
(english / italiano)

Pristina-Tirana, l'autostrada della Grande Albania

1) Kosovo, autostrada ad ogni costo (A. L. Capussela)
2) U.S. envoy has "personal interest" in Kosovo highway (15/9/2011)

La annosa questione dell'asse autostradale pan-albanese viene ripresa, nell'articolo che riproduciamo di seguito, dall'ex direttore dell'ufficio economico dell'ICO (Ufficio Civile Internazionale in Kosovo). Le sue critiche al progetto vertono tutte sull'aspetto finanziario e di malcostume, mentre a suo dire << non ci sono particolari rischi geo-politici connessi alla tratta >>. Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta. L'autore si contraddice immediatamente: << L'unica base del progetto sta nel suo valore “patriottico” >>. Inoltre << questo episodio illustra l'estensione e la profondità dell'influenza degli Stati Uniti sul Kosovo ... l'ICO, a dispetto del suo mandato multilaterale, è diventato una dépendance dell'ambasciata USA >>; ed infine: << per Bechtel-Enka l'autostrada in Albania e quella in Kosovo erano la stessa cosa >> - per la classe dirigente albanese-kosovara, ovviamente, ancora di più... ma l'autore non lo dice.
Di grave rischio geopolitico sarebbero solamente, secondo questo autore, eventuali tratte verso Serbia e Macedonia. Questo si che è parlar chiaro! Il pregiudizio serbofobico del rappresentante italiano, e di "Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso" che lo pubblica, è dunque dichiarato: d'altronde, se i media serbi accusano l'ambasciatore statunitense di corruzione sono solo << accuse non circostanziate >> (ma si veda l'articolo originale, più sotto, e si giudichi), mentre se alla stessa conclusione arriva direttamente << Washington (che, a quanto pare, avrebbe saggiamente deciso di rimuovere l'ambasciatore [ma quando mai?!]) >>, allora si può dire. Viva la libertà.

Sulla realizzazione dell'asse autostradale, di fondamentale importanza geo-strategica (Corridoio 8), che unirà la Grande Albania, si vedano anche gli articoli e i link raccolti nel nostro precedente post: .

(a cura di Italo Slavo)

=== 1 ===

The following article in the english translation: 
Kosovo: the unnecessary highway that could bankrupt Europe’s poorest state
Andrea Lorenzo Capussela - 2 December 2011


Kosovo, autostrada ad ogni costo

Il Kosovo sta costruendo un'autostrada per connettersi all'Albania: un'opera da un miliardo di euro, il 25% del budget kosovaro del 2010. Secondo Andrea Capussela, ex direttore dell'ufficio economico dell'ICO, il progetto è economicamente insostenibile, segnato da procedure d'appalto poco trasparenti, e rischia di portare Pristina alla bancarotta

Il Kosovo sta costruendo un'autostrada a quattro corsie, che percorrerà i 105 chilometri che separano la capitale Pristina dal confine con l'Albania. Lì si ricongiungerà con la nuova autostrada che collega Tirana e il porto di Durazzo, sul Mediterraneo. La grande opera costerà oltre un miliardo di euro, ovvero il 25% del PIL del Kosovo nel 2010. Di questa autostrada si è scritto molto. Qui spiegherò perché a mio modo di vedere si tratta di un progetto inutile, traballante ed economicamente insostenibile, che oltretutto evidenzia gravi lacune nei meccanismi di governo e di controllo nel Paese.

Un progetto "patriottico"

I flussi commerciali fra Kosovo e Albania sono limitati: negli ultimi cinque anni, le importazioni dall'Albania sono state in media meno del 3% del totale, le esportazioni circa il 12% (di un totale molto modesto, visto che il volume delle esportazioni oscilla fra il 5 e il 10% di quello delle importazioni). La tratta in questione non è nemmeno cruciale dal punto di vista dei trasporti: dall'Albania arriva in Kosovo solo il 5% delle importazioni (il 40% dalla Macedonia, il 12% dal Montenegro e l'11% dalla Serbia1 ). I flussi relativi al traffico presentano uno scenario analogo. Inoltre l'autostrada, che conduce al porto di Durazzo si propone come alternativa alla tratta che arriva al porto di Salonicco, ma Durazzo rimane un porto molto più piccolo e meno efficiente, che oltretutto soffre di insabbiamenti.
È vero che l'autostrada favorirà sicuramente l'integrazione economica e non ci sono particolari rischi geo-politici connessi alla tratta, a differenza di quello che succede con Serbia e Macedonia. Ma sarebbe bastato migliorare, ad una frazione dei costi, la strada a due corsie già esistente: l'autostrada a quattro corsie avrebbe potuto aspettare finché la crescita dei flussi commerciali e del traffico l'avessero resa necessaria. Questo progetto è privo di giustificazione economica, e non è un caso che i capitali privati se ne siano tenuti alla larga.
Il governo ha intrapreso i lavori senza una pianificazione, uno studio di fattibilità o uno stanziamento di fondi. L'unica base del progetto sta nel suo valore “patriottico”. Ma si tratta di un gesto patriottico che il Paese non può permettersi: il programma che il Kosovo aveva stipulato con il Fondo monetario internazionale nel giugno 2010, e da cui è irresponsabilmente uscito pochi mesi dopo, rappresentava un tentativo di salvare il budget nazionale da questa immensa spesa2 . Fallito questo tentativo, il destino del bilancio del Paese rimane incerto.
A causa della decisione di costruire l'autostrada, il governo rischia una crisi di bilancio, ha dovuto tagliare capitoli di spesa molto più necessari e produttivi (ad esempio il malandato sistema scolastico, con scuole che lavorano su tre o anche quattro turni al giorno) e distoglie investimenti che dovrebbero andare al settore privato per stimolare una crescita sostenibile. Per sottolineare la gravità della situazione, ricordo che in Kosovo la disoccupazione è al 45% (75% quella giovanile), il 45% della popolazione vive in povertà e il 13% in povertà estrema (ovvero non ha un reddito sufficiente per nutrirsi in modo adeguato).

Ombre sulla gara d'appalto

Nemmeno l'implementazione del progetto è stata brillante. Lo svolgimento della gara d'appalto è stato molto lacunoso. Le offerte delle imprese concorrenti non potevano essere comparate sulla base di criteri oggettivi: la seconda classificata, l'austriaca Strabag, ha offerto un prezzo fisso di 1,3 miliardi di euro per l'intera autostrada (circa 140 km dal confine con la Serbia a quello con l'Albania), mentre la vincitrice (un consorzio fra la statunitense Bechtel e la turca Enka) ha offerto un prezzo variabile per il segmento fra Pristina e il confine albanese (circa 110 km). E l'appalto è stato negoziato dopo il conferimento, quando il potere negoziale del governo era minore: infatti nel corso dei negoziati il preventivo è salito di oltre il 60%, da circa 400 a 659 milioni di euro3 . Il contratto proposto da Bechtel-Enka contiene inoltre clausole molto punitive che non erano contemplate dalle regole del bando.
Infatti, come riportato dalla stampa, i consulenti legali del governo (l'agenzia britannica Eversheds) avevano concluso che l'offerta di Bechtel-Enka “non rispettava” le regole del bando ed era “nulla di più di una stima non vincolante”. Avevano quindi consigliato di non firmare il contratto presentato, giudicato parziale ed “estremamente pericoloso”. Il governo ignorò la consulenza, costata 1,7 milioni di euro, e firmò il contratto nell'aprile 20104 .
Ma il governo doveva sottoporre il contratto alla Banca mondiale e al FMI, con cui stava negoziando un programma. A soli due mesi dall'annuncio del preventivo di 659 milioni di euro, il governo accettò una stima della Banca mondiale che fissava il costo dell'autostrada ad almeno un miliardo di euro: il prezzo al chilometro aveva superato l'offerta della Strabag ed era ora il più alto nella regione, ma piuttosto alto anche per gli standard dell'UE5 . Il prezzo potrebbe salire ulteriormente a causa di revisioni del progetto, costi extra o penali. La stima ammetteva che “il contratto non protegge adeguatamente il budget da sforamenti del preventivo, mentre i ritardi nella costruzione farebbero scattare penali e aumenti di spesa non trascurabili”6 .
A queste condizioni, il prezzo finale dipende dalle valutazioni di Bechtel-Enka in merito alla quantità necessaria di ghiaia, asfalto o cemento o alla durezza del terreno. Per questo motivo, il contratto consente al governo di monitorare i lavori e controllare, ad esempio, quanto cemento è necessario, quanto ne viene usato, di che qualità e a che prezzo. Ma i lavori sono cominciati ad aprile 2010, e il governo ha incaricato una ditta per i controlli solo ad agosto 20117 . Nel frattempo, ha riportato la stampa, il consorzio avrebbe gonfiato i costi del cemento8 .
Quanto salirà il preventivo, si può solo immaginare. Il nome Bechtel riporta in mente i controversi appalti dell'Iraq, ma qui citerò due precedenti molto vicini e significativi dei pericoli di assegnare appalti a prezzo variabile con procedure non competitive.

Il precedente albanese

Bechtel-Enka ha costruito parte del segmento albanese dell'autostrada con un appalto molto simile a quello ora stipulato in Kosovo. La stima iniziale ammontava a 418 milioni di euro, il prezzo finale a quasi un miliardo, con un ragguardevole margine di profitto del 44%. Secondo un dispaccio dell'ambasciata statunitense a Tirana del 22 settembre 20069, poco dopo il conferimento dell'appalto, “la Banca mondiale considera il processo di selezione […] non competitivo e sta facendo pressioni [sul ministero dei Trasporti in Albania] perché riapra il bando. La Banca mondiale vuole anche che [il ministero] converta il progetto in un'autostrada a due corsie per ridurre i costi”. Sono gli stessi problemi riemersi in Kosovo quattro anni dopo: appalti irregolari e costi eccessivi. Il titolo del dispaccio è “Impedimenti all'offerta Bechtel per la costruzione di segmento chiave dell'autostrada fra Kosovo e Durazzo”, e l'ambasciata conclude che il consorzio “dovrebbe collaborare con [il governo albanese] per risolvere ogni dubbio della Banca mondiale”. Questo è ciò che hanno fatto, presumibilmente con successo.
Secondo un dispaccio del 27 giugno 200810 , il ministro dei Trasporti che aveva firmato il contratto e tre funzionari furono accusati di aver “aggirato le procedure legali per avviare il progetto” (le indagini per corruzione furono chiuse e poi riaperte11 ; presumibilmente sono ancora in corso), “la stima iniziale di 450 milioni di euro è stata da tempo sorpassata” e, più precisamente, l'Albania “ha finora investito 640 milioni di euro e il costo potrebbe arrivare a 800 milioni”. Come il Kosovo, l'Albania non ha effettuato studi di fattibilità, fatica a sostenere i costi e ha recentemente dichiarato di non essere in grado di sostenere il progetto12 .
Bechtel si è aggiudicata anche l'appalto per un'autostrada di 415 km in Romania, stavolta senza nemmeno un bando pubblico. Ad agosto 2011, erano stati costruiti 54 km e il governo aveva pagato 1,3 miliardi di euro. Il primo ministro, responsabile della firma, è sotto processo per corruzione, e il nuovo governo ci ha messo anni per rinegoziare l'appalto e tagliare le perdite: l'accordo è che Bechtel costruirà altri 60 km per 3.8 miliardi di euro, e il resto dei lavori verrà assegnato tramite un nuovo bando13 .

Back in Kosovo

A differenza di Albania e Romania, il Kosovo era ed è sotto la supervisione dell'Ufficio Civile Internazionale (ICO) guidato da Pieter Feith, all'epoca anche Rappresentante speciale dell'UE in Kosovo. L'Ufficio ha vasti poteri correttivi e un mandato che copre le politiche economiche e fiscali (all'epoca, ero a capo dell'unità economica). Parallelamente, l'UE ha inviato in Kosovo la missione EULEX per lo stato di diritto, anch'essa dotata di poteri esecutivi per combattere la corruzione ad alti livelli.
FMI, Commissione europea e Banca mondiale hanno avanzato seri dubbi sull'autostrada. Io condividevo queste preoccupazioni e le discussi svariate volte con il mio diretto interlocutore, il ministro dell'Economia. Ma dato che fu presto chiaro che il governo non ne avrebbe tenuto conto, chiesi a Pieter Feith di prendere posizione. Anche se il progetto era stato approvato da un governo democraticamente eletto e la popolazione ne era entusiasta, gli spiegai, era pur sempre non sostenibile dal punto di vista economico. Inoltre, l'appalto era stato assegnato in modo irregolare, il contratto poneva gravi minacce alle finanze pubbliche e il governo aveva ignorato i suoi stessi consulenti: tutte buone ragioni per verificare, come minimo, se il governo stesse negoziando nell'interesse dei cittadini.
Feith non seguì il mio consiglio. Il perché è spiegato in un'intervista rilasciata il 7 agosto al principale quotidiano del Kosovo. Alla domanda se fosse al corrente dell'appalto e dei relativi problemi, Feith rispose di no (la mia nota sull'appalto riporta però i suoi commenti scritti a mano). Alla domanda “Perché no?”, rispose “Chiedete agli Stati Uniti”.
Quindi gli Stati uniti (Washington, l'ambasciata, la Bechtel o altri) l'avevano convinto a non interferire mentre il governo del Kosovo si apprestava a spendere una colossale quantità di denaro per un'autostrada inutile e appaltata con modalità controverse. Il parallelo con il caso albanese è evidente. In effetti avevo avuto la percezione, confermata dal ministro dell'Economia, che le pressioni a firmare quel contratto pericoloso venissero dall'ambasciata statunitense più che da Washington (che, a quanto pare, avrebbe saggiamente deciso di rimuovere l'ambasciatore).

Riconoscenza, soldi, politica

Ci sono state voci di corruzione riguardo il ministro dei Trasporti e il primo ministro. I media serbi hanno lanciato accuse (non circostanziate) anche all'ambasciatore statunitense14 . Ho mandato un dossier a EULEX oltre un anno fa, ma non è stata aperto alcun procedimento. È in corso un'altra indagine che copre decine di progetti di costruzioni stradali, ma non questo. Alla fine, ciò che conta è che lo stato più povero d'Europa ha sprecato il 10-15% del proprio PIL, rischia la crisi di bilancio e nessuno protegge gli interessi dei cittadini: non l'opposizione, non i media che hanno reagito molto tardi e flebilmente, non gli organismi internazionali.
Questo episodio illustra l'estensione e la profondità dell'influenza degli Stati Uniti sul Kosovo. Ovviamente il Kosovo e la maggior parte della popolazione sentono riconoscenza per gli Stati Uniti. Quello che non sembrano notare è che gli Stati Uniti hanno fatto molto, ma certo non hanno speso il 10% del PIL per il Kosovo: al contrario di quanto detto dall'ambasciatore statunitense alla cerimonia per la firma, questo contratto non è un simbolo dell'amicizia fra i due paesi15 . Dimostra semmai che l'ICO, a dispetto del suo mandato multilaterale, è diventato una dépendance dell'ambasciata USA, che ne fa uno strumento dei propri interessi bilaterali. Incidentalmente, appare bizzarro che altri 24 stati lo finanzino e la Commissione europea continui a sostenere oltre la metà del suo budget.
Per finire, una parola sulla Bechtel e un'altra autostrada. È chiaro che per Bechtel-Enka l'autostrada in Albania e quella in Kosovo erano la stessa cosa: una volta portate le attrezzature in Albania, assicurarsi anche l'appalto in Kosovo avrebbe ridotto i costi e conferito un vantaggio su gran parte della concorrenza. Vantaggio di cui, purtroppo, il Kosovo non sembra aver beneficiato, dato che il processo di selezione non è stato molto competitivo.
Ora il Kosovo vuole costruire un'autostrada di 55 km verso Skopje, in Macedonia, impegnandosi però di fronte all'FMI a rimandare i lavori finché non potrà permetterselo senza mettere in crisi il bilancio. Sembra però che, nonostante le obiezioni del Fondo, il primo ministro intenda procedere non appena termineranno i lavori attualmente in corso16 . Chiaramente, Bechtel-Enka ha tutto l'interesse a concorrere anche per questo appalto, e questo sarà tanto più conveniente quanto più breve sarà l'intervallo di tempo fra un progetto e l'altro. Di conseguenza, al governo del Kosovo farebbero bene una stretta supervisione e un invito alla cautela nel decidere se e quando costruire un'altra costosa autostrada.


3 Pristina Insight n. 64, p. 1 e 2

=== 2 ===

THURSDAY 15.09.2011

U.S. envoy has "personal interest" in Kosovo highway


BELGRADE -- U.S. Ambassador in Priština Christopher Dell has "strong personal interest" in Kosovo Albanian authorities taking over control of the administrative line.

This is according to a report on Thursday in Belgrade-based daily Blic.

The newspaper claims that tge U.S. diplomat has close business ties with a U.S. corporation that is taking part in the construction of a highway from the Albanian capital of Tirana, to Merdare on the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia. 

According to the article, Dell is to receive a percentage from the construction of the highway which is being built by U.S. Bechtel Corporation and its Turkish partner ENKA. 

The ambassador’s role is allegedly "to pour money into Kosovo’s budget and to make sure that the priority is to pay the U.S. company". 

None of the sources could specify how big Dell the percentage received by Dell will be, but it is believed to be a significant amount of money. 

The daily also says it learned "from a well-informed source in Priština" that the Bechtel Corporation owns 15 percent of the total value of the contract, which according to some exceeds EUR 620mn. Dell became involved when Americans realized that the Kosovo government did not have the necessary funds to make the payments. 

The U.S. ambassador’s strong advocacy for the completion of Kosovo institution’s control - in the Serb north that rejects the authority of the government in Priština - is described as "a continuation of the U.S. policy in the field, but it also represents an opportunity to make profit". 

According to the Blic’s source, the Kosovo budget does not have enough money and Dell believes that a way out is a sale of the telecommunications company. 

According to some estimates, the so-called Telekomi Kosoves - which is in fact property owned by Serbia - could be sold for EUR 300-350mn. 

A tender for the sale of the company is still open even though bids were supposed to be accepted only through June. If and when sold, it is estimated that some 75 percent of the money will be spent on payments for the highway construction. Croatia’s Telekom is among the bidders, and Croat Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor’s recent visit to Kosovo is believed to have been related to that. 

“The money will be used to repay debts and it will go into the budget. But the most important thing is that there will be enough for the U.S. firm,” the daily’s source was quoted as saying. 

Among other things, the highway represents an ideal link between the U.S. Camp Bondsteel and the Albanian coast, and the U.S. Fifth Fleet ships, according to the article. 

Albania also signed the agreement with the U.S. company. However, certain countries have had negative experience with the Bechtel Corporation. 

One of them is Romania, where a price estimate for a highways was EUR 2.2bn in 2004, to then reach EUR 7bn, with the deadine for completion moved to 2013. 

The construction works started in Albania in 2006, and currently reached Prizren in Kosovo. 

The newspaper also describes Christopher Dell as the diplomat exerting the most influence on the Kosovo Albanian government and its head Hashim Thaci. According to this, they did not have the support from EULEX to send Kosovo police to take over administrative line checkpoints in July, but Dell "knew about the operation". 

Now, when Priština is announcing a new "takeover of borders", the U.S. ambassador is saying it is "a legitimate right of Kosovo to return its customs and police to the north". 

The daily concluded that Dell also took part in the making of an "operational plan" for this to happen, that was announced on Wednesday by Thaci.

=== * ===

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(srpskohrvatski / francais / deutsch / english)


2) Russia's humanitarian aid to Kosovo Serbs blocked by NATO occupation troops
4) »Ständig politischer Gewalt ausgesetzt«. Ein Gespräch mit Benjamin Schett
- The Kosovo Powder Keg (Ted G. Carpenter)
- On the "USA for Kosova" Exhibition (Stella L. Jatras)
- Kosovo Serbs: the right to a Motherland (
Alexander Vatutin)
- Czech association Soldiers against War condemn illegal secession of Kosovo

=== 0 : LINKS ===

Source of most following documents in english language is the Stop NATO e-mail list 
Archives and search engine:
Website and articles:


VIDEO: Kosovo - Violent Clashes Between NATO's KFOR and Serbian Minority
GRTV 2011-11-27
Originally aired on RT, November 26, 2011

VIDEO: More Violence in Kosovo: NATO Tells Troops to Use Live Ammunition
GRTV - by Sasha Knezev - 2011-11-29
Originally aired on RT, November 29, 2011

VIDEO: "Težina lanaca" na Jarinju
TV Most
LEPOSAVIĆ -- Na barikadi na putu prema administrativnom prelazu Jarinje, na teritoriji opštine Leposavić, 29. novembra 2011. je održana projekcija filma „Težina lanaca" režisera Borisa Malagurskog...

Moscow Slams NATO Power Games in Kosovo
Global Research, November 30, 2011
Originally on RT, November 30, 2011

Kosovo: the unnecessary highway that could bankrupt Europe’s poorest state
Andrea Lorenzo Capussela - 2 December 2011

VIDEO: Referendum na severu Kosmeta
Nacionalni Dnevnik TV Pink - 28.12.2011

Taxes aux frontières entre Kosovo et Serbie : les Serbes du Nord annoncent un référendum
Le décret du gouvernement serbe sur la liberté de circulation aux check-points administratifs du Kosovo est inacceptable, aussi bien pour les Serbes du nord du Kosovo que pour les Albanais du sud de la Serbie. En effet, les voyageurs doivent payer d’énormes taxes pour passer de Serbie au Kosovo. Les Serbes du nord annoncent un référendum pour le 15 février...



50.000 Kosovo Serbs applying for Russian citizenship

=== 1 ===

See also: Human rights of Serbs in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija - Theses for a case study



Belgrade, December 16th, 2011.



WASHINGTON -- U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade Mary Warlick stated for Voice of America that progress has been made in the dialogue, but that Kosovo's participation in regional forums has not been resolved yet, as well as that it is very bad that there are barricades in Kosovo…

First of all, it is very bad to take way 15% of the Serbian state territory by force and hand it over to the former terrorist leader Hashim Tachi and co;

Second, it is very bad that the  US  government violated sovereignty and territorial integrity of FRY ( Serbia ), guarantied by UN   SC  resolution 1244 (1244) and  Serbia ’s Constitution, by recognizing unilateral illegal secession of Prishtina and lobbying world-wide recognition of such an illegal act;  

Third, it is very bad that the US established military base Bondstil in Kosovo, said to be the biggest US base in the world, immediately following the NATO aggression in 1999, without asking permission neither from Serbia to which the territory belongs, nor from UN SC which still has mandate over the Province;

Fourth, it is very bad that US government, having decisive role in KFOR and UNMIK, has done little if anything, to help uncover perpetrators of thousands of crimes against Serbs in Kosovo including abductions, disappearance and deaths of over 1.000 Serbs since KFOR/UNMIK took over full responsibility in the Province 1999;

Fifth, it is very bad, that the US obstructs return of contingents of Serbian Army and Police to Kosovo explicitly provided for by UN SC resolution 1244(1999);

Sixth, it is very bad that US government obstructs that investigation about human organs harvesting and trafficking, demanded by the Resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as well as by the Government of Serbia, be conducted under UN SC and not EULEX mandate;

Seventh, it is very bad, that US Government, has done little if anything, to help free and safe return of about 230.000 of displaced Serbs and other non-Albanians to their native homes in Kosovo, as provided for in the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999);

Eighth, it is very bad that US State Secretary Hillary Clinton has just signed the document with Edita Tahiri about cultural monuments in Kosovo and Metohija, omitting to note that those monuments in over 90% of cases are monuments of Serbian culture, including Serbian medieval churches and monasteries some of which have been registered part of the world cultural heritage by UNESCO;

Ninth, it is very bad that illegal police and customs officers of illegal Prishtina entities have been transported by NATO military helicopters to the administrative line in Northern part of the Province, to establish state border within Serbia’s state territory, using military force against civilian peaceful protesters and violating the will of the Serbian majority to remain free within Serbia.  

Overall development following US sponsored NATO aggression against  Serbia  (and  Montenegro ) 1999, is very bad, indeed. In Kosovo, but not only.
                                    THE  BELGRADE  FORUM FOR A WORLD OF EQUALS

=== 2 ===

VIDEO: KFOR and EULEX are blocking Russian humanitarian aid for Kosovo Serbs
KFOR, EULEX and illegal so called "albanian Kosovo" institutions are blocking much needed humanitarian aid from Russia to Serb population in currently occupied southern Serbia's province of Kosovo and Metohija...


Russian Information Agency Novosti - December 7, 2011

Russia sends humanitarian aid to Kosovo Serbs

MOSCOW: Russia is sending on Wednesday a second shipment of humanitarian aid to Kosovo Serbs, totaling 284 tons, the emergencies ministry said.
A 40-truck convoy will deliver blankets, power generators, furniture and food supplies, the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.
The convoy will leave the city of Noginsk near Moscow at 5.45 a.m. Moscow time and is expected to arrive in the city of Mitrovica in northern Kosovo in two days.
In November, an emergencies ministry’s Il-76 cargo plane delivered the first shipment of humanitarian aid, weighing 36 tons, to the city of Nis in southern Serbia.
A Russian-Serbian center for emergency situations in the Balkans opened in Nis in October.
Kosovo, a landlocked region with a population of mainly ethnic Albanians, declared its independence from Serbia in February 2008. Ethnic Serbs account for up to 10 percent of Kosovo’s two-million population.
Both Serbia and Russia have refused to recognize Kosovo’s independence.


Itar-Tass - December 13, 2011

Russian humanitarian convoy banned from entering Kosovo

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, or EULEX Kosovo, prevented a convoy of Russian humanitarian supplies from entering northern Kosovo via the Jarinje checkpoint on the Serbian border.
The convoy consists of 25 trucks, carrying food, blankets, cutlery, and portable electric generators.
After the first two trucks went through the necessary customs formalities, the procedure was interrupted, without any explanation provided so far.


RT - December 13, 2011

Russian humanitarian convoy blocked at Kosovo border

A Russian truck convoy carrying humanitarian aid for Kosovo’s Serbian population is now heading back to Russia after daylong negotiations between Russia and EULEX proved fruitless. ­
The Russian convoy consisting of 25 trucks with humanitarian aid including power-plants, blankets, food supplies, furniture and other necessities had been heading for Mitrovica, the largest city in Kosovo’s Serb-dominated north. Two trucks were able to enter Kosovo through the Jarinje border checkpoint but the rest were not allowed through by the EULEX police in charge of the post. 
EULEX said it wanted to escort the convoy on its way to Mitrovica, but Russia said the region was safe and there was no reason for EULEX to accompany its trucks. Kosovo Serbs did not want to let EULEX police through as they saw it as an opportunity for Kosovo customs officials to sneak into their region. EULEX also said Russia could use another checkpoint at Merdare. However, Russia refused this offer because the checkpoint is under Kosovo control, a country Russia does not recognize. 
The Russian ambassador to Serbia, as well as Russian Emergency Ministry officials and diplomats arrived at the scene to negotiate with EULEX. The talks took place in a roadside café and in a nearby meadow. However, at the end the day, they were to no avail and the remaining 23 trucks are now heading back to Russia according to the latest reports for RT’s Igor Ogorodnev. 
In November 20,000 Kosovo Serbs signed a petition asking for Russian citizenship. The Russian Foreign Ministry rejected their demand but said Russia would help the Serbian population of Northern Kosovo with humanitarian aid. 
Northern Kosovo has seen a surge in violence this year after the government of Kosovo tried to enforce its trade embargo with Serbia. Some Kosovo Serbs launched an attack on customs checkpoints set up by the Kosovo administration, resulting in NATO and EULEX becoming involved. Since the summer the local Serbian population has set up barricades to prevent international peacekeepers from using the main roads in the region.



Itar-Tass - December 13, 2011

Kosovo Albanian authorities try to use Russian convoy for seizing control over checkpoint  

JARINJE: A Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid to Kosovo Serbs has been staying at the entry to Kosovo since 2:00 p.m. Moscow time on Tuesday.
EULEX officers refuse to let the trucks cross the Jarinje checkpoint on the administrative border of central Serbia and Kosovo. The first two trucks were cleared by the customs and the procedure stopped by the order of the mission administration without any explanations.
EULEX insists that the convoy must be accompanied for security reasons, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Konuzin said. In his words, the Russian side has repeatedly declined the accompanying of the convoy as there are no threats to the convoy in northern areas of Kosovo.
Meanwhile, Kosovo Serbs refuse to let EULEX vehicles into the areas they control. A source in Kosovska Mitrovica told Itar-Tass that eleven EULEX vehicles are staying at the entry to the city. Kosovo Albanian border guards, customs officers and journalists are members of the so-called accompanying group. “It seems the Albanian side has decided to use the occasion for taking control over the Jarinje checkpoint, whose approaches are blocked by Kosovo Serbs,” the source said.
The Russian ambassador called the Serbian foreign minister to discuss the problem. The Russian Foreign and Emergency Situations Ministries were informed about the situation.
Russian diplomats, representatives of the Emergency Situations Ministry and the media insist on the free movement of the Russian convoy to the territory of Kosovo.
The convoy crossed the Romanian border on Saturday and headed for Kosovo for transferring the humanitarian cargo to the Serbian organization of the Red Cross in Kosovska Mitrovica.
Twenty-five trucks departed from Noginsk on December 7 to bring power plants, blankets, food, dishes and folding furniture to Serbia. The total weight of the humanitarian cargo is 284 tonnes. The convoy was supposed to cross the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia.
Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Friday that the ministry was sending another humanitarian convoy to Kosovo Serbs.
“A convoy carrying humanitarian cargo will depart from the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry’s 179th rescue center in Noginsk, Moscow region, to Serbia at 5:30 a.m. Moscow time on December 10,” he said.
The trucks will deliver diesel power plants, furnaces, folding furniture, household heaters, blankets, bed linen and food with the total weight of 160 tonnes, the minister said.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - December 13, 2011

Ambassador: EULEX blocking humanitarian aid

JARINJE: Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Konuzin says that the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, is blocking a convoy of humanitarian aid. 
The 27 trucks carrying the aid to Serbs in the north, sent by Russia, are blocked at the Jarinje administrative checkpoint since Tuesday morning.
The convoy of trucks sent by the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations and meant to be delivered to Serbs in Kosovo arrived at the gates at Jarinje this morning, the ambassador told reporters at the spot, adding that the convoy had been told it would be allowed to cross the administrative line between central Serbia and the Kosovo province. 
He said that the formalities concerning the procedures for trucks to enter the southern Serbian province had to be observed and were underway. 
Two trucks have already been allowed to enter and are already in the province, and a third truck was currently undergoing the same procedure, said Konuzin. 
“EULEX then issued an order to halt the formal procedure, blocking the convoy movement," he said. "We received no information as to the reason for stopping the control procedure. Then we were given the ultimatum to either continue to move on accompanied by EULEX or to go to the Merdare checkpoint,” he said. 
Konuzin said EULEX had then been said it was not required to escort the convoy and that the convoy would not go on to Merdare because the crossing was controlled by authorities from Priština that neither Russia nor the Serbian authorities considered legitimate. 
For now, the movement of the convoy remains blocked, Konuzin said, adding that he was in contact with Serbian and Russian authorities trying to find a solution. 
“The most important thing is for the Russian humanitarian aid to reach those for whom it is meant - Kosovo Serbs,” the Russian diplomat said. 
Speaking in Kragujevac, central Serbia on Tuesday afternoon, Serbian President Boris Tadić "thanked Russia for sending the humanitarian aid", and added that "no convoy carrying aid to Serbs in Kosovo should be stopped as they are today the most vulnerable ethnic group in Europe”.

Russian trucks through, EULEX turned back

Earlier in the day, Serbs in northern Kosovo removed a barricade this morning to let through a convoy of 25 trucks carrying Russian humanitarian aid enter northern Kosovo. 
The barricade was located in front of the Jarinje administrative line checkpoint, in the area that's part of central Serbia. 
The vehicles then reached Jarinje, which is controlled by EULEX officials. Journalists also saw police officers of the Kosovo Albanian authorities from Priština there, but they did not check the trucks and cars. 
Russian Ambassador in Belgrade Aleksandr Konuzin traveled in the convoy. At the barricade, he exited his car to shake hands with the Serbs guarding the roadblock and took pictures with them.
But when a convoy of 11 vehicles belonging to the EU mission in the province, EULEX, headed for Jarinje from the southern, ethnic Albanian, part of Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbs turned them back twice from two locations. 
Initially, it was said that EULEX was sending vehicles to escort the Russian convoy, but when Konuzin said that such escort was not needed, Serbs stopped the EULEX vehicles in Zvečan. 
That convoy went back via the ethnic Albanian village of Čabra and via Jagnjenica, but soon after they made another attempt to reach Jarinje. The locals then stopped them in the village of Žerovnica near the town of Zvečan. 
Kosovska Mitrovica Mayor Krstimir Pantić told reporters that the Serbs blocked EULEX because the mission was "transporting Kosovo border police and customs" to Jarinje, as well as Albanian-language media crews from Priština, whose goal was to report that "the road toward Jarinje is passable, and that a Russian humanitarian envoy was the first to cross a customs post that Serbs are boycotting". 
Pantić described this as "yet another unnecessary provocation" on the part of EULEX: 
"This new provocation by EULEX was meant to cause the Serbs to react inappropriately and be blamed for that. It was unnecessary for EULEX to head toward the north when nobody asked them to do that." 
Ambassador Konuzin was expected to address the citizens at another barricade, in Leposavić, and then in Kosovska Mitrovica, where the aid shipment is to be handed over to the Red Cross. 
The shipment consists of food, tents, blankets, and other goods, and will be distributed to Serb families most in need of such assistance. 
It was announced that the ceremony in northern Kosovska Mitrovica would be attended by officials of the Ministry for Kosovo, the Red Cross, and local self-administration.
The presence of the Kosovo police was noticeably reinforced along the main road from Kosovska Mitrovica to Jarinje, said Tanjug's reporters in the province.


Itar-Tass - December 14, 2011

Political blackmail in Kosovo - Ambassador

A convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid from the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry has become an object of political blackmail. This was announced on Tuesday by the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Konuzin.
"The Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) has once again gone beyond its mandate and has taken the side of the Kosovo Albanian authorities," said Konuzin.
According to him, after the first two trucks successfully passed the necessary customs formalities on the border between central Serbia and Kosovo, the procedure was abruptly stopped without explanation by orders from the mission’s leadership.
According to the Ambassador, the basis of the actions was "politically motivated."


B92/Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - December 14, 2011

Humanitarian aid still at administrative crossing

JARINJE: A Russian convoy of 24 trucks carrying humanitarian aid to Serbs in Kosovo still has not crossed the Jarinje administrative checkpoint. 
EULEX wants the Russian convoy to go to the Priština-controlled Merdare checkpoint. 
Russia’s Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Konuzin said that it was “EULEX’s blackmail he cannot accept”. 
Two trucks crossed the administrative line on Tuesday but the other trucks were not allowed to go through and the reason why the convoy has not been allowed to cross is still unknown. 
The Russian ambassador was told by EULEX that the trucks could not proceed without EULEX’s escort and that they could cross at the Merdare crossing. Konuzin refused to accept both conditions. 
Ambassador Konuzin today conferred via video link with Russian Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu, who said the humanitarian convoy was blocked without any official explanation. 
"The problem of the passage of the Russian humanitarian aid convoy for Serbs in Kosovo has not been solved. We do not know when it will be solved, because we have not received any official response. We are acting strictly in line with UN resolution (1244) and are sending only humanitarian cargo, which can be checked," Shoigu told Russia 24 TV outlet. 
At the same time, Russian envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin reacted to describe the case as "humanitarian crime", and add that Moscow cannot negotiate about it with the unrecognized state in Kosovo. 
"We do not recognize those authorities as authorities of an independent state. We will continue negotiations exclusively with international representatives of NATO and the EU. The recognition of Kosovo is a matter for their conscience, as well as the recognition of gangsters of the former Kosovo army (KLA), who have now formed their own police units," said the ambassador. 
The blocking of the convoy of Russian trucks at the administrative line checkpoint of Jarinje will be one of the topics discussed at the EU-Russia summit, Rogozin announced. 
A spokesperson for the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, said in Priština that the convoy "had two choices to enter Kosovo", and listed them as either accepting EULEX police escort, "because that is usual practice", or going to the Merdare checkpoint. 
Irina Gudeljevic also noted that if the convoy accepted EULEX police escort, "that means that EULEX vehicles must be let trough the barricades". 
The citizens in the north of the province, however, are not allowing EULEX through their barricades, because the EU mission has been transporting Kosovo Albanian institutions' customs and police workers to the checkpoints in the north. 
Serbs are a majority population north of the Ibar River and they reject the authority of the government in Priština, and the ethnic Albanian unilateral declaration of independence made in early 2008.


Voice of Russia - December 14, 2011

Russian humanitarian convoy blocked on Kosovo border

Timur Blokhin, Igor Goikovic 

A Russian convoy which is to deliver 285 tons of humanitarian aid to Kosovo Serbs remains blocked on the demarcation line between Serbia and the Kosovo province. On Tuesday afternoon, the representatives of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, (EULEX) halted a convoy with Russian humanitarian aid for Kosovo Serbs.
The border guards let two trucks enter Kosovo but after that EULEX ordered them to halt the third truck for custom formalities. These formalities, in particular, implied that the Russian trucks should be convoyed by EULEX representatives to enter the territory of Kosovo.
In response Serbs blocked 11 cars with EULEX representatives who were on the way to Jarinje.  According to Alexander Konuzin, Russia’s ambassador in Serbia, who is heading the convoy, Pristina laid it down as a condition either the trucks go to Kosovo’s Mitrovica convoyed by EULEX or they turn back and go to the administrative center of Merdare, where is Kosovo custom checkpoint is located.
Konuzin told EULEX representatives that he had not asked them to convoy the trucks with humanitarian aid. He also said that the Russian convoy would not go to Merdare because this checkpoint is controlled by Pristina authorities, which neither Serbia nor Russia recognize as a legitimate government.
It should be noted here that if the Russian convoy passes through customs in Merdare it can be taken as an indirect recognition of Kosovo’s independence by Russia.
Meanwhile, Peter Feith, the representative in Pristina of the US and the 22 EU countries that recognize Kosovo, said he did not understand why the Russian ambassador should go to the north of Kosovo if there is a Russian representative in Pristina. Feith recommended the Russian embassy to follow the rules and to agree on cargo delivery with Pristina authorities.
But he forgot to mention an important detail: the Russian office in Pristina is part of the Russian embassy in Belgrade and Alexander Konuzin is the ambassador on the entire territory of Serbia including Kosovo, which Moscow regards as an integral part of Serbia.
By the way, Peter Feith says he does not see any humanitarian crisis in Kosovo. At the same time, according to the Serbian Red Cross’ report, about 30,000 people in Kosovo, which is one fifth of the regional population really need such an aid, Vesna Milenovic, the  secretary general of this organization, said in an interview with the Voice of Russia:
"We see no reasons not to let the humanitarian convoy enter Kosovo. We received humanitarian aid from Russia several times and it was always at the right time," Milenovic continued. According to her, "the current aid was put together considering the current needs of the population. It contains flour, sugar, canned meat products and hygiene products, and all this is really needed. It is winter now and people’s humanitarian needs are growing. That is why they also need electric heaters as well as portable power generators, which will be installed in the organizations where they are especially needed."
And here is a statement from Mileta Babovic, General Secretary of the Association of Serbia’s economic executives, which also collects humanitarian aid for Kosovo Serbs:
"This humanitarian aid is very important now - it is not clear how the situation in the region will develop. The talks between Belgrade and Pristina are likely to last long. Meanwhile our citizens in Kosovo still live in conditions of total instability when one day you have a land plot  and a house and next day Albanians come and take it away from you."
Russia’s Emergency Ministry and Russia’s envoy inn NATO Dmitry Rogozin have already called the actions of the EU representatives who halted Russia’s convoy on the border with to Kosovo as a “humanitarian crime”. 
On Wednesday the Russian leadership plans to raise this issue at the EU-Russia summit in Brussels.

=== 3: MORE NEWS ===

North Atlantic Treaty Organization - December 1, 2011

Statement by the North Atlantic Council on present situation in Kosovo

Today, we discussed the situation in Kosovo with our partners in KFOR.
NATO Allies and KFOR partners are deeply concerned about the recent developments in the northern part of Kosovo, which we continue to monitor carefully. The use of violence against KFOR is unacceptable and we deplore it. NATO and our KFOR partners welcome President Tadic's statement of 29 November, which must be followed by concrete actions. We urge all parties to exercise restraint and cooperate fully with all international actors on the ground to ensure freedom of movement without delay.
NATO Allies and KFOR partners fully support Commander KFOR...NATO and our KFOR partners commend KFOR's coordination with EULEX in this regard.
NATO Allies and KFOR partners call on Belgrade and Pristina to continue their constructive participation to the EU-facilitated dialogue.


B92/Politika/Danas - December 1, 2011

N. Kosovo Serbs build three new barricades
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA: Even though President Boris Tadić called for removal of barricades, northern Kosovo Serbs have built three new barricades in the village of Jagnjenica. 
A barricade in the village of Dudin Krš has been reinforced. 
Daily Politika writes that the local Serbs are keeping watch at all 19 barricades in northern Kosovo. 

Northern Kosovo Serbs “disappointed” in Tadić

The northern Kosovo Serbs are disappointed by Tadić’s call to remove the barricades, Zubin Potok Mayor Slaviša Ristić said on Wednesday. Kosovska Mitrovica Mayor Krstimir Pantić has said that the call is confusing and that he believes that it is a result of pressure from Brussels. 
They told Politika that they would call an emergency joint session of four northern Kosovo Serb municipalities on Thursday in order to discuss the president’s request. 
Daily Danas, on the other hand, writes that the northern Kosovo Serbs are ready for alternative resistance measures if the government decided to implement some temporary measures against them. The daily has learned that criminal charges against Belgrade team chief Borislav Stefanović will be filed by the local Serb representatives as soon as details about today’s talks with Priština in Brussels are made public. 
The daily also added that the northern Kosovo Serb representatives will most likely request a parliament session so the MPs could discuss a change of the state policy which was announced by Tadić.


Tanjug News Agency - December 2, 2011 

Holocaust memorial desecrated in Kosovo

PRIŠTINA: Kosovo police are investigating who sprayed swastikas on dozens of tombstones in a Jewish cemetery in Priština.
“Jews out” was spray-painted on a memorial for Jewish families who perished during World War II.
Police Spokesman Brahim Sadrija said Thursday that police had sealed off the cemetery in Priština and were looking for clues. The vandalism is believed to have happened Tuesday, AP has reported. 
”Kosovo police went to the scene and have taken the necessary steps. An expert from Priština’s Monument Directorate has also been contacted. The investigators are conducting an investigation in order to find out who the perpetrator of this act is,” Sadrija told Radio Free Europe. 
He said he could not disclose more details pending the ongoing investigation. 
Kosovo Albanian President Atifete Jahjaga and PM Hashim Thaci have condemned the act. :)
The U.S. Embassy in Priština was the first to condemn the incident and called on the Kosovo authorities to thoroughly investigate the case and bring the persons responsible for it to justice. 
Kosovo's Jewish community left for Israel and Serbia during and after the 1998-99 Kosovo war.


Austrian Independent - December 2, 2011

Injured soldiers return home from Kosovo

The seven Austrian soldiers who were injured in conflict in Kosovo have returned home and are on the mend. According to "Österreich" two of the men have already left the hospital and the others are making a speedy recovery.
"Two soldiers are receiving care at home," said Major Gerhard Oberreiter from the military base in Upper Austria. "The other five are being cared for in hospitals in the area with many of them in the west," in Innviertel.
It seems the men have even got their sense of humour back. "When I was flown back on Wednesday, I felt like I had been in a pub brawl," said 24-year-old Manuel Sperl.  Corporal Sperl from Ried im Innkreis, was the most seriously injured of the soldiers and was flown back to Austria on Wednesday. The soldier suffered a lung contusion after he and his troops came under attack from Serbians during a demonstration on Monday.
According to doctors at the AKH hospital in Linz, the 24-year-old has made an incredible recovery having been on a drip for just a day. His family have also been able to breathe a sigh of relief after waiting for hours at the airport on Wednesday for the much loved brother and uncle.
Mayor of Ried in Austria, Albert Ortig, is keen for the community to show their appreciation to the heroes. "They are our barracks, they are our soldiers. We are all closely connected to them," said Ortig. "As a town we will thank the soldiers and their families after Christmas and show our appreciation - it is the least we can do," he said.


People's Daily - December 2, 2011

China calls for cool heads in Kosovo

By Xi Laiwang and Wu Yun 

Li Baodong, the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations, said in his speech to the U.N. Security Council on Nov. 29 that China is concerned over the continued tension in northern Kosovo. 
Li stressed that all parties should fully understand the situation in the region, including its sensitivity and complexity. Li said all involved should handle the differences through dialogue and negotiations while avoiding actions that may escalate tensions.
The situation in Kosovo is crucial to the peace and stability of the Balkan region and the rest of Europe as well, Li said. Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244 is an important legal basis to solve issues pertaining to Kosovo. 
Furthermore, the issue should be resolved within the framework of the U.N. Security Council resolutions, and through dialogue, consultation, negotiation and other peaceful means.


Tanjug News Agency - December 2, 2011

KFOR fortifies position, Serbs stand watch

JAGNJENICA: KFOR troops fortified their camp in Jagnjenica on Friday with large sacks filled with rocks and sand, said reports from northern Kosovo. 
Inside the camp, which stretches to the nearby ethnic Albanian village of Čabra, is a host of army trucks, armored transporters and jeeps, Tanjug is reporting.
From a forest-covered hill above the camp, KFOR troops are videotaping the people gathered at the barricades in Jagnjenica. 
Troops are also posted on top of their vehicles, which they used to block the road leading to Zvećan on Monday, after KFOR had broken through the barricade set up by local Serbs. 
The trucks and buses removed and damaged in this operation can still be seen in Jagnjenica, and inside the circle KFOR has surrounded by barbed wire are several cars left over from KFOR's last operation. 
In the neighboring village of Zupče, one lane is open for traffic, so passenger cars were are to travel on the road from Kosovska Mitrovica to Ribariće on Friday. 
Protesting Serbs are also standing watch on Friday at other barricades, while the two official administrative crossings in northern Kosovo - Jarinje and Brnjak - remain closed, so the only way between northern Kosovo and central Serbia remain by bypass forest roads.


Interfax - December 2, 2011

Russia to send observers to Kosovo to protect Serbs
The First Deputy Speaker of the Russian Federation Council (the parliament’s upper house) Alexander Torshin says that Russia must closely watch the situation in Kosovo and help ethnic Serbs who are being persecuted by the Kosovo authorities.
“Russia should expand its presence in the Balkans,” he says. “It should send its observers there. The presence of foreign observers will most probably make Kosovo’s authorities think twice before persecuting Serbs.”
“Openness and transparency are very serious matters,” the Russian MP continues. “If an international tribunal on Serbia already exists, an international tribunal on Kosovo will appear sooner or later.”
Mr. Torshin believes that “what is happening in Kosovo looks very much like genocide of the Serbian people”.


Tanjug News Agency - December 3, 2011

KFOR commander: We won't tolerate violence

PRIŠTINA: KFOR Commander Erhard Drews has stated that troops under his command will in the future respond in kind to violence against them.
Drews said that he would not tolerate the use of force against KFOR troops, Radio Television of Kosovo has reported.
He said that KFOR would respond with the same means to those who used force in a case of escalation of violence such as the one at the village in Jagnjenica last Monday. 
The KFOR commander said he expected concrete results when it came to Serbian President Boris Tadić’s call to northern Kosovo Serbs to remove the barricades.


Tanjug News Agency - December 3, 2011

PUPS warns of possible displacement of Kosovo Serbs

BELGRADE: The Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS) deputy leader Milan Krkobabić has warned of possible displacement of Serbs from Kosovo.
He has called on Serbian officials to make sure that a new displacement of Kosovo Serbs does not happen.
During a visit to a refugee settlement in the Belgrade neighborhood of Krnjača, Krkobabić commented on the political situation in Kosovo and stressed that those leading the negotiations should visit the camp. 
“It would be good if those people who are today leading the negotiations with Priština came here instead of going to cafes and spent a day or two, to hear and see things that are happening to you and then decide about the fate of those people at the barricades,” he stressed.


Tanjug News Agency - December 1, 2011

NUNS condemns KFOR attack on journalists

BELGRADE: The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) has condemned KFOR's attack on a group of journalists at a barricade in the village of Jagnjenica.
Pointing out that violence against journalists cannot be justified, NUNS has stated that it strongly condemns the KFOR’s attack on a group of reporters that took place on Tuesday.
“NUNS will inform international journalists and media associations about this shocking attack of KFOR members on the journalists,” it is said in the announcement. 
According to media reports, KFOR troops attacked journalists reporting for Belgrade-based Press and Kurir dailies, and cameramen of several Belgrade-based TV outlets. 
The incident happened around 16:00 CET on Tuesday. 
It took place at the new barricade in the village of Jagnjenica when KFOR troops without any reason or warning fired rubber bullets at the reporters and crews, the association stressed in its statement.


Russian Information Agency Novosti - December 8, 2011

Kosovo Serbs continue petitioning for Russian citizenship 

Kosovo Serbs, who earlier addressed Moscow with a request to grant them Russian citizenship, may continue to file their petition. This was announced on Thursday to RIA Novosti news agency by a representative of the "Old Serbia" movement, publicist Rajko Dzhurdzhevich.
In early November, Kosovo Serbs handed over to the Russian embassy in Belgrade 21 thousand signatures of those seeking Russian citizenship, because they believed that Serbia was not giving them adequate support.
Earlier on Thursday at a briefing in Moscow Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said that that such a request “cannot be fulfilled in accordance with the Russian Citizenship Law.”
Dwelling on the deplorable situation in the province, Dzhurdzhevich pointed to the unequal position of Kosovo Serbs in their standoff with the international military forces, and likened Serbian enclaves to "concentration camps, since people there live behind barbed wire." 


Tanjug News Agency - December 13, 2011

"Plans being made to conquer north militarily"

BELGRADE: Interior Minister and Deputy PM Ivica Dačić says a local Serb businessman who was described as a criminal by KFOR "is not Kosovo's biggest problem".
The EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, sent no proof of Zvonko Veselinović's involvement in the unrest in the north, Dačić told reporters on Tuesday, speaking at the Belgrade Aeroklub venue. 
"Do you really think that the problem in Kosovo is Zvonko Veselinović? I cannot believe that you're considering the problem in such simplified terms. Being suspected of causing incidents is one thing, while what Serbs in Kosovo are demanding is another," he responded to questions from journalists. 
Dačić also revealed that the Interior Ministry (MUP) had "certain information" about other activities of persons named by KFOR commander Erhard Drews as organizers of violence, but that no investigation was launched. 
Asked whether "the Serbian police would arrest Veselinović if it had an opportunity", Dačić responded by saying this was "a hypothetical question", and added that "even if this were to happen, any extradition to Priština would be out of the question", since Serbia considers Kosovo a part of its territory. 
The minister further stressed that Serbs had the right to put forward their political demands just as ethnic Albanians had done, and that he had been listening for two years "to the international community" saying that the center of crime was in northern Kosovo, but that this was "not true". 
"That's a lie! The hotbed of crime is in Priština and in Albania. The Albanian mafia is the strongest in the world. Those are not my words, those are the words of Russian, German, and American services. Yet, here we are, discussing Zvonko Veselinović. I cannot believe we've reached this level," Dačić said. 
He also sent a message to NATO's troops in the province, KFOR, that they "would do better to find a way to cooperate with Serbs in the north, and prevent unilateral actions in Kosovo". 
"Does anyone really think we don't know what they're up to there? Does a part of the international community really think we don't know about the plans being made to militarily conquer northern Kosovo?" the minister asked, but would not provide any more details related to this assertion. 
Northern Kosovo is inhabited by a Serb majority that does not recognize the Kosovo Albanian unilateral declaration of independence made in early 2008, or the authority of the Priština-based institutions. 
In a bid to prevent Priština's customs and police from taking over administrative line checkpoints between northern Kosovo and central Serbia, local Serbs last summer put up barricades, blocking several roads in that part of Kosovo.


Itar-Tass - December 13, 2011

Kosovo - main drug transit center in Europe - Russia's anti-drug chief 

Kosovo has turned into the main drug trafficking transit center in Europe, Russia`s anti-drug chief Viktor Ivanov said Tuesday.
He is now in Ljubljana where he is taking part in a ministerial conference of the Council of Europe Pompidou Group on combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking in Drugs.
Annually about 50 tons of heroin are transferred via Kosovo, he said.


B92/Beta News Agency - December 19, 2011

German chancellor arrives in Kosovo

BERLIN, PRIŠTINA: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has arrived in Priština and has already met with Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.
The main goal of her visit is to pay a visit to German troops stationed in Kosovo, German government’s spokesman said earlier.
According to German media, Merkel will also meet with KFOR Commander Erhard Drews during her one-day visit to Kosovo. 
The German chancellor was welcomed by Thaci and most of his deputies and ministers at Priština airport. She and Thaci will hold a press conference after the meeting. 
The German media say that Merkel told Serbia loud and clear that the reason Germany did not support Serbia’s EU candidate status was wounding of two German troops in northern Kosovo. 
Serbian government representatives, however, do not believe that her visit could strengthen Priština’s position.

=== 4 ===

»Ständig politischer Gewalt ausgesetzt«

Solidaritätsfahrten nach Mitrovica: Serben im Kosovo fühlen sich von Regierung in Belgrad im Stich gelassen. Ein Gespräch mit Benjamin Schett

Interview: Rüdiger Göbel

Benjamin Schett studiert in Wien Osteuropäische Geschichte und beteiligt sich an Solidaritätsaktionen für die Serben im Kosovo

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat am vergangenen Freitag mit Blick auf die Auseinandersetzungen im Kosovo konstatiert, Serbien sei nicht reif für EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen. Das Land werde den Anforderungen des Prozesses »nicht gerecht«. Sie sehe bei Serbien keinen Kandidatenstatus. Wie ist die Nachricht bei der serbischen Bevölkerung angekommen?

Diejenigen, die ihr Vertrauen in die Heilsamkeit eines EU-Beitritts bereits verloren haben oder ein solches noch nie hatten, dürften dies vor allem als einen weiteren Beweis dafür ansehen, daß von den NATO-Staaten nichts anderes als Erpressung zu erwarten ist – und dies nicht erst seit heute. Das geht so seit 20 Jahren. Jene, die nach wie vor auf einen EU-Beitritt hoffen, werden ihren Ohren nicht getraut haben: Seit dem Sturz des jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic vor elf Jahren hat Serbien dem Westen so ziemlich jeden Wunsch von den Lippen abgelesen, unter völliger Preisgabe seiner nationalen Souveränität. Von ungehemmter Privatisierung bis hin zur Auslieferung seiner Staatsbürger an ein »Tribunal«, welches von den NATO-Staaten finanziert wird, um deren Version der Ereignisse in den jugoslawischen Bürgerkriegen quasi rechtskräftig werden zu lassen. Doch all das reicht nicht aus: Obwohl nicht einmal alle EU-Staaten die »Republik Kosovo« anerkannt haben, wird dies von Serbien verlangt, um »Europa-tauglich« zu werden.

Daß die Kritik aus Deutschland kommt, macht die Sache nicht gerade besser: Von einem Land, das Serbien im 20. Jahrhundert dreimal angegriffen hat und eine Tradition der Zusammenarbeit mit Rechtsaußenkräften in Kroatien pflegt, will man sich ganz sicher nicht belehren lassen.

Von Belgrad aus starten Busse mit Unterstützern zu den protestierenden Serben im Norden des Kosovo, die sich der von Pristina 2008 proklamierten Sezession verweigern. Was ist das Ziel dieser

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(Lo storico sudtirolese Kurt Gritsch ha effettuato una dettagliata disamina del linciaggio mediatico cui nel 1999 fu sottoposto il principale drammaturgo tedesco, Peter Handke, per le sue posizioni contro i bombardamenti e la demonizzazione del popolo serbo... Sull'impegno di Handke nelle tematiche jugoslave si veda anche la documentazione raccolta alla nostra pagina: )

Da:  Y.&K.Truempy <trumparzu  @>
Oggetto:  Wissensch.Aufsatz zu Streit über Peter Handke
Data:  18 dicembre 2011 18.00.47 GMT+01.00

Der Südtiroler Historiker Kurt Gritsch untersucht in seinem (siehe Anhang [ ]) Aufsatz "Feuilletonistische Hinrichtung? Peter Handkes Äusserungen zum ‚Kosovo-Krieg’ in den deutschsprachigen Printmedien 1999." umfassend die vehementen Auseinandersetzun­gen um die Haltung des österreichischen Dichters Peter Handke zum Krieg gegen Jugoslawien. Detailliert wird das Geschehen um die von einem Grossteil der Intellektuellen akzeptierte Besetzung der Moral durch die NATO-Kriegsallianz dargestellt. Es kommt die bis heute an­haltende aufgeheizte Stimmung zum Ausdruck, in der eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Gründen für Handkes pro-serbische Haltung kategorisch abgelehnt wird. Der Dichter wird als unzurechnungsfähig erklärt, in die Nähe neo-faschistischer Propaganda gestellt oder seiner zynischen Komplizenschaft mit dem Bösen angeklagt.
Historisch bedingte Affinität wird sichtbar, wenn der deutsche Herausgeber H.M.Enzensberger eine Bewaffnung der kosovo-albanischen UCK fordert (welche von den USA, trotz des offi­ziellen Terrororganisations-Status, tatsächlich schon länger betrieben wurde, KT), oder andere eine Besetzung und Umerziehung Serbiens fordern! Gegen Ende des NATO-Überfalls auf Jugoslawien geht überraschenderweise die FAZ stellenweise etwas milder mit Handke um und schreibt etwa, dass "der Dämonisierung Milsoevics die reflexartige Verurteilung Peter Handkes entspricht". Weiterhin bescheinigen unzählige Intellektuellen (welche sich neu auf den totalen Tri­umph der Neoliberalen-Ideologie eingerichtet haben, KT), Hanke sei ein politischer Idiot, welcher seine Vorstellungen einer vorkapitalistischen Idylle auf die Serben projiziere oder "sein hochfahrendes ästhetisches Programm auf die Kriegswirklichkeit übertrage". Tatsächlich beschränkt sich Peter Handke auf den Standpunkt des Dich­ters und Sprachkritikers und unterlässt es auch, in seinen Schriften auf Fakten zu verweisen, welche seine Thesen stützen. Die grösste Ablehnung erfährt Handke im Spiegel, FAZ und taz (in CH im Tagesanzeiger, KT).
In voller Schärfe treten die Vorwürfe gegen Handke anlässlich der vorgesehenen Verleihung des Heine-Preises 2006 wieder auf. Sein Standpunkt wird als Verstoss gegen die political correctness, vorgegeben im Nato-new-speak, fast einhellig abgelehnt. Gritsch schreibt, dass die Weigerung, die Ereignisse auf dem Balkan von verschiedenen Seiten zu betrachten, das Handke’sche Vorurteil gegenüber der Voreingenommenheit vieler westlicher Intellektuellen rechtfertige. Handke stelle sich gegen die Vorverurteilung, und dort leiste sein Werk Wesentliches für den Anspruch auf Gerechtigkeit.

K.Trümpy, ICDSM Schweiz
Im mir zugegangenen e-mail schreibt Kurt Gritsch: Es ist schon unglaublich, was Siegerjustiz alles im Stande ist zu erreichen. Auch wenn ich nicht alles an Handkes Motivationen und Argumenten teilen kann, bin ich doch froh darüber, dass es mit ihm zumindest einen Intellektuellen gibt, den auch die NATO-Feuilletons nicht einfach totschweigen können. Wobei sie sich durchaus anderer Methoden zu bedienen wissen, wie sie in meinem beigefügten Aufsatz lesen können (der übrigens noch unveröffentlicht ist). Dennoch merkt man in letzter Zeit, dass zumindest die alte Eindeutigkeit zahlreicher westlicher Medien hinsichtlich Jugoslawien/Serbien als "Bösewicht" aufzuweichen beginnt.

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(english / italiano)

Sulla venerazione per Vaclav Havel

1) Che senso ha “venerare” Vaclav Havel?
2) On the death of Václav Havel

Also to read:
Bombs 'combat evil,' Czech president Vaclav Havel says (April 17, 1999)

=== 1 ===

In english:
Must We Adore Vaclav Havel?

En francais:
Devons-nous vraiment adorer Vaclav Havel ?

Che senso ha “venerare” Vaclav Havel?

di Michael Parenti, scrittore marxista statunitense | Blackshirts and Reds, 1997


la traduzione francese in Solidarité Internationale
Traduzione dal francese a cura di

Non esiste altra figura tra i restauratori del capitalismo all'Est che sia stata più adulata tra i politici, gli esperti mediatici e gli universitari americani di Vaclav Havel, drammaturgo divenuto primo presidente della Cecoslovacchia post-comunista e in seguito presidente della Repubblica Ceca.


Tutte le persone di sinistra che ammirano Havel sembrano non voler prendere in considerazione alcune cose che lo riguardano: il suo oscurantismo religioso reazionario, la sua repressione antidemocratica degli oppositori di sinistra e la sua profonda devozione a un sistema capitalista esasperato, che inasprisce le disuguaglianze economiche.


Allevato con governanti e autisti in seno a una famiglia ricchissima e ferocemente anticomunista, ha denunciato della democrazia “il culto dell'oggettività e della media statistica” e l'idea che sia possibile realizzare sforzi sociali razionali e collettivi per risolvere la crisi. Egli ha propugnato l'affermazione di un nuovo tipo di dirigenti politici che facessero meno affidamento sul “pensiero razionale, cognitivo”, che dimostrassero “umiltà di fronte all'ordine misterioso dell'Essere” e che “credessero nella propria soggettività come principale legame che li unisce alla soggettività del mondo”.


Havel ha fatto appello allo sforzo nazionale allo scopo di salvare la famiglia Cristiana nella nazione Cristiana ceca. Pur presentandosi come un uomo di pace e dichiarando che non avrebbe mai venduto armi a regimi oppressivi, egli ha venduto armi alle Filippine e al regime fascista della Thailandia. Nel giugno 1994, il generale Pinochet, che ha assassinato la democrazia cilena, è stato sorpreso mentre stava acquistando armi nel cuore della Repubblica Ceca, e Havel non ha negato l'accaduto.


Havel ha partecipato senza mostrare il minimo dubbio alla guerra del Golfo di George Bush (senior), un'impresa che ha ucciso più di 100.000 civili iracheni. Nel 1991, a fianco di molti altri leaders filo-capitalisti est europei, Havel ha votato insieme agli Stati Uniti la condanna delle violazioni dei diritti umani a Cuba. Ma non ha mai pronunciato una sola parola per condannare le violazioni dei diritti dell'uomo in Salvador, in Colombia, in Indonesia o in qualche altro stato cliente degli americani.


Nel 1992, in qualità di presidente della Cecoslovacchia, Havel, il grande democratico, ha condotto una “campagna internazionale sfrenata” per mantenere in vita due radio della guerra fredda, finanziate dagli Stati Uniti, Radio Free Europe e Radio Liberty, affinché potessero continuare a saturare le onde est europee con la loro propaganda anticomunista.


Sotto il governo Havel, è stata adottata una legge che criminalizza la diffusione dell'odio nazionale, religioso e DI CLASSE. Così, i critici dei grandi interessi finanziari sono stati messi fuori legge, assimilati in modo ingiustificabile al fanatismo religioso ed etnico. Il governo di Havel ha intimato ai sindacati di non farsi coinvolgere in alcun modo in politica. Alcuni sindacati militanti hanno visto i loro beni confiscati e consegnati a sindacati più affidabili.


Nel 1995, Havel ha annunciato che la “rivoluzione” contro il comunismo non si sarebbe compiuta fino a quando tutto non fosse privatizzato. Il governo di Havel ha liquidato i beni dell'Unione della gioventù socialista – che comprendevano campi di vacanze, sale per la ricreazione, strutture culturali e scientifiche – consegnandoli a cinque società private, a scapito di giovani che sono stati scaraventati nelle strade.


Attraverso i programmi di privatizzazione e di “restituzione dei beni”, imprese, commerci, edifici, alloggi e buona parte della terra pubblica in Repubblica Ceca sono stati ceduti a capitalisti cechi e stranieri. Nelle repubbliche Ceca e Slovacca, sono state restituite ai vecchi aristocratici o ai loro eredi tutte le terre che le loro famiglie possedevano prima del 1918, sotto l'Impero austro-ungarico, espropriando gli occupanti e gettandone un certo numero nella miseria. Havel stesso ha ripreso possesso a titolo personale dei beni pubblici che erano appartenuti alla sua famiglia quarant'anni prima. Si è presentato come un uomo dedito a fare il bene degli altri, ma in realtà è riuscito a non far male a sé stesso. Ecco perché non riusciamo a nutrire alcuna stima per Vaclav Havel.

=== 2 ===

On the death of Václav Havel

By Peter Schwarz 
21 December 2011

The death of Václav Havel on Sunday has triggered a flood of positive obituaries. Throughout the international media, this former opponent of the Stalinist regime who became Czech president is being celebrated as “a statesman of historic significance,” “a great European” and “a fighter for human rights and democracy.”

Many in the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe would see this somewhat differently. Havel was the kind of democrat who above all saw Stalinism as an obstacle to their own social advance, because they were denied the social status, wealth and prominence enjoyed by sections of the upper middle class in the West. He was largely oblivious to the fate of working people.

Václav Havel was born on 5 October 1936 in an influential upper-class family in Prague. In the interwar period, his grandfather, father and uncle were involved in the construction of several buildings in Prague and the founding of the famous Barrandov Film Studios, acquiring a considerable fortune. After the Communist Party took power in 1948, they were dispossessed.

The Stalinist regime prevented Václav from attending high school because he came from a bourgeois family. He continued his education at night school, worked in a chemistry lab and as a taxi driver, beginning a business degree, which he later broke off. He entered the theatre as a stage technician and he began to present his own plays in the 1960s.

Havel’s plays were in the tradition of the theatre of the absurd, which shares much with existential philosophy. They criticized the absurd aspects of the Stalinist power structures, and contributed to the cultural atmosphere of the 1968 Prague Spring.

After the Prague Spring suppression by troops of the Warsaw Pact, Havel’s plays were banned in Czechoslovakia. He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime.

In 1977, Havel was among the initiators of Charter 77, which condemned the restriction and suppression of civil rights and the subordination of state institutions to the Communist Party. The only demand made by Charter 77 was compliance with treaties the Czechoslovak regime had signed, especially the Final Act of the CSCE Conference in Helsinki. The Charter has been published by leading Western newspapers and is considered the founding document of the civil rights movement in Czechoslovakia.

Havel always stressed he was not a dissident, because he had not “deviated” from Stalinism but had always been its opponent. He not only rejected Stalinism but any form of socialist perspective, and even the Enlightenment’s belief in progress.

The core theme of his plays and writings was the alienation of man from his “Lebenswelt” or the “natural world”—a term he borrowed, via the Czech philosopher Vaclav Belohradsky, from the phenomenology of German philosopher Edmund Husserl. He looked for the cause of this alienation in science, which in enlightened society had taken on the status of the highest authority, something previously reserved for a higher unknown (God).

“The natural world, in virtue of its very being, bears within it the presupposition of the absolute which grounds, delimits, animates and directs it, without which it would be unthinkable, absurd, and superfluous, and which we can only quietly respect,” Havel wrote in a 1984 essay Politics and Conscience. “Any attempt to spurn it, master it, or replace it with something else, appears, within the framework of the natural world, as in expression of hubris for which humans must pay a heavy price, as did Don Juan and Faust.”

Havel considered the most extreme form of alienation from the living world to be the Stalinist dictatorships. Rulers and leaders who were once personalities in their own right, “have been replaced in modern times by the manager, the bureaucrat, the professional apparatchik - a professional ruler, manipulator, and expert in the techniques of management, manipulation, and obfuscation, filling a depersonalized intersection of functional relations, a cog in the machinery of state caught up in a predetermined role.”

Finally, Havel writes in the same essay, this alienation is inherent to the whole of modern civilization: “To be sure, this process by which power becomes anonymous and depersonalized, and reduced to a mere technology of rule and manipulation, has a thousand masks, variants, and expressions. In one case it is covert and inconspicuous, while in another case it is entirely overt; in one case it sneaks up on us along subtle and devious paths, in another case it is brutally direct. Essentially, though, it is the same universal trend. It is the essential trait of all modern civilization ...”

Again and again he comes back to this point: “No error could be greater than the one looming largest: that of a failure to understand the totalitarian systems for what they ultimately are—a convex mirror of all modern civilization and a harsh, perhaps final call for a global recasting of how that civilization understands itself.”

From this, Havel concludes there is “one fundamental task from which all else should follow.” He explains, “That task is one of resisting vigilantly, thoughtfully, and attentively but, at the same time with total dedication, at every step and everywhere, the irrational momentum of anonymous, impersonal, and inhuman power—the power of ideologies, systems, apparatus, bureaucracy, artificial languages, and political slogans. We must resist its complex and wholly alienating pressure, whether it takes the form of consumption, advertising, repression, technology, or cliché—all of which are the blood brothers of fanaticism and the wellspring of totalitarian thought. We must draw our standards from our natural world, heedless of ridicule, and reaffirm its denied validity. We must honour with the humility of the wise the limits of that natural world and the mystery which lies beyond them, admitting that there is something in the order of being which evidently exceeds all our competence.”

This backward-looking, irrational, and, in the literal sense of the word, reactionary ideology made Havel the ideal instrument for the restoration of capitalism in Eastern Europe in 1989. He was one of the spokesmen of the so-called “velvet revolution” in Prague, in the course of which the Stalinist rulers negotiated the gradual peaceful transition of power with Havel’s Civic Forum.

This had less to do with the introduction of democracy, as with the dividing up of state property under a new class of capitalist owners, recruited from both the old Stalinist bureaucracy and the emerging “democrats.” The two camps agreed upon the political and legal mechanisms by which the former state-owned property was transferred into private ownership.

The intervention of broader social layers was not desirable, since the social gains of the working class were bound up with state-owned property and fell victim to the restoration of capitalism.

On December 29, 1989, as a representative of the Civic Forum, Havel was elected president by the Stalinist-dominated Federal Assembly. Six months later, he was confirmed in office by the now newly-elected parliament. His chief of staff was Karel Schwarzenberg, the scion of a centuries-old millionaire aristocratic family from Bohemia, and currently the Czech foreign minister.

Havel presided over the destruction of the education, health and pension systems, and the introduction of the “Wild West” capitalism that continues to shape the Czech Republic, Eastern Europe and Russia to this day. For workers and pensioners the political changes of 1989 have produced a social catastrophe. Havel, however, benefited from them; the return of the family assets expropriated in 1948 made ​​him and his brother Ivan millionaires.

The wave of privatizations sparked violent clashes over the spoils between different wings of the ruling class, eventually leading to the division of the country. In 1992, Havel temporarily lost his office as a result, but after the secession of Slovakia Havel was elected President of the Czech Republic, a post he held for ten years.

Havel tried to stand above the party bickering through his eccentric political style, combining feudal pomp with elements of his theatre of the absurd. He celebrated the presidency at the medieval Prague Castle with fanfares, pomp, and other rituals, and asked his friend, director Milos Forman, to send a costume designer from Hollywood to outfit the grey-clad palace guard in new colourful uniforms.

The musician Frank Zappa and the Rolling Stones were also regular guests at Prague Castle. Their rock music was popular in Prague opposition circles in the 1960s.The Rolling Stones returned the favour, donating a new lighting system for the presidential palace.

Despite his eccentricities, Havel pursued an extremely right-wing political course. He integrated the Czech Republic as quickly as possible into the largest military alliance in the world and supported the wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Havel refused to hold a referendum on the controversial issue of NATO membership, on the grounds that this would challenge the mandate of the democratically-elected representatives of the state and express mistrust towards the state. One of his last official acts was in 2003, with the Czech Republic’s inclusion in the “coalition of the willing,” although the government and the majority of Czech citizens opposed the Iraq war.

Havel’s anti-communism, his arrogance towards working people and his unconditional support for the wars of NATO and the US made ​​him the darling of international politics and the media. His chest was not big enough for all the medals and decorations showered upon him. He was awarded the 1989 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, in 1991 the Charlemagne Prize, and in 2003, from the hands of George W. Bush, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize several times.

=== * ===

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