
To Mr Kofi Annan
UN General Secretary
New York
fax 0041 22 9171234
Mr. Kofi Annan,

since you were appointed UNO Secretary General, you have been acting
like a person with his head in the clouds. The USA government has been
making – and continues to make - serious political decisions and, when
it came to it, you simply disappeared.

Just think of the war against Iraq, or the heavy, barbarian bombardment
against ALL the population of Yugoslavia!

Are you aware of the crimes you and your associates have committed
against mankind?

Do you agree that it was necessary to cancel the name of Yugoslavia to
justify the aggression against it? If you don’t, how do you explain
that Xavier Solana, one of the persons responsible, went to Belgrade
and decided that the name of Yugoslavia was not Yugoslavia anymore?!

And you, who represent one of the countries Yugoslavian government
considered a friend - and a member of Non-alignment- did not turn a
hair in front of the shame committed of my country.

Wake up, Mr Coffee, and allow me one more question: don't you honestly
think it would be more dignifying for you to leave UNO slamming the
door behind you or, better still, in the face of the US President?

I would much appreciate both.      

Ivan Pavicevac

(One of the 4,5 million Yugoslavians, to whom              
nobody asked in which State they wanted to live)

(english / italiano)

Da: I C D S M I t a l i a
A: i c d s m - i t a l i a @ y a h o o g r o u p s . c o m

1. Michael Parenti ci scrive...
2. Lettera aperta al "Corriere della Sera"
3. Cronache del Giorno di San Vito, dall'Aia e da Belgrado

ICDSM - Sezione Italiana
c/o GAMADI, Via L. Da Vinci 27
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tel/fax +39-06-4828957
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sito internet:

=== 1 ===

Michael Parenti ci scrive...

In merito al recente appello internazionale sottoscritto da molte
decine di avvocati e giuristi, da noi fatto circolare pochi giorni fa,
abbiamo ricevuto una opportuna nota da parte di Michael Parenti,
responsabile della sezione statunitense dell'ICDSM. Ne riportiamo in
fondo una traduzione.

Con l'appello cui fa riferimento Parenti (il cui testo in lingua
inglese e' alla URL:
), indirizzato al Segretario generale dell'ONU e ad altre altissime
personalita' internazionali, si e' espressa viva preoccupazione per la
cinica manovra in atto all'Aia, dove le  gravi condizioni di salute di
Milosevic -- per le quali la "Corte" non aveva mai preso seri
provvedimenti prima d'ora -- vengono adesso usate a pretesto per
imporre misure che ledono i diritti di autodifesa dell' "imputato". In
particolare, la "Corte" sta cercando di imporre a Milosevic un
"avvocato d'ufficio" allo scopo di impedirgli di gestire in prima
persona la successiva fase dibattimentale: in tale senso si e' espressa
anche Carla Del Ponte, con una formale richiesta, dimostrando cosi' lo
sfacciato interesse della "pubblica accusa" in questa manovra.

> ---------- Initial Header -----------
> From      : "Michael Parenti"
> To          : "ICDSM Italia"
> Date      : Thu, 29 Jul 2004 15:07:08 -0700
> Subject : Re: [icdsm-italia] 50 Lawyers from 12 Countries Appeal
> against Imposition of Counsel on Milosevic
> Dear Friends
> The question of a court-imposed counsel for Slobodan Milosevic is an
> important one to be sure, but there is an even more compelling issue:
> Given President Milosevic's health, the trial should be suspended and
> he should be allowed to return to private care.
> We might recall that General Pinochet of Chile evaded prosecution in
> Spain because he was deemed "too ill to stand trial" by British
> authorities.  Upon returning to Chile, he had a miraculous cure--as
> some of us predicted--and showed himself to be in fine health. Later
> on, when
> unexpectedly indicted by the Chileans, he was then judged "mentally
> unfit" to stand trial.
> If my memory serves me, William Z. Forster, then-head of the Communist
> Party USA was released from Smith Act prosecution in the late 1940s
> because of serious illness.
> So with any number of defendants who are honestly too ill to go on
> with legal proceedings (or faking it, as in Pinochet's case), there is
> no pursuit of prosecution out of recognition that continuation can
> amount to judicial murder.
> The demise of the presiding judge at Milosevic's trial is itself an
> indication of the taxing nature of these proceedings upon one's
> health, including one who was thought to be of adequate health. And
> the judge was nowhere under the same stress that Mr. Milosevic is
> facing in the miserable and life-draining confinement that he must
> endure, the stress of countering a massive prosecutory effort, and the
> separation from his loved ones.
> President Milosevic has been certifiably found to be suffering a
> severe heart condition. Instead of ending the trial--an action for
> which there are many precedents--the court chooses to continue to put
> his life at risk.
> While we argue about the question of a counsel, we should also demand
> that the ICTY release Mr. Milosevic and allow him to be placed in
> private care.
> Michael Parenti


<< Cari amici,

la questione di un avvocato d'ufficio da imporre a Slobodan Milosevic
e' certo importante, ma ce n'e' una ancora piu' seria: dato lo stato di
salute del presidente Milosevic, il processo andrebbe sospeso e gli si
dovrebbe consentire di affidarsi a cure private.

Si potrebbe ricordare che persino il generale cileno Pinochet pote'
sottrarsi al processo in Spagna essendo stato considerato "troppo
malato per subire il processo" da parte delle autorita' britanniche. Al
suo ritorno in Cile, in effetti, egli deve aver goduto di una cura
miracolosa - come qualcuno di noi aveva previsto - visto che apparve
perfettamente ristabilito. In seguito, quando inaspettatamente fu
inquisito anche dai cileni, venne giudicato "mentalmente incapace" di
seguire il processo...

Se la mia memoria non m'inganna, anche William Z. Forster, ex leader
del Partito Comunista degli USA, fu rilasciato dal processo istruito
nell'ambito della Legge Smith alla fine degli anni Quaranta, a causa di
una seria malattia.

Percio', visti i casi di molti imputati effettivamente troppo malati
per sottoporsi a procedimenti legali (o che facevano finta di esserlo,
come nel caso di Pinochet), non c'e' dubbio che la prosecuzione del
processo [contro Milosevic] equivarrebbe ad un omicidio per via

Le stesse dimissioni del giudice [May] che conduceva il processo
Milosevic dimostrano il carattere vessatorio di questo tipo di
procedimenti nei confronti della salute di chiunque, persino di uno che
si riteneva fosse in buona salute. Ed il giudice non era certo
sottoposto allo stesso livello di stress cui e' sottoposto Milosevic,
il quale e' confinato in condizioni miserabili ed estenuanti, con tutto
il carico di dover controbattere ad un mastodontico sforzo da parte
della "accusa", e lontano dalle persone care.

Al presidente Milosevic e' stata oggettivamente diagnosticata una
condizione grave dell'apparato cardiocircolatorio. Anziche'
interrompere il processo - un atto per il quale esistono numerosi
precedenti - la corte ha deciso di continuare a mettere a repentaglio
la sua vita.

Mentre prendiamo posizione sulla questione dell'avvocato d'ufficio,
dovremmo anche chiedere che il "Tribunale ad hoc" rilasci Milosevic e
gli consenta di sottoporsi a cure private.

Michael Parenti

Di Michael Parenti, nel nostro archivio, vedi anche:

La demonizzazione di Slobodan Milosevic

=== 2 ===

Redazione del "Corriere della Sera"

E p.c. a Franco Venturini

L’articolo "Processi e garanzie per i vinti" nel "Corriere" di ieri 7
luglio, a firma di Franco Venturini, è disgustosamente fazioso. "Non
chiamare le cose col proprio nome significa seminare disgrazie tra la
gente" (A.Camus), ed in questo caso significa anche scrivere da
pappagallo e da guerrafondaio (l’ho detto pure personalmente a
Venturini nel corso di un intervento pubblico al quale lui ha

Signor giornalista (si fa per dire, perché se esistesse un vero "Ordine
di giornalisti", ad alcuni non basterebbero quei "profumati" onorari a
pagarsi le spese legali), Slobodan Milosevic è stato un presidente
democraticamente eletto. Contro l’aggressione NATO (USA!) sostenuta
servilmente dal governo D’Alema, Milosevic ha rappresentato TUTTO il
popolo jugoslavo (e serbo), il quale popolo non ha MAI nella sua storia
attaccato nessuno, ma si è sempre difeso ed "ha difeso te, Europa,
bambola grinzosa, che al tiranno fai l’occhiolino...", come recita una
poesia da noi piuttosto nota. Un popolo che non si è voluto mai
inginocchiare all’occupatore. Se non gliel’ha fatto capire nemmeno quel
cinico di Edward Luttwak che nel corso di una trasmissione RAI, durante
i bombardamenti del '99, ha detto esplicitamente: "Noi non abbiamo
niente contro Milosevic. Lui è un presidente democraticamente eletto. È
il popolo serbo il problema"... Ma forse l’esimio giornalista tiene gli
occhi e le orecchie "foderati di prosciutto", a seconda della
situazione. Ecco come ragiona Venturini: siccome l’Italia è la più
grande portaerei terrestre americana - si veda l’esempio della tragedia
di Cermis - perché non dovrebbe anche la Serbia diventare un territorio
sul quale i soldati USA possono scorrazzare e uccidere... ed un
bordello, come e' ora il Kosmet (Kosovo e Metohija), dove gli USA,
dopo avere appoggiato le mafie criminali UCK, hanno costruito la più
grande base militare in Europa?

Altro che "guerra umanitaria"!

Non sono riusciti ad annientare quel popolo ribelle con 10 anni
d’embargo totale, né con 78 giorni di bombardamento (all’uranio
impoverito) su tutto e tutti, compresi gli albanesi del Kosmet, perché
il governo di Belgrado non aveva voluto firmare l’ultimatum di
Rambouillet. "Abbiamo anche un’altra arma contro Milosevic", disse
Solana. E quale, se non quelle Organizzazioni internazionali cosiddette
non-governative, e i soliti lacché corrotti?

L’ultima guerra per la distruzione della Jugoslavia, federata e
socialista, è stata un guerra fratricida istigata dall’interno,
sostenuta dall’esterno, Signori!

Ivan Pavicevac, Roma

=== 3 ===

(english / italiano)

*** Cronache del Giorno di San Vito, dall'Aia e da Belgrado ***

Anche quest' anno, in occasione di San Vito ("Vidovdan", 28 giugno), si
sono tenute alcune manifestazioni contro la NATO ed il suo "Tribunale":
una, internazionale, il 26 giugno a L'Aia e Sheveningen in Olanda,  e
l'altra a Belgrado, proprio il giorno 28.


... della manifestazione in Olanda:

... della manifestazione a Belgrado:

ALTRI LINK sulla giornata di San Vito:

On St. Vitus Day (by Nebojsa Malic)

Bolje Grob Nego Rob! Better Grave Than Slave!
St Vitus Day (by Alma A. Hromic)



by René Georges Lefort PLCF - Paris
traduit par Sarah Brickwood

In the name of the French Pôle de Renaissance Communiste we add our
support to this international protest against the arbitrary arrest and
imprisonment of Mr Slobodan Milosevic and other important political
figures and their trial before the so-called International Criminal
We absolutely deny the legitimacy of this supranational court – a court
established not by any democratic decision but by the leading circles
of imperialism for the purposes of deflecting justice and concealing
their own crimes against humanity by arraigning political leaders
basically guilty, in their eyes, of opposing the expansionist designs
of the big monopoly finance capital which, after the disappearance of
the Soviet Union and the socialist camp, is intending to dominate the
whole world.
Who, in reality, is responsible for the monstrous collective crimes
against humanity that have left tens of millions dead and an even
greater number crippled for life, reducing human beings to the utmost
poverty and uprooting refugees from their homes to wander without
The capitalist system, which thus wears the countenance of those
running it and profiting from it, was responsible in the twentieth
century for the great human slaughter of two inter-imperialist world
wars, which, together with all the other conflicts in that century,
resulted in 110 million deaths, over half of which were among
civilians. Since the end of World War Two alone, in the second half of
the twentieth century, there were 200 armed conflicts in the world,
resulting in 22 million
deaths, with countless crimes perpetrated in cold blood on the express
orders of imperialist rulers.
Who ordered the carpet bombing of civilian populations with those most
deadly of weapons: cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs? Who
ordered the torture of prisoners and the violent and criminal exactions
against civilian populations – women, children, old men – carried out
by French soldiers in Indochina and Algeria and American soldiers in
Korea, Vietnam and, today still, Afghanistan and Iraq?
It was the imperialist rulers of the United States at the highest level
who ordered the dropping of the atom bomb – without any military
justification – on the Japanese populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
and the use of chemical and biological weapons in Korea, Vietnam and
Cuba in order to spread disease among the population and destroy crops
and domestic animals.
The genocidal killing that occurred in Yugoslavia was first and
foremost the result of foreign imperialist intrigue and intervention by
NATO in this region of Europe. The terrorist bombing of Serbia resulted
in thousands of dead and injured among the civilian population and
destroyed vital infrastructure.
Nor do imperialist rulers spare the populations of their own countries,
as demonstrated by the revelations that within the United States army
itself they financed criminal experiments on the effect of atomic
radiation on human beings – preferably blacks of course. The Nazis
could not cap that.
But their responsibility is much broader still as representatives and
rulers of a system designed to accumulate profits for a tiny minority
at the price of a constant worsening of living conditions for the
overwhelming majority of the world population.
Over a third of this population lives in a state of extreme poverty, 30
million people a year die of hunger, and one billion human beings lack
drinking water, which according to the WHO leads to 25 000 deaths a day.
Every year, six million children under five die of malnutrition across
the globe and approximately as many again for want of vaccination,
health measures and the most basic medical care. A tiny portion of the
largest fortunes and the colossal military budgets of the great powers
would be enough to solve these vital questions.
Yes, we condemn the abominable crimes committed against humanity. But
the true criminals are not here, behind the walls of this prison: they
are sitting in the White House and Downing Street, they head the
governments of the capitalist world, and they lurk in NATO headquarters.
It is they who will one day have to answer to the people for the
horrible crimes committed every day by the existing social and economic
system for which they are responsible. In the meantime, we
categorically demand the dissolution of the ICTY and the immediate
release of Slobodan Milosevic and other important figures arbitrarily
brought before this unlawful court.

[en francais:

Voir aussi:
Avec Slobodan Milosevic, défendons la vérité historique !
Discours de Klaus Hartmann, le 26 juin 2004 à La Haye ]



(Report from and Demands of the Great People's Rally organized by
SLOBODA in Belgrade on 28 June 2004)

More than 5000 people gathered on Monday, 28 June at the Republic
Square in Belgrade on invitation of Sloboda/Freedom Association,
manifesting the unbeaten spirit of Free Serbia and demanding freedom
for the leader of the national resistance against Western aggression
Slobodan Milosevic.

The rally was addressed by the leaders of Serbian patriotic and left
opposition and prominent international guests. The speakers were
Professor Velko Valkanov (Bulgaria), founder and Cochairman (with
Ramsey Clark and Alexander Zinoviev) of the International Committee to
Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), Klaus Hartmann (Germany),
Vice-President of the World Union of Freethinkers and Vice-Chairman of
ICDSM, Nadja Tesic (USA), writer and university professor, Aleksandar
Vucic, MP, General Secretary of the Serbian Radical Party, Milorad
Vucelic, MP, Vice-President of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Branko
Kitanovic, General Secretary of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia,
Vladimir Krsljanin, assistant of President Milosevic and Bogoljub
Bjelica, Chairman of the Managing Board of the Freedom Association.

The rally started with the Yugoslav national anthem and the
broadcasting of the famous Vidovdan 1989 speech of President Slobodan
Milosevic before two million of people. Participants of the rally also
listened the just adopted Address of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Union of Russia and Belarus to the parliaments of NATO and EU
countries, international organizations and judges of the Hague
Tribunal, demanding release of Slobodan Milosevic and Vojislav Seselj,
blessing address of Filaret, Bishop of Mileseva, messages of solidarity
of the General Secretary of the World Peace Council Thanasis Pafilis
and of the General Secretary of CPRF Gennadi Zyuganov. The Belgrade
protest, marking the third anniversary of the kidnapping of President
Milosevic, received also many letters of support of organizations and
individuals from the country and from abroad and welcomed the anti-NATO
protests in Istanbul and protests for the release of President
Milosevic and against NATO crimes in the Balkans held in Moscow, The
Hague, New York and several Greek cities.

The rally at the Republic Square ended with reading the ten Demands to
all Serbian and Federal state organs and institutions to engage
concretely in achieving release of President Milosevic, abolishment of
the Hague Tribunal and continuing the proceedings against NATO and its

After the rally, the protesters with numerous red, blue and white flags
of Sloboda and posters of President Milosevic marched along the central
streets of Belgrade, stopping in front of the Serbian and Federal
Parliaments and the Government of Serbia, where Sloboda leader Vladimir
Krsljanin spoke and a delegation of the protest delivered the text of
the Demands.


addresses the state organs of the Republic of Serbia
and of the State Community Serbia and Montenegro with the following


1.      To send immediately to the UN Security Council a request to
the illegal Hague Tribunal the immediate release of President Slobodan
Milosevic for medical treatment, recovery and adequate preparations for
the second phase of the struggle for truth about our people and to
issue the appropriate state guarantees to that end.

2.      Due to unconstitutionality and illegality of the arrest,
extradition and detention of President Milosevic, requiring that the
proceedings against him must be abolished, to address the appropriate
request to the UN Security Council and the Hague Tribunal.

3.      To cease immediately the persecution of President Milosevic, his
family and co-fighters, as well as of all fighters for freedom, against
terrorism and NATO aggression.

4.      To ban the extradition of our citizens to the Hague Tribunal.

5.      To send to the UN Security Council a comprehensive and well
documented request, which would point the unacceptable bias and blatant
violations of human rights and principles of fair trial by the Hague
Tribunal and demand its abolishment, release of all the detainees and
sending of their cases to the national courts.

6.      To abolish the unconstitutional law on cooperation with the

7.      To secure all legal, financial and other assistance by the
state to
its citizens, as long as they are under the rule of the illegal Hague
Tribunal, in proportion to the importance of their cases for the future
of the nation.

8.      To launch criminal proceedings against all responsible for the
kidnapping of President Milosevic.

9.      То secure the direct TV translation of the Hague process against
President Milosevic by the Serbian state TV, as long as that process
will last.

10.      To continue all the proceedings against NATO and its leaders
responsible for the severest crimes committed in the aggression against


By Klaus Hartmann, Vice-Chairman of the World Union of Freethinkers,
Vice-Chairman of ICDSM

Speech on Vidovdan, June 28 2004, Trg Republike, Belgrade

Citizens of Belgrade, Friends, Comrades!

I visited President Slobodan Milošević on June 1st, and I am proud to
deliver his warmest regards to you today.

I assure you that his combative spirit is still strong and unbroken –
in spite of the harsh conditions.

What an example he sets, for you, for all of us, for honest people
around the world!

His struggle, the struggle against the New World Order and their
show-trial in The Hague represents the best traditions of Vidovdan,
represents the heroic tradition of Serbs.

But as you know, the tradition of Vidovdan is not only one of heroism;
we also know of the tradition of treason.

Must I – from abroad – tell you, who embodies this tradition of
treachery today?

You see them everyday on your TV, in your newspapers, in your media,
which are now “free” – because they now all have the right to publish
exactly the same brainwashing that we already know from the aggressors'
“free” western media.

They are Traitors – vassals and servants of foreign masters.

They surrendered Slobodan Milošević for a handful of Dollars.

They turned Vidovdan 2001 into a day of infamy.

They surrendered the national economy for a few Dinars – without a
mandate or legitimacy: It's public property, property of the people,
and those who turned it over to foreign enterprises – are simply

They accomplished the objective of the aggressors – to destroy, to
“terminate states”.

They dismantled and abolished Yugoslavia.

They erased even the name, Yugoslavia, a name of pride.

They made Yugoslavia, one of the founding fathers of the United
Nations, apply to become a UN member state, as if it were a newcomer.

They sold the national dignity and honour of the Serbian people.

The federal defence minister, Prvoslav Davinic, told B 92 two days
after his appointment in April: “We have an obligation towards The
Hague and we have to fulfil it.”

And he has a special obligation today – to attend the summit of the
Aggressors in Istanbul – a very special program to honour Vidovdan!

Does Mr. Davinic mean that there is an obligation to sell the country,
a clearance sale?

That’s an impressive example for the difference between your last
government and the current one: The former one carried out his
treachery by conviction, cold and sneering. The government today does
the same job – but with a suffering expression!

Before the kangaroo court in The Hague, President Milošević faces the
accusation of having undertaken “a joint criminal enterprise”.

A joint criminal enterprise – in the view of the imperialist, absolute
rulers and tycoons – this is to defend his country against aggression,
devastation and occupiers.

In their eyes, his crime is to have defended Independence and

The axiom adopted by the, so called, “international Community” for this
criminal enterprise was:

„The Serbs must be brought on their knees“, pronounced by Klaus Kinkel,
Foreign Minister of Germany.

This criminal enterprise continues – from the precipitated recognition
of separatist movements, the credit from the Vatican - to pay the
accrued interests from Ustasha-Gold, the training of
Al-Qaida-combatants and the equipping of terrorists, NATO's bombs on
your houses and schools and even up to the present time: with the Court
of the Criminals in The Hague!

And this axiom „The Serbs must be brought on their knees“ is still in
force, this axiom is an exact description of the task of the so called
Hague Tribunal:

legitimize an aggression, this eclatant breach of International Law,

protect NATO interests in the Balkans,

confirm their lies, their racist anti-Serb campaign, their brainwashing

– and assure, that the Serbs remain on their knees, that they will
never stand up.

Don’t believe those who tell you: Serbia must fulfil conditions on her
way to Europe. As President Milošević told you a few years ago: Serbia
is situated in the heart of Europe, it must not stay behind! Keep this
in mind!

To all the peace- and freedom-loving people in Europe, you are welcomed

– not as slaves, but as equals, not on your knees, but standing upright.

Only the imperialist forces want to force you to your knees.
Freethinkers defend the pride of walking upright – and you should do
the same.

The imperialist forces want to show the world: resistance against their
dictatorship, the “New World Order”, will not be tolerated, it will be

This is why the indictment is against the political and military
leadership of the aggressed country.

This is the reason for their show trial against President Milošević.

The refusal of appropriate medical care threatens the life and health
of President Milošević.

Depriving him of visits from his family members, the complete isolation
from his family, his collaborators, his physicians, his friends from
abroad, this moral and psychological pressure is aimed at breaking his
will to resist the false accusations.

The “Prosecution” had several years and the work of several hundred of
people, financed by the enormous budget of the UN, CNN, Time-Warner,
Soros and Rockefeller, and assisted by the intelligence services of
major nations.

They had practically unlimited resources, and they had time – since May
1999, more than four years to prepare their “case” – besides the fact,
that much of the material was collected since the establishment of the
Tribunal in 1993 was also being used.

And what a poor case they presented! There was no case – in the opinion
of leading experts of International Law. And they say: Where there is a
lack of proof, there is no case – and there is no need for a defence!

The masters of this so called Tribunal are unwilling to satisfy, even
to a minimum, the principle of equality of arms between its own
Prosecution and the rights of the defence, allegedly recognised by the

Slobodan Milošević is a victim of the imperialist conspiracy against
the integrity and independence of his country, a victim of the
conspiracy of the imperialist forces and their servants in Serbia!

They want to punish him for the heroic resistance against this new
colonialism and militarism of this “New World Order”.

This so called Tribunal is an instrument of their global dictatorship,
of their destruction of International Law!

When there is any obligation for this country, and for all of us: That
obligation is to continue to resist. That obligation is to refuse to
collaborate with The Hague, to resist The Hague!

Our obligation is to continue the resistance against this globalized

That’s why we demonstrated on Saturday in The Hague, at the main square
of the City and in Front of the Prison in Scheveningen.

We demanded there, in The Hague, and we demand today:

End of the aggression and foreign interference!

An immediate end of the mistreatment of Slobodan Milošević!

An end to the persecution of the family of President Milošević!

We demand:

The immediate abolition of the illegal Hague Tribunal!

Jail the NATO-Leaders!

The immediate release of all political and war prisoners from their
illegal detention in The Hague!

Solidarity with the resistance against the global dictatorship and
totalitarism of the "New World Order"!

The aggressors will not write the history!

Freedom for Serbia!
Long life Yugoslavia!
Long live Slobodan Milošević!


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 9 AGO - L'insulto, irripetibile, riguardava i
costumi sessuali della madre, e il presidente serbo Boris Tadic non ci
ha pensato due volte: dribblando le sue preoccupate guardie del corpo,
ha iniziato una caccia all'uomo tra la folla per trovare e atterrare il
responsabile. L'episodio, forse non esemplare per la dignita' della
carica ma che ha trovato solidali i serbi, e' avvenuto ieri sera al
festival degli ottoni di Guca (Serbia centrale), tradizionale
appuntamento con la musica folkloristica balcanica alla cui
inaugurazione partecipava anche il presidente. Tra la folla, qualcuno
ha pesantemente insultato Tadic concludendo con lo sferzante commento
sulla moralita' della madre. E il presidente serbo, scavalcando le sue
guardie del corpo e i poliziotti del cordone di sicurezza, si e'
lanciato all'inseguimento del contestatore. Da ex sportivo che si tiene
in forma, non ci ha messo molto a raggiungerlo e ad atterrarlo con una
mossa di judo, disciplina nella quale era stato un campione. Ai
terrorizzati 'gorilla' che avevano tentato di tenergli dietro, Tadic ha
spiegato che ''gli insulti personali non contano, ma l'offesa a mia
madre andava punita''. Si e' poi scusato con loro, affermando che
''l'ira mi ha fatto dimenticare la mia posizione''. La performance
atletica del presidente ha avuto grande successo tra il pubblico del
festival, che si e' alzato in piedi per applaudirlo. (ANSA). OT
09/08/2004 11:43

[ Il Nuovo Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia (NKPJ) e' impegnato, negli
ultimi mesi, nel rilancio delle proprie attivita' organizzative e
propagandistiche: in particolare, esso ha annunciato sin d'ora che
partecipera' alle prossime elezioni locali della Serbia all'interno
della coalizione "Blocco dei comunisti" (Blok komunista). ]

Aktivnosti Nove Komunisticke Partije Jugoslavije

<< NKPJ će na izbore izaći zajedno sa Jugoslovenskim komunistima, pod
nazivom Blok komunista >>

Arhiva : : Jun 2004.

Tadić nudi dobrovoljno ropstvo

Nova komunistička partija Jugoslavije poziva svoje članove, simpatizere
i sve patriote da na izborima za Predsednika Srbije ne daju svoj glas
predstavniku onih partija i snaga koje su našu zemlju pretvorile u
protektorat NATO država i učinili je najsiromašnijom u Evropi.

Te partije i snage u sprezi sa crnogorskom koalicijom "Zajedno za
Jugoslaviju" donele su tzv. "Zakon o saradnji sa Hagom", koji
predstavlja ozakonjenu izdaju i jedan je od najsramnijih dokumenata u
našoj istoriji. Nikada naš narod nije sudio ni agresoru isporučivao one
koji su branili otadžbinu već ih je odlikovao i nagradjivao.

"Evropska orijentacija" koju zagovara Boris Tadić je poziv na
dobrovoljno neokolonijalno ropstvo, mnogo strašnije i opasnije od
otomanskog i austrougarskog ropstva.


Andrej Glišić

Arhiva : : Jun 2004.

Pobeđuju samo oni koji se bore

U toku juna meseca odvija se intenzivna aktivnost Nove komunističke
partije Jugoslavije na reorganizaciji i jačanju postojećih i osnivanju
novih okružnih, opštinskih i mesnih organizacija. Paralelno sa tim vrše
se pripreme za pokrajinske i lokalne izbore u jesen 2004. godine.

* * *

Tročlana delegacija Sekretarijata NKPJ (B. Kitanović, A. Glišić i M.
Matevski) prisustvovala je sastanku Okružnog komiteta u Čačku i imala
nastup na javnoj tribini u ovom gradu. Branko Kitanović imao je
polučasovni intervju na lokalnoj televizijskoj stanici "Galaksija".

* * *

Na sastanku Okružnog komiteta NKPJ u Požarevcu prisustvovali su
Generalni sekretar Branko Kitanović, Operativni sekretar Branko
Ivanović i član Centralnog komiteta Slobodan Jovičić. Sednicom je
rukovodio sekretar OK, advokat Velilbor Stojković, a referat o
aktivnostima Partije i pripremi za naredne izbore podneo je
organizacioni sekretar Đorđe Junković.

NKPJ u ovom regionu ima, pored Požarevca, Velikog Gradišta, Petrovca na
Mlavi i Golupca organizacije u još 24 sela.

* * *

Branko Kitanović i član Sekretatijata Ljubisav Krunić posetili su
sredinom juna Lovćenac, Vrbas i Kulu i vodili razgovore s rukovodstvima
njihovih opštinskih organizacija NKPJ.

* * *

U subotu 19. juna u Novom Sadu je održana Pokrajinska konferencija
NKPJ. Uvodni referat podneo je Petar Šušnjar, sekretar NKPJ za
Vojvodinu i član Sekretarijata NKPJ.

Odlučeno je da se odmah pristupi pripremi za pokrajinske i lokalne
izbore o čemu su posebno govorili advokat iz Vrbasa Velimir Ninkov,
član Centralnog komiteta, Mića Grkinić sekretar NKPJ za Srem, Biljana
Knežević, sekretar Opštinskog komiteta u Staroj Pazovi i Andrej Glišić
član Sekretarijata NKPJ.

U dužem izlaganju Branko Kitanović je akcenat stavio na jačanje Partije
i osnivanje novih organizacija, kao i na ćorsokak u koji je našu zemlju
dovela prethodna dosovska i aktuelna vlast. Pristupanje NATO-u,
Partnerstvu za mir i Evropskoj Uniji značilo bi ulazak u tunel koji
nema izlaza.

* * *

U petak 25. juna 2004. godine NKPJ organizuje u svojoj sali (Beograd,
Nemanjina 34/III) promociju nove knjige


Knjiga na veoma ubedljiv način, preko autentičnih dokumenata, prikazuje
mehanizam kontrarevolucije iz 2000. godine. Podrobno su opisani izdaja,
kapitulanstvo i nesposobnost najuže okoline Slobodana Miloševića; način
na koji su Pavković i Koštunica obmanuli Miloševića o odluci Ustavnog
suda; spaljivanje Savezne Skupštine da bi se uništili dokazi o izbornoj
prevari; uloga stranih obaveštajnih službi; Milan Milutinović kao
glavni krivac za kapitulanstvo.

Ulaz slobodan. Početak u 18.00 časova.

* * *

NKPJ će zajedno sa Udruženjem Sloboda organizovati protesni miting na
beogradskom Trgu Republike u ponedeljak 28. juna u 17.00 časova.

Toga dana vazalna vlast DOS-a i tzv. crnogorske "Koalicije za
Jugoslaviju" na prevaru je izručila Slobodana Miloševića Haškom sudu,
koji predstavlja filijalu SAD, Engleske i Nemačke za obračun sa
Jugoslavijom i Srbijom.

NKPJ poziva sve svoje članove, simpatizere i ostale patriote da
učestvuju na mitingu. Okupljanje u 16.00 časova ispred sedišta NKPJ,
Nemanjina 34.

* * *

U subotu 3. jula u 11.00 časova, u sali NKPJ (Nemanjina 34/III),
počinje Godišnja konferencija Nove komunističke partije Jugoslavije.

Na Konferenciji će se, pored nekih idejnih i organizacionih pitanja,
razmotriti pripreme za naredne izbore i kongres NKPJ. Biće govora i o
aktivnosti Međunarodnog komunističkog pokreta.

* * *

Nova komunistička partija Jugoslavije organizovaće tradicionalnu
Svečanu akademiju u čast 7. jula sa političkim i umetničkim programom.
Pored ostalih, učestvovaće poznati operski, dramski i estradni
umetnici, kao i poznati folklorni ansambli.

Manifestacija će se održati u sredu 7. jula u Velikoj dvorani RU
"Veselin Masleša", ul. Generala Ždanova (sada Resavska) br.78. Početak
u 18.00 časova. Ulaz slobodan.

Pozivamo članstvo, simpatizere, borce i ostale patriote da prisustvuju
ovoj svečanosti.

Smrt fašizmu - sloboda narodu!


Sekretarijat NKPJ

Arhiva : : Jul 2004.

Godišnja Konferencija NKPJ

U Beogradu je održana Godišnja konferencija Nove komunističke partije
Jugoslavije. Prisustvovali su članovi Centralnog komiteta i delegati iz
svih krajeva naše zemlje. Uvodni referat podneo je Generalni sekretar
Branko Kitanović, a u diskusiji je učestvovalo šesnaest delegata.

Na Konferenciji je doneta odluka da se odmah pristupi pripremi za
učešće na izborima za poslanike u Skupštini Vojvodine i za lokalne
izbore u Srbiji.

Plenum je razmotrio situaciju u zemlji i u svetu, kao i u Međunarodnom
komunističkom pokretu.


Andrej Glišić
sekretar za informacije

Arhiva : : Jul 2004.

Svečana akademija u čast 7. jula

Nova komunistička partija Jugoslavije organizovala je Svečanu akademiju
u čast 7. jula - Dana ustanka u Srbiji. Proslava je održana u Velikoj
sali RU "Veselin Masleša" u Beogradu. U umetničkom delu programa
učestvovali su naši poznati dramski i estradni umetnici, kao i poznata
violinistkinja Tatjana Olujić. Nekoliko tačaka izveo je na harmonici
čuveni Toša Elezović. O značaju 7. jula govorio je sekretar SKOJ-a
Predrag Jeremić, Generalni sekretar NKPJ Branko Kitanović u svom
referatu duže se zadržao na veoma dramatičnoj i teškoj situaciji u
našoj zemlji, oštro kritikujući politiku prethodne i sadašnje vlade. On
se osvrnuo i na stanje u svetu, optužujući NATO da je vinovnik serije
agresija u mnogim delovima Zemljine kugle i da je glavna prepreka miru
i stabilnosti na planeti. Kitanović se oštro suprotstavio pokušajima
vlade da Jugoslaviju uključi u NATO i u Evropsku Uniju, koju je
okarakterisao kao novu tamnicu naroda. Kitanović se duže zadržao i na
objašnjavanju stanja u Međunarodnom komunističkom pokretu. Brojne
kritike politici aktuelne vlasti izrekao je i član Sekretarijata NKPJ
Dušan Tomović.


Andrej Glišić

Arhiva : : Jul 2004.

Počela predizborna kampanja NKPJ

Nova komunistička partija Jugoslavije otpočela je predizbornu kampanju
za lokalne izbore u Srbiji i izbore za Skupštinu Vojvodine. U petak 9.
jula 2004.g. Okružni komitet NKPJ za Srem organizovao je javnu tribinu
u Rumi na kojoj su govorili, pored ostalih, Branko Kitanović, Gen.
sekretar, Prvi sekretar NKPJ za Vojvodinu Petar Šušnjar, članovi
Sekretarijata Branko Ivanović i Veselin Nikolić. Tribinom je rukovodio
Mića Grkinić sekretar Okružnog komiteta.

Govornici su istakli da celokupna politika aktuelne vlasti vodi našu
zemlju u propast, da država sve više postaje vazalna i da standard
drastično opada. Oni su pozvali aktiviste da se maksimalno angažuju, da
u predizbornu kampanju uključe što veći broj članova i simpatizera
Partije, da propagiraju izborni progam NKPJ, posebno najnoviji Proglas
Partije i time omoguće dobre rezultate na lokalnim izborima i ulazak u
Skupštinu Vojvodine.

NKPJ će na izbore izaći zajedno sa Jugoslovenskim komunistima, pod
nazivom Blok komunista.


Andrej Glišić

Arhiva : : Jul 2004.

Sramna izjava ministra Davinića

Saopštnje Sekretarijata NKPJ

Na sednici Glavnog odbora G17, održanoj 17.jula, uz gromoglasne aplauze
prisutnih, ministar odbrane P. Davinić je izjavio : "U Evropu će nas
predvoditi jedan general i još četiri generala", misleći na Ratka
Mladića, Pavkovića, Lazarevića, Đorđevića i Lukića, koje traži Haška

Ovako sramnu izjavu mogao je da da samo čovek koji je pogazio vojničku
čast i kome bi pristajalo da bude ministar predaje, kapitulacije i
izdaje, a ne ministar odbrane. U slavnoj tradiciji našeg naroda je da
nikada agresoru nije predavao svoje heroje, koji su branili otadžbinu,
već ih je slavio, odlikovao, nagrađivao. Metanišući pred agresorom,
Davinić je požurio da preduhitri makar i formalno sprovođenje
predkrivičnog postupka, koji je obavezan čak i po tzv. "Zakonu o
saradnji sa Hagom", "zakonu" koji faktički predstavlja ozakonjenu

Davinić i svi koji učestvuju u trgovini s glavama naših patriota,
zaverom ćutanja izbegavaju odgovor na suštinsko pitanje : da li je NATO
izvršio 1999. g. zločinačku agresiju na SRJ i da li su albanski
teroristi, uz podršku NATO, izazvali oružanu pobunu na Kosmetu ?
Odnosno, da li zbog toga treba suditi šefovima država NATO i vođama
albanskih terorista ili kažnjavati one koji su na osnovu Ustava i
zakona branili našu otadžbinu.

Ali, vredi li razgovarati o vojničkoj časti, ponosu i moralu s onima
koji ljudski moral ne priznaju, a ponos nemaju ?

U Beogradu,

Aleksandar Jovanović