
(english / francais)

Déclaration de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad à la 66e Assemblée générale de l’ONU


Au nom de Dieu, le Compatissant, le Miséricordieux,
« Loué soit Allah, le Seigneur de l’Univers, paix et bénédiction soient sur notre Maître et Prophète, Mahomet, sa pure demeure, ses nobles Compagnons et tous ses divins messagers »
« Ô Dieu, hâte l’arrivée de l’imam Al-Mahdi et accorde lui une bonne santé ainsi que la victoire et fais de nous ses disciples et ceux qui témoignent de sa justesse »
M. le Président,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Je suis reconnaissant au tout-puissant Allah qui m’a accordé, une fois de plus, l’opportunité de paraître devant cette assemblée mondiale.
J’ai le plaisir d’exprimer mes sincères remerciements à S. Exc. Joseph Deiss, président de la 65ème session pour ses énormes efforts durant sa tenue. Je voudrais également féliciter S. Exc. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser pour son élection en tant que président de cette 66ème session de l’assemblée générale et je lui souhaite le succès.
Permettez-moi de profiter de ce moment pour rendre hommage à tous ceux qui ont perdu la vie cette année, particulièrement aux victimes de la tragique famine en Somalie et de la dévastatrice épidémie au Pakistan et spécialement du tremblement de terre et les explosions suivantes dans les centrales nucléaires au Japon. J’exhorte chacun à intensifier son assistance et son aide aux populations touchées dans ces pays.
Les années passées, j’ai parlé de différents problèmes mondiaux, et le besoin d’introduire des changements fondamentaux dans l’ordre international actuel.
Aujourd’hui, tenant compte des évolutions internationales, j’essaierai d’analyser la situation actuelle d’un angle différent.
Comme vous le savez tous, la domination et la supériorité des êtres humains sur les créatures se trouvent dans la nature même et la réalité de l’humanité, qui est un don divin et une manifestation de l’esprit divin comprenant : la foi en Dieu, qui est l’éternel créateur et architecte de l’univers ; montrer de la compassion envers les autres, la générosité, la recherche de la justice, faire valoir l’intégrité dans les mots et les actes ; la quête de dignité pour atteindre les sommets de la perfection, l’aspiration à élever la matière et le spirituel de tout un chacun, et le désir d’être libre ; défier l’oppression, la corruption, et la discrimination en supportant les opprimés ; rechercher le bonheur, et la prospérité durable et la sécurité pour tous.
Voici quelques-unes des manifestations des attributs communément humains et divins, que l’on peut clairement observer dans les aspirations historiques des êtres humains, comme le reflète l’héritage de nos recherches dans l’art et les travaux littéraires, prose et poésie, et dans les mouvements socio-culturels et politiques des êtres humains dans la course de l’histoire.
Tous les prophètes divins et réformateurs sociaux ont toujours invité les êtres humains à emprunter ce droit chemin.
Dieu a donné la dignité à l’humanité afin qu’elle élève son statut pour assumer son rôle de successeur sur la Terre.
Chers collègues et amis,
Il est particulièrement clair, que malgré les accomplissements historiques, par exemple la création des Nations Unies, qui a été le produit d’inlassables luttes et d’efforts d’esprits libres et d’individus cherchant la justice autant que de la coopération internationale, les sociétés humaines sont encore loin de satisfaire leurs nobles désirs et aspirations.
La plupart des nations du monde ne sont pas satisfaites des circonstances internationales actuelles.
Et malgré le désir général et l’aspiration à promouvoir la paix, le progrès et la fraternité, des guerres, des meurtres de masse, la pauvreté généralisée, les crises socio-économiques et politiques continuent de porter atteinte aux droits et souveraineté des nations, causant d’irréparables dommages de par le monde.
Trois milliards de personnes environ vivent avec moins de 2,5 dollars par jour, et plus d’un milliard vit sans avoir même un seul repas suffisant par jour. 40 % des populations les plus pauvres du monde se partagent seulement 5 % de la richesse globale, tandis que 20 % des plus riches détient 75 % de la richesse mondiale.
Plus de 20 000 enfants démunis et innocents meurent chaque jour à cause de la pauvreté.
Aux États-Unis, 80 % des ressources financières sont contrôlées par 10 % de la population, alors que 20 % de ces ressources appartient à 90 % de la population.
Quelles sont les causes et les raisons derrière ces inégalités ? Comment remédier à de telles injustices ?
Les dirigeants des cercles de gouvernance globale séparent la vie sociale de l’éthique et de la spiritualité tout en déclarant que la situation est le résultat de la poursuite du chemin de divins prophètes ou de la vulnérabilité des nations ou de la performance malade de petits groupes ou d’individus. Ils proclament que seules leurs opinions et approches peuvent sauver la société humaine.
Chers collègues et amis,
Ne pensez-vous pas que la cause fondamentale des problèmes devrait être considérée dans l’ordre international en vigueur, la manière dont le monde est gouverné ?
J’aimerais porter votre aimable attention sur les questions suivantes :
Qui a enlevé par la force des millions de personnes de leurs maisons en Afrique et d’autres régions du monde durant la sombre période de l’esclavage, faisant d’eux les victimes de leur avidité matérielle ?
Qui a imposé le colonialisme durant 4 siècles dans ce monde ?
Qui a occupé des terres et massivement spolié les ressources d’autres nations, détruisant les talents, les langues traditionnelles, les cultures et les identités de ces nations ?
Qui a déclenché les première et seconde guerres mondiales, qui ont tué 70 millions de personnes et des blessés ou mis à la rue des centaines de millions d’autres ?
Qui a lancé les guerres en Corée et au Vietnam ?
Qui a imposé, au moyen de la tromperie et de l’hypocrisie, le sionisme, et près de 60 ans de guerre, exclusion, terreur, et meurtre de masse sur le peuple Palestinien et les pays de la région ?
Qui a imposé et supporté pendant des décennies des dictatures militaires et des régimes totalitaires en Asie, Afrique et Amérique latine ?
Qui a utilisé la bombe nucléaire contre des personnes sans défense, et possède des milliers de têtes nucléaires dans ses arsenaux ?
Les économies de quels pays reposent sur la guerre et la vente d’armes  ?
Qui a provoqué et encouragé Saddam Hussein à envahir et imposer une guerre de 8 ans à l’Iran, et qui l’a assisté et équipé à déployer des armes chimiques contre nos villes et notre peuple ?
Qui a utilisé l’incident mystérieux du 11 septembre comme un prétexte pour attaquer l’Afghanistan et l’Irak, en tuant, blessant et déplaçant de force des millions de personnes dans ces deux pays, avec comme objectif final la domination sur le Moyen-Orient et ses ressources pétrolières ?
Qui a mis fin au système de Bretton Woods en imprimant des milliards de dollars sans en avoir les réserves ou la monnaie équivalente ? Un changement qui a déclenché l’inflation dans le monde entier et qui avait pour but la prédation sur les gains économiques des autres nations  ?
De quel pays la dépense militaire dépasse annuellement mille milliards de dollars, dépassant les budgets militaires cumulés de tous les autres pays du monde ?
Quels gouvernements sont les plus endettés du monde ?
Qui domine l’élaboration d’établissement des politiques sur l’économie mondiale ?
Qui est responsable pour la récession économique mondiale, et est en train d’imposer ses conséquences sur l’Amérique, l’Europe et le reste du monde ?
Quels gouvernements sont toujours prêts à lancer des milliers de bombes sur d’autres pays, mais tergiversent à fournir de l’aide aux personnes frappées par la pauvreté en Somalie ou d’autres pays ?
Quels sont ceux qui dominent le conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, qui est ostensiblement responsable de la sauvegarde de la sécurité du monde ?
Il existe quantité d’autres questions similaires. Évidemment, les réponses sont claires.
La majorité des nations et des gouvernements du monde n’ont eu aucun rôle dans la création des crises globales actuelles, et donc, elles ont été elles-mêmes victimes de telles politiques.
Il est aussi clair que la lumière du jour que les mêmes esclavagistes et pouvoirs coloniaux qui jadis ont déclenché les deux guerres mondiales ont maintenant causé la misère généralisée et le désordre avec des conséquences à long terme de par le monde depuis lors.
Chers collègues et amis,
Est-ce que ces pouvoirs arrogants ont réellement la compétence et la capacité de diriger ou gouverner le monde ?
Est-il acceptable qu’ils s’appellent eux-mêmes les uniques défenseurs de la liberté, la démocratie et les droits de l’homme, lorsqu’ils attaquent militairement et occupent d’autres pays ?
La fleur de la démocratie peut-être surgir des missiles de l’OTAN et de ses armes ?
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Si certains pays Européens utilisent encore l’Holocauste, après six décennies, comme excuse pour payer une rançon aux sionistes, ne devrait-il pas être une obligation pour les esclavagistes ou pouvoirs coloniaux de donner réparations aux nations concernées ?
Si les dommages et pertes de la période de l’esclavage et du colonialisme étaient compensés, qu’arriverait-il aux manipulateurs et pouvoirs politiques cachés aux États-Unis et en Europe ? Resterait-il des accrocs entre le Nord et Le Sud ?
Si seulement la moitié des dépenses militaires des États-Unis et de ses alliés à l’OTAN étaient prélevés pour aider à résoudre les problèmes économiques dans leurs propres pays, seraient-ils en train d’assister au moindre symptôme de crise économique ?
Qu’arriverait-il si la même somme était offerte aux nations pauvres ?
Quelle est la justification de la présence de centaines de militaires états-uniens et de bases de renseignement dans les différentes parties du monde, incluant 268 bases en Allemagne, 124 au Japon, 87 en Corée du Sud, 83 en Italie, 45 au Royaume-Uni, et 21 au Portugal ? Cela signifie-t-il autre chose que l’occupation militaire ?
Les bombes déployées dans les bases susdites ne mettent-elles pas en danger la sécurité de ces nations ?
Mesdames et Messieurs,
La question principale est la recherche de la cause fondamentale de telles attitudes.
La raison principale devrait être cherchée dans les croyances et les tendances de l’establishment.
Une assemblée de gens en contradiction avec les instincts humains propres et leurs dispositions, qui n’ont aussi aucune foi en Dieu et dans le chemin des divins prophètes justifient leur soif de pouvoir et leurs fins matérialistes par des valeurs divines.
Pour eux, seul le pouvoir et la richesse prévalent, et toute tentative doit amener à ces sinistres objectifs.
Les nations opprimées n’ont aucun espoir de restaurer ou protéger leurs droits légitimes contre ces pouvoirs.
Ces pouvoirs cherchent leur propre progrès, prospérité et dignité tout en imposant la pauvreté, l’humiliation et l’annihilation aux autres.
Ils se considèrent eux-mêmes supérieurs aux autres, jouissant de privilèges spéciaux et de concessions. Ils n’ont aucun respect pour les autres et violent aisément les droits des nations et des gouvernements.
Ils s’autoproclament comme les indiscutables gardiens de tous les gouvernements et nations à travers l’intimidation, recourent à la menace et la force, et abusent des mécanismes internationaux. Ils brisent simplement toutes les régulations internationales reconnues.
Ils insistent pour imposer leur style de vie et leurs croyances aux autres.
Ils appuient officiellement le racisme.
Ils affaiblissent les pays grâce à des interventions militaires, et détruisent leurs infrastructures, dans le but de piller leurs ressources, les rendant encore plus dépendants.
Ils sèment les graines de la haine et de l’hostilité parmi les nations et les peuples par différentes poursuites, afin de les empêcher de remplir leurs objectifs de développement et de progrès.
Toutes les cultures, les identités, les vies, les valeurs et la richesse des nations, femmes, jeunesse, familles, comme richesse des nations, sont sacrifiées à leurs désirs impérialistes et leur plaisir pour l’esclavagisme et la capture.
L’hypocrisie et la tromperie sont autorisées afin de sécuriser leurs intérêts et leurs buts impérialistes. Le trafic de drogues et la mort d’êtres humains innocents sont également autorisés dans la recherche de tels buts diaboliques. Malgré la présence de l’OTAN dans l’Afghanistan occupé, il y a eu une augmentation dramatique de la production de drogues illégales là-bas.
Ils ne tolèrent aucun questionnement ou critique, et au lieu de présenter des raisons pour leurs violations, ils se posent toujours dans la position d’inquisiteurs.
Au moyen de leur réseau de médias impérialistes, sous l’influence du colonialisme, ils menacent quiconque questionne l’holocauste et le 11-Septembre avec des sanctions et des actions militaires.
L’année dernière, lorsqu’un besoin de créer une équipe de recherche pour mener une enquête approfondie concernant les éléments cachés du 11-Septembre s’est mis en place ; une idée également soutenue par tous les gouvernements et nations indépendants, ainsi que la majorité des gens aux États-Unis, mon pays et moi-même avons subi des pressions et des menaces par le gouvernement des États-Unis.
Au lieu de mettre en place une équipe de recherche, ils ont tué le principal responsable et jeté son corps à la mer.
N’aurait-il pas été raisonnable de traduire en justice et de juger le principal responsable de l’événement afin d’identifier les éléments expliquant que les avions détournés pour attaquer les tours jumelles aient pu circuler librement dans l’espace aérien ?
Pourquoi n’aurait-il pas été possible de le traduire en justice afin d’identifier ceux qui ont commandité les groupes terroristes et apporté les guerres et d’autres malheurs dans la région ?
Y a-t-il une quelconque information qui doive être gardée secrète ?
Ils voient le sionisme comme une idée sacrée et une idéologie.
N’importe quelle question concernant sa véritable origine et histoire est condamnée par eux comme un pêché impardonnable. Toutefois ils approuvent et permettent des sacrilèges et des insultes contre les croyances d’autres divines religions.
Chers collègues et amis,
La liberté réelle, la justice, la dignité, le bien-être, et la sécurité durable sont les droits de toute nation.
Ces valeurs ne peuvent être achevées ni par la dépendance sur le système inefficace actuel de gouvernance, ni au travers de l’invasion du monde par des pouvoirs arrogants et les canons des forces de l’OTAN.
Ces valeurs pourront être atteintes seulement à travers l’indépendance et la reconnaissance des droits d’autrui dans l’harmonie et la coopération.
Y a-t-il une quelconque manière de résoudre les problèmes et les défis qui assaillent le monde en utilisant les mécanismes internationaux en vigueur pour aider l’humanité à réaliser ses aspirations de longue date, de sécurité et d’égalité ?
Tous ceux qui ont essayé d’introduire des réformes tout en préservant les normes et tendances en vigueur ont échoué. Les précieux efforts apportés par le mouvement des Non-Alignés, le groupe des 77 et le groupe des 15 tout comme quelques célèbres individus ont échoué à apporter des changements fondamentaux.
La gouvernance et la direction du monde requièrent des réformes fondamentales.
Que devrait-il être fait maintenant ?
Chers collègues et amis,
Des efforts doivent être faits avec une résolution ferme et grâce à la coopération collective pour créer un nouveau plan, sur la base des principes et la fondation même des droits universels humains comme le monothéisme, la justice, la liberté, l’amour et la recherche du bonheur.
L’idée de la création des Nations Unies reste un grand et historique succès pour l’humanité. Son importance doit être appréciée et ses capacités doivent être utilisées le plus possible pour nos nobles objectifs.
Nous ne devrions pas autoriser cette organisation, qui est le reflet de la volonté collective et l’aspiration partagée de la communauté des nations, à dévier de sa course principale et jouer dans les mains des pouvoirs mondiaux.
Un terrain favorable doit être préparé pour assurer la participation collective et l’implication des nations dans un effort pour promouvoir la paix durable et la sécurité.
La gestion partagée et collective du monde doit être réalisée dans sa vraie signification, et basée sur les principes soulignés et consacrés dans la loi internationale. La justice doit servir de critère et de base pour toutes les décisions et actions internationales.
Chacun d’entre nous devrait reconnaitre le fait qu’il n’y a pas d’autre moyen que la gestion partagée et collective du monde pour mettre fin aux désordres actuels, la tyrannie et la discrimination de par le monde.
C’est en fait la seule voie vers la prospérité et le bien-être de la société humaine qui est une vérité établie et vive.
Tout en reconnaissant cette vérité, chacun devrait remarquer que la reconnaissance seule n’est pas assez. Nous devons croire en elle et redoubler d’efforts pour sa réalisation.
Chers collègues et amis,
La gestion partagée et collective du monde est le droit légitime de toutes les nations, et nous en tant que représentants, avons une obligation de défendre leurs droits. Bien que certains pouvoirs essayent en permanence de bloquer tout effort international destiné à promouvoir la coopération collective, nous devons, toutefois, renforcer notre foi dans l’accomplissement de ce but poursuivi qui est d’établir une gestion partagée et collective du monde.
Les Nations Unies ont été créées pour mettre en place une participation effective de toutes les nations dans les processus de prise de décision internationale.
Nous savons tous que cet objectif n’a pas encore été rempli à cause de l’absence de justice dans les structures de gestion actuelle et des mécanismes de l’ONU.
La composition du conseil de sécurité est injuste et inéquitable. Par conséquent, des changements incluant la restructuration des Nations Unies sont considérés comme les demandes basiques des nations auxquelles qui doivent être posées par l’assemblée générale.
Durant la session de l’année dernière, j’ai insisté sur l’importance de cet objectif et appelé pour la désignation de la décennie actuelle comme la décennie de la gestion globale partagée et collective.
J’aimerais réitérer encore ma proposition. Je suis convaincu qu’à travers la coopération internationale, la vigilance, et les efforts des leaders mondiaux et des gouvernements, et en insistant sur la nécessité de la justice et l’appui des autres nations, nous puissions jeter les bases d’un brillant futur commun.
Ce mouvement est certainement sur son droit chemin de création, assurant un futur prometteur pour l’humanité.
Un futur qui sera construit lorsque l’humanité commencera à emprunter le chemin des divins prophètes et des justes sous le commandement de l’Imam Al-Mahdi, le sauveur ultime de l’humanité et l’héritier de tous les messagers divins et des meneurs et la génération pure de notre grand prophète.
La création d’une suprême et idéale société avec l’arrivée d’un être humain parfait qui est un vrai et sincère amoureux de tous les droits de l’homme, est la promesse garantie d’Allah.
Il viendra accompagné de Jésus Christ afin de mener les amoureux de la liberté et de la justice pour détruire la tyrannie et la discrimination, et promouvoir le savoir, la paix, la justice, la paix au travers du monde.
Il présentera à chaque individu toutes les merveilles du monde et toutes les bonnes choses qui amèneront le bonheur à l’humanité.
Aujourd’hui les nations se sont réveillées. Avec l’augmentation de la prise de conscience publique, elles ne subiront plus très longtemps les oppressions et les discriminations.
Le monde est désormais en train d’assister plus que jamais, au réveil étendu dans les terres islamiques, en Asie, en Europe, en Amérique. Ces mouvements leur ouvrent l’esprit un peu plus chaque jour et influencent la poursuite de la réalisation de la justice, de la liberté et la création d’un meilleur futur.
Notre grande nation se tient prête à joindre les mains à celles des autres nations pour emprunter ce magnifique chemin dans l’harmonie et en symbiose avec les aspirations partagées de l’humanité.
Laissez-nous saluer l’amour, la liberté, la justice, la sagesse et le futur merveilleux qui attend l’humanité.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


(source: )

FULL TEXT of President Ahmadinejad's Address to the UN General Assemble, 22 September 2011.

The full text of the speech follows, courtesy of the United Nations:

Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am grateful to the Almighty Allah who granted me, once more, the opportunity to appear before this world assembly. I have the pleasure to express my sincere thanks to H.E. Joseph Deiss, president of the sixty-fifth session for his tremendous efforts during his tenure. I also would like to congratulate H.E Nassir Abdulaziz AI-Nasser on his election as the president of sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly and wish him all success.

Let me seize the moment to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives in the past year, particularly to the victims of the tragic famine in Somalia and the devastating flood in Pakistan and especially the earthquake and the ensuing explosions in the nuclear power plant in Japan. I urge everyone to intensify their assistance and aid to the affected populations in these countries.

Over the past years, I spoke about different global issues, and the need to introduce fundamental changes in the current international order.

Today, considering the international developments, I will try to analyze the present situation from a different angle. As you all know the dominance and superiority of human beings over other creatures, lie in the very nature and the truth of humankind which is a divine gift and a manifestation of the divine spirit including: faith in God, who is the ever-lasting creator and planner of the entire universe.

Showing compassion to others, generosity, justice-seeking, and having integrity both in words and in deeds.

The quest for dignity to reach the pinnacles of perfection, the aspiration to elevate one's material and spiritual status, and the longing to realize liberty; Defying oppression, corruption, and discrimination in trying to support the oppressed; Seeking happiness, and lasting prosperity and security for all.

These are some of the manifestations of common divine and human attributes which can clearly be seen in the historical aspirations of human beings as reflected in the heritage of our search for art and literary works both in prose and poetry, and in the socio-cultural and political movements of human beings in the course of history.

All divine prophets and social reformers invited human beings to tread on this righteous path. God has given dignity to humankind to elevate his status to assume his successor role on Earth.

It is vividly clear that despite all historical achievements, including creation of the United-Nations, which was a product of untiring struggles and efforts of free-minded and justice-seeking individuals as well as the international cooperation, human societies are yet far from fulfilling their noble desires and aspirations.

Most nations of the world are unhappy with the current international circumstances. And despite the general longing and aspiration to promote peace, progress, and fraternity, wars, mass-murder, widespread poverty, and socioeconomic and political crises continue to infringe upon the rights and sovereignty of nations, leaving behind irreparable damage worldwide.

Approximately, three billion people of the world live on less than 2.5 dollars a day, and over a billion people live without having even one sufficient meal on a daily basis. Forty-percent of the poorest world populations only share five percent of the global income, while twenty percent of the richest people share seventy-five percent of the total global income.

More than twenty thousand innocent and destitute children die every day in the world because of poverty. In the United States, eighty percent of financial resources are controlled by ten percent of its population, while only twenty percent of these resources belong to the ninety percent of the population.

What are the causes and reasons behind these inequalities? How can bone remedy such injustice?

The rulers of the global management circles divide the social life from ethics and spirituality while claiming the situation is the outcome of the pursuit of the path of divine prophets or the vulnerability of nations or the ill performance of a few groups or individuals. They claim that only their views and approaches can save the human society.

Wouldn't you think that the root cause of the problems must be sought in the prevailing international order, or the way the world is governed? I would like to draw your kind attention to the following questions:

Who abducted forcefully tens of millions of people from their homes in Africa and other regions of the world during the dark period of slavery, making them a victim of their materialistic greed?

Who imposed colonialism for over four centuries upon this world?

Who occupied lands and massively plundered resources of other nations, destroyed talents, and alienated languages, cultures and identities of nations?

Who triggered the first and second world wars, that left seventy millions killed and hundreds of millions injured or homeless. Who created the wars in Korean peninsula and in Vietnam?

Who imposed, through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism and over sixty years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries of the region?

Who imposed and supported for decades military dictatorship and totalitarian regimes on Asian, African, and Latin American nations?

Who used nuclear bomb against defenseless people, and stockpiled thousands of warheads in their arsenals?

Whose economies rely on waging wars and selling arms?

Who provoked and encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade and impose an eight-year war on Iran, and who assisted and equipped him to deploy chemical weapons against our cities and our people?

Who used the mysterious September 11 incident as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq , killing, injuring, and displacing millions in two countries with the ultimate goal of bringing into its domination the Middle East and its oil resources?

{HERE the US delegation picks up its shit and starts to walk out}

Who nullified the Breton Woods system by printing trillions of dollars without the backing of gold reserves or equivalent currency? A move that triggered inflation worldwide and was intended to prey on the economic gains of other nations?

Which country's military spending exceeds annually a thousand billion dollars, more than the military budgets of all countries of the world combined?

Which governments are the most indebted ones in the world?

Who dominates the policy-making establishments of the world economy?

Who are responsible for the world economic recession, and are imposing the consequences on America, Europe and the world in general?

Which governments are always ready to drop thousands of bombs on other countries, but ponder and hesitate to provide aid to famine-stricken people in Somalia or in other places?

Who are the ones dominating the Security Council which is ostensibly responsible for safeguarding the international security?

There exist tens of other similar questions. Of course, the answers are clear.

The majority of nations and governments of the world have had no role in the creation of the current global crises, and as a matter of fact, they were themselves the victims of such policies.

It is as lucid as daylight that the same slave masters and colonial powers that once instigated the two world wars have caused widespread misery and disorder with far-reaching effects across the globe since then.

Dear Colleagues and Friends;

Do these arrogant powers really have the competence and ability to run or govern the world. Is it acceptable that they call themselves the sole defender of freedom, democracy, and human rights, while they militarily attack and occupy other countries?

Can the flower of democracy blossom from NATO's missiles, bombs and guns?

Ladies and Gentlemen;

If some European countries still use the Holocaust, after six decades, as the excuse to pay fine or ransom to the Zionists, should it not be an obligation upon the slave masters or colonial powers to pay reparations to the affected nations?

{HERE the rest of IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH delegations begin their protracted walkout.}

If the damage and losses of the period of slavery and colonialism were indeed compensated, what would happen to the manipulators and behind-the-scene political powers in the United States and in Europe? Would there remain any gaps between the North and the South?

If only half of military expenditures of the United States and its allies in NATO was shifted to help solve the economic problems in their own countries, would they be witnessing any symptom of the economic crisis?

What would happen, if the same amount was allocated to poor nations?

What is the justification for the presence of hundreds of US military and intelligence bases in different parts of the world, including 268 bases in Germany, 124 in Japan, 87 in South Korea, 83 in Italy, 45 in the United Kingdom, and 21 in Portugal? Does this mean anything other than military occupation?

Don't the bombs deployed in the said bases undermine the security of other nations?

The main question is the quest for the root cause of such attitudes. The prime reason should be sought in the beliefs and tendencies of the establishment. An assembly of people in contradiction with the inner human instincts and disposition who also have no faith in God and in the path of the divine prophets, replace their lust for power and materialistic ends with heavenly values.

To them, only power and wealth prevail, and every attempt must bring into focus these sinister goals.

Oppressed nations have no hope to restore or protect their legitimate rights against these powers. These powers seek their progress, prosperity and dignity through imposing poverty, humiliation and annihilation to others.

They consider themselves superior to others, enjoying special privileges and concessions. They have no respect for others and easily violate the rights of all nations and governments.

They proclaim themselves as the indisputable custodians of all governments and nations through intimidation, recourse to threat and force, and abuse the international mechanisms. They simply break all the internationally recognized regulations.

They insist on imposing their lifestyle and beliefs on others. They officially support racism. They weaken countries through military intervention, and destroy their infrastructures, in order to plunder their resources by making them all the more dependent.

They sow the seeds of hate and hostility among nations and people of different pursuits, in order to prevent them from fulfilling their goals of development and progress.

All cultures, identities, lives, values and wealth of nations, women, youth, families as well as the wealth of nations are sacrificed to their imperialistic tendencies and their inclination to enslave and captivate others.

Hypocrisy and deceit are allowed in order to secure their interests and imperialistic goals. Drug- trafficking and killing of innocent human beings are also allowed in pursuit of such diabolic goals. Despite NATO's presence in the occupied Afghanistan, there has been a dramatic increase in the production of illicit drugs there.

They tolerate no question or criticism, and instead of presenting a reason for their violations, they always put themselves in the position of a claimant. By using their imperialistic media network which is under the influence of colonialism they threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the September 11 event with sanctions and military action.

Last year, when the need to form a fact-finding team to undertake a thorough investigation concerning the hidden elements involved in September 11 incident was brought up; an idea also endorsed by all independent governments and nations as well as by the majority in the United States, my country and myself came under pressure and threat by the government of the United States.

Instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and threw his body into the sea.

Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers?

Why should it not have been allowed to bring him to trial to help recognize those who launched terrorist groups and brought wars and other miseries into the region?

Is there any classified information that must be kept secret?

They view Zionism as a sacred notion and ideology. Any question concerning its very foundation and history is condemned by them as an unforgivable sin.

However they endorse and allow sacrileges and insult against beliefs of other divine religions.

Dear Colleagues and Friends;

Real freedom, justice" dignity, well being, and lasting security are the rights of all nations. These values can neither be achieved by reliance on the current inefficient system of world governance, nor through the invasion of the world by arrogant powers and the gun barrels of NATO forces.

These values could only be realized through independence and recognition of others' rights and through harmony and cooperation.
Is there any way to address the problems and challenges besetting the world by using the prevailing international mechanisms and tools to help humanity achieve the long-standing aspiration of peace, security and equality?

All those who tried to introduce reforms whilst preserving the existing norms and tendencies have failed. The valuable efforts made by the Non-Aligned movement and Group 77 and GrouplS as well as by some prominent individuals have failed to bring fundamental changes.
Governance and management of the world require fundamental reforms.

What should be done now?

Dear Colleagnes and Friends;

Efforts must be made with a firm resolve and through collective cooperation to map out a new plan, on the basis of principles and the very foundation of universal human values such as Monotheism, justice, freedom, love and the quest for happiness.

The idea of creation of the United Nations remains a great and historical achievement of mankind. Its importance must be appreciated and its capacities must be used to the extent possible for our noble goals.

We should not allow this organization which is the reflection of the collective will and shared aspiration of the community of nations, to deviate from its main course and play into the hands of the world powers.

Conducive ground must be prepared to ensure collective participation and involvement of nations in an effort to promote lasting peace and security.

Shared and collective management of the world must be achieved in its true sense, and based on the underlying principles enshrined in the international law. Justice must serve as the criterion and the basis for all international decisions and actions.

All of us should acknowledge the fact that there is no other way than the shared and collective management of the world in order to put an end to the present disorders, tyranny, and discriminations worldwide.
This is indeed the sole way to prosperity and welfare of human society which is an established and vivid truth.

While acknowledging the above truth, one should note that acknowledgement alone is not enough. We must believe in it and spare no effort toward its realization.

Dear Colleagues and Friends;

Shared and collective management of the world is the legitimate right of all nations, and we as their representatives, have an obligation to defend their rights. Although some powers continuously try to frustrate all international efforts aimed at promoting collective cooperation, we must, however, strengthen our belief in achieving the perceived goal of establishing a shared and collective cooperation to run the world.

The United Nations was created to make effective participation of all nations in international decision-making processes, possible. We all know that this goal has not yet been fulfilled because of the absence of justice in the current management structures and mechanisms of the UN.

The composition of the Security Council is unjust and inequitable. Therefore, changes including the restructuring of the United Nations are considered the basic demands of the nations that must be addressed by the General Assembly.

During last year session, I emphasized the importance of this issue and called for the designation of the current decade as the decade of shared and collective Global Management.

I would like to reiterate again my proposal. I am sure that through international cooperation, diligence and efforts by committed world leaders and governments and through insisting on the realization of justice and the support of all other nations, we can expedite the building of a common bright future.

This movement is certainly on its rightful path of creation, ensuring a promising future for humanity. A future that will be built when humanity initiates to trend the path of the divine prophets and the righteous under the leadership of Imam al-Mahdi, the Ultimate Savior of mankind and the inheritor to all divine messengers and leaders and to the pure generation of our great Prophet.

The creation of a supreme and ideal society with the arrival of a perfect human being who is a true and sincere lover of all human beings, is the guaranteed promise of Allah.

He will come alongside with Jesus Christ to lead the freedom and justice lovers to eradicate tyranny and discrimination, and promote knowledge, peace, justice freedom and love across the world. He will present to every single individual all the beauties of the world and all good things which bring happiness for humankind.

Today nations have been awakened. With the increase in public awareness,they no longer succumb to oppressions and discriminations.

The world is now witnessing more than ever, the widespread awakening in Islamic lands, in Asia, Europe, and America. These movements are ever expanding their spirit everyday and influence the pursuit of the realization of justice, freedom and the creation of a better tomorrow.

Our great nation stands ready to join hands with other nations to march on this beautiful path in harmony and in line with the shared aspirations of mankind.

Let us salute love, freedom, justice, wisdom, and the bright future that awaits humankind.

Thank you.

E' nata indoona: chiama, videochiama e messaggia Gratis.
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15:49 - province: gorizia; presentato progetto 'luoghi memoria'

(ANSA) - GORIZIA, 30 SET - E' stato presentato oggi a Gorizia dall'assessore provinciale Federico Portelli il progetto ''Together We Grow'', finanziato dalla Commissione Europea e finalizzato a mantenere vivo il ricordo delle vittime del nazismo e dello stalinismo. Il progetto prevede momenti di incontro sui luoghi della memoria, facendo tappa nei prossimi 5, 6 e 7 ottobre a Verteneglio, Goli Otok e Rab, in Croazia. Tre giorni per soffermarsi sui crimini del nazismo e dello stalinismo, riflettendo sulle violazioni dei diritti umani ai giorni nostri. ''Una tematica particolarmente sentita in un contesto socio-culturale come quello del Friuli Venezia Giulia - ha sottolineato Portelli - regione di confine con una storia antica di migrazioni sofferte e di solidarieta' concreta, che pare incompatibile con una realta' come quella del Centro di Identificazione ed Espulsione di Gradisca d'Isonzo, presente proprio nel territorio isontino''. (ANSA). COM-GRT/MST

Da: "Kappa Vu S.a.s." <info@...>
Data: 02 ottobre 2011 2:34:49 GMT+02:00
Oggetto: vittime del fascismo

Gent. Assessore Federico Portelli,
mi viene segnalato il comunicato ANSA sottoriportato. 
In merito vorrei farle rilevare quanto segue:
- il campo di concentramento di Rab, in Croazia, fu istituito dal generale Roatta, comandante della II Armata dell'esercito italiano che insieme all'esercito tedesco il 6 aprile del 1941 aggredì la Jugoslavia. Il territorio dell'isola di Rab in quell'occasione venne annesso all'Italia. Nel luglio del '42 entrò in funzione il campo per internati civili jugoslavi, in particolare sloveni e croati, che fu quindi gestito da autorità militari italiane, che vi internarono fino a 10 mila persone, nell'ambito di un progetto di “bonifica nazionale”, cioè di eliminazione di sloveni e croati dai territori annessi, perseguito dal regime fascista. In esso i nazisti non centrano proprio niente, perché i 1500 (ufficialmente riconosciuti, ma in realtà almeno 4500) sloveni e croati morti per fame (donne, vecchi, bambini, uomini) in un anno di funzionamento del campo, sono un crimine del regime fascista e dell'esercito italiano
Osservo tuttavia che inspiegabilmente nel progetto del suo assessorato, finanziato dalla commissione europea, si parla solamente di crimini del nazismo e dello stalinismo, dimenticando ancora una volta proprio i crimini del fascismo in queste terre, e dimenticandoli proprio nel momento in cui lei organizza una visita a Rab, il luogo di uno dei maggiori crimini del fascismo. Spero che non mi si risponda che con “vittime del nazismo” si intende anche “vittime del fascismo”. Bella memoria, si farebbe, in questo caso, e oltretutto con i soldi della Commissione Europea.
- En passant, vorrei farle anche rilevare l'incongruenza costituita dal fatto che il progetto è in ricordo anche delle vittime dello stalinismo, ma a Goli Otok gli “stalinisti” furono le vittime. Le ricordo questo, che sembra un paradosso, solo per rilevare che la storia è un po' più complessa di quanto la superficialità di questo suo progetto, e delle divulgazioni storiche di questi anni, lascino immaginare. 
Leggo che fra le sue deleghe lei ha: «Gestione dei Musei provinciali, dell’Archivio storico e della Biblioteca; coordinamento delle istituzioni culturali sul territorio; attività culturali di interesse artistico e storico; politiche giovanili; valorizzazione della cultura della Pace e della cooperazione fra i popoli e innovazioni tecnologiche».
Un assessore alla cultura con queste deleghe, dovrebbe cercare almeno di essere meno superficiale ed approssimativo, e non confondere nazismo e fascismo per occultare i crimini fascisti, soprattutto se deve preoccuparsi anche delle politiche verso i giovani, con i quali si deve usare un linguaggio vero e preciso, non mistificante. E come può lei in questo caso cooperare con sloveni e croati, se non riconosce neppure le responsabilità storiche italiane nei confronti di questi popoli? E come si può parlare in maniera convincente dell'attualità del Centro di Identificazione ed Espulsione di Gradisca d'Isonzo se si usa un linguaggio così mistificante nella storia di queste nostre terre di confine?
Spero che non dirà anche lei , come ha fatto la ministra dell'istruzione a proposito del “tunnel” fra il Cern e il Gran Sasso, che è colpa dell'ufficio-stampa.
Rilevo fra l'altro che la vicepresidente della Giunta, Mara Černic , dovrebbe conoscere bene l'argomento dei campi di concentramento fascisti.  

Alessandra Kersevan

(Autrice di “Un campo di concentramento fascista. Gonars 1942-1943” e di “Lager italiani. Pulizia etnica e campi di concentramento fascisti per civili jugoslavi 1941-1943”)

E' nata indoona: chiama, videochiama e messaggia Gratis.
Scarica indoona per iPhone, Android e PC

(srpskohrvatski / english / italiano)

Srebrenica, A Town Betrayed


1) Pravo Skandinavaca da znaju sve...
Film „Srebrenica: izdani grad“: zašto se „RTS“ odlučio da otkupi autorska prava na njega, ali ne i da ga prikaže svojim gledaocima?
(Stefan Karganović)

2) "Sarajevo Ricochet" in Sweden?
The Bosnian Moslem community in Sweden has collected over 1,000 signatures on a petition to Swedish State Television to desist from broadcasting Norwegian filmmakers Ola Flium’s and David Hebditch’s documentary “Sarajevo Ricochet.” The film follows the authors’ other controversial documentary, “Srebrenica: A City Betrayed,” which also challenges stereotype preconceptions about the Bosnian war and has been denounced vigorously by the Bosnian Moslems in Norway...
(Srebrenica Historical Project) 

=== 0. LINKS ===


Realizzato quasi due anni fa, il documentario "Srebrenica, una città tradita" è opera di due autori norvegesi: Ola Flyum e David Hebditch. Pur senza indulgere in alcuna "contabilità dei morti" criticando le cifre universalmente propagandate dalla stampa mainstream, nel loro importante documentario i due autori contestualizzano i fatti dell'agosto 1995 a Srebrenica chiarendone tutte le premesse: si parla dei crimini delle bande di Nasir Oric, criminale di guerra bosniaco-musulmano, con particolare attenzione ai fatti di Kravica; del cinico calcolo sul martirio di Srebrenica da parte del partito di Izetbegovic -SDA- su istigazione di Clinton; del cecchinaggio contro il piano di pace Owen-Stoltenberg da parte di Izetbegovic, sempre su istigazione USA; dei traffici di armi Tuzla-Srebrenica; della criminale provocazione di Visnjica; si riporta inoltre la testimonianza drammatica dell'ex capo della polizia di Srebrenica sul tradimento delle leadership musulmane. Gli stessi autori norvegesi hanno recentemente realizzato un altro documentario, Sarajevo Ricochet, che è già al centro della campagna denigratoria e dei tentativi di censura da parte della "lobby di Sarajevo", cioè dei nazionalisti-secessionisti musulmani e dei settori occidentali nemici della unità e fratellanza jugoslave (cfr. ai punti =2= e =3=).

Srebrenica - Izdani grad (A town betrayed)

dir. Ola Flyum - David Hebditch
prod. Fenris Film - Tore Buvarp




Stephen Karganović et al.
DECONSTRUCTION OF A VIRTUAL GENOCIDE. An intelligent person's guide to Srebrenica
Belgrade : Srebrenica Historical Project, 2011

PDF (12Mb):

Book review by Jonathan Rooper (The Lord Byron Foundation):


The SREBRENICA MASSACRE. Evidence, Context, Politics
Edited by Edward S. Herman - Foreword by Phillip Corwin
Creative Commons License, 2011

Maps • 4-6
Foreword • 7 Phillip Corwin
Preface • 13 Edward S. Herman
Chapter 1. Introduction • 19 Edward S. Herman
Chapter 2. Prelude to the Capture of Srebrenica • 37 George Bogdanich
Chapter 3. The Military Context of the Fall of Srebrenica • 66 Tim Fenton
Chapter 4. The Numbers Game • 101 Jonathan Rooper
Chapter 5. Securing Verdicts: The Misuse of Witness Evidence at the Hague • 153 George Szamuely
Chapter 6. The ICTY and Srebrenica • 211 Michael Mandel
Chapter 7. UN Report on Srebrenica—A Distorted Picture of Events • 224 George Bogdanich
Chapter 8. U.S. Media Coverage of Srebrenica • 248 Edward S. Herman
Chapter 9. U.K. Media Coverage of Srebrenica • 259 Philip Hammond
Chapter 10. Summary and Conclusions • 278 Edward S. Herman
Note on Contributors • 299

PDF (1Mb):



=== 1 ===


Pravo Skandinavaca da znaju sve...


Piše Stefan Karganović

Gde leži objašnjenje za činjenicu da je film „Srebrenica: izdani grad“ koji je probudio zaspale duhove evropskih kritičara stvarnosti, naišao u Srbiji na prećutanu zabranu, te zašto se „RTS“ odlučio da otkupi autorska prava na njega, ali ne i da ga prikaže svojim gledaocima?

Građane Srbije – a posebno pretplatnike evropskog „RTS“-a – oduševiće vest da su stanovnici Norveške, Švedske i Danske, barem kada je Srebrenica u pitanju, uspešno ostvarili svoje „pravo da znaju sve“. U ove tri skandinavske zemlje, uprkos besomučnim protestima preplašenih balkanskih cenzora, na državnoj televiziji prikazan je kontroverzni dokumentarac reditelja Ole Fluuma i Davida Hebdiča „Srebrenica: izdani grad“. Na dalekom severu Evrope o Srebrenici se sada zna sve. Kako stoji stvar u „evropskoj“ Srbiji?

Vrlo tužno. U Srbiji, u zemlji gde je posle rodne Norveške reditelja Ole Fluuma, ovaj dokumentarac, koji iz osnova menja viđenje Srebrenice i događaja vezanih za nju, prvo trebalo da bude prikazan, čami u nečijoj fioci. Dobro ste pročitali. Dokumentarac o kojem svi pričaju, „Srebrenica: izdani grad“, nalazi se u fioci gospodina Aleksandra Tijanića, direktora „Radio-televizije Srbije“, umesto da bude na ekranima pretplatnika ove medijske kuće.
Da li je problem u tome što reditelji Fluum i Hebdič žele da svoje ostvarenje sakriju od srpske publike, pa su odbili uporne molbe g. Tijanića da njegovoj kući dozvole prikazivanje u Srbiji? Ne, zato što je g. Tijanić autorska prava za teritoriju Srbije od njih već otkupio. „RTS“ može srpskoj javnosti da prikaže film „Srebrenica: izdani grad“ u bilo koje vreme, bilo koji dan. Ako to ne čini, ne sprečavaju ga razlozi pravne prirode.
Kakvi bi to razlozi mogli biti? Odgovor na to pitanje nalazi se u sadržaju filma. Za gospodina Tijanića, gospodina Mićunovića i njihove naredbodavce i istomišljenike, taj sadržaj je dinamit. Da pomenemo samo nekoliko njegovih glavnih i najnezgodnijih tema.
Film se, pre svega, bavi onim što Ola Fluum naziva „predistorijom Srebrenice“, a to znači intrigama i marifetlucima Alije Izetbegovića i njegove klike da se Srebrenica i njeno stanovništvo puste niz vodu i zamene za jednu drugu teritoriju. Posle izjava niza aktera u ovim događajima – a oni su svi muslimani koji su se dok su se ti događaji odvijali nalazili na raznim ključnim položajima odakle  su mogli da opserviraju posledice primene Alijine politike – gledaocu se nameće neodoljiv utisak: bošnjačkom rukovodstvu u Sarajevu narod Srebrenice nije predstavljao ništa više od piona na šahovskoj tabli. Kada je Alija Izetbegović procenio, sredinom 1995. godine, da je nastupio najbolji trenutak da budu žrtvovani, njegova jedina briga bila je da njihovu patnju i živote pretvori u najveći mogući politički profit.
To ne poništava činjenicu da je nad jednim delom zarobljenih Bošnjaka posle pada Srebrenice, 11. jula 1995. godine, bio izvršen ratni zločin i da su se neposredni počinioci tog zločina formalno nalazili na srpskoj strani, ako bi se tako nešto za pripadnike multietničkog i misterioznog 10. Diverzantskog odreda moglo reći. Ali to otkrovenje, za koje dugujemo zahvalnost istraživačkoj upornosti i profesionalnom poštenju Ole Fluuma, radikalno komplikuje pojednostavljenu propagandnu šemu srebreničkih događaja.

Malo koji promućuran gledalac propustiće da postavi očigledno pitanje. Da li je Srebrenica, onda kada je doživela svoj konačni rasplet u julu 1995. godine, bila spontani događaj, odraz genocidne mržnje jedne strane u ratu prema drugoj ili – nameštaljka?
Druga velika tabu tema koju ovaj dokumentarac otvara odnosi se na prećutane žrtve Srebrenice koje su tokom tri godine pre jula 1995. godine u anonimnosti i tišini bile klane i proganjane, bez komentara korumpiranih svetskih medija i bez prolivanja licemernih suza svetskih dušebrižnika. Reč je, naravno, o srpskom življu srebreničkog kraja, o nesrećnom narodu koji se u još jednom kritičnom istorijskom trenutku zadesio u pogrešno vreme i na pogrešnom mestu. Njegov svirepi pokolj i kolektivna agonija, što traje do današnjih dana, morali su biti gurnuti pod tepih da bi se svetskim huljama omogućilo da svoje bljutave i licemerne godišnje „počasti“ odaju zvanično određenim žrtvama koje su oni, u saradnji sa svojim sarajevskim eksponentima, pre toga gurnuli u ponor.
Fluumov podroban prikaz podmuklog napada na srpsko selo Kravica na Božić 1993. godine paradigmatičan je za nesreću desetkovanog srpskog naroda Srebrenice. Da li preterujemo kada kažemo „desetkovanog“? Ne, uopšte. U Izveštaju Holandskog ratnog instituta o Srebrenici 2002. godine piše da je „ kraju, od 9.390 stanovnika srpske nacionalnosti koji su živeli na području Srebrenice ostalo samo njih 860“.
Najzad, treća velika tema ovog filma odnosi se na sirove statističke podatke vezane za (kako se Ola Fluum izrazio) „monumentalni istorijski događaj koji se zove Srebrenica“. Gde su posmrtni ostaci 8.000 streljanih ratnih zarobljenika? Kako je moguće da posle šesnaest godina prilježnog i ničim ograničenog traganja ekshumirani forenzički dokazi ne ukazuju na više od desetine od te cifre, o kojoj se sve to vreme gromoglasno trubilo i koja služi kao materijalna i kvazipravna podloga za kvalifikaciju o genocidu?
Iz ovog fascinantnog filma saznajemo, bar u naznakama, odgovor i na to pitanje kroz ekskluzivni intervjuu, pred kamerama Ole Fluuma, Džona Šindlera, vrhunskog američkog obaveštajca na Balkanu devedesetih godina  tokom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. U danima posle pada Srebrenice, 11. jula 1995, on kaže da je „u proboju poginulo oko 5.000 Bošnjaka, dok ih je oko 2.000 bilo streljano“ .

Većina ljudi, zaglušena agresivnom propagandom srebreničkog lobija, nema pojma o kakvom je „proboju“ reč. Radi se o sledećem. Jedanaestog jula bošnjačke snage (njih oko 5.500 pod oružjem) i vojno sposobni muškarci raznih uzrasta (8.000 do 10.000) dobili su direktivu da svoje žene, decu i starce – na zgražavanje pripadnika holandskog bataljona – deponuju u bazu UN u Potočarima, i da se okupe u selu Šušnjari, odakle su krenuli u proboj prema Tuzli kroz zasede Vojske Republike Srpske i kroz mnogobrojna minska polja. Ta mešana kolona po međunarodnom ratnom pravu bila je legitiman vojni cilj i za njene gubitke niko ne snosi krivičnu odgovornost. Dokaz za to je činjenica da ni posle toliko godina niko nije bio optužen ni u Hagu, ni u Sarajevu, što je pucao u kolonu i nanosio ljudske gubitke.
Mnogobrojne izjave preživelih učesnika u proboju kolone, koje smo mi prvi objavili, ubedljivo svedoče o njenim jezivim, ali sasvim legitimnim gubicima. To su tih „oko 5.000“, o kojima Amerikanac Šindler govori Norvežaninu Oli Fluumu, ali što je javnosti evropske Srbije još uvek zabranjeno da vidi i čuje. Sada je jasna panika u Sarajevu i žučne osude reditelja i njihovog filma od strane njegovih zvaničnika, krtica u švedskom državnom aparatu poput Jasmina Selimovića i propagandnih operativaca od Bosne do Skandinavije. Film Ole Fluuma, pre svega, fatalno ugrožava lažnu priču pomoću koje sarajevska politička elita u konformističkom toru drži vlastiti narod. Ali on je podjednako neprihvatljiv u Srbiji protagonistima prošlogodišnje Deklaracije o Srebrenici, jer ruši svaku od najkrupnijih laži na kojima taj na prevaru usvojeni dokumenat počiva.
Čitaoci su već povezali kockice i sastavili sliku. Film Ole Fluuma toliko je eksplozivan da on ne sme biti prikazan, ne samo u neprosvećenoj Federaciji BiH nego čak ni u „evropskoj Srbiji“. Zato su autorska prava za Srbiju i bila otkupljena. Da bi film bezbedno ležao u fioci (ili u sefu) kod gospodina Tijanića, da ga, ako se on bude pitao, na ekranima Javnog servisa evropske Srbije niko nikada ne bi mogao da gleda.

(Pečat, br.183 - isto na
ili )

=== 2 ===

From: S. K.
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 1:43 PM
Subject: Srebrenica Historical Project: "Sarajevo Ricochet" in Sweden?

Srebrenica Historical Project

Postbus 90471


Den Haag, The Netherlands

+31 64 878 09078  (The Netherlands)

+381 64 403 3612  (Serbia)

Internet site:

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          The Bosnian Moslem community in Sweden has collected over 1,000 signatures on a petition to Swedish State Television to desist from broadcasting Norwegian filmmakers Ola Flium’s and David Hebditch’s documentary “Sarajevo Ricochet.” The film follows the authors’ other controversial documentary, “Srebrenica: A City Betrayed,” which also challenges stereotype preconceptions about the Bosnian war and has been denounced vigorously by the Bosnian Moslems in Norway.

            The Swedish Bosnian Moslem community also has demanded an apology  from the Swedish State Television Network for broadcasting earlier the Srebrenica documentary. The reasoning offered by Mr. Džebrail Bajramović, president of the “Islamic Bosniak Community” in Göteborg, Sweden, is most curious and at the same time characteristic of the arguments that are usually employed by Bosnian Moslem spokespersons in analogous situations. He said that if Swedish public opinion, which  according to him is not well versed in the history of the recent conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, were to be exposed to the Norwegian documentary it “might gain the impression that in Kravica genocide was committed against the Serbs, that 1,300 Serbs were murdered there, and that what happened in Srebrenica was an act of revenge.”

            Mr. Bajramović’s plaintive cry against the perpetuation of such subversive impressions was followed by an unequivocal threat: “We have addressed protest letters to all the relevant institutions. If they broadcast the other movie [i. e. “Sarajevo Ricochet”] we will file suit against SVT [Swedish State Television Network] for denying genocide.” [1]

            In fact, “Sarajevo Ricochet” does not even attempt to deal with the charge of genocide from a juridical standpoint, but focuses instead on other issues which may fairly be characterised as also highly unpalatable from the Bosnian Moslem standpoint (e. g. Sarajevo regime’s unsavory links to Mujahedin outfits and the atrocities they committed against the non-Moslem population, as well as the abundant illegal arming of the Moslem army, with the connivance of some Western governments, which cannot leave the propaganda image of a helpless victim completely intact). But regardless of how the matter is viewed by some of the actors in the Bosnian conflict, the only fact of any significance is that these issues are being examined by responsible researchers in democratic Western societies, where freedom of inquiry is sacred.

            What the diaspora Bosniak community and their spokespersons are demanding is the suppression of that freedom where it threatens to call into question some key aspects of their wartime narrative. It is remarkable, and it must be pointed out, that the other option – engaging Messrs. Flium and Hebditch in debate and demonstrating the unreliability of their sources and the falsity of their conclusions – apparently was never considered by the Bosniaks.

            But that is precisely the response that we wish to recommend to them, and for their own good. Intimidation of the rapidly growing number of dissidents will soon become logistically impossible while from the public relations standpoint it is already turning into a disaster for the Bosnian Moslem community. The vindictive “genocide denial” lawsuit filed against the tiny Swiss periodical, “La Nation,” clearly designed to bankrupt it economically and thus lead to its extinction, is an example of out of control coercive reactions in situations where Bosnian Moslems would profit far more if they engaged in reasoned dialogue, regardless of its possible outcome.[2]

            Our NGO, Srebrenica Historical Project, has always advocated civilised dialogue, without any outcome preconditions, as the only way to conduct the debate on what happened in Srebrenica and in other theatres during the Bosnian war. Of course, if one rejects the very concept of debate in principle, our proposal will not have been seen as having much merit. But the rejectionists should then be prepared for the slow and steady erosion of their dogmatic position, with the possibility of its eventual collapse in the court of public opinion.

            Reactions such as the one from Göteborg are not just a huge tactical miscalculation on the part of the Sarajevo leadership, which remains frozen in its wartime mode of thinking; it is also an admission of intellectual inferiority which is quite degrading to the Moslem people of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

            The message it sends is two-fold. First, that they are afraid to tackle the facts in an open encounter with those who hold a different point of view. In Western societies, where civilised discourse is the norm, that can only imply that the Bosniaks are unsure of their facts and fear discreditation of their views in the event they were tested in unfettered intellectual combat. Indeed, in the long run infantile demands for the suppression of contrary points of view are bound to do more to cast doubt in the mind of the Western public about the Bosniaks’ cherished version of events than any efforts that could be made by “genocide deniers” toward the accomplishment of that purpose.

            Secondly, their timing, as they crudely seek to enforce compliance with their agenda, is disastrous as well. The great spiritual and cultural tradition of Islam, and its signal contributions to human civilisation, are under intense attack in the West and through the use of sophisticated propaganda are being reduced to a caricature. Churlish reactions such as Mr. Bajramović’s, which reinforce the image of Islam as an irrational faith which is incompatible with the liberal principles of the West, cannot but do great harm to Moslems in Europe generally, and to the reputation of Bosnian Moslems in particular.

            There is no doubt that a great number of innocent Moslems have suffered enormously during the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the nineties, side by side with their innocent neighbours from the other communities. The evidence of that suffering is clear and cannot be diminished or denied by anyone. But a decade and a half after the war’s end it is now time to take a professional and dispassionate look at what happened. That is a task for scholars and responsible representatives of all the involved communities; it is not a job for propagandists or intimidators.  

[1] Dnevni Avaz, September 1, 2011.
[2] Balkan InsightApril 19, 2010, “Complaint Filed for Srebrenica Genocide Denial”.

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La Unione Europea ha messo nero su bianco le condizioni per la annessione della Croazia. Tra queste figura la privatizzazione generalizzata e la rinuncia da parte del governo croato ad ogni ipotesi di controllo ("golden share") sulle aziende privatizzate. Tra le condizioni invece NON figura alcun riconoscimento né risarcimento ai serbi vittime della pulizia etnica in Krajina e Slavonia, tantomeno ai famigliari dei desaparecidos (che sono tuttora circa duecento). Come premio per la annessione alla UE, i nazionalisti croati avranno la inesistente "lingua croata" annoverata tra le lingue ufficiali dell’Unione. Custode di questo splendido trattato con la Croazia è il governo italiano...


Fonte: Notiziario Vie dell'Est di mercoledì 28 settembre 2011
28 settembre 2011 - Allargamento

Croazia, pronto il Trattato di adesione alla Ue

Il Trattato di adesione della Croazia alla Ue è pronto. E la sua firma  ufficiale dovrebbe avvenire, secondo le indicazioni giunte da Bruxelles, nelle prime settimane di dicembre, probabilmente a Varsavia, dal momento che la Polonia detiene questo semestre la presidenza di turno dell’Unione.
Lo scorso 16 settembre, il primo ministro polacco, Donald Tusk, si è recato a Zagabria per consegnare personalmente il testo inglese del Trattato alla premier croata, Jadranka Kosor. La traduzione croata, che nei prossimi mesi sarà sottoposta a un referendum popolare, è stata poi pubblicata sul sito del Governo. È la prima volta dopo sei anni, tanto è durato il negoziato di adesione, che i croati possono sapere cosa li aspetta nella Ue, quali proroghe alle normative comunitarie sono state accordate, quante sono le quote agricole imposte e quanto dureranno le limitazioni per i croati al diritto di lavorare senza ostacoli in qualsiasi altro stato membro.
Il Governo ha dovuto rinunciare ai diritti speciali nelle grandi aziende parzialmente privatizzate, ovvero alla “golden share” che garantiva il veto su decisioni dei cda in compagnie come quella petrolifera (Ina) o per le telecomunicazioni (Ht), nonostante non avesse più il 50 per cento delle azioni. Sul lato fiscale dovrà essere abolito il tasso zero dell’Iva su pane, latte, libri e medicinali, adesso in vigore, ma potrà essere introdotta una quota minima del cinque per cento. I cittadini degli altri paesi non avranno diritto di acquistare terreni agricoli in Croazia per almeno sette anni. D’altro canto, i 27 Stati membri hanno a loro disposizione una clausola che impedisce per un massimo di sette anni la libera circolazione dei cittadini croati nel mercato del lavoro. Ogni paese può decidere se introdurla o meno e per quanto tempo, e la Croazia ha diritto di imporre la stessa limitazione, nel rispetto del principio di reciprocità. Per ora solo la Germania e l’Austria hanno lasciato intendere di avere intenzione di avvalersi di questa opzione. 
La Croazia avrà dodici deputati all’Europarlamento, sette voti nel sistema decisionale del Consiglio europeo, un commissario, e il croato diverrà una delle lingue ufficiali dell’Unione. Dopo il referendum in Croazia, a pronunciarsi sul Trattato saranno i parlamenti dei singoli Stati per la ratifica del documento. Gli atti di ratifica dovrebbero poi essere trasmessi entro il 30 giugno 2013 al Governo italiano, depositario del Trattato con la Croazia. Il giorno dopo il paese diventerà il 28esimo Stato membro dell’Ue.


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