
Commentaries on Kosovo

1) Wrong choice in Kosovo (Gregory Clark, March 1, 2011)
2) Kosovo is mistake (Pino Arlacchi, March 27, 2011)
3) NATO evil turns against Serbs (Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, October 19, 2011)
4) NATO still getting it wrong in Kosovo (James Bissett, October 24, 2011)

=== 1 ===

Japan Times - March 1, 2011

Wrong choice in Kosovo

By Gregory Clark*

A recent Council of Europe report says that during and after the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict, militia leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) tortured and killed hundreds of Serbs and political rivals in secret Albanian hideouts, removed their organs for sale and dumped their bodies in local rivers.

The report added that these people were also heavily involved in drug, sex and illegal immigrant trafficking across Europe. Yet while all this was going on, the NATO powers had decreed that Serbia should be bombed into accepting the KLA as Kosovo's legitimate rulers — rather than the more popular Democratic League of Kosovo headed by the nationalist intellectual Ibrahim Rugova advocating nonviolent independence. 

Recent years have not been kind to Western policymakers. They have shown an almost unerring ability to choose the wrong people for the wrong policies. Think back to the procession of incompetents chosen to rescue Indochina from the communist enemy. Does anyone even remember their names today? Yet at the time they were supposed to be nation-savers.

Before that the United Kingdom, United States and Australia had banded to try to prevent Lee Kuan Yew from being elected prime minister of Singapore. He was seen as a crypto-communist. They preferred the incompetent pro-British Lim Yew Hock. 

Then we saw the West, and Japan, throw their support behind the hapless Afghan President Hamid Karzai as the strongman to defeat the evil Taliban whom the U.S. had once embraced as the good Taliban.

If not for the end of the Cold War, we almost certainly would be seeing the U.S. and U.K. today once again backing Middle East dictators against their protesting masses.

And now we discover that the people chosen to take over Kosovo from Serbia were not quite the heroes they were made out to be at the time.

Western involvement in the breakup of the former Yugoslavia had more than its share of such mistakes. The Serbian forces resisting the breakup were accused of war crimes and ethnic cleansing. But anyone aware of that nation's troubled history should have realized that the Serbian minorities in Croatia and Bosnia would not accept domination by the successors to their former pro-Nazi oppressors.

Retaliations and violent resistance, including even the shocking Srebrenica killings, were inevitable. Besides, the final result was that close to a million Serbs had to seek refuge in Serbia itself. So who had been cleansing whom?

Kosovo too had seen wartime ethnic cleansing against Serbs by pro-Nazi elements. The cleansing continued during the 1990s as U.S.-trained KLA guerrillas targeted Serbs isolated in rural districts and towns (by then Belgrade's efforts to give the province autonomy had failed on the rock of ethnic Albanian noncooperation).

When Belgrade finally sent in troops to resist the guerrillas, it was accused of war crimes even though the illegitimate force used was much less than what we see when most other Western nations, the U.S. particularly, intervene against guerrillas they do not like.

When many ethnic Albanians fled temporarily after the NATO bombing intervention, that too was supposed to be Serbian ethnic cleansing. 

Even after gaining power, the KLA violence and cleansings continued. Their victims included the Jewish and Roma minorities and ethnic Albanians who had cooperated with Serbia's attempt to offer autonomy. The trafficking of drugs, women and body organs continued, right under the noses of the U.N. forces sent in to maintain order. Rugova supporters were eliminated. 

The U.S., U.K. and Germany bear most of the blame for this horror; Germany especially should have realized the passions that would be unleashed by any sudden breakup of the former Yugoslavia. But they seemed more interested in the geopolitical gains.

In exchange for helping the KLA, the U.S. got to add the strategic Bondsteel military base in Kosovo to its global base network. And the feisty U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright got to play world leader at the 1999 Rambouillet conference by decreeing that the dashing, handsome KLA leader Hashim Thaci was far preferable to the elderly, unpretentious Rugova as Kosovo's future leader, and that Serbia should be bombed if it did not agree. Belgrade's agreement to Rugova as leader of an independent Kosovo was dismissed as irrelevant. 

One wonders how the Serbs saw this performance. Two generations earlier, they had been the only European nation with the courage to resist Nazi attack. They had been bombed and massacred as a result. Now they were to suffer again at the hands of the NATO-supporting European nations, most of whom had spinelessly succumbed to, or had even collaborated with, that former Nazi enemy.

True, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has now resolved that it is "extremely concerned" over the recent KLA revelations. But is that not rather too late?

And will we see apologies from the people behind the past policies, particularly from the likes of former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair who still boasts that his firm resolve against Serbian "ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo led him to support the U.S. in Iraq? I doubt it. 

*Gregory Clark is a former Australian diplomat and longtime resident of Japan. A Japanese translation of this article will appear on

=== 2 ===

Kosovo is mistake, Italian MEP says

27 March 2011 | 15:26 | Source: Tanjug BRUSSELS

MEP Pino Arlacchi has said that Kosovo is the international community's biggest mistake in the past 12 years, adding that EULEX mission is a complete failure.

“The international community avoids going below the surface and looking into problems, it avoids admitting that Kosovo was a huge mistake, the biggest one in the past 12 years,” he told Tanjug.

“We created a mafia state and we care only about not letting the truth come out,” the Italian MEP added.

He pointed out that as a mission EULEX had so far been a complete failure, pointing out that the EU and the international community should stop having a false image of Kosovo as a stable place.

“The EU countries should start facing the truth and taking measures. The political situation in Kosovo and the fact that organized crime dominates its territory represent a huge threat to the security of the EU and the regional countries, even Albania,” said Arlacchi, a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament who actively took part in the creation of Italy's structures for combating mafia in the 1980s.

“EULEX has been a complete failure. They have no strategy or idea what to do, and they did not take into account Europe's experience in combating organized crime,” he underscored.

=== 3 ===

NATO evil turns against Serbs


NATO's next stop? It will have to be somewhere where there are Islamist terrorists to side with, somewhere whose population can be easily bombed, meaning somewhere defenceless and somewhere where the worst dregs of society can be turned into governors, politicians and ministers. Where could that be?

When we speak about Serbia and Kosovo, let us get certain things right from the start. Facts: Kosovo is Serbian. The Serbian nation has always included Kosovo. Kosovo is the heart that beats at the centre of the Serb psyche. The ones who planned for a Greater Albania were Hitler and Mussolini. Kosovo is Serbia. Kosovo always was Serbia, Kosovo always has been Serbia and Kosovo always will be Serbia, however many lines they draw on maps.

The history book proves NATO wrong

"Gradual and unconditional" independence for Kosovo, ripping the heart out of Serbia, a meddlesome and intrusive, unwelcome and unasked-for act of blatant arrogance from non-Balkan peoples. This is the legacy of NATO the world over.

The Albanian government has claimed at various times that the Albanians are the descendants of the Illyrians, the original inhabitants of this region, and that therefore they have a right to this Province of Serbia.

However, for anyone who bothers to do any research, this is utter nonsense. However much one adulterates the word "Illyria", one does not get anywhere as near to "Albania" as the "Albani", a tribe which had lived on the Caspian Sea and which many centuries after the Illyrians had been conquered by the Romans, moved westwards into their mountainous refuge, where these tribes remained as the "Shqiperi" or "eagle people". Polybius (200 - 118 BC) writes that the Albani and Illyrians spoke two distinct languages and needed interpreters to understand each other. Indeed, it was under the Ottoman domination of the Balkans that the Albanians settled definitively in the area which is Albania today. Besides, the Illyrians never referred to themselves as a single people or group of peoples, simply because they were not, neither did they speak a common language.

A study into the ethnic composition of Kosovo over history shows very clearly that the Serbs are the original inhabitants and therefore have a birthright to retain Kosovo. It was the Serbian army, led by prince Lazar, which fought the heroic battle of Kosovo Polje (Blackbird Field) on June 28, 1389, gaining an honourable draw against the might of the Ottoman Turks, but being so weakened that by 1459, all of Serbia had been occupied. However, Kosovo Polye stood firm in the hearts and minds of generations of Serbs for hundreds of years as their rallying cry.

NATO's violence

With the Serbs now penned into Northern Kosovo, the northern part of their own province, that terrorist mafia filth NATO backs (similar to the filth it backs in Libya) has run amok. These are the rapists, terrorists, murderers, looters, arsonists and torturers, organ traffickers which NATO cavorts with then labels "Minister" or some such nonsense. When was Hashim Thaçi "minister" of anything? He has been accused of organ trafficking and NATO calls him "Prime Minister" of Kosovo, a country that does not exist. Why not call him King of Saturn, or better still, King of Mercury and send him and his Shiptari terrorists there to burn in Hell?

To protect this filth, NATO forces have given the Serbs a further 24 hours to take down their road barricades, set up to protect the Serbs and to allow ambulances to pass, to get them to hospital after Albanian mafia thugs dressed as policemen strafe civilians with gunfire; these barricades were set up to ensure that anti-Serb elements were not placed at the only escape routes Serbs would have into Serbia if the long-awaited ethnic cleansing (backed by NATO) went ahead and drove them out of Kosovo, their own homeland.

It would be a bit like forcing all US citizens out of, say, Virginia and replacing them with Arabs, or telling the English that Kent was not to be French, or telling the French that the English possessions of the Medieval era were to be returned, a bit like giving Italy's Trieste to Slovenia, giving the Sudetenland and Rhineland back to France, telling Portugal it is part of Spain or giving Spain's Galicia to Portugal.

The Kosovo mafia terrorist leader, accused of organ trafficking, Hashim Thaçi, can bray like a donkey or bleat like a goat about the "rule of law" being applied, but what rule of law were he and his Ushtria Çlirimtare ë Kosovës applying when they were beheading Serbs and raping women, including Albanian girls?

Correct - the law of the jungle, where apes belong.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


=== 4 ===

Ottawa Citizen - October 24, 2011

NATO still getting it wrong in Kosovo 

by James Bissett*

In the three years since Kosovo, urged on by the United States, declared its unilateral independence, there has been no final resolution of this long-festering wound in the heart of the Balkans.
After the expulsion of the Serbian military from Kosovo in 1999 there was a systematic purging of the non-Albanian population and a rampage of revenge killing, and destruction.
In March, 2004, the Albanian mobs burned or dynamited more than 204 Christian churches and monasteries - some of them heritage structures dating back to the 14th century. This veritable orgy of devastation was accomplished under the watchful eyes of NATO troops who did nothing to stop the violence.
On Sept. 15, the Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, visited Pristina, the capitol of Kosovo, and again repeated the usual refrain that NATO was there to maintain a secure and safe environment and emphasized that "We will continue to do so - firmly, carefully, and impartially."
Less than two weeks after his departure from Kosovo on Sept. 27, his impartial NATO troops opened fire with live ammunition on a crowd of Serbian civilians demonstrating against the establishment of Kosovo customs posts along the border between Serbia and northern Kosovo, effectively cutting them off from Serbia proper. At least six of the demonstrators were wounded. The standoff continued over the weekend.
This incident took place at the same time our NATO leaders were vigorously protesting the shooting of protesters in Syria and Yemen.
So far, there have been no apologies from the NATO leadership and no demands for a full inquiry.
Kosovo, since its so-called liberation from Serbia, has become a failed state with massive unemployment, crime and corruption prevalent, and a leadership deeply involved in the importation of heroin and arms, and human smuggling - not to mention serious allegations about the harvesting of human body parts.
Nevertheless, Kosovo is the stepchild state of the U.S.-led NATO powers, and therefore must be seen to be a success. NATO cannot admit to failure.
After all, we are told 80 countries have recognized its independence. Little mention is made that there are 113 countries of the United Nations who refuse do so - including Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Slovakia - all members of NATO.
There is a larger than life statue of president Bill Clinton in Pristina. Shortly after the occupation of Kosovo the Americans constructed the enormous Camp Bondsteel. Kosovo is their baby and at all cost it must be accepted as a sovereign state. Unfortunately, the costs are high and may well spell the demise of NATO as a respected champion of the rule of law and democratic freedom.
Canada was involved in drafting Article 1 of the North Atlantic Treaty that stated that NATO would never use or threaten to use force in the resolution of international disputes and would always act in accordance with the principles laid down by the United Nations Charter. Alas, we never hear anything more about Article 1.
After the collapse of the Soviet empire, Article 1 came to be seen by the United States as an obstacle in preventing NATO (read the United States) from intervening in out-of-area disputes and in using force to advance U.S. foreign policy objectives, frequently under the guise of humanitarian intervention.
The first opportunity of doing this was the bombing of Serbia on the false grounds that Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic was planning to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of its majority Albanian population and that genocide was taking place there.
Without consulting the United Nations and in violation of its own treaty, NATO bombed Serbia for 78 days and nights and was successful in tearing away an integral part of that country's territory.
The United States and some of the NATO countries, including Canada, have gone further by recognizing the declaration of independence of Kosovo, despite UN Resolution 1244 that reaffirmed Serbia's sovereignty over that province.
By doing so they have opened Pandora's Box and issued an open invitation to the many groups and tribes around the world aspiring for their own state to do so by simply declaring independence. Can anyone really blame the Palestinians for expecting anything less?

*James Bissett is former Canadian ambassador to the former Yugoslavia.


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Da:  AssPoliticaClasse <politicaeclasse2007 @>

Oggetto:  da Giancarlo Staffo, lettera BCE

Data:  09 novembre 2011 10.12.18 GMT+01.00

Questa è la lettera con cui la Banca centrale europea detta le sue condizioni a chiunque governerà l’Italia da oggi in poi.
Cosa faranno il centro sinistra ed i suoi alleati di “sinistra” (Vendola, Rifondazione e Pdci) se andranno al governo o saranno nella maggioranza ? Cosa faranno la Cgil con le truppe cammellate dello Spi, Cosa dirà il Manifesto, il popolo viola ed arancione, Pisapia e De Magistris, la Fiom ed i “disobbedienti” ? Ricordatevi del 1992 Amato e Trentin poi i bulloni in piazza, ricordatevi di Dini con la Cgil sulle pensioni, ricordatetevi di Prodi con il pacchetto Treu e la conferma della legge Biagi. Bisogna rinfrescare la memoria ai lavoratori italiani. Prepariamoci al peggio... ed attrezziamoci.

Dal “sole 24ore”

«Caro Primo Ministro». Inizia così la lettera strettamente riservata inviata dalla Bce al Governo italiano datata 5 agosto scorso e firmata dal presidente Jean Claude Trichet e dal futuro numero uno dell'Eurotower, Mario Draghi. Una missiva dettagliata pubblicata sul Corriere della Sera, in cui la banca centrale europea indica le misure antispeculazione da adottare «con urgenza» dall'Italia per «rafforzare la reputazione della sua firma sovrana e il suo impegno alla sostenibilità del bilancio e alle riforme strutturali»: dalle liberalizzazioni alla riforma del mercato del lavoro e delle pensioni alla pubblica amministrazione.
Ecco di seguito il testo della lettera.

Il testo completo della lettera della Bce al Governo italiano:

5 agosto 2011

«Caro Primo Ministro, 
Il Consiglio direttivo della Banca centrale europea il 4 Agosto ha discusso la situazione nei mercati dei titoli di Stato italiani. Il Consiglio direttivo ritiene che sia necessaria un'azione pressante da parte delle autorità italiane per ristabilire la fiducia degli investitori. 
Il vertice dei capi di Stato e di governo dell'area-euro del 21 luglio 2011 ha concluso che «tutti i Paesi dell'euro riaffermano solennemente la loro determinazione inflessibile a onorare in pieno la loro individuale firma sovrana e tutti i loro impegni per condizioni di bilancio sostenibili e per le riforme strutturali». Il Consiglio direttivo ritiene che l'Italia debba con urgenza rafforzare la reputazione della sua firma sovrana e il suo impegno alla sostenibilità di bilancio e alle riforme strutturali. 
Il Governo italiano ha deciso di mirare al pareggio di bilancio nel 2014 e, a questo scopo, ha di recente introdotto un pacchetto di misure. Sono passi importanti, ma non sufficienti.
Nell'attuale situazione, riteniamo essenziali le seguenti misure: 

1.Vediamo l'esigenza di misure significative per accrescere il potenziale di crescita. Alcune decisioni recenti prese dal Governo si muovono in questa direzione; altre misure sono in discussione con le parti sociali. Tuttavia, occorre fare di più ed é cruciale muovere in questa direzione con decisione. Le sfide principali sono l'aumento della concorrenza, particolarmente nei servizi, il miglioramento della qualità dei servizi pubblici e il ridisegno di sistemi regolatori e fiscali che siano più adatti a sostenere la competitività delle imprese e l'efficienza del mercato del lavoro.
a) E' necessaria una complessiva, radicale e credibile strategia di riforme, inclusa la piena liberalizzazione dei servizi pubblici locali e dei servizi professionali. Questo dovrebbe applicarsi in particolare alla fornitura di servizi locali attraverso privatizzazioni su larga scala. 
b) C'é anche l'esigenza di riformare ulteriormente il sistema di contrattazione salariale collettiva, permettendo accordi al livello d'impresa in modo da ritagliare i salari e le condizioni di lavoro alle esigenze specifiche delle aziende e rendendo questi accordi più rilevanti rispetto ad altri livelli di negoziazione. L'accordo del 28 Giugno tra le principali sigle sindacali e le associazioni industriali si muove in questa direzione.
c) Dovrebbe essere adottata una accurata revisione delle norme che regolano l'assunzione e il licenziamento dei dipendenti, stabilendo un sistema di assicurazione dalla disoccupazione e un insieme di politiche attive per il mercato del lavoro che siano in grado di facilitare la riallocazione delle risorse verso le aziende e verso i settori più competitivi.

2. Il Governo ha l'esigenza di assumere misure immediate e decise per assicurare la sostenibilità delle finanze pubbliche. 
a) Ulteriori misure di correzione del bilancio sono necessarie. Riteniamo essenziale per le autorità italiane di anticipare di almeno un anno il calendario di entrata in vigore delle misure adottate nel pacchetto del luglio 2011. L'obiettivo dovrebbe essere un deficit migliore di quanto previsto fin qui nel 2011, un fabbisogno netto dell'1% nel 2012 e un bilancio in pareggio nel 2013, principalmente attraverso tagli di spesa. E' possibileintervenire ulteriormente nel sistema pensionistico, rendendo più rigorosi i criteri di idoneità per le pensioni di anzianità e riportando l'età del ritiro delle donne nel settore privato rapidamente in linea con quella stabilita per il settore pubblicocosì ottenendo dei risparmi già nel 2012. Inoltre, il Governo dovrebbe valutare una riduzione significativa dei costi del pubblico impiego, rafforzando le regole per il turnover (il ricambio, ndr) e, se necessario, riducendo gli stipendi
b) Andrebbe introdotta una clausola di riduzione automatica del deficit che specifichi che qualunque scostamento dagli obiettivi di deficit sarà compensato automaticamente con tagli orizzontali sulle spese discrezionali. 
c) Andrebbero messi sotto stretto controllo l'assunzione di indebitamento, anche commerciale, e le spese delle autorità regionali e locali, in linea con i principi della riforma in corso delle relazioni fiscali fra i vari livelli di governo. Vista la gravità dell'attuale situazione sui mercati finanziari, consideriamo cruciale che tutte le azioni elencate nelle suddette sezioni 1 e 2 siano prese il prima possibile per decreto legge, seguito da ratifica parlamentare entro la fine di Settembre 2011. Sarebbe appropriata anche una riforma costituzionale che renda più stringenti le regole di bilancio.
3. Incoraggiamo inoltre il Governo a prendere immediatamente misure per garantire una revisione dell'amministrazione pubblica allo scopo di migliorare l'efficienza amministrativa e la capacità di assecondare le esigenze delle imprese. Negli organismi pubblici dovrebbe diventare sistematico l'uso di indicatori di performance (soprattutto nei sistemi sanitario, giudiziario e dell'istruzione). C'é l'esigenza di un forte impegno ad abolire o a fondere alcuni strati amministrativi intermedi (come le Province). Andrebbero rafforzate le azioni mirate a sfruttare le economie di scala nei servizi pubblici locali.
Confidiamo che il Governo assumerà le azioni appropriate.

Con la migliore considerazione,
Mario Draghi, Jean-Claude Trichet


Dalla seconda pagina di Liberazione del 11-11-2011

Tutto tranne democrazia: 
i veri mandanti di Mario Monti

Italia e Grecia al guinzaglio del vero potere: quello che ormai stabilisce il prezzo della residua democrazia lasciata agli Stati un tempo sovrani. Comanda Wall Street, attraverso Fmi, Bce e Unione Europea: sono loro a "licenziare" Papandreou e Berlusconi, e a imporre le "riforme strutturali" che non toccano né i patrimoni, né le banche, né le rendite finanziarie, ma solo i popoli (salari, pensioni, welfare) e i beni comuni costruiti con l'impegno di generazioni: beni che ora saranno "privatizzati", cioè tolti ai cittadini. Sotto la pressione micidiale dei controllori dei mercati finanziari, alla Grecia e all'Italia si dettano ultimatum, prendere o lasciare. Tesi: la politica non è in grado di affrontare scelte impopolari. Meglio che le gestisca un sovrano o un suo vassallo, come nel medioevo.
Fmi, Ue e Bce: un accerchiamento totale, scrive Claudio Messora sul blog "Byoblu", al quale il gioco della speculazione internazionale ci consegna senza possibilità di fuga. «Per il nostro stesso interesse - si dice - e per quello dei sottoscrittori del nostro debito, dobbiamo realizzare una serie di riforme. E poiché non siamo più credibili, forti pressioni costringono il governo in carica a rassegnare le sue dimissioni, nonché tutto un popolo a rinunciare alla propria autodeterminazione». Come in Grecia, appunto. «Il principio più incredibile che viene sostenuto senza il benché minimo stupore - continua Messora - sarebbe quello secondo cui la politica da sola non può realizzare misure impopolari, perché avrebbe il timore di giocarsi il consenso elettorale, per cui sarebbe imperativo affidare le riforme necessarie a un governo di larghe intese, oppure al cosiddetto governo tecnico, magari sotto la direzione di un podestà forestiero».
Il concetto è tragicamente chiaro: esistono riforme che "devono" essere realizzate a tutti i costi, al di là della volontà popolare. «In altre parole, si sostiene che se la classe politica non è in grado di farsene carico, perché i cittadini non le vogliono, allora deve farlo qualcun altro», espressione di una «oligarchia nascosta». Quando Papandreou ha provato a ventilare l'ipotesi di un referendum per consentire ai greci di esprimersi sulle misure di austerity, il sistema bancario internazionale ha reagito minacciando di non tagliare più il debito pubblico del 50%, e il premier ellenico è stato convocato al G20 che l'ha costretto a ritirare la proposta referendaria. Nella stessa seduta è stato messo sotto torchio lo stesso Berlusconi, irritato per il diktat della Bce e restio a obbedire agli ordini. Risultato: "licenziati" entrambi. E presto rimpiazzati da due ipotesi gemelle: governi "tecnici", guidati da «uomini esterni al meccanismo del consenso popolare», cioè «due podestà forestieri: Mario Monti e Lucas Demetrios Papademos», entrambi "allevati" negli Usa.
Monti laureato alla Bocconi ma specializzatosi a Yale, Papademos laureato in Massachusetts e poi docente alla Columbia University insieme a Zbigniew Brzezinski, futuro stratega della Casa Bianca all'epoca della conversione dell'Iran da paese amico a nemico giurato.
Monti diventa rettore della Bocconi e, dal 2005, "international advisor" per Goldman Sachs nonché presidente del think-thank Bruegel, finanziato da 16 Stati e 28 multinazionali con lo scopo di influire privatamente sulle politiche economiche comunitarie. Nel 2010 Barroso gli commissiona un "libro bianco" sul futuro del mercato unico. Nel frattempo, Papademos diviene un economista senior della Federal Reserve Bank di Boston e poi della Banca di Grecia, di cui assume la carica di governatore. Poi addirittura diventa vicepresidente della Bce: è proprio lui a traghettare Atene dalla dracma all'euro. «Curioso - annota Messora - che adesso sia indicato come la personalità più adatta a rimediare ai danni che, in qualche modo, ha contribuito a produrre».
Ed è qui che entra in gioco anche Brzezinski, che nel 1973 fu incaricato da David Rockfeller di avviare un nuovo gruppo di lavoro: la Commissione Trilaterale, super-laboratorio per il futuro del mondo a guida statunitense: un club riservatissimo, dove i super-potenti (come Papademos) possono discutere liberamente, «senza perdersi nelle lungaggini imposte dai parlamenti e dalle burocrazie diplomatiche». Un super-clan potentissimo, con tre cariche fondamentali in rappresentanza di Nord America, Giappone ed Europa, quest'ultima ricoperta proprio da Mario Monti. Già nel '74 la Trilaterale denunciava «l'eccesso di democrazia» che a suo parere affliggeva il pianeta. Grecia e Italia, dunque, oggi potrebbero finire sotto il completo controllo di due uomini-chiave, in Europa, per il super-mondiale di organismi come la Goldman Sachs e la Trilaterale dei Rockfeller.
Tutti e due, Monti e Papademos, sono «in prima linea nella corsa a sostituirsi a due governi democraticamente eletti», e con un unico mandato: prendere decisioni dichiaratamente impopolari. «Ovvero, per definizione, contrarie alla volontà popolare», sottolinea Messora.
«Non c'è democrazia senza trasparenza, né può esservi in mancanza di un mandato popolare forte ed esplicito», scrive Messora. (…) «Tutto può essere, tranne democrazia, la requisizione del nostro diritto di rappresentanza in nome di logiche che vengono assunte a porte chiuse, nelle sedi elettive dove si tutelano interessi privati, dove una ristretta èlite decide le sorti di interi popoli senza che a questi venga garantita una chiara percezione delle cose». Svanendo la sovranità popolare su cui peraltro si fonda la Costituzione antifascista del 1946, viene alla luce il vero potere del mondo, «un governo ombra che in termini di realpolitik è sempre esistito, ma che sta diventando dominante», che ora si appresta a cancellare, uno alla volta, tutti i diritti del welfare grazie ai quali l'Italia ha costruito il suo benessere, la sua pace sociale, il suo progresso civile e democratico.

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Lunedì 14 novembre 2011, ore 21.00 

Circolo ARCI Martiri di Turro
Via Rovetta 14 - Milano

"Ho incontrato anche zingari felici" (Skupljaci perja) 

Un film di Aleksandar Petrovic - Jugoslavia 1967 

Presenta la serata Ivana Kerecki (Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia onlus)

secondo appuntamento della terza edizione della rassegna di film "HO INCONTRATO ZINGARI FELICI" (Maladilem bachtale Romenca - da Upre Roma), organizzata dall'associazione La Conta, in collaborazione con l'associazione Aven Amentza - Unione di Rom e Sinti, con l'associazione ApertaMente, la redazione di Mahalla e con il circolo ARCI Martiri di Turro; ingresso gratuito, con tessera Arci

E' stato il primo film di successo ad affrontare l'argomento. Alterna scene di vita che oggi definiremmo di maniera, ad uno sguardo attento e partecipe alla vita comunitaria, ai suoi amori e dissidi. Fu forse anche il primo film che illustrò il supposto nomadismo di Rom e Sinti, non come uno loro necessità di viaggiare, ma legato a motivazione precise. Ciononostante, non è un semplice documentario, una trama sottile collega le scene che descrivono il loro modo di vita, nel quadro del complesso tentativo della Jugoslavia di allora di integrare le sue diverse etnie e popolazioni.

Segnò anche il successo internazionale di Bekim Fehmiu, attore di origine albanese morto a giugno 2010, conosciutissimo in Italia per la sua interpretazione di Ulisse nell'Odissea televisiva alla fine degli anni '60.

La pagina Facebook dell'iniziativa:
Uno speciale ringraziamento a Fabrizio Casavola di Mahalla, che ha organizzato l'evento.


E' nata indoona : chiama, videochiama e messaggia Gratis.
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(italiano / francais / english / srpskohrvatski / deutsch)

UC-K-FOR still killing Kosovo Serbs

2) Kosovo : le meurtre d’un Serbe par un Albanais va-t-il raviver les tensions ethniques ? (B92 - 21 octobre 2011)
3) Balkanische Lektionen. Kosovo und die Parteilichkeit der NATO (Sevim Dagdelen, junge Welt, 30.09.2011)
4) Continua la resistenza dei serbi del Kosovo alla NATO... (Enrico Vigna, Kosovo notizie N°5 - Novembre 2011)
5) Sabor podrške srpskom narodu na Kosovu i Metohiji / Support to serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija
[dalla Conferenza sul Kosmet tenuta a Belgrado il 27/9/2011]

=== 0: LINKS ===

Source of most following documents in english language is the Stop NATO e-mail list 
Archives and search engine:
Website and articles:


Per chi vuole, è uscita una mia intervista su Free Lance International Press. Tema: la tragedia del Kosovo (e, aggiungo io, della Metohija...) 

Alessandro Di Meo


VIDEO: KFOR razbija barikade kod Jagnjenice - KFOR attacking peaceful Serb civilians in Kosovo province

Caricato da KosMetskeBarikade in data 20/ott/2011

KFOR attacking peaceful Serbian civilians in northern part of southern serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija!
Jedinica Kfora počela kod Jagnjenice uklanjanje barikade koju su pre mesec dana Srbi postavili na putu prema Brnjaku! Kfor zapretio građanima upotrebom sile, ako se ne raziđu, i bacio suzavac u više navrata.


VIDEO: KFOR attacking peaceful Serbian civilians at Jarinje - KFOR probija barikade kod Jarinja - La KFOR attacca manifestanti serbi pacifici a Jarinje

9th november 2011 at 2:00 a.m.


VIDEO: Pucnjava na Srbe na Kosovu - 3 Serbs got shot by albanian terrorists in Kosovo province - 3 serbi vittima di attentato nel nord del Kosovo, uno ucciso

3 young Serbian men got shot by albanian terrorists in the northern part of Kosovo province. One of them died in the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica.


Resistenza contro la NATO ed i suoi sgherri in Kosovo

Provocazioni della NATO a Mitrovica Nord (english / italiano)

Barricate, scontri, manifestazioni in Kosovo (english / italiano)

KFOR=NATO fires on serb demonstrators, delivers ultimatum

=== 1: NEWS ===

Voice of Russia - October 16, 2011

NATO issues ultimatum over roadblocks in Kosovo

Ekaterina Kudashkina 
NATO has given Serbs time until Monday to remove roadblocks on the border between Kosovo and Serbia, as tensions in the area continue to grow after violence broke up in the region last month, when the Kosovo Albanians placed their customs officers and police troops at the Jarinje and Brnjak checkpoints.

In late July Kosovo made an attempt to seize the checkpoints, which resulted in clashes between the police and local Serbs. (RIAN)

Reason for war

Interview with Borislav Korkodelovic, Serbian journalist based in Belgrade.

American Ambassador Walker, who is now an honorary citizen of Pristina, the capital of so-called independent Kosovo, claimed that Serbian security forces killed during the massacre about 30 to 40 civilians in Racak, but in fact those civilians according to the Serbian police were guerillas or rebels belonging to the Albanian so-called Liberation Army and they were just in civilian clothes. 

Without waiting for the final results of the international commission which was headed by Finnish pathologist Helena Ranta, without waiting for that, Mr. Walker issued a statement that such things can happen all over Kosovo. So, that was the direct cause, but good diplomatic exchange was refused by the access of some elements of the plan which was arranged during the Rambouillet Conference which was going on from the end of 1998 to February 1999. So, that was because Serbia could not accept some of the conditions, like allowing NATO troops to enter Kosovo ‑ that was another reason for the attack. Also the Western media were speaking about plans to expel as many as possible of ethnic Albanians from the province and particularly the German government and its minister of defense at that time claimed that concentration camps were established at the football stadium in Pristina, that columns of Albanians – old people, women and kinds ‑ had been touring
towards the borders of Macedonia, which later on happened but when the bombardments started, which lasted 78 days up to the middle of June 1999.

Do I get you right that the cases you have mentioned have been more to justify the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia?

Yes, you are right and also it is because I think more or less during in human history that such incidents were used for wars between countries. 

I would just like to draw your attention to the latest such incidents – the so-called “imminent massacre” which was linked to the situation in Libya, “imminent massacre” in Benghazi. So, that was in fact the claim which has its roots in some emotional comments by Colonel Gaddafi; his statements were used as a pretext for the voting in the Security Council of the United Nations and that threat to Benghazi had never materialized and it is still a last thing. So, nobody was massacred in that particular case in Benghazi at that moment, but tens of thousands of people had been killed later on and still lots of people are losing their life in Libya.


Beta News Agency - October 17, 2011

Serbs in north organize "rehearsal" protest

ZUPČE: Serb gathered this morning near the main barricade in the northern Kosovo village of Zupče to protest against the announced removal of the road blocks.
Local Serbs blocked roads after Kosovo Albanian authorities moved to install their customs and police on the administrative line between central Serbia and Kosovo. 
Serbs, who form a majority in northern Kosovo, reject both the authority of the Kosovo Albanian government in Priština, and the ethnic Albanian unilateral declaration of independence made in early 2008. 
Zubin Potok Mayor Slaviša Ristić addressed several thousand people gathered today to say that they were not there protecting "beeches and tree trunks", but rather their country, homes, and the future of their children. 
Ristić pleaded with the citizens to remain "calm and wise", and called on them to gather again on Tuesday morning at Zupče. 
"If members of KFOR try to break through the barricades tomorrow, we will stand calmly, we'll take our chairs too, and sit down. If that's what their justice and freedom is about - then we don't need it," the mayor told the crowd. 
"We ask nothing from them, except to be left alone, to stay and live in the state of Serbia. If there is no Serbia here, there will be none in Belgrade either," warned Ristić, and added that the people defending their homes recognize and appreciate the help they are receiving from friends at this difficult time. 
Previously, the residents of the Ibarski Kolašin region say that they will spend Monday at the barricades, and that the protest will be peaceful. 
Reports said there were women and children at the barricades, while schools are today closed in the area. 
The locals said today's events were a "rehearsal" for what Serbs intend to do if KFOR starts removing their barricades. 
Farther up north, in Leposavić, Serbs were also ready to peacefully resist Priština's attempts to install its institutions here. 
The citizens are saying that if there is no solution that will be acceptable to them, and if KFOR dismantles their road blocks, they will react by putting up new barricades. 
Last night, residents of the towns of Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečan manned the barricades. 


RT - October 18, 2011

Kosovo border dispute escalates

NATO forces have extended the deadline for Serbs in northern Kosovo to remove barricades near the Kosovar-Serbian border, delivering them an ultimatum to clear the roadblocks by early Tuesday or face forced removal.
Pristina, the capital of Albanian-dominated Kosovo, wants to erect customs posts between the Serb-dominated part of the self-proclaimed republic and Serbia, tearing the Serb enclave in Kosovo from Belgrade and urging Serbs to leave their homes and depart for Serbia.
That means the clock is ticking for Kosovar Serbs because NATO’s Kosovo Peacekeeping Force (KFOR) is on the side of the Albanians, and they have already shown that they will not hesitate to fire at Serb protesters with live rounds.
But the Serbs who were born in Kosovo do not want to leave their motherland, and they have attempted to prevent Albanian police and customs officials from seizing control of the border crossings to Serbia.
Still, KFOR appears to mean business, and seems intent on delivering Kosovar officials to border checkpoints under the protection of their guns.
But Kosovar Serbs have nowhere to retreat. When RT visited the site of the protests, the roadblocks remained in the same place they have been for the last two months.
With the Tuesday deadline approaching, tensions in the area are boiling.
On Saturday, KFOR Commander General Erhard Drews met with the mayors of four northern Kosovo towns, claiming that KFOR needs the roads cleared in order access northern parts of Kosovo. At the moment, supplies for the KFOR troops stationed there – water, food and fuel – are being delivered by helicopters.
Last month KFOR attempted to bulldoze the Kosovar Serb barricades, but the only result was violence that left 11 Serbs wounded. Despite KFOR’s attempt to cover up the scandal by saying soldiers were only shooting rubber bullets, the doctors who treated the injured confirmed all the wounds were real gunshots. It could be said that blood has already been spilled, and it was Serb blood.
The situation on the border might look peaceful for now, but this could change in the blink of an eye.



RT - October 18, 2011

Army of stones: Serb barricades stand firm

As the deadline for Serbs in northern Kosovo to dismantle their border barricades nears, they remain firm in their protest. The barricades are meant to stop attempts by Kosovan police, and NATO and EU forces to take over border crossings with Serbia.
Stones and sand of the barricades are the only weapons the Serbs living in Kosovo have in their arsenal to make the others listen to them.
The roadblocks they have set up throughout the northern part of the region are making headlines and getting feedback.
Local resident Voityla is reading a leaflet that KFOR, a NATO-led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo, has been distributing here recently: “We ask you not to participate in any event that may threaten your safety or may have negative consequences for you and for your country!“
He comments: “Bastards! They are talking about us! While they are the only negative here.”
“Look at their propaganda! We will not buy it! We don’t want them here, those occupiers; we don’t even want to talk to them!” he adds as he crumbles the leaflet and throws it into a campfire.
Unlike the barricade sentries, the mayor of the Northern Kosovo town of Leposovic is talking to KFOR. Branko Ninic has been among the four delegates from Serbs to negotiate with the peacekeepers on dates and terms for the barricades’ removal.
KFOR announced a Monday deadline, but then postponed it till Tuesday. The Serbs have claimed they need even more time.
Initially designed to prevent Kosovan customs officers from reaching the checkpoints at the northern border with Serbia, rubble on the roads has made trouble for many.
The KFOR complain they have no land access to their troops in the north. They are using helicopters to transport supplies and soldiers.
And the Serbs themselves are suffering too. They are building new alternative roads to reach Serbia from Kosovo, because the main routes have been blocked – by Serbian barricades – in the last several weeks.
The only other alternative is a train, but it runs only once a day and is always packed, so it is not necessarily a viable option.
New bypass roads appear with phenomenal speed. An RT crew has seen at least seven of them.
“This is stupid. We have many roads but we have to make more! But we have no choice – they make us do that! And we’ll not give up. Never,” says Vladimir, a road engineer, who is involved in constructing bypass roads.
Vladimir is one of the volunteers. He is a Kosovan Serbian and says he speaks for all of them.
“This is our state. It’s ridiculous to think we’ll ever recognize an ‘independent’ Kosovo. We’ll never give up,” he vows.
Back at the barricades people are still waiting. All of them have regular jobs as teachers, engineers or miners, but here they call themselves soldiers and use war rhetoric.
“This is our land. We will not surrender!” they say. “That’s for truth. For the future. For our children and Motherland!”
They say one man cannot win a war, but together people may form a real army. Even if their weapons are just stones and sand.



Radio Netherlands/Agence France-Presse - October 18, 2011

NATO, Serbs in standoff over Kosovo barricades

Published on 18 October 

NATO confronted Serbs manning a roadblock in northern Kosovo on Tuesday but agreed to wait 24 hours for a compromise that will allow its KFOR force to supply troops in the sensitive area, Serb officials said.
A KFOR convoy turned back from one of the main roadblocks on the road to the disputed Brnjak crossing with Serbia after the agreement, the Serb mayor of nearby Zubin Potok told AFP.
The convoy approached the roadblock as a "test" of KFOR's demand that all 16 roadblocks set up by Kosovo Serbs on roads leading to the Bnjak and Jarinje crossings be removed by Tuesday, according to spokesman Uwe Nowitzki.
Tuesday morning the barricades were still all there and Serbs stepped up their numbers to guard them, reporters on the ground said.
Zubin Potok mayor Slavisa Ristic said: "We have agreed with KFOR representatives that they return to their bases and await the outcome of the meeting Wednesday" of the four Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo.
That meeting is set to approve a compromise allowing KFOR to supply their troops in the area occasionally while Serbs maintain the barricades, set up to keep Kosovo Albanian customs and police officials away from the border posts.
There was no immediate comment from KFOR on the reported deal.

The local Serbs are angry over a move by the Pristina government in September to put Kosovo Albanian customs and police officials on the border, fearing that their access to Serbia proper will be severely limited.


Tanjug News Agency - October 19, 2011

MPs protest U.S. ambassador's presence

BELGRADE: The opposition SRS party protested in parliament today because of a meeting between the Group of Friendship with the U.S. and U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick.
About ten SRS MPs blocked the entrance to the hall where the meeting with Warlick, in view of 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, was due to begin.
After 20 minutes, the Radicals stepped away. 
During the brief protest, the Radicals carried banners saying "We will not forgive you our children," "Stop killing Serbs in Kosovo," "NATO = crime," and "Bloody Mary." They also sang the national anthem. 
After the incident, SRS MP Boris Aleksić criticized the government for receiving Warlick at the Serbian parliament at the moment when, as he said, NATO is getting ready to attack the Serbs' barricades in Kosovo. 
Aleksić accused the government that Warlick arrived at the Assembly to "give them orders to jointly plan the operation against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija." 
He said this is the reason why SRS MPs gathered in front of the hall, "where the government is celebrating relations with the U.S." 
Aleksić stressed his colleagues wish to send a clear message that "the U.S. has been carrying out a crime against the Serbian people for 20 years, and is now preparing to do away with them once and for all." 
"They did not allow us to attend the meeting. What is it that they are hiding from MPs," wondered Aleksić.


RT - October 20, 2011

Tear gas at the barricades: NATO sprays Serb protests 

Boris Malagurski and John Laughland on RT

NATO peacekeepers have used tear gas against Serb protesters in northern Kosovo. They dispersed the crowd in order to start dismantling barricades erected in a protest against deployment of customs checkpoints on the border.
Some 300 Serbs tried to prevent the Kosovo peacekeeping force (KFOR) from tearing down the barricades, but the soldiers were armed with anti-riot equipment to cordon off the barricaded area, reports RT’s Maria Finoshina.
KFOR used loudspeakers to try to convince the Serb to go home, but it failed to help. There was a lot of shouting from both parties, but otherwise the conflict was not violent.
NATO soldiers fired tear gas grenades at the protesters and managed to disperse them, says AFP. RT's Maria Finoshina says it was more likely pepper spray than tear has. She adds KFOR is erecting a barbed wire fence to isolate Serbs from the barricade and threatens to use force against them.
At least 100 armed transport vehicles are involved in the operation, which is aimed at removing the 16 barricades on the border. KFOR is also using a number of drones, which are circling over the area of the conflict.
No injuries were immediately reported. The actual dismantling of the barricades has not started yet and Serbs are watching KFOR actions closely. 
The situation remains tense with fears high that it could escalate into violence.
NATO action follows a week of tense negotiations with the protesters, which failed to produce a peaceful solution.
Serbs living in northern Kosovo had blocked two cross-border roads into Belgrade-controlled Serbian territory in July. The move was in a protest by Pristina’s plan to take over checkpoints at the crossings.
This was meant to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia, which was part of a trade dispute with Belgrade. Officials in Pristina said ethnic Serbian customs officers had sabotaged the ban and planned to replace them with ethnic Albanians.
Northern Kosovo is home to some 40,000 Serbs, who constitute a majority in several towns in the area. They do not recognize the Albanian government in Pristina. Many of them complain of persecution by Albanians.

John Laughland from the Paris-based Institute for Democracy and Co-operation blames KFOR for igniting the border tension.
“What’s happening today in northern Kosovo is the direct result of this ridiculous idea that Kosovo can be an independent state. KFOR and EULEX, the European Union authorities, which now run Kosovo – illegally, by the way, because only the UN has authority in Kosovo – are determined to push this policy through to its logical conclusion. I’m afraid it’s a very bad sign for those Serbs who are hanging on to the north of the province,” he told RT.


Serbian-Canadian documentary filmmaker Boris Malagurski views the protests as a fight for survival by the Serbs of northern Kosovo.
"They are living in horrible conditions, basically in a ghetto, so their presence on the barricades is a form of silent protest against what NATO has planned for Kosovo. And Serbs have no intention of giving up. If this was organized by a regime that is supported by the West, they would have been hailed as freedom fighters," Malagurski told RT.




B92/Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - October 21, 2011

KFOR headed toward barricades, Serbs say

ZUBIN POTOK: Serbs at the barricades have been told that two KFOR combat vehicles equipped with water cannons are headed to the village of Jagnjenica.
Zubin Potok Mayor Slaviša Ristić claims he has information that KFOR’s combat vehicles left from an Albanian-populated village of Čabar and that they are headed to Jagnjenica.
The Serbs at the barricades were informed around 11:00 CET that Portuguese and German KFOR troops were on their way to the barricade in the village of Zupče and that they had removed the barbed wire which had been placed in front of the barricade that had been set up by the local Serbs. 
According to Beta news agency reporter, residents of the Ibarski Kolašin region headed to Zupče a little after 10:00. 
Several hundred Serbs have gathered at the barricades in the Ibarski Kolašin region, including mayors of Serb towns, priests and local monks. 
The situation in northern Kosovo is at the moment peaceful but tense. The Albanian media reported on Friday morning that KFOR had removed the barricades from the roads leading to the Brnjak administrative crossing.

Night passes peacefully at barricades
Northern Kosovo Serbs spent the night in their cars, tents and around the fire on several locations in the villages of Jagnjenica and Zupče. 
KFOR troops did not take any actions last night. 
Local self-government representatives and Kosovska Mitrovica District Head Radenko Nedeljković spent the night with the local Serbs. 
Four loaded trucks are separating the local Serbs from KFOR troops. The trucks are blocking a KFOR convoy which attempted to get to the Brnjak administrative crossing. 
KFOR troops are still located around 150 meters from the barricades that Serbs set up in the village of Zupče and they still have not tried to remove them.


RT, 22 October, 2011

Border disorder: Kosovo stand-off continues

As months of tension between Serbs and ethnic Albanian Kosovans continue, roads in Northern Kosovo remain closed, for some. Serbs are fortifying their barricades and see themselves again as victims of history.
At least a thousand Serbs and NATO soldiers in riot gear remain in a face-off on the Kosovo border. The Serbs have been ordered once again to remove the barricades and roadblocks they have erected at the Rudare crossing.
Local Serbs compare the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, KFOR, with the fascist occupiers of the past.
Cartoons which are being passed from hand to hand read “We defeated your granddads, we defeated your fathers – we will win again!”
“Why do they think they can come and take our land?” one local man wonders. “Serbia is our home! We don’t want to live in Albania!” 
As one local woman says, local Serbs “have nothing, but a flag and faith in God,” against well-armed forces.
And some 200 meters away, NATO-KFOR soldiers keep watching.
“I would prefer a peaceful solution by talks, by an agreement,” says KFOR Commander General Erchard Drews. “But if that is not to be reached, I will have to be on my own. I will have to fall back on my own means. Some of them are behind me.”
No surprise that the general’s “own” means are military ones.
The status quo in Northern Kosovo remains. The standoff between KFOR soldiers and local Serb civilians is no closer to resolution, but people from both sides of the barricades are glad to avoid any further violence. 
But away from the media glare, hostility is commonplace.
Dobrivoje Putnik, a 23-year old Serb, was with his father when he was shot dead just three weeks ago, while visiting an Albanian village in Kosovo’s South. Serbs are a minority there, living in tiny enclaves.
“I was waiting for him in a car,” Putnik said. “I saw him coming out of the Albanian cafeteria. Then I heard two gunshots and my dad fall down. I rushed to him, but I was late. He died immediately, I didn’t even say goodbye to him.”
Dobrivoje was shot too, when his father’s killers tried to eliminate the only witness.
“I will never return to that place,” he said. “They will chase me... I’m worrying about my family and myself.”
In a separate incident, just last week, another unarmed Serb, the father of a large family, was killed in a confrontation with a local. Miodrag, together with two his friends, went to see what used to be Serb land, now owned by ethnic Albanians since Serbs fled after NATO’s 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia. 
They were stopped by the new occupier.
“We talked for five minutes,” said Dejan Bodicevic, a friend of the killed Serb. “Then [the occupier] said he needed to come back to his car to take his cell phone, but came back instead with a Kalashnikov. ‘Do you want your land back?' he shouted and started firing at us. Miodrag was killed at the scene.”
The men who just lost their friend say there is only one reason he was killed: “That’s just because we are Serbs. Period.”
Eleven years after the end of major conflict, and despite the presence of international peacekeepers, violence seems to be still part of everyday life for some in this troubled breakaway province. And there is little sign that is likely to change.



Itar-Tass - October 22, 2011

Kosovo Serbs protect barricades on border with Serbia

Kosovo Serbs have prevented the attempts of NATO’s KFOR servicemen to remove the barricades and roadblocks they built on the entries to the check points on the border with Serbia in the north of the region. 
Earlier this week KFOR soldiers used tear gas to disperse the crowd of Serbs protecting barricades on the way to Brnjak check point. In clashes eight peacekeepers and 2- protesters were wounded. 
The Albanian authorities of Kosovo are trying to get full control over the check points on the border with Serbia. 


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - October 26, 2011

Serb Nationalist Flyers Decry KFOR 'Occupation,' 'Killings'

Leaflets in German and Serbian have been targeting German troops serving in the NATO-led Kosovo Force

The... organization Nasi has begun distributing leaflets in German and Serbian, targeting German troops serving in the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) contingent in Kosovo.
The leaflets show photographs of German soldiers from World War I, World War II, and KFOR with the captions: "We killed your great-grandfather. We killed your grandfather. We will defeat you as well." And under it all is the general slogan: "Kosovo Is Serbia!"
In an October 20 press release announcing the new propaganda campaign, Nasi said its purpose is to "encourage the Serbian people to resist the occupation of NATO forces."
The group said the campaign was "accelerated" because of recent clashes between KFOR troops and ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo.
"The aim of the German-language posters is to influence German soldiers to understand they are making the same mistake and committing an injustice against Serbs and their ancestors and to remind them that Serbia will not be conquered," the press release states.
Earlier this month, Nasi launched a "1,001 Candles" campaign to remember what the group claims are "the 1,001 ethnic Serbs who have been killed in Kosovo since the beginning of the occupation."

-- Robert Coalson


RT - November 1, 2011

Russia blasts Kosovo over national policy

The provocative actions of the authorities in the north of Kosovo lead to a deterioration of the human rights situation, especially for Serbs and other non-Albanians, a top Russian diplomat has said.
The plenipotentiary of the Russian Foreign Ministry for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Konstantin Dolgov, told reporters on Tuesday that Kosovo authorities’ actions were not improving the already difficult situation in the region. 
“We insist on a large-scale investigation of all blatant violations of human rights in Kosovo including the facts of illegal trade in human organs that were covered in the report by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,” the Russian official said.
Dolgov also added that intimidation of Serbs and other non-Albanians, such as Bohniaks and Gypsies [Roma], but the situation with Serbs is the most dangerous as they now have to live is isolated enclaves resembling ghettoes. 
The diplomat noted that the Russian view is shared by other nations and leading NGOs such as Human Rights Watch. 
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has earlier said that the stabilization in the Balkans was impossible without an objective investigation into crimes relating to the illegal trade in human organs in Kosovo.
"It is  difficult to  expect reconciliation in Kosovo or overall normalization in the Balkans without an in-depth and impartial investigation into crimes involving the illegal trade in human bodies in Kosovo and punishment of the culprits, regardless of their high positions," Lavrov said in an interview with the Serb newspaper Vecernje Novosti. "We intend to continue promoting appropriate initiatives and closely following the modern and unconditional implementation of the decisions being made," Lavrov said.
Speaking about the situation in Kosovo, Russia’s top diplomat said it should be resolved in line with Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council. "Any attempt to go around this resolution is a major violation of international law and would lead to the destabilization of the situation in the Balkans," the Russian minister said.
The Russian comments came after a fresh wave of tensions hit Kosovo earlier this month. KFOR soldiers attempted to remove the barricades built by Kosovo Serbs near two border posts separating Kosovo and Serbia. The border posts appeared in September this year and the policies of Albanian law enforcers caused outrage among the mostly Serbian local population. The removal of the barricades sparked a riot in which eight KFOR soldiers and 25 civilians were wounded. 
Russia has criticized NATO for provoking the Serbs in Kosovo. “When NATO suddenly starts dismantling barricades between the Kosovo and Serb sides, when NATO vehicles filled with Kosovo Albanian policemen start cruising the streets with the clear aim of severing the last remaining communication channels between Serbia and Kosovo Serbs, then it becomes clear that NATO is exceeding its mandate. No one is going to like that,” Russia’s envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin said as the riots began.
The Republic of Kosovo unilaterally announced its independence from Serbia in 2008. Russia and over 100 other UN member-states refuse to recognize Kosovo’s independence. This would mean changes in European borders as it violates the principle of unchanging state borders in Europe. Besides which, the authorities of the Kosovo Republic, comprised of warlords who fought against Serbian forces during the civil war, are accused of numerous human rights violations and crimes, including the trafficking of human organs.


Itar-Tass - November 7, 2011

Kosovo checkpoint conflict unresolved

The Parliament of the Serb municipalities of Kosovo and Metohija on Sunday urged citizens not to accept the conditions proposed by Pristina on two checkpoints on the border.
The final document states that "the agreement would mean the recognition of the independence of Kosovo, which contradicts the Serbian constitution."
Pristina offered to place Kosovar customs officers at checkpoints. According to their plan each of them will also be manned by a “few” Serbs.
In addition, Kosovo Serb MPs intend to seek a criminal complaint against the head of the delegation of Serbia Bronistala Stefanovic and charge him with treason.
According to him, Belgrade and Pristina are close to solving the problems of border controls but the Kosovo Serbs believe that such an agreement would be a "stab in the back" to all who fight for the maintaining the integrity of the country.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - November 7, 2011

Serbs in north stop several KFOR vehicles

ZVEČAN: Serbs in northern Kosovo early on Monday stopped and turned back several KFOR vehicles on the road leading to the Jarinje administrative checkpoint.
Their local representatives said the passage of NATO troops was "not harmonized with heads of local self-governments in northern Kosovo".
The vehicles included two Hummers, one crane, and a pickup truck carrying American soldiers. 
They came from the southern, ethnic Albanian part of the divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica. 
The vehicles were stopped in the Zvečan municipality and went back after a short while via northern Kosovska Mitrovica, Suvi Do, and further toward southern Kosovska Mitrovica. 
Reporters said there were no incidents. 
Earlier, KFOR announced its members would continue work on Monday on repairing a bridge on the road between Zvečan and Leposavić, that leads to Jarinje. 
They said they needed "full freedom of movement" in order for their heavy machines to reach the bridge near Ložište. 
Member of the local crisis committee Časlav Sofronijević said that KFOR too must respect procedures and receive a permit to conduct this type of work from the Zvečan Department of Urbanism. 
But he also remarked that KFOR's real intention was an attempt to transport heavy machines to the north "so they could tear down barricades", which were put up in this part of the province by Serbs. 
Meanwhile, the night was peaceful at the barricades near Jarinje and Brnjak, where Serbs have been keeping watch for more than three months - ever since the Kosovo Albanian authorities from Priština tried to take over the checkpoints. 
Serbs form a majority north of the Ibar River in Kosovo. They reject the authority of the government in Priština, as well as the unilateral declaration of independence made by ethnic Albanians in early 2008.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News AgencyNovember 9, 2011

KFOR takes over barricade in northern Kosovo

JARINJE: Situation is currently peaceful at the Jarinje administrative crossing where KFOR troops took over a barricade early on Wednesday.
KFOR used tear gas against the local Serbs who had set up the original road block near the administrative line checkpoint.
Leposavić Mayor Branko Ninić has called for restraint and on the citizens to fight for their legitimate rights with peaceful means only and on KFOR not to use force. 
He believes that KFOR troops used the tear gas to disperse citizens who gathered at the Jarinje checkpoint without any reason. 
The tear gas was used to disperse the Serbs who were standing about 30 meters from the barbed wire that the soldiers had set up near Jarinje. KFOR took over control of the barricade about two hours earlier. 
During the operation U.S. KFOR troops detained two Serbs but they were released about an hour an a half later. 
KFOR also blocked two alternative roads near the Jarinje crossing and the Ibar River leading to Leposavić and Raška. 
The northern Kosovo Serbs unloaded several truckloads of gravel for a new barricade after KFOR troops had used tear gas. 
The group of Serbs then moved several hundred meters down the road and ambulance arrived to help those who needed medical attention due to tear gas inhalation.
“KFOR betrayed Serbs’ trust”
Kosovska Mitrovica District Head Radenko Nedeljković said on Wednesday morning that KFOR had betrayed northern Serbs’ trust by taking over the barricade at the Jarinje administrative crossing. 
He told Beta news agency that KFOR had also betrayed the good will showed by the Serbs who allowed normal supplies and rotation of soldiers at the administrative crossing and the base in the town. 
“It is not KFOR’s mandate to block the alternative roads and hermetically seal off this part of the province. A lesson needs to be learned from this. Regardless of how many soldiers KFOR has, a solution cannot be imposed by force,” Nedeljković pointed out. 
He added that the policy and strategy needed to be changed “when it comes to the international community and they need to accept the facts and reality in the field, meaning that the Serbs from northern Kosovo do not want so-called Kosovo institutions”.


Tanjug News AgencyNovember 9, 2011

Kosovo minister: KFOR intervention wrong step

BELGRADE, PRIŠTINA: Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović stated on Wednesday that KFOR intervention and use of tear gas was "a wrong step which aggravates tensions".
It creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and does not contribute to defusing the situation, said he.
For this reason, Bogdanović called on KFOR to refrain from use of force and stay within the limits of their status-neutral mandate, while Serbs in northern Kosovo-Metohija should avoid responding to provocations and fight for their interests by peaceful means instead, Bogdanović told Tanjug. 
The minister noted that nobody is opposed to traffic and passenger control but the way in which checks are performed triggers new tensions and new problems. 
He expressed belief that an exit from and a solution to the existing situation with regard to administrative crossings Jarinje and Brnjak can and has to be found through dialogue only, and added that a sustainable solution for the crossings cannot be imposed by force. 
He once more called on international missions to respect the specific nature and sensitivity of the situation in the north and invited northern Kosovo Serbs to remain consistent in the search for a solution through a dialogue. 
The dialogue, in this and any other situation, has no alternative, the minister underscored. 
He added that Belgrade is ready to continue the talks in Brussels because Serbian authorities believe that only the dialogue can render a solution to the existing problems in northern Kosovo-Metohija. 
The date when the dialogue would be re-opened does not depend solely on us, it also depends on the international community, but for our part, we are ready and we have certain ideas as to how the problem of Jarinje and Brnjak can be resolved, Bogdanović said. 
The state secretary in Bogdanović's ministry, Oliver Ivanović, said earlier today that although NATO troops closed one of the so-called alternative roads between northern Kosovo and central Serbia, "this will not prevent the Serbs from building another alternative road". 
The locals have already started building a new barricade near the checkpoint. 
KFOR members took over the old barricade near Jarinje with the help of tear gas early on Wednesday and are currently controlling the area. 
KFOR soldiers exited their camp near the town of Leposavić afterwards, using several vehicles, and are positioned on the main road to Kosovska Mitrovica.
KFOR issued a statement on Wednesday, saying its troops had set up "a new vehicle checkpoint south of Gate 1", near the Jarinje administrative crossing in northern Kosovo.
According to the release, KFOR put up the new checkpoint "as support to EULEX in order to prevent vehicles from using alternative routes", and also has blocked the bypass around "Gate 1", i.e., Jarinje.


U.S. Army Europe - November 9, 2011

U.S. Army Europe preps latest Kosovo Forces rotation

Story by Lynn Davis

HOHENFELS, Germany: Crowd control, roadblocks and high tensions have recently become part of the daily scene for NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo. 
Fortunately for the next KFOR rotation, that’s also the scene at U.S. Army Europe’s Joint Multinational Training Center in Hohenfels, Germany. Expert planners and observer controllers have made it a number one priority to ensure soldiers are ready to face the current situation.
“We sent several OCs from different teams over to Kosovo to observe the latest (tactics, techniques and procedures) and understand the operational environment there,” said Capt. John Denney, an OC at JMRC. 
That information is then given to scenario writers who develop the events that soldiers will be challenged with during their training, Denney said.
National Guard soldiers from more than 10 states make up the U.S. element of KFOR 15, and they noticed JMRC’s efforts to make training as realistic as possible right away.
“Early on in our training, the focus was on a relatively steady state and calm environment in Kosovo,” said Col. Jeffrey Liethen, KFOR 15 commander. “Things have drastically changed. It’s very obvious that the training program here at Hohenfels has been modified to replicate what is actually going on in Kosovo right now so that will definitely be a help in us conducting our mission.”
The guard soldiers also have the unique opportunity to train with partner nations they will be working alongside during their deployment.
Another advantage is the prior deployments and skills set these Guard soldiers bring to the table that will aid them in the KFOR mission.
“What we are hoping to do is take a lot of the experience these soldiers already have out of Iraq or Afghanistan,” Denney said. “We use those basics they have used and put a Kosovo polish on it specific to the deployment they are going to be seeing here shortly.”
The transfer of authority to KFOR 15 is scheduled for December, where these soldiers will have a chance to implement the training they’ve received and further the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.


RT - November 9, 2011

'Serbia is one flashpoint in a new world disorder’

NATO peacekeepers have used tear gas to take control of one of the barricades in Northern Kosovo, built by local Serbs several months ago in an ongoing border dispute. Political analyst Aleksandar Pavic insists KFOR forces act as occupiers.
But the success of the KFOR troops was short-lived, after a new block was put up further down the road. The crackdown comes just days after the head of the UN drew attention to the increasing number of attacks on Serbs living in Northern Kosovo.
NATO troops were deployed to the region to keep the peace and separate the conflicting sides. However, by bulldozing barricades they seem to have taken a particular side. And as Aleksandar Pavic says, the alliance has been doing this for years, while there is a bigger picture behind its actions in Serbia.
“They’ve broken their mandate, actually. They are doing the job of the Albanian-controlled government in Pristina, and they are doing it openly, in spite of their mandate from the UN, which is supposed to be a peace-keeping mandate, to keep the warring sides separated,” he told RT.
Speaking of the latest events around the barricades, Pavic notes that the KFOR action is an “aggressive show of force”. “They are acting like an occupier, instead of peace-keeping,” he added.
With all that, it is not just about Kosovo, the political analyst pointed out.
“This is part of a larger picture, and I think people should be very much aware of that,” Pavic said. “The same powers that are controlling NATO are controlling what is happening in Greece. They are behind the crisis in Greece, they are behind the crisis in Iran. What we are seeing right now is the sign of a new world disorder, and Serbia is one of the flashpoints.”
“All the people who are active in all Occupy Wall Street and all the other streets throughout the Western world right now – the Kosovo Serbs are the forefront of this fight,” Aleksandar Pavic concluded.


=== 2 ===

Kosovo : le meurtre d’un Serbe par un Albanais va-t-il raviver les tensions ethniques ?

B92 - 21 octobre 2011
Traduit par Simon Rico

Jeudi, un Serbe a été tué et deux autres blessés près de Peć/Peja. Selon le témoignage de l’un des blessés, ils se seraient fait tirer dessus par un Albanais ayant accaparé un terrain appartenant à la victime. L’enquête a été confiée à Eulex, mais la police du Kosovo a déjà arrêté un suspect. Selon le ministre serbe en charge du Kosovo, ce fait divers montre que les Albanais ne veulent pas vivre avec les Serbes.

L’enquête sur la fusillade qui a coûté la vie à un Serbe et blessé deux autres à Dobruša, un village près de Peć/Peja, a été confiée à Eulex. Voilà ce qu’a déclaré Goran Bogdanović, ministre serbe pour le Kosovo.

Miodrag Komadina, 64 ans, a été tué par balles tandis que Draško Ojdanić et Dejan Bogićević ont été blessés. Draško Ojdanić a expliqué aux journalistes que les trois hommes se trouvaient à Dobruša pour visiter un terrain appartenant à la victime. Sur place, se trouvait un Albanais, qui s’était approprié la parcelle.

« Après une courte discussion, l’homme a dit qu’il avait quelque chose à faire et qu’il allait revenir. Il s’est dirigé vers sa voiture, a pris un fusil et a commencé à nous tirer dessus. »

« Ce fait divers prouve une nouvelle fois que les événements du nord du Kosovo ont une influence directe sur ce qu’il se passe au sud de l’Ibar », a estimé Goran Bogdanović au micro de la Radio Télévision serbe (RTS). Pour le ministre, cet incident montre que les Albanais ne veulent pas vivre ensemble avec les Serbes.

De son côté, la Présidente kosovare, Atifete Jahjaga a condamné ce crime qui « met en péril les relations entre les habitants du Kosovo et menace la stabilité ». Le gouvernement kosovar a lui aussi condamné crime et transmis ses condoléances à la famille de la victime.

Un suspect a été arrêté ce matin selon le porte parole de la police du Kosovo (KPS), Xhavit Ibraj. L’homme, qui se cachait à Istok, s’est rendu vers 8h. « L’individu se trouve sous les verrous », a ajouté Xhavit Ibraj, précisant qu’il est originaire de Lukavac. Son nom n’a pas été révélé.

Selon le porte parole de la KPS, une histoire de propriété serait à l’origine du meurtre. La police poursuit son enquête pour identifier tous les détails. Les deux blessés ont été transportés à l’hôpital, mais leurs jours ne sont pas en danger.

=== 3 ===

Balkanische Lektionen

Gastkommentar: Kosovo und die Parteilichkeit der NATO

Von Sevim Dagdelen

Diese Woche wurde ein Kronzeuge in einem Kriegsverbrecherprozeß gegen den kosovo-albanischen Parlamentarier Fatmir Limaj in einem Park in Deutschland tot aufgefunden. Auswärtiges Amt und Bundeskriminalamt verweigern mit Verweis auf die Zuständigkeit des jeweils anderen weitere Auskünfte. Es steht zu vermuten, daß Agim Zogaj keines natürlichen Todes starb und die Informationen über den im Zeugenschutzprogramm in der BRD untergebrachten Mann direkt aus der ermittelnden EU-Mission in Pristina (EULEX) kamen.

Zugleich haben deutsche und US-amerikanische Truppen die Situation im Nordkosovo massiv eskaliert. Auch wenn es unterschiedliche Darstellungen zum Tathergang gibt, steht fest, daß am Dienstag Soldaten der NATO-geführten KFOR auf serbische Demonstranten geschossen haben. Den Serben werden Steinwürfe und »versuchte Provokationen« zur Last gelegt. Dies rechtfertigte offenbar, daß die Soldaten mit scharfer Munition gegen Zivilisten vorgingen. KFOR verweigert sich allen Forderungen nach einer internationalen Untersuchung der Vorfälle.

Was haben diese beiden Ereignisse miteinander zu tun? Die NATO und die Mehrheit der EU-Staaten, die die einseitige Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovo anerkannt haben, stehen unverbrüchlich an der Seite der kosovo-albanischen Untergrundbewegung UCK. Während mutmaßliche kosovo-albanische Kriegsverbrecher gedeckt werden, schießt man auf serbische Demonstranten. Serbien, obwohl von neoliberalen Sozialdemokraten regiert, wird regelrecht gedemütigt. Die EU-Beitrittsperspektive wird inzwischen direkt mit dem Verzicht auf das Kosovoverbunden. Zu wichtig ist die Rolle eines willfährigen NATO-Staates im Herzen des Balkans für dessen Neuordnung.

Es wird immer deutlicher, daß die völlige Kontrolle des Kosovo nur ein erster Schritt sein wird, um mit dem Spielen der albanischen Karte die Völker des Balkans noch weiter aufeinanderzuhetzen. Frei nach dem bewährten imperialen Prinzip »Teile und herrsche«. Dafür wird jetzt offenbar auch noch eine ethnische Säuberung des Nordkosovo mit befördert. Serben sollen demnach nur bleiben dürfen, wenn sie sich dem Völkerrechtsbruch beugen. Wer »provoziert«, auf den wird geschossen. Die Bundeswehr steht dabei in der ersten Reihe und handelt in der Tradition von 2004, als sie bei den ethnischen Säuberungen gegen Serben im Kosovo einfach wegschaute. Parteilichkeit ist oberste Maxime.

Eine friedliche Zukunft der Völker auf dem Balkan wird es nur gegen die imperialen Mächte geben. Wer auf Fairneß bei den EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen hofft, macht sich im besten Falle Illusionen. Und wer die NATO nicht als Kriegsführungsbündnis mit Neuordnungsinteressen auf dem Balkan wahrnimmt, ist im besten Falle naiv. Das sind die balkanischen Lektionen dieser Zeit.

Sevim Dagdelen ist Sprecherin der Bundestagsfraktion Die Linke für internationale Beziehungen

junge Welt, 30.09.2011

=== 4 === - popoli resistenti - serbia - 07-11-11 - n. 384

Editoriale di Kosovo notizie N°5 - Novembre 2011
Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali - Italia
Continua la resistenza dei serbi del Kosovo alla NATO...
In un assordante silenzio ed indifferenza generali
La resistenza della minoranza serba in Kosovo non si ferma: nuove barricate sono state erette in alcune località della zona settentrionale, nella quale si concentra la popolazione serba, dopo i gravi incidenti che avevano causato una ventina di manifestanti feriti. L’amministrazione kosovara aveva inviato agenti kosovari albanesi, appoggiati dalle truppe della KFOR, a controllare le frontiere con la Serbia, ma la popolazione serba locale e’ scesa in piazza per opporsi a questa prevaricazione, fuori dalla Risoluzione 1244 dell’ONU. I serbi non si sono fatti intimidire dai ricatti e dalle minacce della KFOR e dall’EULEX, ogni giorno il numero dei manifestanti serbi che effettuano i blocchi, aumenta: " ...Resteremo qui e siamo pronti a ver

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