
Da Lorenzo Mazzuccato riceviamo e giriamo per conoscenza:

----- Original Message -----
From: Roland Marounek
To: lorenzo
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:36 PM
Subject: Kosovo: un viaggio per rompere cinque anni di silenzio

Kosovo: un viaggio per rompere cinque anni di silenzio

Dopo anni di silenzio mediatico, i sanguinosi avvenimenti dello scorso
marzo ci hanno ricordato in maniera brutale che la violenza non aveva
mai smesso di corrodere il Kosovo. Amministrato dall'ONU e occupato
dalle truppe NATO dopo il 1999, questo territorio sta per diventare
"etnicamente puro": le minoranze sono state sistematicamente
discriminate ed espulse.

Cinque anni fa, per giustificare 78 giorni di bombardamenti sulla
Serbia e sul Montenegro, i leader occidentali ci avevano promesso che
il Kosovo sarebbe diventato un modello di tolleranza multietnica, di
democrazia e di rispetto dei diritto umani. Questi bei principi sono
stati inseriti in una risoluzione dell'ONU che metteva il territorio
sotto la sua responsabilità, autorizzandone l'occupazione da parte di
una forza NATO.

Cinque anni dopo, il Kosovo è lontano dall'essere il paradiso promesso.
Oltre al fiasco economico (il 70% di disoccupazione!) e il suo ruolo di
crocevia per traffici di ogni sorta (esseri umani, eroina…), la
provincia serba - il cui "status definitivo" potrebbe essere preso in
esame l'anno prossimo da parte delle grandi potenze - viene a poco a
poco "depurata" delle sue numerose minoranze. Dopo la messa sotto
tutela della provincia, i due terzi degli appartenenti alle minoranze -
serbi, rom, slavi musulmani, croati, turchi - sono stati espulsi dagli
estremisti della comunità albanese, migliaia di loro assassinati o
scomparsi dopo la cessazione dei combattimenti. Circa 150 chiese e
monasteri ortodossi, alcuni costruiti oltre sette secoli fa, sono stati
distrutti. Le truppe della NATO hanno costretto le poche decine di
migliaia di non albanesi che abitano ancora lì a rifugiarsi in enclave
protette e la loro libertà di movimento è rigorosamente limitata.

Per potersi rendere conto della situazione vissuta dalle minoranze in
questo protettorato sotto controllo occidentale, il Comitato di
sorveglianza sulla NATO (CSO), sostenuto da organizzazioni di diversi
paesi, ha preso l'iniziativa di organizzare quest'estate un viaggio
d'ispezione nel Kosovo. Ci recheremo nelle enclave dove queste
minoranze sopravvivono e incontreremo alcuni loro responsabili e anche
qualche funzionario internazionale. È prevista anche una visita a un
campo profughi, forse in Serbia. Sono benvenuti tutti coloro che
desiderano informarsi senza partito preso su questi problemi e sulla
risposta della "comunità internazionale". Dato l'obiettivo del progetto
("rompere cinque anni di silenzio"), al proprio ritorno, ogni
partecipante dovrà condividere la propria esperienza nella maniera più
adatta con il proprio ambiente.

La visita al Kosovo inizierà verso il 15 agosto e durerà da 8 a 10
giorni. Dove possibile, l'alloggio sarà presso gli abitanti del posto.
Gli spostamenti saranno effettuati con i veicoli dei partecipanti, se
necessario si affitterà un veicolo supplementare sul posto. Siccome i
partecipanti proverranno da diversi paesi, si farà un briefing in una
città vicina - probabilmente Belgrado - alla vigilia della partenza per
il Kosovo.

Se siete interessati a questo progetto, se desiderate avere altre
informazioni sulla sua preparazione, se volete essere aggiornati su
quello che succede, vi preghiamo di voler compilare il modulo


Organizzazione: Stop USA (Bruxelles), Comité pour la paix en
Yougoslavie (Ginevra), Voix des Roms (Liegi), Voice of Roma
(Sebastopol, California), Kelebek (Italia)

Per informazioni: il sito del CSO:

Contatti per l'Italia: kelebek @

(english / italiano)

13: A proposito di decapitazioni

Mentre su tutti i media occidentali ed in internet si commentano le
immagini raccapriccianti della decapitazione del militare americano
NICK BERG, proviamo a porci qualche interrogativo di fondo.

1. Dove erano i nostri media quando in Serbia furono rese pubbliche le
immagini delle decapitazioni effettuate dalle truppe "contras" della
NATO in KOSOVO, cioe' dall'UCK ?
Non ne sapevate niente ? Non e' colpa vostra. Se volete saperne
qualcosa, potete ad esempio partire da qui:
Le foto su:

2. Qualcuno si ricorda delle immagini che circolarono durante la guerra
fratricida in BOSNIA-ERZEGOVINA, quando uscirono fuori le prove delle
decapitazioni effettuate dai mujaheddin, venuti da paesi lontani a dare
man forte al progetto neonazista della "Bosnia indipendente" ?
Non ricordate niente in proposito ? Nemmeno questa e' colpa vostra.
Potete ricostruire quelle vicende ad es. partendo dal testo che
alleghiamo di seguito (in lingua inglese).

3. Qualcuno sa che in Russia circolano analoghi filmati di
decapitazioni effettuate i danni di soldati russi dai mujaheddin
No? Non lo sapete? Non c'e' da meravigliarsene, poiche' i nostri media
ed i nostri "intellettuali", tutti saldamente schierati dalla parte del
separatismo etnico nella Federazione Russa (cioe' dalla parte dei
progetti geostrategici della NATO), certe cose non ve le raccontano.
Se avete stomaco potete richiedere a noi -- jugocoord@... -- un
file, formato .mpe , che ci e' pervenuto, che testimonia uno di quegli

4. Qualcuno sa o ricorda che le decapitazioni erano uno degli strumenti
terroristici consueti usati dalle bande antipartigiane ed anticomuniste
foraggiate dagli angloamericani nella GRECIA del dopoguerra ?
Nooo... Non ce lo ha mai raccontato nessuno; gia', perche' gli storici
nel nostro paese non fanno il loro mestiere. Eppure esistono le foto,
scattate durante la guerra civile in Grecia, in cui si vedono le
milizie anticomuniste esibire come "trionfi" le teste mozzate dei
partigiani. Una e' ad esempio riprodotta nel libro di Filippo Gaia "Il
secolo corto", Ed. Maquis, Milano 1994.

5. Infine: siamo sicuri che i media ci stiano raccontando correttamente
la storia di NICK BERG? In effetti, questo militare statunitense pare
fosse disgustato dalla guerra e volesse rientrare subito a casa, negli
USA... Anzi: Pare addirittura che la sua azienda di famiglia fosse
stata inserita, negli USA, su di una "lista nera" di ditte in odore di
attivita' antinazionali ed anti-guerra (vedi:
oppure )
Il punto allora e':
E, rispetto alle decapitazioni,

Italo Slavo

=== ALLEGATO ===

Da: Boba
Data: Gio 13 Mag 2004 04:37:04 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: WT// RE: American civilian beheaded in Iraq

Washingtontimes, May 12, 2004
RE: American civilian beheaded in Iraq

To Editor:

Please open up the following file and look at the pictures.
You'll see whom the USA and the Clinton administration supported in
If Muslim extremists were allowed to do this to the Serbs why would it
shocking if the Muslim fanatics do the same to the Americans?

Boba Borojevic
ON. Canada
7th Bosnian Muslim Brigade, based in Zenica - the international Islamic
mercenary force known as the mujahedeen


Alija Izetbegovic with memebrs of 7th Brigade

"... The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on the
incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be no peace
coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non- Islamic societies and
political institutions. ... Islam clearly excludes the right and
of activity of any strange ideology on its own turf. Therefore, there
is no
question of any laicistic principles, and the state should be an
and should support the moral concepts of the religion. ..." page 22 "The
Islamic Declaration" book ("Islamska deklaracija"), written by Mr. Alija
Izetbegovic, Bosnian Muslim leader.

In preparing the ground for the conflicts between Bosnian Cristians
and Serbs) and Bosnian Muslims, residents of different Arab countries
who in
the B&H had recognized the elements and challenge of “a holy war” -
Coming from different Arab countries, most of them were from Yemen,
Egypt, Tunisia and Afghanistan, and bringing with them experience from
a war
from some of the Islamic trouble spots.

Mujahedin, or «holy warriors», is a generic term for Muslim volunteers
fighting in the former Yugoslavia. Many Mujahedin originate from Muslim
countries outside the former Yugoslavia. It was reported that the
began arriving in BiH as early as June 1992. (Tom Post & Joel Brand,
from the Holy Warriors», Newsweek, 5 October 1992, at 52). Reports on
number of Mujahedin forces operating in BiH vary, but it is unlikely
the Mujahedin forces have made a significant military contribution to
BiH Government's war effort (Christopher Lockwood, «Muslim Nations Offer
Troops», Daily Telegraph, 14 July 1993, at 14. According to Lockwood,
nations depended on Western logistical support to deliver troops to
BiH. He
concludes that the same logistical troubles which kept the Muslim troops
promised in July of 1993 from joining UN forces in the UN declared «safe
havens» also limited the number of Muslim volunteers in the BiH armed
forces. He states that the number of Mujahedin in BiH never exceeded
or four hundred. See also Mohamed Sid-Ahmad, «Muslim World Between Two
Fires», War Report, January 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 63744. However, the
Belgrade Daily, Vecernje Novosti, reported that as many as 30,000
were operating in BiH. «Other Reports in Brief: Muslims from Abroad
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgrade Daily Claims», BBC, Summary of World
Broadcasts, 19 September 1992. )

The Mujahedin forces came from several Muslim states and many of them
veterans of the Afghan war. (Andrew Hogg, «Arabs Join in Bosnia Battle»,
Sunday Times, 30 August 1992)

Reports submitted to the Commission of Experts alleged that the
have been responsible for the mutilation and killing of civilians, rape,
looting, the destruction of property, and the expulsion of non-Muslim
populations. The deputy commander of the BiH Army, Colonel Stjepan
has said, «it was a mistake to let them [the Mujahedin] here . . . They
commit most of the atrocities and work against the interests of the
people. They have been killing, looting and stealing.» Andrew Hogg,
Trail of the Mujahedin», Sunday Times, 27 June 1993.

Several reports indicate that the Mujahedin were placed under the
command of
the BiH Army.(See «Some 400 Mujahedin Volunteers Fighting with Bosnian
Muslims», Agence France Presse, 22 September 1992; Andrew Hogg, «Arabs
in Bosnia Battle», Sunday Times, 30 August 1992; see also Charles
ECMM, «Report on Inter-Ethnic Violence in Vitez, Busovaca and Zenica»,
1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 20178- 20546, at 20207; Croatian Information
Weekly Bulletin, No. 9, 4 October 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 36434-36438, at
36435; US Department of State, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 62612-62877, at
62724, 62730, and 62756)

The Mujahedin forces were closely associated with the 5th Corps, the
6th and
7th Zenica Brigades, the 7th Travnik Brigade, and the 45th Muslim
which belongs to the 6th Corps in Konjic of the Army of BiH (US
of State, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 62612-62877, at 62648; see also Croatian
Information Centre, Weekly Bulletin, No. 9, 4 October 1993, IHRLI Doc.
36434-36438, at 36435; «Continuing Clashes in Northwestern Enclave
from Both Sides», BBC, Summary of World Broadcasts, 14 December 1993.)

They also allegedly fought alongside the Muslim Police, the Krajiska
from Travnik, units of Kosovo Muslims, Albanian soldiers, and
groups such as the «Green Legion» and the «Black Swans».(Charles McLoed,
ECMM, Report on Inter-Ethnic Violence in Vitez, Busovaca and Zenica,
1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 20178-20546, at 20207; Croatian Information Centre,
Weekly Bulletin, No. 9, 4 October 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 36434-36438, at
36435; US Department of State, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 62612-62877, at
62724, 62730, and 62756.)

Reports also indicate that the Mujahedin had the support of President
Izetbegovic and his government. *57 This was demonstrated in the Bihac
pocket, where the Mujahedin joined BiH forces loyal to Izetbegovic.
Together, these forces battled separatist forces who entered into a
peace treaty with Bosnian Serbs («Continuing Clashes in Northwestern
Reported form Both Sides», BBC, Summary of World Broadcasts, 14
December 1993)

In Zenica, between 31 August and 2 September 1992, 250 Mujahedin troops
allegedly come to BiH from Turkey, Qatar, Bahrain and Iran. These troops
worked alongside the Green Legion and HOS paramilitary groups stationed
Zenica. The Mujahedin allegedly also operated a camp at Arnauti.(Charles
McLeod, ECMM, Report on Inter-Ethnic Violence in Vitez, Buscovaca and
Zenica, April 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 29043-29131, at 29064; Biljaja
Republic of Serbia Presidency, To Serbs All Over the World, 30 September
1992, IHRLI Doc. No. 48072- 48093, at 48081)

It was reported that a unit of the Mujahedin, called the «Guerilla»,
participated in the 16 April 1993 attack on Vitez and attempted to
10 HVO hostages for foreign prisoners held in HVO prisons. (US
Department of
State, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 62612-62877, at 62629; see also Charles
ECMM, Report on Inter-Ethnic Violence in Vitez, Busovaca and Zenica,
1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 29043-29131, at 29072 (attack on Vitez).

The Croatian Ministry of Defence is reported to have provided
about an event occurring in June 1993 -- a joint BiH/Mujahedin unit
reportedly attacked Travnik, allegedly forcing 4,000 Croatian civilians
military personnel out of the town. (US Department of State, 1993, IHRLI
Doc. No. 62612-62877, at 62650. Media reports however claim that Croats
Travnik voluntarily. The incident was investigated by an organization,
reported that the forceful eviction did not take place)

The Mujahedin allegedly fought alongside the 6th Muslim Brigade from
and the Krajiska Brigade from Travnik. Witnesses stated that they saw
Mujahedin operating in small patrols ahead of the approaching BiH

According to HVO intelligence, Mujahedin forces arrived in Travnik
before June 1993 and came from Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
Mujahedin trained at a camp at Mehurici, where they were allegedly
and equipped by a man named Abdulah, the owner of the «Palma» video
store in
Travnik. Once in town, the Mujahedin were linked to the Seventh Brigade
the BiH Army, and were reportedly assembled into units of 10 to 15 men,
moved about on regular patrols. The Mujahedin created tension in
Travnik in
the days prior to the attack on 3 June. One witness stated that the
Mujahedin directed their actions towards the HVO personnel in town. They
allegedly demonstrated, shouted slogans and fired their rifles in the

Mujahedin allegedly participated in the attack on Maljine in Novi
Travnik on
8 June 1993, killing 20 to 30 HVO members and transporting Croatian
and children to the training centre at Mehurici.(Croatian Information
Centre, Weekly Bulletin, No. 1, 9 August 1993)

In Konjic, the Mujahedin were part of a 100 member force stationed at
Liscioi and led by Haso Hakalovic. The unit was assembled in February
and included some Kosovo Muslims and members of the Black Swans from the
Igman mountain region. (US Department of State, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No.
62612-62877, at 62756)

Allegedly, Mujahedin troops killed and expelled villagers, and looted
burned homes, when they moved against the Jablanica- Konjic area. The
Mujahedin troops and members of the Black Swans reportedly conducted
occasional raids without members of BiH forces. (at IHRLI Doc. No.
62752 and
62756. The village of Vrci was attacked on 25 May, and the village of
Radesine was attacked on 10 June. See also Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Fifth
Periodic Report on the Situation of Human Rights in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1994/47, 17 November 1993, IHRLI
No. 52399-52435, at 52405 (alleging that the Mujahedin were involved in
attacks at Kopjari on 21 October, Doljani on 27 and 28 June, and
Maljane on
8 June). UN Special Rapporteur Mazowiecki claims that corpses of
victims displayed evidence of protracted cruelty and mutilation. )

Reportedly, the Mujahedin volunteers arrived in Konjic in small groups.
was reported that they were from Afghanistan and that they claimed to be
students. They were allegedly armed with Hekleri automatic weapons and
former JNA equipment. Some Mujahedin were reportedly former students
with no
military experience.

Mujahedin forces were present in Mostar since early June 1993. They were
reportedly stationed in the Santica neighbourhood on the Muslim/HVO
where they manned bunkers, usually in groups of six or seven, armed with
7.62 millimetre semi-automatic weapons, machine-guns, and Zolja
weapons. They were billeted in a building they shared with the Muslim
military police on the east bank of the Neretva River. The Mujahedin
apparently left Mostar on 15 August. (US Department of State, 1993,
Doc. No. 62612-62877, at 62742 and 62677. For more details on the
of the Neretva living quarters, see Id. at 62739)

FRY reported that the Mujahedin began operations near Teslic in July and
August of 1992. Troops from Saudi Arabia allegedly killed three Serbian
Territorial Defence members and placed the victims' severed heads on
near the «Tesanj turret». (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Second Report
Submitted to the Commission of Experts, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No.
28401-29019, at

Beheadings of Serbs by Mujahedin forces have also been reported in
other areas.

The Mujahedin were also alleged to be part of the forces that invaded
village of Trusina near Foca on 15 April 1993. According to the report,
attackers wore white ribbons on their arms and fought beside Albanian
troops. Twenty-two civilians reportedly died in the attack. (US
of State, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No. 62612-62877, at 62648; Croatian
Centre, Weekly Bulletin, No. 9, 4 October 1993, IHRLI Doc. No.
at 36435)

The Mujahedin allegedly performed crude circumcisions upon Serbian
forces, who were later treated by an American surgeon at the Kosevo
in Sarajevo. (Letter dated 7 December 1992 from the Deputy
Representative of
the US to U.N. Secretary-General, U.N. Doc. S/24918, 8 December 1992,
Doc. No. 3160-3177, at 3173; Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Second
Submitted to the Commission of Experts, 1993, IHRLI Doc. No.
28401-29019, at

This photograph was seized from Saudi Arabian fighters captured in Crni
near Teslic, Bosnia. A Muslim solder displays the severed head of
Blagojevic, a Serb from the village of Jasenovo near Teslic.

The severed heads of three Serbs (identified as Blagoje Blagojevic,
Petkovic, and Brana Djuric) beheaded by Muslim fighters. This picture
seized from Saudi Arabian solders captured near Teslic in Bosnia.

Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <slobodavk@...>
Data: Gio 13 Mag 2004 01:54:12 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Atina: Svetski savet za mir o Milosevicu, Kosovu i haskom


«Nezakoniti proces koji SAD i NATO u Hagu vode protiv
jugoslovenskog predsednika Slobodana Milosevica, a time i protiv naroda
Srbije i Jugoslavije koji brani svoju slobodu od agresije, zasluzuje
punu osudu i mora biti okoncan.

Miroljubive snage sirom sveta zahtevaju odgovornost pravih
zlocinaca i prestanak progona predsednika Milosevica, njegove porodice
i svih boraca za slobodu Jugoslavije.»

- kaze se u specijalnoj izjavi predsednika Svetskog saveta za mir
Orlanda Fundore, objavljenoj juce u Atini po zavrsetku cetvorodnevnog
rada Skupstine ove medjunarodne organizacije. U radu Skupstine Svetskog
saveta za mir
ucestvovalo je vise od 150 delegata i predstavnika 60
organizacija-clanica iz 54 zemlje sa svih kontinenata, kao i
predstavnici sedam drugih medjunarodnih organizacija.

U Deklaraciji Skupstine Svetskog saveta za mir, poseban prostor
posvecen je i pitanjima Kosova i Metohije i haskog tribunala. U ovom
najvaznijem dokumentu Skupstine Svetskog saveta za mir, koja se odrzava
svake cetiri godine, navodi se:

«Svetski savet za mir izrazava solidarnost sa narodima Jugoslavije u
njihovoj borbi protiv posledica agresije NATO koja je dovela do
okupacije dela teritorije Srbije, Kosova i njegove transformacije u
NATO protektorat.
Takozvani haski tribunal je primer manipulacije istinom i pokusaj da se
da legitimitet agresiji i drugim zlocinima koje su pocinili SAD i NATO.»

Za predsednika Svetskog saveta za mir izabran je Orlando Fundora sa
Kube, a za generalnog sekretara Tanasis Pafilis iz Grcke. Za pocasne
predsednike jedne od najstarijih i najslavnijih nevladinih organizacija
u sistemu UN, ponovo su izabrani Romes Candra iz Indije i Evangelos
Maheras iz Grcke.

Udruzenje «Sloboda», koje je od prosle jeseni punopravni clan Svetskog
saveta za mir, na zasedanju Skupstine u Atini predstavljala je dvoclana
delegacija u kojoj su bili Vladimir Krsljanin i prof. dr Volfgang
Rihter, kopredsedavajuci Evropskog mirovnog foruma iz Berlina.

Beograd, 11. maja 2004. g.

Udruzenje «SLOBODA»


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (US section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

[ "...Ecco, questi sono tra quei 20mila mujaheddin che sono stati
portati sulla scena europea grazie alle politiche di Bill Clinton, e la
maggior parte di loro ci sono rimasti, qualcun altro e' andato in
America ed in altri paesi, e tutti circolano per l'Europa. E allora,
quando incominceranno a decapitare la vostra gente, nelle guerre
prossime venture, allora vi renderete conto del problema..."
Slobodan Milosevic, 27 settembre 2002 ]

Michael Zegarac: Nicholas Berg was beheaded as terrorists beheaded
Serbs - 05/13/2004 08:00


  Following the beheading of the American Nicholas Berg in Iraq, your
readers might benefit by reading the prophetic words of President
Slobodan Milosevic during his "Trial" at The Hague.

  Taken from the official Transcript of the Trial of Slobodan
Milosevic, Friday, 27 September 2002. (I have added information in


  MILOSEVIC: These are crimes from the 26th of March, 1992, in

  The units (Mujahedin) crossed the Sava River and slaughtered the
Serbs. Please put the big picture on the overhead projector.

  That's it. That's what they did. That's what the Mujahedin did, the
ones we saw yesterday. And we saw Izetbegovic (leader of the Bosnian
Moslems) reviewing them yesterday. What's the matter? Is it not on the

  JUDGE MAY: It's on the screen. Do you want the next photograph shown?

  MILOSEVIC: But I haven't seen it on the screen. I only see you on the

  JUDGE MAY: It's on our screen. Make sure you've got the right button.

  MILOSEVIC: All right. All right. You don't want to show this. You
don't want to show this to the public.

  JUDGE MAY: Mr. Milosevic, it is on our screen.

  MILOSEVIC: It's not on the screens that the public sees. Right. I see
it on this screen now. But this internal screen only. So he is holding
a head, the head of a Serb that he cut off.

  So those are the 20.000 Mujahedin that were brought to the European
theatre of war through Clinton's policy, and most of them remained
there and some went to America and to other countries, and they went
all around Europe. And then when they start beheading your own people
in wars to come, then you will know what this is all about.


  Peace and security in the Balkans, Chechnya and the United States
have been compromised by the policies of Clinton, Albright, Holbrooke
and George Soros, all of whom have promoted, financed, trained and
armed Islamist terror groups around the world.

  Until the Americans recognise the folly of their actions in creating
Islamist terror groups, then their so-called "War on Terror" will have
no chance of success, and more innocent Serbs, Russians and Americans
will die.

  Michael Zegarac, England