
Dal Corriere della Sera del 22 maggio 2001

�Cos� l' Italia vinse la sfida in Kosovo�

Il generale Usa Clark: �Volevo usare i vostri elicotteri per prendere
In un libro di memorie elogi al governo di Roma che offr� 18 mila
uomini per la guerra
�Il comandante inglese rifiut� di eseguire i miei
ordini per battere sul tempo i russi�
Caretto Ennio

�Cos� l' Italia vinse la sfida in Kosovo�
Il generale Usa Clark: �Volevo usare i vostri elicotteri per
prendere Pristina�
che le memorie del generale Wesley Clark, l' ex comandante della
Nato, il vincitore della guerra del Kosovo, fossero un regolamento
di conti con i timidi alleati europei, in particolare
l' Italia, si sbagliava.
In "Waging modern war" (Combattere la guerra moderna),
pubblicato da Public Affairs, il generale, per quanto paradossale
sembri, mette sotto processo il Pentagono, come ha sottolineato
ieri il New York Times. Da soldato, con poche eccezioni, Clark
non ha che elogi per l' Europa e per l' Italia. Sorvola
elegantemente sui contrasti con i loro leader politici, lodando
l' appoggio avuto da quelli militari. Sul nostro Paese scrive: �La
coalizione al potere dal ' 98 era guidata da un ex comunista
(Massimo D' Alema, ndr) il cui partito sembrava assai meno
convinto di lui dell' intervento, ma il conflitto diede all' Italia
una voce pi� significativa nella Nato e nella politica europea�.
E ancora: �A volte, l' America non ha capito i sacrifici europei.
L' Italia ad esempio apr� nuove basi aeree durante la guerra a
scapito del turismo. E la sua industria della pesca fu danneggiata
dalle munizioni scaricate nell' Adriatico dagli aerei�. Wesley
Clark, costretto a ritirarsi anzitempo dal suo nemico personale
(cos� appare nel libro) l' ex ministro della Difesa William Cohen,
si divide oggi tra gli studi strategici e le consulenze finanziarie.
Le sue memorie sono in parte un trattato militare, in parte uno
spassionato resoconto dell' unica guerra combattuta dalla Alleanza
Atlantica negli oltre cinquant' anni della sua esistenza. L' Italia,
dipinta da una corrente della diplomazia e dei media americani
come il �ventre molle dell' Alleanza�, ne esce a testa alta. Clark
riferisce di avere avuto un ottimo rapporto con il suo vice a
Bruxelles, l' ammiraglio Guido Venturoni, e con il nostro Capo di
Stato Maggiore, il generale Mario Arpino. E fa due annotazioni:
�gli italiani disponevano di circa 18 mila soldati che
potevano impiegare all' estero e ne avevano gi� alcune migliaia
in Albania, Bosnia e Macedonia�: Clark ricorda che Arpino dichiar� la
disponibilit� a partecipare a un attacco di terra con tutti gli
uomini disponibilii e che lui aveva pensato di usarne tremila.
L' Italia aggiunse che avrebbe partecipato alla corsa a Pristina,
subito dopo la resa serba, con gli elicotteri Mangust a, se la Nato
la avesse ordinata. Contrariamente all' opinione comune, il nostro
Paese fu uno dei pi� impegnati e coerenti per tutta la campagna.
Il Corriere ha ricevuto le bozze delle quasi 500 pagine di "Waging
modern war". I fatti meno noti sono quelli della fine del maggio
'99, quando l' invasione alleata del Kosovo apparve inevitabile
e si calcol� che avrebbe coinvolto 100 mila soldati. Nel ruolo
di presidente del Comitato militare Nato, Venturoni, racconta
Clark, medi� con i governi sui bombardamenti che avevano causato
vittime tra i civili, e che molti volevano limitare drasticamente.
Arpino espresse l' opinione che l' Italia �avrebbe fatto ci� che
poteva� con le truppe di terra. Nel libro Clark non nomina D' Alema,
allora capo del governo, n� il ministro degli Esteri Dini, ma
chiarisce che i francesi, non gli italiani, costituirono
l'opposizione interna all' Alleanza, in particolare ai negoziati
di Rambouillet con Milosevic, falliti nel febbraio ' 99: fu un
ufficiale francese, a esempio, a fornire ai serbi alcuni dei piani
di bombardamento della Nato. Clark fa dell' allora segretario
della Nato Javier Solana, che spesso l' appoggi� nel suo braccio
di ferro con il Pentagono, l'eroe politico della situazione.
Con straordinario candore, l' ex comandante della Nato riporta
parola per parola il suo scontro con il generale inglese Michael
Jackson a proposito dell' aeroporto di Pristina, dove a pace
conclusa stavano marciando a tappe forzate i carri armati russi.
Per batterli sul tempo Clark voleva inviarvi gli elicotteri
Apache e i Mangusta. Jackson si oppose: �Non scatener�
la terza guerra mondiale per te�. �Non � quello che ti chiedo -
ribatt� Clark - ti chiedo di bloccare l' aeroporto�. �Sono un
generale a tre stelle, e non puoi darmi un ordine del genere�,
replic� l' inglese. �E io sono un generale a quattro stelle, e
posso�. Jackson si rivolse al premier britannico Blair, che concord�
il �no� con il presidente Clinton. L' ex comandante della Nato ammette,
retrospettivamente, che fu per il meglio. Ma con lo stesso candore,
rivolge accuse pesantissime al Pentagono. Di avergli impedito nel
'98 di ammonire Milosevic che la Nato lo avrebbe bombardato se
avesse toccato i kosovari; e di avergli vietato a lungo i preparativi
dell' intervento �perch� i Balcani non figuravano nel quadro del
ministero della Difesa, orientato a battersi solo nel Golfo Persico
e in Corea�.

Ennio Caretto

(trascritto da Gian, che ringraziamo)


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Message from Michel Collon, May 30, 2001 (en fran�ais ci dessous)

Dear friends

I am committed to keeping you informed of the
developments with my cancer. I remind you that I was to be
operated on for a cancer of the kidney; the operation went
very well and I am convalescing normally.

Unfortunately, I learned that the tests carried out on the
kidney that was removed, as well as on the other kidney and
on the thyroid gland, revealed the presence of Cesium 134
and 137 as well as that of a third element.

All three are products of the decomposition of Uranium 235,
which, as is known, is derived directly from the waste
products of nuclear power plants.

Tests to verify these results will be carried out in the
coming days. The laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear
Medicine, directed by Professor Frohling, has therefore
found these radioactive substances in my body. This only
reinforces my anger against the heads of NATO, who have
transformed entire territories into radioactive garbage

I had the good fortune to have had the radioactive
substances discovered very early and to have been cared for
by people both competent and committed to their work.

But I think also of the local population, of the hundreds of
thousands of people who will have no access to this
sophisticated and costly health care. In the years to come
in these regions, NATO will therefore cause (and has already
caused) enormous suffering and anguish.

I would like to use my personal experience to break into the
media with the truth and reinforce the determination of all
those who want to make sure the heads of NATO pay for what
they did.

The NATO leaders are the monsters who lied about their war,
claiming that it was clean. Not only did they lie about
their so-called humanitarian goals that were in reality
economic and strategic goals, but also they treated all the
peoples of the region like garbage.

I have decided to open an emergency suit to gain justice.
NATO must pay for the costly medical examinations and tests.
NATO ignored the principle of prudence for all Belgians who
were sent in these countries--Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo,
Yugoslavia--and they also should be able to benefit from the
examinations and explorations.

Medicine for the Third World is committed to coordinating
the necessary steps.
Medicine for the Third World: 02/5040147 Colette Moulaert
Email: colette.moulaert@...

Chers amis,
Je tenais absolument � vous faire part des suites de mon cancer.
Je vous rappelle que je viens de me faire op�rer pour un cancer du
rein ; l'
op�ration s'est tr�s bien d�roul�e et je me remets normalement.
Malheureusement, je viens d'apprendre que les tests pratiqu�s sur
le rein
pr� lev� ainsi que sur l'autre rein et la glande thyro�de ont
r�v�l� la
pr�sence de C�sium 134 et 137 ainsi que celle d'un troisi�me
�l�ment. Tous
sont d�riv�s de l'Uranium 235 qui comme on le sait, est d�riv�
des d�chets des centrales nucl�aires.
Des v�rifications seront encore effectu�es dans les jours qui
viennent. Le
laboratoire de l'Institut de M�decine Nucl�aire dirig� par le
Frohling a donc d�tect� des substances radioactives dans mon corps.
Ceci ne fait �videmment que renforcer ma col�re contre les chefs de
qui ont transform� des territoires entiers en poubelle radioactive.
J'ai eu une grande chance d'avoir �t� d�tect� tr�s t�t et soign�
par des
gens comp�tents et d�vou�s.
Mais je pense aux populations locales, aux centaines de milliers de
gens qui
n'auront pas acc�s � ces soins sophistiqu�s et co�teux.
Dans les ann�es � venir, l'OTAN va donc provoquer (et a d�j�
provoqu�) dans
ces r�gions d'�normes souffrances et angoisses.
Je souhaite que mon exp�rience soit utile pour faire �clater la
v�rit� et
renforcer la d�termination de tous ceux qui veulent faire rendre
des comptes
par les chefs de l'OTAN.
L'OTA N, ce sont des monstres qui ont menti sur leur guerre
propre, non seulement ils avaient menti sur leur but soi-disant
mais en r�alit� �conomique et strat�gique mais en plus, ils ont
trait� comme
de v�ritables d�chets toutes ces populations.
Je suis d�cid� � entamer une action en justice d'urgence, l'OTAN
doit payer
les examens et tests co�teux. Le principe de pr�caution n'a pas �t�
rencontr� pour tous les Belges qui se sont rendus dans ces pays
Bosnie, Kosovo, Yougoslavie.), ils doivent aussi pouvoir b�n�ficier
examens de d�pistage.
M�decine pour le Tiers Monde s'engage � coordonner les d�marches

M�decine pour le Tiers Monde : 02/5040147
Colette Moulaert Email: colette.moulaert@...


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ASSEMBLEA ANTIMPERIALISTA (ex Coord. Naz. "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"):
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
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vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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(ANSA) - BUDAPEST, 30 MAG - Il ministro
degli esteri jugoslavo Goran Svilanovic
partecipa, oggi a Budapest, ai lavori del
vertice della Nato. In particolare il capo della
diplomazia di Belgrado e' giunto stamani
nella capitale ungherese per prendere parte
alla riunione del Consiglio Euro-atlantico di
Partenariato che raccoglie i 19 Paesi membri dell' Alleanza Atlantica ed
i 27
paesi partner.

La presenza di Svilanovic ha un valore particolare perche' e' la prima
che la Jugoslavia viene invitata a colloqui di questo livello da parte
Il segretario generale della Nato, George Robertson, ha dato un caloroso
pubblico benvenuto a Svilanovic all' inizio della sessione di lavoro del
Consiglio Euro-atlantico di Partneriato, ricordando che Belgrado ha
''rigettato le politiche del passato'' ed che adesso condivide i
obiettivi di pace e stabilita' nella regione dei Balcani''. Si tratta di
un altro
''segnale'', ha detto ancora Robertson, sulla strada del completo
rientro di
tutti i Paesi della regione nella comune casa europea. (ANSA). PST
30/05/2001 11:41


BUDAPEST, May 29 (Beta) - NATO foreign ministers welcomed the
policy of the new authorities in Yugoslavia, especially in resolving
problems in southern Serbia, but also called on the authorities in
to fully cooperate with the Hague Tribunal.
In a statement issued after the morning session of the two-day
meeting that started on May 29, the ministers positively assessed the
resolving of the crisis in southern Serbia and especially the Yugoslav
security forces' entry into the buffer zone along the administrative
between Kosovo and Serbia proper, as well as the first steps in
establishing the multi-ethnic police.
The NATO ministers called on Belgrade and Podgorica to continue
"constructive dialog" in order to find a solution for their future
relations that would be acceptable for both sides and at the same time
condemned all unilateral acts that could be "a threat not only to
Yugoslavia, but to the entire region."
"We express support to a democratic Montenegro in a democratic
Yugoslavia," NATO ministers said.
Estimating that the Yugoslav authorities were "much more
cooperative" in relation to the Hague Tribunal and that positive
have been taken, the NATO foreign ministers said they expected
to establish full cooperation with this court, including the adoption of
the corresponding legal framework.


VILNIUS, May 30 (Reuters) Belgrade will sanction extradition to
The Hague before next month's international donor's conference, Federal
Interior Minister Zoran Zivkovic predicted yesterday.
"This law will allow the extradition of those who are indicted for
war crimes," Zivkovic told press, in reference to Yugoslavia's expected
on cooperation with The Hague Tribunal.
Addressing press on the fringe of a NATO Parliamentary Assembly
meeting in the Lithuanian capital, Zivkovic urged NATO to take similar
cooperative steps with Belgrade by inviting Yugoslavia to join the
"Partnership for Peace program". The Alliance "should recognize their
strategic partner in the Balkan region that is Yugoslavia," the interior
minister said.


HAGUE, May 29 (Tanjug) Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Carla Del
Ponte will visit Belgrade in midJune, before leaving for New York, where
she will attend a U.N. Security Council session, Del Ponte's spokeswoman
Florence Hartmann told Tanjug on Tuesday.
In a phone statement from Arusha, Tanzania, Hartmann said that
Yugoslavia was still violating its commitment to the United Nations, by
refusing cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.
Hartmann went on to explain she was not only referring to arrests
and extradition of war crimes indictees, but also to denied access to
archives, documents, witnesses, and other sources.
The nature of the Tribunal's report to the U.N. Security Council
definitely depends on Belgrade's attitude towards the court, according
Asked what the report would be like if Del Ponte were to submit it
now, Hartmann replied that it would be quite negative.
Hartmann said that the time of waiting was over, recalling that
there over six months have passed since the coming to power of the new
Yugoslav authorities. In the meantime, parliamentary elections in Serbia
have been held, and Serbia's government formed, so there are no grounds
excuses and noncooperation, she said.


BUDAPEST, May 30 (Tanjug) Belgrade's foreign policy priorities
are to have Yugoslavia join the European Union, to upgrade regional
cooperation, to establish balanced relations with the eight most highly
developed countries (G8) and to maintain friendly ties with all
in mutual interest, Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic said
Wednesday in Budapest.
Yugoslavia has successfully reintegrated all most important
international organizations and is considering joining the Partnership
Peace, Svilanovic told a session of the EuroAtlantic Partnership Council
(EAPC), held within the framework of the NATOEU ministerial conference
which started Tuesday in the Hungarian capital.
Svilanovic described Yugoslavia's participation in the EAPC work
for the first time as a guest as a result of the democratic changes in
country and of the renewed support to its new democratic government.
Although all countries in the region have democratically elected
governments, which contributes to regional stability, there are new
challenges that must be faced immediately. Reinforcing regional
is therefore extremely important and endeavors to that end should be
on respecting the sovereignty and integrity of all countries in the
in line with the Helsinki Final Act, Svilanovic said.
Svilanovic consequently urged all governments to clearly and
unequivocally condemn violence, extremism and terrorism and to secure
respect of human and minority rights.
Referring to the situation in KosovoMetohija, Svilanovic noted
that the Yugoslav government has already informed the head of the UN
Civilian Mission in the province (UNMIK) Hans Haekkerup of its views on
Constitutional Framework for Kosovo.
The Yugoslav government believes that the necessary conditions for
holding elections in KosovoMetohija have not been secured, but has
nevertheless decided to support the process of registration of voters
the elections scheduled for November 17, expecting at the same time that
several preconditions will be secured before it can agree to the
participation of Serbs, Svilanovic said.
These preconditions include better safety for all inhabitants of
KosovoMetohija, the return of refugees and displaced persons, completion
the demobilization process and progress in resolving the issue of
persons, Svilanovic said.
In addition, Yugoslavia insists on a full and consistent
implementation of the Security Council Resolution 1244, including its
provisions on the return of Yugoslav forces to Kosovo and on full
protection of Serbs, other minorities and all honest people living in
province. Yugoslavia would also like to sign with KFor and UNMIK
on status, privileges and immunities. Finally, the arms embargo imposed
the Security Council Resolution 1160 should be lifted, Svilanovic said.
Referring to the situation in southern Serbia, Svilanovic said
that Yugoslav forces are successfully executing their reentry into the
Ground Safety Zone Sector B, and that Yugoslav and Serbian authorities
ready for dialogue with representatives of the local ethnic Albanian
Demilitarization and multiethnic police have an outstanding
importance for the full implementation of the plan drawn up by Nebojsa
Covic, head of the state coordinating team for southern Serbia,
said, adding that should a full integration of the ethnic Albanian
community in political and social structures be achieved, one could say
that a step forward has been made.
Yugoslavia supports Macedonia's sovereignty and territorial
integrity and the endeavors of its new government and of the
community for stabilizing the situation, Svilanovic said, warning that
should halt arms trafficking across the borders and boundaries in the
An end must be put to the era of disintegration in the region,
Svilanovic said, and underlined that the Yugoslav government believes
a process should be initiated to upgrade regional stability, guarantee
inviolability of present borders, secure the respect of human and
rights and provide a strong impetus to the integration of the region and
its countries with Europe, and that a conference could be held to that
As a start, the basic principles and norms of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which guarantee the
and integrity of all states must be reaffirmed, after which talks can be
held on minority issues and the status of ethnic communities which have
become a key problem in some parts of the region.
This process should secure full protection of minorities and halt
all forms of extremism, intolerance or violence. Simultaneously, the
of minorities can be considered to be a security issue and in some cases
bilateral agreements on minority rights can be concluded. This process
should be accompanied by economic and infrastructure projects and by
confidencebuilding measures, Svilanovic said in conclusion.
BUDAPEST, May 30 (Tanjug) At a meeting of the EuroAtlantic
Partnership Council (EAPC) Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic
brief separate meetings with NATO Secretary General George Robertson,
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and Slovakian counterpart Kukan.
In all the talks, Svilanovic told Tanjug, dominated regional topics.
During the meeting with Robertson, who on several occasions
welcomed the Yugoslav delegation to the meeting held under the auspices
the Western military alliance, was discussed the situation in Macedonia,
and also the situation in southern Serbia and in Kosovo and Metohija.
Robertson praised the cooperation of the two sides during the
entry of the Yugoslav security forces into sector B in southern Serbia.
In the talks between Svilanovic and Ivanov, who is expected to
arrive June 17 on an official visit to Belgrade, were exchanged opinions
about circumstances in Kosovo and Metohija and about relations between
Serbia and Montenegro.
KosovoMetohija was the main subject of the talks between
Svilanovic and Kukan.
Svilanovic underlined that the meeting in Budapest, besides
lending support to the authorities in Belgrade, also raised the issue of
tighter cooperation of Yugoslavia with The Hague tribunal.
All participants in the meeting from senior officials of NATO and
the European Union to Russia and other countries urged the continuance
democratic Montenegro within democratic Yugoslavia, Svilanovic said.
BUDAPEST, May 30 (Tanjug) Senior NATO officials welcomed in
Budapest Wednesday the readiness of Yugoslavia to join the Partnership
Peace, noting that official Belgrade should confirm its intention by
concrete steps.
Positive reactions ensued after Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic
at a session of the EuroAtlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), which
all 19 NATO members and 26 states of Europe and Central Asia, said that
Yugoslav government wants the country to join Partnership for Peace.
Representatives of the Western Alliance unofficially welcomed such
an intention of Belgrade, but pointed out that Yugoslavia should confirm
by concrete steps and that at this moment NATO was not in position to
any kind of response.
Participants in the meeting unanimously supported democratic
changes in Yugoslavia, indicating that in only two years the country has
practically turned from an opponent into a NATO ally and a factor of
stability in the region.
Also welcomed was the announced adoption of a new Yugoslav law
enabling not only tighter cooperation between Yugoslavia and The Hague,
also the extradition of war crime suspects.
Underscored finally was the swift improvement of relations between
NATO and Belgrade, which was indicated also on several occasions by NATO
Secretary General George Robertson.


BRUSSELS, May 30 (Beta) - European Commission officials told BETA
in Brussels, on May 30, that the EU and the World Bank want the donors
conference to be a "complete success" in order to aid the reconstruction
and long-term recovery of Yugoslavia. However, the U.S. and several EU
countries demanded, as a condition for their participation in the
conference, that the Yugoslav parliament adopt a law on cooperation with
the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
European Commission spokesman Gunnar Wiegand, told BETA that the
donors conference is "very important for the long-term perspective of
Yugoslavia's economic development and political stabilization" and that
this is the reason "the EU and the European Commission are closely
all the steps being taken to fulfill Yugoslavia's obligation to
fully with the ICTY."


BELGRADE, May 30 (Tanjug) Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic said
Wednesday that, in the event that the bill on cooperation with The Hague
tribunal is not adopted, the federal state and government would fall
into a
crisis, calling into question the donors conference, as well as the
arrangement and the reprogramming of our debts.
Djindjic told reporters in Serbian parliament that "refusal of
cooperation with The Hague tribunal would greatly deteriorate our
in international relations."
"By contrast, the passing of the bill would enable the continuing
of the process of the gradual return of Yugoslavia into international
relations, which would in general reflect on our international
he said. Djindjic underlined that the main hurdle in the talks between
coalition partners at the federal level the Socialist People's Party
of Montenegro and the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) is the
position at what level should be adopted regulations about concrete
cooperation with The Hague tribunal.
The bill on cooperation with The Hague tribunal would have to
envisage extradition, according to Djindjic.


BELGRADE, May 31 (Tanjug) After a meeting between the Democratic
Opposition of Serbia (DOS) and the Socialist National Party (SNP) late
Wednesday, there is more ground for optimism and a solution to the
we are facing, not through our fault, is in sight, the Yugoslav
office said in a statement.
After the Executive and Main Boards meetings, SNP representatives
came up with some very constructive proposals, which largely take care
national and state reasons, needs of our state and the obligations it
as a signatory to the Dayton Accords and a UN member.
They will make additional consultations at their municipal boards,
the statement said and added that there was ground to expect that a
agreement on a bill on cooperation with the Hague war crimes tribunal
be reached on Sunday.
BELGRADE, May 30 ( Beta) - The Serbian Justice Minister Vladan
Batic stated on May 30 that the talks between the leaders of the
Opposition of Serbia (DOS) and the Socialist People's Party of
on cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, will continue in the evening of
June 3, if the municipal boards and then the Steering Committee of the
Socialist People's Party opt for the adoption of the law on cooperation
with the Tribunal.
After the talks between representatives of DOS and of the
Socialist People's Party in Belgrade, Batic stated that, if their
Montenegrin partners send a positive reply, the draft law on cooperation
with the Hague Tribunal will be discussed by the federal government on
4 and, if not, "everyone will bear the consequences".
Batic said he hoped that a delay in the process of adopting this
law would not jeopardize the donors' conference for Yugoslavia.
One of the representatives of the Socialist People's Party Srdja
Bozovic said that the party leadership will decide on this issue by June
"After tonight's meeting with the representatives of the Socialist
People's Party, there is more reason for optimism. The solution to the
problem that we face, which is not through our own doing, is at hand,"
was stated by the office of the Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica
the meeting.
According to the statement, the representatives of the Socialist
People's Party "came to the meeting with very constructive proposals,
take care of national and state interests and the needs of our union, as
well as of the obligations which our country is under as a signatory of
Dayton agreement and a member of the UN."
"We have many reasons to expect a final agreement on Sunday," it
was concluded in the statement.


BELGRADE, May 31 (FoNet) Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic
has lashed out at American expectations of Belgrade describing them as
"highly unrealistic." Djindjic criticised the US demand for the
extradition of Slobodan Milosevic, before Washington will confirm
participation in the international donor's conference for Yugoslavia.
Whilst he conceded it was fair to expect the adoption of the law
on cooperation with The Hague before the June 29 conference, Djindjic
reserved judgement on whether the extradition clause could be used by
"It is highly unrealistic for us to specify even the approximate
date for extradition," the prime minister said at Belgrade's
Media Centre.
He did not know who would take that decision, nor who would see it
through, Djindjic added.
BELGRADE, June 1 (Tanjug) All imposed conditions are
counterproductive, Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub Labus said on
Friday and added that he was not satisfied with the information that
Belgrade had received from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
"We have already had this pressure phase, which has brought
nothing good to anybody," Labus told a news conference, referring to the
new conditions Belgrade had received from the IMF.
Labus said that Yugoslavia "does not want to be part of a
stickandcarrot system."
The issue of Yugoslavia's cooperation with the Hague war crimes
tribunal will be settled normally, after an adequate legal frame has
made, Labus said.
He said that the donors conference would not be delayed, but that
the question was how successful it would be.
Labus said that the "Paris Club meeting may be even more important
for us" than the donors conference and that the scheduling of this
would depend on the existence of a favourable political climate.


BERLIN, June 1 (Tanjug) The international war crimes court's
chief prosecutor is on Friday quoted as urging European countries to put
pressure on the Belgrade government to cooperate with the Haguebased
Carla del Ponte told Germany's Fokus newspaper that European
countries should do something together to make Belgrade more
According to her, there were signals in March that Yugoslavia
would cooperate with the tribunal, but many problems have since come up,
not only about arrests, but about witnesses and documents.
Serbs have probably felt pressure on them diminish after the US
Congress approved financial assistance which had depended on cooperation
connection with the arrest of former Yugoslav President Slobodan
according to del Ponte.


(ANSA-AFP) - MADRID, 3 GIU - La Jugoslavia non puo' evitare di
consegnare l'ex presidente Slobodan Miloevic al Tribunale penale
internazionale dell'Aja (Tpi) se vorra' uscire dal suo isolamento. Lo ha
detto il primo ministrop serbo Zoran Djindjic in un'intervista al
spagnolo 'El Mundo'. ''Non possiamo permetterci il lusso di perdere un
aiuto economico necessario per non aver collaborato con il Tribunale
dell'Aja - ha spiegato il premier serbo - Non possiamo evitare di
consegnare Milosevic se non volgiamo rimanere isolati''. Per Djindjic
Milosevic non deve comunque ''essere inviato come un pacchetto all'Aja''
senza essere prima processato in Jugoslavia. ''Abbiamo un'occasione
unica per far chiarezza sull'ultimo decennio della nostra storia, che
cosi' sarebbe dimenticato'', ha aggiunto Djindjic, secondo il quale
la divisione del Kosovo in due entita' (una serba e una albanese), come
proposto dal suo vice Nebojsa Covic, ''e' un'idea realistica''.
03/06/2001 10:28


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 4 GIU - Il parlamento federale jugoslavo rischia
una crisi che potrebbe condurre ad elezioni anticipate a causa della
sulla collaborazione con il Tpi, che riguarda anche l'eventuale
estradizione dell'ex presidente Slobodan Milosevic. Dopo giorni e notti
di intense trattative, la coalizione democratica Dos non e' riuscita a
convincere gli alleati del Partito socialista popolare montenegrino
ad includere nel disegno di legge la clausola dell'estradizione. L'Snp,
tempo alleato di regime di Milosevic, teme di scontentare i suoi
che vedono ancora con simpatia la figura di Slobo, e vorrebbe quindi che
le due repubbliche decidessero separatamente e caso per caso sulla
consegna all'Aja di persone incriminate dal Tpi. Una nuova
tornatanegoziale a Belgrado e' prevista per oggi, ma al momento le
posizioni dei
democratici serbi e dei socialisti montenegrini restano molto distanti.
varo della legge sulla collaborazione con i giudici del tribunale
internazionale e' la condizione posta dagli Stati Uniti per partecipare
giugno a una conferenza di donatori per la Jugoslavia. [SI NOTI
nuovi macabri particolari sui crimini della guerra nel Kosovo, per i
Milosevic e' chiamato in causa dal Tpi: secondo la radio B-92, i
di civili kosovari ripescati dal Danubio nell'aprile del 1999 e
successivamente fatti sparire dal regime, sarebbero stati ritrovati in
giorni dalla polizia in un sobborgo di Belgrado. Fra le 86 vittime, vi
sarebbero tre teste prive del corpo. (ANSA). OT
04/06/2001 12:01


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[Emperor's Clothes]

The so-called non-governmental organization 'Human
Rights Watch' has launched a public campaign accusing
Macedonian forces who are fighting terrorists of
rampant abuses. Do we dare ask:


By Jared Israel [2 June 2001]

Followed by Paul Treanor's most revealing examination
of the HRW European Section leadership. They are not
who you thought they were ...

Human Rights Watch has made the news the last few days
with public accusations that Macedonia is racist and
brutal towards Albanians. These charges are
reminiscent of claims made against the Serbian
government during the fall and winter of 1998 and the
winter of 1998-1999. The reports are invariably
anecdotal relying on supposed anonymous, eyewitness
(that is, unconfirmable) accounts of beatings and
other abuses. Names are withheld:

"...because they fear further retaliation from the
Macedonian police, and have in some cases been warned
by their abusers not to discuss their maltreatment.
(HRW Report on Macedonia)

Two problems with this sort of account.

First problem: We have to accept the honesty of HRW on
faith. As we shall prove below, HRW is in essence the
U.S. foreign policy elite. The people who dropped
humanitarian cluster bombs all over Kosovo. Still feel
comfortable trusting them?

How do we know that HRW 'investigators' actually
interviewed the people it claims they interviewed?

If these people were interviewed, how do we know that
HRW has accurately reported what the alleged people

Second problem: since names are withheld, how do we
know who was actually talked to (if anyone) and
whether they told the truth? If these people do exist,
how do we know they are not KLA terrorists (called
'NLA' when they're attacking Macedonia) or their
families, friends or supporters? Any of these people
would have an interest in slandering Macedonian
forces. HRW's reports constitute a public trial for
whomever they attack - in this case, Macedonian
security forces. But unlike a proper trial, in this
one only the witnesses for the prosecution are heard.

The HRW is manifestly biased. Its reports use clever
wording to trick readers into assuming that the guilt
of Macedonian forces has already been proven when this
is the very thing the HRW is supposedly investigating.

For example consider this sentence:

"[They]have in some cases been warned by their abusers
not to discuss their maltreatment."

Very cute. By telling us that "the victims have been
warned to be silent" (a completely unproven and
possibly fabricated accusation) HRW tricks our minds
into assuming that Albanians must in fact be victims.
How can they not be victims if they are being warned?

I call this kind of trickery the "Do you still beat
your wife?" argument and it has been used by HRW as
well as the Western media and an assortment of
experts, including some supposed critics of Western
foreign policy, to 'prove' the guilt of Serbs in
Serbia, of Macedonians, of Mr. Miloshevich, of Bosnian
Serbs, and so on.

(For example, in the case of Slobodan Miloshevich, we
have been hearing for eight months that "investigators
have still not located Miloshevich's stolen money."
The failure to prove guilt (that is, finding no money)
is cleverly worded to make it sound like evidence of
guilt ("still not located"). Still not located takes
for granted that the money is out there somewhere and
we'll find it sooner or later.

The impression created by HRW, that "those poor
Albanians are being abused again by the nasty Slavs,"
undercuts potential public opposition to U.S. policy
in the Balkans. Indeed, it creates a public relations
pressure on Washington to 'help the rebels' or at
least "get the Macedonians to compromise." This is
peachy for Washington since the 'rebels' are in fact
Washington's proxy Army. Washington loves being
pressured to support its children.

Why is HRW effective?

There are several reasons. Let's consider two: First,
its reports are given wide exposure in the mass media;
second the press fosters the impression that HRW is
some kind of issue-oriented activist group, you know,
two dozen dedicated college kids and a starving
attorney ferreting out the facts. They have to be
motivated by idealism; why else would folks go
traipsing around Macedonia in the middle of a war?

Below is Paul Treanor's description of HRW's European
Section Steering Committee. It turns out the HRW
leadership is comprised of America's foreign policy
elite. As Mr. Treanor says:

"It is not a association of "concerned private
citizens". HRW board members include present and past
government employees, and overlapping directorates
link it to the major foreign policy lobbies in the US.
Cynically summarized, it is a joint venture of George
Soros and the State Department."

HRW is a "forward strike force" for U.S. government
intervention. Masquerading behind the appealing title
of 'Human Rights' it launches propaganda forays
against targets chosen to advance the open and/or
hidden goals of U.S. policy. Right now Washington has
covertly sent its KLA terrorists to attack Macedonia
while pretending to support Macedonian independence.
Hence the current HRW focus on Macedonia. HRW precedes
the flag.

Here is Paul Treanor:

Helsinki Steering Committee
By Paul Treanor

This is the Europian section of the Board of HRW,
which is split into sections approximately by
continent. The section was established in 1978 (in the
late 1970's human rights became the main issue in Cold
War propaganda). The unit in the organisation is
called the Europe and Central Asia Division. It is
affiliated with the International Helsinki Federation
for Human Rights, which co-ordinates the "Helsinki
committees". Source: HRW Board of Directors & Advisory

Jonathan Fanton, Chair

An academic and foundation man. Former Vice President
of the University of Chicago, in 1982 appointed as
President of the New School for Social Research, now
the New School University. He is active in building US
academic contacts with eastern Europe, directed at the
new pro-western elites, see the Transregional Center
for Democratic Studies (TCDS) page.

Alice H. Henkin, Co-Vice Chair

Director of the Justice and Society Program at the
Aspen Institute, an elite think-tank.

Note their report Honoring Human Rights: From Peace to
Justice proposing United Nations mission strategies
later used in Kosovo.

Peter Osnos, Co-Vice Chair

George Soros' publisher. He is Chief Executive of
Public Affairs publishers.

Morton Abramowitz

A link to the US Foreign Policy establishment, one of
several at HRW. Abramowitz was U.S. Ambassador to
Turkey (1989-91) and Assistant Secretary of State for
Intelligence and Research (1985-89), among other
posts: see his personal details at the Council on
Foreign Relations, CFR, where he is a Fellow. The CFR
is the heart of interventionist US policy since 1921
(and hated by the isolationist right).

He directed the CFR Balkan Economic Task Force, which
published a report on "Reconstructing the Balkans".

Barbara Finberg

A donor of HRW, see the list below. A retired vice
president with the Carnegie Corporation of New York,
who donated $1 million to Stanford University.

Felice Gaer

Human rights specialist at the American Jewish
Committee and chair of the Steering Committee for the
50th anniversary of the UN Human Rights Declaration,
see this biography:
"Ms.Gaer is Director of the Jacob Blaustein Institute
for the Advancement of Human Rights. Author, speaker,
and activist, she is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations, the Board of Directors of the
Andrei Sakharov Foundation, a member of the
International Human Rights Council at the Carter
Center, ...Vice President of the International League
for Human Rights."
According to this JTA report, Gaer praised Madeleine
Albright for her "outstanding human rights record".

Felice Gaer was also a non-governmental member of the
United States delegation to a United Nations Human
Rights Commission meeting in Geneva, where (according
to the Voice of America) she denounced Sudan, saying
the the U.S. "cannot accept those who invoke Islam or
other religions as justification for atrocious human
rights abuses." However, more interesting is this
speech at the Geneva meeting, where she suggested the
UN should no longer investigate prison rapes in the
US: "we would urge the Special Rapporteurs to focus
their attention on countries where the situation is
the most dire and the abuses the most severe."

Michael Gellert

Vice Chairman of the Board at Fanton's New School for
Social Research. Investment manager and Trustee of the
Carnegie Institute.

Gellert is a director of Premier Parks Inc., owner of
the Six Flags and Walibi theme park chains. Also a
director of:
High Speed Access Corp.,
Devon Energy Corporation,
Humana Inc..

Paul Goble

Director of Communications and political commentator
at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Cold War
propaganda transmitters that survived the end of the
Cold War. From their website

"Free Europe, Inc., was established in 1949 as
non-profit, private corporations to broadcast news and
current affairs programs to Eastern European countries
behind the Iron Curtain. The Radio Liberty Committee,
Inc., was created two years later along the same lines
to broadcast to the nations inside the Soviet Union.
Both were funded principally by the U.S. Congress,
through the Central Intelligence Agency, but they also
received some private donations as well. The two
corporations were merged into a single RFE/RL, Inc. in

It is still funded by the US Government, through
Congressional appropriation.

Bill Green

Former Republican member of Congress, a trustee of the
New School for Social Research (where Fanton is
President), with many other public and business posts:
see the biography at the American Assembly, an
academic/political think-tank.

Stanley Hoffman

A pro-interventionist theorist (of course that means
US intervention, not a Taliban invasion of the US).
Professor at Harvard, see his biography. Note that his
colleagues include Daniel Goldhagen, who openly
advocated occupation of Serbia, to impose a US-style
democracy: see A New Serbia.

Robert James

Also on the Board of Human Rights in China, another
Soros-funded organisation.

Jack Matlock

US Ambassador to the Soviet Union during its collapse,
1987-1991. Author of Autopsy On An Empire: The
American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the
Soviet Union (Random House, 1995).

Member of the large Board of Directors of the Atlantic
Council. The Atlantic Council is more than a pro-NATO
fan club: it supports an expansionist US foreign
policy in general. Note their recent paper (in pdf
format) Beyond Kosovo, a redesign of the Balkans
within the framework of the proposed Stability Pact.

The Atlantic Council list of sponsors is a delight for
corporate-conspiracy theorists. Yes, it is all paid
for by the Rockefeller foundation, the Soros
foundation, the Nuclear Energy Institute, Boeing,
Lockheed, Northrop, Exxon, British Nuclear Fuels, the
US Army and the European Union.

Conspiracy theorists will also be delighted to see
that Matlock attended the 1996 Bilderberg Conference.

Herbert Okun

Career diplomat, former Special Advisor on Yugoslavia
to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Deputy Co-Chairman
of the International Conference on the former
Yugoslavia. Member of the Board of the Lawyers
Alliance for World Security (LAWS) and its affiliate
the Committee for National Security (CNS) which gives
this biography:

Ambassador Herbert Okun is the U.S. member and
Vice-President of the International Narcotics Control
Board, and Visiting Lecturer on International Law at
Yale Law School. Previously, he was the Deputy
Chairman on the U.S. delegation at the SALT II
negotiations and led the U.S. delegation in the
trilateral U.S.-U.K.-USSR Talks on the CTBT. From 1991
to 1993 Ambassador Okun was Special Advisor on
Yugoslavia to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Personal
Envoy of the U.N. Secretary General, and Deputy
Co-Chairman of the International Conference on the
former Yugoslavia. He also served as Deputy Permanent
Representative of the United States to the UN from
1985 to 1989 serving on the General Assembly, the
Disarmament Committee and the Committee on Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space. Amb. Okun was also U.S.
Ambassador to the former German Democratic Republic.

He was from 1990-97 Executive Director of the
Financial Services Volunteer Corps, "a non-profit
organization providing voluntary assistance to help
establish free-market financial systems in former
communist countries", see his biography at
International Security Studies at Yale University,
where he is also a board member. This Corps is a de
facto agency of USAID, see how it is listed
country-by-country in their report. Although it is not
relevant to Human Rights Watch, this curriculum vitae
gives a good impression of the kind of international
elite created by such programs.

Okun is also a member emeritus of the board of the
European Institute in Washington, an Atlanticist
lobby. It organises the European-American Policy
Forum, the European-American Congressional Forum, and
the Transatlantic Joint Security Policies Project.
Okun is a special advisor to the Carnegie Commission
on Preventing Deadly Conflict funded by the Carnegie
Corporation. (It links pro-western international elite
figures advocating a formal structure for control of
states by the "international community").

Okun was a member of a Task Force (including Bianca
Jagger and George Soros) on war criminals: see their
report . Although it also demands "UN Sanctions
Against States Harboring Indicted War Criminals" it is
unlikely that the Task Force members meant the man
quoted at the start of their report, President

A curiosity: this human rights supporter is accused of
an attempt to destroy the right to free speech, in his
post at the International Narcotics Control Board: see
A Duty to Censor: U.N. Officials Want to Crack Down on
Drug War Protesters in the libertarian Reason

Jane Olson

Also co-chair of the California section of HRW, see
this biography. One of the few who are simply human
rights activists, although her views are clearly 100%
acceptable to the US Government. She was appointed a
member of the U.S. delegation to the 1991 Conference
on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) in

Again note, that US citizens consider it normal to
travel to Europe, to decide on that continents
Security and Cooperation - but there is absolutely no
"Conference on North American Security and
Cooperation", where Europeans arrive to tell Americans
what to do.

She is also a member of the Board of the Nuclear Age
Peace Foundation, one of many small globalist groups,
advocating peace and some vague form of world

Barnett Rubin

Academic and Soros-institutes advisor. Director of the
"Center for Preventive Action" at the Council on
Foreign Relations.The center is funded by the US
Government through USIP, and by the Carnegie
Corporation as part of their program Preventing Deadly
Conflict. "Preventive Action" means intervention.

He is a member of the centers South Balkans Working
Group, and edited a 1996 Council on Foreign Relations
study Towards Comprehensive Peace in Southeast Europe:
Conflict Prevention in the South Balkans. Rubin is an
Afghanistan specialist, also on the Board of the Asia
division of HRW. He authored and edited several works
on Afghanistan. Rubin apparently has a curious
attitude to the Taliban, seeing them as a bulwark
against Islamic radicalism . See this letter to NPR,
entitled Afghanistan Whitewash:
While the Lyden-Rubin conversation made no mention of
US support for the Taliban, they referred several
times to US "pressure" on the Taliban to now respect
human rights. This is a total white wash which
distorts the historical record beyond recognition.

Rubin is on the Advisory Board of the Soros Foundation
Central Eurasia Project. He is an advisor of the
Forced Migration Project of Soros' Open Society
Institute, and he is also on the Board of the Soros
Humanitarian Fund for Tajikistan. Perhaps most
interesting is that the U.S. Institute of Peace (a de
facto government agency) gave him a grant to research
"formation of a new state system in Central Eurasia".
Barnett Rubin articles on Central Asia

This may be repetitive, but note once again that there
are absolutely no Foundations or Institutes in Central
Asia, which pay people to design "new state systems"
in North America. For people like Rubin "human rights"
mean simply that the US designs the world: at the same
time, the US might accept the Taliban, if it was a
strategic interest. See this article at the Soros
Central Asia site, The Political Economy of War and
Peace in Afghanistan, advocating a de facto colonial
government in Afghanistan financed by oil revenues.

Rubin is also a member of the US State Department
Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad. The
Final Report of this Committee also sums up what the
United States can do, when it finds religious freedom
has been infringed. The list begins at "friendly,
persuasive: open an embassy" and ends with "act of

Rubin was also involved in the 1997 New York meeting,
where the United States attempted to create a unified
Yugoslav opposition, with among others Vuk Draskovic.
(The effort failed at the time, and ever since).

Leon Sigal

NOTE: I can find no website matching this info on
"Leon Sigal" to HRW. I assume it is the same person,
although I do not understand why an expert on Asian
issues is on the board for the European division of

Consultant to the Social Science Research Council,
member of the Board of Advisors at Globalbeat
Syndicate, part of the New York University Dept of
Journalism. See their article on Lessons From The War
In Kosovo.

From Globalbeat:
He is a former member of the Editorial Board of The
New York Times, where he wrote frequently on nuclear
issues, and is the author of many books and articles
on both international security and media issues.

Sigal authored Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy
with North Korea (Princeton University Press 1998). He
is a Project member of the Committee on Nuclear

Malcolm Smith

no information yet

George Soros
From the Public Affairs site, the biography of George
Soros, financier of HRW and of numerous organisations
in eastern Europe with pro-American, pro-market

George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1930. In
1947 he emigrated to England, where he graduated from
the London School of Economics. While a student in
London, Mr. Soros became familiar with the work of the
philosopher Karl Popper, who had a profound influence
on his thinking and later on his philanthropic
activities. In 1956 he moved to the United States,
where he began to accumulate a large fortune through
an international investment fund he founded and

Mr. Soros currently serves as chairman of Soros Fund
Management L.L.C., a private investment management
firm that serves as principal investment advisor to
the Quantum Group of Funds. The Quantum Fund N.V., the
oldest and largest fund within the Quantum Group, is
generally recognized as having the best performance
record of any investment fund in the world in its
twenty-nine-year history.

Mr. Soros established his first foundation, the Open
Society Fund, in New York in 1979 and his first
Eastern European foundation in Hungary in 1984. He now
funds a network of foundations that operate in
thirty-one countries throughout Central and Eastern
Europe, and the former Soviet Union, as well as
southern Africa, Haiti, Guatemala, Mongolia and the
United States. These foundations are dedicated to
building and maintaining the infrastructure and
institutions of an open society. Mr. Soros has also
founded other major institutions, such as the Central
European University and the International Science
Foundation. In 1994, the foundations in the network
spent a total of approximately $300 million; in 1995,
$350 million; in 1996, $362 million; and in 1997, $428
million. Giving for 1998 is expected to be maintained
at that level.

In addition to many articles on the political and
economic changes in Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union, Mr. Soros is the author of The Alchemy
of Finance, Opening the Soviet System, Underwriting
Democracy, and Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the

Mr. Soros has received honorary doctoral degrees from
the New School for Social Research, the University of
Oxford, the Budapest University of Economics, and Yale
University. In 1995, the University of Bologna awarded
Mr. Soros its highest honor, the Laurea Honoris Causa,
in recognition of his efforts to promote open
societies throughout the world.

Soros Foundations Network

Open Society Institute Staff Directory

Privatization Project

Open Society Institute Budapest

Donald J. Sutherland

Also on the advisory board of the World Policy

Ruti Teitel

Professor of Constitutional Law at the New York Law
School, see his biography. In the last few years he
has specialised in the Constitutions of eastern
European countries, and advised on the new Ukrainian

William D. Zabel

George Soros legal advisor, on foundation and charity
law. A estate and family financial lawyer for the rich
at Schulte, Roth, and Zabel. His biography lists his
involvement with these Soros Foundations: "Newly
Independent States and the Baltic Republics, Hungary,
Romania, Bulgaria and Central European University and
Open Society Fund". See this biographical article
originally from the National Law Journal:
When fate knocks, rich ring for Zabel

He is a trustee of Fanton's New School of Social
Research, and member of the Advisory Board of the
World Policy Institute at the New School.

Zabel is a director of the Lawyers Committee for Human
Rights. The Lawyers Committee for Human Rights is one
of the partners in the "Apparel Industry Partnership",
a group set up by the Clinton administration and the
US clothing and footwear industries to defuse
criticism of conditions in their factories. The (not
particularly radical) US trade union federation
refuses to co-operate with it.

Zabel is also on the Board of Doctors of the World,
the USA branch of M�decins du Monde, founded by
Bernard Kouchner in 1980. Kouchner is now the UN
Representative ( the "governor") in Kosovo. Despite
the name, M�decins du Monde is a purely western
organisation, see the affiliate list.

Warren Zimmermann

US Ambassador to Yugoslavia during its break-up,
author of Origins of Catastrophe: Yugoslavia and Its
Destroyers. A Cold-War career diplomat, long active in
US human rights campaigns against eastern Europe. See
this site for an extreme pro-Bosniac assessment of his
book by Branka Magas, alleging he appeased Milosevic:
"In the event, by pursuing Yugoslavia's unity rather
than supporting Slovenia and Croatia in their demands
for either the country's confederal transformation or
its peaceful dissolution, the United States helped
ensure its violent break-up". (I think it is logically
consistent with US values and interests, that the US
supported one policy around 1990 and another in
Kosovo. The real problem is that so many people in
Europe expect the US to design their states and write
their Constitutions. It is because of this attitude,
that people like Zimmermann, and organisations like
HRW, can flourish) Zimmermann is now a professor of
Diplomacy at Columbia University. If you think the
"amoral diplomat" is a stereotype, look at his
Contemporary Diplomacy course. This is his assignment
for the young future diplomats:

Imagine that you are a member of Secretary Albright's
Policy Planning Staff. She has asked you to write a
strategy paper for one of the following diplomatic

--Dealing with NATO expansion and with the countries

--Crafting a more energetic and assertive US approach
to the Israeli-PLO deadlock;

--Raising the American profile in sub-Saharan Africa;

--Developing a US initiative to improve relations with

--Forging an American approach to Central Asia and its
energy wealth;

--Making better use of the UN and other multilateral
organizations like OSCE;

--Weighing the relative priorities between pursuing
human rights

and keeping open lucrative economic opportunities;

--Increasing interest in, and support for, US foreign
policy among the American people.

With Barnett Rubin, Zimmermann is a member of the
Advisory Board of the Forced Migration Project at
Soros Open Society Institute.

With Felice Gaer, Zimmermann is also on the Board of
the quasi-commercial International Dispute Resolution
Associates. (Peacemaking has become big business, but
IDR is also funded by the US Government through the

He is a Trustee of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and
International Affairs


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May 31, 2001


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L'UNMIK si prepara a costruire un bel muro che separi la parte serba
dalla parte albanese di Kosovska Mitrovica. Sara' questo uno dei
risultati piu' eclatanti dello sforzo "umanitario" profuso
dall'Occidente nella regione balcanica. Dopo avere devastato l'area
riconoscendo come soggetti politici tutti i micronazionalismi, l'ONU
sancira' cosi' anche simbolicamente il segregazionismo etnico nella
provincia del Kosmet, dove fino al 1999 le varie nazionalita' autoctone
vivevano mischiate fra di loro.

PRISTINA, May 31 (FoNet) UNMIK has confirmed plans for a
"dividing wall" in the conflict-ridden Kosovo town of Kosovska
UNMIK Spokeswoman Susan Manuel denied today that the wall was intended
to divide the town, commenting, "It won't be a Berlin wall," no matter
how it looks.
K-For Spokesman Roy Brown said that a decision had not yet been
reached but suggested that the initiative could help to diffuse tension
in the town.
Brown explained that the motive behind building a wall was to
enable freedom of movement and allow police to monitor the situation
either side.
Kosovska Mitrovica mayor Faruk Spahija reacted angrily to the plans.
The mayor described the idea as "thoughtless," in a letter to
UNMIK Head Hans Haekkerup, Deputy Head Gerhard Fischer and K-For
Commander Thorstein Skiaker.
"There is not a dividing wall in the world, and these have never
stood the test of time," the letter read.


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ASSEMBLEA ANTIMPERIALISTA (ex Coord. Naz. "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"):
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Ibrahim Rugova, da piu' di dieci anni beniamino kosovaro dei "pacifisti"
e di tutto lo spettro politico italiano, da Rifondazione alle destre
passando per il Vaticano e per il "Manifesto", ripete tuttora
incessantemente che il "Kosova" deve essere indipendente. Lo ha detto
pochi giorni fa di nuovo alla stampa austriaca ed anche, ufficialmente,
al personale OSCE.

VIENNA, May 25 (Tanjug) Democratic Alliance of Kosovo leader
Ibrahim Rugova again insisted, in an interview to the Vienna daily
Kurier that appeared Friday, on the independence of Kosovo.
"I am insisting that Kosovo be recognized as an independent state
as soon as possible," Rugova said, pointing out that "then the situation
in the entire region would calm down, although the international
community has a different stand."
He said he was confident that the Serbian authorities will never
return to Kosovo. "That is the past, and what some people in Belgrade
think does not concern me at all," he said.
The ethnic Albanian leader avoided answering whether Serbian
refugees will be able to return to Kosovo, saying that he "is interested
in the improvement of the conditions of life of those Serbs who are
already in the province."

VIENNA, May 31 (B92) Moderate Albanian political leader Ibrahim
Rugova told an OSCE Permanent Council Session today, "The future of
Kosovo is independence."
Rugova was part of a multiethnic delegation of Kosovo's Temporary
Administrative Council invited to address the session by OSCE Mission in
Kosovo head Daan Everts.
Rada Trajkovic, the only Serb member of the delegation said that
Kosovo Serbs had not yet decided whether to participate in the November
elections but confirmed they would register.
Rugova and fellow Albanian representatives Ramush Haradinaj and
Hashim Thaqi said that the elections recently confirmed by UNMIK would
speed up progress towards independence and then EU integration.
Trajkovic told those present that "the process of killing and
ethnic cleansing against Serbs has not yet been stopped," adding that
since the arrival of international peacekeepers, 250,000 Serbs have been
expelled, over 1,000 killed and 1,300 abducted.
In reply, Rugova claimed that prior to the war only 200,000 Serbs
lived in the province and the rest were part of the Belgrade
OSCE Mission in Kosovo head Daan Everts told the council that the
constitutional framework for the province would guarantee all national
interests without neglecting minority rights.


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ASSEMBLEA ANTIMPERIALISTA (ex Coord. Naz. "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"):
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Original English version:
Traduzione italiana di Curzio Bettio di Soccorso Popolare, Padov


In Yugoslavia, il Fondo Monetario Internazionale � diventato la stabile
burocrazia finanziaria dell'Alleanza Militare dell'Occidente, operando
stretta connessione con la NATO e il Dipartimento di Stato degli Usa


Michel Chossudovsky,
Professore di Economia, Universit� di Ottawa

Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale (FMI) � noto per la sua azione di
prepotente sullo sviluppo dei Paesi, imponendo forti dosi di "medicina
per l'economia" mentre grava i governi con la spirale del debito estero.
In complicit� con Washington, il FMI spesso interviene nelle riunioni di
Gabinetto dei governi delle nazioni debitrici.

In Corea nella turbolenza della crisi Asiatica del 1997, il Ministro
Finanze --congedato per supposti " intralci ai negoziati " con il FMI --
� stato rimpiazzato da uno che in precedenza era stato funzionario del

In Turchia, proprio alla vigilia di una fusione finanziaria sullo
(marzo 2001), il Ministro dell'Economia � stato sostituito dal
della Banca Mondiale.( 2 )

Ma quello che � capitato in Yugoslavia segna un nuovo record nelle
abusive della burocrazia finanziaria internazionale che fa riferimento a
Washington: l'arresto di un Capo di Stato di una nazione debitrice --
dai suoi stessi creditori -- � divenuto "la pre-condizione" per ottenere
negoziazioni di un prestito.

Mentre il 31 marzo 2001 era la data di scadenza imposta al Governo della
DOS da Washington per l'arresto del Presidente Slobodan Milosevic, un
ultimatum era posto per trasferire il precedente Capo di Stato sotto la
giurisdizione della NATO-sponsor del Tribunale Internazionale dell'Aja
i Crimini di Guerra (ICTY). E questo nelle parole del Segretario di
Colin Powell: " Il sostegno dell'amministrazione degli USA per una
internazionale di Stati elargitori, dove la Yugoslavia spera su un
di un miliardo di dollari ($1 billion) per aiutare la ricostruzione,
dai continui progressi in una totale cooperazione con il Tribunale
( 3 )

Il portavoce del Dipartimento di Stato, in pi�, chiarifica "che gli
Uniti hanno il potere di fermare la conferenza che dovrebbe avere corso
nella prossima estate, se Washington non fosse soddisfatta." ( 4 )

Nel frattempo, il Tribunale dell'Aja ha minacciato di prendere decisioni
prima del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU, se il Presidente Milosevic
viene rapidamente trasferito sotto la sua giurisdizione. ( 5 )


Veramente al momento opportuno!? A ridosso delle elezioni presidenziali
in Yugoslavia (settembre 2000), una "legislazione ad hoc" veniva
d'improvviso dalla Camera dei Rappresentanti degli USA. Washington aveva
avvertito Kostunica --in seguito ad un Atto del Congresso (HR 1064)--
se il suo governo non si fosse interamente conformato ai diktats USA,
finanziario sarebbe stato negato. Quindi il FMI e la Banca Mondiale
a tempo debito, notificato attraverso il loro pi� importante azionista,
vale a dire il Governo degli USA, che:

"il Segretario USA del Tesoro potrebbe bloccare il pagamento della quota
degli Stati Uniti di ogni aumento nel capitale versato di una quantit�
alla quantit� del prestito, o per altra assistenza, alla Yugoslavia." (
6 )

Intanto, Washington ha richiesto l'apertura di un ufficio del Tribunale
dell'Aja (ICTY) a Belgrado, ed inoltre modifiche agli statuti legali
Yugoslavia. Gli statuti modificati --con il timbro di avallo del
dovrebbero porre il Tribunale ICTY sopra la giurisdizione del sistema
nazionale della Yugoslavia. Con ci� si vuole mettere il Tribunale sotto
il comando della NATO, e quindi provocare l'arresto di migliaia di
inventando accuse.


Funzionari USA hanno inoltre intimato l'immediato rilascio dei
per la libert�" dell'UCK, e la risoluzione dei termini della
in Serbia dei terroristi era da considerarsi come una "addizionale
per la concessione di assistenza finanziaria:

"Funzionari del Dipartimento di Stato dichiaravano che, fra le diverse
del cambiamento, gli Stati Uniti si aspettavano che il Presidente
Vojislav Kostunica cominciasse a restituire al Kosovo gli Albanesi
durante il conflitto in Kosovo del 1999 ed accettasse la giurisdizione
Tribunale per i Crimini di Guerra all'interno della Serbia, in modo che
molti sospetti accusati potessero tranquillamente ottenere l'immunit�."
( 7 )

Una "Legge di Amnistia" veniva prontamente approvata dal Parlamento
appena un mese prima della data del 31 marzo, scadenza dell'ultimatum di
Washington del 31 marzo. ( 8 )

Mentre le vittime della guerra sono perseguitate e indicate come
di guerra, il regime di Kostunica --su istruzioni di Washington-- ha
criminali dell'Armata di Liberazione del Kosovo (UCK), collegata alla
della droga, che hanno commesso atrocit� in Kosovo.

Inoltre questi criminali si sono ricongiunti ai ranghi dell'UCK, ora
in una nuova ondata di assalti terroristici nel Sud della Serbia e nella
vicina Macedonia. L'evidenza ampiamente conferma che questi attacchi
sono appoggiati e finanziati da Washington. ( 9 )


Senza un ulteriore esame critico della situazione, i media Occidentali
sollecitano lo svolgimento di una Conferenza dei paesi disposti al
come "il passo necessario" verso la "normalizzazione economica" e la
della Yugoslavia nella "famiglia delle Nazioni".

La pubblica opinione � lasciata credere che questi paesi "donatori"
"aiutare" la Yugoslavia nella ricostruzione. Il termine "donatore" � una
denominazione non appropriata. Nei fatti, la conferenza dei donatori �
riunione di banchieri e di creditori, soprattutto dei Paesi che hanno
la Yugoslavia. Il loro intento non � solo di raccogliere denaro dalla
ma anche di conseguire il pieno controllo e il possesso dell'economia

Nel frattempo, le leggi nazionali sono state riviste per facilitare una
totale privatizzazione. Il vasto complesso industriale della Serbia e
edifici pubblici devono essere ristrutturati e messi all'incanto del
straniero. In altre parole, pi� che "aiutare la Yugoslavia", la
dei donatori --organizzata in consultazioni riservate fra Washington e i
quartieri generali della NATO a Brussels--vuole porre le basi per la
della Yugoslavia in una colonia dell'Alleanza militare dell'Occidente.

Il debito estero della Yugoslavia supera i 14 miliardi di $, dei quali
5 miliardi di $ sono dovuti al Parigi Club ( costituito in modo largo
governi dei Paesi della NATO ), e 3 miliardi di $ al Londra Club.
� costituito da un cartello di Banche private, che nel caso della
include qualcosa come 400 Istituti di Credito.

Comunque, la larga parte del debito commerciale della Yugoslavia �
da 16 Banche Americane ed Europee, che sono membri di un "Comitato
di Coordinamento" (ICC) scaturito da Citigroup America e dal gigante
Germania WestDeutsche Landesbank. Altri grandi membri di ICC includono
P. Morgan-Chase e Merrill Lynch.

L'ICC --che opera discretamente dietro la scena --alla fine invita i
grossi a ben considerare i negoziati sul debito, le privatizzazioni e la
terapia macro-economica.

D'altro canto, la burocrazia del FMI, agendo nell'interesse dei
commerciali e pubblici, ha consigliato per "una ristrutturazione del
estero della Repubblica Federale Yugoslava su termini appropriati "
il fatto che pu� essere approvata la concessione di denaro pronta cassa
"solo dopo la regolarizzazione degli arretrati." ( 10 ) Questo significa
che Belgrado sar� obbligata a riconoscere in pieno questi debiti, come
condizione per negoziare un nuovo prestito, come pure a tener conto di
sviluppi verso la secessione, considerando la possibilit� di divisione
debito estero della Repubblica Federale Yugoslava con le sue
successivamente eredi."


Mentre sono sbandierati i prestiti per la "ricostruzione", una vasta
di denaro e di risorse vengono portate fuori dalla Yugoslavia. Nei
la gran parte del denaro promesso per la "ricostruzione" risulta

Il prestito di 208 milioni di $, un "prestito ponte", garantito da
e Norvegia (gennaio 2001) viene usato per rimborsare il FMI. Inoltre, il
FMI ha garantito a Belgrado un debito di 151 milioni di $ nella forma di
una cosiddetta "assistenza post-conflitto". Ma questo "aiuto" era
a rimborsare Svizzera e Norvegia, che avevano sputato il denaro
per saldare gli arretrati al FMI:

"Il Consiglio del FMI approva il prestito di 151 milioni di $ USA,
la politica emergenziale del FMI di assistenza post-conflitto, in
al programma di stabilizzare l'economia della Yugoslavia e di aiuto per
la ricostruzione delle sue capacit� amministrative. Di questo ammontare,
le autorit� di Belgrado dovranno separare 130milioni di $ USA per
il debito ponte che hanno ricevuto dalla Svizzera e dalla Norvegia per
gli arretrati dovuti al FMI." ( 11 )

Viene indotta l'illusione che "denaro sia in arrivo" e che "il FMI stia
aiutando la Yugoslavia."
Nei fatti, ci� che rimane, dopo che il FMI "ha ottenuto rimborsi per se
stesso", � un magro afflusso di 21 milioni di dollari. E certamente lo
movimento di denaro fittizio � stato posto in essere dalla Banca
che ha ingiunto che 1.7 miliardi di $ di arretrati "siano chiarificati"
prima di garantire altri debiti freschi.

A questo riguardo, Belgrado accetter� un cosiddetto "prestito di
dalla Banca Mondiale per rimborsare il debito di 1.7 miliardi di $ alla
stessa Banca Mondiale. In realt� in Yugoslavia entrer� poco denaro, per
dire nulla.

Nelle parole del Governatore della Banca Centrale Mladan Dinkic:

"questo preparer� la via per il ritorno della Yugoslavia alla Banca
Nei primi tre anni, riceveremo il cosiddetto status AIDA, che la Banca
assegna ai Paesi pi� poveri; questo � l'accomodamento pi� favorevole
con un pi� lungo periodo di grazia e interessi al minimo, che consentir�
alla nostra economia di pagare il debito di 1.7 miliardi di $ e di
le condizioni per ricevere nuovi prestiti." ( 12 )

Pi� generalmente, il denaro per la "ricostruzione" riempir� le tasche
creditori internazionali e delle corporations multinazionali (con
per i vecchi amici della DOS), mentre l'intera economia Yugoslava viene
disposta in blocco all'incanto. Le risorse verranno messe in vendita al
prezzo pi� basso sotto la supervisione del FMI e della Banca Mondiale. I
magri ricavati della privatizzazione forzata --in cui solo "investitori"
esteri avranno la concessione di partecipare--verranno allora usati per
ripagare i creditori, che si d� il caso essere la stessa gente che si
le risorse della Yugoslavia.

E chi valuter� il "listino valori " delle risorse industriali della
e supervisioner� l'asta delle propriet� di questo Stato? Le grandi
mercantili dell'Europa e degli USA e societ� finanziarie, che inoltre
mettendosi in azione per curare corporativamente gli interessi dei loro
clienti, consigliandoli alla partecipazione dell'asta.


Sicuramente il denaro (fittizio!) per la ricostruzione � garantito solo
alla condizione che la Yugoslavia implementi la " terapia shock"
Il programma di donazioni e di garanzie si sviluppa su una
pi� che sulla "ricostruzione".

Sotto la maschera di "normalizzazione economica", il FMI, la Banca
e la Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo (EBRD), con base a
Londra, hanno avuto il mandato di smantellare attraverso bancarotta e
forzate quello che ancora non � stato distrutto dai bombardieri.

In questo processo, il terrore politico e il " terrore economico " vanno
di pari passo. L'evidenza ampiamente conferma che le riforme economiche
letali del FMI e della Banca Mondiale, imposte in pi� di 150 Paesi in
di sviluppo, hanno portato all'impoverimento di milioni di persone.

Per crudele ironia, l'amara medicina economica e la simbolica assistenza
finanziaria vengono presentate come "le ricompense ", dopo il
del Presidente Milosevic sotto la giurisdizione del Tribunale dell'Aja.
Sebbene il presente programma del FMI sia la "continuazione" delle
riforme economiche imposte alla Repubblica Federale di Yugoslavia nel
(e quindi alle sue "repubbliche eredi"), questo promette di essere alla
lunga pi� devastante. ( 13 )

Il Gruppo di 17 economisti (G-17) -- che controlla il Ministero delle
e la Banca Centrale di Yugoslavia (NBJ) -- � in permanente
contatto con il FMI, la Banca Mondiale e il Ministero del Tesoro degli
Una "lettera di Intenti", che sottolineava
nei dettagli la terapia economica che doveva essere imposta alla
dal governo della DOS, � stata di fatto compilata in negoziati segreti
i creditori prima delle elezioni Presidenziali del settembre 2000.

Mladjan Dinkic --che ora occupa la posizione di Governatore della Banca
Nazionale di Yugoslavia (NBJ) (Banca Centrale)--aveva stabilito che uno
dei primi argomenti che doveva essere sottoposto al Presidente Kostunica
era di mettere in atto la "terapia shock " economica:

"Immediatamente dopo essere entrato in carica, il nuovo governo deve
tutti i tipi di sussidio. Questa misura deve essere adottata senza
o esitazioni, poich� sar� difficile, se non impossibile, applicarla pi�
in avanti, in vista del fatto che nel frattempo possono manifestarsi
interessi, che possono fare del loro meglio per bloccare tali misure.
primo passo nella liberalizzazione economica deve essere intrapreso come
una "terapia shock" e la sua radicale natura non deve lasciar spazio a
gradualismi di ogni tipo. " ( 14 )

Il G-17 non deve nascondere il fatto che uno dei suoi principali
consiste nello spezzare la resistenza sociale al programma di

"Qualsiasi regime democratico futuro � per opporre una sostanzialmente
pubblica resistenza alle privatizzazioni e alle riforme socio-economiche
che dovranno accompagnarlo. In poche parole,
l'insolvenza e la ristrutturazione delle imprese in Serbia genereranno
disoccupazione o tagli salariali per molti impieghi. Il controllo del
pubblico e gli aggiustamenti fiscali richiedono ugualmente tagli nella
pubblica e l'introduzione di nuove tasse e imponibili potenzialmente
L'acquisto di imprese Serbe da parte di ricchi investitori nazionali e
pu� anche generare risentimenti, specialmente perch� ci� rappresenta una
radicale rottura con la precedente tradizione Yugoslava della propriet�
dell'impresa da parte dei lavoratori o "sociale". Anche gruppi
e anti-riformisti possono mobilitare la resistenza popolare per
queste problematiche.Queste forme di opposizione politica tendono a
gli scopi dell'introduzione di effettive riforme economiche e delle
( 15 ).


Il programma del FMI --presentato nel pieno delle attivit� alla vigilia
delle elezioni del settembre 2000--esige l'adozione di "prudenti
macro-economiche e audaci riforme strutturali"; nel gergo del FMI,
invariabilmente significa l'applicazione di un "trattamento curativo
mentre "prudente" significa misure di austerit� attentamente designate e
prive di compromessi.( 16 ) Appena � entrato nel pieno delle sue
il governo Kostunica --sotto le indicazioni del FMI --
ha deregolato i prezzi dei beni di consumo essenziali e congelato i
dei lavoratori. ( 17 )

Una nuova Legge per il Lavoro, stabilendo che il salario minimo fosse il
35% della media salariale, aveva l'approvazione del Parlamento
In altre parole, con l'aumento dei prezzi accompagnato alla
dei salari ordinata dal FMI, la nuova legislazione fa in modo che il
minimo reale sia scivolato a livelli abissalmente bassi. ( 18 )

Il credito � stato congelato per gli imprenditori locali e i
I tassi di interesse sono gi� balzati alle stelle. Con la fine delle
economiche, il FMI ha anche imposto che i blocchi delle importazioni
rimossi per facilitare l'esportazione del surplus estero di merci a
stracciati sul mercato Yugoslavo, portando cos� alla bancarotta i
locali. In aggiunta, i prezzi energetici sono stati totalmente
prima delle privatizzazioni dei servizi pubblici, delle raffinerie
di petrolio, delle miniere di carbone e delle aziende elettriche.

Inoltre, vengono considerati tagli drastici alla previdenza sociale e ai
fondi pensione della Repubblica di Serbia, che praticamente produrranno
il loro collasso (Vedi il Programma del FMI, op cit). La
dei programmi sociali � copia-carbone di quella imposta alla vicina
dove le pensioni pagate ai cittadini anziani precipitano a capofitto nel
1997 a 3 dollari al mese.


Il componente pi� letale del programma del FMI, comunque, � la
"fluttuazione controllata" del rapporto di cambio che --in accordo con
Consigliere Delegato Aggiunto del FMI Stanley Fischer-- viene introdotta
"per riflettere meglio le condizioni di mercato". ( 20 )

Le riserve di cambio con l'estero della Banca Centrale di Yugoslavia
dell'ordine di 500 milioni di $, il debito estero supera i 14 miliardi
di $.
Con il parere positivo del FMI, moneta ( in forma di "prestito
dovrebbe essere garantita a riempire le riserve di cambio con l'estero
Banca Centrale, con lo scopo di supportare il dinaro.

Nel contempo, seguendo il modello Brasiliano, il dinaro dovr� anche
artificialmente sostenuto da un governo che prenda prestiti da istituti
bancari privati a rapporti di interesse esorbitanti, e perci�
il debito pubblico interno. ( 21 )

In assenza di controlli di cambio che restringano la fuga di capitali,
riserve di cambio con l'estero della Banca Centrale alla fine
impoverite. In altre parole, quando le "riserve prese a prestito " non
sostenute pi� a lungo dalla moneta corrente, il dinaro collassa. Nella
della "fluttuazione controllata", i dollari prestati con un
di capitali cautelativo del FMI, rientreranno in possesso dei creditori
e degli speculatori al momento della caduta del dinaro, causando
espansione del debito estero della Yugoslavia.

Nei fatti, questa politica � largamente strumentale a far scattare una
La moneta corrente nazionale diventer� totalmente priva di valore. In
parole, i prezzi voleranno alle stelle come conseguenza del collasso
moneta corrente nazionale. In pi�, i salari dovranno essere congelati su
indicazioni del FMI come parte di un "programma anti-inflattivo" e lo
di vita piomber� a livelli sempre pi� bassi. Cos� gli Yugoslavi si
alla fine impoveriti per due terzi della popolazione (in accordo con
ONU a conoscenza del rapporto del FMI) con redditi pro capite sotto ai 2
dollari al giorno.

E' la stessa truffa finanziaria che il FMI ha imposto in Corea,
Russia, Brasile e pi� recentemente in Turchia. ( 22 )

In questo processo, sono messi in atto vari strumenti speculativi (
"l' improvvisa vendita" di moneta corrente) da parte di banche
e istituti finanziari in modo da scatenare il collasso della stessa

In Corea, la spirale del debito � aumentata come prodromo della crisi
Come risultato, i beni economici nella loro globalit� venivano messi
e diversi potenti blocchi economici della Corea erano acquisiti dal
Americano a prezzi ridicolmente bassi.

In Russia, il rublo si � ridotto totalmente privo di valore, dopo aver
la strategia del programma del FMI. La fluttuazione del rublo, applicata
nel 1992 per i consigli del FMI, ha contribuito in meno di un anno ad un
progressivo ed enorme aumento (9900%) dei prezzi dei generi di prima
I salari nominalmente venivano aumentati di circa il 900%, e quindi il
degli stipendi reali nel 1992 veniva ad essere dell'ordine dell'86%.
anni seguenti, i salari reali continuarono a scendere a precipizio,
la rovina del popolo Russo e la sua estrema povert�. ( 23 )

Pi� generalmente, il programma del FMI crea una struttura per far
cos� come far estendere, il debito attraverso la manipolazione dei
valutari. E' opportuno ricordare, a questo riguardo, che appena poche
prima dell'arresto del Presidente Milosevic, la Turchia � stata
seguito alla destabilizzazione della sua moneta corrente-- alla pi�
delle riforme economiche che ha causato praticamente nel giro di una
al collasso dello standard di vita. Sotto i consigli e le cure del FMI,
i tassi di interesse in Turchia sono saliti di un modesto 550%.

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Il FMI ha reso noto nella sua relazione che i danni causati dai
bombardamenti NATO sono dell'ordine di 40 miliardi di dollari.
( 24 ) Questa rappresentazione non tiene in debito conto delle
perdite nel PIL della Yugoslavia, risultanti da anni di sanzioni
economiche, non tiene conto delle perdite umane e delle mutilazioni,
non della sofferenza inflitta ad una intera popolazione, non
delle radiazioni tossiche dovute all'Uranio impoverito e nemmeno
delle devastazioni ambientali ampiamente documentate da fonti
Yugoslave ed internazionali. ( 25 )

Ironicamente, questo studio sui danni di guerra � stato coordinato
dai membri del G-17 Mladjan Dinkic e Miroslav Labus, che ora
detengono posizioni chiave nel governo della DOS.

Dal momento della sua nomina al ruolo di Governatore della
Banca Centrale, Dinkic non ha detto una parola intorno ai "danni
di guerra" nelle sue discussioni con i creditori Occidentali. ( 26 )


Non � stata contemplata alcuna "compensazione" per danni di guerra
a rimettere il debito. In una crudele partita di giro, la grande
parte dei prestiti freschi--che la Yugoslavia dovesse eventualmente
avere come rimborso--dovr� essere usata per ricostruire quello che
i bombardieri hanno distrutto.

In pi�, secondo il sistema Banca Mondiale-EBRD di offerta
internazionale, questi prestiti sono nei fatti destinati a finanziare
contratti lucrativi con imprese di costruzioni dei Paesi NATO:

"I grandi vincitori sono le compagnie Occidentali di
telecomunicazioni, le imprese di costruzioni, le banche e le
societ� di navigazione che possono ricostruire i ponti sul fiume
Danubio, le centrali di energia elettrica e le raffinerie distrutte
dagli attacchi aerei della NATO. Mentre le compagnie
Europee, gi� occupate con i progetti nei Balcani, hanno il vantaggio
di operare in casa, anche le compagnie USA, come le specialiste in
infrastrutture la Brown & Root [una associata della compagnia
Halliburton Oil del Vice Presidente Dick Cheney], la AES e la General
Electric possono partecipare ad una parte del processo." ( 27 )

E cosa vogliono ottenere queste societ�? Queste vogliono
sub-appaltare a ditte locali e/o assumere ingegneri e lavoratori
a stipendi al di sotto di un centinaio di dollari al mese. In
altre parole, il denaro in prestito promesso a Belgrado per la
"ricostruzione" torner� direttamente nelle tasche
delle Banche occidentali e del MNC. Inoltre, la cosiddetta
"priorit� delle spese" imposta dal FMI ha questo significato, che
lo Stato (e cio� con il denaro proprio della Yugoslavia) dovr�
essere il fulcro di un progetto per il disinquinamento del Danubio
e per la ricostruzione dei ponti, essenzialmente
"supportando" gli interessi del capitale straniero.

In pi�, "le proposte condizionali" del FMI--che esigono drastici
tagli alle spese sociali--imporranno preventivamente al governo di
non allocare le sue risorse per la ricostruzione di scuole ed ospedali
distrutti dalla campagna di bombardamenti.


Accusando il popolo Serbo e il precedente capo di Stato di crimini,
commessi invece dall'aggressore, si ha l'intenzione di instillare
un senso di paura e di colpa collettiva su un'intera Nazione.

Ma vi � qualcosa d'altro che fino ad ora non � stato considerato:
il disegno di Washington consiste nel tenere responsabile il
Presidente Milosevic per la Guerra non solo individualmente, ma
come capo di Stato di una Nazione, con l'intenzione finale di
ottenere dalla Yugoslavia riparazioni di guerra.

In altre parole, se il precedente capo dello Stato venisse imputato
dal Tribunale dell'Aja, tutta la Nazione potrebbe essere considerata
"legalmente responsabile" non solo per le spese delle "bombe
umanitarie", ma anche per tutte le spese militari e di "peacekeeping"
sostenute dalla NATO fin dal 1992.

Per questo, un esercito di contabili ed economisti ha gi� valutato
-- su mandato della NATO -- i costi della campagna aerea e delle
varie operazioni di "peacekeeping".
A questo riguardo, il contributo degli USA alle spese per i
bombardamenti, per "peacekeeping" e per "assistenza ai rifugiati",
per il solo anno fiscale (FY) 1999, veniva stimato sui 5.05 miliardi
di $. La quantit� di risorse, destinate dall'Amministrazione Clinton
per pagare le spese di guerra e a favore dei rifugiati, era dell'ordine
di 6.6 miliardi di $. Il cosiddetto "fondo di emergenza" destinato
dal Congresso per le operazioni in Kosovo e di altra difesa, spendibile
nel FY 1999, raggiungeva un totale di 12 miliardi di $. Inoltre,
il Dipartimento della Difesa stimava le spese, per il dispiegamento
di forze di occupazione USA e per il personale civile di stanza in
Bosnia e in Kosovo dal 1992, essere dell'ordine di 21.2 miliardi
di $. ( 28 )

In altre parole, imputando il Presidente Milosevic con accuse
inventate, viene sollevata una fondamentale questione di legittimit�.
Si approvano i bombardamenti come un'operazione umanitaria. Non solo
i reali criminali di guerra vengono assolti, ma viene aperta la
strada della messa in stato di accusa della Yugoslavia come nazione.

Viene messo in stato di accusa il precedente capo di Stato; lo � anche
il popolo collettivamente. Questo significa che la NATO prossimamente
potr� obbligare la Yugoslavia a pagare per le bombe usate a
distruggere la regione e ad ammazzare il suo popolo.

Fondamentalmente non vi � nulla di nuovo in questo processo.

Sotto l'Impero Britannico, era pratica comune non solo insediare
regimi fantoccio, ma anche far pagare i costi delle operazioni
delle cannoniere alle nazioni che rifiutavano di sottoscrivere
un accordo di "libero commercio" con il Governo di Sua Maest�.

Nel 1850, la Gran Bretagna minacciava di inviare le sue "cannoniere"
-- cosa equivalente agli odierni raids umanitari -- in seguito al
rifiuto del Re del Siam (Thailandia) di sottoscrivere un trattato
di libero commercio con gli Inglesi (equivalente ad una odierna
"lettera di intenti" del FMI).
Mentre il linguaggio e le istituzioni della diplomazia coloniale
sono cambiati, resta impressionante la somiglianza con le
pratiche contemporanee.Ecco i termini dell'inviato Britannico
Sir James Brooke (equivalente al Richard Holbrooke di oggi):

"Il Governo Siamese � ostile -- il suo tono � arrogante -- la
sua presunzione insopportabile.
Se queste giuste richieste Inglesi, presentate con ferma urgenza,
dovessero essere rifiutate, dovr� essere inviata una forza, per
appoggiarle immediatamente con la rapida distruzione delle difese
del fiume. Il Siam deve imparare la lezione che gi� da lungo
tempo doveva essergli impartita, un Re disposto con pi� favore
deve essere posto sul trono, e cos� verr� acquisita grande
influenza nella regione che per l'Inghilterra assumer�
un'importanza commerciale immensa. [Notare la somiglianza in
relazione alla Yugoslavia]. Soprattutto, ci� servir� bene a
preparare il cambio per imporre un nuovo Re sul trono.
Noi dovremmo porre sul trono questo principe [Mongkut] e
attraverso lui, potremo, senza alcun dubbio, ottenere quello
che desideriamo. E le spese necessarie per l'operazione militare
saranno sicuramente ricoperte dal tesoro Reale del Siam." ( 29 )

Rimpiazzato il Capo di Stato, imposto il "libero" mercato, la
Nazione colpita dovr� anche pagare le spese per le operazioni


Effettivamente nel caso del Vietnam -- che vinse la guerra contro
l'aggessione USA -- Hanoi veniva nondimeno obbligata a pagare
riparazioni di guerra agli Stati Uniti, come condizione per essere
sollevata nel 1994 dalle sanzioni economiche.

Sebbene le circostanze storiche fossero differenti del tutto da
quelle della Yugoslavia, il modello dell'intervento del FMI in
Vietnam � stato per molti versi identico. La decisione di
sollevare il Vietnam dalle sanzioni veniva anche questa volta
nel contesto di una conferenza di elargitori di prestiti.
"Circa 2 miliardi di dollari $ di prestiti e di denaro di
"aiuto" sono stati impegnati in supporto alle riforme in Vietnam
sponsorizzate dal FMI; subito dopo la Conferenza, � stata tenuta
un'altra riunione separata, questa volta "a porte chiuse", in cui
Hanoi veniva obbligata a rimborsare completamente i debiti fatti
dagli USA per installare a Saigon un governo militare. " ( 30 )
Riconoscendo completamente la legittimit� di questi debiti, Hanoi
ha in effetti accettato di ripagare debiti che sono stati
utilizzati per sostenere lo sforzo bellico USA.

Inoltre, l'aver accettato queste condizioni da parte di Hanoi ha
totalmente assolto Washington dal pagare i danni di guerra al
Vietnam per un totale di 4.2 miliardi di dollari, come stabilito
dalla Conferenza di Pace a Parigi nel 1973. ( 31 )


In modo consimile, i 12 miliardi di dollari $ di "riparazioni"
che gli Usa erano stati ordinati di pagare al Nicaragua dalla
Corte di Giustizia Internazionale dell'Aja (ICJ) non sono mai
stati pagati. Nel 1990, in seguito all'insediarsi di un governo
"democratico" filo-USA, queste riparazioni -- ordinate dalla ICJ
-- sono state cancellate in cambio di una "normalizzazione"
e di un ritiro delle sanzioni economiche. In cambio, Washington
ha approvato un impegno di 60 milioni di $ per "aiuti emergenziali",
che naturalmente era fattore condizionale al pagamento di tutti
i debiti e all'adozione della pi� insopportabile terapia
economica shock del FMI:

"Gli Stati Uniti provvedono a pagare al governo le indennit� di
uscita per i lavoratori licenziati, secondo il mandato
programmatico degli USA [aggiustamento strutturale del FMI!],
orientato a sminuire la grandezza del governo del Nicaragua.

Ed ecco alcuni dei risultati:
- il budget di spesa del Nicaragua per le protezioni sociali �
stato aspramente tagliato da 18 milioni di $ a 4 milioni di $,
mentre la disoccupazione ha raggiunto circa il 45%;
- la spesa per la Sanit� � piombata da 86 $ annui per persona,
di cinque anni fa, a 18 $ nel 1991, anno seguente alle elezioni;
- le pensioni per i veterani di guerra disabili sono state
congelate a 6.5 $ mensili, mentre i prezzi degli alimenti hanno
raggiunto, nel 1991, valori di livello molto vicini a quelli negli

Un funzionario del Dipartimento di Stato cos� si esprimeva: 'Agli
USA � stato affidato l'incarico di ricostruire il Nicaragua,
ma vi � solo una quantit� limitata che noi possiamo dare per
aiutare lo sviluppo.'" ( 32 )

Eppure gli Usa non hanno esitato nello spendere miliardi di
dollari per finanziare nove anni di embargo economico e una
guerra in cui Washington ha creato e finanziato un esercito
paramilitare ( la Contras ) per combattere il governo Sandinista.

Annunciati dall'amministrazione Reagan e sostenuti dai media come
"combattenti per la libert�", i rivoltosi Contras erano finanziati
da proventi della droga e con supporto di copertura della CIA.

E nei fatti lo stesso modello di supporto di copertura, usando
denaro dal traffico di droga, � stato applicato per finanziare
l'Armata di Liberazione del Kosovo (KLA o UCK), con l'obiettivo
di destabilizzare la Yugoslavia.

William Walker, capo della missione OSCE in Kosovo nei mesi
precedenti la guerra del 1999, era il responsabile, con Oliver
North, nell'incanalare supporti di copertura per i Contras, che
in definitiva tendevano alla caduta del governo Sandinista e alla
sua sconfitta nelle elezioni "democratiche" del 1990.


Un altro caso � quello dell'Iraq che -- sulla scia della Guerra
del Golfo -- veniva obbligato a pagare notevoli riparazioni di
guerra. La Commissione delle Nazioni Unite sulle Compensazioni
(UNCC) era costituita per istruire un processo di "rivendicazioni"
contro l'Iraq. Il 30% delle entrate del petrolio Iracheno relative
al programma "petrolio in cambio di cibo" � stato imposto dalla
UNCC per pagare riparazioni di guerra a Governi, Banche e
Societ� finanziarie.

La UNCC "ha assegnato pi� di 32 miliardi di $ in rivendicazioni,
e pi� di 9.5 miliardi di $ sono stati sborsati dall'Iraq,
per riparazioni, utilizzando le entrate del programma
cibo-contro-petrolio." ( 33 )

Questi precedenti sono importanti per ben comprendere la guerra
in Yugoslavia. Sebbene nessun esposto ufficiale sia stato presentato
dalla NATO, la struttura e la burocrazia dell' UNCC in un futuro
prossimo possono estendere la loro azione per riscuotere
riparazioni di guerra dalla Yugoslavia. Le procedure di
rivendicazione dell'UNCC si basano su una risoluzione del 1991
del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU, che stabilisce l'obbligo da
parte dell'Iraq di pagare i debiti per la guerra del Golfo, secondo
una legge internazionale.

Nel caso della Yugoslavia, il Presidente Milosevic � accusato dal
Tribunale dell'Aja per "crimini contro l'umanit� e per violazioni
delle leggi e delle consuetudini in tempo di guerra ". ( 34 ) In
seguito al precedente Iracheno, la decisione del Tribunale dell'Aja
riguardante il Presidente Milosevic pu� costituire il fondamento
per la formulazione di un' identica risoluzione del Consiglio
di Sicurezza dell'ONU che stabilisca l'obbligo di pagare i debiti
di guerra per il governo e il popolo della Yugoslavia, per le
"perdite e i danni subiti dai governi stranieri, dalle
multinazionali e dalle societ� finanziarie", inclusi
"i costi della campagna di guerra aerea".


Eventi recenti hanno dimostrato come fatti reali possono essere
completamente capovolti dall'aggressore e dalla sua macchina di

L'intento della NATO � di distorcere vistosamente il corso
degli eventi e di manipolare la scrittura della storia
contemporanea. Risulta quindi essenziale che il popolo Yugoslavo
venga considerato in blocco nelle sue risoluzioni. Inoltre si
dovrebbe comprendere che la "demonizzazione" del popolo Serbo e
del Presidente Slobodan Milosevic, oltre che a far scattare
conflitti etnici, � intesa ad imporre il "libero mercato" e il
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale dentro all'area dei Balcani.

Internazionalmente, i vari movimenti contro le riforme del
FMI-Banca Mondiale-WTO devono capire che la guerra e la
globalizzazione sono processi inter-connessi.

Applicata a tutto il mondo, la sola promessa del "libero
mercato" produce un mondo di contadini senza terra, di fabbriche
chiuse, di lavoratori senza lavoro e di programmi sociali smantellati
da una "amara medicina economica" sotto la supervisione del
FMI-Banca Mondiale-WTO, che predispongono l'unica ricetta. Inoltre,
l'accresciuta militarizzazione costituisce il mezzo per
imporre queste insopportabili riforme macro-economiche.

La lotta della Yugoslavia per preservare la sua sovranit� nazionale
-- in questa particolare congiuntura della storia -- rappresenta
una parte dell'esteso movimento contro il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e
contro l'imposizione al mondo intero di una omogenea agenda politica
neo-liberale, sotto la supervisione del FMI-Banca Mondiale-WTO.
Dietro queste organizzazioni, che ciclicamente si interfacciano con
la NATO -- vi sono i poteri delle grandi strutture finanziarie
degli USA e dell'Europa e il complesso militare-industriale


1. Agenzia France Presse , 19 Novembre 1997.

2. Database di Ricerche Economiche. West LB Emerging Trends,
8 Marzo 2001, Agenzia France Press, 16 Marzo 2001.

3. Dichiarazione del Segretario di Stato Colin Powell
citata in International Herald Tribune, Parigi, 4 Aprile 2001

4. International Herald Tribune, op. cit.

5. B 92 News, Belgrade, 3 Maggio 2001.

6. Camera dei Rappresentanti degli USA, Progetto di Legge
HR 1064, sezione 302, Settembre 2000, a Clicca a 106.esimo
Congresso e poi invia al numero del Progetto di Legge.

7. UPI, 2 Aprile 2001

8. New York Times, 27 Febbraio 2001.

9. Vedi Michel Chossudovsky, "Washington Finances Ethnic
Warfare in the Balkans", Emperors Clothes, Aprile 2001.

10. Vedi FMI, il FMI approva come Membro la Repubblica
Federale di Yugoslavia e una assistenza di 151 milioni
di $ per l'emergenza post-conflitto,

11. Vedi FMI, il FMI approva come Membro la Repubblica
Federale di Yugoslavia e una assistenza di 151 milioni
di $ per l'emergenza post-conflitto,

12. Governo della Serbia, Serbia Info, Belgrade 2 Maggio 2001,

13 Per ulteriori dettagli, vedere Michel Chossudovsky,
"Dismantling Former Yugoslavia, Recolonising Bosnia,
Covert Action Quarterly, Sprint 1996", disponibile a

14. Vedi Gruppo dei 17 "Program of Radical Economic Reforms",
Belgrade 1999 a

15. New Serbia Forum, "Privatization", Budapest,
13-15 Marzo 2000,

16. Il testo completo del programma del FMI � disponibile
Il mandato del Governo sotto il programma del FMI � sottolineato
in Repubblica Federale di Yugoslavia, "Economic Reform Program
for 2001", Belgrade, 9 Dicembre 2000, a, vedi
anche "Synthetic View" delle principali misure di politica
economica a

17. Vedi Michel Chossudovsky, "Kostunica Coalition Drives Up
Prices and Blames...Milosevic", Ottobre 2000,

18. Vedi B 92 News, 3 Maggio 2001 a

19. Programma del FMI, op cit. Sulla Bulgaria vedi "The Wind in
the Balkans", The Economist, London, 8 Febbraio 1997, p.12 e
C. Randal, "Reform Coalition Wins, Bulgarian Parliament",
The Washington Post, 20 Aprile 1997, p.A21.

20. Vedi la dichiarazione del Consigliere Delegato Aggiunto
del FMI Stanley Fischer, Dicembre 2000 a

21. Vedi Michel Chossudovsky, "Brazil's IMF Sponsored Financial
Disaster", Third World Network, 1998 a

22. Per particolari vedi Michel Chossudovsky, "Financial Warfare
triggers Global Financial Crisis", Third World Network a

23. Vedi Michel Chossudovsky, "The Globalization of Poverty",
Zed Books, London 1997, capitolo 12.

24. Il FMI cita lo studio del G-17, "Economic Consequences of
NATO Bombardment", Belgrado 2000 a

25. Vedi Michel Chossudovsky, " NATO Willfully Triggered an
Environmental Catastrophe in Yugoslavia", June 2000, a

26. Vedi G-17, "Economic Consequences of NATO Bombardment",
Belgrado 2000 a

27. USA Today, 10 Ottobre 2000.

28. GAO : Rapporto riassuntivo al Presidente, Commissione sui
Servizi d'Arma, Camera dei Rappresentanti, RPTno:
gao/nsiad-00-125br,Washington, 24 Aprile 2000.

29. Citato in M. L. Manich Jumsai, "King Mongkut and Sir
John Bowring", Chalermit, Bangkok, 1970, p. 21.

30. Vedi Michel Chossudovsky, "The Globalisation of Poverty",
op cit., Capitolo 8.

31. A. J. Langguth, "The Forgotten Debt to Vietnam", New York
Times, 18 Novembre 2000, vedi anche Barbara Crossette, "Hanoi
said to vow to give MIA Data", New York Times, 24 Ottobre, 1992.

32. The Houston Chronicle, 8 Dicembre 1991. Per consultare
la sentenza del 1986 della Corte Internazionale di Giustizia
su "Nicaragua v. United States of America", vedi: "Military
and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua
v. United States of America) (1984-1991)" a,
sommario a

33. UPI, 7 Dicembre 2000.

34. Vedi il testo del 1999 della messa in stato di accusa del
Presidente Milosevic da parte del Tribunale dell'Aja a

35. Vedi il testo della risoluzione 687 (1991) del Consiglio di
Sicurezza dell'ONU riguardante l' Iraq a

C Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, May 2001. All rights
Permission is granted to post this text on non-commercial community
internet sites, provided the essay remains intact and the
copyright note is displayed. To publish this text in printed and/or
form, contact the author at chossudovsky@..., fax: 1-514-

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Oggetto: R: Human Rights Watch -
Macedonian Police Abuses Documented

Sull'affidabilit� di Human Rights Watch e sulla sua indipendenza
dall'intelligence USA sappiamo tutto. Si ripete la manovra del
di una verit� evidente a tutti per cui il carnefice diventa vittima e
viceversa. E' un modulo logoro, gi� tentato, abusato e smascherato in
Kosovo. Le prove del sostegno USA, attraverso agenzie di mercenari al
del Pentagono come l'MPRI (Military Professional Resources INC), di
Alexandria, Virginia, sotto stretto controllo della CIA, sono state rese
pubbliche e mai smentite. L'MPRI ha un contratto ufficiale con il
macedone, per addestramento e armamento del suo esercito e,
contemporaneamente, addestra ed arma l'UCK, oggi mandatario USA della
destabilizzazione della Macedonia, come ulteriore fase della
della Jugoslavia ai fini del totale controllo USA (in funzione
della regione da dove stanno per passare le infrastrutture del famoso
corridoio 8. E' significativo che l'approvazione dello studio di
dell'oleodotto da Vargas, Bulgaria, sul Mar Nero, attraverso la
al porto albanese di Vlore (Corridoio 8) e l'inizio dei lavori siano
coincisi con il rinnovato uso dei terroristi UCK, questa volta in
sulla base delle stesse mistificazione circa la negazione dei diritti
alla minoranza (20%, non 30-49%) albanese. Negazione denunciata da
che hanno effettuato l'unica vera pulizia etnica del Kosovo, uccidendo e
cacciando 400.000 kosovari serbi, rom, goranci, bulgari, ebrei. E' anche
interessante notare che i terroristi albanesi partono da zone sotto
controllo USA-GB ed escono armati da campi di addestramento delle SAS
speciali britanniche), che l'oleodotto destinato ad attraversare il Nord
della Macedonia viene costruito da AMBO, un consorzio
bulgaro-macedone-albanese a prevalente capitale USA, diretto da E.L.
Ferguson, direttore della Brown & Root, associata della
Halliburton, quella del vicepresidente USA Dick Cheney, la stessa che ha
costruito e effettua la manutenzione e lo sviluppo di Bondsteel, la pi�
grande base USA costruita dopo la guerra del Vietnam.
In questo modo gli USA controllano entrambe le parti in guerra,
accendendo e
spegnendo la miccia a seconda delle proprie necessit� strategiche. La
destabilizzazione della Macedonia settentrionale, inoltre, allarga il
territorio di transito dei traffici di droga, di cui i cartelli
finanziatori dell'UCK sono, secondo l'Europol, i massimi responsabili in
Europa.Per ulteriori approfondimenti sull'operazione USA-UCK in
vedi il recente studio di Chossudovsky, "Washington finances ethnic
in the Balkans", o lo studio di Karen Talbot in "Stop Nato", "The name
the game is oil", o un mio servizio ne "L'Ernesto".in uscita. Non resta
bench� minimo dubbio sui rapporti storici ed attuali tra CIA e UCK.

Fulvio Grimaldi

-----Messaggio Originale-----
Da: "Paola Lucchesi"
A: <pck-yugoslavia@...>
Data invio: venerd� 1 giugno 2001 10.46
Oggetto: Human Rights Watch - Macedonian Police Abuses Documented

> "Ethnic Albanian men fleeing the fighting in Macedonia face
> ill-treatment by the police. We have documented serious beatings
> and torture of ethnic Albanians at the Kumanovo and Skopje police
> stations in the last week. The victims we interviewed have the
> bruises and injuries to back up their claims of abuse."
> Holly Cartner
> HRW Executive Director
> Europe and Central Asia division
> Macedonian Police Abuses Documented
> Ethnic Albanian Men Separated, Tortured at Police Stations
> (Skopje, Macedonia, May 31, 2001) Macedonian forces are
> separating out ethnic Albanian males fleeing fierce fighting in
> Macedonia, and severely beating some of the men at police
stations, Human
> Rights Watch said today. In the most severe cases documented by
> Rights Watch, the ill-treatment appears intended to extract
confessions or
> information about the National Liberation Army (NLA) and amounts
> torture. The fear of violence at the hands of the Macedonian
police is
> stopping many ethnic Albanians from fleeing to safety into
> government-controlled territory.
> "Ethnic Albanian men fleeing the fighting in Macedonia face
> ill-treatment by the police," said Holly Cartner, executive
director of
> Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch. "We have
> serious beatings and torture of ethnic Albanians at the Kumanovo
> police stations in the last week. The victims we interviewed have
> bruises and injuries to back up their claims of abuse."
> On May 22, Macedonian forces launched an offensive against ethnic
> fighters of the NLA who had seized control of villages located in
> vicinity of the northern Macedonian town of Kumanovo. An
estimated fifteen
> thousand civilians remain in the NLA-controlled territory,
> concerns of significant civilian casualties if the fighting
> Since the beginning of the renewed offensive, Macedonian forces
> separated out men from the civilians fleeing the fighting and
> beaten some of them.
> Human Rights Watch researchers have documented cases of severe
beating at
> the Kumanovo police station, located in the region where the
> fighting is taking place, as well as at the Skopje police
station, located
> in the capital city of Macedonia. Some of the tactics involved
hundreds of
> blows to the soles of the victims' feet-a torture technique known
> falanga which causes severe pain and swelling and can lead to
> failure-as well as extended beatings on the hands, buttocks,
arms, and
> heads of the victims. The men interviewed by Human Rights Watch
> that they had heard the screams of many other beating victims at
> stations, suggesting that the scope of such abuse may be
widespread and
> condoned at the police stations.
> Human Rights Watch said that the ill-treatment violates
> rights law, and in the most severe cases amounts to torture.
> Many of the ethnic Albanians are reluctant to talk to
> observers because they fear further retaliation from the
> and have in some cases been warned by their abusers not to
discuss their
> maltreatment. For this reason, identifying details are withheld
from the
> testimonies summarized below. Some of the men were forced to sign
> confessions under torture and to implicate others in NLA-related
> activities. Large numbers of men continue to be separated out
from convoys
> of fleeing civilians and taken to police stations.
> On Tuesday, May 29, Human Rights Watch researchers observed a
group of
> approximately thirty-five ethnic Albanian men from the village of
> who were separated from their female relatives and taken into the
> station at Kumanovo.
> "Jevit Hasani," (not his real name), a seventeen-year-old
villager from
> Vaksince, an NLA-controlled village recaptured by government
forces over
> the weekend, was arrested and taken to the Skopje police station
> fleeing fighting in the village. He described the treatment he
> in the police station:
> They took us in a corridor. Suddenly I was hit on the head with a
> stick, and then ten or so people began beating me until I
fainted. When I
> came to, I was in a room. They were swearing, insulting my mother
> sister, calling me an NLA fighter, a terrorist nationalist. I was
lying on
> the ground on my side, facing the wall when I woke up, and my
shoes were
> off. They started beating me on the feet and the buttocks. At the
> they would just beat me. They would count ten hits as one, and
went all
> until fifty or sixty [i.e. five hundred to six hundred hits].
This was
> before they asked me questions.
> [After being questioned and beaten more], they wrote a
confession. Then
> they made me read the confession in front of a camera in another
room. I
> had to confess I was a spy, and they made me read a list of names
> in the NLA which they had prepared, and say that the NLA had
refused to
> the civilians go out and abused us.
> "Jevit Hasani" was released after forty-eight hours in custody.
He showed
> Human Rights Watch researchers the deep bruises and hematoma on
> buttocks caused by the severe beatings, and explained he had
continued to
> suffer the after effects of beatings to his private parts.
According to
> "Jevit Hasani" many other people were undergoing beatings while
he was
> being detained at the police station: "I heard other people
> I was being interrogated, in other rooms. They were screaming in
> there were a lot of them." A second witness interviewed by Human
> Watch offered an essentially similar account of his beating at
the Skopje
> police station, and also had deep bruises and hematoma on his
buttocks and
> swollen hands, but did not want his ordeal publicized out of fear
> retaliation.
> "Ymer Aqifi," (not his real name) a fifty-one-year-old father of
six from
> Slupcane, was beaten at the Kumanovo police station on Sunday,
May 27. He
> described the beatings he and eight other men he was detained
> sustained:
> We were taken into a corridor. Four [police investigators] made
me lie
> flat on my stomach. They beat me with an iron bar on the wrists,
a wooden
> stick on my head, a [police] baton on my buttocks, and kicked
with their
> feet however much they wanted. They were swearing, insulting my
mother and
> sisters, all kinds of curses. They were asking who is NLA, where
the Imam
> [religious leader] of the village was, where the civilian
defenses were,
> where the headquarters were. But no one wrote down anything, they
> wait for answers.
> That lasted for about an hour I lost consciousness. Then they
poured water
> on me. Two policemen came when I regained consciousness and they
took me
> and the others to another corridor. Down there, all night long,
there were
> screaming people beneath us. You could hear how they beat them.
> "Ymer Aqifi" showed Human Rights Watch researchers the deep
bruises and
> hematoma on his buttocks, deep bruises on his arms, bruises on
> and the sides of his head, and his swollen hands.
> Twenty-five-year-old "Adem Yimeri" (not his real name), a farmer
> Vaksince, was also beaten at Kumanovo police station. He
described the
> beating to Human Rights Watch:
> They took us to offices and there were three [police
investigators]. They
> took me to an office by myself. He said to write down who is in
the NLA.
> They asked me about my relatives in Kosovo. A person entered with
a wooden
> stick covered with tape and he hit me on the back. Then they hit
me on the
> sides of the head [above the hairline] so the bruises wouldn't
show. They
> hit me twice on the hands with the bat. Then they said, "If it
> like that, put them on the table and we will make sure you never
pick up a
> rifle again." Then they hit me ten more times on the hands.
> Then they made me bend over a chair. One of them would hit me in
> kidneys, and another hit me on the head. They said they would
destroy my
> kidneys so I could never work again. From 12 to 4 p.m., they beat
me like
> that.
> "Ethnic Albanian men remaining in the villages under NLA control
> ill-treatment and torture at the hands of Macedonian forces,"
> Cartner. "There is little doubt that this fear is one of the
reasons why
> many ethnic Albanian men are refusing to leave their homes in the
> zone."
> Police forces have also abused ethnic Albanian civilians this
past week
> during raids against suspected NLA sympathizers in Tetovo, the
scene of
> earlier fighting between the NLA and government forces. Human
Rights Watch
> researchers documented the cases of ten ethnic Albanian men who
> during police raids in the villages of Dzepciste and Poroj on May
> During the raid on the Dzepciste home of Naser Junizi, a
schoolteacher and
> village leader accused by the Macedonian government of assisting
the NLA,
> police commandos beat Naser Junizi, two of his brothers, his
> sixty-eight-year-old father, and his eighteen-year-old son.
Police also
> entered the Poroj compound of the Saiti family, kicking and
breaking three
> ribs of thirty-six-year-old Rami Saiti and attacking his
> seventy-three-year-old father and seventeen-year-old cousin
> apparently realizing they had entered the wrong home and rapidly
> Human Rights Watch noted that police abuse of ethnic Albanians,
as well as
> of Macedonian Slavs who run afoul of the police, is endemic in
> as documented in two earlier Human Rights Watch reports issued in
1996 and
> 1998. The NLA has claimed that one of the main reasons for its
> rebellion is the failure of the Macedonian government to address
> abuse as well as other forms of discrimination against ethnic
> Although the Macedonian police appear responsible for the
majority of
> beating cases, Macedonian military forces have also been
implicated in
> beatings. Macedonian military troops appear responsible for the
beating of
> a family of seven in the village of Runica, in which many houses
> reportedly burned down by Macedonian troops on May 21, 2001.
Human Rights
> Watch called for an immediate end to torture and other
ill-treatment at
> police stations and urged the international community closely to
> the treatment of ethnic Albanians by the Macedonian forces.
> "The international community must do its part to bring an end to
> abuse of ethnic Albanians in Macedonia," said Cartner.
> support for the Macedonian government should not mean remaining
silent in
> the face of such severe ill-treatment."


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Macedonian Press Agency (Greece)
June 1, 2001

Skopje, 30 May 2001 (17:20 UTC+2)

A political representative of the so-called National
Liberation Army (NLA), who lives in Switzerland stated
to the Australian state radio yesterday evening, local
time, that armed Albanians will take action in
northwestern Greece as well.

The FYROM state news agency "MIA" reports, based on a
correspondence from Sydney, that the political
representative of NLA, under the name Ahmeti, has
maintained that in the specific Greek region, he
called "Chameria", live about one million Albanians
and stated that the members of the so-called
"Liberation Army of Chameria", (UCC), which has
already been created, are perfectly trained and soon
will be called to defend their rights.

The Albanians from every Albanian country in the
Balkans must enjoy their rights and this is our
demand, stated Ahmeti, pointing out that the war in
FYROM will end only when the demands set by NLA will
be met.

He concluded that NLA will defend the rights of the
Albanians in Greece as it defends the rights of the
Albanians in FYROM which are being violated.

It should be noted that the Skopje magazine "Zum" had
published an article last week mentioning that a
detailed plan for the creation of the Liberation Army
of Chameria had been drawn up in Switzerland since
early this year.

The magazine, citing sources close to the FYROM secret
services, had written that initially Albanian
organizations will be founded in Greece and then an
armed struggle will get underway for the annexation of
part of the Greek territory to the so-called "Greater
Albania". The UCC will also turn against the ethnic
Greek minority in southern Albania, mainly targeting
Omonia organization members.

FYROM's state-run news agency in another news report
mentions that the Albanian rebels' plan concerning
Greece is in a way confirmed by the fact that on April
21 journalists had maintained that about a week
earlier the Greek authorities had confiscated a truck
full of weapons marked with UCK initials at the
Greek-FYROM borders. However, the Greek authorities
had denied the information.

The FYROM news agency also points out that in many
non-Albanian speaking web sites on the Internet there
are messages that lead to the conclusion that the
creation of UCC is being prepared. Those messages many
times end with the phrase "Greece is the next country
from which we will take back our land".


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Socialist Party of Serbia blasts the
argument. [31 May 2001]

Yugoslav authorities - including Voyislav Koshtunitsa
and Zoran Djindjic - are going all out to push a law
through the Yugoslav Federal Parliament. That law
would legalize cooperation with the notorious Hague
War Crimes Tribunal. The Montenegrin Socialists, who
hold the decisive votes in Parliament, have so far held
firm against this law.

Meanwhile, many Yugoslavs believe the claim made by
the Belgrade authorities that if Yugoslavia does not
help railroad Yugoslav leaders to the Hague Tribunal,
the U.S. will prevent a June Donors' Conference from
giving Yugoslavia much-needed aid.

People are being tricked, says the Socialist Party of
Serbia. Here's their scathing refutation of the "we have
to do it because we're being financially blackmailed"

-- Jared Israel

Socialist Party of Serbia Statement, 31 May

For the leaders of a country to tell the people in that
country that they should extradite patriots in exchange
for money from the forces which have bombed that
country - is an outrage.

But for leaders of a country to pretend that they are
getting money from the bombers when they know
perfectly well they are not - to tell the people that they
should support the jailing of their patriots in exchange
for money which these leaders know does not exist -
this is the worst treason.

The present authorities in Belgrade are guilty of

No Donors' Conference has ever given any money to
any country. The term "Donors'' is itself a deception.
The proper title is ''Creditors' Conference.'' If a
"Donors' Conference" takes place in June it will be a
meeting of the banks that claim Yugoslavia owes them
money. The purpose of that meeting, like the purpose
of all Donors' Conferences, will be to plan how to sell
Yugoslav property so they can get back the money they
claim they are owed as quickly as possible.

To whom will they sell Yugoslav industries to get their
money? To themselves basically.

How much will they sell it for? Pennies on the dollar.

How much of the so-called Yugoslav debt will get paid
in this way? Very little.

What will happen to the industry that the 'Donors'
scoop up in this fashion? Wherever such industries
might compete with some industry from the 'Donor'
countries, the factories will be closed down.

Let us take an example that occurred in Hungary, a
country whose leaders have more than cooperated with
the U.S. The U.S. firm, General Electric, bought the big
light bulb factory in Hungary and closed it down. Now
Hungarians have to buy light bulbs imported by GE.

This has happened in dozens of countries.

Donors' Conferences helped plan the devastation of
the economies of:

* Ukraine - went from the bread basket of
Europe to being dependant on Western surplus

* Bulgaria - industry stripped and shut down)

* Russia - wages fell almost 90% overnight)

* Vietnam - after the "Donors' Conference" its
industry was stripped to raise the money to pay
off 'debts'. This was particularly vicious
because those 'debts' had been accumulated by
the puppet regime of South Vietnam. South
Vietnam incurred the 'debts' when it bought
weapons from the U.S. to fight Vietnamese

That's what a Donors' Conference does.

Sometimes the real work takes place after the official
Conference is over, in meetings of the so-called Paris
and London Clubs, which are made up, respectively, of
big commercial and national banks from the US and

But one thing no Donors' Conference has ever,
anywhere in the world done is give 1 billion dollars - or
in fact any money - to a country which supposedly
owes these banks money. If they do lend any money on
paper they immediately take it away.

That is, a little money may be lent with one hand, but it
will be immediately taken away with the other hand, to
"repay the debt."

This has already happened with millions of dollars
supposedly "given" to Yugoslavia by the international
community. As is reported in a text by Dr. Prof. Michel
Chossudovsky: "

"The [IMF] Board approved a loan [of] US $151
million under the IMF's policy on emergency
post-conflict assistance in support of a
program to stabilize the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia's economy and help rebuild
administrative capacities. Of this amount, the
[Belgrade] authorities will draw... US $130
million to repay the bridge loans they received
[from Switzerland and Norway] to eliminate
arrears with the IMF."" (Quoted in "Economic
Terrorism," by Dr. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)

In other words, the authorities in Belgrade borrowed
money from Switzerland and Norway to pay money
owed to the IMF. Then they borrowed money from the
IMF - and that was used to pay Switzerland and

This is a con game.

Sometimes the truth about the phony "Donors'
Conferences" leaks out. Consider this excerpt from a
'Reuters' news dispatch. 'Reuters' lists all the terrible
things that will happen if Yugoslavia does not
cooperate. The first thing is:

1. "The US will oppose Yugoslav loans and
assistance from international financial
institutions such as the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank. At stake will be a
planned $260 million loan from the IMF to back
up reform of an economy on the verge of
collapse after years of sanctions and warfare."

NOTE that they speak of loan not gift. No donation

And keep this in mind: every country that has relied on
these phony loans has suffered. For 8 years we had no
loans. But Rumania and Bulgaria which had loans lost
all their industry and now their unemployed come to
Yugoslavia looking for work. We will always be better
off helping ourselves than being saddled with parasites
from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank
who are in business to strip countries like ours of
everything we have sweated to build.

Here's the second 'disastrous' consequence of not
cooperating with Washington:

2. "[This will mean putting off] Belgrade's plans
to start negotiating a debt settlement with the
Paris Club of sovereign creditors and
commercial banks of the London Club... Of its
total $12.2 billion external debt, Yugoslavia
owes some $5 billion to the Paris Club and
around $3 billion to the London Club."
('Reuters', April 2, 2001)

The 'Reuters' article talks about the Donors'
Conference lending Yugoslavia $260 million. Based on
much past experience, this money may never be
loaned. But even if it were actually loaned to
Yugoslavia, it would immediately be used to pay back
part of the supposed debt. No money would go to the
economy or reach ordinary people.

And look at what else the article says won't happen if
Yugoslavia fails to cooperate:

* Failure to cooperate would mean putting off
"Belgrade's plans to start negotiating a debt settlement
with the Paris Club of sovereign creditors and
commercial banks of the London Club. "

How much money is involved in this debt that
Yugoslavia would not have the pleasure of starting to

"Of its total $12.2 billion external debt, Yugoslavia
owes some $5 billion to the Paris Club and around
$3 billion to the London Club." ('Reuters')

So the "international community" claims Yugoslavia
owes it at least $12 billion (US). And if Yugoslavia does
not hand over Milosevic it will not have the pleasure of
stripping all its industry to repay this debt. Wouldn't
that be terrible?

And how does the "international community" figure that
Yugoslavia owes it $12.2 billion dollars? This is almost
entirely interest on debts supposedly owed by the now
nonexistent Yugoslav Socialist Republic. Here is a
news report from Dec. 31, 1992, which explains it all:

"From: 'Facts on File World News Digest,'
December 31, 1992

"Headline: IMF Revokes Yugoslavia's

"Text: The International Monetary Fund
December 15 revoked Yugoslavia's membership
and apportioned the country's foreign debt
among what the financial institution designated
as Yugoslavia's five successor republics. The
IMF took the action on the grounds that
Yugoslavia had ceased to exist as a legal entity.

"Yugoslavia's foreign debt was about $15
billion, including $217 million owed to the IMF
and $2 billion owed to the World Bank.

"A total of 36.5% of the debt was apportioned to
Serbia-Montenegro, the new Yugoslav
federation, which the IMF treated as a single
republic. Croatia was deemed to owe 28.5% of
the debt; Bosnia-Herzegovina, 13.2%; Slovenia,
16.4%; and Macedonia, 5.4%."

[End of 'Facts on File' news dispatch]

So in 1992, the IMF simply decided to say that the
Federal Republic owed 5.475 billion US dollars. Since it
now says we owe over $12 billion, that means that
almost $7 billion of the supposed debt is interest! And
when did that interest get charged?

That interest got charged during the years of sanctions
imposed by the same international community that now
claims we owe all this interest!

Those sanctions hurt the Yugoslav economy to the tune
of billions of dollars U.S.

By what right do these men, who starved Yugoslavia
with sanctions, costing us billions, and then bombed
Yugoslavia, causing at least $60 billion in damage not
to mention the incalculable cost in human death and
suffering, the pain of relatives who lost loved ones, the
psychological damage to children, forced to hide in
shelters from bombs, the long term damage of depleted
uranium - how dare these starvers and bombers now
claim that Yugoslavia owes them money?

Who are these men?

A Donors' Conference would give no money to

The only result would be: devastation of the Yugoslav
economy. The Donors would order a forced sale of
Yugoslavia's precious industries for pennies on the
dollar to the same bankers who make up the Donors'

And when it was all over, the debt would still be there.

Because the money raised would be too little - as it is
always too little, in every country where these bankers
have imposed this scam - to pay the debt. Because you
see that is the whole idea. They use the inflated debt to
get hold of the industry, and when it is all over, they
leave the country, stripped of all it sweated for years to
build, of everything except - billions of dollars in debt.

We would gain nothing from this Donors' Conference.

But some things would be gone.

Our industry would be gone.

Our pride would be gone.

Our honor would be gone.

And our patriots, they would be gone as well, starting
with Mr. Milosevic, but not ending with him. Not ending
with him.

Let us not follow this fool's gold chase proposed by the
present authorities in Belgrade. Let us rely on
ourselves, on our integrity and our own hard work. Let
us trade with friends, not with thieves who try to break
us with the fake lure of suckers' gold.

When they speak of the urgency of this Donors'
Conference, the present authorities in Belgrade speak
with passion.

Their passion is real.

But it is not because they fear that if we do not go along
with their proposals, Yugoslavia will lose money that it
needs. On the contrary, they fear that if they do not
produce for their masters in Washington, they will be

For Washington has no friends, only future victims.

Washington has laid down the law to these Belgrade

It has told them: you are taking too much time. Give us
Milosevic. Give us the patriots of the Yugoslav Army.
Give us those who fought us in Bosnia and Croatia.
Give them to us NOW. And give us everything of value
in Yugoslavia.

Because if you do not we will take you - the DOS
leaders - in their place.

- SPS, 31 May 2001


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[Traducci�n ligeramente modificada de N�stor Gorojovsky]


[31 de Mayo de 2001]


El gobierno de Yugoslavia -tanto Vojislav Kostunica como Zoran Djindjic-
intentan imponer en el parlamento federal una ley que legalizar�a la
cooperaci�n con el conocido Tribunal de La Haya para cr�menes de guerra.
Los socialistas de Montenegro, cuyos votos son decisivos, se han
hasta el momento firmemente en contra de la ley.

Entre tanto, muchos yugoslavos creen en el planteo del r�gimen imperante
en Belgrado, seg�n el cual los Estados Unidos van a impedir que la
Conferencia de Donantes que debe reunirse en junio aporte una ayuda que
Yugoslavia necesita much�simo, si ese pa�s se niega a colaborar en la
transferencia de los dirigentes yugoslavos a ese Tribunal.

Seg�n el Partido Socialista de Serbia, esto es una trampa. A
transcribimos su quemante refutaci�n al argumento de "tenemos que
hacerlo proque nos extorsionan financieramente" (el mismo que se usa
mantener el modelo econ�mico colonial en la Argentina, como todos

-- Jared Israel



Declaraci�n del Partido Socialista de Serbia, 31 de Mayo de 2001

Cuando los dirigentes de un pa�s explican a su pueblo que deben
patriotas a cambio de dinero provisto por las fuerzas que han
a ese pa�s estamos ante un hecho ultrajante.

Pero cuando los dirigentes de un pa�s pretenden hacer creer que van a
recibir dinero de los que han bombardeado _cuando tienen perfecta
conciencia de que no lo recibir�n_ y proponen al pueblo que apoyen el
encarcelamiento de sus patriotas a cambio de dinero que esos dirigentes
_saben_ que no llegar�, entonces estamos ante alta traici�n.

Las actuales autoridades de Belgrado son culpables de traici�n.

Jam�s ha existido una Conferencia de Donantes que haya entregado un
solo centavo a ning�n pa�s. El t�rmino "Donantes" es, en s� mismo, un
fraude. El t�tulo correcto es "Conferencia de Acreedores". Si llega a
lugar una "Conferencia de Donantes" en junio, ser� un encuentro de los
bancos que proclaman que Yugoslavia les debe dinero. El objetivo de ese
encuentro, como el de todas las Conferencias de "Donantes", ser� el
planificar c�mo vender la propiedad de los yugoslavos de modo de
recuperar el dinero que dicen que se les debe, y cuanto antes mejor.

�Y a qui�n le vender�n las industrias yugoslavas para conseguir ese
B�sicamente, a ellos mismos.

�Por cu�nto lo vender�n? A raz�n de algunos centavos por cada d�lar.

�Cu�nta de la as� llamada deuda yugoslava se saldar� de este modo? Una
porci�n muy peque�a.

�Qu� suceder� con la industria que los "Donantes" se tomar�n as� a

uando compitan con alguna industria en los pa�ses "Donantes", ser�n

Eso es, por ejemplo, lo ocurrido en Hungr�a, un pa�s cuyos l�deres han
m�s que cooperativos con los Estados Unidos. La empresa norteamericana
General Electric adquiri� la f�brica de bombitas h�ngara y la cerr� (no
antes exportarle a los recientemente privatizados subterr�neos
los �ltimos remanentes de producci�n, dicho sea de paso, NG). Ahora, los
h�ngaros tienen que comprar las bombitas que importa General Electric.

Esto ha sucedido en docenas de pa�ses.

Las Conferencias de Donantes han colaborado en la planificaci�n de la
destrucci�n econ�mica de, por ejemplo:

* Ucrania: pas� de ser el granero de Europa a un importador neto de
alimentos, que depende de los "excedentes alimentarios" de Occidente.

* Bulgaria: su industria se desmantel� y se cerr�.

* Rusia: de un d�a para otro, los salarios cayeron casi un 90%.

* Vietnam: tras la "Conferencia de Donantes" se destrip� la industria,
conseguir el dinero que permitiera pagar las "deudas", en un acto
particularmente repugnante, ya que se trataba de "deudas" contra�das por
r�gimen t�tere de Vietnam del Sur, con el objetivo de �adquirir
armamento en
los Estados Unidos, con el cual combatir a los patriotas vietnamitas!

Pues bien, esto es lo que hacen las "Conferencias de Donantes".

A veces, el trabajo tiene lugar despu�s del fin de la Conferencia
oficial, en
encuentros de los as� llamados clubes de Londres o de Par�s. Est�n
compuestos por los grandes bancos comerciales o estatales de Europa y
EE.UU., respectivamente.

Ahora bien: hay algo que ninguna Conferencia de Donantes ha ejecutado
jam�s, en ning�n lugar del mundo: entregarle mil millones de d�lares (o
solo d�lar) a un pa�s que se supone que les debe dinero a esos bancos.
Si en
los papeles puede figurar un pr�stamo, inmediatamente lo quitan por otro

O sea: con una mano te dan un poco de plata, pero inmediatamente te la
retiran con la otra, para "refinanciar la deuda".

Esto ya ha ocurrido con varios millones de d�lares que se supone que la
comunidad internacional le ha "entregado" a Yugoslavia. Seg�n informa el
Dr. Michael Chossudovsky: "La Junta [del FMI] aprob� un pr�stamo [de] US
$151 millones en el marco de la pol�tica del FMI para ayudas posteriores
conflictos, en apoyo de un programa de estabilizaci�n de la econom�a de
Rep�blica Federal de Yugoslavia y para contribuir a la reconstrucci�n de
administraci�n. De esta suma, las autoridades [de Belgrado] retirar�n
menos que US $130 millones para refinanciar los pr�stamos puente que
recibieron [de Suiza y Noruega] para eliminar deudas viejas con el FMI"
(Citado en "Economic Terrorism," por el Dr. Prof. Michael Chossudovsky)

En lenguaje llano: las autoridades de Belgrado pidieron plata prestada
Suiza y Noruega para pagarle al FMI plata que le deb�an. Despu�s
plata prestada al FMI, con la cual �pagaron la deuda con Suiza y

Esto es una estafa.

La verdad sobre estas ficticias "Conferencias de Donantes" se filtra de
en cuando. Por ejemplo, he aqu� un extracto de un cable de la agencia de
noticias 'Reuters', donde se pasa revista a todas las cosas terribles
que le
suceder�n a Yugoslavia si no coopera. La primera de la lista es:

1. "Los EE.UU. se opondr�n a que Yugoslavia obtenga pr�stamos y ayuda
en las instituciones financieras internacionales, como el FMI y el Banco
Mundial. Est� en juego un pr�stamo del FMI por 260 millones de d�lares
apoyar� a la reforma de una econom�a que despu�s de a�os de sanciones y
guerra se encuentra al borde del colapso." [Recuerdan, argentinos, "El
Prebisch, retorno al coloniaje", donde Arturo Jauretche explicaba c�mo
inventaron el "colapso" por el cual nos "integraron" al Fondo Monetario

De paso, n�tese que aqu� nadie habla de "donaciones", sino de pr�stamos.
No se hace ning�n regalito.

Y t�ngase en cuenta que todos los pa�ses que han confiado en estos
pr�stamos han sufrido. Yugoslavia no ha recibido pr�stamos en 8 a�os.
Rumania y Bulgaria, que s� los recibieron, perdieron toda su industria,
y sus
desempleados vienen ahora a Yugoslavia a buscar empleo. Siempre
estaremos mejor si nos arreglamos solos que si nos montan estos
del FMI y del Banco Mundial, cuyo negocio es quitarle a pa�ses como el
nuestro todo lo que tanto nos ha costado construir.

Ahora, la segunda consecuencia "desastrosa" de no cooperar con

2. "[Habr� que postergar] los planes de Belgrado para iniciar la
de un arreglo de la deuda con el Club de Par�s de acreedores soberanos y
con los bancos comerciales del Club de Londres. Yugoslavia tiene una
deuda externa total de 12.200 millones de d�lares, de los cuales 5
corresponden al Club de Par�s, y 3 al de Londres." ('Reuters', 2 de
Abril de

Seg�n el art�culo de Reuters, la Conferencia de Donantes le prestar� a
Yugoslavia 260 millones de d�lares. Si nos guiamos por la experiencia
existente, es posible que este dinero nunca llegue a Yugoslavia. Pero
a�n si
lo hiciera, se lo utilizar�a inmediatamente para devolver parte de la
deuda. Ni un centavo llegar�a a la econom�a, o a la gente com�n.

Y qu� mas, veamos, nos dice el articulista que dejar� de suceder si
Yugoslavia se niega a colaborar:

* Si Yugoslavia se niega a colaborar, habr� que "postergar los planes de
Belgrado para iniciar la negociaci�n de un arreglo de la deuda con el
de Par�s de acreedores soberanos y con los bancos comerciales del Club

�Cu�nto es el dinero en juego en esta deuda que Yugoslavia no tendr�a el
placer de comenzar a pagar?

"Yugoslavia tiene una deuda externa total de 12.200 millones de d�lares,
los cuales 5 corresponden al Club de Par�s, y 3 al de Londres." O sea
que "la
comunidad internacional" le reclama a Yugoslavia una deuda de por lo
menos 12.000 millones de d�lares. Y si Yugoslavia no entrega a
no tendr� el placer de destrozar toda su industria para devolver esa
Ah, s�, ser�a algo tremendo.

�Y c�mo llega la "comunidad internacional" a creer que Yugoslavia le
12.200 millones de d�lares? Se trata, en su casi totalidad, de intereses
las deudas que se supone correspond�an a la hoy extinta Rep�blica
Socialista de Yugoslavia. He aqu� un informe de prensa del 31 de
de 1992, que lo aclara todo:

[Extraido de: 'Facts on File World News Digest,' December 31, 1992 ]

"Titular: El FMI expulsa a Yugoslavia

"Texto: El 15 de diciembre, el Fondo Monetario Internacional dio fin a
presencia de Yugoslavia en su seno, y reparti� proporcionalmente la
externa de ese pa�s entre lo que la instituci�n financiera define como
cinco rep�blicas que heredan a Yugoslavia. El FMI dio este paso sobre la
base de que Yugoslavia ha dejado de existir como entidad jur�dica..

"La deuda externa de Yugoslavia era de unos 15.000 millones de d�lares,
incluyendo $217 millones de deuda con el FMI y $2.000 millones con el
Banco Mundial.

"A la nueva Federaci�n Yugoslava (Serbia m�s Montenegro) -que el FMI
consider� una sola rep�blica- le correspondi� un 36,5% de la deuda. A
Croatia se le asign� un 28.5% de la deuda, un 13,2 a Bosnia-Herzegovina,
un 16,4 a Eslovenia y un 5,4% a Macedonia."

[Fin de la cita de 'Facts on File']

As� que en 1992, por propia decisi�n, el FMI impuso a la Rep�blica
una deuda de 5475 millones de d�lares. Ahora, dice que debemos m�s de
12.000 millones, o sea que casi 7000 millones de la supuesta deuda
intereses! �Y cu�ndo se nos cargaron esos intereses?

�Nos fueron impuestos durante los a�os de sanciones impuestas por la
misma comunidad internacional que ahora proclama que les debemos toda
esta suma en concepto de inter�s!

Esas sanciones causaron da�os a la econom�a yugoslava del orden de
varios miles de millones de d�lares.

�Con qu� derecho, entonces, esta misma gente que someti� a Yugoslavia a
las ssanciones y el hambre, que nos hizo perder miles de millones, y que
luego bombarde� a Yugoslavia (provocando, como m�nimo, un da�o que se
puede evaluar en 60.000 millones de d�lares... sin contar los
costos en vidas humanas, en sufrimiento masivo, en el dolor de aquellos
perdieron sus seres queridos, en el da�o sicol�gico a los ni�os
obligados a
vivir en refugios antia�reos, en el da�o a largo plazo del uranio
empobrecido), c�mo puede esta gente, repetimos, estos hambreadores y
bombardeadores, decir que Yugoslavia les debe dinero?

�Qu� clase de gente es esta?

Una Conferencia de Donantes no le dar�a un centavo a Yugoslavia. Su
resultado ser�a la devastaci�n de la econom�a yugoslava. Nos obligar�an
vender por centavos industrias invalorables, a los mismos banqueros que
constituyen la Conferencia de Donantes. Y una vez vendidas las
la deuda seguir�a vivita y coleando.

Porque se conseguir�a poco dinero (siempre es muy poco, siempre ha sido
as�, en todos los pa�ses donde los banqueros lograron imponer esta
comparado con la deuda a pagar. En realidad, toda la idea es exactamente
eso: usan la deuda inflada para apoderarse de la industria, y, cuando
termin� dejan al pa�s sin nada de lo que construy� en un esfuerzo de
S�lo le dejan miles de millones de d�lares de deuda.

En esta Conferencia de Donantes no tenemos nada por ganar.

Pero perderemos algunas cosas.

Nuestra industria.

Nuestro orgullo.

Nuestro honor.

Y tambi�n nuestros patriotas, empezando por el Sr. Milosevic, pero la
de ning�n modo terminar� con �l. De ning�n modo.

No sigamos esta zanahoria que nos proponen las actuales autoridades de
Belgrdo. Confiemos en nosotros mismos, en nuestra integridad y nuestra
capacidad de trabajo. Comerciemos con nuestros amigos, no con ladrones
que tratar�n de quebrarnos con el falso relumbr�n del oro de los tontos.

Las actuales autoridades de Belgrado ponen mucha pasi�n cuando hablan
de la urgencia de esta Conferencia de Donantes.

Y esa pasi�n es real.

Pero no lo es porque teman que si no seguimos sus propuestas, Yugoslavia
perder� el dinero que necesita. Por el contrario, temen el castigo que
recibir�n si no hacen lo que sus patronos de Washington les exigen.

Porque Washington no tiene amigos: solamente tiene futuras v�ctimas.
[Argentinos y peruanos: Menem, as� como Fujimori, son pruebas obvias]

Washington acaba de imponer su ley a estas autoridades de Belgrado.

Les ha dicho: est�n tom�ndose demasiado tiempo. D�nnos de una vez a
Milosevic. D�nnos a los patriotas del Ej�rcito Yugoslavo. D�nnos
que nos combatieron en Bosnia y Croacia. �Y h�ganlo YA! Y tambi�n d�nnos
todo lo que haya de alg�n valor en Yugoslavia.

Porque as� no lo hici�reis, os tomaremos a vosotros, la Oposici�n
Democr�tica de Serbia, en su lugar.

- SPS, 31 de Mayo de 2001


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