
(E' stato dato alle stampe recentissimamente, in lingua serbocroata, il libro-inchiesta di Robin De Ruiter "Chi ha ucciso Slobodan Milošević e perché". Sullo stesso argomento si veda anche tutta la documentazione raccolta al nostro sito internet: )

Who Killed Slobodan Milošević and Why

1) Who Killed Slobodan Milošević and Why (KO JE UBIO SLOBODANA MILOŠEVIĆA I ZAŠTO?)
A new book by Robin de Ruiter

2) Open Letter to Madame Del Ponte, ICTY prosecutor, and to the Doctors assigned by The Hague Tribunal
By Maître Jacques Vergès and Docteur Patrick Barriot, June 2006

More documents about the assassination of the Yugoslav president in the jail at Den Haag are readable at out website:

=== 1 ===

Robin de Rajter


Metaphysica 2012

The serbocroatian book's cover:


Robin de Ruiter: Who Killed Slobodan Milošević and Why

Dec 7th, 2012 | By

Sudden suspicious death of former Yugoslav and Serbian President Slobodan Milošević in Hague Tribunal’s detention cell continues to raise questions among the researchers and independent media six years later.

Robin de Ruiter, Dutch publicist and historian raised in Spain, wrote a fascinating book (soon to be published in Serbia, but still not available in English), which doesn’t question whether former Serbia’s president was killed in The Hague, but focuses on the parties responsible for commissioning and committing this crime.

Brutal Demonization Ending in Premeditated Murder

De Ruiter uses verifiable facts to dismantle the Western mainstream myth about the “butcher of Balkans”, and examines the reasons behind the brutal propaganda demonization aimed at turning former Serbian president into a monster, along with the entire Serbian nation.

Using a simple method of piecing together the portrait of an actual person and historical facts behind the grotesque caricatures created in the West, the author presents strong evidence for the main reason why NATO and Washington-led Western powers wanted Milošević silenced for good.

Contrary to the common mainstream claims and the basic premises of Hague prosecution’s indictment, “Milošević’s political goal was to preserve Kosovo within Serbia’s borders and to prevent Albanian majority to drive Serbian minority out of Kosovo. There was no incitement of nationalist hatred, nor has the ethnic cleansing been carried out. On the contrary, Milošević and Socialist Party members always stressed the advantages of multiethnicity for Serbia”, Robin de Ruiter writes.

The author, who felt obligated to write this book “for the sake of truth”, cites a number of legal experts, historians and independent investigative reporters who have helped him in a thorough research while piecing together presented material.

An Aspirin a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

On March 11, 2006, at 10 AM, 65-year-old Milošević was found dead in his detention cell located in the Scheveningen section of The Hague, Netherlands, while his trial for the alleged war crimes was in full swing, with Defense presenting evidence. According to the Dutch forensics, the cause of death was cardiac arrest. In addition to the autopsy, a toxicology analysis was requested.

According to the Hague officials, Milošević’s health which started to deteriorate abruptly and progressively when the trial began, was under constant supervision of the “highly qualified medical personnel”. The author points, however, that no one mentioned the fact only a single GP and one nurse were the whole team that comprised Hague detention center’s ‘highly qualified medical personnel’.

De Ruiter also reveals that the entire ‘therapy’ Milošević has been receiving during the first year of detention consisted of a single aspirin a day, despite the fact he was known to suffer from heart problems and high blood pressure.

Milošević’s lawyer Zdenko Tomanović claimed back then his client’s health is being systematically eroded.

When President Milošević died, Russian specialist Dr. Leo Bokeria, of the famous Bakulev Institute revealed to the media:

“During the past three years we have constantly insisted, without success, that Milošević needs to be sent to a hospital to be properly diagnosed. If Milošević was allowed access to any specialist clinic, he would have been given a proper treatment and would have lived many more years.”

Early on, in May 2003, group of thirteen German doctors addressed tribunal in writing, expressing their concern for Milošević’s health and lack of proper treatment. But all suggestions by medical specialists were discarded and the adequate therapy remained unavailable. Moreover, there was no response to this and further written protests by the same group of doctors.

Unknown Medications in Milošević’s Blood

A year after a miraculous aspirin-a-day treatment for a range of cardiovascular ailments, a group of medical doctors hand-picked by the tribunal bureaucrats issued the following diagnosis: secondary damage to various organs and extremely high blood pressure which, under certain conditions, could lead to stroke, coronary or cardiac arrest and premature death.

In contradiction to this finding, Hague Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte seemed to have known better and claimed Milošević “feels exceptionally well”.

Medical analysis in 2005 showed the presence of “unknown” chemical substances in Milošević’s bloodstream which are nullifying effects of medications for high blood pressure. Because of this finding, Milošević requested to be treated by the Russian specialists.

Even though the Russian Government on 18 January 2006 offered guarantees Milošević will be placed at tribunal’s disposal after the treatment, Milošević’s request was denied in February. Few weeks after it was already too late – Milošević suffered announced and expected fatal heart attack.

Among others, De Ruiter cites the conclusion of Dutch magazine Targets: “The very fact that judges [Robinson, Kwon and Bonomy] refused to comply with his request for treatment at this instance is sufficient cause to bring charges against the Tribunal for premeditated murder.”

Additional suspicions were raised by the fact that Milošević family’s repeated requests for an independent autopsy outside of Netherlands were denied and ignored.

Robin de Ruiter also cites statement by Hikeline Verine Stewart (sp?) of Amnesty International, who stressed Milošević’s untimely death was a direct consequence of the contraindicated medications found in his blood. “We are certain that is the cause of death. Death by natural causes is absolutely out of the question”, she said.

Potatoes Mashed with Rifampicin

The author examines a number of speculations about the prolonged poisoning of the former president in Scheveningen detention center and concludes they are far from being unfounded.

In 2002 it turned out Milošević was being given wrong medications which were raising his already high blood pressure. De Ruiter cites Dutch newspaper NRC Hadelsblad from 23 November 2002:

“Slobodan Milošević was being given wrong medications in Scheveningen detention, which raised his blood pressure. This was the reason the trial to a former Yugoslav president had to be paused at the start of November. One of Tribunal’s commentators claimed this was not an error. He refused all further comments.”

One piece of evidence showing that Milošević was probably being poisoned during his trial was an incident from the end of August 2004, when Scheveningen staff got very alarmed after discovering another detainee received Milošević’s supper.

In September 2004, during the trial, Milošević mentioned this incident:

“For three years doctors here regard me as healthy and capable of conducting my own defense. And then something really strange took place: all of a sudden some ‘independent’ doctor showed up from Belgium, country where NATO Headquarters is situated, announcing my health isn’t good enough for me to continue my own defense. And all the doctors here are suddenly in unanimous agreement over this [...]

“Feel free to reach your own conclusions, but please keep in mind I’m using medications your doctors have prescribed. I’m not quite sure what is going on here, but I could call on the entire detention staff to testify what took place when I was given a meal prepared for a person on the opposite side of the corridor. There was a major uproar to get me the food which was prepared for me in particular, even though all the meals appear exactly the same. I didn’t make a problem out of this, I had no idea what is happening. But I do have certain hypothesis which may be justified or not, but there is clear evidence...”

At that point, Judge Robinson silenced Milošević by turning his microphone off. This alarming incident was never discussed or investigated.

Meanwhile, Milošević’s health continued to rapidly deteriorate on a daily basis. He reported suffering daily from terrible pressure behind the eyes and in the ears.

Former Canadian Ambassador James Bissett testified after visiting Serbian president in Scheveningen that Milošević suddenly went horribly red in the face and grabbed his head in his hands. Milošević said his head echoed as if he spoke into a metal pan.

In March 2006, Milošević expressed his concerns for the umpteenth time:

“During five years in prison I didn’t take a single antibiotic, I didn’t have any infections except for one flu, and still, medical report from January 12, 2006 [which he received two months later] states there are medications in my blood that are used to treat tuberculosis and leprosy – Rifampicin.”

Commenting on these test results which discovered highly toxic Rifampicin in Milošević’s blood, Verine Stewart said:

- It is an inexplicable mystery why Milošević and his lawyers were given results of his January 12 medical tests the entire two months later, on March 7.

Another question that has also remained unanswered is why was Milošević’s death discovered so late, in this most secure, technologically advanced detention unit with cameras in every cell and round-the-clock half-an-hour checkups.

At the ensuing press conference Carla del Ponte claimed there were no controls every half an hour during the night when Milošević died. Furthermore, for some reason all the video cameras were turned off that night.

When asked why would that be, Del Ponte simply replied she’s “not responsible for things that happen in prison”.

German Ambassador: Milošević’s Indictment Not Worth the Paper it was Written On

In the meantime, according to De Ruiter, a number of official statements by the world-class international law and war crime experts surfaced, stressing that Milošević’s trial, at first advertised as the ‘trial of the century’ has turned into a secret trial.

According to the former German Ambassador Ralph Hartmann, “already in his opening speech, Milošević revealed sensational facts and water-tight evidence of the active role United States, Germany and other NATO countries played in dismemberment and wars in former Yugoslavia. One may ignore the truth, but one cannot defeat it”.

As the trial progressed it became evident the indictment was hardly worth the paper it was written on.

...Better if He Dies in the Docket

Many legal experts worldwide quickly caught on the Hague charade, publicly pointing out Hague’s prosecution clearly has no real evidence against Milošević and that the indictment against him is unceremoniously falling apart.

A number of commentators, some of whom De Ruiter cites, actually stressed the only way The Hague can get out of its predicament is if Milošević dies.

- It would be better if Milošević dies while he is still in the docket, – James Gaw, war crimes expert and Hague tribunal advisor said.

- Because, if the process is carried through to the end, the only thing he can possibly be convicted of is a minor violation of law, – said Gaw.

The author concludes that tribunal can undoubtedly be charged for the manslaughter, and possibly even for the premeditated murder for which, as some media reports claimed, the charges will be brought.

There is no doubt that the Hague Tribunal and Washington bear full responsibility for Milošević’s death, de Ruiter writes.

The Boomerang Effect

On August 25, 2005 Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice announced Milošević is no longer being accused of an attempt to create the mythological ‘Greater Serbia’.

Removal of such a major building block of an indictment against Serbian president has radically shaken the entire construction. Indeed, the whole foundation on which all parts of the indictment against Slobodan Milošević rested and which tied them all together was the premise that everything Milošević allegedly did had a single underlying motive – to create ‘Greater Serbia’.

Painfully, Tribunal realized its chances of reaching a nominally credible conviction were getting progressively slimmer.

Dutch lawyer N.M.P. Steijnen said:

“The chaos was getting more and more obvious. Accusations started to turn against the prosecutors, like a boomerang.

“Tribunal feared Milošević and his witnesses will reveal the role West played in dismemberment of Yugoslavia, how the West was systematically spreading lies about the alleged Serb drive for ‘Greater Serbia’, and the crimes committed by NATO in the war of aggression against Yugoslavia and Serbia – and, thus, that Milošević and his witnesses will conclusively demonstrate who it is that must be brought before the judges.

“Milošević presented over and over again, and with the help of witnesses from the Western countries, powerful evidence that Kosovo was not facing a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ on the eve of NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia in 1999.

“It was not Milošević who was losing the trial, but the Tribunal.”

In one article Mr. Steijnen wrote:

“During years-long trial, in 466 sessions, prosecutors brought hundreds of witnesses against Milošević, they heaped over five thousand documents on him, and they proved nothing.

“This lack of actual evidence, this friendly haggling of prosecution with suspects who refused to testify against Milošević to get shorter sentences in return, all that was only damaging Tribunal’s case.

“Tribunal Worshipers in the role of reporters were carefully protecting public from knowing that Milošević, with his witnesses, struck fatal blows to the remnants of the indictment.”

Considerable Motives for Coldblooded Murder

De Ruiter notes the Hague was already in serious trouble, but things got much worse when it was finally Milošević’s turn to start his defense.

Witnesses who testified in Milošević’s defense were, without exception, eminent, authoritative and credible, and they were creating major headaches for the Tribunal, especially when one keeps in mind the fact most of the prosecution witness’ testimonies were debunked and exposed as falsehoods, sometimes to the point of becoming ludicrous and idiotic.

Situation became extremely tense when, at the end of February 2006, Milošević announced he will call Wesley Clark and Bill Clinton to the stand. He aimed to prove beyond any doubt that United States led an illegal war against Yugoslavia, and consciously and purposely bombed civilian targets – thus presenting the actual crime against humanity.

According to De Ruiter, Milošević’s intention wasn’t only unacceptable for NATO, but also for the tribunal, which would have been completely destroyed if such evidence was presented.

James Bissett, Canadian Ambassador for former Yugoslavia from 1990-1992, said:

“I have always been skeptical towards Tribunal, because I am convinced it is an instrument used by United States and its allies to mask their own mistakes in the Balkan tragedy. Tribunal serves to present Milošević and Serbian nation as the party responsible for all the ills which befell that unfortunate country.”

Russian General Leonid Ivashov said:

“Slobodan Milošević was the only one who could give crystal clear testimony about the role United States played in the bloody dismemberment of Yugoslavia during the nineties, and who could do so completely and down to tiniest details. That is precisely what he fought for while he was being tried.”

According to General Ivashov, if Milošević was declared innocent, such ruling would have far-reaching consequences both for the Tribunal and NATO. General Ivashov believes that is why Milošević was killed.

- It is a political assassination by a proxy, – Ivashov said.

“Slobodan Milošević died in his detention cell precisely at the time his defense was in full swing. He was worried over his health, but he burned with a desire to expose the truth about what really took place in the Balkans. He had no motive for suicide. On the other hand, Hague Tribunal had an obvious and considerable motive for murder.

“NATO, Tribunal’s initiator and financier, was losing control over Milošević case. Was Milošević silenced before he could exercise his right to speak up?”, Ruiter asks.

=== 2 ===

Excerpt from:

[ (...) Below is our 2006 translation of an open letter to the then-ICTY prosecutor Carla del Ponte by renowned international Defense lawyer Jacques Vergès and former UN Kosovo peacekeeper Dr. Patrick Barriot, in which it is suggested that President Milosevic was forced to leave our world at the height of his powerful arguments, not just in his own Defense against charges of war crimes and crimes against Humanity, but of his most successful and intricately detailed Defense of the History of his nation, his people and our world.

After the Prosecution had failed to make any of the several cases they had filed and re-filed against President Milosevic, and after 'the accused', as he came to be known in the media, had begun to make an ironclad argument for the righteous resistance of the Yugoslav and Serb people against the Western (US/EU/NATO) aggression intended to dismember and sell-off the home of the Southern Slavs, as well as a definitive exposition of the bad faith, foul intentions, and false history that was being promoted and defended by this legally-baseless, NATO-backed UN ad hoc court, it became glaringly obvious that the Tribunal could not convict him on the evidence, nor could they acquit him without calling their own very existence as a weapon of NATO war into question.  So, the ICTY, NATO and the UN, made the only call available to them:  Milosevic Must Die.

If this re-post from June 2006 doesn't solve the Milosevic mystery for you, doesn’t convince you about who the real murderers were, who the real terrorists are, and why our children continue to be taken; we hope it will, at least, permit you to look beyond the distractive history of personalities, of psycho-biography, and of media melodrama, to see the real forces that are degrading our lives by trivializing our real History.  

In any case, you should never fall for the conjurer's trick and look the wrong way.— Mick Collins ]

Open Letter to Madame Del Ponte, ICTY prosecutor, and to the Doctors assigned by The Hague Tribunal

Maître Jacques Vergès and Docteur Patrick Barriot

Doctors possess the art of treating and relieving the suffering of their patients by the use of medicines, and their effectiveness never stops growing. Unfortunately, this power is sometimes used to silence those prisoners who won’t be broken.

The Case of Prisoner IT.02.54.T

Slobodan Milosevic suffered from severe and unstable high blood pressure (malignant hyper-tension with systolic readings frequently at 220 and 230), aggravated by the conditions of his detention. This high blood pressure had grave repercussions, both with his heart and his brain: left ventricular hypertrophy, troubles with repolarization of the precordial flow evident on EKGs suggest obstruction, arterial sclerosis of vessels in the neck (particularly the right carotid) and of intracranial blood vessels. This malignant hypertension required a heavy treatment consisting of: a beta-blocker (metoprolo: 200 mg), a calcic inhibitor (amlodipine: 20 mg), a conversion enzyme inhibitor (enalapril: 40 mg) and a diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide: 50 mg).

Throughout the last half of 2005 Slobodan Milosevic also experienced symptoms of an inner ear disorder (located in the cochlear vestibule, the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear), specifically an impairment of his hearing that became progressively disabling: a buzzing or ringing in his ears, diminished acuity approaching deafness especially in his right ear, pain in his right ear that was aggravated by having to wear headphones, dizziness. All these signs point to an attack on the inner ear originating from the intracranial blood vessels.

A vascular pathology aggravated by stress

The conditions of Slobodan Milosevic’s imprisonment played an important role in the aggravation of his vascular illness, particularly the stress connected with his isolation from his family. Since his abduction and imprisonment at The Hague nearly five year ago, Slobodan Milosevic was not authorized to receive visits from members of his family. A few months ago, Slobodan Milosevic wrote (in French) to Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union (EU) and High Representative to the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security. He wrote the following:

“Mr. Solana, You know very well that I was the leader of Yugoslavia
and its armed forces at the moment you launched air strikes against
my country, and you also know that at present I find myself in your
prison at Scheveningen. The fundamental difference between myself
and the other detainees around me is not just that I am the only head
of state imprisoned here, but also that I am the sole person here who
is deprived of any possibility of seeing his family. I describe my
situation to you because I am not sure you have been informed of
the conditions of my detention, and I cannot imagine that a respectable
man would be responsible for allowing such villainy. Reprisals against
an enemy’s wife and children are not the gestures of an honorable man.
In light of the high office you held and continue to hold today, I have
no doubt that you will take all necessary measures to enable my family
to travel freely to the Netherlands in order to visit me.
Slobodan Milosevic.”

Obviously, these necessary measures were never taken.

The stress of organizing his defense was another factor deleterious to Slobodan Milosevic’s health in the opinion of the Dutch cardiologist appointed by the ICTY, a doctor who, as we will see, was not susceptible to the slightest compassion for his patient, ‘The Accused’. In a letter dated 23 November 2005, Dr. P. Van Dijkman (staff cardiologist at Bronovo Hospital) wrote to Dr. P. Falke (the doctor at the detention centre):

“In light of his work schedule, it is normal that the patient should
feel fatigued. He takes part in three session per week and spends the
rest of his time in preparation, in interrogating, among others, his
witnesses. That does not leave much time for him to rest. It is most
likely that his blood pressure will continue to elevate in the course
of these stressful court sessions.”(1).

The medical expertise of 4 November 2005

Three independent specialists examined Slobodan Milosevic, on his request, the 4th of November, 2005: Dr. M. Shumilina, angiologist, a specialist in cerebral (venous) circulation at the Institute for cardio-vascular surgery at the Bakulev clinic in Moscow; Professor V. Andric, ear/nose/throat specialist (ENT staff at the VMA hospital in Belgrade); and Professor F. Leclercq, chief of the cardiology staff at the Arnaud de Villeneuve hospital (CHU de Montpellier).

Professor F. Leclercq confirmed suspicious signs on the EKG and prescribed further examinations (coronary CAT scan, myocardial scintigraphy) to better evaluate the coronary circulation (2). Soon after the announcement of the death of Slobodan Milosevic, Professor Leclercq sent us a message specifying:

“I am sad that the examinations we asked for were not done.”

Beyond that, the Professor had insisted on the necessity for an effective period of rest:

“It is inarguable that stress is playing a great part in the
irregularities in blood pressure and that a period of rest must
be ordered.”

Dr. M. Shumilina and Professor V. Andric concurred on the vascular origins of the disabling inner-ear condition (3, 4). In view of the examinations conducted, especially the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Dr. Shumilina submitted as evidence vascular anomalies on several levels: the brachiocephalic trunk (innominate artery), the inside right carotid artery, the right vertebral artery, the coronary arteries. According to Dr. Shumilina, there also existed certain anomalies in the cerebral venous circulation linked to an inadequate treatment of the vascular illness from which Slobodan Milosevic suffered. Dr Shumilina and Professor Andric also prescribed additional examinations (ultra sound imaging of the blood vessels in the neck, cerebral arteriography).

The critical point of this independent expertise is that the three specialists established a connection between the symptoms of the inner-ear disorder (especially the dulled auditory perception) and the extremely high blood pressure. But this connection was vigorously denied by the Dutch doctors assigned by the ICTY, with the singular exception of Dr. J. De Laat (Leiden University Medical Centre) who wrote on 28 November 2005 to Dr. P. Falke:

“It is probable that his cardiovascular condition plays a role in
the patient’s auditory difficulties” (5).

But his opinion was ignored.

The conclusion of the independent doctors’ report was without ambiguity:

“After considering the results of the medical examinations
indicated in the patient’s file and carried out at the time of our
visit on 4 November 2005, we can conclude that the state of the
patient’s health is not stable and that complications are possible.
His condition demands follow-up examinations in order to find the
precise origins of his current problems. It is necessary that the patient
be given a period of rest, that is to say, a cessation of all his physical
activities and all of his intellectual effort for at least 6 weeks.”(6).

The report of the experts group thus brought up certain unresolved problems, at once diagnostic and therapeutic. It also emphasized the gravity and urgency of the situation. The report also cited that the patient should be given a provisional release toward a period of hospitalization at the Bakulev Institute in Moscow, the Russian government having offered all guarantees of security for the return of Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague after treatment had been carried out. The Bakulev Institute has the technical capability to offer both the diagnostics (coronography, cerebral arteriography) and therapeutics (coronary dilation, arterial by-pass) necessary, as well as top specialist under the direction of Professor L. Bockeria. Professor Bockeria determined that Slobodan Milosevic was in ‘critical condition’ and predicted a ‘cardio-vascular catastrophe’. (7).

Disagreement and controversy

The conclusions of the independent experts group were contested by the Dutch doctors assigned by the prison authority and became the object of a double controversy. The first controversy pitted Professor F. Leclercq against Dr. P. Van Dijkman. In a report addressed to Hans Holthuis, registrar of the ICTY, dated 14 November 2005, Dr. P. Falke stated:

“Contrary to the conclusion of the examining doctors (V. Andric,
F. Leclercq and M. Shumilina), the treating physician (P. Van
Dijkman) concluded that there was little probability that the
vascular anomalies had a connection with the symptoms presented.
The treating physician determined that a period of rest would not
have any positive effect on these symptoms.” (8, 9).

This opinion is confirmed a few days later in a letter from Dr. Van Dijkman, dated 18 November 2005 and addressed to Dr. Falke. Here is what Dr. Van Dijkman thought of the prescriptions of Professor Leclercq (additional examinations and rest):

“This last point seems to me a little excessive in view of the
examinations already carried out (. . .). As of now, I don’t
see any argument for changing the procedure and, from my
point of view, there is no justification on a cardiological basis
for changing the way the trial is being conducted.” (10).

This position is reaffirmed several days later in another letter, dated 1 December 2005, and again addressed by Dr. Van Dijkman to Dr. Falke:

“In my letter of 18 November 2005, I indicated that I did not
see any reason to change treatment and, from the point of
view of cardiology, there was also no reason to change the way
the trial was being conducted (. . .). The three foreign doctors
who examined Mr. Milosevic recommend a 6 week period of
rest be granted him immediately. This seems to me to be
a totally arbitrary period of time for which, in my opinion, no
justification has been presented.”(11).

As we can see, Dr. Van Dijkman peremptorily contradicts the opinion of a professor of cardiology. At the same time he contests the prescription of additional examinations for the purpose of a more precise diagnosis and the granting of a period of rest during which to effect therapy. Nonetheless he declares himself incompetent to judge the pathologies of the inner-ear and has nothing to say about Dr. Shumilina’s opinions on the cardio-vascular problems. He would have had to have taken into account the opinions of his colleagues or have asked the opinion of an internist. Too sure of himself, he seems more comfortable with diminishing the convalescence of a sick man than with achieving an accurate diagnosis. It is important to note here that even in the opinion of Professor J.H. Kingma (former Inspector General of the Dutch Ministry of Health), Dr. Van Dijkman would have had to consider the opinion of another specialist:

“Professor Kingma believes that the opinion of an additional
specialist must have been required to advise Dr. Dijkman in the
treatment of The Accused. A specialist in internal medicine
would probably have been good counsel at this stage because
The Accused suffered from arterial hypertension, a condition that
effects all the organs of the body and not just the heart. Professor
Kingma offered to speak to Dr. Van Dijkman about the possibility
of seeking an additional opinion.” (12, 13).

The second controversy set Dr. Shumilina against Dr. N. Aarts (a Dutch neurologist) over the link between the observed symptoms of the inner-ear disorder and the patient’s mis-treated high blood pressure. For Dr. Shumilina and Professor Andric, the vascular origins of the ear problems were beyond any doubt and that con

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ENGLISH: Beware the Anti-Anti-War Left
Why Humanitarian Interventionism is a Dead End - by JEAN BRICMONT





Réponse à la gauche anti-anti-guerre

Jean Bricmont
6 décembre 2012

Depuis les années 1990 et en particulier depuis la guerre du Kosovo en 1999, les adversaires des interventions occidentales et de l’OTAN ont dû faire face à ce qu’on pourrait appeler une gauche (et une extrême-gauche) anti-anti-guerre, qui regroupe la social-démocratie, les Verts, et le plus gros de la gauche « radicale » (le Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (1), divers groupes antifascistes etc.) (2). Celle-ci ne se déclare pas ouvertement en faveur des interventions militaires occidentales et est parfois critique de celles-ci (en général, uniquement par rapport aux tactiques suivies et aux intentions, pétrolières ou géo-stratégiques, attribuées aux puissances occidentales), mais elle dépense le plus gros de son énergie à « mettre en garde » contre les dérives supposées de la partie de la gauche qui reste fermement opposée à ces interventions.

Elle nous appelle à soutenir les « victimes » contre les « bourreaux », à être « solidaires des peuples contre les tyrans », à ne pas céder à un « anti-impérialisme », un « anti-américanisme », ou un « anti-sionisme » simplistes, et, surtout, à ne pas s’allier à l’extrême-droite. Après les Albano-Kosovars en 1999 on a eu droit aux femmes afghanes, aux Kurdes irakiens, et plus récemment aux peuples libyen et syrien, que « nous » devons protéger.


On ne peut pas nier que la gauche anti-anti-guerre ait été extrêmement efficace. La guerre en Irak, qui était présentée sous forme d’une lutte contre une menace imaginaire, a bien suscité une opposition passagère, mais il n’y a eu qu’une très faible opposition à gauche aux interventions présentées comme « humanitaires », telles que celle du Kosovo, le bombardement de la Libye, ou l’ingérence en Syrie aujourd’hui. Toute réflexion sur la paix ou l’impérialisme a simplement été balayée devant l’invocation du « droit d’ingérence », de la « responsabilité de protéger », ou du « devoir d’assistance à peuple en danger ».


Une extrême-gauche nostalgique des révolutions et des luttes de libération nationale tend à analyser tout conflit à l’intérieur d’un pays donné comme une agression d’un dictateur contre son peuple opprimé aspirant à la démocratie. L’interprétation, commune à la gauche et à la droite, de la victoire de l’Occident dans la lutte contre le communisme, a eu un effet semblable.


L’ambiguité fondamentale du discours de la gauche anti-anti-guerre porte sur la question de savoir qui est le « nous » qui doit protéger, intervenir etc. S’il s’agit de la gauche occidentale, des mouvements sociaux ou des organisations de défense des droits de l’homme, on doit leur poser la question que posait Staline à propos du Vatican : « combien de divisions avez-vous ? » En effet, tous les conflits dans lesquels « nous » sommes supposés intervenir sont des conflits armés. Intervenir signifie intervenir militairement et pour cela, il faut avoir les moyensmilitaires de le faire. Manifestement, la gauche européenne n’a pas ces moyens. Elle pourrait faire appel aux armées européennes pour qu’elles interviennent, au lieu de celles des Etats-Unis ; mais celles-ci ne l’ont jamais fait sans un appui massif des Etats-Unis, ce qui fait que le message réel de la gauche anti-anti-guerre est : « Messieurs les Américains, faites la guerre, pas l’amour ! ». Mieux : comme, après leur débâcle en Afghanistan et en Irak, les Américains ne vont plus se risquer à envoyer des troupes au sol, on demande à l’US Air Force, et à elle seule, d’aller bombarder les pays violateurs des droits de l’homme.


On peut évidemment soutenir que l’avenir des droits de l’homme doit être confié aux bons soins et à la bonne volonté du gouvernement américain, de ses bombardiers et de ses drones. Mais il est important de comprendre que c’est cela que signifient concrètement tous les appels à la « solidarité » et au « soutien » aux mouvements sécessionnistes ou rebelles engagés dans des luttes armées. En effet, ces mouvements n’ont nul besoin de slogans criés dans des « manifestations de solidarité » à Bruxelles ou Paris, et ce n’est pas cela qu’ils demandent. Ils veulent des armes lourdes et le bombardement de leurs ennemis et, cela, seuls les Etats-Unis peuvent le leur fournir.


La gauche anti-anti-guerre devrait, si elle était honnête, assumer ce choix, et appeler ouvertement les Etats-Unis à bombarder là où les droits de l’homme sont violés ; mais elle devrait alors assumer ce choix jusqu’au bout. En effet, c’est la même classe politique et militaire qui est supposée sauver les populations « victimes de leur tyrans » et qui a fait la guerre du Vietnam, l’embargo et les guerres contre l’Irak, qui impose des sanctions arbitraires contre Cuba, l’Iran et tous les pays qui leur déplaisent, qui soutient à bout de bras Israël, qui s’oppose par tous les moyens, y compris les coups d’état, à tous les réformateurs en Amérique Latine, d’Arbenz à Chavez en passant par Allende, Goulart et d’autres, et qui exploite de façon éhontée les ressources et les travailleurs un peu partout dans le monde. Il faut beaucoup de bonne volonté pour voir dans cette classe politique et militaire l’instrument du salut des « victimes », mais c’est, en pratique, ce que la gauche anti-anti-guerre prône, parce que, étant donné les rapports de force dans le monde, il n’existe aucune autre instance capable d’imposer sa volonté par des moyens militaires.


Evidemment, le gouvernement américain sait à peine que la gauche anti-anti-guerre européenne existe ; les Etats-Unis décident de faire ou non la guerre en fonction de ses chances de succès, de leurs intérêts, de l’opposition interne et externe à celle-ci etc. Et, une fois la guerre déclenchée, ils veulent la gagner par tous les moyens. Cela n’a aucun sens de leur demander de ne faire que de bonnes interventions, seulement contre les vrais méchants, et avec des gentils moyens qui épargnent les civils et les innocents.


Ceux qui ont appelé l’OTAN à « maintenir les progrès pour les femmes afghanes », comme Amnesty International (USA) l’a fait lors du meeting de l’OTAN à Chicago (3), appellent de fait les EU à intervenir militairement et, entre autres, à bombarder des civils afghans et à envoyer des drones sur le Pakistan. Cela n’a aucun sens de leur demander de protéger et pas de bombarder, parce que c’est ainsi que les armées fonctionnent.


Un des thèmes favoris de la gauche anti-anti-guerre est d’appeler les opposants aux guerres à ne pas « soutenir le tyran », en tout cas pas celui dont le pays est attaqué. Le problème est que toute guerre nécessite un effort massif de propagande ; et que celle-ci repose sur la diabolisation de l’ennemi et, surtout, de son dirigeant. Pour s’opposer efficacement à cette propagande, il faut nécessairement dénoncer les mensonges de la propagande, contextualiser les crimes de l’ennemi, et les comparer à ceux de notre propre camp. Cette tâche est nécessaire mais ingrate et risquée : on vous reprochera éternellement la moindre erreur, alors que tous les mensonges de la propagande de guerre sont oubliés une fois les opérations terminées.


Bertrand Russell et les pacifistes britanniques étaient déjà, lors de la première Guerre mondiale, accusés de « soutenir l’ennemi » ; mais, s’ils démontaient la propagande des alliés, ce n’était pas par amour du Kaiser, mais par attachement à la paix. La gauche anti-anti-guerre adore dénoncer « les deux poids deux mesures » des pacifistes cohérents qui critiquent les crimes de leur propre camp mais contextualisent ou réfutent ceux qui sont attribués à l’ennemi du moment (Milosevic, Kadhafi, Assad etc.), mais ces « deux poids deux mesures » ne sont jamais que la conséquence d’un choix délibéré et légitime : contrer la propagande de guerre là où l’on se trouve (c’est-à-dire en Occident), propagande qui elle-même repose sur une diabolisation constante de l’ennemi attaqué ainsi que sur une idéalisation de ceux qui l’attaquent.


La gauche anti-anti-guerre n’a aucune influence sur la politique américaine, mais cela ne veut pas dire qu’elle n’a pas d’effets. D’une part, sa rhétorique insidieuse a permis de neutraliser tout mouvement pacifiste ou anti-guerre, mais elle a aussi rendu impossible toute position indépendante d’un pays européen, comme ce fut le cas pour la France sous De Gaulle, et même, dans une moindre mesure, sous Chirac, ou pour la Suède d’Olof Palme. Aujourd’hui, une telle position serait immédiatement attaquée par la gauche anti-anti-guerre, qui possède une caisse de résonance médiatique considérable, comme un « soutien au tyran », une politique « munichoise », coupable du « crime d’indifférence ».


Ce que la gauche anti-anti-guerre a accompli, c’est de détruire la souveraineté des Européens face aux Etats-Unis et d’éliminer toute position de gauche indépendante face aux guerres et à l’impérialisme. Elle a aussi mené la majorité de la gauche européenne à adopter des positions en totale contradiction avec celles de la gauche latino-américaine et à s’ériger en adversaires de pays comme la Chine ou la Russie qui cherchent à défendre le droit international (et ont parfaitement raison de le faire).


Un aspect bizarre de la gauche anti-anti-guerre c’est qu’elle est la première à dénoncer les révolutions du passé comme ayant mené au totalitarisme (Staline, Mao, Pol Pot etc.) et qu’elle nous met sans cesse en garde contre la répétition des « erreurs » du soutien aux dictateurs faite par la gauche de l’époque. Mais maintenant que la révolution est menée par des islamistes nous sommes supposés croire que tout va aller bien et applaudir. Et si la « leçon à tirer du passé » était que les révolutions violentes, la militarisation et les ingérences étrangères n’étaient pas la seule ou la meilleure façon de réaliser des changements sociaux ?


On nous répond parfois qu’il faut agir « dans l’urgence » (pour sauver les victimes). Même si on admettait ce point de vue, le fait est qu’après chaque crise, aucune réflexion n’est menée à gauche sur ce que pourrait être une politique autre que l’appui aux interventions militaires. Une telle politique devrait opérer un virage à 180° par rapport à celle qui est prônée actuellement par la gauche anti-anti-guerre. Au lieu de demander plus d’interventions, nous devrions exiger de nos gouvernements le strict respect du droit international, la non ingérence dans les affaires intérieures des autres états et le remplacement des confrontations par la coopération. La non ingérence n’est pas seulement la non intervention sur le plan militaire, mais aussi sur les plans diplomatique et économique : pas de sanctions unilatérales, pas de menaces lors de négociations et le traitement de tous les états sur un pied d’égalité. Au lieu de « dénoncer » sans arrêt les méchants dirigeants de pays comme la Russie, la Chine, l’Iran, Cuba, au nom des droits de l’homme, ce que la gauche anti-anti-guerre adore faire, nous devrions les écouter, dialoguer avec eux, et faire comprendre leurs points de vue politiques à nos concitoyens.


Evidemment, une telle politique ne résoudrait pas les problèmes des droits de l’homme, en Syrie, ou Libye ou ailleurs. Mais qu’est-ce qui les résout ? La politique d’ingérence augmente les tensions et la militarisation dans le monde. Les pays qui se sentent visés par cette politique, et ils sont nombreux, se défendent comme ils peuvent ; les campagnes de diabolisation empêchent les relations pacifiques entre états, les échanges culturels entre leurs citoyens et, indirectement, le développement des idées libérales que les partisans de l’ingérence prétendent promouvoir. A partir du moment où la gauche anti-anti-guerre a abandonné tout programme alternatif face à cette politique, elle a de fait renoncé à avoir la moindre influence sur les affaires du monde. Il n’est pas vrai qu’elle « aide les victimes » comme elle le prétend. A part détruire toute résistance ici à l’impérialisme et à la guerre, elle ne fait rien, les seuls qui agissent réellement étant, en fin de compte, les gouvernements américains. Leur confier le bien-être des peuples est une attitude de désespoir absolu.


Cette attitude est un aspect de la façon dont la majorité de la gauche a réagi à la « chute du communisme », en soutenant l’exact contrepied des politiques suivies par les communistes, en particulier dans les affaires internationales, où toute opposition à l’impérialisme et toute défense de la souveraineté nationale est vue à gauche comme une forme d’archéo-stalinisme.


La politique d’ingérence, comme d’ailleurs la construction européenne, autre attaque majeure contre la souveraineté nationale, sont deux politiques de droite, l’une appuyant les tentatives américaines d’hégémonie, l’autre le néo-libéralisme et la destruction des droits sociaux, qui ont été justifiées en grande partie par des discours « de gauche » : les droits de l’homme, l’internationalisme, l’antiracisme et l’anti-nationalisme. Dans les deux cas, une gauche désorientée par la fin du communisme a cherché une bouée de secours dans un discours « humanitaire » et « généreux », auquel manquait totalement une analyse réaliste des rapports de force dans le monde. Avec une gauche pareille, la droite n’a presque plus besoin d’idéologie, celle des droits de l’homme lui suffit.


Néanmoins, ces deux politiques, l’ingérence et la construction européenne, se trouvent aujourd’hui dans une impasse : l’impérialisme américain fait face à des difficultés énormes, à la fois sur le plan économique et diplomatique ; la politique d’ingérence a réussi à unir une bonne partie du monde contre elle. Presque plus personne ne croit à une autre Europe, à une Europe sociale, et l’Europe réellement existante, néo-libérale (la seule possible) ne suscite pas beaucoup d’enthousiasme parmi les travailleurs. Bien sûr, ces échecs profitent à la droite et à l’extrême-droite, mais cela uniquement parce que le plus gros de la gauche a abandonné la défense de la paix, du droit international et de la souveraineté nationale, comme condition de possibilité de la démocratie.


Jean Bricmont


version française du texte publié sur Counterpunch

(1) Sur cette organisation, voir Ahmed Halfaoui, Colonialiste d’« extrême gauche » ? Voir .

(2) Par exemple, en février 2011, un tract distribué à Toulouse demandait, à propos de la Libye et des menaces de “génocide” de la part de Kadhafi : “Où est l’Europe ? Où est la France ? Où est l’Amérique ? Où sont les ONG ? » et : « Est-ce que la valeur du pétrole et de l’uranium est plus importante que le peuple libyen ? ». C’est-à-dire que les auteurs du tract, signé entre autres par Alternative Libertaire, Europe Écologie-Les Verts, Gauche Unitaire, LDH, Lutte Ouvrière, Mouvement de la Paix (Comité 31), MRAP, NPA31, OCML-Voie Prolétarienne Toulouse, PCF31, Parti Communiste Tunisien, Parti de Gauche31, reprochaient aux Occidentaux de ne pas intervenir, en raison d’intérêts économiques. On se demande ce qu’ont du penser ces auteurs lorsque le CNT libyen a promis de vendre 35% du pétrole libyen à la France (et cela, indépendamment du fait que cette promesse soit ou non tenue ou que le pétrole soit ou non la cause de la guerre).

(3) Voir par exemple : Jodie Evans, Why I Had to Challenge Amnesty International-USA’s Claim That NATO’s Presence Benefits Afghan Women. .



Stenski koledar 2013 Tito:

La vocazione assassina e stragista della NATO è bene nota agli jugoslavi, che la hanno sperimentata sulla propria pelle e nella propria carne. La assoluta mancanza di professionalità e buona fede dei nostri giornalisti, anche.
Per approfondire il caso delle stragi di Markale a Sarajevo si vedano ad esempio:


La “strage del pane a Natale”: contraddizioni e mancanza di prove nei video dell’opposizione 

di Marinella Correggia
25 dicembre 2012
E’ troppo chiedere ai media di analizzare le denunce e i materiali video che ricevono, facendosi le classiche domande: chi, come, se, perché, cui prodest eccetera? Non lo hanno fatto, né in Italia né all’estero, di fronte alla cosiddetta “strage del pane” ad Halfaya, Siria, 23 dicembre: “Mig di Assad uccidono trecento persone mentre in mille facevano la fila per il pane”. 
Gli oppositori dell’Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani basato a Londra e dei Comitati di coordinamento locali hanno diffuso video che proverebbero un bombardamento dell'aviazione siriana (Mig russi) contro mille civili in coda per il pane ad Halfaya. Perché? Per ritorsione contro l’avanzata dell’opposizione armata, sostengono i media.  
Mandare un aereo a massacrare per ritorsione persone inermi affamate e per di più intorno a Natale, sarebbe non solo un atto diabolico ma anche suicida. Quel che ci vuole per tirarsi addosso l’ira armata del mondo, alienandosi anche chi continua a sostenere il negoziato anziché interventi militari. 
Tanto più che in Siria e dunque nel mondo infuria quel che l'emittente Russia Today  ha definito guerra chimica delle parole (con governo e gruppi armati a reciprocamente accusarsi dell’uso di armi vietate; ma solo le accuse dei gruppi armati sono tenute per buone). E tanto più che nello stesso giorno arrivava a Damasco l’inviato dell’Onu Lakdar Brahimi per parlare con il presidente Assad.
Eppure le notizie e i video sul 23 dicembre sono ripresi da tutti i media internazionali – e italiani – esattamente nella versione proposta dall’opposizione, senza avanzare dubbi di natura giornalistica sulle “prove video” le quali mostrano molte contraddizioni e nulla rivelano sui colpevoli, né sulla dinamica. 
L’unica cosa certa, come per tantissime immagini e notizie su questa orrenda guerra fomentata, è che ci sono morti. 


Madrina della “notizia” è stata la tivù satellitare saudita al Arabiya, con la cifra di 300 uccisi che ha rotto ogni argine nella diffusione della notizia. La tivù saudita non è nuova agli exploit: nel febbraio 2001 un suo twitter lanciò la enorme e tragica bufala dei “diecimila morti in Libia”, una strada senza ritorno. Nel poco tempo in cui l' Ansa ha dato per certo il numero di 300 morti la notizia – poi ridimensionata, questa è stata posta in testa alla home page del sito, dopo il ridimensionamento è tornata in una posizione meno visibile. Poche ore dopo, l’emittente qatariana al Jazeera metteva in evidenza la denuncia di “attivisti” di Homs per i quali sette persone sarebbero morte per aver inalato un gas sconosciuto.
In questi giorni, è una coincidenza?, i paesi del Golfo si sono incontrati e hanno parlato anche di Siria. Inoltre, nei giorni festivi o prefestivi ci sono meno notizie, addirittura mancano i quotidiani (a ferragosto e natale), le agenzie staccano almeno per qualche ora completamente. Quindi le notizie hanno una "persistenza" molto maggiore. Insomma una notizia in un giorno del tipo ferragosto, Natale, capodanno, può avere un impatto molto superiore a una notizia analoga uscita in un giorno feriale qualsiasi.
Oltre a ciò i media, non solo italiani, prendono per buone le denunce dell’opposizione senza cercarne le prove. 
Per il Tg3: “Novanta morti secondo fonti ufficiali, oltre 300 secondo il canale satellitare al Arabiya”. Per il Tg3, dunque, “ufficiale” è la fonte dell’Osservatorio siriano di Londra.
Surreale anche il Fatto quotidiano (versione stampata) del giorno 24 dicembre: “Nessuno si aspettava che lo spietato regime siriano avrebbe fermato i suoi jet carichi di bombe e il lancio di scud, per concedere ai cittadini siriani di fede cristiana di prepararsi al Natale” (eppure, come tutti sanno, i cristiani in Siria sono nel mirino non dei Mig e degli Scud ma dei gruppi armati dell’opposizione islamista). Il Fatto online cita l’emittente saudita, con le sue fonti: testimoni oculari e attivisti anti-regime dei comitati locali (Lcc) e dall'Osservatorio per i diritti umani. 
Qualche richiamo internazionale. Dall’agenzia Reuters: “Decine di persone uccise e molte altre ferite in un attacco aereo governativo contro una panetteria, domenica, secondo gli attivisti” (…); “se confermato, l’attacco ad Halfaya, presa dai ribelli la settimana scorsa, sarebbe no egli attacchi aerei più mortali nella guerra civile in Siria”. Come prova si citano i video e un “attivista” locale: “Quando sono arrivato sul posto c’erano pile di corpi a terra, e fra questi donne e bambini” (NB. L’attivista non parla di aerei) (…) “I residenti di Halfaya parlano di 90 morti, l’Osservatorio di Londra di 60”.  
Cifre in libertà anche sulla Cnn (che almeno fin dal titolo precisa che è una denuncia dell’opposizione): secondo i Comitati di coordinamento locale – che riforniscono di notizie l’Osservatorio a Londra – “sono state uccise oltre 100 persone ma il numero è destinato a salire; un attivista ha visto la sepoltura di almeno 109 persone”. (…) L’attivista locale – sono sempre chiamati attivisti anche gli armati – spiega che “gli addetti dell’ospedale hanno dichiarato che l’area del panificio non era raggiungibile” (NB. Come mai se Halfaya è nelle mani dei gruppi armati?). Subito dopo lo stesso attivista sostiene che “gli ospedali non riescono a curare tutti i feriti”. 
Ma le contraddizioni sarebbero state molto maggiori se i media si fossero dati la briga di analizzare per bene i video portati come prova…


Naturalmente quasi nessuno riporta la smentita del governo di Damasco, veicolata dalla agenzia Sana. Eccola, per un po’ di par condicio: “Gruppi terroristi hanno attaccato la cittadina di Hilfaya e commesso crimini contro la popolazione (…) per poi girare video in modo da accusare l’esercito siriano di questi crimini. Residenti di Hilfaya hanno accusato i gruppi armati di aver attaccato il dispensario e la municipalità” (NB. Un video mostra armati trionfanti sui tetti di questi edifici). “Gli abitanti hanno detto di aver chiamato l’esercito il quale ha affrontato i terroristi eliminandone un gran numero”. La Syrian Tv ha analizzato i video sottolineando le incongruità nelle denunce verbali che accompagnavano le immagini e le non corrispondenze fra lo stato e il numero dei corpi (e l’essere questi tutti uomini) e la denuncia di un massacro per via aerea su una folla enorme di donne e bambini. 


Gruppi di persone sparse in diversi paesi (Siria inclusa) si sono permesse il lusso di ignorare entrambe le versioni (essendo esse di parte) e di studiare i video. Tutte le loro versioni – e il buon senso – concordano nel dire che a) i video non sono credibili perché sono contraddittori, b) i video non portano alcuna prova sul colpevole e sulle circostanze.   
Ci soffermiamo su questi due link:;
Rileviamo quanto segue. 
- Non c’è traccia di passaggio di aerei e nessun segno che possa indicare chi ha sparato e in quale circostanza e contro chi. 
- Non ci sono donne e bambini fra gli uccisi, i quali ultimi sembrano meno numerosi di quanto denunciato.
- Nessun indizio per capire che si tratti di un panificio, anzi… un particolare mostrerebbe la messinscena: nel video un uomo depone per terra un pane tondo tradizionale, sul sangue. Per mostrare al mondo che si trattava di una panetteria? Poco dopo un’altra mano raccoglie il pane. Ma come ha tradotto il Tg1 della Rai sul suo sito? "Uno scatto fra gli altri testimonia la strage, quello di un ribelle che raccoglie una tradizionale pita, il pane siriano, da una pozza di sangue". A conclusioni simili sono arrivati anche gli attivisti europei di Mediawerkgroep Syrië
Ed ecco
l’analisi del sito siriano Syriatruth che non è governativo né sostiene l’opposizione armata: “Anche volendo trascurare la solita "coincidenza" tra la strage e l'arrivo di Brahimi a Damasco, da una prima analisi dei filmati emergono alcune incongruenze rispetto alle notizie poi diffuse: 
- non si vedono donne o bambini, eccetto una donna e un ragazzo, forse solo dei passanti; e tutte le vittime sono uomini adulti.
- Il numero massimo delle vittime dovrebbe essere tra i 20 e i 30 (cifra ben distante dai 90 di cui si parla, figuriamoci dai 300!).
Se i primi due elementi possono ridimensionare la tragedia, ma non diminuirne la gravità, il terzo sembra più significativo: 
- dalle immagini non risultano macerie tali da far pensare a un bombardamento aereo, non ci sono tracce dell'impatto della bomba o missile lanciato dal presunto Mig, ma solo un foro sull'edificio e rovine di piccola entità, più facilmente riconducibili a un ordigno di modesta portata. Questo particolare genera un altro quesito: da dove arrivano le macerie visibili sotto l'edificio? Non certo dall'unico foro che sembra visibile.
- Ulteriore interrogativo: se, come si racconta, sono state colpite delle persone in fila per il pane, perché si vedono solo corpi al di fuori della struttura e l'interno non è quasi inquadrato? E come mai è ancora quasi perfettamente integro?
- Un altro particolare riguarda la data: in un video più volte si ribadisce che è sabato 21 dicembre; mentre in un altro si parla del 23 dicembre.
- Il luogo, poi, è pieno di gruppi armati, alcuni in uniforme, altri in abiti civili, ma comunque armati (in una scena è chiaramente visibile che uno di loro toglie un kalashnikov dalle mani di un cadavere)”.
Non si sa dunque cosa sia successo. Le ipotesi sono diverse e nessuna per ora verificabile, ma la più assurda è proprio che un Mig bombardi sotto gli occhi del mondo mille persone in fila per il pane. Le vittime potrebbero essere come in altri casi (ad esempio il “massacro di Tremsheh”), membri di gruppi armati utilizzati per creare un altro possibile casus belli contro il governo siriano. Il sito potrebbe in effetti essere stato bombardato dall’esercito, negli scontri che avvengono quotidianamente con l’opposizione armata, in ambito anche urbano, là dove la guerra è stata portata. Poiché non ci sono prove che fosse un centro per la distribuzione del pane al momento della tragedia, potrebbe essere stato uno spazio preso dai gruppi armati pe r fabbricare esplosivi ed essere esploso. C’è poi chi (come la radio Irib) sostiene che potrebbe essersi trattato di un colpo portato da una delle fazioni dell’opposizione all’altra, piazzando un ordigno in piena città. 
Non si sa. Quel che è certo è che a causa della guerra, delle sanzioni, dei furti il pane scarseggia. 
Abbondano invece le “notizie” di bombardamenti aerei su file per il pane e panifici: il Consiglio nazionale siriano, un po’ detronizzato dalla neonata Coalizione di Doha, denuncia alla tivù satellitare saudita un attacco a Homs con dieci bambini morti; e i Comitati di coordinamento di Homs parlano di un bombardamento aereo a Talbise, anche lì colpito un panificio (e un ospedale da campo)  con vari morti fra cui bambini e donne. Anche lì, sul “chi, come, se, perché” non ci sono prove. 
La disinformazione legittima l’ingerenza anche militare e quest’ultima aumenta la guerra e i morti, in un perfetto circolo vizioso. 


Ricordiamo en passant che la guerra Nato in Libia dovette molto, nella fase di preparazione anche mediatica, alle denunce senza prove circa i Mig governativi che massacravano  manifestanti pacifici. Tutto falso, si è scoperto. Ben presto, ma troppo tardi.
Ricordiamo anche alcuni episodi a Sarajevo negli anni 1990. Citando Michel Collon, giornalista belga da tempo attivo sulle “menzogne di guerra”: 
“Il 27 maggio 1992 una bomba uccide almeno sedici persone che facevano la coda davanti a una panetteria a Sarajevo; un centinaio i feriti. Subito vengono accusati gli assedianti serbi. Il Consiglio di Sicurezza Onu decreta sanzioni economiche contro  quel che rimane della Jugoslavia, ovvero Serbia e Montenegro, accusata di appoggiare i serbi di Bosnia. Un’inchiesta sui responsabili, effettuata in seguito all’Onu, non verrà mai pubblicata. Il giornale britannico The Independent spiegò in seguito: ‘I responsabili delle Nazioni Unite e alti funzionari occidentali ritengono che alcuni dei peggiori massacri a Sarajevo, e anche la strage del pane, siano stati compiuti dai musulmani, difensori della città, e non dagli assedianti, per forzare un intervento militare occidentale’.  (…) I due attentati che colpirono il mercato di Sarajevo nel febbraio 1994 e nell’agosto 1995 si possono far risalire alla stessa strategia. Il primo arrivò giusto per far fallire il piano di pace proposto dagli europei di fronte all’intransigenza degli Usa e del leader musulmano della Bosnia, Izetbegovic (la percentuale degli statunitensi favorevoli a un attacco armato contro i serbi passò d’un colpo da un terzo a oltre la metà). Il secondo legittimò i massicci attacchi contro le postazioni serbe intorno a Sarajevo”. Aggiungiamo che mesi dopo la prima strage di Markale, 5 febbraio 1994, Jasushi Akashi, delegato speciale ONU per la Bosnia, dichiarò  alla Deutsche Presse Agentur che un rapporto segreto Onu aveva attribuito da subito ai musulmani la paternità della strage, ma che il Segretario Generale Butrous Ghali non ne aveva parlato per ragioni di opportunità politica. Poco tempo dopo Akashi venne rimosso dall'incarico.