
(english / con telegrafiche sintesi in lingua italiana)

Neverending pogroms in Kosmet (7)

1) NEWS from: 

Fight near Kosovska Mitrovica bridge / SCONTRO PRESSO IL PONTE DI MITROVICA
Kosovo tragedy results in humanitarian disaster in Europe’s centre / DISCUSSIONE IN GRECIA SULLA TRAGEDIA IN ATTO NEL CUORE DELL'EUROPA
Few Thousand Serbs Protest in Kosovska Mitrovica / PROTESTE A MITROVICA
Alekseev says Russia stands ready to use veto against false decision on Kosovo / LA RUSSIA PRONTA AD APPORRE IL VETO SULLA "INDIPENDENZA" DEL KOSOVO
Lavrov: Kosovo solution must be acceptable to Serbs, Albanians / LA RUSSIA CONTRARIA A DECISIONI UNILATERALI
Russia rejects Kosovo independence at PACE ; Kosovo settlement depends on sides’ position, Lavrov says / ANCHE PRESSO IL CONSIGLIO D'EUROPA LA RUSSIA CONTRARIA AL SEPARATISMO KOSOVARO 
Explosion damages home of Gorani minority members in Kosovo, no injured / ATTENTATO CONTRO COMUNITÀ GORANI
Kosovo Trust Agency launches 19th wave of privatization ; Kosovo: 30 SOEs privatized in 18th wave / CONTINUA IL SACCHEGGIO DEI PATRIMONI COLLETTIVI DELLO STATO JUGOSLAVO
Kosovo’s independence to create dangerous precedent - aide ; Russia to EU: Don’t impose solutions / I RUSSI ALLA UE: ATTENTI AD IMPORRE PRECEDENTI PERICOLOSI
Kosovo bishop hopes for Russian help on status issue / POPE KOSOVARI SI AFFIDANO ALLA RUSSIA
UN to hand over bodies of 29 Serbs killed in Kosovo / 29 CORPI DI "DESAPARECIDOS" SERBI-KOSOVARI IN RESTITUZIONE ALLE FAMIGLIE
Proofs on crimes committed by Ramush Haradinaj / I CRIMINI COMMESSI DALL'EX "PREMIER" HARADINAJ

2) KiM Info Newsletter 15-10-06

- Slain Serbs from Kosovo reburied in Belgrade ; U.N. hands over bodies of 29 Serbs killed in Kosovo war / RESTITUITI E SEPOLTI A BELGRADO 29 CADAVERI DI "DESAPARECIDOS" SERBI
- Cave Volujak (4 minutes video) / UN VIDEO SUL RITROVAMENTO DI 21 CORPI DI "DESAPARECIDOS" NEL 2004
In mid-April 2004, UNMIK representatives found remains of 21 bodies of Kosovo Serbs in a cave near the village of Volujak near Klina...
- Early Serbian elections could delay Kosovo status proposal ; Serbian PM says new constitution more important to him than winning election ; Serbian president pleads for Kosovo delay / POLITICA INTERNA SERBA: IL REFERENDUM SULLA NUOVA COSTITUZIONE E LE ELEZIONI ANTICIPATE POSSONO FAR SLITTARE LA DECISIONE SULLO "STATUS" DEL KOSOVO-METOHIJA?

LINK: Cave Volujak (4 minutes video)

In mid-April 2004, UNMIK representatives found remains of 21 bodies of Kosovo Serbs in a cave near the village of Volujak near Klina. The victims were reported missing in the summer of 1998. 
This video material includes updated materials of Gracanica’s Glas Juga journalists as well as materials from the archives of Ninoslav Randjelovic, who recorded talks with the families of the missing Kosovo Serbs from that area, which is today a firm strongpoint of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Real Video Stream  |  MPEG-4 download (file size 21MB). 

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=== 1 ===

B92 (Serbia) - September 26, 2006

Fight near Kosovska Mitrovica bridge 

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - A group of Albanians and Serbs
got into a fight last night near the bridge which
separates them in Kosovska Mitrovica.
Eyewitnesses told Beta that a group of about 15 youths
from the southern, Albanian part of the city crossed
the bridge to the Serbian part and began to provoke
Serbs to fight.
 A group of young men who regularly hang out near the
bridge on the northern side confronted the group of
Albanians and a fight broke out.
 According to the most recent reports, there were no
injuries in the scuffle. Eyewitnesses say that UNMIK
and Kosovo Police Service officials intervened very
quickly, separated the two groups and made them leave
the scene of the fight.
 Following the fight, about one hundred Serbian
citizens of Kosovska Mitrovica gathered at the north
side of the bridge and covered the path around it with
barbed wire.
 They are protesting and are asking for the bridge to
be closed down again, stating that this incident shows
that the city is still not safe.
 The bridge across the Ibar River in Kosovska Mitrovica
was reopened yesterday after a one-month blockade
because of a bombing incident occurring at a café on
the Serbian side of the city. 


Itar-Tass - September 28, 2006

Kosovo tragedy results in humanitarian disaster in Europe’s centre

RHODES, Greece - Kosovo’s tragedy that has not been
averted yet, resulted in humanitarian catastrophe in
the very center of Europe and created difficult
problems for many people, the co-chair of the World
Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” told a
plenary session on Thursday.
 “The level of conflicts in the modern world has
extremely grown,” Vladimir Yakunin said.
 “This is connected with the crisis of cooperation
between world elites, the failure to reach an
agreement and the loss of a common ground for
understanding that creates a favorable background for
simmering conflicts and new challenges and threats,”
he said.
 “Global processes in the end of the twentieth century
divided world elites. One part follows ‘the
civilization of general human values’ that straddled a
wave of globalization. Another part of world elites
chose a path of self-determination,” Yakunin said.
 He pointed out that the modern world faces such
decisions as if they were taken by people who are
deprived of any civilized identity or openly ignore
this identity in their decisions.
 “This brings real political contradictions to a clash
of civilizations and triggers hot conflicts,” he said.
 All this weakens the efficiency of such an important
world policy instrument as the United Nations, Yakunin
said. “It is important to strengthen the UN’s role,
boost its activity based on wider understanding of
people’s interests.”
 The meeting that opened on Rhodes on Wednesday brought
together 600 politicians, public figures, scientists
and entrepreneurs from 60 countries. 


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - October 2, 2006

Few Thousand Serbs Protest in Kosovska Mitrovica

Kosovska Mitrovica - A few thousand Serbs from the
northern part of Kosovo organized a protest under the
slogans ‘No to Independent Kosovo’, ‘No to Serbia’s
Partitioning’ and ‘No to Albanian Terrorism’, RTS
 The protest took place on the Sumadija square, in the
northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.
 Later the protest march reached the main bridge over
the Ibar river which separates the northern (Serbian)
and southern (Albanian) parts.
 After that the protesters dispersed. They were guarded
by Kosovo policemen and the bridge over the Ibar river
was closed.
 Marko Jaksic, a member of the Serbian negotiating team
on Kosovo’s future said that the international
community is Kosovo’s [secessionits'] ally in the
talks on the region’s status.
 He pointed out that the Albanians in Kosovo have
banished some 200,000 Serbs and have burnt down their
 Mr. Jaksic also criticized USA’s policy on the Kosovo
issue, RTS notes. 


MakFax (Macedonia) - October 2, 2006

Alekseev says Russia stands ready to use veto against
false decision on Kosovo

Belgrade - Russia stands ready to use its veto in
order to defend international law and the principle of
territorial integrity of countries if forced to do so,
Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Nikolaevich
Alekseev said in an interview with Belgrade's
"Vecernje Novosti".
 According to the Ambassador, Russia is committed to
reaching a solution based on international law, and
acceptable for both Serbia and Kosovo's Albanians.
 "An imposed solution or setting deadlines for reaching
it, is totally unacceptable for Russia", Alekseev
 Moscow is committed for "submitting a proposal for the
final status to the UN Security Council, which would
be in line with international law, European security's
principles and crises management principles", Alekseev
 According to the ambassador, exercising the right of
veto at the UN Security Council is neither an
objective, nor a favorable scenario. "It would only be
used as a last resort", he said.
 "In fact, Minister Lavrov has voiced a warning: Do not
force us to reach out for it", Alekseev explained. 


Interfax - October 3, 2006

Lavrov: Kosovo solution must be acceptable to Serbs, Albanians

MOSCOW - Russia will take a decision on the status of
Kosovo that will be acceptable for both Serbs and
Albanians, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said
at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday.
"We may only accept an agreement on Kosovo's status
that is suitable for both Albanians in Kosovo, and
Serbs in Belgrade and Kosovo," the minister said,
adding that a decision on Kosovo's independence may
create a dangerous precedent.
 "We are speaking about a precedent and about a
dangerous Pandora's box that will be opened by those
who are ready to ignore the position of one of the
party's in the case of Kosovo, but who take the
opposite position in other cases," Lavrov said.
 It is a shortsighted position brought about by the
lacking ability to see ahead, which often complicates
the situation surrounding regions of concern, the
minister said.
 "The main thing we are concerned about is that people
who try to impose a status on Kosovo see only one
step forward. Taking into consideration the many
situations developing in the world, we are
calling for a strategic outlook," Lavrov said.


Voice of Russia - October 3, 2006

Russia rejects Kosovo independence at PACE

Russia comes out against the recognition of Kosovo’s
independence at the level of the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). 
This is what the deputy head of the Russian PACE
delegation Leonid Slutski said. 
He says that Britain’s representative Lord Russell
Johnston has prepared a report, which for the first
time at a PACE level calls for the recognition of
Kosovo’s independence. 
Russia believes that the recognition of Kosovo’s
independence at the level of the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe will be regarded as
a concession to destructive forces, which earlier
urged PACE to recognize Chechnya’s independence.

Itar-Tass - October 4, 2006

Kosovo settlement depends on sides’ position, Lavrov says

STRASBOURG - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
said the Kosovo settlement depends on the sides’
position and not on what decisions are being taken in
the Contact Group. 
Speaking at the PACE session on Wednesday, Lavrov
said, “It is necessary to solve this problem by talks,
in particular between the leadership of the province
and the national minority.” 
On the U.N. Administration in Kosovo, the minister
stressed, “These international forces should be sent
to the province to prevent a bloodshed. But the U.N.
cannot govern in the province endlessly. In addition,
there are objections on the implementation of certain
resolutions on Kosovo.” 
Commenting on the deployment of such administrations
in other conflict areas, Lavrov said, “There are no
reasons for this. In Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the
Dniester region the sides agreed themselves on methods
to promote the settlement.” 
“It is necessary to work in the existing formats. This
is the unique way to ensure ‘frozen’ conflicts should
not grow ‘hot’,” the Russian minister pointed out. 


Associated Press - October 3, 2006

Explosion damages home of Gorani minority members in
Kosovo, no injured

PRISTINA, Serbia - An explosion damaged the house of a
Gorani minority member in a southern Kosovo village,
but caused no injuries, police said Monday.
The government denounced Sunday's attack, and said
such incidents were aimed at destabilizing Kosovo amid
U.N.-led negotiations on the province's future status.
A key consideration during the talks has been Kosovo's
ability to provide security to minority groups.
"That criminal act serves those forces trying to
damage at any cost Kosovo's overall processes," the
government said in a statement.
The explosion caused "considerable material damage" to
the house in Rapqe e Nalte village, about 100
kilometers (62 miles) south of capital, Pristina,
police spokesman Veton Elshani said.
The Gorani owner of the house works with the Serbian
Coordination Center for Kosovo, a Serbian government
body working in the province. 
Gorani is one of the minority groups among Kosovo's 2
million population, along with Serbs, Turks, Ashkali
and others. About 90 percent of the population is
ethnic Albanian.
Serbian media reported that the Gorani family hid in
the garage for safety after the house owner's daughter
saw the explosives in a bag in front of the house and
a car driving away.
Police said they thought there was no connection
between the blast and another explosion allegedly
connected to property ownership conflicts in the same
commune of Prizren.
Another explosion that injured four Serbs, and three
other bombings that damaged cars in mid-September
raised ethnic tensions amid ongoing status talks.
About 2,000-2,500 ethnic Serbs held a peaceful protest
Monday against the opening of a bridge across the Ibar
River linking the two communities in the ethnically
divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica, 45 kilometers (30
miles) north of Pristina, police said.
The bridge has been closed three times in the last two
months, following separate attacks on ethnic Serbs. It
was closed Monday during the demonstration, and
reopened when it was over.
U.N.-led negotiations to resolve Kosovo's status by
the end of the year have stalled, with both sides
unwilling to compromise on their demands.
Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership wants independence
in the status talks, while Belgrade has offered broad
autonomy while insisting Kosovo remain within Serb
territory. How to govern Kosovska Mitrovica is
expected to be another major sticking point.
Kosovo has been administered by the United Nations
since 1999, when NATO air strikes drove out Serb
An estimated 200,000 Serbs fled Kosovo after the
1988-99 conflict, fearing [unprovoked] attacks. Today,
only about 100,000 remain, most living in small,
isolated enclaves scattered around the province.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - October 5, 2006

Bomb Explodes Near Home of Kosovo’s Deputy PM

Pristina - A bomb exploded near the home of Kosovo’s
Deputy Prime Minister Naim Behluli in Gnjilane. 
This is what Kosovo’s police force confirmed today
cited by Serbian news agency BETA.
No one was injured in the blast that took place around
midnight, a spokesperson for the Kosovo police force
for the Gnjilane region said. 
The spokesperson explained that the bomb was placed in
front of Behluli’s home. 
There is only minor damage. There is no information of
suspects or arrested persons. 
This is the third attack in Gnjilane in the last few


Economic Initiative for Kosova (Austria) - October 5, 2006

Kosovo Trust Agency launches 19th wave of privatization

Prishtinë [Pristina] - The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA)
announced on Monday that it has officially launched
the 19th wave of privatization. In this round 50
enterprises shall be privatized. 
This wave includes 36 Socially Owned Enterprises
(SOEs), from which 50 new companies shall be created;
28 of them will be privatized through regular
spin-off. Seven of these SOEs have been re-tendered –
four by special spin-off and three by regular
The pre-qualification deadline is Wednesday, November
29, 2006, while the bid submission deadline is
December 10, 2006. 
The best known enterprises in this privatization wave
are the Tube Factory in Ferizaj, Wine Production in
Suhareka, the Battery Factory (part of Trepça), and
two magnesium mines.

Economic Initiative for Kosova (Austria) - October 6, 2006

Kosovo: 30 SOEs privatized in 18th wave

Prishtinë [Pristina] - The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA)
concluded the 18th wave of privatization, in which 30
Socially Owned Enterprises (SOEs) were tendered. 
Only 21 of the tendered enterprises were sold, as for
some of them there were no offers. In this wave KTA
has tendered warehouses, veterinary stations, stores
and supermarkets.
According to KTA Managing Director Jasper Dick, visits
to several privatized SOEs have already started in
order see up-close how things are developing in
regards to investment and revitalization.
“I am very happy to say that the KTA has gathered over
€ 250 million from privatization and deposited it at
the Central Banking Authority of Kosovo (CBAK). 
“So far, we have distributed 20% to employees of 26
SOEs. Back in September, we have paid €1 million to
the employees,” said KTA Managing Director Jasper
Dick, adding that a group of experts will soon review
the possibility of mending the regulation that deals
with the 20% share.
Following a decision of SRSG Joachim Ruecker, the
Morava e Binces premises located in Gjilan was
excluded from privatization. 
The new company IFS Progres from Prizren was sold for
the highest price in this round of privatization, for
€4.45 million. The company Farm in Bajgora – KB 23
November, was sold for €32,400.
Although 10 enterprises in Peja were tendered for
privatization, only three of them have attracted
bidders. With this round, the Trust Fund is richer for
13.401.000 Euros.


Itar-Tass - October 7, 2006

Kosovo’s independence to create dangerous precedent - aide

BAD BOLL, Germany - If Kosovo’s independence is
recognised despite Serbia’s will, this will create a
“very negative” precedent in international relations,
Russian presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky said. 
“Kosovo is a severe challenge to the international
community and a very important acid test for the
wisdom of the world community. 
"If Kosovo’ s independence is recognised despite
Serbia’s will, this will create a very negative
precedent in international relations,” Yastrzhembsky
said at the conference “Russia and Germany” Hopes and
Misunderstandings” on Friday.

Beta (Serbia) - October 8, 2006

Russia to EU: Don’t impose solutions

BRUSSELS, MOSCOW - Russia told the EU Kosovo solution
cannot be imposed on Serbia.
 Moscow also said it would not support such a solution
neither within the Contact Group nor in the UN
Security Council. Beta has learned that Moscow
believes negotiations on a solution acceptable to both
parties should be continued in 2007, if one cannot be
reached in 2006.
Sources in Brussels have confirmed that the Russian
position has been relayed to some Contact Group
partners as well as to Martti Ahtisaari.
 The Russian message states that the Contact Group has
asked Ahtisaari to provide a comprehensive solution
proposal, to be debated by the Group first.
 Russia informed that this was acceptable, if following
the Contact Group debate, this proposal was to be
submitted to Priština and Belgrade with the aim of
encouraging both sides to improve the negotiating
 Sources in Brussels also say that Moscow sent a sort
of a demarche to the Finnish EU presidency,
emphasizing its position that the Contact Group, by
authorizing Ahtisaari to work out a proposal, in no
way meant to impose a solution on Serbia.
 Russia also explained that any suggestion, such as
denying Serbia’s rights of a sovereign country, thus
undermining the negotiations with Belgrade, was
 European diplomatic sources, unwilling to confirm or
deny the existence of the Russian message to the EU,
suggested that the majority of the EU 25 member states
favored a compromise solution for Kosovo, meaning an
essentially limited sovereignty for the province,
without a seat at the UN. 


Agence France-Presse - October 6, 2006

Kosovo town square named after Austrian royal family

PRISTINA, Serbia - The coat of arms of the Austrian
royal family, the Habsburgs, was unveiled in the
Kosovo town of Decane on a square that was named after
the family, local media reported. 
The family's 93-year-old representative, Otto Von
Habsburg-Lothringen, attended the ceremony and
unveiled the plaque with local officials.
During a two-day visit to the UN-run province of
Kosovo, Von Habsburg met senior international and
local officials in the capital Pristina, including
Prime Minister Agim Ceku.
He said he supported the desire of Kosovo's ethnic
Albanian majority to gain independence from Serbia.
"Kosovars should be proud of their place. Their
friends will support them in achieving their desire
for an independent state integrated into the
European Union," he said.
Technically still part of Serbia, Kosovo has been
administered by the United Nations since 1999, when a
NATO bombing campaign ended Belgrade's military
offensive against ethnic Albanian separatists.
 Serbia considers Kosovo to be the cradle of its
history and culture and strongly opposes any bid for


Interfax - October 11, 2006

Kosovo bishop hopes for Russian help on status issue

MOSCOW - Kosovo's Serbian Orthodox Bishop has
expressed hope that Russia will play a role in
protecting the rights of Serbians in Kosovo and
resolving the issue of Kosovo's status.
"Now Russia has grown even stronger than ten years
ago, and we hope that Russia's voice [in talks on
Kosovo] will be heard in New York and Washington,"
Bishop of the Raska and Prizren Eparchy Artemije
Radosavljevic said at a meeting with students at
Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman
on Wednesday.
The bishop noted the need to extend the terms for
holding talks on Kosovo's status, saying it is
impossible to settle the issue under the existing
schedule - thus by the end of the year - and that "we
are going to show everybody that in that case any
decision would have to be imposed."


Irish Examiner - October 13, 2006

UN to hand over bodies of 29 Serbs killed in Kosovo

UN authorities in Kosovo will today hand over to
families the bodies of 29 Serb civilians killed during
the 1998-99 conflict in the volatile province.
Most of the victims are believed to have been from the
western Kosovo towns of Orahovac and Opterusa, said UN
spokesman Neeraj Singh. 
Previously, they all had been reported as missing.
Singh said a delegation of family members and Serbia’s
officials was to receive the bodies at Merdare
boundary crossing, some 25 miles north of Kosovo’s
capital, Pristina.
More than 2,000 people are still missing from the
Kosovo conflict in what remains one of the most
sensitive and emotionally-charged issues between the
two former foes.
Kosovo, legally part of Serbia, has been under UN
administration since mid-1999, when Nato’s air war
halted Serb forces’ crackdown on independence-seeking
ethnic Albanians. 


Voice of Russia - October 14, 2006


In 2007 Kosovo will be a sovereign state with an
independent government and minimal international
That’s the point made earlier this week by the Kosovo
deputy premier and chief delegate at the ongoing talks
with Belgrade Lutfi Haziri. 
Kosovo Prime Minister Agim is even less complacent,
saying that independence already this year is the only
option he is ready to discuss. 
Russian expert Pyotr Iskenderov said that such radical
statements by leading Kosovo officials reflect the
growing sense of insecurity among the separatists
whose main curator, UN envoy Marti Ahtisaari, is
already saying that negotiations on the region’s
future status may take longer than was originally
The separatists have obviously been rattled by the
draft of Serbia’s new constitution put on a nationwide
referendum slated for later this month and where
Kosovo is proclaimed as an integral, autonomous, part
of the Serbian state. 
Mr. Ahtisaari said he would wait for the results of
the October 28-29 plebiscite before moving on with
determining the region’s future status. 
Moreover, Kosovo’s independence is radicalizing the
situation in the self-styled republics of the former
Soviet Union where the level of democratic freedoms is
way higher than the region’s Albanian separatist rules
can boast of. 
And still, neither the UN, EU nor the OSCE are in any
rush to recognize their sovereign status. 
On Tuesday the foreign minister of Transdnestr Valery
Litskai unveiled a plan by OSCE chairman Karel de
Gucht that is based on the territorial makeup of
Belgium, which as a confederative state, guarantees
equal rights to all of the country’s various ethnic


Beta (Serbia) - October 13, 2006

Haradinaj trial in the spring

THE HAGUE - The trial of Ramush Haradinaj will begin
in front of the Hague Tribunal next spring.
During a discussion at a Hague status conference
regarding the progress and preparation of court
processes, Hague Judge O-Gon Kwon said that the trial
of the former Kosovo Liberation Army leader and Kosovo
prime minister, who is accused of committing war
crimes against Serbs and Romas in 1998, will begin in
“February or March” of 2007.
Prosecutors have announced that there will be
technical changes made to Haradinaj’s indictment,
related to the legal qualifications of the indictment.
Idriz Baljaj and Ljah Brahimaj are accused of the
crimes as well in the indictment which accuses


Blic (Serbia) - October 13, 2006

Proofs on crimes committed by Ramush Haradinaj

At administration border crossing at Merdare near
Podujevo, representatives of UNHCR, UNMIK and the
Republican Commission for Missing and Abducted
Individuals handed to the families remnants of 28
Serbs and Albanians and one Muslim woman.
These are 11 Kostices, 2 Nikolices, 2 Burdzices, 4
Bozanices, Spasoje Benzic, Dusko Patrnogic, Sreten
Simic Djordje Djoric, Lidija Omeragic, Djoka Gogic and
the Cerimaj brothers.
These remnants were found in a mass grave in Volujak
near Klina at the beginning of the last year.
The President of the Republican Commission Gvozden
Gagic is positive that these are proofs of the direct
responsibility of former Kosovo prime minister Ramush
Haradinaj for the kidnapping and death of people from


Zaman (Turkey) - October 21, 2006

Turkish Troops, Kosovans Hand in Hand

The Turkish battalion in Kosovo, operating under
command of the NATO-led international Kosovo peace
force continues to help Kosovans in many ways.
Turkish troops are admired by Kosovans for their help
in areas such as health, food distribution and
education and they also built and restored many
They restored the Kirik Mosque, built by the Ottomans
when they conquered Kosovo, and built a park around
Turkish troops also fixed cemeteries and built village
Every week, retired Kosovans are examined by doctors
and nurses from the Turkish battalion and their
medications are given. 
They have built three mosques and three parks across
Kosovo so far and organized annual circumcision feasts
for needy and homeless children. 
During Ramadan, Turkish troops delivered dinner to
Kosovans and provide stationery goods to students
every year through liaison offices. 

=== 2 ===

KiM Info Newsletter 15-10-06

Slain Serbs from Kosovo reburied in Belgrade

More than two dozen Serbs civilians, including women and children found in a mass grave in Kosovo, were laid to rest in Belgrade on Saturday after their remains were handed over to relatives.

Associated Press: Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:25 AM

PRISTINA, Serbia-More than two dozen Serbs civilians, including women and children found in a mass grave in Kosovo, were laid to rest in Belgrade on Saturday after their remains were handed over to relatives.
The 29 bodies, including an 11-member Serb family allegedly executed by ethnic Albanian separatists during the 1998-99 Kosovo war, were identified through DNA analysis and handed over Friday by U.N. authorities from the southern province.
A few hundred people attended the funeral at the cemetery on the outskirts of the Serbian capital, mostly the victims' relatives, but also families of some of the 670 Serbs still missing from the conflict.

Government official Sanda Raskovic-Ivic called for punishment of all who committed crimes during the war in the contested province, whose future status is currently being negotiated.
The Kosovo war left an estimated 10,000 people dead.
More than 800 slain ethnic Albanian were found at several locations in Serbia and handed over to their families in Kosovo. Meanwhile, 212 Serbs have been exhumed in Kosovo and reburied outside the province, mostly in Serbian cities where their surviving family members fled after the war.

More than 2,000 people remain unaccounted for in what remains one of the most sensitive and emotionally charged issues between the two former foes.
Kosovo, legally part of Serbia, has been under U.N. administration since mid-1999, when NATO's air war halted Serb forces' crackdown on independence-seeking ethnic Albanians.

U.N. hands over bodies of 29 Serbs killed in Kosovo war

Associated Press: Friday, October 13, 2006 1:08 PM

PRISTINA, Serbia-U.N. authorities in Kosovo on Friday handed over to families the bodies of 29 Serb civilians killed during the 1998-99 conflict in the volatile province.

Most of the victims are believed to have been from the western Kosovo towns of Orahovac and Opterusa, U.N. spokesman Neeraj Singh said. Previously, they all had been reported as mis sing.
Grieving family members and Serbia's officials received the bodies at Merdare boundary crossing, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of Kosovo's capital, Pristina.

The bodies were transported north, to a cemetery near Belgrade, where a funeral was expected Saturday, following a wake in a chapel on the outskirts of the Serbian capital.
More than 2,000 people are still missing from the Kosovo conflict in what remains one of the most sensitive and emotionally charged issues between the two former foes.
Serbia's official in charge of the Commission for Missing Persons, Veljko Odalovic, sai d that 212 bodies of slain Serbs have been identified in Kosovo so far and handed over to their families, while the search continues for another 670 Serbs and non-Albanians still unaccounted for from the 1998-1999 war in Kosovo.
Kosovo, legally part of Serbia, has been under U.N. administration since mid-1999, when NATO's air war halted Serb forces' crackdown on independence-seeking ethnic Albanians.

FOTOGALERY - Hand over of Serbs killed in Volujak mass grave in Kosovo

Cave Volujak (4 minutes video)

In mid-April 2004, UNMIK representatives found remains of 21 bodies of Kosovo Serbs in a cave near the village of Volujak near Klina. The victims were reported missing in the summer of 1998. 

This video material includes updated materials of Gracanica’s Glas Juga journalists as well as materials from the archives of Ninoslav Randjelovic, who recorded talks with the families of the missing Kosovo Serbs from that area, which is today a firm strongpoint of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Real Video Stream  |  MPEG-4 download (file size 21MB). 

Get Real Video Player (you need version 9 or later) | Get QuickTime Player



Early Serbian elections could delay Kosovo status proposal

Associated Press: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:38 AM

VIENNA, Austria-A proposal on the future status of Kosovo could be delayed if Serbia holds early elections this year, the deputy United Nations envoy to the status talks said Friday according to a report by an Austrian news agency.
Albert Rohan, attending a conference in Lower Austria that was closed to the media, said if Serbia holds elections before the end of the year, completion of the Kosovo status question could be delayed until February or March 2007, the Austria Press Agency reported.
Serbian parliamentary elections could be held as early as December but no date has been set.
The government also plans to hold a referendum on Oct. 28-29 on a new constitution that declares the independence-seeking province of Kosovo is an integral part of Serb territory.
Chief U.N. envoy Martti Ahtisaari is expected to present his proposal to the U.N. Security Council in the coming months. Earlier this week, he said he sees no solution in the talks on the status of Kosovo because the two sides are too divided.
Rohan echoed those comments Friday saying in remarks quoted by APA that "further negotiations don't make sense unless we get signals from one side that it is ready to make concessions."
In an interview with The Associated Press in London on Thursday, Kosovo's prime minister, Agim Ceku, said the province was eager for an agreement on its future status by the end of the year and that it would not accept any settlement that did not include independence.
Kosovo, formally a Serbian province, has been run by the United Nations and NATO since a 1999 war. The United States and the Contact Group for Kosovo, which includes Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Russia, have sought to wrap up talks on the province's future by the end of the year.
But the negotiations, which started early this year, have produced no result, with both sides entrenched in their positions, the ethnic Albanians demanding independence from Serbia and Belgrade offering broad autonomy but no independence.

Serbian PM says new constitution more important to him than winning election

Associated Press: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:34 AM

BELGRADE, Serbia-Serbia's Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica urged his country Friday to overwhelmingly approve a new constitution that declares independence-seeking Kosovo an integral part of Serb territory.
Kostunica said in an interview published in the pro-government daily, Politika, that Serbian voters approving the charter in a nationwide referendum slated for Oct. 28-29, was more important to him than winning early parliamentary elections, expected in December.
Parliament approved the draft constitution this month.
Kostunica's comments reflect the government's intensified pro-referendum campaign in the face of criticism by several political figures here who have urged a boycott of the balloting.
The new constitution also defines the country as independent for the first time since the bloody breakup of the former, six-republic federation of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.
"I am convinced this constitution will get sweeping approval by the citizens," Kostunica said in the interview, dismissing criticism that his Cabinet hastily drew up the draft and that there was no nationwide debate on the issue.
"I stand ready to lose (my post), as long as Serbia gets a new constitution," said Kostunica, who has seen waning support in Serbia.
More than half of Serbia's 6 million voters must approve the draft in the referendum before the new constitution can take effect.
The charter is likely to set Belgrade on another collision course with the West, for declaring the ethnic Albanian province of Kosovo an inalienable part of Serbia.
It comes at a sensitive time, as U.N.-led negotiations between Belgrade and Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leaders on Kosovo's final status are entering a critical phase.
Earlier this month, U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey rejected the Serbian parliament's approval of the constitution, saying the future of the rebellious, U.N.-run province will not be "decided unilaterally"

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Aktuelles in Deutschland: 

* Bonn 25/10: Eine Bilanz nach dem Tod von Slobodan Milosevic - Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung
* Zwei wichtige Buecher: 
Die Zerstörung Jugoslawiens - Slobodan Milosevic antwortet seinen Anklägern
Der Milosevic-Prozess - Bericht eines Beobachters


Am 25. Oktober findet in Bonn um 19.00 im Restaurant LuxX, Heerstrase 1/Ecke Kölnstrasse eine Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung mit Cathrin Schütz, Mitarbeiterin im Rechtshilfeteam von Slobodan Milosevic, unter dem Titel " Der Jusgoslawienkrieg - Eine Bilanz nach dem Tod von Slobodan Milosevic und dem Prozess vor dem UN-Tribunal in Den Haag" statt. Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen.

Der Jugoslawienkrieg

Eine Bilanz nach dem Tod von Slobodan Milosevic

und dem Prozess vor dem UN-Tribunal in Den Haag

Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung

mit Cathrin Schütz aus Frankfurt und dem

holländischen Dokumentarfilm „Der Fall Milosevic“

von Jos de Putter und Germinal Civikov

 „Über eines habe ich mich immer gewundert: wie wenig wahrgenommen worden ist, dass die Entscheidung zum Krieg eine fundamentale Veränderung der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik bedeutet hat. Ich behaupte: Keine andere Regierung als unsere hätte sie so treffen können und so ausgehalten.“ (Bundeskanzler Schröder zum Jugoslawienkrieg im Spiegel 23/1999)

Der Krieg gegen Jugoslawien, der als „humanitäre Militäraktion“ gerechtfertigt wurde, wirkt bis heute nach. Er ist eine entscheidende Weichenstellung für bundesdeutsche Kriegseinsätze. Auf der Veranstaltung werden wir den Blick zurückwerfen auf den Nato-Krieg 1999 und den Prozess gegen den früheren jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic vor dem UN-Tribunal in Den Haag. Vor diesem Hintergrund beleuchten wir auch die aktuelle deutsche Militärpolitik.

Die Referentin Cathrin Schütz ist Diplom-Politologin. Ende 2003 erschien ihr Buch „Die Nato-Intervention in Jugoslawien. Hintergründe, Nebenwirkungen und Folgen“. Sie arbeitete als Beraterin im Verteidigungsteam von Slobodan Milosevic. 

Mittwoch, den 25. Oktober 2006, 19 Uhr

Restaurant LuxX, Heerstraße 1/Ecke Kölnstraße, Bonn

Veranstaltet vom Deutschen Freidenker-Verband Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bonner Friedensbündnis

V.i.S.d.P.: Klaus v. Raussendorff, Bonn


Kurz vor der Buchmesse in Frankfurt ist die 2. Auflage des Buches "Die Zerstörung Jugoslawiens - Slobodan Milosevic antwortet seinen Anklägern" (ISBN 3-88975-135-0, br., 292 Seiten, 10 Euro, Zambon-Verlag Frankfurt)  erschienen. Das Buch wurde um den letzten Brief von Slobodan Milosevic und einen Offenen Brief von Rechtsanwalt Jaques Verges und Dr. Patrick Bariot an Carla Del Ponte und die Ärzte des Tribunals erweitert. Die 2. Auflage ist bereit zur Hälfte verkauft, aber so langsam gerät der Prozess gegen Milosevic und das Haager Tribunal zunehmends aus dem Blick der Öffentlichkeit.
Deshalb unsere Bitte:

- werbt in Eurem Umfeld für das Buch
- schlagt es für die Aufnahme in öffentliche und Hochschulbüchereien vor
- weist Eure Buchhändler auf das Buch hin
- schreibt Internet-Rezensionen für das Buch
- ladet uns zu Lesungen ein.

Zur Buchmesse erschien ein weiteres Buch über den Milosevic-Prozess:

Germinal Civikov "Der Milosevic-Prozess - Bericht eines Beobachters"
mit einem Beitrag  von Cathrin Schütz
ISBN 3-85371-264-9, br., 216 Seiten, 13,90 Euro, Promedia-Verlag Wien

Germinal Civikov, bulgarischer Journalist und Co-Autor des Films "Der Fall Milosevic", berichtet in diesem Buch aus eigener Anschauung über den Verlauf und das Wesen dieses Prozesses.


Nach dem gewaltsamen Tod von Slobodan Milosevic ist die Informationssperre über die Prozesse in Den Haag noch rigoroser geworden. So dürfte kaum jemand erfahren haben, dass Vojislav Seselj, dem früheren Vorsitzenden der Radikalen Partei in Serbien, im September das Selbstverteidigungsrecht vor dem Haager Tribunal entzogen wurde. Diesmal wird der Bruch des internationalen Rechts und der eigenen Statuten des Tribunals mit dem renitenten Verhalten des Angeklagten begründet, der durch sein Verhalten das Verfahren sabotieren würde. Das Selbstverteidigungsrecht von Slobodan Milosevic konnte nur durch den Boykott der Verteidigungszeugen und durch eine internationale Petition von über 100 Rechtsgelehrten und Rechtsanwälten teilweise zurück erkämpft werden.

Peter Betscher
Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität (VIS) e.V.

Regime Titino e Democrazia Italiana


Nel corso di una tavola rotonda sul tema della “informazione di
frontiera”, organizzata a Trieste con la partecipazione del direttore
del “Manifesto” Gabriele Polo, abbiamo sentito il giornalista, nonché
noto esponente politico sloveno di etnia italiana Franco Juri,
esprimere il seguente concetto, che noi sintetizziamo per renderlo
più chiaro: per fortuna che il “regime titino” aveva garantito a noi,
minoranza italiana in Jugoslavia, determinati canoni di tutela che
noi abbiamo poi potuto far valere, in termini di diritti acquisiti,
perché la democrazia non ce li avrebbe sicuramente concessi.
Dunque secondo Juri il “regime titino” (negativo, si suppone, in
quanto “regime” che andava cambiato) aveva garantito ad una
componente della popolazione diritti civili di tale portata che non
sarebbero state garantite da quella “democrazia” per la quale tutta
la “dissidenza” jugoslava aveva lottato, arrivando al risultato
finale di sfasciare la Jugoslavia, portare il libero mercato nelle
repubbliche indipendenti (con la conseguente eliminazione di buona
parte dello stato sociale garantito prima dal “regime”, come accade
in quasi tutte le “democrazie” del mondo capitalista, fatti salvi
pochi casi come la Danimarca), ed avere portato in alcune di queste
anche la guerra civile. Ci chiediamo a questo punto cosa intenda Juri
per “regime” e cosa intenda per “democrazia”, e cosa abbia di più
positivo, rispetto ad un “regime”, una “democrazia” che non riconosce
ai propri cittadini gli stessi diritti che gli garantiva il deprecato
Ma è un concetto generale (non solo di Franco Juri) che la Jugoslavia
fosse stata un “regime”, nonostante sia riconosciuto che aveva
garantito cinquant’anni di pace, di stato sociale, di diritto allo
studio e di riconoscimento alle minoranze etniche.
Ora, ci chiediamo, cosa distingue un “regime” da una “democrazia”? Il
“regime titino” garantiva diritti alle minoranze etniche, mentre dopo
sessant’anni la “democrazia” italiana deve ancora decidere in quali
termini la comunità slovena della nostra regione possa godere di una
legge di tutela. Nella “democratica” Italia è accaduto che un
anarchico sia precipitato dal quarto piano della questura di Milano,
senza che su questa tragedia sia mai stata fatta chiarezza, così come
non è mai stata fatta chiarezza, essendo stato invocato il segreto di
stato, su varie stragi, da piazza Fontana ad Ustica. Il “regime
titino” ha prodotto i campi di prigionia di Goli Otok dove i
prigionieri politici venivano maltrattati, umiliati e picchiati; ci
furono dei periodi, nella “democratica” Italia, quando i prigionieri
politici venivano pure sottoposti a violenze, ricordiamo lo scandalo
delle torture inflitte negli anni Sessanta agli indipendentisti
sudtirolesi, il caso del brigatista Di Lenardo che nel 1981 denunciò
le violenze cui fu sottoposto dopo il suo arresto, l’uccisione da
parte di corpi speciali di polizia del ricercato (sarebbe stato
prosciolto se fosse arrivato al processo) Pietro Greco in mezzo alla
strada a Trieste nel 1985, ricordiamo, per chiudere, cos’è accaduto a
Genova nel 2001. Ed accenniamo ancora al vergognoso comportamento di
alcuni militari in missione “di pace” in Somalia nel 1994, denunciati
per avere fatto violenza a delle donne con razzi illuminanti e
fotografati mentre applicavano elettrodi ad un ragazzo nudo. Dove lo
scandalo peggiore non è che tanto che questi abusi siano avvenuti,
quanto il fatto che i responsabili non siano stati doverosamente puniti.
Aggiungiamo infine che mentre sotto il “regime titino” il sistema
sanitario e scolastico in Jugoslavia funzionava, oggi, nell’Italia
“democratica” così come nella Slovenia “democratica”, scuola e sanità
fanno schifo ugualmente.
Abbiamo esternato parte di queste nostre riflessioni nel corso della
serata di presentazione della mostra “Jugostalgija”, cioè una mostra
sulla nostalgia per la Jugoslavia, apertasi ad Opicina il 18 agosto
scorso. Questa mostra raccoglie “pezzi di Jugoslavia”, mobili,
elettrodomestici, libri, libri di scuola, giornali, scatole di
prodotti tipici della Jugoslavia tra gli anni Sessanta ed Ottanta,
tesserini e distintivi di associazioni varie, in modo tale da
ricostruire degli “ambienti” di vita jugoslavi dell’epoca. Diciamo
subito che, fatti salvi i ritratti di Tito, le bandiere ed i libri di
testo (molto migliori dei nostri, ci si consenta...), il resto
dell’arredamento non era molto dissimile da quello delle case dei
ceti medi italiani, il che fa pensare che, quantomeno da un punto di
vista economico, sotto il “regime titino” non si stava troppo male.
Quasi tutti i relatori del convegno hanno tenuto a precisare che la
nostalgia delle popolazioni di Slovenia e Croazia va non tanto al
“regime” jugoslavo quanto alle condizioni di vita nel periodo
jugoslavo. Ma, obiettiamo noi, le condizioni di vita di un Paese,
sono determinate da chi sta al governo, lo stato sociale jugoslavo
era evidentemente garantito dal “regime titino”, e allora se era il
“regime titino” che garantiva lo stato sociale di cui hanno oggi
nostalgia gli ex-jugoslavi, perché mai non si dovrebbe avere
nostalgia anche del “regime”, se la “democrazia” fa vivere peggio?
Alle nostre riflessioni ha così risposto Giorgio Rossetti, già
europarlamentare del PCI, ora diessino: “anche la democrazia è un
regime, si tratta di capire l’uso dei termini”.
Benissimo: anche la democrazia è un regime. Perché allora si usa il
termine “regime” solo quando si sottintende dare un giudizio di
negatività ad un governo? e perché per l’Italia non si dice mai che
sotto il “regime democristiano”, abbiamo vissuto la strategia della
tensione, sotto il “regime social-craxiano” abbiamo vissuto
Tangentopoli, ed il “regime berlusconiano” ci ha portato con le
truppe in mezzo mondo, ci ha dato Genova 2001 ed ha impoverito il
Paese? ed oggi se qualcuno parla di “regime ulivista”, come viene
visto dai “benpensanti” al potere?
Noi siamo dell’opinione che la Jugoslavia è stato un esperimento, un
tentativo (non fu socialismo nella vera accezione del termine, su
questo siamo d’accordo) di governare in maniera diversa, e che è
purtroppo (e ribadiamo il purtroppo) fallito per questioni che sono
dipese relativamente dagli equilibri e dalla situazione interni;
piuttosto il suo crollo fu provocato da pressioni ed intrighi a
livello internazionale, dato che una Jugoslavia politicamente
autogestita, economicamente non sottoposta al controllo delle
multinazionali e che ricopriva un riconosciuto ruolo di paese guida
nell’ambito dei paesi non allineati, doveva assolutamente sparire nel
momento in cui veniva a crollare il sistema dei due blocchi Est –
Ovest, e si stava realizzando il sistema del Nuovo ordine mondiale
teorizzato da Bush padre.
Ma pensiamo che a distanza di tanti anni da questi eventi, almeno la
sinistra potrebbe cercare di analizzare quanto accaduto parlandone al
di là di quei luoghi comuni che hanno l’unico effetto di appiattire
la storia e di avallare la vulgata corrente che vede tutte le
“ideologie” come negative e da gettare, perché è in questo modo che
ha preso piede il vigente pensiero qualunquista che ci impedisce di
migliorare la nostra situazione di vita.

settembre 2006

(francais / deutsch / italiano / english)

Messa al bando della KSM: interrogazioni in Italia, Francia, parlamento UE

1) La Gioventù Comunista della Repubblica Ceca è fuorilegge! di Fosco Giannini

2) Déclaration du Bureau du Groupe GUE-NGL au Parlement Européen 
Declaration by the Bureau of the GUE-NGL Group in the European Parliament

3) Interpellanza presentata al Senato italiano /
ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Interpellation to the Minister of the Foreign Affairs

4) Kommunistische Jugend (KSM) durch tschechische Regierung verboten! Demo in Wien 


6) Question écrite auprès du ministre des Affaires Etrangères de la République française

7) Rapsodia Boema - Ovvero come ti sistemo l’Unione della Gioventù Comunista - di Luca Magozzi 


Sulla Repubblica Ceca vedi anche, sul sito RESISTENZE:

Ci sarà una base militare americana in Repubblica Ceca

e tutti i materiali e gli aggiornamenti su sito de L'ERNESTO:

=== 1 ===

La Gioventù Comunista della Repubblica Ceca è fuorilegge!

di Fosco Giannini (Senatore PRC)

su Liberazione del 19/10/2006

Nonostante una grande campagna internazionale di solidarietà che si è protratta per mesi, il Ministero degli Interni della Repubblica Ceca ha ufficialmente posto fuorilegge l’Unione della Gioventù Comunista (KSM). Una decisione, questa, lesiva dei più elementari diritti democratici, che dovrebbero essere alla base della stessa Unione Europea, di cui la Repubblica Ceca è parte dal 1 maggio 2004. L’UE, consolidatasi attorno alla porzione di Europa uscita vittoriosa dalla Guerra Fredda, non è certamente l’Europa del diritto e del pluralismo, costretta tra la “lotta al terrorismo” e la subalternità a Washington da una parte, e le esigenze dei grandi gruppi economici e finanziari dall’altra. E’ in questo contesto che essa si è allargata ad est, comprendendo paesi poco democratici e certamente non pluralisti: in Lituania i comunisti sono in carcere da oltre dieci anni senza processo, mentre in Lettonia esistono senza poter apparire (al contrario dei reduci delle SS). L’UE (la stessa della bozza di trattato costituzionale neoliberista, dei parametri monetari e della direttiva Bolkestein) ha di fatto coperto i voli segreti della Cia, aprendo contemporaneamente una violenta campagna anticomunista di stampo maccartista all’Assemblea Parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa, che ha come punto di partenza una inaccettabile revisione storica dell’intero ‘900. La prima conseguenza di questa campagna, contro la quale si sono mobilitate e coordinate la grande maggioranza delle forze comuniste, di sinistra e democratiche in Europa e nel mondo, si è vista a Praga. Poco importa, da questo punto di vista, che la decisione sia stata assunta dal governo di centro-destra guidato da Topolánek, dal momento che sono stati i precedenti governi a guida socialdemocratica (Paroubek) ad iniziare la brillante operazione. Poco importa, evidentemente, che il Partito Comunista di Boemia e Moravia – la struttura alla quale fa riferimento la KSM come organizzazione giovanile – abbia ottenuto, nonostante una violenta campagna demonizzatrice e il cappio del voto utile, 685.328 voti, pari al 12,8% e 26 seggi, alle elezioni legislative di giugno 2006.
Questa decisione, motivata ufficialmente dal fatto che nel Programma dell’organizzazione è contenuta la prospettiva di superare la proprietà privata dei mezzi di produzione con la proprietà collettiva, costituisce una sorta di specchio della condizione in cui versano da una parte l’UE e, dall’altra, la grande maggioranza dei paesi dell’Europa Orientale, dove si vive una grande disillusione di massa tanto nei confronti delle istituzioni europee quanto nei confronti della transizione verso il capitalismo, che insieme alla democrazia formale ha portato crisi economica, disoccupazione di massa, drastici tagli allo stato sociale, recupero di una condizione di inferiorità quasi coloniale (nella cosiddetta divisione internazionale del lavoro come nelle relazioni interne alla UE). Fino a quando le classi dirigenti al potere, per la maggior parte espressione di un nazionalismo razzista, bigotto ed escludente e saldamente legate a Washington più che a Bruxelles, saranno in grado di coprire la contraddizione che avanza, contraddizione che i comunisti – dove esistono – si impegnano invece a far emergere? La decisione del Ministero degli Interni è avvenuta alla vigila di un importante incontro internazionale che la KSM stava organizzando proprio a Praga e che avrebbe coinvolto tutte le organizzazioni giovanili comuniste del continente, nel contesto di quella che si configura come una ricerca di maggiore confronto e coordinamento tra le forze comuniste e anticapitaliste su scala internazionale come europea. L’argomento di questo incontro è emblematico: “La lotta della gioventù europea contro gli attacchi ai diritti sociali e democratici – Offensiva militante contro l’anticomunismo! Per una vita decente e un futuro socialista”. Un incontro, come si sarebbe detto in altri tempi, di studio, coordinamento dell’azione e battaglia politica.
Dopo questa decisione apertamente antidemocratica occorre riprendere con forza e vigore non solo la campagna di solidarietà verso la KSM, ma di denuncia verso le istituzioni ceche e l’UE, nel contesto, ovviamente, di una battaglia politica più complessiva contro l’espansione della NATO, contro la guerra e le politiche neoliberiste. Una campagna da declinare dentro e fuori le istituzioni perché la democrazia, quella sostanziale e non quella formale esportata sulla punta delle baionette, non può essere considerata una conquista irreversibile. A tal proposito, sarebbe utile costituire subito un Comitato Italiano di Solidarietà, comprendente forze antifasciste, democratiche e di sinistra, oltre a singole personalità del mondo politico come culturale. La mail da utilizzare è: campagnaproksm@...

Fosco Giannini (Senatore PRC)

=== 2 ===

Déclaration du Bureau du Groupe GUE-NGL au Parlement Européen 


Bruxelles, le 18 octobre 2006,
Nous venons d'apprendre avec consternation que le ministre de l'intérieur de la République tchèque a prononcé la dissolution de l'"Union de la Jeunesse communiste" de ce pays, au motif que celle-ci prône, dans son programme, ... "la propriété collective des moyens de production" à la place de la "propriété privée de ces moyens"!  On croit rêver!


Depuis longtemps, la menace d'une telle mesure planait sur cette organisation, suscitant déjà un large courant de solidarité autour de celle-ci, en République tchèque et au-delà. La concrétisation de cette menace appelle à nos yeux, une réaction encore plus significative.  L'Union européenne est concernée: les valeurs auxquelles elle se réfère ne sont pas compatibles avec un délit d'opinion!


Les ennemis de la démocratie sont ceux qui prêchent le racisme, l'antisémitisme, la xénophobie, l'homophobie; qui pratiquent les violences ou appellent à la guerre.  Rien de tel - et pour cause! - dans le cas de cette "Union de la Jeunesse communiste".  Libre à ceux qui ne partagent pas ses vues de les contrer dans le cadre d'un débat contradictoire.  Nous invitons les démocrates de toute opinion à ne pas laisser passer sans réagir ce dangereux précédent.


Declaration by the Bureau of the GUE-NGL Group in the European Parliament




 Brussels, 17 October 2006,


It is with consternation that we have just heard that the Czech Republic's interior minister has announced the dissolution of the country's "Communist Youth Union" on the pretext that this organisation advocates, in its programme ... "the collective ownership of means of production" instead of the "private ownership of these means"! This is unbelievable!


The threat of that this kind of step would be taken has been hanging over this organisation for a long time, resulting in a huge wave of solidarity for it in the Czech Republic and beyond. The fact this threat has been put into practice calls, in our view, for a far more significant reaction. This is of direct concern to the European Union: the values on which it is based are not compatible with a political crime.


The enemies of democracy are those who preach racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, homophobia as well as those who carry out violent acts or who call for war.  This is not the case - and with good reason! - of the " Communist Youth Union". Let those who do not share their views confront them in the framework of a two-sided debate. We invite democrats of all opinions not to let this dangerous precedent pass without reacting.


Patrick Alexanian
Collaborateur du groupe GUE au Parlement Européen
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=== 3 ===

L’interpellanza presentata al Senato contro la messa fuorilegge dell’Unione dei Giovani Comunisti (KSM) della Repubblica Ceca.


Tre Senatori del PRC hanno presentato una interpellanza al Ministro degli Affari Esteri per sapere quali provvedimenti intenda adottare l’Italia nei confronti del governo della Repubblica Ceca –aderente all’Unione Europea - affinché garantisca a tutti i suoi cittadini i diritti civili e democratici internazionalmente riconosciuti. Qui di seguito il testo integrale dell’interpellanza


La Rete dei Comunisti






Al Ministro degli Affari esteri


Premesso che
il 16 ottobre 2006 l’Unione della Gioventù Comunista (KSM) della Repubblica Ceca ha ricevuto una lettera dal Ministero degli Interni nella quale si annuncia la messa fuorilegge dell’associazione;
grande è stata la campagna di solidarietà che ha coinvolto migliaia di cittadini cechi, insieme con organizzazioni giovanili e studentesche, sindacati e partiti politici, e ha portato alla sottoscrizione di una petizione contro il procedimento avviato dal Ministero degli Interni per rendere illegale il KSM;
appoggio al KSM è stato offerto da un gran numero di parlamentari, affermati intellettuali e personalità come il Premio Nobel Dario Fo o il cantante degli U2 Bono;
iniziative di solidarietà con il KSM sono state organizzate davanti alle sedi delle ambasciate della Repubblica Ceca in molte nazioni; anche in Italia la mobilitazione è stata molto alta con iniziative in tutte le sedi diplomatiche e consolari della Repubblica Ceca in Italia e con l’adesione ad un appello di solidarietà al KSM da parte di deputati e senatori, parlamentari europei, dirigenti nazionali di importanti sindacati e partiti politici, giornalisti ed autorevoli rappresentanti del mondo accademico ed universitario;
la Federazione Mondiale della Gioventù Democratica (struttura che gode dello status di organizzazione consultiva delle Nazioni Unite e dell'Unesco e che riunisce milioni di giovani e migliaia di associazioni ed organizzazioni in tutto il mondo) ha indetto una giornata internazionale di solidarietà con il KSM il 27 Febbraio 2006;
i motivi che hanno spinto il Ministero degli Interni della Repubblica Ceca a mettere fuorilegge il KSM sono essenzialmente di natura ideologica e costituiscono un precedente che potrà essere usato contro tutte le altre associazioni civiche operanti nella Repubblica Ceca e non solo;
la messa al bando del KSM è stata portata a compimento in un fervente clima anticomunista di caccia alle streghe, che ha coinvolto anche il Partito Comunista di Boemia e Moravia (KSCM), oggetto di attacchi e nuovi appelli alla criminalizzazione;
la decisione del Ministero degli Interni è avvenuta appena una settimana prima delle elezioni locali e senatoriali alle quali partecipa il KSCM;
si chiede di sapere
se il Governo non ritenga la messa fuorilegge dell’Unione della Gioventù Comunista (KSM) un grave atto di violazione delle libertà e dei diritti civili e democratici in un paese dell’Unione europea;
quali iniziative il Governo intenda adottare nei confronti del governo ceco-moravo affinché vengano garantiti i diritti civili e democratici, a tutti i cittadini della Repubblica Ceca, internazionalmente riconosciuti.


I Senatori Giannini, Russo Spena, Del Roio



To the Minister of the Foreign Affairs

Considered that:

on October 16, 2006 the Union of the Communist Youth (KSM) of the Czech Republic received a letter from the Czech Ministry of the Interior announcing the ban of the association;
previously to that, the campaign of solidarity with KSM had been large, involving thousands of Czech citizens, including youth and student organizations, trade unions and political parties, and resulted in a Petition against the procedure started by the Ministry of the Interior to ban the KSM;
within the international campaign, support to the KSM was declared by a great number of parliamentarians, well-known intellectuals and personalities like the Nobel Prize Dario Fo and Bono, singer of U2;
initiatives of solidarity with the KSM were organized in front of the Embassies of the Czech Republic in many countries; also in Italy, the mobilization has been very intense, with initiatives at all Czech diplomatic and consular centers in Italy, and with adhesions to the Call for solidarity to the KSM by a number of MPs and senators, members of the UE Parliament, outstanding national Trade Unions' and leftist leaders, journalists and important representatives of the academic world and the universities;
the World Federation of Democratic Youth (a structure which enjoys the status of advisory organization of the United Nations and Unesco, and brings together millions young people and thousands of associations and organizations all over the world) proclaimed the International Day of Solidarity with KSM last February 27, 2006;
the reasons which induced the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic to outlaw the KSM are of essentially ideological nature: therefore they constitute a precedent which may be used against any other operating civic association in the Czech Republic;
the KSM ban is fulfilled in an atmosphere of fervent anti-communism, a witch hunt which was addressed against the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM), too; the latter was the object of attacks and renewed calls to criminalization;
the decision of the Ministry of the Interior intervenes hardly a week before the Czech local and Senate elections, to which the KSCM does participate;

it is asked:

to know whether the Government considers the ban of the Union of the Communist Youth (KSM) a serious act of violation of the freedoms and civil and democratic rights in a country belonging to the European Union;
which are the initiatives that the Government intends to adopt in front of of the government of Bohemia and Moravia, so that the civil and democratic rights which are internationally recognized to all citizens of the Czech Republic may be guaranteed.

Giannini, Russo Spena, Del Roio
(MPs at the Senate of the Italian Republic)

=== 4 ===

From:   info  @...
Subject: KI-Infomail - 18. Oktober 2006 
Date: October 18, 2006 

Kommunistische Jugend (KSM) 

durch tschechische Regierung verboten!

Wie der Kommunistische Jugendverband (KSM) der Tschechischen Republik mitteilt, hat die tschechische Regierung mit Datum vom 12. Oktober ihre Drohung wahrgemacht und die Organisation offiziell für aufgelöst erklärt. Am 16. Oktober ging bei der KSM ein Schreiben des Innenministeriums ein, laut dem die Organisation für aufgelöst erklärt wurde. Wir dokumentieren das Schreiben der tschechischen GenossInnen im Wortlaut:

Liebe Genossen,

Die "Kommunistische Union der Jugend der Tschechischen Republik" (KSM) ist durch die Staatsmacht am 12. Oktober 2006 offiziell aufgelöst worden.

Am 16. Oktober 2006 hat der KSM einen Brief vom Innenministerium Tschechiens erhalten, der verkündet, dass das Ministerium für Inneres den KSM auflöste. Es geschah trotz einer großen Kampagne gegen die Bedrohung der Illegalisierung der Organisation von jungen Kommunisten in Tschechien.

Tausende von Bürgern Tschechiens unterzeichneten eine Petition gegen den Versuch des Innenministeriums, den KSM für ungesetzlich zu erklären. Der Protest gegen ein Verbot des KSM wurde in Tschechien unter anderem von ehemaligen antifaschistischen Kämpfern, Studentenorganisationen, politischen Parteien und NGO's unterstützt. Großer Widerstand im Ausland entstand durch den Versuch des Ministeriums für Inneres den KSM für ungesetzlich zu erklären. Hunderte von bedeutenden Jugend- und Studentenorganisationen, Gewerkschaften und politischen Parteien zusammen mit Tausenden von Menschen protestierten beim Innenministerium und den Botschaften Tschechiens in ihren Staaten. Die Solidarität mit dem KSM wurde durch eine große Zahl von Mitgliedern von Parlamenten, berühmten Intellektuellen und Persönlichkeiten wie Nobelpreisträger Dario Fo, dem Zapatisten-Sprecher Marcos oder Sänger Bono Vox von U2 ausgedrückt. Demonstrationen zur Unterstutzung des KSM wurden vor Botschaften Tschechiens in vielen Ländern der Welt organisiert. Die "World Federation of Democratic Youth" initiierte einen Internationalen Tag der Solidarität mit dem KSM am 27. Februar 2006.

Das Ministerium für Inneres bestritt ursprünglich den Status des KSM als Verein unter dem Vorwand, dass die Absichten und Tätigkeit des KSM einen Bereich betreffen, der für die politischen Parteien reserviert sei. Das Innenministerium stellte weiter fest, dass das Verhalten des KSM ungesetzlich war, weil es auf der wissenschaftlichen Basis von Marx, Engels und Lenin beruhe und öffentlich die Notwendigkeit der sozialistischen Revolution proklamiert.

Dennoch benutzte das Ministerium für Inneres keines jener Argumente für die Auflösung des KSM. Der einzige Grund, der offiziell zur Auflösung des KSM geführt hat, ist, dass der KSM in seinem Programm über die Notwendigkeit der Ersetzung des privaten Besitzes von Produktionsmitteln mit dem Kollektiveigentum an Produktionsmitteln nachdenkt.

Der KSM widersetzt sich seiner amtlichen Auflösung durch die Staatsmacht und ist dabei, den Kampf für die Rechte der Mehrheit junger Menschen, Studenten, junger Arbeiter und Arbeitsloser - und für den Sozialismus fortzusetzen! Der KSM ist dabei, die Entscheidung des Ministeriums bei Gericht anzufechten.

Die Illegalisierung des KSM wurde in einer Atmosphäre von militanter antikommunistischer Hexenjagd, verschiedener antikommunistischer Kampagnen und Angriffe und neuerlichen Aufrufen zur Kriminalisierung der Kommunistischen Partei von Böhmen und Mähren (KSCM) begangen. Die Entscheidung des Innenministeriums wurde nur eine Woche vor Lokal- und Senatsahlen verwirklicht, an denen der KSCM teilnimmt.

Liebe Genossen und Freunde,

Es ist notwendig, international gegen diesen Illegalisierung und Kriminalisierung der kommunistischen Bewegung in Tschechien aufzustehen. Wir bitten euch deshalb eure Solidarität mit dem KSM auszudrücken und gegen diesen beispiellosen Schritt des Innenministeriums Tschechiens bei den Botschaften Tschechiens in euren Ländern zu protestieren. (...) Wir bitten euch gleichzeitig, uns über eure Tätigkeiten per E-Mail (international(at) oder Fax (++420 222 897 449) zu informieren.

Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit folgende Petitionen zu unterschreiben: (initiated by the Communist Party of Greece) (initiated by the World Federation of Democratic Youth)

Wir bitten euch darum, die Information über den undemokratischen Akt der tschechischen Staatsmacht in den Medien in euren Ländern zu veröffentlichen.

Wir danken euch auch für jeden anderen Akt der Solidarität.

Mit internationaler Unterstützung ist es möglich und es ist überlebenswichtig, alle antikommunistischen und undemokratischen Angriffe zu vereiteln!

Hoch die Internationale Solidarität!

International Department Communist Youth Union (KSM)


Tschechisches Innenministerium verbietet Kommunistische Jugend!
Solidaritäts- und Protestkundgebung

am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006
um 18.00 Uhr
vor der tschechischen Botschaft in Wien,
Penzinger Straße 11-13, 1140 Wien

Die "Kommunistische Union der Jugend der Tschechischen Republik" (KSM) ist durch die Staatsmacht am 12. Oktober 2006 offiziell aufgelöst worden. 

Am 16. Oktober 2006 hat der KSM einen Brief vom Innenministerium Tschechiens erhalten, der verkündet, dass das Ministerium für Inneres den KSM auflöste. Es geschah trotz einer großen Kampagne gegen die Bedrohung der Illegalisierung der Organisation von jungen Kommunisten in Tschechien. 

Tausende von Bürgern Tschechiens unterzeichneten eine Petition gegen den Versuch des Innenministeriums, den KSM für ungesetzlich zu erklären. Der Protest gegen ein Verbot des KSM wurde in Tschechien unter anderem von ehemaligen antifaschistischen Kämpfern, Studentenorganisationen, politischen Parteien und NGO's unterstützt. Großer Widerstand im Ausland entstand durch den Versuch des Ministeriums für Inneres den KSM für ungesetzlich zu erklären. Hunderte von bedeutenden Jugend- und Studentenorganisationen, Gewerkschaften und politischen Parteien zusammen mit Tausenden von Menschen protestierten beim Innenministerium und den Botschaften Tschechiens in ihren Staaten. Die Solidarität mit dem KSM wurde durch eine große Zahl von Mitgliedern von Parlamenten, berühmten Intellektuellen und Persönlichkeiten wie Nobelpreisträger Dario Fo, dem Zapatisten-Sprecher Marcos oder Sänger Bono Vox von U2 ausgedrückt. Demonstrationen zur Unterstutzung des KSM wurden vor Botschaften Tschechiens in vielen Ländern der Welt organisiert. Die "World Federation of Democratic Youth" initiierte einen Internationalen Tag der Solidarität mit dem KSM am 27. Februar 2006. 

Das Ministerium für Inneres bestritt ursprünglich den Status des KSM als Verein unter dem Vorwand, dass die Absichten und Tätigkeit des KSM einen Bereich betreffen, der für die politischen Parteien reserviert sei. Das Innenministerium stellte weiter fest, dass das Verhalten des KSM ungesetzlich war, weil es auf der wissenschaftlichen Basis von Marx, Engels und Lenin beruhe und öffentlich die Notwendigkeit der sozialistischen Revolution proklamiert. 

Dennoch benutzte das Ministerium für Inneres keines jener Argumente für die Auflösung des KSM. Der einzige Grund, der offiziell zur Auflösung des KSM geführt hat, ist, dass der KSM in seinem Programm über die Notwendigkeit der Ersetzung des privaten Besitzes von Produktionsmitteln mit dem Kollektiveigentum an Produktionsmitteln nachdenkt. 

Es ist notwendig, international gegen diesen Illegalisierung und Kriminalisierung der kommunistischen Bewegung in Tschechien aufzustehen. 
Das Vorgehen der Staatsmacht gegen die jungen KommunistInnen in der Tschechischen Republik reiht sich ein in eine EU-weite Kriminalisierungsstrategie gegen alle Kräfte des antiimperialistischen und kommunistischen Widerstandes gegen Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung.

Protestiert mit uns am 24. Oktober vor der tschechischen Botschaft in Wien!

Kommunistische Jugend Österreichs (KJÖ)
Kommunistischer StudentInnenverband (KSV)
Kommunistische Initiative (KI)

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=== 5 ===


16 Ottobre 2006

Cari compagni,
l’unione della Gioventù Comunista (KSM) della Repubblica Ceca è stata ufficialmente messa fuorilegge dal potere statale il 12 ottobre 2006.

Il 16 ottobre 2006 il KSM ha ricevuto la lettera dal Ministero degli Interni della Repubblica Ceca nella quale si annuncia che il Ministero degli Interni ha definitivamente sciolto il KSM. E questo nonostante la grande campagna contro il pericolo della messa fuori legge dell’organizzazione dei giovani comunisti della Repubblica Ceca.

Migliaia di cittadini nella Repubblica Ceca hanno sottoscritto una petizione contro il tentativo del Ministero degli Interni di rendere illegale il KSM. La protesta nella Repubblica Ceca contro la messa fuori legge del KSM è stata portata avanti, per esempio, dall’organizzazione  degli ex combattenti antifascisti, dalle organizzazioni studentesche, da partiti politici ed associazioni civiche. Una forte opposizione è stata messa in atto contro il tentativo del Ministero degli Interni di metter

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