







Jul. 22, 2001

Proteste bei Zastava als Auftakt f�r soziale Mobilisierung
in Serbien?
Interview mit Zivorad Jevtic, Vorsitzender der Gewerkschaft
"Arbeitersolidarit�t" bei Zastava

Jul. 21, 2001

Zastava-Arbeiter: Zu wenig, um zu �berleben...
... zu viel, um zu verrecken

Massengrab mit serbischen Opfern in der N�he von Suva Reka
entdeckt - Hungerstreik der Kosovo-Serben geht weiter

Jul. 19, 2001

Heute massive Proteste von "Zastava"-Arbeitern!
Arbeiter wollen Zugang zur Stadt Kragujevac in Serbien blockieren

Der "Fall Milosevic" kann noch spannend werden!
Besucht die Seite

Jul. 17, 2001

Lasst uns gegen das Verbrechen unsere Stimme erheben,
bevor es zu sp�t ist
Die Opfer von Varvarin im deutschen Bundestag

Jul. 13, 2001

Nicht noch einmal!
Friedensbewegung in Deutschland gegen Milit�reinsatz in

Jul. 09, 2001

Srebrenica - wir erinnern uns
Die anti-serbische Medienmaschinerie l�uft ungebremst weiter

Wer ist dieser Mann?
Ratko Mladic, serbischer Soldat und Vampir von Srebrenica?

Jul. 05, 2001

"Die Kleinen h�ngt man, die Gro�en l�sst man laufen"
Leserbrief einer ehemaligen DDR-B�rgerin




* Tribunal: Warum wollen Sie Milosevic helfen?
Interview mit Ramsey Clark, ehemaliger Justizminister der USA
Fragen: Max B�hnel, New York (ND 11.07.01)
� ND GmbH 2001

* Mazedonien: Das Versagen der deutschen Politik
Bericht: Jo Angerer, Beate Philipp, Gregor Popp, Mathias Werth

* UCK-Terroristen in Mazedonien auf Lohnliste der NATO
von Rainer Rupp, Sbg. den 12.7.01

* Schie�erei und NATO-Opfer bei mi�lungener Karadzic-Festnahme
von Rainer Rupp, Sbg. den 16.7.01

* Umfrageergebnisse: - Serben gegen Haager Tribunal
Trotz NATO-Bomben und EU-Gelder - Serben unterwerfen
sich nicht
von Rainer Rupp, Sbg. den 16.7.01

* Widerspr�che spitz wie Tr�mmerteile
Die zivilen Opfer des Nato-Angriffs auf die
Br�cke von Varvarin fordern von
der Bundesregierung Schadenersatz
Von Rainer Jung (Berlin)
"Frankfurter Rundschau" v. 17.Juli 2001

* NATO sucht Alternative f�r Mazedonien
von Rainer Rupp, Sbg. den 18.7.01

* Einsatzf�hrungskommando und Mazedonien -
Schritt f�r Schritt zum n�chsten Kriegseinsatz
1. Interview mit Tobias Pfl�ger in der "Jungen Welt" zum
neuen Einsatzf�hrungskommando in Potsdam-Geltow
2. Artikel von IMI-Beirat Arno Neuber zur Situation vor dem
Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Mazedonien
3. Stand von Kampagne und Appell "Kriege verhindern -
Einsatzkr�fte aufl�sen"
3.1. Online unterschreiben
3.2. Online sich austauschen
3.3. Kleiner Friedensratschlag
3.4. Weiteres Vorgehen
4. Offener Brief an MdBs von IMI-Beirat Achim Schmitz in
seiner Funktion als DFG-VK Landesgesch�ftsf�hrer BaW�
5. Verweise auf eine ganze Reihe neuer Materialien, B�cher
und Artikel mit IMI-Beteiligung
5.1. Neues IPPNW-Forum zum Thema "Abr�sten statt Umr�sten"
5.2. Neues Buch: Der Jugoslawienkrieg - Eine Zwischenbilanz
5.3. Dokumentation des 9. Dresdner Friedenssymposium am 10.
Febr. 2001 ist erschienen
5.4. Brosch�re: Gel�bnix - Milit�rische Rituale, militarisierte
Au�enpolitik und der 20 Juli
5.5. Wissenschaft und Frieden 03/2001: �konomie der B�rgerkriege
6. Neues auf der IMI-Homepage
6.1. Selbstentmachtung - Artikel von Arno Neuber zur
Verhandlung der Klage der PDS gegen die neue NATO-Strategie
6.2. Zur Erinnerung: IMI-Kongre� (1999): Gegen Krieg in den
6.3. Verteidigungsarmee auf dem R�ckzug? - �ber die Ausstellung
unser Heer
Nachtrag: Adresse und Fax der Staatsanwaltschaft T�bingen wg.
Wer nicht alles auf einmal lesen kann und will:
Die Punkte 1 und 2 sind inhaltliche Texte, die Punkte 3 und 4
Aktionsvorschl�ge und Aktionsberichte, die Punkte 5.1. bis 5.5. Hinweise
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Russian Observer
July 19, 2001

CIS expert: Crises in Ukraine and Belarus are
masterminded in one place
Campaign against Lukashenko as reflection of Western
striving to wreck Russia-Belarus union

19.04.2001, 16:04

Konstantin Zatulin, Director of the Institute for CIS
Countries, takes note of press reports claiming that
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has issued a
decree establishing "a death squad" to "crack down on
the president's political opponents" and says he sees
a link between the situation in Belarus and Ukraine,
especially as far as scandals arising from missing
people are concerned.

He points out that charging an incumbent president
with political assassination is the most effective
weapon. President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine has
likewise been charged with masterminding the murder of
the independent journalist Gongadze. He has also been
exposed to a "cassette" scandal following reports that
his conversations had been tapped.

Turning to recent revelations in the course of the
Belarus presidential campaign by one of the
candidates, Chairman of the Belarus Federation of
Labor Unions Viktor Goncharik, Zatulin describes them
as an act of desperation by a candidate when the
outcome of the campaign is a foregone conclusion.

He is skeptical of reports claiming that Lukashenko
has signed a decree that could be used to mar his
reputation. Besides, he says, the opposition has posed
no serious threat to Lukashenko "either yesterday or
today." Nor are they likely to pose it in the near

Zatulin gives a reminder that at one time former
National Bank Chairman Tamara Vinnikova was thought to
be among those missing but later she turned up in

"And it may well be that the same will happen to some
of those who are missing in this way now," he says.

Zatulin draws a parallel between the situation in
Belarus and Ukraine, the difference being that
although some forces in the West did want to topple
Kuchma, they were not prepared to do it at all cost.
As far as Lukashenko is concerned, toppling him is a
matter of paramount importance for them.

"Kuchma is anxious to make sure that Ukraine under his
leadership could enjoy the benevolence of the new U.S.
administration but the Americans no longer care for
him because he has established unambiguous borders in
the East by ratifying a treaty delineating relations
between Ukraine and Russia. What they need is younger
politicians with close ties to the West. Besides,
Western financial institutions were nervous about the
scale of corruption in Ukraine." As for Belarus, it
has gone too far toward the establishment of a union
state with Russia.

"Hence persistent attacks on Lukashenko and the fact
that this campaign is displaying artfulness and

Zatulin points out that the organized character of the
campaign against Lukashenko is seen from the fact that
most of the revelations come from Moscow.

"The West is conscious of the fact that Belarus
society regards any word coming from Moscow as very
important. If a word is said in the West, it has fewer
chances of being heeded and understood in Belarus but
if it is said in Russia, there is a far better

In Zatulin's opinion, the West would accept any
candidate in Belarus with the exception of Lukashenko.

"If a different person comes, with the union of the
two states failing to achieve irreversibility, the
Western scenario will have been implemented to some

Zatulin feels the West wants to prevent a union of
Russia and Belarus because such integration will
provide an example for "very many in the space of the
former Soviet Union."

See also:

Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Milosevic Scenario" For Belarus
And Ukraine at:

Western Foundations In Ukraine: Wooing Pro-American
Elite Starts At School:


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Il 20 settembre 1993 i musulmani della regione del Bihac, guidati da
Fikret Abdic, proclamano l'indipendenza dal governo di Sarajevo.
Abdic, uomo d'affari della Agrokomerc, una importante azienda
strutturata su base cooperativa, era entrato in politica nel 1991
quando aveva ottenuto piu' voti dello stesso Izetbegovic nelle
elezioni presidenziali della Bosnia-Erzegovina. Abdic aveva dovuto
rinunciare all'incarico, lasciandolo al reazionario integralista Alija
Izetbegovic, poi principale responsabile dell'esplosione sanguinosa del
conflitto inter-bosniaco, a causa di pressioni dal carattere mai

Con la proclamazione dell'indipendenza Abdic e decine di migliaia di
musulmani e semplici "jugoslavi" della Bosnia scelgono la strada della
collaborazione e della pacifica convivenza con i croati e con i serbi.
Per questo motivo, essi non saranno mai appoggiati dall'Occidente,
che viceversa li isolera' e non alzera' un dito di fronte alla
prevedibile vendetta di parte integralista musulmana. Il 19 agosto 1994
il V corpo d'armata bosniaco-musulmano attacca la sacca di Bihac
generando molti morti e la fuga di decine di migliaia di persone.

Di questi musulmani di Bosnia non legati all'SDA di Izetbegovic i media
occidentali si sono occupati in misura irrilevante, magari solo per
denigrarli come "traditori" (si veda anche il dispaccio ANSA, riportato
di seguito), probabilmente in quanto rappresentavano un grande punto
interrogativo sulla natura "democratica e pluralista" dello Stato
bosniaco governato dagli ultranazionalisti dell'SDA.

Fikret Abdic, detto "Babo", e' oggi sotto processo a Karlovac per
episodi avvenuti durante quel drammatico periodo, vittima come
Milosevic di un processo politico. Noi solidarizziamo con "Babo" e
con i suoi sostenitori, e nel rimpiangere la Bosnia-Erzegovina
multinazionale ispirata ai valori della Fratellanza e dell'Unita'
condanniamo la scelta deliberata di punire, tra tutte le parti
in conflitto, solamente quelle che meno di tutte furono responsabili
dello squartamento del loro paese.

Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia, 20/7/2001

(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 19 LUG - Si e' aperto oggi a Karlovac, in Croazia,
il processo contro Fikret Abdic, 62 anni, ex leader musulmano della
regione di Velika Kladusa (Bosnia nord-ovest).Lo ha reso noto
l'agenzia di stampa croata 'Hina'.
Abdic, accusato della morte di 121 civili e di tre prigionieri di
guerra e delle torture contro oltre 400 civili, si e' dichiarato
innocente affermando che quello che si sta celebrando e' ''un
processo politico''.
Questa mattina intorno al tribunale di Karlovac, cinquanta chilometri
a sud di Zagabria, hanno manifestato circa duecento musulmani di
Velika Kladusa, suoi sostenitori, che da sempre definiscono Abdic
'babbo'. Dopo la lettura dell'atto d'accusa, il procedimento e' stato
rinviato alla riapertura dei tribunali a settembre.
Abdic e' stato arrestato su richiesta della magistraura bosniaca ma
non e' stato estradato a Sarajevo perche' oltre a quella bosniaca,
ha anche la cittadinanza della Croazia, dove si e' rifugiato nel 1995,
alla fine della guerra.
Uomo d'affari a capo di un impero economico a Velika Kladusa, durante
la guerra di Bosnia (1992-95) non ha esitato ad allearsi sia con
croati sia con i serbi, anche combattendo con il suo esercito privato
contro le truppe del governo di Sarajevo, dopo aver proclamato la
'Republica della Zapadna Bosna' (della Bosnia occidentale). (ANSA)
COR*VD 19/07/2001 16:36

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Charges against Milosevic reveal NATO's larger crimes

by Stephen Gowans

George Orwell once said that a lot of journalism is like prefabricated
houses -- ready-made phrases and ideas slapped together without a lot of
thought. Orwell's ghost must have smiled knowingly, reading media
of Milosevic's abduction and transfer to The Hague. Drawing from a
warehouse of ready made fallacies, one journalist noted there was an
estimated 10,000 deaths related to Milosevic's crackdown in Kosovo.
from journalist to journalist, this canard spreads like a virus. After
time, it becomes part of the zeitgeist, accepted by all, because it's
accepted by everyone else, even though it has no roots in reality, like
people believing the earth is flat in the face of plenty of
to see it isn't. Alan Freeman, a correspondent for the Toronto Globe and
Mail, dragged out the 10,000 dead myth, even though his own newspaper
run articles on forensic pathologists failing to turn up the 10,000 dead
NATO warned darkly of. That is that NATO once warned darkly of. NATO
ago backed away from the 10,000 dead figure. But once a virus starts to
spread, it's difficult to stamp out.

So it is that media reports can be built around a myth, despite internal
inconsistencies in the report that surrounds it. Freeman, for example,
out the charges against Milosevic: deportation, murder, persecution.
Nothing about genocide. Ten thousand deaths surely ranks as genocide.
Freeman doesn't ask why the genocide charge is absent, doesn't even seem
know that his prefabricated hen house is askew, its angles all wrong.

The charges against Milosevic involve the murder of 391 individuals, not
10,000, something Freeman might not even know. If he does, he's not
Nor does he know, or mention, that by the most conservative estimate --
that of Human Rights Watch -- NATO killed 500 civilians in its 78-day
aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia, a bombardment that, without the
of the UN, was illegal. That's in excess of a hundred deaths more than
Milosevic is accused of. Other estimates put the civilian death toll
higher. Yet NATO said it had to bomb Yugoslavia to stop a genocide.

Of course, the NATO death toll was accidental, NATO-supporters, and
journalists, will object. NATO didn't mean to kill those civilians, so
killing them was excusable. They were unfortunate collateral damage,
phrase Timothy McVeigh, ex-US serviceman, invoked to explain away the
hundreds he murdered. He learned well.

Journalist haven't always had such an exculpatory attitude to aerial
bombardment and its inevitable toll of "accidental" civilian casualties.
Consider this, from the New York Times, May 10, 1940.

"(Three bombers) whipped down to the valley, whirled around and came
again...They knew what they were doing. They knew they were destroying
private houses in a helpless village...and people in those houses if
were not quick enough.

The story of air warfare of this sort has been told and retold...It is
an accidental atrocity'...It is an attested, studied, boasted method of
attack. These are the gangsters of the air."

It could have been a comment on NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia, or, in
particular, on the attack on the quiet Serb town of Varvaran, well away
from the fighting, where, one day, two years ago, a NATO jet fighter
swooped down on a bridge filled with civilians, fired a missile, and
came back for a second attack while rescuers were pulling the dead and
wounded from the rubble. But it wasn't. It was a comment on a Nazi air
in Norway. The Nazis were the last to bomb Yugoslavia...that is, before
NATO decided to see what cluster bombs, depleted uranium, cruise
and high-altitude bombing could do to embassies, radio-television
buildings, trains, factories, refugee convoys, hospitals, bridges

If you're going to be gangsters of the air for 78 days, in violation of
international law, killing hundreds, if not thousands of civilians,
destroying civilian and economic infrastructure in contravention of the
articles of war, then you'd better be able to show that you have a
compelling reason. The murder of 391 people, by most standards, is
compelling. Which is why it's handy that the media is willing to trot
the myth about 10,000 deaths in Kosovo. It makes the NATO assault seem
worth it, even necessary.

It's handy too that the media raises no embarrassing questions about the
timing of the bombing. All of the murders of which Milosevic is accused,
but one, happened after the NATO bombing commenced. And the one
incident, the Racak massacre, is now believed to have been faked by the
KLA, an organization which has since been revealed to have been trained,
funded, and encouraged by Washington, to oust Milosevic. Before the
the State Department denounced the KLA as a terrorist organization. The
has since transmuted into the NLA, another terrorist organization, this
time bedevilling the Macedonian government.

And what of the deportation charges? The mass exodus from Kosovo, like
massacres Milosevic is accused of ordering, happened after the bombing.
other words, Milosevic is in The Hague to answer for crimes that could
have been the reason for NATO's bombing, unless, somehow the universe
become disordered and cause follows effect. So why did NATO trample
international law, don the cloak of humanitarianism, and reduce a
to rubble?

Stratfor, the strategic forecasting organization, warns that Americans
be hoisted on their petards. If you can send Milosevic to The Hague on
charges of deportation, persecution, and murder, you can send scores of
leaders, political and military, to The Hague, including Americans,
Stratfor warns. Imagine how many Israeli leaders could be sent to The
Hague. Imagine how many NATO leaders could stand in the docket on more
serious charges: crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war

The reality, however, as Stratfor is quick to point out, is that "No
in the world has the ability to coerce China, Russia or the United
to hand over a current or former leader." Or to hand over leaders of
strategic allies, like NATO partners.

Carla del Ponte, Chief UN Prosecutor, told a news conference that,
is above the law or beyond the reach of international justice." And yet
asked why the Tribunal isn't pursuing others who are alleged to have
committed war crimes, del Ponte replied, ""The primary focus of the
of the Prosecutor must be on the investigation and prosecution of the
(leaders of Yugoslavia) and Serbia who have already been indicted." By
most curious logic, "nobody", in del Ponte's reasoning, is equivalent to
"all but the Serbs."

And so the second NATO campaign begins. The first was a campaign of
missiles, and civilian deaths, explained away, Timothy McVeigh-like, as
unfortunate accidents. The second is a bombardment of lies.

Mr. Steve Gowans is a writer and political activist who lives in Ottawa,


by courtesy & � 2001 Steve Gowans

by the same author:

Miroslav Antic,

TARGETS - Independent monthly paper on international affairs
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The Netherlands
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(Parte delle traduzioni in italiano e' a cura di Curzio Bettio
di Soccorso Popolare di Padova)


NEW ON MILOSEVIC'S TRIAL at "Emperor's Clothes":

'Dutch Expert: Milosevic Has A Good Case'

'Milosevic Kidnapping to be Challenged in Dutch Courts'

"Milosevic: 'I Am the Moral Winner!'".
Report from Chris Black on his
meeting with Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague.

"Reichstag Fire Trial, the Sequel,"
by Jared Israel. Biting account of
Slobodan Milosevic's appearance the the 'Tribunal.'

'Arbour and Albright: Lovie-Dovie While Bombs Fell on Belgrade'
Excerpts from a joint press conference by Louise Arbour and U.S.
Secretary of State Albright, 1999.

NATO's Tribunal: Straight From the Horse's Mouth
by Jared Israel [30 June 2001]

And Now, From London, Your Milosevic Misinfo for the Day
by Jared Israel [2 July 2001]



In accordo con le definizioni usate dal Tribunale dell'Aja e dalla
di Ginevra sui Crimini di Guerra, la NATO � colpevole.
Pravda.Ru (Mensile indipendente di affari internazionali) mette in
"il caso contro la NATO" in un tribunale come quello dell'Aja..

Articolo 3 dello Statuto della Corte Penale Internazionale dell'Aja
con chiarezza che uno dei criteri per accusare per crimini di guerra �:

"Attacco o bombardamento, con qualsiasi mezzo, contro civili indifesi,
villaggi, fabbricati o case ".

Il continuo uso della NATO di obiettivi civili per scopi militari, lo
che questa organizzazione militare senza pudore e senza piet� chiama
collaterale", si adattano esattamente a questo articolo e possono essere
la pietra angolare del caso accusatorio contro questa organizzazione di
essere colpevole di crimini di guerra.

Un'altra clausola dello stesso Articolo 3 pu� essere cos� esaminata:
"La massiccia distruzione di centri abitati, citt� o villaggi non viene
giustificata da necessit� militari".

Gli attacchi ingiustificati della NATO contro la Yugoslavia e l' Iraq
ultimi dieci anni dovrebbero cadere in questa categoria, in particolare
gli attacchi della NATO con bombardamenti su obiettivi e strutture
Ad esempio, il bombardamento dell'Ambasciata Cinese non era una
militare", per stessa ammissione della NATO, in quanto ufficialmente �
classificato da questa organizzazione come "un tragico errore". In
caso, e secondo l'Articolo 3, si tratta di distruzione non giustificata
da necessit� militari e quindi, per sua stessa affermazione e usando gli
Articoli applicati dal Tribunale per conto di questa organizzazione, la
NATO � colpevole di crimini di guerra.

Comunque, non ci si deve fermare a questo caso.
L'Articolo 147 della Convenzione di Ginevra sui Crimini di Guerra,
il caso pi� recente come "...deportazione o trasferimento illegale o
illegale di una persona tutelata da leggi?o deliberata deprivazione di
persona, tutelata dei suoi diritti, di un giusto e regolare processo..."

Quello che � stato fatto nel caso di Mr. Slobodan Milosevic all'Aja, a
prescindere dal fatto che si tratta di un caso di pirateria, rapimento e
imprigionamento illegale, � in flagrante violazione della Convenzione di
Non essendo stato designato dall'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite,
il Tribunale dell'Aja � sicuramente illegale o al massimo non legale.
quindi incompetente a giudicare Slobodan
Milosevic, o qualsiasi altro, per presunti crimini.
Tranquillamente questo caso suscita la nostra ironia quando noi
che, per sua stessa ammissione, la NATO risulta colpevole dei crimini
addossa agli altri, davanti ad un organismo che non ha alcuna sostanza

Come la comunit� internazionale tolleri un tale stato scandaloso di
e attribuisca a tutto ci� un certo grado di seriet�, risulta ridicolo e
vergognoso per ogni nazione che si vanta di dichiarare che questa � una
situazione legale.



Gioved� 28 giugno 2001

MOSCA (Reuters) - Un influente membro Russo del Parlamento ha dichiarato
questo gioved� che il trasferimento dell'ex Presidente Yugoslavo
Milosevic al Tribunale per i Crimini di Guerra dell'ONU fornisce una
alla NATO per i suoi bombardamenti sulla Yugoslavia.

``Aver tradotto Milosevic all'Aja, nei fatti significa che la NATO in
conclusione ha ricevuto la copertura per la sua aggressione contro la
Yugoslavia nel 1999,'' Dmitry Rogozin ha dichiarato alla televisione di
Stato RTR.

Rogozin, Presidente della Commissione per gli Affari internazionali
Camera Bassa della Duma di Stato, ha anche previsto che la Yugoslavia
sprofonder� in una grave crisi.
Egli ha fatto questi commenti dopo che un portavoce del Tribunale aveva
affermato che Milosevic era sulla via dell'Aja per essere messo di
alle accuse di crimini di guerra.

Le autorit� Russe non hanno rilasciato dichiarazioni sulla questione.
Il Ministro degli Esteri Igor Ivanov ha rifiutato di commentare
questa settimana, affermando che questa era materia di decisioni per gli
La Duma aveva in precedenza deliberato una risoluzione che raccomandava
le autorit� di Belgrado di non consegnare Milosevic, in quanto una tale
mossa avrebbe insidiato la sicurezza dell'Europa e diviso la societ�

La Russia aveva sostenuto Milosevic nel 1999 contro la campagna aerea
In seguito, questo ha giocato un ruolo chiave nell'assicurare un
trasferimento di poteri dopo Milosevic, che non ha tentato di
al potere e ha ammesso di aver perso le elezioni presidenziali
anno, in favore di Vojislav Kostunica.

Rogozin, che era atteso alla assemblea del Consiglio di Europa nella
Francese di Strasburgo, ha dichiarato alla televisione di Stato della
RTR che il trasferimento di Milosevic indicava che la comunit�
diffidava del sistema legale Yugoslavo.

Inoltre ha affermato che questo indica che le autorit� di Belgrado si
arrese alle richieste di trasferire l'ex Presidente, in cambio delle
degli USA di prendere parte alla conferenza dei "donatori" a sostegno
riforme Yugoslave.

"Essi stanno trovando quello che hanno cercato. Il ricatto � in piena
ha dichiarato Rogozin "inevitabilmente questo sprofonder� la Yugoslavia
in una crisi.''



Par Gertie Schouten

Journal 'TROUW' (�d. matin)

Samedi 14 juillet 2001

Slobodan Milosevic a de bons arguments � faire valoir
lorsque, d'ici peu, il va r�clamer sa lib�ration face � un juge
hollandais. Telle est l'opinion de Gerard Strijards,
professeur de droit p�nal international � l'Universit� de Groningen.

D'abord, l'Article 15 de la Constitution des Pays-Bas
pr�tend que personne ne peut �tre gard� en d�tention
autrement que sur base de la l�gislation en vigueur aux
Pays-Bas ou d'un mandat judiciaire de ce m�me pays, et la
chose n'est donc pas applicable � Milosevic.

Secundo, selon Strijards, Milosevic peut pr�tendre avoir
�t� ill�galement enlev� dans son pays. En effet, son
extradition � destination du Tribunal pour la Yougoslavie
est en infraction vis-�-vis de la Constitution des Pays-Bas
(Art. 2), de la l�gislation yougoslave ainsi que du
trait� europ�en des Droits de l'Homme (Art. 5), lequel d�finit le
droit pour chaque personne de pouvoir faire appel au
moins une fois devant une cour de justice avant d'�tre renvoy�e.

Toutefois, Strijards s'attend � ce que la Cour de
District et, en instance sup�rieure d'appel, la Cour f�d�rale et la
Cour supr�me, d�clarent l'affaire non recevable,
sur base de la charte des Nations unies, dont l'Article 103 - une
r�glementation � effet de "guillotine" - stipule
que les r�glementations de l'ONU se basent sur des pr�c�dents de la
l�gislation hollandaise, et sans tenir aucunement
compte des principes constitutionnels des Pays-Bas.

Cependant, toujours selon Strijards, la o� la chose
devient int�ressante, c'est lorsque, d'ici un an ou deux, apr�s que
les proc�dures hollandaises seront termin�es, les
avocats de Milosevic vont se retrouver dans la Cour europ�enne
des Droits de l'Homme, � Strasbourg. Ce tribunal compte
de nombreux juges originaires de l'Europe de l'Est et
nombre d'entre eux sont particuli�rement critiques
vis-�-vis du Tribunal pour la Yougoslvaie. Ce tribunal pourrait
tr�s bien conclure que la d�tention de Milosevic constitue
une violation des droits fondamentaux. Cela pourrait
mettre les Pays-Bas dans une position judiciaire tr�s
inconfortable au cas o� la Cour europ�enne demanderait sa
lib�ration contre la volont� du Tribunal de La Haye.

Strijards pense que la fa�on dont le Tribunal a trait�
l'extradition a �t� "particuli�rement d�plorable" et que le fait que
le pr�sident du Tribunal, le juge Jorda, a d�clar� d'avance
aux m�dias - et bien avant que le proc�s ait d�but� - que
l'extradition de Milosevic �tait "l�gitime sur un plan
judiciaire", constitue une imprudence. "Peut-on parler de
juridiction ind�pendante et impartiale? "Il aurait d�
attendre le proc�s", ajoute Strijards.

Les avocats de Milosovic ont �galement d�clar� mercredi
dernier qu'ils allaient contester la l�galit� du Tribunal
devant la Cour de justice des Pays-Bas, parce qu'il a
�t� instaur� par le Conseil de S�curit� de l'ONU et non par son
Assembl�e g�n�rale.

Enfin, selon Strijards, cet argument n'aura pas l'ombre
d'une chance face au juge hollandais: "Il n'interviendra pas,
dans cette question", a estim� le professeur.

Traduit par Jean-Marie FLEMAL.


By Gertie Schouten

Dutch morningpaper 'TROUW'
Saturday, July 14, 2001

Slobodan Milosevic has good arguments when he shortly will demand his
release before a Dutch judge. That is the opinion of Gerard Strijards,
professor of international criminal law at the University of Groningen.

First, Article 15 of the (Dutch) Constitution says that no one can be
in detention, other than on basis of the Dutch law or judicial order,
something that is not applicable on Milosevic.

Second, according to Strijards, Milosevic can allege that he has been
illegally 'kidnapped from his country. His extradition to the Yugoslav
Tribunal is namely in violation with Article 2 of the (Dutch)
the Yugoslav law, and also Article 5 of the European Treaty of Human
Rights, in which is laid down the right for every person to at least one
time to appeal before a court, before his removal.

Nevertheless, Strijards expect that the District Court, and in higher
appeal the Federal Court and the Supreme Court will declare the case
non-receptive, on the basis of the charter of the United Nations.
103 of the Charter - a 'guillotine-regulation' - stipulates that
UN-regulations take precedents of the Dutch law, no matter the Dutch
constitutional principles.

However, it becomes interesting according to Strijards, when the lawyers
Milosevic in about a year of two, after all Dutch procedures have been
finished, will end at the European court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
this court there are also many judges from Eastern Europe and many of
are very critical of the Yugoslav Tribunal.

This court could possibly decide that the detention of Milosevic indeed
in violation with fundamental rights. That could bring The Netherlands
in a
very difficult judicial position, when the European court demands his
release against the wish of the Tribunal.

Strijards is of opinion the way the Tribunal has handled the
has been 'very unfortunate'. The fact that the President of the
judge Jorda, in advance and already before the lawsuit has started, to
media has declared that the extradition of Milosevic 'judicial
was, is according to Strijards unwise. "Can you than speak of
and impartial jurisdiction? He should have waited till the lawsuit".

The lawyers of Milosevic have said last Wednesday also to challenge the
legality of the Tribunal before the Dutch court, because it is created
the UN Security Council and not the General Assembly.

According to Strijards, this argument will not have a chance with the
judge. "He will not judge that."


----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Lippmann
To: CubaNews
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 11:04 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Castro Brands Milosevic Detention 'Illegal'

Friday June 29 4:49 PM ET
Cuba's Castro Brands
Milosevic Detention 'Illegal'
By Nelson Acosta

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba's President Fidel Castro, one of the
few world leaders to back ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic's government during the 1999 Kosovo crisis, said on
Friday his handover to a U.N. war crimes court broke
international law.

``The sending of Milosevic over there is illegal, it does not
correspond with international laws,'' the communist leader
told reporters, stressing, however, that ``it's not my role to
judge'' and that he did not know Milosevic personally.

Castro, who fiercely opposed NATO-led bombing of Yugoslavia
two years ago, added that it was ``madness to concede the
right of extra-territorial action for their penal laws and
judicial authorities to NATO and the powerful nations.''

He was speaking at the end of a protest rally outside the U.S.
diplomatic mission where more than 30,000 state-mobilized
Havana residents demanded the freedom of five Cuban agents
jailed in the United States on spy-related charges.

Castro said Milosevic was ``paying the price for not having
resisted three or four weeks longer'' during the NATO bombing
''because that war was planned for seven days ... NATO didn't
have plans or calculations for a longer resistance.''

The 11-week-long NATO air campaign came in response to
Yugoslav army action against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

``If he had fought four weeks more, the ground troops would
have had to intervene in Kosovo, and the Yugoslav army, the
Serb army, was intact,'' Castro added. ``However, this man did
not resist the pressures. They squeezed him, they forced him
into a sort of surrender, and the war was over.''

The transfer to The Hague of Milosevic, who ruled for more
than a decade, delighted many Western nations but displeased
some of Belgrade's traditional allies like Russia.

Referring to another internationally famous detainee -- Peru's
disgraced spy-master Vladimiro Montesinos, who was caught in
Venezuela at the weekend and is now in jail in Lima -- --
Castro noted his close links to the United States.


``Everyone knew his close relations with the CIA and the
U.S. authorities,'' Castro said. ``He was the prototype of
the efficient official, but he had to flee ... Now, I think, he
will occupy a very prominent position in jail.''

Chile's former dictator Augusto Pinochet, who is waiting for a
court to decide if he can be tried for human rights' abuses in
his homeland, was also a U.S. puppet, Castro said.

``Pinochet is nothing more than a servant of the United
States. They accuse him, they capture him, but none of his
accomplices appear anywhere,'' he said.

Castro himself is also termed a ``dictator'' by his foes,
particularly in the fiercely anti-communist Cuban American
community in Florida where there have been moves to indict him
for alleged ``genocide'' and rights' abuses on the island.

The 74-year-old Cuban leader has laughed that off as
ridiculous, but warned he will fight to the death if there is
ever any attempt to arrest him.

He underlined that fighting spirit in his comments Friday,
warning President Bush's administration that Cuba will not bow
to pressure to reform its socialist system and would resist
any military aggression.

``Cuba will never surrender if the country is invaded.
Cuba would negotiate only the immediate and unconditional
withdrawal of the aggressors,'' he said.

Although there has been no serious attempt to invade Cuba
since the failed expedition by a CIA-backed exile force at the
Bay of Pigs in 1961, the ruling Communist Party frequently
invokes the possibility of a U.S.-led intervention.

``Cuba would have resisted not just four weeks more, but 40
years more,'' he said, supposing it found itself in a similar
situation as the air strikes on Yugoslavia in 1999.

``Many of us would have died. I say it like this because
I know the people, and the more these people are attacked,
the more they will resist. Their spirit will grow,'' he said.

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Wednesday July 11 6:35 AM ET

Diaspora to Defend 'Innocent' Milosevic -Backers
By Andrew Gray

BELGRADE (Reuters) - A member of Slobodan Milosevic's
international support committee said he is innocent of
any crimes, evidence of mass graves is dubious and
Serbs worldwide are ready to help defend him from a
NATO ``lynching.''

Christopher Black, a Canadian lawyer who met the
former Yugoslav president in jail this week, says the
committee plans a series of public events to highlight
what it sees as the gross injustice of Milosevic's
detention on war crimes charges.

``We are hoping to organize publicity campaigns,
cultural campaigns -- all sorts of methods to raise
public consciousness about what's really going on,''
Black told Reuters on Tuesday evening after arriving
in Belgrade to meet Milosevic supporters.

Black, 51, described Milosevic as ``in good spirits''
and in no way suicidal during their talks on legal
strategy on Monday at the U.N. war crimes tribunal's
jail in The Hague.

The lawyer said members of the 60,000-strong Serb
community in his own home city of Toronto had already
offered support for the campaign backing Milosevic,
charged with responsibility for mass killings and
expulsions of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

``Even those who hate him have, through contacts,
contacted me and said they're disgusted by him being
handed over and they're willing to fund his defense,''
he said. ``And that's common in Australia and the
United States.''

The International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic was formed on March 24 this year, exactly
two years after NATO launched its air war against
Yugoslavia with the declared aim of ending Serb
repression of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province.

Founded by opponents of the bombing shortly before his
arrest in a domestic corruption investigation, the
committee is now focusing on the trial Milosevic faces
in The Hague since his transfer there last month by
the reformers who ousted him.


The committee sees Milosevic's indictment as part of a
NATO effort to justify its bombing campaign, during
which the bloody upheaval in Kosovo's conflict reached
its peak, and punish the former president for daring
to challenge the might of the West.

Milosevic has refused to recognize the authority of
the U.N. tribunal and has not engaged any defense
counsel. Tribunal judges have entered a plea of not
guilty on his behalf.

``He's determined to fight NATO wherever he is,''
Black said. ''I think he wins no matter what. This
man's being railroaded. We haven't seen any evidence
and no one else has. He's not guilty of anything.''

British playwright Harold Pinter is among those on the
committee, which Black said he believed now included
around 200 academics, politicians, journalists,
lawyers and others.

The committee Web site ( under the
banner ``Free Slobodan Milosevic!!!'' claims the
support of ``600 personalities from 30 countries.'' It
lists around 70 people who are actually members from
countries from Russia to the United States.

Black dismissed much of the material offered to
justify Milosevic's indictment and transfer to The
Hague, such as the recent discovery of several mass
graves inside Serbia proper believed to be filled with
the bodies of Kosovo Albanians.

``We've been hearing stories about mass graves since
the start of the (Balkan) wars and every time you
examine those alleged mass graves... they just
disappear,'' he said, appearing to take issue with the
widely accepted findings of many investigators and
forensic experts over the past decade.

He claimed rallies in support of Milosevic in Belgrade
had attracted far more people than the few thousand
estimated by widely respected local and international
media organizations.

``It's just a bunch of lies,'' he said of the media

The lawyer, who is already defending a Rwandan general
accused of genocide at another U.N. tribunal, met
Milosevic in The Hague for about an hour and a half on

He said talk the ex-president might commit suicide --
as both his parents did -- was Western propaganda.
``Any rumors of him being suicidal are absolute
nonsense and a plant, in case they try to eliminate
him some other way,'' he said.



VLADIKAVKAZ, JULY 5, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent/
-- The Hague tribunal will be unable to make an
unbiased indictment on the Slobodan Milosevic case,
says President Alexander Dzasokhov of North Ossetia,
Russia's constituent republic in the North Caucasus.

"Historic bungle," he describes Serbia's decision to
extradite Milosevic to the international tribunal - a
move which clashes with Yugoslavia's federal
Constitution and a Constitutional Court verdict. The
president accuses the present-day Yugoslav regime of
political incompetence in ruling the country.

"Milosevic and I are personal acquaintances. I am sure
the history of Yugoslav peoples will present him as
staunch partisan of Yugoslavia's territorial
integrity," President Dzasokhov said to the republican

He is sure the Yugoslav movement in Milosevic's favour
will gain momentum.


----- Original Message -----
From: Danielle Bleitrach
Sent: dimanche 1 juillet 2001 21:57
Subject: p�titionTPI


Ceux qui sont attach�s � un minimum de d�cence dans la pratique des
relations internationales ne peuvent qu'�tre choqu�s devant l'indigne
spectacle ayant abouti � l'extradition de l'ancien pr�sident �lu de la
Yougoslavie Slobodan Milosevic au Tribunal P�nal International et ce
le cadre d'un marchandage consistant � conditionner une aide �conomique
diktat des Etats-Unis exigeant cette extradition.
Pour ce faire, les grands d�cideurs internationaux n'ont pas h�site �
obliger le gouvernement de Belgrade � violer de multiples mani�res sa
propre l�galit� et � adopter une conduite digne de la plus servile des
r�publiques banani�res.
Notre rejet total de ces comportements gravement antid�mocratiques
n'implique aucune adh�sion aux pratiques politiques de l'ancien
Il signifie, par contre, notre refus d'une hypocrisie institutionnalis�e
consistant en une tentative d'occultation des responsabilit�s
dans la d�sint�gration de l'ancienne RSFY et dans la trag�die qui
s'ensuivit, en faisant de l'ancien pr�sident un bouc �missaire diabolis�
sur mesure.
Son extradition sert aussi � banaliser le crime que nos arm�es ont
en bombardant un pays apr�s que nos diplomaties aient mont�, �
une mascarade de n�gociations. Et tout cela en violant les principes les
plus �l�mentaires du droit, les chartes fondatrices des organismes
internationaux et les conventions de guerre.
Non, nous n'acceptons pas que ces gens l�, qui ont pi�tin� toute
puissent pr�tendre aujourd'hui s'�riger en r�f�rence morale de la
d�mocratie et du droit. C'est dans ce sens-l�, et seulement dans ce
sens-l�, que nous manifestons notre totale opposition aux honteuses
pressions qui on conduit � livrer Slobodan Milosevic � un tribunal
d�pourvu de toute l�gitimit�.

Bruxelles, juin, 2001

> "Chers amis,
> Face aux �v�nements qui nous interpellent tous, nous avons cru
> de vous proposer � votre consid�ration et signature le texte joint
> Georges Berghezan
> Jean Bricmont
> Vladimir Caller "
> merci d'adresser votre r�action par "reply", ou � 'appeldeb@...'


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CNJ je sastavljena od osoba razlicitog zvanja
koje su angazovane na jugoslovenskim
problematikama, a ticu se geografskog ,
kulturnog i politickog prostora razbijene
Socijalisticke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije.

Radjanje jedne ovakve Nacionalna Koordinacija
je postalo neophodno da bi se,
na koristan nacin ,ako je to moguce, obnovile
sve aktivnosti koje smo, u nasim
odgovarajucim okvirima, zapoceli. Medju ovim
aktivnostima podsecamo na:


Smatramo da je vazna materijalna solidarnost
u odnosu na jugoslovenske narode, narocito
u odnosu na gradjane sadasnje Federativne
Republike Jugoslavije koja je bombardovana
avionima koji su poleteli sa naseg tla u
prolece 1999, izrazena kroz usvajanja na daljinu,
prikupljanja novcanih sredstava, posiljki
lekova, odece i ostalih sredstava, bratimljenja,
pomoci razlicitog tipa radnicima sa tog
prostora. Takvu solidarnost ne shvatamo samo u
iskljucivo humanitarnom smislu vec kao izraz
naseg internacionalistickog osecanja,
i nase osude u odnosu na politicke, diplomatske
i vojne postupke za koje je nasa zemlja
postala odgovorna i zbog kojih Jugosloveni
imaju pravo na ostetu.
CNJ tezi da olaksa uzajamno upoznavanje
kroz razlicite inicijative solidarnosti kao
i da olaksa sam cin pomoci radnicima i
najslabijim i najsiromasnijim slojevima sa tih prostora,
narocito prema izbeglicama-zrtvama desetogodisnjeg
vestackog rasparcavanja teritorije.


CNJ smatra neophodnom kontrainformaciju
da bi se razotkrile manje poznati
razlozi balkanske katastrofe poslednjih
deset godina, raskrinkavanje imperijalistickih
uplitanja i neokolonijalistickih interesa,
vodjenje bitke za demonizaciju protiv bilo koje
strane u konfliktu i citavih naroda, kao
i stavljanje u jednu istorijsku perspektivu
skorasnjeg i dugotrajnog razbijanja
jugoslovenskog jedinstva.
Kao CNJ se zalazemo za omogucavanje veceg
objedinjavanje istorijskih i politickih
saznanja po tom pitanju. Zalazemo se da
vodjenje arhiva u kome su dostupne
informacije koje su veoma cesto ne mogu
pronaci, za objavljivanje knjiga, brosura,
za sirenje informacija preko interneta
ili pak za organizovanje narocitih inicijativa.


Smatramo nedovoljnim poznavanje jugoslovenske
i balkanske realnosti u nasoj zemlji . Upravo
zbog toga nastojimo da to sirimo kroz muziku,
literaturu, istoriju tih prostora. Osim
inicijativa koje smo mi zapoceli,
spremni smo da koordiniramo i da budemo
rezonantna kutija za inicijative
koje su organizovale lokalne grupe.


Po nasem misljenju treba odrzavati
stabilne odnose sa drustvenom i politickom
levicom razlicitih jugoslovenskih republika.
Zbog toga postavljamo sebi cilj
da u Italiji budemo jedinstveni i pouzdani
referent, pouzdana tacka oslonca.
Nameravamo da organizujemo i uprilicimo
susrete sa predstavnicima partija, sindikata,
grupa ili pokreta ili pak pojedinaca da
bismo omogucili upoznavanje citavog spektra
politickih i ideoloskih stanovista
jugoslovenske antifasisticke i internacionalisticke
levice prisutne u raznim republikama.


Hteli bismo da budemo polazna tacka
okupljanja i susreta, u Italiji, za sve one Jugoslovene
- bilo kog drzavljanstva ili nacionalnosti -
koji nisu prihvatili krvavo rusenje sopstvene zemlje,
nego supostali zrtve, primorani na iseljenje
ili pak na usamljenost. Ziveci danas u Italiji,
ti Jugosloveni, veoma cesto nemaju kulturno
asocijativni okvir da bi izrazili vlastiti identitet.


25 juna 2001. bila je desetogodisnjica
od pocetka rata na Balkanu, koji je
istovremeno bratoubilacki i rat imperijalistickog
podcinjavanja. Uprkos patnjama svih lokalnih
naroda i uprkos grubog medjunarodnog mesanja
- ovo poslednje ,veoma cesto, sa apsolutno
pogubnim dejstvom - predvidjeni razvoj dogadjaja,
tokom vremena, je sve drugo, osim sto stabilizovan.
Stoga je, potrebno prikazati u odgovarajucem
okviru, veoma tesku sadasnju situaciju u sirem
politickom kontestu, sa pazljivim pogledom na ekonomske
dinamike, na tranzicije koje su u toku u susednim,
granicnim balkanskim drzavama, na strategijske
scenarije koji podsticu dogadjaje raznih zemalja:
"strukturalne" reforme, pitanje snabdevanje
prirodnim bogatstavima, sirenje na istok
Evropske unije i Nato pakta.

CNJ se temelji na istim vrednostima na
kojima je utemeljeno pola veka miroljubivog
zivota i razvoja Jugoslavije, protiv svake
secesije i svakog nacionalistickog i etnickog
suprotstavljanja, pocevsi od Oslobodilackog
rata u kome je ucestvovalo na hiljade Italijana.

Nasom aktivnoscu postavljamo sebi cilj da
ispravimo duboki istorijski i kulturni dug i
dezinformaciju o jugoslovenskim zbivanjima
i nase istocne granice koja je, upravo u Italiji,
nasledjena odavno, kroz italijanski post-unitarni
nacionalizam, kolonijalne aneksije i fasizam,
kroz rasparcavanje SFRJ. U tome se osecamo u
kontinuitetu sa duhom zajednicke borbe
jugoslovenskih i italijanskih partizana protiv


Pristupanje CNJ je individualno. Na ovaj nacin
svako moze da razlikuje eventualno
pristupanje ovoj nacionalnoj inicijativi od toka
svojih posebnih inicijativa koje mogu
da napreduju i da se razvijaju u savrsenoj autonomiji.
Svaki clan, na nacionalnom planu, daje inspiracije,informacije,
inicijative, ideje koje poticu iz njegovog licnog okruzenja.
U CNJ je siroko sacuvana politicka i organizacijska
autonomija pojedinacnih instanci. Za ove poslednje CNJ je
sediste razmene ideja i informacija i polazna tacka za
saradnju i uzajamno obogacenje.

Bolonja, 1.jul. 2001.


Tamara Bellone <BELLONE@...> tel.011-5647709
Ivana Kerecki <ivanak011@...> tel. 02-2482118


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The Russian Observer
July 17, 2001

New stage in Brzezinsky Plan for Ukraine
Architects of the Brzezinsky plan are preparing two
scenarios of further developments: "Meciar-Milosevic
scenario" and "Lukashenko scenario"

Bogdan Khmelnitsky
17.53.2001, 16:53

The Brzezinsky Plan that was concocted in the inner
sanctums of the American Congress and in the
Washington think tanks in the plush offices of
American citizens that emigrated from Poland and
Ukraine had as its goal in 1999-2000 to implement "the
Milosevic scenario:"

1) President Kuchma's conversations were secretly

2) a little known journalist, Georgy Gongadze, was
chosen as a potential victim (he was either squirreled
away and hidden by the American or Polish secret
services, or he was liquidated by Ukrainian fascists
to get him out of the way) allegedly on President
Kuchma's orders - the Ukrainian president used words
unfit for printing in reference to Gongadze);

3) Major Melnichenko, a security officer, who was
persuaded to become a turncoat, took the job of
recording the president's conversations (100 hours of
tape recordings made beneath a sofa);

4) with the help of the media controlled by the
"Brzezinsky coalition, President Kuchma was accused of
organizing the assassination of journalist Gongadze;

5) public demonstrations were organized to demand the
beginning of an impeachment procedure against
President Kuchma.

The next stages of this plan were supposed to be:

- resignation of Leonid Kuchma;

- transfer of power to acting president, Prime
Minister Yushchenko who is totally controlled by the
"Brzezinsky group;"

- prescheduled presidential elections that would be
won hands down by Viktor Yushchenko, making use of
administrative control over the leading media and
massive financial backing from the "Brzezinsky group;"

- selling out Leonid Kuchma to international justice
in exactly the same manner that the Serbs sold out
ex-president Milosevic;

- Viktor Yushchenko, under American control, was to
start deRussification of Ukraine - squeezing out the
Russian language, introducing a visa regime for
Russia, dumping all contracts in the
military-technical sphere, blockade of Russia's Black
Sea Fleet, Ukrainian secret services and the army were
to be placed under control of American and Polish

However, this plan was not destined to materialize in
view of the low level of professionalism of those who
were supposed to carry it out. Another reason why the
plan fizzed out was that all the funds that were
directed towards ousting Kuchma were simply pilfered.
But the main reason why the plan did not work out was
that the majority of Ukrainian citizens are afraid of
total rule by "westerners." They are considerably more
afraid of the Polish-brainwashed and
Catholic-brainwashed inhabitants of western Ukraine
with their frenzied nationalism than they are afraid
of Kuchma's oligarchs. The Ukrainian citizens are also
afraid of the chaos in the event of the development of
the planned political crisis.

The "Brzezinsky coalition" suffered a resounding
defeat and was compelled to retreat, licking its
wounds and taking along their wounded: Viktor
Yushchenko and Yulia Timoshenko.

But political life is a fast moving affair,
parliamentary elections are due in March, and so a new
stage of the "Brzezinsky plan" has been drawn up. It
has also originated in the offices of Polish-American
Congressmen and Washington think tank analysts.

The parliamentary ballot is the main objective at the
new stage. The ideologists of the anti-Kuchma campaign
state directly that "the future parliamentary
elections will be the most crucial event since
declaration of Ukrainian independence." The architects
of the Brzezinsky plan are based on standard schemes
and are preparing two scenarios of further
developments: "Meciar-Milosevic scenario" and
"Lukashenko scenario."

"Meciar-Milosevic scenario"

Stage one is reserved for an active election campaign
with anti-presidential slogans. Currently there are
three columns within the "Brzezinsky coalition:" an
ultra-right one led by Viktor Yushchenko, a
centrist-oligarchic one led by Yulia Timoshenko, and a
moderately leftwing one led by Alexander Moroz. It is
assumed that the people are sick and tired of Kuchma
and his oligarchs and do not trust the communists.
This will enable the three columns of the "Brzezinsky
coalition" to gain a majority in the Parliament.

At stage two, the parliamentary majority forms the
Yushchenko-Timoshenko Government.

Stage three sees the start of impeachment proceedings
against President Kuchma.

The parliamentary elections scenario was used in
Slovakia to topple Prime Minister Meciar (Slovakia has
a parliamentary system). Playing the decisive role in
molding public opinion and running the election
campaign were not so much local Slovak structures as a
network of organizations created with international
aid - foundations, research groups, centers and others
- whose declared goal it was "to create conditions for
the holding of free elections," and "to control the
holding of elections." This type of organizations has
been created in Ukraine and will doubtlessly be
actively employed during the election campaign. After
that the developments will unobtrusively take the form
of the "Milosevic scenario," thus coming back to the
option the "Brzezinsky coalition" attempted to
implement in early 2001.

At stage four the impeachment proceedings are dropped
in exchange for the holding of early elections.

At stage five, Yushchenko wins the presidential
elections, with "the Brzezinsky coalition" controlling
the Ukrainian media.

At stage six, Leonid Kuchma is sold to the
international justice in exchange for a promise of
investments, but in fact in exchange for independence.

Further on, Yushchenko is used as a puppet for the
fight against Russia. Ukraine under Yushchenko is cast
in the role of a pawn in a great chess game played
against Russia, a plaything in the hands of
venturesome geopolitical gamblers.

But it is not easy to give effect to this scenario,
because most people in Ukraine are opposed to doubtful
experiments - 85 % of them want good relations with
Russia. For this reason the "Brzezinsky coalition" is
getting ready for using the "Lukashenko scenario" in
case it fails to win the elections - they would
discredit the elections and to declare elected
parliament and president illegitimate. Later they plan
gradually to isolate Kuchma and bring greater pressure
to bear on him. The purpose is to compel him to resign
sooner or later and then sell him out to an
international court the way Milosevic was sold out.

To carry out this scenario, a large group of observers
is being formed to judge whether the elections are
democratic or not, depending on their outcome. To
attain this goal, the committees monitoring the
elections should more or less be controlled from one
center. To that end, a system of financing and
controlling them is being established. The financing
procedure is to be simplified to achieve better
control. This not only makes the whole work simpler
but also creates conditions for embezzlement, which
not only attracts indecent people to monitoring the
elections but also allows one to control them better,
so that they could be accused of corruption at any
appropriate time. In this way a coalition of
avaricious observers of parliamentary elections in
Ukraine is being formed. All this makes the system of
monitoring the elections, which is being created at
present, undemocratic in principle.

The fundamental fact is that the system being created
is directed against democracy - it is to be used for
imposing a choice on the people of Ukraine, which they
would never make on their own free will, since 85% of
the population there gives priority to relations with
Russia. So, an anti-Russian politician cannot come to
power in Ukraine in a democratic way. He can only be
imposed on the Ukrainian people. And this is what the
"Brzezinsky coalition" is trying to do.

At first a method of rendering the elections
illegitimate will be tested in Belarus. Preparations
for this are under way. Groups for this purpose have
already been formed. Lukashenko is naive to think they
are going to train militants against him. Their goal
is more important - to declare his presidency invalid
and to declare him an usurper. The principles on which
the elections in Belarus and then in Ukraine will be
declared invalid have already been formulated. They
have been published on the Washington online site with
the money of the U.S. Congress. Meanwhile, it has been
announced that an international mission is to be
created. Its work is to be coordinated by Andrew
Carpenter. The principles are:

1. transparency of elections

2. access of opponents to state media

3. absence of discrimination against political

4. the significance of the parliament's powers.

On the basis of these principles the legitimacy of
first the Belarus President and then the Ukrainian
parliament will be rejected. Alexander Lukashenko has
long been the target for his efforts to achieve
integration with Russia. But why Kuchma? Perhaps just
because they want so.

The goal of Russia's present policy with regard to
Ukraine is to ensure non-interference in its domestic
affairs, independence of Ukraine, and democracy in


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Luned� 16 Luglio all'alba, la DIGOS al servizio del "dott.Di Siervo",
ha fatto irruzione nelle abitazioni di diversi Compagni e Compagne
procedendo all'arresto di un compagno e di una compagna e, nell'ambito
della stessa inchiesta, inquisito degli altri.
La DIGOS ha sequestrato materiale cartaceo riguardante la Jugoslavia e
i Balcani, cercando invano connessioni tra Finanziamenti "illeciti",
attivit� "eversiva" e l'attivit� internazionale del Convoglio di
Solidariet� Internazionalista Giorgiana Masi Riconosciuta in tutto il
Questa provocazione cade proprio alla vigilia dell'importante
appuntamento di Genova.
Le accuse formulate dalla procura riguardano alcuni attentati contro le
sedi dei "Democratici di Sinistra" avvenuti durante i criminali
bombardamenti della NATO sulla Jugoslavia, accuse accompagnate
dall'ormai noto articolo 270bis.
E' chiaro che da una parte si vuole autoassolvere chi � direttamente
responsabile dei criminali bombardamenti (il governo di centrosinistra
e la NATO) e dall'altra colpire chi si � opposto alla scelta
autoritaria (e non popolare) di partecipare ad una criminale
aggressione contro un popolo sovrano e contro i lavoratori, ricordiamo
il feroce bombardamento NATO contro un picchetto operaio alla fabbrica
Zastava di Kragujevac che fer� gravemente 124 lavoratori e lavoratrici.
Alle accuse della Procura si aggiungono altre imputazioni ventilate dai
massmedia che riguardano alcuni attentati contro delle sedi FASCISTE.
Respingiamo con forza questa provocazione.

Solidariet� al Compagno e alla Compagna arrestati e a tutti coloro che
in questi giorni sono colpiti dalla repressione.

Convoglio di Solidariet� Internazionalista Giorgiana Masi

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Parliamo di Jugoslavia

- A due anni dai bombardamenti Nato (e quindi Italiani) sulla
� sceso il silenzio sulle conseguenze causate da quella guerra
sulle popolazioni, sull'ambiente, sulle condizioni economiche e
sulle prospettive politiche e sociali dei Paesi che costituivano
la Repubblica Federativa Socialista di Jugoslavia.

- Oggi non bisogna pi� parlare di quello che � accaduto,
ricordare i morti, le bombe, i reali motivi che hanno portato i
paesi Nato a bombardare Balcani con l'uranio, raccontare le
condizioni attuali di quei Paesi e delle popolazioni che ci
devono vivere.

- Perch� oggi i mezzi d'informazione hanno esaurito il loro
di collaboratori dell'aggressione, quando ingannavano l'opinione
pubblica per farle digerire l'"intervento umanitario", le
"missioni Arcobaleno", la "rivoluzione democratica" di Belgrado.
E nemmeno � consigliabile raccontare alla "gente" le reali
attuali conseguenze di quella guerra infame sulla pelle dei
lavoratori e della societ�.

- Intanto, l'aggressione all'area balcanica continua in
secondo il collaudato sistema di fomentare contrapposizioni
etniche e di finanziare e sostenere direttamente le formazioni
mercenarie del "nuovo" U.C.K.

- Oggi alla disinformazione � preferito il silenzio,
rotto soltanto dalla prosecuzione della criminalizzazione
dell'intero popolo serbo e slavo, a celare le immense colpe
occidentali. Prova ne sia che la politica internazionale � stata
la grande assente della recente campagna elettorale, rimossa sia
dalle destre sia dal centro-sinistra: uniti su questi temi, in
campagna elettorale e in guerra.

Oggi delle attuali emergenze e necessit� di questi popoli
non parla nessuno:


venerd� 20/7 alle ore 19.00
presso la scuola elementare 1. Maj 1945

Marino Andolina (Prc TS), Renato Kneipp (Cgil TS), Gilberto Vlaic
(Zastava TS)

A cura di:
gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste - <zastavatrieste@...>


Per il rilancio del lavoro di base di controinformazione e di
solidariet� politica attiva, e della campagna delle adozioni a
distanza a favore delle famiglie operaie di Kragujevac

gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste - 338-9116688 - zastavatrieste@...


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Philip Morris: "le morti per fumo
fanno bene alla spesa sanitaria"

Dopo anni di pi� o meno celato "mea culpa", di battaglie
legali e morali con medici e fumatori, l'americana
Philip Morris sembra proprio aver cambiato strategia.
Basta, con i soliti avvertimenti del fumo che fa male, che
nuoce pesantemente alla salute, pensiamo in positivo -
sembrano aver detto i dirigenti della multinazionale
statunitense - le morti premature causate dal fumo
sono, anche, un toccasana per la spesa sanitaria. In altre
parole niente pi� spese mediche, n� pensioni, n�
alloggi per anziani. Una volta passati a miglior vita, afferma la
Philip Morris i fumatori incalliti non costano pi�
nulla allo Stato. No, non � uno scherzo di cattivo gusto. Tutto �
stato perfettamente conteggiato, in un rapporto economico
presentato nella Repubblica Ceca. La contabilit�
elenca costi e benefici del fumo per il bilancio nazionale.
Risultato: il governo avrebbe risparmiato tra i 50 e i
60 miliardi di lire, solo nel 99, grazie alla mortalit�
pi� alta registrata tra i fumatori. Tra i costi del fumo rientra
anche la spesa per curare i fumatori e le vittime del fumo
passivo, e perfino le minori imposte sul reddito
riscosse in caso di morte prematura. Complessivamente,
calcolando entrate ed uscite, le sigarette avrebbero
fatto guadagnare alla Repubblica Ceca la bellezza di 300
miliardi di lire. Tante le reazioni, una su tutte, quella
di una dottoressa: da un punto di vista strettamente
economico la migliore raccomandazione per il governo
sarebbe quella di uccidere direttamente le persone il
giorno stesso che vanno in pensione. Un commento
sarcastico che non � piaciuto alla Philip Morris, ma che
certo non si discosta poi troppo dalla sua nuova
campagna pubblicitaria.

Fonte: tg5 - citato da Gian (Venezia)


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La Jugoslavia "in effetti non esiste" ed il suo presidente Kostunica
"si trova nella situazione molto particolare di essere il presidente
della Jugoslavia, che non esiste per davvero". D'altronde, il
sostegno di cui gode Kostunica a livello popolare "gli viene
soprattutto da gente priva di istruzione che disprezza l'Occidente".
E' proprio questo sostegno, comunque, che fa di Kostunica l'uomo
chiave "per le riforme" e per tutti "gli obblighi che dobbiamo
rispettare", sui quali "non abbiamo spazio di manovra".
Secondo Djindjic, il Montenegro deve tenere il referendum per la
secessione, in quanto quest'ultima non destabilizzerebbe il paese,
in quanto quest'ultimo non esiste.

[In altre parole:
"Bisogna andare avanti a spaccare la Jugoslavia. In questo
io sono alleato di Djukanovic, e Kostunica deve stare zitto perche'
lui non e' presidente di niente e serve solo come mio specchietto
per le allodole. Rispetteremo tutte le imposizioni dell'Occidente,
perche' solo questo conta e chi non crede nell'Occidente e' solo un

BELGRADE, July 16 (Free Serbia) - Yugoslavia "doesn't actually
exist" as a country since Montenegro has been rejecting the formal
federation with Serbia in the form of Yugoslavia, the Serbian prime
minister Zoran Djindjic said in an interview with the American TV
Speaking of the Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica, Djindjic
said that Kostunica's credibility and legitimacy were based upon the
elections, adding, however, that Kostunica is "in a very peculiar
situation, being a president of Yugoslavia, which doesn't really exist".
Montenegro has been rejecting Serbia for four or five years, and in that
respect, the federal government and the federal level are practically
Serbian, said Djindjic. Broad public support that Kostunica enjoys, "in
particular among the non-educated people who distrust the West", makes
a key man for the Yugoslav reform, stated Djindjic. The Serbian PM
the FRY president of reassuring the Western governments that Yugoslavia
would cooperate with The Hague tribunal, and then stalled. "We have no
space to manoeuvre our way out of the unavoidable. We must meet some
obligations", stressed Djindjic. The Serbian PM marked Kostunica's
as "democratic nationalism", adding that "nationalism isn't an option
Commenting on the relations of Serbia and Montenegro, Djindjic
said that Montenegro should conduct a referendum on independence, adding
that Montenegrin independence wouldn't destabilize the region, because
"Yugoslavia isn't founded on ethnic principles". He stressed, however,
he'd prefer Montenegro to remain in the federation, adding that its
separation would start a new issue in the time when the country's facing
political and economic reforms.


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Date forwarded: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:40:20 +0200
From: "Luca Kocci" <lkocci@...>
To: <pck-pace@...>
Subject: consacrata nuova "chiesa militare"
Date sent: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:43:34 +0200
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Una nuova "chiesa militare" � stata consacrata lo scorso 20 giugno
a Dakovica, all'interno di una base militare italiana in Kosovo.
"� un giorno importante, storico - ha detto il colonnello
Bertolaso, comandante della base -; da oggi abbiamo un luogo dove
poter incontrare Dio e ritrovare noi stessi. La chiesa diventa
segno del nostro operare per la pace nel mondo e aggiunge
radici profonde alla motivazione della nostra missione".
"Il militare italiano - spiega mons. Giuseppe Mani,
Ordinario militare per l'Italia - non solo compie in modo
esemplare il suo impegno internazionale a servizio della
pace e in difesa dei pi� deboli, ma, spesso, � anche un
fedele e sincero credente. � possibile diventare santi anche in
Kosovo nelle attivit� che ognuno sta svolgendo quotidianamente".

Luca Kocci


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