
NATO and US Government War Crimes in Yugoslavia

Michel Chossudovsky

Economic War Crimes:
Dismantling Former Yugoslavia, Recolonizing Bosnia-Herzegovina
Covert Action Quarterly, Spring 1996

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), 19 February 2002




Compiled by Ian Johnson

At NATO's tribunal Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic has been portrayed as a perpetrator of
'medieval savagery.' The following items were compiled
from the mass media during the 1999 NATO bombing.
Unlike the false charges presented in The Hague
against Milosevic these public and verifiable facts
are irrefutable evidence of NATO's own high-tech
genocide. Pity then that the vigilantes in wigs have
decided that in their court the case against NATO
cannot be heard.

NATO and the bombing of Yugoslavia 1999.

5th April. The southern mining town of Aleksinac is
hit by three missiles which destroy a block of flats
and three streets of houses.

7th April. The Montenegrin capital of Podgorica sees
its residential area struck by four missiles.

9th April. The Zastava car plant in Kragujevac hit by
six missiles. The factory is occupied by its workers
trying to prevent it being destroyed and there are 132

11th April. Nine more missiles blast the Zastava car
plant. 124 casualties.

12th April. A passenger train travelling between
Leskovac and the Macedonian capital Skopje is bombed
and first reports confirm twenty civilians burnt

14th April. Seventy-five Albanian refugees killed when
NATO bomb a refugee convoy near Meja, between
Djakovica and Prizren in Kosovo. The column was two
kilometres long and NATO rained missiles on it for
twenty minutes.

14th April. NATO commences daytime bombing of Belgrade
while the city is packed with people going about their
daily business.

21st April. Refugee camp near Djakovica in Kosovo is

22nd April. Assassination attempt by NATO on Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic and his family. Three
laser-guided bombs hit the family home in Belgrade.
None of the family was at home.

This attack is reminiscent of the attempt to
assassinate Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi, when US
planes, flying from Britain, attacked Gadaffi's
home in Tripoli. They missed Gaddafi but managed to
murder his daughter.

23rd April. The bombing of Yugoslavian television,
killing broadcasters, technicians, cleaners and
make-up ladies.

Robert Fisk, writing in the Independent of 24th April,
described the resultant carnage:

"Deep inside the tangle of cement and plastic and
iron, in what had once been the make-up room next to
the broadcasting studio of Serb television, was all
that was left of a young woman, burnt alive when
Nato¹s missile exploded in the radio control room. A
young technician could only be extracted from the
hundreds of tons of concrete in which he was encased
by amputating both his legs. A Belgrade fireman pulled

at one of the bodies for all of thirty seconds before
he realised that the man, swinging back and forth amid
the wreckage, was dead. By dusk last night, ten
crushed bodies, two of them women, had been tugged
beneath the concrete, another man had died in hospital
and fifteen other technicians and secretaries still
lay buried."

Tony Blair described this attack as 'entirely
justified' and Clare Short, then Secretary of State
for International Development, claimed that television
was a 'legitimate target'. Fisk wasn't so sure. He
continued his article: " I recall Croatian television
spreading hatred aplenty when it was ethnically
cleansing 170,000 Serbs from Croatia in 1995. But we
didn't bomb Zagreb. And when President Franjo
Tudjman¹s lads were massacring Serbs and Muslims in
Bosnia, we didn't bomb his residence. Was Serbian
television's real sin its broadcasting of film of the
Nato massacre of refugees last week?"

23rd April. Neighbouring Bulgaria hit by a third
missile. This time a suburb of the capital Sofia is
struck, thirty miles from the Yugoslav border.

26th April. The northern Yugoslav town of Nombor
suffers another bombing blitz.

The majority of the population of Nombor is of
Hungarian origin.

27th April. In a daytime bombing raid on the southern
town of Surdulica a quarter of the town is destroyed.

28th April. Twenty civilians killed instantly when a
2000lb laser-guided missile demolishes fifty homes on
the outskirts of Belgrade.

1st May. Forty people die after NATO missile hits a
civilian bridge in Kosovo, close to the capital,

7th May. Fifteen people are killed and sixty injured
when NATO bombers hit homes and a hospital in the
southern city of Nis.

7th May. NATO bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.
Three dead and twenty injured. The Chinese government
accuses NATO of a 'barbarian act' and state that
three missiles were fired from different angles at its

13th May. Kosovo village of Korisa bombed killing
eighty-seven ethnic Albanian civilians.

22nd May. Intense bombing of Yugoslavia¹s electricity
grid begins, causing major disruption of power and
water supplies, most notably affecting the country¹s

30th May. NATO jets bomb crowded bridge in Varvarin,
central Yugoslavia. First reports confirm nineteen

This brief review by no means tells the full story of
the horror inflicted on the civilian population of
Yugoslavia, affecting all twenty-six ethnic groups who
make up the population of the Federal Republic. Truly
a confirmed and undeniable example of 'medieval

Ian Johnson. Feb. 2002.

Milosevic, teste dell'accusa si sente male in aula
(Repubblica on line 21/2/2002)

Aja, 11:10

Milosevic, teste dell'accusa si sente male in aula
Piccolo colpo di scena questa mattina all'Aja all'inizio dell'ottava
udienza del processo Milosevic. Mentre l'ex presidente jugoslavo
stava riprendendo il contro-interrogatorio del testimone dell'accusa
Agim Tegiri, il teste ha detto di "non sentirsi bene" e di non poter
più rispondere ad altre domande. Milosevic aveva appena contestato la
traduzione fatta ieri in aula di quanto aveva dichiarato Tegiri sui
suoi rapporti con l'Uck.
Il teste aveva raccontato come il suo villaggio fosse stato attaccato
dalle forze serbe il 25 marzo 1999, all'inizio dei bombardamenti
Nato. Aveva detto di essere stato picchiato, di avere visto una
persona uccisa, e di avere perso 16 membri della sua famiglia su 18.
Stando a Milosevic una frase pronunciata ieri da Tegiri sui suoi
rapporti con l'Uck voleva dire "li ho ospitati", mentre la traduzione
è stata "li ho un po' aiutati".
L'ex-presidente jugoslavo ha pronunciato la frase in albanese ed ha
chiesto al teste di spiegarne il significato esatto. "Non sono in
grado di dirlo", ha risposto il testimone. Poi ha aggiunto "non mi
sento bene, sono sotto dialisi, non ho altro da dire, ho i miei
problemi, ho la mia sofferenza". (Red)


"Il Manifesto" 20 Febbraio 2002

Milosevic rovescia le accuse

Slobodan Milosevic, difensore di se stesso nel processo
per crimini di guerra e genocidio nel quale compare davanti al
Tribunale dell'Aja come unico imputato per dieci anni di
guerre sanguinose nei Balcani, da ieri ha cominciato a
controinterrogare i testimoni dell'accusa, a partire
dall'ex leader della provincia del Kosovo, Mahmut Bakalli.
Davanti alla corte dell'Aja, Bakalli lunedì aveva
accusato Belgrado di "apartheid" verso la maggioranza albanese,
con un piano di espulsione di centinaia di musulmani dalle cariche
pubbliche negli anni Novanta, alla quale la Lega democratica
del Kosovo guidata da Ibrahim Rugova rispose costruendo uno "stato
parallelo" - con scuole, università e strutture sanitarie albanesi
- e rifiutando ogni partecipazione alle elezioni (un dato che
per molti osservatori favorì lo strapotere di Milosevic). "Può
spiegarci cosa significa apartheid?", ha chiesto Milosevic a
Bakalli aggiungendo: "Le ricordo che è sotto giuramento".
L'anziano ex leader politico è rimasto fermo: "Lei impose
i dirigenti delle scuole e delle università".
Se Milosevic sembrava perfettamente a suo agio, Bakalli si è
trovato più volte in difficoltà. L'ex governatore del Kosovo ha
dovuto ammettere di essere stato consigliere di Adem Demaqi -
ex leader albanese kosovaro per più di 20 anni imprigionato
per i suoi legami con l'Albania di Enver Hoxha - che avrebbe
dovuto rappresentare gli albanesi alla conferenza-farsa di
Rambouillet del 1999. Secondo Milosevic, Demaqi era "il capo
dell'ala politica dell'Uck", l'Esercito di liberazione del
Kosovo - contrapposto spesso violentemente anche ai moderati
di Rugova - ritenuto da Milosevic responsabile di assassini
e stupri sulla popolazione serba "che spinsero Belgrado a
intervenire". Bakalli ha assicurato di avere avuto solo contatti
politici e diplomatici con l'Uck. Allo stesso modo, ha assicurato
di non aver mai saputo che il leader del suo attuale partito
Aak, Ramush Haradinaj, fosse stato "secondo i servizi segreti
britannici" a capo di una rete di contrabbando di sigarette e di
armi, come ha ricordato Milosevic.
Che ha rincarato la dose, sia quando ha rilanciato le accuse
di stragi provocate dai bombardamenti della Nato in Serbia e
Kosovo, e Bakalli ha dovuto ammettere che sì "ci sono stati
danni collaterali"; sia quando ha sollevato la questione dei
possibili rapporti fra la rete terrorista di Osama bin Laden e
le milizie albanesi-kosovare dell'Uck. "Che cosa sa dei legami
tra Hasim Thaqi (il leader dell'Uck ndr) e Osama bin Laden",
ha chiesto Milosevic a Bakalli, "Non so, sono sicuro che non ce
ne sono", ha risposto Bakalli, e lui di rimando: "E' al corrente
di una brigata di mujaheddin in Kosovo". "Non sono al
corrente", ha risposto il testimone.
Bakalli è apparso irritato quando l'ex presidente jugoslavo
ha messo in dubbio la sua ricostruzione della strage di Prezak, in
Kosovo, del 1998: furono uccisi 40 membri di una famiglia
albanese, i Jashari. "Uccideste civili, bambini, vecchi, donne
incinte sostenendo in continuazione che stavate combattendo
il terrorismo". Per Milosevic i Jashari si erano rifiutati di
arrendersi, sparavano e avevano un grosso quantitativo di armi.
E non ha finito con il controinterrogatorio fiume. L'ex
presidente jugoslavo ha ricordato l'assassinio di diversi oppositori
serbi in Kosovo nel '98, tra cui un eminente medico ucciso
sulla porta di casa: "Questo non è un atto di terrorismo?", ha
chiesto. "Non è stato l'Uck", ha risposto Bakalli. E allora,
ha proseguito Milosevic, "gli omicidi, gli stupri" compiuti dai
miliziani albanesi per cacciare la minoranza serba dopo l'ingresso
della Nato? "E' propaganda, non accetto queste cose", ha
replicato, in difficoltà, Bakalli. "Così, i morti che hanno visto
tutti sono propaganda?", è stata la controreplica sferzante di
Milosevic. Se Bakalli era il testimone contro, che accadrà con
quelli a favore?
Ora da Mosca si è dichiarato pronto a testimoniare l'ex
premier russo Ievgheni Primakov che ha ricordato che "senza
Milosevic gli accordi di Dayton sarebbero stati impossibili".
Non ci sarà, invece, per "motivi di salute" l'ex leader
musulmano bosniaco Alia Izetbegovic, da tempo malato e in
cura in Arabia saudita - il principale paese finanziatore del
Tribunale dell'Aja.



--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., "Fausto Concer" wrote:

Vi rigiro questa analisi di Andrea Catone, più che mai attuale. Ciao

Il Tribunale, non rispetta diversi principi di legge assolutamente
fondamentali: la separazione dei poteri (esecutivo, legislativo e
giudiziario), parità fra accusa e difesa, presunzione di innocenza
finché non si giunge ad una condanna.

Il Tribunale Internazionale per i Crimini di Guerra è stato fondato
nel 1993 dal Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite (15 membri
dominati dai grandi poteri e dal veto USA), su insistenza del
Senatore Albright. Il normale canale per creare un Tribunale come
questo, come a suo tempo ha puntualizzato il Segretario Generale
delle Nazioni Unite, avrebbe dovuto essere "attraverso un Trattato
Internazionale stabilito ed approvato dagli Stati Membri che
avrebbero permesso al Tribunale di esercitare in pieno nell'ambito
della loro sovranità" (Rapporto No X S/25704, sezione 18). Tuttavia,
Washington ha imposto un'interpretazione arbitraria del Cap.VII della
Carta delle Nazioni Unite, che consente al Consiglio di Sicurezza di
prendere "misure speciali" per restaurare la pace in sede
internazionale. Può essere la creazione di un Tribunale una "misura
speciale"? E' arduo pensarlo! Il Tribunale Internazionale per i
Crimini di Guerra è esso stesso non legale.

Senza precedenti nella storia della legge, il Tribunale ha avuto
pieni poteri di costituire le proprie leggi e i regolamenti -
regolamenti che nei fatti ha modificato frequentemente. Attraverso
una procedura totalmente ridicola, il Presidente può apportare
variazioni di sua propria iniziativa o ratificarle via fax ad altri
giudici! (regola 6).

Vi è un'altra norma creativa. Le leggi del Tribunale Internazionale
per i Crimini di Guerra hanno il carattere della retroattività,
emanate e confezionate per adattarsi ai fatti, dopo l'evento.

Ancora peggio: il Procuratore (l'Accusa) può anche cambiare queste
norme (la Difesa non lo può fare). E non esiste un "giudice per le
indagini preliminari" che investighi sulle accuse e le contro-accuse.
Il Procuratore conduce l'inchiesta nel modo che più gli aggrada.

La Corte può ricusare un avvocato della difesa o semplicemente non
ascoltarlo, se lo ritiene "aggressivo" (regola 46).

Il Procuratore può, con il consenso dei giudici, rifiutare di
concedere all'avvocato difensore di consultare libri, documenti, foto
e altro materiale probatorio (regola 66).

Inoltre, la fonte testimoniale e di informazioni può essere tenuta
segreta. Questo significa che agenti CIA possono riempire i dossier
del Tribunale con accuse raccolte illegalmente (attraverso
intercettazioni foniche, corruzione, furti) senza averle sottoposte
ad alcun tipo di verifica o di controllo incrociato.

Anche i rappresentanti di altri Stati (partecipanti nel conflitto, ma
alleati degli Stati Uniti) possono sottoporre informazioni
confidenziali senza alcuna formale richiesta in merito.

Un atto di accusa può rimanere segreto "nell'interesse della
giustizia" (regola 53), in modo tale che l'accusato non possa
difendersi nei modi normali.

Un sospetto, cioè qualcuno che non è ancora stato imputato, può
essere detenuto per novanta giorni prima di essere accusato, un tempo
più che sufficiente per estorcergli forzatamente una confessione.

Inoltre, la regola 92 stabilisce che le confessioni saranno ritenute
credibili, a meno che l'accusato possa provare il contrario. Mentre,
in qualsiasi altra parte del mondo, l'accusato è ritenuto innocente
fino a quando non sia provata la sua colpevolezza.

Nessun Tribunale nazionale, negli Stati Uniti o in qualsiasi altra
parte del mondo, potrebbe operare in una tale maniera platealmente
illegale o arbitraria. Ma quando questo serve a condannare i nemici
degli Stati Uniti d'America, allora i principi della legge non
valgono più di tanto. In accordo con i padroni del mondo, il diritto
appartiene ai più forti e ai più ricchi. [cfr. al proposito
Christopher Black e Edward Herman, Il manifesto del 27 e 28 maggio
2000; Raniero la Valle, Liberazione, 4.4.2001; Kosta Cavoski,; M. Collon,


Dal sito online di Repubblica, 19/2/2002

New York, 18:19
Usa pronti a propaganda strategica in tutto il mondo

Presentare la politica Usa in una luce
positiva, anche attraverso notizie
false. Questo il compito dell'Ufficio
di influenza strategica. Lo staff, creato dal
Pentagono dopo l'11 settembre, sta
preparando un'offensiva su scala
mondiale: in Medio Oriente, in Asia e
anche nell'Europa occidentale. E,
secondo indiscrezioni raccolte dal New
York Times negli ambienti del
ministero della difesa, sta "elaborando
dei piani" finalizzati alla diffusione di
informazioni, "anche false", allo scopo di
influenzare l'opinione pubblica e i
politici "in paesi amici e ostili".
Ma il quotidiano newyorkese segnala anche
il pericolo disinformazione: le
agenzie di stampa potrebbero far rimbalzare
anche in patria le notizie false
create ad hoc per l'estero. E la legge
vieta, sia all'ente di spionaggio sia al
Pentagono, di svolgere attivita' di
propaganda sul suolo statunitense.
L'ufficio di influenza strategica
e' capeggiato dal generale dell'aeronautica
Simon Worden, che lavora in collaborazione
con il Rendon Group, una societa' di consulenza
internazionale, con sede a Washington, guidata da
W. Rendon Jr., che lavora alla campagna
dell'ex presidente Jimmy Carter.

Ma che bello!
Che siano gli stessi che hanno organizzato Racak?
A quali altri favolosi spettacoli assisteremo?
Magari fra un qualche settimana cadranno un paio di aerei
e la colpa sara' certamente di qualche "cattivone"
che andremo subito a punire.....ed ovviamente Repubblica sara'
in prima fila a chiedere pace sociale ed unita' nazionale
contro i nuovi terroristi
ed allora faremo un'altra bella guerra.


Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad
Tue Feb 19, 9:00 AM ET

By JAMES DAO and ERIC SCHMITT The New York Times

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 The Pentagon is
developing plans to provide news items,
possibly even false ones, to foreign media
organizations as part of a new
effort to influence public sentiment
and policy makers in both friendly and
unfriendly countries, military officials

The plans, which have not received
final approval from the Bush
administration, have stirred opposition
among some Pentagon officials who
say they might undermine the credibility
of information that is openly
distributed by the Defense Department's
public affairs officers.

The military has long engaged in
information warfare against hostile nations
for instance, by dropping leaflets
and broadcasting messages into
Afghanistan when it was still under
Taliban rule.

But it recently created the Office
of Strategic Influence, which is
proposing to broaden that mission
into allied nations in the Middle East,
Asia and even Western Europe. The
office would assume a role traditionally
led by civilian agencies, mainly
the State Department.

The small but well-financed Pentagon
office, which was established shortly
after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,
was a response to concerns in the
administration that the United States
was losing public support overseas for
its war on terrorism, particularly in
Islamic countries.

As part of the effort to counter the
pronouncements of the Taliban, Osama
bin Laden and their supporters, the
State Department has already hired a
former advertising executive to run
its public diplomacy office, and the
White House has created a public
information "war room" to coordinate the
administration's daily message domestically
and abroad.

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld,
while broadly supportive of the new
office, has not approved its specific
proposals and has asked the Pentagon's
top lawyer, William J. Haynes, to review
them, senior Pentagon officials

Little information is available about
the Office of Strategic Influence, and
even many senior Pentagon officials and
Congressional military aides say
they know almost nothing about its
purpose and plans. Its multimillion
dollar budget, drawn from a $10 billion
emergency supplement to the Pentagon
budget authorized by Congress in
October, has not been disclosed.

Headed by Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden of
the Air Force, the new office has
begun circulating classified proposals
calling for aggressive campaigns that
use not only the foreign media and the
Internet, but also covert operations.

The new office "rolls up all the
instruments within D.O.D. to influence
foreign audiences," its assistant for
operations, Thomas A. Timmes, a former
Army colonel and psychological operations
officer, said at a recent
conference, referring to the Department
of Defense. "D.O.D. has not
traditionally done these things."

One of the office's proposals calls
for planting news items with foreign
media organizations through outside
concerns that might not have obvious
ties to the Pentagon, officials familiar
with the proposal said.

General Worden envisions a broad
mission ranging from "black" campaigns that
use disinformation and other covert
activities to "white" public affairs
that rely on truthful news releases,
Pentagon officials said.

"It goes from the blackest of black
programs to the whitest of white," a
senior Pentagon official said.

Another proposal involves sending
journalists, civic leaders and foreign
leaders e-mail messages that promote
American views or attack unfriendly
governments, officials said.

Asked if such e-mail would be identified
as coming from the American
military, a senior Pentagon official
said that "the return address will
probably be a dot-com, not a dot- mil,"
a reference to the military's
Internet designation.

To help the new office, the Pentagon
has hired the Rendon Group, a
Washington-based international consulting
firm run by John W. Rendon Jr., a
former campaign aide to President
Jimmy Carter. The firm, which is being
paid about $100,000 a month, has
done extensive work for the Central
Intelligence Agency, the Kuwaiti royal
family and the Iraqi National
Congress, the opposition group seeking
to oust President Saddam Hussein.

Officials at the Rendon Group say terms
of their contract forbid them to
talk about their Pentagon work. But
the firm is well known for running
propaganda campaigns in Arab countries,
including one denouncing atrocities
by Iraq during its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

The firm has been hired as the Bush
administration appears to have united
around the goal of ousting Mr. Hussein.
"Saddam Hussein has a charm
offensive going on, and we haven't
done anything to counteract it," a senior
military official said.

Proponents say the new Pentagon
office will bring much-needed coordination
to the military's efforts to influence
views of the United States overseas,
particularly as Washington broadens the
war on terrorism beyond Afghanistan.

But the new office has also stirred a
sharp debate in the Pentagon, where
several senior officials have questioned
whether its mission is too broad
and possibly even illegal.

Those critics say they are disturbed
that a single office might be
authorized to use not only covert
operations like computer network attacks,
psychological activities and deception,
but also the instruments and staff
of the military's globe- spanning
public affairs apparatus.

Mingling the more surreptitious
activities with the work of traditional
public affairs would undermine the
Pentagon's credibility with the media,
the public and governments around
the world, critics argue.

"This breaks down the boundaries
almost completely," a senior Pentagon
official said.

Moreover, critics say, disinformation
planted in foreign media
organizations, like Reuters or
Agence France-Presse, could end up being
published or broadcast by American
news organizations.

The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence
Agency are barred by law from
propaganda activities in the United
States. In the mid-1970's, it was
disclosed that some C.I.A. programs
to plant false information in the
foreign press had resulted in articles
published by American news

Critics of the new Pentagon office
also argue that governments allied with
the United States are likely to object
strongly to any attempts by the
American military to influence media
within their borders.

"Everybody understands using
information operations to go after
nonfriendlies," another senior Pentagon
official said. "When people get
uncomfortable is when people use the
same tools and tactics on friendlies."

Victoria Clarke, the assistant
secretary of defense for public information,
declined to discuss details of the new
office. But she acknowledged that its
mission was being carefully reviewed by
the Pentagon.

"Clearly the U.S. needs to be as
effective as possible in all our
communications," she said. "What we're
trying to do now is make clear the
distinction and appropriateness of who
does what."

General Worden, an astrophysicist who
has specialized in space operations in
his 27-year Air Force career, did not
respond to several requests for an

General Worden has close ties to his
new boss, Douglas J. Feith, the under
secretary of defense for policy, that
date back to the Reagan
administration, military officials said.
The general's staff of about 15
people reports to the office of the
assistant secretary of defense for
special operations and low-intensity
conflict, which is under Mr. Feith.

The Office for Strategic Influence
also coordinates its work with the White
House's new counterterrorism office,
run by Wayne A. Downing, a retired
general who was head of the Special
Operations command, which oversees the
military's covert information operations.

Many administration officials worried
that the United States was losing
support in the Islamic world after
American warplanes began bombing
Afghanistan in October. Those
concerns spurred the creation of the Office of
Strategic Influence.

In an interview in November, Gen.
Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, explained the Pentagon's
desire to broaden its efforts to
influence foreign audiences, saying:

"Perhaps the most challenging piece
of this is putting together what we call
a strategic influence campaign quickly
and with the right emphasis. That's
everything from psychological operations
to the public affairs piece to
coordinating partners in this effort
with us."

One of the military units assigned to
carry out the policies of the Office
of Strategic Influence is the Army's
Psychological Operations Command. The
command was involved in dropping
millions of fliers and broadcasting scores
of radio programs into Afghanistan
encouraging Taliban and Al Qaeda soldiers
to surrender.

In the 1980's, Army "psyop" units, as
they are known, broadcast radio and
television programs into Nicaragua
intended to undermine the Sandinista
government. In the 1990's, they tried
to encourage public support for
American peacekeeping missions in the

The Office of Strategic Influence will
also oversee private companies that
will be hired to help develop information
programs and evaluate their
effectiveness using the same techniques
as American political campaigns,
including scientific polling and
focus groups, officials said.

"O.S.I. still thinks the way to go is
start a Defense Department Voice of
America," a senior military official
said. "When I get their briefings, it's



Lettera aperta a Carla Del Ponte

Acireale, 18 febbraio 2002

Mrs. Carla DEL PONTE
International Criminal Tribunal
for Yugoslavia (ICTY)
DEN HAAG - Paesi Bassii

OGGETTO: Processo a Milosevic. -

Per celebrare un processo internazionale ci vuole un tribunale VERO
ovvero un istituto giuridico nato e funzionante nel rispetto del diritto
internazionale ed ordinario. Non risulta allo scrivente -- come a
giuristi, sociologi, studiosi, uomini politici ed operatori sociali di
fama mondiale - che codesto Tribunale abbia i requisiti essenziali,
organici e funzionali per essere quello che dice di essere.
L?innocenza o colpevolezza di Milosevic sono fuori causaa semplicemente
perché qualunque capo di Stato -- e non solo Milosevic -- può essere
processato solo da un tribunale internazionale VERO cioè legale e quindi
legittimato a svolgere una legale funzione di giustizia, e NON il
prodotto di una parte politica in causa creato per uso e consumo della
parte stessa. Un tale prodotto è una mistificazione mostruosa del
diritto come sanno perfino studenti principianti della materia.
A comprovare la gratuità giuridica di codesto Tribunale è esso stesso,
il quale si rifiuta di processare i responsabili dei 78 giorni di
massacro indiscriminato e quindi terroristico, consumato, nella Serbia e
nel Kosovo, in quanto tale anche contro civili (compresi donne, vecchi,
bambini, ammalati e profughi) e contro la natura con l'impiego di
sostanze biochimiche e radioattive. E' evidente che non possa accettare
di processare sé stesso. E' di questi giorni l'ennesima conferma (semmai
ce ne fosse bisogno) della nocività clinica dell'ranioo impoverito dalla
NATO sparso a piene mani - ad insaputa dei propri stessi uomini - con
"bombe intelligenti" (quanto chi?) e in nome di una "guerra
Chi mi legge sa che gli USA, genitori naturali di codesto Tribunale
(non importa se attraverso l?utilizzo forzoso e improprio del Consiglio
di Sicurezza di un?ONU, ridotta ad una sigla di sé), sono responsabili,
impentiti e impuniti, di oltre mezzo secolo di trattamento
militare-terroristico del mondo, avendo iniziato tale triste carriera
nel 1945 con la doppia gratuita ecatombe atomica di Hiroshima e
Nagasaki. Se è vero che i crimini contro l?umanità sono
imprescrittibili, io chiedo formalmente che codesto Tribunale, a prova
della propria identità, celebri un processo postumo ai responsabili
almeno del bombardamento atomico di Nagasaki, totalmente inutile dopo
quello di Hiroshima di tre giorni prima, estendendolo a quanti degli
attuali potenti degli USA non siano disposti a chiedere umilmente
perdono al mondo per un'ignominia e vergogna che non hanno l'uguale in
tutta la storia umana se si tiene conto che la responsabilità morale e
penale è direttamente proporzionale alla consapevolezza razionale.
Esorto chi mi legge a ricusare codesto Tribunale, in nome del quale
pronuncia accuse e predefinisce condanne, in quanto destituito di ogni
fondamento giuridico, scientifico e morale e, naturalmente, a
dimettersi. Così, se non avrà condannato un uomo - che potrebbe essere
anche innocente - avrà per lo meno salvata la propria coscienza ed
evitato il rischio di essere corroso da un rimorso che coglie tutte le
persone normali, tanto più se vivono anche in funzione di affetti.
Esorto chi mi legge a liberare un uomo - Milosevic - il quale, seppure
ipoteticamente colpevole - è stato illegalmente sequestrato ed è
illegalmente detenuto.
Se Milosevic deve essere processato, che lo sia, ma da un tribunale
VERO e SIMULTANEAMENTE con tutti (ma proprio tutti - altrimenti che
giustizia sarebbe!) coloro che hanno, a titolo e in misura vari,
aggredito i popoli della ex Jugoslavia di Tito.
Non penso di essere riuscito a convincere chi mi legge ma so di non
essere solo e che l'orrore per la menzogna sta salendo e che prima o poi
sommergerà anche i nostalgici epigoni degli inquisitori del Medioevo.
Allego il mio libro intitolato: ?A proposito del Kosovo: come i
<Barbari di Nagasaki> vogliono feudalizzare il mondo?. Esso contiene
anche una mia lettera di denuncia (datata 28 maggio 1999) a codesto
Tribunale perché lo stesso processasse i responsabili, diretti e
collaterali, del 78 giorni di barbarie terroristica CONTRO il Kosovo. Il
mio era un gesto simbolico perché codesto Tribunale non avrebbe potuto
suicidarsi, ma ora è anche un precedente ?storico? probatorio della
natura esclusivamente di parte politica del Tribunale stesso.
Saluti civili.

Carmelo R. Viola
Centro Studi Biologia Sociale, Acireale (CT)
Email: <crviola@...>

* Zum Stand der Diskussion über den "Fall Milosevic", 19/02/2002
* Beweisnotstand. In Den Haag wird Serbien kriminalisiert (W. Pirker)
* Der Tag des Milosevic. Jugoslawiens Ex-Präsident setzt die NATO
und das Haager Tribunal auf die Anklagebank (W. Pirker)
* Hoffnungslos überfordert. Dumpfbacken-Fernsehen aus Den Haag (W.

* Verschiedene Nachrichten aus AMSELFELD NEWSLETTER

> - in der Rubrik "Pressestimmen":

Zum Beginn des "Verfahrens" gegen Milosevic vor dem Haager "Tribunal"


Zum Stand der Diskussion über den "Fall Milosevic", 19/02/2002


Christopher Black und Jacques Vergès, juristische Berater von Slobodan
Milosevic, auf einer Pressekonferenz des ICDSM in Den Haag am 12.
PM 4/02 der Deutschen Sektion des ICDSM v. 18.02.02

Diskussionsbeitrag von Christopher Black, Leiter des juristischen
Beraterteams von Slobodan Milosevic, bei einem von der holländischen
Tageszeitung NRC Handelsblad in Amsterdam veranstalteten Streitgespräch
10. Februar 2002

PM 3/02 der Deutschen Sektion des ICDSM v. 17.02.02
Eine kritische Darstellung des Medienechos auf die Verteidigung von

(Laut dpa v. 14.02.2002)

(auch eine Art "Werbung" für das Kolloquium in Berlin am 2.März 02)
Von Holger Wild in Tagesspiegel v. 18.02.2002

dazu LESERBRIEF von Klaus Hartmann, Sprecher der Deutschen Sektion des

Kommentar der Antiimperialistischen Koordination, Wien;
(Email v. 18.02.2002 00:09)




In Den Haag wird Serbien kriminalisiert
Werner Pirker

Die Chefanklägerin des Haager Tribunals, Carla del Ponte, verweist
bei jeder Gelegenheit darauf, daß allein Milosevic und nicht das
serbische Volk auf der Anklagebank sitze, daß über dessen
individuelle Schuld und nicht über eine serbische Kollektivschuld
verhandelt werde. Doch die von Geoffrey Nice, dem Assistenten del
Pontes, am Dienstag und Mittwoch verlesene Anklageschrift spricht
eine andere Sprache. Aus ihr läßt sich deutlich die Absicht
herauslesen, die serbische Position als Ganzes zu kriminalisieren. Im
jugoslawischen Bürgerkrieg waren unterschiedliche nationale
Interessen aufeinandergeprallt. Doch allein Serbien wird das
Eintreten für seine Interessen als Verbrechen angelastet. Zwar wird
den Serben großzügig zugestanden, arme Verführte eines skrupellosen
Demagogen und Machtpolitikers gewesen zu sein. Doch ist die große
Mehrheit der serbischen Bevölkerung heute noch davon überzeugt, im
jugoslawischen Krieg für die nationale Gerechtigkeit gekämpft zu
haben. Deshalb steht in Den Haag nicht nur Milosevic, sondern die
serbische und damit auch die jugoslawische Sache unter Anklage. Denn
einzig Serbien hat Jugoslawien bis zuletzt verteidigt.

Bezeichnend für die einseitige politische Schuldzuweisung war die
Präsentation der Milosevic-Rede auf dem Amselfeld 1989. Ein aus dem
Zusammenhang gerissener Satz - »Wir stehen vor neuen Kämpfen« -
sollte ihn als Kriegshetzer bloßstellen. Die zentralen Passagen
dieser Rede, die sich auf die Wiederherstellung nationaler und
sozialer Gerechtigkeit in Jugoslawien bezogen, wurden dem Publikum
vorenthalten. Ohne Verständnis für die komplexen nationalen
Beziehungen im untergegangenen Vielvölkerstaat maßt sich ein
amerikanischer Jurist an, den Schuldigen an der Balkan-Tragödie zu

Unter den Zeugen der Anklage befinden sich auch ehemalige KP-
Nomenklaturakader aus dem Kosovo. Sie sollen die These stützen, daß
die von der serbischen Führung betriebene Reintegration des Kosovo in
den Bestand Serbiens den Beginn des Bürgerkrieges markiert habe.
Andere historische Deutungen werden vom Haager Gericht nicht
zugelassen. Das Gros der Zeugen aber sind Opfer von Kriegsverbrechen.
Sie werden über grauenhafte Geschehnisse zu berichten wissen. Sie
werden, wie es die Anklage wünscht, Slobodan Milosevic als den
Verursacher ihrer Leiden nennen. Doch die Beweiskraft solcher
Behauptungen ist gleich Null.

Also wird die Anklage immer wieder die Ereignisse von 1989 Revue
passieren lassen, Milosevic als rücksichtslosen Machtpolitiker und
Fanatiker der großserbischen Idee anprangern. Auch wenn Milosevic nie
großserbisch argumentiert hat, wird Signora del Ponte unbeirrbar an
ihrem Rechtsstandpunkt festhalten: Wer Großserbien im Sinn hat,
meuchelt auch kleine Kinder.

Den Artikel finden Sie unter:

(c) Junge Welt 2002


Der Tag des Milosevic

Jugoslawiens Ex-Präsident setzt die NATO und das Haager Tribunal auf
die Anklagebank
Werner Pirker

Der dritte Verhandlungstag im Den Haager Prozeß gegen den ehemaligen
jugoslawischen Staatspräsidenten Slobodan Milosevic gehörte dem
Angeklagten. Konsequent seiner Linie folgend, dem Tribunal die
Legitimität abzusprechen, gestaltete Milosevic seine Rede am
Donnerstag zu einer Anklage gegen den »illegalen Gerichtshof« und
gegen den »verbrecherischen Krieg der NATO gegen Jugoslawien«.

Milosevics Ausführungen waren ruhig, sachlich und von bestechender
Logik. Es war die größte Rede seines Lebens. Denn dieses Mal sprach
er nicht vor einer Million begeisterter Anhänger, wie 1989 auf dem
Amselfeld, sondern vor einem Gericht, dessen Daseinszweck darin
besteht, ihn aus der menschlichen Gesellschaft zu verbannen. In
diesem Mikrokosmos, der ihn gefangen hält, war er der Herr des
Geschehens, Chefankläger der Opfer der neuen Weltordnung. Es war sein
Tag. Selten noch hat man vor Gericht einen überzeugenderen Ankläger

Um zu demonstrieren, daß die Anklage gegen ihn auf Lügen beruht, ließ
Milosevic Auszüge aus der ARD-Fernsehdokumentation »Es begann mit
einer Lüge« vorführen. Darin wird das angebliche Massaker in dem
Kosovo-Dorf Racak als provokatorische Inszenierung bloßgestellt.
Milosevic kontrastierte diesen Film mit der medialen Umzingelung
Serbiens während seiner Amtszeit: »Das ist nur ein Atom, der
Bruchteil eines Atoms im Ozean der Lügen, der Propaganda und des
Mißbrauchs der globalen Medien als Kriegsinstrument gegen mein Land.«

Danach ging Milosevic auf Vorwürfe der Anklage ein, seine
rücksichtslose Machtpolitik und bedenkenlose Instrumentalisierung des
serbischen Nationalismus hätte den Untergang Jugoslawiens bewirkt. Er
zitierte aus seiner historischen Rede auf dem Amselfeld 1989, die in
der Anklageschrift als Kriegshetze gebrandmarkt wird. Dies sei doch
eine hervorragende Rede gewesen, meinte Milosevic, ein Bekenntnis zum
gleichberechtigten Zusammenleben der Völker Jugoslawiens. Damals
sagte er: »Der Sozialismus erlaubt keine Trennung des Volkes in
ethnische und religiöse Gruppierungen. Der einzige Unterschied, den
der Sozialismus zu machen erlaubt, ist der zwischen ehrlichen und
unehrlichen Menschen, zwischen Menschen, die arbeiten und solchen,
die nicht arbeiten.« Und weiter: »Jugoslawien ist eine multinationale
Gemeinschaft und kann nur auf der Grundlage der Gleichberechtigung

Milosevic verwahrte sich gegen den Vorwurf, großserbische Ziele
verfolgt zu haben. Die serbischen Sozialisten stünden für die
Kontinuität Jugoslawiens und seien gegen sezessionistische Stimmungen
in der serbischen Bevölkerung aufgetreten. Jugoslawien habe den Kampf
der kroatischen und bosnischen Serben um nationale Selbstbestimmung
unterstützt und sei gleichzeitig für eine schnellstmögliche
Beendigung der brudermörderischen Sezessionskriege eingetreten.

Die Anklage gegen die Anklage fand ihren Höhepunkt in einer
detaillierten Auflistung von NATO-Kriegsverbrechen in Jugoslawien
1999. Milosevic präsentierte umfangreiches Bildmaterial. Die Fotos
zeigten von US-Kassettenbomben zerfetzte Menschen, zerbombte
Wohnhäuser und zerstörte Industrieanlagen. Der Aufforderung, das
Material zu begutachten, kamen die Mitglieder des Tribunals mit
erkennbarem Widerwillen nach. »Das ist das Haus, in dem die
elfjährige Milica Jovanovic den Tod fand«, sagte der angeklagte
Ankläger. 30 Prozent der von den NATO-Bomben Getöteten waren Kinder.
Milosevic sprach den sozialen Sadismus der Aggressoren an, indem er
immer wieder erwähnte, daß sich der Aggressionsdrang der
Bomberpiloten vor allem gegen Städte und Dörfer mit einer hohen
Konzentration von sozial schwachen Menschen ausgetobt habe. Die
Aufzählung der im Bombenkrieg zerstörten medizinischen Einrichtungen
und Schulen zog sich über Minuten hin. »Es war ein gezielter Krieg
gegen die Zivilbevölkerung«, so Milosevic. Die Zahl zerstörter
Sozialeinrichtungen hätte die Zahl abgeschossener Panzer um ein
Vielfaches übertroffen.

Die albanische Bevölkerung hätte unter dem Bombardement der NATO
nicht weniger gelitten als die anderen Völker Jugoslawiens. Slobodan
Milosevic erinnerte an den 14. April 1999. Ein Treck albanischer
Flüchtlinge bewegte sich in Richtung Prizren. Sie wollten zurück in
ihre Heimatdörfer. Da wurden die Kosovo-Albaner von NATO-Flugzeugen
angegriffen. Die Dokumentation zeigt verstümmelte Leichen von Kindern
und Greisen, den Kopf eines Mannes, der vom Rumpf getrennt worden
war. Warum wurden sie zu Zielscheiben, fragte Milosevic. Weil sich
die Flüchtlinge in die falsche Richtung bewegt hatten und so die NATO-
Propaganda von zu Hunderttausenden vor den Serben flüchtenden
Albanern konterkarierten. Neben Bomben seien auch Flugblätter vom
Himmel gefallen, auf denen die Albaner zur Flucht aufgefordert worden
seien. Viele, die dem nicht nachkamen, seien von der UCK exekutiert
worden, so Milosevic.

Der einsame Mann von Den Haag hat an diesem Donnerstag überzeugende
Aufklärungsarbeit geleistet. Doch um Aufklärung ist dieses Tribunal
nicht bemüht. Am heutigen Freitag setzt der Angeklagte seine Klage
gegen die NATO in Den Haag fort.

(Siehe auch Kommentar)

Den Artikel finden Sie unter:

(c) Junge Welt 2002



junge Welt
Werner Pirker

Hoffnungslos überfordert

Dumpfbacken-Fernsehen aus Den Haag

Slobodan Milosevics souveräner Auftritt vor dem Haager Tribunal war nach
Geschmack deutscher Nachrichtensender entschieden zu souverän, um ihn
adäquat wiederzugeben. ntv bemühte sich zwar um eine Wiedergabe in
Simultanübersetzung, doch der Dolmetscher erwies sich in seinen
Fähigkeiten und seinem intellektuellen Erfassungsvermögen als
überfordert. So fand eine logisch aufgebaute, sprachlich beeindruckende,
argumentativ überzeugende Rede in wüstem Gestammel ihre unwürdige
Entsprechung. Das Elend des Übersetzers dürfte indes nicht der Grund
sein, dass sich der Sender kurzerhand aus der Übertragung ausschaltete.
dürfte eher in der Verpflichtung des deutschen Journalismus zur
gelegen haben. Wenn der »Schlächter vom Balkan« keinen Stuss
sondern überzeugend argumentiert, dann ergibt das ein äußerst

Deshalb wollte sich EuroNews auf eine Eins-zu-Eins-Übersetzung erst gar
nicht einlassen. Dort führte eine Dame durchs Programm, die nach einem
undurchschaubaren Prinzip Sätze aus der Milosevic-Rede übersetzte, die
sich genommen wenig Sinn ergaben und den Serben offenbar als billigen
Agitator und Dauerredner inhaltsloser Phrasen bloßstellen sollten. Nicht
einziges Statement kam authentisch rüber, weil sich die gute Frau schon
dem ersten Halbsatz bemüßigt fühlte, dies umgehend zu kommentieren.
Milosevic von Terroristen, erläuterte sie zum besseren Verständnis, dass
damit albanische Unabhängigkeitskämpfer gemeint seien. Ganze
wurden auf die Schnelle zusammengefasst: »Nun versucht Milosevic, den
Albanern die Schuld in die Schuhe zu schieben«.

Gegen die Idiotisierung der öffentlichen Meinung hat Slobodan Milosevic
eine Chance.


+++ Kreuzverhör im Milosevic-Prozess +++

DEN HAAG, 19. Februar 2002. Am Dienstag begann der ehemalige
jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic in Den Haag mit dem
Kreuzverhör eines Zeugen der Anklage, dem früheren Vorsitzenden
der Kommunistischen Partei in der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und
Metochien, Mahmut Bakali. Milosevic befragte Bakalli zu seiner
Aussage vom Vortag. Bakali hatte behauptet, die jugoslawischen
Sicherheitskräfte hätten an die 70 Angehörige der albanischen
Familie Jasari umgebracht. Auf die Frage von Milosevic ob er (
Bakalli ) wisse, dass sich die ethnisch albanischen Terroristen
dabei nicht ergeben wollten, auf Polizisten schossen und
Zivilisten als Schutzschild benutzten, erwiderte Bakali, dass er
keine Einzelheiten kenne.

Milosevic wies darufhin, dass Anfang der achtziger Jahre mehr als
40.000 Serben zum Verlassen der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und
Metochien von den ethnisch albanischen Extremisten gezwungen
wurden. "Mit Mord, Vergewaltigungen, Brandstiftungen und
Zerstörung von Eigentum haben sie Serben vertrieben", erklärte
Milosevic weiter.


+++ Vernehmung der "Zeugen" beginnt +++

DEN HAAG, 18. Februar 2002. Der ehemalige jugoslawische
Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat heute vor dem Haager
Tribunal seine Stellungnahme zu den gegen ihn erhobenen
Vorwürfen fortgesetzt. Er hatte bereits am Donnerstag und
Freitag zu den Anklagepunkten Stellung genommen, war aber
mit seiner Rede noch nicht zu Ende. Das Gericht hatte
daraufhin Milosevic aufgetragen, sein Plädoyer bis
Montagmittag abzuschließen.

Milosevic hat heute erneut alle Vorwürfe bestritten und den
Westen für die Balkan-Konflikte verantwortlich gemacht. Er
beschuldigte die NATO während der Aggression gegen
Jugoslawien schwere Verbrechen begangen zu haben.

Unterdessen haben am Montag auch die ersten
Zeugenvernehmungen begonnen. Als erster sagte Mahmut
Bakalli, der ehemalige Albanerführer aus der südserbischen
Provinz Kosovo und Metochien aus. Der ethnisch-albanische
Politiker war bis 1981 Vorsitzender der jugoslawischen
Kommunisten in Kosovo und Metochien und ist heute
Abgeordneter im Provinzparlament.


+++ Internationales Komitee: "Kriegsverbrechertribunal"
abschaffen +++

DEN HAAG, 17. Februar 2002. Das Internationale Komitee zur
Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic, der vom bulgarischen
Rechtswissenschaftler Prof. Velko Velkanov und dem ehemaligen
US-Generalstaatsanwalt Ramsey Clark angeführt wird, rief heute in
Den Haag die Weltöffentlichkeit dazu auf, die Initiative des
Komitees zu unterstützen, das Den Haager
"Kriegsverbrechertribunal" durch die UNO zu abzuschaffen.


+++ Milosevic redet über NATO-Verbrechen +++

DEN HAAG, 16. Februar 2002. In seiner gestrigen Rede vor dem
"Kriegsverbrechertribunal" in Den Haag trug der ehemalige
jugoslawische Präsident Milosevic Beweismaterial vor, der von
NATO-Verbrechen an jugoslawischer Zivilbevölkerung und von der
Unterstützung der deutschen Geheimdienste für die albanischen
UCK-Terroristen zeugen. Er zitierte ausführlich aus dem Buch
"Kriegsverbrechen" von Jürgen Elsässer.


+++ Djindjic will weitere Serben ausliefern +++

FRANKFURT, 16. Februar 2002. Serbiens Ministerpräsident Zoran
Djindjic kündigte gegenüber "Handlesblatt" Auslieferung von
weieteren Serben an das "Kriegsverbrechertribunal" in Den Haag
an. Er nannte namentlich den amtierenden Präsidenten Serbiens
Milan Milutinovic, den ehemaligen Innenminister Vlajko
Stojiljkovic und den ehemaligen Generalstabschef Dragoljub
Ojdanic, die auf der Liste des Tribunals stehen, da sie während
der NATO-Aggression gegen Jugoslawien in Amt waren.




+++ NATO droht Milosevic +++

BELGRAD, 15.Februar 2002. Die NATO droht dem früheren
jugoslawischen Präsidenten Milosevic offenbar mit
?Strafmaßnahmen?, sofern die Organisation ?Freiheit -
für eine Welt der Freien und Gleichen? in Serbien den
Medien weiterhin neue Beweise für Verbrechen der NATO
während der Aggression gegen Jugoslawien vorlegt. Dies
berichtete heute der Sprecher der Organisation Milan


+++ Milosevic will westliche Politiker als Zeugen +++

DEN HAAG, 15.Februar 2002. Der ehemalige jugoslawische
Präsident Slobodan Milosevic will führende westliche
Politiker aus der Zeit der Zerschlagung der
Sozialistischen Föderativen Republik Jugoslawien (SFRJ) und der
NATO-Aggression gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
als Zeugen vor das Haager Tribunal bringen. Milosevic
erklärte mögliche Zeugen wären der frühere deutsche
Außenminister Kinkel und Ex-US-Präsident Clinton.
Milosevic möchte durch solche Zeugen beweisen, daß
der Westen eine erhebliche Mitschuld an den Ereignissen
im ehemaligen Jugoslawien während der letzten zehn
Jahre trägt.
Ein Experte der britischen BBC bestätigte, daß die
von Milosevic genannten Personen sich durchaus im
Zeugenstand des Tribunals wiederfinden könnten, auch
könnte das Tribunal gegen die Personen Zwangsmaßnahmen
einleiten, sofern sich diese einer Vorladung verweigern


+++ Prozeß gegen Milosevic Prozeß gegen Jugoslawien +++

MOSKAU, 15.Februar 2002. Der Präsident der russischen
staatlichen Duma, Genadij Seleznjov erklärte am
Freitag, daß der Prozeß gegen Slobodan Milosevic in
den Haag ?einen politischen Prozeß gegen das ganze
Jugoslawien darstellt?. Seleznjov erklärte weiter,
daß Milosevic unzweifelhaft ein politischer Gefangener



Redaktion Amselfeld

+++ Milosevic spricht vor Haager Tribunal +++

DEN HAAG, 14.Februar 2002. Der ehemalige jugoslawische
Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat heute vor dem
Tribunal in Den Haag zu den gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfen
Stellung genommen. Milosevic stellte klar, daß er
während der NATO-Aggression gegen Jugoslawien seiner
Pflicht zum Schutz seines Landes vor dem feindlichen
Angriff nachgekommen sei und daß der Kampf der
serbischen Sicherheitskräfte gegen die UCK in Kosovo und
Metochien keinensfalls, wie von der Anklage behauptet,
ein Venichtungsfeldzug gegen albanische Zivilisten
darstellte, sondern den legitimen Kampf der staatlichen
Autorität gegen den sie bedrohenden albanischen
Terrorismus. Milosevic legte dem Tribunal diverse
Fotos vor, in denen zivile Opfer der NATO-Aggression
gezeigt wurden.


*** Slobodan Milosevic 18.02.2002 u Hagu

Windows Word file (.doc):

*** Slobodan Milosevic 15.02.2002 u Hagu

Windows Word file (.doc):

*** Slobodan Milosevic 14.02.2002 u Hagu

Windows Word file (.doc):

*** Slobodan Milosevic 13.02.2002 u Hagu

Windows Word file (.doc):



Novinari koji su se okupili u zgradi
Tribunala primetili su da prvog
dana sudjenja na galeriji nije bio
niko od clanova porodice Slobodana
Milosevica. Jedina osoba kojoj je
optuzeni uputio osmeh bio je Vladimir
Krsljanin, iz SPS, kao predstavnik
Upravnog odbora Komiteta Sloboda
Koji je na galeriji sedeo bas
pored izvestaca Danasa.
On je za nas list izjavio: "Ne
moze se ocekivati da Tuzilastvo dokaze
neki zlocin jer je to nemoguce.
Ipak, u odnosu na raniji stav, vidi se
pomak u tome sto su odustali od
diskreditacije Milosevica kao tvorca
ideje o velikoj Srbiji i sve
su prebacili na teren ocuvanja licne
vlasti. Nevesto su pokusali da kazu
da je on tvorac sveg zla. Nizali su
price o krvavim dogadjajima, a
ispricali jednu potpuno politicku
Na pitanje zasto nikoga od Miloseviceve
porodice nema u sali, Krsljanin je
odgovorio: "On je prinudjen da bude izlozen
ovom maltretiranju i ja ne vidim zasto
bi se, sedeci na sudjenju, i posmatrajuci
sve ovo, jos vise maltretirali clanovi
njegove porodice."


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of
equals) (the international committee
to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper advocating


Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha intensificato negli ultimi mesi le
sue pressioni sulla Croazia, per costringere il Parlamento ed il governo
a realizzare ulteriori "riforme strutturali" senza le quali il paese si
trovera' escluso dai "salotti buoni" internazionali - UE in primis. In
particolare, adesso gli usurai del FMI chiedono provvedimenti destinati
a causare il licenziamento di 10mila lavoratori, tagli alla spesa
pubblica ed il blocco della realizzazione di certe infrastrutture - per
le quali alla Croazia, come gia' agli altri paesi dell'area, viene
imposto che l'appalto e la successiva gestione siano affidati a ditte

+++ IWF stellt neue Forderungen an Zagreb +++

ZAGREB, 16. Februar 2002. Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF)
stellt neue Forderungen an Kroatien, nachdem dieses Staatsgebilde
vor kurzem der Forderung dieser Organisation zugestimmt hat,
einen "transparenten" Verteidigungshaushalt einzuführen. Der IWF
verlangt nun die Entlassung von 10.000 Beamten, Lohnkürzungen im
öffentlichen Dienst und den Baustopp für die Autobahn zwischen
der Hauptstadt Zagreb und dem Adriahafen Split. Wenn auch diesen
Forderungen nachgegangen wird, sind soziale Unruhe und der Sturz
der aktuellen Regierung garantiert, meldet die Zagreber
Nachrichtenagentur HINA.



Suggerisco a tutti di diffondere il più possibile questo appello, in
rete e fuori: la muraglia cinese della più grande disinformazione mai
riuscita all'imperialismo deve essere sgretolata, masso dopo masso. Lo
dobbiamo alla verità, alla Jugoslavia, ai serbi, e a Slobo, presidente
del paese più genuinamente democratico ed antimperialista d'Europa. La
carneficina fatta dagli imperialisti in Afghanistan, Palestina,
Jugoslavia, e niente rispetto all'ecatombe di cervelli provocata
dall'informazione e ci indica quanta strada dobbiamo ancora fare per
superare pigrizia, carenza di basi teoriche e quindi di chiavi di
lettura. Coloro che continuano a straparlare delle colpe di Milosevic
sono identici a coloro che si sono fatti narcotizzare da
Berlusconi e hanno votato per lui. La Grande Serbia non è mai stato un
programma di Milosevic, nessuna pulizia etnica è mai stata programmata
ed eseguita da Milosevic, nessuna guerra balcanica è stata innescata da
Milosevic che si è trovato, isolato e diffamato, costretto a salvare
il salvabile. Nessun tesoro è mai stato accumulato e nascosto da
Milosevic, nessuna privatizzazione selvaggia è mai stata attuata da
Milosevic, che, anzi, ha cacciato il privatizzatore Markovic e ha difeso
fino all'estremo i diritti dei lavoratori e lo stato sociale. Ma c'è
ancora chi, appunto pigro o distratto, prende per buone le immagini,
riproposte in occasione del processo, del falso "campo di sterminio"
serbo, quando è disponibile un video che dimostra come operatori e
fotografi occidentali abbiano messo dei tipi magri, denudati, dietro a
un filo spinato e li abbiano poi ripresi. Tutta questa messa in scena,
con regista e comparse, è stata ripresa da una troupe televisiva.
Procuratevi questo video, o leggetene su "Emperor's clothes", e fate
capire agli sprovveduti quale è il meccanismo con cui si
sono fabbricate tutte le menzogne su Milosevic e la Serbia. Ma in fondo
bisogna essere comprensivi, visto che perfino il Manifesto titola sul
processo "L'ex-dittatore di Belgrado". Un dittatore con venti partiti
politici, 17 dei quali di opposizione, con una stampa e tv al 92% in
mano all'opposizione, con le maggiori città, da Belgrado a Novi Sad a
Nis a Kraguievac governate dall'opposizione, che se ne va dopo aver
perso le elezioni, che, al potere, non ha neppure bandito organizzazioni
apertamente CIA, conniventi col nemico, come Alleanza Civica, Otpor,
Donne in nero di Belgrado, o come sabotatori esteri come i Berretti
Bianchi o le tutine di Casarini, che non ha esercitato la censura
neppure in tempo di guerra, che si è limitato a chiudere la radio CIA
B92 (gemellata con Radio Sherwood dei casariniani di Padova) e la TV
Studio B di Vuk Draskovic per pochi giorni, dopo che avevano invocato
l'insurrezione armata e l'uccisione del capo di Stato. Un dittatore che
ha fatto svolgere centinaia di manifestazioni contrarie, accompagnate da
quattro-sei poliziotti col manganello (confrontare con l'apparato da
guerra che accompagna le nostre manifestazioni) che poi fornivano acqua
ai manifestanti assetati, di cui solo un paio sono state affrontate con
manganelli e idranti, allorchè i manifestanti, guidati dalla teppaglia
Otpor, volevano assaltare la residenza del Presidente, come se da noi si
assalisse il Quirinale. Un dittatore "nazionalista" che non ha mai
espresso un solo concetto nazionalista, tipo Rugova, Thaci, Tdjman,
Izetbegovic, che ha invocato la convivenza tra tutte le etnie nell'unica
federazione multietnica rimasta in Europa, che ha trattato fino alla
fine con Rugova per una equa soluzione nel Kosovo, nonostante i
separatisti albanesi, foraggiati e istruiti da Germania, USA e
Bin Laden, da anni ammazzassero poliziotti, magistrati, medici,
insegnanti, comuni cittadini serbi, albanesi non fascisti, rom, goranci
e altre minoranze, e che aveva addirittura tollerato uno stato nello
stato creato, con istituzioni mediche e scolastiche private ed
etnicamente pulite (solo albanesi) create dall'amica dei tiranni
latinoamericani Teresa di Calcutta, albanese, e finanziate dal bandito
della speculazione e del riciclaggio, creatore e sostenitore di tutte
le finte sinistre nel mondo, socio dei narcos colombiani, George Soros.

Questo è il "dittatore", complimenti Manifesto. Si deve anche a te se
tanta gente, anche in buona fede, sfanghiglia nella merda delle bugie

Fulvio Grimaldi




Signing :


February 13, 2002

[vedere la pagina: ]

For Immediate Release

Jonathan Levy and Tom Easton, Attorneys
Tel. 513-528-0586
E mail: <mailto:resistk@...>

February 16, 2002
The Original Butcher of the Balkans: Pavelic not Milosevic

Ante Pavelic was the original Butcher of the Balkans." He was the leader
of the Nazi puppet government of the "Independent State of Croatia" who
died peacefully in Madrid in 1959. The mass murderer of 80,000 Jews,
30,000 Gypsies, and over 500,000 Serbs survived the Second World War and
never faced a war crimes tribunal unlike Slobodan Milosevic whose
alleged crimes pale in comparison. Instead Pavelic was offered sanctuary
by the Vatican and became a security advisor to Juan and Eva Peron
before retiring to fascist Spain. Key to Pavelic s survival was the
so-called Croatian Treasury, really nothing more than Pavelic s personal
wealth, the plunder of concentration camps and massacres throughout the
Balkans and beyond. Wherever the loyal Ustashe (Croatian Nazis) served
Pavelic and Hitler, Orthodox Christian churches and Jewish synagogues
were plundered and the property of Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, Ukrainians and
others were confiscated. The crimes of Pavelic and the Ustashe were so
barbaric that even hardened Nazis were disgusted by it.

In the final days of World War II, Pavelic and his inner circle bought
and bribed their way to Rome where help was waiting at the Vatican.
Pavelic committed genocide on a level far greater than any known before
or since in the Balkans but he had been personally received by Pius XII
during his reign of terror. The Franciscan Order and Vatican bank
eagerly helped launder Pavelic s loot the proceeds of which were used to
establish the so called ratline which helped thousands of Nazis and
Ustashe escape to South America.

Over 50 years later, a class action lawsuit was filed in Federal Court
in San Francisco in 1998 seeking an accounting of the Pavelic loot. The
defendants, the Vatican bank, Franciscan order, and the remaining
Ustashe were asked to account for the gold, silver, and gems plundered
so many years ago. A Federal judge has taken the case under submission.

Last month, an ex US Army intelligence official revealed that Pavelic s
body is secured at a secret location in Madrid awaiting its eventual
return to the homeland. Pavelic s followers view the current Croatian
state as the successor to the Nazi inspired Independent State of
Croatia, their legacy will be fulfilled only by the return of their
supreme leader or in the Croatian language, Poglavnik, to lie in state
in Zagreb. Tudjman, the late blood stained ruler of Croatia, was a
proponent of returning Pavelic to Croatia and indeed Pavelic would be
pleased to find many new public monuments to his loyal Ustashe springing
up like toadstools after a spring rain in democratic Croatia.

Attorneys in the class action lawsuit even while awaiting the court s
ruling are opening up a second front against the Croatian Nazis in
It is thought a large portion of the Croatian treasure was secreted in
Madrid and remains there yet along with Pavelic s relatives and loyal
Ustashe who maintain a vigil over their leaders grave. According to
attorney Jonathan Levy, Spanish law firms have been contacted and an
action of some sort in Spain is likely especially in light of the
Spanish National Court s recent interest in the Pinochet case. According
to Levy, "The Spanish courts have been interested in fighting Fascism
abroad but here is an even worse case at home, let s hope they will put
the principles of International Law at work on this domestic case and
stop the Ustashe."

A ceremony presided over by Croatian Franciscan priests is thought to
take place annually on Pavelic s birthday. At such Ustashe ceremonies
eternal hatred towards Serbs and others are sworn on a crucifix, knife,
and a revolver. Many Ustashe returned to Croatia in 1991 and have played
a role in the ongoing hostilities in Herzegovina ensuring the
continuation of a cycle violence that began in 1941 with Pavelic.

For more information:
Tel 513-528-0586
mailto: Jlevy1@...

Jonathan Levy, Esq.

For more on Ante Pavlic see:

* Why Milosevic, not NATO, is on trial (J. Catalinotto)
* Report from the Kangaroo Court at The Hague (J. Israel, 14.2.2002)
* Milosevic, a prisoner of conscience (N. Clark)
* The lie of the century (S. Stefanov)
* News from official yugoslav sources




The Guardian - Saturday February 16, 2002
This is not justice
The Hague has replaced Nuremberg's jurisprudence of peace with a
licence to the west to kill
By John Laughland


Jonathan Power, TFF associate, February 8, 2002
The Milosevic Trial will embarrass America



Why Milosevic, not NATO, is on trial

By John Catalinotto

The moneyed media throughout the United States
and Western Europe are focusing much attention on
the opening of what they call a "war-crimes
trial" of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on
Feb. 12.

But those who want to know what's really behind
this trial won't find it in the media of the very
imperialist powers that pulverized Yugoslavia
with merciless bombing raids and dismembered the
former socialist country.

The International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague was authorized in
1993 by the United Nations Security Council
under pressure from the U.S. government. Its officials
decided it would not put U.S. or NATO generals
on trial. Only those from the Balkans have been tried,
and most of those charged are Serbs. This court
is the antithesis of "justice."

The trial of Milosevic was set up by the victors
of the imperialist war to put on trial those who defied
their plans of domination. And Milosevic, the
first head of state to face an international war crimes
tribunal, is standing trial because he was the
head of a country that resisted the dismantling of
socialism and the surrender of the economy to
the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Milosevic was Serbia's premier for eight years
before being elected Yugoslav president in 1997. He is
also the leader of the Socialist Party of

The judges accuse Milosevic of committing war
crimes in three different struggles that dismembered
Yugoslavia: the war in Croatia in 1991-1995,
Bosnia in 1992-1995, and Kosovo in 1999. The charges
are concocted for the sole purpose of creating a
justification for wars that carved up the remainder of
socialist Yugoslavia after the Cold War had
succeeded in overturning the Soviet Union.

Who is providing the "evidence" to back up these
charges? Court officials who spoke on condition of
anonymity said that reports on Kosovo--a region
of Serbia--came from the CIA. Washington and Berlin
backed a right-wing terrorist group called the
Kosovo Liberation Army that assassinated Serb and
Albanian officials in Kosovo. The British MI-6
is supplying material on Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina,
two republics of the former Yugoslavia.
(Associated Press, Feb. 13)

The U.S. and NATO powers, during a 78-day
bombing campaign in 1999, dropped 25,000 tons of
bombs and killed thousands of Yugoslavs, many of
them seniors and children.

The anti-war movements in United States and
Europe have organized independent tribunals to try the
Pentagon and NATO brass in abstention and, after
pouring over testimony and facts, found the
imperialists guilty of war crimes against the
peoples of Yugoslavia.

In his Jan. 30 statement to an ICTY hearing,
Milosevic said of the combined charges against him: "All
three indictments really have a running thread
... which is the ongoing crime against Yugoslavia and
against my people." He said the victims are
being punished and the criminals let off "because they
were backed by forces that wanted to establish
control over the Balkans, so as to be able to use this
strategic position to establish their control

Part of the anti-imperialist struggle

The trial of Milosevic in The Hague is therefore
viewed by many in Yugoslavia and around the world as
a continuation of the imperialist campaign in
eastern Europe.

Milosevic, who is defending himself before the
court, has refused to recognize the authority of the
imperial tribunal. He is expected to politically
rebut the charges against him on Feb. 14.

Milosevic's stand has aroused support in
Yugoslavia. Thousands marched in Belgrade on Feb. 9
demanding his freedom. The demonstration was
organized by the SPS. It took great courage to take
to the streets in an anti-imperialist
demonstration at this time.

More than 100,000 Serbs have already signed a
petition demanding his immediate release. This
petition will be sent to the United Nations and
to the Hague Tribunal.

Some 1,380 Yugoslavs volunteered to go to The
Hague to testify in his behalf, according to a French
Press Agency (AFP) report.

In The Hague, anti-war activists from Europe and
the U.S. denounced the tribunal as "NATO's court"
and called it a political tool of the U.S. and
European NATO powers to shift blame for the Balkan wars
from themselves to the Serb and Yugoslav people.
Those present included members of the
International Committee for the Defense of
Slobodan Milosevic and a delegation from the International
Action Center (IAC) from the United States.

Milosevic was first charged with war crimes by
the tribunal in May 1999. It was part of NATO's attempt
to pressure the Yugoslav government to surrender
control of the Serbian region of Kosovo and
Metohia to U.S./NATO occupation. Washington was
trying to avoid a land invasion that could bring U.S.
military casualties and spark more anti-war
actions within the United States.

Deposed by a foreign-financed election and a
coup in the fall of 2000, Milosevic was arrested by the
new pro-NATO regime in the spring of 2001. The
leaders of this government, President Vojislav
Kostunica and Serbian Premier Zoran Djinidjic,
were unable to bring substantial charges against the
former president. Instead, they violated the
Yugoslav Constitution and turned him over to NATO on
June 28, 2001.

Even then the only charges he faced involved
Kosovo. Only last fall, six to ten years after the events,
did they add charges involving Croatia and
Bosnia, where a bitter civil war had been fought between
Croatian, right-wing Muslim and Serb nationalist
regimes. The ICTY hoped it could make him
responsible for alleged crimes of the Serb
forces and make the more serious charge of "genocide"

After the collapse of the USSR, right-wing
ethnic nationalists in Croatia and Bosnia launched civil wars
that were tearing the country apart. The U.S.
and German governments and secret services backed
these right-wing forces, especially the
neo-fascist Franjo Tudjman in Croatia and the Alija Izetbegovic
regime in Bosnia.

Milosevic asked why "70,000 Muslim refugees
sought sanctuary in Serbia during the Bosnian conflict?
Do you think someone would flee their home and
take refuge in the very territory from which they
were endangered?"

The former president pointed out that, for all
the phony charges, only "the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia," said Milosevic, "which now exists,
retained its [multi]ethnic makeup. There were no
expulsions, from the beginning to the end of the
Yugoslav crisis." After the imperialist-backed forces
won, "half a million Serbs were expelled from
Croatia," Bosnia was split in three ethnic regions, and
virtually all non-Albanians were driven from

Catalinotto is co-editor of a new book on
Yugoslavia called "Hidden Agenda: U.S./NATO Takeover of
Yugoslavia," published by the International
Action Center. A full transcript of President Milosevic's Jan.
30 statement can be found at

- END -

Reprinted from the Feb. 21,
2002, issue of Workers World newspaper

(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is
permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of
this document, but changing it is not allowed.
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EMPEROR'S CLOTHES, Thursday, February 14, 2002

Report from the Kangaroo Court at The Hague
[14 February 2002]

Dear friends,

I am writing to you from The Hague.

I am here as part of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic. We have been talking to many journalists in an effort to
break through the barrier of misinformation about Yugoslavia and
President Milosevic.

As we told journalists in interviews which have reached millions of
people, the character of the so-called prosecution's case is already
exposed, and the trial just two days old.

Instead of making a dignified, factual opening statement, the
prosecution spent two days broadcasting a made-for-TV fictional movie, a
rehash of all the emotional images they have produced over the past 12
years as evidence that the Serbs are monsters.

The pictures are presented without a shred of actual evidence. All we
get are ugly images and the assertions of the prosecutor/narrator. By
running this atrocity movie for two days, the ICTY hoped (not without
reason) that most reporters would leave The Hague before President
Milosevic made his statements.

What is perhaps most shocking, the prosecution has taken evidence
exonerating Milosevic and condemning NATO and, through the use of cheap
tricks, presented it as if it proved the opposite.


For example, the "prosecutor" showed some footage of Milosevic
delivering his famous Kosovo Field speech in 1989. This footage included
English subtitles in which Milosevic said:

"Six centuries later, now, we are being again engaged in battles and are
facing battles. They are not armed battles, although such things cannot
be excluded yet."

This is supposed to prove that Milosevic used the 1989 speech to launch
the Yugoslav wars.

It is normal, if a prosecutor wishes to introduce quotes from a speech,
to distribute the entire text.

But this the 'Tribunal' did not do.

That's because if they had quoted almost any full paragraph from the
speech - let alone the whole speech - people would immediately see that
the quote above was a warning of the dangers of war. They would see it
was part of a call for unity between different national groups in
Yugoslavia, and for progress through equality and peaceful cooperation.

Take for instance the following uncut paragraph from the actual text (US
government translation) of Milosevic's speech. "For as long as
multinational communities have existed, their weak point has always been
the relations between different nations. The threat is that the question
of one nation being endangered by the others can be posed one day -- and
this can then start a wave of suspicions, accusations, and intolerance,
a wave that invariably grows and is difficult to stop. This threat has
been hanging like a sword over our heads all the time. Internal and
external enemies of multi-national communities are aware of this and
therefore they organize their activity against multinational societies
mostly by fomenting national conflicts. At this moment, we in Yugoslavia
are behaving as if we have never had such an experience and as if in our
recent and distant past we have never experienced the worst tragedy of
national conflicts that a society can experience and still survive.


Another example - The prosecutor showed footage of what seem to be men
imprisoned behind barbed wire. These pictures have been used before.
They were taken by an ITN film crew in 1992. Photographs were compiled
from this footage and broadcast around the world, purporting to prove
that the Serbs had set up a death camp at Trnopolje in Bosnia.

Amazingly, this footage can be seen in the Emperors' Clothes movie,
JUDGMENT. What the Tribunal did not show was the rest of the footage
from the movie - where you can witness Penny Marshall and the other
members of her ITN film crew setting up their cameras inside a chicken
wire and barbed wire enclosure.

Some refugees came over to see what was happening. Penny Marshall talked
to them and filmed them through the wire, thus producing footage that
made it seem these men were fenced in. The film was then further
doctored to create the 'feel' of a Nazi death camp.

In the movie, JUDGMENT, one can hear Penny Marshall pressing the Muslim
refugees to say they are being abused. The man she is interviewing
resists her pressure. "No no, " he says. "They treat us good. It's a
refugee center."

Thus the ICTY takes footage from a movie which proves that the death
camp stories were a lie, and uses them once again to broadcast the lie.

We have studied much data - both articles and transcripts from the mass
media, and original documents. We have also conducted our own

We can now prove that NATO's charges against Milosevic are lies.

These lies were originally broadcast to justify the breakup of
Yugoslavia, engineered by the U.S., German and British Establishments.
Now because Milosevic has refused to crawl, the prosecution is forced to
justify their attack on Yugoslavia.

When Milosevic tried to speak today, his microphone was once again
turned off by Judge May. This demonstrates the essence of NATO's attempt
to deal with Milosevic and others who want to tell the truth about what
NATO has done to Yugoslavia. Their method is a) broadcast lies over and
over and 2) try to silence Milosevic and everyone else who tells the

But NATO and its 'Tribunal' have a problem. They are boxed in by their
previous propaganda. They have to prove the lies they made up over a
course of many years are true.

Thus this false trial has reopened the question of what really happened
in Yugoslavia. This gives those of us who want to get out the facts a
new opportunity.

And we are using it.

* Jared Israel * The Hague


Milosevic, a prisoner of conscience

Neil Clark raises a lone voice for a man whose worst crime was to carry
on being socialist

New Statesman magazine, 11 Feb., 2002

I always remember my first visit to Belgrade, in the summer of 1998. As
an unreconstructed socialist, completely out of step with the spirit of
the age, 1 had spent most of the Nineties trying to escape, as best 1
could, to a place where it was still 1948. So imagine my delight when 1
arrived in Belgrade and found a city that seemed miraculously to have
escaped all the horrors of global grunge.

Bookshops, self service restaurants and state~owned department stores
abounded: a walk down the city boulevards reminded one of a British high
street in the late Sixties. My delight turned to ecstasy when, on
entering a state owned bookshop, 1 saw on prominent display in the
window a copy of that classic tome Arguments for Socialism by Tony Berm.
What a truly wonderful place was Belgrade!

Yet here 1 was, in the capital city of a nation commonly regarded as the
"pariah" state of Europe and whose leader a certain Slobodan
Milosevic was routinely dismissed in the western media as Europe's
Saddam Hussein. Four years on, the same Slobodan Milosevic languishes in
a cell awaiting trial on charges of war crimes and genocide.

While opposition to the treatment of the al Qaeda prisoners has been
widespread and vociferous, few have protested about the treatment handed
out to a man who, less than 18 months ago, was president of a European
nation. Yet the way Milosevic has been dealt with is, in many ways, as
great a scandal as the blindfolds and handcuffs at Camp X Ray.

For a start, it is still unclear what the former Yugoslav leader is
actually charged with, even though he has been deprived of his liberty
for more than ten months now. The original war crimes indictment, served
on Milosevic in June 1999 at the height of the Kosovo war, covered vague
charges relating to the war in Bosnia. The UN's chief war crimes
prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, has sought to submerge these charges into a
"unified" indictment, widened to include charges relating to the war in
Bosnia and also to campaigns in Croatia. At least, that was the position
up until very recently. Now, it seems, due to problems with "collecting
evidence", the trial date of 12 February is likely to be put back once

As if the nebulous nature of these charges were not scandalous enough,
there are also the day to day infringements of Milosevic's basic human
rights to consider. On the pretext of preventing a suicide attempt,
Milosevic is under 24 hour video surveillance in his cell. He is denied
access to the counsel of his choice, his mail is strictly censored and
he is prevented from speaking to the world's media. Yet despite these
violations, Amnesty International, normally so vocal in its defence of
"political prisoners", has yet to utter so much as a murmur.

The problem is that the demonisation campaign against Milosevic has been
so thorough and unrelenting and, for most, Slobo is already guilty as
Milosevic, we have learnt from the western media, is a rabid Serb
nationalist who whipped up dormant ethnic tensions to plunge the whole
region into war and, in the process, had thousands of innocent people
deported or killed.

But let us look beyond this CNN view of world history. Slobodan
Milosevic, a lifelong socialist, never once made a racist speech. When
faced with the incessant violence of western trained separatist groups,
he had little option but to use military means to try to prevent the
break up of his country and to defend the Serbian and Roma people from
being driven out of the lands they had inhabited for centuries.

Ironically, although the Yugoslav Socialist Party leader had no shortage
of "right wing" enemies (Lady Thatcher, for one), it has been
representatives of the liberal left, in the United States, Britain and
Europe, who have hounded him most mercilessly.

Back in 1999, it was Auberon Waugh who memorably coined the phrase
"Blair Toynbee axis" to describe the unedifying enthusiasm for the
bombing of Yugoslavia from new Labour and its supporters in the British
media. Then ministers such as Robin Cook and Derek Fatchett who, less
than 20 years earlier, had been on Ban the Bomb marches now climbed into
jump jets and addressed military press conferences, while Clare Short
defended the killing of cleaners and make up girls at the Yugoslav state
television station by Nato bombs.

How are we to explain this? The trouble with Slobo is not that he is an
"ethnic cleanser" (three years after the original indictment, we have
yet to see the evidence linking Milosevic to atrocities in Bosnia), but
that he is stubbornly and cussedly an "old", unreconstructed socialist.
This is why the new designer "left" parties of Europe have pursued him
so mercilessly to The Hague. Slobo is exactly the kind of old style
eastern European leader many of them would have defended in their
student days. Ironically, it is still acceptable in politically correct
circles to praise Tito's Yugoslavia, which was truly a one party state;
but Milosevie's Yugoslavia, where more than 20 political parties could
freely operate, is deemed completely beyond the pale.

Had Milosevic sold off his country's assets to the multinationals and
queued up deferentially to join the European Union and Nato, and become
a western "yes man", he would have had carte blanche to wage his own
"war against terrorism". Anyone who doubts this need only refer to the
1999 US EU Balkan Stability Pact, which called for all countries of the
region to be offered Nato and EU membership to "anchor them firmly in
Euro Atlantic structures", as well as demanding "wide spread'
privatisation" and an end to any restrictions on the operations of

The treatment handed out to Milosevic shows that the biggest enemies of
socialist causes are not those with principles on the right, but those
without them on the left.



The International Tribunal, presided over by Richard
May, started the trial of ex-president of Yugoslavia
Slobodan Milosevic. Prosecutor General Carla Del Ponte
said that the litigation could last up to two years.
Unprecendented security measures have been taken,
since the event is gathering a lot of people from the
entire world.
As news agencies reported, Milosevic appeared in the
court room wearing a dark suit and a tie; he was calm
and confident.
Carla Del Ponte was the first to make a speech. The
prosecutor talked about the justice and about the
inevitability of retaliation. She said that Milosevic
was moved by his hunger for power.
Ninety witnesses are going to participate in the
trial, and Bill Clinton may be one of them. The judges
of the International Tribunal of the Hague have
charged the former president of Yugoslavia of
committing war crimes in Kosovo in 1999, during the
war in Croatia (1991-1995), and in Bosnia (1992-1995).
As far as Bosnia is concerned, Milosevic is also being
charged with genocide.
The court will first consider the events in Kosovo.
The documents on the other two cases are to be
prepared by July 1. The most severe punishment that
can be ruled by the Tribunal is a lifetime of
As it became known, Slobodan Milosevic?s party, the
Social Party of Serbia, is trying to provide for the
constant presence of its representatives at the court
sessions. The Canadian lawyer Christopher Black stated
that the prosecution would extend the process to the
maximum, for they were not successful in Milosevic?s
case, so they will use him as a whipping boy.
In the meantime, a group of the deputies of the State
Duma sent a letter to UN?s Secretary-General Kofi
Annan, expressing solidarity with the former
Yugoslavian leader. They asked Annan to dimiss Carla
Del Ponte from her position.
It was stressed in the letter that new information
pertaining to the links between the Liberation Army of
Kosovo and Osama bin Laden (and his al-Qaeda group)
changed the conception about the character of the
conflict in Kosovo during 1998-1999, and, therefore,
the estimation of the key figures of that conflict. It
is obvious that President Milosevic was waging war
against international terrorism. However, the actions
of the Yugoslavian government to suppress the armed
separatism and destroy the armed militant groups that
terrorized the Serb and the Albanian population were
pictured as repression against the civilians.
The deputies drew Annan?s attention to the fact that
Carla Del Ponte had all the necessary documents
concerning the terrorist activity of the Liberation
Army of Kosovo at her disposal, but she deliberately
refused to include them in the materials of the case.
Furthermore, the court is not going to consider the
war crimes committed by the USA and NATO in 1999. No
wonder, taking into consideration the fact of who
controls this International Tribunal. If you want to
address someone, don't address Kofi Annan, address
American President George (the second)W. Bush.
The Serbian minister for Justice, Vladan Batic, said
that the state is not supposed to interfere in the
litigation with Milosevic. As Batic claimed, the
proceedings in the Hague are not the aimed against
Serbia, but are a process aimed at proving the
criminal responsibility of one person only.
Furthermore, Milosevic does not acknowledge the
government of Serbia.
ver 100-thousand Serbian citizens have already signed
a petition for the immediate release of Milosevic.
This petition is going to be sent to the UN and to the
Hague Tribunal. The process in the Hague is going to
be proved the ?the lie of the century? in order to
release Milosevic and find him not guilty of the
charges (...)
Milosevic?s name is written in the history as the man
who ruled the country during NATO?s aggression in the
spring of 1999. This was the time when the whole
nation united around this leader and saw Milosevic as
their protecter and the embodiment of an unconquered

Sergey Stefanov (PRAVDA.Ru)


BELGRADE, Feb. 13 (Beta) - Serbian prime minister Zoran Djindjic said
list of war crimes indictees sought by the International Criminal
for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has been considerably shortened,
due to court capacity, and partly because tensions have eased," the
Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti reports on Feb. 14.
"We cannot evade The Hague tribunal. There is only a limited number of
names on their list, including Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, and
four members of Milosevic's entourage," Djindjic said, adding that "they
can be counted on the fingers of one hand."
"Why don't they, gentlemen and heroes that they are, remove the noose
their nation's neck and give themselves up of their own free will. The
trials are public, there are 250 reporters with press accreditation, so
trials cannot possibly be rigged," the Serbian prime minister said.

BELGRADE, Feb. 13 (Beta) - Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic called
all those indicted by The Hague-based International War Crimes Tribunal
the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to voluntarily surrender, and thus
"demonstrate patriotic conscience." Batic reiterated that in the case of
voluntary surrender, the Serbian government would offer guarantees for
release from pre-trial detention.
At a press conference of the Democratic-Christian Party of Serbia, led
him, Batic said that the Serbian government had not been set "any
requests in respect to certain individuals or deadlines" for extradition
indictees to the ICTY, but added that all international officials had
pointed to the necessity of full cooperation with the ICTY.

BELGRADE, Feb 18 ( Tanjug) - Yugoslav Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic told
Tanjug Sunday that it is the last moment for cooperation with The Hague
tribunal in a legally defined manner and that a political agreement
to be reached as soon as possible with coalition partners on the federal
level and parties in Serbia. "On the issue of extradition of
individuals, I
personally think that, realizing the resolve and need for future
cooperation with The Hague tribunal, conscience will prevail and that
will voluntarily give themselves up and in that way lift the burden from
themselves and from the nation and from our state," Pesic said.

BELGRADE, Feb 17 ( Free Serbia) - Federal foreign
minister Goran Svilanovic confirmed today our country demanded The Hague
tribunal to make it possible for one representative of the Yugoslav
government to be observer to the trial of Slobodan Milosevic.
"This is something I have done in the capacity of
foreign minister. I officially demanded The Hague tribunal to have one
our observers be present during the course of the trial, because our
citizens are on trial", tells Svilanovic.
"We want to follow the course of the trial up to the
smallest detail, not from the media but from direct presence. We are
expecting the answer and I think it will be positive", stressed
adding this was an important trial and "there are trials that would be
beneficial to our country". He adds cooperation with The Hague tribunal
an obligation of our government and should be taken seriously, which
applies to the extradition of indictees for war crimes

WASHINGTON, Feb 17 ( B92) - Former State Secretary Madeleine
Albright has stated the U.S. government would decide upon whether she
testify at the trial of Slobodan Milosevic. "Whatever steps I took, I
it as ally to the U.S. government and so the decision about the
at the Milosevic trial should be adopted by the government", Albright
the press in Kiev

"Un raffronto dei dati che ha fornito
con cio' che il governo fa per i Serbi
e altri non-albanesi in Kosovo e'
sufficiente per capire per chi lavora
il vice primoministro serbo"


"Glas Javnosti" 12/02/2002


Tempo fa, a Vienna, il vice
primoministro serbo, Nebojsa Covic,
ha informato il Consiglio permanente
dell'OSCE delle misure
governative a favore degli Albanesi
nella Valle di Presevo.
Un raffronto dei dati che ha fornito
con cio' che il governo fa per i Serbi
e altri non-albanesi in Kosovo e'
sufficiente per capire per chi lavora
il vice primoministro Serbo.

Negli ultimi otto mesi, 8982
Albanesi sono rientrati a Presevo, da
dove erano temporaneamente trasferiti, e
questo numero va diviso per cento per
sapere quanti Serbi cacciati con la
violenza siano riusciti a tornare a Kosmet.

Dall'ottobre 2001, una volta al mese
6110 albanesi ricevono dal governo serbo
aiuti in cibo, prodotti igienici e
vestiti. Non ci risulta che i serbi
kosovari ricevano aiuti o soldi dal

Nei comuni di Bujanovac, Medvedja e
Presevo, 168 persone hanno ottenuto dal
governo 930000 euro di risarcimenti
per i danni subiti ai loro beni durante
le azioni dell'esercito. Non ci risulta
che l'UNMIK, ma neanche il governo
serbo, abbiano mai risarcito un
qualche serbo per una qualsivoglia
Per ricostruire case e alloggi
albanesi, il governo ha speso un
milione di euro, zero per i serbi.

Per la messa in onda delle trasmissioni
della radio albanese di Bujanovac -
Presevo - Medvedja, il governo ha speso
266000 euro. Per i serbi nel Kosmet, non
un soldo.
E per finire, grazie all'amnistia
generale, è stato messo termine a
tutte le cause giudiziarie inoltrate
contro 35 albanesi. Niente amnistia pero'
per i serbi kosovari detenuti nelle
carceri albanesi.

E dopo tali brillanti risultati,
Covic ha osato appena pregare
l'OSCE perche' facesse la cortesia di
richiamare alla ragione "un gruppetto
di comandanti che, essenzialmente per
motivi personali, tardano a cambiare,
minacciando di turbare la comunità
locale e provocando inquietudine e

Ma quali turbamenti sarebbero questi,
se è lui a presagirli?

Effetivamente, il signor Covic parla
dei capi del recentemente disciolto
OVPMB, cioè delle milizie albanesi
operanti nella Valle di Presevo, Valle
che per loro altro non è che Kosova
Orientale, "brandello di corpo albanese
sottomesso alla feroce occupazione

Dopotutto, nel loro comunicato,
l'Esercito Nazionale Albanese (ENA) il
27 settembre 2001 "dichiara inaccettabile
la costruzione di stati artificiali
tipo Macedonia e Federazione
Jugoslava, a scapito dell'integrità
territoriale ed amministrativa albanese,
perche' noi rifiutiamo qualsiasi messa
in discussione della integrità della
compatta carta geografica albanese, e
lottiamo per la loro completa
unificazione, compreso il Kosovo
orientale in quanto parte integrante del
Kosovo." E visto che conclude dicendo
che le guerre di liberazione sono lecite
e necessarie, non ci resta che vedere a
quando la prossima. Per adesso, si preparano
proteste allo scopo di ottenere la
demilitarizzazione del sud della
Serbia, in altre parole il ritiro
dell'Esercito Jugoslavo dalla zona
Presevo-Bujanovac-Medvedja. Allo
stesso tempo, nel sud del Kosovo proseguono
i preparativi per azioni armate di pura
provocazione. In vista anche della
possibilita' che i terroristi albanesi,
in uniforme della UNKFOR o dell'UNMIK,
attacchino i nostri militari e la polizia
per provocare un conflitto con le forze
internazionali. Per questo scopo
all'inizio del mese ci fu una rassegna
delle unità dell'Esercito di Liberazione.
Nel villaggio di Glodane si sono dati
raduno 3000 ex combattenti, mentre il campo
di addestramento dei terroristi è situato
nei dintorni di Dobrcane, paesino
nei pressi di Gnjilane. La Kfor ha
finora evitato di visitare questo campo
per ragioni di sicurezza.

Nella regione del villaggio di Bujic,
infine, è stato avvistato un gruppetto
di uomini armati, ma nonostante tutti
questi segnali che non lasciano alcun
dubbio su cio' che dobbiamo aspettarci,
Covic da Vienna fa sapere che al piu'
tardi il 15 aprile, quando cioè
cominciano a sbocciare le foglie nei
boschi, l' Esercito Jugoslavo lascerà
l'edificio scolastico di Bujanovac come
pure i locali della fabrica "Eurofleks"
a Presevo, abbandonerà cioè queste due

D'altro canto da Washington, D.
Micunovic fa sapere che gli americani
non sono sodisfatti dei tempi delle
riforme nel nostro Esercito (sic), il
che in parole spicciole significa che
non abbiamo ancora eliminato tutti
quei comandanti che con successo
difesero il sud della Serbia.
Veniamo cosi' al significato del
quadro addirittura idilliaco che Covic
ci dà della situazione nel sud della
Serbia, quadro che viene solo in
minima parte messo in questione dai
suoi " irrequieti" comandanti.

A parere nostro invece, è la tempesta
che si annuncia!

Kosta Cavoski

trad. di Olga D., Parigi