

One of the Bosniam Army's Muslim brigades marches through Zenica in a
demonstration of strength by 10000 soldiers.
("The Times", 11/12/1995, pag. A10)


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
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Segui la musica e ti piacerebbe sapere tutto su musicisti,
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Data: 07/10/2001 15:54
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

"DAN", Podgorica, 7. oktobar 2001.


Krizni �tabovi otpustili 40.000 stru�njaka

Zatvoreno 13 ambasada . Za godinu dana proizvodnja pala za deset
odsto . Svaka �esta ma�ina radi . Potro�a�ka korpa tri puta skuplja .
Iz zatvora pu�teno 1.600 albanskih terorista . Napravljen glomazniji i
skuplji, a nesposobniji dr�avni aparat .Umjesto ministarstava razni
biroi i agencije

Diplomata po profesiji, biv�i ministar spoljnih poslova, danas
potpredsjednik SPS, borac za socijalnu pravdu, besplatno �kolovanje i
lije�enje, �ivadin Jovanovi�, koji je, kako ka�e, svo svoje bi�e
usmjerio na o�uvanju Jugoslavije i Srbije u intervjuu za �Dan� o�tro je
osudio svaki separatizam i terorizam. Jovanovi� se zala�e za tehnolo�ki
i ekonomski razvoj, zasnovan na unutra�njim resursima i ravnopravnoj
saradnji sa drugim zemljama, prije svega iz neposrednog okru�enja, a
zatim i iz Evrope i cijelog svijeta. Za Demokratsku opoziciju Srbije
Jovanovi� tvrdi da je velika prevara.

~Za�to prevara?

- Rekli su da �e da u�ine �ivot boljim, a u�inili su da ve�ina gra�ana
u Srbiji �ivi u bijedi i nema�tini, siroma�tvu i neizvjesnosti za
budu�nost Srbije i Jugoslavije. DOS je nanio i ogromnu istorijsku
uvredu srpskom narodu �to je kidnapovao predsjednika Slobodana
Milo�evi�a i �to ga je na Vidovdan, uop�te predao Ha�kom tribunalu.
Prevara je i zato �to su u avgustu pro�le godine iza�li sa silnim
obe�anjima, a ni jedno nisu ispunili. Obe�ali su nove rezolucije,
obe�ali su da �e prvog dana zasijedanja Savezne skup�tine donijeti
deklaraciju o ukidanju ekonomske i politi�ke blokade Crne Gore. Ali se
tog obe�anja nikada vi�e nijesu sjetili.

~Koji su uspjesi DOS-a u minuloj godini?

- Smanjenje i degradiranje proyzvodnje (industrijske, poljoprivredne,
rudarske) opadanje �ivotnog standarda... Oko �etiri miliona gra�ana
Srbije nalazi se na ivici egzistencije godinu dana poslije dolaska na
vlast DOS-a. Oko dva miliona ih je bez posla, industrijska proizvodnja
je sada manja za deset odsto u odnosu na onu koja je bila u vrijeme
sankcija u oktobru pro�le godine, odnosno zatvorenosti finansijskih,
komercijalnih i drugih tr�i�ta za Jugoslaviju. Dru�tveni proizvod je
opao. U fabrikama radi svaka �esta ma�ina. Mladi obrazovani ljudi danas
odlaze u inostranstvo trbuhom za kruhom �e��e nego ikada ranije. Cijene
proizvoda osnovnih za �ivot i usluga su vi�estruko pove�ane. Porezi i
nameti i poljoprivrednicima i gra�anima su tako�e vi�estruko pove�ani.
Uklonjene su sve carinske i druge za�tite za doma�u proizvodnju.
Recimo, poljoprivreda je ostala bez ikakvih dotacija, iako
poljoprivredu dotiraju i najrazvijenije zemlje Evrope i svijeta. U
na�oj zemlji DOS je ukinuo dotacije poljoprivrednicima iako je
poljoprivreda strate�ka grana Srbije i Jugoslavije, tako da je srpsko i
jugoslovensko tr�i�te preplavljeno, na primjer, sirevima iz Holandije i
suhomesnatim proizvodima iz Evrope, a ja se, iskreno, nadam da nijesu
proizvedeni od mesa od ludih krava. Potro�a�ka korpa je danas tri puta
skuplja nego pro�le godine, a kupovna mo� gra�ana tri puta manja.

~Valjda su demokrate ipak, ne�to postigle?

- Svakako. DOS je ostvario rekordne rezultate pu�tanjem albanskih
terorista iz zatvora. Dosad je, hvali se, tako, �in�i�, pu�teno 1.600
kriminalaca Albanaca. Razmatra se da ih puste da idu na Kosovo. Istakli
su se i nebrigom za Srbe na Kosovu i Metohiji, naro�ito za one koji su
u zatvorima bez presude, bez ikakvog dokumenta. Iznenadili su i
totalnom nebrigom za 1.300 otetih i ubijenih Srba i Crnogoraca i drugog
nealbanskog �ivlja na Kosovu i Metohiji. Prebacili su sve mogu�e
rekorde u progonu politi�kih neistomi�ljenika. Oko 40.000 vrhunskih
stru�nih kadrova u privredi, zdravstvu, obrazovanju, kulturi...
uklonjeno je, sistemom kriznih �tabova, sa mjesta na kojima su �asno
radili i na kojima su bili ne zato �to su socijalisti ve� stru�njaci.
Oni su pomjereni. Na njihovo mjesto su do�li neki novi ljudi, jer je u
vlasti 18 partija nezaja�ljivih ambicija da se dograbe bogatstva, mo�i
i uticaja. Oni nemaju mjere u otimanju svega �to je iole atraktivno,
bez milosti da to sprovode. I onda se pitaju za�to je industrijska
proizvodnja opala, za�to elektroprivreda slabo radi i otuda prijetnje
novim redukcijama struje, otud neredi, �trajkovi, protesti.

~A, na me�unarodnom planu?

- Ne. Jer, svaka od 18 partija ho�e jednak broj ambasadora i opet se
postavlja pitanje kakvi su kriterijumi potrebni da bi neko bio
ambasador. Postoje klju�evi daleko izra�eniji nego u komunisti�ko
vrijeme kad su postojali nacionalni, regionalni i neki drugi. Sada
postoje dosovski klju�evi prema kojima svaka pa i najmanja partijica
pretenduje da dobije ambasadorsko mjesto. Niko ne pola�e strane jezike,
niko ne provjerava da li su to doma�i dr�avljani ili me�u njima ima i
stranaca. Ima dosovskih ambasadora sa stranim paso�ima. Zatvaraju se uz
to ambasade u 13 zemalja� u Vijetnamu, Burmi, Gani, Gvineji,
Tanzaniji... A zaboravlja da je, na primjer, samo u
Gvineji �Energoprojekt� napravio pet hidrocentrala a sada gradi �estu i
jedan konferencijski centar i to sve na komercijalnoj osnovi. Ko �e
radnike �Energoprojekta� podr�ati ako recimo nai�u na te�ko�e sa
vlastima. Ili kakav je to signal gvinejskoj vladi koja je dala toliko
poslova, toliko va�nih projekata.

~�ime se onda jugoslovenska diplomatija bavi danas?

-Umjesto odgovora valja postaviti pitanje ako se povla�e jugoslovenske
gra�evinske firme, one koji proizvode i prodaju opremu iz tih zemalja u
kojim je to djelovima svijeta dosovska vlada obezbijedila alternativna
tr�i�ta. Ovo je samo jo� jedna ilustracija kako DOS vr�i globalnu
preraspodjelu spoljnopoliti�kih interesa Jugoslavije u korist NATO
zemalja i u korist zemalja razvijene Evrope.

Ima li kriminala u Srbiji?

- Da. Prema priznanjima dosovskih lidera kriminal je u porastu a javna
je tajna da je zahvatio i vlast.

~Mislite li na veliku duvansku aferu?

- Da. Duvanska afera je samo vrh ledenog brijega. Ispod njega je mnogo
vi�e raznog kriminala mada se istina vjerovatno prigu�uje, jer bi mnogi
morali do�i na tapet odgovornosti. Oni su govorili o pravnoj dr�avi, o
sigurnosti, o borbi protiv kriminala a sve �to se de�ava je suprotno
tome. Kad im odgovara oni po�tuju Ustav, kad im ne odgovara onda je
Ustav prepreka i tada donose politi�ke odluke. Apsolutna pravna
nesigurnost u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji nakon dolaska DOS-a. Ni institucija
Ustavnog suda se ne po�tuje.

~�ime se vlada?

- Dekretima, aktima od danas do sjutra. Pri�alo se da �e da se izvr�i
racionalizacija op�te potro�nje, da �e imati manje ministara, manje
�inovnika a �ta su uradili. Danas na saveznom nivou i republi�kom
srpskom ima deset potpredsjednika vlada, �to nikad u istoriji nije
bilo. Sedam potpredsjednika je samo u republi�koj vladi Srbije, a ka�u
smanjili su broj ministarstava.

Ali, mnogo raznih agencija i biroa. Narod je sve to prozreo i dosta mu
je te mimikrije i obmane.

-Ima li SPS budu�nost?

- Ako je SPS bio potreban Srbiji i Jugoslaviji prije deset godina,
razvoj doga�aja na unutra�njoj sceni i u me�unarodnim odnosima pokazuje
da je SPS potrebniji nego ikada ranije.

~Ni SPS nije bio imun od isku�enja?

- Ta�no. No, sve zavisi od moralne i politi�ke gra�e od koje je �ovjek
sazdan i da li �e odoljeti isku�enjima ili ne. Mi smo imali u na�im
redovima i onih koji nisu odoljeli isku�enjima. Niko, me�utim, nema
pravo da pojedina�ne nepravilnosti i isku�enja vezuje za partiju. To
treba vezivati samo za pojedince. Ipak, ostaje da se analizira gdje je
vi�e gramzivosti bilo u SPS ili u DOS danas.

Danica GARI�

Podijeljene uloge �in�i�a i Ko�tunice

~Da li se Ko�tunica mo�e amnestirati od hap�enja Slobodana
Milo�evi�a ?

-Ne. Ovome se mora pri�i politi�ki zrelo. Nama ne trebaju predsjednici
koji ne znaju ni�ta o tome, �to je sudbinski va�no za dr�avu i narod.
Potrebni su nam predsjednici koji znaju ono �to moraju da znaju, a
narod ih bira ne da ne znaju ve� da znaju. Sve izgleda kao da postoje
podijeljene uloge da �in�i� po savjetima da ne ka�em nalozima iz
inostranstva radi sve to �to radi nezavisno od socijalne, ekonomske i
politi�ke cijene, da izvr�ava to �to nije na� interes, a da Ko�tunica,
na povr�ini, slu�i kao neki pravdoljubiv, �estit �ovjek za ispumpavanje
narodnog nezadovoljstva i da tako ra��i��ava teren da stvari idu kako
idu, a one idu vrlo lo�e. Da li su oni me�usobno podijelili uloge ili
im je neko dodijelio uloge to je neka druga stvar, ja samo sudim prema
posledicama koje su ogromn.

Javno se sva�aju, tajno se pla�e izbora

~Politi�ko raspolo�enje gra�ana danas?

- Sasvim druga�ije od onog 24. septembra i 23. decembra 2000. godine i
u tom kontekstu trebra razumjeti rastu�e zahtjeve za vanrednim izborima
na svim nivoima kako bi se vlast upodobila sada�njem raspolo�enju i
volji gra�ana. DOS je na vlasti i njima se sigurno ne odlazi. Oni se
sva�aju me�usobno ali ima ona narodna �Vrana vrani o�i ne vadi�. �in�i�
i Ko�tunica se javno sva�aju ali se i jedan i drugi boje izbora jer
znaju da nose jednaku odgovornost za ovu katastrofalnu ukupnu situaciju
u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji. Sjetite se, pri�ali su da Kosovo i Metohija
nije pitanje separatizma i terorizma ve� demokratsko �to je trebalo da
zna�i da �e se odmah po dolasku demokratske vlasti to rije�iti samo od

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Dopo la strumentalizzazione fatta nel settembre-ottobre 2000 dai leader
della coalizione DOS e sui media occidentali, le proteste dei minatori
di Kolubara sono diventate invisibili. Infatti, esse sono ormai inutili
per la campagna mediatica che ha a suo tempo accompagnato il colpo di
Stato in Serbia e Jugoslavia; viceversa, possono essere piuttosto
pericolose - come tutte le proteste e gli scioperi dei lavoratori di
tanti settori dell'economia jugoslava, del tutto ignorate dalla nostra
stampa - perche' ostacolano il progetto ultraliberista del governo



Jutarnjie Novine

��estitka� radnika �Kolubare� i kamiond�ija iz �a�ka povodom godi�njice
Dolaska DOS-a na vlast
Rudari ogor�eni izjavom �in�i�a, te�ke ma�ine blokirale Beograd

Ve� tre�i dan je kako rudari �Kolubare� �trajkuju i ne proizvode ugalj
a da niko iz poslovodstva EPS-a i Vlade Srbije nije do�ao u ovaj
kolektiv sa 17.000 radnika.

Rudari strpljivo �ekaju dolazak ministra rudarstva i energetike Gorana
Novakovi�a i republi�kog premijera Zorana �in�i�a na pregovore.

Rudari su ogor�eni izjavama predstavnika aktuelne vlasti posebno
izjavom Zorana �in�i�a da je �trajk motivisan ne socijalnim ve�
isklju�ivo politi�kim razlozima, javlja na� dopisnik M. Simi�.

Izjava dr Vojislava Ko�tunice da iza �trajka ne stoji DSS nai�la je na
razli�ita reagovanja me�u radnicima koji isti�u da su pro�le godine
lideri DOS-a danono�no bili u �Kolubari� a danas, 5. oktobra, nikoga
nema i da su zaboravljeni.

Kolona vi�e stotina automobila, autobusa, kamiona i teretnih vozila
krenula je ju�e iz Preljine kod �a�ka prema Beogradu.

Cilj njihovog dolaska bio je obilazak Savezne skup�tine kojim su oni na
simboli�an na�in obele�ili godi�njicu doga�aja od petog oktobra. Mnogi
gra�ani koji su ju�e do�li na plato ispred Saveznog parlamenta nosili
su zastave i transparente. Iako nije bilo planirano, kolona se uputila
prema Novom Beogradu pa je �iri centar grada bio blokiran �to je
izazvalo saobra�ajni kolaps u kome gradski prevoz kao i taksisti nisu
radili, uverile su se �Jutarnje novine�.

Predsednik Nove Srbije Velimir Ili� rekao je na platou ispred Savezne
skup�tine u Beogradu da nije zadovoljan dosada�njim promenama i izrazio
nadu da �e i premijer Srbije shvatiti da vlada mora da se rekonstrui�e
i da u reforme krene mnogo br�e.

�a�ane, koji su do�li u pratnji truba�a, do�ekao je predsednik jednog
krila Socijaldemokratije Vuk Obradovi� sa svojim pristalicama i
stotinak gra�ana. Na svim vozilima koja su stigla iz �a�ka nalazile su
se parole �Poslednja opomena vlastima�.


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

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Per cancellarti da questo gruppo, invia un messaggio vuoto a: jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...

Data: 06/10/2001 16:05
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jovan Grbic" <ssicc@...>
To: <artel@...>; "Nada Canak" <nadacanak@...>;
<yuambanl@...>; <vlada@...>; <dceca@...>;
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2001 3:54 PM
Subject: E.Vlajki - Otava: "Demonizacija Srba"

> (kako od ' Banana- Republike' do�i do suverene drzave)
> pise Emil VLAJKI*
> Godinu dana nakon "oktobarske revolucije", situacija u Jugoslaviji /
> Srbiji je krajnje teska i deprimiraju�a, a na vidiku, sa sadasnjom
> haoti�nom drustvenom svijes�u, nema mnogo toga ohrabruju�eg. Da bi se
> otvorila neka perspektiva, potreban je niz fleksibilnih
> 'naprijed-nazad' koraka unutar zacrtane strategije oslobo�enja od
> sadasnje politi�ke i ekonomske prostituiranosti, ropstva i
> obezglavljenosti.
> Rogovi u vre�i.
> Prije nego sto kazemo nesto o minimalnom programu koji bi mogao
> dovesti do poboljsanja situacije, mora se razjasniti sustina sadasnje
> vladaju�e koalicije u Jugoslaviji/Srbiji. Ona je potpuno neprirodna i
> stvorena je isklju�ivo zato, da bi se oborio Milosevi�. Nakon sto je
> to ura�eno, ona se je nastavila umjetno odrzavati i svakog se �asa
> moze rasprsnuti kao zrela lubenica kada udari o zemlju. Usmjerenja
> ovih rogova u vre�i su slijede�a:
> -Sa politi�ko-ekonomskog stanovista postoje slijede�e tendencije:
> *pro-ameri�ka (neo-liberalisti�ka, socijal-darvinisti�ka)
> *pro-evropska (humano-kapitalisti�ka)
> *pro-vlasiti dzep
> *pro-nikakva (muhe bez glave, bez ikakve koncepcije)
> -Sa etno-politi�kog stanovista, tendencije su:
> *isklju�ivo pro-srpska (za Srbiju kao drzavu, a protiv Jugoslavije)
> *pro-jugoslavenska
> *pro-separatisti�ka
> *pro-bilo kakva (zemlju, kakvu kvislinzima SAD-gospodari nametnu)
> -Sa stanovista upravljanja, tendencije su:
> *pro-staljinisti�ko-dogmatska
> *pro-mafijaska
> *pro-neoliberalisti�ka (ameri�ki standardi)
> *pro-socijaldemokratska (evropski standardi)
> *pro-monarhisti�ka
> -Sa stanovista kulture,glavne tendencije su:
> *klero-nacionalisti�ka (koja afirmira vjersku i nacionalnu
> isklju�ivost, a na stetu drugih etno-kulturnih zajednica)
> *lazno-univerzalisti�ka (od pseudomarksisti�kih do globalizacijskih)
> *egoisti�no-fleksibilna (kako vjetar puse)
> *multi-kulturna (opravdano njegovanje kulture ve�inskog naroda uz
> postivanje kultura drugih naroda koji zive u istoj drzavi).
> Sve su ove tendencije prisutne u vladaju�im garniturama
> Jugoslavije/Srbije. One egzistiraju u razli�itim varijantama i
> kombinacijama i naj�es�e su me�usobno ostro suprotstavljene i
> neprijateljske. Iz ovoga je vidljivo, da se sadasnja patoloski
> neprirodna vladaju�a koalicija Jugoslavije/Srbije ne moze jos dugo
> odrzati. Bit �e istinski dobro za zemlju i narod ukoliko taj �ir sto
> prije pukne jer �e stete biti manje i bezbolnije. Za nadati se, da �e
> se ubrzo izdiferencirati one vladaju�e tendencije koje �e se
> bezkompromisno zalagati za socijal-demokratske evropske standarde i
> za
> evropsku budu�nost.
> Sto da se radi
> 1.Treba do�i do svijesti o onome sto se ne�e i zbog �ega se ne�e. To
> je isto kao kad neka osoba vise ne zeli da ostane u braku. Ona ne zna
> sto �e biti nakon rastave, ali zna da situaciju u kojoj se nalazi
> vise
> ne zeli i zna razloge zbog �ega je ne zeli.
> -Ono sto ova zemlja vise ne bi trebalo da zeli je diktat SAD-a �ija
> politika ne ide samo na razbijanje Jugoslavije/Srbije ve� i na
> odvajanje ovog podru�ja od evropske integracije. Konsekventno tome i
> generalno govore�i, treba se po�eti osloba�ati utjecaja SAD-a,
> pogotovo ekonomskog i vojnog. Na bazi takve platforme, nuzno je
> pokrenuti diplomatsku ofenzivu i sklapati sve vrste mogu�ih sporazuma
> sa ve� formiranim evropskim institucijama i onim evropskim zemljama i
> korporacijama koje nisu pod odlu�uju�im utjecajem Sjedinjenih Drzava.
> Prihva�anje ove politi�ke linije ponasanja je neophodno za otvaranje
> realne perspektive za izlazak iz krize i zahtijeva evropski
> orijentirane stru�njake iz medjunarodnih politi�kih, ekonomskih i
> kulturnih odnosa. Naravno, osloba�anje od SAD-a ne moze biti ni brzo,
> ni spektakularno.
> -Posebno se ne smije pristati na politiku ameri�kog neoliberalizma,
> to
> jest na:
> *nestanak drzave u ekonomskom odlu�ivanju i socijalnoj sigurnosti
> *jeftinu, "budzasto" rasprodaju drustvenog vlasnistva
> Ameri�ki neo-liberalizam moze biti efikasan za ekonomski jake drzave,
> ali ne i za zemlje u razvoju. Njegova primjena u bivsem
> socijalisti�kom bloku je bukvalno dovela do stanja gladi milijune
> stanovnika u drzavama kao sto su, na primjer, Litvanija, Bugarska,
> Rumunija i Rusija, upropastivsi ih ekonomski na dugi rok i napravivsi
> ih podloznim razli�itim ucjenama.
> 2.Treba se odlu�no suprotstaviti demonizaciji, ma sa �ije strane
> dolazila. Deset godina razaranja Jugoslavije i Srbije, bilo je
> popra�eno demonizacijom srpskog naroda u svjetskim razmjerima koja se
> u ovom �asu nastavlja od dijela doma�ih politi�kih struktura na
> vlasti
> i njihovih medija. Demonizacija je imala i ima za cilj opravdanje
> zlo�ina�ke aktivnosti "me�unarodne zajednice" prema srpskom narodu
> kao
> i unistenje nacionalnog i religioznog bi�a tog naroda. Demonizacija
> Srba je neosnovana iz slijede�ih razloga:
> -Dokazano je, da je najve�i broj stvari na kojima se demonizacija
> Srba
> zasnivala, bio lazan, isfabriciran i/ili zbiljno doveden u sumnju.
> -Srbi u toku posljednjih deset godina nametnutih prljavih balkanskih
> ratova nisu, sustinski, po�inili ni vise ni manje zlo�ina nego ostali
> u�esnici ratova. Niti ima ijednog naroda u svijetu iz �ijih redova u
> ratu ne proisti�u zlo�ini i zlo�inci. Rat je nasilje koje neumitno
> proizvodi sve ve�e nasilje, mrznju, osvetu, bol, zasljepljenost,
> dakle
> i zlo�ine. Posebno rat koji se vodi za teritorije, a to je i bila
> sustina poslijednjih balkanskih ratova nakon raspada Jugoslavije,
> mora
> rezultirati zlo�inom.
> -Nitko na Balkanu ne smije zaboraviti da je pravi inicijator zlo�ina
> SAD-om predvo�ena "me�unarodna zajednica". Ona je sve zakuvala,
> direktno vojno intervenirala protiv Srba, vodila medijsku kampanju
> demonizacije protiv istih, a sada se "pravi tosa": od zrtava pravi
> zlo�ince, a svoje zlo�ine proglasava humanisti�kim.
> -Srpski narod treba da shvati da je njegova demonizacija tek jedan od
> slu�ajeva demonizacije koja se na svjetskom planu i sa sli�nim semama
> provodi protiv svih "neposlusnih" naroda koji se suprotstavljaju
> imperijalizmu bogatih te, posebno, imperijalizmu Sjedinjenih Drzava.
> 2a.Srbija treba organizirano, nau�no i edukativno pristupiti
> de-demonizaciji. To je neobi�no vazno zbog toga, sto je srpski narod,
> zbog muka koje su ga snalazile i snalaze, kao i zbog neprekidnih lazi
> o njemu, duboko demoraliziran. On se iz tog stanja mora dovesti na
> nivo ponosa i dostojanstva. U tu svrhu je potrebno:
> -Popularizirati rezultate nau�nih istrazivanja koji se ti�u
> materijalnih dokaza o navodnim "glavnim srpskim zlo�inima" ("logori
> smrti i za silovanje", Srebrenica, Ra�ak, Markale, Izbica,), gdje je
> utvr�eno da su ti "zlo�ini" bili isfabricirani i/ili da postoji visok
> stepen sumnje u njihovo postojanje.
> -Popularizirati me�unarodni politi�ki kontekst tih doga�anja, gdje se
> jasno vidi da su ti navodni a, ustvari, isfabricirani "zlo�ini", bili
> pretekst za klju�ne odluke koje su se na vojnom i ekonomskom planu,
> donosile protiv Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> -Popularizirati materijalne �injenice o direktnoj odgovornosti i
> umijesanosti "me�unarodne zajednice" za rusenje Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> -Popularizirati materijalne �injenice o sadasnjoj odgovornosti SAD-a
> koje nastoje svim silama da stvore od juznog dijela Srbije, Kosova,
> dijela Makedonije te sa Albanijom, "Veliku Albaniju". Uzgred re�eno,
> ni federalna vlada SRJ, ni crnogorska vlada nemaju vise kontrolu nad
> dijelom Crne Gore nastanjenog Albancima.
> 3.U Jugoslaviji/Srbiji se mora formirati patriotski front. Za sve one
> kojima je stalo da se iza�e iz sadasnje smrtonosne kaljuze, proslost
> i
> ideoloske razmirice vezane za nju, moraju postati irelevantne. Svi
> kojima je stalo do vlastitog naroda i zemlje, bili oni komunisti,
> socijalisti, �etnici, dosovci, demokrate, liberali, radikali,
> narodnjaci i ini, moraju se usredo�iti na jedan jedini cilj:
> spasavanje teritorija i naroda.
> Minimalan i urgentan politi�ki program patriotskog fronta mora imati
> slijede�e pretpostavke:
> -Usvajanje svih najnaprednijih rijesenja Evrope o pravima gra�ana i
> polozaju manjina kao i o borbi protiv terorizma.
> -Nikakvih pregovora sa teroristima na jugu Srbije. Ono sto se, na
> zalost, sada radi, samo stvara pravne osnove za otcjepljenje tog
> dijela jugoslavenskog/srpskog teritorija.
> -Nikakvo davanje baza NATO-u.
> Ako u glavama dijela sadasnjeg politi�kog vrha i postoji nekakva
> racionalna ra�unica u smislu: "Dat �emo te baze i/ili slobodan
> prolaz,
> pa �e se napokon pustiti na miru SRJ/Srbiju", tu se oni ljuto varaju.
> Sa bazama i prolazom ili bez toga, rusenje ove zemlje �e se
> nastaviti.
> Ako se daju baze i/ili stalni prolaz za NATO trupe, onda to rusenje
> vise nitko na svijetu ne �e mo�i sprije�iti, jer �e se iz baza, i/ili
> kontroliranog koridora, direktno pomagati separatiste svih vrsta:
> albanske, crnogorske, san�a�ke, vojvo�anske (sjetimo se nedavnog
> ameri�kog vojnog spasavanja opkoljenih albanskih terorista u
> Makedoniji).
> Nova oktobarska revolucija
> U Jugoslaviji/Srbiji su u vlasti prisutne i snage koje bi se mogle
> okarakterizirati kao anti-patriotske, ali su u ovom trenutku skupa sa
> njihovim vjerovatnim ameri�kim gospodarima, u nok-daunu. Nakon
> "oktobarske revolucije" 2000. godine, nastavlja se korupcija i
> kriminal, poduzimaju se mjere koje indiciraju na surovanja sa
> teroristima na jugu Srbije, na krajnje sumnjive sporazume sa NATO
> okupacionim snagama Kosova, Bosne i sada Makedonije. �itava svjetska
> javnost ruga se prodaji Milosevi�a Hagu i isti�e kako su se prilikom
> toga koristile gangsterske metode ponasanja. Posto nema definirane
> vlasti, ekonomske mjere su nepotpune i stvaraju institucionalne
> uvjete
> za rasprodaju drustvenih bogatstava me�unarodnom krupnom kapitalu.
> Pored toga, odvija se kampanja najodvratnije demonizacije vlastitog
> naroda ikad vi�ene u povijesti. Tu su ni�im dokazane hladnja�e i
> masovni grobovi koji "zasigurno" sadrze tijela Albanaca, Muslimana,
> Hrvata, u�benici za djecu u kojima se opravdava NATO agresija,
> proganjani patrioti koji su branili ovu zemlju dok se istovremeno
> �elnici NATO-agresije slobodno se�u nasim prostorima, itd.
> Taj drustveni �ir na�et prvom "oktobarskom revolucijom" prijeti da se
> ponovo prosiri na �itavo tijelo Jugoslavije/Srbije i da potpuno
> unisti
> organizam. Infekcija je takve vrste da je treba hitno zaustaviti.
> Zato
> je nova "oktobarska revolucija", kao prirodni nastavak prethodne,
> historijska nuznost za Jugoslaviju/Srbiju. Ona se, preko
> parlamentarne
> izmjene gdje �e na vlast kona�no do�i istinske patriotske snage koje
> ne �e biti sluzin�ad bilo koje strane (prvenstveno ameri�ke)
> administracije, mora uraditi u najkra�em mogu�em roku. Ako se
> doma�im,
> petokolonaskim silama zla koje je sada mogu�e odstraniti, dade
> mogu�nost da se oporave, onda ni Bog ne �e vise mo�i pomo�i ovoj
> zemlji i njenim narodima, a pogotovo ne Srbima.
> *Emil Vlajki je autor knjige "Demonization of Serbs", Revolt, Ottawa,
> 2001
> (knjiga je objavljena i na srpsko-hrvatskom: "Demonizacija Srba",
> Nikola Pasi�,
> Beograd, 2001)


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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The photomontage, "Death on a Very Small Planet," has been redone with
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Montage, Belgrade and New York. Dedicated to the innocent.


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Questo il titolo del libro di Hannes Hofbauer, appena ripubblicato in
Austria in una nuova edizione aggiornata.


Subject: Neuerscheinung des Buches "Balkankrieg - Zehn Jahre
Zerst�rung Jugoslawiens"
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 18:11:49 +0200
From: joesb@...
Organization: JOeSB Aktuell

Das neue Buch von Dr. Hannes Hofbauer ist eine g�nzlich umgearbeitet und
erweiterte Auflage seines Buches "Balkankrieg - Die Zerst�rung

�ber die Jugoslawisch-�sterreichische Solidarit�tsbewegung kannst Du die
serbische Fassung dieses Buches bestellen.
�ber e-mail: joesb@... oder �ber den postalischen Weg:
J�SB, Postfach 217, A-1040 Wien,
Kennwort "Balkankrieg".

Hannes Hofbauer
Zehn Jahre Zerst�rung Jugoslawiens

ISBN 3-85371-179-0, 296 Seiten, br., 17,90 d; 35.- DM; 256.- �S; 32,50
sFr.; Edition Brennpunkt Osteuropa.

Der 24. M�rz 1999 markierte das Ende der europ�ischen Nachkriegszeit.
Mit dem Einsetzen der Bombardements gegen serbische und montenegrinische
St�dte durch die NATO eskalierte die Zerst�rung des ehedem
multinationalen und blockfreien Jugoslawien zur kriegerischen
Intervention. Hannes Hofbauer zeichnet die Trag�die am Balkan nach. Ein
Blick von au�en, weltsystemisch und historisch fundiert, soll dabei
helfen, die Nebel von Propaganda, die eine totale Verunsicherung in der
kritischen �ffentlichkeit im Westen bewirkt haben, zu l�ften. Nur so
k�nnen die Konturen der Interessenslagen deutscher und US-amerikanischer
Kriegstreiber nachgezeichnet und die ideologische Substanz der
scheinbaren Rechtfertigung, Bomben im Dienste von Menschenrechten und
Solidarit�t zu werfen, blo�gelegt werden.
Am Ende steht ein sozial und national aus dem Gleichgewicht geratener,
ein total zerst�rter Balkan.
Slowenien und Kroatien sind, letzteres nach der Vertreibung von 300.000
Serben aus der Krajina und aus Slawonien, ethnisch weitgehend
homogenisiert. Bosnien-Herzegowina nimmt die Position einer Kolonie der
Europ�ischen Union ein. Serbien und Montenegro sind durch die
NATO-Schl�ge ihrer �konomischen Struktur beraubt, verw�stet. Der Kosovo
erinnert eher an ein Bild nach dem 30j�hrigen Krieg denn an eine
europ�ische Region zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Makedoniens
staatliche Lebensf�higkeit ist durch die Kampfbereitschaft albanischer
Separatisten in Zweifel gezogen. F�r die Ethnisierung sozialer und
�konomischer Probleme traten seit 1989 in allen Teilrepubliken und
Regionen verst�rkt nationalistisch argumentierende Protagonisten auf.
Zur Katastrophe dynamisiert hat sich dieses Ph�nomen allerdings erst
durch die Einmischung des Westens.
Nach dem Sturz von Slobodan Milosevic sind nun alle Republiken des
ehemaligen Jugoslawien zum Tummelplatz ausl�ndischer Milit�rs, Politiker
und NGO-Vertreter geworden. Den geopolitischen Interessen der USA
stehen die wirtschaftlichen Begierden des deutsch gef�hrten EU-Europa
gegen�ber. Die brennende Lunte f�r kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen am
Balkan d�rfte vor diesem Hintergrund auch in den kommenden Jahren
nicht zum Erl�schen kommen.
Ein eigenes Kapitel widmet Hannes Hofbauer den Konsequenzen des
Balkankrieges f�r die westeurop�ischen Gesellschaften. In Deutschland
und �sterreich ist �ber falsch verstandene Aufrufe zur "nationalen
Selbstbestimmung" sowie �ber blanke Desinformation und L�gen eine neue
Generation auf die politische B�hne getreten, die den Krieg als Mittel
der Konfliktaustragung akzeptiert hat. Die Rechtfertigung der
NATO-Aggression gegen Jugoslawien hat ehemalige Pazifisten der 1968er
Bewegung zu Kriegshetzern mutieren lassen. Wie ihre Gro�v�ter und ihre
V�ter stehen sie nun - in milit�rischer Montur - am Balkan, um
angebliche "europ�ische Werte" zu verteidigen.

Der Autor: Hannes Hofbauer, geboren 1955 in Wien, Historiker,
Journalist, Verleger. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren arbeitet er zur sozialen
und �konomischen Lage in Osteuropa. Von ihm ist zuletzt im
Promedia-Verlag erschienen: "Schlesien. Europ�isches Kernland im
Schatten von Wien, Berlin und Warschau"
(2000; gemeinsam mit Julian Bartosz).

�ber die erste Auflage dieses Buches schrieben und sendeten u.a.:

Die Zeitschrift "Konkret" im Dezember 1999: "Da� es auch anders geht,
zeigt wiederum ein ausl�ndischer Autor, n�mlich Hannes Hofbauer in dem
von ihm herausgegebenen Buch Balkankrieg. Der Wiener Journalist
zeichnet dort die Eskalation der letzten zehn Jahre nach und verbindet
enorme Sachkenntnis mit anschaulichen und konkreten Anektoten. Ein
bi�chen rasender Reporter � la Kisch, ein bi�chen historischer
Materialist � la Engels - mit anderen Worten: spannende Zeitgeschichte.

Der WDR/K�ln am 19.1.2000: "Ausf�hrlich besch�ftigt sich das Buch mit
der westlichen Wirtschaftsstrategie auf dem Balkan. Eine zentrale
Ursache f�r das Auseinanderbrechen Jugoslawiens sieht Hofbauer im
Sanierungsprogramm des IWF. Der staatliche Sparkurs bei gleichzeitiger
radikaler Importliberalisierung hat innerhalb weniger Monate die
Wirtschaft des Landes nahezu v�llig ruiniert und die vorhandenen
Sezessionstendenzen der Republiken dramatisch verst�rkt."

Die Zeitschrift "Illoyal" im Winter 1999/2000: "Ein Vorzug des von
Hofbauer herausgegebenen Bandes ist auf jeden Fall, dass der
Kosovo-Konflikt hier in den Kontext der vorangegangenen Kriege gestellt

"Buchkultur" im Februar 2000: "Wie Propaganda und ideologische
Rechtfertigung bis zum heutigen Tag funktionieren, zeigt dieser Band
eindrucksvoll und bestens recherchiert."

Die Zeitschrift "Ossietzky" in der Nr. 24/99: "Hannes Hofbauer liefert
nicht nur eine ausf�hrliche Schilderung der Geschichte Jugoslawiens von
der Staatsgr�ndung bis zum Einmarsch der NATO in den Kosovo,
sondern auch eine kritische Untersuchung diverser Gruselberichte, die,
zum Teil nie hinterfragt, durch die Medien geisterten und zur
Kriegsbegr�ndung herhielten."

Druck- & Verlagsges.m.b.H.
Wickenburggasse 5/12
A-1080 Wien
Tel.: (0043/1) 405 27 02
Fax: (0043/1) 405 71 59 22
E-Mail: promedia@...

Jugoslawisch �sterreichische Solidarit�tsbewegung J�SB
PF 217 A-1040 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
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E' americana la pista balcanica che porta a Bin Laden


(Il Manifesto del 29/9/2001)

"Il Pentagono teme un fronte Balcanico", un titolo a sei colonne e
sotto solo quattro righe sull'allarme americano. L'abbiamo letto sul La
Stampa. Un po' pochino per spiegare se c'� e perch� un "fronte
balcanico" nella vicenda che lega Bin Laden agli attentati americani.
Naturalmente lo scenario balcanico c'�, eccome. E le due notizie
arrivate ieri lo confermano. Una arriva dalla Lega democratica del
Kosovo (Ldk), il partito di Ibrahim Rugova, che per bocca del vice-
presidente Najm Jerlu, denuncia che "attacchi terroristici nella nostra
regione hanno provocato 1.200 morti negli ultimi due anni dopo
l'intervento della Nato" e che "nuove cellule terroristiche filo-
integraliste di frange dissociate" e provenienti dall'Uck sono pronte
dal Kosovo a far saltare lo stato di tregua in Macedonia, perch� tra
loro ci sono "mercenari" seguaci di Bin Laden addestrati dal 1994 al
1996 dal luogotenente filo-integralista islamico Mohamed Zawhiri". Una
denuncia grave che viene dopo l'accusa dello stesso Rugova che
recentemente ha schernito la cosiddetta "Raccolta essenziale" di armi
tra le fila dell'Uck - gi� addestrata dalla Nato - in Macedonia
promossa dall'Alleanza atlantica, ricordando che "i depositi di armi
sono tutti intatti in territorio kosovaro" e la Nato lo sa bene.
L'altra notizia viene da Sarajevo e dice che decine di seguaci di Osama
bin Laden avrebbero intenzione di abbandonare l'Afghanistan e di
rifugiarsi in Bosnia, con l'aiuto di simpatizzanti locali. "Abbiamo
informazioni da una fonte attendibile che 70 individui, legati
all'organizzazione di Bin Laden, si preparano a lascia l'Afghanistan
per la Bosnia, ritenendolo il luogo pi� sicuro per la loro incolumit�",
ha detto il ministro dell'interno bosniaco Muhamed Besic.
Ma qual � il punto? Dopo la guerra civile 1992-1995, alcuni musulmani
stranieri, tra molti afghani e lo stesso Bin Laden, avevano ricevuto il
passaporto bosniaco in segno di riconoscimento per aver "combattuto"
contro i serbi e i croati. E' questa la storia da raccontare. Una
storia che � emersa nel cosiddetto scandalo del "Bosniagate" nel 1996
scoperto dalla stampa americana - strano che nessuno lo ricordi - in
occasione delle audizioni del Congresso per decidere chi dovesse essere
il nuovo direttore della Cia.
Erano candidati Antony Lake, consigliere dell'allora presidente Bill
Clinton, e George Tenet, di origine albanese. Antony Lake perse la
partita perch� il Congresso scopr� che possedeva "azioni" di societ�
potenti, e soprattutto perch� era stato protagonista di un episodio
giudicato compromettente: aveva favorito una triangolazione di armi
dall'Iran alla Bosnia, agevolando anche l'arrivo di mujaheddin islamici
afghani, iraniani e arabi. Una triangolazione, si scopr�, voluta dallo
stesso Bill Clinton per pareggiare la situazione militare allora
favorevole ai serbi di Bosnia, e per la quale si era adoprato anche
l'inviato Richard Holbrooke. Come l'Iran-Contras dei tempi di Reagan.
A conferma di questo fatto chi scrive intervist� nel 1997 il giudice
Antonio Cassese, allora presidente del Tribunale dell'Aja che. Alla
domanda se valevano come "assoluzione" i lasciapassare rilasciati dalla
presidenza bosniaca di Alja Izetbegovic a miglia di combattenti
islamici - che nel frattempo si erano macchiati di feroci delitti,
anche contro le popolazioni musulmane - rispose di essere a conoscenza
pienamente della cosa, ma che il Tribunale avrebbe raggiunto tutti i
criminali. E non va dimenticato che per quelle stesse triangolazioni di
armi, che per arrivare in Bosnia, toccavano i porti croati controllati
dalle milizie del presidente Tudjman, � stato arrestato recentemente
l'ex presidente argentino Carlos Menem.
Ma Bin Laden? Dopo il 1993 torna in Afghanistan e sar� decisivo nella
cacciata del nuovo governo dei mujaheddin appoggiati dall'Iran, da
parte delle milizie dei Talebani, appoggiati a loro volta dal Pakistan
e dagli Stati uniti. Molti combattenti islamici restano per� nei
Balcani a "rappresentare" gli interessi dell'Iran, tanto che gli Stati
uniti chiederanno al governo di Sarajevo nell'ottobre del 1996 di far
dimettere tutti i ministri legati a filo doppio agli interessi di
Tehran. In Bosnia, temutissimi a Zenica, saranno ricercati
dall'Intelligence di mezzo mondo quando, durante la visita del papa a
Sarajevo nell'aprile 1997, preparano un attentato "dimostrativo" contro
di lui; un oscuro episodio che provoc� poi l'uccisione del responsabile
dei Servizi segreti della Bosnia musulmana. E arrivarono in Albania -
qui al seguito degli interventi finanziari dell'Arabia saudita - e la
stampa americana scopr� la cosiddetta "Albanian connection", i marine
arrivarono a Tirana ad arrestarne alcuni esponenti. Gli attentati
successivi all'ambasciata americana a Nairobi sono stati fatti risalire
proprio alla vendetta dell'"Albanian connection" per quegli arresti in
Albania. Eppure, ben presto, le formazioni irregolari dei combattenti
islamici sarebbero diventate preziose nell'arruolamento e addestramento
Il fatto � che i Balcani sono stati il terreno di conflitto prima
dentro l'Europa e poi tra Europa e gli Stati uniti. L'Unione europea
non esisteva quando decise, per la prima volta a Maastricht, con la
commissione Badinter, di non accettare riconoscimenti d'indipendenza
violenti e contro le minoranze interne. Dopo soli due giorni il fronte
unitario europeo venne rotto dalla Germania e dal Vaticano. Si avviava
cos� lo smembramento dell'ancora esistene Federazione jugoslava che
diventava terra da spartire mentre si apriva il conflitto sulla
leadership in Europa. Gli Stati uniti, che fino a quel punto con Cyrus
Vance e il Segretario di stato James Baker, ancora non avevano deciso e
trattavano per tenere in piedi la Jugoslavia - pur avendo il Congresso
Usa finanziato fin dal 1989-90 i partiti nazionalisti - decisero di
occuparsi dei Balcani, ponte geopolitico del sud-est verso l'Est e
tutto l'Oriente.
Nessuno pensi che l'apertura di questo fronte sia stata indolore per
gli Stati uniti. Persero la faccia e la vita i pi� importanti esponenti
della politica estera americana. Cyrus Vance, zittito dal
riconsocimento anche americano della Bosnia Erzegovina, il 14 aprile,
due giorni prima dell'inizio della guerra civile; il plenipotenziario
Frazer caduto in uno strano incidente sul monte Igman a Sarajevo nel
1994; l'ex presidente Jimmy Carter, inviato di Clinton, "bruciato" nei
suoi rapporti amicali con Radovan Karadzic; l'inviato Ron Brown che si
schianta con l'aereo in uno "strano" incidente su Dubrovnik; le
dimissioni forzate del comandante americano dell'Ifor-Nato in Bosnia,
generale Leighton Smith dissenziente con Clinton; l'uscita di scena del
nemico giurato di Holbrooke, Robert Gallucci, suo successore ufficiale.
Poi le guerre, prima in Bosnia, per interposta "strage", e in Kosovo,
sempre per interposta "strage". Guerre umanitarie, diceva il governo
italiano. Invece era la nuova strategia americana, di Holbrooke-
Clinton: il ritorno del protagonismo armato Usa in Europa attraverso
Bosnia Kosovo e Macedonia: "I Balcani - dichiarava Holbrooke - sono la
prova che, senza di noi, l'Europa � impotente". A questo sono servite
le guerre a precipizio che hanno insanguinato Bosnia, Kosovo e
Macedonia. E sono tutt'altro che concluse.
A proposito. Massimo D'Alema, nel suo giusto sforzo di attaccare il
suprematismo razzista di Berlusconi, sbaglia, proprio alla luce di
quanto raccontato, e mente. Come fa a chiedere ora una guerra "mirata"
che rifiuti un conflitto indiscriminato, se nasconde e dimentica di
dire che la guerra che lo ha promosso a statista, quella del 1999 dove
lui dichiara di avere avuto il "coraggio di mettere a rischio la vita
dei soldati italiani", ha ucciso indiscriminatamente - ricordano il
presidente jugoslavo Kostunica e Amnesty International - migliaia di


Several People Arrested in Bosnia

By Aida Cerkez-Robinson
Associated Press Writer
Monday, Oct. 1, 2001; 9:52 a.m. EDT

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina -- Several people
suspected of links to global terrorism were arrested
over the past few days, including two who were found
with box cutters near Sarajevo's airport, Bosnian
authorities said Monday.
The arrests were made by Bosnian police and by SFOR,
the NATO-led peacekeeping force deployed in Bosnia
following the 1992-95 war.
SFOR troops arrested four people last week in the
Sarajevo suburb of Ilidza, SFOR spokesman Capt. Daryl
Morrell said Monday. He did not release further
details, but Bosnian television said Sunday night that
two of the four were foreign citizens and the others
were Bosnians.
Bosnian television identified the two Bosnian suspects
as Nihad Karcic and Armin Harbaus and said they were
employed by the Saudi humanitarian organization
Makath. According to the report, SFOR also seized
documents, computers and $60,000 in cash from the
Bosnian police made several separate arrests last
week, Federation Interior Minister Muhamed Besic said
Some of those arrested were later released, but others
remained in detention as suspects "who could be
involved in terrorism," Besic said. He refused to
A high-ranking Bosnian government official told The
Associated Press on condition of anonymity that two of
the people arrested in the last few days were foreign
citizens from Islamic countries. They were apparently
found close to the Sarajevo airport with box cutters
similar to the ones used by the Sept. 11 hijackers in
the United States.
"We are working together with SFOR and other
international organizations and the operation is
ongoing," Besic said.
The Interior Ministry also asked five Pakistani
citizens in Bosnia on tourist visas to leave the
country, Besic said. They left Sarajevo on Sunday.
Thousands of Islamic fighters arrived in Bosnia at the
beginning of its war to help Bosnian Muslims fight
Serbs and Croats. Most of them left after the war when
NATO troops deployed, but a small number stayed behind
and settled here, obtaining Bosnian citizenship.
Those who remained are now under tighter monitoring by
the Bosnian police.
Last week, the interior minister of the Muslim-Croat
federation, Muhamed Besic, said that "trustworthy
intelligence sources" suggested about 70 associates of
Osama bin Laden, the main suspect for the Sept. 11
attacks, could flee Afghanistan for refuge in Bosnia.



>From conservative websites


'Voices of Moral Obtuseness' Or 'Voices of Immoral Bigotry'?
by Stella L. Jatras - 9/29/01


CHRONICLES ONLINE, Wednesday, September 19, 2001
by Srdja Trifkovic


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"First get rid of Communists... know who they are, here are the lists. Then, get rid of the

This article was published in the newspaper "Dani". It gives an
interesting view about the beginning of the war in Bosnia-Herzegvina.
It is an interview with a commander of a Muslim division, Ismet
Djuheric, who fought together with the Serbs.

Company of Honest Aggressors
by Vlado Mrkic

Ismet Djuheric was the first commander of the unit of the Army of the
Republic of Srpska "Mesa Selimovic", whose members were mostly
Muslims from the villages in the municipalities of Bosanski Brod and
Derventa. This unit of "Muslim Chetniks", as some referred to it, was
and until today remains one of the big controversies of the past war.
Ismet Djuheric talks to Dani about the events in which he participated
and which he witnessed
Today Ismet Djuheric lives with his wife Hanumica in the village of
Sijekovac near Bosanski Bord. He and his daughter are employees of the
oil refinery in Brod. Discounting several months spent as refugees in
the nearby villages of Dubocac and Kobas, the Djuherics are the only
Muslim family that has spent the whole war in the village of Sijekovac.
Ismet Djuheric talks to Dani about the events in which he participated
and which he witnessed. This article is only a small part of that story,
testimony about a tragic time, about the events which could have taken
place, it seems to us, only in the boiling Bosnian pot, heated by
divisions and hatred of neighbors on the other sides of the Sava and
Drina rivers.

BEGINNING OF TROUBLE: Before the war, I worked in the Bosnian
Brod City Hall, and had connections with some activities of the
authorities and in connection with the authorities. I mention this
because it affected my later fate. I've been active in politics, always
a leftist, a member of the Communist Party, later of the Communist
Today, I am a Socialist. I think that is correct. I have always claimed
and still think that extremists started this war. They were a tool in
the hands of those who came to power after the first multi-party
elections, when our misfortune started.

Before the war, I was a reserve officer of the Yugoslav People's Army. I
had the rank of captain and was a member of the then 327th Brigade in
Derventa. The battalion from Brod was a part of that Brigade. I carried
out certain tasks, at the time that was legal; the war hadn't started in
this region yet, although I was afraid that it would. My activities in
the City Hall were also related with that. Many did not like that, above
all extremists, mostly Croats, and then also Muslims. I say Muslims,
because that is who I am. I was a Yugoslav, now I am a Muslim [the
current official name for Bosnian Muslims is Bosniaks].

After the fall of the YPA barracks in Slavonski Brod [across the river
in Croatia] the tensions in this region significantly increased. There
were clashes, people were carrying weapons. I was among those who
advocated common life, not necessarily brotherhood and unity. Croatia
was already a new state. If we need to protect ourselves from someone, I
used to say, let us at least protect ourselves together, since we
already live together, Serbs, Croats and Muslims. Extremists among
Croats and Muslims were against that and I can tell you that both groups
tried to convince me to join them. Not because of ideals, but because of
interests, since they probably expected that my reputation and my
knowledge in connection with my work could have helped their cause.

They said: "Join us, nothing will happen to you". That was evident when
they attacked me later. I was attacked by the members of the militia
which had been formed in Brod at the start of March 1992 and had
exclusively Croat and Muslim members. The first commander of the
military police in Bosanski Brod was Josip Bilic. All of them were
appointed based on the orders coming from Slavonski Brod. Serbs had
already withdrawn to Lijesce.

FIERCE SHOOTING: I was the president of the Local Commune
Sijekovac and when some locals approached me to figure out the way to
protect ourselves, mostly from criminals, the general attitude was that
all of us, Serbs, Muslims and Croats should participate in local
However, the extremists won over in the end and chased away those who
wanted to live together. I was immediately fired from the post of the
president of the local commune. Actually, I was not fired, but they
simply took over.

17 members of the so-called military police participated in a physical
attack on myself and my family. They attacked us in our house and
demanded that I turn over weapons. They thought that the YPA had
stored weapons in my house. I did not have those weapons but I did have
my own. They shot first and than demanded that I surrender. The
shooting was fierce. That night I talked to General Kukanjac, with the
commander of the Brigade in Derventa, with the headquarters in Brod,
with the headquarters in Lijesce, and demanded that the attack on me be
stopped. I did not want to surrender. My wife, son and daughter, who
were minors at the time, were in the house with me. What hurt me the
most was that among the attackers were some of my neighbors or their

The walls of our house were covered with bullet holes. An intervention
to stop these attacks came from the top, but we had no other choice but
to leave. That day, there was a burial. An important individual of some
sort had died and everyone was at the burial. When we saw that the
sentry had left, we somehow got out of Sijekovac and went to my
birthplace Dubocac. I got in touch with the garrison and went to

HOS ARRIVES: However, the same group which attacked me in
Sijekovac, reinforced by a group of HOS soldiers [HOS, or Croatian
Defense Forces, was an extreme right (pro-Ustashe) Croatian militia,
active both in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina in 1991 and 1992] under
the command of in this region well known Obradovic, attacked and took
over Dubovac. Obradovic lived in Slavonski Brod, had a bar there; he was
a Serb and hailed from Kraljevo in Serbia, but was still in HOS. After
the fall of Dubocac we ran away to the Muslim village of Kobas and
that's where my family lived, while I was in Derventa with the Brigade.

A group of 22 HOS soldiers, the so-called Handzars, whose commander
was certain Ekrem Mendela, originally from somewhere in central
Bosnia, came to Sijekovac from Croatia and set up a camp in containers
belonging to a company from Teslic, near my house. They controlled
Sijekovac, together with the so-called intervention platoon of Nijaz
Causevic from Sijekovac, also known as Medo. Obradovic and Causevic
raged in this region with their groups until the liberation of Brod.
Obradovic died later; he was killed by his own soldiers, when they were
running away from Zboriste; he tried to stop them and one of them
killed him.

FOX IN KOBAS: Since then, until the liberation of Brod, I was in
Derventa. In August 1992 I formed my own unit within the Army of the
Republic of Srpska. Most of its members were Muslims, but there were
also a few Serbs and Croats. Its name was the independent Muslim unit
"Mesa Selimovic" [famous Bosnia Muslim writer], and it existed within
the Army of the Republic of Srpska until the end of the war. It was
formed in the village of Kulina near Derventa, in front of the village
school. It was named by General Kelecevic, and at the time Colonel and
now General Slavko Lisica. I was the first commander of the unit, until
January 1993, and after that I left the Army and worked in Brod. The
unit had about 120 soldiers, but the number varied from time to time.
Therefore, it was the size of a company. It fought in all battles around
Brod and Derventa, and also participated in fighting around Teslic,
Tesanj, Maglaj and Zavidovici. Its members were to the last honest
people, who stayed to live here. This unit did its job honestly. In our
opinion we had the right to defend our land, and we did defend our land
and property; we stayed there and believed that that was just. And
indeed, most of these people until this day live and work here.

How was this unit formed? Let there be no confusion, we volunteered. I
wanted to somehow protect people who stayed on their land. We
contacted Lisica and he accepted our proposal. At the time he was a
colonel, a commander of a tactical group. He came to Kobas, where we
had escaped from Dubocac, gathered Muslims and in the yard of the house
where I was living, delivered a speech, and promised people that no one
was to touch them. Then he said: "If you are willing, I will send you
vehicles". There was no force. Later, we gathered in front of the school
in Kulina and were thinking about a name for the unit. As far as I
remember, I think that Lisica mentioned the name of Mesa Selimovic,
and that General Kelecevic accepted. I also liked the name and agreed. I
had read Mesa, sometime because his books were a part of the required
reading list at school, and sometimes because I liked his books. And
that's how it stayed. As a unit we did not do anything bad, let one of
our opponents say that is not true. We were visited by foreign
journalists, even princess Jelisaveta came to the front to see us. We
were visited by British members of the Parliament; they drank coffee
with us. We were famous for our culinary skills. As people from the
banks of the Sava river, we could prepare really good fish.

AGGRESSORS ON THEIR OWN LAND: What I did, what all of us
did, we chose that and are not sorry. I know that Serbs were declared
aggressors, but we did not accept that. We were a part of the Army of
the Republic of Srpska, we were with our neighbors, there was no one
else there; there was no one from Montenegro or Serbia. If they were
aggressors, then we were aggressors together with them. And how can I
be an aggressor on my own land? I do not understand that. It was a war,
there were those who carried weapons and were not mature enough for
that; there were all sorts of things and one had to take care of himself
and stay on one's own land. Some could not take it and they left, but
some did persevere and stayed. Whole Muslim villages stayed. Take, for
example, Luzani and Omeragici in the Derventa municipality, complete
villages inhabited by Muslims and all of them are still there.

There were many Muslims from Derventa in my company, but also in the
rest of the Derventa Brigade. It is impossible to take that at face
value, the stuff they said about the aggression. Until May 1992, when
those children were killed in Kolibe, 18-year old YPA conscripts, the
YPA was a legal military force in this region. Even then it was
impossible to talk about aggression. That word was used to pull the
International Community on one side in the conflict. And everyone wanted
that. I know of cases that all three sides attacked their own villages
in order to accuse the other sides and that cannot provide alibi for no
one of them.
That is the truth. All that was done in order to cause chaos, since
people, apart from those extremists, still wanted to stay on their own
land and live with their neighbors. Look, they are coming back now.

It is true that many more Muslims were on the other side. But they were
not on their own. They fought within HVO. They had to obey orders.
Every Muslim unit in HVO had a Croat "advisor", and we all know what
that means. I was completely independent, had full trust of my
superiors; I had no advisors in my company. That also applies to my

CRIME IN SIJEKOVAC: The crime in Sijekovac took place on March
26 1992. I was at the time in Derventa, in my unit as an operative in
the Brigade headquarters. I was the first person in Derventa to receive
information about what happened. I know that the then crisis staff of
Sijekovac decided to attack and disarm a part of the village; there are
written documents about that. That order was signed by Smajo Havic,
the then president of the crisis staff in Sijekovac; soon afterwards he
resigned, probably after realizing what he had done. Obradovic's HOS
troops and Nijaz Causevic Medo's intervention platoon participated in
that attack. The members of intervention platoon were extremists from
Sijekovac, Muslims and Croats. Eight Serbs were murdered in that
attack. They were all innocent people, some of them were even retarded.
I got the news in Derventa about the crime from late Miso Bacic; I hope
that he will be rehabilitated, since the manner in which he died is
shameful for everyone here.

Before the war Muslims held the largest share in the population of
Sijekovac, then Serbs and then Croats. If it wasn't for extremists, and
criminals, Sijekovac could have kept the status of a neutral village,
although at the time it was hard to remain neutral.

This incident was used as an excuse to continue the war and definitely
strongly influenced that. That was one of the events which indicated
that there was no going back. If it weren't for that crime, many people
would not have escaped when we arrived. Many of them did not want to
leave, but were afraid of revenge.

PIKLOVIC SHOOTS A MOVIE: HVO [Croatian Defense Council, the
"official" Bosnian Croat militia; HVO absorbed HOS members after an
unsolved murder of their leader in Hercegovina] was in charge in this
region. For example, 102nd Brigade from Bosanski Brod had a battalion
from Sijekovac; Adnan Ramadanovic (killed later by his neighbors) was
the commander of the battalion. He was the first commander of military
police in Sijekovac, at the beginning of March 1992. All orders came
from HVO. Ivan Brzic was the president of the crisis staff, Armin
Pohara was some sort of his top executor, but all orders came from
Slavonski Brod. There is a movie, filmed by the people from HVO,
which shows how villages were burned down after Serbs had
withdrawn, starting with Lijesce and so on. Piklovic personally went in
a car and watched as these villages were set on fire; the film was shot
from his car and he was at the time the president of the executive
council of the Slavonski Brod Municipality. I think that Tudman
personally gave free hand to Ante Prkacin to do as he pleased in
Posavina. HVO burnt down all Serb villages towards Doboj. That was
probably done to prevent Muslims from Kotorsko and Modrica to more into
those Serbs villages and change the ethnic composition of the population
in the region.

There are documents, with names, that show that members of the
so-called Sijekovac battalion, a lot of them Muslims, were paid from
Croatia. In that case, who was the aggressor? Several formations of the
Croatian Army fought in this region. One of them was the 108th
Brigade, the first brigade of the Croatian Army, which, as they say,
liberated the YPA barracks in Slavonski Brod. It experienced a debacle
in Kostres and Novo Selo, where some 60 to 70 percent of its soldiers
were killed. I captured their documentation. The command of the Brigade
was in a restaurant near Ukrina. I remember that the commander's name
was Martin, I did not remember his surname, but do remember that he had
been a reserve officer of an engineering company of the YPA in the
Derventa Brigade.

They came here from Croatia, they were in charge. The Bjelovar Brigade
and some other brigades of the Croatian Army also fought here. When
we liberated Brod and captured some people, they told us that they had
been taken to Posavina [region next to the Sava river in northern
Bosnia] by deceit. They told them they were going against Okucani and
then took them to Brod.

I was on duty in the barracks in Derventa when HVO captured Fikret
Abdic in Radic. I picked up the phone and someone said: "You can have
Abdic, just give us Vencelovka and Stanic". Those were Croats whom we
had captured, but we immediately released them. I called the commander
of the defense of the barracks, major Stajcic. We did not want to
discuss an exchange.

WHAT EVERYONE KNOWS: A mass grave of Serbs murdered by
HVO before October 1992 was discovered in Brod, but that was not
publicized. There is some documentation about the actions of Nijaz
Causevic Medo, there are statements by witnesses, there is filmed
evidence. Causevic filmed a three-hour movie about his unit. His group
raped a Serb woman from Sijekovac, cut her up in pieces and threw her
flesh to dogs. There were other rapes and so on. A member of Medo's
unit killed a man who had sold a horse, a Croat. All of that has been
processed, both by the Army and Police. On March 26 the following
people were murdered in Sijekovac: three Zecevics, Milan, Vaso and
Petar (Milan was a driver in the Refinery), then Luka Milosevic and his
two sons. Sreto Trivic, my good friend, and elderly man, a pensioner,
was slaughtered while sitting in an armchair. That was proven. They
came up to him and slaughtered him.

Mustafa Kovacevic, an electrical engineer in the Refinery and a world
famous expert, and his wife Mirsada were murdered while HVO and
Medo were in power. Their corpses had been burned, but we found their
remains and they were buried. My friend Mustafa Alic was murdered in
his own house, but his corpse was never found. Some other people,
mostly Serbs and Muslims, disappeared without a trace. The Croat part
of the extremist leadership used to say: "First get rid of Communists.
You know who they are, here are the lists. Then, get rid of the Serbs".

That is the truth. Everyone knows about that. These days, some of the
culprits are walking around free.

MEDO IN ASSEMBLY: That went on until October 7 1992, when we
entered Brod. I said "we" because I was one of the commanders who
participated in, as we say, the liberation of Bosanski Brod. Somehow, we
ended up in the region of Sijekovac, we returned home. We were in a
hurry because we knew that there were honest and good people here and
that some of them would wait for us. That's how it was. Unfortunately,
some stayed and lost their lives. That is what happened, that is the way
the war was, that is our misfortune.

I am pretty dissatisfied with what has been done to resolve crimes. Some
work was done by our authorities, some by IPTF. Quite a few of those
people, such as Nijaz Causevic Medo, who is definitely responsible for
many crimes in this region, and especially for Sijekovac, were never
charged. Obradovic has been killed, he is gone, but many of his people
who participated in everything are still around. For example, there is
Zeljko Barisic, who was here at the time as a General of HVO. There is a
film which shows Barisic leading the so-called group for fighting
against snipers near the post office in Brod. That film was forged.
Blazen Kljajic is another one of that sort.

Life is slowly returning to normal in Sijekovac. About 70 percent of
Serbs have returned, there are some refugees, and lately, we've had
about ten-twelve Muslim and one Croat family of returnees. Most of them
are elderly people, youngsters come to take a look and leave. But, even
after all that has happened people want to again live together.


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(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 28 SET - A 70 afghani dell'Al Qaida di Osama bin
Laden che, secondo informazioni di ''servizi autorevoli'' pensano di
fuggire dall'Afghanistan per rifugiarsi in Bosnia, non sara' permesso di
entrare in questo paese - ha detto oggi il ministro dell'interno della
Federazione BH (entita' croato musulmana) Muhamed Besic. ''Non pensino
di trovare qui il paradiso'', ha aggiunto.
Che la Bosnia non sia un paradiso per i terroristi le autorita' di
Sarajevo lo ripetono spesso negli ultimi giorni, smentendo ''le
speculazioni di alcuni media'' circa le basi di addestramento dei
terroristi di bin Laden nel Paese o che il ricercato n.1 avesse un
passaporto bosniaco. Le autorita' hanno reso noto i primi risultati di
un riesame delle 11.000 cittadinanze concesse a partire dal 1992,
dall'indipendenza della Bosnia ad oggi, secondo cui solo 70 mujaheddin
che hanno combattuto nelle file dell'esercito di Sarajevo durante la
guerra (1992-95) sono naturalizzati bosniaci rimasti a vivere nel paese.
Tra questi - ha detto il ministro dell'interno - la polizia tiene in
questi giorni sotto ''sorveglianza operativa'' 13 persone.
Il ministro ha anche ricordato che la polizia bosniaca ha finora
arrestato quattro persone, di origine araba, sospettate di terrorismo:
due sono stati estradati in Francia e due stanno per essere estradati in
Egitto. Ma il problema dei mujaheddin, dei 'passaporti facili' e dei
legami passati con regimi radicali islamici del Partito di azione
democratica (Sda) dell'ex presidente Alija Izetbegovic, in particolare
per l'acquisto di armi, resta comunque un'eredita' pesante per l'attuale
governo dell'Alleanza per il cambiamento.
L'unita' El Mujahid, con base a Zenica, in Bosnia centrale, formata nel
1993 da volontari dei paesi islamici, fu sciolta dopo la guerra. Secondo
l'accordo di pace di Dayton, tutti i combattenti stranieri dovevano
immediatamente lasciare il paese, ma alcuni mujaheddin rimasero, dopo
aver acquisito la cittadinanza sposando ragazze bosniache. Formarono tre
comunita', assieme anche ad adepti locali, nei villaggi Guca Gora,
Zeljezno Polje e Bocinja. Per lo piu' sono seguaci dell'islam wahabita
professato in particolare in Arabia Saudita. Queste comunita' furono
piu' volte denunciate come campi di addestramento per terroristi, ma
nessuna delle indagini della magistratura bosniaca trovo' riscontri in
questo senso. E anche la Forza di pace della Nato non ha avuto ''indizi
sul terreno'' dell'esistenza di tali campi. L'unico campo illegale fu
trovato dalle forze Nato nell'immediato dopoguerra, nel febbraio 1996, a
Fojnica, in cui furono scoperti tre iraniani e sei bosniaci. L'allora
presidente Izetbegovic affermo' che era un centro di addestramento degli
agenti dell'antiterrorismo. In seguito, sempre nel 1996, gli Usa
condizionarono aiuti in armamenti all'esercito della Federazione con le
dimissioni del sottosegretario alla difesa Hasan Cengic, per i suoi
''legami troppo stretti'' con l'Iran. (ANSA)
COR*VD 28/09/2001 19:46


Subject: Foreign Mujahedeen In Bosnia, Kosovo, FYROM
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 05:10:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff <r_rozoff@...>
To: r_rozoff@...

"Others left for Albania, where they helped train the
rebels who would become known as the Kosovo Liberation
Army. This year, according to Western diplomats, the
fighers have appeared once more, now on the side of
Albanian rebels in Macedonia."

September 2, 2001
Trial Offers Look at Secretive Warriors in Bosnia

THE HAGUE, Aug. 31 - Islamic "holy warriors" came from
various countries to the mountains of central Bosnia,
but the people there knew them mainly for their
reputation for ferocity and cruelty.
They volunteered for the Bosnian Army but also had
their own code of conduct. And under that code, any
mistreatment of civilians and prisoners of war was
strictly forbidden.
Yet the United Nations war crimes tribunal here has
accused them of doing just that - committing
atrocities against civilians and prisoners.
None of the Muslim warriors are expected to appear in
court, according to tribunal officials. But three of
their former superiors, all commanders in the Bosnian
Army, were arrested for war crimes and brought to The
Hague earlier this month to stand trial.
The three, retired Generals Mehmed Alagic and Enver
Hadzihasanovic, as well as Brig. Amir Kubura, have
pleaded not guilty. No trial date has been set.
The case is unusual, not only because the three are
the highest ranking Bosnian Muslims indicted so far,
but also because many of the charges against them
involve crimes said to have been committed by the
mujahedeen. The case is expected to throw light on
mujahedeen, the secretive movement of Islamic
volunteer fighters who have been operating in the
Balkans for the better part of a decade.
Tribunal investigators reportedly have had access to
Western intelligence in preparing their case, and part
of this information is expected to be used in court.
What is known is that several thousand of the warriors
first appeared in Bosnia in 1992, supported by funds
from Iran and Saudi Arabia. Among them were young men
from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and other Islamic
nations. Estimated to number three to five thousand,
they played a crucial role in the Bosnian Army as it
battled with Serbs and then Croats over territory in
central Bosnia.
Under the 1995 Dayton Peace Accord, the mujahedeen
were meant to leave Bosnia, but a number stayed,
married local women and moved into houses left empty
by refugees. Others left for Albania, where they
helped train the rebels who became known as the Kosovo
Liberation Army. This year, according to Western
diplomats, the fighters have appeared once more, now
on the side of Albanian rebels in Macedonia.
Few details are publicly known, but the indictment of
the three former Bosnian commanders offers some
insights into the instructions and actions of the holy
It says that most joined the same brigade, where
recruits had to swear by oath that they would follow
the example of a proper Muslim soldier. They were
given a code of conduct, set out in a booklet called
"Instructions to the Muslim Fighter," which in Bosnia
was first published in 1993.
Its section dealing with war booty may explain why
many Bosnian soldiers, including mujahedeen, are
accused in the indictment of widespread plundering of
Bosnian Serb and Croat homes and farms. The booklet,
as quoted in the indictment, says that if soldiers are
unpaid, "a fifth of war booty shall fall to the state
treasury, and the other four- fifths belong to the
The booklet's passage on prisoners of war says "the
killing of women, children and priests who do not
participate at all in the war and who do not directly
or indirectly assist the enemy, is forbidden; Islam
likewise forbids the torture and brutalization of
prisoners of war and the mutilation of enemy wounded
and dead."
According to the indictment, in Bosnian towns and
villages where mujahedeen operated during 1993, "at
least 200 Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Serb civilians
were killed and many more were wounded."



KLA rebels train in terrorist camps
By Jerry Seper
The Washington Times, May 4, 1999

Some members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which has
financed its war effort through the sale of heroin, were
trained in terrorist camps run by international fugitive
Osama bin Laden -- who is wanted in the 1998 bombing of two
U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 224 persons,
including 12 Americans.

The destruction of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was blamed by the
U.S. on Osama bin Laden's group. Well before the start of the NATO
operation reports were pointing to his ties to KLA.

The KLA members, embraced by the Clinton administration
in NATO's 41-day bombing campaign to bring Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic to the bargaining table,
were trained in secret camps in Afghanistan,
Bosnia-Herzegovina and elsewhere, according to newly
obtained intelligence reports. The reports also show that the
KLA has enlisted Islamic terrorists -- members of the
Mujahideen --as soldiers in its ongoing conflict against Serbia,
and that many already have been smuggled into Kosovo to
join the fight.

Known to its countrymen as the Ushtria Clirimatare e
Kosoves, the KLA has as many as 30,000 members, a number
reportedly on the rise as a result of NATO's continuing
bombing campaign. The group's leadership, including Agim
Ceku, a former Croatian army brigadier general, has
rapidly become a political and military force in the Balkans. The
intelligence reports document what is described as a
"link" between bin Laden, the fugitive Saudi including a
common staging area in Tropoje, Albania, a center for
Islamic terrorists.

The reports said bin Laden's organization, known as
al-Qaeda, has both trained and financially supported the KLA.
Many border crossings into Kosovo by "foreign fighters"
also have been documented and include veterans of the
militant group Islamic Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya and
Afghanistan. Many of the crossings originated in
neighboring Albania and, according to the reports,
included parties of up to 50 men.

Jane's International Defense Review, a highly respected
British Journal, reported in February that documents found
last year on the body of a KLA member showed that he had
escorted several volunteers into Kosovo, including more
than a dozen Saudi Arabians. Each volunteer carried a
passport identifying him as a Macedonian Albanian.

Bin Laden and his military commander, Mohammed Atef, were
named in a federal indictment handed up in November
in New York for the simultaneous explosions Aug. 7 at the
U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. The indictment accused the two men of directing
the attacks, which injured more than 5,000 people.

The indictment said bin Laden, working through al-Qaeda,
forged alliances with government officials in Iran, the
National Islamic Front in the Sudan and an Iranian
terrorist organization known as Hezbollah. He was indicted earlier
this year by a federal grand jury in New York for his
suspected terrorist activities. The al-Qaeda is believed to have
targeted U.S. embassies and American soldiers stationed
in Saudi Arabia and Somalia. The organization also is
accused of housing and training terrorists, and of
raising money to support their causes.

The State Department, along with other federal agencies,
offered a $5 million reward last year for information leading
to the arrest and conviction of the two men. Mr. Clinton
ordered a retaliatory attack on training bases controlled by
bin Laden in Afghanistan and a chemical factory near
Khartoum, Sudan, after the bombings.

Last year, while State Department officials labeled the
KLA a terrorist organization, saying it bankrolled its
operations with proceeds from the heroin trade and from
loans from known terrorists like bin Laden, the department
listed the group as an "insurgency" organization in its
official reports. The officials charged that the KLA used
terrorist tactics to assault Serbian and ethnic Albanian
civilians in a campaign to achieve independence.

The KLA's involvement in drug smuggling as a means of
raising funds for weapons is long-standing. Intelligence
documents show it has aligned itself with an extensive
organized crime network in Albania that smuggles heroin to
buyers throughout Western Europe and the United States.

Drug agents in five countries believe the cartel is one
of the most powerful heroin smuggling organizations in the
world. The documents show heroin and some cocaine is
moved over land and sea from Turkey through Bulgaria,
Greece and Yugoslavia to Western Europe and elsewhere.
The circuit has become known as the "Balkan Route."

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said in a recent
report that drug smuggling organizations composed of
Kosovo's ethnic Albanians were considered "second only to
Turkish gangs as the predominant heroin smugglers
along the Balkan Route." Greek Interpol representatives
have called Kosovo's ethnic Albanians "the primary sources
of supply for cocaine and heroin in that country."

France's Geopolitical Observatory of Drugs said the KLA
was a key player in the rapidly expanding drugs-for-arms
business and helped transport $2 billion in drugs a year
into Western Europe. German drug agents said $1.5 billion in
drug profits is laundered annually by Kosovo smugglers,
through as many as 200 private banks or currency-exchange offices.

Jane's Intelligence Review estimated in March that drug
sales could have netted the KLA profits in the "high tens of
millions of dollars." It said the KLA had rearmed itself
for a spring offensive with the aid of drug money, along with
donations from Albanians in Western Europe and the United States.


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... On 10th of February of 1943 Hitler gave a "green light" for creation
of the division made up of Bosnian Muslims, whose main purpose would be
fighting Tito's partisans in Bosnia. On 13th of Feb. Himmler gave an
order to SS Gruppenfuhrer (division-level general) Arthur Phelps,
commanding officer of the "Prinz Eugen" SS division, which consisted of
Yugoslavian folksdojcers, to immediately start recruiting ...


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Si noti in particolare la chiusura delle ambasciate in paesi-chiave
dell'ex movimento dei non allineati.

[As only sovereign nations have embassies abroad, and
as Yugoslavia's national sovereignty has been put into
receivership during the past year - courtesy of its
'friends' in Washington, London, Brussels and Berlin -
there'e no need for embassies until Yugoslavia is
restored to its former status of independent nation.
Besides, what do Asia, Latin America and Africa matter
as they're not NATO territory anyway? Minja M.]

BBC News
September 27, 2001

Cash-strapped Yugoslavia closes embassies

The Yugoslav Government says it is temporarily closing
its embassies in 13 countries for economic reasons.

The Foreign Ministry said the closures were part of
rationalising Yugoslavia's representation abroad, and
that the duties of the closed embassies would be taken
over by missions in neighbouring countries.

Although all sanctions against Yugoslavia have been
lifted since the fall of the former President,
Slobodan Milosevic, a year ago, the country is still
facing serious economic problems.

The ministry said the closed embassies were in Chile,
Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lebanon, Myanmar, North Korea,
Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia and


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