Stepinca proglašavaju za sveca
IZVOR: B92, TANJUG, VEČERNJE NOVOSTIBeograd, Zagreb -- Vatikan je zvanično potvrdio da će kardinal Alojzije Stepinac uskoro biti proglašen za sveca, pišu Večernje novosti.
Lo spettacolo è ora anche un libro per i tipi di
Davide Ghaleb Editore
a Civitavecchia, martedì 25 febbraio 2014
alle ore 10:30 presso il Teatro Traiano
in occasione della Giornata del Ricordo
a Vetralla (VT), Sabato 1 marzo 2014
alle ore 21 presso: MusicALcentro - Vicolo della Bucaccia
Drug Gojko (Compagno Gojko) narra, sottoforma di monologo, le vicende di Nello Marignoli, classe 1923, gommista viterbese, radiotelegrafista della Marina militare italiana sul fronte greco - albanese e, a seguito dell’8 settembre 1943, Combattente partigiano nell’Esercito popolare di liberazione jugoslavo. Lo spettacolo, che si avvale della testimonianza diretta di Marignoli, riguarda la storia locale, nazionale ed europea assieme, nel dramma individuale e collettivo della Seconda guerra mondiale. Una storia militare, civile e sociale, riassunta nei trascorsi di un artigiano, vulcanizzatore, del Novecento, rievocati con un innato stile narrativo, emozionante quanto privo di retorica. |
L’inizio è sul dragamine Rovigno: una croce uncinata issata al posto del tricolore. Il finale è l’abbraccio tra madre e figlio, finalmente ritrovati, nella città in macerie. |
Beograd, Zagreb -- Vatikan je zvanično potvrdio da će kardinal Alojzije Stepinac uskoro biti proglašen za sveca, pišu Večernje novosti.
Na misi u rimskoj crkvi svetog Jeronima kardinal Angelo Amato, prefekt Kongregacije za proglašavanje svetih, najavio je da će papa Franjo proglasiti Stepinca svetim, na osnovu nalaze lekarske komisije koja je potvrdila čudesna ozdravljenja od strane Stepinca.
Kardinal Amato održao je misu na godišnjicu smrti Alojzija Stepinca, koji je umro u Krašiću pre 54 godine.
Očekuje se da će sam papa Franjo veoma brzo javno da objavi datum kada će proglasiti Stepinca svetim, ali pre toga i kardinalski zbor treba da se složi sa dokumentacijom koju je prikupila vatikanska Kongregacija.
Očekuje se da će proglašenje Alojzija Stepinca svetim biti do kraja ove godine. I papa Jovan Pavle II biće proglašem svetim 27. aprila u Rimu, gde se očekuje dolazak nekoliko miliona vernika iz celog sveta.
Papa Benedikt XVI je u junu 2011. u Zagrebu rekao da se bivši zagrebački nadvbiskup Alojzije Stepinac zahvaljujući hrišćanskoj savesti odupirao totalitarizmu, a u vreme nacizma branio Jevreje i pravoslavce.
Zbog tih reči o Stepincu na račun pape stigle su brojne kritike u stranim medijima. Američka agencija AP navela je da je "Stepinac podržavao ustaše čija je okrutnost bila tako ekstremna da su uspeli da šokiraju i nacističke gazde".
"Papa je u pravu kada proklinje zločinačke ustaške vojne snage, ali nije u pravu kada odaje priznanje jednom od njihovih zagovarača", citirao je AP Elana Steniberga iz Američkog udruženja žrtava holokausta.
Austrijska novinska agencija APA i švajcarski mediji podsetili su, povodom posete pape Hrvatskoj, na masovna ubistva ustaškog režima tokom Drugog svetskog rata, posebno navodeći ulogu zapovednika Ante Pavelića, koji je vladao, kako ističu mediji, uz asistenciju Vatikana. Tako APA podsetila da je Pavelić, nakon Drugog svetskog rata, pobegao zahvaljujući pomoći Vatikana.
APA naglašava da se dokazi o sumnjivoj ulozi Stepinca mogu naći u dokumentaciji iz Drugog svetskog rata - i to ne iz arhive kasnijih komunističkih vlasti, već iz nemačkih i italijanskih arhiva - i dodaje da je bilo i franjevaca u ustaškim uniformama koji su zapovedali logorima srmti, kao u slučaju Miroslava Filipovića iz Jasenovca, koji je svojeručno ubijao.
APA je podsetila i da je "Enciklopedija Britanika" navela da je stravičnost masakra nad Srbima nadmašila samo masovno uništenje poljskih Jevreja u nacističkoj Nemačkoj. Vatikan je, kako ističe APA, bio detaljno informisan o događanjima u Hrvatskoj, a tokom vladavine ustaša uništeno je oko 300 pravoslavnih crkava, a 128 sveštenika zlostavljano i ubijeno.
I britanski javni servis BBC naveo je u svom izveštaju iz Zagreba da je papa posetio grob “kontroverznog kardinala iz Drugog svetskog rata”.
Takođe, Stepinca su jugoslovenske vlasti osudile da je sarađivao sa ustašama i Ante Pavelićem. Za njega se takođe pretpostavljalo da je znao za dešavanja u logoru Jasenovac, i pokrštavanje nekoliko hiljada Srba.
The Vatican has officially confirmed that Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac will soon be declared a saint.
Immediately upon the entering of the Germans in Zagreb, on April 10, 1941, Stepinac supported the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia (ISC), which was declared a state by the Ustasha (Croatian fascist movement), and in 1945, he fought for the preservation of the regime headed by Ustasha leader Ante Pavelic.
Budaj believes that a protest against sanctifying Stepinac, who took part in the creation and implementation of NDH ideas during World War II, needs to be made even at the cost of breaking off diplomatic relations with the Vatican.
“I hope that the Serbian Orthodox Church will react, since this particular decision made by the Vatican is also undermining the ecumenical relations between the two churches,” Budaj said, stressing that Israel and many Jewish institutions in the territory of the former Yugoslavia should react to this strongly and immediately.
It is not at all surprising that the new Pope Francis is proclaiming Stepinac a saint, as that road was mapped by the Catholic Church in Croatia immediately after the verdict against Stepinac had been delivered, said Budaj, who is also director of the Margel Institute, a Jewish NGO in Zagreb.
On October 11, 1946, Stepinac was found guilty of high treason and war crimes – for his relations with the Croatian Ustasha and collaboration with the occupation forces – and was sentenced to 16 years in prison.
In 1951, he was transferred to his native village of Krasic, where he spent the remainder of his life confined to his home parish until his death on February 10, 1960. As a sign of support, the Vatican awarded Stepinac the title of cardinal in 1952.
Budaj pointed out that already during his trial, the West and the Catholic world considered Stepinac to be a martyr and innocent victim of Communist persecution, that Stepinac has been made a cardinal while alive and beatified after death, and is now to be declared a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.
He would be the only saint to receive a high distinction from the Ustasha headman, and that while being the Archbishop of Zagreb, for a merit he earned as a helper of a fascist, criminal regime, Budaj said, adding that a report about it appeared in Narodne Novine, the official mouthpiece of the NDH.
“While Monsignor Svetozar Ritig, prebendary of the Zagreb Chapter (Kaptol), saw in Pavelic an evil in the making as early as in 1929, Stepinac wholeheartedly greeted and served Pavelic. Ritig has no street (named after him) in Zagreb, as he was an anti-fascist, while Stepinac has all the honors as a clerical fascist,” said Budaj.
Budaj said it is no big wonder that Stepinac will be canonized, as the Vatican was recognized as a state by fascist Benito Mussolini’s Lateran Treaty in 1929.
“I do not want to hear about Stepinac’s great merit in ‘saving’ Jews, because he was all the while drawing up in the official Catholic press Pavelic’s racial provisions by which the Jews were taken to concentration camps.
I do not want to hear about his efforts to save certain Serbs, because he was on the Committee of Three in charge of conversions to Catholicism and I do not want to hear about his being a martyr and saint because he left his own Catholic priests to be tortured by the Ustasha in Jasenovac (Ustasha concentration camp) just because they were under suspicion of being opponents of the regime,” Budaj said.
He pointed out that Stepinac never regretted over violent conversion of Serbs into Catholicism or over Jews being forcibly taken to be baptized, even though he knew it would not save them from being taken to the camp.
“He never repented his Catholic ‘baptized souls’ burning Jewish and Serbian churches, plundering around as wild hordes, raping and killing as crusader armies once did across the Holy Land,” Budaj said in an interview for SRNA news agency that was published in Banja Luka-based Nezavisne Novine.
He added that Stepinac knew about it all, but nevertheless bestowed blessings on the NDH and served it, even after its collapse, hiding Ustasha criminals, stolen Jewish gold and Ustasha state archive in the Zagreb Kaptol.
“To me, as a free man, Stepinac will never be a saint, as I am not bound by decisions of the Pope, nor have I lost my mind to believe in that fraudulent alchemy of miraculous transformation of a criminal into a saint,” said Budaj.
Zagreb - Saradnik Centra Simon Vizental Alen Budaj kaže da bivše zemlje SFRJ, posebno Srbija, moraju uložiti oštar protest zbog namjere da Alojzije Stepinac bude svetac.
Budaj smatra da diplomatski protest treba uložiti Vatikanu, čak i po cijenu da to dovede to prekida diplomatskih odnosa.
"Nadam se da će to učiniti i SPC, jer ova odluka Vatikana potkopava i ekumenske odnose dvije crkve", rekao je Budaj istakavši da bi i Izrael trebalo hitno i najoštrije da reaguje, kao i mnoge jevrejske institucije na području bivše SFRJ.
"Proglašenje svetim osobe koja je učestvovala u kreiranju i provođenju politike fašističke ustaške tvorevine Nezavisne Države Hrvatske (NDH) nije i neće dobiti priznanje pravednika među narodima Jad Vašema nikada", kaže Budaj, koji je i direktor jevrejske nevladine organizacije "Margelov institut" iz Zagreba.
Budaj napominje da se ne treba uopšte čuditi što novi papa Franja proglašava Stepinca svecem, jer je taj put zacrtala Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj odmah nakon presude Stepincu.
Zbog saradnje sa okupatorom i ustašama Stepinac je osuđen na 16 godina zatvorske kazne, ali je 1951. pušten u kućni pritvor u rodno selo Krašić, gdje je kao znak podrške Vatikana 1952. dobio zvanje kardinala i gdje je umro 10. februara 1960. od rijetke bolesti policitemije.
"On je već na suđenju za Zapad i katolike momentalno postao nevini mučenik jugoslovenskog komunističkog režima, proglašen kardinalom za života, nakon smrti blaženim, a evo uskoro i svecem Rimokatoličke crkve", podseća Budaj.
On naglašava da će to biti jedini svetac koji se za svoje zasluge jednom fašističkom zločinačkom režimu okitio visokim odlikovanjem ustaškog poglavnika i to kao zagrebački nadbiskup, a o tome su izvjestile "Narodne novine" kao službeno glasilo NDH.
"S druge strane, dok je kanonik zagrebačkog Kaptola monsinjor Svetozar Ritig još 1929. godine u (Ante) Paveliću video zlo koje se sprema, Stepinac je Pavelića obijeručke dočekao i služio mu. Ritig nema ulicu u Zagrebu, jer bio je antifašista, ali Stepinac ima sve počasti kao klerofašista", ističe Budaj.
On ponavlja da ne treba previše biti začuđen zbog kanonizacije Stepinca, jer Vatikan je 1929. Lateranskim ugovorima priznat kao država od fašiste Benita Musolinija.
"Ne želim slušati o velikim zaslugama Stepinca za "spašavanje" Jevreja, jer je istovremeno donosio u službenoj katoličkoj štampi Pavelićeve rasne odredbe po kojima su Jevreji odvođeni u logore.Ne želim slušati kako se zalagao za spas pojedinih Srba jer je bio u Odboru trojice za pokrštavanje i ne želim slušati da je bio mučenik i svetac jer je ostavio vlastite katoličke sveštenike da ih ustaše izmrcvare u Jasenovcu samo zato jer su bili pod sumnjom da su protivnici režima", navodi Budaj.
On podsjeća da se Stepinac nikad nije pokajao zbog toga što su Srbi pokatoličavani nasilno i što su Jevreji privođeni na krštenje, iako je znao da ih to neće spasiti logora.
"Nije se uopšte pokajao što su njegove katoličke "krštene duše" palile jevrejske i srpske hramove, pljačkale kao divlje horde, silovale i ubijale kao nekada krstaške vojske po Svetoj zemlji", kaže Budaj, prenijele su banjalučke "Nezavisne novine".
On navodi da je Stepinac sve to znao, ali je uprkos tome blagoslovio NDH i služio joj, čak i nakon njenog sloma, skrivajući na Kaptolu ustaške zločince, oteto jevrejsko zlato i ustašku državnu arhivu.
"Za mene, kao slobodnog čovjeka, on nikada neće biti svetac, jer me ne obavezuje papina odluka, niti me moj razum napustio pa da povjerujem u tu prevarantsku alhemiju čudesnog preobražaja zločinca u sveca", zaključuje Budaj.
Vatikan je zvanično potvrdio da će kardinal Alojzije Stepinac uskoro biti proglašen za sveca.
Stepinac je odmah po ulasku Nemaca u Zagreb 10. aprila 1941. podržao osnivanje NDH, pružao je podršku ustaškom režimu, a 1945. borio se za očuvanje tog režima.
DAL TESTO – “I due ascoltarono la sua storia, la verificarono con le informazioni che avevano raccolto e alla fine gli proposero di mettere la sua esperienza di corriere al servizio dell'organizzazione. Jarschel accettò, ebbe una paga e un passaporto a tutta prova e qualche giorno dopo partì per la sua prima missione a Genova: aveva «un messaggio delicato» da consegnare personalmente «a un tale Draganović». Per un anno Jarschel fece la spola fra Milano, Genova e Roma. Quando accompagnava personaggi tedeschi di riguardo la scorta era quasi sempre formata da ex ustascia, talvolta da qualche ex fascista. Nella primavera del 1947 Jarschel dovette lasciare Milano per motivi di sicurezza. Un sacerdote tedesco venne a prenderlo a San Cristoforo con una vecchia Fiat e lo portò «in un convento di Milano, adiacente alla chiesa di San Lorenzo, in piazza Vetra». La sera stessa, accompagnati dal prete tedesco, sette fuggiaschi vestiti da frati partirono in treno per Roma. Jarschel stette qualche tempo «in clausura» con altri camerati nel convento di monsignor Hudal a Santa Maria dell'Anima; dovette raccontare per iscritto tutta la sua storia nei minimi dettagli e restò un paio di settimane in «ritiro spirituale» sotto la guida di un gesuita tedesco. Superate le prove, con undici camerati Jarschel partì per il Medio Oriente, dove trovò un ingaggio come istruttore militare.
“Fra il 1945 e il 1948, lungo la stessa via percorsa da Jarschel - o con poche varianti - migliaia di fuggiaschi giunsero in Italia e ripartirono verso paesi lontani. I nazisti la chiamavano klosterweg, gli Ustascia put samostana, gli investigatori americani monastry-road, quelli italiani la strada dei conventi. A volte distinti per nazionalità, a volte mescolati nelle stesse comitive, tedeschi, austriaci, croati e collaborazionisti vari viaggiavano lungo la via dei conventi secondo piani prestabiliti dai tre principali artefici dell’esfiltrazione, l'ex colonnello delle SS Walter Rauff, monsignor Krunoslav Draganović e il vescovo austriaco Alois Hudal.”
GLI AUTORI – Pino Adriano, regista e giornalista televisivo, ha realizzato un centinaio di programmi per la RAI con particolare riguardo alla storia economica, sociale e politica del Novecento italiano. Ha scritto Corpi di reato. Quattro storie degli anni di piombo (2000), di cui è coautore Giorgio Cingolani, e L'intrigo di Berna (2010).
Giorgio Cingolani, storico e saggista, ha scritto Il Fermano negli anni '20 (1994), La destra in armi (1996) e, con Pino Adriano, Corpi di reato. Quattro storie degli anni di piombo(2000). Collabora a riviste di settore.
Zivadin Jovanovic
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, February, 2014.
15 years since NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro, Interview with David Stockinger, editor of „Werkstatt Blatt“, Austria
D.S: You are president of „Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals“. How and why was the Forum founded? What is the political character and the goals of this organization?
Z.J: In 2001, a group of independent minded intellectuals founded the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals as an independent, non-partisan, non-profit association. In fact, it was reaction to the NATO 1999 military aggression and subsequent October 5th, 2000 coup. We realized that it was the overture of global interventionism, overthrowing of legitimate governments, imposing rule of might instead of rule of law. Our objectives have been and still are: promotion of peace, freedom, law and justice, democratization of international relations, sovereign equality of countries, nations, and individuals. We stand for protection of human rights in their entirety – social, economic, cultural, educational, political and other rights as enshrined in the Universal UN Declaration on Protection of Human Rights. Our method is publishing books, articles, organizing conferences, round tables, press conferences. Forum is the member of World Peace Council (WPC) and maintains close cooperation with other organizations with similar orientation, on national and international levels.
On March 22nd and 23rd this year, Belgrade Forum organizes International Conference „Global Peace vs. global interventionism and imperialism“, on occasion of the 15th anniversary of NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY). Together with many friends, peace and solidarity activists, from all over the world, we will recall that this criminal act left about 4.000 dead and about 8.000 seriously wounded, that direct economic damage was valued at about 120 billion of US dollars, that destructive effects of missiles with depleted uranium continue to indefinitely cause so far unknown deceases, deformations and deaths. It will be opportunity to send from Belgrade the message that these crimes must not be repeated anywhere in the world.
D.S: 15 years ago NATO bombed SR Yugoslavia; 14 years ago there was a coup against socialist government of Slobodan Milosevic on 5.October 2000. In this time you have been Minister for foreign Affairs. From the 90-ies (until now) western medias and politicians created a hateful campaign against Serbia as „the evil of Europe“. Our organization „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich“ was very active in the anti-NATO demonstrations in 1999 and asked for solidarity with Yugoslavia. How do you see the development of SR Yugoslavia and later Serbia politically, economically and in foreign relations since October 5th, 2000?
Z.J: The Belgrade Forum is grateful to the friends of „Solidarwerkstatt Osterreich“, as well as to all other independent minded people in Austria and all over the world, for their moral support and solidarity with people of Yugoslavia who have been victims of the criminal military NATO aggression 15 years ago. Serbia and Serbs have been satanized by western media, portrayed as new Nazis. Why? So many lies have been produced to justify imperial and revanchist policies of certain western countries towards Serbia. Yugoslavia was abolished by EU/USA, Serbia and Serbian nation fragmented; economy ruined and handed over to multinational corporations. Officially present rate of unemployment is 25%, out of which about 50% are young people up to 30 years of age. Every day army of about 800.000 jobless grows for new 600 unemployed. At the same time employment in public (non-productive) services has been growing by 1.800 employs monthly believed to be loyalists of the ruling parties! Most probably, this has been part of preparations for the new extraordinary elections which have been just announced for mid March this year. Back, 15 years ago there were 9.000 employees in Serbian state administration. Today there are 30.000! Foreign debt of Serbia amounts today to over 30 billion euro, or 60% of GDP, 20% higher than officially acceptable. Serbia’s indebtedness is below red line. Rationalizing of bureaucratic apparatus and of public spending is almost unimaginable having in mind extent of party-racy in all spheres of public life.
All governments since 2000 have been described as pro-western but the revanchist anti-Serbian policy of the West has hardly changed. The West supports pro-western governments in Serbia (like everywhere) but definitely not pro-Serbian policies and interests. In 2008 Albanian leadership in Pristine, in fact, leadership of the former terrorist UCK, proclaimed unilateral, illegal independence of Serbian Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. NATO and EU member governments were first to recognize this unilateral and illegal act violating all basic principles of UN and OSCE Charters, Serbian constitution and UN SC resolution 1244. The so called „status neutral“ EULEX has been engaged in creating institutions of this phantom state and leading EU member states in creating and equipping (arming) its „security forces“. Today, same governments continue to blackmail Serbia to waive all rights to the Province of Kosovo and Metohija in exchange for the beginning of negotiations for membership in EU! Formally, Serbia is militarily neutral, but unilateral concessions to NATO, USA and EU, are beyond those provided to NATO by its full member countries!
I believe that Serbia should upgrade its formal neutrality to substantial and constitutionally defined. To achieve this, to secure balanced international position, it is necessary to expand bilateral relations with Russia, China, India, with countries all over the world, which support Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and which do not attach any political strings to economic or other fields of cooperation.
Serbia as a small peace loving country should not join NATO which is imperial, aggressive alliance. NATO records and objectives have nothing in common with Serbia’s records and objectives. Wherever intervenes, NATO leaves behind hundreds thousands dead, crippled, devastated economies and human environment, chaos, terrorism, ethnic and religious conflicts, fragmentation of states... Present situations in Afghanistan, Irk, Libya and elsewhere, mirror real aims of NATO’s its „humanitarian “and „democratic“ substance of its objectives.
So called “responsibility to protect” is a mere smoke curtain for leading powers of NATO to occupy and rob other countries of their wealth. Member countries, especially smaller ones, are there simply to provide mercenaries in service of imperial powers.
D.S.: The „International Court for Crimes in former Yugoslavia “in Den Haag is still working. President Milosevic an many other Serbs died there. Russian officials call for closing this court. In my point of view this court never had the task to determine the truth and ensure justice, but only to legitimize the policy of the Western powers against former Yugoslavia and Serbia. Is my assumption correct?
Z.J: Hague tribunal, in my opinion, has been a key tool of leading NATO governments to pass on responsibility for the destruction of Yugoslavia and for crimes committed during 1999 aggression, from NATO leaders as real culprits to Serbia and Serbs as victims. In a broader sense, it is a tool to impose obedience and dictatorship in international relations. Although established by UN SC it has been financed by private sectors, some Arab countries, Soros Foundation, among others.
In spite of the fact that civil wars in Bosnia and Croatia started by violent secessions led by the leaderships of those former Yugoslav Republics, supported by the leading NATO/EU countries, primarily by governments of Germany, Great Britain and USA, Serbia (FRY) was accused for apparent aggression. UN SR for Bosnia Yasushi Akashi reported in May 1992 that there was no evidence of Yugoslav Army’s presence in Bosnia. He noted, however, that there was sufficient evidence of Croatian troops present in Bosnia and involved in armed clashes there. This report, however, reached Security Council members only after the most severe UN sanctions were imposed on Serbia (FRY). Akashi’s report was, apparently, mishandled by UN administration (“administrative mistake“). Only Serbian top political and military leaderships have been tried by Hague tribunal. Many of them, as you mentioned, died in Hague before reaching the end of trials, including former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
Serbian politician Vojislav Seselj spent, up to now, full 11 years in Hague prison and his hearing has not as yet been finished!? Actually, it is questionable if it will ever be concluded. Two weeks ago it was announced that Seselj got a cancer and that now is undergoing chemotherapy!
Hague tribunal had refused to investigate the cases of NATO crimes against peace and stability, against civilians, human environment and many others. The documentation on human organ trafficking in Kosovo and Metohija officially submitted to the Tribunal had been destroyed! Following the imitative of the Swiss lawyer and MP Dick Marty, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted report and resolution demanding through investigation. Report indicated involvement of Hashim Tachi, among others, in human organs trafficking. There have not been either results, or signs of political will to pursue the investigation. Instead, there was initiative from influential circle in Washington to award Hashim Tachi with Nobel Prize for Peace! Croatian generals accused of ethnic cleansing and indiscriminate killing of Serbs in 1995, have been acquitted by Hague Tribunal! Ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Serbs from Croatia and massive killing of Serbian civilians while taking refuge from Croatia are not worth of being sanctioned! Is it, really, just a „double standards justice“? Or „winner’s justice“? Or, it is a shame of the civilization we happen to live in?
D.S: Since 2012 Serbia has a new government. Same forces like before 5.Oct. 2000 are back in power again. Obviously Serbian people were sick of „Democratic Party“- governments and former president Boris Tadic. On the other side the current government describes „European Integrations“ as one of their priorities. Are there changes in daily policy compared with the western pushed neoliberal „Democrats“? What is the role of SPS, your former party, especially?
Z.J: All the time since so called „democratic changes “of October 2000, whoever wins elections, governments have been formed by western power centers. Serbian democracy has “genetic” error. It was prepared by „Stelt“ bombers, „Tomahawks “and cursing and depleted uranium missiles, cluster, graphite and other bombes. Effects of „humanitarian“ and „smart“ achievements are still visible through the ruins in the center of Belgrade and felt in functioning of „democracy“ amassing unemployment, malnutrition, the worst health services… Democracy installed by tens if not hundreds of millions of US dollars, Deutche marks, British Pounds, Norwegian Crowns, reinforced by „independent“ mass-medias and by hundreds of foreign financed so called NGO-s, has been „changes-proved“. So far.
D.S.: In April 2013 Serbia and separatist Kosovo-Albanian authorities in Pristina signed the „Brussels Agreement“ on the „Normalization of the relations between Belgrade and Pristine“. In autumn there were regional elections in the province, which were not boycotted by Belgrade for the first time, but on the other side Kosovo-Serbs in big number ignored those elections. Is there a rift now between Kosovo-Serbs because of the stance of Belgrade authorities? Do you think that the Kosovo issue is and will be a „frozen conflict“ for the next decades?
Z.J: So called Brussels Agreement on principles of normalization, is a dictate to Serbia to relinquish herself of the chunk of state territory - of Kosovo and Metohija. It is not agreement because Serbia was blackmailed, threatened to be once again isolated and remaining Serbs expelled. It is not a compromise because Serbia and 120.000 Serbs in the Province got nothing in exchange for accepting „reintegration“ in phantom „Republic of Kosovo“, except two promises: one, that negotiations for membership in EU will start in January 2014; and two, that remaining Serbs in the Province, for the time being, may not be ethnically cleansed, as it has been the case of their 250.000 compatriots who still, 15 years after, are not permitted to return to their homes in the Province.
Brussels so called negotiations was yet another Anglo-American-German made formula to take the problem out of hands of UN Security Council, thus neutralizing Russia’s and China’s support to Serbia and to push aside UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) which provides guaranties of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija within the state of Serbia. Essentially, „negotiations“ have been staged as the way to formalize achievement of the objective of NATO 1999 aggression. To legalize usurpation of the state territory with Serbia’s consent, signature and seal.
This cannot be lasting solution: it is not a compromise, but dictate; it is contrary to the basic principles of international law enshrined in the UN and Helsinki Charters; it is contrary to the legitimate vital interests and Constitution of Serbia; it is violation of the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) binding all members of UN; manipulation to isolate Russia (and China) from supporting Serbia and taking part in finding compromise for the problem wherein Russia obviously has interest, is unwise and shortsighted policy; EU is in long term crises, its foreign and security policy has no perspective if based on dictates and methods of colonial periods, especially with the view of multipolarization of the world relations.
D.S.: What is your opinion about the relations between Serbia and other former Ex-YU countries?
Z.J: Relations with the former Yugoslav Republics and with all neighboring countries should be top priority. To be sound and stable these relations must be strictly based on the principles of reciprocity, non-interference, open borders, and full respect of the rights of national minority. The fact that some neighbors are members of EU and NATO, should not limit our cooperation which, naturally, has many economic, infrastructural, cultural and other advantages.
Serious problem in relations with Croatia is continued discrimination of Serbs, political obstacles for free and safe return of Serbian refugees, unpaid compensation for the property to those who do not wish to returns and, particularly as of late, revival of ustashi-fascist anti-Serbian atmosphere in Croatia. Under Dayton Peace Agreement Serbia have established special parallel relations with Republica Srpska. These relations should be further developed and not treated by anybody as detrimental to the relations with the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia should stay widely opened for cooperation with Sarajevo wherever Sarajevo shows interest. With one exception only – not in revising the Dayton Peace Agreement and making unitary state under domination of Moslems (Bosnians).
Serbia being guarantor of the Deyton Agreement, should support Bosnia and Herzegovina as union of three equal, constituent peoples (Serbs, Bosnians and Croats) and two equal entities (Republica Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Ideas of majorization in Sarajevo‘s institutions, apparently, in the interest of „functional state“, would be, not only blatant violation of Dayton, but step towards renewed conflicts. Nobody should expect Belgrade to exercise pressure over the present leadership of Republica Srpska to relinquish constitutional rights and responsibilities of Republica Srpska as defined in Dayton, in order to please expectations of either Sarajevo, or Brussels and Washington.
D.S: It is obvious that Russia and China become more and more important for the Balkan region. Are those countries and the countries of Eurasian Community an alternative to EU integrations for Serbia? Furthermore Russia and China are traditional political allies of Serbia. Do you think that will be the basis for further and deeper development of cooperation?
Z.J: Let me say firstly, that Russia and China are unavoidable powers in world relations. Recent developments in the world, especially in Europe, Middle and Far East have shown, their influence is growing. The future World order is unimaginable without respecting new distribution of power based on growing economic, political and military strength of Russia, China and some new integrations. It is clear that the world economic crisis cannot be resolved without these two powers, without BRICS and G-20. Processes in solving such crises as, for example, over Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, now Ukraine, could hardly move ahead without direct participation of Russia and in many cases, China.
Serbia has traditionally good and friendly relations with both countries. This has been formalized and reaffirmed by signature of documents of strategic partnerships with them. Russia, for example, has devised about five billions US dollars for investments in Serbia in the next three years. These investments will improve modernization of infrastructure, sector of energy, petro-chemical industry. Russia is financing construction of the gas pipe-line „South Stream“ through Serbia which is important for the country’s long term energy-security, but this project adds new quality to geopolitical relevance of Serbia as a transiting and cross-roads (pipe-lines) country. China is also involved in construction of strategically important projects like bridges (Danube), thermo-electric power production, highways and so on. At the recent China – South- East Europe regional Summit in Bucharest, Serbia was treated as highest ranking market for Chinese investments.
Some countries and their regional integrations which have been addicted to monopoly and privileges in less developed countries, have to accommodate to the new realities because Russia and China have become favorable economic and political partners in many countries without political strings. If not, Europe and the World will be faced with tensions, new divisions and even, confrontations. If NATO, for example, as relic of the Cold War era, is not dissolved, if its self proclaimed right to interventions, in fact, aggressive wars contrary to UN Charter and international law, is not abounded, the world will again be faced with new military blocks, arms race - with new serious risks and threats to peace and stability. Europe and the world do not need this.
D.S: European Union sees itself as a new superpower. On the other side EU is in the deepest economic crisis ever. Southern periphery countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain etc. are „re-colonized“ by EU-German fiscal policy. Furthermore we see an increasing militarization of EU sometimes in cooperation with, sometimes autonomic to NATO. Organization „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich“ criticizes EU and asks for a sovereign, neutral, peaceful and social-orientated way of development of Austria. Do you think that is possible, do you think that there is no alternative to EU integrations also for Serbia or it is only propaganda and dogma of the elites?
Z.J: EU highly paid autocracy is hardly objective. They tend to imitate US imperial manners and methods. The fact is that the world crisis has hit EU and USA the most. But it is very risky and dangerous if USA, NATO and EU adopt a policy of transferring the burden of the crises, to other countries, by military means. After all, financial and economic crisis is the baby of their own neoliberal system. Looking for cheap energy, cheap strategic minerals, large markets and strategic communications have reached limits. The time has come to adapt to these limits and not to imitate superpowers, be it by military or financial means.
Any serious country should have alternatives, Serbia included. EU as the only alternative is not advisable. Especially not in the period of fast and profound changes in the world relations. EU does not have record of understanding Serbia’s legitimate interests, even less in supporting Serbia on international scene. Just the opposite. The roles and „impartiality“ of Genschner, Solana, Fischer, Badinter, Petrich, Ahtisari should not be forgotten. Pursuing the policy of „the only alternative“ would be like voluntarily accepting to live with closed ayes, in semi-dreaming state, or even to voluntarily put a stronghold over own neck.
I am convinced that Serbia should stay neutral developing balanced relations with all countries and integrations which accept Serbia as a real partner, who respect its legitimate interest and dignity, according to universal principles.
Serbia needs other partners so much as they need Serbia. Not less, not more. This should be leading approach of Serbia’s foreign policy. But, Serbia has to be responsible towards own potentials - economic, human, natural, cultural, geo-political. To be accepted and respected on equal footing abroad, there is great need to move forward these potentials.
Aggressive NATO with imperial strategy is not a place for peace-loving Serbia. It is better for Serbia to have good neighborly relations with EU than to pay EU membership by accepting dictate and relinquishing own rights towards Kosovo and Metohija as integral part of the state territory. Safeguarding normal relations with all neighbors, including EU, Serbia should more actively expand its relations with Russia, China, India, Brazil, with Asia, Latin America, Africa, with all nonaligned countries. I believe that this is appropriate way for Serbia to, once again, become very prosperous country in economy, ethnology, science, culture, living standard of its citizens. Anyway, there are much better ways to earn and secure decent living, than to render mercenaries to NATO and participate in robbing other countries of their natural and economic richness.
D.S: What is your view for the future regarding relations between Austria and Serbia. Do you think that a cooperation between organizations like „Belgrade Forum“ and „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich“ would be wise for our common struggle against war and imperialism and for souverainism and for a social-orientated welfare state?
Z.J: Serbia and Austria have tradition of fruitful economic, scientific and cultural cooperation. Danube and tens of thousands of Serbs living and working in Austria make Serbia and Austria close, neighboring countries. In the past, the two countries were closely cooperating within European group of nonaligned and neutral countries rendering important contribution to peace and stability process in our continent. We do not need intermediates in investment, or commerce. Austria with its high technology and knowhow, both in industry and agriculture, can play even stronger role in Serbia’s development policy. Two countries can promote joint involvement in third countries, especially in Africa. They should also exchange experiences in maintaining neutrality, which I believe, will be even more relevant in period of profound changes in Euro-Asia and the World.
Sei anni fa, il 17 febbraio del 2008, il Kosovo proclamava in modo unilaterale la sua indipendenza dalla Serbia. Oggi il Paese è riconosciuto come Stato indipendente da 23 dei 28 membri dell'Unione Europea e dallo scorso anno si sono aperti i negoziati per la ratifica dell'accordo di stabilizzazione e associazione con l'Unione Europea, prerequisito per entrare nella comunità. Massimiliano Menichetti ha raccolto il commento di Matteo Tacconi esperto dell’area: 00:04:16:92
R. - Il Kosovo è un Paese che ancora stenta a trovare una sua fisionomia sia a livello diplomatico, perché non è ancora membro dell’Onu - permane il veto della Russia e della Cina - e sia perché la sua economia non funziona. A questo proposito, c’è stato un calo delle rimesse durante questi anni di crisi, il Kosovo poi è legato mani e piedi alle donazioni e agli investimenti occidentali - anche qui il flusso si è ridotto - fermo restando che poi rimangono i problemi strutturali come l’assenza di una rete di piccole, medie e grandi imprese, il problema della corruzione … Poi, però, tante cose sono cambiate in positivo, ci sono stati dei progressi: il più importante, senz’altro, è quello recente che riguarda il dialogo con la Serbia e il tentativo di sbloccare - almeno parzialmente - i problemi che ci sono nella parte nord del Kosovo, quella a maggioranza serba.
D. - Qui permangono, di fatto, due realtà …
R. – La zona era, ed ancora lo è in parte, controllata dalla Serbia tramite le cosiddette istituzioni parallele: giustizia, polizia, dogane, scuola, moneta. Il Kosovo, di fatto, non esercita sovranità. Però recentemente ci sono stati degli accordi, mediati dall’Unione Europea, in base ai quali si è arrivato ad un tentativo di edulcorare un po’ questo status quo, renderlo un po’ più leggero. La Serbia ha parzialmente smantellato le sue istituzioni parallele, soprattutto per quanto riguarda giustizia e polizia. Di fatto, queste strutture passano sotto il controllo amministrativo del governo kosovaro.
D. - La situazione però in quella striscia di Kosovo rimane tesa …
R. - Più che dal Kosovo, che comunque dovrà dimostrare una volontà di dialogare ed integrare la minoranza serba, dipende dalla Serbia: i serbi del Kosovo sono disposti a questo compromesso accettando quello che la loro madrepatria, Belgrado, ha negoziato? Finora è sembrato di no. Però, se la situazione continua ad essere la stessa, questa potrà tornare ad essere incandescente; e in parte si è già visto alle recenti elezioni amministrative in quell’area di Kosovo, elezioni segnate anche da violenze, che la situazione è tutt’altro che stabilizzata.
D. - Proprio per quanto riguarda le elezioni terminate a dicembre, l’opposizione ha rovesciato molti sindaci delle forze di governo in numerose amministrazioni …
R. - Il governo di Hashim Thaçi, in carica da diversi anni, fisiologicamente sta registrando un calo del proprio consenso e, anche a livello internazionale, non è più sostenuto come lo era fino a qualche tempo fa, perché comunque è un governo che ha dimostrato di non essere del tutto trasparente.
D. - Lo scorso anno si sono aperti i negoziati per la ratifica dell’accordo di stabilizzazione e associazione con l’Unione Europea. Che cosa significa questo per il Paese?
R. - Potrebbe significare molto, perché questi accordi sono il primo passo per un approfondimento delle relazioni con l’Europa. Significa: fondi europei, accordi sulle dogane, visti per l’espatrio concessi in maniera molto più fluida, e questa è la cosa più importante per il Kosovo. Non dobbiamo dimenticare che in Kosovo c’è una disoccupazione altissima, soprattutto tra i giovani, cosa che, potenzialmente, rappresenta una miccia sociale sempre accesa.
D. - Quindici anni fa il sanguinoso conflitto per l’indipendenza dalla Serbia. Un Paese piccolo ma che spesso è al centro delle attenzioni internazionali …
R. - La Serbia è il Paese di riferimento del Sud-Est europeo. Quindi se i suoi rapporti con il Kosovo sono conflittuali, si possono radicalizzare alcuni conflitti “etnici” e non solo, come nel caso della Macedonia, dove c’è un rapporto difficile tra la maggioranza slava e la minoranza albanese, come il caso della Bosnia – lo abbiamo visto nei giorni scorsi – dove c’è stata una serie di proteste contro l’élite politica: la Bosnia è un Paese che presenta una tripartizione dal punto di vista etnico-culturale. La Serbia è quindi il Paese chiave: più questo Paese riuscirà ad amalgamarsi in uno scenario europeo, più fluida sarà la situazione nei Balcani. Poi bisogna dire che la Serbia, nelle ultime settimane, ha aperto i negoziati di adesione con l’Unione Europea. In teoria una strada è stata imboccata e questo potrà avere delle ripercussioni positive su tutta la Regione.
di Luciana Castellina
su Il Manifesto del 19/02/2008
by Willy Wimmer, retired State Secretary of the Federal Ministery of Defence
Denying the responsibility for the caused disaster, and refusing the necessary reparation is a prominent feature of the NATO countries’ law of the jungle.
To this day, the mixture of lies, threats, and the willingness to pursue power politics in violation of any law defines the policies of the NATO countries. That will only come to an end, if more forces will support, what Willy Wimmer demands: putting an end to the law of the jungle and a renewed commitment to international law.
Those who, in violation of applicable international law and in a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, used the NATO military machine against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 28 March 1999, driven by their mere political and especially economic power, want to enforce the acceptance of their aggression’s
consequences by those who were attacked. Their purpose is to achieve a delayed and subsequent legitimation of their bellicose aggression. In this effort they even willingly accept to compel certain NATO and EU Member States, who are particularly affected by the extorted resolution of disputes concerning the territory of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. What they demand from the aggression’s victims on the territory of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, strikes at the very heart of certain NATO and EU Member States and is sowing new
In order to avoid any doubt on the occasion of the 15th NATO-war anniversary against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: to consider a domestic threat to NATO and the EU, to even commence a still refused relentless investigation of this war by all parliaments of NATO and the EU, are not at all sufficient. Who, if not those who, in violation of applicable international law, did wage a crude war of aggression against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, should be punished by the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague? Who, if not those who, in violation
of applicable international law, did wage war against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, must restore the Republic‘ s status as it had existed before the outbreak of this war?
Who, if not those who, in violation of international law, have invaded a United Nations Member State in peace-time, must provide compensation for the damages to life and limb and infrastructure that were caused by their acts of aggression?
The damages to life and limb are sufficiently known. Estimates of the extent of damage to infrastructure as well. Damages caused by using uranous munition can only be estimated.
• Approximately 4,000 people have lost their lives as a result of the NATO aggression.
• About 10,000 people were among those injured as a result of the NATO aggression.
• The amount of damage to any form of infrastructure is over 100 billion dollars.
Today, it is clearer than ever, what led to this European disaster, for the war against the former Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia is nothing else. Europe was full of hope, when the consequences of 1945 seemed to have been
overcome with the national unification of Germany in 1990. Above all, the Soviet Union and the United States of America stood for the success of the Helsinki process.
The Helsinki Charter of 1975 did not only help to overcome the division of Germany and thus of Europe. The peoples of Europe could breathe again, and they cherished the well-founded hope to see that even the long-term consequences of the alleged peace conferences at the end of the First World War were solved by the scales and diplomatic means of the so-called Helsinki process.
Together with Mikhail Gorbachev – and as a close friend of George W. Bush – Helmut Kohl wanted to open a new
chapter in the German-Russian history of the 20th century, which had been determined by immense suffering. He
also had in mind this target with respect to the relations between the Germans and Serbs. At the same time he had in
mind the history since 1914. Only this way you can understand that he had already scheduled a visit to Belgrade in
the summer of 1999, and immediately after the completion of the internationally illegal war against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Honorary Citizen of Europe, Helmut Kohl in Belgrade – and that, after the NATO bombs had wiped out not only lives in Belgrade – it would have been a visible sign that there had existed – and still exists – a different Europe than a Europe of aggression. It is part of the tragedy of those years that it had been Henry Kissinger of all people, the so highly esteemed Henry Kissinger who – after Helsinki and its successes
– had not called for the further development of the valid international law, but had championed the destruction and
elimination of international law that had continuously been developed since the Thirty Years’ War and even before, and that his own government had followed him on this path. The law of the jungle – the power of the strongest – was to set the tone, exercised by the „indispensable nation“ as Mrs Albright had postulated. Not only that henceforth no peace dividend should be paid any longer in Europe and other parts of the world after the end of the Cold War; a war in Europe, in total disregard of international law, was the rejection of international law and the postulated
return to the law of the jungle that had always brought nothing but misery to the people.
It is now – after the wars against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia up to the war against Iraq – almost general understanding that there is no end of history, but there is a limitation to the time of the ruling fist law, such as the international treaties on the Syrian chemical weapons or the interim agreement with Iran demonstrate. Here we must understand that a number of questions from the period between Belgrade and Tehran shine through and demand
our answer:
1. Where were the United States as the haven of freedom and justice in the period from 1999 to 2013?
2. Can there be a prosperous world with international law as the backbone of the international community, without a
Russia that is capable of acting?
3. Is Europe more than the brat, with which everyone do as he likes? •
(Current Concerns, No 1, 26 January 2014)
Original-text of the interview with
Interviewer: I think you did a lot of research about the radiation, even when it is a low radiation where usually it is said: “Don’t worry, no problem at all”. What have you found out about the effects of low radiation in the long run?
Bertell: Well, my background is as a researcher. And I started by studying the effects
of medical diagnostics x-ray, dental x-ray and chest x-ray. We had a huge population that was
followed over three years. So we had about 64 million person years in the study, it is very big.
If you have a big population like that and you have measurable x-ray exposures, you can see
what happens in the population. I am coming from looking at medical x-rays, and then seeing
environmental pollution as bigger. With many other researchers studied the atomic bomb and
they go down to these low levels and I said: Oh it´s not anything! So a lot depends on your
perspective. So when you look at a large population and you start saying and you ask what
happens when they were exposed to radiation, I think generally the question has been wrong.
People ask: How many cancers does it cost. I don’t think that is the answer. Because if you
look at live in general, the most obvious thing is we grow old. And we grow old in a kind of
systematic way and even the cancers are old age diseases. So what I did was to change the
question. And I said: How much medical x-ray would you need to be exposed to so that you
get the equivalent of one year of natural aging. That is a very different research question. In
order to measure natural aging I use the non-lymphatic leukaemia. They go up in a large
population like compound interest, ranging from about age 15 every year there is a 3% to 4 %
increase in the rate of the non-lymphatic leukaemia. It is just when you have money in the
bank that interest is not very big when you are 16 or 20 years old, but by the time you get to
60 that is a large amount of money, it is also a large rate of this cancer. That is why they come
at the end.
So I used that as my measuring stick and asked: how much medical x-ray would be
the equivalent? I actually measured the aging effect of having dental x-rays or chest x-ray.
What was surprising to me: It’s the same amount as you would get background in a year. So it
didn’t make any difference if you got that radiation exposure very fast, because you got a
chest x-ray or whether you had it slowly over a year. You still in terms of vulnerability you
were aged. What that means then practically: If you are in your 20s or 30s and you have an
accident and need extensive x-rays probably you won’t feel much in terms of the difference.
However if you are vulnerable like 60, 70 years old, the annual level of what you experience,
you will experience more vulnerability from the x-rays because it is a percentage and a higher
rate if incidents. So you are more vulnerable as you get older.
And so I started looking at young people who got leukaemia and I mean the cases
under 45 years of age. And I found within certain groups they are something like six times as
likely to get leukaemia in that younger age group. And if you have young people with things
like diabetes arthritis, often we associate them with old age. There it is 12 times as likely to be
in a young group to have leukaemia. So there are some signals to us that a person is
prematurely aged and those people are more vulnerable to radiation exposure. It’s like they
have already moved further on the list. And it’s not exactly medical x-ray, because for
example with people who have heart-disease, some are treated more aggressively with respect
to x-ray. Some people with heart-disease are x-rayed every year. Other have an x-ray may be
five or six years and it was the once who had the x-rays more frequently that came up with the
leukaemia. So I started moving people at the age line according to their own personal record
of medical diagnostic x-ray. And it explains very many biological phenomena. There seems to
be a whole lot of aging processes connected with this.
One of the most remarkable things is very often in radiation studies that men and
women radiation measurements are different. I put them on the exposure age which was your
ordinary age plus your medical exposure. When I did them with exposure age many women
were the same and I found that it had much to do with the cultural difference in the use of xrays.
Many young men had x-rays because of sports. They had all these sport injuries. Women
don’t start to get x-rays until they are pregnant. And then it is mostly dental. And then you get
to the midlife-crisis. So where is a difference in the way we treat men and women and boys
and girls with x-rays.
Interviewer: Could this relate also to this kind of radioactive radiation which we have through atomic testing or Chernobyl?
Bertell: When we get into the nuclear industry whether it is uranium mining or milling
or the reactors or use of weapons or even the radioactive waste, you are into particular
radiation which we can either breathe in or take in in water and food. It can stay in the body
and differentially expose some organs and not other organs. So, you get these small amounts
of radiation operating in the body, and you get what I would call „differential aging“. So
many of the problems we see come from who long this material stays in the body and where it
Interviewer: So would you say these general reactions of the governments if there is any accident that there is no danger for the citizens, that this is basically wrong?
Bertell: It is basically wrong. It is basically wrong because this particles release energy.
The DNA that carries all your genetic material or the RNA which are the messenger
molecules which run our body, which make our body work. So we have to ask: how much
energy will it take to break them? It only takes 6 to 10 electron-volts of energy to break these
big molecules. If you take something like uranium, which is not considered very radioactive,
just one atom and one event releasing an alpha-particle is over 4 million electron-volts. You
cannot release that in tissue that is living and not do damage. So when you talk probabilities,
you are moving from the fact that you break DNA, you break RNA, you can destroy the
membrane of a cell, you can break things like the mitochondria that can do the energy of the
You can say, we do not care about all the damage, we only care if this damage leads to a
fatal cancer. So that is the only one will count. You can start making the probability smaller if
you make the end point more particular and say: I don´t care if I get diabetes, I don´t care if
my immune system is down, I don´t care for all these other things.
Interviewer: Iraq DU (Depleted Uranium) Can you say something about DU in weapons as they were used during the Iraq war?
Bertell: Depleted uranium is the waste from the uranium enrichment process, which is a
process needed both for a nuclear reactor and for nuclear weapons. In term for the United
States the greatest amount of waste is depleted uranium. If it is radioactive, it requires a
licence to be able to even handle it. And when they do the tests of these weapons in the
United States they do it in a superbox, which is totally sealed, in the same way they would
experiment with biological warfare, chemical warfare agents. So it is a level for high
protection for even to test it.
It is chemical warfare, because uranium is a heavy metal, a very toxic heavy metal, and
it is also radiological warfare, because these things are radioactive. Something special
happens to it in the field. It is not just like radioactive dust in a mine or a mill. Because if you
put it in a bullet or a missile and it hits the target this friction is enough to set it on fire and it
goes to very high temperature. What happens is it forms an aerosol, which is ceramic or glass.
It is like pottery and putting it in an oven it becomes ceramic. So what you have are very
small particles of glass which are radioactive, which can be breathed, which are light, so they
can move a great distance from the point of impact. It is easily measured 40 kilometers from
Because of being glass they are highly insoluble in water and that is very important,
because it means they stay in the body longer. To understand that: If you sit in the sun for 15
minutes is not same as if you sit there for 12 hours. So if you take very soluble uranium it can
pass through the body in 12 hours and be gone. Some of the more insoluble may take to years.
But this stuff looks like it is taking 10 years or more. So right now the veterans from the gulf
war – they were exposed in 1991, this is 1999 (in the research) and they are still excreting
between 4 and 5 microgram of this depleted uranium every day in urine. That is totally
unacceptable. It is no wonder they have medical problems. It does damage to the blood, the
bone, the lever, the spleen, the lymph-knots, the kidney. You got this material which is
radioactive inside the body for nine years, ten years. That is why you are dealing with such a
massive and such a mysterious kind of medical syndrome.
According to the Pentagon 400.000 of the American veterans where exposed with
depleted uranium: on the map is the whole southern part of Iraq. So you had 400.000 exposed.
They say 200.000 have sought medical care through the veterans-administrations since they
are home. Of that a 115.000 have been diagnosed with gulf war syndrome, which means these
man are unable to work. Many have died. I have had various estimates that the number of
those that have died reaches upwards 8000 to 10.000. The others can’t work. They have
chronic fetite (fatigue?), vomiting, blinding, headache, inability to sleep, respiratory
problems, various kinds of pain, cramps – just general disability. They also had an abnormal
number of deformed children. And this depleted uranium has been found in seminal fluid. So
it is a very serious problem. If I have to say how much of the gulf syndrome would be due to
depleted uranium, I would guess about 50% of the damage. (.....)
What they like about the uranium is it is free. They get it free because it is radioactive
waste. And it saves the company money because they would have to properly keep it away
from the biosphere. They like it because it is free. (...) 600) It is very much like landmines,
because it will continue to kill long after the war is over. It differentially will kill the women
and the children, because women have high risk tissue, breast and uterine tissue which are
more radiation sensitive. Children are growing so they incorporate more in bones and will
have the long term cancer effects. It is also a violation of the international law because it has
very broad pollution effect that will go across national boundaries. It also makes the
„precision-bombing“ lutecrice (ridiculous?). It is not precision bombing. And I think it also
undermines NATO’s claim of this being a humanitarian war, because what they are doing it
terms of poisoning the land and the people and the water and the food is certainly not
humanitarian. So it is a complete contradiction to everything they claim to be standing for.
I understand from international lawyers that we do not even need a new convention for
it, it is already condemned under international law. The opinion of the human rights tribunal
in Geneva (it is in Strasbourg) is that it is a weapon of „mass and indiscriminate destruction
and therefore it is unlawful“. The United Nations has appointed a reporter for this issue and
they are going to present their brief in August this summer. The World Health Organisation is
trying to set up an Investigative Committee to look at Iraq´s claim, because they now have six
times the rate of childhood cancer and some of the Iraqi Veterans, that were exposed now
have between five and six times the lymphomia and leukaemia rate of veterans that where not
exposed. So the World Health Organisation has asked for funding and volunteers and wants to
do a three year study in Iraq. All of that supportive information is not in, but it is already clear
that it violates the international laws and it certainly violates the public relations material
coming out on this war.
Interviewer: …Severe consequence for future generations?
Bertell: It will have consequences. I have done a lot of work on the Marshall Islands where
they got the fallout from the weapon testing. And the Rongalap people are people that are
dying out, that whole clan.
Interviewer: …Marshall Islands- example
Bertell: It increases infertility and inability to have children. They went for about five
years without even being able to get pregnant. Then they started having spontaneous
abortions, what they call jelly-fish-babies. It is a pregnancy of something like a tumour, a
child is not formed. It is a molar pregnancy. Then they started having deformed birth. But the
birth rate is dramatically down at this whole clan of people and there next generation is
physically less fit. Their birth rate is down, they die younger, in the 30s and 40s. So it is
obvious that this whole line of people is dying, it is not going to survive. What I think we are
doing is that our generation is making a decision on how many future generations there will
be. How much in shorted depends on how careless we are. So we already shortened future
generations because whenever you introduce genetic defect then this line will eventually die
out. But some will go two generations, some will go seven generation.
When you are talking about constant low radiation exposure, what you are doing is
introducing mistakes into the gene-pool. And those mistakes will eventually turn up by killing
that line, that cell line, that species line. The amount of damage determines whether this
happens in two generations or in seven generations or 10 generations. So what we are doing
by introducing more mistakes into the DNA or the Gene pool is we are shortening the number
of generations that will be viable on the planet.
We have shortened the number of generations that will follow us. We have
shortened that already. So we reduced the viability of living systems on this planet,
whether it can recover or not. We don’t have any outside source to get new DNA. So
have the DNA we have, whoever will live on this planet in the future is present right now
in the DNA. So if we damage it we don’t have another place to get it.
There will be no living thing on earth in the future that is not present now in a seed, in
a sperm and the ovum of all living plants and animals. So it is all here now. It is not going to
come from Mars or somewhere. Living things come from living things. So we carry this very
precious seed for the future. And when you damage it you do two things. You produce a less
viable harmonized organism with the environment; at the same time we are leaving the toxic
and radioactive waste around. So you are going to have a more hazardous environment and a
less capable organism. That is a death syndrome for the species, not only for the individual. It
is going to be harder to live. And the body will be less able to take stress and you are
increasing the stress at the same time.
We are responsible for what we turn over to the next generation. It is amazing to me
because I am the daughter of people that came from Europe, migrated to Canada and the
United States for a better life for their children. And it seems that our generation does not care
for the future. It is not our heritage. Our heritage was to give something better to our children,
than we received. And we seem not to care. I find these very strange and I think most of our
grandparents would turn over in their graves, if they would know what we are doing.
Yes we certainly have to chance our heads and there are very good ways to carry this
message. I think we even need a legal protection. We are thinking in terms of a „Seven
Generations Law“, which means that everything that is passed through legislation, you have
to answer the question what is the impact of this to our great grandchildren´s great
grandchildren. You have to be asked an answer this question before you take any major
planning or major changes or major laws. It is the North American indigenous peoples´ rule
that it has to (be) safe for grandchildren´s grandchildren. Otherwise it is not acceptable.
There is no real protection from it but you can reduce the effects by some things.
Certainly stay in the house with windows closed during these bombing episodes and as long
afterwards as possible. But your main concern will be getting it through the food chain. They
are same key-leading agents. They take inorganic material out of living tissues. One very
simple key-leading agent and a mild one is distilled water. You can use distilled water to cook
your vegetables. If there were any uranium in the vegetables it will go out with the liquid.
You can also drink the distilled water instead of either bottled or filtered or regular water.
Distilled water will do the same thing in the body. It will tend to take out the unwanted
inorganic chemicals. Another thing that available generally is „spirulina“, which is a bluegreen
algae you can usually get in a health-food-store. That is also mild key-leading agent and
will help to rid the body of some of these toxins, included the depleted uranium.
Or try to get rid of it through sweat respiration: Saunas. If you get it out through the skin
you save the kidneys. The idea is to get it out of the tissue and out of the blood and then out of
the body instead of going back into storage.
We need to learn to get along with each other, because we live on a small planet. If we
fight over it nobody is going to have it. Another thing is: We are straining the natural ability
of the earth to generate itself. The earth can usually take it back within a year. But when we
measure what we now take out (as) resources (fish, food, iron, coal, oil), all these resources
which we take for our lifestyle. We are now taking out about 1.33 times what the earth can
replenish in a year. So we are running an ecological deficit. In 1992 we were at 1.25, so is
going up. People worry about financial deficit, but that is nothing compared to an ecological
deficit. It means constantly reducing the carrying power of the globe. At the same time we are
increasing in the number of people. If we don’t do something this will be a global dimension
crisis. That´s the reason to say: the most important thing to do is to eliminate the military
globally. The military is one of the most rapid consumer of resources. If you got rid the
military globally you would immediately get rid of the ecological deficit, that we are running
up every year. This is buying us time to set up a better way to live on this planet. Yes, we
need globalisation in the heads. We don’t need Mono-culture, but we need to learn how to
live together on this earth, how to use conflict resolution in place of military, yes we need a
police-force, yes we need laws and courts and that sort of thing. But we don‘t need military.
Military is an abnormality. It is destroying our culture, it is destroying our environment, it is
destroying everything we want. And it is time to get rid of it.
Interviewer: 7 Generations?
Bertell: I would maximize the health of this beautiful living planet as much as I could
and I would say: I give you this with love. Keep it and give it to as many generations as you
can. Life can be good. And live is really a beautiful gift. Not of us has asked for it. None of us
deserves it. It shouldn’t be something that is a disaster for everybody. It should be something
enjoyable and that means that we have to do it differently from the way we are doing it now.
For most people live is a terrible thing. People are committing suicide, because it is so ugly
for them. That is not life. That is not the way it should be. No other species is going around
committing suicide like humans. So there is something very radically wrong with the way we
are behaving.
Da: Vladimir Kapuralin (SRP)Oggetto: Izjava povodom događaja u BosniData: 13 febbraio 2014 14:14:10 CET
Mjesto održavanja: Pula
Vrijeme održavanja: 13. II 2014.
Tema: Pobuna naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini
Opravdani razlozi za nemire u BiH su svima razumljivi i oni ne začuđuju, a njihov zajednički nazivnik je teško socijalno stanje koje pogađa sve slojeve stanovništva. Ono je posljedica kontrarevolucije kao integralnog dijela secesije 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, čime je ukinuto socijalističko društveno-ekonomsko uređenje na osnovama samoupravljanja i stečena socijalna prava radnih ljudi. Slijedila je pljačke društvene imovine i restauracija sirovog kapitalizma na razini prvobitne akumulacije. Tome treba dodati ljudske gubitke i materijalna razaranja tokom međuetničkog i međukonfesionalnog sukoba sa elementima građanskog rata 90-ih.
Iako su razlozi svima jasni, sam povod i događaji koji su uslijedili obiluju pitanjima koja su u ovom trenutku bez odgovora i koja pobuđuju niz pretpostavki, poput:
Tko stoji iza pobune naroda, koji su ciljevi demonstranata, tko je sve uključen, dali su uključene i međunarodne institucije i dali je moguć ukrajinski sindrom.
Ono što mi u SRP-u u ovom trenutku podržavamo je da su se ljudi uopće pobunili i da traže rješenje za svoje probleme i da su se pri tome oslonili na sebe. Dobro je i to što do sada pokret nije skliznuo na teren nacionalne diferencijacije, barem ne javno.
Manje smo zadovoljni ciljevima koji su se našli na meti demonstranata, poput kolateralne štete koja je nastala na arhivskoj građi u Sarajevu, iako je kako stvari stoje na sreću nastala šteta puno manja od onoga kakvom je na početku prikazana.
Također smatramo nedovoljnim i nepotpunim zahtjeve za smjenom postojeće garniture političke elite, jer su političari samo činovnici jednog sistema. Samom smjenom jedne garniture političara i njenom zamjenom drugom garniturom , unutar istog sistema ne daje klasni rezultat i ne mijenja bit ni tok stvari.
Ne podržavamo posjetu hrvatskog premijera Zorana Milanovića i turskog ministra vanjskih poslova Bosni i Hercegovini. Osim što je to uplitanje i miješanje u unutrašnje stvari druge države. Prvi ima dovoljno razloga da brine o situaciji u svojoj zemlji, koja se bitno ne razlikuje od one u BiH i koja će se dodatno pogoršati izglasavanjem predloženog novog zakona o radu, kojime se drastično ukidaju radnička prava i svode na razinu onih prije 1886. godine. Drugi nije kompetentan da smiruje pobunu u Bosni, obzirom da je ona po intenzitetu, na razini igrokaza dječjeg vrtića za roditelje, u usporedbi sa krvavim sukobima demonstranata i policije sa ljudskim žrtvama, koji su se održavali širom Turske tokom prošle godine. Osim toga postavlja se pitanje u kojoj funkciji je turski ministar došao u Bosnu u ovom trenutku izrazit svoju zabrinutost, ako to nije u funkciji predstavnika bivše višestoljetne okupacione sile, koja time pokazuje možebitne aspiracije.
Bez jasno definiranog cilja i organizacije koja bi se temeljila na postavkama naučnog socijalizma, životne prilike ovih ljudi neće se bitno promijeniti. To pokazuju i pokušaji neformalnih grupa da preuzmu vodstvo bez "vodstva" pokreta.
O tome svjedoči i fijasko jučer održanog tzv. Plenuma u Sarajevu, čime bi na anarhističkim zabludama pobornici anarhističkih struja na društvenim mrežama htjeli nadomjestit radničko samoupravljanje kao izraz neposredne demokracije.
Međutim bez obzira na ishod pobune, koji nažalost neće biti spektakularan, on će poslužiti učesnicima za sticanje neophodnog revolucionarnog iskustva i ukazat će na put kojime obespravljeni trebaju ići do konačnog oslobođenja.
Kapuralin Vladimir
Quanto sta avvenendo in questi ultimi giorni in diversi centri della Bosnia-Herzegovina è importante e (ci si augura) denso di conseguenze per il futuro.
Dopo due decenni di sanguinosi scontri fratricidi, istanze di classe infiammano l'intero paese, liberando bisogni reali, fuori dalla morsa nazionalista.
Proponiamo qui di seguito un'intervista realizzata questa mattina da un nostro redattore su Radio Blackout e alcuni link di approfondimento.
Da diversi giorni la Bosnia Herzegovina è attraversata da imponenti manifestazioni contro il peggioramento delle condizioni di vita: Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar, Brčko, Orašje, Bugojno, Zavidovići, Livno, e altri centri minori il teatro di una protesta che, per la prima volta da 20 anni, non vede tra i propri contenuti le rivendicazioni nazionali, etnico-identitarie.
La protesta nasce come espressione di esplicite rivendicazioni operaie nella cittadina di Tuzla – importante centro industriale fin dal periodo jugoslavo - dove migliaia di persone sono scese in piazza per chiedere il pagamento dei contributi previdenziali e pensionistici e per protestare contro la privatizzazione delle industrie del territorio: Konjuh, Polihem, Dita e Resod-Gumig, principali fonti di reddito per la città e per la sua popolazione.
La polizia ha attaccato i blocchi dei manifestanti a Tuzla ma la risposta è stata determinata, producendo un dilagare della rivolta in altri centri urbani. Venerdì le manifestazioni sono sfociate in attacchi contro le sedi governative nella capitale, Sarajevo.
Dopo la fiammata del week-end le mobilitazioni non sono rientrate e i dimostranti si stanno ora organizzando in Forum civici nei diversi centri coinvolti dalle proteste. Per la prima volta dalla fine delle guerre jugoslave, una protesta di massa ha visto cittadini croati, musulmani e (più raramente) serbi manifestare insieme contro il governo centrale, all’insegna di rivendicazioni sociali ed economiche che il corrotto regime della Bosnia-Herzegovina non sembra più in grado di contenere entro il paradigma delle nazionalità. Un dettaglio significativo è dato dalla presenza di manifesti inneggianti al vecchio presidente Tito, da non leggersi tanto come testimonianza yugo-nostalgica ma come rifuto delle linee di faglia nazionaliste su cui il paese è stato diviso e governato dagli accordi di Dayton.
Sulle dinamiche e i contenuti della protesta abbiamo realizzato un’intervista con Andrea Oskari Rossini dell’Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Обојена револуција која се већ преко годину дана у Босни очекује најзад је почела. Али фундаментална чињеница која се мора истаћи је то да, насупрот очекивањима аналитичара, „промена режима“ није предвиђена само за Републику Српску. У току је пуч на територији целе државе, који ће обухватити и Федерацију БиХ и Републику Српску.
Ово је врло значајна чињеница зато што сугерише да западне обавештајне службе и, подразумева се, њихове владе желе да очисте политички терен у читавој земљи. План је да се растуће незадовољство друштвеним приликама – за које има више него довољно оправдања – искористи за изазивање општег хаоса. Тај хаос, и илузија „бољег живота“ коју ће западни медији и пропагандни центри подстицати у свести широке јавности, затим ће бити искоришћени да би се инсталирала нова екипа марионета, не само на ентитетском већ и на централном нивоу.
Основни циљ и даље остаје скидање са власти председника Милорада Додика и пресецање независне политике коју он води у Републици Српској, да би се у Бања Луци на његово место поставио колаборационистички тим који ће омогућити утапање аутономног српског ентитета у централизовану босанску државу. Даљњи циљеви су увођење целовите Босне и Херцеговине у НАТО пакт и њено потпуно уклапање у западне евроатлантске структуре. По важећем уставу то није могуће без сагласности владе Републике Српске. Зато је први корак да се таква кооперативна влада доведе на власт. Убрзо, данашњи протекторат – који ту и тамо, у скромној мери, ужива локалну аутономију – претвориће се у колонију под потпуном контролом Запада.
Протестанти у Босни, као и у Кијеву, мотивисани су илузијом да само треба да „отерају неваљалце“ да би постигли магловито замишљени и нимало јасно одређени „бољи живот“. Међутим, то се неће догодити никада ако ће посао бити поверен марионетама које жели да инсталира Запад. Као што смо видели у Украјини, у овом тренутку само Русија има материјални капацитет да допринесе побољшању њиховог животног стандарда. Европска Унија је јасно ставила до знања да не располаже средствима која би омогућила реконструкцију Украјине, мада, наравно, располаже довољном сићом да плати за услуге уличних руља. Оно што важи за Украјину, важи и за Босну и Републику Српску.
Нереди који се распламсавају, и који су пре неколико дана почели у Федерацији БиХ у Тузли, а одатле се шире на Сарајево у друге градске центре у Федерацији, обележени су од самог почетка коришћењем крајњег насиља са стране демонстраната. Пошто се операција „промене режима“ генерално оркестрира у складу са сценаријем „ненасилног отпора“ који је зацртао Џин Шарп, може да делује помало чудно да се у Босни ненасилна фаза бесцеремонијално прескаче. У почетној фази, уобичајени образац „провокација – ескалација,“ напротив, предвиђа навођење органа власти да нападају мирне протестанте да би се оруђа преврата могла приказати као невине жртве. Међутим, у овом случају западни диригенти су можда нестрпљиви да без одлагања заврше посао у обе таргетиране земље, у Украјини и Босни и Херцеговини. Можда су зато донели одлуку да убрзају процес инсталирања својих марионета, док је још могуће одржавати илузију „бољег живота“ под патронатом Запада и пре него што разочаравајућа вест о дубокој кризи у којој су западне земље заглибљене не допре до узнемирених маса на Истоку.
Начин како се руководи побуном у Босни и Херцеговини сажето је представљен на слици [1] која се може видети на једном од интернет сајтова што подржавају опозициону мрежу:
Ова сугестивна слика показује најмање три ствари. Прво, ниво уличне агресивности коју практикују демонстранти, што укључује и паљење аутомобилских гума. Друго, стари, познати симбол „Отпора,“ стиснута песница, који карактерише све операције ове врсте, од прве успешно изведене обојене револуције под западним руководством у Београду у октобру 2000. године, што убедљиво указује на покретачку снагу иза догађаја који су у току. Најзад, донекле депласирани текст на енглеском језику, на наводно босанској плакати. То је јасан лапсус који ће несумњиво временом морати да буде отклоњен зато што врло тачно открива ко се налази иза целе шараде.
Поред овога, присутни су и сви остали класични показатељи операције у стилу Џина Шарпа. Инфраструктура за промену режима, коју западни специјалисти у Босни већ две године стрпљиво изграђују, најзад је добила сигнал да се активира. Сада смо сведоци деловања одлично увезане мреже која прекрива Федерацију и Републику Српску и која удружено делује на постизању идентичних циљева, уз коришћење свих расположивих справа савремене технологије. Демагогија је прикладно магловита и бави се неодређеним циљевима, као „поштовање права“ и „боље сутра,“ што несумњиво ужива широку подршку у Босни као што би „зауставити нуклеарно зрачење“ вероватно било врло популарна крилатица у Фукушими. Али зачудо, конкретне политичке мере које би погодовале остварењу ових узвишених идеала нико од бунтовника не нуди. Међутим, позив полицајцима да се придруже демонстрантима је преузет право из Шарповог приручника. Анонимни организатори нереда у Тузли се представљају под акронимом „УДАР“, што очигледно евоцира назив политичке организације Виталија Кличка у Украјини.
Власти у оба босанскохерцеговачка ентитета су очигледно неспремне да се суоче са судбином која им се спрема. У Федерацији, муслимански политичари су досадашњу тактичку подршку Запада будаласто протумачили као трајну гаранцију, чинећи исту грешку у коју је упао египатски председник Мубарак пре њих, сматрајући свој положај безбедним док су у Сједињеним Државама активисти „Покрета 6. април“ били обучавани да га свргну. У Републици Српској, не само да је владајућа коалиција пропустила да донесе благовремену процену ситуације и да предузме ефикасне противмере, већ је и опозиција изгледа направила погрешан прорачун. Вође опозиције ће се, можда, једног дана пробудити и тада ће схватити да су и њих западни ментори изиграли са искључивим циљем да их искористе за подривање председника Додика, али да ће једна потпуно нова екипа протежеа, коју је Запад дискретно истренирао, бити уместо њих инсталирана на власт.
In questi giorni la Bosnia, uno dei paesi più poveri di tutto il continente europeo con la disoccupazione reale tra il 40 e il 50%, un abitante su 5 al di sotto della soglia di povertà e i salari medi che si aggirano sui 300/400 euro, ha colto tutti di sorpresa.
La scorsa settimana le proteste popolari contro i governi locali e quello federale, originate dalla rabbia di migliaia di operai lasciati senza lavoro, senza sussidio e senza pensione da un truffaldino processo di privatizzazione delle aziende pubbliche che le ha mandate in malora, aveva assunto una forma durissima e violenta: assalti e incendi di sedi istituzionali e governative e scontri con la polizia in decine di città di tutta la federazione.
Calate di intensità e anche in termini di partecipazione, comunque le proteste popolari contro privatizzazioni, povertà e corruzione della classe politica sono continuate anche negli ultimi giorni in diversi centri della Bosnia, in alcuni dei quali i dimostranti stanno costituendo le ‘assemblee dei cittadini’.
Ieri A Tuzla, l’ex città industriale del nord dove ha preso avvio la protesta, mentre i rappresentanti dell'assemblea stavano discutendo con il consiglio cantonale le proposte per la formazione di nuovo esecutivo di carattere ‘tecnico’ oltre 300 operai delle aziende privatizzate e poi fatte fallire da manager incompetenti e corrotti hanno manifestato davanti al Tribunale. Tra i dimostranti circolavano denunce sulle privatizzazioni criminali, sulle connivenze tra la 'mafia dei fallimenti' e la giustizia, e anche sul ruolo avuto dai politici nelle privatizzazioni illegali. In seguito, i manifestanti sono andati a protestare davanti alla sede dei sindacati per criticarne l’assenza dalle lotte e la complicità con governi e classe imprenditoriale.
Manifestazioni ieri si sono svolte anche in altre località della Federazione Bh (entità a maggioranza croato musulmana di Bosnia) come Zivinice, Kalesija, Kakanj, Cazin, mentre a Bihac le proteste si sono placate da quando, tre giorni fa, si è dimesso il premier del cantone Hamdija Lipovaca.
Alcune centinaia di persone hanno manifestato invece a Zenica, invitando i cittadini a partecipare all'assemblea convocata per oggi mentre assemblee di cittadini sono state convocate per il pomeriggio di ieri a Bugojno, Mostar e a Sarajevo, dove circa duecento dimostranti hanno manifestato sotto la pioggia e su uno degli striscioni si leggeva "Non c'è la neve, avete rubato pure quella".
Recita il manifesto reso noto dall'assemblea dei cittadini di Brcko martedì sera: "Dietro di noi non c'è nessun partito od organizzazione, ma le umiliazioni di anni, fame, impotenza e disperazione".
Tra lunedì e martedì a migliaia i manifestanti sono scesi in piazza in parecchie città della Bosnia Erzegovina per chiedere la liberazione degli arrestati negli scontri della scorsa settimana, la dimissione dei vari governi e la cancellazione di tutte le privatizzazioni che in questi anni hanno portato allo smantellamento del patrimonio industriale del paese governato da un fiduciario della Nato. "Avete rubato per vent'anni, ora basta" e "Tribunali e polizia proteggono i banditi al potere", erano gli slogan più ricorrenti su cartelli e striscioni esposti a Sarajevo davanti al palazzo del governo della Federazione, in parte incendiato durante una delle manifestazioni del finesettimana. Nella capitale federale ai manifestanti si sono uniti anche molti lavoratori della locale azienda dei trasporti pubblici, anch’essa al collasso.
Interessante segnalare che una cinquantina di persone hanno manifestato nel centro di Belgrado, capitale della Serbia, per esprimere solidarietà e sostegno alla protesta popolare in corso nella confinante Bosnia. 'Coraggio Bosnia, siamo con te', 'Oggi Tuzla, domani Belgrado', 'Stop alla repressione', 'Il capitalismo é in crisi - la repressione poliziesca non lo può salvare' erano alcuni degli slogan gridati o scritti sui cartelli. In una dichiarazione letta ai dimostranti da uno degli organizzatori del presidio è stato sottolineato come i problemi della Bosnia siano comuni a tutti i Paesi dei Balcani, e come sia per questo necessaria una 'alleanza di tutti contro il nemico comune'. 'La lotta comune del popolo é l'incubo dei governi', 'Abbasso l'Unione europea e i loro regimi di tycoon. Abbasso il capitalismo e la privatizzazione. Viva la lotta dei popoli dei Balcani' ha concluso l’appello letto in piazza mentre a poca distanza manifestavano gruppi di ultranazionalisti serbi.
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