
Quelle che seguono sono le traduzioni in serbocroato di due
articoli apparsi su "Le Monde Diplomatique", risp. nelle
edizioni di agosto e settembre 2001. Le versioni originali,
in italiano, si potranno leggere sul sito:
tra qualche settimana.

Il primo articolo, "La vittoria del diritto", e' una critica
severa dello pseudo-Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia. Il secondo,
"La parte del leone", contiene riflessioni sul Bollettino del
Fondo Monetario Internazionale del 6. agosto, che ci fa sapere
che la parte del leone nel nuovo ordine mondiale spetta sempre
ai ricchi e soprattutto agli Americani, che si sono presi
l'anno scorso la bellezza dei 64% del capitale mondiale.
E' interessante notare che tra il 1992 ed il 1997 la
loro percentuale era del "solo" 35%.

(Ringraziamo Olga per le segnalazioni, per le traduzioni, e per il suo
commento riportato in fondo)


"Le Monde diplomatique", avgust 2001.


Nekoliko dana nakon sto je bivsi predsednik Slobodan
Milosevic avionom Nato pakta izrucen ili, da budemo precizniji,
trampljen za ekonomsku pomoc, predsednik Dj. Bus je za
direktora Biroa za demokratiju, prava coveka i medjunarodne
operacije (Office for democracy, human rights and international
operations) postavio Eliota Ebramsa (Elliot Abrams).
Nije bas apsolutno jasno da se ovaj dogadjaj koga su veliki mediji
odvec olako precutali, zapravo podudara sa novom erom
univerzalnog prava, morala i nezne osecajnosti o kojima nam trucaju
cirkusari Internacionalnog Krivicnog Tribunala (TPI).

Prava? Eliot Ebrams, zamenik sekretara stejtdepartmenta za
Reganovog predsednikovanja, priznao je 1991. da je pod
zakletvom obmanuo Kongres SAD lazirajuci informacije o
-bespravnoj- podrsci americke vlade kontrasima i njihovoj borbi
protiv vlade Nikaragve. Ta podrska veoma desnicarski nastrojenoj
gerili, finansirana je delom iz prodaje oruzja Iranu, zemlji pod
americkim embargom, i tako je izigran Kongres. Ilegalna prodaja i
laziranje, zataskani su osudom nekolicine saradnika. Medju njima
nasao se i E. Ebrams, koga ce 1992. pomilovati Dj. Bus, otac
sadasnjeg predsednika.

Morala? Direktor americkog Biroa za prava coveka osamdesetih
godina bio je mozak americke politike, ubilacke za Centralnu
Ameriku. Njegova specijalnost? Negiranje pokolja. (1) Recimo
onog iz 1982. kada je pobijeno 767 stanovnika
El Mosetea (El Mozete) u Salvadoru. Ubice su pripadnici poluvojne
skupine koju su amerikanci skolovali u okviru borbe protiv
komunizma. Za g.dina Abramsa ta je borba takva svetinja da njeni
protivnici nisu nista drugo do "zmije otrovnice".

Kada smo februara 1995. u Hadsonovom Institutu, jezgru
konzervativne struje, sreli ovog deklarisanog pristsu izraelske
desnice, smatrao je da Palestinci nemaju "pravo na drzavu". Plasio
se eventualne intervencije predsednika Klintona protiv Iraka "zbog
toga sto ne verujem da ce smoci dovoljno cvrstine da je
okonca". Zalagao se za ukidanje programa pomoci ugrozenim
etnickim zajednicama u SAD: "To je donekle zato sto sam Jevrejin.
Na jevrejsku zajednicu otpada 30% mesta na Harvardu,
iako predstavljasamo samo 2% stanovnistva. Zapravo, svi ti
programi zdrave diskriminacije samo zaostravaju odnose medju

Prava coveka su zaista u sigurnim rukama sa Ebramsom. Nema sta!

autor: S. H.

(1) Citaoca upucujemo da procita clanak: "Elliot Abrams: It's back!",
The Nation, New York, 2 julliet 2001, kao i na autora: Marc Danner,
The Massacre at El Mozete, Vintage Books-Random House, New York, 1994.


"Le Monde diplomatique"
-septembar 2001.-


Smenjuju se nalik jedna drugoj privredne vesti
potvrdjujuci da izvesne analize i predvidjanja nisu bas uvek bile
nehotice promasene. Primerice, na ime ocekivanih suficita i raznih
fiskalnih doprinosa, bogatasima je efektivno smanjen porez u SAD
(1). No, kako su se predvidjeni suficiti izjalovili usled
usporenog privrednog rasta, sada pripremaju kresanje socijalnih
izdvajanja. U nadi da time poravnaju budzet poljuljan velikodusnom
fiskalnom politikom, koja bi opravdano mogla biti ocenjena kao
nepromisljena, da nije tako vesto vodjena do cilja.

Politika ulaganja stranog kapitala je takodje vesto vodjena. Dok
slusa neke zapadne drzavnike, covek ponekad zamislja da
liberalizacija trzista kapitala nije imala drugog cilja osim da im
omoguci da kapitalom natope zemlje treceg sveta i podare
im blagostanje i srecu. Medjunarodni monetarni fond, medjutim,
upravo ovih dana otkriva identitet ugrozene zemlje u koju
se slivala svekolika finansiska pomoc sveta. U 2000 godini prema
izvestaju MMF-a, "64% neto stranog kapitala otislo je Sjedinjenim
Americkim Drzavama. Poredjenja radi, podatak za 1999. glasi 60% a
za period od 1992. do 1997. 35% (2)" Semanticki vrlo nadahnuto,
sto mu inace nije uobicajeno, Medjunarodni monetarni fond kaze da
je to "lavovski deo"

Naravoucenije : Svakom se moze dogoditi da pogresi, ali i u slucaju
greske, najbolje je biti bogat i Amerikanac.

Serz Alimi

(1) Smanjenje po stopi od 38% za dobrobit samo 1% najbogatijih
poreskih obveznika.

(2) Bilten MMF, Vasington, 6. avgusta 2001.


Napomena: Beogradska "Politika" objavljuje Le Monde
diplomatique kao svoj mesecni dodatak na srpskom i moze
se dobiti u pretplati ili kupiti na kiosku. To, nazalost, ne
znaci da se beogradska "Politika" danas bori na strani protivnika
novog svetskog poretka. Naprotiv, listajuci njene stranice stice
se utisak da da je gotovo u potpunosti izgubila kompas. Ili
postala "skutonosa", kako slikovito kaze Serz Alimi u avgustovskom
dodatku u svojoj analizi pod naslovom "Sloboda, cenzura i novac".

Olga J.


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Dichiarazione del presidente Milosevic sulla illegalita'
del Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia, della quale e' stata impedita
la lettura pubblica durante l'udienza del 30 agosto:
la versione in inglese in fondo a questo messaggio.

English text at the bottom



sa pojavljivanja predsednika Slobodana Milosevica

pred "Haskim tribunalom", 30. avgusta 2001. godine
u Hagu


Gospodine Milosevicu, postoje li kakva pitanja koja biste vi zeleli
izneti u vezi sa vasim slucajem ili u vezi sa vasim psihickim i
fizickim stanjem? Vi ste upoznati sa pravilnikom koji ne dopusta
nikakve govore u ovom trenutku. Vi cete imati priliku za to,
odnosno priliku da se branite kada za to dodje vreme, no, ukoliko
postoje neka pitanja koja zelite izneti u vezi sa vasim slucajem,
prilika je da to ucinite.


Kao prvo, zeleo bih da znam da li cu moci da govorim ili cete
iskljuciti mikrofon kao sto ste to ucinili poslednji put?


Gospodine Milosevicu, ukoliko budete postovali pravila imacete
mogucnosti da govorite, ako se budete drzali relevantnih pitanja
imacete mogucnosti da govorite.


Da, to bi bilo moje sledece pitanje. Ja bih hteo da kazem da je to
ilegalan sud.


Vi ste vec izneli prigovor po tom pitanju. Da li vi sada trazite da
vam se odobri mogucnost da se Vecu obratite usmeno u vezi s tim


Za usmeno izlaganje trebace mi 40 minuta. Posto mi to ne
dozvoljavate, ja cu to izneti u pisanom obliku. Moji saradnici ce to
izneti u stampi ukoliko vi meni ne dozvolite da to javno sada


Ukoliko vi to ucinite u pisanom obliku to ce biti objavljeno kada za
to dodje vreme. Ako vec sada to imate napisano onda ce biti
daleko prikladnije da se to obradi na taj nacin.


Da, u redu! Ali potrebno je da razgovaramo kao civilizovane
osobe. Ne na nacin da mi iskljucujete mikrofone, ili da se koristi
bilo kakva sila. Potrebno je da se razumemo kada je rec o tome sta
je moguce, a sto nije. Dakle, kad ne dopustate usmeno, ja cu to
predati vama u pisanom obliku.


U redu.


Ako dozvolite, jos bih komentarisao ono sto sam sada upravo cuo.
Cuo sam, naime, nesto vrlo zanimljivo, sto dokazuje ono sto su
vec rekli pre 3. jula u ovoj istoj prostoriji. Naime, da se radi o
jednoj laznoj optuznici. Ja sam optuzen 26. maja, 60-tog dana
NATO-ve agresije protiv Jugoslavije, dok sam ja branio svoju
zemlju. Dakle, dve i po godine su protekle od tog datuma, i mi smo
upravo sada culi da oni koji tuze nemaju dokaze, da oni ne mogu
dovrsiti svoju optuznicu. Dve i po godine je vrlo dugo vreme cak i
za kompletiranje jedne lazne optuznice, a ono sto smo mi upravo
culi je dokaz za to. Naravno, uzimajuci u obzir cinjenicu da ja ne
priznajem ovaj tribunal i da imam vrlo jasno misljenje koje
dokazuju pravne cinjenice, misljenje, naime, da je ovaj tribunal
nelegalan, ja ne vidim zasto bih se ja sada branio pred laznim
sudom na temelju jedne lazne optuznice. Dakle, to je jos jedno
objasnjenje koje sam zeleo da iznesem.

Ako mi dozvolite ja bih sada vama postavio neka pitanja koja se
ticu mojeg polozaja u jednom protivpravnom pritvoru.


Ne mozete postavljati pitanja. No, ukoliko zelite izneti nesto u
vezi sa tim, vi to mozete uciniti.


Po nalogu ove nelegalne institucije, ja sam u potpunoj izolaciji.
Moje pitanje s tim u vezi je zasto sam ja izolovan od svoje
porodice, zasto me moja porodica ne moze posetiti na isti nacin
kako to cine porodice drugih koji imaju tu mogucnost? Zasto se
prate posete moje porodice, zasto prisluskujete razgovore koje ja
vodim cak i sa mojim unukom koji je star samo dve i po godine?!
Zasto? Zasto cinite sve to? Zasto na tako grub nacin krsite moja
prava? Zasto sam izolovan od osoba koje bi zelele da me posete i
sa kojima imam potrebu da razgovaram, s kojima zelim da
razgovaram o raznoraznim pravnim aspektima mog polozaja u
ovom ilegalnom pritvoru.


Da zastanemo na trenutak. Pravila koja se ticu pritvora potpadaju
pod nadleznost sekretara Medjunarodnog suda. Ukoliko se
primenjuju na vas na nacin razlicit od drugih pritvorenika, mi cemo
se o tome raspitati. Samo trenutak.

Poteskoca koja se vezuje za advokate je sledeca. Vi, naime, jos
uvek niste odabrali odnosno imenovali advokata. A, pravila
dozvoljavaju samo posete od strane imenovanih advokata. Ja sada
zelim znati da li je vas stav da se vi zelite braniti sami, da ne
zelite da vam se imenuje advokat, ali zelite imati pristup pravnim
savetnicima. Da li bi to bio adekvatan rezime vaseg stava?


Jasno je da ja imam pravo na kontakt sa razlicitim strucnjacima u
vezi sa razlicitim aspektima mog polozaja u protivpravnom
pritvoru. Osim toga, ja imam pravo kontakta sa advokatima koji se
bave mojim privatnim stvarima u Jugoslaviji. Isto tako imam pravo
na kontakt sa advokatima koji su angazovani u nekim
medjunarodnim organizacijama koje me podrzavaju. Ja imam pravo
na komuniciranje s tim ljudima, ne razumem kako to moze da se
primenjuje na diskriminatoran nacin. Koliko ja shvatam, pravni
sistem se zasniva na nepostojanju bilo kakve diskriminacije, a ja
sam diskriminisan od prvog dana od kada sam ovde.


Problem, gospodine Milosevicu, lezi u cinjenici da vi niste
imenovali advokata. Nase osoblje mora postovati pravila. Osoba
koja ima pravo na pravne posete je vas imenovani advokat. Ali vi
ste izneli dve stvari u vezi s kojima zelite primiti savet. Dakle, vi
zelite savet u vezi sa vasim polozajem ovde u ovom postupku, isto
tako, kada je rec o vasim stvarima, o vasim poslovima u
Jugoslaviji. Je li tako?


Naravno, to je tako. I ja imam jos na umu citav niz drugih stvari u
vezi s kojima zelim da razgovaram sa osobama koje zele da me
posete i koje zele da sa mnom kontaktiraju.


Na prvom Vecu cu se o tome raspitati I obavestiti vas. I to cemo
uzeti u obzir.


Trece pitanje je zasto sam ja izolovan od stampe?! Zasto mi se ne
dozvoljava nikakav kontakt? Vi me drzite u izolaciji, ja nemam
pravo na bilo kakav kontakt sa medijima. Cak ni telefonom koji mi
je za sada jedini na raspolaganju. Ovde su neki predstavnici
stampe i medija koji bi zeleli da znaju istinu. Ja mislim da niko ne
treba da se boji istine. S jedne strane, postoji citava ta masinerija
koju vi predstavljate, sve te tajne sluzbe, vojne organizacije, na
mojoj strani je jedino - istina. Ukoliko vi mene izolujete, ukoliko
mi onemogucavate kontakt sa stampom, onda je jasno da se ovde
radi o diskriminaciji. Vi cak ne mozete, na bilo koji nacin, da
nekoga uverite, da pravilno postupate u vezi sa postupkom koji
imate na umu.

I jos da vas podsetim, ja ne priznajem ovaj Medjunarodni tribunal,
smatram ga potpuno protivpravnim i nelegalnim. Sva ta pitanja
koja se ticu advokata i pravnog zastupanja su sasvim izlisna. Ja
sam video u stampi.


Gospodine Milosevicu, moramo ovde uneti reda. Samo trenutak.
Prvo, ono sto ste pokrenuli. Pitanje koje ste pokrenuli. Prema
pravilima pritvorske jedinice, ne postiji nikakav kontakt sa
medijima. Ta pravila se ne ticu samo vas. Ne radi se ni o kakvoj
diskriminaciji. Ta se pravila primenjuju na sve optuzenike koji su u
pritvoru. Sto se tice cinjenice da vi ne priznajete Medjunarodni
tribunal, mi smo to culi, i nema nikakve potrebe da se to ponavlja.
Postoji li jos nesto sto zelite izneti?


Koliko sam ja shvatio, oni se bave tim pitanjem protivzakonitosti
suda, nelegalnosti, dakle, to je pitanje nadleznosti. Svakom
advokatu na ovom svetu je jasno da se pitanje nadleznosti moze
pokrenuti pred svakom pravnom institucijom. Medjutim, vi niste
pravna institucija, vi ste politicko sredstvo.


Gospodine Milosevicu, mi necemo sada slusati ove politicke
argumente. Vi mozete da podnesete podnesak o nadleznosti, mi
cemo taj podnesak i razmotriti. Mi cemo podnesak razmotriti.

U redu, rasprava je zavrsena. A nastavicemo u ponedeljak 29.

Molimo ustanite.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


What follows is the statement that president Milosevic was
not allowed to read when he appeared, August 30, before the
"tribunal" in the Hague.




There are three fatal legal flaws in the so called International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Each has disastrous
consequences for the human quest for peace, the rule of law,
democracy, truth and justice.


The U.N. Security Council has seized power it does not possess,
corrupting the Charter of the United Nations, placing itself above
the law and threatening "We Peoples of the United Nations" with
a lawless future in which a superpower employs the scourge of
war to have its way. Nothing in the history of the planning,
drafting, discussion, approval or ratifications of the U.N. Charter
implies, or is consistent with an intention to empower any body
created by, or under, the Charter to establish any criminal tribunal.
The words of the Charter and their textual inferences, the
structure and allocation of power and duties, including those in the
incorporated Statute for the International Court of Justice, all
negate the existence of any capacity under the Charter to ordain
criminal courts. The Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia is
illegitimate and its creation a corruption of the United Nations.

There would never have been a United Nations if its Charter
stated, or implied, that a criminal court could be created under its
authority. No one who believes in historical truth, or that words
have meaning can, after examining the history of its creation and
its text, contend that the Charter of the United Nations empowers
the Security Council to create a criminal court.

An International Criminal Court Can Be Created

Only By A Multinational Treaty, Or

Amendment To The Charter Of The United Nations

The national representatives ho have served on the Security
Council and in the General Assembly and the scholars, lawyers
and experts who have labored for more than thirty years to bring
into being an international criminal court have recognized that the
only lawful and binding way such a court can be created is by an
agreement among nations through a treaty agreed upon for that
purpose, or by amending the Charter of the United Nations under
its strict provisions regulating amendments to authorize, or
establish a court.

When an International Criminal Court was finally agreed upon in
July 1998 by 120 nations meeting in Rome, it was by treaty which
had been studied, drafted and debated for years. The United
States, the most powerful participant in that long process,
consistently sought to weaken the treaty to exempt U.S. leaders
and military personnel from prosecution before it. Having failed
the U.S. was then the most prominent and powerful of the handful
of nations that refused to sign. As of August 1, 2001 37 nations,
the Netherlands the most recent, had ratified the treaty.

The United States is vigorously trying to persuade, coerce, or
bribe nations not to ratify.

Creation Of The International Criminal Tribunal

For The Former Yugoslavia Was A Lawless Act Of

Political Expediency By The United States Designed

To Demonize And Destroy An Enemy And Frustrate

Creation Of A Legitimate International Criminal Tribunal

At the insistence of the U.S. the Security Council nearly fifty
years after it came into being forged a new and powerful weapon
capable of demonizing a nation and its people and depriving
individuals of their liberty for the rest of their lives and placed it
largely in the hands of the United States. The principal precedents
for such pseudo judicial actions over several millennia preceding
the creation of the U.N. are trials of leaders and soldiers of
vanquished populations by the victors in war, and courts used by
colonial powers to control and punish subjugated peoples. The
precedents are many and the violence and cruelty and hatred they
usually exposed and caused was extreme.

Unless It is Limited By The U.N. Charter And

International Law, The Security Council Can Do

Whatever It Chooses To Do

If it is not restrained by the United Nations Charter, the Security
Council can commit any act it desires disregarding all law. Early
proponents of United States world power claimed such unbridled
discretion for the Security Council publicly. Thus in 1950 John
Foster Dullas wrote:

"The Security Council is not a body that

merely enforces agreed law. It is a law unto

itself... No principles of law are laid down

to guide it, it can decide in accordance with

what it thinks is expedient."

If unchallenged, this concept of Security Council power means
that the most powerful international organ created by the Charter
of the United Nations "to end the scourge of war" is above all law,
domestic and international.

But absolute discretion is the very definition of lawlessness and
has been called "more destructive of freedom than any other of
man's inventions," by U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O.
Douglas. All rights of all nations, races, religions, cultures,
political parties and individuals are thereby subordinated to the
will of the Security Council, and the single superpower that too
often will dominate it. All but fifteen nations are excluded from
Security Council counsels. Each of the five permanent members
can veto its actions.

The Security Council is subject to domination by a single nation.
The representative of each member votes as instructed by the
national government that appoints him and to serve the interests
of that government, not as an international statesman serving all
peoples and the purposes for which the U.N. was created. The
Security Council is inaccessible, anonymous and less responsive
to democratic processes than any other international political


The illegitimate Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia corrupts
justice and law because it is incapable of acting equally among
nations, or within the politically targeted nation. It will increase
violence, division and the risk of war with neighboring nations and
peoples and within Yugoslavia among the segments of the society
the U.S. policy of balkanization of Former Yugoslavia has set
against each other and against the new government the U.S. has
installed for its own purposes. If the United Nations Charter had
authorized the Security Council to create criminal courts, it could
not create a court for one nation, or episode for political purposes,
to persecute selected groups, or persons and such a court is
incapable of equal justice under law. An ad hoc court violates the
most basic principles of all law. Equality is the mother of justice.
An international court established to prosecute acts in a single
nation and primarily, if not entirely, one limited group is pre
programmed to persecute incapable of equality.

If the Security Council can create a criminal court to prosecute
conduct in a single country like Yugoslavia, it can appoint a court
for any country, selecting enemies or political and economic
opportunities for targeting one at a time, while never exposing
itself, or those who comply with its wishes to such selective
prosecution. If the U.S., or any ally or client state it chose to
protect was the subject of a serious effort by the Security Council
to be honored with a criminal tribunal in its own name, the U.S.
would veto the threatened action.

A Court created only for crimes in one country is by definition
discriminatory, incapable of equal justice, a weapon against
chosen enemies, or antagonistic interests and war by other
means. If there is to be any international criminal court, it must
act equally as to all nations with none above the law. The ad hoc
tribunal for a single nation corrupts international law.

By its very nature, the ad hoc Tribunal can be created only after
the conduct the Security Council decides justifies creation of the
Court since there is no other excuse for its creation. It is in every
case ex post facto. This violates an ancient principle of law. It
also requires the Security Council, if there is to be a rational basis
for its action, to make some preliminary claim to finding of facts, a
task such a political body is not designed for, that inherently
incriminates a country, or faction by placing the imprimatur of the
Security Council of the United Nations on a political decision of
fact necessary to justify creation of the Tribunal. The very charge
of the Security Council - genocide, crimes against peace, war
crimes, or crimes against humanity demonized any person
thereafter accused.

The Selection Of A Nation For Prosecution

On Political Findings Of Genocide, War Crimes

And Crimes Against Humanity Creates

A Compulsion to Convict.

Investigators, prosecutors and administrative personnel who join
a temporary Tribunal to pursue allegations of humanities greatest
crimes against a people and leaders already demonized will feel
they have failed if there are not convictions. The very psychology
of the enterprise is persecutorial. Few judges appointed to serve
on a Tribunal created under such circumstances will feel free to
acquit any but the most marginal, or clearly mistaken, accused, or
to create an appearance of objectivity.

Powers That Create Ad Hoc International Criminal

Tribunals Divert Attention From Their Own

Offenses, Or Failures, Or Those Of Allies And

Their Political Surrogates While Continuing

To Inflect And Threaten Mass Destruction With Impunity.

The ad hoc Tribunal which targets a country is incapable of
prosecuting what may be greater crimes committed in the same
conflict, by a power, coalition ally or political agents that was and
remains a much greater source of violence and threat to peace.
Most often the power which forced the creation of the target
tribunal to further damage and demonize their enemy is shielded
from criticism by the avalanche of propaganda against the
accused supported by the appearance of United Nations neutrality
and peace making efforts.

What court will consider the criminality of aerial bombardment by
U.S. aircraft of defenseless civilians, their housing, water
systems, power plants, factories, office buildings, schools,
hospitals, which take thousands of lives directly and causes
billions of dollars of property damages in Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad
and scores of other cities, towns and villages? What threat to
peace continues from the U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy?

Who will be held accountable for the devastation of Pristina by
NATO planes, or the attacks on refugee columns in Kosovo and
Metohia? Is the U.S. use of cluster bombs exploding razor sharp
metal fragments over an area as large as a soccer field in the
courtyard at the hospital in Nis no crime? Will the Security
Council act to prevent and punish the use of depleted uranium by
the U.S. which is as indiscriminate in its radiation as the air, the
water, the soil and food hain it touches and contaminates for
millions of years?

International law accepts bombing of defenseless civilian
populations by a militarily advanced technology that can destroy a
country without even setting foot on its soil because supper
power controls international prosecutions and determines
violations. The dominant element in modern military power is
mass destruction. Victors are nations with the greatest capacity
for mass destruction. This places civilian populations at maximum
peril infrastructure supporting civilian life, buildings, water, power,
transportation, communication, food production, storage and
distribution, health care, schools, churches, mosques,
synagogues, foreign embassies were the direct object of U.S.
aerial and missile attacks. Several thousands of civilians were
killed directly and many more indirectly. The U.S. claims it had
159 casualties, a third from friendly fire, none from combat.

In 1998, the U.S. directed 21 Tomahawk Cruise missiles from
international waters to destroy the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant
in Khartoum, Sudan which provided more than half the medicines
available for a people who are very poor and have been unable to
replace that supply. The U.S. continues to support insurrection in
the South of Sudan and threaten Sudan with prosecution in an ad
hoc international criminal tribunal.

NATO does not claim it prevented violence within Kosovo and
Metohia among the Serbian, ethnic Albanian and other peoples. In
fact, NATO accelerated that violence. It bombed Serbia for 79
days targeting civilians and citizens destroying billions of dollars
worth of civilian facilities, using illegal weapons including cluster
bombs, destroying the civilian Serbian TV and radio buildings. It
bombed Kosovo and Metohia heaviest of all, destroying most of
Pristina, killing thousands of Albanians, Muslims, Serbs, Romany,
Turks and others, and causing hundreds of thousands of people to
flee from Kosovo and Metohia. Damage to the Yugoslavia military
was negligible. In the summer of 2001 the U.S. continues to use
cluster bombs in northern and southern Iraq which it attacks on
most days.

And in 1999 when the U.S. and NATO countries came into
Kosovo and Metohia, as a "security force", they refused to
intervene on the ground to protect people who were endangered in
the province.

There will be no remedy or relief for Serbian victims of atrocities,
some 500.000 purged by Croatia with the approval, if not on
instructions of the U.S., forever from their homes in Krajina, the
more than 330.000 permanently purged from Kosovo and Metohia
since the cease fire in 1999, or for the thousands of Serbs,
Romany and others killed by the U.S. and NATO bombing
assaults, or by the U.S.-supported terrorist organization, the so
called KLA, before, during and after the assaults. The
Macedonians killed, injured and driven from their homes by U.S.
condoned if not instigated KLA aggressions which threaten civil
war in Macedonia and general war in the Balkans will not lead the
Security Council to create a Court to prosecute the perpetrators.

Major Powers Are Not Accountable For Their

Actions Which Cause War, Insurrection

And Violence Within Targeted Countries.

There will be no accountability by the U.S., Germany and other
nations whose acts and pressures forced the break-up of
Yugoslavia, stripping Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia and
attempted stripping of parts of Serbia like Kosovo and Metohia.

The U.S. and several European nations have balkanized the region
in the most artificial and forced apartheid the Balkans, or any
other part of the world has ever known. Their acts have made
peace, stability and prosperity impossible. Economic viability of
small fragmented parts depends on foreign economic interests
intended to dominate and exploit the region. The new apartheid
leads to U.S. planned conflicts between the western Catholic
Croatians and the eastern Orthodox Serbs, creating conflict and a
wall between western and eastern Europe. More dangerous, it
sets the stage for violence, encouraging international conflicts
between Slavic peoples and Muslims to decimate and debilitate
the obstacles to the U.S. world order. Kosovo and Metohia, as a
part of Serbia, and Macedonia are current examples in a long list
of tragic and avoidable violence between Muslims and Slavs,
which has occurred to different extents in Afghanistan, Dagestan,
Chechnya, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan and Bosnia.

A Federal Republic Of Balkan States Long

Set Against Each Other By Foreign Powers

Was Formed To Established Peace, Cooperation

And Prosperity.

The idea of Yugoslavia, a Balkan federation to heal divisions and
provide a better chance for living together in peace and prosperity,
was seen as important in the years after World War I as a means
to peace. While the idea floundered between the two worst wars
in history, it worked with remarkable success after World War II
in which it was ravaged, but unconquered. An independent and
unified Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was a long term
successful solution for south Slavic peoples. It was a bulwark of
the Non Aligned Movement. With the collapse of the Soviet and
Eastern bloc economy it was the remaining socialist government
threatening capitalist control of Europe. With its mixed market
economy it offered an example to former Eastern bloc countries
for revival of their economic and political independence. With a
successful, functioning Federal Republic of Yugoslavia there was
living proof history had not ended, that more than one economic
system was possible.

After the collapse of the Eastern bloc economy a greater Balkan
federation a south eastern European Union was seen by many in
the region as the means to prevent economic exploitation, avoid
violence and develop a strong and independent political, social and
economic region.

Foreign capital and the geopolitical interests of the U.S.
considered this a dangerous obstacle to their plans for the new
world order, globalization, new colonialism.

The United States Having Demonized

Yugoslavia Attacks It With Impunity

And Persecutes Its Leadership.

The U.S. mercilessly bombed Yugoslavia for 79 day. It tried to
assassinate me by bombing my home, offices and other places,
where it believed I might be. It attempted to kill Libya's head of
State Muammar Qaddafi in its 1986 raid on Tripoli and Iraqi
president Saddam Hussein on numerous occasions beginning in
1991, including its 1993 cruise missile attack on the Al Rashid in
Baghdad at a time it believed he would be there meeting
international Islamic leaders.

Through economic sanctions, the most extreme and overt form of
forced impoverishment and economic assault, the U.S. has
coerced the Security Council into complicity in the longest
deadliest and cruelest genocide of the last decade, the sanctions
against its enemy Iraq which have killed at least 2 million people,
the majority children. The United States has forced economic
sanctions against Yugoslavia, severely damaging its civilian
economy and eroding its will to independence.

Can a criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia which ignores pervasive
violence by the U.S. and diverts public awareness from United
States conduct and legitimatizes by silent acceptance aerial and
missile assaults on civilians and illegal weapons use against one
country after another, making its repetition expected before it
occurs, contribute to the hope for the rule of law, justice or peace?

The United States, itself, immune from control, or prosecution and
above the law, uses its power to cause the persecution of
enemies it selects to terrorize and further demonize. It
manufactures and sells arms to chosen nations, to groups seeking
to overthrow governments it opposes, uses illegal weapons
against defenseless people with impunity, continues to
consolidate and expand its near monopoly of nuclear weapons and
sophisticated rocketry, spends trillion on unilateral protection
from Star Wars assuring a continued arms race while poverty
overwhelms billions, hunger cripples millions, starvation takes
hundreds of thousands of lives and AIDS spreads among poor

It cripples international environmental protection, undermines
control of nuclear weapons by threatening to withdraw from long
standing protections of the ABM and Non Proliferation treaties. It
refuses to ratify treaties to protect life from land mines which it
continues to manufacture, sell and deploy. It threatens to
undermine a treaty controlling biological and chemical warfare.
And the United States regularly engages in covert operations and
violent military interventions in other nations in violation of their
sovereignty and law.

The so called ICTY is not just another arrow in the arsenal of the
United States with which it persecutes and demonizes enemies
and corrupts international law. The ICTY celebrates inequality in
the rule of law using criminal sanctions to destroy selected
leaders and governments.

It is poisonous arrow destructive of the foundations of peace
among independent nations of equal rights and dignity.


Such an ad hoc Tribunal has a temporary and limited purpose
without helpful precedent, common tradition or relevant
experience. It lacks power to enforce orders, or compel the
disclosure of evidence and presence of witnesses, particularly for
the defense.

It is not capable of finding facts fairly, or defining and applying
legal principles equally. It cannot do justice.

The statutory mandate for the ICTY makes it hostile to concern
for the rights of those accused before it, because it is told the
crimes charged have occurred and the accused have been

The right to assistance of counsel, so firmly established in
international law, has been denied and frustrated by the Tribunal
even in its most prominent cases. The Registry denied to me the
right to consult with lawyers of my choice on legal matters for
several weeks after my arraignment.

The Registrar wrote that for the one attorney who visited me
during that time and for only two hours, it would have been
''inappropriate'' to discuss the case because the conversation
was monitored and confidences would be violated. Lawyers from
Yugoslavia I ask to consult, with one exception, a monitored two
hours visit, were still denied approval and visas to enter the
Netherlands seven weeks after my arraignment.

Instead I was held in solitary confinement. I was able to visit my
wife only after more than two weeks imprisonment and then only
through sound proof glass using monitored telephones. She was
prohibited from speaking with the press and kept isolated from all
public contacts while in the Netherlands, a virtual prisoner in her
hotel room, except as she traveled between the airport, the prison
and the hotel.

The Ad Hoc Tribunal Is Intended To Demonize

And Destroy, Not To Fairly Determine Facts,

Protect Rights Of The Accessed, And Apply

Legal Principles Equally.

Unfair phenomena is inherent in the purpose and the nature of
temporary ad hoc tribunal, struggling without personnel who are
part of a legal tradition, far removed from the place the accused
came from and the events occurred where the court is charged by
its creator not to presume innocence, but that terrible crimes have
occurred and the accused are from the group that committed them.
They do this to protect thr real criminals, the NATO leaders who
killed thousands of innocent people in NATO's criminal

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Such an ad hoc Tribunal has a temporary and limited purpose
without helpful precedent, common tradition or relevant
experience. It lacks power to enforce orders, or compel the
disclosure of evidence and presence of witnesses, particularly for
the defense.

It is not capable of finding facts fairly, or defining and applying
legal principles equally. It cannot do justice.

The statutory mandate for the ICTY makes it hostile to concern
for the rights of those accused before it, because it is told the
crimes charged have occurred and the accused have been

The right to assistance of counsel, so firmly established in
international law, has been denied and frustrated by the Tribunal
even in its most prominent cases. The Registry denied to me the
right to consult with lawyers of my choice on legal matters for
several weeks after my arraignment.

The Registrar wrote that for the one attorney who visited me
during that time and for only two hours, it would have been
''inappropriate'' to discuss the case because the conversation
was monitored and confidences would be violated. Lawyers from
Yugoslavia I ask to consult, with one exception, a monitored two
hours visit, were still denied approval and visas to enter the
Netherlands seven weeks after my arraignment.

Instead I was held in solitary confinement. I was able to visit my
wife only after more than two weeks imprisonment and then only
through sound proof glass using monitored telephones. She was
prohibited from speaking with the press and kept isolated from all
public contacts while in the Netherlands, a virtual prisoner in her
hotel room, except as she traveled between the airport, the prison
and the hotel.

The Ad Hoc Tribunal Is Intended To Demonize

And Destroy, Not To Fairly Determine Facts,

Protect Rights Of The Accessed, And Apply

Legal Principles Equally.

Unfair phenomena is inherent in the purpose and the nature of
temporary ad hoc tribunal, struggling without personnel who are
part of a legal tradition, far removed from the place the accused
came from and the events occurred where the court is charged by
its creator not to presume innocence, but that terrible crimes have
occurred and the accused are from the group that committed them.
They do this to protect thr real criminals, the NATO leaders who
killed thousands of innocent people in NATO's criminal

Truth Is Beyond The Reach And The Purpose Of

The Ad Hoc Tribunal Which Is Intended To

Punish, Destroy And Divide.

It has been impossible in all cases before powerless ad hoc
Tribunals for the accused to obtain needed evidence and
witnesses for their defense. The ICTY has been unable to obtain
custody of many accused in the former Yugoslavia and has
resorted to, or condoned, improper and illegal means to pressure
their surrender.

Ad Hoc Tribunal Terrorize And Punish Those In Yugoslavia
Who Dared To

Oppose NATO Aggression And To React To Criminal Acts Of
Terrorists Who Were

Killing Serbs, Albanians, Muslims, Turks etc.

In Yugoslavia, the U.S. in violation of international and domestic
laws of both Yugoslavia and the U.S., has installed a government
of its choice in the Republic of Serbia and ousted President
Milosevic for the presidency of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia by bombing, economic coercion including sanctions,
physical threats, covert operations and corruption of the electoral

The U.S. Creates Client Governments By

Forcing Elections, Using Millions Of Dollars

to Purchase Unity For Its Candidate , Then

Finance A Campaign That Buys Votes And

Corrupts Democracy.

The U.S. injected more than $ 100.000.000 (US) to defeat the
Government of Peoples Unity that was in power until October,

The U.S. has intervened in many foreign elections and often
installed governments subservient to its interests by that means.

The creation of an ad hoc international criminal tribunal with
threats and indictments of the leadership of the government it
seeks to remove is an additional devastating assault on the
democratic process and the government targeted for destruction.

My Abduction and Surrender To The

ICTY By A U.S. Installed Serbian Government

Was Done In Violation Of The Constitutions Of The

Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia, The Republic

Of Serbia, The Statute Creating The ICTY

While The Federal Constitutional Court Of

Yugoslavia Reviewed The Request For Surrender

For A Bribe Of, Supposedly, 1.3 Billion Dollars.

The U.S.-installed government of Serbia abducted and
surrendered me in violation of the Constitutions of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia and its Laws
while the request for surrender was under review by the
Constitutional Court of Yugoslavia, which had forbiden any act
related to surrender until the Court's final decision. That was also
a violation of the U.N. Security Council Resolution creating the
Tribunal which provides that surrender shall be accomplished in
accordance with the domestic laws of the nation requested to
make the surrender. The United States threatened to block $1.3
billion (U.S.) in international loans and aid for Yugoslavia unless
the surrender was accomplished by a date it set. Such conduct
and the participation and acceptance of it reveals contempt for the
rule of law by the Tribunal, the new government of Serbia, or the
United Nations.

The illegal seizure of an individual and his delivery to isolation in
the prison of an illegal international criminal tribunal in a distant
nation threatens the freedom of everyone. For the United Nations
to engage in, or accept, international kidnapping of political
leaders tells that world the old ways of violence, deceit and
coercion are its ways. Those ways will be met in the only way
they can be met, by the same means.

The New U.S. Installed Government Of Serbia

Is Using Its Police Power To Crush Political

Opposition In Serbia.

The current government of Serbia is engaged in crushing and
demonizing its domestic political opposition. The regime will
surrender accused persons to the ICTY in violation of its own
laws as it surrendered me in order to destroy political opposition
at home and receive payments of money and support from abroad
for the ruling politicians. It acts to frustrate any support or
investigation for my defense, even attempting to ban entry and
deport Ramsey Clark when he flew to Belgrade in June to discuss
my political persecution. In the hope of eliminating rival domestic
political power, it put hundreds of people in detention on purely
political grunds.

That government may fabricate evidence, destroy evidence and
control and coerce witnesses to assist in convictions by the
ICTY, and it will seek to frustrate defense efforts to obtain
documents, other evidence, and witnesses in Yugoslavia needed
for the defense in the Hague.

The People Of Serbia And Yugoslavia Risk A

Tragic Future From The External Manipulation

And Control Of Their Governments.

The new government of Serbia is a puppet for the United States. If
there is any expectation a U.S. supported government might be
better for the people of Serbia, or Yugoslavia, ask Iranians if they
believe they fared better under the Shah of Iran, enthroned in 1953
by the U.S. for 25 years, than they would have under
democratically elected President Mossadegh and elected
successors. Was a long line of military governments which
brutally repressed the people of Guatemala for decades better for
the people than democratically elected President Arbenz who was
removed by United States forces in 1954. Was Mobutu, who for
four decades brutalized, bankrupted and corrupted the country,
better for the people than democratically elected Patrice
Lumumba assassinated with U.S. complicity in 1960? Did General
Pinochet better serve democracy, human rights and the welfare of
the people for decades than the democratically elected Salvador
Allende murdered in a U.S. supported golpe in Chile in 1973? It
would be difficult to find four greater national tragedies in the last
fifty years, all brought about by the United States determination to
control those regions.

Ask the people of the several score other countries who have
lived under U.S. supported tyrannies, "our SOB's" as FDR called
Somoza in Nicaragua, how they benefited. An ad hoc criminal
tribunal created to crush the leadership of the opposition to a U.S.
installed government cannot bring peace, reconciliation, protect
human rights, or enable a people to live and prosper together. It
will create fear, hatred, division and violence.

Consider the peoples of the poorest countries of the world during
these last decades obediently struggling to repay loans for
projects and purposes they did not choose and that never
benefited them while their own citizens die from hunger and
preventable illnesses. Consider the economies of eastern Europe,
or of the former Yugoslav republics and ask why per capita
income is often less than half, sometimes less than 25% what it
was just twelve years ago. Ad hoc criminal tribunals will prolong
the suffering in poor countries by supporting governments that will
maintain foreign domination that seeks benefits that will worsen
that condition.

The Violence And Division Within Yugoslavia

Since The Collapse Of The Soviet Economy Was

Caused By U.S. Lead Acts Designed To Balkanize

The Federal Republic And Its Member

Republics With The ICTY As Principal Weapon.

The United States engaged in a decade long effort aided by
several European countries, to break-up and destroy the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, causing the secession, (remember the
American Civil War) of German oriented Slovenia and Croatia
with 500 000 Serbs purged from its borders. Then Bosnia was
pried away from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
segregated into an unnatural three region religious apartheid,
Muslim, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian. Now
Macedonia is in turmoil, nearing civil war from U.S. stimulated
and supported terrorist organization KLA aggression. Thus
Yugoslavia became former, losing half of its population and
wealth and leaving only Serbia and Montenegro. Kosovo and
Metohia, an historically precious part of Serbia remains occupied
by NATO Forces after 79 days of aerial bombardment in 1999.

U.S. lead aerial assaults inflicted billions in damages on civilian
facilities, killed thousands of civilians throughout Serbia in the
name of NATO. Thereafter the United States and NATO watched
as 330 000 Serbs were forced out of Kosovo and Metohia and
many hundreds murdered, emboldened by the United States.
Violent efforts to remove all Serbs from Kosovo and Metohia
continue. And the KLA has been empowered to attack

The ICTY was created at the insistence of the United States
which had stimulated violence and secession in republics of
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and
attempted division and conflict in the Serbian province of Kosovo
and Metohia and in three municipalities in the south of Serbia and
throughout the former six Republics. The U.S. intends to
persecute and demonize leaders who together with the people by
defending freedom and by resisting aggression of NATO war
machinery, had defied its will, and at the same time make the
people seem savage. Madeleine Albright, while U.S. Ambassador
to the U.N., was the driving force for creation of the ICTY. The
U.S. Ambassador to the Tribunal, David Scheffer, concedes the
ICTY is ''supported, financed, staffed and provided information''
primarily by the United States.

Now as the idea and existence of ad hoc tribunals are threatened
by the treaty creating the International Criminal Court the United
States is exerting pressure to prevent nations from ratifying it. It
is also pressing for new ad hoc Tribunals for the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Sudan and elsewhere, to
dominate those regions and defuse the drive for the International
Criminal Court. The treaty, signed in Rome in 1998 by 120 nations
was ratified by the 37th nation, the Netherlands, in late July 2001.

The United States prefers to select nations for persecution while
protecting itself, its allies and favored client states. Ad hoc
tribunals which are illegitimate, incapable of equal justice under
law, by their nature unable to conduct fair trials, or provide due
process and whose victims have long since been convicted in the
United States controlled media are a U.S. weapon for establishing
long term control and exploitation of targeted nations and regions.
That is their globalization, that is new colonialism.

For these reasons, the so called ICTY should be declared illegal
and its prisoners, legally and illegally surrendered, should be

The Hague

August 30, 2001

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[Emperor's Clothes]

======================================Former Croatian minister confirms CIA's involvement
in 1995 military operation
SOURCE: HRT1 TV, Zagreb, in Serbo-Croat 1730 gmt 20 Aug 01
[Translated from Croatian TV on 20 August, 2001, Monday]
Announcer: Today's issue of the US
weekly 'Newsweek' carries a report
containing information that has been
surmised for years, but has never been
officially confirmed. According to Newsweek's
article headlined "What Did
the CIA Know" the US intelligence service
closely cooperated with Croatia,
particularly in the preparation and
during Operation Storm:

Reporter: The article says that in
the mid-1990s the Americans helped the
Croats by sending them images of the
Serb forces' movements and weapons
emplacements photographed by drones.
The images were transmitted to an HQ
near Zadar from where they were then
forwarded to the Pentagon. According
to top Croatian intelligence officials,
copies were also sent to the
headquarters of Ante Gotovina the
Croatian general in command of Operation
Storm. Miroslav Tudjman, the then
head of the Croatian Intelligence
Service, says in the article that
the Croatian and American intelligence
services had a de facto partnership. The
then Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mate Granic also knows about this cooperation:

Mate Granic: Of course I know, they
cooperated well, these aircraft were
also used. During the Kosovo operation
Croatia also cooperated successfully
as a partner of NATO and the USA.

Reporter: The article further says
that the US officials have confirmed
that the CIA had limited sharing of
intelligence information with Croatia,
but also insist American operatives
did nothing that contributed to war
crimes, nor did they know anything
about planning for criminal activity.

These facts can be used for defence
in the Gotovina case, the article
further says. His defence counsel
Luka Misetic says that there were many
sets of eyes watching Operation Storm.
No one there in the CIA saw there
was a problem with war crimes. A former
senior administration official says
the White House had the usual scatter
of information about individual
incidents, but no evidence that the
Croats were going out of their way to
terrorize the Serb population.

Another issue is how to pressure the
USA into opening their archives and
forwarding documents to the Hague tribunal:

Mate Granic: The US is reluctant to
give any of its intelligence reports -
that has been our experience so far.
As for whether it will give any
documents now, it is up to the Hague
tribunal and the USA.

Reporter: Gotovina's lawyer announced
he would ask for this by subpoena.
Roy Gutman concludes by saying that
the US cannot wash its hands of it now,
having been collecting evidence all the
time and finally saying: We were
not there.

Copyright 2001 BBC Reposted For Fair Use Only


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Comunicato del Partito Socialista della Serbia
sull'assassinio di Abu Ali Mustafa

Il Comitato Centrale
Belgrado, 29 agosto 2001

Il Partito Socialista della Serbia (SPS) ha appreso con amarezza
dell'assassinio di Abu Ali Mustafa, uno dei principali leader dell'amico
popolo palestinese, segretario generale del Fronte Democratico per
la Liberazione della Palestina.

Nell'esprime il cordoglio ai familiari, ai compagni combattenti e di
partito, ed a tutto il popolo palestinese, ribadiamo in questa occasione
anche la nostra piena solidarieta' con la giusta lotta del popolo
arabo palestinese contro la repressione e per la realizzazione dei
suoi legittimi diritti e dei suoi obiettivi nazionali.

Le forze che stanno dietro questo crimine sono le stesse che, con il
terrorismo ed il crimine organizzato internazionale, per molti decenni
hanno agito in maniera distruttiva ed impunita nel Medio Oriente e
nel Mediterraneo orientale, e per un decennio nei Balcani ed in Asia
centrale, allo scopo di trasformare queste regioni in campi di battaglia
di conflitti etnici e religiosi, nell'interesse della loro espansione
militare, economica e finanziaria, a detrimento dei popoli che vivono
nel nostro angolo del pianeta, senza esitare nemmeno di usare
apertamente l'aggressione e l'occupazione militare.

Il Partito Socialista della Serbia, guidato dal presidente Slobodan
Milosevic, continuera' a guidare la resistenza dei popoli della
Jugoslavia contro la minaccia della colonizzazione e, insieme alle
forze progressiste, democratiche e di liberazione di tutto il mondo,
si impegnera' per la creazione di relazioni internazionali basate
sulla pace, sul rispetto della sovranita' dei popoli e sulla equa
cooperazione. E' vicina la sconfitta definitiva di quelli che cercano
di imporre la loro egemonia globale usando i missili, le bombe e
le sentenze contro chi lotta per la liberta'.

Per unirti od aiutare questa lotta, vai su: (pagine web ufficiali dell'SPS) (forum per un mondo di eguali) (comitato internazionale per la difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic)


The Socialist Party of Serbia

Head Committee

Belgrade, August 29, 2001


The Socialist Party of Serbia learned with embitterment about
the assassination of one of the most prominent leaders of the
friendly Palestinian people, Abu Ali Mustafa, general secretary
of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Expressing condolences to his family, fellow fighters, party
comrades and the whole Palestine people, we reiterate on this
occasion as well our full solidarity with the just struggle of the
Arab Palestinian people against repression and for the
realization of its legitimate rights and national goals.

The forces standing behind this crime are the same ones who,
braced with terrorism and organized international crime, for
several decades act destructively and unpunished in the Middle
East and the Eastern Mediterranean, over a decade in the
Balkans and in Central Asia, in order to transform this regions
into battlefields of ethnic and religious conflicts in interest of
their own military, economic and financial expansion, to the
detriment of the peoples living in our part of the World without
even hesitating open military aggression and occupation.

The Socialist Party of Serbia, headed by President Slobodan
Milosevic, will further on lead the resistance of the peoples of
Yugoslavia to the threat of colonization and, together with the
progressive, democratic and liberation forces throughout the
World, strive for the establishment of international relations
based on peace, respect of the sovereignty of peoples and
equitable cooperation. The definitive defeat of those ones trying
to impose their global hegemony with rockets, bombs and
sentences to freedom fighters - is near.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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======================================Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to Surrender?
By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser
[29 August 2001]
Recently the International Committee
to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
received an email from some people in
St. Petersburg. They were organizing a
protest against globalization and The
Hague (un)Tribunal, and in support of
President Milosevic.

Many people in the West don't realize
that there is passionate support for
Milosevic across the political
spectrum in the former Soviet Union.
For example, the Russian Committee to
Defend Slobodan Milosevic is led by
Alexander Zinoviev, the distinguished
author and former Soviet dissident. At
the same time, the Committee is
strongly supported by the communists.

Virtually all Russian citizens demand
Milosevic be freed. They understand
that in NATO's attempt to destroy
Yugoslavia, Macedonia, and then Bulgaria
and Greece, the ultimate target is the
former Soviet Union.

NATO needs to crush Milosevic, and to
tarnish the legend of Milosevic,
because he stands for resistance to
NATO, to neo-colonialism, to Washington's
Imperial rule - to the new slavery
brought to us thanks to this latest
would-be Rome.

The following article is based on a
letter of greeting we sent the
demonstrators in St. Petersburg. * *

Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to

By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser

During the past 14 years, Yugoslav
loyalists and their leaders, especially
the Serbian people and President
Milosevic and his associates, have achieved
the same thing the Serbs achieved in 1941.

It was in March of that year that the
Serbs overthrew their pro-German
government. In a rage, Hitler ordered
the conquest of Yugoslavia. His troops
got bogged down in the attempt. This
delayed Operation Barbarossa, the
invasion of the Soviet Union. Because
of the Serbs, the Nazi supermen were
trapped in the fierce Russian winter.

In 1987, the forces around Milosevic
defeated pro-NATO elements in the
Serbian government, thus declaring
their independence from Washington.
>From that time on, Milosevic and the
Serbian and other Yugoslav loyalists
have provided a roadblock obstructing
NATO's Drive to the East and a beacon
to the former Soviets, to resist.

A 56 Year-Old Strategy

The attack on Yugoslavia and the
kidnapping of Milosevic are not random
events. They constitute a new phase of
the "anti-Eastern" strategy, which
Washington has pursued for more than
five decades.

That strategy had two parts: Part one
was the break up of the Soviet Union,
achieved in 1991.

Part Two is the reduction of the
Republics of the former Soviet Union
(SU) from nations to devastated
territories, small protectorates under
the domination of the U.S. and its junior

Washington has openly pursued this
strategy since the end of World War
II, when it created the CIA, in large
measure from General Gehlen's network
of Nazi operatives, agents and contacts
in Western, Eastern and Southern

Part One of the strategy went into
high gear in 1979. At that time it was
articulated by Jimmy Carter's National
Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
It was the reason for the U.S. proxy
war against Afghanistan, during which
Washington and its allies created and
nurtured the phenomenon of Islamist
terrorism, which now plagues the
former SU, the Balkans, Algeria, and
the rest of the planet.

In the West, it is considered
politically correct to ascribe the
breakup of the Soviet Union to an inevitable
'revolution' brought about by internal

Yet it is well known that most Soviet
citizens (perhaps 70%) opposed the
break-up of the Union. How can a
'revolution' that is opposed by most
people be inevitable?

Alexander Zinoviev was a leading
Soviet dissident. Here's what he says:

"The fall of communism has been
transformed into the fall of Russia.
The Russian catastrophe was deliberately
planned in the West. I say this because
I was once involved in these plans
which, under the pretext of fighting
an ideology, in fact prepared the death
of Russia.

"Contrary to a widely held view,
communism did not collapse for internal
reasons. Its collapse is the greatest
possible victory of the West. This
colossal victory has created a
planetary power. The end of communism
is also the end of democracy: our era is not
only post-communist, it is also
post-democratic ... This is because
democracy means pluralism: that
requires the existence of at least two more or
less equal powers During the Cold War
there was democracy at world level, a
global pluralism within which
capitalism and communism coexisted.
Now we live in a world dominated by a
single force, by a single ideology and
by a single globalist party The
Western countries are dominant but
they are also dominated, because they
are progressively losing their sovereignty
to what I call "supra-society". This
planetary supra-society consists of
commercial enterprises and non-commercial
organisms whose zones of influence are
superior to those of nations. The
Western countries are subjected, like
other countries, to the control of
these supranational structures. But
the sovereignty of nations was a
constituent part of pluralism and
democracy at world level. The present
dominating power is crushing sovereign
states. The process of European
integration which is taking place
under our eyes is causing the
disappearance of pluralism within this new
conglomerate, to the benefit of a new
supranational power." ('Figaro', 24th
July 1999)

Washington and Western Europe (NATO)
contrived to exhaust the Soviets
economically (e.g., the Afghan war and
the arms race) bribed and otherwise
seduced many of its officials,
demeaned its ideology, and used other
means to bring about the Soviets' so-called
internal collapse.

In the 1980s, knowing that the
destruction of the Soviet Union was
near, the U.S. mobilized Germany and England and
launched the attack on Yugoslavia,
which went into high gear with the
externally-engineered secession of
Slovenia and Croatia in 1991,
precisely when the Soviet Union was
being destroyed.

Washington launched this attack
because crushing Yugoslavia, and especially
the passionately independent Serbs, is
the key to pacifying the Balkans. And
the Balkans is the strategic southern
flank of the former Soviet Union.

Washington Goes for World Conquest

There were plenty of problems with the
former Soviet Union, but these are
grossly distorted by politicians and
propagandists in the West. For example,
a year ago, in an article called
"Living with Russia," Zbigniew
Brzezinski, a strategist of U.S. Imperial rule,
explained the existence of grave
poverty in Russia as follows:

"The painful reality is that the
communist experiment has bequeathed to
the Russian people a ruined agriculture, a
retarded and in many places primitive
social infrastructure, a backward
economy increasingly facing the risk
of progressive de-industrialization, a
devastated environment, and a
demographically threatened population."

We have seen the same argument made
regarding Bulgaria and indeed all the
former socialist countries. It amounts
to heaping insult on injury. Since the
'fall' of communism, draconian
policies, dictated by Washington through the
International Monetary Fund, have
methodically laid waste to the economies
and social service-structures of these

In the Soviet Union, apartments,
childcare (available 24-hours a day),
medical and dental care, public
transportation and vacations were either free
or subsidized so working people could
afford them. Higher education was not
just free; students were paid stipends
if they maintained good grades. (This,
one might note in passing, was a
policy calculated to induce working
class students to go to college and study.
In much of the capitalist world today,
measures are in effect which produce
the opposite effect.)

The finest cultural achievements, such
as the great Bolshoi Ballet, were
enjoyed by ordinary people. For
example, in the case of the Bolshoi,
admission was a pittance and
transportation was organized so that
working people could attend.

In Soviet society, differences in
wealth existed but they were nothing
like those that exist in the West or that
have come to exist in the former
socialist countries.

Imperial Hypocrisy

It is under Western guidance that the
Soviet Union's great social protections
have been destroyed during the past
decade. And now Mr. Brzezinski, one of
the architects of that destruction,
has the audacity to blame it on the
system he helped eliminate and
preaches the moral superiority of the
system he and his ilk have put in its place,
in which some live like kings while
most others suffer without basic
necessities, and the kings preach

(Perhaps the greatest failing of the
Soviet Union was its non-democratic
character - non-democratic in the
profound sense of not relying on the
political thinking and action of
ordinary people. Instead a highly
centralized bureaucracy was the source
of all political motion. Imperial
strategists like Mr. Brzezinski
recognized this flaw, saw that if they
could penetrate and corrupt this structure
they could bring down the Soviet Union
before the people could be mobilized
to resist. Which is basically what

The Soviet Union had a policy of
supporting anti-colonial struggle.
After World War II, partly inspired by the
resistance of the Soviet bloc, colonial
and semi-colonial states from Eastern
Europe to China gained much freedom
from Western domination. But now that
the Soviet Union has been broken up,
and with it the restraining force of
Soviet power, Washington and its
European allies are trying to force
most of the world's people, that is
those living outside North America and
Western Europe, into neocolonial
status, that is, into desperate poverty.

The Model is Kosovo

In the Balkans we see Washington's
policy at its harshest. In a recent speech
delivered to soldiers at the giant
U.S. military base in Kosovo (called, with
pompous arrogance, "Bondsteel") George
Bush Jr. described Kosovo as the U.S.
model for progress in the Balkans.

This progress has meant rule by the
gangster-fascists of the KLA; it has
meant that politically unreliable
people - ethnic Serbs, "Gypsies," Slavic
Muslims and anti-fascist Albanians -
are demonized in the media even as they
are driven from the province, while
those who dare to remain in Kosovo live
in constant terror, their homes
reduced to prisons. This is all documented.

What Washington has done to the
Serbian province of Kosovo it is now trying
to do to Macedonia and the rest of
Serbia. If Washington is successful in
Kosovo-izing Serbia, Macedonia and
other Balkans states, it will have created
the stable southern flank it needs to
escalate the "low intensity wars"
(Washington's term) that it is already
fighting on many fronts against the
former Soviet Union.

Yugoslavia shows what Washington hopes
to accomplish in the former Soviet
Union, writ small.

First Yugoslavia was broken up, as the
former SU had been broken up. In the
process, Washington re-created
precisely the same fascist power blocs
that the Nazi's relied on during World War
II, especially clerical-fascists in
Croatia and fanatical Islamists in

Now NATO is using quisling governments
installed in Belgrade and Skopje, and
fascist-secessionists, mobilized
behind the slogan 'Greater Albania,' which
Washington has encouraged for over a
decade, to pulverize the remains, to
neutralize the powerful Yugoslav Army,
and to physically devastate those
populations in Serbia, Macedonia and
elsewhere which have historically
resisted Imperial domination and whose
hearts are drawn to the East.

If Washington succeeds in "pacifying"
the Balkans in this fashion, it will
try to duplicate the process
throughout the former Soviet Union: reducing
populations inclined to resist U.S.
rule to terrorized slaves ruled by local
fascists (conveniently labeled victims
of oppression by the pro-NATO media)
and all of it dominated by the U.S.
and its allies, especially Germany and

Components of the anti-Russian
onslaught are partly in place

The critical focus of Washington's
attempt to recolonize the world lies
in the Balkans.

If the new Empire consolidated its
power in the Balkans, the former Soviet
Union's southern flank, the attack on
Russia would increase a hundred- fold.
There would be direct NATO
intervention from the south and from
bases in the Baltic states, from certain former
Warsaw pact countries, and increased
attack from a few NATO-controlled
former Soviet Republics.

This would be justified by an all-out
Western media campaign, posing imperial
conquest as an attempt to curb
humanitarian abuses. At the same time,
Washington would escalate various
internal attacks, employing:

* Fifth Column forces already in
place, organized by George Soros' boys and
by U.S. and European agencies (e.g.;,
the National Endowment for Democracy)
throughout the former Soviet Union;

* Western-inspired attacks by fascist
Islamists (it is notable that some of
the Chechnya terrorists are now
fighting as Albanian rebels in

* Traitorous betrayals by officials
corrupted through the military and
economic penetration of the former
Soviet Union by Washington and its

What would the "Kosovo-izing" of the
former Soviet Union mean for the world?
First, Washington and its allies could
engage in the most extreme plunder of
the vast resources of the former
Soviet Union. And second, its position
consolidated in the former SU,
Washington could proceed full force
against the great Asian nation-states, trying
to break up China and India into
numerous small protectorates.

This would be Washington's dream.

Does this policy serve the interests
of ordinary people in North America
and Western Europe? Quite the contrary.
Unchecked, it poses the gravest risk
of worldwide nuclear war.

The resistance by Milosevic and the
Serbian people to NATO's expansion
into the Balkans, their attempt to awaken
the great Russian bear, which was
stunned by the breakup of the Soviet
Union, is of the greatest importance
to humanity, East and West.

By refusing to cooperate with NATO's
Hague unTribunal, President Milosevic
has, in one brave stroke, sent an
electrifying call for resistance
throughout the world. As a refugee from NATO's
attack on Afghanistan wrote:

"I just saw Milosevic [on TV]. He told
this criminal Western kangaroo court
that he doesn't recognize them. So I
wish there was a lot more of those
guys, like Milosevic."

The gentleman is correct. We do need
tens of thousands of those people like
Milosevic. That is why the unTribunal
is doing everything it can to force
Milosevic to drop his defiance and
cooperate with their inquisition.

If the Russians and other people of
the former Soviet Union can regroup,
achieve unity and create popular
movements with a Milosevic-type policy
of national unity based on social justice
- a policy that defends the nation by
mobilizing the overwhelming majority
of people for social justice - if the
Russian and other Soviet people can do
this, they will not only be protecting
themselves, they will once again be
protecting the world, including the
people of the U.S.

[Jared Israel is Vice-Chairman,
International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), Editor, and Editor,

Nico Varkevisser is Vice Chairman and
Media Coordinator, ICDSM Editor,
Targets newspaper, ]

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======================================Have You Seen the Movie, 'Judgment'?
It Shatters Media Lies about Bosnia.
If you haven't seen 'JUDGMENT' and you
care about what happened in Bosnia -
get a copy!

Do you remember the pictures of the
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Several thousand copies of 'Judgment'
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pictures, which laid the basis for the
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emperors1000@... so we know the
money is for a film(s).

Show this movie to friends, relatives,
organizations, churches, unions,
schools. Show it on TV.



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"Volete (o 'vogliamo') comportarvi (ci) da persone civilizzate oppure
volete fare come l'altra volta che mi avete staccato il microfono?"

Breve cronaca dell'udienza di oggi di SM all'Aia come � stata
riportata da un cronista del Messaggero (non ne hanno dato il nome),
trasmessa da Radiopopolare.

"Si e' ripetuto, allungato, lo scenario di due mesi fa. SM ha esordito
dichiarando illegale e illegittimo il tribunale. Si � dimostrato
aggressivo, ha mostrato segni di disagio, si e' seduto di traverso e
ha snobbato la corte. L'udienza e' durata 40 minuti. "Volete (o
'vogliamo') comportarvi (ci) da persone civilizzate oppure volete fare
come l'altra volta che mi avete staccato il microfono? Volete
nuovamente togliermi la parola?". Ad un certo punto la "sicurezza"
(sic...) spegneva i monitor, chiudeva le tende alle finestre, staccava
il microfono... "

Non e' stato detto altro.



Subject: MOSKVA: Slobodu Milosevicu! Hag je novi Ausvic!
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 17:27:13 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Saopsstenje za sstampu

Komitet za odbranu politicckih suzzanja - boraca za
socijalizam i partije zastupljene u njemu (RPK, KPS,
RKRP, AKM, DZD, VKPB), pokret "Stop NATO" i predstavnici
drugih leviccarskih organizacija odrzzali
su 23. avgusta 2001.g. masovni miting kod ambasade
Holandije u Moskvi.

Uccesnici mitinga su stajali s plakatima: "Slobodu
Milosseviccu!", "NATO-u da se sudi!", "Dole sudanija u
Hagu!", "Holandija je zemlja lala, eutanazije i hasskog
tribunala", "Hag je novi Aussvic!", "Hag je fabrika
smrti!", "Dalje ruke od srpskih rodoljuba!", "Hagu!
Zassto ne sudiss albanskim banditima?" "Cionisti! Dalje
ruke od Milossevicca!" i dr.

Mnogi prolaznici su izrazzavali solidarnost sa zahtevima
uccesnika mitinga. U znak saglasnosti su trubili
automobili u prolazu.

Uccesnici akcije su izrazili odluccan protest
protiv bezoccne otmice u Hag nezakonito svrgnutog
Predsednika Jugoslavije Slobodana Milossevicca i
nepravedne sudanije nad njim zbog toga ssto je branio
celovitost i suverenitet svoje zemlje i interese
svog naroda koji ga je izabrao na visoki drzzavni polozzaj.

Kako su isticali govornici, Slobodan Milossevicc
je odveden u Hag uz pomocc marionetskog rezzima
Djindjicca-Kosstunice i krssenje svih jugoslovenskih
zakona, i zato je njegov pritvor nezakonit.
Podvlacceno je da je hasski tribunal - savremena
inkvizicija XXI veka, sposobna da isfabrikuje bilo koji
kriviccni predmet, sklepa bilo koje "dokaze". Taj
pseudosudski organ stvorili su SAD i NATO, finansira ga
krupni kapital i ima za cilj opravdavanje zloccina
NATO i prebacivanje odgovornosti za njih na zemlju -
zzrtvu agresije. Nije sluccajno ssto S. Milossevicca
i njegove saborce drzze u istoj onoj tamnici u kojoj su
tokom II svetskog rata lezzali borci-antifassisti. Uz
to, S. Milosseviccu su organizovali tesske uslove
boravka, ccine prepreke kod susreta sa advokatima i rodjacima.

Govornici su ccestitali Slobodanu Milosseviccu nedavni
rodjendan (20. avgusta) i pozzeleli mu ssto skorije
oslobadjanje i pobedu nad NATOvskom sudskom massinom.

Na kraju mitinga je doneta rezolucija. Medjutim,
ambasada Holandije je ispoljila prenebregavanje
elementarnih diplomatskih normi i neposstovanje
missljenja sveruskih drusstvenih organizacija i radnog
naroda Rusije, odbivssi da primi zvaniccni dokument.

Akcija je zavrssena ccitanjem stihova i skandiranjem:
"Dole sudanija u Hagu!", "Slobodu Milosseviccu!".

Miting je vodio A.V. Krjucckov, predsednik Komiteta
za odbranu politicckih suzzanja - boraca za
socijalizam, lider Revolucionarne (ruske) partije komunista.

Rezolucija mitinga poslata je elektronskom i obiccnom
posstom na adresu Ambasade Holandije i tribunala.

Pres-centar Komiteta za odbranu
politicckih suzzanja - boraca za socijalizam


uccesnika mitinga kod ambasade Holandije

Moskva, 23. avgusta 2001.g.

Mi, uccesnici mitinga, organizovanog od Komiteta za
odbranu politicckih suzzanja - boraca za
socijalizam, odluccno izrazzavamo protest protiv
nepravedne sudanije nad nezakonito svrgnutim
Predsednikom Jugoslavije Slobodanom Milosseviccem.
On je bio nezakonito, uz krssenje Ustava
Jugoslavije, otet iz svoje zemlje i drzzi se u
pritvoru u holandskoj tamnici u uslovima najsurovije

Smatramo nezakonitim rad takozvanog "medjunarodnog
kriviccnog tribunala za ratne zloccine u
Jugoslaviji". Tribunala koji se surovo obraccunava
sa Predsednikom suverene drzzave koji nije hteo
da se potccini bezoccnom diktatu SAD i NATO.
Finansiran americcko-cionisticckim kapitalom, taj
"tribunal" je cudovissno orudje osvete svetskim
liderima koji su branili nezavisnost i suverenitet
svoje Otadzzbine.

Smatramo da je Slobodan Milossevicc na polozzaju
Predsednika delovao u skladu s Ustavom
Jugoslavije, u interesu odbrane svog naroda od
albanskih terorista i zapadnih
porobljivacca-kolonizatora. Kriminalne behu radnje
SAD i NATO koji su prisvojili ulogu "svetskog
zzandarma" i messaju se u unutrassnje stvari
suverene drzzave. Njihovi zloccini su doveli do smrti
hiljada mirnih zzitelja, do pogorssanja ekoloske
situacije u regionu, do zaosstravanja medjuetnicckog
konflikta. Zato na kriviccnu odgovornost ne treba
pozvati zzrtvu agresije, nego glavessine zemalja
NATO cciji zloccini su uporedivi sa zloccinima
hitlerovske Nemaccke.

Optuzzujemo rukovodstvo Holandije za sauccesnisstvo
u krvavim zloccinima NATO. Holandija, i
sama buducci uccesnica prljavog rata iz 1999.
godine protiv Jugoslavije, dozvoljava NATO-vskoj
inkviziciji da na njenoj teritoriji sprovodi
samovolju i surovo se obraccunava sa onima koji ometaju
fassisticcke planove novih osvajacca sveta.

Zahtevamo da se Slobodan Milossevicc odmah oslobodi
iz Hasskih fassisticckih muccilissta i vrati u
Otadzzbinu, da se raspusti hasski tribunal i
ukinu sve njegove ranije presude, da se oslobode svi
suzznji tog "tribunala" i pozovu na odgovornost
oni koji fabrikuju kriviccne predmete protiv srpskih

Slobodu Slobodanu Milosseviccu!

Bruka je Holandije ssto je pruzzila utoccisste
NATO-vskoj sudaniji!

Dole nezakoniti hasski tribunal!

Glavessine NATO - na optuzzeniccku klupu!

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


Anklage gegen Milosevic immer noch nicht fertig

DEN HAAG, 30.August 2001. Die Chefankl�gerin des
Haager Tribunals, Carla del Ponte wurde heute vom
Richter aufgefordert die Anklage gegen den ehemaligen
jugoslawischen Pr�sidenten Slobodan Milosevic bis Ende

November fertigzustellen. Del Ponte begr�ndetet das
Fehlen der fertigen Anklage mit Schwierigkeiten bei
der Beweisfindung. Wie bereits vor einigen Wochen
bekannt wurde ist die Chefankl�gerin des Tribunals
nicht in der
Lage Milosevic die von ihr behaupteten Verbrechen in
der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien



URL * [Emperor's Clothes]

Introduction by Nico Varkevisser [2 August 2001]

Reposted from - Please forward & repost!

[Nico Varkevisser is Editor-in-Chief of the
monthly newspaper, 'Targets.' Mr.
Varkevisser is Vice-Chairman of the
International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) and its
Coordinator in The Netherlands.]

Yesterday the ICDSM held another
press conference in Amsterdam.

The press was addressed by Ramsey Clark,
former Attorney General of the USA
and Co-Chairman of the ICDSM. Mr. Clark
had spent the better part of three
days meeting with President Slobodan Milosevic,
imprisoned in The Hague.

Posted below is a surprisingly accurate
'Reuters' dispatch covering the press
conference. I say 'surprisingly accurate'
because three days ago 'Reuters'
declared, as if repeating an accepted fact,
that Milosevic:

"...remains in solitary confinement at his
own request." ('Reuters,' 31 July 2001)

Contradicting this lie, Attorney Clark most
strongly protested the fact that
the Tribunal has kept Mr. Milosevic in
solitary confinement going into the
second month, thus violating even the
'Tribunal's' own rules and procedures.
Milosevic wants very much to be with the
other 'prisoners' but 'Tribunal'
officials have refused. In addition, said
Clark, Milosevic is especially
outraged about the insulting and inhumane
conditions under which his wife,
Mira Markovic, is forced to meet with him.

Reporters became somewhat hostile at
this point, demanding to know why the
'Tribunal' would possibly want to cause
problems for the President and his
wife. Clark answered that, obviously,
this was intended to break Milosevic.
"I have seen this in many countries,"
said Clark. "The authorities try to
disorient and weaken a political prisoner,
especially in the first stages of an arrest."

Clark noted that despite these attempts
to break Slobodan Milosevic, he
remains strong, has an excellent spirit,
is very sharp, and wants to argue
his case to expose NATO's aggression
aimed at breaking up and Yugoslavia, to
defend the sovereignty of Yugoslavia and
to defend the people of his country
against US and European plans to take
over and devastate the economy.

Said Clark: "Milosevic says, 'OK, I
didn't choose to be here, but I am here.
So apparently it is my destiny to use
this prison as a platform to help our people.'"

-- NV

Ramsey Clark: Milosevic To Defend Himself With Legal Help

THE HAGUE, August 2, 2001 (Reuters) -

Slobodan Milosevic will mount his own
''very powerful defense'' against war
crimes charges in The Hague but wants
lawyers to assist him in court, former
U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark said on Wednesday.

``He is a person who is used to speaking
for himself and he will speak for
himself, but he wants to have the
assistance of counsel, Clark said after
visiting the detained former Yugoslav
president for a third consecutive day
in The Hague.

Milosevic, in a show of contempt for a
court he has branded an ``illegal
instrument of his NATO enemies, made his
first appearance in court last month
alone after opting not to appoint a defense

Milosevic's unorthodox wish to have lawyers
assisting him both in court and
in the U.N. detention unit while declining
to follow the standard practice of
granting power of attorney has proved a
headache for tribunal officials.

``There is no precedence for this. Any
proposals like that would have to be
looked at by the judges and the court
registry, U.N. tribunal spokesman Jim
Landale said.

If he indeed represents himself during
the trial, expected to start next
year, he would be the first defendant
at The Hague tribunal to do so. Legal
experts have suggested such a strategy
would be foolish.

But lawyers supporting Milosevic, including
Clark, have said he wants to seek
expert legal advice without actually
granting power of attorney.

``He will not be represented...He will
have the advice of counsel on a whole
range of things...He is going to mount
a very powerful defense, said Clark, a
member of the International Committee
to Defend Slobodan Milosevic.

Milosevic, accused of atrocities in Kosovo
in 1999, was whisked out of Serbia
in late June to face war crimes charges
at the U.N. International Criminal
Tribunal for former Yugoslavia.

Milosevic is being held in isolation
from The Hague's other 39 detainees. The
U.N. court said the former leader wanted
to be kept apart from other
detainees, but Clark said Milosevic
did want to mix with other detainees.

Clark, 73, a campaigner for causes
often at odds with U.S. authorities,
served as attorney general under President
Lyndon Johnson in the late 1960s.
He condemned the 1999 NATO bombing of
Yugoslavia during the conflict over Kosovo.


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Who Is Guilty? Milosevic or NATO?
by Stan Goff

[Stan Goff is a Retired U.S. Special
Forces Master Sargent, an author,
Organizer for the North Carolina
Alliance for Democracy and a member of
International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic. (ICDSM)]

What do you call someone who pays
officials to break the law, threatens
people with violence if they don't do
what he demands, spreads outrageous
lies to impugn people's reputations, and
participates in a plot to
illegally take an unwilling person out
of the country in captivity?

Guilty of bribery, extortion, slander
and kidnapping.

What do you call a government which does
precisely those things?

The United States in Yugoslavia.

Let's get something straight here. The
'War Crimes Tribunal' at the Hague
is no more an impartial judiciary (1)
than Geraldo Rivera is a
neurosurgeon, and Slobodan Milosevic is
no war criminal. These are just
simply facts, and the thing that--even
at 50--still amazes my ass is the
sheep-like, gullible,
acceptance of the
capitalist media's horse-manure by
comfortable fellow Americans.

United States military troops are
occupying the Balkans, many of them with
relatives who might read this, and very
few people seem the least bit
inclined to find out what's really going
on there. So they listen to CNN,
read the 'New York Times' or the 'News
and Observer,' watch PBS, or listen
to NPR, brought to you by... name your
favorite agribusiness or weapons
contractor... and believe them.

I've got a news flash for you, folks.
The media lie. They lie early and
often, and they keep on telling the same
lies over and over, apparently in
the well-founded hope that we will
simply and finally equate repetition
with accuracy. (2)

Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal.
Nor was he a dictator. (3)

Until the US started a massive campaign
of extortion, bribery and election
rigging in Serbia, he won his elections
fair and square--unlike the current
de facto President of the United States.
Nor did Milosevic ever lead the
non-existent movement for Greater
Serbia. Nor do Serbs collectively "share"
any blame for whatever flavor-of-the-day
atrocity is being invented by the
IMF, the State Department, NATO
Headquarters in Brussels, or that fake

Serbs are as fractious and pluralistic
as any group, especially about
politics, deeply split even today
between nationalists and socialists. What
they are not, contrary to the recent
resurgence of Serb-bashing, is
self-pitying and paranoid. They are one
of the most stoic, and tolerant,
people in Europe.

The distortions that underwrite this
latest violation of Yugoslav and
International law--the veritable
kidnapping of a former head of
state--would make Joseph Goebbels blush.
Crimes were invented to fit the
punishment of the Serbs. Allegations
were reported as facts, then
referenced later as if they really were
facts. The mounting evidence of a
giant hoax in almost every case has been
completely ignored by capitalist
media. The effect--intended I think--is
to create an impression so
overwhelming of Serbian guilt that to
question it is to be regarded as a
miscreant holocaust denier. Guilt by
analogy. Milosevic equals Hitler,
therefore defending Serbians equals
defending Nazis (a huge irony here,
since Serbs were tenacious and fearless
fighters against the Third Reich).
There's only one little rub. The
Holocaust has been well documented by the
physical evidence. The Serbians' guilt,
and that of Milosevic, has not.

But skepticism, fact-checking, and logic
have become forbidden foreign
languages in the United States,
especially our (laugh track here) "free"

The overwhelming evidence is that there
was never any coordinated campaign
of genocide or ethnic cleansing by
Serbs, no massacres at either Racak or
Srebrenica, and never any such thing as
Serbian "rape camps." The Kosovo
violence was initiated by Albanian
heroin-gangsters, who named themselves
the Kosovo Liberation Army once they
started to get weapons and training
from German and US Intelligence. The
mass exodus out of Kosovo was not
triggered by Serb violence, but by NATO
bombing. The reports of 100,000
Kosovar Albanians killed has yet to be
corroborated with bodies, and is
being quietly scaled ever downward as
the bodies fail to appear. Racak was
shown to be staged. The bodies from the
Srebrenica "massacre" were never
located either, and in fact many of the
"missing" later turned up alive and
accounted for in Bosnian Muslim combat
units outside Srebrenica. The US and
the pseudo-Tribunal have an answer for
the missing evidence, those tens of
thousands of corpses, that is. Right
under the noses of US surveillance
satellites--and I have seen imagery from
them that can spot a motorcycle
and rider--the crafty Serbs, undetected,
moved thousands of decomposing
bodies to other locations... still to be
discovered. (4)


The break-up of Yugoslavia has been
largely due to the efforts of US and
German gambits, with substantial help
from the International Monetary Fund,
since the late 1980's. To justify this
economic warfare, this trampling of
sovereignty, this military aggression,
these massive violations by NATO and
the US of the Law of Land Warfare and
the Geneva and Hague Conventions, and
the military occupation of the Balkans,
our government and its
international financier pals have had to
concoct an elaborate Manichean
fantasy with Serbs as the heavy.

Don't take my word for it, but don't
look for a one-paragraph rebuttal
either. Understanding requires study and
work. If you're inclined to swim
upstream in this perennial flood of
stubborn American ignorance, read the
research and reports from Michel
Chossudovsky, Diane Johnstone, and Jared
Israel - none of them Serbian or
Yugoslav, and all of them proud
progressives. (5) (6) & (7)

The Hague Tribunal is about war crimes,
all right. It's about covering up
the war crimes of the North American
Treaty Organization and the US

- SG


Stan Goff is author of "Hideous Dream: A
Soldier's Memoir of the U.S.
Invasion of Haiti," Soft Skull Press,
2000. The book is available online at . For a review of
'Hideous Dream' that appeared in the
'Chicago Tribune,' go to

Mr. Goff's article, 'In Your Name: A
Soldier's Story,' can be read at

Further reading:

1) 'An Impartial Tribunal? Really?' by
Christopher Black. Can be read at

2) 'Media in Serbia' by Diana Johnstone
Can be read at

3) 'Official German Documents Contradict
Humanitarian Claims in Kosovo'. In
these documents, the German Courts and
Foreign Ministry ruled on requests
made by ethnic Albanians from Kosovo
that they be granted status as
refugees from persecution. The rulings
were prior to the onset of NATO
bombing in March, 1999. The findings:
the claims of persecution were false.
Can be read at

4) 'Were NATO's Aerial Photo's of Mass
Graves Faked?' by Jared Israel at

5) 'The UN appoints an alleged war
criminal in Kosovo' by Michel
Chossudovsky. Can be read at

INNOCENCE,' by Diane Johnstone at

7) 'Barbarians At The Gate,' by Jared
Israel. Can be read at


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George Szamuely

De sinistres histoires � dormir debout

Le plus r�cent bobard �manant des Balkans et parlant de " g�nocide "
n'est autre que l'horrible histoire �ternellement
ressass�e des " fosses communes " remplies d'Albanais du Kosovo qui,
para�t-il, pars�ment la Serbie. On pr�tend que
les Serbes ont massacr� les Albanais en 1999, mais que, plut�t que de
permettre � l'OTAN de d�couvrir les preuves de
ces crimes, Slobodan Milosevic aurait command� que l'on emport�t les
corps hors de la province afin de les ensevelir
en Serbie.

Examinons l'origine de cette histoire surprenante. La premi�re personne
� avoir pr�tendu ce genre de chose est Natasa
Kandic, qui dirige le Centre juridique humanitaire, un groupe de
Belgrade qui, depuis des ann�es, est � la solde de
George Soros et de l'organisation am�ricaine National Endowment for
Democracy (NED - Fondation nationale pour la
D�mocratie). Au cours des bombardements de 1999, elle accomplit son
devoir et soutint donc la cause de ses
employeurs, l'OTA N. Le 30 avril, elle annon�ait que quelque 800 corps
avaient �t� d�terr�s de leur lieux originaux
d'ensevelissement pour �tre r�enterr�s ailleurs dans la province et en
Serbie. Elle exigea que le nouveau r�gime de
Belgrade r�v�le la " v�rit� " � propos de cet escamotage de preuves.

La date de la demande de Kandic est int�ressante. Un mois plus t�t, le
r�gime de Belgrade avait arr�t� Milosevic - sur
des accusations de corruption, et non de crimes de guerre. Les
accusations relevaient de la plus haute fantaisie et
l'enqu�te n'aboutit � rien. Il �tait pr�vu que Kostunica se rende �
Washington d�but mai. Ses rencontres avec Bush,
Colin Powell, Dick Cheney et Condoleezza Rice furent selon toute
�vidence orageuses. L'administration n'appr�cia
gu�re ses appels du pied. L'aide am�ricaine � la Yougoslavie, lui fit-on
savoir clairement, �tait tributaire de la livraison
en douce de Milosevic au tribunal de La Haye. Belgrade dut all�guer des
" preuves " de crimes de guerre afin de vendre
la politique de " coop�ration " � un public sceptique.

De plus, un magazine local sp�cialis� dans le crime, Timocka Krimi
Revija, avait publi� une histoire concernant un
camion-frigo Mercedes en provenance du Kosovo et rempli de cadavres, et
que l'on avait retir� du Danube en avril
1999. Apr�s avoir r�cup�r� le camion, on avait enterr� les corps. Selon
Zivadin Djordjevic, le plongeur qui avait aid� �
retrouver le camion, celui-ci transportait entre 30 et 50 cadavres.
Beaucoup �taient nus et certaines des femmes
portaient des pantalons de style musulman. Une lourde pierre bloquait la
p�dale de l'acc�l�rateur. Le camion portait des
plaques min�ralogiques du Kosovo et appartenait � une firme albanaise de
de viandes et salaisons. D'apr�s un
commentaire de presse, le plongeur " n'avait pas donn� de d�tails sur la
position des corps dans le camion ". Ce
commentaire ne nous apprend rien. Nous ne savons pas qui �taient les
gens � l'int�rieur du camion ni comment ils
moururent. Le seul indice d'identification, c'�taient les pantalons de
style musulman. Ces personnes peuvent tout aussi
bien avoir ou n'avoir pas �t� des musulmans, ou des Albanais. A aucun
moment, pourtant, l'histoire ne fut pr�sent�e
comme une preuve d�finitive des crimes de guerre serbes et de leur
couverture par Milosevic.

Le 31 juillet, au beau milieu d'un reportage habituel du New York Times
sur le r�gime install� � Belgrade par les
Am�ricains, Carlotta Gall sortat ce petit bijou : " Ce qu'on sait, c'est
que des corps ont �t� jet�s dans des fosses
communes, soit dans le Danube, soit en pleine terre. Les exhumations des
800 et 1000 corps r�pertori�s jusqu'�
pr�sent vont prendre des mois. Le capitaine Karleusa dit que cela va
prendre beaucoup plus longtemps pour �tablir qui
a commandit� le massacre et qui l'a ex�cut� ". Ce qui est �tonnant,
apr�s toutes ces histoires de fosses communes et
de camions de cadavres achemin�s du Kosovo vers la Serbie, c'est que
l'estimation par Karleusa du nombre de corps
ensevelis est identique � celle de Natasa Kandic trois mois plus t�t.
Selon toute �vidence, tous deux ont d� faire
concorder leurs versions de l'histoire.

L'histoire du camion-frigo est si absurde qu'elle aura une dur�e
d'existence un peu plus courte que les autres histoires
de l'OTAN. On nous demande de croire la chose suivante : la Yougoslavie
devait �tre bombard�e vingt-quatre heures
sur vingt-quatre. Et pourtant, l'arm�e a pris la peine de transporter
des millers de corps pour les ensevelir. Etant donn�
qu'un camion ne peut gu�re emporter plus de cinquante cadavres, il
aurait fallu un tr�s grand nombre de camions pour
acheminer des milliers de corps. Les satellites am�ricains surveillaient
�troitement la Yougoslavie et, n�anmoins,
l'OTAN n'a jamais eu le moindre soup�on de ce convoi de camions-frigos.
En outre, jeter des corps dans le Danube n'a
rien d'une id�e tr�s brillante. Le Danube est une voie fluviale tr�s
fr�quent�e. Les risques de collision sont �lev�s. La
destruction de camions Mercedes n'est pas non plus une mesure tr�s
prudente dans un pays appauvri comme la
Yougoslavie. La question se pose donc � nouveau : Pourquoi voudrait-on
transporter des cadavres rien que pour
effacer des preuves ? N'aurait-il pas �t� beaucoup plus facile de les
asperger d'essence, de les br�ler et d'en entererer
les cendres ?

Assez curieusement, le site web du Centre juridique humanitaire donne
une id�e de ce qui s'est r�ellement produit. Le
site v�hicule une histoire tir�e du journal Danas, du 1er juin, lequel
fait �tat de rapports de t�moins visuels � propos de
la d�couverte du camion. L'un des t�moins a effectivement assist� � la
mise � l'eau du camion. Voici ce qu'il dit :
" J'�tais dans un bateau sur le fleuve, � quelque trente m�tres de la
berge quand, vers 2 h 15 du matin, j'ai entendu des
voix. Les sons portent loin, sur le Danube, la nuit. Je ne sais pas
quelle langue ils parlaient, l�-bas, sur la rive - je ne
comprenais pas un mot. Cela aurait pu �tre du turc ou de l'albanais -
qui sait ? Mais je suis certain que ce n'�tait pas
du serbe ni du roumain, langues que je connais tr�s bien. "

L'histoire a pu �chapper aux censeurs du Centre juridique humanitaire.
Les Albanais sont les champions europ�ens du
trafic lucratif d'immigr�s et de prostitu�es. Ceci est une histoire de
gangsters et de trafic d'hommes, et non de crimes
de guerre. Ou plut�t, il s'agit de l'habituelle histoire de la collusion
dans le mensonge du gouvernement et des m�dias.

Traduit de l' anglais

par Jean-Marie FLEMAL


The Bunker
George Szamuely

Grim Fairytales

The most recent "genocide" hoax from the Balkans is the breathlessly
retold horror story of "mass graves" of Kosovo
Albanians supposedly littering Serbia. The Serbs allegedly murdered the
Albanians in 1999, but rather than have NATO
discover the evidence of this crime, Slobodan Milosevic ordered that the
bodies be taken out of the province and buried
in Serbia.

Let us trace the origin of this amazing story. The first person to make
this claim was Natasa Kandic, who heads the
Humanitarian Law Center, a Belgrade outfit that has been bankrolled for
years by George Soros and the U.S. National
Endowment for Democracy (NED). During the 1999 bombing she did her duty
and promoted the cause of her
paymasters, NATO. On April 30 she announced that some 800 bodies were
removed from their original burial sites in
Kosovo and reburied elsewhere in the province and in Serbia. She
demanded that the new regime in Belgrade reveal the
"truth" about this destruction of evidence.

The timing of Kandic's demand was interesting. One month earlier the
Belgrade regime had arrested Milosevic-on
corruption, not war crimes, charges. The charges were bogus and the
investigation was going nowhere. Kostunica was
scheduled to visit Washington in early May. His meetings with Bush,
Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice
were evidently brutal affairs. The Administration was not happy with his
foot-dragging. U.S. aid to Yugoslavia, it was
made clear to him, was conditional on Milosevic's swift handover to the
Hague Tribunal. Belgrade had to come up with
"evidence" of war crimes to sell the policy of "cooperation" to a
skeptical public.

Next a story appeared in a local crime magazine, Timocka Krimi Revija,
about a Mercedes refrigerator truck from
Kosovo, full of bodies, that was hauled out of the Danube in April 1999.
After the truck was recovered, the bodies were
buried. According to the diver who helped recover the truck, Zivadin
Djordjevic, there were between 30 and 50 bodies
inside. Many were naked and some of the women were wearing Muslim-style
pantaloons. There was a heavy stone
leaning on the accelerator pedal. The truck had Kosovo license plates
and belonged to an Albanian meat processing
firm. According to a wire story, the diver "provided no details of where
and how the bodies were disposed." The story
tells us nothing. We do not know who the people inside the truck were,
or how they died. The only identifying feature
was the Muslim-style pantaloons. They may or may not have been Muslims,
may or may not have been Albanians. Yet
in no time at all, the story was presented as conclusive proof of
Serbian war crimes and Milosevic's cover-up thereof.

On July 31, in the middle of a standard New York Times puff piece on the
U.S.-installed Belgrade regime, Carlotta Gall
uttered this gem: "What is known is that bodies were dumped in mass
graves, either in the Danube or on land. The
exhumations of the 800 to 1000 bodies known about so far will take
months. Captain Karleusa says he will need much
longer to establish who gave the orders for the carnage and who carried
it out." Amazing that after all the tales of mass
graves and trucks filled with bodies going from Kosovo to Serbia,
Karleusa's estimate of the number of bodies buried is
identical to Natasa Kandic's from three months earlier. They evidently
have to keep their stories straight.

The refrigerator truck story is so absurd that it will have an even
shorter shelf life than NATO's other stories. We are
asked to believe the following: Yugoslavia was being bombed
round-the-clock. Yet the army took the trouble to
transport thousands of bodies for burial. Given a truck limit of 50
bodies, disposing of thousands of bodies would need a
lot of trucks. U.S. satellites were closely monitoring Yugoslavia, yet
NATO never had the slightest inkling of this
refrigerator truck convoy. Moreover, dumping bodies into the Danube is
not the brightest of ideas. The Danube is a
busy waterway. The chances of collision are high. Nor is destroying
Mercedes trucks the most prudent course for an
impoverished country like Yugoslavia. Then again, why would one want to
transport dead bodies just to remove
evidence? Wouldn't dousing them in gasoline, setting fire to them and
burying the ashes be a lot easier?

Curiously enough, the Humanitarian Law Center's website gives a clue as
to what really happened. The site carries a
story from the newspaper Danas, dated June 1, which reported eyewitness
accounts of the recovery of the truck. Yet
one of the eyewitnesses actually saw the dumping of the truck. Here is
what he says: "I was in a boat on the river, only
some thirty meters from the bank, when I heard voices about 2.15 a.m.
Sound carries a long way on the Danube at night.
I don't know what language they were speaking there on the bank-I didn't
understand any of the words. It might have
been Turkish or Albanian-who knows. But I'm certain it wasn't Serbian or
Romanian, which I know well."

The story must have slipped past the Humanitarian Law Center's censors.
Albanians are Europe's leaders in the
lucrative business of immigrant and prostitute trafficking. This is a
story of gangsters and human trafficking, not war
crimes. Or rather it is the usual story of government and media
collusion in lying.


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Rilanciare le adozioni a distanza dei
figli degli operai della ZASTAVA!

E' pervenuto oggi 30/8/01, a noi come a molte altre realta'
impegnate nella solidarieta' con le popolazioni della Jugoslavia,
questo accorato ed importante appello dalla Zastava.
Segnaliamo che per informazioni piu' dettagliate sulla
possibilita' di "adottare a distanza" i figli degli operai di
Kragujevac ci si puo' rivolgere, tra gli altri, alla

Associazione SOS JUGOSLAVIA (Torino):
telefono 338-1755563 - posta elettronica enricoto@...


Care amiche, cari amici italiani,
Stimatissime Associazioni,

L'attenzione della comunita internazionale e dei
media verso la situazione jugoslava da un po' di
tempo � diminuita. Questo potrebbe far pensare
ad una situazione generale migliorata dalla fine dei
bombardamenti. La dura realta � purtroppo molto
diversa, per tutto il paese, ma sopratutto per i
lavoratori, le lavoratrici e le loro famiglie. La
loro situazione � molta dura ed al limite,
paradossalmente, � piu difficile del dopo
bombardamenti di due anni fa; e l'inverno che
ci aspetta fa molta paura.

Il paniere che serve ad una famiglia � oggi
valutato in 400 DM mensili; i salari, per chi
lavora tutto il mese, e sono davvero molto
pochi, � di circa 120 DM. Vi � stato nell'
ultimo anno un aumento dei prezzi sino al
300%, e gi� di nuovo sono annunciati per settembre
nuovi aumenti tra cui quelli dell'energia
elettrica del 60% (il riscaldamento delle
abitazioni cosi come le cucine per cucinare
funzionano quasi esclusivamente a corrente
In questo quadro di generale difficolt� si
colloca la situazione di Kragujevac (cuore operaio per
eccelenza del paese) e particolarmente dei
lavoratori della ZASTAVA. Situazione della quale
vogliamo aggiornarvi. La privatizzazione
della ZASTAVA prevede la scomposizione del gruppo in
piccole unit� produttive indipendenti l'una
dall altra. Il programma inoltre prevede la fortissima
riduzione degli occupati; piu di 15.000 lavoratori
e lavoratrici su 30.000 sono interessati a questa
riduzione, con particolare incidenza dei
licenziamenti nella ZASTAVA AUTOMOBILI, dove
rimarranno occupati solo 3.500 degli attuali
Le alternative che sono state proposte erano
solo due, ed entrambe molto pesanti per i dipendenti,
infatti il referendum proposto obbligava i
lavoratori a scegliere tra :

1. accettazione del programa governativo
(come sopra esporto con la riduzione del personale).

2. liquidazione e chiusura di tutto il Gruppo.

Per i lavoratori in eccedenza, identificati
con appositi elenchi stilati dai dirigenti
in base a criteri non condivisibili (esempio: in
elenco si trovano marito e moglie, unico reddito
familiare, invalidi e lavoratori piu anziani
difficilmente ricollocabili in un mercato di
lavoro fermo), non ci sono alternative; infatti
a questi lavoratori posti nelle liste di
licenziamento vengono offerte due opzioni :

1. versamento sino ad ora (non si sa quando
e non si sa come) di 200DM per ogni anno di
anzianit� di fabbrica (nel nostro Contratto di
lavoro non esiste trattamento di fine rapporto).
Questa opzione non prevede ulteriori sussidi
anche se un lavoratore si iscrive all' Ufficio
di collocamento pubblico.
2. Come seconda opzione viene proposta l'iscrizione
all' Ufficio mobilit� - collocamento istituito dal
Gruppo ZASTAVA con il compito di tentare una,
attualmente, molto difficile ricollocazione visto
l'attuale generale ristrutturazione di tutte
le aziende. L'accettazione di tale opzione prevede
retroattivamente un sussidio di 45% del salario
mensile percepito secondo la sua qualifica per un
massimo di 4 anni. Chi sceglie di entrare in
queste liste ha l'obbligo di accettare una eventuale
possibile ricollocazione sino a 60 km di distanza;
cosa per noi molto problematica poich� non, esiste un
trasporto pubblico che possa permettere di
affrontare tale distanza, e, l'uso dell'
automobile privata, che non tutti hanno,
avrebbe un costo in benzina esorbitante per noi
poiche come sapere, la benzina da
noi costa 1400 lire al litro; per non parlare
poi del tempo necessario per, recarsi e tornare
dal lavoro, visto l'attuale rete stradale
disastrata, per non citare il nostro parco
macchine molto vecchio con tutti i
problemi conseguenti.

Vi � un terzo provvedimento e riguarda i
lavoratori posti nelle liste di licenziamento
a cui mancano 6 o meno anni al pensionamento.
Questi lavoratori potranno solo scriversi
all' ufficio di collocamento
pubblico o a quello del Gruppo ZASTAVA.

Se scelgono iscrizione al Collocamento
pubblico la loro indennit� sar� non meno
di 60% del salario medio che percepiva negli
ultimi 3 mesi maggiorato del 2% per ogni
anno di anzianita aziendale. Tale
salario comunque non potr� essere minore
del 40% ne superiore del 60% del reddito
medio attuale.
Questa scelta � legata all' anzianit� di
fabbrica di almeno 25 anni; e sar� erogato,
per un minimo di 3 mesi sino ad un massimo di
24 mesi.
Chi non accetta i provvedimenti proposti e
verr� licenziato non avr� diritto ad alcun
sussidio neppure se si iscriver� al' Ufficio
di collocamento pubblico.

Cari amici,

I nostri bambini a settembre riprenderanno
a frequentare la scuola � le loro famiglie saranno impegnate
in uno sforzo economico non indifferente
poiche, non solo dovranno comprare l'occorrente per l'anno
scolastico, ma dovranno anche pagare tutti
i libri di testo dalla 1. elementare in poi.

Per l'inverno che come sapete, nei Balcani e
molto duro, molte famiglie non potendo pagare le bollette
dell' energia elettrica necessaria per scaldare
le abitazioni, si stanno preoccupando di acquistare
almeno un po di legna. Il sindacato che negli
inverni precedenti aveva fornito ai lavoratori del
legname, attualmente non e pi� in grado di fare
cio per mancanza di fondi. I versamenti dei contributi
sindacali sono in continua diminuzione a causa dei
lunghi periodi di assenza dal lavoro per ridotta
attivita aziendale, ed, ora, verr� ulteriormente
accentuata tale riduzione dalle migliaia e migliaia di
Infine, tutti i giorni nei nostri uffici sindacali
si moltiplicano le richieste di aiuto da parte dei lavoratori
per poter sopravvivere e per poter far sopravvivere
i propri figli. Inoltre, � in continuo aumento anche
la richiesta di aiuti per curare, sopratutto, bambini
malati di gravi patologie; le pi� frequenti sono
leucemie, tumori, diabete, malatie cardiache, asmatiche,
e psicosomatiche.
In questa difficile situazione riteniamo che sia
stato, e sia, per il futuro di vitale importanza il poter
contare ancora sugli aiuti ai bambini con le adozioni
a distanza, poich� sono loro le vittime innocenti
delle colpe e degli errori degli adulti. Il poter
contare su questi aiuti, e in questo momento cosi difficile,
(i 16.000 licenziamenti sono un duro colpo per decine
migliaia di persone) � una speranza per il futuro;
Speranza nel futuro che non si piu negare ad un bambino.
Le adozioni a distanza sono state e sono un grande
aiuto anche morale ed un grande gesto di solidariet�
tra lavoratori.
Gli italiani e le italiane sono stati i soli ad attuare
questa forma di aiuto e solidariet� ed hanno lasciato
un segno di reale amicizia e fraternita.

L'ufficio adozioni a nome anche di tutti i lavoratori
e lavoratrici della ZASTAVA e dei loro bambini
desidera ringraziare tutti coloro che sino ad ora
hanno dimostrato una reale solidariet�.

Per l'Ufficio adozioni - Ufficio rapporti internazionali

Rajka Veljovic

Email : sindikat@...
Fax : 00 381 34 335 367
No tel : 00 381 34 335 762


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Di seguito il comunicato emesso dal Partito Socialista
della Serbia in solidarieta' ai palestinesi per l'assassinio
del leader del Fronte Popolare di Liberazione della Palestina.

Seguono, per completezza di informazione, un comunicato ufficiale
dello stesso FPLP ed un documento di George Habash, ex leader
dell'organizzazione della sinistra palestinese.


Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:21:06 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije

Beograd, 29. avgusta 2001. godine

S A O P [ T E W E

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije je sa ogor~ewem primila
vest o ubistvu jednog od vode}ih lidera prijateqskog
palestinskog naroda, Abu Ali Mustafe, generalnog sekretara
Demokratskog fronta za oslobo|ewe Palestine.

Izra`avaju}i sau~e{}e porodici, saborcima, partijskim
drugovima i ~itavom narodu i rukovodstvu
Palestine, ponavqamo i ovom prilikom na{u punu
solidarnost sa pravednom borbom arapskog
palestinskog naroda protiv represije i za ostvarivawe
legitimnih prava i nacionalnih ciqeva.

Snage koje stoje iza ovog zlo~ina iste su one koje
u sprezi sa terorizmom i organizovanim me|unarodnim
kriminalom, vi{e decenija neka`weno razorno deluju
na Bliskom Istoku i isto~nom Mediteranu, i ve} punu
deceniju na Balkanu i u centralnoj Aziji, kako bi
ova podru~ja pretvorili u popri{te me|unacionalnih i
verskih sukoba u ciqu sopstvene vojne, ekonomske i
finansijske ekspanzije, na u{trb naroda u na{em delu
sveta i ne prezaju}i ni od otvorene vojne agresije i

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije na ~elu sa predsednikom
Slobodanom Milo{evi}em }e i daqe predvoditi otpor
naroda Jugoslavije prete}oj kolonizaciji i zajedno
sa progresivnim, demokratskim i oslobodila~kim
snagama u svetu te`iti uspostavqawu me|unarodnih
odnosa zasnovanih na miru, po{tovawu suvereniteta
naroda i ravnopravnoj saradwi. Definitivni poraz
onih koji poku{avaju da raketama, bombama i
presudama borcima za slobodu nametnu globalnu
hegemoniju je blizu.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mourns the
death of its leader, the general secretary, Abu Ali Mustafa, who was
assassinated by the Israeli army on the morning of 27 August 2001. Abu
Ali Mustafa, the head of the second largest group within the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), was murdered by Sharon and his
government. Sharon, however, acts with the full support and backing of
the U.S. administration who bears full responsibility for the new
escalation in the Middle East, due to its uncritical, unconditional,
and blind support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Abu Ali Mustafa was elected general secretary of the PFLP last year,
after Dr. George Habash (Al-Hakim) stepped down from the role. Abu
Ali, a long-standing comrade of Al-Hakim, was a member of the PFLP
since its inception in 1967. Abu Ali held the position of deputy
general secretary until the PFLP�s Sixth National Conference, where he
was elected general secretary.

Born in Palestine in 1938 in Arraba, near Jenin, Abu Ali lived most of
his adult life in exile until he returned home in 1999. He was part of
the resistance movement against the Israeli occupation and fulfilled
his duties from abroad as well as from Palestine.

In representing the PFLP, Abu Ali understood clearly his role and the
role of the PFLP in expressing a radical humanistic vision for the
Middle East problem. He was adamant and articulate in presenting this
vision and loyal to the principles of the party. He defended the
Palestinian cause and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people,
foremost among them, the right of refugees to return and the right to
establish a sovereign and independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem
as its capital. He called for the dismantling of all Israeli
settlements and for continuing the Palestinian resistance movement
until the Israeli occupation is brought to an end.

He presented the vision of an all-encompassing Palestinian state where
people would live together in freedom regardless of their race,
religion, or color.

He called for a true democratic society where the rights of the
majority are protected by the fulfillment of the rights of the
minorities. He called the Palestinian resistance movement against the
Israeli racist, colonialist occupation, a duty for every Palestinian
and for every person who believes in equality, justice, and peace.

Abu Ali Mustafa lived and died defending the Palestinian cause and the
rights of the Palestinian people.

As the PFLP, and all the Palestinian people, mourn its leader, the PFLP
vows to continue the Intifada and the Palestinian resistance movement
until the Israeli occupation is over.

The Life of Abu Ali Mustafa
Abu Ali Mustafa (Mustafa Ali Al-Ali Zabri) joined the Arab National
Movement in 1955 and became a member of the Arab National Association
in Amman.
Together with his comrades and colleagues, he confronted the Jordanian
government, calling for the annulment of the Jordanian-British pact and
the dismissal of British officers from the Jordanian army.

In April 1957, he was arrested and imprisoned for several months,
shortly after the Jordanian parliament was dissolved and the Suleiman
Nabulsi government was dismissed. During that time, political parties
were banned and Abi Ali was arrested again with many others who were
tried in a military court. He was sentenced to five years in Jafer
Prison in east Jordan.

After being released from prison in 1961, Abu Ali Mustafa continued his
political work with the Arab National Movement and became responsible
for the Northern District of the West Bank. He founded and built two
organizations, one public, and one underground.

In 1966, Abu Ali was arrested again during a widespread operation
organized by the Jordanian government against the Arab National
Movement. Abu Ali was imprisoned without trial for several months in
Zarka Prison in Jordan.

After the 1967 War, Abu Ali Mustafa joined Dr. George Habash in forming
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He led the first
commandos through the Jordan River inside Palestine and started forming
the underground body of the PFLP. The Israelis searched in vain for
him while he was hiding out in the West Bank. After several months, he
secretly returned to Jordan.

In addition to being responsible for the PFLP in the West Bank, Abu Ali
Mustafa became the commando-in-chief of the PFLP military forces
(including the period comprising the battles in Amman in September 1970
and the battle of Ajloun in July 1971). Afterwards, he left secretly
for Lebanon.

In 1972, at the Third National Conference of the PFLP, Abu Ali was
elected deputy general secretary. From 1987 until 1991 he was a member
of the Executive Committee of the PLO.

At the PFLP Sixth National Conference in July 2000, Abu Ali was elected
general secretary.


Founder and Former Head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of

27 August 2001 - Damascus

To the Palestinian people
To the Arab masses

Today I received with great sadness the news about the assassination of
the leader Abu Ali Mustafa by Sharon and his Zionist gang. This heinous
crime that has robbed us of our long-standing comrade for over half a
century, reaffirms that the Zionist enemy is determined to annihilate
the leaders of our revolution and its cadres in order to force us to

This enemy has apparently not learned the lessons of history. The enemy
has not yet learned that the Palestinian people, who have offered
hundreds of leaders and thousands of fighters, will not kneel in
surrender. On the contrary, we will persevere in the struggle no matter
how long it takes to regain our rights and the rights of our nation. We
will remain steadfast in the struggle until the Zionist, colonialist
project is defeated.

On this day we remember Ghassan Kanafani, Guevara Gaza, Al Amassi, Abu
Jihad, Abu Iyad, Faisal Husseini; and before them we remember Al-Qassam
and Abd al-Qader Al-Husseini, and countless others who have fallen in
the battle for Palestine. Their sacrifice and their memory motivates us
to persevere.

As I convey to our people and to the Arab Nation the loss of Abu Ali
Mustafa whose determination, courage, and strength distinguished him
over so many years, I assure you that the shedding of his blood will not
be in vain. His comrades and his people will inhale the strength of his
soul and become stronger and more determined to continue the struggle
for freedom and independence.

We are proud to remember that until his death, Abu Ali Mustafa
proclaimed loudly and clearly that the foul war of Sharon will not
frighten us. Neither will it subdue us or force us to deviate the path
of revolution -- the path to freedom and victory.

Our people, who have lost a teacher and a leader, know that Abu Ali
Mustafa was an exceptional man who had the charism of a great leader.
Our people will continue to learn from him and from his spirit of
resistance -- his patience, his determination, his strong will to force
out the occupier and fulfill the dream of the right to return and the
establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital.

On this sad and painful occasion, I turn to all brave comrades of the
PFLP and all members of the Palestinian revolution at home and abroad: I
call on them to remain faithful, not only to Abu Ali Mustafa but also to
all those who have sacrificed their blood for the sake of Palestine and
for the Arab Cause. We promise you, dear Abu Ali, that the Popular
Front that you helped to establish on the foundation of a spirit of
resistance will continue to march on the same road, no matter how long
and treacherous it is, no matter how much we will have to sacrifice.
The destructive tactics of the enemy will never kill our steadfastness
or our will to resist.

(fonte: MiD-EasT RealitieS - http://www.MiddleEast.Org)


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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* Milosevic simbolo anti-globalizzazione (Aleksandar Zinovjev)
* Milosevic attacca la NATO (
* Milosevic e' stato sequestrato (Hindustan Times)


Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 00:07:54 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

23. avgusta odrzano je u Moskvi "ccestvovanije" - prigodni skup
istaknutih licnosti politickog, naucnog, kulturnog i javnog zivota u
cast 60. rodjendana Slobodana Milosevica. O slavljeniku su govorili
Zjuganov, Rizzkov, brojni akademici, umetnici, poslanici. Skupu se
obratio i sam predsednik Milosevic telefonom, a razgovor je prevodio
njegov stariji brat Borislav, donedavni ambasador SRJ u Moskvi.

Uvodno slovo, pod izuzetno bitnim naslovom, odrzao je predsednik
Ruskog drustvenog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica,
poznati pisac i filozof svetskog glasa Aleksandar Aleksandrovic
Zinovjev. Posle dugogodisnjeg zivota u Zapadnoj Evropi, ovaj "disident
medju disidentima", danas je jedan od najmudrijih glasova Rusije i
zastitnika njene samobitne drzavnosti, kulture i tradicije, covek koji
je napisao mnogo originalnih tomova posvecenih sudbinskim promenama
kroz koje prolazi najveca zemlja na svetu. Slovo Zinovjeva prevela je na
srpski jezik Sava Rosicc.

Aleksandar Zinovjev


O globalizaciji se uobicajeno govori kao o nekakvom
objektivnom procesu objedinjavanja covecanstva u
jedinstvenu celinu radi dobrobiti citavog covecanstva. Ali,
to je ideoloska laz. Globalizacija se ne odvija sama po
sebi, nju ostvaruju odredjeni ljudi koji aktivno deluju,
ostvaruju je odredjenim metodama, ostvaruju kao skup
unapred planiranih i dirigovanih operacija, ostvaruju u
interesu samo odredjenog dela covecanstva i na ustrb
preostalog njegovog dela, nemerljivo veceg od prvog.
Globalizacija po svojoj socijalnoj sustini predstavlja rat
novog tipa, rat koji je vec zahvatio citavu planetu. Njegov
aktivni subjekat je globalno zapadnisticko naddrustvo cija
metropola je skoncentrisana u SAD i koje u svom
interesu mobilise citavu moc zapadnog sveta. Njegov cilj
je potcinjavanje citavog covecanstva i njegovo
organizovanje po sopstvenom zapadnistickom uzoru i u
interesu uspostavljanja sopstvene svetske prevlasti. U
tom ratu nema granica izmedju "mirnih" i specijalno vojnih
sredstava, nema granice izmedju fronta i pozadine, nema
granice izmedju civila i profesionalnih vojnih lica. Taj rat
je jedini, jedinstven i sveobuhvatan. On se diferencira na
veliki broj operacija na citavoj planeti, ukljucujuci vojne u
uobicajenom smislu reci (kao, na primer, na Balkanu) koje
se na ovaj ili onaj nacin objedinjavaju u jedan celovit rat
sa stabom u SAD, u "Vasingtonu". Ako se ignorise taj
fundamentalni cinilac savremenog zivota covecanstva ne
moze se objektivno shvatiti nijedan manje-vise znacajan
dogadjaj na planeti.

Polazeci od toga, po mom misljenju - ociglednog i
neospornog cinioca, ja ocenjujem fenomen Slobodana
Milosevica i njegovu licnu sudbinu.

Tokom globalizacije kao novog svetskog rata nastala je
takva situacija da je Jugoslavija pruzila poslednji ozbiljan
otpor napredovanju globalizatora u Evropi. Opstepoznato
je kako se to desilo i necu govoriti na tu temu. Zelim
samo da podvucem i obratim posebnu paznju na sledece.
Nedavno zavrseni "vruci" deo rata SAD i NATO protiv
Jugoslavije bio je vazan deo globalizacije. On nije imao za
cilj slamanje vojnog u "vrucem" smislu otpora - takvog
uopste nije ni bilo - vec psiholoskog, moralnog i
ideoloskog otpora globalizaciji ne samo i cak ne toliko u
samoj Jugoslaviji, koliko otpora u citavoj Evropi,
ukljucujuci Zapadnu Evropu i Rusiju. Slobodan Milosevic
je postao simbol tog otpora. Sa zavrsetkom "vruceg" dela
rat nije zavrsen. On se nastavlja drugim sredstvima koja
su vam takodje dobro poznata: raskol stanovnistva Srbije,
pretvaranje jednog dela u opoziciju vlasti Slobodana
Milosevica i fakticki u "petu kolonu" NATO i SAD,
uklanjanje Slobodana Milosevica sa vlasti kao prve etape
surovog obracuna sa njim, diverzantska operacija otmice
Milosevica i predavanja u ruke takozvanog Haskog
Tribunala koji je organ Vasingtona i NATO. Preostala je
poslednja etapa rata u kojoj SAD i NATO imaju za cilj da
krivicu za svoje zlocine na Balkanu prebace na zrtve
svojih zlocina, i u prvom redu - na coveka koji je postao
istorijski simbol otpora njihovom kriminalnom ratu.

Ni u kom slucaju se ne sme potcenjivati vaznost te
poslednje etape jugoslovenske epizode globalizacije. Ne
sme se smatrati samo za epizodu licnog zivota privatnog
lica. Ta etapa u kontekstu globalizacije u celini znaci
mnogo vise od svih prethodnih etapa i epizoda. Ako se
ona ne zavrsi uspesno po SAD i NATO, sve sto su ranije
ucinili ne moze se smatrati za njihov uspeh u ocima
svetskog javnog mnjenja ni pred sudom istorije. Rat
ostaje nezavrsena pobeda, ako se sacuva simbol otpora -
Slobodan Milosevic. Jedno od vaznih obelezja rata novog
tipa, a globalizacija (ponavljam i podvlacim) to jeste,
ukljucujuci rat u Jugoslaviji, sastoji se u izuzetnoj
vaznosti i delotvornosti upravo simbolickih pojava.
Pobeda nad Slobodanom Milosevicem kao simbolickom
licnoscu za SAD i NATO je u nastaloj situaciji u svetu
cak vaznija od svega onoga sto su postigli na Balkanu u
citavom periodu rata.

I na kraju mog kratkog govora, ja vam se u ime Ruskog
drustvenog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica,
Medjunarodnog fonda slovenske pismenosti i kulture i
Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana
Milosevica, zahvaljujem sto ste dosli na ovaj susret
povodom Milosevicevog rodjendana. Taj vas postupak
smatram za cin gradjanske hrabrosti i doprinos stvari
otpora globalizaciji, a slavljenik je postao jedan od
najvaznijih simbola tog otpora.


A. Zinovjev

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic)


"Instead of the Fascist swastika and other such
symbols, today they are using the word democracy. We
must all combine our efforts to repel this new

Milosevic vows to defeat the 'Nato machine' (Ireland)
23 Aug 2001

Slobodan Milosevic today vowed to fight the Nato
"machine" and said he had no regrets about his past.

"I'm proud of what I did to defend freedom and
independence, without which no people and no country
can live," Milosevic said through his brother
Borislav, Yugoslavia's former ambassador to Russia.

The former Yugoslav president, now in UN custody in
the Netherlands, phoned his brother in Moscow.

Calling the UN tribunal where he is to be tried for
alleged war crimes an arm of Nato, Milosevic said he
had truth on his side.

"This Nato tribunal is a form of aggression not only
against the people of Yugoslavia, but against other
peoples and countries as well," he said.

"On their side is the giant machine of the Nato court,
a political machine, an information machine, but I
feel that I'm superior to them as truth is on my

Milosevic did not refer directly to the current Nato
operation in Macedonia but said the alliance's
activities in the region were aimed at world

His call to Borislav Milosevic's mobile phone,
interrupted a meeting of the Society of Slavic Culture
and Literature, a little-known Moscow group that
gathered to celebrate Milosevic's 60th birthday.

Borislav Milosevic repeated the former leader's words
aloud in Russian, as supporters, including Russia's
Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov, and some
journalists listened.

"The occupation of the Balkans that is taking place
clearly reveals their future intentions concerning
Russia and other free nations," he said.

"Instead of the Fascist swastika and other such
symbols, today they are using the word democracy. We
all must combine our efforts to repel this new

Borislav Milosevic, who was recalled from his
diplomatic post after Milosevic's overthrow, said the
ex-president was "feeling well" and remained in a
"fighting spirit."

Milosevic was arrested in April by Serbian police on
charges of corruption and abuse of power during 13
years as Yugoslavia's president. Belgrade agreed to
demands by the UN tribunal that he first face
international war crimes charges and surrendered him
to The Hague on June 28.

His lawyers today asked a Dutch court to rule that the
UN court is illegal and to free the former president .
A decision was expected on August 31.

Milosevic is to appear before UN judges again on
August 30.

Original article at:


URL for this article:

======================================'Milosevic has been abducted'
Hindustan Times Correspondent
New Delhi, August 16
INDIA ON Thursday described the recent
extradition of former Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague
to stand trial as an "abduction",
making it clear that it disapproves
strongly of the action of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh
told the Rajya Sabha during
question hour, "How can we approve that
the citizen of one country
(Milosevic) be abducted and taken to
trial in a third country?" This was
the strongest condemnation of the ICTY
and, by implication, of the western
countries by India ever since the fall of
Milosevic. The unprecedented
harsh words came when the minister was
explaining why India had continued
to abstain from the International
Criminal Court (ICC).

A strong case for India's reconsideration
of its stand on the ICC was made,
one after another, by Ram Jethmalani,
Fali S Nariman and Kapil Sibal,
obliging Singh to state that the
government would "readdress" itself to
the question and would even welcome a
discussion in the House.

Explaining why New Delhi had continued to
be cold to the concept of the
ICC, Singh said that while the court
would try "international crimes",
there was no global unanimity yet on what
constituted such crimes. There
was not even unanimity over what
constituted human rights; it were
civilisational and cultural divides that
gave rise to various
interpretations of such subjects.

Claiming that the MEA had seriously
thought about the ICC, he said it
remained of the view that in its present
form, the court would encroach on
the rights of sovereign states.

(c) Hindustan Times 2001 Reprinted for
Fair Use Only

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Internationales Komitee f�r die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic

=== * ==

Hamburger Forum f�r V�lkerverst�ndigung und weltweite Abr�stung e.V.
c/o L�hr Henken, Meuronstieg 3a, 22303 Hamburg, Tel 22 26 29, Fax 22
77 867

Liebe Friedensfreundinnen, liebe Friedensfreunde,

Das Hamburger Forum ruft auf zur Teilnahme an einer Protestkundgebung

Mittwoch, den 29. August 2001, 17 Uhr, Kriegsklotz

Kein Bundeswehreinsatz in Mazedonien
Kriege verhindern - "Einsatzkr�fte" aufl�sen

Der Bundestag stimmt am kommenden Mittwoch, den 29.8., �ber die
Teilnahme der Bundeswehr am selbstmandatierten NATO-Einsatz in
Mazedonien ab.

1. Zwar ist er zun�chst nicht als konfrontativer Kampfeinsatz
ausgelegt, es ist jedoch h�chst wahrscheinlich, dass dies nur der
Auftakt f�r eine dauerhafte Besetzung des von der albanischen UCK
eroberten mazedonischen Gebiets durch die schwerbewaffneten NATO-
Truppen ist: Der Auftakt f�r die Teilung Mazedoniens an
ethnischen Trennlinien. Was lehrt uns das? Krieg zur Eroberung von
Territorium lohnt sich.

2. Die NATO, nach dem Wegfall ihres Gegners Warschauer Pakt
funktionslos und �berfl�ssig geworden, gelingt es immer wieder,
sich selbst milit�rische Aufgaben zu schaffen, die sie dann
anbietet zu l�sen: Nachdem sie mit dem v�lkerrechtswidrigen
Angriffskrieg gegen Jugoslawien die Verf�gungsgewalt �ber
das Kosovo herbeigebombt hat, war sie zun�chst nicht bereit, auch
nur einen Handschlag f�r die Grenzsicherung nach Mazedonien zu tun.
Die UCK konnte ihre Aggressionen vom Kosovo aus zun�chst ungehindert
begehen. Somit schaffte die NATO durch Unterlassen ein Problem in
Mazedonien, das sie - selbstverst�ndlich selbstlos - anbot, zu l�sen.
Mit der Bildung immer neuer Protektorate schlie�t sie St�ck um St�ck
die s�dosteurop�ische L�cke ihres B�ndnisgebiets, um
�konomische Interessen abzusichern.

3. Der deutschen R�stungsindustrie und ihren politischen und
milit�rischen Protagonisten bietet dieser selbstfabrizierte
Mazedonieneinsatz die willkommeme Gelegenheit, f�r die notwendige
�ffentliche Akzeptanz eines l�ngst beschlossenen exorbitanten
Aufr�stungsprogramms der Bundeswehr zu werben, das bis 2015 nach
Expertensch�tzungen die Summe von rund 200 Milliarden DM verschlingen
soll, um die neu im Aufbau befindlichen 150.000 Mann "Einsatzkr�fte" f�r
weltweite Kriege im Rahmen von NATO, EU und UNO in Stand zu setzen.

Wir rufen Euch auf, nehmt an der Protestkundgebung teil. Bringt
Transparente mit und kommt zahlreich!

Mit friedlichen Gr��en
L�hr Henken

=== * ==


Zwei Sprengs�tze explodierten in Skoplje
SKOPLJE, 27. August 2001 (Beta)

Tetovo: Christen verhindern Armeeabzug
TETOVO, 27. August 2001 (Tanjug)

Britischer Soldat stirbt an Kopfverletzung
SKOPLJE, 27. August 2001 (Tanjug)

"Human Rights Watch" gegen Mazedonien
LONDON, 27. August 2001 (Stimme Kosovos)

USA wollen jugoslawische Gener�le absetzen
BELGRAD, 18. August 2001 (Stimme Kosovos)

Schwere Gefechte in Mazedonien
SKOPLJE, 12. August 2001 (Stimme Kosovos)

Autokonzern "Zastava": Demonstrationen angek�ndigt
KRAGUJEVAC, 12. August 2001 (Beta)

Albanische Extremisten sch�nden christlichen Friedhof
GNJILANE, 12. August 2001 (Tanjug)

Orban er�ffnet ungarisches Konsulat in Subotica
BELGRAD, 12. August 2001 (Stimme Kosovos)

Vetriebenen-Vereinigung gegen die "Wahlen"
NIS, 12. August 2001 (Stimme Kosovos)

Gracanica: Petition gegen Rada Trajkovic
GRACANICA, 12. August 2001 (Tanjug)

Offener Krieg in Mazedonien
SKOPJE, 11. August 2001 (Srna)

Kritik an den Westen
BELGRAD, 11. August 2001 (Politika)

KFOR-Soldaten entdecken Waffenlager
PRISTINA, 11. August 2001 (Inet News)

77-j�hriger geschlagen und bestohlen
GNJILANE, 10. August 2001 (Tanjug)

Hungerstreik im Gef�ngnis

57.000 ethnisch-albanische Fl�chtlinge
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, 10. August 2001 (Tanjug)

Tote und Entf�hrte in Tetovo
TETOVO, 10. August 2001 (Beta)

Autobahn gesperrt
SKOPJE, 10. August 2001 (Tanjug)


=== * ==



Anl��lich der Kundgebung gegen die NATO-Intervention
in Mazedonien am 29. August um 17.00 Uhr
am Kriegsklotz (Stephansplatz)
SOLIDARIT�T den folgenden Aufruf:

"Nein!" zur NATO-Intervention in Mazedonien
Brandstifter als Feuerwehr


Friedensbewegung: Aktionen gegen Mazedonien-Einsatz

Kassel, den 16. August 2001


"Nicht schon wieder!"
Friedensbewegung macht gegen Bundeswehreinsatz in Mazedonien mobil -
Aktionen und Mahnwachen am Vorabend der Bundestagsentscheidung -
F�nf Gr�nde gegen einen NATO-Einsatz

Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag



Startseite junge Welt Interview

Haben die linken Kr�fte in Jugoslawien eine Zukunft?

jW sprach mit dem ehemaligen jugoslawischen Au�enminister
Vladislav Jovanovic


Internationales Komitee f�r die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic
- Deutsche Sektion -

05/2001 16.08.2001




=== * ==

Ansprache, gehalten am 16. Juli 2001,
von Zivadim Jovanovic,
Vizepr�sident des Leitungsausschusses, Amtierender Pr�sident der
Sozialistischen Partei Serbiens
URL der englischen Version:
�bersetzung aus dem Englischen: Klaus von Raussendorff

Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g :

Zivadim Jovanovic, der bis Oktober 2000 jugoslawischer Au�enminister
war, zieht eine Bilanz der Arbeit der Sozialistischen Partei Serbiens in
Regierung und Oppostion, gibt eine Analyse der Lage Jugoslawiens unter
den neuen "demokratischen" Berh�rden und formuliert die n�chsten
Aufgaben im Kampf um die Bewahrung der nationalen Integrit�t,
Souver�nit�t und Ressourcen des Landes. Seine wesentlichen Aussagen zu
aktuellen Fragen sind folgende:
"Erstens haben die Akte der Festnahme von Milosevic und seine �bergabe
an Den Haag keine lokalen und regionalen Motive und Ziele. Zweitens
haben diese Motive und Ziele keinen Bezug zu Recht und Justiz, sie sind
politischer Natur. Und drittens wird dieses Kidnapping weder kurz noch
l�ngerfristig die Krise in Jugoslawien und auf dem Balkan
F�r Serben und f�r den gr��eren Teil der heutigen Menschheit ist
Slobodan Milosevic ein F�hrer im Kampf f�r eine gerechte Sache sowohl
auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene. Er ist ein Symbol des
Widerstands gegen Hegemonismus und Unterdr�ckung, ein F�hrer, der die
ganze Nation gegen die NATO-Aggression einte und dazu beitrug, das
zweite Gesicht der NATO zu enth�llen, das sich v�llig von den Zielen
unterscheidet, die in ihrem Gr�ndungsakt verk�ndet wurden.(...) Alles,
was die Belgrader Beh�rden dem Volk angetan haben, hat die Ansicht
best�rkt, dass es mit DOS keine Zukunft geben kann. Diese Beh�rden
haben den Rubikon dessen, was ertragen werden kann, �berschritten. Es
schwer vorstellbar, was sie jetzt noch retten k�nnte, sogenannte
Geschenke sicherlich nicht..(...) Selbst jene, die DOS finanzierten und
organisierten, planten nicht, sie lange beizubehalten. Aber f�r die
B�rger dieses Landes ist die Frage: Was wird von dem Land, von dem Staat
und von unseren wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen �brig bleiben, nachdem
derartige Beh�rden wieder verschwinden? Was werden neue Beh�rden noch zu
ihrer Verf�gung vorfinden?(...) Die letzten zehn Monate des
Totalitarismus, der Gesetzlosigkeit, Verfolgung und Verfinsterung waren
zwar schwer, haben aber unserer Partei in vieler Beziehung geholfen.
Wir haben verstanden, wo wir uns geirrt haben, aber auch wo unser
ungenutztes Potential liegt. Wir zahlten einen Preis f�r Opportunismus
gegen�ber jenen, die nur zu ihrem eigenen Nutzen mit uns waren, weil die
SPS an der Macht war. Wir verstehen die Bedeutung t�glicher Kontakte mit
den Menschen und des Respekts vor ihren W�nschen. An dieser Erkenntnis
und Erfahrung reicher geworden, wird die SPS ihre Beziehungen zu allen
sozialen Schichten verst�rken, indem sie als ein Faktor der Einheit
agiert, der zu Kreativit�t, Klugheit, Energie und Schwung zum Nutzen des
allgemeinen Fortschritts beitr�gt.(...) Das Haager "Tribunals" wird, was
immer seine Herren und Meister damit auch beabsichtigen, bis zu seiner
Abschaffung die B�hne sein, auf der sich die r�uberische, imperiale
Natur der NATO selbst offenbart.(...) Im Sinne der massiven W�nsche der
B�rger Serbiens fordert die SPS den R�cktritt der Republiksregierung,
die f�r die Verletzung der Verfassung Jugoslawiens und Serbiens so wie
f�r die Mi�achtung der Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, f�r
die Usurpation der ihr nicht zukommenden staatlichen Autorit�t, f�r die
Entf�hrung und Aush�ndigung von Slobodan Milosevic an die NATO
verantwortlich ist.


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