- PADS, Algeria ПАДС Алжир
- Communist Party of Argentina Комунистичка партија Аргентине
- Communist Party of Armenia Комунистичка партија Јерменије
- Communist Party of Bangladesh Комунистичка партија Бангладеш
- Communist Party of Belarus Комунистичка партија Белорусија
- Workers' Party of Belgium Радничка партија Белгије
- Communist Party of Brazil Комунистичка партија Бразила
- Communist Party of Britain Комунистичка партија Британије
- New Communist Party of Britain Нова комунистичка партија Британије
- Communist Party of Bulgaria Комунистичка партија Бугарске
- Party of the Bulgarian Communists Партија бугарских комуниста
- Communist Party of Canada Комунистичка партија Канаде
- AKEL, Cyprus АКЕЛ, Кипар
- Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Комунистичка партија и Чешке и Моравске
- Communist Party in Denmark Комунистичка партија Данске
- Communist Party of Denmark Комунистичка партија Данске
- Communist Party of Finland Комунистичка партија Финске
- Unified Communist Party of Georgia Уједињена Комунистичка партије Грузије
- German Communist Party Немачки Комунистичка партија
- Communist Party of Greece Комунистичка партија Грчке
- Hungarian Communist Workers' Party Мађарска комунистичко-радничка партија
- Communist Party of India Комунистичка партија Индије
- Communist Party of India [Marxist] Комунистичка партија Индије [марксистичка]
- Tudeh Party of Iran Тудех партија Иран
- Communist Party of Ireland Комунистичка партија Ирске
- The Workers' Party of Ireland Радничка партије Ирске
- Party of the Italian Communists Партија италијанских комуниста
- Party of the Communist Refoundation Комунистичка партија Рефоундатион
- Jordanian Communist Party Јорданска Комунистичка партија
- Socialist Party of Latvia Социјалистичка партија Латвије
- Lebanese Communist Party Либанска Комунистичка партија
- Socialist Party of Lithuania Социјалистичка партија Литваније
- Communist Party of Luxembourg Комунистичка партија Луксембург
- Party of the Communists of Kirgizia Партија комуниста Киргизије
- Communist Party of Macedonia Комунистичка партија Македоније
- AKFM, Madagascar АКФМ, Мадагаскар
- Communist Party of Malta Комунистичка партија Малта
- Party of the Communists, Mexico Партије комуниста, Мексико
- Popular Socialist Party of Mexico Народна Социјалистичка партија Мексико
- New Communist Party of the Netherlands Нова комунистичка партија Холандије
- Communist Party of Norway Комунистичка партија Норвешке
- Communist Party of Pakistan Комунистичка партија Пакистана
- Peruan Communist Party Перуанска Комунистичка партија
- Philippine Communist Party -PKP 1930 Филипинска Комунистичка партија ПКП-1930
- Communist Party of Poland Комунистичка партија Пољске
- Portuguese Communist Party Португалска Комунистичка партија
- Romanian Communist Party Румунска Комунистичка партија
- Communist Party of Soviet Union Комунистичка партија Совјетског Савеза
- Communist Party of the Russian Federation Комунистичка партија Руске Федерације
- Russian Communist Workers' Party Revolutionary Party of Communists Руска Комунистичкарадничка партија револуционарних комуниста
- New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Нова комунистичка партија Југославије
- Party of the Communists of Serbia Комунисти Србије
- Communist Party of Slovakia Комунистичка партија Словачкe
- South African Communist Party Комунистичка партија Јужне Африке
- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain Комунистичка партија народа Шпанија
- Communist Party of Spain Комунистичка партија Шпаније
- Party of the Communists of Catalonia Странка комуниста у Каталонија
- Communist Party of Sri-Lanka Комунистичка партија-Сри Ланка
- Communist Party of Sweden Комунистичка партија Шведске
- Syrian Communist Party Сиријска Комунистичка партија
- Communist Party of Turkey Комунистичка партија Турске
- Communist Party of Ukraine Комунистичка партија Украјине
- Union of Communists of Ukraine Уније комуниста Украјине
- Communist Party of Uruguay Комунистичка партија Уругваја
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L'Amministrazione Comunale di Jesolo ha intitolato una via in memoria di Dragan Cigan, medaglia d'oro al Valore Civile per l'eroico gesto di salvataggio in mare di due bambini compiuto a Jesolo il 22 luglio 2007.
La cerimonia di intitolazione della via si svolgerà domenica 26 luglio 2009 alle ore 11.00 presso l'ottavo accesso al mare di via Oriente, alla presenza della famiglia Cigan, delle autorità regionali, provinciali e comunali e della cittadinanza.
Sono stati invitati: Pres.te e Giunta Reg.le Ve, Pres.te Provincia; Sindaci di Venezia, Musile di P.; Roncade, S.Martino di Lupari, Mira, il Console Generale di Bosnia Erzegovina; il Responsabile Caritas Italiana a Banjaluka, il Presidente Unionlavoro gli altri medagliati e le autorità cittadine.
Consegnato appartamento a famiglia del bosniaco Cigan morto nelle acque di Jesolo dopo aver salvato...
JugoslaviNella sezione OPINIONI del giornale Politika, gli jugoslavi sono ospiti frequenti. Purtroppo, perlopiù siedono sulla panchina degli imputati. Ci chiamano jugonostalgici, il che non è esatto al cento per cento. Esiste un forte movimento sociale per la costituzione della nazionalità jugoslava. In Serbia, la promuove l'organizzazione sociale "La nostra Jugoslavia". Nel censimento del 1981, 1.219.045 cittadini della RFSJ si espressero come Jugoslavi (nel 1971 erano 273.077). La maggior parte di loro (441.941) erano dalla Serbia (Provincia autonoma di Vojvodina: 167.215, Provincia autonoma Kosovo e Metohija: 2.647). Nel censimento del 1991 nella Serbia si era rilevato un decremento sui 317.000 (PA Vojvodina: 168.859, PA Kosmet 3.070).Gli articoli scritti su di noi nella colonna OPINIONI, di regola, sono negativi. Finora nessuno jugoslavo, e probabilmente siamo in tanti, ha avuto l'opportunità di rispondere tramite questa colonna a queste osservazioni negative. Solo di recente, uno di noi, Dušan Babić, giornalista di Sarajevo, ha sfruttato tale possibilità. [Jugofobija sa usporenim dejstvom, Dusan Babić, publicista, Sarajevo, Politika 22.7.09: ]Gli articoli anti-jugoslavi sono solitamente scritti da ex-jugoslavi, e se volete anche da ex-comunisti. Spesso si tratta del tentativo di lavarsi dai peccati per essere stati jugoslavi e comunisti, e quindi loro ora gonfiano errori e lacune di quel periodo, il che conferma il vecchio detto che "il convertito [all'Islam] è peggiore del turco ottomano". Una volta, durante il periodo socialista costoro erano politicamente leali e benestanti cittadini. C'erano anche quelli che, dopo aver commesso qualche errore, finivano in galera; oggi questi personaggi descrivono le loro giornate trascorse a cogliere patate come una pesante prigionia!Certamente è difficile trovare e descrivere gli errori e lacune più significativi in quel periodo, per il mero fatto che non ce n'erano. In quel periodo brillante ci sono stati anche dei momenti scuri, ma di breve durata. Per questo motivo, in questi loro articoli odierni si fa manipolazione usando mezze-verità, menzogne, definizioni arbitrarie e perfino oltraggi. Dei pettegolezzi non vorrei neanche parlare; sono in voga nell'attività dei partiti politici e dei mass media. Anche l'UE esige questo comportamento dall'attuale regime. Sarà difficile il percorso nella carriera di membro di un partito o di giornalista, se non si è capaci di bestemmiare, di tanto in tanto, contro la RFSJ, contro la Lega dei Comunisti e contro Tito.Ecco da dove deriva la soddisfazione per gli jugoslavi odierni: dalla lettura di queste menzogne e calunnie sul nostro conto, perchè la loro falsità è talmente evidente e ridicola che non si deve neanche argomentare. Tali perle sono coltivate dallo scrittore Basara e dal regista G. Markovic, ma si trovano innanzitutto nei confusi testi scritti da Eva Ras. Ne cito solo due: "... del resto, i poliambulatorii erano ideati per dichiararvi sani anche quando eravate malati..." e "la metà della popolazione spiava l'altra metà: fratello contro fratello, marito contro moglie!" Queste idiozie non le avrebbe mai pubblicate neanche la "stampa gialla" che G. Markovic critica cosi appassionatamente!Eva Ras è arrabbiata in modo particolare con Tito, e nei suoi scritti le abitazioni di Tito "comprendevano un intero arcipelago del mare Adriatico e nel paese centinaia e centinaia di ville residenziali". Una menzogna fantasiosa, bisogna ammettere. In totale queste ville sono una decina, mentre Tito di solito soggiornava nella villa di Karađorđevo, a Brdo presso Kranj e sulle isole di Brioni. Queste ville erano aperte a tutti i funzionari degli organi federali e delle repubbliche, a turisti, funzionari pubblici stranieri, eccetera. La verità è, naturalmente, che l'Adriatico era un mare popolare, sovrappopolato di colonie per i lavoratori e i bambini (le grandi imprese, per esempio il Laminatoio Sevojno, avevano propri alberghi), per non parlare delle moltissime seconde case che crescevano come funghi lungo i 2000 km del litorale. Nel periodo giugno-settembre la Jugoslavia si trasferiva al mare. Ora lì si fanno il bagno gli stranieri, mentre noi osserviamo l'Adriatico sulle vecchie cartoline! Poi, " Tito per almeno la metà di ogni anno stava in giro per il mondo", eccetera. Tutti i viaggi di Tito ci hanno portato enormi benefici economici e politici. Lui era un grande statista ed un uomo d'affari del calibro che oggi è difficilmente raggiungibile, e lo faceva non per scopo personale, ma per il paese. Non è perciò sorprendente che in un recente sondaggio dell'opinione pubblica, sulla domanda della TV di Serbia: "Avete una buona o una cattiva opinione in merito a J.B. Tito, il 66,0% ha risposto "buona", "buona e cattiva" il 13,1%, "cattiva" l' 11,7%, "non lo so" il 9,2%.Uno dei più frequenti bersagli degli antijugoslavi e anti-titoisti è la Fratellanza e Unità jugoslava. Essa è oramai tutta trafitta dalle loro cannonate, sebbene l'eguaglianza nazionale e religiosa di più di venti nazioni e popoli nella RFSJ fosse realizzata alla perfezione nella Costituzione del 1974 e certificata nella prassi quotidiana della pluridecennale vita e lavoro in comune.Inoltre, non si può comprendere l'affermazione secondo cui siamo stati "privati di ogni libertà." L'auto-gestione socialista è la cima più alta dei diritti umani e delle libertà raggiunte finora non solo da noi, ma anche in tutto il mondo. Questo dato di fatto si poteva rilevare al meglio nei luoghi dove la maggior parte dei cittadini ha vissuto e lavorato: nelle imprese, nelle istituzioni e nei villaggi, dove la quantità di questi diritti e delle libertà, era la più grande. Chiusi nelle loro enclaves professionali e distanti dal mondo, gli intellettuali come Basara, Markovic e Rasova hanno guardato e valutato quel sistema in un loro modo soggettivo, per cui la loro identità personale e il loro destino sarebbero fattori primari. Sebbene avessero condizioni quasi ideali per svolgere l'attività culturale ed artistica, le opere che loro ideavano non erano interessanti per la cerchia più vasta della gente nel paese; e per la maggiorparte, tali opere erano create da committenti esteri. Loro hanno avuto all'estero un riconoscimento migliore che nel paese, e per questa ragione nei loro articoli si trovano così tante parole cariche di veleno sul proprio paese e sul proprio popolo.Stevan Mirkovic, generale in pensione23.7.2009(trad. di Dk)
Non-Aligned Movement calls for ‘new economic order’
The 15th Non-Aligned Movement summit was held July 15-16 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, with the theme of “International Solidarity for Peace and Development.” The NAM, founded in 1961, has a membership of 118 nations throughout the developing world.
The meeting emphasized the role of the Western industrialized states in creating the economic crisis that has rendered tens of millions of people unemployed and impoverished throughout the world.
Cuban President Raul Castro, outgoing chair of the NAM, delivered the keynote address to nearly 60 heads of state and 8,000 delegates from various countries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Other leaders, such as President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, also spoke to the NAM summit and stressed the necessity that the organization provide an effective alternative to the international financial institutions as well as the United Nations.
Mugabe, whose southern African nation has been subjected to intense sanctions and vilification by the imperialist states over the last decade, has recently overseen the implementation of an inclusive coalition government encompassing the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front and the two main opposition parties of the Movement for Democratic Change. Yet the country is still subjected to sanctions by the U.S., Britain and the European Union.
In his address, Mugabe said: “The Movement cannot afford a business-as-usual approach. ... Our clear and present challenge is ... delivering a just, peaceful and equitable world order. The Non-Aligned Movement faces renewed attempts by some Western countries to interfere in the internal affairs of NAM member countries. This ‘big brother is watching’ state of affairs is a grave danger to international peace and security.
“The severity of the machinations by the Western world has often manifested itself in a number of ways, including the use of surreptitious and illegal attempts by some Western countries to abuse the U.N. Security Council to unjustly punish developing countries through the imposition of illegal and unilateral sanctions.” (Zimbabwe Herald, July 16)
Zimbabwe “was a target of these abhorrent machinations,” continued Mugabe. “We need to recognize that as long as the U.N. retains its present form, it will continue to be abused by the mighty, haughty and militarily powerful [who] victimize the smaller and weaker nations. The international financial system ... is similarly in dire need of reform.”
Mugabe also noted that although the present global economic meltdown started in the Western imperialist states, the impact of the crisis is having a devastating impact on the developing countries where there is less demand for their products, the closure of plants and businesses, and deepening poverty.
The Zimbabwe leader expressed his support for the G192 summit held by the General Assembly in June at the U.N. headquarters in New York. He endorsed the recommendations of the G192 to place the International Monetary Fund and World Bank under the control of the General Assembly.
Mugabe also called for greater South-South collaboration, although he did not rule out cooperation between all states. He emphasized that although the Southern African Development Community, the African Union and the NAM have provided tremendous support to Zimbabwe, the existing sanctions imposed by the imperialist states continue to hamper the country’s progress.
“They [the West] are still bent on their goal of effecting regime change in my country. We count on your continued solidarity and support in our endeavor to improve the quality of life of our people,” Mugabe said.
‘New world economic order’ needed
In his keynote address, Cuban President Raul Castro renewed the call for a new economic division of labor and financial power. “We demand the establishment of a new international financial and economic structure that relies on the participation of all countries,” said Castro. (Granma International, July 16)
“There must be a new framework that doesn’t depend solely on the economic stability and the political decision of only one country,” stated Castro in apparent reference to the United States. “This crisis ... emanated from the advanced industrial economies, but the developing economies, the members of our movement, have been the hardest hit.”
Castro reported on the work of the NAM over the last three years since Cuba began serving as chair. “The common challenges for the non-aligned countries are serious and numerous. Never before has the world been so unequal and its inequities so profound. But, along with the challenges, our Movement’s capacity for resistance and its strength have also grown.
“We have faced threats and aggression, condemned unjust treaties in international trade and finance, and demanded our full participation in the highest authorities of world governance,” continued the Cuban leader. “A decisive part of Cuba’s presidency coincided with one of the most aggressive and hegemonic governments, one of the greatest violators of international law, that has ever existed in the United States.”
International solidarity
Castro stated that the NAM has continued to express solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian and Arab peoples: “We have not hesitated to condemn the aggression and crimes of Israel, the occupying power. We will not rest until we see the implementation of the demands of the Palestinian and Arab brothers and sisters.
“There is no path other than dialogue and negotiation for achieving a just and lasting peace in the entire Middle East region, which inevitably involves the founding of an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”
Castro also condemned the June 28 military coup in Honduras and demanded that President Jose Manuel Zelaya be restored to office. The coup has been denounced by governments and mass organizations throughout Latin America and the world.
The outgoing NAM chair stressed that despite the economic blockade against Cuba, the country has continued to engage in international solidarity efforts, especially in providing medical care. “Even in these difficult circumstances, our people have modestly demonstrated how much can be done, when political will exists, in terms of international solidarity and cooperation, particularly in the area of health.
“Almost 15,000 Cuban medical collaborators are working in 98 countries to save lives and prevent disease. More than 32,000 young people from 118 states, principally in the Third World, are studying free of charge at our educational centers, 78 percent of them in the specialties of medicine.”
From Bandung to Sharm El-Sheikh
The Non-Aligned Movement originated in the Bandung Conference held in Indonesia in April 1955, with 29 countries from Asia and Africa attending. Socialist states such as China and Vietnam have been involved with the movement since its inception, even though the Bandung Conference and NAM have been described as an effort to chart a course independent of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War period.
In 1961, the formal organization of the Non-Aligned Movement took place with its founding summit in Yugoslavia. Some of the leading figures in the formation of the NAM were Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt and Josep Broz Tito of Yugoslavia.
At the 1979 NAM Summit in Havana, Cuba, a declaration stated that the purpose of the organization was to “ensure the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries” in their “struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics.”
NAM represents two-thirds of the United Nations’ membership and approximately 55 percent of the world’s population. The chair of the organization has now been handed over to Egypt.
This year’s summit produced declarations related to the need for global food security, climate change, solidarity with the Palestinian people, and a resolution honoring the 91st birthday of former African National Congress leader and South African president Nelson Mandela.
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EUROPEAN UNION: 2 August 2009 Roma, Sinti victims of Holocaust remembered
The annual international day of commemoration for the Sinti and Roma victims of the Nazi Holocaust is a reminder each year that an estimated half-million of Europe's largest minority, often referred to as "gypsies," were killed in Nazi death camps in WWII. The day is marked with wreath layings in Roma-Sinti communities throughout the European Union, and 2 Aug might see the dedication of a Roma and Sinti Holocaust memorial in Berlin.
Ground was broken for the memorial in Dec 2008 after years of wrangling. Memorials to Jewish and homosexual victims have been erected in Berlin. The funding and location of the Roma-Sinti memorial was agreed in 2005, but disputes over the wording in the inscription are among issues that have delayed construction. Israeli sculptor-architect Dani Karavanwill won the contract to build the monument, which will be erected in Berlin's Tiergarten park close to the federal parliament, or Reichstag. It will be an obelisk mounted on top of a contemporary fountain.
The Nazis set up the "Gypsy Family Camp" at the Auschwitz-Birkenau site at the end of Feb 1943 and transported Sinti and Roma from 14 occupied countries there. During the night of 2-3 Aug 1944, the final 2,900 prisoners in the camp were killed upon the orders of SS head Heinrich Himmler.
Quest'anno il 2 agosto diverrà il Giorno Internazionale del Ricordo delle Vittime Rom del Porraimos (Olocausto). Il2 agosto 1944 oltre 3.000 Rom e Sinti ad Auschwitz-Birkenau furono gasati e poi cremati.
Questo giorno di azione è stato suggerito dal Congresso Nazionale Rom e dall'Unione Internazionale Rom, da un'udienza del Forum Rom e Viaggianti Europei nel Consiglio d'Europa, tenutasi a Strasburgo il 29 giugno 2009. E' stata adottata da tutti i partecipanti all'iniziativa "Assieme contro l'Antiziganismo in Europa", che suggeriscono il 2 agosto alle ore 12.00 di scendere per cinque minuti nelle strade, ovunque in Europa, e farsi vedere con una candela accesa pregando per i morti.
Quest'anno il Giorno del Ricordo sarà dedicato ai bambini Rom e Sinti che hanno subito abusi o sono stati uccisi in Europa.
International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust)
This year August the 2nd will be committed to a International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust). The second of August was the Day in 1944 where more than 3000 Roma und Sinti in Auschwitz-Birkenau, have been gassed and gone through the fire.
This action day was suggested by the Roma National Congress and the International Romani Union, on a Hearing of the European Roma and Travellers Forum in the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg on June the 29th 2009. It was adopted by all participants. The Participants of the Hearing “Together against the Antiziganism in Europe” suggested
On August the 2nd at 12:00 h
To go for five minutes on the Streets, everywhere in Europe, to be seen, to pray for the murded, to lit a candle on the street,
This year the Remembrance Day will be on the abused and killed Roma and Sinti children in Europe.
Auschwitz Birkenauen – BII – Zigeuner Familienlager – Gypsy Family Concentration Camp
August the 2nd 1944
In this night 2885 – 6000 Roma and Sinti, mainly women and children where gassed. Jewish Survivours reported that the crematory burned the whole night. “It stayed bright the whole night because of the burning crematories”.
A surviving Jew said „The Women were fighting for the life of their children, even a couple of SS-people got injured by the Roma Women“. It was also a Day of rebellion, that’s sadly ended in Gas chambers and crematory.
On August 3rd, Ausschwitz – Birkenau was „Zigeunerfrei“ (Free of Gypsies)
RIP Robby und Robby
In February Robert Czorba (28) and his son Robert Czorba (4), fled their house that was set on fire by a Molotov cocktail, during fleeing the burning house, a Murder Commando dressed in Police uniform shot them dead with Shot Guns.
In the past nine month, 73 violent attacks has been reported towards Roma in Hungary, the dark figure will be much higher. It seems that the Attacks were performed by well trained Hungarian security forces.
Kado bersh po Augusto avela o Internacijonalno Djes le Murdarde Romenge ando Pharraimos (Holocaust). O Dujto Augusto sas o djes ando 1944 bersh kaj maj but sar 3.000 Rom thaj Sintura sas murdarde ando Ausschwitz-Birkenau, kothe von sas bishade ando Gaso thaj pala kodo pabarde. Kerde ande amare manush Pharra.
Kado djes pe Akcija sas akardo kathar o Roma National Congress thaj e Intrenational Romani Union, pe jekh hearingo kaj akardas o European Roma and Travellers Forum, ando Konzilo la Europako ando Strasurgo po 29. Juni 2009. Sa e participantura pende mishto pe kadi Akcija. E paritcipantura po kidipe “Khetane kontra/mamuj o Antiziganismo ande Europa” dine suggestija
Po Dujto August kal 12:00 chasura
Te djal pe avri pe Droma pe 5 minuti, te sikadjuvas, te mangas amen anda e Mule, te aven Jerthe, te pabaras lenge jekh momeli po drom,
Kado bersh o djes, Djes le Murdarde Romenge ando Pharraimos avela spezialno le Romane chavorenge kaj keren lenge bislashimo thaj mudaren len ando Europa.
Auschwitz Birkenauen – BII – Zigeuner Familienlager – Lageri pe Romane Familije
2. Augusto 1944
Ande kadi rachi 2885 - 6000 Roma thaj Sinti, maij but djuvla thaj savore sas bishade ando Gaso. Bibolde penenas ke e Krematorije pabonas interego rachi. “Chi kerdjilas tumneriko kadirachi pe pabarenas le manushen”.
Jekh aver bilboldo pendas “E djuvla marenas pe le SS-ovcenca anda trajo/djivipe peske chavorengo”.
Kado sas vi jekh djes la Rebellijake, kaj getajlas kaj areslas noma ando Gaso.
Po Augusto, Ausschwitz – Birkenau sas „Zigeunerfrei“ (Bi-Romengo)
Te aven Jerthe, Robby thaj Robby
Ando Februaro Robert Czorba (28) thaj lesko chavo Robert Czorba (4), nashle anda kher kaj sas jagh dino, kana nashle anda kher, angla Vudar sas Gdaje urade sas Policija von dine le pushke angla lengo kher.
Ande kadala enja chon, 73 attaki sas kerde pe Rom ando Ungro, avena inke maj but attaki noma naj registracija pa lende. Dichol sar kadala attaki pe Roma sas kerdine kathar mishto sicharde Gadje.
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Roma seek recognition at Holocaust conference
6/29/2009, 3:18 p.m. ET KAREL JANICEK The Associated Press |
(AP) — PRAGUE - Gypsies attending an international conference on the Holocaust said Monday the suffering they endured at the hands of Nazis during World War II has never been fully recognized.
"We are still fighting for the recognition of the genocide of the Roma population during the war," said Cenek Ruzicka, a prominent Gypsy leader. The nomadic Caucasoid people found throughout the world also are known as Roma.
"The Romani Holocaust still has to be studied," said Ruzicka, who wants the Czech government to create a fund that would finance research of Roma suffering and properly compensate the few survivors still alive today.
Jan Istvan is one of them.
In December of 1942, he escaped from a place where the Nazis herded Czech Gypsies before transporting them to death camps. He was lucky and made it out alive. His parents and six siblings died.
"Nobody survived," the 88-year-old told The Associated Press in a recent interview.
Up to half a million European Gypsies, also known as Roma, are believed to have died at the hands of the Nazis during the Second World War-along with 6 million Jews. Others were sterilized or subjected to grisly experiments.
It is a little-explored and tragic part of history that many experts and survivors say deserves more attention.
"Roma were subject to the same Holocaust as Jews," said Felix Kolmer, a vice president of the International Auschwitz Committee and one of the organizers of the conference who invited Ruzicka to talk at the five-day gathering.
Ruzicka used the meeting to address a thorny issue-a communist-era pig farm and vacation resort on the grounds of two former camps where hundreds of Czech Roma died.
One of these camps was in Lety, 60 miles (95 kilometers) south of Prague, where some 1,300 Czech Roma were sent between August 1942 and August 1943. While 327 people died there, many others were taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.
The second camp, known as Hodonin u Kunstatu, was located in the eastern part of what was then Czechoslovakia. Of the 1,360 Roma detained there, 207 died.
"Nobody can challenge the facts," Ruzicka said. "You don't build pig farms or enjoy your vacation at places like that."
The Czech Human Rights Ministry has been planning to build a center for studying Roma culture in Hodoninm, but there are no plans to remove the pig farm. Instead, the government has offered to upgrade a nearby memorial in honor of the victims.
To Istvan, still haunted by his ordeal, the reticence to officially recognize what he and his family went through is a slap in the face.
"I wonder from time to time how is it possible that it was me who survived?" he said. "That starvation, that poverty, that beating-that time when people ceased being humans."
The Nazis, together with Czech police, deported him and his family to Hodonin u Kunstatu in June 1942.
"Conditions in the camp were harsh," Istvan said, adding that family members were separated from each other and that many people died of starvation and infectious diseases.
Only about 10 percent of some 6,500 Gypsies living on occupied Czechoslovak territory are estimated to have survived. Of the roughly 5,000 who were transported to Auschwitz and other camps, 583 returned home.
To this day, Europe's 7 to 9 million Roma still face widespread prejudice.
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Alexander Bahar
Hat die Bundesregierung noch 1986 an der Planung von Atombombeneinsätzen gegen Dresden und andere ostdeutsche Städte mitgewirkt?
Diese Frage stellt sich spätestens nach den jüngsten Darstellungen des CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Willy Wimmer während der Tagung "Frieden durch Recht?" in der Berliner Humboldt-Universität am 26./27. Juni 2009. Veranstaltet hatten die Konferenz die Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen ( IALANA (1)) und weitere Organisationen.
"Ich bin wahrscheinlich der Einzige hier im Saal, der Atomkriegs-Erfahrungen hat", sagte der frühere Parlamentarische Staatssekretär im Bundesverteidigungsministerium. Wimmer berichtete, so gibt eine Pressemitteilung (2) von IALANA die Rede wieder, von seiner Teilnahme als "Verteidigungsminister Üb" an der NATO-Übung WINTEX/FALLEX im Jahre 1986 im damaligen Atombunker ("Dienststelle Marienthal") der Bundesregierung ( Der Wahnwitz atomarer Kriegsspiele (3), Ausweichen und Eingraben (4)). Im Verlaufe dieser NATO-Übung habe das NATO-Hauptquartier in Brüssel um Zustimmung der zuständigen deutschen Stellen zu einem Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen gegen Ziele in der damaligen DDR ersucht, erklärte Wimmer weiter, u.a. gegen Dresden und einige weitere ostdeutsche Großstädte.
Wimmer, der angibt, von dieser Anforderung völlig überrascht worden zu sein, habe es entsetzt abgelehnt, auch an einer Übung zur Planung eines Atomwaffeneinsatzes auf Ziele in Ostdeutschland und damit gegen die Bevölkerung der DDR mitzuwirken. Er habe dann Kontakt mit dem damaligen Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl aufgenommen, der entschieden habe, dass sich die Vertreter der Bundesregierung nicht an diesen nuklearen Planspielen gegen DDR-Städte beteiligen sollten. Deutschland habe die Mitwirkung an dieser NATO-Übung beendet, ohne deutsche Beteiligung fortgesetzt worden sei. Nichts davon sei je in die Öffentlichkeit gedrungen. Es gab im Regierungsbunker noch weitere WINTEX/FALLEX-Manöver der NATO. Erst 1990 habe man sie endgültig beendet.
IALANA begrüßt die Enthüllungen des CDU-Politikers.
--Solche Offenbarungen von Insidern sind in der Militär- und Sicherheitspolitik von besonderer Bedeutung. Dadurch wird die Bevölkerung in die Lage versetzt, skandalöse Vorgänge dieser Art kritisch zu diskutieren, auch um daraus Schlussfolgerungen für ihre Wahlentscheidungen zu ziehen-. Im Bereich der NATO-Nuklearpolitik ist dies besonders wichtig, weil die deutsche Bundesregierung - trotz des von Deutschland in Art. II des Atomwaffensperrvertrages und im sogenannten Zwei-Plus-Vier-Vertrag völkerrechtlich verbindlich erklärten Verzichts auf jede unmittelbare und mittelbare Verfügungsgewalt über Atomwaffen - weiterhin auf seiner "nuklearen Teilhabe" im Rahmen der NATO beharrt.-- IALANA
Zur "nuklearen Teilhabe" gehört, dass Deutschland nach wie vor in der "Nuklearen Planungsgruppe" der NATO mitwirkt ( Nuklearer Teilhaber Deutschland (5)). Zudem werden in geheimgehaltenen Bunkern in Deutschland immer noch eine unbekannte Anzahl Atomwaffen mit einer vielfachen Zerstörungskraft der in Hiroshima und Nagasaki eingesetzten Nuklearwaffen gelagert. Diese können im Spannungs- oder Kriegsfall von den US-Streitkräften auch deutschen Einsatzkräften der Bundeswehr für den Abwurf auf feindliche Ziele entgegen den Regelungen des Atomwaffensperrvertrages zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Bundeswehr hält ferner nach wie vor Atomwaffenträger in Gestalt der Tornado-Flugzeuge bereit und übt regelmäßig mit einem im rheinland-pfälzischen Büchel stationierten Luftwaffenverband Atomwaffeneinsätze.
Am 8. Juli 1996 hatte der Internationalen Gerichtshofs entschieden (6), dass der Einsatz und die Androhung des Einsatzes von Atomwaffen grundsätzlich völkerrechtswidrig sind und alle Mitgliedsstaaten des Atomwaffensperrvertrages nach dessen Art. VI daher verpflichtet seien, unverzüglich Verhandlungen über eine vollständige nukleare Abrüstung aufzunehmen und zu einem positiven Abschluss zu bringen.[1]
Die "nukleare Teilhabe" verstößt nach der Entscheidung auch gegen den Atomwaffen-Nichtverbreitungsvertrags (7):
--Jeder Nichtkernwaffenstaat, der Vertragspartei ist, verpflichtet sich, Kernwaffen und sonstige Kernsprengkörper oder die Verfügungsgewalt darüber von niemanden unmittelbar oder mittelbar
anzunehmen.-- Artikel II
Die auf dem Fliegerhorst Büchel praktizierte nukleare Teilhabe stellt eine "mittelbare Verfügungsgewalt über Kernsprengkörper" dar und ist damit völkerrechtswidrig, da die Bundesrepublik zu den im Vertrag genannten "Nichtkernwaffenstaaten" gehört. Die Bundesrepublik ist ihrer Verpflichtung aus dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag seit rund 35 Jahren nicht nachgekommen. Sie ist demnach, wie auch alle Atomwaffenstaaten, permanent vertragsbrüchig.
Auch angesichts der Ankündigung von US-Präsident Obama, eine atomwaffenfreie Welt erreichen zu wollen ( Barack Obamas Prager Frühling (8)), fordert die Juristenorganisation die Bundesregierung deshalb auf,
--endlich gegenüber der US-Regierung und den zuständigen NATO-Stellen darauf hinzuwirken, dass alle Atomwaffen aus Deutschland und den anderen Nicht-Atomwaffenstaaten abgezogen und dass alle Bundeswehrübungen von Atomwaffeneinsätzen, etwa mit den Tornados der Bundesluftwaffe, sofort eingestellt werden. Ferner muss die NATO-Nuklearstrategie grundlegend verändert werden, um den völkerrechtlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, die sich aus der Entscheidung des Internationalen Gerichtshofs vom 8. Juli 1996 ergeben.-- IALANA
[1] Vgl. dazu außerdem Bedjaoui/Bennoune/Deiseroth/Shafer, Völkerrechtliche Pflicht zur nuklearen Abrüstung? - Legal Obligation to Nuclear Disarmament?, Norderstedt 2009
Telepolis Artikel-URL:
Copyright © Heise Zeitschriften Verlag
https://app. app/view: CampaignPublic/ id:3229.355295/ ridDoes Humanitarian Intervention Do More Harm Than Good?New Book Argues That We Must Radically Rethink the Use of Military Force
(Nashville, TN) June marks the tenth anniversary of the end of the US/NATO war against Serbia and in the decade since then, conventional wisdom is that such militarized humanitarian intervention is often necessary and successful.
In his new book, First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia(Vanderbilt University Press, June 2009), David N. Gibbs argues that not only is humanitarian intervention not very successful in ending ethnic strife, but that our intervention in Yugoslavia contributed to the initial breakup of the country, and then helped spread the violence and destruction. Gibbs also presents a forceful critique of Samantha Power's Pulitzer Prize-winning book A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide.
"Government documents, transcripts of international war crimes trials, and memoirs of the time, they all show that far from solving the humanitarian emergency, intervention worsened the problem," Gibbs says. "Nonmilitary methods of addressing ethnic violence and oppression are more effective in the long term than military force."
First Do No Harm argues for a US policy that engages international humanitarian issues, but resists intervention. Chalmers Johnson termed the book "a pioneering study ... a powerful new interpretation of the Balkan wars of the 1990s."
FIRST DO NO HARM: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia
By David N. Gibbs
320 pages 7 x 10 map, bibliography, index
Cloth $79.95 (978-0-8265-1643-5)
Paper $27.95 (978-0-8265-1644-2)Orders 800-627-7377
=== 2 ===
An interview with David N. Gibbs, author of First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia
By Charles Bogle and Paul Mitchell
23 July 2009
(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
Mentre i grandi mezzi di comunicazione dei Paesi aderenti alla NATO hanno santificato il rapporto della commissione presidenziale Kean-Hamilton relativo agli attentati del’11 Settembre, il comico Jean-Marie Bigard si fa beffe di questa assurda storia in un clamoroso successo. Infatti, non è più possibile sostenere la versione del governo senza provocare ilarità...
9/11: The most popular French comedian ridicules the U.S. government
Whereas the corporate media in NATO countries have sanctified the Kean-Hamilton report of the government-appointed commission on the attacks of September 11, 2001, French comedian Jean-Marie Bigard’s mockery of this preposterous tale is a resounding success. Indeed, it is no longer possible to sustain the government’s account of those events without provoking hilarity...
Le plus populaire des humoristes français ridiculise le gouvernement US
Alors que les grands médias des pays de l’OTAN ont sacralisé le rapport de la commission présidentielle Kean-Hamilton sur les attentats du 11-Septembre, l’humoriste Jean-Marie Bigard fait un carton en France en se moquant de ce conte à dormir debout. Il est désormais vain de continuer à soutenir la version gouvernementale des événements, sa seule évocation suscite l’hilarité...
»Krönung des antiserbischen Medienfeldzuges«
Für einen »Völkermord« in Srebrenica während des Bürgerkrieges in Bosnien-Herzegowina gibt es keine Beweise. Gespräch mit Alexander Dorin
Interview: Cathrin Schütz
Der unter dem Pseudonym Alexander Dorin schreibende Publizist ist als Sohn bosnischer Eltern, die Anhänger Tito-Jugoslawiens waren, aufgewachsen. Im September erscheint von ihm das Buch »Srebrenica – Die Geschichte eines salonfähigen Rassismus« im Kai Homilius Verlag
Dieser Tage wird weltweit wieder an den von Serben während des Krieges im Juli 1995 begangenen »Völkermord an 8000 bosnischen Muslimen in Srebrenica« erinnert. In Berlin veranstalten das Zentrum für Politische Schönheit und die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker vor dem Brandenburger Tor und dem Bundestag ein Happening mit Atrappen von NATO-JDAM-Bomben, die seinerzeit nicht abgeworfen wurden. Warum wird gerade dieses Ereignis so öffentlichkeitswirksam inszeniert?
Heißt das, der Völkermord von Srebrenica ist eine Lügengeschichte?
Evakuiert wurden aber doch nur Frauen und Alte, die gesamte männliche Bevölkerung im wehrfähigen Alter wurde isoliert und fiel, wie es heißt, kurz danach einem Massaker zum Opfer.
Was passierte nach der Befragung mit den Männern?
Berichten zufolge lagen die meisten der gefundenen Toten in Massengräbern, ihre Hände waren auf dem Rücken gefesselt.