
Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Sab 23 lug 2005 18:22:09 Europe/Rome
A: icdsm-italia @
Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Attack on Milosevic defence in Germany and

(english / italiano)

Per l'inizio di agosto è atteso il referto medico del "Tribunale
dell'Aia" su Milosevic: quest'ultimo è notoriamente malato di
ipertensione, e con il pretesto di volerne "tutelare la salute" c'è da
aspettarsi che il "tribunale" proverà di nuovo a negargli il diritto
all'autodifesa, imponendogli un "legale d'ufficio" che lavora di fatto
per l'accusa.

Nel frattempo, martedì scorso la polizia tedesca è entrata in casa del
tesoriere dell'ICDSM (Comitato Internazionale per la Difesa di Slobodan
Milosevic), Peter Betscher, per sottrarre il computer e tutto quanto
necessario ad "investigare sulle modalità della campagna di
finanziamento della difesa di Milosevic". Inoltre, con un atto
gravissimo, che lede i diritti fondamentali della persona, la polizia
tedesca ha bloccato il conto bancario di Betscher.
Altri conti, aperti appositamente per la campagna di autofinanziamento
dell'ICDSM, erano stati bloccati un anno e mezzo fa, nell'ambito di una
analoga operazione mirata a "bloccare ogni forma di finanziamento a
Milosevic ed ai suoi famigliari" in base a quanto previsto da certe
persecutorie disposizioni UE; tuttavia, la magistratura tedesca aveva
subito decretato l'illegittimità di simili provvedimenti, che ledono
tra l'altro il diritto inalienabile alla difesa legale, disponendo lo
sblocco di tutti i conti bloccati.
Adesso, nel pieno della fase della "autodifesa" di Milosevic (che sta
causando pesantissimo imbarazzo in Occidente e che viene dunque
sottoposta a rigido silenzio-stampa), i servizi segreti tedeschi
ripartono all'attacco del comitato di solidarietà a Milosevic, nel
tentativo di intimorirlo e di scoraggiare i donatori.
Rinnoviamo pertanto, con nuovo vigore, il nostro APPELLO:

Senza mezzi finanziari, la difesa di Milosevic non ha chances.

Il "Tribunale" garantisce solamente le spese essenziali per il viaggio
dei "testimoni" in occasione delle udienze; ma tutte le spese di
documentazione, comunicazione, gli spostamenti per la preparazione
delle udienze, i contatti e tutte le attivita' dei consulenti legali
di Milosevic (da non confondere con gli "avvocati d'ufficio" imposti
dall'accusa) e del Comitato di difesa vanno autofinanziate. Inoltre,
servono soldi per pubblicare i testi relativi al "processo- farsa",
poiche' la loro diffusione via internet ha una presa limitata, e con
il trascorrere del tempo queste informazioni andrebbero perdute.
Si valuta che sia indispensabile raccogliere almeno 10mila euro al
mese per far fronte a tutte le necessita' di assistenza legale, di
documentazione e di comunicazione. Le sottoscrizioni piu' regolari e
consistenti finora sono arrivate dalla Serbia e dalla Germania, dove
esiste una nutrita comunita' di emigrati, per un ammontare mensile di
poche centinaia di euro in tutto.

Una legge passata dal Parlamento serbo nella primavera 2004 - che in
linea di principio avrebbe garantito una parziale copertura delle
spese - e' stata subito "congelata" in seguito alle minacce
occidentali. Una qualsivoglia campagna di finanziamento su basi
volontarie a Belgrado e' praticamente irrealizzabile. A causa delle
scelte estremistiche, in senso neoliberista, del regime instaurato il
5 ottobre 2000 la situazione sociale e' disastrosa, la disoccupazione
dilaga, i salari sono da fame, chi ha i soldi per mangiare li tiene
ben stretti e solo in pochi casi e' disposto a rischiare la galera (o
peggio: vedi le torture in carcere nella primavera 2003, durante la
cosiddetta "Operazione Sciabola") in attivita' politiche o di
solidarieta' a favore di Milosevic: il quale viene tuttora demonizzato
dai media locali - oramai tutti in mano a societa' occidentali,
soprattutto tedesche - esattamente come da noi. A tutti deve essere
infine chiaro - se ancora ci fosse bisogno di ripeterlo - che al di
la' delle menzogne giornalistiche NON ESISTE ALCUN "TESORO NASCOSTO"
DI MILOSEVIC, e che il nostro impegno per la sua difesa e'
insostituibile oltreche' indispensabile.

La Sezione Italiana dell'ICDSM, ringraziando tutti quelli che hanno
finora contribuito alla campagna di autofinanziamento (nel corso di un
anno sono stati raccolti circa 2500 euro dall'Italia), chiede che lo
sforzo in tal senso prosegua, cosi' come sta proseguendo in tutte le
altre realta' nazionali.


Conto Corrente Postale numero 86557006
intestato ad Adolfo Amoroso, ROMA


Attack on Milosevic defence in Germany and Holland


2. ICTY threatening again the life of President Milosevic


---( 1 )---


President Slobodan Milosevic and his witnesses by power of truth day by
day dismount the false accusations against the Serbian people and the
failed project of the destroyers of Yugoslavia, called the Hague
tribunal. The power of truth is mobilizing impoverished and suffering
people of Serbia to make an end of the rule of lie in Serbia.

Every new desperate attempt to save what cannot be saved ("Scorpions
video", allegations against the leader of the Serbian Radical Party,
servants' moves of Belgrade officials) just produce the counter effect
and return like boomerang against those who make such attempts. Best
they can achieve with such attempts is shame. Neither Serbia nor the
World is ready anymore to stand the dictatorship of lie.

This doesn't mean that there wouldn't be new harmful and dangerous
The latest one, targeting ICDSM and President Milosevic's defense, took
place yesterday in Germany. The tax police broke into private apartment
of Peter Betscher, treasurer of the German section of ICDSM (the most
effective segment of ICDSM in fundraising), took his computer and
papers and froze the bank account. Below is the story about this event,
based on information from our German friends and the article on the
issue that appeared this morning in Junge Welt. Most of the donations
collected by the German committee were used to cover imminent expenses
of the assisting members of the President Milosevic's co-workers' team
at The Hague. Their normal operation is now at stake. I call upon for
your increased solidarity in this situation - and strengthened
fundraising (there are working accounts e.g. in Switzerland and Italy).
We will keep you updated about the present outrage.

Belgrade, 20 July 2005
Vladimir Krsljanin

Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


This Tuesday, the German section of the ICDSM was attacked for the
second time. This time, the tax police entered the apartment of Peter
Betscher in his absence. Betscher, who is the person responsible to
administer donations for the defense work at The Hague, was informed by
phone on his working place. When he arrived, the police already took
out his PC and several documents. After he insisted that police should
wait for his lawyer, the police told him that he has no right to say
anything and that they are in control.
In a written document that gave the police the permission to enter the
flat, the purpose of the operation was outlined as: to investigate the
use of the money and to find out the names of the donors!
Asked for the basis of the investigation, a police officer responded
that it was based on "an EU regulation". Mr. Betscher was also informed
that the donations bank account was frozen.
Roughly one and a half years ago, the donations account as well as the
personal account of a member of the German section of the ICDSM were
frozen on basis of "an EU regulation": the EU sanctions against
President Milosevic, his family and closest associates. At that time,
the judge decided in favour of the ICDSM: it is the basic right of any
accused to have a defense.
When Mr. Betscher mentioned that court decision, the police said they
acted on order.

SIEHE AUCH: Razzia bei Milosevic-Unterstützern " Kontenpfändung und
Wohnungsdurchsuchung in Darmstadt, verschafften sich Zollfahnder
Zutritt zur Wohnung von Peter Betscher ,

---( 2 )---

Da: Vladimir Krsljanin
Data: Ven 22 lug 2005 17:59:09 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: ICTY threatening again the life of President Milosevic

According to the (confirmed) media reports, the Hague 'Trial Chamber'
dealing with President Milosevic, ordered from the Tribunal appointed
cardiologist to report by the beginning of August, whether President
Milosevic is able to stand more than three trial days (with about five
working hours each) per week, which is the present working rhythm in the

More concretely, the 'judges' ask the doctor about three possibilities:
more working days in a week; b) more working hours in a day; or, at
c) more working days in two, out of four weeks in a month.

It is clear even to a non-professional, that the medical condition of
President Milosevic, suffering from malignant hypertension, that already
produced a serious damage to his heart, cannot be improved after four
years in prison and three-and-half years of the proceedings. In that
sense, the present order of the 'Trial Chamber' produces serious

With the power of truth, President Milosevic and his witnesses blow-up
not only the false indictment, but the whole concept of destruction,
aggression and colonization in the Balkans, based on the
demonization of the Serbs, exposing its creators and perpetrators.

This can be seen as an intentional attempt to imperil the life of
President Milosevic or at least to revive the Damocles sword of
the 'assigned counsel' (still sitting in the court room and playing the
well paid role of a "defense" with occasional remarks added here and
there to the brilliant conduct of the self-defense by President
Milosevic) and to silence the truth that way.

After the attack on the fundraising in Germany, it seems, as the end of
these proceedings, very unpleasant for their creators approach, that we
will be facing more and more blatant attempts to prevent the certain
shame of the puppet-tribunal and its puppeteers, as the final outcome.

Send the protest letters to the 'Tribunal' and to the UN Security
Council and react in other ways.

Secure with your urgent donations that the struggle for truth goes on
until victory!


Judge Theodor Meron, President
Judge Patrick Robinson, President of the Trial Chamber III
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Churchillplein 1
2517JW The Hague
Fax: +31 70 512 8637

H.E. Mr. Kenzo Oshima,
Japan Presidency of the UN Security Council (August 2005)

---( 3 )---



President Milosevic has the truth and law on his side. In order to use
that advantage to achieve his freedom, we must fight this totally
discredited tribunal and its patrons through professionally conducted
actions which would involve the Bar Associations, the European Court,
the UN organs in charge and the media.

Our practice has shown that ad hoc voluntary work is not enough to deal
properly with these tasks. The funds secured in Serbia are still enough
only to cover the expenses of the stay and work of President
Milosevic's legal associates at The Hague (one at the time). The funds
secured by the German section of the ICDSM (still the only one with
regular contributions) are enough only to cover minimal additional
work at The Hague connected with contacts and preparations of foreign
witnesses. Everything else is lacking.


3000-5000 EUR per month is our imminent need.

Our history and our people oblige us to go on with this necessary
action. But without these funds it will not be possible.

Please organize urgently the fundraising activity
and send the donations to the following ICDSM account:

Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität (VIS)
4000 Basel, Switzerland
PC 40-493646-5


All of your donations will be used for legal and other necessary
accompanying activities, on instruction or with the consent of President
Milosevic. To obtain additional information on the use of your donations
or to obtain additional advice on the most efficient way to submit your
donations or to make bank transfers, please do not hesitate to contact

Peter Betscher (ICDSM Treasurer) E-mail: peter_betscher@...
Phone: +49 172 7566 014

Vladimir Krsljanin (ICDSM Secretary) E-mail: slobodavk@...
Phone: +381 63 8862 301


For truth and human rights against aggression!
Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!
Freedom and equality for people!

On behalf of Sloboda and ICDSM,

Vladimir Krsljanin,
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (CDSM UK) (US section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (ICDSM Italy) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)


ICDSM - Sezione Italiana
c/o GAMADI, Via L. Da Vinci 27
00043 Ciampino (Roma)
tel/fax +39-06-4828957
email: icdsm-italia @

Conto Corrente Postale numero 86557006
intestato ad Adolfo Amoroso, ROMA





[ # On Srebrenica see also / su Srebrenica vedi anche:
Srebrenica and the Politics of War Crimes
# On Falluja see also / su Falluja vedi anche:
Falluja: il peggior massacro americano in Iraq (LINKS)
Guai a occuparsi di Falluja
IRAQ = JUGOSLAVIJA / 12: Cronache da Falluja
IRAQ = JUGOSLAVIJA / 1: Eyewitness Report from Falluja ]

Remembering Srebrenica, Thinking Of Fallujah

Ghali Hassan,

22 July, 2005 - On July 11, 2005, American and European leaders
gathered at a ceremony in Srebrenica marking the 10th anniversary of
the death of “at least 8000 Bosnians men and boys” during the war in
Bosnia. As usual, the news of the anniversary was broadcast live
throughout the Western world, and the alleged atrocity was compared
only to that of Fascism (“Europe’s worst massacre since World War II”).
Will Western leaders who commemorated Srebrenica “massacre” and
promised to bring the indicted leaders to justice apply the same
standards of justice to those who committed the Fallujah massacre?

The small Bosnian town of Srebrenica was (supposedly) “protected” by
the UN as a “safe area” at the time when the alleged 8,000 Muslims
(loved to death by the US and its Western allies) were slaughtered by
Serb forces in 1995 while the 370 Dutch military contingents stood by.
The same was repeated few years later in Kosovo when NATO/UN forces
stood by while Albanian terrorists (the KLA) kidnapped, tortured and
murdered Serbs and Gypsies. The Srebrenica “massacre” was just a
propaganda coup for the US-NATO war against the Republic of Yugoslavia.

Subsequently, the US-NATO used the “massacre” to intervene on behalf of
the Bosnian Muslim leaders in the war against Serb forces and in
pursuit of their own imperialist agenda. The aim was to break up the
Republic of Yugoslavia and colonise Bosnia and Kosovo. Credible
evidence provided by US and Western sources showed that the number of
the so-called at least “8000 Muslims” killed by Serbian forces was
inflated to provide the US-NATO with a “humanitarian” pretext to
demonise the Serbs, and gain public relations support for military
intervention in the region. European humanitarian organisations
estimated that between 80,000 and 102,000 Bosnians died during the
Bosnian war (1992-1995).

It is also noteworthy several US reports (e.g. US Senate Staff Report
and the Foreign Military Studies) have accused the Bosnian forces of
deliberately attacking their own Bosnian civilians (e.g. the “Breadline
Massacre” in 1992, and the “Market Massacre” in 1994 and 1995) in order
to get US-NATO to come to their aid against Serb forces.

In addition, the Srebrenica “massacre” was also used by the Croatian
regime (the darling of Western Fascism) as a smokescreen to conduct an
overt criminal policy of ethnic cleansing Serbs and Bosnian Muslims in
Western Bosnia and the Serbian inhabitants of the Krajina in Croatia.
According to Edward Herman, America’s most astute critical reformist,
massive ethnic cleansing and atrocities against Serbs and Bosnian
Muslims was “carried out with U.S. approval and logistical support
within a month of the Srebrenica events, and it may well have involved
the killing of more Serb civilians than Bosnian Muslim civilians killed
in the Srebrenica area in July: most of the Bosnian Muslim victims were
fighters, not civilians, as the Bosnian Serbs bussed the Srebrenica
women and children to safety; the Croatians made no such provision and
many women, children and old people were slaughtered in Krajina”.

Like the war on Iraq, the US-NATO war on Yugoslavia was an act of
aggression that destroyed the entire Republic and killed an unknown
large number of Serbs, the war largest victim. Over a million people
(now live in Serbia) are displaced refugees from Krajina, Bosnia and
Kosovo as a result of a fascist policy of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and an
illegal war against Yugoslavia.

The Srebrenica “massacre” was universally condemned in Europe and the
US as “genocide” and crimes against humanity. The Serbs who have been
accused of the killings were described by Western governments and
Western media as “Serb evils”. They are indicted for war crimes and
promises have been made to bring them to “justice”, that is, Western
justice. However when something worse than the Srebrenica “massacre”
happened in Fallujah, it was described by Western leaders and their
media accomplices as a “necessary step to hold elections and bring
freedom and democracy” to Iraq.

The Iraqi city was the subject of heavy US bombardments before and
after the 2003 Occupation. In November 2004, US occupying forces
embarked on “pacifying” the city of Fallujah in order to make an
“example” of Western brutality. Water, food and electricity were cut
off to the city of 300,000 citizens - in violation of the Geneva
Conventions. The aim was to empty the city of its women, children, and
the elderly while preventing the departure of able-bodied males from
leaving, then US forces bombed the city with all the remaining
civilians. Many people were able to leave, but others stayed in their

For several weeks, US forces bombed the city continuously, with
deliberate violence that has been described as “war crimes”. US
helicopter gunships and F-16 fighter planes, using legally banned
Napalm-type firebombs (MK77s type bombs used in Vietnam) and bombs as
heavy as 500 lb (220 kg), are attacking population centres and shopping
malls. From the air and from the grounds, US forces indiscriminately
killed civilians holding white flags or white clothes over their heads,
murdered the wounded fighters, killed unarmed Iraqis who had been taken
prisoner, and destroyed mosques, hospitals, and health centres
protected under international law.

All males between the ages of 16 and 60 years old were slaughtered. US
forces attacked and occupied the Fallujah Hospitals to prevent the
publication and counting of civilian casualties. Patients and doctors
in the Hospital were taken hostages and abused by US forces and their
Iraqi collaborators. “Staff have been attacked by US marines, doctors
have been shot, emergency medicines blocked. Children have been
murdered in front of their families. Now imagine the same state of
affairs imposed on the London hospitals that received the victims of
the bombing”, wrote John Pilger.

Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported on 18 December 2004, that US unit
commanders revealed that their troops had orders to shoot all males of
fighting age seen on the streets, armed or unarmed. According to the
Red Cross spokesman and the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, more than 6,000
people have been killed and many more have been injured in the first
three weeks of the unprovoked US attacks. The entire city was destroyed
and rendered uninhabitable by humans. Currently there are some 250,000
people reported as being internally displaced by the atrocity. Law
experts have described the atrocity of Fallujah as war crimes and
breach of the Geneva Convention and US Law. It is part of an illegal
war of aggression that has needlessly caused the suffering and death of
thousands of innocent people.

Two independent studies investigating the death toll of Iraqi civilians
found that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the US-led
invasion and occupation of the country. In November 2004, the reputed
and peer-reviewed British medical journal, The Lancet, estimated the
death toll to be 100,000 Iraqis, mostly women and children. The
estimate was conservative because it did no include the atrocity of

The second independent study was by the Iraqiyun Humanitarian
Organization in Baghdad which reported that at least 128,000 Iraqis
have been killed since the US invasion began in March 2003. Dr. Hatim
al-'Alwani, head of Iraqiyun, said that 55 per cent of those killed
have been women and children aged 12 and under. The Iraqiyun compiled
its data from relatives and families of the deceased, as well as from
Iraqi hospitals throughout Iraq. However, the 128,000 figure includes
only those whose relatives have been informed of their deaths and does
not include those were abducted, assassinated or simply disappeared by
the US forces and their collaborators. The number is also includes
those who killed by US forces during that attacks on Fallujah and the
town Qa'im in western Iraq. In addition, tens of thousands of innocent
Iraqi men, women and children are imprisoned without charges. They are
abused, tortured and denied their human rights. Many Iraqi prisoners
and detainees have been murdered in cold-blooded and cowardice fashions
by US-British killers.

As part of US-British war propaganda, Iraqi dead are not counted,
because they are considered inhumane. And even when Iraqi dead are
counted the number of dead is squeezed to serve a crafted purpose. The
July 13, 2005 report by the England-based Iraqi Body Count (IBC)
estimated that Iraqi civilian casualties to be between 22,838 and
25,869, an extremely deflated number and contradicts previous credible
counts. The report is deliberately misleading and designed to normalise
the atrocity and blame the violence on Iraqis, ignoring the US
Occupation as the main cause of the violence today.

When 55 people died in the 7/7 London attack, Westerners and their
allies were in arms condemning the crimes and demanding that the
“perpetrators” be brought to justice for their crimes. However, when
128,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children are murdered by the
policy and violent actions of their Western leaders, the silence is
deafening. The perpetrators of these war crimes were rewarded and
re-elected to high office, thanks to powerful media distortions and
blindfolded “moral values”. There is no two minutes of silence for the
mass slaughter of Iraqi children.

More than two years of brutal Occupation, US plan for Iraq remains
unchanged: the Iraqisation of the Occupation and the violence. This is
done by franchising (contracting) the US violence to US-created local
militia groups, and removing the occupying forces from Iraqi cities and
towns to more protected areas. In other words, the Occupation will be
localised by replacing foreign forces with the US-created Iraqi forces
– the Kurdish Peshmerga, the Iranian-trained BADR Brigade, the Wolf
Brigade, including the Chalabi’s thugs, and Al-Hussein Brigade. The
essential criteria to join the echelons of these forces are previous
experience in corruption and pro-Occupation skills in torture and human
rights abuse. They are rightly called the “dogs of the Occupation” by
Iraqis for their brutality and subservient to US forces and CIA

The militia groups work closely with the Occupation, carrying out US
orders of random house raids, mass arrests of innocent people, and
major violent operations against Iraqi civilians, and anti-Occupation
Resistance. Together with the occupying forces these militia groups are
embarking on violent crimes against Iraqi civilians in order to distort
the image of the Iraqi Resistance and weaken its popular supports. The
US aim in Iraq is to create an atmosphere of terror in order to
terrorise the population and instil fear in Iraqis’ daily life. At the
same time, the US is encouraging sectarian strife and religious
fundamentalism as a way of undermining secular and nationalist
resistance movements.

The strategy is an old imperialist strategy designed to allow the
imperialist forces to role by proxy behind an Iraqi façade. This will
provide safe enclaves for the occupying forces and reduces their
casualties. The occupying forces will be used only in an emergency
situation to protect the puppets. In other words, foreign forces will
be used only when the puppeteers are in danger of loosing control to
suppress the Iraqi people. In addition, public opinion in the US and
Europe will be manipulated through US-crafted rigged elections and fake
sovereignty, depicted as “political process” towards “democracy”.

It is this “political process” and the US-style “democracy” which have
been promoted for Iraq by the US-Western governments, Western media and
Western liberal elites (left and right). Iraqis, who reject this
colonial dictatorship, are labelled “insurgents”. It is an old agenda
of Western imperialism and has nothing to do with the ordinary Iraqi
people. Its aim is to colonise Iraq and siphoned off its wealth into
the bellies of US-Western corporations. It has been admirably rejected
by the Iraqi people. Iraqis are universally united against the
Occupation, and blame the Occupation forces for the continuing violence
in their country.

Speaking at the ceremony to commemorate the Srebrenica “massacre”, the
British foreign secretary, Jack Straw said; it was “a shame on the
international community that this evil took place under our noses. I
particularly regret this, and I am deeply sorry”. It was very
misleading statement because Mr Straw is very aware that “this evil
took place” again ten years later with his government full cooperation
to massacre the people of Fallujah and obliterate their once vibrant
city. Like the “massacre” of Srebrenica, the massacre Fallujah was
premeditated war crimes in contravention of the Geneva Convention, the
US War Crimes Act and the UN Charter.

It has been suggested by law experts that the Fallujah massacre was the
perfect case to indict the president of the United States with war
crime under US law. The Fallujah genocide is a clear breach of the
Geneva Conventions, Geneva Conventions. “You couldn't have a more grave
breach of the Geneva Conventions than that”, said Naom Chomsky citing
the US War Crimes Act which was passed by a Republican Congress in 1996.

It is worth remembering that in the Nuremberg they did not try
soldiers, and they didn't try unit commanders, they tried the people
who sold the war. One of those on trial , the German foreign minister
(1938–45), Joachim von Ribbentrop, was convicted as a war criminal and
hanged because of participation in the supreme international crime
which ‘encompasses all the evil that follows’. Shouldn’t the world
community follow the same justice and try those who instigated the
illegal war on Iraq? Or are the West’s war crimes tribunals and
international criminal courts part of the imperial strategy?

Unlike Srebrenica, we know that the ultimate responsibility for the
massacres of Fallujah, Baghdad and other Iraqi cities rests with the US
Secretary of Defence, Ronald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush and Tony Blair.
There is an overwhelming prima facia evidence to formally indict those
who committed this international war crime against the Iraqi people.

Ghali Hassan lives in Perth, Western Australia

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Who provided the London warning?

Despite quite a lot of discussion on the issue, it seems clear now
that the Mossad office in London received six minutes warning from
British authorities of the London bomb attacks. This isn't surprising,
as Netanyahu was in town and would have been guarded with extreme
caution by both British and Israeli officials. Bibi is one of the most
likely assassination targets in the world, and is a pain in the ass to
look after wherever he goes...

How did Greenspan Know about the London Bombings Two Days before?
(Mike Whitney)

Two days before the London subway bombings, Fed-Master Alan Greenspan
flushed nearly $40 billion in liquidity into financial markets. The
sudden activity was an astonishing departure from the current policy
of tightening interest rates to stifle inflation. The Chairman has not
explained his erratic behavior, but there's growing speculation that
Greenspan may have had information about the likelihood of terrorist
attacks and decided to "preemptively" head-off a run on the markets.
As it turns out, his actions may have been a positive factor in
stabilizing the market following the incident, (... ) but that doesn't
address the larger issue of whether Greenspan had inside information
that an attack was imminent.

London plot thickens, as does propaganda
(Larry Chin, Online Journal Associate Editor)

As was the case following 9/11 and all post-9/11 "terror" events, an
official new propaganda legend is being constructed to justify
whatever Anglo-American-Israeli aggression that is sure to follow.
Meanwhile, the list of unanswered questions, irregularities, and
inconsistencies continues to grow, along with dramatically zigzagging
cover stories and anti-Muslim agitation. Another large-scale
government and media deception is well underway...


Un'agenzia di consulenza con contatti con il governo e la polizia
stava effettuando un'esercitazione per una compagnia, il cui nome non
e' ancora stato reso noto, che prevedeva la simulazione di un
attentato nella metropolitana di Londra, esattamente nello stesso
tempo e nello stesso luogo in cui si sono verificate le reali
esplosioni la mattina del 7 luglio...

--- In JUGOINFO, "Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia" ha scritto:


"...Il ministro delle Finanze israeliano, Benjamin Netanyahu, è stato
fatto rimanere nella sua stanza d'albergo anziché spostarsi in un
albergo nei pressi della stazione di Liverpool Street (il luogo della
prima esplosione), dove avrebbe dovuto partecipare ad una conferenza..."

(Fonte: "Secondo un sito israeliano Scotland Yard sapeva in anticipo
degli attacchi", 11.07.2005 - )

--- Fine messaggio inoltrato ---

FONTE: aa-info @

> Rimandato il sit in. Confermata la mobilitazione
> Con gli attentati di Londra la guerra è di nuovo entrata
> nella vita quotidiana delle popolazioni di quegli Stati che
> alla guerra preventiva, all'occupazione e all'oppressione di altri
> Dopo gli attentati dell'11 marzo, a Madrid la gente scese in
piazza con
> uno striscione chiaro e coraggioso: "Nostri sono i morti, vostra è
> guerra". Quella parola d'ordine è stata la lapide di un governo
> reazionario e filo USA come quello Aznar che aveva voluto a tutti
i costi
> essere parte della coalizione politico-militare che aveva invaso
> illegalmente l'Iraq in contrasto con la volontà della maggioranza
> popolazione.
> E' tempo che anche il governo Berlusconi sia costretto a prendere
> decisione. La maggioranza sociale del nostro paese vuole che le
> italiane in Iraq vengano ritirate e che l'Italia venga sottratta
> guerra e alle sue conseguenze. Il governo - al contrario - tenta
> gestire il coinvolgimento dell'Italia nella guerra e
nell'occupazione di
> Iraq e Afghanistan come normale amministrazione, potendo contare
> riluttanza della gran parte dell'opposizione ad ingaggiare una
> battaglia per il ritiro delle truppe. Gli attentati di Londra
> al governo e all'opposizione che non c'è più molto tempo per
prendere la
> decisione giusta: ritirare le truppe dall'Iraq e mettere fine alla
> complicità dell'Italia con la guerra. L'unica exit strategy
possibile dal
> pantano irakeno è il ritiro immediato di tutte le truppe
straniere, senza
> rinvii o escamotage come ad esempio quelli prefigurati da chi
pensa ad una
> copertura da parte dell'Onu.
> Le conseguenze delle scelte sbagliate dei governi guerrafondai
sono state
> estremamente drammatiche per i cittadini iracheni, oltre che per
quelli di
> Madrid e Londra. Ma domani potrebbero diventarle anche per i
> italiani.
> Occorre agire subito, prima che l'Italia divenga il bersaglio del
> e prima che in nome della "sicurezza" e della lotta al terrorismo
> ulteriormente ristretti gli spazi di libertà e di agibilità
> attraverso leggi speciali liberticide. Le misure annunciate dal
> Pisanu prefigurano uno "stato di pubblica sicurezza" che già si
> scatenando contro i movimenti di lotta e gli immigrati. Ancora più
> importanza assume oggi la battaglia per la chiusura dei cosiddetti
> Per martedì mattina il movimento contro la guerra ha chiesto ed
> un incontro con i capogruppo dell'Unione alla Camera dei Deputati
> ribadire la richiesta di ritiro immediato. Invece il sit in
previsto per
> martedì pomeriggio sotto la Camera dei Deputati è stato rimandato
> prossimi giorni, in concomitanza con il dibattito e la votazione
> Parlamento del decreto di rifinanziamento della missione militare
> in Iraq. Non appena sarà reso noto il calendario parlamentare i
> dell'iniziativa renderanno noto l'orario della mobilitazione.
> Comitato nazionale per il ritiro dei militari italiani dall'Iraq,
> Federazione Nazionale delle RDB - CUB, Confederazione Cobas, Radio
> Aperta, Rete dei Comunisti, "Essere comunisti"(PRC), Sinistra
> programmatica PRC, Red Link, Action, Partito dei Comunisti
> FGCI, Forum contro la guerra, Associazione Argon
Bloggersperlapace, Rete
> Artisti contro le guerre, Gino Barsella, Adriana Spera
> Capitolina PRC e Presidente V CCP), Claudio Ortale (Direttivo CUB
> Presidente BKP Roma), Lotta per il Socialismo - CWI, Comitato "Con
> Palestina nel cuore", Forum Palestina, Ettore Davoli, Laboratorio
> Resistenza alla guerra (Roma), Partito Umanista.

--- In JUGOINFO "Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia" ha

19 luglio in piazza a roma contro l'occupazione dell'iraq


Con gli attentati di Londra la guerra è di nuovo entrata
drammaticamente nella vita quotidiana e nelle case delle popolazioni
di quegli Stati che partecipano alla guerra preventiva,
all'occupazione e all'oppressione di altri popoli. Dopo gli attentati
dell'11 marzo, a Madrid la gente scese in piazza con uno striscione
chiaro e coraggioso: "Nostri sono i morti, vostra è la guerra".
parola d'ordine è stata la lapide di un governo reazionario e filo
come quello Aznar che aveva voluto a tutti i costi essere parte della
coalizione politico-militare che aveva invaso illegalmente l'Iraq in
contrasto con la volontà della maggioranza della popolazione.

E' tempo che anche il governo Berlusconi sia costretto a prendere
questa decisione. La maggioranza sociale del nostro paese vuole che
truppe italiane in Iraq vengano ritirate e che l'Italia venga
sottratta alla guerra e alle sue conseguenze. Il governo - al
contrario - tenta di gestire il coinvolgimento dell'Italia nella
guerra e nell'occupazione di Iraq e Afghanistan come normale
amministrazione, potendo contare sulla riluttanza della gran parte
dell'opposizione ad ingaggiare una seria battaglia per il ritiro
truppe. Gli attentati di Londra dimostrano al governo e
all'opposizione che non c'è più molto tempo per prendere la decisione
giusta: ritirare le truppe dall'Iraq e mettere fine alla complicità
dell'Italia con la guerra. L'unica exit strategy possibile dal
irakeno è il ritiro immediato di tutte le truppe straniere, senza
rinvii o escamotage come ad esempio quelli prefigurati da chi pensa
una copertura da parte dell'Onu.

Le conseguenze delle scelte sbagliate dei governi guerrafondai sono
state estremamente drammatiche per i cittadini iracheni, oltre che
quelli di Madrid e Londra. Ma domani potrebbero diventarle anche per
cittadini italiani.

Occorre agire subito, prima che l'Italia divenga il bersaglio del
terrore e prima che in nome della "sicurezza" e della lotta al
terrorismo vengano ulteriormente ristretti gli spazi di libertà e di
agibilità democratica attraverso leggi speciali liberticide. Le
annunciate dal Ministro Pisanu prefigurano uno "stato di pubblica
sicurezza" che già si sta scatenando contro i movimenti di lotta e
immigrati. Ancora più importanza assume oggi la battaglia per la
chiusura dei cosiddetti CPT.

Per questo proponiamo a tutte le forze che si oppongono alla guerra e
all'occupazione dell'Iraq di mobilitarsi martedì 19 luglio, in
concomitanza con la discussione in Parlamento del decreto di
rifinanziamento della missione militare italiana. Proponiamo per la
mattina un incontro con i capigruppo del centrosinistra per ribadire
le richieste del movimento contro la guerra, e una manifestazione
sit-in sotto la Camera dei Deputati nel pomeriggio (ulteriori
sull'orario verranno forniti non appena sarà reso pubblico il
calendario parlamentare)

Comitato nazionale per il ritiro dei militari italiani dall'Iraq,
Federazione Nazionale delle Rappresentanze Sindacali di Base - CUB,
Confederazione Cobas, Radio Città Aperta, Rete dei Comunisti, "Essere
comunisti" - Partito della Rifondazione Comunista, Red Link, Action,
Forum contro la guerra, Associazione Argon Bloggersperlapace, Rete
Artisti contro le guerre, Gino Barsella, Adriana Spera (Consigliera
Capitolina PRC e Presidente V CCP), Claudio Ortale (Direttivo CUB
LAZIO e Presidente BKP Roma), Lotta per il Socialismo - CWI,

per adesioni:

viadalliraqora @

cpiano @

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