stadijum.

Na žalost narodima naše domovine, imperijalistička agresivnost nije nikakva nepoznanica. Ponavljamo da rušilački karakter imperijalizma nigde na tlu Evrope nije tako očigledan kao na primeru regiona Balkana, a posebno bivše Jugoslavije. Proces rasturanja Jugoslavije nikako nije prošla i neaktuelna stvar. Dokaz za to su najnovija događanja koja su vezana za polugu imperijalizma, Haški sud koji je navodno osmišljen kao međunarodni sud koji bi trebalo da objektivno istraži zločine počinjene tokom ratova na tlu bivše Jugoslavije. Jugoslavije više nema, ali razlog njenog nestanka ne možemo objasniti objektivno ako njeno nestajanje nazovemo naprosto raspadom. Jugoslavija se nije raspala, ona je nasilno i krvavo razbijena a glavna odgovrnost za to, sve stravične zločine i ogromnu materijalnu štetu koja je tokom bratoubilačkih ratova počinjena leži na krvavim rukama NATO, EU, američkih imperijalista i njihovih poluga kojima su se služili u rušenju zemlje ključne u geostrateškom smislu za kontrolu i dominaciju u regionu Balkana. Programska orijentacija naše partije je obnova Jugoslavije na osnovama ravnopravnosti svih naroda koji na njenom tlu žive, a što je nemoguće ostvariti bez baziranja na autentičnim principima naučnog socijalizma, marksizma-lenjinizma. Da bi svoju krivicu zataškali imperijalisti su se još tokom trajanja ratnih sukoba iskoristili stvaranjem suda u Hagu čija je jedina funkcija bila i ostala politička ucena i svaljivanje odgovornosti ponajviše na srpsku stranu. Takvim kreiranjem istorijskih osuda, težnja je bila da se prikriju činjenice koje vode do glavnih nalogodavaca rasturanja zemlje, a čiji krvavi imperijalistički trag vodi i do najnovijih ratnih operacija u Gazi, u Siriji, širom Bliskog istoka, do Libije, Iraka, Afganistana... Isti imperijalistički, hegemonistički ciljevi, baš kao i u slučaju bivše Jugoslavije, najodgovrniji su faktori nestabilnosti i rata na globalnom nivou. Prethodnica ratova za naftu u regionu Bliskog istoka morala je biti akcija pokoravnaja balkanskih naroda kao logistička, geostrateška i svaka druga potpora ratnim akcijama u neposredno bliskom regionu.
Da bi svoje prljave ciljeve ostvarili, imperijalisti su se koristili obilato i domaćom petom kolonom i secesionističkim i šovinističkim snagama na tlu same Jugoslavije, koje su u njenom rušenju i privatizaciji koja je potom useldila videli pre svega vlastiti ekonomski i politički profit. Takvi su bili i hrvatski generali Gotovina i Markač koje je pre nedelju dana sud u Hagu sramno oslobodio svake odgovornosti za pogrom srpskog stanovništva sa teritotrije Hrvatske. Skoro 2000 nevinih civilnih žrtava hrvatske vojne akcije „Oluja“, preko 250 000 raseljenih od kojih se ogromna većina nikada neće vratiti na svoja vekovna ognjišta ostali su bez ikakve pravde i utehe za sve stravično što im je rušenje Jugoslavije donelo. Ovakva strategija imperijalista, gotovo 20 godina po ratnim sukobima, ima za cilj samo jedno. Nastaviti potpunu dominaciju regionom, razjediniti narode s prostora Jugoslavije, produžiti šovinizam, mržnju i nacionalizam koji je oduvek bio saveznik imperijalista, svaliti svu krivicu gotovo isključivo na Srbe i time zatvoriti jednu totalnu istorijsku osudu u kojoj se ne može naći ni najsitniji trag odgovornosti imerijalističkih faktora za čiju direktnu umešanost u ratna zbivanja ima na hiljade nepobitnih dokaza. Nastavak ovakvog scenarija se može očekivati i u slučaju optužbi protiv albanskih ratnih zločinaca s Kosova čije bi pomilovanje i oslobađanje od svake krivice od strane imperijalista iz Brisla, Londona, Pariza i Vašingtona bilo u cilju opravdavanja stvaranja NATO države u srcu regiona, tj daljeg prekrajanja granica po želji imperijalista.

Mi ne možemo a da i ovom prilikom ne pomenemo da je deo Srbije, Kosovo i Metohija, još uvek pod NATO okupacijom, da taj čin predstavlja produženje procesa rasturanja naše domovine Jugoslavije i da svi narodi Kosova i Metohije, a naročito Srbi, žive pod stalnim pristiskom, strahom i terorom koji udruženo sprovode NATO okupatori i njihovi poslušnici, marionetska vlast u Prištini. Pitanje okupacije Kosova i Metohije nesagledivo je bez uloge koju igraju vlasti u Beogradu, takođe marionetske, koje se smenjuju ali konstatno predstavljaju političku ekspozituru EU imperijalista. Oni pristaju na sve zahteve nametnute iz Brisla pod platformom “puta bez povratka ka priključenju Srbije EU”. EU imperijalisti to vešto koriste, te svaki put isporučuju sve alavije zahteve. Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel je već otvoreno poručila da Srbija ne može biti primljena u EU dok ne prizna nezavisnost Kosova i Metohije.

Pitanje Kosova i Metohije je pitanje od velikog značaja i za političko delovanje naše partije. To pitanje determiniše ukupnu političku i ekonomsku situaciju kao i mnoge druge socijalne aspekte života u našoj zemlji koju karakteriše imperijalistička okupacija. Otud ne čudi što je kriza kapitalizma u Srbiji izuzetno frapantna za najšire narodne slojeve, standard građana i nezaposlenost koja je objektivno prešla 30%. Odnos prema “nezavisnoti” Kosova i Metohije nije samo teoretsko već duboko praktično pitanje odnosa prema imperijalizmu. Neosporno je da je “nezavisnost” Kosova i Metohije produkt imperijalnih interesa SAD i EU suprotno trajnim interesima svih onih koji žive na tom području, na području cele nekadašnje Jugoslavije. Mi jedino rešenje vidimo u jedinstvenoj anti imperijalnoj borbi balkanskih naroda za slobodu, mir, nezavisnot i potpunu ravnopravnost.

U takvim okolnostima naša partija, jedina u Srbiji, vodi doslednu borbu na osnovama naučnog soijalizma, uprkos neospornoj činjenici da u uslovima krize koherentni i dosledni politički zahtevi ustupaju primat otvorenom populizmu, oportunizmu i nedoslednim obećanjima najširim narodnim slojevima. Iz toga je jasno koliko su zadaci koji su pred nama naporni i ozbiljni. Tome treba pridodati i niz perfidnih načina kojima se buržoaska vlast vodi u svojoj antikomunističkoj borbi. Nezakonito, raznim smicalicama i pravnim mahinacijama, našoj partiji su prošle godine oduzete prostorije u kojima se nalazilo sedište centralnog komiteta naše partije od svog osnivanja. Danas se u tim prostorijama nalaze vladine kancelarije za pridruživanje Srbije EU. Buržoaska vlast je takođe izdejstvovala da izbriše našu partiju s liste registrovanih političkih partija u Srbiji što uzrokuje niz administrativnih problema u našem delovanju, posebno po pitanju izlaska na izbore. Mi smo otud bili onemogućeni da učestvujemo na ovogodišnjim izborima, parlamentarnim i predsedničkim na kojima je samo prividno došlo do promene vlasti. Proimperijalistička orijentacija nove vlasti ni najmanje se ne razlikuje od orijenatcije prethodne vlasti, nastavak privatizacije, zavisnost od IMF, kao i rehabilitacija antikomunističkih ratnih zločinaca iz perioda II svetskog rata, misija je koju u celosti produžava novoformljenja vlada u Beogradu.

Glavno uporište naše političke borbe ostaje sprovođenje našeg programa u radnim koilektivima, studentskim organizacijama, na radničkim demonstracijma i protestima, sindikalnim protestima, studentskim protestima, podrška radnicima u štrajkovima vezanim za privatizaciju, principijelna odbrana tekovina svih autenitčno socijalističkih aspekata izgradnje u našoj domovini, kao i odbrana antifašističkih tekovina i njihova dalja afirmacija među mladim generacijama.

Naša partija se bori i opstaje u izuzetno teškim uslovima za komunistički pokret u Srbiji i na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, ali smo svesni da lakih i lepih vremena za našu borbu nikada, i ne samo u Jugoslaviji, nije ni bilo. Svesni smo da je to mukotrpna borba, ali pravedna, svesni smo da je ona teško ostvariva bez internacionalizma u pristupu, u doslovnoj svakodnevnoj primeni.

Zato, da živi proleterski internacionalizam, borimo se svi skupa kao ujedinjeni antiimperijalistički front, za budućnost socijaizma/komunizma!


Rezoluciju podnela NKPJ

Tribunal u Hagu predstavlja političku polugu imperijalizma koja je instrument permanentih ucena narodima bivše Jugoslavije. Tribunal u Hagu formiran je kako bi se prikrile činjenice koje vode do glavnih nalogodavaca krvavog rasturanja Jugoslavije, a čiji krvavi imperijalistički trag vodi i do najnovijih ratnih operacija u Gazi, u Siriji, širom Bliskog istoka, do Libije, Iraka, Afganistana... Radom tribunala u Hagu ostavruje se imperijalistički cilj potpune dominacije regionom, razjedinjenja naroda s prostora Jugoslavije, raspirivanje šovinizma, mržnje i nacionalizma koji su oduvek bili saveznici imperijalista, svaljivanje sve krivice gotovo isključivo na Srbe i time zatvoranje jedne totalne istorijske osude u kojoj se ne može naći ni najsitniji trag odgovornosti imerijalističkih faktora za čiju direktnu odgvoronost i umešanost u ratna zbivanja ima na hiljade nepobitnih dokaza.

Presude suda u Hagu ne izražavaju nikakvu istorijsku objektivnost, ne doprinose pomirenju naroda Jugoslavije te otud odbacujemo sve presude koje je donela ova institucija.

Dole sud nepravde, dole poluga imperijalizma, za trajni mir, napredak i solidarnsot među narodima bivše Jugoslavije i Balkana nemogućim bez socijalizma!

=== 2 ===

6 Dicembre 2012 01:32

14° IMCWP - Dichiarazione conclusiva

Traduzione di Laura Petrella

14° Incontro Internazionale dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai (IMCWP)

Beirut 22-25 novembre 2012

Il 14° Incontro Internazionale dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai (IMCWP) si è tenuto a Beirut, capitale del Libano, fra il 22 e il 25 novembre 2012 con lo slogan:

Rafforzare la lotta contro la crescente aggressività imperialista per affermare i diritti sociali, economici e democratici dei popoli, per il socialismo ".

All’incontro hanno partecipato 84 delegati in rappresentanza di 60 partiti, provenienti da 44 paesi dei cinque continenti, mentre sono state inviate lettere di scuse da parte dei partiti che per cause di forza maggiore non hanno potuto essere presenti.

Il meeting ha ripreso i contenuti dello straordinario incontro tenutosi nella regione araba, in Syria, nel 2009, incentrato sulla questione palestinese; e costituisce, dopo tre anni, una nuova opportunità per i partiti comunisti e operai per esprimere la loro solidarietà e il continuo sostegno alla lotta della classe operaia, alle battaglie popolari, alle rivolte nei paesi arabi contro le aggressioni imperialiste e l'oppressione del grande capitale, a favore di cambiamenti democratici. I dibattiti che si sono svolti durante il meeting hanno favorito lo scambio di opinioni riguardo alle evoluzioni che si stanno registrando in tutto in mondo e hanno portato ad una larga intesa in tema di sviluppo, per un’azione comune e convergente, finalizzata a portare avanti la lotta rivoluzionaria per il socialismo.


Il 14° IMCWP ha riaffermato le sue prese di posizione espresse nei precedenti incontri, tenutisi tra il 2008 e il 2011, per quanto riguarda la crisi capitalistica di sovrapproduzione e sovra-accumulazione eccessiva di capitale, la cui radice si trova nell’acuirsi delle principali contraddizioni tra capitale e lavoro, oggi ancora più profonde e intense. Le diverse varianti borghesi volte alla gestione della crisi non sono riuscite a tenerla sotto controllo, e tutte hanno portato ai medesimi effetti barbari sui diritti dei popoli. La reazione imperialista alla crisi si è tradotta in un’ offensiva a più riprese contro i diritti sociali, economici, democratici e nazionali dei popoli, volta a distruggere le conquiste ottenute nel corso del XX secolo dalle lotte popolari e dei lavoratori e ad intensificare il livello di sfruttamento e di oppressione.

Questo dato, insieme all’aumento dell’aggressività delle guerre imperialiste e alriallineamento dei rapporti di forza internazionali, in cui il relativo indebolimento della posizione degli Stati Uniti coesiste con il crescente potere economico e politico di diversi paesi, solleva un insieme di questioni che indicano che il mondo si trova, ancora una volta, ad incrocio pericoloso e critico, dove le contraddizioni e le competizioni sono sempre più intense e dove grandi pericoli coesistono con reali opportunità di sviluppo delle lotte popolari e del lavoro.

A tal proposito è utile porre la domanda: in che modo si manifesta e quali forme assume la crescente aggressività imperialista su scala globale, in campo militare, politico, economico e sociale?

Primo: l’imperialismo sta portando avanti un’offensiva che mira alla distruzione su larga scala dei diritti economici, sociali, politici, culturali e nazionali e ad una regressione nella correlazione di forze ancor più a favore del capitale rispetto al lavoro. Sono in corso enormi operazioni finalizzate a concentrare e centralizzare ulteriormente il capitale. Allo stesso tempo, sono stati lanciati attacchi di ampia portata contro i diritti sociali e del lavoro, con una forte riduzione dei salari, disoccupazione di massa, privatizzazione e distruzione delle funzioni sociali degli Stati, privatizzazione di quasi tutti i settori economici e delle aree della vita sociale. Questo attacco antisociale è accompagnato da un'offensiva senza precedenti nei confronti dei diritti dei popoli, della democrazia, della nazione e del rispetto dell’ambiente. In particolare si è intensificato l'attacco ai diritti economici, sociali e al lavoro delle donne, provocando un brutale peggioramento delle loro condizioni di vita, sia in ambito pubblico che privato. Affrontare e sconfiggere questa accanimento è fondamentale, perché la battaglia per la parità delle donne è parte vitale della lotta contro il capitalismo.

Secondo: va sottolineato che il discorso di Barack Obama alle Nazioni Unite, dove ha dichiarato che il suo paese non ha intenzione di "ritirarsi" dal mondo, coincide con il programma approvato dalla NATO durante l’ultimo vertice di Chicago, che sottintende, in effetti, un maggiore intervento militare imperialista in tutto il mondo sotto lo slogan della "difesa intelligente".Ciò ha comportato e comporta l’avvio della prima fase di "scudo antimissile" o "Star Wars" in Europa e del programma globale di scudo antimissile, l'intervento militare diretto in Libia, minacce intermittenti all’Iran e alla Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea, aumento dell’attività militare, aggressioni e provocazioni in Medio Oriente, nella regione Asia-Pacifico e in tutto il continente africano, un inasprimento del militarismo imperialista in America Latina e nei Caraibi. L'aumento dell’ostilità e l’embargo contro Cuba continueranno, così come i complotti contro il Venezuela.

Terzo: la campagna di aggressione militare è accompagnata da interferenze aperte negli affari interni della maggior parte degli Stati del mondo; interventi che si manifestano attraverso l'impiego del capitale e dell’autoritarismo e che hanno come obbiettivo distorcere e falsificare la volontà dei popoli, manipolare, intimidire e impedire che i rappresentanti scelti dal popolo raggiungano il potere. Le forze imperialiste non esitano a ricorrere ai metodi peggiori pur di raggiungere i loro obiettivi, organizzando, ad esempio, attentati terroristici, colpi di stato militari, alleandosi con le forze neofasciste, promuovendo le autorità politico- religiose e le varie forze controrivoluzionarie di diversa estrazione ideologica: tutto per esercitare il controllo imperialista del pianeta, attraverso la progettazione di nuovi confini e la riorganizzazione dei mercati settoriali, in particolare del mercato dell'energia, con le risorse di petrolio e gas, e delle vie di comunicazione.

Quarto: tale campagna militare è accompagnata da un aumento di aggressività, che si traduce, ad esempio, nel massimo impiego delle risorse di varie agenzie e organizzazioni internazionali, in particolare il FMI, la Banca Mondiale e l'Unione europea, al fine di salvaguardare il potere del grande capitale.Per garantire i propri interessi ed obiettivi, oltre ad incrementare ulteriormente attacchi ed interventi autoritari nei paesi di tutto il mondo, il regime capitalista appare deciso ad attaccare la classe operaia internazionale e i suoi rappresentanti, attraverso una serie di misure, tra cui :
  • - unanegazione del diritto fondamentale dell’uomo al lavoro e delle conquiste ad esso relative conseguite dalla classe operaia;
  • - un’offensiva ideologica globale a livello mediatico, tesa a reprimere le lotte dei lavoratori e del popolo e a perseguitare tutte le forze sociali e politiche in conflitto con l'imperialismo, in particolar modo i Partiti comunisti e operai;
  • - sforzi ed azioni congiunte in violazione di ciò che è stato incluso nella Carta delle Nazioni Unite e nella "Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani": documenti redatti in condizioni differenti e con diversi rapporti di forza, determinati dalla presenza dell'Unione Sovietica e di altri paesi socialisti.

(english / castellano)

Srebrenica: Have ICTY Figures Any Credibility Left?

1) Srebrenica - ciudad sin Dios (Libro en español par
2) A. Wilcoxson: ICTY Exaggerates Number of Prisoners Captured by Bosnian-Serbs in Srebrenica Operation
3) S. Karganovic: The Tolimir verdict at ICTY - A question of credibility

=== 1 ===


semanario serbio 2012

Libro en español par - 2012 - Descarga gratuita (PDF 1,2MB)


Aleksandar Vuksanović, 28 de junio de 2012

El objetivo fundamental de esta edición es, por un lado, el de agrupar la mayoría de los textos relevantes sobre el tema que durante años hemos ido publicando, y por el otro de estimular el distanciamiento de la política y la propaganda con la creación de un marco contextual imparcial (en la medida de lo posible) de la tragedia de Srebrenica que podría servir como una verdadera contribución a la futura paz, reconciliación y convivencia entre los serbios y musulmanes bosnios.

En una clara violación de leyes y costumbres de guerra, en julio de 1995 en Srebrenica y sus alrededores fueron fusilados centenares de prisioneros musulmanes. Nos desmarcamos y condenamos enérgicamente esta terrible masacre, solidarizándonos con todas las víctimas y sus familias, cualquiera que fuese su nacionalidad, religión o ideología política. Nosotros no cuestionamos el crimen cometido por un grupo de serbios sino pretendemos situarlo en su adecuado marco histórico, político y militar, añadiéndole una justa dimensión legal y moral.

En este contexto consideramos necesario expresar nuestro rechazo hacia la cualificación de “genocida” cuando se habla del pueblo serbio y de Republika Srpska (República Serbia de Bosnia) que fue fundada mucho antes del julio de 1995 y que es el único cobijo seguro para los serbios al oeste del río Drina.

Los Acuerdos de Dayton de 1995, reconociendo internacionalmente Republika Srpska, reconocen explícitamente la justa y exitosa lucha del pueblo serbio, negando cualquier dimensión criminal que podría haber contribuido a su creación.

Aparte de la intención de plantear un nuevo debate sobre Srebrenica donde participarían todas las partes implicadas, volviendo a examinar las circunstancias que lo rodearon, nuestro objetivo es también abrir el debate sobre las victimas serbias, completamente ignoradas aunque no menos numerosas que las musulmanas y cuyas  aldeas que rodeaban el enclave “protegido y desmilitarizado” siguen siendo hoy, 17 años después de los trágicos acontecimientos en buena medida destruidas a pesar de toda la ayuda, tanto estatal como internacional, destinada a la zona de Srebrenica.

Únicamente admitiendo esta, hasta ahora ignorada dimensión del crimen, podremos ubicar los terribles acontecimientos de julio de 1995 en su justa dimensión moral y psicológica. Aunque no lo apoyamos y lo consideramos un acto de venganza también rechazamos frontalmente la existencia de un plan de exterminio de la comunidad musulmana en Bosnia y Herzegovina.

Además, al debate que pretendemos abrir sobre la tragedia ocurrida en Srebrenica, queremos añadir una dimensión más, la mediática.

Buscando únicamente su propio beneficio, los que supuestamente trajeron paz a Bosnia, continuamente silencian cualquier voz discordante calificándolo de “negacionista”, dando así alas a la parte más radical del pueblo musulmán que rechaza plenamente cualquier postura sobre Srebrenica que no acepta el uso del término “genocidio” o la que hace mención a las victimas serbias.

Los serbios y los musulmanes bosnios debemos ser suficientemente fuertes y maduros para poder resolver nuestros propios problemas.

Este es el marco en el que nos encontramos hoy y el que pretendemos ampliar con esta edición, esperando que el fruto de este esfuerzo fuera la apertura del camino del diálogo, así como de reconciliación y convivencia pacífica entre los serbios y musulmanes bosnios.

I INTRODUCCIÓN .................................................................................................................. 1
II SREBRENICA: ¿QUIEN, COMO, CUANDO, POR QUE? ................................................................ 3
¿Quién la necesitaba? ................................................................. 3
¿Cómo ocurrió todo? ................................................................... 5
Continuo baile de números no es más que otro disparo al corazón de las víctimas ....... 7
¿Quién determina la causa de la muerte de los cuerpos exhumados en zona de Srebrenica?
...................................................................................... 8
¿Quién ha sido condenado hasta ahora? ................................................. 9
III ELLOS ESTUVIERON ALLÍ ................................................................................................... 10
Un genocidio virtual: las mentiras y los juegos mediáticos ........................... 10
“Muyahidines cortaban las cabezas” ................................................... 15
IV LOS MEDIOS REINVENTAN LA HISTORIA ............................................................................. 17
La prueba que falta .................................................................. 17
Capitulo XIV ......................................................................... 23
Falta de censo permite juegos macabros con los muertos ............................... 25
V PROYECTO HISTÓRICO SREBRENICA .................................................................................. 27
Pruebas, contexto y política ......................................................... 28
Mentiras de Erdemović - oportunidad de Karadžić ...................................... 34
¿Por qué el asesinato de 8000 argentinos les convierte en víctimas de segunda y no se
considera un genocidio? .............................................................. 36
Entrevista con Stephan Karganovich ................................................... 39
VI JUICIOS ........................................................................................................................... 48
Naser Ori􀃾, otro criminal en libertad ................................................ 48
CIJ: Serbia inocente ¿y ahora qué? ................................................... 49
Aniversario de Srebrenica ............................................................ 51
El arresto del general Mladić y derecho internacional ................................ 54
VII TESTIGO CLAVE ................................................................................................................ 58
Srebrenica – testigo clave en La Haya ................................................ 59
La historia de Dražen Erdemović ...................................................... 63
Fechas clave ......................................................................... 67
El “testigo clave” en el proceso contra Karadžić ..................................... 69
El caso de D. Erdemović y la verdad oculta sobre Srebrenica .......................... 74
VIII LA DECLARACIÓN DEL PARLAMENTO SERBIO SOBRE SREBRENICA ........................................ 80
Gobierno de Tadić se disculpa a los musulmanes bosnios ............................... 80
Srebrenica: declaración sin reconciliación ........................................... 81
IX CIUDAD TRAICIONADA ...................................................................................................... 86
Srebrenica desde Noruega ............................................................. 87
Srebrenica: ciudad traicionada (Ole Flyum) ........................................... 89
X OTROS HAN ESCRITO ........................................................................................................ 92
La cancamusa serbia y el periodismo piltrafa ......................................... 92
Los condenados (juzgados) de La Haya ................................................. 94
Srebrenica, Cataluña y amantes del falso paralelismo ................................. 97
Srebrenica, la historia “ocultada” ................................................... 99
XI ALGUNOS APUNTES PARA RECORDAR ............................................................................... 103

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=== 2 ===

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Subject: Srebrenica Historical Project: Another major prop of the Srebrenica narrative under close scrutiny


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ICTY Exaggerates Number of Prisoners Captured by Bosnian-Serbs in Srebrenica Operation


[If our associate Andy Wilcoxson is correct in his critical assessment of the evidence at the disposal of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia regarding the number of Muslims captured by Serbian forces in the immediate aftermath of the fall of Srebrenica on 11 July 1995, the implications are staggering. To name just two. First, since Mr. Wilcoxson argues from the logical premise that the Serbs could not have executed more prisoners than they had in their custody, his analysis would tend to show that the maximum number of victims of illegal executions could not have exceeded half the claimed figure of 7.000 to 8.000. Second, that the judges of the Hague Tribunal probably did not even bother to critically read their own evidence before issuing factual conclusions that were at variance with it, as demanded by the Prosecution.
With regard to the first implication, it should be noted that from it there does not follow the automatic conclusion that even that many persons were executed. It only means that about 3.500 is the maximum number of executed persons that the evidence presented to the judges will support. It is still up to the judges to carefully review that evidence and arrive at a figure that is credible. But one thing is certain. It is mathematically impossible for the number of executed prisoners to be greater than the number of prisoners that were captured.
The second implication is very disturbing. Viewed in the light most favorable to the judges and to the institution which employs them, it suggests that they are incompetent, lazy, and unfit for the position to which they were appointed. From a more critical perspective, it could also be said of the judges that they are obliged n’importe quoi to confirm in their verdicts conclusions that go beyond the evidence but which are mandated politically. There is a precedent that supports this view. Dr Ljubiša Simić’s meticulous analysis of the 3.568 Srebrenica autopsy reports prepared by forensic experts of the Office of the Prosecutor, who conducted on site exhumations between 1996 and 2001, demonstrated that the factual conclusions reached by various ICTY Chambers, that supposedly were based on that evidence, also were completely gratuitous and unsupported by the underlying data. That brings us back to the same dichotomy of possibilities. Either the Chambers acted incompetently, or they acted in bad faith and deliberately ignored and/or misrepresented evidence that was incompatible with the factual conclusions that it was expected of them to draw.
Whichever explanation we choose, the result is shocking. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Wilcoxson for his seminal analysis of this key unresolved aspect of Srebrenica. It removes another major prop from under the mythological account of these events.]


By Andy Wilcoxson


The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) claims that Bosnian-Serb forces captured and executed up to 7,826 Bosnian-Muslim prisoners when the Srebrenica enclave collapsed in July of 1995.[1]  

This paper will expose the flaw in that thesis by demonstrating that the ICTY significantly over-estimates the number of prisoners captured by Bosnian-Serb forces in the Srebrenica operation, particularly with respect to the number of prisoners captured and detained at two sites: the Sandici Meadow and the Nova Kasaba football field. 

General Overview of Where and When the Prisoners Were Captured 

Bosnian-Serb forces captured prisoners from two groups of people when the Srebrenica enclave fell. They captured men from among refugees gathered at Potocari on July 12-13, and from July 12ththrough the 17th they captured Bosnian-Muslim men from a column of men that set out from the enclave on July 11th and 12th and crossed Bosnian-Serb territory to Tuzla.

The vast majority of people captured from the column were captured on July 12th and 13th as they attempted to cross the Bratunac – Konjevic Polje – Milici Road. These prisoners were detained at two main sites: the Sandici meadow and a football field in Nova Kasaba.  

Smaller groups were captured at Konjevic Polje, Jadar River, Luke School, and in the general area around Burnice, Sandici, Kamenica, Krajinovici and Mratinci all the way until the 17th of July. 

Most of the prisoners captured in Potocari and along the Bratunac – Konjevic Polje – Milici Road were sent to Bratunac on July 12-13, and from the morning of July 14 onwards most were sent north to the Zvornik region and murdered at various execution sites like Orahovac, Petkovci Dam, Pilica School, Branjevo Military Farm, Pilica Cultural Center, Kozluk, etc...  

Obviously, it goes without saying that executing unarmed prisoners is a war crime regardless of the number killed, and the people responsible deserve to be punished. The point of calculating the number of prisoners is not to excuse what happened, but to establish accurate information about what happened.  

Prisoners Captured At Potocari 

Bosnian-Serb forces entered Potocari on the morning of July 12th and sometime between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM they began taking military aged Bosnian-Muslim men as prisoners from among the refugees who had gathered there. The Tribunal estimates the number of prisoners captured in Potocari by Bosnian-Serb forces to be about 1,000 men.[2] The total number reported missing from Potocari on July 12-13 is 1,487 men.[3] 

Prisoners Held on Nova Kasaba Soccer Field 

The Krstic trial chamber "estimated 1,500 to 3,000 men captured from the column were held prisoner on the Nova Kasaba football field on 13 July 1995."[4] They base their finding on estimates provided by two of the prisoners who were held captive on the field: "Witness P" and "Witness Q." 


However, better evidence exists than what was relied upon by the Tribunal. The best evidence is an aerial reconnaissance photograph produced by the United States that shows the group of prisoners held captive on the Nova Kasaba football field at approximately 2:00 PM on July 13th.  

By overlaying the American reconnaissance photograph in Google Earth it is possible to measure how much ground space is occupied by the prisoners sitting captive on the soccer field. These measurements show that the prisoners occupied approximately 670 square meters of ground space.[5]

An average man sitting on the ground occupies about one square meter.[6] If we assume that each prisoner occupies approximately 1 to 0.85 square meters that would mean there was 670 to 790 prisoners in the 670 square meters occupied by them in the aerial reconnaissance photograph. 

In addition to the aerial reconnaissance photograph, we have eye witness testimony from Lt. Vincentius Egbers, a soldier in the Royal Dutch Army who was deployed to the Srebrenica enclave with DutchBat III. 

On July 12th he saw "between 100 and 200 men" lined up on the field "sitting on their knees with their hands in their neck."[7] On July 13th he passed by the field again in the morning and saw "there were still men on the football field and men who were brought towards the football field at the day before" he estimated their number to be "a few hundred".[8] 

Zoran Malinic who was a Bosnian-Serb soldier tasked with guarding and compiling a list of prisoners testified in the Tolimir trial that the prisoners were held there until about 6:00 PM on July 13th when they were loaded on busses and sent to Bratunac. He estimated the total number of prisoners to be between 1,000 and 1,200.[9] 

Bojan Subotic, commander of the Bosnian-Serb military police platoon tasked with loading the prisoners onto the busses and trucks, testified that at around 7 p.m. on 13 July, about fifteen vehicles arrived at the Nova Kasaba Football Field to transport the prisoners to Bratunac.[10] This is roughly consistent with the estimate of 1,000 to 1,200 prisoners made by Malinic if one assumes that 65 to 80 prisoners were loaded on to each vehicle. 

The picture being painted here is consistent. There were 100 to 200 prisoners on the morning of the 12th, by the morning of the 13th the number had grown to "a few hundred", by 2:00 PM that number had grown to 670 to 790, and by 6:00 or 7:00 PM the number had reached 1,000 to 1,200 prisoners when they were loaded on the busses and sent to Bratunac. 

Prisoners at Sandici Meadow and Kravica Warehouse  

Throughout the morning and afternoon of July 13th Bosnian-Muslim men from the column surrendered to, or were captured by, Bosnian-Serb troops at Sandici meadow. Some of the prisoners were sent to Kravica warehouse 1.2 kilometers away and massacred there at approximately 5:00 PM that evening. The rest of the prisoners remained on the meadow before being sent to Bratunac later that day. 


The Popovic trial chamber heard estimates from people detained on the meadow that there was a total of anywhere from 900 to 2,000 prisoners held captive there.[11] According to the Krstic trial verdict, "Between 1,000 and 4,000 Bosnian Muslim prisoners taken along the Bratunac-Konjevic Polje road were detained in the Sandici Meadow throughout 13 July 1995."[12] The Krstic trial chamber bases this estimate largely on Serbian radio communications allegedly intercepted by the Bosnian Army.  

As was the case with the Nova Kasaba football field, better evidence exists than what has been relied upon by the Tribunal. Yet again, we have aerial reconnaissance photography taken at approximately 2:00 PM on July 13th showing the prisoners sitting on the Sandici Meadow. The prisoners in the photograph occupy roughly 478 square meters of ground space.[13]  This means there was about 480 to 570 prisoners on the meadow at that time. 

It is important to note that busses can be seen parked on the road by the meadow, and in another reconnaissance photo taken at about the same time; two busses can be seen parked in front of the Kravica warehouse.[14] It is clear from the photographs that the transfer of prisoners from Sandici Meadow to Kravica warehouse had already begun when the photographs were taken. 

The ICTY's lead Srebrenica investigator, Jean-Rene Ruez testified about the reconnaissance photographs in the Popovic trial saying, "We knew from the Witness 37 that he was taken there by bus, before being taken inside this east part, and the picture, the aerial picture dated 13 July, shows that at that moment, just at that moment, two buses were parked in front of this east part of the warehouse."[15] 

Witness 37 testified under the pseudonym PW-111 in the Popovic trial, and he did indeed testify that "two buses arrived [at the meadow], and they awaited us on the asphalt road. They made a selection. They didn't get everybody at the same time. This officer came, the one who stood in front of us with a knife, and he said, 'You, you, you, come out. Go down to the asphalt road and get on buses.' I was among them. He selected me, too."[16] 

During his testimony PW-111 marked a photograph showing where the busses that brought him and the group of prisoners he was with to the warehouse were parked, and it corresponds exactly to aerial reconnaissance photograph.[17]


Most importantly, PW-111 testified that the prisoners he arrived with were the first ones to arrive at the warehouse.[18] And although he wasn't exactly sure how long the process of transporting prisoners from the meadow to the warehouse lasted, he estimated that it took an hour and a half to two hours.[19]Another survivor of the Kravica warehouse massacre testified that he was not brought from the meadow to the warehouse until 4:00 or 5:00 PM.[20]  

Given that the distance from the meadow to the warehouse is only 1.2 kilometers; if the busses seen in the aerial reconnaissance photograph are the same busses that brought PW-111 to the warehouse, and if PW-111 was among the first to arrive at the warehouse, and if it took a couple of hours to bring the rest of the prisoners from the meadow to the warehouse that would mean that at 2:00 PM when the reconnaissance photos were taken that most of the prisoners would have still been at the Sandici meadow.

The 480 to 570 prisoners on the meadow, plus the two busloads of prisoners at Kravica warehouse which included PW-111 would put the most probable number of prisoners captured at Sandici Meadow somewhere in the neighborhood 700 or 800 prisoners assuming that some of them might have already been loaded on the busses seen waiting on the road at Sandici meadow in the photograph. 

Prisoners Captured At Other Locations 

Although I dispute the ICTY's findings regarding the number of prisoners captured at Sandici Meadow and the Nova Kasaba football field, I'm not going to bother disputing their claims regarding the number of prisoners captured at other locations. 

According to the ICTY prosecution: On the evening of July 13th two busloads of prisoners held at an agricultural warehouse in Konjevic Polje were sent to Bratunac.[21] The busses were not completely full and stopped to pick up prisoners at Sandici Meadow on their way.[22] On the morning of July 13thsixteen men were captured by Bosnian-Serb forces and taken to a remote part of the Jadar River where they were killed on the spot.[23]  On July 13th, six Bosnian Muslim men were captured, and then interrogated and killed at the Bratunac brigade headquarters.[24] Between July 13th and 17th 200 prisoners were captured in a sweep of the terrain between Sandici, Kamenica, Krajinovici and Mratinci towards Konjevic Polje.[25] On July 13th at Luke School near Tisca 22 men were captured off of busses transporting refugees and killed.[26] 

By my reckoning, the ICTY prosecution claims to have adduced evidence showing that the number of prisoners captured and detained at places other than Potocari, Nova Kasaba, and Sandici meadow was about 350 to 400 prisoners. 

Total Number of Prisoners 

1,000 to 1,487 prisoners captured in Potocari, another 1,000 to 1,200 at the Nova Kasaba football field, 700 to 800 at Sandici Meadow, plus another 350 from other locations adds up to 3,050 to 3,837 prisoners that the Bosnian-Serbs could have captured, not the 7,000 to 8,000 that have been alleged by the Tribunal.  

Another piece of information that lends credence to the thesis that the Serbs did not capture as many prisoners as alleged by the Tribunal is Momir Nikolic's testimony that he estimated the total number of prisoners held in Bratunac on the night of July 13th to be around 3,500 or 4,500.[27] Although Nikolic has credibility problems[28], as the assistant chief of security and intelligence for the Bratunac Brigade of the Bosnian Serb Army, Nikolic would have been one of the best placed people to make an estimate of this kind, and his estimate is at least in the same general ball park as our calculations here. 

As shown above, the key flaw in the ICTY's findings is that they drastically over-state the number of prisoners captured by the Bosnian-Serbs at Sandici Meadow and the Nova Kasaba football field.  

The Nature of the Evidence Relied Upon By the ICTY 

Instead of determining the number of prisoners based on hard photographic evidence that can be precisely measured and objectively evaluated, the Tribunal opts instead to rely on wildly varying estimates provided by surviving massacre victims, hearsay evidence, and "intercepts" of alleged Serb radio traffic provided by the Bosnian Army.  

As the Krstic trial chamber explained in its judgment, "Prominently featured in the evidence presented by the Prosecution in this case, were transcriptions of conversations between VRS personnel in July and August 1995 that were intercepted by intelligence officers from the ABiH. These documents were handed over to the OTP by the Bosnian government."[29] 

The Tribunal assures us that it "considered all challenges made by the Defence, including the theory that the intercepts had been fabricated, evidence relating to the chain of custody, and the general lack of audio recordings" and in spite of that "the Trial Chamber remains satisfied, particularly in light of the evidence given by the intercept operators, that the intercepts are a contemporaneous record of intercepted VRS communications. It is satisfied that there is no deficiency in the chain of custody of the intercept materials, and finds there is no evidence in support of the Defence allegation that the intercepts were either fabricated or tampered with."[30] 

The intercepts related to Srebrenica consist solely of written transcripts, and even though the audio recordings that the transcripts were allegedly produced from have not been provided, the Tribunal is unable to see how they might not be trustworthy evidence. There's a hole in that reasoning so big you could drive a bus through it, but I won't belabor such an obvious point. Without audio recordings to back them up, the intercepts have zero value as evidence -- especially when the people providing the intercepts are the military faction who fought against the Serbs in the war. 

Flaws in the ICTY's Use of Forensic Evidence 

The ICTY prosecution has produced a list of 7,661 persons missing and dead in connection with the fall of Srebrenica.[31] In addition, the ICMP has identified the remains of 6,838 persons in connection with the fall of Srebrenica through DNA analysis, and estimates the total number of missing to be between 8,000 and 8,100.[32] 

You're probably asking yourself: If that many people are missing and dead, if almost 7,000 bodies have been found, and if the Serbs couldn't have executed more than the 3,050 to 3,837 prisoners that they had, then how did the rest of these people die? The most likely explanation is that those people died in combat or else they got caught in the cross-fire as the column fought its way across Bosnian-Serb territory to Tuzla. 

In addition to the Tribunal's decision to attach less weight to photographic evidence than it does to far weaker evidence, the Tribunal misinterprets the forensic evidence that it has collected as well. 

For example, the ICTY asserts that over 1,000 prisoners were executed at Kravica warehouse, and they base this finding on the number of victims found in mass-graves that have been linked to Kravica warehouse.[33] 

Prosecution investigator Dusan Janc prepared an expert report in 2009 in which he concluded that the remains of 1,319 individuals had been found in primary and secondary graves associated with the Kravica Warehouse killings.[34]  

What they do not take into consideration is the fact that the Kravica warehouse is a finite space that could have only housed a limited number of prisoners. 

The total floor space of the two rooms of Kravica warehouse where the prisoners were held is 589.5 square meters; 262.5 square meters in the west room, and 327 square meters in the east room.[35]Therefore, we know that the number of prisoners who could have been seated on the floor of Kravica warehouse is somewhere in the region of 600 or 700 men if the warehouse were empty, which it wasn't. The warehouse was in use at the time of the massacre and part of the floor space was occupied by the material being stored inside of the warehouse. 

One of the men who survived the massacre testified that inside the room of the warehouse where he was sitting there were containers, an old wire fence, and a dilapidated old car that were all being stored inside of the warehouse.[36]   

Janc was forced to revise his 2009 findings when other evidence proved that a significant number of the bodies in the graves that he had linked to the Kravica warehouse massacre had in fact come from other locations.[37] We're not talking about one or two bodies either; we're talking about whole truck loads of bodies that were brought in from other places at different times to be buried in these graves and the forensic investigators who exhumed the graves and carried out the investigation never had a clue. 

The forensic investigators knew there was plaster and building materials from the warehouse in the graves that they were examining, they knew that DNA found on the walls of the warehouse matched the DNA of some of the victims found in the graves[38], but they had no way of knowing the origin of all of the bodies in the grave. Just because some of the bodies came from the warehouse it didn't mean that all of the bodies had come from the warehouse. 

The mistake that Janc made with regard to Kravica warehouse is repeated over and over again in the Tribunal's interpretation of the forensic evidence. If they find a link between a primary grave and a secondary grave they assume that all of the bodies in the secondary grave must have come from the primary grave. If they find a link between a grave and an execution site they assume that all of the bodies in the grave must have been killed at that execution site, even though they have no way of knowing whether some of the bodies in the grave might have been brought in from other places. 

The graves are a huge mess because the Bosnian-Serbs dug up the "primary" graves where the victims were initially buried and then re-buried them in "secondary" graves, most probably to conceal evidence of the executions.


The graves are all within about a 50 mile radius of each other. It therefore seems likely that the combat casualties and the executed prisoners have all been mixed together in the same graves. Although the Krstic trial chamber found that "the majority of the victims were executed"[39], they did concede that one "cannot rule out the possibility that a percentage of the bodies in the gravesites examined may have been of men killed in combat."[40] 


There is no compelling evidence to suggest that Bosnian-Serb forces managed to capture more than 3,000 to 4,000 prisoners. Photographic evidence showing the number of prisoners at the two main prisoner regroupment sites at Sandici meadow and the Nova Kasaba football field show that far fewer prisoners were captured at those locations than claimed by the Tribunal. 

The number of prisoners executed by the Bosnian-Serbs is limited by the number of prisoners they captured. If the Tribunal's findin

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(Un interessante documento in merito alla minoranza "sorba" della zona di Cottbus - Germania Est -, che conta tuttora alcune decine di migliaia di componenti)

Serbian Brothers in Germany: Lusatian Serbs

Apr 13th, 2009 | By

“Serbia is Our Ancestral Land”

Just like in the 1990s, during the civil war in the territory of former Yugoslavia, in recent years too German media supported the decision of their government both when it came to recognizing the mafia state on Serbian territory — its Kosovo and Metohija province — and when it was decided Germany should be the first country in the world to raise their office in Priština to the level of embassy.

Only one political party, the Left (Die Linke), led by two prominent politicians Oskar Lafontaine (former German finance minister and ex chairman of the leading Social Democratic Party) and Gregor Gizi, distanced itself from those decisions. Last year was the first time Die Linke received a significant number of votes also on the territory of the former West Germany, in addition to its popularity in the former East Germany. But although Die Linke represents the opinion of many Germans, the mainstream media in Germany noted their opposition to imposed redrawing of Serbian borders only at the very bottom of newspapers, as a side note. Much greater attention was given to the information that “Lusatian Serbs oppose the secession of Kosovo province from Serbia.”

Later, when Łužica (Lusatian) Serbs (also called “Sorbs” in foreign sources, although they call themselves by the same name as their Balkan brothers — Serbs: Serbja, Serby) organized news conference at which they pointed to the alarming situation for ancient Serbian minority in Germany, many questions followed to which they replied that they consider Serbia their ancestral land, and that they sometimes view their Balkan compatriots as their “wandered-off offspring”.

Jan Nuk, President of the Union of Lusatian Serbs “Domowina” (Domovina, “homeland”), together with the other prominent representatives of the Western Serbs, stressed that Germans should worry about minorities in their own and not in someone else’s territory, adding that currently 60,000 Lusatian Serbs live in Germany (40,000 in Saxony and 20,000 in the neighboring province of Brandenburg). They are surrounded with 6.5 million Germans in those two provinces, and with 82 million Germans in the entire country.

At the same time, he asked how will the Kosovo Serbs, surrounded with Albanians, survive. With this heated issue, Nuk attracted attention of the local media and non-governmental organizations and, in response to numerous questions, explained who, according to the historical data, Lusatian Serbs are.

“We call ourselves Serbja, Serb, Serbonjka, and the Serbs in Serbia – South Serbja”, representative of the Serbian nation in Germany said.

He added that, from their initial settlements, Western Serbs were “forcibly pushed into the space between the Elbe River and the gates of Berlin, between Budyšin [Bautzen] and Kočebuz [Cottbus], formerly marshy and deserted land, which they turned into a fertile region with their hard work.”

The Fiercemen

Lusatian Serbs consisted of numerous tribes, the most prominent of which were the Milceni [Milčani] and Serbs, in the regions of Obodrit, Ljutiša, Velet, Gomačan and Stodoran. In the 7th century, Western Serbian Prefect Dervan joined the Samovoj country, and in the 8th and 9th century some tribes merged to create a strong defense front, but after the end of the fighting or death of the Prefects (some of them are known by the names, such as Miloduh, Dragovit) they were again separated. Western Serbs became victims of Franc and German feudal lords, but they survived that too. They fiercely defended their land and freedom, leading some historians to the conclusion that the Tribe Ljutić (Fiercemen) was a name given because they were fierce fighters, striking dread in the enemy.

“In 805, to insure the most efficient countering of the Serb defense, Charlemagne constituted Limes Sobaricus, the beltway region where it was strictly prohibited to sell weapons to the Serbs. Charlemagne’s order from the year 807 testifies that Serbs were far from being an easy prey. Here, he instructed his underlings: ‘if the Czechs attack us, third of the army should get into the battle; if the Serbs attack us, use the whole army’,” Nuk reminded.

Feudal German expansion lasted over 200 years. In the 10th century Lusatians were defeated, then Milčani, and by the end of the century all Lusatian Serb country was occupied by the Germans.

From the 12th century, the conquerors began ruthless colonization Lusatian Serbs are still opposing.

Many heroes are remembered to this day, fighters for the rights of Serbs. One of them is Serb Jan Čuška, who lead a passionate uprising in 1794, forcing Frederick William I of Prussia to engage both the regular army and cavalry against a handful of Serb leaders. In the end, he captured all of the 18 Serbian rural leaders and sentenced them to life in prison. What remained to this day are Čuška’s proud words, ringing through the centuries: Today, it is not you who has the power, but us!

The revolts against the German feudal lords continued throughout 16th century. In 1548, in the district of Lukovo, Serb rebels have managed to establish the self-rule, set up their king, abolish serfdom and taxes, but this attempt was also soon smothered in blood.

The wars kept storming through the Lusatian Serb land: Thirty Years’ War, Seven Years’ War, Napoleon wars, the First, then the Second World War.

The wars were followed by the plague, famine and emptying of the villages, and then re-colonizations by the Germans. Colonizations reinforced the Germanization. Serbs were prohibited from speaking their language even in their homes and within the family, they were not allowed to wear their national costumes (so the male national costumes were eventually completely lost), Serb girls were not allowed to wear any jewelry, Serb men could not wear traditional leather shoes.

In the region of Lower Lusatia it was even worse — young couples were not allowed to get married unless they spoke fluent German. At the same time, Serb tradesmen were being expelled from the guilds, and Lusatia Serbs were forced to attend the German church. If those Serbs who wished to live and work in the towns signed the obligatory oath, they were automatically renationalized and labeled Germans.

Still, by the 18th century Western Serbs who were stripped of most of their rights, their prefects and leaders, did not lose their traditions and intellectuals.

Several of them came to prominence during the era of Humanism: Kašpor Peucerus, who was publicly declaring himself a Serb (sentenced to 11 years in prison due to his “progressive ideas”), was successfully pursuing mathematics, astronomy, medicine and philosophy. He wrote a historical chronicle of Budyšin city. Jan Rak (Ragnus) was a professor in Wittenberg, poet and writer; Jan Bogas (Bokasius) was Doctor of Philosophy and poet; Jan Solfa was a medical doctor and author of medical books. Others have acquired titles of science masters, theology doctorates and were occupying high positions as deans and rectors of theological schools in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.

“Reformation which, in addition to political, also contained economic elements, was expanded to almost the entire Lusatia and preserved the national character by defending national interests,” writes historian Nada Đorđević in the treatise “History and Culture of Lusatian Serbs”.

From the 16th century Lusatian Serbs speak in two dialects, Upper and Lower Serbian. At the same time, there was a great pressure on the faith of Lusatian Serbs and since the 16th century they are divided on Protestants and Roman Catholics.

“Lutheranism, which in principle demanded the use of national languages in the church, was against the use of Serbian language, because Luther spoke very offensively about it. Only after his death Serbian priests started introducing Serbian language and opening the schools where it was taught. The first translation of the New Testament from Miklavž Jakubica, appeared in 1545. However, it remained in the manuscript form, as well as Catechism by Albin Moler and collection of songs by Vaclav Varihius,” Đorđević explains.

Maćica Serbska and Domowina

It was only in the 18th century that the broad Lusatian public learned they are not alone and that they have brothers in Eastern Europe, somewhere in the Balkans. At the time, Eastern Serbs were under the Ottoman rule, fighting against the Turkish empire. Western Serbs were receiving sporadic information from their Eastern brothers’ wars with Turks.

This encouraged Lusatian Serb Hendri Zejler (1804-1872) to write poetry, becoming the greatest poet of the Lusatian Romanticism. He lived in Lipsk (Leipzig), where he met with the prominent Eastern Serbian writer Sima Milutinović in 1826. It is assumed Milutinović helped Zejler to translate the first Serbian folk song “The Maiden chooses a Youth” into Lusatian Serbian. Zejler’s artistic circle later received collection of Serbian national poetry gathered and compiled by Vuk Karadzic.

Most of Serbian national epos, folk songs and poetry were translated by the well-known and dedicated Lusatian Serb fighter, author and artist Jurij Vjelan (1817-1892), who visited Belgrade and wrote about it enthusiastically in the newspaper of Lusatian Serbs. Mihal Hornjik (1833-1894), another Western Serb, remained faithful to the Serbian national poetry throughout his life, translating it tirelessly.

According to the texts of Lusatian Serb authors, several central events were most important for spreading Lusatian Serb culture and for maintaining Western Serbs’ national identity.

The first one was establishment of Serbian Society “Maćica Serbska” (in Lusatian Serbian, “Matica Srpska” in Serbian), principally thanks to the efforts of Arni Smoler and Hendri Zejler. Western “Maćica Serbska” was founded in 1847, twenty years after the Eastern “Matica Srpska” was established in Pest (today’s capital of Hungary, Budapest), the seat of which was later moved to the Serbian town of Novi Sad.

Forming of the Lusatian Serb society “Domowina” (“Domovina” in Serbian, ‘homeland’) in 1912 was equally important for preservation of the rich Western Serbian culture and, along with Maćica Serbska, “Domowina” represents the main pillar of the Lusatian Serb national development. Historian and archeologist Grga Novak pointed out that the language reform by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Serbian linguist and anthologist, which was in full swing at that time, provided great inspiration and enthusiasm in the Lusatian Serb culture.

No Autonomy for Serbs in Germany

So, that is how the history of Lusatian Serbs roughly went — the nation which after the First World War wanted its political autonomy, but neither the Weimar Republic nor the European superpowers would allow them the status of national minority. During this period the number of Lusatian Serbs was significantly reduced.

Nuk told reporters that at the time of Weimar Republic (1920-1930) there were 250,000 Lusatian Serbs, four times more than now. Under the Nazi regime, at the time of Hitler, they were massively persecuted, discriminated against and destroyed.

Although they were only formally recognized in East Germany (NDR) after the Second World War, they did have a cultural center in Dresden, along with their newspaper, while the language of Lusatian Serbs in the province, in the places where they live, was an official language.

Jurij Brezan, national writer and chronicler of Lusatian Serbs during the past century, published more than 20 books about the Western Serbs in his native tongue. According to him, the name of Lusatian Serbs which was first recorded by the ancient historians in 632 in the Fredeger Chronicle, today, in a unified Germany, where they live in the area east of Berlin, toward the Polish border and in the south-east towards the Czech Republic border, up to Dresden, is almost no longer allowed to be used.

Toponyms: “Berlin” was a Muddy Pond

Lusatian Serbs were the first to give names to the towns they were inhabiting since the 6th century. Thus, the city which is today called Dresden was originally named Drježdzen by the Western Serbs. Budyšin was germanized into Bautzen, Lipsk in Leipzig, Kamjenica into Chemnitz, river Sprjewja to Spree, Lubinjow to Lübbenau… They also gave the first name to today’s metropolis – Brljin, by the mud ponds the town was surrounded with, which was later turned into Berlin.

Faith in Slavic Svevid

Like all the other Slavs and their Balkan brothers, Lusatian Serbs were also pagans at first and believed in the same Slavic deities: Svevid, Svarog, Živa, Perun, Gromovnica and the other, lesser gods. Historians recorded that “during the union with Moravian principality, [Byzantine Greek missionaries and educators, Saints] Cyril and Methodius were spreading Christianity among the Lusatian Serbs, but the influence of German missionaries was stronger, because the Serbs defended their religion and their gods as persistently as their lands”. German religious missionaries initially had to preach in Serbian, which is why Emperor Otto I (962-73) in Magdeburg established the school where future missionaries had to learn Serbian language. Due to the great resistance of Lusatian Serbs, bishops were coercing Germans to settle among the Serbs, because “their land is rich”. The new German settlers established numerous convents, which were most often the hotbeds of Germanization.

At one point Lusatia was administered by the Poland and the Czech Republic, but this did not improve the conditions and position of this nation, because all the feudal lords protected exclusively their own interests. Thus, for example, Polish duke Mnjačko in 1030 destroyed 100 Serb villages as a punishment. Under the Polish and Czech rule, Lusatian Serbs were not allowed to settle in the cities, exceptionally only in the suburbs, where they were permitted to work in a limited number of trades, as fabric weavers, carpenters, fishermen, but without the right to enter into guilds. The first document written in the Lusatian Serb language is the text of the oath in the 16th century, which was taken upon joining the guild.

Hitler: “The Word ‘Serbs’ has to Disappear”

According to historians, restrictions and banning the language of Lusatian Serbs was quite similar to negation and prohibition of the language and Cyrillic script of the Balkan Serbs.

In 1334, Leipzig Parliament passed a regulation that everyone who utters the word in the Lusatian Serb language will be punished by death. That was the time when the Lusatian writers protested by writing in Latin, but not in the German language.

Hitler’s coming to power brought the new rules: “Limit as much as possible Wendish (Serbian) language; keep opening German kindergartens, so that Germanism is built from below and to primarily prevent the establishment of the Wendish political headquarters.”

Year 1937 marked the pogrom and arrest of the most prominent Lusatian Serbs, the abolition of all of their cultural and national organizations, confiscation of their property and persecution on all levels. Then, the following measures for “strengthening the Germanism” were undertaken: there must be no lectures about the “Wendish people and customs”, during the reading classes and especially on breaks, only the German language may be spoken, the “wealth of German games and songs” is to be transferred to children, the homeland toponyms are given only in German and written solely in German, only the teachers “of German blood” may be employed, the words “Wends” and “Serbs” must disappear…

Politically, the situation for Lusatian Serbs is not much better today. They have only one representative in Bundestag, Marija Mihalk (CDU), 49-year-old economist. In the parliamentary discussions, her voice is heard very rarely, almost never. Stanislav Tilih (49) recently became a premier of the province of Saxony. This is the highest function a Lusatian Serb was allowed to reach in Germany.

The Most Famous: Pavle Jurišić Šturm, Serbian Hero

In Serbia, the most famous Western Serb is Pavle Jurišić Šturm, born in 1848 as Paulus Sturm, Lusatian Serb who died as Serbian Army General, after distinguishing himself in the wars of liberation, from 1912-1918. He graduated at the Military Academy in Wroclaw, Silesia, and then as a Prussian officer participated in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Prior to the Balkan wars, he went to Serbia to teach at the Serbian Military Academy and stayed on, to fight in the Serbian-Turkish wars from 1876 to 1878.

Šturm commanded the Drina Division, which was especially distinguished in the Kumanovo battle, where it broke down Turkish defense. He faced the First World War at the helm of Serbia’s 3rd army, which has hindered the penetration of Austro-Hungarian troops in Serbia, enabling General Stepa Stepanović and the 2nd army to realign and win the first WWI victory for the Allied Forces over the Central Powers, in the Battle of Cer.

As commander of the 3rd army, he participated in operations of the Serbian Army during the autumn of 1914 and greatly contributed to the victory in the Battle of Kolubara. During the joint aggression against the Kingdom of Serbia in 1915, carried out by the Austro-Hungarian and German empires and Bulgarian kingdom, troops under Šturm’s command offered spirited resistance to the 11th German army, preventing its penetration toward Morava valley. This valiant hero chose to stay in the land of his forefathers. He married a Serbian woman, raised a son who also fought against the Austro-Hungary, and died in his Belgrade home in 1922.

During the WWII, Jurišić’s son, already veteran of WWI, fought against the German fascist occupier alongside Serbian Royal Guard (Chetniks) lead by General Draža Mihajlović. When Gestapo, which captured and interrogated him, learned his father came from Germany they wanted to release him. According to the records, Jurišić took this as an insult and told his captors: “Even if I had a drop of German blood in me, it was drained out on the Salonika front — I am the Serb!”

Afterwords, as he stood before the firing squad, Jurišić shouted the famous Chetnik salute: “Long live the King! Long live Motherland Serbia!”

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