


All'inizio del '93 su iniziativa della Danimarca, la RF di Jugoslavia
viene estromessa dall'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanit�. Questo in
un momento in cui il paese registrava un afflusso di circa 600000
profughi da varie parti della RFS di Jugoslavia. Alla fine dell'anno
nel paese si registrer� un'inflazione pari a circa il 300000000%.
Il '93 � anche l'anno delle �rivelazioni� di Roy Gutman - giornalista
destinato a vincere il Premio Pulitzer - sui �campi di sterminio�, e
del Ministro degli Esteri bosniaco musulmano H. Silajdzic sulle �decine
di migliaia di donne musulmane fatte oggetto di violenze sessuali a
scopo di pulizia etnica.� In effetti la disinformazione sulle questioni
bosniache, come in tutto il corso della crisi jugoslava, a partire dal
1990, non � episodica e casuale ma strategica e persistente. Sempre nel
1993 esce in Francia un libro dal titolo �Le verit� jugoslave non sono
tutte buone a dirsi�, nel quale Merlino dimostra il ruolo avuto da
agenzie specializzate come la �Ruder & Finn Global Public Affairs�, il
cui direttore afferma di aver lavorato per il governo sloveno, croato,
bosniaco-musulmano e per il governo secessionista del �Kosova�, cio�
per i secessionisti albanesi di Rugova. Su �Foreign Policy� Peter Brock
pubblica un lungo articolo in cui elenca tutta una serie di
falsificazioni, scatenando un putiferio ed una levata di scudi da parte
dei suoi colleghi giornalisti in mezzo mondo.
Il 1993 � anche l'anno in cui Slovenia, Croazia e RF di Jugoslavia
(Serbia e Montenegro) consolidano o rinnovano le loro legislazioni e
strutture istituzionali. In particolare la Croazia introduce la nuova
moneta denominata kuna - nel segno della continuit� con la moneta in
corso legale sotto Pavelic (1941\45) - le cui banconote vengono
stampate in Germania.
E importante osservare che la NATO ha cercato di inserirsi nella crisi
jugoslava fin dall'inizio. L'intervento divenne del tutto manifesto
proprio nel 1993, quando la NATO incominci� ad appoggiare le operazioni
UNPROFOR in Jugoslavia.

- 3 gennaio Ginevra. Continua la conferenza sulla Bosnia con la
partecipazione delle tre parti in causa allo stesso tavolo di
- 23 gennaio Dalmazia settentrionale. Le truppe croate iniziano
l'attacco ai territori serbi della Dalmazia settentrionale che sono
sotto la protezione UNPROFOR e in questa occasione muoiono pi� di 800
- 2 febbraio Praga. Durante la riunione dell'OSCE la Jugoslavia, come
�membro sospeso�, viene posta di fronte all'ultimatum di �cambiare
radicalmente la sua politica o confrontarsi con un embargo ancora pi�
- 23 marzo Bratunac. Termina l'esumazione e la sepoltura di 34 serbi di
Kravice, massacrati dai musulmani di Srebrenica.
- 31 marzo New York. Sotto la forte pressione della delegazione
americana il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU con una breve procedura
vara la risoluzione 815 sull'uso della forza militare (aerea) contro i
violatori delle zone interdette al volo nella Bosnia ed Erzegovina.
- Nell'aprile 1993 Clinton invia Belgrado Mr Ralph Reginald Bartolomew,
accompagnato da pezzi grossi del Dipartimento di Stato e delle Forze
Armate. Al loro arrivo, i delegati creano momenti di tensione cercando
di imporre incontri separati con i rappresentanti delle istituzioni e
dell'esercito, e chiedendo che si prema sui serbi di Bosnia per la
accettazione incondizionata del Piano Vance - Owen. In quella occasione
i toni della discussione sono particolarmente aspri con gli ufficiali
dell'Esercito Jugoslavo (JNA), che alludono al Vietnam. Ad un
ricevimento presso l'Ambasciata USA vengono invitati solamente i
rappresentanti dell'opposizione.
- 6 aprile Bruxelles. Il Consiglio dei Ministri dell'UE proclama un
ulteriore inasprimento dell'embargo a Serbia e Montenegro, mentre
l'Alleanza per la difesa dell'Unione dell'Europa occidentale, decide di
inviare nelle acque del Danubio una decina di battelli di controllo,
con 300 uomini per controllare le sanzioni contro la RFJ.
- 8 aprile. La FYROM (Macedonia) diventa membro dell'ONU nonostante le
gravi questioni rimaste in sospeso con la Grecia.
- 12 aprile Vicenza. Inglorioso inizio dell'azione di supervisione NATO
delle zone interdette al volo al di sopra dell'ex Bosnia Erzegovina,
con la caduta del �Mirage-2000� nell'Adriatico, decollato dalla
corazzata Theodor Roosevelt.
- 18 aprile New York. Il Consiglio di Sicurezza vara la risoluzione 820
con cui si introduce il completo embargo economico alla RFJ, nel caso
in cui i Serbi di Bosnia non firmino entro il 26 aprile il piano di
pace Vance-Owen in toto e senza alcun cambiamento.
- 28 aprile New York. Con la risoluzione 821 il Consiglio di Sicurezza
stabilisce che la RFJ non pu� continuare automaticamente ad essere
membro dell'ONU e suggerisce all'Assemblea Generale di estromettere la
RFJ dai lavori del Consiglio economico e sociale delle Nazioni Unite.
- 7 maggio New York. Il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU emette la
risoluzione 824, con la quale Sarajevo, Bihac, Tuzla, Zepa, Srebrenica
e Gorazde ottengono lo status di �zone protette�.
- Maggio 1993 Kosovo. Nell'attacco terroristico dei secessionisti
albanesi alle porte di Glogovac sono stati assassinati due poliziotti.
- 31 maggio / 1 giugno Belgrado. Dopo un lungo dibattito, all'una di
notte con votazione segreta nel consiglio cittadino e nel consiglio
della Repubblica su richiesta del Partito Radicale della Serbia, il
parlamento della RFJ ha revocato l'incarico al presidente Dobrica Cosic
per �abuso della Costituzione della RFJ�.
- 1 giugno Belgrado. Durante manifestazioni dinanzi al Parlamento muore
un poliziotto e tre poliziotti vengono pesantemente feriti. Vengono
feriti anche 32 manifestanti, in maggioranza appartenenti alla
coalizione DEPOS.
- 3 giugno Vranje. Nella caserma delle Brigate della Morava Sud, il
militare Jozef Mender ha ucciso otto militari dell'esercito jugoslavo.
- 8 giugno Sabac. Nella caserma �Miko Mitrovic� il militare Kis Nandor
ha ucciso il tenente Sasa Trajkovic ed ha ferito il militare Zoran
Novakovic, e poi si e' suicidato.
- 10 giugno Skopje. Nella ex-Repubblica Jugoslava di Macedonia (FYROM)
giungono 300 militari statunitensi che vanno ad aggiungersi al
battaglione nordico dell'UNPROFOR, per la cosiddetta �missione
- 20 giugno Copenhagen. Alla riunione dei �Dodici� viene riconosciuta
la sconfitta della politica occidentale sulla ex Jugoslavia, a causa
dei riconoscimenti affrettati di Slovenia, Croazia e Bosnia-Erzegovina.
- 27 giugno Belgrado. Sul territorio della ex Jugoslavia ci sono 3.5
milioni di rifugiati, dei quali piu' di uno e mezzo sul territorio
della RFJ.
- 12 luglio Sarajevo. Le forze fedeli ad Alija Izetbegovic hanno
inscenato un attentato ai cittadini in fila per l'acqua nel quartiere
Dobrinja, a Sarajevo, causando la morte di dodici civili ed il
ferimento di quindici.
- 29 luglio Zagabria. Il Sabor croato ha cambiato il nome alla valuta
nazionale, introducendo la kuna come nel periodo dello Stato
Indipendente Croato degli ustascia.
- 30 luglio Ginevra. Sono stati determinati i principi costituzionali
per il futuro ordinamento della Bosnia-Erzegovina come unione di tre
- 6 agosto Sarajevo. Dopo l'incontro tra il comandante dell'UNPROFOR
per la Bosnia-Erzegovina ed i comandanti degli eserciti serbo e
musulmano, gli osservatori militari dell'ONU hanno preso le posizioni
serbe sui monti Igman e Bjelasnjica.
- 9 agosto Bruxelles. Il consiglio della NATO ha adottato il piano
delle opzioni operative per gli attacchi aerei in Bosnia-Erzegovina,
stabilendo che la prima azione delle forze alleate deve essere
approvata dal Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite.
- 11 agosto Mare Adriatico. Il caccia NATO F-16 e' caduto in mare per
un guasto meccanico vicino all'isola di Pag.
- 20 agosto Belgrado. In Serbia ha inizio l'approvvigionamento
alimentare con la tessera.
- 26 agosto Belgrado. Su decisione del Consiglio Supremo della Difesa,
nuovo Comandante del Quartier Generale dell'Esercito Jugoslavo e'
Momcilo Perisic. In questa occasione sono stati pensionati 43 generali.
- 28 agosto Bosnia-Erzegovina. Il parlamento serbo e quello croato
hanno accettato le misure del �pacchetto di Ginevra� per la conclusione
della guerra in Bosnia, mentre i musulmani hanno rifiutato.
- 7 settembre Belgrado. Il consiglio supremo della Difesa della RFJ ha
nominato i nuovi comandanti dell'Armata e del Korpus dell'esercito
- 17 settembre Banja Luka. E' terminata l'azione di protesta di otto
giorni di una parte dell'esercito della Repubblica Srpska contro i
profittatori di guerra, detta �del settembre '93�.
- 20 settembre. I musulmani della regione di Bihac, fedeli a Fikret
Abdic, proclamano l'indipendenza dal governo di Sarajevo. Abdic uomo
d'affari della Agrokomerc buttatosi in politica nel l99l quando aveva
ottenuto pi� voti dello stesso Izetbegovic nelle elezioni
presidenziali, aveva dovuto rinunciare all'incarico a causa di
pressioni del carattere mai chiarito. Con la proclamazione
dell'indipendenza Abdic e decine di migliaia di musulmani scelgono la
strada della collaborazione con i croati e i serbi.
- 21 settembre Mosca. Il presidente russo Boris Jetzin con un decreto
ha sciolto il parlamento ed il congresso dei deputati.
- 27 settembre Velika Kladusa. Viene proclamata la �Regione Autonoma
della Bosnia Occidentale�.
- 4 ottobre New York. Il Consiglio di sicurezza ha adottato la
Risoluzione 871, con la quale il mandato UNPROFOR nella ex-Croazia
viene prolungato fino al marzo 1994 e le sanzioni contro la RFJ vengono
direttamente messe in relazione alla crisi nelle Krajne serbe in
- 20 ottobre Belgrado. Il presidente della Repubblica di Serbia
Slobodan Milosevic ha sciolto il parlamento ed ha indetto nuove
elezioni per il 19 dicembre. L'Assemblea della RFJ ha scelto il nuovo
stemma della RFJ.
- 22 ottobre Belgrado. Radovan Karadzic e Fikret Abdic firmano la
Dichiarazione di pace tra la Repubblica Srpska e la Regione Autonoma
della Bosnia Occidentale.
- 4 novembre Ginevra. Il comitato per le sanzioni ha rimandato la
decisione sulla importazione del gas russo alla RFJ.
- 9 novembre Mostar. Le unita' dell'HVO (croati) durante scontri con i
musulmani hanno bombardato il Ponte, vecchio di 427 anni.
- 23 novembre Belgrado. Viene reso noto che per i primi sei mesi di
quest'anno 108 persone nella RF di Jugoslavia sono morte per malattie
infettive normalmente curabili. Nei primi dieci giorni di novembre,
nell'ospedale psichiatrico di Gornja Toponica presso Nis a causa della
mancanza di medicinali sono morti 70 pazienti. La maggiorparte dei
decessi e' causata dalla azione deleteria delle sanzioni sui neonati.
29 novembre Bruxelles. Per iniziativa degli USA il piano Juppe'-Kinkel
per la eliminazione delle sanzioni contro la RFJ, legato alla fine del
conflitto in Bosnia-Erzegovina, viene trasformato in una �riduzione
scaglionata delle sanzioni�, con tutta una serie di nuove condizioni a
scapito dei serbi.
- 21 dicembre Ginevra. La parte serba e quella croata, con le
delegazioni al completo, hanno raggiunto un accordo sulle concessioni
territoriali ai musulmani nella ex-Bosnia Erzegovina, nella misura
richiesta del 33.3 per cento.

(tratto dal periodico militare jugoslavo "Vojska", Belgrado,
13/1/1994, a firma B. Djurdjevic ed integrato con appunti a cura
del Coord. Romano per la Jugoslavia)


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La Nato in Macedonia: come pagare la resa.

(traduzione in volgare tra parentesi quadre.)

[Nel dibattito parlamentare] " La diplomazia occidenale [la NATO, gli
Usa, la Ue] ha fatto valere il suo peso [ha minacciato] e la promessa
di aiuti economici [e ha destabilizzato con il ricatto economico] per
sbloccare la situazione [per far firmare la resa]. E ieri le promesse
della Ue sono state formalizzate [E ieri le prebende sono arrivate]. Il
commissario Chris Patten [Patton?...] ha firmato il provvedimento
che stanzia nel complesso 42,5 mln di Euro (82 mld di lire). "

" Duemila manifestanti davanti al Parlamento contro i cedimenti ai
"terroristi" [tra virgolette nell'originale] dell'UCK hanno inscenato una
parodia della missione di raccolta delle armi (...): hanno scaricato
davanti al Parlamento rifiuti di ogni tipo: armi giocattolo, stoviglie
rotte, vecchie cucine ed elettrodomestici vari, missili di cartone, a
simboleggiare il tipo di armamento che starebbe consegnando
l'UCK "

(da L'Unità, sabato 8 settembre 2001.)


Sequestrate 50 tonnellate di armi modernissime, contenute in 4
container, nel porto di Capodistria (Koper - SLO). Il carico è stato
sbarcato da una nave proveniente dalla Malesia, dopo uno scalo a
Malta [?? : base U.K. ...]. Destinazione finali delle armi: Macedonia.
Valore complessivo 4 mld di lire ca.

(fonte Il Piccolo, 7 settembre 2001)



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Subject: COAT: 24 Reasons To Oppose NATO
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 23:33:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff <r_rozoff@...>
To: r_rozoff@...

[Richard Sanders is the coordinator of the Coalition
to Oppose the Arms Race [COAT] and is organizing the
"No to NATO: Festival of Creative NonViolence" in
Ottawa, Canada on October 6th to protest the NATO PA
meeting there from October 5-8.
The following compilation of reasons to oppose NATO is
the most comprehensive and convincing I've ever seen,
and I would strongly encourage all friends of peace
and international justice to contact Richard and offer
And please pass this on to friends and other contacts.

From: Richard Sanders <ad207@...> |


In preparation for COAT's "No to NATO: Festival of
Creative NonViolence"
(on Oct. 6, in Ottawa), I've produced a tentative list
of "REASONS TO OPPOSE NATO." Please feel free to
suggest additional reasons or ways to improve the
list. This is a draft.

Richard Sanders, Coordinator,
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)

P.S. Perhaps another reason to oppose NATO is that
activists like us have to waste so much of our lives
opposing it!

===================================24 REASONS TO OPPOSE NATO:

(1) NATO is a creature of the Cold War and should be
abolished, not expanded.

(2) NATO's official military doctrine reserves for
itself the right to use nuclear weapons despite the
fact that in 1996 the World Court made such use, or
threat, illegal. NATO's "first use" nuclear weapons
policy means it is willing to use nuclear weapons even
when none have been used against them. The use of
nuclear weapons contravenes International
Humanitarian Law because civilian deaths would be
massive and indiscriminate.
NATO's nuclear weapons also pose the risk of
environmental catastrophe, including the global
holocaust of "nuclear winter." NATO's nuclear weapons
policy also contravenes the Nonproliferation Treaty
(to which all NATO members are signatories) that
requires all states to press quickly to abolish
nuclear weapons. NATO member states (US, UK and
France) now have more than 9,000 nuclear warheads in
active service, about 60% of the world's nuclear
arsenal. These three NATO states have committed some
of their nuclear weapons to NATO for its use in war.
NATO itself maintains between 60 and 200 nuclear
weapons at airbases in Western Europe. NATO's nuclear
weapons and the threat of their use are a means of
coercion and intimidation, especially against states
that do not possess these weapons.

(3) NATO's powerful core members (the U.S., the U.K.,
France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Spain) have a
long history of controlling vast empires. Former
colonies of these NATO countries -- today's Third
World -- still suffer from tragic economic
inequalities resulting from hundreds of years of
imperialism imposed by nations that are now members of
Transnational corporations controlled by economic
interests in NATO countries continue to dominate these
former colonies under a neoliberal economic system now
labeled "corporate globalization."

(4) According to the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute, about 80% of the world's total
military equipment was produced by NATO members in
1996. The following NATO members are among the
world's top ten military producers: the U.S., the
U.K., France, Germany, Italy and Canada.
The U.S., U.K. and France alone contributed about 70%
of world's total arms production for that year.

(5) After the disappearance of the Soviet Union and
the Warsaw Pact, NATO became increasingly irrelevant
and needed a reason for its continued existence. NATO
therefore escalated its efforts to foment ethnic wars
in the Balkans in order to create excuses for its own
military interventions in the region. NATO's
interventions -- so-called "humanitarian wars" --
were then sold to the public as a means of settling
conflicts between ethnic groups. NATO's real purpose
is to expand the colonial spheres of influence of its
member states and their corporate allies.

(6) NATO waged a war of aggression against Yugoslavia
that was illegal under its own Charter and various
international laws.

(7) NATO forces used 1,200 warplanes and helicopters
to fly 35,000 combat missions against Yugoslavia. It
dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles containing 80,000
tons of explosives on that country. Contrary to
international law, NATO targeted civilian
infrastructure, including over 1,000 targets of no
military significance, such as: schools, hospitals,
farms, bridges, roads, railways, waterlines, media
stations, historic and cultural monuments, museums,
factories, oil refineries and petrochemical

(8) NATO's illegal bombing campaign severely impacted
the health of Yugoslavia's civilian population.
Thousands of civilians were killed, at least 6,000
were injured and countless others, especially
suffered severe psychological trauma.

(9) According to the UN Environmental Program, NATO's
bombing campaign triggered an ecological catastrophe
in Yugoslavia and the surrounding region.

(10) In its war against Yugoslavia, NATO used weapons
that are prohibited by the Hague and Geneva
Conventions and the Nuremburg Charter, such as
depleted uranium missiles that are radioactive and
highly toxic weapons with long-term, life-threatening
health and environmental consequences, and
anti-personnel cluster bombs designed to kill and maim
(that contravene the "Ottawa Process on Landmines"
because many "bomblets" do not explode during
initial impact). NATO continues to stockpile these
prohibited weapons for use against civilian
populations in future wars.

(11) After its bombing of Yugoslavia, NATO refused to
disarm the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) as required
by United Nations resolution 1244.
Instead, NATO converted the KLA into the Kosovo
Protection Force supposedly to maintain peace and
order in NATO-controlled Kosovo. Under the watchful
eye of 40,000 NATO troops, the revamped KLA terrorists
ethnically cleansed the area of 250,000 people who
were not of Albanian heritage (as well as some ethnic
Albanians loyal to Yugoslavia). During NATO's
occupation, 1,300 citizens have been killed and
another 1,300 have been reported missing. Kosovo's
remaining minorities have no freedom of movement,
live in ghettoes and face frequent terrorist attacks
and property destruction.

(12) NATO appointed Agim Ceku, an alleged war
criminal, as commander of the Kosovo Protection Force.
Ceku, an Albanian Kosovar, led the Croatian army's
"Operation Storm" that ethnically cleansed the Serbian
population from their ancestral lands in Croatia. If
the Hague were to pursue an indictment of Ceku, and
other such terrorists, it would be a major
embarrassment to their NATO bosses.

(13) As an occupying colonial power, NATO forces
helped to enforce the cancellation of election results
in Bosnia, shut down the offices and transmission
towers of media stations that were critical of NATO's
presence and seized the assets of political parties
that refused to cooperate with them.

(14) The exploitative behavior rampant in military
culture is exemplified by the actions of NATO troops
based in the Balkans. For example, NATO troops fuel
the demand for prostitution in both Bosnia and Kosovo.
The women who service NATO troops live in deplorable
conditions and are frequently held against their will
by local captors. When evidence of
UN or NATO involvement in this trade has surfaced,
implicated officers have been discharged and sent home
but no criminal proceedings have ever been initiated
against them.

(15) NATO has been a prime source of destabilization
in Macedonia by giving military assistance to Albanian
terrorists there. The London Times (June 10, 2001)
reported that NATO's appointee to the Kosovo
Force, Agim Ceku, sent 800 KLA troops to Macedonia to
aid the nascent Albanian insurgency there. This June,
NATO troops intervened to evacuate KLA fighters when
Macedonian forces closed in on the rebels near
German media reports state that NATO's evacuation was
ordered because 17 former U.S. military personnel --
hardened by years of Balkan fighting and working for a
private U.S. mercenary group -- were among the KLA
terrorists. NATO has also used diplomatic means to
pressure the Macedonian government to succumb to
Albanian demands.

(16) NATO's aggressive policy of expansion into
Eastern Europe severely threatens international
stability. With NATO's annexation of the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Poland now complete, Albania,
Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia have declared an
interest in joining the NATO juggernaut. NATO has
also set its sights on penetrating even further into
former Soviet spheres of influence by trying to
encompass Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and the
Ukraine. NATO's intention to press beyond the former
borders of the Soviet Union is dangerously
confrontational and risks provoking war with Russia.

(17) NATO's expansion into Central and Eastern Europe
is a means of integrating the military forces within
those countries under NATO (and largely U.S.) control
As military units within NATO, the armed forces
of new NATO member states must submit to demands for
standardization of military training, weapons and
other military equipment. Requirements that new
members standardize their military equipment to NATO's
exacting specifications is a tremendous boon to U.S.
and European military industries that profit greatly
from these expanded export markets.

(18) New NATO member states may also lose sovereignty
over other important aspects of their armed forces,
such as the command, control, communications and
intelligence functions, which also risk being subsumed
under the auspices of NATO standardization.

(19) The reasons for NATO's expansion eastward are
largely economic. For instance, NATO's military access
and control over Eastern Europe helps Western European
corporations to secure strategic energy resources such

as oil from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia. The
U.S. and Western European corporations will greatly
benefit from NATO's control of the oil corridor
through the Caucasus mountains. NATO wants its troops
to patrol this pipeline and to dominate the
Armenian/Russian route to the Caspian Sea.
The Caucasus also link the Adriatic-Ceyhan-Baku
pipeline with oil-rich countries even farther east, in
the former Soviet Central Asia republics of
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Billions of dollars in oil
may someday flow through these corridors to Western
Europe for the benefit of Western-based oil companies.

(20) NATO's growth is not only a provocation to
Russia, it also threatens the security of China and
other Asian states that may respond in kind by
increasing their military spending, thus diverting
resources from the essential needs of their citizens.
NATO's expansion may eventually provoke an anti-NATO
alliance in Asia, further destabilizing peace and
leading to possible future wars.

(21) As part of the "NATO Defence Capabilities
Initiative," NATO member states have committed
themselves to increase their military abilities
for "power projection, mobility and increased
interoperability." This will require significant
additional military expenditures. European NATO
countries have already increased their expenditures
for military equipment by 11% in real terms since
1995. Meanwhile, military budgets in the U.S.
and Canada have also increased over the past two
years. The military budgets of NATO countries
amounted to about 60% of the world's total
military spending (US$798 billion) for the year 2000.
Rather than focusing on such genuinely humanitarian
priorities as providing food, housing, health care,
education, environmental protection and public
transportation for their populations and the rest of
the world, NATO is intent on increasing their military
budgets for future interventions even farther

(22) The testing and training conducted by NATO to
prepare for war, also has numerous negative impacts on
people and the environment. NATO's war preparations
include military exercises, the training of pilots and
the testing of weapons and warplanes. For instance,
low level flight training areas and bombing ranges in
Nitassinan threaten the traditional lifestyle of many
in the Innu Nation. Their unceded territory in Quebec
and Labrador is being turned into a military wasteland
by NATO test flights. NATO nations also carry out
dangerous bombing practices on Vieques Island,
off Puerto Rico.

(23) In the late 1940s-early 1950s, at the bidding of
the CIA, NATO helped to set up secret paramilitary,
anti-communist cells in at least 16 European
states. Originally called Operation "Stay Behind,"
this network of guerrilla armies was created to fight
behind the lines in case of a Soviet invasion. It was
codified under the umbrella of the Clandestine
Co-ordinating Committee of the Supreme Headquarters
Allied Powers Europe (which became NATO). These
clandestine armies were condemned by the European
Union in a resolution (Dec. 22, 1990) that blamed the
CIA and NATO for their 40 year role in overseeing this
covert operation. Widely known by the code name for
the Italian campaign (i.e., "Operation Gladio")
these organizations, which the EU feared may still
have been operating in 1990, were accused of illegal
interference in political affairs, conducting
terrorist attacks, jeopardizing democractic structures
and other serious crimes.

(24) Key NATO representatives have interfered with
internal electoral/political developments in Europe.
Although recent elections in Albania were fraught with
irregularities and fraud (ballot box stuffing,
ghost voters, selective disenfranchisement) NATO
General Secretary George Robertson pronounced the
election fair and legitimate. Earlier this year,
another NATO spokesperson openly threatened that if
the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (the party of
former premier Vladimir Meciar) entered a coalition
government, Slovakia would not be welcomed into NATO
or allowed early European Union membership.

The next issue of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms
Trade's quarterly magazine, Press for Conversion!,
will elaborate on the above list of reasons to oppose
NATO. We'll gladly mail a free sample copy of that
issue upon request. This offer is applicable to folks
in Canada who haven't previously received a free
issue. If you're interested, email us your street
address in Canada before September 15.
(If you're outside Canada, send US$5 to COAT at the
address below, or buy an annual subscription for
US$17. Folks in Canada can also buy a copy
for Cdn$5, or subscribe for Cdn$20.)

Richard Sanders
Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)

A national peace network supported by
individuals and organizations across Canada

541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario K1R 5R2 Canada
Tel.: 613-231-3076 Fax: 613-231-2614
Email: <ad207@...> Web site:

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RK Kent (professore di storia alla Berkeley University) ha ricevuto
una lettera dai "Medici senza frontiere" che gli chiedono un contributo.
E lui risponde: e' vero cio' che dite, il premio Nobel per la Pace
l' avete avuto, ma avete dimenticato di dire che subito dopo avete
espulso dai vostri ranghi i "Medici zenza frontiere" greci soltanto
perche' hanno osato assistere i feriti serbi. In quel preciso momento
avete eretto una frontiera, e cessato di essere medici, aderendo al
razzismo e mostrando il vero volto della vostra organizzazione
che considera il popolo serbo inferiore ed indegno delle vostre
cure... Sostenervi con un contributo significherebbe sancire la truffa
etica della quale voi siete partecipi.
Il solo rimedio per voi sarebbe di chiedere scusa in una forma
universalmente accettabile, e di restituire il Nobel per la Pace.


Medecins Sans Frontieres
Doctors Without Borders,
P.Obox 84,
Toms River, NJ 08754-9900
5 September 2001

The undersigned is in receipt of your "Dear Friend"
circular letter which. seeks financial contributions.
It is alsomarketing itself with the notice in red letters
that the MSF/DWB has been awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.
What it does not mention at all is that one day after
receiving the Nobel Prize, Medecins Sans Frontieres
expelled its Greek Chapter. The reason?
Doctors in it treated wounded Serbs.

At that point you erected a frontier. At that point you
ceased being doctors bound by the Hippocratic Oath
to treat anyone in need. At that point you adhered
to a particularly ugly form of Racism by revealing
that your Organization regarded all Serbs as
sub-human not worthy of being treated for wounds.
At that point you became simply another politicized NGO.

To send you a sou or a cent would sanction the moral
Fraud to which you adhere. The only way to redeem
the Medecins Sans frontiers would be tu return the
Peace Prize and extend an apology in some universally
available fashion.

Raymond K. Kent, Emeritus

History Department,
University of California
Berkeley, CA. 94720.


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"Voi non vedrete mai apparire i piloti della NATO dinanzi ad un
Tribunale dell'ONU. La NATO e' accusatrice, procuratrice, giudice ed
esecutore, poiche' e' la NATO che paga le bollette. La NATO non e'
sottomessa al diritto internazionale. Essa E' il diritto
(Lester Munson, parlamentare statunitense, citato su:

"Vous ne verrez jamais des pilotes de l'OTAN devant un tribunal de
l'ONU. L'OTAN est l'accusateur, le procureur, le juge et l'ex�cuteur car
c'est l'OTAN qui paie les factures. L'OTAN ne se soumet pas au droit
international. Il est le droit international".
(Lester Munson, parlementaire US)

Des citations qui valent de l'or, sur le site de la LAI:


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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Aggiornato il sito degli antimperialisti

- Una ampia galleria di foto sulla manifestazione del 20 luglio a
Genova Ponente
- Una mozione dell'Assemblea Antimperialista contro la repressione
- Un giudizio sulle "bombe antimperialiste" sottoscritto da alcuni


AVIANO 29-30/9
VICENZA 5-6/10



Parliamo di Jugoslavia

" A due anni dai bombardamenti NATO (e quindi anche
Italiani) sulla Jugoslavia, � sceso il silenzio sulle
conseguenze causate da quella guerra sulle popolazioni,
sull'ambiente, sulle condizioni economiche e sulle
prospettive politiche e sociali dei Paesi che costituivano
la Repubblica Federativa Socialista di Jugoslavia."

Queste erano le parole con cui presentammo la nostra
recente iniziativa a Sgonico (TS), a luglio.
E queste qui sotto sono le parole che ci scrivono oggi (1.
settembre) gli operai di Kragujevac, nel loro accorato
appello di richiesta di aiuto:

" L'attenzione della comunita internazionale e dei media
verso la situazione jugoslava da un po' di tempo �
diminuita. Questo potrebbe far pensare ad una situazione
generale migliorata dalla fine dei bombardamenti. La dura
realta � purtroppo molto diversa, per tutto il paese, ma
sopratutto per i lavoratori, le lavoratrici e le loro
famiglie. La loro situazione � molta dura ed al limite,
paradossalmente, � piu difficile del dopo bombardamenti di
due anni fa; e l'inverno che ci aspetta fa molta paura."

I lavoratori di Kragujevac avevano riavviato la fabbrica
distrutta dalle bombe. Oggi il nuovo governo "democratico"
di Djindjic, agli ordini del F.M.I., la chiude, licenziando
decine di migliaia di operai.

A luglio scrivemmo anche che la situazione in Macedonia
stava volgendo al peggio.

Sono passati soltanto due mesi, e purtroppo i fatti ci
hanno dato ragione: i soldati della NATO oggi entrano "da
eroi" in Macedonia, fingendo di farsi restituire le armi
che loro stessi hanno affidato all'UCK per destabilizzare
prima il Kosovo, ed ora la Macedonia. Armi che hanno
viaggiato anche nei containers della "Missione Arcobaleno".
Pagate dai bravi cittadini italiani. Anche da "compagni"

La NATO avanza ad est, e si riunisce a Napoli. I suoi
alleati Turchia e Israele fanno strage di Kurdi e
Palestinesi. L'Onu balbetta di razzismo a Durban, mentre
nei Balcani � invisibile. Perch�? Parliamone.

Oggi delle attuali emergenze di questi popoli non parla


mercoled� 12/9 ore 19.30
Trattoria Sociale Contovello (loc. Contovello 152 - Trieste)


Igor Canciani (segr. Prc Trieste)

Marino Andolina (Pediatra, Prc Ts)

Renato Kneipp (Cgil Trieste)

Gilberto Vlaic (Zastava Trieste)

A cura di: gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste - 338-9116688 -

TS, 5 settembre 2001

s.i.p. via Tarabochia 3, TS


La NATO avanza ad est, e si riunisce a Napoli. I suoi
alleati Turchia e Israele fanno strage di Kurdi e
Palestinesi. L'Onu balbetta di razzismo a Durban, mentre
nei Balcani � invisibile. Perch�?...

In questo dossier:
- Situazione politica internazionale e lavoro di
solidariet� politica
- Scheda: gli effetti della guerra
- Appello dalla Zastava - 30 agosto 2001
- Un viaggio a Kragujevac - Marzo 2001
- Le adozioni a distanza: come e con chi
- Iniziative e documenti di altre organizzazioni
- Articoli e documenti sulla Macedonia
(documenti disponibili)
A cura di: gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste - 338-9116688 -

TS, 5 settembre 2001



Basta con i terroristi della N.A.T.O. : macellai della globalizzazione

Ieri l'asse Clinton -D'Alema con le bombe all'uranio, oggi
Bush-Berlusconi con lo scudo spaziale: la NATO ed i paesi ricchi
continuano ad armarsi per imporre lo sfruttamento dell'umanit� e del
pianeta . Distruggono con bombe, embarghi, genocidi e uranio
impoverito per perpetrare le vergognose ingiustizie del capitalismo
e del "libero" mercato.

Le guerre "umanitarie", le "operazioni di pace", i Tribunali
internazionali come quello dell'Aja servono a piegare e criminalizzare
chiunque nel mondo si oppone alle 500 multinazionali che oggi
controllano l'economia del pianeta.

Gli effetti di questo "Nuovo Ordine Mondiale", diviso fra gli
"alleati" USA ed Europa in una folle corsa ad accaparrarsi risorse,
mercati, forza lavoro a basso costo sono sempre pi� evidenti :
guerre ,distruzioni , massacri, fame, cancellazione di diritti
elementari .

Per chi non ci st� ci sono mercenari in divisa o , se si tratta
d'interi popoli e stati, piloti ben addestrati a radere al suolo citt�
come in Iraq, Jugoslavia,Palestina.

Ma la NATO � anche terrorismo interno : dalla strage di Piazza
Fontana, passando per le stragi nei treni e alla stazione di Bologna
fino ai delitti della "Uno Bianca". Una strategia niente affatto
"deviata" o "eversiva" ma organica a un disegno di stabilizzazione di
uno stato "democratico" forte e autoritario nel segno dell'alternanza.
Uno stato che nella alternanza del personale politico in carica ha
mostrato il suo vero volto ai vertici di Napoli e Genova.

Non c'� spazio dunque per linee concertative o di dialogo ne tanto
meno per un imbelle pacifismo riformista : la vita , la salute e la
natura non si contrattano. Per fermare i criminali della NATO occorre
una opposizione di massa radicale che diventi un reale contropotere su
scala planetaria.

Tutti a Napoli il 26/9 contro la NATO e a Vicenza il 5/10 contro il
convegno della nato sulle tecnologie satellitari militari.

Per preparare la partecipazione a questi due appuntamenti Gioved� 13/9
h.21.00 presso il centro "pellerossa" autogestito vicolo stazione 52
cesena assemblea romagnola contro la Nato.

Coordinamento romagnolo contro la nato e la guerra





Il vertice di Napoli del 26 e 27 settembre, che dovrebbe
ufficializzare la decisione "americana" di costruire lo
scudo spaziale, si incardina non a caso nella sequenza
degli appuntamenti che i padroni del pianeta si danno
ormai con frequenza ossessiva nel tentativo, sempre pi�
difficile, di affrontare e nel contempo di occultare
all'opinione pubblica mondiale i fattori della crisi
intercapitalistica in atto ormai da tempo.
Nessuna decisione sul clima, risibili risultati nella
lotta alla fame nel mondo, conflitti "etnici" che
esplodono dappertutto, crisi ecologiche diffuse e sempre
pi� vaste: questo � lo scenario prodotto dal capitalismo
che i rappresentanti degli evanescenti stati-nazione
pretendono di affrontare con gli stessi mezzi che ne
hanno causato gli effetti.
Le questioni militari non sono ovviamente estranee a
tutto ci�: basti a dimostrarlo il ruolo della NATO nei
recenti conflitti balcanici.
Ci sembra perci� fondamentale un momento di approfondimento
e di sensibilizzazione, da tenersi ai confini di una delle
pi� importanti basi del sistema bellico Statunitense-NATO,
negli stessi giorni in cui a Napoli si dovrebbe segnare una
svolta, anche a livello formale, nella funzione
della NATO: da organismo di difesa dei paesi "occidentali"
contro le aggressioni esterne, ad esercito internazionale
di tutela mondiale, con ampia libert� di intervento, di
tutti gli interessi dei paesi dominanti e di
quelli che vogliono fare affari con loro.
E' indispensabile inoltre continuare ad analizzare gli
"effetti secondari" dei processi di riorganizzazione
militare: lo sviluppo di armamenti hi-tech,
riservati ovviamente alle nazioni pi� ricche, presuppone
imponenti finanziamenti di cui beneficeranno le multinazionali
del settore. Grandi spese quindi, ma lo squilibrio nelle
bilance dei pagamenti si colma presto
con la vendita di armi convenzionali, a bassa tecnologia,
letali quanto basta, verso i paesi in "via di sviluppo" che
hanno sempre pi� bisogno di controllare popolazioni
riottose a seguire i dettami del FMI...
Il sistema delle basi NATO e dei paesi alleati
costituisce ormai una rete che deve coprire l'intero
globo: le regioni che le ospitano, il territorio,
l'ambiente, la societ� devono piegarsi (flessibilit�
anche qui) ai bisogni della funzione militare.
Disagi, inquinamento ambientale, incidenti
gravissimi, degrado sociale e culturale:
tutto questo � il contorno delle basi militari.
E' necessario capire come la florida societ� del Nord-Est
possa ancora accettare una militarizzazione cos�
massiccia del proprio territorio. Non crediamo che sia
estranea a questo atteggiamento la ghiotta
opportunit�, organizzata a puntino dalle istituzioni
regionali, (Task Force NordEst) di fare lucrosi e garantiti
affari nei protettorati balcanici, sorvegliati dalle
truppe alleate.

Abbiamo messo in programma per sabato 29 e domenica 30
settembre p.v., a pochi giorni dal vertice di Napoli,
alcune iniziative che avrebbero lo scopo
di riportare all'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica locale
e nazionale la questione delle basi miliari presenti
sul territorio italiano; per denunciare il pericolo
di ripresa dell'iniziativa militare della NATO che
vede l'Italia impegnata in prima linea, con ricadute
pesantissime sul tessuto sociale e sul vissuto di ogni
individuo, con uno spreco di risorse e ricchezze.

Sabato 29 settembre (luogo e orario saranno comunicati appena


- UN'ALLEANZA GLOBALE: La NATO verso il XXI secolo

- ECONOMIA E GUERRA: Scudo spaziale, complesso militare
industriale e nuove dottrine militari

militare della NATO nei Balcani

- LA NATO ALLA CONQUISTA DELL'EST: L'allargamento dell'Alleanza
Atlantica tra leadership globale e "business armato"

Il Progetto Aviano 2000


Per informazioni, adesioni, ma anche suggerimenti e proposte
email: opea@c...
tel. 0434960192 (lino)
Tel. 0434550249 (Bepi)




organizzare la mobilitazione di ottobre


VENERDI 5 OTTOBRE: Assediamo il convegno sullo scudo spaziale
(Montecchio Maggiore - Vicenza) e PUBLIC FORUM "Contro lo scudo

SABATO 6 OTTOBRE: Corteo nazionale (Vicenza)


Per informazioni e riferimento:
Collettivo Spartakus C.P. 533 Vicenza Centro 36100
e-mail: sparta@... soccorsopopolare@...
Telefono: 347-8842485 0444-324793


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======================================Tough Measures Justified in Belarus
by Jared Israel [3 September 2001]
"A spokesman for the US Embassy in Minsk
told The Times that the embassy
helped to fund 300 non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), including non-state
media, but did not fund political parties,
since that is banned by law. He
admitted that some of the NGOs were linked
to those who were 'seeking political change.'

"[Ambassador Kozak wrote to a British
newspaper that] America's 'objective
and to some degree methodology are the
same' in Belarus as in Nicaragua,
where the US backed the Contras against the
left-wing Sandinista Government
in a war that claimed at least 30,000
lives." [From article in "The Times"
(UK), 3 September 2001, posted below.]

Victor Olevich, a Philadelphia reader, sent
us the article from 'The
Times'(UK) which is posted below.

Mr. Olevich commented that it is "one of
the bluntest I've seen in recent
months;" and so it seems to me as well.
With this 'Times' article, the cards
are on the table: U.S. Ambassador to
Belarus, Michael Kozak, has now admitted
that the U.S. is pursuing a 'Nicaraguan'
policy in Belarus.

Victor Olevich writes:

" They [i.e., US operatives] have been
putting out anti-Lukashenko propaganda
pieces and interviews with 'opposition'
leaders in many US-controlled Russian
papers during the past week. They're trying
to do all they can to change the
popular outcome of Sept. 4 elections by any
means - including possible
organized US-funded 'protests' in Minsk
following announcement of election
results (just as after presidential
elections in Yugoslavia last year)."

Taken in this context, what is Mr. Kozak's
statement but a threat to
Belorussian citizens: vote the
U.S.-approved way or suffer the fate of

Earlier this year, the Belorussian
government seized computers being used by
an unregistered, 'opposition' newspaper. It
seemed the computers had been
donated to the newspaper by the U.S.
Department of State.

Rather than being embarrassed that his boss
had been caught outrageously
violating Belorussian sovereignty, State
Department spokesman Richard Boucher
demanded that Washington's computers be

Anyway, while the 'Times' article kindly
sent to us by Mr. Olevich openly
confirms that the Belorussian government
has been telling the truth about
Washington's gross attack on Belorussian
sovereignty, the article also
slanders the Belorussian government.

It calls Belorussian President Lukashenko a
"dictatorial communist." But at
the same time, the article admits:

"President Lukashenko is popular and most
Belorussians fear that a new,
pro-Western leader would bring the poverty
experienced by many Russians and
Ukrainians after the transition to a market
economy. "

So if he's supported on a perfectly
sensible basis by most citizens, wherein
lies his dictatorialness? The article cites
only one 'example.' Here it is:

"Washington said recently that allegations
of state-sanctioned death squads
operating in Belarus, Europe's last bastion
of communism, were "credible".
Two former state prosecutors, who have been
granted political asylum in
America, have said that victims were
murdered with a special pistol and
buried in a cemetery in Minsk."

It is reassuring that a story almost surely
invented by Washington is found
credible - by Washington. And that 'special
pistol' is a nicely chilling
little touch. Still, this particular piece
of disinformation could use more work.

First of all, the same article quotes U.S.
Ambassador to Belarus, Michael
Kozak, to the effect that:

"America's 'objective and to some degree
methodology are the same' in Belarus
as in Nicaragua, where the US backed the
Contras against the left-wing
Sandinista Government in a war that claimed
at least 30,000 lives."

Second of all, note that one of the marked
features of the attack on Nicaragua by the
U.S.-financed-trained-and-led Contras was
the massive dose
of lies and deception emanating from
Washington. This, you may recall,
culminated in "Iran-Contra," an operation
synonymous with disinformation.
During Iran-Contra, the Reagan
Administration lied to: a) Congress; b)
everyone else; c) set up phony humanitarian
groups all over Central America
and d) presented the Contra death squads as
freedom fighters. (If this sounds
eerily familair, it may be because
Washington is now doing all the same
things to Macedonia!)

Which reminds me: the death squads in
Nicaragua (like the current ones in
Macedonia) were U.S. financed, trained and

And since 'The Times' article tells us that
now-Ambassador-to-Belarus Kozak

"Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Inter-American Affairs...working in
Panama, Nicaragua and El Salvador,
and...was serving in Nicaragua [when] Mr.
Reagan famously compared the Contras to the
French Resistance fighters." [One
of many of the amazing lies the U.S.
government spread about Nicaragua.]

- since Kozak was therefore of necessity
intimately involved with the
organization and direction of the death
squads in Nicaraguan and El Salvador
- isn't it 'credible' that a) the U.S.
invented the fable about Belorussian
government death squads, which it then
found credible and b) the U.S. is
planning to unleash the same sort of
violence which marked the "objective and
to some degree methodology" of Kozak's
previous work, where he and his
associates employed death squads and lies
against Nicaragua.

Fight Fire With Water

Mr. Lukashenko has been described as
'dictatorial' for taking mild measures
against the U.S.-funded Fifth Column.

According to 'The Times' there are now 300
U.S.-funded 'Non-governmental'
Organizations in Belarus.


That's one U.S. Government Organization for
every 30,000 inhabitants of
Belarus, man, woman and child.

Can you imagine how Washington would react
were the Belorussian Ambassador,
coincidentally a former death squad
organizer, to set up 9,500 'independent'
NGOs and announce that their task was to
overthrow the U.S. government?

The accusation of 'dictatorial' behavior is
a ploy. It is intended to
intimidate the Belorussian authorities with
bad publicty, so they won't take
measures adequate to defend their country
from U.S. takeover.

Ambassador Kozak's remarks are a
declaration of covert war. It is entirely
appropriate that Belarus demand Mr. Kozak
be recalled and then immediately,
without awaiting Washington's response,
escort him and his entire staff to
the border. Throwing out the whole lot will
disrupt Washington's plans.

In addition, why shouldn't Belarus arrest
those receiving U.S. money?
Washington does not give people money out
of the kindness of its heart. It
pays for services rendered. In exchange for
money, some Belorussian
'democrats' have signed on to be
Washington's new Contras, employing 'a
methodology' similar to the methods
Washington used against Nicaragua. As
'The Times' notes, Washington's war against
Nicaragua killed 30,000 human
beings. Must the nightmare be repeated,
time and again?

- Jared Israel


The Times (UK) 3 September 2001 US adopts
'Contras policy' in communist


THE US Embassy in Belarus has admitted that
it is pursuing a policy similar
to that in 1980s Nicaragua, in which
anti-government Contra rebels were
funded and supported.

President Lukashenko, a dictatorial
Communist, is heading for victory in
presidential elections on Sunday.

In an unusual admission, Michael Kozak, the
US Ambassador to Belarus, said in
a letter to a British newspaper that
America's "objective and to some degree
methodology are the same" in Belarus as in
Nicaragua, where the US backed the
Contras against the left-wing Sandinista
Government in a war that claimed at
least 30,000 lives. Mr Kozak was not
available for comment.

Washington said recently that allegations
of state-sanctioned death squads
operating in Belarus, Europe's last bastion
of communism, were "credible".
Two former state prosecutors, who have been
granted political asylum in
America, have said that victims were
murdered with a special pistol and
buried in a cemetery in Minsk.

The ambassador's disclosure has coincided
with moves by the Bush
Administration to gain increased political
influence in Eastern Europe and
the Balkans and with reports in several
European newspapers, which said that
former US servicemen believed to be working
for the CIA were escorted with
Albanian guerrillas from a village in the
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia earlier this year.

Earlier in his career, Mr Kozak served as
Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Inter-American Affairs under
Presidents Reagan and Bush,
working in Panama, Nicaragua and El
Salvador, and was Ambassador to Cuba.
While Mr Kozak was serving in Nicaragua, Mr
Reagan famously compared the
Contras to the French Resistance fighters.

President Lukashenko is popular and most
Belorussians fear that a new,
pro-Western leader would bring the poverty
experienced by many Russians and
Ukrainians after the transition to a market

A spokesman for the US Embassy in Minsk
told The Times that the embassy
helped to fund 300 non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), including non-state
media, but did not fund political parties,
since that is banned by law. He
admitted that some of the NGOs were linked
to those who were "seeking political change".
(C) 'The Times' 2001, Posted for Fair Use

Further Reading:

1) Why is Lukashenko NATO's Enemy #1 in the
former Soviet Union? Because he
is resisting Washington's Imperial strategy
as discussed in:

* 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to
Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico
Varkevisser at

2) A few months ago, FBI agents arrested a
Russian Pavel Borodin, a Russian
diplomat, who had been invited to George
W.'s inauguration. Many people felt
the real target was Lukashenko's attempt to
reunite Belarus, Russia and other
former Soviet Republics.

* 'Borodin Falsely Arrested - Washington's
Excuse a Lie' by Jared Israel at

3) The U.S. directed a coup d'etat against
Yugoslavia using the same methods
now in operation in Belarus. See: 'U.S.
Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections' at (By
Jared Israel, Michel Chossudovsky,
Nico Varkovisser Peter Maher and Karen Talbot)

For a post mortem admission of the extent
of U.S. control of the Yugoslav
coup, see George Szamuely's report on the
National Endowment for Democracy
and its funding of the 'student group,'
Otpor, 'Eviscerating Democracy' at

4) Mark Almond has a very good letter in
the 'Guardian' about Belarus called
'For Nicaragua, Read Belarus.' It can be
read at

5) For the text of State Dep't spokesman
Richard Boucher's remarkable attack
on Belarus (for seizing Washington's Fifth
Column computers) see "Speechless
in Belarus" by Jared Israel at


======================================Speechless in Belarus
by Jared Israel [3 September 2001]
Frankly, the article posted below left me

But why?

After all, as President Slobodan Milosevich
noted in the speech they didn't
let him make a few days ago, the U.S. has
employed missiles to punish uppity
nations so often that the repetition of
such attacks is 'expected before it occurs.'

If missiles are appropriate when one defies
the Great White (Mini)Father, why
should it surprise me that State Department
Spokesman Richard Boucher says
the U.S. is aiding the "prospect for free
and fair presidential elections" by
giving money and equipment to pro-U.S.
groups in Belarus?

Why should I consider it odd that Boucher
describes such groups, created and
funded by the U.S. (there are now 300
U.S.-funded NGOs in Belarus!) as "independent?"

Perhaps the problem is I am 57, hence was
(mis)educated in numerous
out-of-date definitions, such as:


in�de�pend�ent (�n�d�-p�n�dent) adjective
Abbr. ind.
1. Not governed by a foreign power;
2. Free from the influence, guidance, or
control of another or others;
self-reliant: an independent mind.

Whereas in Uncle Sam's Excellent New Order,
'independent' means "governed by
a foreign power" not to mention "getting
all the funds and computer equipment
from Sam you Can."

That being the case, when the State
Department gives computers to an
'opposition' group in Belarus, thus
heightening said group's independence,
and the Belorussian authorities seize such
equipment, thus abusing
Washington's God-given right to rule the
world - plus proving they are agents
of a communist dictatorship - why shouldn't
Mr. Boucher demand his computers
be returned?

Will I never learn?

- Jared Israel, still speechless after all
these years.

AP Online
August 3, 2001

U.S. Denounces [!] Belarus Authorities


The State Department on Friday denounced
Belarus authorities for seizing
U.S.-supplied equipment designed to assist
the country's democratic opposition ahead
of Sept. 9 presidential elections.

Spokesman Richard Boucher demanded the
immediate return of the equipment.

On July 12, Boucher said, militia officers
in the town of Krichev seized
equipment owned by the U.S. government and
leased to the independent newspaper Volny Grad.

Militia officers also seized computer
equipment leased by the U.S. Embassy
Democracy Commission to a pro-democracy
center, Boucher said.

He noted that the Belarusian government had
confirmed that the equipment was
seized under terms of Decree No. 8, imposed
by the regime to limit foreign
assistance to the democratic opposition.

''This decree has ben denounced by the
international community,'' Boucher
said, ''as have many other actions taken by
the regime that impede the
prospect for free and fair presidential

He said all U.S. assistance falls under a
1996 bilateral assistance
agreement. He added that the seizures
contradict the Belarusian government's
assurances that U.S. assistance is exempt
from Decree 8.

Only by creating conditions for free and
fair elections can Belarus win the
respect of the international community,
improve relations with the United
States and end its self-imposed isolation,
Boucher said.

(c) AP 2001, Reprinted For Fair Use Only

Further Reading:

1) Why is Lukashenko NATO's Enemy #1 in the
former Soviet Union? Because he
is resisting Washington's Imperial strategy
as discussed in:

* 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to
Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico
Varkevisser at

2) A few months ago, FBI agents arrested a
Russian Pavel Borodin, a Russian
diplomat, who had been invited to George
W.'s inauguration. Many people felt
the real target was Lukashenko's attempt to
reunite Belarus, Russia and other
former Soviet Republics.

* 'Borodin Falsely Arrested - Washington's
Excuse a Lie' by Jared Israel at


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di Fulvio Grimaldi

Il 24 marzo scorso, anniversario dell'aggressione Nato
alla Jugoslavia, si � svolto a Belgrado un
convegno internazionale, organizzato dalle sinistre
serbe, su cause e conseguenze dell'aggressione imperialista.
L'ex-presidente Slobodan Milosevic, che era stato
sconfitto nelle elezioni presidenziali
da una coalizione di forze finanziate e istruite
dagli USA e da altri paesi Nato, al termine di
una campagna segnata da minacce militari e ricatti
economici di ogni genere, rischiava l'arresto e
l'estradizione al tribunale dell'Aja, un
tribunale-farsa, voluto e finanziato dagli USA,
creato dall'ONU in violazione del suo stesso
statuto, specializzato in montature contro
dirigenti serbi. Si costitu� quindi il Comitato
Internazionale di Difesa di Slobodan
Milosevic (ICDSM), formato da 80 tra giuristi,
esponenti della cultura, politici, giornalisti
di 30 paesi. Ne sono presidenti l'ex-ministro
della giustizia statunitense e leader dei diritti
civili e del movimento antimperialista, Ramsey
Clark, e il parlamentare bulgaro prof. Velko
Valkanov, presidente dell'Unione Antifascista
Bulgara. Chi scrive ne � vicepresidente e
referente per l'Italia. Nel nostro paese l'ICDSM
opera in stretta collaborazione con
il Tribunale Ramsey Clark per i crimini di
guerra della Nato.
In poche settimane l'ICDSM ha raccolto milioni
di firme in tutto il mondo contro l'arresto di
Milosevic, nel frattempo attuato in forme totalmente
illegali e su ricatto finanziario USA e contro
la sua illegale detenzione. L'ICDSM ha fornito
al collegio di difesa di Milosevic, nel corso dei
tre mesi di detenzione a Belgrado, un costante
monitoraggio giuridico della legalit� internazionale
e si � adoperato per pubblicizzare tutte le
illegalit� che caratterizzavano il trattamento
di Milosevic da parte delle autorit� serbe, installate
dopo il pogrom filo-Nato dell'ottobre 2000.
In particolare, � stato denunciato come la
detenzione di Milosevic, prorogata illegalmente
per tre volte in totale assenza di prove a suo
carico fornite dalle centinaia di
testimoni ascoltati per l'imputazione di
abuso d'ufficio e abuso di poteri, violasse
i principi fondamentali degli ordinamenti
giuridici nazionale ed internazionale. L'ICDSM
ha poi seguito la vicenda di Milosevic, in
particolare con l'avvocato Christopher Black e
altri legali del prestigioso studio
canadese Mandel, dalla consegna dell'ex-presidente
agli USA e poi al Tribunale della Nato all'Aja,
avvenuta su ennesimo ricatto finanziario USA e
deciso in solitudine, contro le decisioni del
Parlamento e della Corte Suprema e in violazione
delle Costituzioni jugoslava e serba, dal
quisling serbo Zoran Djindjic, un losco personaggio,
gi� al soldo dei servizi segreti tedeschi,
fuggito in Germania all'inizio dell'aggressione
dove ha aiutato la Nato a
colpire obiettivi civili in Jugoslavia.
Va ricordato che negli ultimi giorni lo stesso
presidente Kostunica si � dissociato politicamente
da Djindjic, ritirando il suo partito dalla coalizione
DOS al governo, e ha accusato il gruppo del
primo ministro di essere espressione della
malavita organizzata, un fatto noto da tempo
a tutti gli osservatori internazionali.
Resta a Djindjic, nell'attuale crisi jugoslava,
oltre all'appoggio degli USA, il poco qualificante
sostegno dei terroristi di Otpor, la famosa
organizzazione detta degli studenti serbi e
che, a dispetto delle profferte di amicizia
fattegli da settori del Movimento anti-global
italiano (Tute Bianche e Ya Basta) e addirittura
da elementi della sinistra antagonista, si �
confessata creazione della CIA, dagli USA finanziata,
equipaggiata, istruita ed addestrata in corsi
di formazione insurrezionale a Sofia e a Budapest.
Anche le costanti violazioni di diritto e i
soprusi consentiti dai regolamenti del sedicente
Tribunale dell'Aja e inflitti a Milosevic (come
il prolungato rifiuto degli incontri con i
famigliari, l'isolamento, le perquisizioni
addirittura di nipoti di pochi anni, l'arrogante
e scorretta interruzione audio delle
dichiarazioni di Milosevic in aula) sono
documentate e denunciate dall'ICDSM che,
in aggiunta, continua a monitorare le condizioni di salute
dell'ex-presidente. Fu l'ICDSM a denunciare
come i diritti sanitari del detenuto fossero
sistematicamente ignorati e violati, anche nel
corso di un infarto che lo colp� a met� maggio.
Accanto alla stretta sorveglianza giuridica e
alla denuncia dei costanti abusi compiuti dai
suoi carcerieri, l'ICDSM si propone anche di
controbattere alla micidiale opera di
disinformazione e intossicazione attuata dai
media ai danni della Jugoslavia, della Serbia
e, soprattutto, di Slobodan Milosevic,
che costituisce in s� un crimine contro l'umanit�.
Riteniamo che Milosevic sia il personaggio
storico pi� diffamato dai tempi di Giuliano
l'Apostata, un imperatore illuminato che ebbe
il coraggio di opporsi al dilagante controllo
della Chiesa Cristiana sui beni pubblici
e sui cittadini dell'Impero. La sua
figura e opera sono state aggredite da una
macchina da guerra di menzogne e mistificazioni,
poi risultate tutte fondate sull'invenzione
di specializzate agenzie USA di disinformazione,
cui quasi tutti i media sono obbedienti fin dai
tempi dell'aggressione all'Iraq nella Guerra
del Golfo. Nel frattempo il tempo � stato
galantuomo e si sono dissolte le diffamazioni
circa la pulizia etnica ai danni degli albanesi
(inventata, contrariamente a quella effettuata
dagli albanesi, sotto l'egida Nato, ai danni di
centinaia di migliaia di serbi), le fosse comuni,
le stragi attribuite ai serbi a Racak, in Kosovo, o a
Sarajevo e Sebrenica in Bosnia, il presunto
nazionalismo di un presidente che ha dovuto
costantemente difendersi dalle strategie
divisorie dell'imperialismo e dei nazionalismi
etnici e che si � invece adoperato fino all'ultimo
per la pacifica convivenza di tutte le etnie,
culture, religioni, anche accogliendo un milione
di profughi tra i quali Rom, ebrei, goranci, bulgari,
ungheresi, cacciati dall'UCK e da Tudjman, fino
all'accusa da sinistra di una resa alla globalizzazione
liberista, allorch� fu invece proprio Milosevic
a porre un freno alle privatizzazioni imposte dai
ricatti FMI e a salvaguardare uno stato sociale che
vantava, ultimo in Europa, servizi sociali come
sanit� e scuola pubblici gratuiti (ora in corso
di privatizzazione), che escludeva la cessione di
settori strategici a maggioranze straniere, che
garantiva alle maestranze il 60% delle imprese
privatizzate, che aveva ricostruito la Zastava,
ora in vendita al migliore offerente.
Mi ha detto Slobo nell'ultimo colloquio che ha
avuto, nella sua residenza, con un giornalista
straniero:"Cercano il mio cosiddetto "tesoro".
Lo hanno cercato in Svizzera e le autorit�
svizzere hanno cercato e risposto che non c'era
nulla. Hanno additato Cipro, dove stavano le
bare refrigerate per i caduti segreti USA, e il
governo di Cipro ha negato con indignazione. Sa
dove si trova il "tesoro di Milosevic"? Sta nei
ponti jugoslavi ricostruiti, sta nel
cibo e nelle medicine con cui abbiamo potuto
salvaguardare l'esistenza del mio popolo sotto
embargo, sta nella Zastava ricostruita in un
anno al 70%.
Il resto, su questa figura coraggiosa ed integra,
profondamente antimperialista e patriottica, lo
pu� imparare chiunque si sia dato cura di ascoltarne
le dignitose e ferme parole al Tribunale dell'Aja,
prima che un presidente asservito agli USA gli
tagliasse il microfono. Lo stanno apprendendo anche
i serbi, gi� ingannati dalle bugie e false
promesse dell'imperialismo, che di giorno in
giorno vanno rafforzando, con manifestazioni di
decine di migliaia di persone, il Partito Socialista
Serbo, unica opposizione, repressa e perseguitata
dal regime "democratico" installatosi col colpo
di stato del 5 ottobre, che ha reso pi� disperata
che mai la situazione economica del paese, lo ha
affidato alla mafia e ne ha svenduto dignit�,
sovranit� e indipendenza.
L'ICDSM, in collaborazione con il Tribunale Clark
(tribunaleclark@...), prepara ora un
convegno nazionale sulla natura del Tribunale
dell'Aja e sulle violazioni del diritto
internazionale di cui � protagonista. Analoghi
convegni si svolgeranno in altri paesi, fino a
culminare, a ottobre, con una grande
assemblea-manifestazione all'Aja, contro il
tribunale-farsa, contro la Nato, per la Jugoslavia
e la liberazione di Milosevic.


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======================================Against NATO's Terrorist Occupation Of The Balkans
President Milosevic's Call-in to Fox
News, 24 August 2001 [posted 29 August 2001]
RITA COSBY: President Milosevic, thank
you so much for joining us from the
Hague. First of all, tell us if you
could, how are you feeling?

SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: I feel fine, you
know I'm here in the jail, the
so-called "prison" of that illegitimate
tribunal, which is not having any
legitimacy exactly as NATO aggression
against Yugoslavia had no
legitimacy. Those are the paths of the
same approach. This tribunal is to
NATO based tribunal to continue the war
by other means.

RITA COSBY: Now that tribunal has
called you an indicted war criminal, how
do you feel about that title?

SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: You know I can tell
you, I'm proud for everything I did
in defending my country and my people,
all my decisions are legitimate and
legal, based on the Constitution of
Yugoslavia, and based on the right of
self-defense which belongs to every
nation in the world . And their
decisions - NATO leaders' decisions
were all criminal. They were simply
killing our people and they have thrown
more than 22,000 tons of bombs to
hospitals, to apartments of civilians,
to electricity facilities, water
supply, bridges, railways, trains,
refugees, and that was all one massive
killing of innocent people and that
was the real crime, so right address
for war crimes in Yugoslavia is NATO.
That all was done in front of the
eyes of all the world, so I don't
believe in spite the huge media campaign
against my country, that it is possible
to hide those facts.

RITA COSBY: Do you think that you have
anything to apologize for, because
tens of thousands of Albanian lives
were lost?

SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: They were lost in
the NATO aggression. I want to
remind you that before the aggression
started there were only some rare
conflicts with small groups of
terrorists who were putting bombs in
cafes, in market places or somewhere else,
killing innocent people. That was all,
and that was calmed down in the Autumn
of 1998. They were bringing they're
arms by tractors getting it back to the
police, and that was completely
calmed down. And people were in their
homes, and there was verification
mission of OSCE, so in front of them,
that was completely clear, Kosovo
was completely calm. But when NATO
started bombing on 24th of March, lots
of civilians were killed, and of course
lot of them tried to escape what
was normal - everybody was running
away. I said to one of your colleagues
during the war when he was asking me
why the people were running away: "How
one wouldn't t run away under air alarm
of 24 hrs a day and under massive
bombings of NATO". Everybody was
running away, including dears, bears,
birds, everybody was running away.

RITA COSBY: What I wanted to ask you,
was you did direct Serb troops to
kill Albanians, of course Albanians
were killing Serbs as well, but you did
direct Serb troops to kill Albanians,
how do you feel about that?

troops were avoiding to kill civilians
anyhow, they had only to eliminate
terrorist groups which were killing
people, both Serbs and others -
Albanians, Turks, Muslims, everybody.
Even when they were quite clearly visible
within the groups of civilians, there
was strict order that police or army
should not open fire - just to avoid
possibility to kill any civilian. So
there was nothing like killing
civilians done by armed forces of

RITA COSBY: But many civilians were
raped, many were killed - there is
proof of that . They ended up in mass
graves, how do you explain that?

individual crimes, but there was clear
order that any crime has to be
punished immediately, and whoever did it
has to be arrested. And the proof that
that order was obeyed quite clearly
and exactly as it was supposed to be
obeyed, is the fact that more than
500 different individuals were
immediately arrested by the police or
the army. So, armed forces and police
forces had nothing in common with any
crime which was committed in Kosovo.
Those were consequences of chaotic
situation created by massive bombing of
NATO. In such chaotic situation, of
course there is always a possibility
for different criminal elements to do
some crime, but there was very very
efficient action against all of them to
be immediately arrested and sent to
jail. Army and police forces were
defending the country and were not used
against the population They were
our citizens and they were not object
of any military action.

RITA COSBY: Are you sorry - and I will
say that some of the Albanian
leaders, and Albanian officials have
said that they are sorry that some
Serb civilians were killed in the
process, as you have said, in the chaotic
situation. Are you prepared to say now
that you and others are sorry for,
maybe some of the civilian deaths,
some of the other deaths that happened
to have been killed?

happened in that chaos, but you have to
be aware of the fact that that was just
the consequence of that criminal
aggression committed by NATO against

RITA COSBY: Are you sorry I guess, a
lot of people...

SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: Of course, all of
us are sorry for the death of any
person anywhere in the world, nobody
can't be happy for the death of any
person anywhere, that is so obvious so
that it is not the question at all.

RITA COSBY: What will you use as your
defense at the trial, and will you
represent yourself? What will you use
as your defense?

trial is really illegal, but I said to
you that all the decisions of mine
were completely legitimate and legal in
defense of my country, and their
decisions were completely criminal and
that is the big difference. That is the
big difference. Look now at what
they are doing in Macedonia, they
first supported Albanian terrorists whom
they call "Kosovo liberation army", in
fact that is a terrorist
organization, to start killing people
in Macedonia, and then that is now
the excuse for them to get in with the
troops and to occupy Macedonia.
That is the process of occupation of
the Balkan peninsula.

RITA COSBY: But in this case, Mr.
President, the NATO troops are coming in
and they are disarming the Albanians,
do you think that is a good thing?

SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC: They will disarm
Albanians like they disarmed
Albanians in Kosovo. I remember what
commanding general of KFOR in July
1999, said - that "KLA" was disarmed,
and than those disarmed are killing
people every day under the auspices of
NATO, who are occupying Kosovo, so I
don't believe that they will disarm
them. They will only say that, but they
will not do that.

RITA COSBY: How do your people in
Yugoslavia feel about you now, do you
think you still have support within
your country?

wide and very strong support within
my people. So, they understand how
they have brought that puppet regime
now in Belgrade with those stolen
elections and they understand that that
is the way to occupy Yugoslavia.
Everything is now worse than it was
before, despite the fact that there are
no sanctions anymore, that
everything is now open for growing the
economy without any limitation. But
economy is getting down, there is no
factory which is working normally,
people are living very hard and
everybody knows it.


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Quelle che seguono sono le traduzioni in serbocroato di due
articoli apparsi su "Le Monde Diplomatique", risp. nelle
edizioni di agosto e settembre 2001. Le versioni originali,
in italiano, si potranno leggere sul sito:
tra qualche settimana.

Il primo articolo, "La vittoria del diritto", e' una critica
severa dello pseudo-Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia. Il secondo,
"La parte del leone", contiene riflessioni sul Bollettino del
Fondo Monetario Internazionale del 6. agosto, che ci fa sapere
che la parte del leone nel nuovo ordine mondiale spetta sempre
ai ricchi e soprattutto agli Americani, che si sono presi
l'anno scorso la bellezza dei 64% del capitale mondiale.
E' interessante notare che tra il 1992 ed il 1997 la
loro percentuale era del "solo" 35%.

(Ringraziamo Olga per le segnalazioni, per le traduzioni, e per il suo
commento riportato in fondo)


"Le Monde diplomatique", avgust 2001.


Nekoliko dana nakon sto je bivsi predsednik Slobodan
Milosevic avionom Nato pakta izrucen ili, da budemo precizniji,
trampljen za ekonomsku pomoc, predsednik Dj. Bus je za
direktora Biroa za demokratiju, prava coveka i medjunarodne
operacije (Office for democracy, human rights and international
operations) postavio Eliota Ebramsa (Elliot Abrams).
Nije bas apsolutno jasno da se ovaj dogadjaj koga su veliki mediji
odvec olako precutali, zapravo podudara sa novom erom
univerzalnog prava, morala i nezne osecajnosti o kojima nam trucaju
cirkusari Internacionalnog Krivicnog Tribunala (TPI).

Prava? Eliot Ebrams, zamenik sekretara stejtdepartmenta za
Reganovog predsednikovanja, priznao je 1991. da je pod
zakletvom obmanuo Kongres SAD lazirajuci informacije o
-bespravnoj- podrsci americke vlade kontrasima i njihovoj borbi
protiv vlade Nikaragve. Ta podrska veoma desnicarski nastrojenoj
gerili, finansirana je delom iz prodaje oruzja Iranu, zemlji pod
americkim embargom, i tako je izigran Kongres. Ilegalna prodaja i
laziranje, zataskani su osudom nekolicine saradnika. Medju njima
nasao se i E. Ebrams, koga ce 1992. pomilovati Dj. Bus, otac
sadasnjeg predsednika.

Morala? Direktor americkog Biroa za prava coveka osamdesetih
godina bio je mozak americke politike, ubilacke za Centralnu
Ameriku. Njegova specijalnost? Negiranje pokolja. (1) Recimo
onog iz 1982. kada je pobijeno 767 stanovnika
El Mosetea (El Mozete) u Salvadoru. Ubice su pripadnici poluvojne
skupine koju su amerikanci skolovali u okviru borbe protiv
komunizma. Za g.dina Abramsa ta je borba takva svetinja da njeni
protivnici nisu nista drugo do "zmije otrovnice".

Kada smo februara 1995. u Hadsonovom Institutu, jezgru
konzervativne struje, sreli ovog deklarisanog pristsu izraelske
desnice, smatrao je da Palestinci nemaju "pravo na drzavu". Plasio
se eventualne intervencije predsednika Klintona protiv Iraka "zbog
toga sto ne verujem da ce smoci dovoljno cvrstine da je
okonca". Zalagao se za ukidanje programa pomoci ugrozenim
etnickim zajednicama u SAD: "To je donekle zato sto sam Jevrejin.
Na jevrejsku zajednicu otpada 30% mesta na Harvardu,
iako predstavljasamo samo 2% stanovnistva. Zapravo, svi ti
programi zdrave diskriminacije samo zaostravaju odnose medju

Prava coveka su zaista u sigurnim rukama sa Ebramsom. Nema sta!

autor: S. H.

(1) Citaoca upucujemo da procita clanak: "Elliot Abrams: It's back!",
The Nation, New York, 2 julliet 2001, kao i na autora: Marc Danner,
The Massacre at El Mozete, Vintage Books-Random House, New York, 1994.


"Le Monde diplomatique"
-septembar 2001.-


Smenjuju se nalik jedna drugoj privredne vesti
potvrdjujuci da izvesne analize i predvidjanja nisu bas uvek bile
nehotice promasene. Primerice, na ime ocekivanih suficita i raznih
fiskalnih doprinosa, bogatasima je efektivno smanjen porez u SAD
(1). No, kako su se predvidjeni suficiti izjalovili usled
usporenog privrednog rasta, sada pripremaju kresanje socijalnih
izdvajanja. U nadi da time poravnaju budzet poljuljan velikodusnom
fiskalnom politikom, koja bi opravdano mogla biti ocenjena kao
nepromisljena, da nije tako vesto vodjena do cilja.

Politika ulaganja stranog kapitala je takodje vesto vodjena. Dok
slusa neke zapadne drzavnike, covek ponekad zamislja da
liberalizacija trzista kapitala nije imala drugog cilja osim da im
omoguci da kapitalom natope zemlje treceg sveta i podare
im blagostanje i srecu. Medjunarodni monetarni fond, medjutim,
upravo ovih dana otkriva identitet ugrozene zemlje u koju
se slivala svekolika finansiska pomoc sveta. U 2000 godini prema
izvestaju MMF-a, "64% neto stranog kapitala otislo je Sjedinjenim
Americkim Drzavama. Poredjenja radi, podatak za 1999. glasi 60% a
za period od 1992. do 1997. 35% (2)" Semanticki vrlo nadahnuto,
sto mu inace nije uobicajeno, Medjunarodni monetarni fond kaze da
je to "lavovski deo"

Naravoucenije : Svakom se moze dogoditi da pogresi, ali i u slucaju
greske, najbolje je biti bogat i Amerikanac.

Serz Alimi

(1) Smanjenje po stopi od 38% za dobrobit samo 1% najbogatijih
poreskih obveznika.

(2) Bilten MMF, Vasington, 6. avgusta 2001.


Napomena: Beogradska "Politika" objavljuje Le Monde
diplomatique kao svoj mesecni dodatak na srpskom i moze
se dobiti u pretplati ili kupiti na kiosku. To, nazalost, ne
znaci da se beogradska "Politika" danas bori na strani protivnika
novog svetskog poretka. Naprotiv, listajuci njene stranice stice
se utisak da da je gotovo u potpunosti izgubila kompas. Ili
postala "skutonosa", kako slikovito kaze Serz Alimi u avgustovskom
dodatku u svojoj analizi pod naslovom "Sloboda, cenzura i novac".

Olga J.


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Dichiarazione del presidente Milosevic sulla illegalita'
del Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia, della quale e' stata impedita
la lettura pubblica durante l'udienza del 30 agosto:
la versione in inglese in fondo a questo messaggio.

English text at the bottom



sa pojavljivanja predsednika Slobodana Milosevica

pred "Haskim tribunalom", 30. avgusta 2001. godine
u Hagu


Gospodine Milosevicu, postoje li kakva pitanja koja biste vi zeleli
izneti u vezi sa vasim slucajem ili u vezi sa vasim psihickim i
fizickim stanjem? Vi ste upoznati sa pravilnikom koji ne dopusta
nikakve govore u ovom trenutku. Vi cete imati priliku za to,
odnosno priliku da se branite kada za to dodje vreme, no, ukoliko
postoje neka pitanja koja zelite izneti u vezi sa vasim slucajem,
prilika je da to ucinite.


Kao prvo, zeleo bih da znam da li cu moci da govorim ili cete
iskljuciti mikrofon kao sto ste to ucinili poslednji put?


Gospodine Milosevicu, ukoliko budete postovali pravila imacete
mogucnosti da govorite, ako se budete drzali relevantnih pitanja
imacete mogucnosti da govorite.


Da, to bi bilo moje sledece pitanje. Ja bih hteo da kazem da je to
ilegalan sud.


Vi ste vec izneli prigovor po tom pitanju. Da li vi sada trazite da
vam se odobri mogucnost da se Vecu obratite usmeno u vezi s tim


Za usmeno izlaganje trebace mi 40 minuta. Posto mi to ne
dozvoljavate, ja cu to izneti u pisanom obliku. Moji saradnici ce to
izneti u stampi ukoliko vi meni ne dozvolite da to javno sada


Ukoliko vi to ucinite u pisanom obliku to ce biti objavljeno kada za
to dodje vreme. Ako vec sada to imate napisano onda ce biti
daleko prikladnije da se to obradi na taj nacin.


Da, u redu! Ali potrebno je da razgovaramo kao civilizovane
osobe. Ne na nacin da mi iskljucujete mikrofone, ili da se koristi
bilo kakva sila. Potrebno je da se razumemo kada je rec o tome sta
je moguce, a sto nije. Dakle, kad ne dopustate usmeno, ja cu to
predati vama u pisanom obliku.


U redu.


Ako dozvolite, jos bih komentarisao ono sto sam sada upravo cuo.
Cuo sam, naime, nesto vrlo zanimljivo, sto dokazuje ono sto su
vec rekli pre 3. jula u ovoj istoj prostoriji. Naime, da se radi o
jednoj laznoj optuznici. Ja sam optuzen 26. maja, 60-tog dana
NATO-ve agresije protiv Jugoslavije, dok sam ja branio svoju
zemlju. Dakle, dve i po godine su protekle od tog datuma, i mi smo
upravo sada culi da oni koji tuze nemaju dokaze, da oni ne mogu
dovrsiti svoju optuznicu. Dve i po godine je vrlo dugo vreme cak i
za kompletiranje jedne lazne optuznice, a ono sto smo mi upravo
culi je dokaz za to. Naravno, uzimajuci u obzir cinjenicu da ja ne
priznajem ovaj tribunal i da imam vrlo jasno misljenje koje
dokazuju pravne cinjenice, misljenje, naime, da je ovaj tribunal
nelegalan, ja ne vidim zasto bih se ja sada branio pred laznim
sudom na temelju jedne lazne optuznice. Dakle, to je jos jedno
objasnjenje koje sam zeleo da iznesem.

Ako mi dozvolite ja bih sada vama postavio neka pitanja koja se
ticu mojeg polozaja u jednom protivpravnom pritvoru.


Ne mozete postavljati pitanja. No, ukoliko zelite izneti nesto u
vezi sa tim, vi to mozete uciniti.


Po nalogu ove nelegalne institucije, ja sam u potpunoj izolaciji.
Moje pitanje s tim u vezi je zasto sam ja izolovan od svoje
porodice, zasto me moja porodica ne moze posetiti na isti nacin
kako to cine porodice drugih koji imaju tu mogucnost? Zasto se
prate posete moje porodice, zasto prisluskujete razgovore koje ja
vodim cak i sa mojim unukom koji je star samo dve i po godine?!
Zasto? Zasto cinite sve to? Zasto na tako grub nacin krsite moja
prava? Zasto sam izolovan od osoba koje bi zelele da me posete i
sa kojima imam potrebu da razgovaram, s kojima zelim da
razgovaram o raznoraznim pravnim aspektima mog polozaja u
ovom ilegalnom pritvoru.


Da zastanemo na trenutak. Pravila koja se ticu pritvora potpadaju
pod nadleznost sekretara Medjunarodnog suda. Ukoliko se
primenjuju na vas na nacin razlicit od drugih pritvorenika, mi cemo
se o tome raspitati. Samo trenutak.

Poteskoca koja se vezuje za advokate je sledeca. Vi, naime, jos
uvek niste odabrali odnosno imenovali advokata. A, pravila
dozvoljavaju samo posete od strane imenovanih advokata. Ja sada
zelim znati da li je vas stav da se vi zelite braniti sami, da ne
zelite da vam se imenuje advokat, ali zelite imati pristup pravnim
savetnicima. Da li bi to bio adekvatan rezime vaseg stava?


Jasno je da ja imam pravo na kontakt sa razlicitim strucnjacima u
vezi sa razlicitim aspektima mog polozaja u protivpravnom
pritvoru. Osim toga, ja imam pravo kontakta sa advokatima koji se
bave mojim privatnim stvarima u Jugoslaviji. Isto tako imam pravo
na kontakt sa advokatima koji su angazovani u nekim
medjunarodnim organizacijama koje me podrzavaju. Ja imam pravo
na komuniciranje s tim ljudima, ne razumem kako to moze da se
primenjuje na diskriminatoran nacin. Koliko ja shvatam, pravni
sistem se zasniva na nepostojanju bilo kakve diskriminacije, a ja
sam diskriminisan od prvog dana od kada sam ovde.


Problem, gospodine Milosevicu, lezi u cinjenici da vi niste
imenovali advokata. Nase osoblje mora postovati pravila. Osoba
koja ima pravo na pravne posete je vas imenovani advokat. Ali vi
ste izneli dve stvari u vezi s kojima zelite primiti savet. Dakle, vi
zelite savet u vezi sa vasim polozajem ovde u ovom postupku, isto
tako, kada je rec o vasim stvarima, o vasim poslovima u
Jugoslaviji. Je li tako?


Naravno, to je tako. I ja imam jos na umu citav niz drugih stvari u
vezi s kojima zelim da razgovaram sa osobama koje zele da me
posete i koje zele da sa mnom kontaktiraju.


Na prvom Vecu cu se o tome raspitati I obavestiti vas. I to cemo
uzeti u obzir.


Trece pitanje je zasto sam ja izolovan od stampe?! Zasto mi se ne
dozvoljava nikakav kontakt? Vi me drzite u izolaciji, ja nemam
pravo na bilo kakav kontakt sa medijima. Cak ni telefonom koji mi
je za sada jedini na raspolaganju. Ovde su neki predstavnici
stampe i medija koji bi zeleli da znaju istinu. Ja mislim da niko ne
treba da se boji istine. S jedne strane, postoji citava ta masinerija
koju vi predstavljate, sve te tajne sluzbe, vojne organizacije, na
mojoj strani je jedino - istina. Ukoliko vi mene izolujete, ukoliko
mi onemogucavate kontakt sa stampom, onda je jasno da se ovde
radi o diskriminaciji. Vi cak ne mozete, na bilo koji nacin, da
nekoga uverite, da pravilno postupate u vezi sa postupkom koji
imate na umu.

I jos da vas podsetim, ja ne priznajem ovaj Medjunarodni tribunal,
smatram ga potpuno protivpravnim i nelegalnim. Sva ta pitanja
koja se ticu advokata i pravnog zastupanja su sasvim izlisna. Ja
sam video u stampi.


Gospodine Milosevicu, moramo ovde uneti reda. Samo trenutak.
Prvo, ono sto ste pokrenuli. Pitanje koje ste pokrenuli. Prema
pravilima pritvorske jedinice, ne postiji nikakav kontakt sa
medijima. Ta pravila se ne ticu samo vas. Ne radi se ni o kakvoj
diskriminaciji. Ta se pravila primenjuju na sve optuzenike koji su u
pritvoru. Sto se tice cinjenice da vi ne priznajete Medjunarodni
tribunal, mi smo to culi, i nema nikakve potrebe da se to ponavlja.
Postoji li jos nesto sto zelite izneti?


Koliko sam ja shvatio, oni se bave tim pitanjem protivzakonitosti
suda, nelegalnosti, dakle, to je pitanje nadleznosti. Svakom
advokatu na ovom svetu je jasno da se pitanje nadleznosti moze
pokrenuti pred svakom pravnom institucijom. Medjutim, vi niste
pravna institucija, vi ste politicko sredstvo.


Gospodine Milosevicu, mi necemo sada slusati ove politicke
argumente. Vi mozete da podnesete podnesak o nadleznosti, mi
cemo taj podnesak i razmotriti. Mi cemo podnesak razmotriti.

U redu, rasprava je zavrsena. A nastavicemo u ponedeljak 29.

Molimo ustanite.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


What follows is the statement that president Milosevic was
not allowed to read when he appeared, August 30, before the
"tribunal" in the Hague.




There are three fatal legal flaws in the so called International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Each has disastrous
consequences for the human quest for peace, the rule of law,
democracy, truth and justice.


The U.N. Security Council has seized power it does not possess,
corrupting the Charter of the United Nations, placing itself above
the law and threatening "We Peoples of the United Nations" with
a lawless future in which a superpower employs the scourge of
war to have its way. Nothing in the history of the planning,
drafting, discussion, approval or ratifications of the U.N. Charter
implies, or is consistent with an intention to empower any body
created by, or under, the Charter to establish any criminal tribunal.
The words of the Charter and their textual inferences, the
structure and allocation of power and duties, including those in the
incorporated Statute for the International Court of Justice, all
negate the existence of any capacity under the Charter to ordain
criminal courts. The Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia is
illegitimate and its creation a corruption of the United Nations.

There would never have been a United Nations if its Charter
stated, or implied, that a criminal court could be created under its
authority. No one who believes in historical truth, or that words
have meaning can, after examining the history of its creation and
its text, contend that the Charter of the United Nations empowers
the Security Council to create a criminal court.

An International Criminal Court Can Be Created

Only By A Multinational Treaty, Or

Amendment To The Charter Of The United Nations

The national representatives ho have served on the Security
Council and in the General Assembly and the scholars, lawyers
and experts who have labored for more than thirty years to bring
into being an international criminal court have recognized that the
only lawful and binding way such a court can be created is by an
agreement among nations through a treaty agreed upon for that
purpose, or by amending the Charter of the United Nations under
its strict provisions regulating amendments to authorize, or
establish a court.

When an International Criminal Court was finally agreed upon in
July 1998 by 120 nations meeting in Rome, it was by treaty which
had been studied, drafted and debated for years. The United
States, the most powerful participant in that long process,
consistently sought to weaken the treaty to exempt U.S. leaders
and military personnel from prosecution before it. Having failed
the U.S. was then the most prominent and powerful of the handful
of nations that refused to sign. As of August 1, 2001 37 nations,
the Netherlands the most recent, had ratified the treaty.

The United States is vigorously trying to persuade, coerce, or
bribe nations not to ratify.

Creation Of The International Criminal Tribunal

For The Former Yugoslavia Was A Lawless Act Of

Political Expediency By The United States Designed

To Demonize And Destroy An Enemy And Frustrate

Creation Of A Legitimate International Criminal Tribunal

At the insistence of the U.S. the Security Council nearly fifty
years after it came into being forged a new and powerful weapon
capable of demonizing a nation and its people and depriving
individuals of their liberty for the rest of their lives and placed it
largely in the hands of the United States. The principal precedents
for such pseudo judicial actions over several millennia preceding
the creation of the U.N. are trials of leaders and soldiers of
vanquished populations by the victors in war, and courts used by
colonial powers to control and punish subjugated peoples. The
precedents are many and the violence and cruelty and hatred they
usually exposed and caused was extreme.

Unless It is Limited By The U.N. Charter And

International Law, The Security Council Can Do

Whatever It Chooses To Do

If it is not restrained by the United Nations Charter, the Security
Council can commit any act it desires disregarding all law. Early
proponents of United States world power claimed such unbridled
discretion for the Security Council publicly. Thus in 1950 John
Foster Dullas wrote:

"The Security Council is not a body that

merely enforces agreed law. It is a law unto

itself... No principles of law are laid down

to guide it, it can decide in accordance with

what it thinks is expedient."

If unchallenged, this concept of Security Council power means
that the most powerful international organ created by the Charter
of the United Nations "to end the scourge of war" is above all law,
domestic and international.

But absolute discretion is the very definition of lawlessness and
has been called "more destructive of freedom than any other of
man's inventions," by U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O.
Douglas. All rights of all nations, races, religions, cultures,
political parties and individuals are thereby subordinated to the
will of the Security Council, and the single superpower that too
often will dominate it. All but fifteen nations are excluded from
Security Council counsels. Each of the five permanent members
can veto its actions.

The Security Council is subject to domination by a single nation.
The representative of each member votes as instructed by the
national government that appoints him and to serve the interests
of that government, not as an international statesman serving all
peoples and the purposes for which the U.N. was created. The
Security Council is inaccessible, anonymous and less responsive
to democratic processes than any other international political


The illegitimate Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia corrupts
justice and law because it is incapable of acting equally among
nations, or within the politically targeted nation. It will increase
violence, division and the risk of war with neighboring nations and
peoples and within Yugoslavia among the segments of the society
the U.S. policy of balkanization of Former Yugoslavia has set
against each other and against the new government the U.S. has
installed for its own purposes. If the United Nations Charter had
authorized the Security Council to create criminal courts, it could
not create a court for one nation, or episode for political purposes,
to persecute selected groups, or persons and such a court is
incapable of equal justice under law. An ad hoc court violates the
most basic principles of all law. Equality is the mother of justice.
An international court established to prosecute acts in a single
nation and primarily, if not entirely, one limited group is pre
programmed to persecute incapable of equality.

If the Security Council can create a criminal court to prosecute
conduct in a single country like Yugoslavia, it can appoint a court
for any country, selecting enemies or political and economic
opportunities for targeting one at a time, while never exposing
itself, or those who comply with its wishes to such selective
prosecution. If the U.S., or any ally or client state it chose to
protect was the subject of a serious effort by the Security Council
to be honored with a criminal tribunal in its own name, the U.S.
would veto the threatened action.

A Court created only for crimes in one country is by definition
discriminatory, incapable of equal justice, a weapon against
chosen enemies, or antagonistic interests and war by other
means. If there is to be any international criminal court, it must
act equally as to all nations with none above the law. The ad hoc
tribunal for a single nation corrupts international law.

By its very nature, the ad hoc Tribunal can be created only after
the conduct the Security Council decides justifies creation of the
Court since there is no other excuse for its creation. It is in every
case ex post facto. This violates an ancient principle of law. It
also requires the Security Council, if there is to be a rational basis
for its action, to make some preliminary claim to finding of facts, a
task such a political body is not designed for, that inherently
incriminates a country, or faction by placing the imprimatur of the
Security Council of the United Nations on a political decision of
fact necessary to justify creation of the Tribunal. The very charge
of the Security Council - genocide, crimes against peace, war
crimes, or crimes against humanity demonized any person
thereafter accused.

The Selection Of A Nation For Prosecution

On Political Findings Of Genocide, War Crimes

And Crimes Against Humanity Creates

A Compulsion to Convict.

Investigators, prosecutors and administrative personnel who join
a temporary Tribunal to pursue allegations of humanities greatest
crimes against a people and leaders already demonized will feel
they have failed if there are not convictions. The very psychology
of the enterprise is persecutorial. Few judges appointed to serve
on a Tribunal created under such circumstances will feel free to
acquit any but the most marginal, or clearly mistaken, accused, or
to create an appearance of objectivity.

Powers That Create Ad Hoc International Criminal

Tribunals Divert Attention From Their Own

Offenses, Or Failures, Or Those Of Allies And

Their Political Surrogates While Continuing

To Inflect And Threaten Mass Destruction With Impunity.

The ad hoc Tribunal which targets a country is incapable of
prosecuting what may be greater crimes committed in the same
conflict, by a power, coalition ally or political agents that was and
remains a much greater source of violence and threat to peace.
Most often the power which forced the creation of the target
tribunal to further damage and demonize their enemy is shielded
from criticism by the avalanche of propaganda against the
accused supported by the appearance of United Nations neutrality
and peace making efforts.

What court will consider the criminality of aerial bombardment by
U.S. aircraft of defenseless civilians, their housing, water
systems, power plants, factories, office buildings, schools,
hospitals, which take thousands of lives directly and causes
billions of dollars of property damages in Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad
and scores of other cities, towns and villages? What threat to
peace continues from the U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy?

Who will be held accountable for the devastation of Pristina by
NATO planes, or the attacks on refugee columns in Kosovo and
Metohia? Is the U.S. use of cluster bombs exploding razor sharp
metal fragments over an area as large as a soccer field in the
courtyard at the hospital in Nis no crime? Will the Security
Council act to prevent and punish the use of depleted uranium by
the U.S. which is as indiscriminate in its radiation as the air, the
water, the soil and food hain it touches and contaminates for
millions of years?

International law accepts bombing of defenseless civilian
populations by a militarily advanced technology that can destroy a
country without even setting foot on its soil because supper
power controls international prosecutions and determines
violations. The dominant element in modern military power is
mass destruction. Victors are nations with the greatest capacity
for mass destruction. This places civilian populations at maximum
peril infrastructure supporting civilian life, buildings, water, power,
transportation, communication, food production, storage and
distribution, health care, schools, churches, mosques,
synagogues, foreign embassies were the direct object of U.S.
aerial and missile attacks. Several thousands of civilians were
killed directly and many more indirectly. The U.S. claims it had
159 casualties, a third from friendly fire, none from combat.

In 1998, the U.S. directed 21 Tomahawk Cruise missiles from
international waters to destroy the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant
in Khartoum, Sudan which provided more than half the medicines
available for a people who are very poor and have been unable to
replace that supply. The U.S. continues to support insurrection in
the South of Sudan and threaten Sudan with prosecution in an ad
hoc international criminal tribunal.

NATO does not claim it prevented violence within Kosovo and
Metohia among the Serbian, ethnic Albanian and other peoples. In
fact, NATO accelerated that violence. It bombed Serbia for 79
days targeting civilians and citizens destroying billions of dollars
worth of civilian facilities, using illegal weapons including cluster
bombs, destroying the civilian Serbian TV and radio buildings. It
bombed Kosovo and Metohia heaviest of all, destroying most of
Pristina, killing thousands of Albanians, Muslims, Serbs, Romany,
Turks and others, and causing hundreds of thousands of people to
flee from Kosovo and Metohia. Damage to the Yugoslavia military
was negligible. In the summer of 2001 the U.S. continues to use
cluster bombs in northern and southern Iraq which it attacks on
most days.

And in 1999 when the U.S. and NATO countries came into
Kosovo and Metohia, as a "security force", they refused to
intervene on the ground to protect people who were endangered in
the province.

There will be no remedy or relief for Serbian victims of atrocities,
some 500.000 purged by Croatia with the approval, if not on
instructions of the U.S., forever from their homes in Krajina, the
more than 330.000 permanently purged from Kosovo and Metohia
since the cease fire in 1999, or for the thousands of Serbs,
Romany and others killed by the U.S. and NATO bombing
assaults, or by the U.S.-supported terrorist organization, the so
called KLA, before, during and after the assaults. The
Macedonians killed, injured and driven from their homes by U.S.
condoned if not instigated KLA aggressions which threaten civil
war in Macedonia and general war in the Balkans will not lead the
Security Council to create a Court to prosecute the perpetrators.

Major Powers Are Not Accountable For Their

Actions Which Cause War, Insurrection

And Violence Within Targeted Countries.

There will be no accountability by the U.S., Germany and other
nations whose acts and pressures forced the break-up of
Yugoslavia, stripping Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia and
attempted stripping of parts of Serbia like Kosovo and Metohia.

The U.S. and several European nations have balkanized the region
in the most artificial and forced apartheid the Balkans, or any
other part of the world has ever known. Their acts have made
peace, stability and prosperity impossible. Economic viability of
small fragmented parts depends on foreign economic interests
intended to dominate and exploit the region. The new apartheid
leads to U.S. planned conflicts between the western Catholic
Croatians and the eastern Orthodox Serbs, creating conflict and a
wall between western and eastern Europe. More dangerous, it
sets the stage for violence, encouraging international conflicts
between Slavic peoples and Muslims to decimate and debilitate
the obstacles to the U.S. world order. Kosovo and Metohia, as a
part of Serbia, and Macedonia are current examples in a long list
of tragic and avoidable violence between Muslims and Slavs,
which has occurred to different extents in Afghanistan, Dagestan,
Chechnya, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan and Bosnia.

A Federal Republic Of Balkan States Long

Set Against Each Other By Foreign Powers

Was Formed To Established Peace, Cooperation

And Prosperity.

The idea of Yugoslavia, a Balkan federation to heal divisions and
provide a better chance for living together in peace and prosperity,
was seen as important in the years after World War I as a means
to peace. While the idea floundered between the two worst wars
in history, it worked with remarkable success after World War II
in which it was ravaged, but unconquered. An independent and
unified Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was a long term
successful solution for south Slavic peoples. It was a bulwark of
the Non Aligned Movement. With the collapse of the Soviet and
Eastern bloc economy it was the remaining socialist government
threatening capitalist control of Europe. With its mixed market
economy it offered an example to former Eastern bloc countries
for revival of their economic and political independence. With a
successful, functioning Federal Republic of Yugoslavia there was
living proof history had not ended, that more than one economic
system was possible.

After the collapse of the Eastern bloc economy a greater Balkan
federation a south eastern European Union was seen by many in
the region as the means to prevent economic exploitation, avoid
violence and develop a strong and independent political, social and
economic region.

Foreign capital and the geopolitical interests of the U.S.
considered this a dangerous obstacle to their plans for the new
world order, globalization, new colonialism.

The United States Having Demonized

Yugoslavia Attacks It With Impunity

And Persecutes Its Leadership.

The U.S. mercilessly bombed Yugoslavia for 79 day. It tried to
assassinate me by bombing my home, offices and other places,
where it believed I might be. It attempted to kill Libya's head of
State Muammar Qaddafi in its 1986 raid on Tripoli and Iraqi
president Saddam Hussein on numerous occasions beginning in
1991, including its 1993 cruise missile attack on the Al Rashid in
Baghdad at a time it believed he would be there meeting
international Islamic leaders.

Through economic sanctions, the most extreme and overt form of
forced impoverishment and economic assault, the U.S. has
coerced the Security Council into complicity in the longest
deadliest and cruelest genocide of the last decade, the sanctions
against its enemy Iraq which have killed at least 2 million people,
the majority children. The United States has forced economic
sanctions against Yugoslavia, severely damaging its civilian
economy and eroding its will to independence.

Can a criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia which ignores pervasive
violence by the U.S. and diverts public awareness from United
States conduct and legitimatizes by silent acceptance aerial and
missile assaults on civilians and illegal weapons use against one
country after another, making its repetition expected before it
occurs, contribute to the hope for the rule of law, justice or peace?

The United States, itself, immune from control, or prosecution and
above the law, uses its power to cause the persecution of
enemies it selects to terrorize and further demonize. It
manufactures and sells arms to chosen nations, to groups seeking
to overthrow governments it opposes, uses illegal weapons
against defenseless people with impunity, continues to
consolidate and expand its near monopoly of nuclear weapons and
sophisticated rocketry, spends trillion on unilateral protection
from Star Wars assuring a continued arms race while poverty
overwhelms billions, hunger cripples millions, starvation takes
hundreds of thousands of lives and AIDS spreads among poor

It cripples international environmental protection, undermines
control of nuclear weapons by threatening to withdraw from long
standing protections of the ABM and Non Proliferation treaties. It
refuses to ratify treaties to protect life from land mines which it
continues to manufacture, sell and deploy. It threatens to
undermine a treaty controlling biological and chemical warfare.
And the United States regularly engages in covert operations and
violent military interventions in other nations in violation of their
sovereignty and law.

The so called ICTY is not just another arrow in the arsenal of the
United States with which it persecutes and demonizes enemies
and corrupts international law. The ICTY celebrates inequality in
the rule of law using criminal sanctions to destroy selected
leaders and governments.

It is poisonous arrow destructive of the foundations of peace
among independent nations of equal rights and dignity.


Such an ad hoc Tribunal has a temporary and limited purpose
without helpful precedent, common tradition or relevant
experience. It lacks power to enforce orders, or compel the
disclosure of evidence and presence of witnesses, particularly for
the defense.

It is not capable of finding facts fairly, or defining and applying
legal principles equally. It cannot do justice.

The statutory mandate for the ICTY makes it hostile to concern
for the rights of those accused before it, because it is told the
crimes charged have occurred and the accused have been

The right to assistance of counsel, so firmly established in
international law, has been denied and frustrated by the Tribunal
even in its most prominent cases. The Registry denied to me the
right to consult with lawyers of my choice on legal matters for
several weeks after my arraignment.

The Registrar wrote that for the one attorney who visited me
during that time and for only two hours, it would have been
''inappropriate'' to discuss the case because the conversation
was monitored and confidences would be violated. Lawyers from
Yugoslavia I ask to consult, with one exception, a monitored two
hours visit, were still denied approval and visas to enter the
Netherlands seven weeks after my arraignment.

Instead I was held in solitary confinement. I was able to visit my
wife only after more than two weeks imprisonment and then only
through sound proof glass using monitored telephones. She was
prohibited from speaking with the press and kept isolated from all
public contacts while in the Netherlands, a virtual prisoner in her
hotel room, except as she traveled between the airport, the prison
and the hotel.

The Ad Hoc Tribunal Is Intended To Demonize

And Destroy, Not To Fairly Determine Facts,

Protect Rights Of The Accessed, And Apply

Legal Principles Equally.

Unfair phenomena is inherent in the purpose and the nature of
temporary ad hoc tribunal, struggling without personnel who are
part of a legal tradition, far removed from the place the accused
came from and the events occurred where the court is charged by
its creator not to presume innocence, but that terrible crimes have
occurred and the accused are from the group that committed them.
They do this to protect thr real criminals, the NATO leaders who
killed thousands of innocent people in NATO's criminal

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Such an ad hoc Tribunal has a temporary and limited purpose
without helpful precedent, common tradition or relevant
experience. It lacks power to enforce orders, or compel the
disclosure of evidence and presence of witnesses, particularly for
the defense.

It is not capable of finding facts fairly, or defining and applying
legal principles equally. It cannot do justice.

The statutory mandate for the ICTY makes it hostile to concern
for the rights of those accused before it, because it is told the
crimes charged have occurred and the accused have been

The right to assistance of counsel, so firmly established in
international law, has been denied and frustrated by the Tribunal
even in its most prominent cases. The Registry denied to me the
right to consult with lawyers of my choice on legal matters for
several weeks after my arraignment.

The Registrar wrote that for the one attorney who visited me
during that time and for only two hours, it would have been
''inappropriate'' to discuss the case because the conversation
was monitored and confidences would be violated. Lawyers from
Yugoslavia I ask to consult, with one exception, a monitored two
hours visit, were still denied approval and visas to enter the
Netherlands seven weeks after my arraignment.

Instead I was held in solitary confinement. I was able to visit my
wife only after more than two weeks imprisonment and then only
through sound proof glass using monitored telephones. She was
prohibited from speaking with the press and kept isolated from all
public contacts while in the Netherlands, a virtual prisoner in her
hotel room, except as she traveled between the airport, the prison
and the hotel.

The Ad Hoc Tribunal Is Intended To Demonize

And Destroy, Not To Fairly Determine Facts,

Protect Rights Of The Accessed, And Apply

Legal Principles Equally.

Unfair phenomena is inherent in the purpose and the nature of
temporary ad hoc tribunal, struggling without personnel who are
part of a legal tradition, far removed from the place the accused
came from and the events occurred where the court is charged by
its creator not to presume innocence, but that terrible crimes have
occurred and the accused are from the group that committed them.
They do this to protect thr real criminals, the NATO leaders who
killed thousands of innocent people in NATO's criminal

Truth Is Beyond The Reach And The Purpose Of

The Ad Hoc Tribunal Which Is Intended To

Punish, Destroy And Divide.

It has been impossible in all cases before powerless ad hoc
Tribunals for the accused to obtain needed evidence and
witnesses for their defense. The ICTY has been unable to obtain
custody of many accused in the former Yugoslavia and has
resorted to, or condoned, improper and illegal means to pressure
their surrender.

Ad Hoc Tribunal Terrorize And Punish Those In Yugoslavia
Who Dared To

Oppose NATO Aggression And To React To Criminal Acts Of
Terrorists Who Were

Killing Serbs, Albanians, Muslims, Turks etc.

In Yugoslavia, the U.S. in violation of international and domestic
laws of both Yugoslavia and the U.S., has installed a government
of its choice in the Republic of Serbia and ousted President
Milosevic for the presidency of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia by bombing, economic coercion including sanctions,
physical threats, covert operations and corruption of the electoral

The U.S. Creates Client Governments By

Forcing Elections, Using Millions Of Dollars

to Purchase Unity For Its Candidate , Then

Finance A Campaign That Buys Votes And

Corrupts Democracy.

The U.S. injected more than $ 100.000.000 (US) to defeat the
Government of Peoples Unity that was in power until October,

The U.S. has intervened in many foreign elections and often
installed governments subservient to its interests by that means.

The creation of an ad hoc international criminal tribunal with
threats and indictments of the leadership of the government it
seeks to remove is an additional devastating assault on the
democratic process and the government targeted for destruction.

My Abduction and Surrender To The

ICTY By A U.S. Installed Serbian Government

Was Done In Violation Of The Constitutions Of The

Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia, The Republic

Of Serbia, The Statute Creating The ICTY

While The Federal Constitutional Court Of

Yugoslavia Reviewed The Request For Surrender

For A Bribe Of, Supposedly, 1.3 Billion Dollars.

The U.S.-installed government of Serbia abducted and
surrendered me in violation of the Constitutions of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia and its Laws
while the request for surrender was under review by the
Constitutional Court of Yugoslavia, which had forbiden any act
related to surrender until the Court's final decision. That was also
a violation of the U.N. Security Council Resolution creating the
Tribunal which provides that surrender shall be accomplished in
accordance with the domestic laws of the nation requested to
make the surrender. The United States threatened to block $1.3
billion (U.S.) in international loans and aid for Yugoslavia unless
the surrender was accomplished by a date it set. Such conduct
and the participation and acceptance of it reveals contempt for the
rule of law by the Tribunal, the new government of Serbia, or the
United Nations.

The illegal seizure of an individual and his delivery to isolation in
the prison of an illegal international criminal tribunal in a distant
nation threatens the freedom of everyone. For the United Nations
to engage in, or accept, international kidnapping of political
leaders tells that world the old ways of violence, deceit and
coercion are its ways. Those ways will be met in the only way
they can be met, by the same means.

The New U.S. Installed Government Of Serbia

Is Using Its Police Power To Crush Political

Opposition In Serbia.

The current government of Serbia is engaged in crushing and
demonizing its domestic political opposition. The regime will
surrender accused persons to the ICTY in violation of its own
laws as it surrendered me in order to destroy political opposition
at home and receive payments of money and support from abroad
for the ruling politicians. It acts to frustrate any support or
investigation for my defense, even attempting to ban entry and
deport Ramsey Clark when he flew to Belgrade in June to discuss
my political persecution. In the hope of eliminating rival domestic
political power, it put hundreds of people in detention on purely
political grunds.

That government may fabricate evidence, destroy evidence and
control and coerce witnesses to assist in convictions by the
ICTY, and it will seek to frustrate defense efforts to obtain
documents, other evidence, and witnesses in Yugoslavia needed
for the defense in the Hague.

The People Of Serbia And Yugoslavia Risk A

Tragic Future From The External Manipulation

And Control Of Their Governments.

The new government of Serbia is a puppet for the United States. If
there is any expectation a U.S. supported government might be
better for the people of Serbia, or Yugoslavia, ask Iranians if they
believe they fared better under the Shah of Iran, enthroned in 1953
by the U.S. for 25 years, than they would have under
democratically elected President Mossadegh and elected
successors. Was a long line of military governments which
brutally repressed the people of Guatemala for decades better for
the people than democratically elected President Arbenz who was
removed by United States forces in 1954. Was Mobutu, who for
four decades brutalized, bankrupted and corrupted the country,
better for the people than democratically elected Patrice
Lumumba assassinated with U.S. complicity in 1960? Did General
Pinochet better serve democracy, human rights and the welfare of
the people for decades than the democratically elected Salvador
Allende murdered in a U.S. supported golpe in Chile in 1973? It
would be difficult to find four greater national tragedies in the last
fifty years, all brought about by the United States determination to
control those regions.

Ask the people of the several score other countries who have
lived under U.S. supported tyrannies, "our SOB's" as FDR called
Somoza in Nicaragua, how they benefited. An ad hoc criminal
tribunal created to crush the leadership of the opposition to a U.S.
installed government cannot bring peace, reconciliation, protect
human rights, or enable a people to live and prosper together. It
will create fear, hatred, division and violence.

Consider the peoples of the poorest countries of the world during
these last decades obediently struggling to repay loans for
projects and purposes they did not choose and that never
benefited them while their own citizens die from hunger and
preventable illnesses. Consider the economies of eastern Europe,
or of the former Yugoslav republics and ask why per capita
income is often less than half, sometimes less than 25% what it
was just twelve years ago. Ad hoc criminal tribunals will prolong
the suffering in poor countries by supporting governments that will
maintain foreign domination that seeks benefits that will worsen
that condition.

The Violence And Division Within Yugoslavia

Since The Collapse Of The Soviet Economy Was

Caused By U.S. Lead Acts Designed To Balkanize

The Federal Republic And Its Member

Republics With The ICTY As Principal Weapon.

The United States engaged in a decade long effort aided by
several European countries, to break-up and destroy the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, causing the secession, (remember the
American Civil War) of German oriented Slovenia and Croatia
with 500 000 Serbs purged from its borders. Then Bosnia was
pried away from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
segregated into an unnatural three region religious apartheid,
Muslim, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian. Now
Macedonia is in turmoil, nearing civil war from U.S. stimulated
and supported terrorist organization KLA aggression. Thus
Yugoslavia became former, losing half of its population and
wealth and leaving only Serbia and Montenegro. Kosovo and
Metohia, an historically precious part of Serbia remains occupied
by NATO Forces after 79 days of aerial bombardment in 1999.

U.S. lead aerial assaults inflicted billions in damages on civilian
facilities, killed thousands of civilians throughout Serbia in the
name of NATO. Thereafter the United States and NATO watched
as 330 000 Serbs were forced out of Kosovo and Metohia and
many hundreds murdered, emboldened by the United States.
Violent efforts to remove all Serbs from Kosovo and Metohia
continue. And the KLA has been empowered to attack

The ICTY was created at the insistence of the United States
which had stimulated violence and secession in republics of
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and
attempted division and conflict in the Serbian province of Kosovo
and Metohia and in three municipalities in the south of Serbia and
throughout the former six Republics. The U.S. intends to
persecute and demonize leaders who together with the people by
defending freedom and by resisting aggression of NATO war
machinery, had defied its will, and at the same time make the
people seem savage. Madeleine Albright, while U.S. Ambassador
to the U.N., was the driving force for creation of the ICTY. The
U.S. Ambassador to the Tribunal, David Scheffer, concedes the
ICTY is ''supported, financed, staffed and provided information''
primarily by the United States.

Now as the idea and existence of ad hoc tribunals are threatened
by the treaty creating the International Criminal Court the United
States is exerting pressure to prevent nations from ratifying it. It
is also pressing for new ad hoc Tribunals for the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Sudan and elsewhere, to
dominate those regions and defuse the drive for the International
Criminal Court. The treaty, signed in Rome in 1998 by 120 nations
was ratified by the 37th nation, the Netherlands, in late July 2001.

The United States prefers to select nations for persecution while
protecting itself, its allies and favored client states. Ad hoc
tribunals which are illegitimate, incapable of equal justice under
law, by their nature unable to conduct fair trials, or provide due
process and whose victims have long since been convicted in the
United States controlled media are a U.S. weapon for establishing
long term control and exploitation of targeted nations and regions.
That is their globalization, that is new colonialism.

For these reasons, the so called ICTY should be declared illegal
and its prisoners, legally and illegally surrendered, should be

The Hague

August 30, 2001

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[Emperor's Clothes]

======================================Former Croatian minister confirms CIA's involvement
in 1995 military operation
SOURCE: HRT1 TV, Zagreb, in Serbo-Croat 1730 gmt 20 Aug 01
[Translated from Croatian TV on 20 August, 2001, Monday]
Announcer: Today's issue of the US
weekly 'Newsweek' carries a report
containing information that has been
surmised for years, but has never been
officially confirmed. According to Newsweek's
article headlined "What Did
the CIA Know" the US intelligence service
closely cooperated with Croatia,
particularly in the preparation and
during Operation Storm:

Reporter: The article says that in
the mid-1990s the Americans helped the
Croats by sending them images of the
Serb forces' movements and weapons
emplacements photographed by drones.
The images were transmitted to an HQ
near Zadar from where they were then
forwarded to the Pentagon. According
to top Croatian intelligence officials,
copies were also sent to the
headquarters of Ante Gotovina the
Croatian general in command of Operation
Storm. Miroslav Tudjman, the then
head of the Croatian Intelligence
Service, says in the article that
the Croatian and American intelligence
services had a de facto partnership. The
then Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mate Granic also knows about this cooperation:

Mate Granic: Of course I know, they
cooperated well, these aircraft were
also used. During the Kosovo operation
Croatia also cooperated successfully
as a partner of NATO and the USA.

Reporter: The article further says
that the US officials have confirmed
that the CIA had limited sharing of
intelligence information with Croatia,
but also insist American operatives
did nothing that contributed to war
crimes, nor did they know anything
about planning for criminal activity.

These facts can be used for defence
in the Gotovina case, the article
further says. His defence counsel
Luka Misetic says that there were many
sets of eyes watching Operation Storm.
No one there in the CIA saw there
was a problem with war crimes. A former
senior administration official says
the White House had the usual scatter
of information about individual
incidents, but no evidence that the
Croats were going out of their way to
terrorize the Serb population.

Another issue is how to pressure the
USA into opening their archives and
forwarding documents to the Hague tribunal:

Mate Granic: The US is reluctant to
give any of its intelligence reports -
that has been our experience so far.
As for whether it will give any
documents now, it is up to the Hague
tribunal and the USA.

Reporter: Gotovina's lawyer announced
he would ask for this by subpoena.
Roy Gutman concludes by saying that
the US cannot wash its hands of it now,
having been collecting evidence all the
time and finally saying: We were
not there.

Copyright 2001 BBC Reposted For Fair Use Only


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