
(deutsch / english / italiano)

Alla NATO non interessa l'opinione dei Montenegrini

1) Nato, sfida alla Russia: Montenegro sarà il 29° membro. Mosca: “Reagiremo” (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
2) L'annunciato ingresso del Montenegro nella NATO: tensione alle stelle con la Russia (RT / Marx21)
3) The Article 5 World (NATO: new strategy, further expansion) / Die Artikel-5-Welt (NATO: Neue "Südstrategie", neue Erweiterung)

Nostro commento:
La NATO ha annunciato lo scorso 2 dicembre che il Montenegro dovrà entrare a far parte dell'Alleanza. 
L'annuncio viene presentato come un "invito" dai nostri media, che alla NATO sono asserviti, nonostante l'opposizione della popolazione montenegrina sia stata fragorosamente evidenziata da recenti proteste conclusesi anche con pesanti scontri di piazza. (1) D'altronde, quegli stessi media hanno preferito dipingere le proteste come genericamente "antigovernative" sottacendo la questione cruciale della ventilata annessione del Montenegro alla NATO.
La possibilità di tale adesione è il frutto delle manovre del governo di destra e del "leader eterno", il contrabbandiere di sigarette e fiancheggiatore della camorra (2) Milo Djukanovic, ininterrottamente in sella nel paese da un quarto di secolo nonostante tutto, il quale non a caso menziona il "referendum del 2006 per l’indipendenza" come il suo altro grande successo: un referendum-truffa vinto grazie ai brogli elettorali avallati dalla UE. (3)
Giustamente il Segretario Generale Stoltenberg ritiene che li "attende un grande lavoro (...) per assicurare l'appoggio dell'opinione pubblica all'adesione del Montenegro alla NATO", vale a dire un grande lavoro di repressione delle proteste di piazza, disinformazione strategica sui media e, all'occorrenza, strategia della tensione e stragismo, così come avvenuto ad esempio nella vicina Italia, dove durante la Guerra Fredda solo dosi massicce di propaganda e bombe nelle piazze hanno potuto ridurre al silenzio l'opposizione in quello che era il paese con il più forte partito comunista d'Occidente.
(a cura di Italo Slavo) 

(1) Si vedano JUGOINFO del 16 e 28 ottobre 2015
(2) Si vedano: 
Le pesanti accuse rivolte dalla magistratura italiana contro Milo Djukanovic
Montenegro: Mafia as Guarantor of Euro-Atlantic Integration – By Boris Aleksic (2014)
(3) Referendum truccato, secessione e complicità UE (2003)

=== 1 ===

Nato, sfida alla Russia: Montenegro sarà il 29° membro. Mosca: “Reagiremo”

L'invito all'ex paese comunista è stato formalizzato dai ministri degli Esteri dell'Alleanza Atlantica riuniti a Bruxelles. IL segretario generale Jens Stoltenberg: "Decisione storica di avviare colloqui di adesione presa all’unanimità. 

di F. Q. | 2 dicembre 2015

La Nato apre le porte al Montenegro e la Russia minaccia reazioni. L’invito all’ex paese comunista è stato formalizzato dai ministri degli Esteri dell’Alleanza Atlantica riuniti per il secondo giorno a Bruxelles. Dopo la Croazia e l’Albania, entrati nel 2009, il Montenegro sarà dunque il terzo stato dei Balcani Occidentali a diventare membro, il 29esimo dell’Alleanza. Ad annunciarlo è stato il segretario generale della Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, sottolineando come “la decisione storica di avviare colloqui di adesione con il Montenegro” sia stata presa all’unanimità. Il premier montenegrino Milo Djukanovic ha parlato di “giornata storica”. “E’ il giorno più importante per il Montenegro dopo il referendum del 2006 per l’indipendenza”, ha aggiunto il premier.

La Nato conferma dunque l”’impegno alla ‘politica delle porte aperte'”. Anche se restano ancora fuori Georgia, la Bosnia e Macedonia: i tre paesi candidati verso i quali – nella dichiarazione della ministeriale esteri che ha dato il via libera al Montenegro – viene comunque “ribadito” l’impegno e la “riconferma” della dichiarazione di Bucarest che nel 2008 inaugurò allargamento della Nato nell’est europeo. La nuova mossa dell’Alleanza occidentale sullo scacchiere politico militare non ha provocato l’immediata reazione della Russia. “La continua espansione della Nato verso est, di certo, non può che portare ad azioni di risposta da parte russa” per motivi di sicurezza, ha dichiarato il portavoce di Putin, Dmitri Peskov. Più esplicito il presidente della Commissione Difesa del Senato russo, Viktor Ozerov: “Il Montenegro oggi diventa per la Russia un paese che è un membro potenziale della minaccia alla sua sicurezza”. Per questo vengono resi “impossibili molti programmi che prima erano realizzati con la Russia, anche di cooperazione tecnico-militare”.

Dopo il negoziato di accesso e la successiva ratifica dei parlamenti dei 28 stati membri dell’Alleanza, il Montenegro diventerà il 29 paese membro. Sui tempi del processo di adesione, il segretario generale ha indicato di attendersi che si possano concludere “all’inizio” del 2017, poi – ha detto – “ci sarà la procedura di ratificazione nei 28 parlamenti” che l’ultima volta ha “richiesto circa un anno”. Da subito, compreso il summit dei leader dell’Alleanza in programma l’8-9 luglio prossimo a Varsavia, il Montenegro però “potrà partecipare, senza diritto di voto” a tutti gli incontri istituzionali della Nato.

=== 2 ===

ORIG.: "Rusia tendrá que responder": La OTAN invita a Montenegro a engrosar sus filas (RT, 2 dic 2015)

L'annunciato ingresso del Montenegro nella NATO: tensione alle stelle con la Russia

2 Dicembre 2015


Traduzione di

Il portavoce della presidenza russa, Dmitri Peskov, ha dichiarato che l'espansione verso est dell'infrastruttura militare della NATO non potrà che provocare un'azione di rappresaglia da parte della Russia.

La NATO è tornata a manifestare la sua volontà di espansione invitando oggi il Montenegro a far parte dell'alleanza. La “decisione storica” è stata presa nella riunione di fine anno del Consiglio dei ministri della NATO svoltasi a Bruxelles.

“I ministri degli Esteri dei paesi membri della NATO hanno assunto la decisione storica di invitare il Montenegro a diventare il 29° membro dell'alleanza”, recita un comunicato Twitter della rappresentante ufficiale della NATO, Oana Lungescu.

“Ci felicitiamo con il Montenegro. E' l'inizio di un'alleanza molto buona”, ha commentato il segretario generale della NATO, Jens Stoltenberg. A suo parere, si tratta di una “decisione storica” ed è solo l'inizio di un cammino che comprende il processo negoziale.

“Ci attende un grande lavoro, tanto in relazione alle riforme garantite dal dettato della legge in questo paese quanto per assicurare l'appoggio dell'opinione pubblica all'adesione del Montenegro alla NATO, ha sottolineato. Stoltenberg ha assicurato che il processo di incorporazione comporterà del tempo e terminerà entro 18 mesi.

Allo stesso tempo, il segretario generale della NATO ha rimarcato il fatto che la Bosnia ed Erzegovina, la Georgia e la Macedonia stanno procedendo verso l'adesione all'alleanza. Stoltenberg ha aggiunto che l'organizzazione ha deciso di tornare a convocare il consiglio Russia-NATO”, per riannodare la cooperazione con la Russia.

Come ha reagito la Russia?

La Russia, da parte sua, ha reagito alla notizia affermando che cesserà i suoi programmi in corso con il Montenegro, se esso entrerà nella NATO.

“Dal punto di vista della sicurezza collettiva in Europa, dal punto di vista dell'unità di fronte alle nuove sfide e minacce, qualsiasi espansione della NATO rappresenta un passo indietro e non un passo avanti”, ha dichiarato il responsabile del Comitato degli Affari Internazionali del Consiglio della Federazione, Konstantin Kosachov.

Nello stesso tempo,la Russia ha avvertito che prenderà misure per rafforzare la sua capacità difensiva e la preparazione per il confronto qualora il Montenegro entri nella NATO.

Da parte sua, il portavoce della presidenza russa, Dmitri Peskov, ha dichiarato che l'espansione verso est dell'infrastruttura militare della NATO non potrà che provocare un'azione di rappresaglia da parte della Russia. 

=== 3 ===

Der Originaltext:
Die Artikel-5-Welt (NATO: Neue "Südstrategie", neue Erweiterung – GFP 01.12.2015)
Eine neue NATO-"Südstrategie" und eine erneute Erweiterung des Kriegsbündnisses stehen auf der Tagesordnung des heute beginnenden NATO-Außenministertreffens in Brüssel. Die südeuropäischen Mitgliedstaaten drängten schon eine Weile darauf, die Bündnisaktivitäten nicht ausschließlich auf Osteuropa zu fokussieren und einen neuen Schwerpunkt in der arabischen Welt zu bilden, berichtet der Präsident der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS), Karl-Heinz Kamp. Dies stehe nun zur Debatte. Dabei gehe es auch darum, Länder wie Jordanien oder Tunesien als "Partner" enger als bisher anzubinden - und sie für die Kriegführung in der arabischen Welt exklusiv aufzurüsten und zu trainieren. Dass die NATO darüber hinaus Montenegro jetzt den Beitritt vorschlagen will, richtet sich Kamp zufolge gegen Russland: Man wolle Moskau demonstrieren, dass man bei der Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder nicht zur Rücksichtnahme auf die Interessen anderer Mächte bereit sei. Wie der BAKS-Präsident äußert, werde man sich stärker als bisher nicht mit der etwaigen Aufnahme der Ukraine als vielmehr mit einer Aufnahme Finnlands und Schwedens in das Kriegsbündnis befassen müssen...

The Article 5 World

(Own report) - NATO's new "Southern Strategy" and further expansion of this war alliance are on the agenda of the NATO Foreign Ministers Conference, which begins today in Brussels. Since some time, Southern European member nations have been pushing for broadening the focus of the alliance's activities beyond the limits of Eastern Europe, to concentrate more on the Arab World, reported Karl-Heinz Kamp, President of the Federal College for Security Studies (BAKS). This is now up for debate. The idea is to reinforce the ties to countries, such as Jordan or Tunisia, as "partners" - and exclusively equip and provide them with training for waging war in the Arab World. The fact that NATO also will propose membership to Montenegro, Kamp explains, is primarily directed at Russia. NATO wants to show Moscow that, in its acceptance of new members, NATO is not willing to take other powers' interests into consideration. As the President of BAKS points out, the accent will now be oriented much stronger toward accepting Finland and Sweden's membership into the war alliance, rather than an eventual Ukrainian membership.

An Ambiguous Picture

Just before the foreign ministers of NATO countries convene, today, Tuesday, the President of the Federal College for Security Studies (BAKS), Karl-Heinz Kamp, has published an assessment of the alliance's current situation. Kamp takes the next NATO Summit, scheduled for July 8 - 9 in Warsaw, as his point of reference. The current foreign ministers' meeting is in preparation of that summit. According to Kamp, NATO currently projects "an ambiguous picture."[1] On the one hand, the new conflict with Russia "has unified the alliance and reactivated its primary function as a defense alliance," ... "being again exposed to the reality of an 'Article 5 world,' in which alliance solidarity, along the lines of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, has the highest priority." On the other, there is disagreement on NATO's geographical focus. Particularly Southern European NATO members have been dissatisfied with the alliance's current focus on the power struggle with Russia, causing a concentration on Eastern Europe. They are calling for expanding activities into the Arab World.

Arab World Nations of Anchor

Because larger NATO countries are also sympathizing with this recommendation, the western war alliance is, in fact, preparing a new "Southern Strategy." A preliminary report on the question is expected to be presented at the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting, which begins today in Brussels. The western war alliance's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, expects the strategy to be passed at the July 8 - 9, 2016 NATO Summit in Warsaw. According to current plans, this will not involve developing mission scenarios and providing the necessary means. Above all, it will involve strengthening ties to regional partners - as examples, naming Iraq, Jordan, and Tunisia - and preparing them to wage war. ( reported.[2]) "Partnerships" will be introduced as a new type of instrument. As BAKS President, Karl-Heinz Kamp explains, in the future, NATO "in accordance with its needs," will choose "states - to the extent they are willing - to carry out NATO activities in partnership." "This involves the partners' support, for example in crisis management, in exchange for receiving training or arms assistance, to render them capable of efficiently engaging." These new "partners" would quasi become NATO "nations of anchor," initially mainly, or even exclusively, in the Arab World.

Aggressive to the East

In his summary, Kamp also analyses the most recent aggressive NATO activities in Eastern and Southeastern Europe directed at Russia. "To the surprise of some of the NATO partners, Germany, of all countries, has played a particularly prominent role in building up the defense capabilities in Eastern Europe," wrote the president of BAKS. In fact, the Bundeswehr has assumed a leading role in the creation of NATO's "Spearhead" (Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, VJTF). ( reported.[3]) In the case of an intervention, the VJTF would be led by the Multinational Corps Northeast, in Szczecin, Poland, in which the Bundeswehr provides 100 (of the 400) soldiers, as well as the commander, Lt. Gen. Manfred Hofmann. In the context of the VJTF's creation, NATO has set up so-called NATO Force Integration Units (NFIU) in six Eastern and Southeastern European member countries. NFIUs are small bases, with a permanent presence of around 40 soldiers, which, when necessary, can be used, within the shortest delay, by NATO's "Spearhead" forces. NFIUs are in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; Poland; Rumania, and Bulgaria, others are planned for Hungary and Slovakia.

Russia in the Crosshairs

The particular significance of the power struggle with Russia is exemplarily mirrored in Kamp's analysis. With their "Snap Exercises," the Russian Armed Forces demonstrated that "within two to three days, they can mobilize and concentrate tens-of-thousands of military personnel," explains BAKS president. "In a serious crisis, the less than 5,000 strong VJTF rapid reaction force, would be no match for them," especially since their true time of reaction "would be, at best, five to seven days." That must be worked on. Aware, however, of its inferiority to NATO, particularly in the field of conventional weapons - Moscow is developing concepts "aimed, in times of conflict, at blocking NATO's reinforcements with 'area denial' measures in regions of Eastern Europe, or aimed at fomenting splits in the alliance with nuclear threats," writes Kamp, and recommends the development of "appropriate counter-concepts."

No Consideration

NATO's current policy of expansion is also directed against Russia. At the meeting, according to reports, NATO's foreign ministers will offer Montenegro membership in the Alliance. In December 2006, only six months after its secession from Serbia, Montenegro joined NATO's "Partnership for Peace" and soon began efforts to join that war alliance. Its participation with 14 soldiers in the Afghanistan mission is only of symbolic significance. The plan to join NATO is very contested inside the country and is currently provoking protests. The western Alliance, however, is expressing interest. "Montenegro's contribution to NATO is extremely small," BAKS President Kamp concedes. But, its accession to NATO would be "a political signal also to Russia" that the Alliance "holds on to its open door policy and does not accept a Russian veto of the principle of a free choice of an alliance." This is also aimed at the debate around Ukraine's eventual NATO membership - although Kamp writes that Berlin is still opposed because "the integration ... of Ukraine, a state paralyzed by political bickering, corruption and poor governance" would be "extremely difficult" - an accurate argument, promoted to a strategic pretext.

NATO's Northern Expansion

Plans to integrate Sweden and Finland - still officially neutral - into NATO, could, in the long run, have more serious consequences. In both countries, membership in the war alliance "has only been considered a very distant option ... in the past," notes Kamp. But this has "radically changed" with the conflict over Ukraine. "The Warsaw Summit will have to deal with the growing debate on NATO membership," BAKS President Kamp recommends, "whenever Helsinki and Stockholm express their wish to join." If both countries should actually join, the last remnants of military neutrality in northern Europe would dissipate and the northern encirclement of Russia would be complete.[4]

[1] Zitate hier und im Folgenden aus: Karl-Heinz Kamp: Die Agenda des NATO-Gipfels von Warschau. Arbeitspapier Sicherheitspolitik Nr. 9/2015.
[2] See NATO's Southern Strategy.
[3] See 21st Century Warfare (I)21st Century Warfare (II) and Message to the World.
[4] See Die NATO-Norderweiterung.

Kosovo. Quello “Stato Islamico” voluto dalla Nato a due passi dall'Europa

di Sergio Cararo
Mercoledì, 2 Dicembre 2015

Do you remember le bombe su Belgrado e la “guerra umanitaria?” A cavallo tra il 1998 e il 1999, il progetto di disintegrazione della Jugoslavia – ostacolato dalla sola Repubblica Serba – portò la guerra in Europa e l'Europa in guerra per la prima volta dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Le potenze della Nato, Usa e governi europei, decisero che la Serbia andava punita definitivamente per essersi opposta alla dissoluzione della federazione jugoslava avviata unilateralmente dalla Germania (e dal Vaticano) ed imposta al resto dei paesi nel 1991.
In questo progetto un ruolo decisivo le ebbero le milizie croate nella prima fase e le milizie islamiche nella seconda. Prima in Bosnia e poi in Kosovo, i militari e i servizi segreti statunitensi, tedeschi, francesi, inglesi e italiani, addestrarono e supportarono militarmente i jihadisti locali e i foreign fighters che l'Arabia Saudita aveva arruolato prima in Afghanistan e poi in Cecenia. Dal 1993 in Bosnia e dal 1998 in Kosovo, gli uomini della Jihad globale hanno combattuto contro la Serbia per conto della Nato. L'Uck, l'armata delle ombre, erano esattamente questo. Quando poi è diventato indispensabile, hanno potuto usufruire direttamente dei bombardamenti della Nato contro le città della Repubblica Serba di Bosnia nel 1995 e contro Belgrado e le principali città serbe nel 1999.
Alla fine di un lungo e sanguinoso conflitto, una volta diradata la polvere, sul terreno rimaneva una Jugoslavia fatta a pezzi, una grande base militare statunitense in Kosovo (Campo Bondsteel), un nuovo stato indipendente e islamizzato (il Kosovo), gruppi armati jihadisti attivi in Bosnia, in Macedonia, in Albania e, ovviamente al governo, in Kosovo dove sono diventate le forze armate ufficiali di un narcostato.
In pratica con diversi anni di anticipo, le potenze della Nato hanno creato un precedente statuale di quello che oggi è lo Stato Islamico in Medio Oriente, il terribile regno dell'Isis. Lo hanno fatto coscientemente in funzione antiserba prima e antirussa subito dopo. Il risultato è che adesso a ridosso delle frontiere dell'Unione Europea (e nel prossimo futuro addirittura dentro), c'è un Isis giù fatto stato e riconosciuto internazionalmente, dove i gruppi jihadisti godono di basi di addestramento, appoggi logistici e possibilità di movimento. La cellula jihadista a cavallo tra l'Italia e il Kosovo, non è la prima che viene scoperta, e si scavasse appena un po' più in profondità se ne scoprirebbero molte di più. A confermare questo scenario è l'articolo di Enrico Piovesana, comparso ieri su Il Fatto Quotidiano e l'articolo di oggi del gen. Fabio Mini, che conosce assai bene la materia essendo stato il comandante del contingente Nato in Kosovo (la Kfor) per alcuni anni, anni in cui si è scontrato direttamente con la rete di complicità di cui gli jihadisti in Kosovo godevano da parte dei governi in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. In Siria si è ripetuto esattamente questo scenario e adesso, come allora, arrivano i bombardamenti della Coalizione Internazionale.


Il Kosovo “dimenticato dalla Nato” diventa il primo centro di reclutamento dell’Isis

di Enrico Piovesana (da Il Fatto Quotidiano del 1 dicembre)
L’operazione dell’Antiterrorismo e della Digos di Brescia, che ha portato all’arresto di quattro sospetti terroristi kosovari legati all’Isis, è un campanello d’allarme che riaccende l’attenzione su fenomeno pericolosamente sottovalutato e per certi versi incomprensibile. Il protettorato euro-atlantico del Kosovo è diventato il principale vivaio dell’Isis in Europa, nonostante sul suo piccolo territorio siano presenti 5000 soldati della missione Nato Kfor a guida italiana e 1.500 agenti della missione di polizia europea Eulex.
Secondo i dati del Ministero degli Interni di Pristina, sono almeno trecento i kosovari che sono andati in Siria a combattere con il Califfato e che fanno regolarmente avanti e indietro via Turchia e Macedonia, trasformando il Kosovo in una una pericolosa rampa di lancio per azioni terroristiche in Europa. Questo dato fa del Kosovo, che ha solo un milione e 800 mila abitanti, il principale serbatoio europeo pro-capite di foreign fighter dello Stato Islamico.
Referente dei quattro kosovari arrestati dalla polizia italiana è il comandante della ‘brigata balcanica’ dell’Isis formata da kosovari, bosniaci, albanesi, macedoni e montenegrini: il sanguinario jihadista kosovaro Lavdrim Muhaxheri (nome di battaglia, Abu Abdullah al Kosova), originario di Kačanik, ex roccaforte dell’Uck divenuta oggi principale centro di reclutamento dell’Isis in Kosovo – come racconta un recente servizio delle Iene.
Non solo Kačanik si trova a pochi chilometri dalla mega-base militare americana di Camp Bondsteel, ma Muhaxheri in quella base ci aveva anche lavorato fino al 2010 – come altri futuri jihadisti kosovari, tra cui il giovane kamikaze Blerim Heta – per poi continuare a lavorare per la Nato in Afghanistan fino al 2012, subito prima di partire per la Siria. Com’è possibile che tutto questo accada sotto gli occhi dell’apparato militare e di intelligence Nato e Ue che opera in Kosovo? “Kačanik e la storia di Muhaxheri sono solo la punta dell’iceberg – spiega a il generale Fabio Mini, ex comandante della missione Nato in Kosovo – perché tutto il territorio kosovaro, penso alla vale di Dreniča, pullula da anni di imam radicali che predicano la guerra santa e operano come reclutatori nelle centinaia di moschee finanziate dalle monarchie arabe. Questa situazione è potuta maturare nonostante le missioni internazionali presenti sul territorio, perché da tempo l’Europa e la Nato si disinteressano al Kosovo, e ai Balcani in generale, nonostante questa evoluzione fosse chiara da anni”.
L’allarme, in effetti, lo aveva già lanciato in modo molto chiaro nel 2009 Antonio Evangelista, ex comandante de missione Unmik in Kosovo e tra i massimi esperti europei di antiterrorismo. Nel suo libro Madrasse. Piccoli martiri crescono tra Balcani ed Europa spiegava come gli orfani delle guerre balcaniche fossero preda, in Kosvo come in Bosnia, di una rete di caritatevoli predicatori wahabiti finanziata da organizzazioni pseudo-umanitarie di Arabia Saudita, Emirati Arabi, Kuwait Qatar e Turchia, che li sottoponevano a un lavaggio del cervello trasformandoli in futuri martiri della jihad. Oggi quei ragazzi sono diventati grandi, pronti a combattere per l’Isis in Siria ma anche a casa loro, in Europa.

(english / srpskohrvatski.
Materiali dalla Conferenza internazionale tenuta a Belgrado gli scorsi 24-25 novembre, riguardante la necessità di un diverso ordine mondiale)

“Yalta, Potsdam, Helsinki, Belgrade: Searching for a Secure World Order”
The International Conference  held in Belgrade on 24 & 25 November 2015

0) VIDEO (links)
1) Предлози Међународне научно-друштвене конференције „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у потрази за безбедним светским поретком“ (Сава Центар 23-25 новембар 2015)
2) Novo nije zaborav starog (SUBNOR)
3) Yalta, Potsdam, Helsinki, Belgrade. How can we build a more secure world order?

=== 0 ===

(Tutti gli interventi in video) 

Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у потрази за безбедним светским поретком
Међународна научна конференција „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у трагању за безбедним светским поретком“, посвећена актуелним питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи, одржана у Сава Центру, 23-25. новембра 2015-те у Београду.

Финални документ конференције, амандмани и предлози - В. И. Јакуњин
Међународна научна конференција „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у трагању за безбедним светским поретком“, посвећена актуелним питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи.
Београдски форум за свет равноправних
25.11.2015, Београд, Сава Центар

Уводна реч Залине Медојеве на Омладинском округлом столу
Омладински округли сто: "Улога младих у јачању мира, безбадности и сарадње"
Залина Медојева је потпредседница Центра националне славе и Фонда Андреја Првозваног (РУСИЈА)
Београдски форум за свет равноправних
23.11.2015, Београд, Сава Центар

Поздравна реч на конференцији - М. И. П. Ивица Дачић
Међународна научна конференција „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у трагању за безбедним светским поретком“, посвећена актуелним питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи.
Београдски форум за свет равноправних
25.11.2015, Београд, Сава Центар

Свечано отварање српско-руске изложбе докумената у Сава Центру
Београдски форум за свет равноправних
23.11.2015, Београд, Сава Центар

=== 1 ===

Предлози Међународне научно-друштвене конференције „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у потрази за безбедним светским поретком“ О питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи и свету у XXI веку 24.-25. новембар 2015. године, Београд, Србија

Сава Центар 23-25 новембар 2015
Учесници Међународне научно-друштвене конференције „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у потрази за безбедним светским поретком“која јепосвећена историјским договорима и актуелним питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи и која је ујединила представнике многих држава Европе, Азије и Америке, на основу резултата широког друштвеног дијалога и размене мишљења, одржаних у години када се обележава 70. годишњица Јалтске и Потсдамске конференције и 40. годишњица од потписивања Завршног акта Конференције о безбедности и сарадњи у Европи, сматрају да је потребно да изјаве:

Питања о безбедности и сарадњи у Европи и свету у целини традиционално представљају предмет међудржавних споразума и узајамног деловања земаља. Истовремено, уверени смо да у савременом добу у тој сфери није могућ квалитетан напредак и прогресивно кретање напред без ослањања на мишљење јавности и без ангажовања друштвених иницијатива у развоју новог система безбедности и сарадње, заснованог на узајамном поштовању и поверењу.

Уверени смо да су терористички акти у Турској, експлозија руског авиона на небу над Синајским полуострвом и масовна убиства у Паризу, који су однели стотине живота, постали прави изазов за светску заједницу и показали да је неопходно тражити нове приступе, ојачати и ујединити напоре у координираној борби против међународног тероризма и екстремизма као глобалне опасности за човечанство.

С тим у вези, сматрамо да је потребно обратити се Организацији за европску безбедност и сарадњу, другим међународним организацијама и светској заједници као целини, са позивом да размотре конкретне предлоге за оптимизацију рада у сфери безбедности и сарадње, јачања узајамног разумевања, и потрази компромиса за актуелне проблеме. Сматрамо да Међународна научно-друштвена конференција „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у потрази за безбедним светским поретком“, која се одржава у Србији, у земљи која не припада ниједном блоку и има изражену традицију европског политичког центра Покрета несврстаних, може да постане почетак конструктивног међународног друштвеног дијалога о путевима изградње ефикасног система безбедности и сарадње у Европи. С тим у вези, сматрамо да завршни документ Међународне конференције може да буде изложен на Савету Министара иностраних послова ОЕБС, који ће се одржати 3-4. децембра 2015. године у Београду.


Јалтск и Потсдамска конференција, као и потписивање Завршног акта Конференције о безбедности и сарадњи у Европи, чије јубилеје читав свет обележава ове године, постали су најважнији догађаји савремене историје, који су
у много чему поставили темеље савременог система безбедности у Европи и свету у целини. Овај систем у овој или оној мери успешно је функционисао у послератном периоду, постао је важно наслеђе резултата Другог светског рата и коштао је човечанство огромних жртава, које су претрпели народи током последњег светског сукоба.

Ипак, савремену етапу међународних односа у Европи и свету у целини карактеришу растуће опасности од оштрих сукоба, одсуство ефикасне праксе у обезбеђивању глобалне и регионалне безбедности и механизама за спречавање озбиљних потреса.

У данашње време свет се сукобљава са нарастајућим ризицима и претњама безбедности и стабилности. Посебну забринутост изазива чињеница да савремени систем међународних односа у Европи карактерише криза узајамног поверења.

Кршење основних принципа међународног права, укључујући и Повељу УН, Завршни акт из Хелсинкија, нажалост, постали су норма. У Београду, престоници Србије, где се одржава данашња конференција, не можемо да се не сетимо да је Југославија постала прва жртва директног кршења Хелсиншког договора. С тим у вези, позивамо све учеснике међународних односа да подрже поштовање међународног права и основних принципа међународних односа, да у доброј вери извршавају прихваћене обавезе и јачају ауторитет универзалних међународних организација.

С обзиром на место одржавања наше Конференције, истичемо снажну потребу да подржимо мир и безбедност на Балкану као интегралном делу Европе и европског система безбедности, у том оквиру - посебно је актуелно питање поштовања Дејтонског споразума, резолуције Савета безбедности 1244 (из 1999. године) и других међународно-правних докумената трајног карактера.

У Европи и у свету у целини приметан је нагли пораст екстремизма и тероризма. Уосталом, безбедност и стабилност у Европи неодвојива је од безбедности и стабилности у другим регионима света. Из тог разлога будућност европске стабилности може да се разматра и пројектује на прави начин само у контексту стабилности на Блиском Истоку, Азији и Африци.

Оно што посебно забрињава јесте чињеница да пораст конфликтног потенцијала у Европи води ка још једној крајње опасној тенденцији – тенденцији уситњавања света, повлачења линија нових подела, између осталог, и на европском континенту. С тим у вези, морамо да констатујемо да ћемо актуелне проблеме безбедности и сарадње, полагањем темеља система узајамних односа на европском простору у XXI веку, морати да решавамо у контексту изражених социјално-економских проблема, миграционих процеса без преседана, пораста војне ескалације, поновног оживљавања блоковског начина размишљања. Безбедност није привилегија, већ једнако право свих народа и држава. Зато наши напори треба да буду усмерени ка изградњи и унапређивању таквог система који ће гарантовати једнаку безбедност свима.

Уверени смо да у данашње време Европа мора да се усмери на изградњу истински слободног простора, заснованог на поштовању међународног права и равноправности међу свим народима и државама, независно од величине њихове територије, броја становника, економске или војне снаге. Сматрамо да је најважнији услов за то поштовање и спровођење Повеље УН, принципа Завршног акта из Хелсинкија, Париске повеље, улоге УН, и посебне улоге Савета безбедности УН, без икаквих изузетака, самовоље или двоструких стандарда.

По нашем мишљењу, у XXI веку сви народи и државе Европе треба да уживају равноправне могућности безбедности, независно од њиховог чланства у војним, економским и регионалним организацијама. То истиче потребу да се изгради заједнички безбедносни простор и достигне нови ниво интеракције и поверења међу земљама Европе.

Европу XXI века видимо као простор истинског партнерства, поштовања суверенитета и територијалног интегритета, на коме владају слобода избора унутрашњег развоја и спољне политике, без мешања у унутрашње послове, посебно у области безбедности, изборног процеса, уставног поретка, приватизације и људских права. Спречавање и решавање свих сукоба могуће је једино путем дијалога и мирним политичким средствима, која гарантују поштовање законских интереса свих земаља.


Уверени смо да 40. годишњица Завршног акта из Хелсинкија представља добар повод за подношење отвореног јавног захтева да се ОЕБС-у врати улога главне опште европске организације у сфери безбедности и срадње.

Сматрамо да у условима кризе европске безбедности ОЕБС има за циљ да обезбеди „нови дах“ за конструктивно остваривање принципа на којима се много година градио систем безбедности и сарадње у Европи и који су изграђивани на резултатима Јалтске и Потсдамске конференције из 1945. године, као и на основу Хелсиншке Конференције о безбедности и сарадњи у Европи 1975. године. По нашем мишљењу, ОЕБС има потенцијала да пружи значајан допринос у решавању миграционе кризе у Европи, превазилажењу рецидива блоковског размишљања, јачању поверења и пружање подршке изласку из кризе европске безбедности у целини.

С тим у вези, сматрамо да је потребно:

1. Пружити подршку усвајању Повеље Организације за европску безбедност и сарадњу у циљу јачања независности и објективности у раду ОЕБС, претварања ОЕБС у пуноправну међународну организацију, као и у циљу тога да рад организације што више одговори циљевима њеног стварања.

Потребно је изнова потврдити и разрадити принципе, на којима се много година темељио систем безбедности у Европи и који су били израђени према резултатима Јалтске Потсдамске конференције из 1945. године, као и Хелсиншке Конференције о безбедности и сарадњи у Европи 1975. године. Важно је постићи да их се све државе-учеснице ОЕБС, без изузетка, придржавају усвојених принципа.

2. Иницирати процес јавног пружања помоћи у раду који спроводи ОЕБС

Учесници конференције, такође, се обраћају ОЕБС и друштвеним организацијама земаља-чланица са предлогом да се овој конференцији да статус сталног годишњег јавног скупа, посвећеног актуелној проблематици безбедности и сарадње у Европи.

По нашем мишљењу, одржавање овакве конференције једном годишње у земљи која председава ОЕБС, са позивањем да у њој узму учешће афирмисани стручњаци и јавни делатници земаља Европе допринеће стварању система јавне контроле рада ОЕБС, мониторингу и транспарентној стручној оцени актуелне проблематике везане за безбедност и сарадњу у Европи. По нашем мишљењу, овај предлог ће добити најширу подршку у европском друштву као правовремена идеја, чији је циљ да се обезбеди развој међудржавне интеракције на принципима транспарентности и дијалога.

3. Као први одговорни корак у решавању актуелних проблема безбедности и сарадње у Европи видимо потребу да се створи сталнинаучно-друштвени Међународни стручни центар (под покровитељством годишње друштвено-научне конференције), који има за циљ:

а) остваривање мониторинга над радом ОЕБС како би се доставиле информације о њеном раду годишњој Друштвено-научној конференцији, посвећеној питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи,

б) редовно окупљање у земљи која председава у затвореном формату како би се створила платформа за размену мишљења између независних стручњака о актуелним питањима безбедности и сарадње.

Стварање Међународног центра, као сталне експертске платформе за размену мишљења и широких експертских консултација по питањима безбедности и сарадње, по нашем мишљењу, посебно је актуелно у условима дефицита мера поверења и ефикасних и постојаних канала за размену информација.

Ми, учесници Међународне научно-друштвене конференције „Јалта-Потсдам-Хелсинки-Београд: у потрази за безбедним светским поретком“, посвећене актуелним питањима безбедности и сарадње у Европи, уверени смо у то да у XXI веку Европи предстоји сложен процес превазилажења противречности, (и) деесклације конфликтних потенцијала, решавања многих економских и социјалних проблема и последица отвореног кршења међународног права. Али, уверени смо да, уједињеним напорима можемо да створимо истински слободан простор, заснован на принципима безбедности и сарадње, без линија раздвајања и „гвоздених завеса“, што може постати пример за читав савремени свет.

Учесници конференције обраћају се Министарству спољних послова Србије (као земљи која председава ОЕБС у 2015. години) које заступа Министар спољних послова господин Ивица Дачић, са молбом да се о одржаној Међународној конференцији и њених закључцима обавесте учесници састанка Министара иностраних послова ОЕБС, који ће бити одржан 3-4. децембра 2015. године у Београду.

=== 2 ===

Београд – Објављено под Актуелно |  24. новембар 2015.


Веома смо забринути стањем у свету, одзвањају ратне трубе, погроми се шире, терористи држе на нишану све који другачије мисле, а колоне бескућника хрле на европски континент надајући се сигурнијем животу у догледно време.
Главни град наше земље, домаћин још једног импозантног међународног скупа, пуним гласом поручује да се сваки сукоб мора ућуткати дијалогом, мирним путем, без надгорњавања и давно виђеног манира да наводно старији и јачи мора свима да командује и одређује правила и у туђој кући.
У Сава центру у Београду се одржава научна конференција под покровитељством Председника Републике Србије Томислава Николића и уз учешће више десетина угледних државника, универзитетских професора, дипломата и других еминентних личности у трагању за безбедним опстанком у немирна времена.
Скуп су организовали Београдски форум за свет равноправних (иначе колективни члан СУБНОР-а Србије) и два гласовита друштвена удружења из Русије – Фонд светог Андреја првозваног и Центар националне славе.
Наслов конференције већ сам по себи одређује значај, повезује светски пресудна места по мир, Јалту и Потсдам и Хелсинки као договоре да се разумом уз сагласност и чврсто поштовање међународних правила граде мостови сарадње и споразумевања. Човечанство се мора вратити тим принципима, који су, иначе, насилним путем укинути у име нечег новог без идеје и искључиво у жељи да се старо и дотад постојеће поруши у корист мањине.
У поздравној поруци негдашњи председник Француске Валери Жискар д Естен изражава забринутост за нове генерације које, захваљујући фрапантној незапослености, не могу без радног искуства да преузму кормило и одговорност за даља кретања у свом и ширем окружењу. У Шпанији је преко 50 процената младих буквално на улици, стање у Грчкој  је још горе, таква слика, на жалост, овладава и у низу европских и у државама на другим континентима.
Учесници у Београду, у коме ће се ускоро одржати и веома значајно окупљање земаља Организације за европску безбедност и сарадњу ОЕБС, потврдили су да је победа савезника у Другом светском рату огромна тековина човечанства. Антифашизам је константа од које нико не сме да одступи уколико мисли на сигурну будућност.
Професор Универзитета ”Ломоносов” из Москве Владимир Јакуњин је тим поводом нагласио да се борци за слободу, који су не жалећи сопствени живот ушли чиста срца у битку са фашистима нацистичке Немачке у отсудним данима 1941. и одржали се победама на крају 1944. и 1945, не могу ни у примисли и силом на срамоту накнадно, фалификатима пристрасних и идејно острашћених реваншиста, сврставати са доказаним колаборантима, сарадницима окупаторске солдатеске у низу хитлеровских сателита у Другом светском рату.
У Сава центру је одржана и конференција младих , а приказана је и документарна изложба са детаљима договора у Јалти, Потсдаму и Хелсинкију, где су ударени темељи за исправан пут народа у демократском и слободном развоју.

=== 3 ===

Yalta, Potsdam, Helsinki, Belgrade. How can we build a more secure world order?

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The ongoing war in Syria. The rise of Islamic State. Terror attacks in Sinai, Paris, Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia. The shooting down of a Russian jet by NATO member Turkey.
This was the backdrop of events to last week’s major international conference on peace, security and co-operation in Belgrade, Serbia.

Speakers from over 20 countries - myself included- addressed the key question: how can we build a more secure world order, where countries - large and small- respect national sovereignty and international law and where dialogue and diplomacy replaces war and the threat of war?

The International Public and Scientific Conference, held in the same Sava Centre building in Belgrade where the Non-Aligned movement was founded in 1961, commemorated three significant anniversaries. The 70th anniversaries of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, (between the leaders of the USSR, US and Britain), and the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Accords, which established the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The conference preceded the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting that will be held in Belgrade in December.

Valery Giscard d’Estaing is the last surviving leader of those who signed the Helsinki Accords in 1975, and so it was fitting that proceedings began with a video address from the former French President. D’Estaing shared his recollections of Helsinki, which marked the high point of post-war détente between East and West. He reminded the audience that the countries agreed to non-interference in the affairs of sovereign states - which included ideological pressure. The former French president said that while the UN had undoubtedly served the cause of peace it had not done as much as it could have done. He concluded by calling for a lifting of European sanctions on Russia and said that relations between Europe and Russia must be “warm and friendly”.

James Bissett, the former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, said that the message from Yalta and Helsinki was “simple and clear” – “sovereignty cannot be violated without UN Security Council approval.”

He went on “Now, seventy years after Yalta it is alarmingly clear that world peace and security are under serious threat and that the principles and obligations of the UN Charter and the spirit and intentions of the Helsinki final Act are being either ignored or criminally violated. The responsibility with this rests primarily with the United States.”

Ambassador Bissett read out a list of countries around the globe where there has been US military intervention. “The use of military force for so-called ’humanitarian’ reasons to interfere in the affairs of other sovereign states has proven disastrous; causing untold death and destruction in the countries concerned.” Bissett warned that there was “an urgent need” for a reaffirmation of Yalta and Helsinki “because time may be running out”.

The current OSCE chairman, Ivica Dacic, the first Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, said that the Helsinki accords were an example of collaboration replacing confrontation.

He said that unfortunately now there were “no principles, only political interests.” He gave as an example, US double standards on Kosovo and Palestine. When Palestine applied to join UNESCO, the US opposed the move, but they supported Kosovo joining. We must return to a situation where principles are applied consistently, Dacic said.

Andrey Kelin, from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that while NATO was meant to protect peace, it had in fact become the biggest threat to world peace and was a major destabilizing force in the world today. He pointed out that NATO’s illegal bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 - which took place without UNSC approval, was not only a breach of international law, but a clear violation of the Helsinki accords.

Vladimir I. Yakunin, the founding President of the World Public Forum, gave a powerful speech listing the failings of the current neoliberal world order- where endless war and increasing inequality have become the norms.

Youth unemployment figures in Europe - sometimes as high as 60 percent - were an absolute scandal. The social state which existed at the time of Helsinki had been replaced by a “corporatocracy”. We needed to move back to the more equitable and stable model we had in the post-war world, a call which was reiterated by other speakers.

From Germany, Willy Wimmer, veteran CDU politician and former Vice-Chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, talked of how US strategy was to separate Europe from Russia. He said it was important that Russia’s attempts to bring peace to Syria succeeded.

Belgian author and activist Michel Collon warned that we should not fall for the “clash of civilizations” narrative being pushed by Western neocons. What we have been witnessing in the last twenty-five years, Collon said, has nothing to do with religion but is the “re-colonization of the world” by Western elites following the fall of the Soviet Union. These “gangsters” have been following the maxim - what you cannot control, you destroy. But before the destruction come the lies. Collon identified five principles of Western war propaganda. 1 - you hide the economic motives for the ’intervention’. 2 - you hide the history surrounding the target country. 3 - you demonize the enemy and, in particular, the target country’s leader. 4 - you say you are intervening to help the ‘victims’. 5 - you monopolize the debate. This pattern Collon pointed out has been used repeatedly in Western interventions since 1990.

Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals and Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the time of the illegal NATO bombing of the country in 1999, highlighted Western double standards in the so-called war on terror, shown by the hidden support for Islamic State by Western allies. ”We must have equal standards - we cannot have a situation of our ‘good’ terrorists.” As Mr. Jovanovic said this I thought of the terrible terrorist atrocities committed by so-called ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria and how Western leaders had failed to condemn them.

In my speech - entitled ‘Back to the Future- towards a new global consensus’ - I described the progressive achievements in Europe- and indeed in many other parts of the world, during the period from Potsdam to Helsinki, i.e. from 1945 to 1975. Economies were restructured to suit the majority. In many countries there was full employment and major extensions of public/social ownership. It was a time of narrowing inequalities: at the time of the Helsinki Accords, the gap between rich and poor in Britain was the lowest in its history. Foreign policy was, not coincidentally, more peaceful at this time: forty years ago, the only foreign ’war’ Britain was involved with was the so-called ‘Cod War’ over fishing limits with Iceland.

Sadly, most of the achievements of the ‘Les Trente Glorieuses’ have been destroyed.

Starting from 1979 in Britain, a new, more aggressive neo-liberal economic order came to the fore, one which was designed to suit minority financial and corporate interests. As states in the West were gradually captured by a sociopathic neocon warmongering elite, so our foreign policies changed. In order to stop the endless warmongering we’ve seen since the fall of the Soviet Union we need to recapture our states so that once again they act in the interests of the majority as they did in the post-WWII period. That means working for fundamental economic and democratic reform. A more egalitarian, democratic world order can only be achieved if we have egalitarianism and genuine democracy at home, too.

The need for deep economic and democratic changes in warmongering Western countries was also stressed in a very thought-provoking speech by Dr. Eva-Maria Follmer-Mueller, head of the association Mut zur Ethik from Switzerland.

Cooperation and not competition was the key. Man was a social being, but in many countries there was increasing atomization and as a result fewer people were able to achieve life fulfillment. We need to increase social connectedness and focus on the personal concept of man. A shift to a more cooperative economy and society, one in which direct democracy operates, is the key to building more peaceful societies - and as a consequence a more peaceful world.

The two day conference had started with us looking at treaties, accords and international law and ended with discussions of economics, psychology, sociology and philosophy.

It was clear that if we are to get the changes in the world order that are urgently needed; the campaign must be fought on several fronts. It was exhilarating to hear so many great speeches from people from different countries and cultures, the speakers all united by their good will and their desire to build a more secure world where once again the human spirit can soar.

At the end of the event, as we bid our farewells, a speaker from the Western Europe said something which I thought was particularly profound - namely that in order to speak their minds freely nowadays, critics of Western foreign policy have to go to somewhere like Serbia - a country which is not in the EU or NATO.

Free speech in the West is threatened as never before due to the odious activities of the Russophobic neocon ‘McCarthyite Thought Police’ and their pro-war faux-left allies, but at least in the Sava Centre in Belgrade we can still speak our minds.

=== 4 ===

(Сава Центар 23-25 новембар 2015 – Живадин Јовановић)
Седамдесет година после савезничких конференција на Јалти и у Потсдаму и 40 година од усвајања Завршног документа из Хелсинкија међународни односи ушли су у период дубоких промена. Завршени су периоди биполарног и униполарног уређивања светских односа. Враћање на старе концепте више није могуће. Светски поредак постаје мултиполаран...


Živadin Jovanović, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals



Seventy years on after the Allies’ Conferences in Yalta and in Potsdam, and 40 years following the adoption of the Helsinki Final Act, international relations have entered a period of profound changes. The eras of bipolar and unipolar world order are over. Restoring to the old ways and concepts is no longer possible. The world order is irreversibly evolving into a multi-polar one. The new development fundamentally changes the relations established after the fall of the Berlin Wall, opening possibilities for democratization of these relations, and for higher observance of the international law and the United Nations Charter that lies in its core. This also offers possibilities for a better protection of interests of small and medium countries, Serbia including. 

The process of multi-polarization does not run smoothly. Particularly worrisome are tendencies aiming to preserve domination and privileges of certain countries, to legitimize their self-imposed right to exceptionality, global interventionism and military expansion to the East, by all means, including use of military force. The outcome of such policy of force applied by the US-led West in seeking to maintain the privileges and put under its control the planet’s wealth, are destabilization, conflicts, and devastation of numerous states and societies. Proponents of such totalitarian policy bear responsibility for the destabilization and dramatic escalation of global relations threatening to inflict disaster of humanity. The first casualties of this policy in recent times were two Yugoslavia(s) – the first one torn apart by imposed civil wars at the beginning of 1990s, and the second one, ravaged during the course of illegal NATO’s aggression in 1999. Thus, the Balkans was transformed into a zone of long-term instability. The West-sponsored «in vivo» rewriting of history created several statelets that hardly have a chance of an autonomous development and independence. It seems that the forcible drawing of new borders in violation of the basic principles of the Helsinki Document is not over yet. The proof is the stealing of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija away from Serbia, and the reviving of plans of creating the so-called Greater Albania. The hardest-hit victim of the US-led destructive strategy in the Balkans is the Serbian nation, now shattered, disempowered and put under the control of puppet regimes. Paradoxically, the West proclaims that parallel unfolding of fragmentation of the Serbian nation, on the one side, and (re)integration of other nations, on the other, amount to no less than contribution to the peace and stability, and to the observance of European and democratic standards! Serbian national issue is more than simply an open one; it is further exacerbated by means of disruption and disenfranchisement. This forced-upon situation is hardly in the interest of peace and stability. Of course, it has to do with geopolitical engineering, nurturing imperialistic interests and nothing else. Economic and social problems are rapidly growing, whereas the unemployment of the youth reaches dramatic magnitude.

This assessment is supported by similar shattering of a series of other sovereign states and nations, worldwide. In all likelihood, the Western power centers will not relinquish the strategy of “territorial rearranging” of sovereign states by means of armed attacks, ‘colored revolutions’, and other illicit methods employed in South America, Africa and Asia. The liberal capitalism system produces financial and economic crises, poverty, misery, and they have led to economic emigration of an unprecedented scale. At the same time, aggressions and armed conflicts drive millions out of their homes into exile and displacement. 

The policy of domination, military expansion and global interventionism, coupled with the gross violation of international law, has resulted into a deepening distrust, discord, Cold War rhetoric and confrontation. Europe became crisscrossed by foreign military bases, quick-response task forces, ‘missile shields’, rotating command, and incessant air patrolling cruising from Baltic to Anatolia. Europe of today fosters more foreign military bases, bombers and missiles than at the height of the Cold War. One may wonder, what is the purpose?

It is high time to put an end to dangerous trends and dramatic rise of tensions that increasingly threaten security, peace, coexistence and normal relations. We call for openness, dialogue and partnership in resolving all problems, before the situation escalates beyond any control. Billions of people in the world reject the policy of confrontation and wars. They are aware that with present day armament technology it threatens extinction of human race. Therefore, current authoritarian attitudes in the international arena, military expansion and double standards must give way to mutual respect of all stakeholders, whether political, economic or security-related ones.

In today’s world, rationality, political responsibility and readiness to compromise are needed more than ever.

Belgrade is the right place to launch a strongest possible appeal for a substantial equal-footed dialogue on resolving the most important issues affecting security, peace and cooperation. Much more often than other capitals of Europe, Belgrade has been the victim of aggression, occupation and most horrendous devastation. All this gives it moral right and obliges it to initiate dialogues, mutual understanding, and restoration of trust. Belgrade is a birthplace of the Non-Aligned Movement, one of the broadest international groupings second only to the United Nations, credited with huge merits for the freedom of colonized nations, democratization of the United Nations, and codification of the international law. 

Belgrade was the leader of a group of neutral and non-aligned countries in Europe - Cyprus, Malta, the SFR Yugoslavia, Austria, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland - which were the driving force for achieving consensus on the Helsinki Final Act. This Act, relying on the agreements of Yalta and Potsdam, building on the outcome of the WWII, and based on the United Nations Charter, is a historic achievement, a milestone for new initiatives aiming at ensuring equal security for all countries, regardless of their size, population, economic power or military might. For its contribution to the process of European security and cooperation, Belgrade was rewarded by being chosen to host the first post-Helsinki Conference of the SCE in 1977. 

In December this year (2015.), once again, Belgrade is hosting an OSCE Ministerial Conference. Once again, the goal to stop the dramatic degradation of trust, violating international law, and the roles of the OSCE and the United Nations. Once again, Belgrade appears the appropriate venue to launch initiatives aiming at easing the tensions and Cold War rhetoric, and making the most responsible stakeholders revert to the dialogue, mutual respect and compromise, in the interest of peace and the survival of human kind.

Security and stability in Europe are inseparable from security and stability in the neighboring regions, the Mediterranean Middle East and the world. Therefore, durable security and stability in Europe cannot be ensured unless linked with security and stability in the Near East, Asia, Northern Africa (Maghreb) and Africa in general. Ending the conflict in the Near East, most notably, the war in Syria, is of paramount importance not only for the nations in that region but, also, for Europe. In parallel to this, there is the need to restore the functionalities of the devastated states and societies such as those of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, and many more. Europe, just like other wealthy parts of the world, is expected to support economic and social reconstruction of those countries. Although not the only one, this is certainly a crucial requirement to stop refugees and economic migrations of peoples that puts an additional burden on Europe and, in particular, on the European Union. 

Tragic civil wars in the region of Former Yugoslavia and NATO aggression in 1990-ies of the twentieth century left worrisome consequences not only of socio-economic nature but also in regard to prolonged instability, spread of terrorism and organized international crimes. Therefore, the Balkans region is far from enjoying full normalization and stability. The root cause, in our opinion, is that the Balkans, in spite of being the cradle of European civilization and democracy, in reality has never been genuinely accepted as an equal and integral part of Europe. It is high time to get rid of the traditional discriminatory approach of the Western power centers towards the Balkans as a road-to-nowhere, a dumpsite for obsolete technologies, or a training ground for tragic geopolitical games and experiments. For so long as Western Europe does not embrace constructive partnership with the Balkan countries and with Serbia as well, and for so long as it does not observe in practice the sovereign eq

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(francais / italiano / english)

Jihad dal Kosovo? Che bella scoperta...

Flashbacks / News / Par Daniel Salvatore Schiffer
1) 4 arresti tra Brescia e Kosovo. La 'mente' del gruppo, un cittadino kosovaro che ha vissuto diverso tempo in Italia
2) Inside Kacanik, Kosovo's jihadist capital (The Telegraph, 23 Aug 2015)

=== 0: LINKS ===


29 settembre 2001 – Il Manifesto: E' AMERICANA LA PISTA BALCANICA CHE PORTA A BIN LADEN (Tommaso Di Francesco)





Apr. 18, 2006 – Associated Press: 'AL QAEDA MEN HAVE BEEN TRANSITING BALKANS FOR YEARS’\04\18\story_18-4-2006_pg4_2


Kosovo’s municipal authorities continue to ignore the growing number of illegally built mosques, which now total more than a hundred...



Millions of euros are flowing from Turkey to Kosovo "through illegal routes, bypassing banks," according to the Pristina-based Albanian language daily Zeri...

... the Albanian nationalist guy, wrapped in greater Albanian flag, Lami, who is at the same time – a Swiss peacekeeper!... 

... “TIKA keeps its finances secret in most cases, since there is no official data on how much money is being invested. There is suspiction that the money is being brought in illegally and not via bank accounts"...

LA TURQUIE D’ERDOĞAN À L’ASSAUT DU KOSOVO (Zeri | Traduit par Belgzim Kamberi | jeudi 10 septembre 2015)
Mosquées, écoles coraniques, patrimoine ottoman : les financements turcs affluent au Kosovo, via de puissantes institutions d’État comme la TIKA, la Diyanet ou la fondation des Vakuf. Il est pourtant impossible de connaître le montant des sommes versées — qui arriveraient même parfois en liquide. Faute de transparence, tous les soupçons sont permis. Zëri a mené l’enquête...

Kosovo could become a corridor for radical Islam breaking into Europe since the European Union is not yet ready to solve the migrant problem, Serbian ambassador to Russia Slavenko Terzic said on Tuesday...

Par Daniel Salvatore Schiffer:

Interview à la première chaîne de la radio suisse romande (RTS francophone), autour de son livre "Le Testament du Kosovo - Journal de guerre" (Editions du Rocher).
"Cet entretien de dix minutes, où je raconte la guerre du Kosovo, dont les crimes de guerre de l'OTAN et de l'UCK (le trafic d'organes humains prélevés sur des prisonniers serbes), a été diffusée lors du JT de 12h30' de ce lundi 12 octobre 2015."

Un extrait (bonnes feuilles) du "Testament du Kosovo" est également publié sur le site de l'hebdomadaire français "L'Express":

Article à la "une" du journal en ligne français "Mediapart", sur les récents attentats de Paris, l'Etat Islamique et la guerre en Bosnie (ex-Yougoslavie), dont bon nombre de Serbes ont été victimes. Il y a là aussi un long extrait du livre "Le Testament du Kosovo - Journal de guerre".

Daniel S. Schiffer:
Le Testament du Kosovo. Journal de guerre
Paris: Editions du Rocher, 2015
512 pages, 21 euro – ISBN-13: 978-2268079165

=== 1 ===

Terrorismo, 4 arresti tra Brescia e Kosovo: “Legami accertati con jihad in Siria”. In chat: “Bergoglio sarà l’ultimo Papa”

La 'mente' del gruppo, un cittadino kosovaro che ha vissuto diverso tempo in Italia, è stato arrestato in Kosovo dalle autorità di Pristina, mentre gli altri tre sono stati fermati tra Veneto e Lombardia, dove risiedevano da anni. La polizia: "Collegamenti con terrorista daesh Muhaxheri"

di F. Q. | 1 dicembre 2015

Armi in pugno, webcam di fronte, inno alla jihad. Sono quattro icittadini kosovari coinvolti nell’operazione “Van Damme” della Polizia nei confronti di una presunta organizzazione che propagandava l’ideologia della guerra santa islamica. Non solo. Il gruppo, secondo gli investigatori, aveva “collegamenti diretti accertati con filiere jihadiste attive in Siria, riconducibili al noto terrorista kosovaro daesh Lavdrim Muhaxheri“. Il particolare è emerso dalla conferenza stampa della Procura di Brescia in merito all’operazione.

Due dei quattro quatto kosovari fermati nel corso del blitz antiterrorismo della Polizia saranno espulsi (uno con provvedimento adottato dal ministro dell’Interno per motivi di terrorismo internazionale, l’altro con decreto del Questore di Brescia), un terzo è stato sottoposto a sorveglianza speciale (con contestuale ritiro del passaporto o di altro documento valido per l’espatrio) e il quarto, bloccato in Kosovo, è stato arrestato.

La richiesta di sorveglianza speciale, utilizzata per la prima volta in questo ambito, è stata avanzata direttamente dal Procuratore nazionale antimafia e antiterrorismo, Franco Roberti. Quello che è considerato la ‘mente’ del gruppo, un cittadino kosovaro che ha vissuto diverso tempo in Italia, è stato arrestato in Kosovo dalle autorità di quel paese, mentre gli altri tre sono stati arrestati in Italia, dove risiedevano da anni. Contestualmente agli arresti, gli investigatori hanno fatto scattare una serie di perquisizioni a Brescia, Vicenza e Perugia a carico di persone, la cui posizione è ancora al vaglio. Gli investigatori stanno esaminando il materiale web.

Gli uomini finiti in manette avevano pubblicato sul web una serie di foto in cui erano ritratti con le armi in pugno. Dalle indagini è emerso che i quattro si erano fortemente radicalizzati, ponendosi su posizioni estremistiche e assumendo atteggiamenti tipici dei militanti dell’Isis. Nelle loro chat c’erano anche minacce nei confronti del Papa nelle chat degli indagati, che annunciavano “visite dai parte dei terroristi dello Stato Islamico”. Gli investigatori hanno trovato frasi come “questo sarà l’ultimo Papa”. Il blitz, in collaborazione con le autorità kosovare, è scattato contemporaneamente in alcune città italiane e in Kosovo. L’indagine che ha portato agli arresti di oggi è stata condotta dagli uomini della Direzione centrale della Polizia di prevenzione, l’Antiterrorismo italiano, e da quelli della Digos di Brescia.

Il kosovaro arrestato, Samet Imishti, aveva come base logistica la cittadina di Chiari, in provincia di Brescia. L’affiliato al daesh, arrestato questa mattina in Kosovo, la utilizzava per i suoi spostamenti dall’Italia. Nella stessa abitazione è stato rintracciato il fratello del capo della cellula, Ismail Imishti: per lui il ministero dell’Interno ha firmato un provvedimento di espulsione per motivi di terrorismo. Un altro cittadino di origine kosovara, associato al gruppo di presunti terroristi, è stato invece rintracciato in provincia di Savona ed espulso dal territorio nazionale con un provvedimento a firma del questore di Brescia.

Il quarto fermato è invece un cittadino macedone residente in provincia di Vicenza a cui il procuratore nazionale Antimafia ha avanzato la proposta per l’applicazione della misura di sorveglianza speciale per motivi di terrorismo con il contestuale ritiro del passaporto.

=== 2 ===

Inside Kacanik, Kosovo's jihadist capital

Tiny town boasts only 30,000 people, yet two dozen local men have gone to fight jihad in Iraq and Syria

By Colin Freeman, Chief Foreign Correspondent
23 Aug 2015

Nestling in a wooded valley that its citizens laid their lives down to defend, the town of Kacanik in southern Kosovo is fiercely proud of its war dead. 
Well-kept cemeteries include nearly 100 victims of Serb-led ethnic cleansing in 1999, while in the town centre, a statue clutching an RPG honours fallen members of Brigade 162 of the Kosovan Liberation Army. 
But a decade and a half on from the war that brought about Kosovo's independence, there is rather less pride in Kacanik's new crop of warriors. 
In the last three years, some 24 local menfolk have gone to fight for jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, giving the town of just 30,000 people an unwanted reputation as the jihadist capital of the Balkans.
To add to the sense of shame, one of them, a 25-year-old recruiter named Lavdrim Muhaxheri, has committed atrocities as gruesome as any of those carried out in Kacanik in 1999, when British troops unearthed a mass grave containing 81 bodies.
Last summer, in an act that sent shockwaves across Kosovo, Muhaxheri posted Facebook pictures of himself apparently beheading another man suspected of spying against the Islamic State. Another shows him executing a Syrian man using an RPG. 
"Muhaxheri has given Kacanic a name as the most radical city in Kosovo, if not the whole Balkans," said Musli Verbani, a local imam, who claims that hardliners forced him from Kacanik's Islamic Association four years ago. "I warned that this kind of thing was coming, but no-one listened." 
Kosovo, of course, is not alone among European nations in acquiring its own equivalent to Britain's Jihadi John. But for a nation of just 1.8 million people, it now punches well above its weight in terms of the number of citizens joining Isil. 
The interior ministry estimates that some 300 Kosovans have followed in Muhaxheri's’ footsteps, making Kosovo Europe's biggest contributor per capita. Along with neighbouring Albania, which has fielded around 200, and nearby Bosnia, which around 160, it is now seen as a potential launch pad for Isil in its bid to establish a new front against Europe in the Balkans.
What also alarms Western security officials, though, is why any Kosovans would join Isil's fanatics at all. 
After all, back in 1999, it was the West that rescued Kosovo's mainly Muslim population, with Nato bombing raids that halted the campaign of ethnic cleansing by Serb extremists. 
Since then it has been staunchly pro-Western, with the capital, Pristina, boasting both a statue of Bill Clinton and a road named after George W Bush, who was president when Kosovo formally gained independence in 2008. There are even young Kosovans named "Tony" in honour of Tony Blair.
Most Kosovans also follow moderate Islam that allows bars on the same street as mosques, and which is enshrined in a new constitution promoting the diversity suppressed during Communism. 
Yet those same liberal values have also allowed less tolerant voices to flourish, including hardline Islamic charities that arrived during the chaotic post-civil war years. 
Such is the foothold of radicalism in towns like Kacanik that last week, its modest town hall received a personal visit from Kosovo's interior minister, Skender Hyseni.
"Kosovo is a multi-cultural state, not a terrorist one," he told assembled officials, speaking at a conference table decked out with the American and Kosovan flags. "Those going overseas are joining groups that spread violence and terror.” 
In its defence, the Kosovan government argues that other European nations actually have higher rates of radicalisation if it is counted per head of Muslim population. 
But since Muhaxheri’s shocking Facebook post last summer, Mr Hyseni has backed words with action, arresting around 100 suspected extremists, including the grand mufti of the main central mosque in Pristina. 
Prosecutions are already pending of various recruiting networks, including one that passed messages via go-betweens at a kebab shop near the Bill Clinton statue. 
It is, however, already too late, according to Mr Verbani, the Kacanik imam. 
A former KLA fighter, he personifies the moderate face of Kosovan Islam. He studied in Cairo and speaks fluent Arabic, yet looked just like another drinker in the cafe bar where he met The Telegraph, wearing neither a beard nor robes. 
It was precisely that secular outlook that he found himself having to defend as far back as 2006, when a confrontation with a young local radical named Jeton Raka turned violent. 
"At first Jeton was just another good Kacanik kid, but he became more extremist by the day,” said Mr Verbani. “He said the government of Kosovo was against faith, and that school taught children to be unbelievers. I told him he couldn't speak like that at my mosque, and eventually he came to my house, saying 'I will burn you and your family', and petrol bombed my car. Even then, though, the municipality and the police didn't help me."
Raka is now believed to be in Syria along with Muhaxheri, while the government crackdown has largely driven the rest of Kacanik’s radical fringe out of town. Even so, locals remain reluctant to talk about the town's most infamous son, although in such a small community, most know someone now fighting abroad. 
Among them is Sadek Dema whose nextdoor neighbour, Hetem Dema, 41, was killed in January after apparently going to fight with Isil's rival al-Qaeda faction Jabat al-Nusra. 
"He fought in the KLA and was always a good and religious man, although he never showed signs of being radical," said Mr Dema, as Hetem’s five year-old son, Harith, cycled past on his bicycle. 
"Nobody is my father now," Harith shouted out, before Mr Dema could usher him out of earshot. "Now my uncles look after me." 
Quite why Kacanik in particular has become such a hotbed of radicalism is unclear. Some cite its closeness to the border with Macedonia, where they say hardline preachers remain unchecked. Others blame the same lack of prospects that blight everywhere in Kosovo, where the annual GDP is only £2,500 and where youth unemployment is up to 60 per cent. 
That same poverty, they also point out, has made Kosovo fertile ground for Islamic charities from the likes of Saudi Arabia, which offer education and welfare programs but also peddle a hardline vision. 
Arbana Xharra, a Kosovan journalist who has investigated their activities, says that anyone who speaks ill of them can find themselves denounced and threatened as "Islamophobic". 
"I've had to change my kids' school after I got messages online from people saying they would cut my children’s throats - they even knew what time they went to class," she said. 
Like many moderate Kosovans, she also points the finger at Turkey, whose Islamist government has funded networks of mosques across its Ottoman-era provinces of Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania. And while the Turkish government has denied recent claims that has offered tacit support for Isil in Syria, Kosovans are not the only ones to voice concerns. 
One senior diplomat from a moderate Arab regime recently told The Telegraph that radicalism would foster in the Balkans as long as Turkey's influence remained unchecked. "The EU's best chance s to get countries Kosovo and Albania into its club," he warned.
That is a view echoed by Ramadan Ilazi, Kosovo's 30-year-old deputy minister for EU integration, who says the EU is being too slow in accepting Kosovo's membership bid. Kosovo’s constitution, he says, is everything that a liberal EU bureaucrat could want, complete with a national anthem that has only music rather than words so "as not to offend anyone". 
Yet to this day, Kosovans cannot even travel to Europe without visa, giving small town youth in places like Kacanik little chance to broaden their horizons. 
"Kosovo was built as an antidote to nationalism and the causes of the war," said Mr Ilazi, who has a picture on his office wall of him shaking President Clinton’s hand as a 14-year-old boy. "But when people don't see tangible results of their desire to become part of Europe, that allows radicals to suggest that Europe doesn't want us."
Still, with Kosovo still also suffering problems with corruption and organised crime, and with Brussels suffering enlargement fatigue, most estimates are that it may be another decade before Pristina enters the Brussels club. That, gives the radicals plenty more time to urge men in towns like Kacanik to head East rather than West.

(english / deutsch / italiano)

Towards A New War Of Crimea (Verso una nuova Guerra di Crimea)

0) Flashbacks 1853-1856 e 2014-2015
1-2) Die Belagerung der Krim ( 26–27.11.2015.)
Konflikt zwischen Russland und Ukraine eskaliert / Berlin und die Krimtataren

=== 0 ===

Flashback 1853-1856:

La Guerra di Crimea. Una crociata russa [sic] che può ricominciare (Matteo Sacchi - 01/08/2015)
Fu lo scontro più violento dell'800, ma trascurato dalla storiografia... Nella sola Sebastopoli gli ossari contengono alla rinfusa i resti di 127.583 uomini [sic] che caddero per difendere la città... Nessuna guerra del XIX° fu così spietata e pervasiva quanto quella di Crimea (1853-56). Nemmeno la guerra di Secessione americana. Ci furono 750mila morti uccisi in battaglia... La guerra lasciò nei russi la sensazione del tradimento nei loro confronti da parte delle potenze europee. Un tradimento religioso per giunta: cristiani che proditoriamente si schierano con i musulmani turchi [ma guarda un po'!] senza capire la «santità» della guerra contro una potenza islamica... Di nuovo i russi sentono gli europei come traditori e gli europei vedono i russi come pericolosi aggressori... Il Mar Nero è stato la polveriera dell'Ottocento e sarebbe [sarebbe stato] meglio non trasformarlo nella polveriera anche del XXI° secolo...

Flashbacks 2014-2015:

Il futuro capo della diplomazia UE: alla Russia non dovrebbe essere consentito di creare un corridoio di terra in Crimea (7/10/2014)
La UE dovrebbe compiere ogni sforzo per impedire la creazione di un corridoio di terra tra la Crimea ed il resto della Russia. Lo ha detto il futuro Alto Rappresentante della UE per gli affari esteri e la politica della sicurezza e vicecapo della Commissione europea 2014-2019 Ministro degli Affari Esteri d'Italia Federica Mogherini...

Il sito web del governo tedesco ha “cancellato” i russi dalla Crimea (13/12/2014)
Dopo la critica del ministro degli Esteri russo Serghei Lavrov la popolazione russa di Crimea è stata “riammessa” sulla pagina web del governo tedesco…

Ukraine Gets New 'Crimea': First All-Muslim Volunteer Battalion in Pipeline (11.07.2015)
Ukraine is set to form a Crimean Tatar battalion and name it “Crimea”; it will be the first volunteer Muslim unit in its Armed Forces, and directly subordinate to the Chief of Staff...

Per impressionare la Nato, Kiev manda i nazisti a bloccare la Crimea (di Fabrizio Poggi, 22 Settembre 2015)
... da domenica scorsa alcuni “volontari” di Pravyj sektor e dei tatari di Crimea stanno inscenando il blocco alimentare della penisola, disseminando di chiodi, copertoni e blocchi di cemento la strada che congiunge la regione ucraina di Kherson alla Crimea...

Daesh-Mitglieder aus Syrien in die Ukraine befördert (Voltaire Netzwerk, 3.11.2015)
... In den letzten drei Monaten wurde von der Ukraine ein Stützpunkt in Cherson gegenüber der Krim aufgebaut. Die Türkei hat dorthin den Transport von mehreren Hundert Daesh-Kämpfern von Syrien in die Ukraine organisiert....
Members of Daesh have been moved from Syria to Ukraine (Voltaire Network, 2.11.2015)
... Over the last three months, a base has been set up by Ukraine in Kherson, facing Crimea. Turkey has organised the transfer of several hundred Daesh combatants from Syria to Ukraine...

Crimea e Kosovo (JUGOINFO 3.11.2015)
1) En direct de Crimée (Slavisa Pavlovic, Oct 2015)
2) Ukraine could learn from Kosovo’s troubles (Scott Taylor, June 28, 2015)
3) Kosovo and Ukraine: Compare and contrast / Kosovo e Ucraina: analogie e differenze (Neil Clark, August 20, 2014)

=== 1 ===

Der Originaltext:
Die Belagerung der Krim (I) (Konflikt zwischen Russland und Ukraine eskaliert – GFP 26.11.2015)
KIEW/MOSKAU/BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) - Begleitet von Unmutsbekundungen aus Berlin eskaliert nach dem Stopp der ukrainischen Stromversorgung für die Krim der Konflikt zwischen Kiew und Moskau erneut. Ende vergangener Woche hatten mutmaßlich Krimtataren gemeinsam mit Mitgliedern des faschistischen Rechten Sektors mehrere Strommasten gesprengt und damit die Stromversorgung der Krim, die zu rund 80 Prozent von der Ukraine gewährleistet wurde, gekappt. Die von Berlin protegierte ukrainische Regierung sieht sich nicht imstande, die Stomleitungen zu reparieren, und verhängt ergänzend eine Handelsblockade gegen die Halbinsel. Sie folgt damit dem Vorbild der Embargopolitik, die EU und USA im Sommer 2014 mit ersten Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen die Krim in Gang setzten und die Kiew mit einem Wasserembargo und Verkehrsblockaden seit mehr als einem Jahr immer weiter zugespitzt hat. Beobachter warnen, damit werde die Ukraine die letzten Sympathien verspielen, die sie auf der Halbinsel noch besitze; Vergleichbares sei seit dem georgisch-russischen Krieg von 2008 in den georgischen Sezessionsgebieten Abchasien und Süd-Ossetien zu beobachten gewesen. Die Bundesregierung hat zu Wochenbeginn in Kiew darauf gedrungen, die Stromversorgung der Krim instand zu setzen, um eine erneute, aus deutscher Sicht als nachteilig eingestufte Eskalation des russisch-ukrainischen Konflikts zu verhindern. Ohne Erfolg: Am gestrigen Mittwoch ist die Eskalation eingetreten...


The Siege of Crimea (I)

(Own report) - Berlin is watching with apprehension as the conflict between Kiev and Moscow escalates again following Ukraine's shutting down electrical power to Crimea. Last week, Crimean Tatars and members of the fascist Right Sector are suspected to have blown up several electric pylons, cutting off the supply of power to Crimea. Crimea receives nearly 80 percent of its electricity from Ukraine. The Berlin-sponsored Ukrainian government sees itself as incapable of repairing the power lines. It has imposed - in accordance with the embargo policies of the EU and the USA - its own trade embargo on the peninsula. In the summer 2014, the EU and the USA began imposing economic sanctions on Crimea, which was aggravated by Kiev's embargo of water and blockade of traffic for over a year. Ukraine will squander its remaining sympathy on the peninsula, warn observers. A similar development had been observed in the Georgian secessionist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia since the 2008 Georgian-Russian war. Early this week, the German government applied pressure on Kiev to restore electricity to Crimea, to avoid another escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which Germany considers detrimental. To no avail - the escalation began yesterday.

One of the Toughest Embargos in the World

Even before the current energy blockade, sanctions imposed by the EU, the USA and Ukraine were already seriously affecting Crimea, particularly the economic sanctions, more than those targeting individuals. The import into the EU of goods produced in Crimea has been prohibited since last summer; since December 2014 - investment on the peninsula. For EU-based companies even the purchase of real estate is forbidden. Export of energy products - including oil and natural gas - as well as goods from the transportation and telecommunication sectors are not allowed. Even service for Crimean tourism is no longer permitted to be offered within the EU. The United States has imposed similar sanctions. Last summer, Thomas De Waal, an expert at the USA's Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, assessed that this is "one of the toughest embargos in the world." De Waal has characterized this as the "Siege of Crimea."[1]

Turn off the Water

Since last year, the pro-western Ukraine's embargo has been causing additional severe problems in Crimea; one example being an embargo on water for the peninsula. As a report in "Ukraine-Analysen," published by the University of Bremen has confirmed, before secession, the peninsula had received "up to 85 percent of its water supply from the Ukrainian mainland." In May 2014, Kiev turned off the water supply - with dramatic consequences. Agriculture, in particular, was severely affected, reported "Ukraine-Analysen." For example, cultivation of corn and soya had to be "drastically reduced," and rice had to be abandoned entirely. "Providing drinking water to the major industrial cities" such as Kerch and Feodosia "was a major problem," the report continues. According to official data, "consumption of water has fallen by 20 percent over the past two years."[2]

Cut Off From the Mainland

The numerous blockades of transportation and traffic also have an exceedingly damaging effect. The Ukrainian railroad has ceased service to the peninsula, with no railway access yet to Russia. "Ferry service across the Straits of Kerch" is, for the time being, "the only larger transportation link to the Russian mainland," notes the "Ukraine-Analysen." However, the ferry connection is overburdened and interrupted in bad weather. Moscow seeks to solve the problem with the construction of a railway/automobile bridge across the Straits of Kerch. Construction has begun and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2018 [3] - three long years. Because of the difficult accessibility, the import of food from Russia is insufficient to satisfy the needs of the Crimean population.[4] "Ukraine-Analysen" reports that due to the insufficiency of overland connections, "the air traffic to Crimea has significantly increased." "It has tripled since 2013." Only Russian airliners land in Crimea - under high penalty fines - because Crimea's integration into Russia has not been recognized internationally, Crimean airspace is still attributed to Ukraine.[5]


Experts, like Carnegie Endowment's Thomas De Waal have been warning for quite a while that the tough sanctions regime may, in the long run, backfire against the West and its allies in Kiev. For the time being, Kiev still has access to "resources of loyalty" in the Crimea, De Waal quoted the journalist Andrej Sambros, who reports from Crimea for liberal Russian journals, last July. For example, out of the two million people in Crimea, only 20,000 have renounced their Ukrainian citizenship, suggesting that most people want to keep their options open. However, because of the ongoing sanctions, locals now pin their hopes on Moscow, De Waal reports. The sanctions strategy are reminiscent of the methods applied by Georgia towards their separatist territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. After the August 2008 Georgian-Russian War, Mikheil Saakashvili, then the Georgian president, instituted tough laws on “occupied territories.” In South Ossetia in 2008, the Saakashvili government cut the gas supply to the Georgian-majority town of Akhalgori, in the hopes of provoking anti-Russian upheavals. The contrary was the case. Following several freezing winters, the population complained of "Georgian cruelty." Abkhazia also suffered years of economic misery but now has few connections with Georgia and has undergone a slow integration into the Russian economy. De Waal reported that one Crimean Tatar bitterly complained that "we are losing Crimea because of this policy"[6] referring to the embargo imposed by Kiev and the West.

No Electricity

The most recent escalation is spiraling the process even further. Crimean Tatars have been blocking overland access to Crimea with the help of fascist Right Sector militants, already since the end of September, to prevent deliveries from Ukraine from reaching the peninsula. Kiev has turned a blind eye. Late last week, it is suspected that Crimean Tatars blew up several electric pylons, cutting off the 80 percent of Crimea's Ukrainian electrical supply, as had been done earlier with Crimea's water supply. Ukraine's Minister of Energy declared that the electrical lines would be restored, but this requires access to the destroyed pylons.[7] Crimean Tatars and fascists of the Right Sector are blocking access to the scenes of the attacks. The Berlin-sponsored government in Kiev has no intention of forcing the repairs. Instead, it has ordered a halt also to commerce in merchandise with Crimea. Russia has declared a state of emergency and is rushing to lay a submarine cable through the Straits of Kerch, which however will not be completed before the end of the year. The majority of the population will have to brave the Crimean winter without lights and warmth until then.[8]

Criminal Acts

The German government, which had helped instigate the sanctions strategy through the imposition of EU sanctions, is now watching these developments with apprehension. Martin Schäfer, the spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry, characterized the sabotage of the electrical pylons as a "criminal act." "We are expecting these incidents to be handled as such" and "that the supply of electricity in and to Crimea will be restored," he said at the Federal Press Conference. Berlin would like to get the Ukraine conflict finally under control. The objective is to prevent an EU-endangering resurgence of the civil war, render German business relations with Russia possible again - and, along the way, become Europe's number one regulatory force. ( reported.[9]) However, Kiev - in the process of becoming more radicalized - refuses to heed Berlin's admonitions, balks at re-establishing the supply of electricity. Rather than react to Russia's call to pay its gas bills or have its gas supply cut off, Ukraine has declared it was closing its air space to Russian flights. Escalation spirals further.
The Crimean Tatars, implicated in blowing up the electric pylons, are playing an important role in the escalation strategy against Crimea. will continue with a report on the Crimean Tatars.

For more information on this topic see: Moving West and Steinmeier and the Oligarchs.
[1] Thomas De Waal: The New Siege of Crimea. 09.07.2015.
[2], [3] Julia Kusznir: Russische Wirtschaftsförderung für die Krim - eine Zwischenbilanz. In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 158, 28.10.2015, 2-5.
[4] Katerina Bosko: "Es geht ums Geschäft": Die Krim-Blockade und die Realität der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit der Krim nach eineinhalb Jahren Annexion. In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 158, 28.10.2015, 5-9.
[5] Julia Kusznir: Russische Wirtschaftsförderung für die Krim - eine Zwischenbilanz. In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 158, 28.10.2015, 2-5.
[6] Thomas De Waal: The New Siege of Crimea. 09.07.2015.
[7] Friedrich Schmidt: Halbinsel im Dunkeln, aber unter Strom. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 25.11.2015.
[8] Axel Eichholz: Krim bleibt dunkel. 24.11.2015.
[9] See Kontrollmission in Kiew and Like in the Cold War.

=== 2 ===

Der Originaltext:
Die Belagerung der Krim (II) (Berlin und die Krimtataren – GFP 27.11.2015)
KIEW/MOSKAU/BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) - Die Anführer der Krimtataren, die seit Tagen die Stromversorgung der Krim blockieren, haben gute Kontakte in das deutsche Polit-Establishment. Mustafa Dschemiljew und Refat Tschubarow, die in die Blockadeaktionen involviert sind, haben bereits vor Jahren mit Beamten des Auswärtigen Amts und dem Aussiedlerbeauftragten der Bundesregierung über die engere Anbindung der Krim an den Westen diskutiert. Erst vor zweieinhalb Wochen haben sie mit der EU-Außenbeauftragten Federica Mogherini über die "De-Okkupation der Krim" und über dazu notwendige "friedliche Aktionen, besonders hinsichtlich der Energieversorgung", gesprochen. Die Krimtataren, die zur Zeit aktiv mit faschistischen Organisationen und ultrarechten Bataillonen kooperieren, sind über die Liste von Staatspräsident Petro Poroschenko in das ukrainische Parlament gewählt worden. Laut Einschätzung einer Expertin sind sie für Poroschenko ein "Instrument seiner Außenpolitik". Dschemiljew unterhält zudem gute Kontakte ins US-Establishment. Unter den Krimtataren konkurrieren er und Tschubarow, denen in Berlin eine Art Alleinvertretungsanspruch zugestanden wird, einerseits mit tatarischen Salafisten, von denen einige in Syrien kämpfen, andererseits mit an Russland orientierten tatarischen Organisationen...


The Siege of Crimea (II)

(Own report) - Leaders of the Crimean Tartars, who have been blocking the supply of electricity to Crimea for the past few days, have good contacts to the German political establishment. Years ago, Mustafa Jemilev and Refat Chubarov, who were involved in the sabotage action, had held talks on closer ties between Crimea and the West with officials of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the German government's Representative for ethnic German immigration to Germany. Just two and a half weeks ago, they discussed with the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Federica Mogherini, the "de-occupation of Crimea" and the necessary "peaceful actions, in particular with respect to power supply." The Crimean Tartars, who are currently cooperating with fascist organizations and ultra-rightwing battalions, have been elected to the Ukrainian parliament on the electoral list of President Petro Poroshenko's party. According to an expert, Poroshenko is "instrumentalizing" them for "his foreign policy" objectives. Jemilev also has good contacts to the US political establishment. Among the Crimean Tartars, he and Chubarov, who in Berlin enjoy exclusive recognition, are competing with Tartar Salafists - some of whom are currently fighting on the battlefields of Syria - and with Russia-oriented Tartar organizations.

Blockade with Fascists

Crimean Tartars are primarily responsible for the current blockade imposed on Crimea. ( reported.[1]) Already on September 20, they had begun autonomously to inspect traffic destined for the Crimea from the Ukrainian region of Kherson, to prohibit commodity transports onto the peninsula. They accepted the help of Ukrainians - euphemistically referred to as "activists" in the German media - who often are members of fascist organizations, such as the Right Sector or ultra-rightwing militias, such as the Aidar or the Donbass Battalions. October 13, fascist organizations honored the most prominent Crimean Tartar leader, Mustafa Jemilev with the "People's Hero of Ukraine" Award for his reliable cooperation. Already by the beginning of October, their joint blockade of Crimea had expanded to the first attempts to not only cut off Crimea from commodities, but from electrical power, as well.[2] At the end of last week, several electric pylons were blown up, shutting down the supply of electricity to the peninsula. Crimean Tartars then blocked access to the scenes of the crimes to prevent the damage from being repaired.

Instrument of Foreign Policy

As "Ukraine-Analysen," a publication of the University of Bremen, points out, actions such as the blockade of the Crimea, could not have been carried out without the "quiet acquiescence" of the administration in Kiev. In fact, already a year ago, President Petro Poroshenko - whose dockyard had been nationalized, when the Crimea was integrated into Russia - had "entered cooperation with the Crimean Tartar leaders." In the October 26, 2014, Ukrainian parliamentary elections, Jemilev and Chubarov, the two last chairs of the Mejlis, the executive council of the Crimean Tartars, were elected to parliament on President Poroshenko's party list. September 26 - with the blockade already in full swing - Poroshenko designated Jemilev to head the National Council for Anti-Corruption Policies, a presidential advisory commission. The Crimea blockade "clearly" demonstrates, writes the editor of the "Ukraine-Analysen," that "in the Ukraine, paramilitary organizations are unofficially engaged in penal functions, permitting President Poroshenko to instrumentalize the co-opted Crimean Tartar leaders for his foreign policy objectives."[3]

No Monolithic Entity

However, Jemilev and Chubarov are in no way representing the standpoint of the entire Crimean Tartar minority. Whereas the Mejlis is seen to be pro-western, and even favoring, to a certain extent, circles linked to the Orange Revolution, the Crimean Tartar Milli Firka ("People's Party"), founded in 2006, has been standing in clear opposition to the Mejlis from the very beginning. Whereas the Mejlis 2013 - 2014 supported the Maidan protests and the putsch, Milli Firka had always been clearly opposed - and in March 2014, had appealed for participation in the referendum on Crimea's status and to vote in favor of integration into Russia. The Mejlis called for a boycott of the referendum and declared Russian integration, illegitimate. Reliable information on the proportion of followers Mejlis and Milli Firka have among the peninsula's 250,000 Crimean Tartars is unavailable. It is clear, however, that a monolithic anti-Russian unity, usually suggested by German media of the Crimean Tartar minority, is non-existent. Whereas Moscow has recognized Crimean Tartar as the third official national language - Kiev has consistently refused - official Russian administrations are repressing anti-Russian circles affiliated with the Mejlis. Jemilev and Chubarov, for example, had been banned for several years from Crimea, which is why they live in Ukraine.

Against Russia

Jemilev's close cooperation with the West's foreign policy establishments, where he has made strong pleas against Crimea being integrated into Russia, may have been what caused Russian repression. A good example is Jemilev's trip to Washington in early April 2014, immediately following Crimea's integration into Russia. The Crimean Tartar leader also had an appearance at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he responded to the question of a threat of radicalization on the Crimean peninsula saying that he may "not be able to control younger Tartars and Islamist factions."[4] One of the "Islamist factions" being referred to is the Tartar organization Hizb ut Tahrir, which has sent militia to fight in Syria. When the US press asked if he can imagine "a road back to Ukraine for Crimea," Jemilev ambiguously responded, "everyone talks about the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Where is it?"[5] Among his interventions, also spoke at an informal session of the UN Security Council - boycotted by Russia - and April 4, 2014, held talks with Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the US State Department. He recommended that relations to Crimean Tartars be intensified - for example with scholarships, but also with direct support. The exact nature of Jemilev's plea for "direct support" is unknown.

Partner for EU Rapprochement

Berlin, in particular, maintains close relations to leaders of pro-western Crimean Tartars. The Crimean Tartar's Mejlis, with Refat Chubarov as chair, is a member of the ethnicist organization Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN),[6] sponsored by the federal government, as well as various regional governments in Germany. Another ethnicist organization, the Society for threatened Peoples (SFTP), awarded its "Victor Gollancz Prize" to Mustafa Jemilev in 2005. Erika Steinbach (CDU) - at the time the chair of the German League of Expellees (BdV) - held the laudatory address. The SFTP was one of the organizers of the first "German - Crimean Tartar Dialogue," held in the summer of 2011 in Berlin. Mustafa Jemilev, chair, at the time, and his successor Refat Chubarov were among the Mejlis representatives, who traveled to Berlin for the occasion. Viktor Yanukovych had won the Ukrainian election eighteen months earlier. Berlin was searching for a means for keeping Kiev on its pro-western course. According to one report, the German - Crimean Tartar Dialogue had a double objective: on the one hand, to draw attention to the Crimean Tartars and their living conditions, and, on the other, to "search for partners ..., who, at an international forum ... would discuss the Crimean Tartar issue as an element ... of the rapprochement to the EU structures."[7]

High Level Contacts

In Berlin, numerous officials, including some in senior positions, participated in this debate. The Mejlis delegation held talks not only with parliamentarians of the Bundestag and the chairman of the Green Party, Cem Özdemir, it also met with "activists of half a dozen NGOs," it was reported.[8] The delegation was even received by representatives of the Turkish embassy. Ankara claims to be the "protective power" of Crimean Tartars. The Mejlis delegation also met with Christoph Bergner, at the time, Commissary for Ethnic German Immigrants and National Minorities, who was also responsible for cooperation with the FUEN. The delegation concluded with consultations with representatives of the Foreign Ministry.[9]

The De-Occupation of Crimea

Berlin's seasoned foreign policy contacts, Jemilev and Chubarov, are supportive of the past few days' blockade by the sabotage of electric pylons in Ukraine's Kherson region, and are making sure that electrical power will not be restored. Most recently, they both met with Federica Mogherini, High Representative for the EU's Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. They "discussed sincerely and frankly" with Mogherini about the issues of Crimea's "de-occupation," they subsequently reported. They spoke of the extension of sanctions against Russia, and "peaceful actions, in particular with respect to power supply."[10] At the time of these talks, the Crimean Tartars' autonomous trade blockade was already in full swing, blowing up the power pylons was soon to follow.

[1] See The Siege of Crimea (I).
[2], [3] Katerina Bosko: "Es geht ums Geschäft": Die Krim-Blockade und die Realität der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit der Krim nach eineinhalb Jahren Annexion. In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 158, 28.10.2015, 5-9.
[4] After Annexation: Assessing Crimea's Future With Mustafa Dzhemilev. 02.04.2014.
[5] Matthew Kaminski: A Crimean Tatar Comes to America. The Wall Street Journal 02.04.2014.
[6] See Hintergrundbericht: Die Föderalistische Union Europäischer Volksgruppen.
[7], [8], [9] Mieste Hotopp-Riecke: Der lange Schatten Stalins über den Stiefkindern Eurasiens. 02.08.2011.
[10] Crimean Tatar leaders met with Federica Mogherini. 09.11.2015.

(francais / italiano)


FABIUS, LE DRIAN DÉMISSION ! Assez c’est assez !

D’après la presse belge, en 2014 c’est près de 9,2 millions d’euros qui ont été saisies par le CTIF (l’équivalent belge de Tracfin) dans 34 dossiers liés au financement du terrorisme. De grosses sommes venaient du Qatar et d’autres pétromonarchie avec qui le gouvernement Hollande à la suite du gouvernement Sarkozy n’a eu de cesse de renforcer les alliances. Ce n’est là qu’un secret de polichinelle, pour les spécialistes de la question. Dans le même temps, l’ancien chef du renseignement français Bernard Squarcini déclare dans la presse que Hollande et le gouvernement Valls ont refusé la liste des citoyens français combattant en Syrie dans les rangs islamistes transmises par les services syriens. Faisant passer la déstabilisation impérialiste de la Syrie avant la sécurité des Français. Il est vrai que les impôts des travailleurs français ont servi à armer la « rebellion » en Syrie dont le haut état major américain à reconnu que c’était une des source d’armement de DAECH. Et ce sont bien les mêmes qui plongent la France dans l’Etat d’urgence. Restreignant les libertés des Français pour mieux masquer leur dramatique et écrasante responsabilité.

Assez c’est assez !

par la Commission internationale du PRCF

Le service public audiovisuel devrait être pluraliste. Il ne l’est pas. Que les dirigeants de Radio-France citent un, un seul chroniqueur qui chaque jour s’exprime sur France-Inter ou France-Culture, et qui soit marxiste.

Ce courant philosophique, politique, important en France, est délibérément exclu, censuré, chassé des ondes de la radio publique à l’existence de laquelle pourtant les marxistes contribuent par leurs impôts comme les autres citoyens.

Sans parler de la criminalisation même des communistes, les marxistes en actes, de leur histoire et cela de façon quasi quotidienne sur les ondes. Nous parlons ici des militants franchement communistes, pas des dirigeants du PCF qui votent l’état de siège, insultant ainsi toute l’histoire du mouvement ouvrier.

Mais il est vrai que M. Guetta, le « spécialiste » de la politique extérieure sur France Inter a battu tout de même un record de ridicule et de malhonnêteté intellectuelle ce matin dans sa chronique.

Bernard Guetta ose dire sans que cela suscite un immense éclat de rire de son collègue Patrick Cohen, animateur solférinien de la matinale, « Ce n’est pas Hollande qui a changé de position sur la Syrie, c’est Poutine », ce qui ne peut que faire rire tous les experts en géopolitique… 

Oui, imaginez-vous que Vladimir Poutine, terrorisé pas l’intelligence de Fabius et de sa « fraise des bois » Hollande, a capitulé. Hollande, véritable chef du Monde Libre, a fait reculer le nouveau Tsar….

Mais B. Guetta n’est que la voix de ses maîtres. De ses maîtres Fabius et Le Drian.

En effet ces deux personnages tiennent le même propos, relayés par quelques courageux « experts » tel Bruno Tertrais, auquel personne ne croit, sans doute pas eux-mêmes.

Fabius et Le Drian ont mené la politique étrangère et de défense la plus alignée sur les États-Unis, pire encore, sur les néoconservateurs US, la plus réactionnaire, la plus atlantique, la plus belliciste que la France ait connue sous la Ve République. Et  conséquence de ce qui précède, la plus contraire à l’intérêt national.
Posant comme préalable à toute chose le renversement du président Assad – au non de quoi? -, soutenant militairement, diplomatiquement, médiatiquement les islamistes terroristes en lutte contre le régime laïque d’Assad, vendant des armes aux régimes intégristes du Proche-Orient comme l’ Arabie Saoudite, le Qatar, les Émirats Arabes Unis, ceux qui financent, arment et inspirent idéologiquement la mouvance djihadiste, déstabilisant par la subversion le gouvernement légal d’Ukraine et soutenant les putschistes oligarques et les fascistes Ukrainiens, intervenant au Mali, en Centre-Afrique, en Côte d’Ivoire – en quel honneur? – , faisant de notre armée une légion de l’OTAN, une armée faites pour les ingérences extérieures impérialistes et non la défense nationale, une armée où l’anglais est officiellement devenue la langue de travail vu son assujettissement à l’OTAN (c’est-à-dire aux États-Unis), refusant de vendre des navires Mistral à la Russie mais vendant des Rafales aux coupeurs de têtes intégristes d’Arabie Saoudite ou du Qatar, dont la fréquentation obséquieuse est une honte pour la France.

Mais il ne faut pas oublier qu’en juin 2006 François Hollande, alors premier secrétaire du PS, est allé à l’Ambassade des États-Unis, de même que Sarkozy a pris l’avion pour Washington, afin de faire savoir à Bush que les socialistes désapprouvaient Chirac qui avait refusé de suivre les E-U dans leur guerre en Irak, dénonçant « l’obstruction gratuite de Chirac au Conseil de Sécurité ». Sarkozy, autre semeur de guerre et de chaos en Libye, a eu la même démarche et porte la responsabilité d’avoir réintégré la France dans le commandement militaire intégré de l’OTAN, acte profondément impérialiste et antinational.

Avec un tel bilan et les résultats que nous connaissons, quel ministre pourrait garder sa charge après un tel fiasco qui a semé le chaos au Proche-Orient et qui a rabattu le terrorisme aveugle sur notre territoire alors qu’à l’époque de De Villepin notre pays était épargné? Plus va-t’en-guerre qu’Obama, Fabius et Le Drian voulaient bombarder Damas. Aujourd’hui ils font un virage à 180 degré acceptant ce qu’ils refusaient hier et rampent devant la Russie pour frapper l’Organisation État Islamique (OEI).
Mais en continuant à fermer les yeux lorsque l’Arabie Saoudite et Al Quaïda en péninsule arabique massacrent les Yéménites chiites. 

Mais en continuant à fermer les yeux lorsque Erdogan massacre les Kurdes du PKK, que la France et l’UE continuent de considérer comme « terroriste » alors qu’ils luttent contre l’OEI qui est l’ennemi principal de la France: cherchez la logique.

Mais en continuant à prétendre avec l’UE que le Hezbollah libanais est « terroriste » quand ce dernier lutte côte à côte avec l’armée syrienne d’Assad contre l’OEI.

Mais en ayant tenté jusqu’au bout de saboter la normalisation des rapports avec l’Iran, s’alignant sur les positions fascisantes de Netanyahou.

En conséquence et en conscience il est urgent pour tous les républicains conséquents et les patriotes épris de paix d’exiger la démission des ces deux ministres qui font honte à la France et nuisent aux Françaises et aux Français.

Il giorno 05 set 2015, alle ore 10:51, 'Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia' ha scritto su JUGOINFO:

(francais / italiano)


L'ex Ministro degli Esteri francese Laurent Fabius è stato denunciato da un gruppo di 14 cittadini siriani per le sue responsabilità nell'attizzare la guerra civile in Siria e, di conseguenza, per avere causato l'esodo di massa dei loro connazionali. In prima istanza il Tribunale ha riconosciuto le ragioni di merito ma ha ritenuto non siano perseguibili penalmente; lunedì 7 settembre p.v. si tiene l'udienza di appello, dove i denuncianti sosterranno che il sostegno al terrorismo prestato da Fabius va punito per il grave danno procurato non solo ai siriani ma agli stessi francesi...

From: EditionsDémocrite 
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 7:07 PM



Communiqué de Presse                         Diffusion immédiate


Procès en appel des civils syriens contre Fabius

Attiser la guerre civile, la politique de la France ?


De même que les récentes déclarations de François Hollande, les propos tenus par Laurent Fabius depuis sa prise de fonction au ministère des affaires étrangères ont eu pour effet, sur le terrain en Syrie, de relancer l’agression dont les civils de toutes religions et confessions sont les premières victimes.


Quatorze civils syriens demandent à l’ État français la réparation du dommage dont elles souffrent à cause des fautes graves commises par l’agent Fabius à l’occasion de l’exercice de ses fonctions.


Le Tribunal Administratif de Paris, le 19 décembre 2014, tout en reconnaissant que les déclarations et les prises de position du ministre ont « attisé la guerre civile en Syrie et encouragé la lutte armée contre le pouvoir en place », a pu néanmoins rejeter les requêtes au motif que ces déclarations et prises de position « se rattachent à la conduite de la politique extérieure de la France ».


La question qui se pose en appel est de savoir si l’on peut rejeter sur l’ État la responsabilité d’agissements qui consistent à soutenir le terrorisme, si l’on peut imputer à la France pareille politique, alors que la population française en est aussi bien la victime.



Audience publique

Lundi 7 Septembre 2015 à 10h00

Cour administrative d’appel de Paris

68 rue François Miron - Paris IVème


Ferney, 26 août 2015



RAPPEL des déclarations du ministre

29 mai 2012, la France interviendra contre le régime syrien.

17 août 2012, Bachar El Assad ne méritait pas d’être sur terre.

14 décembre 2012, le front Al-Nosra fait du bon boulot.

13 mars 2013, France et Grande Bretagne vont livrer des armes aux rebelles.

22 août 2013, appel à réaction de force, sous prétexte du coup monté de l’attaque chimique.

(italiano / english)

Ahmad Barqawi: Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight / Libia, ISIS e il lusso del senno del poi

--- original ---

MARCH 9, 2015

Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight


Who are you?” the late Muammar Gaddafi once rhetorically asked in a famous speech of his towards the end of his reign; (rightly) questioning the legitimacy of those seeking to over-throw his government at the time, calling them extremists, foreign agents, rats and drug-addicts. He was laughed at, unfairly caricatured, ridiculed and incessantly demonized; a distasteful parody video poking fun at the late Libyan leader even went viral on social media; evidently the maker of the video, an Israeli, thought the Libyan colloquial Arabic word “Zenga” (which means an Alleyway) sounded funny enough that he extracted it from one of Gaddafi’s speeches, looped it on top of a hip-hop backing track and voila… he got himself a hit video which was widely (and shamefully) circulated with a “revolutionary” zeal in the Arab world. We shared, we laughed, he died.

But the bloody joke is on all of us; Gaddafi knew what he was talking about; right from the get-go, he accused the so-called Libyan rebels of being influenced by Al-Qaeda ideology and Ben Laden’s school of thought; no one had taken his word for it of course, not even a little bit. I mean why should we have? After all, wasn’t he a vile, sex-centric dictator hell-bent on massacring half of the Libyan population while subjecting the other half to manic raping sprees with the aid of his trusted army of Viagra-gobbling, sub-Saharan mercenaries? At least that’s what we got from the visual cancer that is Al Jazeera channel and its even more acrid Saudi counterpart Al-Arabiya in their heavily skewed coverage of NATO’s vicious conquest of Libya. Plus Gaddafi did dress funny; why would anyone trust a haggard, weird-looking despot dressed in colorful rags when you have well-groomed Zionists like Bernard Henry Levy, John McCain and Hillary Clinton at your side, smiling and flashing the victory sign in group photo-ops, right?

Gaddafi called them drug-addicted, Islamic fundamentalists; we know them as ISIS… it doesn’t seem much of a joke now, does it? And ISIS is what had been in store for us all along; the “revolutionary” lynching and sodomization of Muammar Gaddafi amid manic chants of “Allahu Akbar”, lauded by many at the time as some sort of a warped triumph of the good of popular will (read: NATO-sponsored mob rule) over the evil of dictatorship (sovereign state), was nothing but a gory precursor for the future of the country and the region; mass lynching of entire populations in Libya, Syria and Iraq and the breakup of key Arab states into feuding mini-statelets. The gruesome video of Colonel Gaddafi’s murder, which puts to shame the majority of ISIS videos in terms of unhinged brutality and gore, did not invoke the merest of condemnations back then, on the contrary; everyone seemed perfectly fine with the grotesque end of the Libyan “tyrant”… except that it was only the beginning of a new and unprecedented reign of terror courtesy of NATO’s foot-soldiers and GCC-backed Islamic insurgents.

The rapid proliferation of trigger-happy terrorist groups and Jihadi factions drenched in petrodollars in Libya was not some sort of an intelligence failure on the part of western governments or a mere by-product of the power vacuum left by a slain Gaddafi; it was a deliberate, calculated policy sought after and implemented by NATO and its allies in the Gulf under the cringe-inducing moniker “Friends of Libya” (currently known as the International Coalition against ISIS) to turn the north-African country into the world’s largest ungovernable dumpster of weapons, al-Qaida militants and illegal oil trading.

So it is safe to say that UNSC resolution 1973, which practically gave free rein for NATO to bomb Libya into smithereens, has finally borne fruit… and it’s rotten to its nucleus, you can call the latest gruesome murder of 21 Egyptian fishermen and workers by the Libyan branch of the Islamic State exhibit “A”, not to mention of course the myriad of daily killings, bombings and mini-civil wars that are now dotting the entire country which, ever since the West engineered its coup-d’etat against the Gaddafi government, have become synonymous with the bleak landscape of lawlessness and death that is “Libya” today. And the gift of NATO liberation is sure to keep on giving for years of instability and chaos to come.

In an interview with the western media misinformation collective that is the BBC, ABC and the Sunday Times in February 2011; the late Muammar Gaddafi told his condescending interviewers; “have you seen the Al Qaeda operatives? Have you heard all these Jihadi broadcasts? It is Al Qaeda that is controlling the cities of Al Baida and Darnah, former Guantanamo inmates and extremists unleashed by America to terrorize the Libyan people…”. Darnah is now the main stronghold for ISIS in Libya.

In a bizarre coincidence (or some sort of cosmic irony); the date on which ISIS chose to release its video of the beheading of Egyptian captives, thereby officially declaring its presence in the war-torn country with three oil fields under its control, (appropriately) marked the 4th anniversary of the start of the so-called Libyan revolution on February 15th, 2011; a more apt “tribute” to commemorate the Western instigated regime-change debacle in Libya could not have been made.

But even long before ISIS became the buzzword, the acrid nature of a “revolutionary” Libya showed in full, sickening splendor almost instantly right after the old regime fell, everything the late Gaddafi was falsely accused of doing was literally perfected to a chilling degree by the so-called rebels; massacres, indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, car-bombings, mass arrests, torture, theft of oil and national resources… the whole lot. In 2013; two British pro-Palestine activists, on their way to Gaza with an aid convoy, got to experience first-hand the rotten fruits of the Libyan chapter of the so-called Arab Spring when they were abducted by a motely crew of Libyan revolutionaries-turned-warlords in the city of Benghazi and gang raped in front of their father.

Proponents of Humanitarian Interventions must be patting themselves on the back these days; now that Libya has completed its democratic makeover from a country with the highest standard of living in Africa under Gaddafi’s rule into a textbook definition of a failed state; a godless wasteland of religious fanaticism, internal bloodletting and wholesale head-chopping, in fact Libya became so “democratic” that there are now two parliaments and two (warring) governments; each with its own (criminal) army and supported with money and caches of weapons from competing foreign powers, not to mention the myriad of secessionist movements and militias which the illegal coup against Gaddafi has spawned all over the country while free health care, education and electricity, which the Libyans took for granted under Gaddafi’s regime, are all now but relics of the past; that’s the “Odyssey Dawn” the Libyans were promised; a sanitized version of Iraq sans the public outrage, neatly re-packaged in a “responsibility to protect” caveat and delivered via aerial bombing campaigns where even the West’s overzealous Gulf Co-conspirators Club (GCC), driven by nothing beyond petty personal vendettas against Gaddafi, got to test the lethality of its rusted, American-made military aircrafts alongside NATO on the people of Tripoli and Sirte.

This is what Gaddafi had predicted right from the get-go and then some; the ephemeral euphoria of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions was just too potent and too exhilarating for us to read the fine print; was it a conspiracy or a true revolutionary spirit gone awry? It doesn’t really matter now that ISIS has become the true legacy of Tahrir Square; “they will turn Libya into another Afghanistan, another Somalia, another Iraq… your women won’t be allowed out, they will transform Libya into an Islamic Emirate and America will bomb the country under the pretext of fighting terrorism”, the late Libyan leader had said in a televised speech on February 22nd, 2011, and more prophetic words were never spoken.

America’s “clean war” Libyan prototype proved to be such a success that it was replicated with a wanton abandon in Syria; Paul Bremer’s “Blackwater” death squads of old, which reigned terror all over Iraq, are back… with an Islamic twist; bearded, clad in black and explosives from head to toe and mounting convoys of Toyota Land Cruiser trucks with an ever-expanding, seemingly borderless Islamic Caliphate (that somehow leaves the Zionist regime unencumbered in its occupation of Palestine) set in their sights.

Everyday the Arab World is awakened to a new-videotaped atrocity; steeped in gore and maniacal terror courtesy of ISIS (or IS or ISIL), and countless of other “youtubeless”, albeit more heinous crimes courtesy of America’s very own ever-grinding, one-sided drone warfare; the entire region seesaws between machete beheadings and hellfire missile incinerations. Death from above… as well as below; the War on Terror rears its ugly head once again; to bring in line those nasty terrorists that the West itself funded and sponsored in the name of democracy to destabilize “unsavory” regimes; an unrelenting Groundhog Day that starts with the Responsibility to Protect and ends with the War on Terror, with thousands of innocent lives, typically chalked up to collateral damage, crushed in the process.

This is exactly what Gaddafi foresaw; a Libya mired in utter chaos, civil conflict and western diktats; a breeding ground for Jihadi fundamentalism and extremists… too bad we just laughed his warnings off to an Israeli-made parody tune.

Ahmad Barqawi, freelance columnist and writer.

--- in italiano ---

Le profezie di Muammar Gheddafi su Libia, sulla instabilità totale, i diktat dell’occidente, sui fondamentalisti islamici, sull’ISIS

Ahmad Barqawi

La previsione di Gheddafi: Libia, ISIS e il lusso del senno del poi

“Chi sei?” chiese una volta Gheddafi retoricamente in un famoso discorso verso la fine del suo governo; biasimando la legittimità di rovesciare il suo governo, puntando il dito verso estremisti, agenti stranieri, topi di fogna di ogni genere e tossicodipendenti.

Fu preso in giro, ridicolizzato, fatto oggetto di caricature offensive ed incessantemente demonizzato con un martellante video trasmesso su tutti i media; chiaramente, l’autore del video, un israeliano, ritiene che il termine arabo colloquiale “Zenga” (che significa passaggio, viuzza) suonasse abbastanza divertente che lo estrapolò da uno dei discorsi di Gheddafi, lo trasformò in una base hip hop e voilà… ecco un video tormentone che è circolato in maniera vergognosa nel mondo arabo. Noi lo abbiamo condiviso, noi abbiamo riso. Gheddafi invece è morto.

Ma il sanguinoso scherzo è ricaduto su noi tutti: Gheddafi sapeva di cosa stava parlando; lui accusava i cosiddetti ribelli libici di essere influenzati dall’ideologia di Al Qaida e dalla scuola di pensiero di Bin Laden; nessuno ha voluto tener in considerazione le parole.

Perché avremmo dovuto farlo? In fondo era solo un “vile, erotomane, ostinato dittatore che ha massacrato metà della popolazione libica”, mentre l’altra metà è stata sottomessa dalla sua violenza orgiastica con l’aiuto del suo fidato esercito di mercenari ingozzati di Viagra. Questo ci è stato detto da quel cancro dell’informazione che è il canale Al Jazeera, assieme al suo concorrente Al Arabiya quando hanno raccontato in maniera totalmente distorta la feroce invasione della NATO ai danni della Libia.

Per giunta vestiva in maniera buffa; perché credere a un macilento, dall’aspetto bizzarro dittatore vestito con stracci colorati, quando si possono avere dei sionisti eleganti e ben pettinati come Bernard Henry Levy, John McCain e Hilary Clinton dalla tua parte, sorridenti, che esibiscono la vittoria in foto di gruppo?

Gheddafi li definì tossicodipendenti, Fondamentalisti islamici; noi li conosciamo come ISIS…adesso non è più uno scherzo vero? L’Isis era il nostro asso nella manica; il “rivoluzionario” linciaggio e la “rivoluzionaria” sodomizzazione di Muammar Gheddafi tra canti maniacali di “Allah au Akbar”, lodati da molti come il trionfo della volontà popolare (leggasi masse pilotate da agenti della NATO) contro la malvagia dittatura (stato sovrano), altro no era che il preludio di ciò che sarebbe avvenuto nella regione; persecuzioni di massa in Libia, Siria, Iraq e la frantumazione degli stati arabi in tanti micro staterelli.

Il raccapricciante video dell’assassinio del Colonnello Gheddafi, che mostra, come nella maggior parte dei video dell’ISIS, la brutalità e la violenza delle loro azioni, non ha suscitato la benché minima condanna, al contrario, tutti sembravano contenti per fine fatta fare al tiranno… questo era solo l’inizio del regno di terrore avvallato dai soldati della NATO e dai “ribelli” islamici.

La proliferazione di terroristi dal grilletto facile e della fazioni della Jihad inzuppati nei petrodollari in Libia, non sono frutto di un’ operazione di intelligence mal riuscita dalle potenze imperialiste, o un sotto prodotto del vuoto di potere del dopo Gheddafi; è una deliberata, studiata, calcolata strategia voluta dalla NATO e dai suoi alleati del Golfo che appartengono alla sigla tremenda “Amici della Libia” (ora conosciuta come coalizione internazionale contro l’ISIS) per trasformare lo stato nord Africano nel più grande e ingovernabile pattumiera di armi, militanti di Al Qaida e commercio illegale di petrolio.

Così possiamo affermare con certezza che la risoluzione 1973 del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite che dava il via libera alla NATO di distruggere in 1000 pezzi la Libia ha dato finalmente i suoi frutti… marci fino al seme, come dimostra l’assassinio di 21 fra operai e pescatori egiziani compiuto dal ramo libico dello Stato Islamico; per non parlare della miriade di assassini compiuti ogni giorno, bombardamenti e micro guerre civili che interessano tutto il paese, che da quando l’occidente ha architettato il colpo di stato contro il governo di Gheddafi, è diventato sinonimo di mortale landa desolata senza legge quale è la Libia oggigiorno. Il regalo della NATO rimarrà in dote per anni con instabilità e caos.

In un’intervista con il principale canale di disinformazione occidentale quale è la BBC, ABC e il Sunday Times nel Febbraio 2011, Gheddafi chiese ai suoi altezzosi intervistatori: “Avete mai visto gli agenti di Al Qaida? Avete mai ascoltato le loro trasmissioni? E’ Al Qaida che ha preso il controllo delle città di Al Baida e di Darnah, ex detenuti di Guantanamo ed estremisti liberati dagli americani per terrorizzare il popolo libico…” Darnah oggi è una delle principali roccaforti dell’ISIS.

In una bizzarra coincidenza (una specie di cosmica ironia); la data in cui l’ISIS scelse di mostrare il video della decapitazione degli ostaggi egiziani, che diede l’ufficialità della loro presenza nel paese lacerato dalla guerra con tre giacimenti di petrolio sotto il loro controllo, fu fatto (non a caso) nel quarto anniversario dell’inizio della cosiddetta rivoluzione libica del 15 febbraio 2011; non poteva esserci miglior tributo al golpe sponsorizzato dall’occidente.

Molto prima che ISIS divenisse un termine di moda, la vera natura della “rivoluzione” libica fu mostrata subito dopo la caduta del vecchio regime, tutto ciò di cui fu falsamente accusato Gheddafi, fu fatto in maniera ancor più perfezionata dai cosiddetti ribelli; massacri, bombardamenti indiscriminati di zone residenziali, autobombe, arresti di massa, torture, furto di olio e di risorse nazionali… Nel 2013 due attiviste filo palestinesi britanniche, nel loro viaggio verso Gaza con un convoglio di aiuti, videro in prima persona i frutti marci del capitolo libico della cosiddetta Primavera Araba quando furono rapiti dagli scagnozzi dei signori della guerra libici nella città di Bengasi e stuprate a turno di fronte al loro padre.

I fautori degli interventi umanitari devono tirarsi una pacca sulla schiena in questi giorni; ora che la Libia ha completato il suo look democratico da un paese con il più alto standard di vita in Africa sotto il governo di Gheddafi in una definizione da manuale di uno stato fallito; un deserto senza Dio fatto di fanatismo religioso, salasso interno e il commercio all'ingrosso di ceppi per la decapitazione, infatti, la Libia divenne così "democratica" che ci sono ora due parlamenti e due governi (in guerra fra loro); ognuno col suo esercito di criminali supportato con i soldi di potenze straniere, per non parlare poi della miriade di movimenti secessionisti e milizie che l’illegale colpo di stato contro Gheddafi ha sparso per tutto il Paese, mentre la sanità gratuita, istruzione ed elettricità garantite che i Libici davano per scontati col regime di Gheddafi, sono ora relitti del passato; questa è l’Alba dell’Odissea che fu promessa ai Libici; una versione sterilizzata di quanto già avvenne in IRAQ, senza l’indignazione dell’opinione pubblica, ben ri-confezionato con la scusa di “proteggere” l’opposizione, consegnata via aerea con bombe, appoggiata persino dagli zelanti alleati del Club degli alleati del Golfo, che mossi da nient’altro che piccoli rimorsi personali contro Gheddafi, hanno avuto la possibilità di testare la letalità delle loro armi arrugginite fabbricate in America a fianco della NATO e delle popolazioni di Sirte e Tripoli.

Tutto questo era stato previsto da Gheddafi; l’euforia effimera per le rivoluzioni Egiziane e Tunisine erano troppo potenti o troppo esilaranti per leggerne il vero significato; fu cospirazione o una rivoluzione autentica poi strumentalizzata e deviata? Ora è davvero un problema visto che l’ISIS è divenuto l’eredità di piazza Tahir; “trasformeranno la Libia in un Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq…le vostre donne non potranno più uscire di casa, trasformeranno la Libia in un emirato islamico e l’America bombarderà il paese con la scusa di combattere il terrorismo”, questo fu detto da Gheddafi il 22 Febbraio 2011, e non ci fu discorso più profetico di questo.

Il prototipo libico della “guerra pulita” americana è stato riproposto in Siria; le squadre della morte di Paul Bremer che sparsero il terrore in Iraq sono tornate con un gemello islamico; barbuti, vestiti di nero, armati di esplosivo dalla testa ai piedi e trasportati dai convogli di camioncini Toyota lungo uno sconfinato, sempre in espansione califfato islamico (che non ha nemmeno sfiorato il regime sionista occupante della Palestina) è sotto loro vigilanza.

Ogni giorno il mondo arabo si sveglia con un video shockante riguardante le atrocità, immerso nelle violente atrocità dei terroristi dell’ISIS e altri numerosi video, sebbene altri crimini altrettanto feroci vengano commessi dagli americani con i loro droni; tutta la regione assiste a decapitazioni e bombardamenti coi missili sparati dai droni. La morte sovrasta ogni cosa ora più che mai. La guerra al terrore tira su la testa ancora una volta per riportare nei ranghi gli stessi terroristi che l’occidente ha addestrato nel nome della democrazia per destabilizzare governi sgraditi; un inesorabile Giornata della Marmotta (festa statunitense che osservando il comportamento di una marmotta, cerca di profetizzare la fine o meno dell’inverno, NdT) che comincia con il “dovere di proteggere” e finisce con la “guerra al terrore”, con migliaia di morti innocenti, imputati ai danni/errori collaterali.

Questo profetizzò Gheddafi, una Libia impantanata in un caos totale, guerra civile e diktat occidentali, un vivaio di jihadisti ed estremisti... troppo brutto per riderci su con una canzonetta hip pop fatta da un israeliano che ne banalizzava il contenuto.


Da counterpunch   marzo 2015

Traduzione di Pacifico S. per


Una nuova perla scovata dal blog La tana dell’Orso: la PBS ha dato la notizia di bombardamenti delle infrastrutture petrolifere di Daesh da parte della coalizione a guida americana. Peccato che i filmati con cui hanno documentato la notizia fossero dell’aviazione russa.


oppure su


A parte la Nona di Beethoven – tributo obbligatorio al cretinismo europeista – non sarà il caso di ampliare il repertorio??

Il Teatro lirico di Trieste in concerto a Sarajevo per i vent’anni dalla pace di Dayton

(Bosnia - 25.11.2015) In occasione del ventesimo anniversario dell'accordo di Dayton sulla pace in Bosnia, nell'ambito del “Mese della cultura italiana” giunto alla terza edizione, il Teatro lirico "G.Verdi" di Trieste ha tenuto a Sarajevo un concerto dal titolo “Note di pace”, in formazione congiunta con la Filarmonica ed il Teatro Nazionale di Sarajevo. Sotto la direzione del Maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti, l’ensamble ha eseguito la Nona sinfonia di Beethoven. “Attraverso la musica - ha detto a Sarajevo la direttrice del Teatro nazionale Marijela Margeta - cerchiamo di lanciare un messaggio di comunione e aspirazioni condivise di tutta la civiltà, pensieri e parole positivi per tutta l'umanità”. I due cori, ha ricordato il direttore del Teatro lirico Antonio Tasca, si sono già esibiti insieme a Trieste, sempre nella Nona di Beethoven, in occasione del Natale 2014. A proposito della collaborazione fra i due teatri, Tasca ha anche ricordato il grande successo della direttrice della Filarmonica di Sarajevo, Samra Gulamovic, che lo scorso ottobre ha diretto in due concerti l'Orchestra sinfonica di Trieste. La collaborazione culturale tra i due Paesi - ha annunciato l'ambasciatore d'Italia Ruggero Corrias - prevede nuovi progetti e nuovi finanziamenti, grazie alla recente entrata in vigore di un accordo bilaterale di amicizia e collaborazione culturale firmato 11 anni fa.

Germans Preparing For War

1) Media Cold War (GFP 2015/11/04)
Federica Mogherini to prepare an "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" to counter Moscow
2) Permanent Civil War (GFP 2015/11/13)
Techniques of anti-Soviet propaganda, developed by Nazi officers, could serve today as a model for western anti-Russia psychological warfare operations
3) War, a Mission of Generations (GFP 2015/11/17)
Leading German media have begun speaking loudly of a new world war

=== 1 ===

Media Cold War
(Own report) - With a special "team" the EU is seeking to create a pro-western media audience in the East European countries and the Caucasus - including Russia - as was confirmed by the German government in its response to a parliamentary interpellation. The EU's "East StratCom Team" seeks to establish networks with journalists in the countries of the EU's "Eastern Partnerships," and in Russia. It is also developing "communication campaigns" systematically aimed at the populations of these countries. "Young people" and academics are among the specially targeted audiences. Overall, the EU team is focusing on the urban middle classes, which, in large sectors of Eastern Europe are pro-western oriented and had significantly supported Ukraine's Maidan protests. Asked about the orientation of these activities, officially labeled as "support for media freedom," the German government has explained that the purpose is to "communicate" one's own position to the public, like the PR-work of governments, parties, and associations. The government has also confirmed that the EU team will examine the East European activities of Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster, for possible "synergy effects."
Strategic Communication
The "EU team" for "strategic communication directed toward the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia" (EU's "East StratCom Team") was launched on the initiative of the EU foreign ministers (January 29, 2015), the German government has confirmed in its response to a parliamentary interpellation by the Left Party in the German Bundestag. On March 19, the European Council had officially commissioned EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, to prepare an "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" to counter Moscow. In early April, the European External Action Service (EEAS), led by Mogherini, began to establish the team and elaborate an "Action Plan," which was presented by Mogherini on June 22. The document describes the work of the team, which was officially launched on September 1. It is formally integrated in EEAS' "Strategic Communication Division" and has about ten functionaries, who had previously worked in other EU institutions or for EU member states. The German government is emphasizing its "working contacts to all members" of the EU's "East StratCom Team."[1]
Classical PR
As described in the "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" the EU's "East StratCom Team" will not only be activated in relationship to the EU's "Eastern partners" [2] but also "beyond," which, according to the German government, is referring to Russia. The "Action Plan" calls for the team to draw up dossiers on themes in which the EU is being unfavorably depicted from the outside, or in which Brussels is victim of "disinformation campaigns."[3] The German government has confirmed that this is aimed at "transmitting to the public" the substantial position of the EU, "like the public relations of governments, parties, associations etc."[4] - therefore, classical PR. The EU's "East StratCom Team" will place their PR products at the disposal of the EU's political leadership, press services, EU delegations, and EU Member States, according to the "Action Plan." This means that Brussels will be given a strictly coordinated public image.
Communication Campaigns
In addition, the EU's "East StratCom Team" is to develop "communication campaigns," targeting "key audiences" focused on specific issues deemed "of relevance" to those audiences, including "local issues." The German government specifies "the local population" as an important targeted audience. The EU's "Action Plan" specifies other targeted audiences: "young people," "members of academia" (including scholarship holders of the "Erasmus plus" program) and "civil society." Therefore, the focus is on urban middleclass milieus, who, in large parts of Eastern Europe, nourish hopes of advancing through cooperation with the West. Ukraine's urban middleclass was the backbone of the Maidan protests.[5]
Media Networks
Furthermore, the EU's "East StratCom Team" is to establish networks with disseminators in Eastern Europe, to "maximize the impact and effectiveness of its communications activities."[6] "Journalists and media representatives" are named as central components of these networks, whose objective, according to the "Action Plan," is "to better communicate EU policy." Journalists from the region will receive targeted training "to better enable them to report on issues of relevance to local populations." In addition, they will become part of a network of journalists from other East European countries. The "Action Plan" includes "maintaining contacts also to civil society actors." The EU delegations in the targeted countries should support the coordination of these efforts. These networks are explicitly aimed at carrying out political activities. They are intended to "act as advocates for local reform efforts," according to the "Action Plan." Financial support, as the German government explains, will not come from the EU team, but rather be provided "by various financial instruments of the European Commission as well as by EU member states."
Cooperation with NATO
NATO is also one of the EU's "East StratCom team's" cooperation partners. The German government admits that the Task Force is working with the Center of Excellence for Strategic Communication (CoE StratCom) headquartered in Latvia's capital, Riga. Though "until now, there has been no official cooperation," explains Markus Ederer, State Secretary in the German Foreign Ministry, "however, contact is maintained for technical purposes and for an exchange of information." The EU's "East StratCom team" sends "weekly reports on Russian information activities to the CoE StratCom."[7]
More Important than Tanks
According to the German government, the EU's "East StratCom Team" is exploring possibilities of cooperation with the state-financed Deutsche Welle. The team has already "developed a panorama" of the Deutsche Welle's activities in Eastern Europe - with the intention of "identifying possible synergic effects and thereby contributing to more coherence," explained State Secretary, Ederer. The Deutsche Welle, has appreciably expanded its activities in the Baltic countries - targeting the Russian-speaking minorities with their broadcasts. These minorities are massively discriminated against, particularly in Estonia and Latvia. Because of their close personal ties to Russia, they are suspected of potential disloyalty. ( reported.[8]) In May, for example, the Deutsche Welle entered a cooperation agreement with Estonia's ERR public radio station, in which the Deutsche Welle would provide its Russian-language broadcasts and advanced training to ERR journalists. September 28, together with ETV+, ERR launched Estonia's first Russian-language television channel. It is reported that, in its efforts to counter the influence of Russian Media on Estonia's Russian-speaking minorities, ETV+ is not only benefiting from the support of the Deutsche Welle, but also that of NATO. According to a report broadcast by the German public ARD TV channel, NATO is financing the technical furnishings of its regional studios. There is a good reason for ERR's Assistant Director, Ainar Ruussaar, declaring that "today, journalism can be more important than a tank."[9]

Please find excerpts from the "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" here.
[1] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Alexander Neu, Andrej Hunko, Wolfgang Gehrcke, Inge Höger, Niema Movassat u.a. und der Fraktion Die Linke. Berlin, 22.10.2015.
[2] Die "Östliche Partnerschaft" der EU umfasst Belarus, die Ukraine, Moldawien, Georgien, Armenien und Aserbaidschan.
[3] Action Plan on Strategic Communication. Ref. Ares(2015)2608242 - 22/06/2015. Excerpts can be found here.
[4] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Alexander Neu, Andrej Hunko, Wolfgang Gehrcke, Inge Höger, Niema Movassat u.a. und der Fraktion Die Linke. Berlin, 22.10.2015.
[5] See Umsturz per Krise.
[6] Action Plan on Strategic Communication. Ref. Ares(2015)2608242 - 22/06/2015.
[7] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Alexander Neu, Andrej Hunko, Wolfgang Gehrcke, Inge Höger, Niema Movassat u.a. und der Fraktion Die Linke. Berlin, 22.10.2015.
[8] See Strategische Kommunikation.
[9] "Wichtiger als Panzer". 26.10.2015.

=== 2 ===

Permanent Civil War
(Own report) - Techniques of anti-Soviet propaganda that had been developed by Nazi officers, could serve today as a model for western anti-Russia psychological warfare operations, according to a semi-official publication from the entourage of the Bundeswehr. The current conflict between Russia and NATO has a "highly pronounced ideological dimension," analogue to the Cold War, explains the author Uwe Hartmann, a colonel in the German armed forces. According to Hartmann, the Russian side is using the "freedoms of Western open societies" to "influence" public opinion with the aim of "relativizing the value of rights and freedoms," "sowing discord" and "insecurity within the population." To counter this strategy, attributed to Russia, Hartmann recommends reversion to the methods of the so-called 'internal leadership' concept elaborated by Wolf Graf von Baudissin, who had been on Hitler's General Staff. This concept calls for preparing the armed forces as well as the society at large for a "permanent civil war" and for the leadership elite to convince Germans of the "worthiness of defending their country," while immunizing them against all "ideological temptations" and "propaganda attacks."
In a recent publication, Uwe Hartmann, a colonel of the German Bundeswehr, declared that Russia is applying a "hybrid" strategy in its conflict with the West. Analogue to the Soviet Union's approach during the Cold War, the direct use of military force does not play the decisive role. "Smashing enemy forces" has lower priority than the "destabilization of state structures and social institutions" and "weakening national coherence" in the NATO countries. This, in turn, shows clear parallels to activities, for example, of the Afghan insurgents, according to Hartmann. Whereas, in Afghanistan, the western occupation forces were trying to protect the "development of state and society," its enemy's "hybrid warfare" was aimed at "eroding statehood through the destabilization of the political, social, and economic situation" and "delegitimizing the government and elites."[1]
Western Values
Subsequently, the world is in a sort of "permanent civil war," according to Hartmann. Because of its strained relationship to Ukraine, "Russia, from a German point of view, poses a greater threat to the peaceful European order than the hybrid wars in the Middle East and other regions." This conflict's "highly pronounced ideological dimension" is a crucial point. "Russia considers the continued spread of Western values to be a threat to its vital interests." As in the Cold War, Russia is therefore using the "freedoms of Western open societies" to "influence" the populations living in NATO countries. Russian "propaganda," according to Hartmann, "aims primarily" at "globally relativizing the value of rights and freedoms, sowing discord among partnerships and alliances, as well as fomenting divisions within societies and insecurity among their citizens."[2]
Baudissin as a Model
To counter this alleged Russian ideological aggression against the West, Hartmann recommends resorting to the theoretical works of the German military officer Wolf Stefan Traugott Graf von Baudissin,[3] who, in World War II, had served on the General Staff of the Nazi Wehrmacht's "Africa Corps" under General Erwin Rommel. In 1951, he joined the staff of the "Administration Blank" - the predecessor to West Germany's Ministry of Defense, charged with the illegal re-establishment of the armed forces. He helped formulate the so-called Himmeroder Memorandum, in which former Nazi Wehrmacht generals laid down the conditions for their participation in the re-militarization of West Germany. The demands raised by the memorandum included the "liberation of Germans convicted of 'war crimes,'" the "termination of any form of defamation of German soldiers (including the Waffen-SS deployed, at the time, in the framework of the Wehrmacht)" and the introduction of the necessary "measures to transform both domestic and foreign public opinion."[4] Baudissin developed the Bundeswehr's concept of "internal leadership," aimed at preparing Bundeswehr troops for a "permanent civil war" against the Soviet Union - a concept, Hartmann now seeks to literally apply to the current political situation.[5]
Internal Leadership
As Hartmann explains, Baudissin had always placed "psychological warfare at the focal point of his concept of warfare." From the outset, the focus of "Internal leadership" was always the individual. "He must be protected and prepared, because the most used weapons of the Cold War ... were not those aimed at physical elimination, but rather those aimed at his 'spiritual exhaustion'." This is not unlike today's conflict with Russia, declares Hartmann. "Internal leadership helps soldiers avoid being 'intrinsically misled' ... by protecting them from the enemy's ideological propaganda. It is essential before, during, and following crises, conflicts, and wars."[6]
Enemy Narrative
Based on this assessment, Hartmann draws conclusions for how "strategic communication" aimed at German society and the Bundeswehr should be designed. On the one hand, "resistance to propaganda-induced insecurity and ideological temptations" must be strengthened and, on the other, readiness "to provide moral support to those using military or other forms of defense against these hybrid threats" must be enhanced, the officer declares. According to Hartmann, all measures capable of "exposing the enemy propaganda narratives" are of fundamental importance. This is particularly true, in cases where the enemy takes up "historically sensitive subjects" and, for example, criticizes actions of German soldiers on operation in regions, "where the Wehrmacht had once carried out operations and SS forces had ravaged."[7]
Fifth Column
Hartmann's recommendations concord with concepts elaborated by leading NATO and EU think tanks. ( reported.[8]) He believes that the threat is not only due to the fact that the West's enemies can "publically question" the "legitimacy and legality" of the use of military force. Even the "social cohesion" of combat units, themselves, is threatened. "Individuals from an immigrant family background are a specially targeted group for enemy propaganda. The objective is to induce them to propagate 'false truths' and create growing insecurity, and even possibly attacks against one's own troops."[9]

[1], [2], [3] Uwe Hartmann: Hybrider Krieg als neue Bedrohung von Freiheit und Frieden. Zur Relevanz der Inneren Führung in Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Berlin 2015.
[4] See Krieg ist Frieden.
[5], [6], [7] Uwe Hartmann: Hybrider Krieg als neue Bedrohung von Freiheit und Frieden. Zur Relevanz der Inneren Führung in Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Berlin 2015.
[8] See Media Cold War and Informationskrieg.
[9] Uwe Hartmann: Hybrider Krieg als neue Bedrohung von Freiheit und Frieden. Zur Relevanz der Inneren Führung in Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Berlin 2015.

=== 3 ===

War, a Mission of Generations
(Own report) - Following last Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, leading German media have begun speaking of a new world war. A renowned daily, for example, wrote that "a third world war" is currently being forced upon "the entire planet," warning that the war against IS "is not yet being waged with the intensity needed in a world war." Other journals are calling for resolute action without "half-heartedness" or even "self-recrimination." The fact that after 14 years of the "War on Terror," terrorism is stronger than ever before and the Arab-Muslim world is in shambles is allegedly not the result of a misguided western policy. The West supposedly bears no responsibility for the fact that "processes of disintegration and decivilization" have begun within the "Muslim belt of crisis stretching from Pakistan to Morocco," which has led to a "breakdown of civilization." In addition to the continuation - and even expansion - of the policy of military intervention, various media are also calling for broadening domestic repression. In the case of a "terror threat," the Bundeswehr should take on the task of protecting endangered streets. Among Germany's main national media organs, only one renowned business journal is not participating in this comprehensive orchestration of public opinion and preparation for a "world war." Military escalation "does not bring peace," it only "spawns suicide bombers," warns its chief editor and calls for finally searching for alternatives.
"A Third World War"
Since last Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, leading German media organs have been talking of a new world war. The West finds itself "in a world war" against the "Islamic State" (IS) writes the chief editor of Germany's flagship daily, the Frankfurter Allgemeine.[1] "The West - in fact, the entire planet -" has currently been forced into "a third world war," writes Berlin's daily, the Tagesspiegel, the majority of whose readers are in the German capital. As the Tagesspiegel explains, the "Third World War" is even taking on "proportions ... that extend beyond the global character of conventional warfare."[2] Several regional news outlets and tabloids have also accepted this wording,[3] which is intended appellatively. "The fight against the 'Islamic State,' the Taliban, and Boko Haram is not being waged with the necessary intensity for a world war," they claim.[4]
"Decivilization Processes"
According to prominent editorialists, the reason why jihadi terrorism is stronger than it has ever been - more than 14 years after the West declared its so-called war on terror - lies, not in the West's unsuccessful policy of aggression, but rather in the internal development of the Arab-Islamic World. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine daily - not otherwise specified - "deterioration and decivilization processes" have begun.[5] The Süddeutsche Zeitung, once reputed to be liberal daily, perceives "the cause of terrorism" also in a "breakdown of civilization" in the "Muslim belt of crisis, extending from Pakistan to Morocco," which, incidentally, has provoked "the massive wave of refugees" coming to "Europe." Within this "belt of crisis" there is "lawlessness and no state," "despotism has taken power." "Syria and Co. are the wholesale exporters of trouble."[6] Editorialists either play down or totally pass over in silence the fact that the total collapse of Afghanistan; Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have each succeeded the West and its allied Arab Gulf dictatorships seeking to execute "regime change" through military interventions, as well as the fact of the West and its Arab allies' tactical support for jihadis - particularly in Afghanistan, Libya and in Syria - had laid the groundwork for these groups to become stronger. ( reported.[7])
"No Half-Heartedness"
The trivialization of the West's responsibility for havoc in a growing number of Muslim countries is accompanied with the demand that the West continues, and even intensifies, its policy of aggression. The anti-jihadi war is "a mission of generations and cannot be accomplished in a few years," it is predicted. The current lack of success "should not be looked upon with self-recriminations, retreat," or with "half-heartedness."[8] One commentator declared that it is "well known" that "the struggle against terrorism has failed, because of half-heartedness. The West has lacked cohesiveness and perseverance." Besides, we must rely more on local allies, he claims, and contends, it has been shown "that stability cannot be imposed on the societies of the Muslim world only from the outside." Therefore, in the future "the local ethnic groups must lead in the liberation from oppression."[9] The - not otherwise specified - "moderates" and "the Kurds" in Syria and Iraq are mentioned as examples.
"A Mean Demeanor"
The demand that the West continue its policy of aggression against the Muslim World is accompanied, both in conservative as well as liberal media organs, by demands for a massive intensification of repression at home. The European countries must defend themselves "with police and intelligence services, ... with surveillance and prevention," they write.[10] "In Germany and the rest of Europe," "police and intelligence services" should "be better equipped and in an even more tightly coordinated network." "An EU anti-terrorist headquarters, with police and intelligence services in one complex," would be helpful. "The heavily armed, rapid deployment units, planned for the German Federal Police," may "be needed sooner" than expected. "The Bundeswehr must play a greater role in domestic security." "The Bundeswehr should be prepared to intervene immediately in cases of more acute terrorist threats" and, at least, be used to "protect endangered buildings and streets." The internet must "absolutely" be placed under stronger surveillance.[11] "Freedoms, which should be protected, will be curtailed," remarked one of the publishers of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "The Germans" would have "nothing against seeing a friendly demeanor at the head of their government," however, now "they want - and need - to see a mean demeanor."[12]
Alternatives to War
The current front of Germany's major national media, orchestrating domestic public opinion and publicistically habituating the population to a "World War" has been broken by a renowned business magazine. Gabor Steingart, Chief Editor of the German Handelsblatt warns, "the West shares the blame for the hostile climate between the cultures." "Of the 1.3 million lives that the wars from Afghanistan to Syria have cost, the crusade against Iraq, waged under false pretenses - and therefore in violation of international law - alone, accounts so far for 800,000 dead," explains Steingart. "The majority of these victims were peaceful Muslims - not terrorists." "The automatism of severity and mercilessness, the premeditated incomprehension of one's counterpart, the fiery speeches for the respective populations at home, the rapid take-off of bomber squadrons" have "brought us to where we are today." "This is not how you stop terrorism; this is how you fan its flames. This is not how you obtain peace; this is how you spawn suicide bombers." In the future, rather than banking on "combat or capitulation," we should promote "order, respect, and moderation." "There are alternatives to military escalation."[13] Among the leading personalities of the German mainstream media, Steingart stands alone with his warning.

[1] Berthold Kohler: Im Weltkrieg. 15.11.2015.
[2] Frank Jansen: Ein dritter Weltkrieg wird uns aufgezwungen. 14.11.2015.
[3] Jörg-Helge Wagner: Es ist ein neuer Weltkrieg. 15.11.2015. Sophie Albers Ben Chamo: "Wir befinden uns mitten im Dritten Weltkrieg". 16.11.2015.
[4] Frank Jansen: Ein dritter Weltkrieg wird uns aufgezwungen. 14.11.2015.
[5] Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger: Der neue Krieg. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 16.11.2015.
[6] Stefan Kornelius: Exporteure des Todes. 14.11.2015.
[7] See Liberated by the WestVom Westen befreit (II)Liberated by the West (III), and In Flammen.
[8] Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger: Der neue Krieg. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 16.11.2015.
[9] Stefan Kornelius: Exporteure des Todes. 14.11.2015.
[10] Stefan Kornelius: An die Wurzeln. 15.11.2015.
[11] Frank Jansen: Ein dritter Weltkrieg wird uns aufgezwungen. 14.11.2015.
[12] Berthold Kohler: Im Weltkrieg. 15.11.2015.
[13] Gabor Steingart: Handelsblatt Morning Briefing 16.11.2015.

Il boomerang

1) Spartaco A. Puttini: La strage di Parigi
2) Manlio Dinucci: La strategia del caos

I commentatori dei fatti di Parigi menzionano poco, o tralasciano del tutto, il precedente jugoslavo: eppure, già circa 25 anni fa il fondamentalismo islamico è stato impiantato artificialmente in Bosnia con finalità geopolitiche eversive, per poi essere usato in Sangiaccato, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia... territori che sono oggi snodi fondamentali del traffico di uomini e di armi per Daesh. Chi volesse allargare la visuale ai Balcani è invitato in particolare all'ascolto della registrazione della nostra trasmissione VOCE JUGOSLAVA di ieri 17.11.2015 (N.B. a causa di un attacco informatico al sito di Radio città aperta la trasmissione non è stata ascoltabile in streaming)
AUDIO: file MP3, durata 15':

=== 1 ===

La strage di Parigi

di Spartaco A. Puttini per

La strage di Parigi è senza precedenti. E' dal 1961 che la capitale francese non si trovava in stato d'eccezione. All'epoca era in corso un tentativo di putsch da parte dei terroristi di estrema destra dell'OAS, contrari all'indipendenza dell’Algeria, contro il gen. De Gaulle.

La rivolta delle banlieu del 2005 non è assolutamente raffrontabile alla situazione attuale.

Di fatto si è trattato di un'azione di guerra, compiuta da gente che la guerra la conosce, l'ha fatta e la sa fare. La dinamica di piccole unità che entrano in azione autonomamente ma in modo coordinato praticando il terrorismo contro la popolazione civile al fine di seminare la strage e colpire la convivenza e la vita civile di una comunità richiama alla mente azioni analoghe compiute in Siria nel 2011 (e da allora in poi), con i gruppi terroristi di matrice jihadista e salafita che bestemmiavano Dio al grido di "Allah Akhbar!" mentre trucidavano le loro vittime.

All'epoca, i media mainstream e settori dell'antagonismo di matrice "idiotista" parlavano di rivolta democratica brutalmente repressa dal regime di Assad. Questa volta sembrano mostrare una maggior decenza e non arrivano ad accusare Hollande delle vittime.

Il fine dei gruppi terroristi in Siria consisteva e consiste nello scardinare lo Stato, abbattere la Repubblica, rendere impossibile la convivenza, far collassare la società.

Anche a Parigi le finalità sono parzialmente analoghe: far saltare la convivenza civile, polarizzando la società, innescando meccanismi di rifiuto delle minoranze musulmane e permettendo così la radicalizzazione delle stesse, al fine di allargare il bacino di reclutamento per i jihadisti.

Gli utili idioti di questa strategia sono coloro che credono nello scontro di civiltà o che pensano di cavalcarlo per il loro piccolo tornaconto immediato nel teatrino della politica. Coloro che si bevono la storia dello scontro tra Occidente e Islam e ne fanno gran cassa. Come se il mondo musulmano fosse un monolite.  

Eppure, le prime e principali vittime del fenomeno islamista radicale reazionario sono proprio i paesi dell'area arabo-islamica contro cui questi gruppi agiscono. Sul campo a combattere l’Isis c’è l’Esercito Arabo Siriano, la Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran, il partito di Dio libanese Hezbollah.

Vale a dire arabi o musulmani. Mentre i Salvini di turno non fanno altro che scandalizzarsi perché si chiede di togliere il crocifisso dagli uffici pubblici o si scompensano per le richieste di diete differenziate che piovono sulle mense scolastiche…

Quanto al ruolo dell’Occidente, i gruppi jihadisti foraggiati dai satrapi dal Golfo sono stati armati, finanziati e addestrati proprio dai paesi occidentali, in primo luogo dagli Stati Uniti, proprio per travolgere nazioni che nel Vicino oriente si opponevano ai piani dell'imperialismo: come la Libia, la Siria, etc...

La Francia, voltando le spalle all'eredità gollista, è stata in questi ultimi anni in prima fila nel nutrire il mostro, sia per rovesciare Gheddafi e distruggere la Libia (e si è visto cosa sia diventata), che per distruggere la Siria e rovesciare Assad, fortunatamente senza riuscirci, in questo ultimo caso. 

Sono molti i combattenti, mercenari e terroristi che dalla Francia sono partiti per portare la morte in Siria. Non a caso le milizie terroriste che contrastano il governo siriano hanno innalzato sin dal primo momento la bandiera che sventolava sul paese arabo all’epoca del mandato coloniale francese.

Ora è arrivato su Parigi il boomerang di ritorno della politica di collusione con i jihadisti e con l'imperialismo statunitense.

Non può che venire in mente la facile profezia del presidente Putin, che in tempi non sospetti, rivolgendosi agli occidentali per la loro politica di collusione con il terrorismo di matrice islamista salafita, metteva in guardia circa il pericolo costituito dai combattenti, dalla minaccia che avrebbero rappresentato per i loro paesi di origine una volta tornati alle loro case dopo una simile esperienza.

Come non dare ragione al presidente russo?

E pensare che quando era la Russia ad essere nel mirino (con i fatti della scuola di Beslan nel 2004, ad esempio) stando ai nostri giornali sembrava quasi che la colpa fosse del Cremlino. Come se i bambini fossero stati sequestrati da Putin in persona. Nessuna occasione viene sprecata per fare della russofobia da quattro soldi.

L’Europa si trova a fare i conti con le conseguenze della sua politica estera. Una politica disegnata con cieca e stupida acquiescenza ai desiderata di Washington, perché coloro che ruggiscono nei salotti televisivi poi si guardano bene dal disturbare la digestione dei potenti.

Quanta acquiescenza c’è stata, anche in Italia, nei confronti delle reti che hanno sostenuto il terrorismo contro la Siria? L’Italia ha o no partecipato al tavolo degli sponsor che sostenevano l’aggressione alla Siria, camuffato pietosamente sotto l’etichetta di “Amici della Siria”?

Le responsabilità di questo disastro possono essere, tanto per cambiare, equamente distribuite tra il così detto centrodestra e il così detto centrosinistra. Perché se è la destra che ha fatto la guerra alla Libia, è stato con il plauso di un certo Bersani, che ha salutato le prime bombe cadute sul paese arabo con la celebre frase “alla buon’ora!”.

Sarebbe la buon’ora, invece, di rivedere la collocazione internazionale del nostro paese e di sganciarci una buona volta dall’avventurismo statunitense. Le sponde ci sono. Solo chi ha lasciato il proprio cervello sotto le macerie del Muro di Berlino e continua a belare di un’Europa che non c’è non se ne è accorto.

Non ha molto senso nemmeno aumentare le misure di sicurezza, per forza di cose parziali. La natura della sfida fa sì che chi decide di colpire abbia sempre un vantaggio: la sorpresa.

Presidiare i monumenti mentre si spara sui caffè non ha molto senso.

L’unica opzione è smantellare le reti di sostegno a questi gruppi. Ma non si può farlo in modo veramente efficace senza chiamare in causa i loro sponsor e i loro protettori. Cioè senza una visione internazionale del problema.

Questa terza guerra mondiale non è quella tra l’Islam e l’Occidente, ma è quella tra il tentativo di egemonia dell’imperialismo statunitense e la forze che si battono per un ordine multipolare nelle relazioni internazionali. Lo scontro principale è tra gli Usa e i loro antagonisti strategici: Russia, Cina e, nel contesto del Vicino oriente, Iran e Siria.

Il terrorismo islamista reazionario è una derivata dell’avventurismo con cui Washington persegue il suo progetto di un altro secolo americano. Perché nonostante la strage di queste ore pare difficile una netta inversione della politica seguita dagli Usa verso le petromonarchie del Golfo e verso tutta la regione. Segnerebbe semplicemente la probabile fine della loro influenza su un’area cruciale per gli equilibri mondiali. Purtroppo c’è chi potrebbe continuare a ritenere che Parigi valga bene una messa, per continuare con il tradizionale, sordido e pericoloso gioco delle amicizie inconfessabili dietro le quinte. Toccherebbe ai paesi europei, a partire dalla Francia, trarre le logiche conseguenze dalla tragedia di questi giorni e rifiutare un gioco al massacro che va avanti ormai da troppo tempo.

=== 2 ===

Si veda anche la video-notizia di Manlio Dinucci: La strategia del caos (17/11/2015)

L’arte della guerra
La strategia del caos 

Manlio Dinucci

Bandiere a mezz’asta nei paesi Nato per «l’11 Settembre della Francia», mentre il presidente Obama annuncia ai media: «Vi forniremo accurate informazioni su chi è responsabile». Non c’è bisogno di aspettare, è già chiaro. L’ennesima strage di innocenti è stata provocata dalla serie di bombe a frammentazione geopolitica, fatte esplodere secondo una precisa strategia. 

Quella attuata da quando gli Usa, vinto il confronto con l’Urss, si sono autonominati «il solo Stato con una forza, una portata e un'influenza in ogni dimensione - politica, economica e militare - realmente globali», proponendosi di «impedire che qualsiasi potenza ostile domini una regione – l'Europa occidentale, l'Asia orientale, il territorio dell'ex Unione sovietica e l'Asia sud-occidentale – le cui risorse sarebbero sufficienti a generare una potenza globale». 

A tal fine gli Usa hanno riorientato dal 1991 la propria strategia e, accordandosi con le potenze europee, quella della Nato. Da allora sono stati frammentati o demoliti con la guerra (aperta e coperta), uno dopo l’altro, gli Stati ritenuti di ostacolo al piano di dominio globale – Iraq, Jugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libia, Siria, Ucraina e altri – mentre altri ancora (tra cui l’Iran) sono nel mirino. 

Queste guerre, che hanno mietuto milioni di vittime, hanno disgregato intere società, creando una enorme massa di disperati, la cui frustrazione e ribellione sfociano da un lato in reale resistenza, ma dall’altro vengono sfruttate dalla Cia e altri servizi segreti (compresi quelli francesi) per irretire combattenti in una «jihad» di fatto funzionale alla strategia Usa/Nato. Si è così formata una armata ombra, costituita da gruppi islamici (spesso concorrenti) impiegati per minare dall’interno lo Stato libico mentre la Nato lo attaccava, quindi per una analoga operazione in Siria e Iraq. 

Da questa è nato l’Isis, nel quale sono confluiti «foreign fighters» tra cui agenti di servizi segreti, che ha ricevuto miliardi di dollari e moderne armi dall’Arabia saudita e da altre monarchie arabe, alleate degli Usa e in particolare della Francia. 

Strategia non nuova: oltre 35 anni fa, per far cadere l’Urss nella «trappola afghana», furono reclutati tramite la Cia decine di migliaia di mujaidin da oltre 40 paesi. Tra questi il ricco saudita Osama bin Laden, giunto in Afghanistan con 4 mila uomini, lo stesso che dopo avrebbe fondato Al Qaeda divenendo «nemico numero uno» degli Usa. 

Washington non è l’apprendista stregone incapace di controllare le forze messe in moto. È il centro motore di una strategia che, demolendo interi Stati, provoca una caotica reazione a catena di divisioni e conflitti da utilizzare secondo l’antico metodo del «divide et impera». 

L’attacco terroristico di Parigi, eseguito da una manovalanza convinta di colpire l’odiato Occidente, è avvenuto con perfetto tempismo nel momento in cui la Russia, intervenendo militarmente, ha bloccato il piano Usa/Nato di demolire lo Stato siriano e ha annunciato contromisure militari alla crescente espansione della Nato ad Est. 

L’attacco terroristico, creando in Europa un clima da stato di assedio, «giustifica» un accelerato potenziamento militare dei paesi europei della Nato, compreso l’aumento della loro spesa militare richiesto dagli Usa, e apre la strada ad altre guerre sotto comando Usa. La Francia che finora aveva condotto «contro l’Isis in Siria solo attacchi sporadici», scrive il New York Times, ha effettuato domenica notte «come rappresaglia, il più aggressivo attacco aereo contro la città siriana di Raqqa, colpendo obiettivi Isis indicati dagli Stati uniti». Tra questi, specificano funzionari Usa, «alcune cliniche e un museo». 
(il manifesto, 17 novembre 2015)

(srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta

1) OGGI su Radio Città Aperta per VOCE JUGOSLAVA: Riflessioni a seguito delle stragi di Parigi. La Jihad è iniziata nei Balcani
2) In Siria la guerra c'è già e la guidano i servizi segreti di Parigi (Marco Cesario, 2012)

Isto pogledaj:
BAŠAR AL ASAD: U Parizu se desilo ono što u Siriji traje već PET godina! (14. Novembar 2015.)

=== 1 ===

"Od Vardara do Triglava - Dal fiume Vardar al monte Triglav" 

Svakog drugog utorka u 16:30 sati, na Radio Città Aperta (valu FM 88.9 za regiju Lazio), emisija  "Jugoslavenski glas". Emisija se može se pratiti i preko Interneta:  
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Ogni martedì alle ore 16:30 su Radio Città Aperta (FM 88.9 per Roma ed il Lazio) va in onda la trasmissione radiofonica "Voce jugoslava". La trasmissione può essere ascoltata, come del resto tutte quelle della Radio, anche via Internet: 
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Program  17.XI.2015  Programma

 - Odrazi povodom masakrima u Parizu: Djihad počelo je na Balkanu

 - Riflessioni a seguito delle stragi di Parigi: la Jihad è iniziata nei Balcani

A cura di Andrea M.

=== 2 ===

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

Da: "momotombo" 
Data: 16 novembre 2015 22:17:04 CET
Oggetto: Il terrorismo francese in Libia e Siria

In Siria la guerra c'è già e la guidano i servizi segreti di Parigi

L'Occidente esita a intervenire in Siria. Ma intanto nel Paese si consuma un’altra, sporca, guerra. Quella dei servizi segreti di diversi paesi che va avanti da mesi. In questa guerra delle ombre Assad ha catturato 18 spie di Parigi, fra cui un Colonnello. Una rete di spionaggio che si è allargat...

11 Marzo 2012

Il rullo dei tamburi di un’imminente guerra risuona già lugubre nell’aria. Come se un esercito, invisibile, accerchiasse lentamente e silenziosamente il tiranno Assad, le cui ore sembrano oramai contate. Al Palazzo di Vetro si studia da tempo come decapitarlo senza fare troppo rumore. Francia e Stati Uniti preparano una nuova bozza di risoluzione (aspettando il via libera della Cina), la Francia chiude definitivamente la sua ambasciata a Damasco. Un altro segno funesto per Assad.

Intanto però in Siria si consuma un’altra, sporca, guerra. Quella dei servizi segreti di diversi paesi che va avanti da mesi, una guerra delle ombre e senza esclusione di colpi che ha causato migliaia di morti tra soldati e civili. La punta dell’iceberg emerge alcune settimane fa, ma passa praticamente inosservata. Nel silenzio generale dei media, e dopo l’ennesima offensiva militare nel quartiere di Bab Amr, ad Homs, l’esercito siriano fa più di 1.500 prigionieri, di cui numerosi “stranieri”. Tra questi, figurano almeno diciotto francesi. Chi sono? Non civili, certo. Alla stregua di soldati, chiedono immediatamente di avvalersi dello statuto di prigionieri di guerra, ma rifiutano recisamente di fornire la loro identità, il loro grado militare e l’élite d’appartenenza. Tra di essi, spunta un colonnello del servizio trasmissione della Dsge, il contro-spionaggio dei servizi segreti francesi. Tra le armi ritrovate dall’esercito siriano fucili, mitragliette e lanciarazzi di fabbricazione israeliana.

L’intrigo inizia con un articolo apparso il 23 novembre scorso sul quotidiano satirico francese Le Canard Enchaîné. In esso si racconta che la direzione operativa del Dsge ha inviato agenti speciali nel Nord del Libano ed in Turchia con una missione precisa: istruire e strutturare contingenti armati dell’al-Ǧayš as-Sūrī al-Ḥur, l’Esercito Siriano Libero (Esl), raggruppare migliaia di disertori, reclutare combattenti “stranieri” e scatenare una vera e propria guerra civile in Siria. Detto fatto. Oltre a questi agenti speciali vengono spediti in Siria diversi membri del Comando delle Operazioni Speciali francese (Cos) per iniziare disertori e jihadisti alla guerriglia urbana contro l’esercito regolare di Bachar al-Assad, mescolandosi tra i manifestanti ed altri non meglio identificati “ribelli”. Fucili, mitragliette e lanciarazzi di fabbricazione israeliana vengono fatti passare dal Sud della Turchia, ad Hatay, dove si stabilisce il quartier generale dell’Esl. Il Cos risponde direttamente agli ordini dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito francese (Cema). Un articolo apparso sul settimanale Marianne sottolinea come il Cos abbia già fornito assistenza logistica e militare in Libia al Cnt ed abbia “guidato” i bombardamenti aerei e navali della coalizione nella guerra che ha portato alla caduta del colonnello Gheddafi. Ora sta facendo il lavoro sporco di Sarkozy anche in Siria. Tutte le informazioni fornite dal Canard Enchaîné vengono infatti confermate da un ufficiale di alto rango della Direzione del servizio segreto militare francese. Tra le informazioni trapela anche quella di un intervento militare “limitato” della Nato per creare, con l’aiuto della Turchia, un embrione di territorio liberato nel Nord della Siria, una sorta di regione cuscinetto preludio ad una futura no-fly zone. Questo spiegherebbe anche perché Assad s’affretta a dispiegare l’esercito proprio lungo la frontiera con la Turchia.

Il quotidiano turco Milliyet conferma indirettamente le informazioni diffuse dal Canard Enchaîné. Non solo, la rete spionistica nel corso dei mesi si allarga includendo non solo commandos della Dsge ma anche agenti del MI6 britannico e agenti speciali del Milli Istibarat Teskilati (Mit), i servizi segreti turchi. Ad Hatay, nel Sud della Turchia, nasce una temibile e oscura «legione wahhabita» composta da centinaia di mercenari libici ex-lealisti del regime di Gheddafi. Con il consenso di Mustafa Abdul Jalil, presidente del Consiglio Nazionale di Transizione libico (Cnt) e dopo una riunione segreta ad Istanbul tra il Cnt ed il Cns (Consiglio Nazionale Siriano), centinaia di militari libici armati fino ai denti, un tempo fiore all’occhiello dei battaglioni del colonnello Gheddafi, giungono in Siria attraverso la Turchia con l’aiuto del Mit rimpinguando le colonne armate del «libero» esercito siriano, capeggiato da Riad al-Assad. Quest’ultimo guardacaso è in esilio da mesi proprio in Turchia. I servizi segreti turchi controllano tutti i suoi movimenti mentre un agente del ministero degli esteri turco risponde a posto suo alle richieste d’intervista da parte dei giornalisti occidentali. Al-Assad sembra essere una mera creatura del governo francese, turco e dei Fratelli Musulmani siriani. Il traffico di attività di spionaggio e d’infiltrazioni dei servizi segreti nell’Esl serve infatti ad una sola causa: portare ad un «conflitto confessionale» per far emergere i Fratelli Musulmani di Siria, destinati a prendere le redini della «Nuova Siria» nel dopo-Assad (seguendo lo schema d’altri paesi della «primavera araba» quali Egitto e Tunisia). Una vendetta della Francia dopo il colpo di stato siriano in Libano? Il 12 Gennaio del 2011 infatti un colpo di stato «parlamentare» orchestrato dalla Siria, aveva provocato la caduta del primo ministro Saad Hariri, sponsorizzato dai Sauditi e dalla Francia, la quale, dopo aver riammesso nel concerto delle nazioni la Siria, non digerisce (è l’inizio della frattura franco-siriana).

Fatto sta che la Francia rispolvera, per mezzo del segretario generale dei Fratelli Musulmani siriani Riad Chakfi, la carta Abdul Halim Khaddam, in esilio dorato a Parigi. Chi è costui? Ex vice-presidente siriano (si dimette dalla carica nel 2005), testimonia davanti al Tribunale Speciale per il Libano (Tls) contro Assad accusandolo di essere dietro la morte dell’ex-primo ministro libanese Rafiq Hariri, assassinato con altre 21 persone il 14 Febbraio del 2005. Abdul Halim Khaddam capisce immediatamente che vento tira in Medio Oriente e s’avvicina ai Fratelli Musulmani siriani e al loro leader al-Bayanouni. In seguito fonda il Fronte della Salvezza Nazionale Siriana (Syrian National Salvation Front), partito nazionalista d’ispirazione islamica. Attraverso la mediazione della Francia, Abdel Halim Khaddam riceve soldi dagli Stati Uniti e dalla Gran Bretagna per finanziare le sue attività anti-Bashar (come rivelerà poi alla televisione israeliana 2 TV). Seguiranno il suo esempio altre fazioni anti-Bashar quali gli ex Fratelli Musulmani del Movimento per la Giustizia e lo Sviluppo che, come ha rivelato il Washington Post basandosi su informazioni diffuse da Wikileaks, ricevono soldi dagli USA sin dal 2005. Con questi fondi creano nel 2007 la televisione anti-Bashar “Barada TV”.

Intanto il 20 Dicembre, François Loncle, deputato socialista nella regione dell’Eure e membro della Commissione Affari Esteri dell’Assemblea nazionale francese, avvia un’interrogazione parlamentare per tentare di fare luce sulla faccenda. Un altro articolo apparso sul Nouvel Observateur – che parla della Siria come «nuova frontiera della guerra francese» – mette infatti fuoco alle polveri. Il modello libico, fa notare Loncle, sembra ripetersi. Dapprima formazione ed addestramento di un esercito “libero” composto da disertori e jihadisti, poi infiltrazione progressiva della ribellione civile, in seguito supporto logistico e militare alle fazioni nemiche, poi presentazione di una risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’Onu, poi creazione di una no-fly zone imposta dalle forze della Nato e infine… Incursioni mirate dei Rafale francesi e dei caccia britannici fino alla caduta del tiranno.

In entrambi i casi la Francia, assieme alla Gran Bretagna, diventa la punta di diamante dell’interventismo atlantico, un interventismo che si avvale del prezioso appoggio delle petromonarchie del Golfo. L’idea della Francia è quella di aiutare la dinastia saudita a spezzare l’asse sciita Iran-Siria-Hezbollah e di creare un “blocco sunnita” in Medio Oriente, blocco peraltro già solido in quanto comprende l’Egitto, la Turchia, il Qatar, la Libia, la Tunisia, tutti paesi in cui esiste già un’orientazione politica fortemente islamica anche se, solo ufficialmente, moderata.