
B 92

Slovénie : pogrom anti-tzigane dans la banlieue de Ljubljana

Publié dans la presse : 28 octobre 2006
Mise en ligne : dimanche 29 octobre 2006

Tout a commencé par une rixe. Puis les habitants d’une petite commune
de la périphérie de Ljubljana ont chassé 35 Rroms dans les bois, dont
20 enfants, et leur ont interdit de revenir dans leurs propres
maisons. Les habitants exigent l’expulsion des Rroms pour des raisons
« sanitaires et sécuritaires », et menacent de boycotter les
élections municipales. Le gouvernement et les services publics
réagissent mollement.

Les Rroms du quartier de Decje Selo ont déjà passé deux nuits dans la
forêt où ils ont été expulsés par les habitants d’un village voisin,
Ambrus. Parmi les 35 Rroms, qui n’osent pas revenir dans leurs
habitations, il y a des femmes enceintes et 20 enfants âgés de 3 mois
à 15 ans.

Les représentants de l’association rrom de Novo Mesto se sont engagés
à fournir des tentes de la Croix Rouge et mentionnent que les Rroms
aimeraient regagner leurs maisons ou déménager si un nouvel
emplacement d’habitation leur était offert.

L’expulsion des Rroms met un point culminant aux protestations qui
durent depuis une semaine. Les habitants d’Ambrus exigent que les
Rroms quittent la zone pour des raisons sécuritaires et écologiques,
en menaçant de boycotter le deuxième tour des élections municipales
qui se tiennent ce dimanche en Slovénie. La révolte a été provoquée
par une rixe entre Jozeto Sinkovec d’Ambrus et un individu que l’on a
d’abord pris pour un Rrom. Par la suite, on a constaté qu’il ne
s’agissait pas d’un Rrom mais d’un Slovène, Roman Cmak, qui
séjournait provisoirement dans le quartier rrom. Sinkovec a été
transporté à l’hôpital après la rixe, tandis que Cmak a été arrêté
puis relâché. Cela n’a fait qu’ajouter à la colère des habitants qui
ont incendié le véhicule de Cmak. Les pompiers ont refusé d’éteindre
le feu.

Les protestations ont pris encore plus d’ampleur et les représentants
des autorités locales ont dit qu’ils allaient prendre les choses en
mains, ce que le ministre de l’Intérieur a jugé inacceptable et
illégal, en ajoutant que la police ne le permettrait pas. Malgré
cela, une baraque du quartier rrom a été mise à feu et, selon les
propos d’une Rrom, des actions visant à terroriser les Rroms se sont
poursuivies au cours de la nuit. Des voitures ont ainsi foncé à vive
allure vers le quartier rrom, en braquant leurs pleins phares sur les

Effrayés, les Rroms se sont enfuis dans les bois qui se trouvent sur
le territoire de la commune voisine de Grosuplje dont les habitants,
après avoir été informés par les médias, ont exigé que les Rroms
quittent immédiatement leur territoire.

En cherchant un moyen de régler le problème, la proposition a été
faite d’installer les Rroms dans les bois de Kocevski, connus pour
leurs hivers rudes et leurs neiges abondantes, mais qui sont aussi
habités par les ours.

Le maire d’Ambruz a accusé toute la société pour ce problème, mais le
ministre de l’Environnement et de l’Aménagement du territoire a
rappelé que si la commune qui proteste n’a jamais obtenu des fonds de
l’Etat pour régler le problème des Rroms, c’est qu’elle ne les a
jamais demandé, bien que ces fonds existent et qu’ils soient
uniquement prévus à cette fin. ? ?Le ministre de l’Education pense
que les exigences de déplacement inconditionnel des Rroms sont
inadmissibles et qu’au XXIème siècle, on ne peut pas permettre des
expulsions sous la contrainte, en rappelant que parmi les Rroms, se
trouvent des enfants soumis à l’obligation de scolarité.

Le médiateur de la République a accusé l’Etat slovène, qui diffère
depuis des années son obligation de préparer et de mettre en
application un projet d’intégration des Rroms. L’État laisse aux
communautés locales le soin de s’occuper de cette intégration ce qui,
comme on le voit actuellement, cause des conflits.

Environ 10 000 Rroms vivent en Slovénie, dans 90 quartiers et villages.


Lettera di Engels a Turati
La futura rivoluzione italiana e il partito socialista

Londra, 26 gennaio 1894

Caro Turati,
La situazione in Italia, a mio parere, è questa.
La borghesia, giunta al potere durante e dopo l'emancipazione
nazionale, non seppe, né volle completare la sua vittoria. Non ha
distrutti i residui della feudalità né ha riorganizzato la produzione
nazionale sul modello borghese moderno. Incapace di far partecipare
il paese ai relativi e temporanei vantaggi del regime capitalista,
essa gliene impose tutti i carichi, tutti gli inconvenienti. Non
contenta di ciò, perdette per sempre, in ignobili bindolerie
bancarie, quel che le restava di rispettabilità e di credito.
Il popolo lavoratore - contadini, artigiani, operai agricoli e
industriali - si trova dunque schiacciato, da una parte, da antichi
abusi, retaggio non solo dei tempi feudali, ma benanche
dell'antichità (mezzadria, latifundia del mezzodì, ove il bestiame
surroga l'uomo); dall'altra parte, dalla più vorace fiscalità che mai
sistema borghese abbia inventato. È ben il caso di dire con Marx che
"noi siamo afflitti, come tutto l'occidente continentale europeo, e
dallo sviluppo della produzione capitalista, e ancora dalla mancanza
di questo sviluppo. Oltre i mali dell'epoca presente abbiamo a
sopportare una lunga serie di mali ereditarii, derivanti dalla
vegetazione continua dei modi di produzione che hanno vissuto, colla
conseguenza dei rapporti politici e sociali anacronistici che essi
producono. Abbiamo a soffrire non solo dai vivi, ma anche dai morti.
Le mort saisit le vif". Questa situazione spinge a una crisi.
Dappertutto la massa produttrice è in fermento; qua e là si solleva.
Dove ci condurrà questa crisi?
Evidentemente il partito socialista è troppo giovane e, per effetto
della situazione economica, troppo debole per sperare una vittoria
immediata del socialismo. Nel paese la popolazione agricola prevale,
e di gran lunga, sulla urbana; poche, nelle città, le industrie
sviluppate, scarso quindi il proletariato tipico; la maggioranza è
composta di artigiani, di piccoli bottegai, di spostati, massa
fluttuante fra la piccola borghesia e il proletariato. È la piccola e
media borghesia del Medioevo in decadenza e disintegrazione, la più
parte proletari futuri, non ancora proletari dell'oggi. È questa
classe, sempre faccia a faccia colla rovina economica e ora spinta
alla disperazione, che sola potrà fornire e la massa dei combattenti
e i capi di un movimento rivoluzionario. Su questa via la
seconderanno i contadini, ai quali il loro stesso sparpagliamento sul
territorio e il loro analfabetismo vietano ogni iniziativa efficace,
ma che saranno ad ogni modo ausiliarii e indispensabili. In caso di
un successo più o meno pacifico, si avrà un cangiamento di Ministero,
coll'avvenimento al potere dei repubblicani "convertiti", i
Cavallotti e compagnia; in caso di rivoluzione, si avrà la repubblica
Di fronte a queste eventualità, quale sarà l'ufficio del partito
Dal 1848 in poi, la tattica che ha portato i maggiori successi ai
socialisti fu quella del Manifesto dei Comunisti. "I socialisti, nei
varii stadii attraversati dalla lotta fra proletariato e borghesia,
difendono sempre l'interesse del movimento generale...; lottano bensì
per raggiungere scopi immediati nell'interesse delle classi
lavoratrici, ma nel moto presente rappresentano eziandio l'avvenire
del movimento". Essi pigliano dunque parte attiva in ciascuna delle
fasi evolutive della lotta delle due classi, senza mai perder di
vista che queste fasi non sono che altrettante tappe conducenti alla
prima grande meta: la conquista del potere politico da parte del
proletariato, come mezzo di riorganizzazione sociale. Il loro posto è
fra i combattenti per ogni vantaggio immediato da ottenere
nell'interesse della classe operaia: tutti questi vantaggi politici o
sociali essi li accettano, ma solo come acconti. Perciò essi
considerano ogni movimento rivoluzionario o progressivo come un passo
nella direzione del loro proprio cammino; è loro missione speciale di
spingere avanti gli altri partiti rivoluzionarii e, quando uno di
questi trionfasse, di salvaguardare gli interessi del proletariato.
Questa tattica, che mai non perde di vista il gran fine, risparmia ai
socialisti le disillusioni cui vanno soggetti infallibilmente gli
altri partiti meno chiaroveggenti - sia repubblicani, sia socialisti
sentimentali, che scambiano ciò che è una semplice tappa per il
termine finale della marcia in avanti. Applichiamo tutto questo
La vittoria della piccola borghesia in disintegrazione e dei
contadini porterà dunque forse un Ministero di repubblicani
"convertiti". Ciò ci procurerà il suffragio universale e una libertà
di movimento (stampa, riunione, associazione, abolizione
dell'ammonizione, ecc.) assai più considerevole - nuove armi che non
sono da disdegnare.
Oppure ci porterà la repubblica borghese, cogli stessi uomini e
qualche mazziniano con essi. Ciò allargherebbe ancora e di assai la
nostra libertà e il nostro campo di azione, almeno pel momento. E la
repubblica borghese, ha detto Marx, è la sola forma politica nella
quale la lotta fra proletariato e borghesia può avere soluzione.
Senza dire del contraccolpo che ne risentirebbe l'Europa.
La vittoria del movimento rivoluzionario che si prepara non potrà
dunque che renderci più forti e collocarci in un ambiente più
favorevole. Commetteremmo il più grande degli errori se, di fronte ad
esso, vorremo astenerci, se nel nostro contegno rimpetto ai partiti
"affini" vorremo limitarci a una critica puramente negativa. Potrà
arrivare il momento nel quale fosse dover nostro di cooperare con
essi in modo positivo. Quale sarà questo momento?
Evidentemente non è a noi che spetta di preparare direttamente un
movimento che non è quello precisamente della classe che noi
rappresentiamo. Se i repubblicani e i radicali credono scoccata l'ora
di muoversi, diano essi libero sfogo alla loro impetuosità. Quanto a
noi, fummo troppo spesso ingannati dalle grandi promesse di questi
signori, per lasciarvicisi prendere un'altra volta. Né le loro
proclamazioni né le loro cospirazioni dovranno menomamente toccarci.
Se noi siamo tenuti a sostenere ogni movimento popolare reale, siamo
tenuti ugualmente a non sacrificare indarno il nucleo appena formato
del nostro partito proletario, e a non lasciar decimare il
proletariato in sterili sommosse locali.
Se al contrario il movimento è davvero nazionale, i nostri uomini non
staranno nascosti, non vi sarà neppure bisogno di lanciar loro una
parola di ordine... Ma allora dovrà ben essere inteso, e noi dovremmo
proclamarlo altamente, che noi partecipiamo come partito
indipendente, alleato pel momento ai radicali e repubblicani, ma
interamente distinto da essi; che non ci facciamo alcuna illusione
sul risultato della lotta in caso di vittoria; che questo risultato,
lungi dal renderci soddisfatti, non sarà per noi che una tappa
guadagnata, nuova base d'operazioni per conquiste ulteriori; che il
dì stesso della vittoria le nostre strade si divideranno; che da quel
giorno, di fronte al nuovo governo, noi formeremo la nuova
opposizione, opposizione non già reazionaria, ma progressiva,
opposizione d'estrema sinistra che spingerà a nuove conquiste al di
là dei terreni guadagnati.
Dopo la vittoria comune, potrebbe esserci offerto qualche seggio nel
nuovo governo, ma sempre nella minoranza. QUESTO È IL PERICOLO PIU'
GRANDE. Dopo febbraio 1848 i democratici socialisti francesi (della
Réforme, Ledru-Rollin, Louis Blanc, Flocon, ecc.) commisero l'errore
di accettare cosiffatte cariche. Minoranza nel governo, essi
condivisero volontariamente la responsabilità di tutte le infamie e i
tradimenti, di fronte alla classe operaia, commessi dalla maggioranza
di repubblicani puri; mentre la presenza loro nel governo paralizzava
completamente l'azione rivoluzionaria della classe lavoratrice che
essi pretendevano rappresentare. In tutto questo, io non dò che la
mia opinione personale, poiché me l'avete domandata, e ancora con la
maggior diffidenza. Quanto alla tattica generale, ne ho sperimentato
l'efficacia durante tutta la mia vita; non una volta essa mi ha
fallito. Ma quanto alla sua applicazione alle condizioni attuali in
Italia, è altra cosa; ciò deve decidersi sul posto e da coloro che si
trovano in mezzo agli avvenimenti.

Federico Engels

(in: Marx-Engels, Scritti italiani, Ed. "Avanti!" 1955, pagg. 170-174)


Dopo la secessione della Toscana dalla Repubblica Italiana -
riconosciuta con entusiasmo dalla Unione Europea che ha anche
acconsentito ad introdurre l'insegnamento della lingua toscana in
alternativa alla lingua italiana nelle facoltà universitarie europee
che ne faranno richiesta - i cittadini italiani di etnia toscana
chiedono adesso di essere riconosciuti ufficialmente come minoranza

Les Monténégrins de Serbie veulent être reconnus comme minorité

Mirko Zecevic, président de la Communauté nationale des Monténégrins
de Belgrade, plaide pour que cette communauté jouisse des droits
prévus pour les minorités nationales, sans être soumise à un
processus d’assimilation en Serbie, qui lui ferait perdre son
identité. Jusqu’à présent, les autorités serbes n’ont guère été
favorables à ces revendications...

(italiano / deutsch / francais / english / castellano)


1) SKOJ statement against ilegallization of KSM

2) Demonstrations in Athens, Wien:
- Photos of KNE members at the Czech Embassy in Athenes
- Kämpferische Kundgebung gegen das KSM-Verbot vor der tschechischen Botschaft in Wien  
- Concentración en Viena contra la ilegalización de la Juventud Comunista checa 

3) From
- CP of Finland, Open Letter To The EU Presidency About KSM 
- CP of Greece, Solidarity With KSM 
- CP of Chile, Protest to The Embassy of Czech Republic [Sp.]
- French CP, Respect for Freedom and Organization Right in the Czech Republic [Fr.]
- WFDY, Solidarity with KSM Czech Republic - VERY URGENT ACTIONS

4) La Campagna di Solidarietà col KSM in Italia
- OdG del CPF del PRC di Bologna in solidarietà col KSM

5) Interview with Radim Gonda, vice-chairman of the Communist Youth Union (KSM) of the Czech Republic

6) Praga, pesantezza dell'anticomunismo (di Tommaso Di Francesco)


=== 1 ===

SKOJ statement against ilegallization of KSM

    Posted by: "goran vlajkovic" 
    Date: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:19 pm (PDT)


We express our strongest condemnation of the
outrageous decision by the Czech government to ban the
KSM. It is a decision that violates openly elementary
democratic rights and fundamental freedoms.

These actions, rooted on political and ideological
discrimination, can only be considered as part of an
unjust , anti-democratic and anti-communist campaign,
that seeks to restrict the freedom of association and
expression of the Czech Republic's people and, in
particular, of its youth. These campaigns are
anti-civilization, shame action against democracy,
freedom of mind and speak.

Lastly, we want to send a strong communist hug to the
KSM, and we offer ourselves struggle against
illegalization and transforming the communist movement
into a crime.

The Czech Government started the process almost half a
year ago, in December of 2005. Through lies and absurd
charges, they began a campaign for deceiving to the
public opinion, in order to prepare the future
actions. Far from being an isolated event, this is
happening within a framework of a European campaign to
transform communism
into a crime, and even in the Council of Europe a
resolution has been approved.
Long live the KSM!
Long live international solidarity!
Long live the international young communist movement!

CC of the SKOJ
Belgrade, October 22, 2006

=== 2 ===

Photos of KNE members at the Czech Embassy in Athenes:


Kämpferische Kundgebung gegen das KSM-Verbot vor der tschechischen Botschaft in Wien     

"Rechnen sie ruhig damit, daß es hier öfter laut sein wird, Herr Botschafter! Unser Protest geht weiter, bis das KSM-Verbot fällt". 


Trotz einsetzenden Regens und eher kurzer, spontaner Vorbereitung versammelten sich am Dienstag, den 24. Oktober, weit über hundert Demonstranten, um gegen das antidemokratische Verbot des kommunistischen Jugendverbandes Tschechiens KSM zu protestieren. Ein Vertreter der Kommunistischen Jugendorganisationen, der Vorsitzende der Sozialistischen Jugend Niederösterreichs, Wieland, VertreterInnen der AIK, von Ast und Revolution, der SOAL und schließlich der Kommunistischen Initiative [KI] forderten in scharfen Worten die sofortige Rücknahme des Verbotes.

Gesamter Bericht und Fotos:

KI-Infomail ist ein Newsletter der KOMMUNISTISCHEN INITIATIVE (KI), Rankgasse 2, 1160 Wien
mailto: info@...
Wenn Sie unsere Aussendungen nicht mehr erhalten möchten, antworten Sie einfach auf dieses mail und teilen uns dies mit.


Concentración en Viena contra la ilegalización de la Juventud Comunista checa 

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2006 

Ayer por la noche se reunieron ante la embajada checa en la capital austriaca más de cien manifestantes para protestar contra la ilegalización de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (KSM) en la República Checa. La concentración fue convocada por la Juventud Comunista de Austria (KJÖ), la Unión Comunista de Estudiantes (KSV) y la Iniciativa Comunista (KI). El oficial Partido Comunista de Austria (KPÖ) no movilizaba para la concentración, obvíamente por sus diferencias políticas con la KI.
En los discursos, los manifestantes advirtieron que la ilegalización de la Juventud Comunista en la República Checa, una organización fuerte con miles de militantes, puede ser sólo el primer paso a la ilegalización de organizaciones comunistas y progresistas en otros países europeos, por ejemplo en Grecia y Portugal, donde también trabajan fuertes partidos y juventudes comunistas.

Markus Wagentristl, que habló en nombre de la Juventud y los Estudiantes Comunistas, recordó que la razón fundamental para la ilegalización de la KSM es su influencia entre los jóvenes checos. "Miles de jóvenes comunistas, unidos bajo la bandera de la KSM, son una espada amenazadora de Damocles sobre las cabezas de los capitalistas". Afirmó que "hoy estamos frente de la embajada - pero quizás ya mañana estaremos dentro de las embajadas de todo el mundo".

Otto Bruckner de la Iniciativa Comunista anunció más protestas: "Señor embajador, esperen que aquí vindrá más ruido. ¡Nuestra protesta sigue hasta que cae la ilegalización de la KSM!" 

=== 3 ===


CP of Finland, Open Letter To The EU Presidency About KSM
From: Communist Party of Finland, Friday, October 20, 2006

The Communist Party of Finland has published an open letter to the EU
Presidency just before the EU Summit that takes place todays in Lahti
city, Finland:

Open Letter To The Eu Presidency

Minister Erkki Tuomioja

We have just heard that the Czech Republic's interior minister has
announced the dissolution of the country's Communist Youth Union. This
decision has been made on the pretext that the Communist Youth Union
advocates in its programme "the collective ownership of means of
production" instead of the "private ownership of these means".

This is an attack against democratic rights that concerns not only the
Czech Republic, but the European Union, too: the values that are
declared to be the bases of Europe are not compatible with this kind of
political discrimination and crime.

The Communist Party of Finland demands the EU Presidency to be active
and take a firm stand against this violation of democratic rights. CP of
Finland demands the government of the Czech Republic to cancel the
decisions of the ministry of interior and to allow the continuation of
the activity of the Communist Youth Union (KSM).

Helsinki 19.10.2006

Communist Party of Finland

Yrjö Hakanen


CP of Greece, Solidarity With KSM
From: Communist Party of Greece, Friday, October 20, 2006 <>  , mailto:cpg   @...

CC: CP of Bohemia and Moravia
Athens, October 19, 2006
Dear Comrades

We express our strongest condemnation of the outrageous decision by the
Czech government to ban the KSM. It is a decision that violates openly
elementary democratic rights and fundamental freedoms. We would like to
voice our firm solidarity and commitment to step up our struggle until
this unacceptable action is being revoked.

What is even more outrageous is the argument raised for this
unacceptable and undemocratic action. The Czech government by setting
illegal any demand that questions the private ownership over the means
of production not only consecrates the capitalist ownership and
exploitation but even outlaws socialism as political aim and ideology.
It is once more proven that the only "human right" that capitalism
secures is the "right" for big business to commercialize everything for
profit and to exploit the working class.

We note that this action is being taken just before the local and senate
elections, casting serious doubts over the legality of the electoral
procedure itself.

It is also interesting that this action coincides with the increasing
pressure for the establishment of an US base in the Czech Republic. It
is well known that KSM has played a pivotal role in all-European
anti-NATO and has collected thousands of signatures against the
establishment of US bases in your country.

Perhaps it is not accidental that the inadmissible illegalization of KSM
was followed next day by the statements of the Czech prime minister that
they are planning to ban access to NATO and EU documents to everybody
except 5 (!) people in the country. This is the "democracy" of the
European Union, of the "transition" and of the imperialist new world

The CC of KKE has issued a statement condemning the measures. The issue
is also very high at the news published by Rizospastis and the radio and
TV station of the party.

We would like to inform you that there are already first reactions in
our country. Yesterday morning KNE organized a protest at the Czech
embassy and has called for a mass demonstration on October 26 at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece.  KKE and KNE have called upon the
trade unions, the students associations and all the organizations of the
mass movement of react and demand the revocation of the banning. Only
yesterday more than 250 people from all continents endorsed the online
petition and expressed their solidarity.

Under the initiative of the MEPs of KKE the GUE/NGL already issued a
protest statement.

We are sure that this anticommunist attempt will fail, as so many
attempts in the past. No banning, no military dictatorship, no fascist
or arbitrary measures have ever managed to silence the voice of the
communists that is the voice of justice and truth.

With fraternal greetings

The International Section of KKE


CP of Chile, Protest to The Embassy of Czech Republic [Sp.]
From: Communist Party of Chile, Friday, October 20, 2006

Santiago, 19 de octubre de 2006.

Dr. Ph
Lubomir Hladik
Embajador de la República Checa

Señor Embajador:

El Partido Comunista de Chile expresa ante su gobierno y la opinión
internacional su más enérgica protesta frente al hecho incalificable de
que el gobierno de la República Checa haya culminado un largo proceso de
amenazas y hostigamiento contra la organización de los jóvenes
comunistas, la Unión Comunista de la Juventud (Komunisticky svaz
mladeze, KSM), para poner a dicha organización fuera de la ley.

No vacilamos en  calificar esta medida gubernamental de antidemocrática
y la consideramos como un retroceso histórico de su país a los tiempos
en que los nazis imponían  sus leyes en Europa. Para nosotros, chilenos,
esta medida nos evoca nuestra historia reciente cuando la dictadura
pinochetista gobernó Chile a sangre y fuego para poner a los comunistas
y otros sectores democráticos fuera de la ley.

Esta decisión injustificable puede constituir un gravísimo precedente
que conduzca al gobierno checo a extender la ilegalización de la KSM  a
otros sectores democráticos y progresistas del país, poniendo a su país
entre aquellos estados que usan su poder, formalmente democrático, para
encubrir una persecución política inaceptable.

Esta protesta ante la representación de la República Checa en Chile será
dada a conocer al gobierno chileno y a la opinión pública nacional e
internacional, para exigir que esta medida contra la KSM sea revocada y
se detenga el hostigamiento contra los comunistas checos por parte de su


Guillermo Teillier, Presidente

Lautaro Carmona, Secretario General
Jorge Insunza, Responsable de Relaciones Internacionales


French CP, Respect for Freedom and Organization Right in the Czech Republic [Fr.]
From: French Communist Party, Friday, October 20, 2006 <>  , mailto:pcf@...

Le PCF demande solennellement le respect de la liberté d’organisation en
République tchèque

Le Parti communiste français est consterné et élève sa plus vive
protestation après la dissolution de l'"Union de la Jeunesse communiste"
de la République tchèque. Cette dissolution vient d’être prononcée par
le ministre de l'Intérieur de ce pays, au motif que « l’Union de la
jeunesse communiste prône, dans son programme, ... "la propriété
collective des moyens de production" à la place de la "propriété privée
de ces moyens"! On croit rêver!

Le Pcf demande solennellement aux autorités de la République tchèque de
revenir immédiatement sur cette décision inique qui institue un délit
d’opinion. Un tel acte est en contradiction avec les principes les plus
communément établis d’un Etat de droit.

Les ennemis de la démocratie sont ceux qui prêchent le racisme,
l'antisémitisme, la xénophobie, l'homophobie qui pratiquent les
violences ou appellent à la guerre. Rien de tel dans le cas de cette «
Union de la Jeunesse communiste » dont le combat pour la démocratie et
le progrès social est une option essentielle.

Nous invitons tous les démocrates, les progressistes à ne pas laisser
passer sans réagir ce dangereux précédent qui suscite déjà un large
courant de solidarité en République tchèque et au-delà.

Parti communiste français

Paris, le 19 octobre 2006.


WFDY, Solidarity with KSM Czech Republic - VERY URGENT ACTIONS
From: World Federation of Democratic Youth, Monday, October 23, 2006

WFDY - World Federation of Democratic Youth
Fédération Mondiale de la Jeunesse Démocratique
Federacion Mundial de la Juventud Democratica

In Service of Youth and Their Rights Since 1945

WFDY is an International NGO with consultative status with UN (ECOSOC)
and operational relation with UNESCO
Presented a Peace Messenger award by UN Secretary General in 1987

Postal address: 1389 Budapest, POB 147, Hungary 
Address: 1139 Budapest XIII, Frangepán U. 16 – Hungary
Tel/Fax: + 361 350 22 02 / 12 04 

CENA Coordination

EDON – P.O. Box 21986, Lefkosia, Cyprus Tel: +357 22766459 Fax: +357
22757161 E-mail: ccedon@...

SDAJ – Hoffnungsstrasse 18, 45127 Essen, Germany Tel: +49 0201230633
Fax: +49 0201230693 E-mail: international@...
UJCE – Olimpo 35, 28043 Madrid, Spain Tel: +349 13004969 Fax: +349
13004744 E-mail: int@...

Statement condemning the prohibition of the 
Communist Youth Union of Czech Republic (KSM)

On December 2005 it came to our knowledge that the Ministry of Interior
of Czech Republic commanded KSM to renounce to its political proposals,
its communist identity and its Marxist-Leninist principles. The Czech
Republic government established a time limit so that KSM would change
its political program otherwise this youth organization would be
declared illegal. The first given closing date (31st December 2005) was
later on postponed to March 2006. 

The Ministry of Interior had sent to KSM a warning and precept, in which

1. Impugns the status of the KSM as a civic association under
pretext that the goals of KSM´s activity interfere with an area
restricted to activities of political parties that is, according to the
interpretation of the Home Office of the Czech Republic, excluded from
the intervention of civic associations. Nevertheless the KSM does not
differ in this area from the field of action of other youth political
organizations in the Czech Republic like Young Conservatives, Young
Social Democrats, Young Christian Democrats, etc. Thus it is obvious
that this attack against the KSM is politically motivated. It is an
obvious attempt to restrain our freedom of association.

2. Tries to coerce the KSM into renouncing its political
program, communist identity, goals, and theoretical basis in Marx,
Engels and Lenin, which is Marxism as a whole.

It is necessary to emphasize that the attack against the KSM is an
attack against the whole communist movement in the Czech Republic, and
therefore also against the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
(KCSM), which the state power has not so far dared to attack directly;
it does so indirectly by attacking the KSM due to the closeness between
the KCSM, which is today one of the strongest parliamentary political
parties in the Czech Republic and one of the strongest communist parties
in Europe. 

This attack against the KSM is just the climax of a long-run
anticommunist campaign that has increased in intensity this year. Among
its manifestations was for example a petition titled “Let’s abolish the
communists” an endeavor to pass a law that would criminalize communist
ideas, movement and the word “communist” as such. This bill
simultaneously put communism and its ideas on one level with fascism and
its crimes. 

On identical level of offense it is the motion presented on 24th of
January 2006 to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
(PACE) entitled “Need for international condemnation of crimes of
totalitarian communist regimes” upon a report of its political
committee. The content of this report constitutes a flagrant violation
of every sense of democratic liberties and order and shows a practice of
political revenge of capitalism, aiming to prevent the most progressive
forces to act freely and to propagate their ideas and ideals. This
anti-democratic crusade is a clear violation of the most elementary
rights and freedom of the citizens. To perpetuate this crusade
everything is admissible for the capitalist ideological offense from
comparisons of the progressive and peace-loving organizations of
workers, youth and students with the terrorist actions or the heinous
crimes carried out by the Nazi-fascism as it already has happened in
Czech Republic and other countries. 

During all this year, in Czech Republic and all over the world, a
solidarity campaign has emerged towards the KSM, namely trough the
International Campaign for Democratic and Civil Rights and Liberties of
WFDY. In Czech Republic, student’s organizations, political parties,
several associations and anti-fascist organizations protested against
this attack to the most elementary democratic rights. All over the
world, several youth organizations of many aims, anti-imperialist,
progressive, democratic, peace-loving youth movements, political parties
and many personalities and intellectuals expressed solidarity with the
KSM, and stand against the attacks performed to prohibit it, demanding
the retreat of the resolution to prohibit the KSM.

While the Czech Republic government had been postponing its final
decision, the anticommunist attacks had been raised with slogans like
"Kill a communist to strengthen peace!" / "Do not let the red swine’s
rule!” / "Commie out!” / "The reds do not sleep, make them sleep!" /
"Save our land, smash the reds" / "Fucking communists, go to ass!" etc.
An anticommunist demonstration on the May Day took place in Prague on a
place where the KCSM traditionally organized its May Day. Therefore the
KCSM had to organize it on other place. On this anticommunist
demonstration also participated the leaders of three parliamentary
right-wing parties made their speeches using very offensive, dirty words
against the communists. The vice-chairman of the KCSM was brutally
attacked on 25th of April 2006 on the street in Prague.

Recently, through a letter of 12th of October 2006 the Czech government
has come to dissolute the KSM, presenting as a pretext some contents on
the proposals, as the substitution of the private property of the
production means by the collective property of the production means.
Thus, the reason for the prohibition is the conviction of these
youngsters to build a different society, not base on the capitalist’s
principals. This concerns an act that primarily turns against democracy,
human rights and fundamental freedoms of which the EU claims to be the

We strongly condemn the prohibition of the KSM. The open threats towards
the KSM and of course toward the KCSM during the past few months became
more intense and were placed among the wider plan of imperialism to
intensify anti-communist propaganda, to distort history with lies, to
place communists on the bench with memoranda, prohibitions and militant

This attempt falls within the wider policy of the Czech Republic
government and is promoted by the broader policies of the EU as well,
for the prohibition of the radical Left ideology which offers the utmost
in the struggle against fascism, against colonialism and social
injustice, against human exploitation and inequality. The KCSM also
comprises a target of the Czech Republic government through the decision
in question only a week before the elections, as well as the overall
anti-communist climate that is being cultivated and reminds of a
witch-hunt. The activities of the KCSM in gathering 40.000 signatures
against the promoted plans for the installation of the NATO bases in the
Czech Republic were quite disturbing for the government of the USA.

We wish to stress that similar phenomena of communist condemnation due
to their ideology, penalization of organizations and their activities,
prohibition and imprisonment of members or representatives of communist
parties are also observed in other countries, mostly in Eastern Europe,
such as in Bulgaria, Hungary, Baltic countries and other republics of
the former Soviet Union. At the same time, anti-communist and
anti-socialist foundations have been established in Bulgaria and Romania
while in the Czech Republic and Hungary anti-communist museums have been
created. While the Left confronts fascist prosecutions, in several of
these countries not only are fascist and neo-Nazi organizations not
prohibited but also they are allowed, if not encouraged, to act freely. 

The appeal of progressive ideals worries the system of exploitation and
discrimination because by its policies the European youngsters became
aware of the capitalism crimes. This offence against KSM has emerged
from a profounder campaign against the communist movement in Czech
Republic and in Eastern Europe. This anti-democratic and anti-communist
crusade, intends to criminalize communist people and their actions,
comparing it with the hideous crimes carried out by the Nazi-fascism.
This anti-democratic operation aims to strike the communist movement and
the most elementary rights and freedom of the citizens by the
implementation of the so-called “anti-terrorist legislation”, by the US
government and the EU.

Such kinds of policies and practices, along with social deadlocks caused
but not faced by the system, encourage the revival of Fascism and
Nazism, which caused so much destruction, and deaths of millions of
people. The peoples of the aforementioned countries, as well as the
representatives of the communist ideology have offered innumerable
sacrifices in the anti-fascist victory of the peoples during the Second
World War and have moreover played a decisive role in the conquest of
many labor, collective and individual rights which are currently under
the threat of abolition, as sacrifice in the name of the market economy,
of the “holy” competition, of globalization, of inequality and the
capital and profit of multinational companies.

We strongly criticize such policies like the terror legislation, the
inclusion of biometric data in citizens documents, the arrest and
retention of suspects without warrants of arrest or proof, the
surveillance of persons, secret prisons even on European ground and
private conversation wiretapping. Such measures, which supposedly turn
against terrorism, in essence turn against workers and movements or
parties that express the workers’ interests.

These policies aim at imposing imperialist policies and the interests of
multinational companies at the expense of human rights and the freedoms
of people. The imperialists in Eastern Europe show an extra effort to
this direction with the purpose of erasing the peoples’ memory and any
possibility of the youth getting to know how all the people can manage
their own destiny. They know that the communists have a way out and this
is why they are the first target in the wider attack against the popular
movement. We express our solidarity with the KSM and KCSM and we believe
that this issued does not only concern the communist but all democratic
people, as it comprise

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