
[Una analisi sul riflesso che sta avendo e può ancora avere nei Balcani la crisi economica europea]

European debt crisis threatens Balkan economies

By Antid Oto 
22 November 2011

The deepening European financial crisis and the ever-growing possibility of bankruptcy for countries like Greece and Italy pose huge dangers for the economies of the Balkan countries. The latter are highly dependent on foreign capital investment and are intertwined with the economies of both Greece and Italy.

A number of recently published reports point to the graveness of the situation facing the so-called Western Balkan countries, a region that has never recovered from the decline of living standards in the 1980s, before the forcible reintroduction of capitalism and semi-criminal fire-sale of state owned assets crippled their economies.

While the region has seen comparatively high growth of 5-10 percent per year prior to the 2008 crisis, this growth relied heavily on foreign direct investment (FDI) or various aid projects financed from abroad. When investment dried up following the 2008 crises, most of the region experienced significant “negative growth” in 2009, with Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina suffering sharp recession.

The Balkan states recorded anemic average growth rates of only 1.6 percent in 2010, with similarly low projections for 2011 and 2012. However, even these low predictions may be unrealistically optimistic, according to the World Bank (WB) report on the region released last Tuesday.

Looking at six South-East European countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, dubbed SEE6, the WB warns at the beginning of its report that they “depend critically on factors that are largely beyond the control of their governments. They are influenced by the global slowdown and uncertainties in the Euro zone (EZ).”

The report terms the current growth rate as “sluggish” and states, “even these modest growth projections assume that the current turmoil in the EZ is resolved in a manner that doesn’t involve a disorderly default and avoids contagion effects.” Based on recent developments in the EU, this is wishful thinking.

The report continues by noting that the non-EU Balkan countries are “susceptible to the effects of a further global slowdown and a deepening euro area crisis through several channels: trade, FDI, foreign banks, and remittances. The EU countries … are the largest trade partners of all the SEE6: trade with the EU is equivalent to between 30 percent and almost half of the SEE6 GDPs.”

Serbia, for example, would be most directly affected by the deepening crisis in Italy, because Italian companies, most notably the automobile company Fiat and the clothing manufacturer Benetton, are among the biggest investors in Serbia. Italy is the top export partner for Serbian products, with proceeds amounting to just over $1 billion in 2011, according to Goran Nikolic, economist from the New Policy Centre, reported by Balkan Insight.

The EU is also the largest FDI provider to the region, with net FDI inflows worth over 2 percent of the SEE6 GDP, and a significant source of remittances in the region.

Another major financial danger is the domination of foreign-owned banks in the region. The WB report explains that even though the banking system in the region “appears resilient... [t]his could change abruptly due to a high share of Greek and Italian owned banks in local banking systems. [N]ot only is the share of foreign banks in the total assets of the region’s banking system very large (at around 89 percent of the total), but this foreign presence is largely an EZ one.”

In a clear sign that the governments are aware and apprehensive of the ever more real prospect of state default in the EU, Albania’s parliament introduced a new bill earlier this month aimed at forcing foreign banks controlling 95 percent of the country’s market to transform their local branches into subsidiaries. The government is thus trying to protect depositors from a possible default of the mother institution.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also noted the danger of a contagion effect of the EZ debt crises on Albania. Its October report candidly explains that the country “has large trade, labour-market, and banking-system links with Greece and Italy, which could result in substantial spillovers with banking-system contagion potentially the most severe near-term risk, while sharply lower remittances could result in a significant GDP shock”.

The situation is similar in Montenegro. The November 2 edition of The Balkan Insight reported that the Finance Minister Milorad Katnic and World Bank Regional Coordinator for Southeast Europe Jane Armitage, presented the WB’s report on public spending in Montenegro. The report declared that the country must reduce its fiscal deficit and public debt and reduce its dependency on foreign finance, “in particular at a time when conditions on the international market are sensitive and unpredictable” (emphasis added.).

Some two weeks later, on November 17, the local daily Vijesti carried a report from the Montenegrin Finance Ministry, which stated that the IMF could “in case of serious disturbances in the market and a major crisis” provide Montenegro with an unspecified financial loan.

It is evident that the IMF, WB and other representatives of financial capital are seriously considering the possibility of state default in the EU and are developing contingency plans aimed to transfer the fallout of a catastrophic crisis onto the working class of each country.

The capital flight from the region is already evident in currency exchanges. Last week’s Financial Times article “Eastern Europe’s currencies take a Eurozone beating” states that “[f]ar from benefiting from being outside the Eurozone, eastern European countries are feeling the strain of exclusion from the club” with “the value of their currencies plummeting.”

Considering this a somewhat belated reaction the article continues: “Many analysts are surprised it has taken the foreign currency market so long to work out that the impact of the Eurozone crisis on the region’s close trading partners in eastern Europe was likely to be severe.” The Serbian dinar, for example, has lost almost 25 percent of its value in the last three years.

A renewed credit crunch in the Balkan region would be much more severe than in 2008-2009. The extent of social cuts and privatisation of state assets already carried out means that this time round there would be no room for softening the blow with further public spending cuts. This is the conclusion reached by the WB’s chief economist for poverty reduction and economic management in Europe and Central Asia, Ron Hood.


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(srpskohrvatski / italiano)

L'ultimo censimento in Serbia indica 377.335 cittadini in meno, MA...

Il recente censimento in Serbia indica che il numero degli abitanti è sceso a 7,1 milioni. La famiglia media consiste di due persone. Undici insediamenti sono oramai privi di abitanti e 975 località sono popolate da meno di 100 abitanti.

Ma... c'è un MA: l'articolo apparso sul sito NSPM, intitolato "Siamo di più, soltanto che non ci avete sottoposto al censimento!", spiega che il suddetto censimento non è stato effettuato sul territorio di Kosovo e Metohija...

<< ... Perciò noi serbi ci domandiamo: qual è il nostro posto in questa storia? Questo territorio è ancora una nostra provincia nel sud della Serbia, che noi non abbiamo riconosciuto come "Stato indipendente", ma cosa succede con la minoranza degli Albanesi? Lo Stato serbo rilascia agli albanesi-kosovari carte di identità e passaporti: perciò sarebbe stato logico che gli operatori del censimento avessero bussato anche alla loro porta. Ragionando ancora più a fondo, noi non siamo stati presenti neanche nel censimento del 2002. [...] Quando ci si viene a dire che il censimento in Kosovo non è stato effettuato per via dei rigorosissimi regolamenti EU ed ONU che sconsigliano la conduzione di censimenti in condizioni non pacifiche, l’affermazione ci interessa: sembra quasi che si preoccupino per noi!...
Nell'aprile scorso, le cosiddette istituzioni dello Stato del Kosovo effettuarono il censimento della popolazione su questo stesso territorio - ma allora non si parlava dei "rigorosissimi regolamenti" di cui sopra. A noi risulta che quei regolamenti non furono applicati! Una enorme parte degli abitanti serbi del Kosovo e Metohija boicottarono quel censimento, in base dell'appello rivolto dallo Stato della Serbia. Tra di noi ci chiedevamo se saremmo stati presi in considerazione nel successivo censimento che stava per effettuare il nostro Stato. Ci speravamo. Il risultato finale è stato che solo qualche abitante del Kosovo e Metohija è stato censito. Così, in uno dei censimenti risultano i soli albanesi, mentre noi non siamo presenti in alcuno dei due. Ci domandiamo in base a quali criteri allo Stato della Serbia non è consentito di effettuare il censimento su di una parte del proprio territorio, visto che questo non è stato neanche riconosciuto come "Stato" indipendente da parte delle Nazioni Unite. Se si tratta di un protettorato, allora lo è per entrambe le etnie!
E perciò, non siamo circa 378.000 abitanti in meno - ovvero 7.120.666 - bensì siamo di più, soltanto non ci avete sottoposto al censimento. Seppure la minoranza albanese avesse boicottato il censimento, più di 100mila serbi non avrebbero fatto lo stesso. >>

(a cura di Dk)

Komentar dana

Ima nas više, samo nas niste popisali!

Janja Gaćeša
petak, 18. novembar 2011.

U Vladi Srbije su prošle nedelje predstavljeni prvi zvanični podaci Popisa stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova. Tada je, preneo je Tanjug, direktor Republičkog zavoda za statistiku Dragan Vukmirović, između ostalog, rekao da je u celoj Srbiji zabeleženo pet odsto manje populacije u odnosu na poslednji popis 2002. godine kada je popisano 7. 498.001 stanovništva, a najugroženiji je istočni i južni deo zemlje. Zanimljivo!
Pomenuti popis nije održan na Kosovu i Metohiji pa se mi, Srbi, pitamo gde je naše mesto u toj priči? Ako je to još uvek naša južna srpska pokrajina, a mi je nismo priznali kao ''nezavisnu državu'', šta je sa Albancima kao nacionalnom manjinom? Država Srbija izdaje Albancima sa Kosova i Metohije lične karte i pasoše pa je logično i da popisivači zakucaju na njihova vrata. Kada malo bolje razmislim, nas nema nigde ni u popisu iz 2002. godine. Da li to znači da mi ne postojimo? Kada pročitamo nekoliko puta ovo što je gospodin Vukmirović rekao prepoznajemo se samo u reči ''najugroženiji'' i znamo da ''južni deo zemlje'' nismo mi. I ako nam je u izveštaju Republičkog zavoda za statistiku posvećena jedna čitava rečenica, pojedini mediji (na primer Međunarodni radio Srbija) su preneli reči gospodina Vukmirovića gde on kaže da popis na Kosovu nije sproveden zbog strogih međunarodnih propisa EU i UN, koji ne preporučuju sprovođenje popisa na teritoriji ili delu teritorije gde uslovi nisu u potpunosti mirnodopski. Stvarno je zanimljivo! E što nam brinu!
U aprilu su takozvane institucije države Kosovo sprovele popis stanovništva. To je ista teritorija ali ''strogi međunarodni propisi'' očigledno ovde ne važe. Odnosno, ti isti što su nama stegli zube njima su popis dozvolili uz široki osmeh. Slažete li se da je zanimljivo ili još bolje: ko je ovde lud? Možda vam se čini da se zabavljam dok ovo pišem i da hoću da sve izgleda smešno ali, verujte, to je naš život, apsurdna situacija koja je toliko tragična da se slobodno može reći: da nije tužno bilo bi smešno, stvarno smešno. A mi smo samo ljuti, ogorčeni!
Srbi sa Kosova i Metohije su na poziv svoje države Srbije bojkotovali popis u režiji Prištine, u ogromnom broju. Popisala se šaka jada – uglavnom bliža i nešto šira familija ''Srba'' koji učestvuju u radu ''države Kosovo''. To što su oni rekli da im je popis uspeo, to je njihov problem. Da ne pominjem da severno od Ibra popisivači nisu ni kročili, toliko o uspešnosti. Bili smo jako ponosni što je stav Srbije bio jasniji nego obično, a nama ga je na terenu preneo ministar za Kosovo i Metohiju Goran Bogdanović. Tako treba, oni nisu ''država'', govorili smo sebi. Pitali smo se tada da li ćemo se popisati na popisu koji organizuje naša država? Nadali smo se. Najveću nadu za to gajili su Srbi na severu pokrajine, jer se o tome i govorilo dok smo mi ''južni Srbi'' na vreme shvatili da od toga nema ništa, jer im ni na kraj pameti nismo bili. O albanskoj nacionalnoj manjini da ne pričamo. Ispalo je da se niko sa Kosova i Metohije nije popisao. Albanci jesu na jednom popisu, mi ni na jednom. Ne znači to da mi žalimo što se nismo popisali na aprilskom popisu Prištine, daleko im lepa kuća, ali se pitamo po kojim to kriterijumima državi Srbiji nije dozvoljeno da sprovede popis na delu svoje teritorije, jer taj deo kao ''država'' nije priznat u Ujedinjenim nacijama? Ako je to protektorat UN-a, onda je to i za jedne i za druge. Stvarno smo se svega nagledali i naslušali u proteklih 12 godina a da dolazi sa demokratskog zapada. Zanima nas kako su nas tako lako ućutali, zašto smo i pred ovom nelogičnošću poklekli? Opet zbog puta u Evropsku uniju? Šta ako nam zabrane da dišemo? Nama na Kosovu i Metohiji jedino taj vazduh, za sada, niko ne brani.
Verujemo mi da je teško u uslovima svakodnevnih ucena voditi zemlju, ali nije li vreme da prestanemo da igramo uz muziku koju oni udaraju? I zato, nije nas manje za oko 378.000, i nema nas 7. 120. 666 stanovnika već više, samo nas niste popisali. Ako bi albanska nacionalna manjina bojkotovala popis, preko 100 000 Srba sigurno ne bi.


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Jugoslavenski glas - Voce jugoslava "Od Triglava do Vardara..." "Dal monte Triglav al fiume Vardar..."Svakog drugog utorka, od 14,00 do 14,30, na Radio Città Aperta, valu FM 88.9 za regiju Lazio, *JUGOSLAVENSKI GLAS* Moze se pratiti i preko Interneta: Podrzite ovaj glas, kupovanjem nasih brosura, video kazeta i sl. Pisite nam na jugocoord@...Ogni due martedì dalle ore 14,00 alle 14,30, su Radio Città Aperta, FM 88.9 per il Lazio: * VOCE JUGOSLAVA* Si può seguire, come del resto anche le altre trasmissioni della Radio, via Internet: La trasmissione è bilingue (a seconda del tempo disponibile e della necessità). Sostenete questa voce libera e indipendente acquistando video cassette, libri, bollettini a nostra disposizione. Sosteneteci con il 5 per mille. Scriveteci all'indirizzo email: jugocoord @ Brevi interventi durante la trasmissione al 06 4393512.
Program 22 XI 2011 ProgrammaIzbori u Srbiji,registr. intervju sa Vladimirom Krsljaninom, predsednikom Udruzenja Pokret za Srbiju, clan Internacionalnog komiteta "S. Milosevic" (bivsi ICTY) i Izbori u Hrvatskoj, telefonski sa Vladimirom Kapuralinom, clanom Izvrsnog Odbora SRP---
Elezioni politiche in Serbia, intervista a Vladimir Krsljanin , presidente di Udruzenje Pokret za Srbiju, (registrazione), membro del Comitato Internazionale "Slobodan Milosevic", gia' ICTY ed anche Elezioni in Croazia, telefonicamente con Vladimir Kapuralin, membro dell' esecutivo SRP (Partito Socialista Operaio).

Da se podsjetimo: 21. XI 1944 Predsjednistvo AVNOJ-a odlucilo je da cjelokupna neprijateljska imovina prijedje u drustveno vlasnistvo,kao i Odluku o drzavnoj upravi nad imovinom neprijatelskih osoba. U XI mjesecu 1988. Sjednica Predsednistva CK SKS i PK SK Kosova - zahtjevano je hitno utvrdjivanje odgovornosti PK SK Kosova (Nemiri pred nekoliko tjedana) 17. XI Na Sjednici PK SK Kosova da se Kacusa Jasari i Azem Vlasi oslobode duznosti Predsjednika i clanstva Predsjednistva.Smemoranda: Il 21 XI 1944 la Presidenza del Fronte Antifascista di Liberazione decide che tutti i beni del nemico vengono nazionalizzati ed emana la Decisione sull' amministrazione statale sui beni delle persone nemiche. Nel Novembre 1988, alla Sessione della Presidenza del CC della Lega Comunista della Serbia e del CR della Lega del Kosovo e' stato richiesto l' immediato accertamento della responsabilita' del Comitato Regionale della LC del Kosovo. Il 17 Novembre alla sessione del CR della LCK, e' stato deciso di esonerare Kacusa Jasari e Azim Vlasi dall'incarico di presidente e della Presidenza collegiale della LCK.  


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(deutsch / english / italiano)

German state terrorism

1) Government Development Aid for Neo-Nazis / Staatliche Aufbauhilfe für Neonazis (
2) The German state and the neo-Nazi killings (
3) Germania, rigurgito nazista e terrorismo bruno / Germania, altri complici dietro il gruppo neo-nazista del Nus (Peacereporter)

=== 1 ===

Government Development Aid for Neo-Nazis


(Own report) - New revelations on the neo-Nazi serial murders of nine men of non-German origin and a female police officer are incriminating a German domestic intelligence agency. According to media reports, a member of a recently discovered neo-Nazi terror group presumably had contact to the Thuringia Office for the Protection of the Constitution - even after he went underground. The affair could become an "intelligence agency problem," predicts the domestic policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Hans-Peter Uhl. In the 1990s, under the pretext that they are very important informants, the Thuringia Office for the Protection of the Constitution had, in fact, paid amounts of DMs in the six-digits to influential right-wing extremist militants. The militants used this money to set up neo-Nazi structures in Thuringia, including the "Thüringer Heimatschutz" (Thuringia Homeland Protection), an organization of violent neo-Nazis. The members of the terror group, responsible for the murders, are not the only ones who have their origins in this organization. Leading functionaries of today's extreme right are also coming from that organization, which has been officially disbanded, but is still at work in other structures. Today some of its militants, for example, are organizing neo-Nazi festivals with international participation aimed at networking the extreme right throughout Europe.

Covered by the Intelligence Agency

The aid furnished by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz - VS) to the neo-Nazi scene, to set up their structures in the federal state of Thuringia, is exemplary for the aid provided throughout the 1990s. As far as has become known, this aid crystallized around two prominent militants, Thomas Dienel and Tino Brandt. Both had been informants for Thuringia's VS. According to a study on Thuringia's extreme right, Dienel had been considered one of the most active neo-Nazis in Thuringia, until the mid-1990s. "Explicit threats to use violence against foreigners and people with diverging opinions" were part "of his repertoire." However, his contribution was particularly vital in the field of setting things up and organizing. He established links to influential neo-Nazis in West Germany, organized many "demonstrations and actions," with the founding of a party [1] on April 20, 1992, he created the "first structured gathering place for young neo-Nazis" and he radicalized members of the NPD. "Therefore, he has left a trail behind that can be followed to current structures" in the neo-Nazi scene, writes the author of the study, published in 2001.[2] The media reported that in the 1990s the VS paid Dienel 25,000 DM - officially for his service as an informant. Dienel acknowledged publicly that he had sometimes coordinated his actions with the VS, for which he also had received money. The VS had also helped him in court: "They covered me."[3]

2,500 DM a Month

Tino Brandt told a similar story in 2001. The study, mentioned above, states that he had been one of the "major players" of the extreme right in Thuringia and a link between the various milieus. He had not only worked for one of the most important right extremist publishing houses,[4] but also held positions on Thuringia's NPD's executive board. Above all, he had been the principle organizer of the "Thüringer Heimatschutz." The "Thüringer Heimatschutz" was established in the second half of the 1990s as a leading organization of violent neo-Nazis with a membership of 150 militants, according to estimates by observers of the neo-Nazi scene. This estimate is shared by the Thuringia VS, which can also rely on the information from its undercover agent, Tino Brandt. Between 1994 and 2000, the VS had allegedly paid Tino Brandt up to 200,000 DM - in effect, a second monthly salary of more than 2,500 DM. Brandt explained that he used this money to set up neo-Nazi structures. As the author of the study explains, this support was vital for "Thuringia's right-wing extremist scene to achieve its present organizational and capability level."[5] Brandt also declared in 2001 that he had not been the only VS informant in the leadership of Thuringia's extreme right: There are several undercover agents for example on the NPD executive board and in "positions in the leadership of the comradeships."[6]

Pipe Bombs

The "Comradeship Jena" is one of Thuringia's "comradeships" - local neo-Nazi networks - that developed under these circumstances. Its militants Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschaepe were in the process of making pipe bombs when the apartment they shared was raided and searched by the police in February 1998. They were making their bombs at a time, when Thuringia was characterized by intensified neo-Nazi violence. In 2000, this federal state was Germany's front-runner in the per-capita incidence of neo-Nazi crimes. The militants of the "Thüringer Heimatschutz," whose leader, Tino Brandt, had been on the VS payroll up to 2000, were making a particular contribution toward this notoriety. One militant from the city of Eisenach was arrested in August 2000 for inciting to attack a Turkish fast food stand. Just one month later, the bomb makers from Jena committed their first murder. They were able to go underground. It is not yet known what role the VS had played in their disappearance. According to reports, at least one member of the terrorist clique had been in contact with the authorities. It cannot be ruled out that this contact was even maintained after they had gone underground. Currently the media is discussing a string of curious circumstances - the question of whether the secret services had provided false identity documents to the terrorists; of why the police had made no arrests during the house raid and search in 1998; or even why, the authorities, during the series of murders - where the victims were almost exclusively Turks - carried out no serious investigations of the neo-Nazi scene, instead of speculating about other possible motives, such as drug scene or gang warfare.

NPD Reinforcement

The public had become increasingly aware of the massive amount of VS undercover agents in neo-Nazi structures - even beyond Thuringia - since 2002. At the time proceedings to outlaw the NPD failed, because too many high-ranking NPD functionaries, upon whose testimonies the proceedings for banning the NPD were based, were secret service undercover agents. Experts have strongly criticized the use of undercover agents. They shed "an ominous light on VS activities," writes the Institute for Linguistic and Social Research in Duisburg (DISS). At best, it furnishes "dubious" information, "that had been preemptively filtered by the NPD's leadership," leading to "the reinforcement of the NPD,"[7] because, among other things, certainly some of the government payroll contacts had contributed a portion of the money to the party. Besides, it cannot be ruled out that, at least in some cases involving undercover agents, the prosecution of illegal hate propaganda had been treated indulgently. Apparently, the use of undercover agents persists to this day, permitting the conclusion that renewed demands for a court order banning the NPD, will be turned down, with allusion to VS contacts within the leadership of the NPD. Experts estimate that several thousand undercover agents of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are operating in the various scenes classified "unconstitutional" - "particularly many of them in the extreme rightist milieu."[8]

Pan-European Neo-Nazi Cooperation

The efforts in the 1990s to develop the neo-Nazi scene in Thuringia are still bearing fruit. Not only was the former leader of the "Thüringer Heimatschutz," Tino Brandt, on the state's payroll, pivotal militants of today's structures originate from the "Thüringer Heimatschutz" and its direct entourage. This includes the functionaries of Thuringia's NPD and other structures. Comrades of the terrorists Boehnhardt and Mundlos are organizing major events such as the "Thuringia National[ist] Youth Day" or the "Festival of Peoples" - festivities reinforcing the right-wing scene and international neo-Nazi networking - as in the case of the "Festival of Peoples."[9] Over the past few years, extreme rightist militants from many European countries came to these events in Thuringia to strengthen their relations with German neo-Nazis and reinforce their common policies. It is unknown, how many German VS undercover agents have been involved, and how much state financing, officially paid as espionage fees, had been used for these events. Fact is that in the neo-Nazi scene, the tradition of the "Thüringer Heimatschutz" - which was state financed via its leader - is still revered today. Officially, the organization was disbanded at the beginning of the last decade. But neo-Nazis were using its banner to decorate a rightwing rock festival in Thuringia, as late as 2008.

[1] Dabei handelte es sich um die Deutsche Nationale Partei (DNP).
[2] Carsten Hübner: Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen - eine Bestandsaufnahme, in: Jens F. Dwars, Mathias Günther: Das braune Herz Deutschlands. Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen, Jena 2001.
[3] In 2000, concerning Dienel the weekly magazine, Der Spiegel reported that "in the Fall of 1997, in coordination with and financed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Dienel initiated a leafleting campaign to discredit the incumbent Regional Vice Chairman of the Trade, Banking and Insurance Union. A suit before the Constitutional Court since 1992 to have Dienel's civil rights revoked was taken care of by his mentors four years later. "They covered me," alleges Dienel" - Man hat mich gedeckt; 02.10.2000
[4] Brandt was an employee of "Nation und Europa" publishing house in Coburg, which published for decades the monthly "Nation und Europa," one of the most influential extreme rightist magazines in Germany.
[5] Carsten Hübner: Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen - eine Bestandsaufnahme, in: Jens F. Dwars, Mathias Günther: Das braune Herz Deutschlands. Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen, Jena 2001.
[6] Tino Brandt als VS-Spitzel enttarnt; Der Rechte Rand Nr. 71, Juli/August 2001. Brandt also reported that he had been regularly warned about planned buggings: "When we were told, for example, next week, no contact by cell phone, we knew that another service or the state security would be listening in on our telephone conversations."
[7] V-Leute bei der NPD;
[8] Neonazis - vom Staat finanziert. AZ-Interview mit Rolf Gössner; Abendzeitung München 15.11.2011
[9] Andreas Speit: Die Thüringer Nazi-Connection; 14.11.2011


Staatliche Aufbauhilfe für Neonazis


(Eigener Bericht) - Neue Enthüllungen über die Neonazi-Mordserie an neun Männern mit nichtdeutscher Herkunft und einer Polizistin belasten einen deutschen Inlandsgeheimdienst. Wie es in aktuellen Medienberichten heißt, habe ein Mitglied der jüngst entdeckten Neonazi-Terrorgruppe womöglich noch nach dem Abtauchen in die Illegalität Kontakt zur Verfassungsschutzbehörde des Bundeslandes Thüringen unterhalten. Die Affäre könne sich zu einem "Verfassungsschutzproblem" entwickeln, mutmaßt der innenpolitische Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Hans-Peter Uhl. Tatsächlich zahlte der thüringische Verfassungsschutz während der 1990er Jahre sechsstellige D-Mark-Beträge an einflussreiche Aktivisten der extremen Rechten - mit der Begründung, sie seien als V-Leute von großer Bedeutung. Die Aktivisten setzten die Gelder ein, um Neonazi-Strukturen in Thüringen aufzubauen; dazu gehörte etwa der "Thüringer Heimatschutz", ein Zusammenschluss gewaltbereiter Neonazis, dem nicht nur die für die Morde verantwortliche Terrorgruppe entstammt. Auch führende Funktionäre der heutigen extremen Rechten kommen aus der Organisation, die offiziell längst aufgelöst ist, aber in anderen Strukturen bis heute fortwirkt. Einstige Aktivisten der Vereinigung führen heute beispielsweise Neonazi-Festivals mit internationaler Beteiligung durch, die der europaweiten Vernetzung der extremen Rechten dienen.

Vom Geheimdienst gedeckt

Die faktische Unterstützung, die der Verfassungsschutz in Thüringen der dortigen Neonazi-Szene beim Aufbau ihrer Strukturen zukommen ließ, lässt sich für die gesamten 1990er Jahre aufzeigen. Sie kristallisierte sich, soweit sie mittlerweile bekannt ist, um zwei führende Aktivisten - Thomas Dienel und Tino Brandt. Beide wurden vom thüringischen Verfassungsschutz als V-Leute geführt. Dienel galt, heißt es in einer Studie über die extreme Rechte in Thüringen, bis Mitte der 1990er Jahre als einer der aktivsten Neonazis im Bundesland. "Unverhohlene Drohungen mit massiver Gewalt gegen Ausländer und Andersdenkende" hätten damals "zu seinem Repertoire" gehört; vor allem jedoch habe er "erhebliche Aufbau- und Organisationsarbeit" geleistet. So habe er Kontakte zu einflussreichen Neonazis in Westdeutschland geknüpft, viele "Demonstrationen und Aktionen" organisiert, mit einer am 20. April 1992 gegründeten Partei [1] "ein erstes strukturiertes Auffangbecken für jugendliche Neonazis" geschaffen und NPD-Mitglieder radikalisiert. "Er legte damit Spuren, die sich bis hinein in die heutigen Szene-Strukturen verfolgen lassen", schreibt der Autor des Fachbeitrages, der im Jahr 2001 veröffentlicht worden ist.[2] Medienberichten zufolge hat Dienel in den 1990er Jahren vom thüringischen Verfassungsschutz 25.000 D-Mark erhalten - offiziell für Spitzeldienste. Dienel selbst gab öffentlich an, er habe seine Aktionen zeitweise mit dem Verfassungsschutz abgesprochen und sie von ihm bezahlen lassen. Auch vor Gericht sei er unterstützt worden: "Man hat mich gedeckt."[3]

2.500 D-Mark im Monat

Ähnlich äußerte sich im Jahr 2001 Tino Brandt. Über ihn heißt es in dem erwähnten Fachbeitrag, er sei vor allem in der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre einer der "Hauptakteure" der extremen Rechten in Thüringen sowie "eine Schnittstelle" zwischen deren unterschiedlichen Milieus gewesen. Er habe nicht nur für einen der wichtigsten extrem rechten Verlage gearbeitet [4], sondern auch Funktionen im Landesvorstand der NPD Thüringen innegehabt. Vor allem aber sei er "organisatorischer Kopf" des "Thüringer Heimatschutz" gewesen. Dieser hatte sich in der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre als führender Zusammenschluss gewaltbereiter Neonazis in Thüringen etabliert; seine Personalstärke wurde von Beobachtern der Szene, aber auch vom Verfassungsschutz des Bundeslandes auf gut 150 Aktivisten geschätzt. Der Verfassungsschutz konnte sich bei dieser Schätzung nicht zuletzt auf den V-Mann Tino Brandt berufen, dem er zwischen 1994 und 2000 an die 200.000 D-Mark gezahlt haben soll - faktisch ein zweites Gehalt in Höhe von mehr als 2.500 D-Mark im Monat. Brandt gab nicht nur an, er habe die Mittel zum Aufbau von Neonazi-Strukturen genutzt; dieser Unterstützung sei es in hohem Maße zuzuschreiben, urteilt der Autor der zitierten Studie, dass "die rechtsextreme Szene in Thüringen ihren gegenwärtigen Organisationsstand und ihre Aktionsfähigkeit erlangen konnte".[5] Brandt erklärte im Jahr 2001 darüber hinaus, er sei längst nicht der einzige V-Mann des Verfassungsschutzes auf der Führungsebene der thüringischen extremen Rechten: So gebe es etwa im NPD-Landesvorstand weitere staatliche Spitzel, ebenso "in den Führungsämtern der einzelnen Kameradschaften".[6]


Zu den thüringischen "Kameradschaften" - lokalen Zusammenschlüssen von Neonazis -, die unter solchen Bedingungen erstarken konnten, gehörte unter anderem die "Kameradschaft Jena". Deren Aktivisten Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos und Beate Zschäpe waren gerade mit dem Bau von Rohrbomben beschäftigt, als ihre Wohngemeinschaft im Februar 1998 von der Polizei durchsucht wurde. Ihre Bombenbau-Aktivitäten erfolgten in einer Zeit, die von zunehmender Neonazi-Gewalt in Thüringen geprägt war: Im Jahr 2000 erreichte das Bundesland, umgerechnet auf die Zahl seiner Einwohner, deutschlandweit die Spitze bei der Häufigkeit neonazistischer Straftaten. Dazu trugen insbesondere auch Aktivisten aus den Reihen des "Thüringer Heimatschutz" bei, dessen Anführer Tino Brandt bis ins Jahr 2000 vom Verfassungsschutz finanziert wurde. Ein Aktivist aus Eisenach etwa wurde im August 2000 festgenommen, weil er zu einem Anschlag auf einen türkischen Imbiss angestiftet hatte. Knapp einen Monat später begingen die Jenaer Bombenbastler ihren ersten Mord. Es war ihnen gelungen unterzutauchen. Welche Rolle der Verfassungsschutz dabei spielte, ist noch unklar. Berichten zufolge hatte zumindest ein Mitglied der Terrorclique Kontakt zu der Behörde; es wird nicht ausgeschlossen, dass der Kontakt nach dem Untertauchen fortbestand. Eine ganze Reihe merkwürdiger Umstände wird gegenwärtig in den Medien diskutiert - die Frage, ob die Terroristen tatsächlich vom Geheimdienst ausgestellte falsche Papiere besaßen; die Frage, wieso während der Hausdurchsuchung im Februar 1998 kein Zugriff der Polizei erfolgte; aber auch die Frage, weshalb es bei der Mordserie, der fast ausschließlich Menschen türkischer Herkunft zum Opfer fielen, nicht zu ernsthaften Ermittlungen in der Neonazi-Szene kam, die Behörden stattdessen offiziell stets über andere Hintergründe spekulierten - etwa im Drogen- und Bandenmilieu.

Stärkung für die NPD

Die massive Präsenz von Kontaktpersonen des Verfassungsschutzes in Neonazi-Strukturen auch über Thüringen hinaus wurde ab dem Jahr 2002 einer größeren Öffentlichkeit bekannt, als das Verbotsverfahren gegen die NPD scheiterte - weil allzuviele hochrangige NPD-Funktionäre, auf deren Äußerungen sich der Verbotsantrag stützte, als V-Männer für den Geheimdienst arbeiteten. Damals kritisierten Experten die V-Mann-Praxis massiv. Sie werfe "ein düsteres Licht auf die Aktivitäten der Verfassungsschutzämter", hieß es im August 2002 in einer Stellungnahme des Duisburger Instituts für Sprach- und Sozialforschung (DISS): Sie liefere allenfalls "zweifelhafte" Informationen, "die zuvor von der NPD-Führung gefiltert worden" seien, führe stattdessen jedoch dazu, "die NPD zu stärken".[7] Dies unter anderem, weil sicherlich ein Teil der Kontaktpersonen, die staatliche Gelder bezögen, diese der Partei zur Verfügung stellten; zumindest in einigen Fällen könne man außerdem nicht ausschließen, dass etwa die Verfolgung strafbarer Hetzpropaganda im Falle der V-Männer gezielt lax gehandhabt worden sei. Die V-Mann-Praxis besteht offenbar bis heute ungebrochen fort; das lässt sich daraus schließen, dass erneute Forderungen, ein Verbot der NPD gerichtlich zu erkämpfen, mit dem Hinweis auf Kontaktpersonen des Verfassungsschutzes in den NPD-Führungsetagen abgewiesen werden. Experten schätzen die Zahl der V-Leute, die in den unterschiedlichen als "verfassungsfeindlich" eingestuften Szenen tätig sind, auf "mehrere 1.000" - "besonders viele im rechtsextremen Milieu".[8]

Europaweite Neonazi-Kooperation

In Thüringen trägt die Neonazi-Aufbauarbeit der 1990er Jahre, die zum Beispiel über den einstigen Anführer des "Thüringer Heimatschutz", Tino Brandt, staatlich finanziert wurde, bis heute Früchte: Zentrale Aktivisten der gegenwärtigen Strukturen entstammen dem "Thüringer Heimatschutz" und seinem unmittelbaren Umfeld. Das gilt für die thüringische NPD, aber auch für andere Funktionäre. So organisieren einstige Kameraden der Terroristen Böhnhardt und Mundlos Großevents wie den "Thüringentag der nationalen Jugend" oder das "Fest der Völker" - Festivals, die die Szene stärken und, wie im Fall des "Fests der Völker", die internationale Neonazi-Vernetzung ausbauen sollen.[9] Bei derlei Veranstaltungen kamen in den letzten Jahren extrem rechte Aktivisten aus einer Vielzahl europäischer Staaten nach Thüringen, um ihre Beziehungen zu deutschen Neonazis zu verbessern und die gemeinsame Politik zu stärken. Wieviele V-Männer deutscher Verfassungsschutzämter auf deutscher Seite daran mitwirkten und welche Summen aus der Staatskasse, offiziell als Honorar für Spitzeldienste gezahlt, dafür genutzt werden konnten, ist unbekannt. Tatsache ist jedoch, dass die Tradition des via seinen Anführer staatlich unterstützten "Thüringer Heimatschutz" in der Szene bis heute hochgehalten wird. Die Organisation wurde offiziell bereits zu Beginn des letzten Jahrzehnts aufgelöst. Noch 2008 jedoch schmückten Neonazis ein Rechtsrock-Festival in Thüringen mit ihrem Transparent.

[1] Dabei handelte es sich um die Deutsche Nationale Partei (DNP).
[2] Carsten Hübner: Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen - eine Bestandsaufnahme, in: Jens F. Dwars, Mathias Günther: Das braune Herz Deutschlands. Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen, Jena 2001.
[3] Im Jahr 2000 berichtete Der Spiegel über Dienel: "In Absprache mit dem Verfassungsschutz und von ihm finanziert habe er im Herbst 1997 eine Flugblattkampagne gegen den damaligen stellvertretenden Landesvorsitzenden der Gewerkschaft Handel, Banken und Versicherungen inszeniert, um ihn zu diskreditieren. Auch ein Verfahren zur Aberkennung der bürgerlichen Grundrechte, das seit 1992 gegen Dienel beim Verfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe lief, sei mit Hilfe seiner Mentoren vier Jahre später erledigt worden. 'Man hat mich gedeckt', behauptet Dienel." Man hat mich gedeckt; 02.10.2000
[4] Brandt war Mitarbeiter des "Nation und Europa"-Verlags in Coburg, der jahrzehntelang die Monatszeitschrift "Nation und Europa" herausgab, eine der einflussreichsten der extremen Rechten in Deutschland.
[5] Carsten Hübner: Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen - eine Bestandsaufnahme, in: Jens F. Dwars, Mathias Günther: Das braune Herz Deutschlands. Rechtsextremismus in Thüringen, Jena 2001.
[6] Tino Brandt als VS-Spitzel enttarnt; Der Rechte Rand Nr. 71, Juli/August 2001. Brandt berichtete demnach auch, er sei vor Abhörmaßnahmen regelmäßig gewarnt worden: "Wenn es zum Beispiel hieß, nächste Woche kein Kontakt über Handy, wussten wir, dass ein anderer Dienst oder der Staatsschutz unsere Telefone mithört."
[7] V-Leute bei der NPD;
[8] Neonazis - vom Staat finanziert. AZ-Interview mit Rolf Gössner; Abendzeitung München 15.11.2011
[9] Andreas Speit: Die Thüringer Nazi-Connection; 14.11.2011

=== 2 ===

The German state and the neo-Nazi killings

18 November 2011

Over the last two weeks, the German press has carried extensive reports on the operations of a group of three neo-Nazis in the city of Jena over the last 13 years. The gang murdered at least 10 Turkish and Greek immigrants, and carried out other violent crimes under the noses of German domestic intelligence agencies that were actively involved in building the broader far-right networks within which the Jena group operated.

The three neo-Nazis emerged in the 1990s from the ultra-right Thuringian Homeland Security (THS) outfit, whose leader, Tino Brandt, was unmasked as an undercover agent in 2001. He told Der Spiegel that he had received more than 200,000 marks over seven years as an informer for the BVS intelligence service. He claimed to have spent every cent of this money to finance ultra-right groups.

The Jena group went underground in 1998, after police found a bomb workshop in a garage of one of its members. Even though they faced an international warrant for their arrest, they somehow managed to evade capture by the German state over the next 13 years, during which time they carried out at least 10 racially-motivated murders. Ultra-right groups penetrated by German secret service agents went so far as to organize three public solidarity concerts, the proceeds of which were handed over to the three terrorists.

The Jena group came to light on November 4, when two of its members were found shot shortly after fleeing the scene of a bank robbery.

It is impossible to believe that the three Jena terrorists evaded detection and capture for so long without the help of elements in the German security services. The role of Hessian secret service agent Andreas T. in particular is highly suspect. Nicknamed “little Adolf” in his home village for his far-right views, he was reportedly at the scene of no less than five of the Jena group’s murders—including the 2006 shooting of an Internet café owner in Kassel, where he refused to report voluntarily to the police as a witness.

According to reports of “parliamentary parties” cited by the website, for several years Andreas T.’s assignments included supervising undercover agents at the THS.

The security services’ ties to violent fascists underline the anti-democratic character of the European capitalist states created after World War II by the European bourgeoisies collaborating with Washington and London. The crimes of the Jena group and its ties to the state emerge organically from this history.

In the first years of the Cold War, as they fought the threat of socialist revolution in Europe, the Western powers recruited numerous ex-Nazi officials into the German state. Nowhere was this more the case than in the German intelligence service. Founded in 1950 by the Allies as an instrument of the Cold War, it employed large numbers of former Gestapo members, who saw Communists as their main enemy.

In 2009, under the headline “Brown Cellar Spirits,” the conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote: “For many SS officers and Gestapo men, the formative years of the republic were a happy phase in the resumption of their old professions. Many of the men active in the persecution and mass killing machinery of Hitler succeeded in making the leap into the security agencies after 1949... In the federal central police force, the foreign intelligence service and also in the federal intelligence agency (BVS), old comrades of the Wehrmacht and the SS imparted elements of their Nazi ideology to operational style and training during the first 20 years.”

When the Allies returned the BVS to German government control in 1955, the Adenauer government selected Hubert Schrübbers—who had served the Nazi regime as an SA member and as attorney general—to run the agency. Under his supervision, many former SS members took leading posts in the BVS. Schrübbers was ultimately forced to resign in 1982, when details of his Nazi past came to light.

As the record of the Jena neo-Nazi group makes clear, these connections between fascism and European bourgeois states continue to this day. They constitute a sharp warning to the working class in Germany and internationally of the reactionary forces being pushed to the fore in order to impose the savage cuts being demanded by finance capital amid the deepening crisis of capitalism.

The new “technocratic” regime in Greece, imposed by the banks to force further unpopular social cuts on the working class, includes several ministers of Greece’s fascistic LAOS party. As the right-wing New Democracy (ND) party takes control of the defense ministry, amid rumors of a possible coup, Greek workers opposing the austerity measures demanded by the banks now face a government that includes open supporters of the CIA-backed military junta that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974.

The cold-blooded murders of innocent people of immigrant origin in Germany are the preparation for the mobilization of fascistic forces and the state machine against the working class and all social opposition to the capitalist crisis. They underscore the necessity to mobilize the entire working class in revolutionary struggle against the corrupt political structures of European capitalism.

Ulrich Rippert and Alex Lantier

=== 3 ===


Più di dieci anni per scoprire una cellula neonazista responsabile di uccisioni e attentati. La Germania è sotto shock e chiede durezza per respingere il terrorismo bruno

Uwe Bohnhard e Uwe Mundlos sono seduti al tavolo del camper parcheggiato nella periferia di Eisenach,Turingia. Discutono, forse per l'esito (disastroso) della quattordicesima rapina portata a segno. Esplodono due colpi di pistola. Uwe B. e Uwe M. si accasciano sul tavolo. Il camper va a fuoco. 
Nello stesso momento, a Zwichan, cento chilometri più a est, una donna di 36 anni incendia l'abitazione che divideva con due amici. La donna si chiama Beate Zschape e i suoi conviventi erano Uwe Bohnhard e Uwe Mundlos. Ad Amburgo viene arrestato un uomo di 37 anni, proprietario dell'appartamento e del camper andati a fuoco, nonchémembro del NationalSozialistischer Untergrund (Nsu), formazione di stampo neonazista. Con questo finale dalle tinte pulp, la polizia è arrivata a capo di una lunga serie di omicidi a sfondo razziale e all'assassinio di una poliziotta bavarese. Zschape, descritta come una ragazza apatica, svogliata ma estremamente intelligente, si è consegnata alla polizia offrendo collaborazione in cambio di una condanna più morbida.

I tre personaggi appena introdotti (l'uomo di Amburgo è, per la polizia, solo un complice) hanno alle spalle una lunga scia di sangue: noti come i bombaroli di Jena, o la cellula Nsu di Zwichan, sono responsabili di diversi attentati, ma soprattuto hanno messo la firma - tra il 2000 e il 2006 - sugli assassini di otto turchi e di un greco: tutti, tranne uno, lavoravano nei chioschi di kebab. In un dvd ritrovato nell'abitazione di Zwichau, dalla durata di 15 minuti e intitolato "Tour in Germania: nove turchi ammazzati", sono contenute le immagini shock dei corpi delle nove vittime.
Molti quotidiani tedeschi riportano in prima pagina le foto in bianco e nero dei tre di Zwichan e la Germania è letteralmente stordita: la paura del rigurgito nazista è sempre molto forte. La cancelliera Angela Merkel ha promesso di andare al fondo di questa storia che rappresenta "una disgrazia, una vergogna per la Germania". Al ministero dell'Interno si indaga per capire quanto sia estesa la rete del Nsu: "dalle prove raccolte - dicono dal ministero - sembra che si stia sviluppando una nuova forma di terrorismo bruno (ndr: dalle camicie brune hitleriane)".

La cronaca degli ultimi giorni ha riaperto il dibattito anche sulla necessità di mettere al bando il Partito nazional democratico (Npd), di estrema destra e dai richiami nazisti. Il Npd che attualmente percepisce i finanziamenti pubblici - e quindi i soldi dei contribuenti -è il punto di riferimento per le organizzazione ancora più estremistiche: mettere fuori legge il Npd significherebbe tagliare la testa al mostro neonazista. A chiedere un intervento deciso alla Corte costituzionale è anche il sindacato di polizia.
Le istituzioni dovranno agire subito, anche per allontanare un antipatico sospetto che vede come protagonista l'agenzia dei sevizi segreti della Turingia: come è possibile che i tre giovani abbiano potuto operare in maniera così indisturbata e per oltre un decennio?

Nicola Sessa



Trovato dvd scioccante che mostra le immagini dei corpi delle vittime

Dopo il ritrovamento di un dvd lasciato da un gruppo di estremisti di destra che rivendica gli omicidi di "Nove turchi colpiti a colpi di pistola'', sigla contenuta nello stesso cd, il presidente della Commissione di controllo dei servizi del parlamento tedesco, Thomas Oppermann, ha dichiarato che dietro alla fazione terroristica, "Clandestinità Nazionalsocialista" (Nus), si devono nascondere altri complici.

Le indagini sugli "omicidi del kebab", che in diverse cittadine tedesche hanno portato allamorte di almeno 9 persone, tra cui otto turchi e un greco, sembrava esser giunta ad un punto di svolta dopo l'arresto di due complici del gruppo, ma il video che mostra i corpi delle vittime e di cui sono stati pubblicati alcuni fotogrammi dallo Spiegel, ha turbato l'intera Germania.

La scorsa settimana sono stati intanto ritrovati i corpi di due uomini che si sospetta siano legati al Nus, Uwe Mundlos e Uwe Boehnhardt, i quali potrebbero essersi suicidati dopo aver fallito un colpo in banca, e una donna Beate Zschape si è costituita. Un altro uomo,Holger G. 37 anni, è stato arrestato questa domenica ed accusato di aver fornito appoggio e documenti falsi ai membri del Nus. Al gruppo è probabilmente legata anche la morte di una poliziotta nel 2007.

Intanto, la notte scorsa, a 350 km di Berlino un uomo ha aperto il fuoco contro un negozio di alimentari di proprietà di un turco, ma quest'ultimo sembra non essere legato alla banda di estrema destra, mentre alle spalle ha una lunga storia di trattamenti psichiatrici.


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