
L’Olocausto dimenticato

(L’eccidio dei Rom durante la seconda guerra mondiale)

La seconda guerra mondiale ha portato al popolo dei Rom la più grande tragedia nella loro già travagliata storia. I Rom la chiamano “Porrajmos”, il divoramento.
La salita al potere di Hitler nel 1933 coincise con un ulteriore inasprimento delle persecuzioni, in Germania, ma anche nel resto dell’Europa. E’ pur vero che già nel 1889, in Bavaria, la polizia censiva i Rom, e che più tardi fondò una commissione per il coordinamento delle azioni di polizia contro i Rom a Monaco: tali misure furono inasprite con l’avvento del potere nazista.
L’identificazione sistematica dei Rom divenne una priorità, in quanto era difficile per la polizia: stabilire se un individuo fosse “di sangue Rom”; molto più facile era stabilire che una persona era ebrea, in quanto le liste in possesso della comunità religiosa potevano venire facilmente confiscate dalle autorità statali. I nazisti allora cercarono di identificare i Rom sulla base di “caratteristiche fisiche”. Il dr. Ritter, uno psicologo infantile (!) all’Università di Tubinga, espresse la teoria che la tendenza al crimine fosse genetica: nel 1936 divenne il direttore del Centro per la ricerca di Igiene della razza e Biologia criminale, con il progetto, tra gli altri, di studiare i Rom dal punto di vista razziale, per classificare i circa 30000 Rom tedeschi dal punto di vista dei “tipi” razziali.
Ma era noto che i Rom provenissero dall’India: a questo proposito Ritter sostenne che i Rom all’inizio effettivamente fossero Ariani, ma poi, durante le loro migrazioni, avessero contaminato il sangue con quello delle razze inferiori (Slavi in primo luogo).
Subito dopo, la politica nei confronti dei Rom venne centralizzata e fu fondato un Ufficio del Reich per debellare il “fastidio degli zingari”: questa agenzia ebbe il compito di realizzare in modo sistematico le misure già prese contro i Rom: essi vennero sottoposti alle leggi razziali, man mano furono sterilizzati, rinchiusi nei campi di concentramento, e trasportati in quelli di sterminio.A Berlino nel 1936, in occasione di giochi olimpici, i Rom vennero rastrellati e portati nel campo di Marcan, un campo all’aperto, nei pressi delle discariche dei rifiuti di Berlino: a guardia del campo, la polizia non ne permetteva l’uscita né l’entrata. Ben presto sorsero altri campi “comunali”, detti “Ziegeunerlager” (campi nomadi). Tali campi, realizzati tra il 1936 ed il 1938, erano la tappa per i campi di sterminio: per esempio i maschi, imprigionati a Marcan, vennero inviati a Saksenhauzen nel 1938, mentre le donne ad Auschwitz nel 1943.
Come noto, esistevano dei segni per indicare i vari tipi di prigionieri nei campi: i Rom dovevano portare addosso dei pezzi di stoffa triangolari, di colore nero, che indicavano gli “asociali”, oppure verdi, che simboleggiavano i “criminali di professione”, talvolta semplicemente una lettera Z, che era l’iniziale tedesca per “Zigeuner” (Zingari).

I nazisti ritenevano i Rom una razza inferiore: il loro destino fu quello degli Ebrei. Nei campi di sterminio di Bergen- Beltzen, Buchenvald, Dachau, Mathausen, Ravensbruck, Saksenhautzen, tristemente famosi per il genocidio degli Ebrei, furono massacrati centinaia di migliaia di Rom.
Nei territori del Reich (Germania, Austria, il protettorato della Boemia e Moravia, Governatorato generale,cioè la Polonia occupata dai tedeschi), negli stati alleati del Reich, e nei Paesi occupati, furono eliminati, secondo recenti stime, oltre mezzo milione di Rom. Nel campo di concentramento di Jasenovac (Croazia) gli Ustascia, alleati del III Reich, uccisero da 50000 a 80000 internati di origine Rom, insieme a Ebrei, Serbi e comunisti.
Bisogna ricordare ancora le fucilazioni, e i massacri compiuti nell’Europa orientale dagli Einsatzgruppen, una struttura di “pronto intervento”, finalizzata a risolvere drasticamente certi problemi, liquidando capi comunisti, partigiani, e decine di migliaia di Ebrei e Rom: E non ultimo, bisognerebbe ricordare gli esperimenti compiuti nel settore di Auschwitz detto “campo di concentramento per famiglie Rom”, in cui venivano diffusi virus, quali quello del tifo.
Ma il genocidio realizzato dai nazisti e dai loro alleati sui Rom tuttavia non è quasi mai citato: spesso neppure una parola. Il silenzio: in fondo sono solo Zingari.

Tamara Bellone

(Queste note sono tratte dal libro di Bajram Haliti: Razmisljanja o romskom pitanju (Pensieri sulla questione Rom), Nolit, Belgrado e hanno preso spunto dalle lezioni del prof. Alexian Spinelli, che si tengono presso il Politecnico di Torino.
Sul tema del genocidio dei Rom da parte del nazi-fascismo, in italiano sono disponibili i libri di Giovanna Boursier.)

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(deutsch / english.

Il terrorista schipetaro Ramush Haradinaj, capo dell'UCK, del quale persino l'antiserbo ed antijugoslavo TPIJ dell'Aia ha chiesto la condanna per "omicidio, tortura, stupro e persecuzione nei confronti di civili serbi", ha sempre goduto e gode tuttora del sostegno di alti funzionari dell'UNMIK, specialmente tedeschi. Da questi stessi ambienti sono spesso venute le intimidazioni che hanno indotto gran parte dei testimoni d'accusa a tacere per paura, per evitare di essere ammazzati, come invece purtroppo è successo a qualche altro testimone kosovaro meno prudente... 

Colpevole di crimini di guerra confronti della minoranza serba
Roma, 21 gen. (Apcom) - Gli inquirenti del Tribunale penale internazionale dell'Aia hanno chiesto una condanna a 25 anni di reclusione per l'ex premier del Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, colpevole - secondo l'accusa - di omicidio, tortura, stupro e persecuzione nei confronti di civili serbi. I fatti risalgono al 1998, quando Haradinaj era il capo dei paramilitari dell'esercito di liberazione del Kosovo (Uck) nella parte occidentale della provincia serba.
Secondo Dadiv Re, inquirente del Tpi, "le prove sulla colpevolezza di Haradinaj sono schiaccianti. Gli omicidi non avrebbero potuto aver luogo senza la complicità di Haradinaj o senza che ne fosse stato a conoscenza". L''accusa gli imputa almeno 40 omicidi.
Il procuratore del Tpi ha chiesto la stessa condanna per altri due ex membri dell'Uck: Idriz Balaj e Lahi Brahimaj.
Ifz )

Kosmet: Political Friendships

1) Political Friendships (GFP 21/1/2008)

2) Heldenfigur. Interview with Boris Kanzleiter (GFP 21/1/2008)

siehe auch: 
Politische Freundschaften 

=== 1 ===

Political Friendships 


PRISTINA/BERLIN/THE HAGUE (Own report) - The trial against a close collaborator of Joachim Ruecker, the German UN administrator in Kosovo, is drawing to a close with the concluding declarations before the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague due to begin this week. The International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia had charged the former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj with ordering - and even participating himself in - torture and numerous murders of Serbs, Roma and Kosovo Albanians in 1998, a year prior to NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia. While being a commander of the KLA, Haradinaj, according to intelligence circles, was also the leader of a powerful Mafia organization. He enjoys close ties to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) including its current Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Joachim Ruecker. In a discussion with, the journalist Boris Kanzleiter explained that high ranking UN officials helped intimidate witnesses due to testify in The Hague against Haradinaj. The structures of organized crime in Kosovo, in which Haradinaj is said to play an important role, extend all the way to Germany. It is being reported that German government authorities prevented investigations of Kosovo Albanians residing in Germany.

Command Headquarters

Last week the prosecutor of the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague demanded 25 years imprisonment for Ramush Haradinaj and two of his closest collaborators. The indictment is dealing with incidents in 1998 that led to an escalation of tension in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and served to legitimize NATO's aggression in March 1999. These incidents took place in the mountainous Dukagjin region in Western Kosovo bordering Albania and Montenegro, the home of the Haradinaj-Clan. In 1997 and 1998, "the Haradinaj family estate (...) had been expanded to become a command headquarters for the KLA," reports the journalist Boris Kanzleiter in a discussion with[1] Kanzleiter has been doing research in the countries of the former Yugoslavia since several years.

Total Control

The indictment of the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague charges Haradinaj, who, in 1998, commanded KLA operations in the Dukagjin region from his family estate and his close collaborators: "The common criminal purpose of the JCE (Joint Criminal Enterprise) was to consolidate the total control of the KLA over the Dukagjin Operational Zone by the unlawful removal and mistreatment of Serb civilians and by the mistreatment of Kosovar Albanian and Kosovar Roma/Egyptian civilians, and other civilians, who were, or were perceived to have been, collaborators with the Serbian Forces or otherwise not supporting the KLA."[2] The indictment also states: "over the course of several days following 19 April 1998, KLA attacks forced out or killed virtually every Serb civilian remaining in the KLA controlled parts of the Dukagjin Operational Zone." The murders were aimed at the elimination of all non-Albanian members of the population to edify an "ethnically pure" state structure.

All the Way to Germany

Following the end of NATO's war against Yugoslavia in 1999, Haradinaj transformed his consolidated positions, established with the help of the KLA during the aggression, into a political power base. In 2000 he founded his own political party, the "Alliance for the Future of Kosova" (AAK). In December 2004 he was even elected Prime Minister of Kosovo, but had to vacate that position in March 2005 because of his trial pending in The Hague. Even today in Kosovo, Haradinaj is seen as the leader of an influential group in organized crime (OC). The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND - Bundesnachrichtendienst) classified him in 2005 as a "key player" in the network between politics, business and internationally operating OC structures in Kosovo.[3] The BND drew the conclusion that Haradinaj's network of smugglers was operating "throughout the Balkans", extending "into Greece, Italy, Switzerland and all the way to Germany."[4]

Close Partner and Friend

Irregardless, the UN administration in Kosovo (UNMIK) maintains very close ties to Haradinaj. The former head of UNMIK, Sören Jessen-Petersen referred to him as a "close partner and friend". Boris Kanzleiter told, "Jessen-Petersen's successor, the German diplomat, Joachim Ruecker, also has a close relationship to him. Ruecker reinforced Haradinaj's position prior to the opening of the trial in The Hague through an ostentatious meeting with him in Pristina.[5] "Over the past few days, accusations were made that high-ranking UNMIK functionaries were directly involved in the intimidation of witnesses," says Kanzleiter. These accusations are to be taken seriously in light of the fact that last year a witness against Haradinaj was killed in an unsolved auto accident. Back in 2002 three witnesses and two investigating officials were assassinated in the context of the trial against Haradinaj's clan.


Contrary to what one could be led to believe through the trial in The Hague, Haradinaj's activities in Kosovo are not out of the ordinary. Several German security administrations' reports have been published in excerpts. They point out that there are several powerful Mafia organizations seeking to attain political offices in the southern Serbian province that is preparing to postulate its statehood. In a study contracted by the Bundeswehr (German military) and completed at the beginning of 2007, it was reported that "under the noses of the international community, several multi-million Euro organizations have developed out of old KLA structures" linking political ambitions with their criminal activities and "exercising extensive control over the governmental machinery."[6] Back in 2005, the BND named several people with leading positions in the organized crime of Kosovo, including the current Prime Minister and a member of the current parliamentary executive board.

Straight From Berlin

Up to now this information of the security administration has had no consequences. Meanwhile complaints of an insufficient prosecution of suspected Kosovo criminals are even being heard in Germany. The publicist Juergen Roth reported in 2006: "already in the summer of 2005, the State Offices of Criminal Investigation of Bavaria and Lower Saxony tried to convince the Federal Office of Criminal Investigation to open a centralized investigation concerning the known [Kosovo-Albanian - author's note] clans and individuals in Germany" because "many criminal culprits from the entourage of the KLA have settled in Germany."[7] "Yet this demand was refused, even though the Austrian Federal Office of Investigation and the Italian police strongly insisted that their German colleagues finally initiate these investigations. The rejection (...) - according to a confidential source in the Austrian Federal Office of Criminal Investigation - came straight from the Interior Ministry in Berlin."

Massive Support

In fact, back in the 1990s, Germany was used by former KLA commanders and present day Mafia bosses for their preparations of the secessionist struggle against Belgrade - which is an often used explanation for the current conspicuous impunity. According to Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, a specialist on intelligence services, the KLA was being financed "with millions since the beginning of the 90s mostly originating from Albanians in exile in the USA, Switzerland and Germany."[8] "These activities were not just tolerated, they were massively supported" [9] writes the publicist Juergen Roth, "leading, to say the least, to political friendships."


Roth dealt also with a Kosovo Albanian family clan from Northern Germany that was suspected of involvement in the KLA financing in the latter part of the 90s. The clan is also accused of various illegal dealings.[10] The accusations have yet to be finalized through the court. Still, according to research presented by KFOR, the clan had close business relations with Ramush Haradinaj, on trial in The Hague, occasionally through high-ranking contacts in government circles. According to Roth, "both the former German Foreign Minister, Klaus Kinkel (in 1998) and later the director of the BND, August Hanning, met with the head of the Northern German clan." Today Hanning is State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior.

[1] see also Heldenfigur
[2] Haradinaj et al. (IT-04-84);
[3] Jürgen Roth: Rechtsstaat? Lieber nicht!; Die Weltwoche 43/2005
[4] Jürgen Roth: Der Deutschland-Clan. Frankfurt am Main 2006
[5] see also Heldenfigur
[8] Erich Schmidt-Eenboom: Kosovo-Krieg und Interesse - einseitige Anmerkungen zur Geopolitik;

=== 2 ===



BELGRAD Über den Prozess gegen den ehemaligen kosovarischen Ministerpräsidenten Ramush Haradinaj sprach mit Boris Kanzleiter. Kanzleiter ist Historiker und Journalist und befasst sich vor allem mit den Ländern des ehemaligen Jugoslawien. Ramush Haradinaj ist in Den Haag schwerer Verbrechen angeklagt. Worum geht es?

Boris Kanzleiter: Ramush Haradinaj wird zahlreicher Kriegsverbrechen verdächtigt und gilt als eine der Schlüsselfiguren der Organisierten Kriminalität im Kosovo. Bei dem derzeit laufenden Prozess vor dem International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in Den Haag geht es allerdings ausschließlich um Kriegsverbrechen im Zeitraum zwischen dem 1. März 1998 und dem 30. September 1998, also in einer relativ frühen Phase der Eskalation der Gewalt im Kosovo, die ein Jahr später im Frühjahr 1999 in das NATO-Bombardement mündete. Folgt man der Anklageschrift, dann sind Haradinaj und zwei seiner engen Mitkämpfer in diesem Zeitraum im Dukadjini-Gebiet im Westen des Kosovo an der Grenze zu Montenegro und Albanien für "Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit" und "Kriegsverbrechen" verantwortlich. UCK-Einheiten unter Haradinajs Führung sollen demnach nicht nur serbische Sicherheitskräfte angegriffen haben, sondern auch serbische Zivilisten, Roma und albanische Gegner der UCK systematisch verfolgt und ermordet haben. Dabei soll von der UCK auch ein Geheimgefängnis betrieben worden sein. Haradinaj war zeitweise sogar Ministerpräsident des Kosovo. Welche Rolle spielt er heute dort?

Kanzleiter: Ramush Haradinaj gilt vielen Kosovo-Albanern bis heute als eine Heldenfigur. Er ist ein UCK-Kämpfer der ersten Stunde. In der ersten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre war er im Schweizer Exil und knüpfte dort Kontakte zur Volksbewegung Kosova (LPK), einer radikalen Organisation, die den bewaffneten Kampf propagierte. Ab 1997 begann er in seiner Heimatregion mit dem Aufbau von UCK-Verbänden, die von Stützpunkten in Nord-Albanien aus über die grüne Grenze im Gebirge versorgt wurden. Das Familienanwesen der Haradinajs im Dorf Glodanje/Gllogjan wurde zu einer Kommandozentrale der UCK ausgebaut. Fünf Haradinaj-Brüder bekleideten führende Funktionen in der UCK. Drei von ihnen wurden während und nach dem Krieg ermordet. Die opferreiche Geschichte seiner Familie und seine eigene Kriegerkarriere machten Haradinaj im Kosovo zu einer populären Persönlichkeit... ... was seine Karriere beförderte...

Kanzleiter: Genau. 2000 begann Ramush eine eigene Partei aufzubauen, die Zukunftsallianz Kosova (AAK). Bei den Parlamentswahlen 2004 und 2007 konnte die AAK zwar im ganzen Kosovo jeweils nur unter zehn Prozent erreichen. Aber die Partei hat in Haradinajs Herkunftsgebiet eine starke regionale Basis und kontrolliert dort die Gemeindeverwaltungen. Mit Unterstützung des damaligen Chefs der UN-Übergangsverwaltung Soren Jessen-Petersen wurde Haradinaj im Dezember 2004 zum Ministerpräsidenten gewählt. Unterstützt wurde er dabei von der Demokratischen Liga Kosova (LDK) des verstorbenen Ibrahim Rugova. Nachdem die Anklage des ICTY bekannt wurde, musste er am 8. März 2005 zurücktreten, was von Jessen-Petersen öffentlich und ausdrücklich bedauert wurde. In der Zwischenzeit hat sich das Image Haradinajs etwas verändert. Nach wie vor kann er zwar Sympathie und Unterstützung in der kosovo-albanischen Gesellschaft mobilisieren. Aber es werden auch kritische Stimmen laut. Vor allem die Rolle Haradinajs in der Organisierten Kriminalität sorgt für zunehmende Ablehnung. Ramush hat sich in den Jahren nach dem Krieg im Diplomatenviertel von Pristina einen riesigen Palast bauen lassen. Funktionäre seiner Partei sind in zahlreiche Korruptionsfälle verstrickt. Der Bundesnachrichtendienst BND nannte Haradinaj 2005 einen "key player" im Geflecht "zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und international operierenden OK-Strukturen im Kosovo". Im Prozess gegen Haradinaj sollen Zeugen die Aussage verweigert haben. Warum?

Kanzleiter: Nach Auskunft der Anklagebehörde in Den Haag ist der Prozess gegen Haradinaj einmalig. In keinem anderen bisherigen Prozess vor dem ICTY wurden so viele Zeugen direkt bedroht. Etwa ein Drittel der insgesamt 90 Zeugen sagten bisher in "closed sessions" mit verdeckter Identität aus. Der Grund dafür ist ganz einfach Angst: Mindestens zehn Zeugen haben der Anklagebehörde mitgeteilt, dass ihre Familien oder sie selbst Drohungen wegen ihrer Aussage im Haradinaj-Prozess erhalten haben. Bereits im Umfeld des 2002 im Kosovo geführten Prozesses gegen Ramushs Bruder Daut wurden drei Zeugen und zwei ermittelnde Polizeibeamte liquidiert. Seither wurden weitere potentielle Zeugen ermordet. Die genaue Zahl ist unbekannt, aber nach Schätzungen sind mindestens zehn potentielle Zeugen ermordet worden. Könnten sich die Zeugen nicht auf Schutz durch die UNMIK verlassen?

Kanzleiter: Die Zeugen haben offenbar nicht das Gefühl, dass sie sich auf den Schutz durch UNMIK verlassen können. Dazu trägt nach Meinung der Anklagebehörde in Den Haag bei, dass sich UNMIK niemals öffentlich und unzweideutig von Haradinaj distanziert hat. Jessen-Petersen hat Ramush noch nach der Anklageerhebung als "close partner and friend" bezeichnet. Auf seine Initiative kam es 2005 zu einem Novum. Haradinaj durfte bis zum Prozessbeginn im Frühjahr 2007 wieder zurück in das Kosovo und dort unter Auflagen sogar politisch tätig bleiben. Auch Jessen-Petersens Nachfolger, der deutsche Diplomat Joachim Rücker, hielt an Haradinaj fest. Obwohl Rücker von der Chefanklägerin Carla del Ponte aufgefordert wurde, sich von Haradinaj klar zu distanzieren, hat sich auch Rücker vor dem zweiten Abflug Haradinajs nach Den Haag im März 2007 mit ihm getroffen. Im Juni 2007 erklärte Del Ponte: "Wir verlieren unsere Zeugen, weil ein unglaublicher Druck auf sie ausgeübt wird." Und zur Rolle der Polizei im Kosovo sagte sie: "Unter den Polizisten gibt es Personen, die dem Tribunal nicht freundschaftlich gesinnt sind. Sie möchten verhindern, dass Zeugen vor dem Gerichtshof erscheinen und etwa gegen den angeklagten kosovarischen Ex-Premier Ramush Haradinaj aussagen. Diese vermeintlichen Verräter wollen sie nicht schützen."
In den vergangen Tagen werden sogar Vorwürfe laut, dass hochrangige UNMIK-Funktionäre direkt an der Zeugeneinschüchterung beteiligt sein sollen. Verschiedene albanische Zeitungen berichten, dass der Rücker-Stellvertreter Steven Schook, ein ehemaliger General der US-Armee, vergangenes Jahr bei einem Abendessen mit kosovo-albanischen Politikern den Namen eines geschützten Zeugen verraten haben soll. Dieser wurde daraufhin von Emissären aus Pristina in seinem Osloer Exil besucht, um ihn von der Aussage abzubringen. Man darf gespannt sein, wie diese Episode weitergeht. In jedem Fall wurden vom UN-internen Kontrollorgan Office of Internal Oversight Services Ermittlungen gegen Schook eingeleitet. Ein Verdachtsmoment ist dabei seine enge Beziehung zu Haradinaj, wie Schook selbst auf einer Pressekonferenz am 26. September 2007 einräumen musste. Der Konflikt zwischen Carla del Ponte und der UNMIK-Führung im Fall Haradinaj hat übrigens eine lange Vorgeschichte. Schon während der Amtszeit von UNMIK-Chef Jessen-Petersen teilte die UN-Chefanklägerin dem Weltsicherheitsrat am 15. Dezember 2005 mit: "Im Kosovo trifft meine Behörde auf Schwierigkeiten, von UNMIK Dokumente zu erlangen. Die Schriftstücke sind manchmal überarbeitet oder werden in einer Form übergeben, dass sie vor Gericht nicht verwendet werden können." Gibt es noch Kräfte im Kosovo, die nicht auf die eine oder andere Art mit den mafiösen Strukturen verbunden sind?

Kanzleiter: In einer vertraulichen Studie des Institutes für Europäische Politik, die Anfang 2007 im Auftrag des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums fertig gestellt wurde, heißt es, die Organisierte Kriminalität im Kosovo sei unglaublich stark. Das ist eine Einschätzung, die von vielen Experten geteilt wird. Aber natürlich gibt es Gegenkräfte. Die grassierende Korruption und die Mafiastrukturen stoßen im Kosovo auch auf Protest. Als im vergangenen Herbst im Pristina ein lokaler Polizist erschossen wurde, der als Mafiajäger bekannt war, kam es innerhalb von nur wenigen Stunden zu einer spontanen Massendemonstration von mehren tausend Leuten. Aber es ist natürlich schwer, gegen so fest etablierte Mafiastrukturen zu wirken. Aktivisten von Anti-Mafia-Gruppen erhalten Todesdrohungen. Das Justizsystem funktioniert nicht. Laut European Union Planning Team for Kosovo handelt es sich um die "korrupteste Institution im Kosovo". Auch der der norwegische Diplomat Kai Eide, der im Auftrag des UN-Sicherheitsrates 2005 einen umfangreichen Bericht zur Lage im Kosovo erstellte, bezeichnete das Justizsystem als die "schwächste" Institution im Kosovo. Dazu kommt die verzweifelte soziale und wirtschaftliche Lage. Kosovo ist die ärmste Region Europas. Nach Angaben der Weltbank leben 37 Prozent der Bevölkerung unter der Armutsgrenze (Einkommen unter 1,37 Euro pro Tag und Erwachsener) und 15 Prozent in extremer Armut (Einkommen von 0,93 Euro pro Tag und Erwachsener). Die Arbeitslosigkeit liegt offiziell bei 43 Prozent, bei jungen Männern bei 75 Prozent. Da ist Schmuggel und Organisierte Kriminalität ein lukratives Geschäft ohne große Konkurrenz. Mit welcher Entwicklung rechnen Sie nach der bevorstehenden Sezessionserklärung?

Kanzleiter: Die Szenarien hängen von vielen Faktoren ab, die nur schwer einzuschätzen sind. Sicher ist, dass sich ein gewaltiges Unruhepotenzial entwickelt hat. Der kosovo-albanischen Bevölkerung wurde von der politischen Elite und der UNMIK jahrelang suggeriert, dass nur die Unabhängigkeit ein Weg aus der Misere darstelle. Die Erwartungshaltung ist sehr hoch. Falls es jetzt aufgrund des Widerstandes von Russland und Serbien zu weiteren Verzögerungen bei der Unabhängigkeit kommt, droht ein Konflikt zwischen radikalen kosovo-albanischen Gruppen und der UNMIK bzw. KFOR. Andererseits droht auch ein scharfer Konflikt für den Fall einer unilateralen Unabhängigkeitserklärung und ihrer Unterstützung durch den Westen. Das Völkerrecht steht in diesem Fall ohne Zweifel auf der Seite Serbiens und Russlands. Die territoriale Integrität Serbiens als Nachfolgestaat der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien wird in der Resolution 1244 des UN-Sicherheitsrates vom Juni 1999 ausdrücklich geschützt. Eine legale Änderung dieses Zustandes kann eigentlich nur mit der Zustimmung der Veto-Mächte im UN-Sicherheitsrat und der serbischen Regierung zustande kommen. Aber Russland, China und Serbien haben in den vergangenen Monaten klar deutlich gemacht, dass sie einer Unabhängigkeit nicht zustimmen. Es droht also eine offene Konfrontation...

Kanzleiter: Ja, falls es nun zum angekündigten unilateralen Szenario kommt, drohen Konflikte gleich auf mehreren Ebenen. Auf der Ebene der Beziehungen zwischen Russland und dem Westen wird es zu einer weiteren deutlichen Verschlechterung kommen. Im Kosovo wird die serbische Bevölkerung mit der Unterstützung Belgrads die Unabhängigkeit nicht anerkennen und mit dem offenen Aufbau von Parallelstrukturen in den serbischen Siedlungsenklaven beginnen. Das könnte zu einem offenen Konflikt mit albanischen Extremisten, aber auch mit der KFOR führen. Ein unilaterales Vorgehen droht die Stabilität auf dem ganzen Balkan zu unterminieren. Denn es würde nicht nur klar gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen, sondern auch die Prinzipien der Badinter-Kommission vom Dezember 1991 über den Haufen werden. Diese Gruppe von Völkerrechtlern legte im Auftrag der Europäischen Gemeinschaft am Beginn des Zerfalls Jugoslawiens ein Prinzip fest, an das sich der Westen trotz viel Blutvergießens bisher gehalten hat: Nur ehemalige Republiken Jugoslawiens sollten ein "Recht auf Selbstbestimmung" erhalten, nicht aber autonome Provinzen wie das Kosovo oder im Krieg selbst proklamierte Sezessionsgebiete wie die "serbischen Republiken" in Kroatien oder in Bosnien-Herzegowina. Das dabei angewandte völkerrechtliche Prinzip "uti possidetis" (lateinisch: "was ihr besitzt") der Respektierung existierender Grenzen zwischen föderalen Einheiten beim Staatszerfall wurde auch im Fall der Sowjetunion und im Dekolonisierungsprozess in Afrika und Asien nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg angewandt.
Sollte das Badinter-Prinzip nun aufgegeben werden, hätten serbische Nationalisten gute Argumente, die Revision der Grenzen in Bosnien-Herzegowina zu fordern. Denn warum soll auf einmal für die Kosovo-Albaner gelten, was den bosnischen Serben seit 15 Jahren verweigert wird, fragen viele Kommentatoren in Belgrad. Die aktuelle Krise könnte so nicht zum Epilog der Kriege in Jugoslawien, sondern zum Auftakt neuer Sezessionskonflikte werden. Und das nicht nur in Bosnien-Herzegowina, sondern auch in Mazedonien und Süd-Serbien, wo bewaffnete albanische Extremisten bereits jetzt den Zusammenschluss mit Kosovo und perspektivisch ein "Großalbanien" fordern. Nicht zu unterschätzen ist auch die internationale Dimension eines Präzedenzfalles im Kosovo. Der Ereignisse werden von separatistischen Bewegungen weltweit mit großer Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt. Die baskische ETA hat sich kürzlich explizit auf das Vorbild Kosovo bezogen. Aber auch im Kaukasus wird eine unilaterale Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovo voraussichtlich für neue Konflikte sorgen.


Inviato da: "" 

Mer 23 Gen 2008 8:12 am



ANPI – Associazione Nazionale Partigiani Italiani
Comune di Gravina in Puglia
IPSAIC - Istituto per la Storia dell’Antifascismo e dell’Italia Contemporanea
Scuola Media Statale “Benedetto XIII”

26 GENNAIO ore 17 Scuola “Benedetto XIII” via Matteotti



Saluti di 
Prof. Francesco Laddaga Dirigente della Scuola “Benedetto XIII” 

Interventi di
Dr. Nicola Magrone Procuratore della Repubblica
Prof. Andrea Catone Presidente dell’'Ass. “Most za Beograd”
Prof.ssa Ada Donno Presidente dell’AWMR – 
Ass. Donne della Regione Mediterranea 

“Jasenovac, Tomba di 19.432 bambini e bambine”

28 GENNAIO ore 18,30 Comune di Gravina via Vittorio Veneto

Omaggio a Filippo D’Agostino, sindacalista e martire antifascista

Saluti di
Prof.ssa Silvia Godelli Assessore al Mediterraneo della Regione Puglia
Sig. Andrea Ferrante Presidente dell’ANPI di Gravina in Puglia
Sig. Vincenzo Varrese Segretario della Camera del Lavoro

Interventi di
Prof. Vito Antonio Leuzzi Direttore dell’IPSAIC
Prof. Vittorio Pesce Delfino Antropologo e Docente Università di Bari
Ing. Onofrio Petrara Senatore della Repubblica

1) Iniziative Giornata Nazionale del 26 Gennaio
2) Campagna nazionale di raccolta firme per la Legge di Iniziativa Popolare sui trattati internazionali, le basi e le servitù militari

=== 1 ===



Il 26 gennaio, nel quadro del Global Day of Action del Forum Sociale Mondiale, le strutture del Patto permanente contro la guerra (quelle nazionali e cioè Action, Confederazione Cobas, Global meeting network, Mondo senza guerre, Partito comunista dei lavoratori, RdB, Red Link, Rete dei Comunisti, Rete Disarmiamoli, Rete Semprecontrolaguerra, Sinistra Critica; e numerose reti locali)  organizzano una Giornata di iniziative contro la guerra e i suoi strumenti, contro la politica militarista del governo Prodi, per il ritiro delle truppe italiane da tutti i fronti di guerra,  la chiusura delle basi militari e l'opposizione alla costruzione di nuove (a partire da Vicenza),  la drastica riduzione delle spese belliche e l’aumento di quelle sociali, la riconversione delle fabbriche d’armi e delle caserme dismesse, la revoca dell’accordo per i caccia F35 e dell’adesione italiana allo Scudo missilistico USA, contro l'accordo militare Italia-Israele e l'embargo alla Palestina.


A Roma  alle ore 16 sit-in davanti al Ministero della Difesa (P.S.Bernardo -V.XX Settembre); alle 17.30 sit-in davanti all’Ambasciata USA (V.Veneto)


A Firenze un corteo partirà alle 9.30 da Piazza S.Marco contro la guerra ma anche in sostegno ai 13 militanti no-war, accusati di resistenza pluriaggravata per aver manifestato nel '99  contro la guerra alla Jugoslavia (rischiano 5 anni di carcere, la sentenza ci sarà due giorni dopo),.


A Ghedi (Brescia) sugli obiettivi del Patto e contro la presenza di bombe atomiche, si svolgerà a  alle ore 15 un presidio di fronte alla locale base militare


A Scordia (Catania) per impedire l'allargamento della base militare di Sigonella e per la sua smilitarizzazione si terrà una manifestazione con partenza alle 9.30 da piazzetta M.Amari e alle 11.30 con assemblea popolare in P.Regina Margherita


A Genova alle ore 16 si svolgerà un presidio in Piazza Matteotti sugli obiettivi indicati dal Patto contro la guerra


A Bologna dalle ore 11.30 presidio in V.E.Lepido 182 davanti al Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni, una delle imprese che ha l’appalto per i lavori di costruzione della nuova base di Vicenza


A Milano dalle ore 16 presidio in Piazza Cadorna con materiale di controinformazione e proiezione video sulla guerra, promosso dal Coordinamento milanese contro la guerra


A Torino  dalle 10 alle 13 presidio davanti all’Alenia Aeronautica  (C.Marche angolo C. Francia) contro l’industria della guerra promosso dal Coordinamento contro gli F35


A Taranto. Mobilitazione  regionale. Dalle ore 9.30 Presidio c/o Ammiragliato - Lungomare.

A Lecce. A partire dalle ore 18.00 - Iniziativa No War con assemblea, sit-in, banchetti raccolta firme proposta di legge di
iniziativa popolare su trattati internazionali, su basi e servitù


Il 26 si manifesterà anche a Vicenza contro la costruzione della nuova base al Dal Molin e contro le politiche di guerra

Via di Scalo S.Lorenzo 67  - Sala Assemblee Carta – ore 9.30


=== 2 ===

Campagna nazionale di raccolta firme per la Legge di Iniziativa Popolare sui trattati internazionali, le basi e le servitù militari.




Sono passati due mesi dall’inizio della campagna nazionale per la raccolta firme sulla Legge di Iniziativa Popolare sui trattati internazionali, le basi e le servitù militari.
Dal 4 novembre a Novara contro gli F35 - data di inizio della raccolta firme - ad oggi migliaia sono le firme raccolte, decine i comitati locali e le realtà di base che si stanno mobilitando.
I tanti banchetti per la raccolta delle firme ogni volta si trasformano, com’era nelle intenzioni del Comitato Promotore, in momenti di mobilitazione contro la guerra, in una fase contraddistinta da costanti spinte belliciste da parte dell’Amministrazione statunitense e della cosiddetta “comunità internazionale”.
In questo contesto il governo Prodi ed il Presidente della repubblica Napolitano si distinguono nei toni e nelle scelte di guerra, in politica interna come in quella estera: In Kosovo, Afghanistan ed anche in Libano, dove i comandi dell’Esercito italiano svolgono un ruolo centrale nella gestione delle operazioni militari.
L’aumento vertiginoso delle spese militari, la determinazione con la quale l’esecutivo di centro sinistra si rivolge agli interlocutori interni – vedi la durezza con la quale si risponde alle mobilitazioni popolari contro il Dal Molin - ed esteri – vedi le dichiarazioni del Ministro D’Alema sull’indipendenza del Kosovo - chiariscono l’orientamento militarista di questo governo.


A quest’orientamento occorre rispondere con determinazione e con una forte capacità organizzativa e di coordinamento. Il Patto nazionale contro la guerra, costituitosi recentemente, può divenire in questo senso un primo passo.


Nelle prossime settimane il movimento nowar sarà di nuovo in piazza, nella giornata di mobilitazione mondiale del 26 gennaio, che in Italia vedrà iniziative regionali contro le basi e per un riuso sociale delle strutture militari.
Altra scadenza d’alto valore politico sarà la manifestazione nazionale contro il voto sul rifinanziamento delle missioni all’estero, a cavallo tra la fine di febbraio e l’inizio di marzo.


Nel vivo dell’organizzazione di queste scadenze regionali e nazionali tutti i comitati impegnati nella raccolta firme devono rafforzare il proprio impegno.
Le 50.000 firme sono un obiettivo formale, che va superato di gran lunga, se vogliamo, come dice la parola d’ordine che ci accomuna, RIPORTARE IN PARLAMENTO LA LOTTA CONTRO LA GUERRA!


I prossimi mesi saranno cruciali per la riuscita della campagna.
Chiediamo a tutte le strutture, a tutte le compagne e compagni un impegno particolare.
Occorre moltiplicare le iniziative, i banchetti, le occasioni per raccogliere le firme.
Ogni manifestazione contro la guerra dovrà essere luogo di diffusione della campagna, per aggregare nuove forze, per sollecitare la costituzione di nuovi comitati locali.


La Rete nazionale Disarmiamoli!  info@...  3381028120


Tania Noctiummes and Jean-Pierre Page

Daily News (Sri Lanka)

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Louise Arbour, former prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, today United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, arrives in Colombo today.

Contrary to the prudence required by an official of a multilateral organisation like the United Nations, she has already proclaimed her intention to press the Government of Sri Lanka to open a field office under her authority to "protect" the citizens of Sri Lanka, implying that the Government of Sri Lanka is not capable of protecting its own citizens!

Does Louise Arbour consider Sri Lanka to be a "failed State", a dangerous concept of the Bush Administration?

This postulate was relayed in an international campaign by representatives of the so-called civil society whose links and political objectives are those of their donors - Western Governments and NGOs, both international and Sri Lankan, who receive their funds primarily from these same Governments.

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and other NGOs such as INFORM in Sri Lanka suggest that such an office "could act as a neutral body" to monitor human rights in the country. They say "national mechanisms don't work". It is not surprising that under these conditions, the LTTE itself has promoted and welcomed the visit of Louise Arbour.

It is important therefore to re-situate this diabolical project within the context of the profound changes taking place within the United Nations System at the behest of the United States and its partners. Restructuring of the UN Centre for Human Rights has transformed it from a secretariat of the multilateral body - the Human Rights Council - into a highly politicised Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which is increasingly substituting itself for the Human Rights Council and its organs.

None can deny that there is a need to transform the United Nations and the international architecture into a system that represents genuine and greater - not less - multilateralism But that is not the case today Why? In the eyes of the US Administration and its partners, the survival of the multilateral system has become an anachronism.

Its aim now is to transform the organisation into a tool that serves its vision of global supremacy, to gain legitimacy for its preventive wars and its so-called action against terrorism, as well as to promote the rules of the market and guarantee private property.

Under the guise of "freedom to live in dignity," the former Secretary-General of the United Nations insisted "We must move from an era of legislation to an era of implementation".

Through his notion of "responsibility to protect potential or actual victims of massive atrocities," he legitimised foreign intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign States: "if national authorities are unable or unwilling to protect their citizens, then the responsibility shifts to the international community to use diplomatic, humanitarian and other methods to help protect the human rights and well-being of civilian population.

When such methods appear insufficient, the Security Council may out of necessity decide to take action under the Charter of the United Nations, including enforcement action, if so required."

Under the multilateral vision, the human rights special procedures mechanisms such as Special Rapporteurs were created to exercise a protection or monitoring function from outside the country with due respect for State sovereignty.

Today, Louise Arbour's mission is to impose upon countries that seek to defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity, a human right field office that would de-legitimise national mechanisms, while at the same time de-legitimising the multilateral system!

Why does Arbour not advocate opening human rights field offices in the United States or in the European Union countries, where it is now an established fact that the CIA has opened secret prisons on the Guantanamo model?

Attempts by the United States and its allied to instrumentalise the United Nations in this field is not new Within the United Nations, the process began with the creation of the highly politicised Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and re-structuring of the former Centre for Human Rights.

The Centre functioned as a secretariat to service the human rights multilateral organ - the Commission on Human Rights and to provide advisory services and technical assistance to Governments - at their request - to establish or strengthen national institutions to carry out protection functions.

An insidious transformation is taking place within that Office turning it into an instrument of direct intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign States through a rapidly growing implantation of field offices essentially staffed by individuals paid by rich donor countries or private institutions.

Arbour's vision implies new organs, new procedures, new methods of work, and a new type of staff that has more in common with diplomatic mercenaries than with international civil servants!

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has effectively turned into an intelligence-gathering arm in the name of "humanitarian intervention;" A greater human rights field presence during times of crisis would provide timely information to United Nations bodies and, when necessary, draw urgent attention to situations requiring action."

This logic contributes to legitimising and systematising foreign intervention in all domains, if necessary, by force, "preventively and with the full range of available instruments."

Such a vision could definitely emasculate the General Assembly of its supreme authority.

An illustration is the obsessive reference to subcontracting of UN programmes and activities, including research, and to 'strategic partnerships' with non-State actors of the so-called civil society and the private sector (transnational corporations) as newfound sole authorities. This is also true for human resources within the UN System.

New recruits will serve the political interests of the major financial and military contributors; flexibility and precariousness in staff contracts will facilitate rapid deployment in the service of the new interventionist vision.

Heads of field offices have "the discretion, the means, the authority and the expert assistance that they need to manage an organisation which is expected to meet fast-changing operational needs in many different parts of the world."

Managers may take unilateral decisions to establish, in a selective and arbitrary manner, "strategic partnerships" with non-State actors of the so-called civil society, NGOs, and the private sector. The political implications will be apparent in the sensitive field of 'intelligence gathering' under the guise of protecting the human rights of civilians!

The radical break that Louise Arbour is ardently advocating requires the elimination of the remaining values, principles, and ethics that are linked to the multilateral system and which constitute obstacles to the deployment of the new organisation, as envisioned by the US and its allies.

More than 60 years after the founding of the United Nations, the United States and its partners want to substitute for the common vision held by peoples and States emerging from the victory over fascism, a unilateral and grotesque interpretation of the threats and challenges faced by the world, and actions that must be taken.

Member States are being pressured to adopt "a new security consensus that whatever threatens one threatens all," and accept that "threats which each region of the world perceives as most urgent are in fact equally so for all."

According to the multilateral concept of the United Nations, threats to international peace and security are any forcible action by one State against another, against its national sovereignty, its territorial integrity or political independence, the right of people to self-determination and freedom.

It include wars of external aggression, the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation, as well as armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements.

However, under the vision promoted by Louise Arbour, matters that fall essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of States will be considered threats to international peace and security. 'New threats' will include civil violence, organised crime, terrorism, proliferation, small arms and light weapons, weapons of mass destruction, poverty, deadly infectious disease, environmental degradation!

Under the guise of "freeing the world from want," the Western powers are seeking to legitimise the imposition of conditionalities on poor and weaker developing countries so as to force upon them the single economic model thereby accelerating the process of capitalist globalisation with the accompanying devastation that we are witnessing.

Developing countries are pressured to strengthen so-called 'governance,' combat corruption, reduce the State role in the economy and society except those that stimulate private investment, increase the role of the private sector and civil society, provide legal and other guarantees for their activities, including property rights: conditions that already form part and parcel of the controversial structural adjustment programmes of the rich countries and their notorious international financial institutions.

In return, the rich countries will reward developing countries with "increased development assistance, a more development-oriented trade system and wider and deeper debt relief."

Yesterday, peoples, nations and States were united in the promotion of common values and principles. Today, Louise Arbour's vision is to unite member States around a manicheistic vision.

Thirty-seven years ago, the Declaration on principles of international law friendly relations and co-operation among States, which further defined the Charter of the United Nations, proclaimed that "States have the duty to co-operate with one another, irrespective of the differences in their political, economic and social systems, in the various spheres of international relations, in order to maintain international peace and security and to promote international economic stability and progress, the general welfare of nations and international co-operation free from discrimination based on such differences."

Today, instead of cooperation between sovereign States, unilateral humanitarian intervention often under cover of the United Nations - in the name of defence of human rights has become the rule.

From now on, regional arrangements will be replaced by the tenebrous "international community or relevant regional actors and organisations," with the right to intervene wherever and whenever in accordance with a political agenda.

From now on, local disputes will be replaced by "whatever threatens one threatens all". From now on, pacific settlement will be replaced by "other methods or the full range of available instruments" Member States and the United Nations will be reduced to less than nothing.

If we should allow victory of unilateralism over multilateralism, NATO intervention against former Yugoslavia, the armed US aggression against Afghanistan, its aggression and occupation of Iraq will retroactively gain legitimacy.

So will the establishment by the Security Council of ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, of which Louise Arbour was the Prosecutor! All that is illegal will become legal; Lies will become truth.

Will Sri Lanka become another target?

Accepting the opening of a United Nations human rights field office in Sri Lanka will be accepting a project which is, in essence, a diabolical one.

On Jan 19, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia wrote:


(La ex procuratrice del TPIY dell'Aia continua, in altra veste e con modalità appena diverse, la sua opera di demolizione di Stati sovrani: come sempre, per ottenere la loro ri-colonizzazione imperialistica, non si disdegna la difesa del banditismo terrorista-etnico in nome dei "diritti umani"...)

Begin forwarded message:

From:    deshapremiyo  @...
Subject:  Sri Lanka need not yield to international law 
Date:  January 18, 2008 9:47:23 PM GMT+01:00

Sri Lanka need not yield to international law

– PNM tells Louise Arbour

(LankaTruth: 18th January 2008  23:40 S.L.T )

Sri Lankan Nation need not yield to so-called international law that would be brought against sovereignty of the Motherland states Patriotic National Movement.

PNM makes this observation in a statement issued against a statement made by Ms. Louise Arbour, U.N. High Commissioner for human rights regarding human rights situation in Sri Lanka. In its statement PNM points out that Ms. Louise Arbour has launched diplomatic terrorism against Sri Lanka.

The full text of the PNM statement:

"We believe that the whole Sri Lankan Nation should pay its attention to the serious statement made regarding Sri Lanka recently by Ms. Louise Arbour , head of U.N. High Commission for human rights.

In the relevant statement she had stated that violations by any party could entail individual criminal responsibility under international criminal law. She had emphasized that this law would be seriously effective on those in positions of command. She had said this emphasizing that according to international law all rights of civilians should be defended.

From this statement of Louis Arbour it is clear what agenda the western imperialist forces have conspired to carry out in Sri Lanka. We, from the very beginning, have indicated what plans Louise Arbour and her kind had aimed to be implemented in Sri Lanka when they tried to exaggerate the human rights situation in the country to the world and made various statements. What western imperialism and Louise Arbour and her kind want today is to deny to the Sri Lankan Nation the opportunity to bring about a final defeat to the murderous separatist terrorists, who are helpless and confined to a small area in Wanni and Killinochchi. In order to fulfill this villainous aim Louise Arbour and her kind put forward the so-called human rights issues. 

In the statement we quoted above Louis Arbour directly threatens the political and military leaders who are involved in taking measures for national security. What she says in diplomatic language is that if anyone takes steps to liberate Wanni and Killinochchi they would be branded as war criminals and brought before international law.  This is clearly a threat.  It is terrorists who carry out threats. Hence, Louie Arbour has unleashed diplomatic terrorism against Sri Lankan state. Louise Arbour has unleashed this terrorism on behalf of murderous, separatist tiger terrorism.

The process of solving the internal issues of Sri Lanka is decided by the majority of its inhabitants. Any government that has come to power with people’s mandate is responsible in implementing the law of the land all over the country without any hindrance. It is presently done through legitimate armed forces.  One of its tasks is to destroy the world’s most ruthless terrorist organizations that has proved to be an obstacle in implementing law and order in the country. It is the prerogative of the Sri Lankan government to fulfill this task. No organization or country in the world has the right to challenge this right in any manner. Louis Arbour and her kind should understand this. If they don’t comprehend this of their own, it is necessary to emphasize, that the day the patriotic masses in this country take action to close all offices that belong to various organizations of the UNO would be not very far away.

The administrators, military chiefs and all inhabitants in this country give allegiance only to law of this country. Sri Lankans don’t have to abide by a so-called international law that is brought up against the sovereignty of the country. None in Sri Lanka would be cowed down by the idiotic threats of Louise Arbour and her kind who are grief stricken at the defeats their tiger pals have been inflicted with. It is unfortunate for the UNO that Arbour and her kind have not been able to comprehend this. 

However, it is the responsibility of all patriotic forces in this country to ‘nip in the bud’ the “diplomatic terrorism” Louise Arbour and her kind have attempted to unleash. We call upon all patriotic mass organizations to be alert to this threat and rally to defeat such attempts. We also call upon all responsible officials of the UNO in Sri Lanka, considering the safety of the employees of the UNO and its assets, to refrain from making such utter foolish statements that would enrage the people in this country.  We would like to emphasize, by threatening with international law, Louise Arbour and her kind would never get the opportunity to reverse the struggle being carried out to create the atmosphere to implement the law of the land in every inch of the Sri Lankan soil and it is from Sri Lanka that they would get this latest experience. "

(Peter Handke si trova adesso in Serbia, sullo Zlatibor, dove Kusturica ha organizzato un festival per giovani cineasti: Peter vi si è recato per dargli una mano...

Su Peter Handke si vedano le più recenti interviste:

Intervista a Peter Handke in lingua spagnola apparsa su EL MUNDO nel dicembre 2007

«In Kosovo c'è solo odio»

e tutta la documentazione raccolta alla nostra pagina:

Разговор недеље: Петер Хандке

Нека ме Нобелов комитет заборави

Вама је у Србији потребна љубав, потребно је да вас заволе и воле. Али, потребно је и веома важно да се заволите међу собом. Нема довољно међусобне љубави у Србији. Ви сте увек негде између

Славни аустријски књижевник, песник и драматург Петер Хандке (1942) приљежни је и одговорни председник је жирија 1. Кустендорф филм фестивала посвећеног студентском филму и младим ауторима жељним филмских знања.
У романтичном амбијенту Дрвенграда, у краткој паузи између филмских пројекција, с Хандкеом, поштујући изборну тишину, разговарамо о пријатељству које осећа према српском народу и Србији – „најнапаћенијој регији Европе”, проблемима које такво пријатељство може да изазове, о „пластичним људима” данашњице, Нобеловом комитету који не чита књиге, новом делу „Моравска ноћ”, филмским ствараоцима – „великим лажовима” и о месту Кремна – „желуцу Европе”...

Да ли је лако бити српски пријатељ?

Веома лако. Природно.

Смета ли Вам када Вам пребацују ово пријатељство и стављају Вас у негативан контекст? Попут младог британског студента који Вас је овде у Дрвенграду запитао: „Како ћете нас уверити да сте овде из правих разлога, а не из политичких, да нисмо шпијуни у таквој врсти игре?”

Не, ништа ми не смета. И тај младић је веома невин човек који је поставио невино питање, јер он не зна ништа о Србији. Нико не зна ништа о Србији...

А можда не желе да знају?

Многи желе, али како им објаснити? Треба да пишете књиге које још нису написане, да говорите на телевизији у ударном термину читава два сата о Југославији и Србији и да онда схвате нешто.

Коју телевизијску станицу препоручујете и како организовати двосатну причу у ударном термину?

То је немогуће! Али, то би била солуција за све у Европи, од Лисабона и Мадрида, Париза, Варшаве, Москве... Два сата приче о Србији, један човек у студију који би објаснио у чему је проблем одговарајући на питање доброг новинара. Много шта о Србији било би јасније.

Кажете да је овако нешто немогуће организовати, чак и када би било плаћено?

Треба вам неколико милијарди долара за тако нешто, па би опет било немогуће, јер они то неће, али тако нешто би заиста било корисно.

За људе у Србији је корисно што Ви пишете књиге и говорите о нама и волите нас?

Понекад, не увек.

Зашто? Зато што имамо добру и лошу страну?

Не зато. Видите, вама је потребна љубав, потребно је да вас заволе и воле. Али, потребно је и веома важно да се заволите међу собом. Нема довољно међусобне љубави у Србији.

Шта Ви, који нас стално посматрате, мислите да је разлог за то?

Корени тога су дубоки. Још током немачке окупације прекинули сте многе међусобне везе, поделили се на „недићевце”, „михајловићевце”, „Титове партизане”. Нећу да кажем да сте сада у истој позицији, али још нисте заједно, уједињени.

Је ли узрок за то српски менталитет, некаква „генетска грешка”?

Не, није питање менталитета или грешке! Нисте ви за то криви! Ви сте у средишту Европе, после вишевековне турске владавине, у још једној чудној позицији. Ви сте између Сједињених Америчких Држава и арапског света. Ви сте увек негде између! Али, то не би било ништа страшно када бисте се ујединили и када бисте следили дивну идеју: „Хајде да будемо заједно”.

А да нам покажете пут којим то да остваримо?

Драга, слатка дамо, ја још не знам да покажем пут ни самом себи. Али, оно што знам јесте да су Срби најстварнији људи у Европи. Они знају шта је патња, шта су проблеми, шта стиже са севера а шта са југа, истока и запада, шта су унутрашњи проблеми, шта тишти Мађаре а шта оне из Санџака, шта су питања религије... Ово је најинтересантнија регија Европе, али истовремено и најнапаћенија.

И Хавијер Солана то може да разуме?

Ма њега треба... Он је пример „хуманистичке бомбе”. У име хуманости убијати људе свуда по свету! То је најгора врста људи, он и њему слични немају појма о Балкану, не знају ништа, немају решења и онда бомбардују.

Ко су људи попут њега, нечије марионете?

Они су заиста марионете и то „марионете универзума”. Заиста не знам одакле стижу ти „модерни људи”, можда с Марса! То су јадни и тужни људи. Габријел Гарсија Маркес је написао малу новелу о Веслију Кларку и Солани, третирајући их као трагичне јунаке, као грешку цивилизације. Они су лоше особе и не знају ништа о људском животу. То је и проблем оног Финца – Ахтисарија – који ништа не зна о Балкану. Не зна ништа и не осећа ништа, а треба да осетиш нешто да би разумео. Сви они заједно представљају крај света. Одлазе код кројача, фризера, сликају се за телевизију и креирају лош ехо човечанства. Онај затрован, из кога стижу пластични људи, незналице, они којима није стало ни до хуманости ни до демократије.

Какав ли они пример пружају светској младости и у какве ће људе ти млади порасти?

Младе је тешко корумпирати. Они могу да прихвате те пластичне људе, али ће креирати нешто дубље и боље. Они ће бити бољи него што ми данас можемо бити.

Тако се веровало и за младост шездесет осме, а многи из те бунтовничке генерације данас су међу тим „пластичним људима” које помињете?

Нисам учествовао у догађајима 1968. и нисам делио идеје са учесницима.


Можда и зато што сам син из сиромашне сељачке породице и као такав нисам могао да разумем оне који су креирали шездесет и осму. Ја сам одувек веровао у поезију и поетски приступ хуманости. Поетски приступ је вечити и трагичан, јер знате да ће бити промена али и да никада неће бити раја.

Када поменусмо поезију и поетику да Вам кажем и да је суботњем Културном додатку нашег листа објављен веома позитиван приказ Ваше нове приповетке „Моравска ноћ”.

О, и шта пише?

Да је Ваше стваралаштво упрто против конвенционалних форми. Слажете се?

Не, ја волим конвенционалне форме јер у њима има живота, али у оваквим формама нисам успешан. Некада сам добар, некада сам лош, попут свих других.

Критичар каже и да је „Моравска ноћ” Ваша најлепша књига?

Немам мишљење о својим књигама, више волим да о оном што радим процењују људи из Србије јер ово јесте приповетка о Србији. А моја Србија је Србија добрих људи из Неготина, Бора, Зајечара, из Новог Сада, Крагујевца, с Косова... Од свих ваших писаца највише сам волео Александра Тишму, а он је био толико песимистичан у погледу Србије и Југославије.

Пише и да сте заслужили Нобелову награду, али и да Вас Нобелов комитет избегава?

Ма, нема потребе за Нобеловом наградом. Нека ме забораве! Потребно је да измисле ново оружје по којем би назвали награду. И какве везе уопште има литература с Нобелом! Нобелов комитет ни не чита књиге. С тим треба прекинути јер је све лажно и погрешно. Верујте да су и мени и другим писцима много драже мале, регионалне награде јер онда са сигурношћу знамо да су оно што смо писали неки озбиљни, скромни људи заиста и прочитали и да они заиста могу да суде. Важни су читаоци, људи и жене, а деца су најдрагоценији читаоци на свету јер су будућност човечанства. Не ратујте – читајте!

Још 1967. године сте написали и следеће: „Књижевност је за мене дуго времена била средство да о себи стекнем, ако не јасну, а оно јаснију представу”. Да ли се ишта променило?

Ништа, само што сам у међувремену постао епска личност. Видим историју свуда око себе и историју сваке особе. Гледам, посматрам, осврћем се. Без посматрања нема књижевности. Посматрам дрво и оно после десет минута постаје ја, а ја постајем дрво. Тако је и с посматрањем људи. Наравно, веома је тешко живети на овакав начин, али то јесте начин живота. Без посматрања и прожимања нема путовања. Постоји још нешто – уколико могу да избегнем утицај било каквог мишљења слободнији сам. Волео бих да могу да пишем као Стендал, можда и као Флобер, да осетим неопходност да волим, да осећам.

Покушавате ли то да чините?

Стално, јер ако не осећам био бих мртав човек.

Није лако бити Ви?

Напротив, то је веома лако!

А мени се учинило да сте компликована, сложена особа.

У сваком од нас има на стотине људи. У мени има стотину различитих особа, срећних, љутих, радозналих, запитаних... Погледајте само себе, колико особа имате у себи? Верујте, има много компликованијих и сложенијих људи од мене, рецимо моји пријатељи.

Међу њима је и Вим Вендерс? Једном приликом ми је рекао да је један од најрадоснијих тренутака у његовом животу био рад с Вама на сценарију филма „Небо над Берлином”?

Вим је „добар лажов”, то је у његовој редитељској природи. Много га волим и он је један од неколико пријатеља у мом животу, али је и „нежни лажов”. Ценим оно што ради, али сматрам да треба да настави с филмовима фикције и настави тамо где су стали Бергман и Антониони, а не да се „зеза” около. Сви филмски ствараоци су велики лажови!

Укључујући и Емира Кустурицу?

Ха! Укључујући и њега, само што је Емир величанствени, шармантни и „шекспировски лажов”!

Често шпартате Србијом, али сте први пут у Мокрој Гори?

Волим многа места у Србији, али мислим да ми је најомиљеније Кремна и ако икада будем могао тамо бих саградио кућу.

Због „Креманског пророчанства” Тарабића?

Каква пророчанства? Не знам о томе. У Кремнима има много дрвећа и неке дивне енергије. Ту је у близини пруга и возови из Србије, Босне, с мора. То је средиште Европе, желудац Европе. То су Кремна и ту бих волео да будем. Онда бисмо се Емир и ја повремено посећивали.

Дубравка Лакић

[објављено: 20/01/2008]

(italiano / english)

Fu l'unico statunitense a conquistare il titolo dopo la storica sfida
nel 1972 con il russo Boris Spassky, in piena guerra fredda

Addio Fischer, scacchista ribelle
si era ritirato in Islanda

REYKJAVIK - Addio a Bobby Fischer, primo e unico statunitense a conquistare il titolo di campione di scacchi, entrato nella storia per la sua sfida con il russo Boris Spassky. Fischer, che aveva 64 anni, è deceduto in Islanda in seguito a una malattia non meglio precisata. La notizia della sua morte è stata data dalla radio islandese. 

Da molti esperti di scacchi era considerato il più grande giocatore di tutti i tempi. Soprattutto dopo che nel 1972 aveva battuto Spassky strappandogli il titolo mondiale al termine di una sfida che calamitò l'attenzione dei media di tutto il mondo. Nato negli Stati Uniti, viveva in Islanda dopo la disavventura con le autorità giapponesi che lo hanno tenuto per otto mesi in stato di fermo per aver utilizzato un passaporto americano non valido. Nel marzo del 2005 il parlamento islandese, l'Althing, aveva acconsentito a riconoscergli cittadinanza per "ragioni umanitarie", perché, a suo giudizio, era stato sottoposto a trattamenti ingiusti da parte dei governi giapponese e statunitense. 

La scelta dell'Islanda non è stata casuale: la storica partita con Spassky del 1972, giocata quando lo scacchista americano aveva 29 anni, si era svolta proprio a Reykjavik e si era caricata di significati simbolici in piena guerra fredda fra Washington e Mosca. In seguito Fischer si era però rifiutato di difendere la corona contro il sovietico Anatoli Karpov (1975), incorrendo nella squalifica della Federazione internazionale degli scacchi. Da allora non aveva più giocato incontri ufficiali fino alla sfida-spettacolo in due fasi (la prima a Sveti Stefan, in Montenegro, la seconda a Belgrado) del settembre 1992 di nuovo contro Spassky (il quale intanto aveva preso la cittadinanza francese). 

Le autorità americane gli avevano proibito di andare in Jugoslavia, allora sotto embargo dell'Onu. Successivamente è stato incriminato per avere violato l'embargo: rischiava, se fosse tornato negli Usa, fino a dieci anni di carcere. Per questo si oppose alla estradizione negli Usa al momento del fermo in Giappone e chiese asilo politico in Islanda. 

(18 gennaio 2008)

Le immagini della vita di Bobby Fischer


Bobby Fischer, Chess Master, Dies at 64


Published: January 18, 2008

Filed at 9:48 a.m. ET

REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) -- Bobby Fischer <> , the reclusive chess genius who became a Cold War hero by dethroning the Soviet world champion in 1972 and later renounced his American citizenship, has died. He was 64.

Fisher died in a Reykjavik hospital on Thursday of kidney failure after a long illness, his spokesman, Gardar Sverrisson, said Friday.

Born in Chicago and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., Fischer faced criminal charges in the United States for playing a 1992 rematch against Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia in defiance of international sanctions. In 2005, he moved to Iceland, a chess-mad nation and site of his greatest triumph.

As a champion, he used his eccentricities to unsettle opponents, but Fischer's reputation as a genius of chess was soon eclipsed, in the eyes of many, by his idiosyncrasies.

''Chess is war on a board,'' he once said. ''The object is to crush the other man's mind.''

Garry Kasparov <> , the former world chess champion from Russia, said Fischer's ascent in the chess world in the 1960s and his promotion of chess worldwide was ''a revolutionary breakthrough'' for the game.

''The tragedy is that he left this world too early, and his extravagant life and scandalous statements did not contribute to the popularity of chess,'' Kasparov told The Associated Press.

Fischer lost his world title in 1975 after refusing to defend it against Anatoly Karpov <> . He dropped out of competitive chess and largely out of view, emerging occasionally to make erratic and often anti-Semitic comments, although his mother was Jewish.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, president of the World Chess Federation, called Fischer ''a phenomenon and an epoch in chess history, and an intellectual giant I would rank next to Newton and Einstein.''

Spassky, reached briefly at his home in France, said: ''I am very sorry, but Bobby Fischer is dead. Goodbye.''

An American chess champion at 14 and a grand master at 15, Fischer dethroned Spassky in 1972 in a series of games in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, to become the first officially recognized world champion born in the United States.

The match, at the height of the Cold War, took on mythic dimensions as a clash between the world's two superpowers.

Fischer played -- and won -- an exhibition rematch against Spassky on the resort island of Sveti Stefan, but the game was in violation of U.S. sanctions imposed to punish then-President Slobodan Milosevic <> .

In July 2004, Fischer was arrested at Japan's Narita airport for traveling on a revoked U.S. passport and was threatened with extradition to the United States to face charges of violating sanctions.

He spent nine months in custody before the dispute was resolved when Iceland granted him citizenship and he moved there with his longtime companion, the Japanese chess player Miyoko Watai. She survives him.

In his final years, Fischer railed against the chess establishment, alleging that the outcomes of many top-level chess matches were decided in advance.

Instead, he championed his concept of random chess, in which pieces are shuffled at the beginning of each match in a bid to reinvigorate the game.

''I don't play the old chess,'' he told reporters when he arrived in Iceland in 2005. ''But obviously if I did, I would be the best.''

Born in Chicago in March 9, 1943, Robert James Fischer was a child prodigy, playing competitively from the age of 8.

At 13, he became the youngest player to win the United States Junior Championship. At 14, he won the United States Open Championship for the first of eight times.

At 15, he gained the title of international grand master, the youngest person to hold the title.

Tall, charismatic and with striking looks, he was a chess star -- but already gaining a reputation for volatile behavior.

He turned up late for tournaments, walked out of matches, refused to play unless the lighting suited him and was intolerant of photographers and cartoonists. He was convinced of his own superiority and called the Soviets ''Commie cheats.''

His behavior often unsettled opponents -- to Fischer's advantage.

This was seen most famously in the showdown with Spassky in Reykjavik between July and September 1972. Having agreed to play Spassky in Yugoslavia, Fischer raised one objection after another to the arrangements and they wound up playing in Iceland.

When play got under way, days late, Fischer lost the first game with an elementary blunder after discovering that television cameras he had reluctantly accepted were not unseen and unheard, but right behind the players' chairs.

He boycotted the second game and the referee awarded the point to Spassky, putting the Russian ahead 2-0.

But then Spassky agreed to Fischer's demand that the games be played in a back room away from cameras. Fischer went on to beat Spassky, 12.5 points to 8.5 points in 21 games.

Millions of Americans, gripped by the contest, rejoiced in the victory over their Cold War adversary.

In the recent book ''White King and Red Queen,'' the British author Daniel Johnson said the match was ''an abstract antagonism on an abstract battleground using abstract weapons ... yet their struggle embraced all human life.''

''In Spassky's submission to his fate and Fischer's fierce exultant triumph, the Cold War's denouement was already foreshadowed.''

The victory made Fischer the first U.S.-born world champion. Paul Morphy, an American, was regarded as the world's best player from 1858 to 1862, and William Steinetz, an Austrian immigrant to the United States, was an official champion from 1886 to 1894.


Associated Press Writer Jill Lawless in London contribued to this report.

Kosmet: Politische Freundschaften 

1) Elsässers neues Buch "Kriegslügen" - Lesetermine

2) Politische Freundschaften

=== 1 ===

Elsässers neues Buch "Kriegslügen" - Lesetermine

Wie Sarajevo 1914

Der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Willy Wimmer schrieb vor kurzem: "Als 1918 die Welt von gestern in Schutt und Asche fiel und mit viel Perfidie das Fundament für den nächsten großen Konflikt gelegt wurde, wollte man nicht lange nach den Ursachen suchen. Es waren die Pistolenschüsse in Sarajevo, die das Leben des österreichischen Thronfolgerpaares ausgelöscht hatten, hieß es. (...) Bislang ist es ausgeblieben, daß man bei den Verhandlungen über die Zukunft des Kosovo aufeinander angelegt hat, aber mögliche Unterschriften unter bestimmte Papiere könnten die Wirkung von Pistolenschüssen haben. Die Zündschnüre sind gelegt und reichen von Nordirland über das Baskenland, Gibraltar und den Kaukasus bis nach Tibet und Taiwan."

Die aktuelle Lage auf dem Balkan erinnert auf beklemmende Weise an die Konstellation, die zum Ersten Weltkrieg führte. Am vergangenen Sonnabend drohte der russische Generalstabschef Jurij Balujewskij mit dem Ersteinsatz von Atomwaffen "zum Schutz sowohl seiner eigenen Souveränität und territorialen Integrität als auch der seiner Bündnispartner". Besonders der Zusatz ist alarmierend: Fällt nicht auch Serbien unter die russischen "Bündnispartner"? Und planen nicht die NATO-Führungsmächte die Abspaltung von 15 Prozent des serbischen Territoriums, nämlich der Provinz Kosovo? Und warnt nicht Präsident Wladimir Putin seit etwa einem Jahr beständig vor einer solchen völkerrechtswidrigen Aktion?

Jedenfalls: Die Sezession des Kosovo soll "in vier oder fünf Wochen" stattfinden, sagte Separatistenchef Hashim Thaci Mitte Januar 2008.

Lesen Sie Jürgen Elsässers Analyse der drohenden Zuspitzungen (s. ) und sein gerade erschienenes Buch:

"Kriegslügen. Der NATO-Angriff auf Jugoslawien" (200 Seiten, 12.80 Euro).

Elsässer liest aus dem Buch und spricht zum Thema:

Freitag, 25.01.2008, Stockach (Bodensee)
19.30 Uhr, Hotel Fortuna

Samstag, 16.02.2008, Neubrandenburg
10.00 Uhr: Lesung in der Arche N, Reitbahnweg 38

Sonntag, 24.02.2008, Berlin
18.00 Uhr, "Wabe" im Thälmannpark (Danziger Str. 101), Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen des Festivals "Musik und Politik"

Freitag, 18.04.2008, 29479 Jameln (Wendland)
20.00 Uhr, Clenzer Kulturladen

Montag, 21.04.2008, München
20.00 Uhr, Club Voltaire, Theater im Fraunhofer, Fraunhoferstr. 9

Donnerstag, 24.04.2008, Berlin
19.00 Uhr: Lesung im Antiquariat Eichler, Sesenheimer Str. 17 (Nähe Deutsche Oper)

=== 2 ===

Politische Freundschaften 


PRISTINA/BERLIN/DEN HAAG (Eigener Bericht) - Der Den Haager Kriegsverbrecherprozess gegen einen engen Kooperationspartner des deutschen UN-Verwalters im Kosovo, Joachim Rücker, nähert sich in dieser Woche mit den Schlussplädoyers seinem Ende. Vor dem Internationalen Jugoslawien-Tribunal angeklagt ist Ramush Haradinaj, ein ehemaliger kosovarischer Ministerpräsident; ihm wird vorgeworfen, bereits 1998, ein Jahr vor dem NATO-Überfall auf Jugoslawien, Folter und zahlreiche Morde an Serben, Roma und Kosovo-Albanern veranlasst oder sogar begangen zu haben. Haradinaj, von dem Geheimdienste sagen, er sei seit seiner Zeit als UCK-Kommandeur Boss einer mächtigen Mafia-Organisation, erfreut sich bester Beziehungen zu den UNO-Apparaten im Kosovo (UNMIK), unter anderem zu deren aktuellem Chef Rücker. Hochrangige UNO-Mitarbeiter sollen an der Einschüchterung von Zeugen beteiligt gewesen sein, die in Den Haag gegen Haradinaj aufgeboten worden waren, berichtet der Journalist Boris Kanzleiter im Gespräch mit dieser Redaktion. Die Strukturen der Organisierten Kriminalität im Kosovo, in denen Haradinaj eine wichtige Position innehaben soll, reichen bis nach Deutschland. In Berichten heißt es, Ermittlungen gegen in der Bundesrepublik ansässige Kosovaren seien durch Berliner Regierungsstellen verhindert worden.


Im Prozess gegen Ramush Haradinaj und zwei seiner engsten Gefolgsleute vor dem Jugoslawien-Tribunal in Den Haag hat die Anklage in der vergangenen Woche eine Haftstrafe von je 25 Jahren für alle drei Beschuldigten gefordert. Das Verfahren behandelt Ereignisse des Jahres 1998, die zur Eskalation der Spannungen in der südserbischen Provinz Kosovo und damit zur Legitimierung des NATO-Überfalls im März 1999 beitrugen. Ihr Schauplatz war das gebirgige Dukadjini-Gebiet im Westen des Kosovo an der Grenze zu Albanien und zu Montenegro, in dem der Haradinaj-Clan beheimatet ist. In den Jahren 1997 und 1998 war "das Familienanwesen der Haradinajs (...) zu einer Kommandozentrale der UCK ausgebaut" worden, berichtet der Journalist Boris Kanzleiter im Gespräch mit dieser Redaktion.[1] Kanzleiter recherchiert seit Jahren in den Ländern des ehemaligen Jugoslawien.

Totale Kontrolle

Über Haradinaj, der 1998 von dem familieneigenen Anwesen aus die UCK-Operationen im Dukadjini-Gebiet kommandierte, heißt es in der Anklageschrift aus Den Haag: "Die gemeinsame kriminelle Absicht der Angeklagten war die totale Kontrolle der UCK über die Dukadjini-Operationszone durch die Beseitigung und Misshandlung serbischer Zivilisten; sowie durch die Misshandlung von Kosovo-Albanern, Kosovo-Roma und Ägyptern, sowie anderer Zivilisten, die als Kollaborateure der serbischen Streitkräfte bezeichnet wurden oder die UCK nicht unterstützten."[2] Weiter heißt es: "Nach dem 19. April 1998 vertrieb oder tötete die UCK innerhalb weniger Tage so gut wie jeden serbischen Zivilisten, der in den von der UCK kontrollierten Gebieten der Dukadjini-Operationszone verblieben war." Die Mordtaten zielten auf die Eliminierung aller nichtalbanischen Bevölkerungsteile des Kosovo und die Errichtung eines "ethnisch reinen" Staatsgebildes.

Bis nach Deutschland

Nach dem Ende des NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien im Jahr 1999 wandelte Haradinaj seine mit Hilfe der UCK während der Kämpfe gefestigte Position in politische Macht um. Im Jahr 2000 gründete er eine eigene Partei ("Zukunftsallianz Kosova", AAK), im Dezember 2004 wurde er sogar zum Ministerpräsidenten des Kosovo gewählt. Im März 2005 musste er allerdings wegen seines Prozesses in Den Haag zurücktreten. Bis heute jedoch gilt Haradinaj im Kosovo als Anführer einer maßgeblichen Gruppierung der Organisierten Kriminalität (OK). Der Bundesnachrichtendienst bezeichnete ihn 2005 als "key player" in dem Geflecht "zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und international operierenden OK-Strukturen im Kosovo".[3] Er kam damals zu dem Schluss, Haradinajs Schmuggel-Netzwerk operiere "auf dem ganzen Balkan" und reiche "auch nach Griechenland, Italien, in die Schweiz und nach Deutschland".[4]

Enger Partner und Freund

Dessen ungeachtet unterhält die UNO-Verwaltung im Kosovo (UNMIK) bis heute engste Beziehungen zu Haradinaj. Der ehemalige UNMIK-Chef Sören Jessen-Petersen nannte ihn einen "engen Partner und Freund". "Auch Jessen-Petersens Nachfolger, der deutsche Diplomat Joachim Rücker, hielt an Haradinaj fest", sagt Boris Kanzleiter dieser Redaktion: Rücker stärkte Haradinajs Stellung vor dem Prozessbeginn in Den Haag mit einer demonstrativen Zusammenkunft in Pristina.[5] "In den vergangenen Tagen wurden sogar Vorwürfe laut, dass hochrangige UNMIK-Funktionäre direkt an der Einschüchterung von Zeugen beteiligt sein sollen", berichtet Kanzleiter. Der Vorwurf wiegt umso schwerer, als im vergangenen Jahr ein Zeuge gegen Haradinaj bei einem bis heute nicht aufgeklärten Autounfall ums Leben kam. Bereits 2002 waren im Zusammenhang mit einem Prozess gegen Haradinajs Clan drei Zeugen und zwei ermittelnde Beamte erschossen worden.


Anders als der aktuelle Den Haager Prozess vermuten lassen könnte, sind Haradinajs Aktivitäten im Kosovo nicht außergewöhnlich. Dass in der südserbischen Provinz, die in Kürze ihre Eigenstaatlichkeit postulieren wird, mehrere mächtige Mafia-Organisationen präsent sind und sich auch politische Ämter zu sichern suchen, das belegen inzwischen mehrere Berichte deutscher Sicherheitsbehörden, die in Auszügen öffentlich bekannt geworden sind. So heißt es etwa in einer Studie, die Anfang 2007 im Auftrag der Bundeswehr fertiggestellt wurde: "Aus früheren UCK-Strukturen (...) haben sich unter den Augen der Internationalen Gemeinschaft mittlerweile mehrere Multi-Millionen-Euro-Organisationen entwickelt", die ihre kriminellen Tätigkeiten mit politischen Ambitionen verbinden und "weitgehende Kontrolle über den Regierungsapparat" innehaben.[6] Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) hatte bereits 2005 die Namen mehrerer Personen genannt, die seinen Erkenntnissen zufolge in der Organisierten Kriminalität des Kosovo führende Positionen innehaben, unter anderem den heutigen Ministerpräsidenten sowie ein Mitglied des aktuellen Parlamentsvorstands.

Direkt aus Berlin

Zu Konsequenzen führten die Erkenntnisse der Sicherheitsbehörden bislang nicht. Eine unzureichende Strafverfolgung mutmaßlicher kosovarischer Krimineller wird inzwischen auch in Deutschland beklagt. "Bereits im Sommer 2005 versuchten das Bayerische wie auch das Niedersächsische Landeskriminalamt das Bundeskriminalamt davon zu überzeugen, zentrale Ermittlungen gegen die bekannten (kosovo-albanischen, d. Red.) Clans und Personen in Deutschland zu führen", weil "viele kriminelle Protagonisten aus dem Umfeld der UCK sich in Deutschland niedergelassen haben", berichtete im Jahr 2006 der Publizist Jürgen Roth.[7] "Doch das wurde abgelehnt, obwohl das österreichische BKA wie die italienische Polizei ihre deutschen Kollegen eindringlich aufforderten, endlich diese Ermittlungen zu führen. Die Ablehnung (...) kam direkt - so eine vertrauliche Quelle aus dem österreichischen Bundeskriminalamt - vom Innenministerium in Berlin."

Massiv unterstützt

Tatsächlich diente die Bundesrepublik ehemaligen UCK-Kommandeuren und heutigen Mafiabossen bereits in den 1990er Jahren maßgeblich zur Vorbereitung ihres Sezessionskampfes gegen Belgrad - eine oft genannte Erklärung für ihre bemerkenswerte heutige Straflosigkeit. So wurde die UCK laut dem Geheimdienstexperten Erich Schmidt-Eenboom "seit Anfang der 90er Jahre durch Millionenbeträge" finanziert, "die sie vor allem von Exilalbanern aus den Vereinigten Staaten, der Schweiz und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erhielt".[8] "Diese Aktivitäten wurden nicht nur geduldet, sondern massiv unterstützt" [9], urteilt der Publizist Jürgen Roth, "und daraus entstanden zumindest politische Freundschaften".


Roth hat sich unter anderem mit einem kosovo-albanischen Familienclan aus Norddeutschland befasst, der im Verdacht steht, in der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre an der UCK-Finanzierung beteiligt gewesen zu sein. Er wird zudem verschiedenster illegaler Geschäfte beschuldigt.[10] Rechtskräftig geklärt sind die Vorwürfe bis heute nicht. Jedoch verfügte der norddeutsche Clan, der Recherchen der KFOR zufolge auch enge Geschäftsverbindungen zum Clan des in Den Haag angeklagten Ramush Haradinaj unterhält, zumindest zeitweise über hochrangige Kontakte in Regierungskreise. Roth zufolge "soll sich sowohl der ehemalige Außenminister Klaus Kinkel 1998 mit dem Clanchef aus der norddeutschen Stadt getroffen haben als auch später der BND-Chef August Hanning". Hanning ist heute Staatssekretär im Bundesinnenministerium.

Bitte lesen Sie unser Interview mit Boris Kanzleiter.

[1] s. dazu Heldenfigur
[2] Haradinaj et al. (IT-04-84);
[3] Jürgen Roth: Rechtsstaat? Lieber nicht!; Die Weltwoche 43/2005
[4] Jürgen Roth: Der Deutschland-Clan. Frankfurt am Main 2006
[5] s. dazu Heldenfigur
[8] Erich Schmidt-Eenboom: Kosovo-Krieg und Interesse - einseitige Anmerkungen zur Geopolitik;

(Il presunto attacco di feroci pasdaran iraniani contro pacifici navigli statunitensi in gita
turistica nello Stretto di Hormuz... non è mai esistito: il sonoro che accompagna il video
statunitense è stato artefatto di proposito dagli strateghi di Washington. Per chi ha seguito
le vicende jugoslave, una simile falsificazione è solo deja vu...
L'unica cosa vera, in questa vicenda, è che navi da guerra USA percorrono con dispotica
arroganza i mari di paesi molto lontani da casa loro. Con quale diritto? IS)

Pentagon faked Iran boat 'attack'

Anti-war group demands investigation of U.S. war provocation

By Sara Flounders
Published Jan 17, 2008 1:38 AM

The Bush administration has been caught red-handed in manufacturing evidence of a
"provocation" off the Iranian coast on Jan. 6, in which five small Iranian open-air
speedboats were alleged to have threatened three massive U.S. guided missile warships.
The U.S. Navy now admits that audio and videotape given to the media and widely
publicized had been spliced together.

What is most ominous in all this is that no major U.S. politician or institution, or any
international body, has denounced this dangerous and deceptive move, nor have they
called for an inquiry or investigation. Neither the U.S. Congress—now in session—nor any
of its committees, all of them now controlled by the Democratic majority elected on an
anti-war vote, took action.

With almost half the U.S. Navy hovering off the coast of Iran, this war provocation must be
challenged and confronted.

The media is giving wall-to-wall coverage to both Democratic and Republican politicians
campaigning in primary elections. Each of these politicians could and should be
confronted on where they stand on this Pentagon fraud and what steps they personally
plan to take to pursue the matter.

The corporate media in the U.S., which gave the story days of coverage, should also be

The Stop War on Iran Campaign has taken the first steps. It has begun an emergency alert
and petition to demand a full investigation of this war provocation and the illegal war
games that the U.S. Navy has been staging in the Persian Gulf. The goal is to prevent
President George W. Bush and the Pentagon from using this scenario or another staged
operation to launch an attack on Iran.

The Stop War On Iran Campaign has also urged rank-and-file Navy personnel on U.S.
ships in the Gulf and officers to reveal what they know of U.S. war preparations and past
war games in the region.

Manufacturing a war crisis

For three days before Bush departed on an eight-day trip to the Middle East, the media
were full of denunciations of Iran by Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and top
generals and Navy commanders, all denouncing Iran for a "dangerous provocation" and "a
threat to world peace" based on this phony incident.

On arriving in Israel, even as the story was unraveling, Bush again threatened Iran and
ominously warned that "all options are on the table to protect our assets."

The U.S. Navy has now admitted that the video of the "incident" between the U.S. warships
and the Iranian patrol boats was heavily edited and that the threatening voice on it
warning "You may explode" may not have belonged to any Iranian sailors. Yet this video
was the basis for the latest threats against Iran.

Who manufactured this video? Who spliced together completely different sound and video
footage? Who signed off on it? Who distributed it to all the major media? It was viewed and
commented on at the highest levels of the Bush administration.

This is hardly the first time that a manufactured U.S. crisis has launched a war.

On Feb. 5, 2003, Secretary of State and former Gen. Colin Powell presented satellite
photos to the United Nations to prove that Iraq was developing weapons of mass
destruction. This false charge, endlessly repeated, became the justification for the U.S.
bombing, invasion and continuing occupation of Iraq.

Before the first Gulf War in 1991, photo images of Iraqi units supposedly massed on the
Saudi Arabia border for an invasion also turned out to be totally fraudulent.

Manufactured evidence was also used in the famous Gulf of Tonkin incident, when North
Vietnamese Coast Guard boats supposedly attacked two U.S. destroyers off the coast of
Vietnam in August 1964. This fraud provided the justification for a congressional
resolution authorizing the escalation of the U.S. war against Vietnam.

This latest fabrication comes after a National Intelligence Estimate from 16 top U.S. spy
agencies publicly reported that Iran has not had a nuclear weapons program since at least
2003, nor does it possess any nuclear weapons.

This NIE Report exposed to the world a rift within the top levels of the U.S. military and the
ruling class, where there is concern that the Bush/Cheney push for a wider war involving
Iran would boomerang.

The attempt by the administration to suppress the NIE Report and the fact that it was
publicly released are signs of just how overstretched and conflicted the U.S. government is
as it faces massive popular resistance in both Iraq and Afghanistan, along with growing
instability in Pakistan.

Even after the NIE Report, Bush's threats on Iran continued unabated. But the U.S. charge
of a Jan. 6 Iranian "provocation" began to unravel by Jan. 9 and soon turned into a

Iran charged that the U.S. footage was a "bad fake" and that the audio and video were not
even synchronized. Iran's Revolutionary Guard released its own four-minute video clip
showing its two- and three-person, clearly unarmed speed boats asking the U.S. warships
to identify the number on their ship and their reason for being in the area. A U.S.-
accented voice responded by giving the number of his ship and claiming to be operating
in international waters.

Blog commentaries asked the obvious question: Why in the U.S. Navy's video was there no
ambient background noise of water, wind and motors as the small open Iranian boats
supposedly made threats to "explode" the warships? This and other discrepancies
discredited the U.S. story.

By Jan. 10 the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet in Bahrain cast doubt on the earlier U.S. version of the
incident. "There is no way to know where this [radioed threat] exactly came from. It could
have come from the shore ... or another vessel in the area," Lt. John Gay told the French
Press Agency. Some media speculated the message was from "a prankster."

But none of the corporate media have even once asked what this deadly array of U.S.
warships is doing in the narrow waters off the coast of Iran that are vital to shipping. This
is the real issue.

U.S. warships violate international law

The largest and deadliest ships in world history, armed and in attack mode, with targets
already selected, are now off the coast of Iran. This is international lawlessness on a grand

Contrary to what the corporate media claim, the conduct of the vast U.S. armada in the
Gulf is in explicit and continual violation of international law and United Nations treaties.

According to a Jan. 15 article by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi in Asia Times OnLine, there is no
"international water" in the Strait of Hormuz. The two-mile-wide inbound traffic lane
there is within Iran's territorial waters.

Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgiff claimed that the U.S. ships were "five kilometers outside Iranian
territorial waters." This is impossible. Even a voice from one of the U.S. ships says, "I am
engaged in transit passage in accordance with international law," making it clear that the
commanders recognized that they were inside Iranian waters. Peaceful transit through
passageways is permitted, according to the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The U.S. has refused to sign this international treaty, along with countless other
international agreements, yet it invokes its right to avail itself of convenient parts of the
UNCLOS treaty, such as transit for its giant warships through the territorial waters of other
countries. On the other hand, the U.S. Navy flagrantly violates the provisions that
explicitly prohibit actions like the continual war exercises, nor does it bring its
submarines to the surface as required.

U.S. position slipping

Bush's visits to the Israeli apartheid state and to the occupied Palestinian West Bank
confirm that the U.S. president has no solutions and no proposals even worth coverage in
the corporate media. U.S. credibility is at an all-time low throughout the Arab world. On a
world scale there is a drastic decline in the ability of U.S. imperialism to influence events
or impose its colonial solutions.

Even in the United Arab Emirates, Bush's lecture on democracy to a gathering of oil-rich
feudal monarchs, their political appointees, wealthy corporate investors, and police and
military functionaries aroused only a perfunctory scattering of applause. By all accounts
his efforts to rally support for a U.S.-led Arab alliance to financially squeeze and isolate
Iran flopped.

Throughout the region, U.S. puppet rulers fear their own masses and fear standing too
close to Bush. For imperialism and for the thin strata of corrupt rulers in the area, the war
in Iraq is a disaster. And the war in Afghanistan is in serious disarray. The U.S. alliance
with the Pakistani military is in crisis. Israel, Washington's one totally dependent and
usually dependable military outpost, proved unable to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon or
even to defeat Hamas by starving and surrounding Gaza.

While each of the many ships in the U.S. armada has the deadly power to destroy entire
cities with one launch, the political, diplomatic and economic position of the U.S. is
slipping faster than the dollar. This can drive U.S. imperialism to ever more drastic
adventures and desperate measures. It is also what silences large sections of the U.S.
ruling class and top political leaders of both parties.

The world movement for human progress and all opponents of endless U.S. wars must be
on full alert at the possibility of a new, deadly military offensive. They must continue to
expose this phony incident off the coast of Iran and confront the U.S. war makers.

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entire article is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved.

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Il Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia riceve e ritrasmette con dolore la notizia della morte di Antonija "Tonica" Dovecar.

Eroica partigiana, partecipò alla leggendaria, massacrante marcia di Matic Poljana, tra la Lika e il Gorski Kotar (oggi in Croazia), raccontata da Vitomir Grbac nel libro "La morte bianca":

<< (...) La "morte bianca" (bijela smrt) affilava i suoi denti e prima ancora di giungere alla piana di Matic falciò i più esausti e affamati.
Ci fu chi sparò con i fucili automatici per strappare i compagni da quello strano sonno che portava direttamente alla morte. Alcuni morirono già lungo la salita. Il peggio però li aspettava nella piana di Matic dove la temperatura era ancora più bassa e la tormenta più forte.
Proprio qui, non molto lontano dal paese di Mrkopalj, designato come punto di arrivo, trovarono la morte ben 26 partigiani e circa 200 subirono pesanti conseguenze dovute all'assideramento.
Le 17 donne partigiane superarono tutte la tremenda marcia. Nessuna di esse morì per assideramento. 
Antonija Dovecar era al settimo mese di gravidanza. Due mesi dopo partorì un maschietto dal peso di 5 kg destando la sorpresa di tutti. Il medico della divisione gli diede il nome di Ratimir (guerra e pace), come buon auspicio di una vita serena.
Il "partigiano" più piccolo di questa colonna ha oggi 61 anni, è professore alla Facoltà di marineria di Portorose (Slovenia) ed è qui tra noi, oggi.
Sua madre Antonija ha 90 anni e vive a Capodistria. Il padre, uno sloveno di nome Miroslav, combattente della prima ora, si è spento vent'anni fa. >>

Il piccolo Ratimir, sorridente con la "titovka" bianca in testa all'età di 2-3 anni nella foto pubblicata nel libro di Grbac, si è occupato personalmente della sua anziana madre negli ultimi anni.

A chi è caduto, 
a chi vive e sa testimoniare anche nei nostri giorni grigi i sacrifici ed i valori immortali di cui erano portatori quei combattenti, 
a chi deve la vita a quella lotta eroica, a chi persino si affacciò alla vita mentre tutt'attorno infuriava la battaglia per la libertà, 
va il nostro pensiero oggi.
Al figlio di Tonica, Ratimir, ed a tutti quelli che la hanno conosciuta e stimata, giungano le nostre commosse condoglianze.



(La ex procuratrice del TPIY dell'Aia continua, in altra veste e con modalità appena diverse, la sua opera di demolizione di Stati sovrani: come sempre, per ottenere la loro ri-colonizzazione imperialistica, non si disdegna la difesa del banditismo terrorista-etnico in nome dei "diritti umani"...)

Begin forwarded message:

From:   deshapremiyo  @...
Subject: Sri Lanka need not yield to international law 
Date: January 18, 2008 9:47:23 PM GMT+01:00

Sri Lanka need not yield to international law

– PNM tells Louise Arbour

(LankaTruth: 18th January 2008  23:40 S.L.T )

Sri Lankan Nation need not yield to so-called international law that would be brought against sovereignty of the Motherland states Patriotic National Movement.

PNM makes this observation in a statement issued against a statement made by Ms. Louise Arbour, U.N. High Commissioner for human rights regarding human rights situation in Sri Lanka. In its statement PNM points out that Ms. Louise Arbour has launched diplomatic terrorism against Sri Lanka.

The full text of the PNM statement:

"We believe that the whole Sri Lankan Nation should pay its attention to the serious statement made regarding Sri Lanka recently by Ms. Louise Arbour , head of U.N. High Commission for human rights.

In the relevant statement she had stated that violations by any party could entail individual criminal responsibility under international criminal law. She had emphasized that this law would be seriously effective on those in positions of command. She had said this emphasizing that according to international law all rights of civilians should be defended.

From this statement of Louis Arbour it is clear what agenda the western imperialist forces have conspired to carry out in Sri Lanka. We, from the very beginning, have indicated what plans Louise Arbour and her kind had aimed to be implemented in Sri Lanka when they tried to exaggerate the human rights situation in the country to the world and made various statements. What western imperialism and Louise Arbour and her kind want today is to deny to the Sri Lankan Nation the opportunity to bring about a final defeat to the murderous separatist terrorists, who are helpless and confined to a small area in Wanni and Killinochchi. In order to fulfill this villainous aim Louise Arbour and her kind put forward the so-called human rights issues. 

In the statement we quoted above Louis Arbour directly threatens the political and military leaders who are involved in taking measures for national security. What she says in diplomatic language is that if anyone takes steps to liberate Wanni and Killinochchi they would be branded as war criminals and brought before international law.  This is clearly a threat.  It is terrorists who carry out threats. Hence, Louie Arbour has unleashed diplomatic terrorism against Sri Lankan state. Louise Arbour has unleashed this terrorism on behalf of murderous, separatist tiger terrorism.

The process of solving the internal issues of Sri Lanka is decided by the majority of its inhabitants. Any government that has come to power with people’s mandate is responsible in implementing the law of the land all over the country without any hindrance. It is presently done through legitimate armed forces.  One of its tasks is to destroy the world’s most ruthless terrorist organizations that has proved to be an obstacle in implementing law and order in the country. It is the prerogative of the Sri Lankan government to fulfill this task. No organization or country in the world has the right to challenge this right in any manner. Louis Arbour and her kind should understand this. If they don’t comprehend this of their own, it is necessary to emphasize, that the day the patriotic masses in this country take action to close all offices that belong to various organizations of the UNO would be not very far away.

The administrators, military chiefs and all inhabitants in this country give allegiance only to law of this country. Sri Lankans don’t have to abide by a so-called international law that is brought up against the sovereignty of the country. None in Sri Lanka would be cowed down by the idiotic threats of Louise Arbour and her kind who are grief stricken at the defeats their tiger pals have been inflicted with. It is unfortunate for the UNO that Arbour and her kind have not been able to comprehend this. 

However, it is the responsibility of all patriotic forces in this country to ‘nip in the bud’ the “diplomatic terrorism” Louise Arbour and her kind have attempted to unleash. We call upon all patriotic mass organizations to be alert to this threat and rally to defeat such attempts. We also call upon all responsible officials of the UNO in Sri Lanka, considering the safety of the employees of the UNO and its assets, to refrain from making such utter foolish statements that would enrage the people in this country.  We would like to emphasize, by threatening with international law, Louise Arbour and her kind would never get the opportunity to reverse the struggle being carried out to create the atmosphere to implement the law of the land in every inch of the Sri Lankan soil and it is from Sri Lanka that they would get this latest experience. "