
Ancora una "Visnjica" (ciliegina) che non fa ridere per niente

Tra note di costume e notizie buffe o "noir", inventate di sana pianta,
riprese da quei tabloid spazzatura che nella Serbia "normalizzata"
spuntano come funghi grazie alla "generosita'" del capitale straniero,
l'ANSA prosegue la serie dei dispacci improntati al mero cinismo.
Vedi pure la precedente Visnjica (ciliegina) di pessimo gusto:


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 12 OTT - Sono stati matrimoni senza bacio finale
fra gli sposi quelli celebrati negli ultimi giorni a Pancevo, la
cittadina - sobborgo industriale di Belgrado: gli sposi indossavano
tutti maschere antigas e mascherine antismog per protesta contro gli
altissimi livelli di inqinamento della zona. Pancevo ospita una
industria petrolchimica che e' una delle poche ancora in funzione nel
paese, una raffineria e una fabbrica per la produzione di azoto
liquido, nonche' un complesso per la produzione di pesticidi: una
combinazione che si era rivelata in tutta la sua pericolosita'
durante i raid della Nato della primavera 1999, quando il borgo fu
oggetto di pesanti, quotidiani bombardamenti. All'epoca, grandi
nuvole di fumo nero lambirono anche Belgrado, e solo la presenza di
un forte vento evito' una catastrofe. Il rischio ambientale resta
intatto: le fabbriche sono obsolete, e il via vai di vecchi camion e
treni cisterna preoccupa gli abitanti. Un caso di fuoriuscita di
sostanze si e' registrato non molto tempo fa, quando un automezzo si
e' rovesciato disseminando azoto liquido per strada. Fughe di
vapori avvengono quotidianamente, date le poche risorse a
disposizione da investire nella sicurezza. Non e' un caso, sottolinea
il quotidiano Novosti, che gli affitti nella zona di Pancevo siano
dieci volte piu' bassi di quelli praticati in analoghi sobborghi
belgradesi. (ANSA).
OT 12/10/2004 13:05

Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Gio 14 Ott 2004 16:18:09 Europe/Rome
A: icdsm-italia @
Cc: aa-info @
Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Reprise du procès Milosevic

Reprise du procès Milosevic

1. Procès Milosevic: pourquoi ce silence?
2. TPI: le roi est nu, selon un enquêteur hollandais
3. Milosevic : "On ne trouve aucun lien avec un génocide" (The Guardian)
4. Reprise cette semaine du procès Milosevic (B92 - 11/10/04)
5. Reprise du procès Milosevic: témoignage d'un journaliste allemand
(SwissInfo / AP - 12-13/10/04)

---( 1 )---

Subject: [TV-STOP] Procès Milosevic: pourquoi ce silence?
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 00:56:47 +0200
From: TV-STOP <tv-stop @>

Qui parle encore du procès Milosevic? Personne. Pourquoi? Pourquoi
a-t-on fait taire le "boucher des Balkans" en lui imposant un avocat
Ce résumé de la situation livré le matin de son deuxième (et pour
l'instant ultime) jour de plaidoirie explique peut-être cet
assourdissant silence des médias internationaux...
(La traduction intégrale du préambule de S. Milosevic, livré le 31 août
et le 1er septembre 2004, est à paraître aux éditions Le Verjus/B.I.,

"Au cours de l’agression de l’OTAN, les poisons n’ont pas été utilisés
de manière directe, mais on a obtenu par des moyens détournés des
conséquences analogues à celles d’une guerre chimique. Par exemple, en
bombardant les installations et dépôts chimiques, les raffineries et
usines de produits chimiques à Pancevo, Novi Sad, Lucani et Baric. De
cette façon, on a aussi infligé à la Serbie une guerre chimique.
Cela a été le fait de puissances qui ne voulaient pas de la
souveraineté de la Serbie sur le Kosovo-Métochie, bien que celle-ci
soit garantie par les conditions du cessez-le feu et contenue dans la
Résolution 1244 qui n’est absolument pas respectée. Celles-ci voient
leur intérêt dans l’exploitation de l’espace du Kosovo-Métochie pour
leurs fins géostratégiques et économiques, ainsi que des richesses
minières, hydrographiques et autres de cette région. En quoi il faut
tenir compte du fait que le Kosovo est l’un des plus grands gisements
de lignite en Europe, avec près de 14 milliards de tonnes, et qu’il
recèle également 48% des réserves totales de plomb et de zinc en
Serbie, d’une valeur immense. Le Kosovo contient encore des réserves de
cobalt et de nickel d’une valeur également considérable, et ses
centrales électriques sont importantes pour le bouclage du bilan
électroénergétique de la République de Serbie.
Tout ce qui vient d’être énuméré ci-dessus dépeint le sordide appétit
de pillage qui constitue le mobile fondamental des prétendus défenseurs
occidentaux des droits des Albanais. En dépit du fait que que la source
de toute la crise au Kosovo-Métochie — qui dure depuis l’époque des
expulsions de populations serbes et non-albanaises en général sous
l’occupation turque de la région — réside dans l’aspiration des
nationalistes albanais à créer une Grande Albanie, aspiration qu’ils ne
dissimulent nullement et pour laquelle tous les moyens leur semblent
légitimes, cette soi-disant partie civile a le toupet de m’accuser moi,
ainsi que la Serbie et les Serbes, d’avoir voulu instaurer, au milieu
de notre propre Etat, dans une région qui est le coeur et le centre de
l’Etat serbe médiéval, une prétendue «Grande Serbie».
Comment on fait pour instaurer la Serbie — grande ou petite, n’importe
— au beau milieu de la Serbie même, ils ne parviennent pas à
l’expliquer ou à le montrer. C’est ce qui a été illustré de la manière
la plus claire par la première partie de cette opération que vous
appelez un procès, car il s’agit d’un procès, tout comme le reste de
l’opération, de par la nature et le contenu de cette fausse accusation,
revêt l’apparence et le caractère d’une pure et simple farce.
Une piètre farce de par son contenu et son niveau, mais nullement par
la quantité d’argent qui lui est dévolue, par exemple, par l’Arabie
Séoudite, George Soros ainsi que d’autres donateurs soi-disant
Je souhaite ajouter encore ceci: c’est que dès 1998, au moment où
Holbrooke était venu nous trouver à Belgrade, nous avions fait savoir
aux Etats-Unis, sur la base des informations dont nous disposions, que
Ossama Ben Laden se trouvait en Albanie du Nord et qu’il aidait l’UÇK.
Qu’il oeuvrait à l’armement, la formation et la préparation des membres
de cette organisation terroriste. Les Américains ont néanmoins fini par
opter pour la collaboration avec l’UÇK, et donc pour la collaboration
directe avec Ben Laden. Ceci alors qu’il avait déjà fait sauter les
ambassades des Etats-Unis au Kenya et en Tanzanie, et qu’il leur avait,
de son côté, déclaré la guerre."

Une information à rapprocher de la conclusion des deux reporters du
Daily Mirror qui étaient allés au Kosovo, en 2003, acheter des
explosifs de guerre "pour le compte de l'IRA": "We made our deal in
Kosovo, a breeding ground for fanatics with al-Qaeda links." (Nous
avons fait notre marché au Kosovo, une pépinière de fanatiques liés à
Al Qaida). Daily Mirror, 8.12.2003.

Surveillance des aberrations médiatiques.
Abonnement, désabonnement : écrire à tv-stop @

---( 2 )---

Subject: [TV-STOP] TPI: le roi est nu, selon un enqu êteur hollandais
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 16:41:14 +0200
From: TV-STOP <tv-stop @>

Selon le Guardian , Cees Wiebes, chef d'une commission d'enquête du
gouvernement hollandais concernant l'affaire Srebrenica, affirme que S.
Milosevic ne pouvait avoir connaissance de ce qui s'y passait, et que
par conséquent le principal argument étayant l'accusation de génocide
portée par le TPI est caduc.
A noter ces passages:

# "Wiebes ajoute également que son équipe a offert ses éléments de
preuve au procureur en chef du TPI, Carla del Ponte, mais qu'elle a été
rembarrée. "Ce que j'ai entendu de bonne source à La Haye, c'est que
Mlle del Ponte pensait que nous étions trop nuancés et ne voyions pas
les choses en noir et blanc", a-t-il dit."
#  "Wiebes est la première personnalité de haut rang à dire
publiquement ce que de nombreuses sources à La Haye disent en privé
depuis quelque temps: qu'il n'y a tout simplement pas de preuves pour
soutenir l'accusation de génocide."

Voici quelques mois, commentant les lenteurs du procès visant le
génocide rwandais Le Figaro relevait que la même Carla del Ponte avait,
dans ce cas également, rejeté d'emblée des éléments de preuve
contrevenant à ses opinions préconçues sur l'affaire.
La différence entre le TPI(Y) et le TPI(R), c'est que le dossier Rwanda
a été retiré à la brouillonne et présomptueuse magistrate suisse. En
revanche, aucune de ses bourdes et exagérations dans l'affaire
yougoslave n'a encore conduit les Occidentaux à mettre en question son
autre poste. Faut-il en conclure que le déni de justice et l'abus de
pouvoir sont "moins graves" lorsqu'ils frappent des Balkaniques que
lorsqu'ils frappent des Africains?
Il faut tout de même rappeler que, sur les convictions arbitraires et
peu étayées de del Ponte, des hommes ont été kidnappés chez eux par des
commandos, blessés voire abattus, et que d'autres croupissent en prison
et se voient dénier leurs droits humains les plus élémentaires sur la
foi d'"actes d'accusation" construits à partir de coupures de journaux
et de témoignages anonymes de personnes intéressées. Le tout financé de
manière prépondérante par des "mécènes" comme George Soros ou les Etats
islamiques, qui ont tous des partis pris affichés concernant les drames
du sud-est européen.
Ce qui est sûr, c'est que l'hypermédiatisation unilatérale de la guerre
en ex-Yougoslavie, où pendant dix ans, au mépris de toute réalité, l'on
a désigné les mêmes coupables, offre un confortable abri à tous les
cafouillages et un semblant de crédibilité aux accusations les plus

Adrien Jaulmes, "L'absurde lenteur du « Nuremberg africain »", Le
Figaro, 7.4.2004.
Voir également : "Carla del Ponte s'explique à la TSR", TV-STOP,

---( 3 )---

SOURCE: alerte-otan @

Date : Sun, 10 Oct 2004 23:19:14 +0200
De : "Roland Marounek"
Objet : Milosevic : "On ne trouve aucun lien avec un génocide" (The

Il y aurait quelques commentaires à faire sur cet article : la
dénomination de génocide pour le massacre de Srebrenica, le chiffre
'officiel' de 7.000, l'affirmation implicite que Milosevic était un
tyran... Le journaliste semble atterré. "Un échec à prouver le génocide
jetterait une ombre non seulement sur ce procès mais aussi sur la
possibilité même de faire rendre compte de leurs crimes aux tyrans dans
des tribunaux pour crimes de guerre", et merde alors! Heureusement
"Milosevic a sans conteste facilité le massacre ..."
Il y a un dossier (en français) sur le procès Milosevic sur le site du
Comité Surveillance OTAN : et sur Stop.USA :

The Guardian, 10/10/2004
Traduction maison

Milosevic : "On ne trouve aucun lien avec un génocide"

Une nouvelle controverse a secoué le procès de Milosevic, avec
l'affirmation d'un analyste important des renseignements ["senior
intelligence analyst"], selon laquelle le leader yougoslave était
innocent du crime de génocide.

Le Dr Cees Wiebes, professeur à l'Université d'Amsterdam, déclare
maintenant qu'il n'y a pas de preuves liant Milosevic à la pire
atrocité de la guerre de Bosnie, le massacre de 7.000 Musulmans dans la
ville de Srebrenica.

Srebrenica, qui fut envahie par les forces serbes en juillet 1995,
constitue la base de l'accusation de génocide à l'encontre de
Milosevic, mais Wiebes, qui participa à l'enquête du gouvernement
néerlandais sur cette atrocité, a déclaré qu'il n'y avait rien qui lie
Milosevic à ce crime.

"Dans notre rapport, qui a près de 7.000 pages, nous arrivons à la
conclusion que Milosevic n'avait aucune connaissance préalable du
massacre qui allait venir", a-t-il dit dans une émission de radio "Le
véritable Slobodan Milosevic" qui doit être diffusée sur BBC cette
nuit. "Ce que nous avons trouvé en revanche, c'est la preuve du
contraire. Milosevic a été très bouleversé lorsqu'il a appris le

La perspective que l'ancien homme fort de Belgrade soit blanchi de la
charge la plus sérieuse à laquelle il doit faire face, jette un froid
sur un procès déjà bien embrouillé, qui (re)commence à auditionner des
témoins de la défense cette semaine après plusieurs mois d'ajournements.

Un échec à prouver le génocide jetterait une ombre non seulement sur ce
procès mais aussi sur la possibilité même de faire rendre compte de
leurs crimes aux tyrans dans des tribunaux pour crimes de guerre; le
cas le plus évident est celui de Saddam Hussein.

Wiebes a conduit une équipe de spécialistes du renseignement
commissionnée par le gouvernement néerlandais pour enquêter sur le
massacre, parce que ses propres forces étaient présentes dans la ville,
sous le drapeau de l'ONU.

Il a eu accès à des documents secrets, aux témoignages de
diplomates-clés et de centaines de témoins d'un massacre dans lequel
des Musulmans, des hommes et des garçons d'un âge aussi jeunes que 12
ans, ont été abattus par les forces serbes bosniaques. Mais tandis
qu'il implique clairement les commandants en chef Serbes qui étaient
sur le champ, notamment le général Ratko Mladic, Wiebes dit que
Milosevic n'a joué aucun rôle.

Selon lui, il est compréhensible que Milosevic ait été bouleversé
"parce que dans cette phase de la guerre, il était en train de
rechercher un arrangement politique, et ceci n'était pas très bon pour

Wiebes dit aussi que son équipe a présenté ses preuves au procureur en
chef du TPY, Carla Del Ponte, mais qu'elles ont été écartées. "Ce que
j'ai entendu de sources sûres à La Haye, c'est que Mme Del Ponte estime
que nous sommes trop nuancés et que nous ne voyons pas les choses en
blanc et noir", dit-il.

Les procureurs du TPY affirment qu'il n'en est pas ainsi, et que le
rapport n'était pas pertinent. La porte-parole de l'accusation,
Florence Hartmann, a déclaré : "Le but de ce rapport n'était pas de
traiter d'une affaire criminelle en rapport avec Srebrenica, et a été
commissionné... pour d'autres objectifs."

Wiebes est la première personnalité à déclarer publiquement ce que
beaucoup de sources de La Haye disaient en privé depuis quelques temps
: il n'y a tout simplement aucune preuve pour soutenir l'accusation de

L'accusation a passé des mois à essayer de prouver le contraire, mais
elle a laissé en suspens toute une série de lacunes, en dépit de la
comparution de témoins de haut vol ["high-profile witnesses"]. Parmi
eux, le commandant de l'OTAN Wesley Clarck, qui a témoigné à La Haye en
décembre dernier que Milosevic lui avait dit qu'il avait tenté
d'arrêter ce crime.

Milosevic a sans conteste facilité le massacre en fournissant aux
Serbes bosniaques des armes, du pétrole et de l'argent. Mais pour que
la conviction de génocide tienne, l'accusation doit prouver qu'il en a
donné l'ordre.

Chris Stephen est l'auteur de 'Jour du Jugement : le Procès de

Date : Mon, 11 Oct 2004 00:13:34 +0200
De : "Georges Berghezan"
Objet : Re: Milosevic : "On ne trouve aucun lien avec un génocide"
(The Guardian)

Le prof Cees Wiebes est aussi l'auteur de "Intelligence and the War in
Bosnia, 1992-1995", ouvrage fondamental sur le rôle des puissances
occidentales dans la guerre de Bosnie, notamment au niveau des
violations à l'embargo/armes. Le livre (évidemment non traduit en
français) peut être commandé via pour 34,9 euros, ou être
consulté au GRIP.

---( 4 )---

Reprise cette semaine du procès Milosevic

B92 - 11 octobre

Après une interruption de 4 semaines le procès de l'ex-président
yougoslave Milosevic continuera ce mardi au Tribunal de La Haye

Durant le mois écoulé, le défenseur désigné de Milosevic, Steven Kay
avait pour tâche d'essayer de convaincre autant de témoins que possible
à participer à la partie consacrée à la défense du procès.

Les correspondants de B92 rapportent que la plupart des centaines de
témoins proposés ont refusé de participé, la majorité pour la même
raison : ils ne veulent pas prendre part dabs le processus de
témoignage si ce n'est pas Milosevic en personne qui les questionne et
participe à sa propre défense.

L'un des témoins qui a accepté à participer est Simo Spasic. Spasic est
le Président de l'Organisation des Familles de Disparus au Kosovo, et
il est déjà arrivé à La Haye.

Il se murmure que Kay a réussi à convaincre au moins 5 témoins
supplémentaires à participer, quoique aucune information officielle ne
soit disponible pour le moment

Le conseiller juridique principal de Milosevic, Zdenko Tomanovic a
déclaré que l'équipe de défense personnelle de Milosevic n'avait pas
aidé Kay dans sa préparation de la défense. Tomanovic dit que la
continuation du procès dépendra du nombre de témoins que Kay réussira à
convaincre de participer, et de la qualité de leurs témoignages.

"Selon les informations que j'ai reçues il y a plusieurs jours, Mr Kay
a été capable de contacter 97 témoins, dont 92 ont immédiatement refusé
de participer tant que le droit de Mr Milosevic à se défendre lui-même
ne lui est pas rendu" a-t-il dit

---( 5 )---

SwissInfo - Mercredi 13 octobre

Reprise du procès Milosevic: témoignage d'un journaliste allemand

LA HAYE - Le procès fleuve de Slobodan Milosevic devant le Tribunal
pénal international a repris après un mois de suspension. Un
journaliste allemand a été appelé par la défense à témoigner, en
attendant une décision en appel sur les avocats commis d'office.

La chambre d'appel, saisie par les avocats désignés d'office contre
l'avis de l'ex-président yougoslave, doit se prononcer sur cette
désignation même. En attendant, un certain nombre de témoins ont refusé
de faire de voyage de La Haye et Slobodan Milosevic a de nouveau
demandé mardi à pouvoir "se défendre lui-même".

Franz-Josef Hutsch, journaliste d'investigation notamment pour
l'hebdomadaire "Stern" et des quotidiens allemands, a lui accepté de
déposer pour la défense afin d'évoquer le massacre de 45 personnes dans
le village de Racak, au Kosovo.

L'accusation assure que ce sont des civils qui ont été massacrés par
les troupes serbes. Cette affaire est l'une des principales charges
pesant contre Milosevic dans la partie "Kosovo" de l'acte de son procès.

M. Hutsch a expliqué avoir fait le voyage de Racak en janvier 1999 avec
William Walker, alors à la tête de la Mission de vérification au Kosovo
mise en place par l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en

Il a raconté la découverte dans un ravin près de Racak d'un tas de
corps. M. Hutsch a assuré qu'une centaine de combattants de l'UCK
étaient dans et autour du village lors de sa visite, allant ainsi dans
le sens de la défense. Mais il a ajouté douter que les victimes soient
des miliciens de l'UCK, car elles étaient pour la plupart âgées de plus
de 50 ans.

Le journaliste, qui a passé 14 ans dans l'armée allemande avant
d'entrer dans la presse, a aussi estimé que la guerre au Kosovo avait
été largement mise en scène par l'UCK.


Reprise du procès Milosevic

AP | 12.10.04 | 18:55

LA HAYE, Pays-Bas (AP) -- Le procès de Slobodan Milosevic a repris
mardi devant le Tribunal pénal international (TPI) de La Haye après une
interruption d'un mois. L'ancien président yougoslave, poursuivi pour
crimes de guerre, a demandé une nouvelle fois à pouvoir récuser ses
deux avocats nommés d'office, ce que la cour lui a à nouveau refusé.

Milosevic souhaite assurer lui-même sa défense comme au début de son
procès, mais les médecins le trouvent à présent trop malade pour
continuer à le faire.

Le tribunal a donc nommé deux avocats commis d'office pour le défendre
et, le mois dernier, a ordonné le report du procès pour leur permettre
de préparer la défense de leur client.

Mardi, Slobodan Milosevic a reproché à ses juges de lui offrir que des
«bouts de droits», mais le président du tribunal Patrick Robinson l'a
coupé net en lui lançant: «je ne veux pas de discours».

Le président a ensuite demandé à l'un de ses avocats commis d'office,
Steven Kay, de poursuivre l'interrogatoire d'un journaliste allemand
qui se trouvait au Kosovo en 1999.

Slobodan Milosevic est jugé pour 66 chefs d'accusation de crimes de
guerre pour son rôle dans les conflits qui ont déchiré les Balkans dans
les années 1990, faisant plus de 200.000 morts. Le procès a ouvert en
février 2002. AP

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Quelli che vogliono squartare la Russia (12)


2. CIA analysts predict: Russia will disintegrate into 5-8 states,
while the US will prosper - Pravda.RU


3. AFP: Cyprus Minister Says Chechens Being Trained In North To Strike


4. The link between Chechnya war and Caspian oil
By Brian Becker - Workers World


=== 1 ===


Centro “Principessa Isabella”          
Via Verolengo 210 – Torino

Ore 20.30



  Incontro di Informazione e Dibattito


Domenico Losurdo - Docente Università di Urbino

Mauro Gemma - Nuovi Partigiani della Pace


Movimento Nuovi Partigiani della Pace – Piemonte
Via S. Anselmo 13 – TO (338/1755563) mail:posta@...

=== 2 ===

CIA analysts predict: Russia will disintegrate into 5-8 states, while
the US will prosper - 04/28/2004 19:52

Russia will be instability zone and may disintegrate into 6-8 states,
says the report about the future of the world in the 10 years to come
published on CIA website.

Russia's economic and political isolation is named as the main cause
of its problems.

There is no new information in this report. CIA analysts have been
publishing the same prognosis for Russia since 2000. Earlier, such
prognoses were published as CIA classified information. Probably CIA
analysts do not believe in their prognoses any more and decided to make
them a tool for public foreign policy. In other words, they want to
create the image of an unstable country for Russia.

In fact, Russia's isolation resulted not from the country's policy,
but from the West's failure to give Russia equal opportunities, and
this prognosis is aimed at Russia's begging the West for mercy and
becoming its subordinate.

Certainly, some ideas of the report make sense. Bu even the statement
that the economy based on natural resources, has no future, can be
debated. Hi-tech economy is more perspective, but Russia understands it
without CIA. Russia also realizes that following the West's demand to
make the domestic price for natural gas on the same level with global
prices could devastate the country.

=== 3 ===

Cyprus Minister Says Chechens Being Trained In North To Strike Russia

NICOSIA, Sept 26 (AFP) - Cypriot Justice Minister Doros Theodorou said
in remarks published on Sunday that Chechen terrorists were being
trained in the Turkish-held part of the divided Mediterranean island to
strike Russian targets.

The charges were carried in an interview with the mass circulation
Phileleftheros newspaper.

"There are Chechens and other terrorist groups over there (north) being
trained," Theodorou was quoted by Phileleftheros.

"But we are mainly talking about Chechens who are trained to hit
predominantly Russian targets," he said.

Earlier this month after the Breslan school massacre in southern
Russia, a Greek Cypriot government spokesman denied that the
authorities had any hard evidence of terrorist activity in the
Turkish-held part of the island.

Theodorou insisted that the intellingence reports received by the
internationally-recognised Greek Cypriot government were trustworthy.

He said he would suggest that the government make known the terrorist
threat in the north to the international community, especially the
European Union and the United States.

Both Brussels and Washington are seen as sympathetic to the Turkish
Cypriot cause since Greek Cypriots rejected an UN peace plan at a
referendum in April.

"Our side must establish what illegalities are going on and make the
accusations at every level," said Theodorou.

"Our information is clean and from credible sources and we have every
reason to trust them," he added.

=== 4 ===

The link between Chechnya war and Caspian oil

By Brian Becker

This coming March will mark nine years since the peoples of the 15
republics of the Soviet Union went to the polls to vote for the last
time. The issue could not have been more vital. A simple question was
put before them: Should the Soviet Union dissolve itself, so Russia,
Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Khazakhstan, Tadjikistan and the other
republics would become independent countries?

Boris Yeltsin was the champion of the breakup of the USSR. The Bush
administration fully supported his position on the referendum.

For over a year prior to the vote, U.S. government officials traveled
frequently to Russia to meet with Yeltsin and other dissident leaders.
These diplomatic maneuvers were meant to show the Soviet peoples that
if they voted to break up the socialist federation, they would receive
the friendship of the United States, the end of economic sanctions by
the West, and relief from the danger of a new war.

How did they vote? On March 17, 1991, some 75 percent of the Soviet
people went to the polls. To the shock of Yeltsin and his backers in
Washington, the people of the Soviet Union voted overwhelmingly to
retain the USSR.

Within nine months, however, the Soviet Union was dissolved anyway, as
Yeltsin and the pro-capitalist elements took power.

Great historic developments are never decided at the ballot box. That's
a fantasy promoted by the capitalist ruling class only when it serves
their interests. If an election goes against them, they ignore the
outcome and use other means to accomplish their predatory objectives.

Independent in form but dependent on imperialism

Eight years after they became formally independent, the former
republics of the USSR are economically and militarily dependent on the
United States and the major capitalist countries in Western Europe.

Concretely, governments that function as puppets of Washington and Wall
Street now rule the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan, Georgia and
Kazakhstan. A tiny stratum of the population have become super-rich
proxies for Western corporations while the workers and peasants have
become very poor, suffering from high unemployment and the loss of
rights once guaranteed under the Soviet system.

These three republics all border the Caspian Sea. The Caspian is a
landlocked body of water with no access to any ocean. It contains huge
oil and natural gas deposits.

Before 1991, the Caspian was bordered by the Soviet Union on the east,
west and north. On the south was Iran. Because it was landlocked, the
key to Caspian oil was its transport through an underground pipeline
that traveled through Chechnya and other areas of Russia to the Black

A new U.S. sphere of influence

Washington has now engineered an agreement to build a new oil pipeline
that will carry the Caspian oil directly through Turkey to U.S. oil
tankers in the Mediterranean Sea. It is designed to bypass Russia.

The U.S. hopes to make the Caspian Sea another Persian Gulf--that is,
under total U.S. domination. A consortium of 11 Western oil monopolies,
including BP-Amoco and Exxon, now controls more than 50 percent of all
oil investments in the Caspian. It has agreed to finance the pipeline,
which is likely to cost more than $2 billion by the time it is
completed in 2004.

The U.S. government insisted that the new conduit be built so as to
bypass existing oil pipelines that travel through Chechnya, an
autonomous region of Russia, and other Russian territory. A New York
Times headline of Nov. 20 made the objectives explicit: "U.S. Seeks to
End Russian Domination of the Caspian."

The headline would have been even more accurate if it had read: "U.S.
Seeks to Dominate Caspian Oil."

While it existed, the Soviet Union was the number one producer of oil
and natural gas in the world. Much of its oil and natural gas fields
were located in and around the Caspian Sea. The production from these
fields was even greater than that of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the
United States.

Soviet oil flowing from the Caspian Sea area became a major factor in
the stupendous climb of the USSR, including Russia and the other 14
republics, from impoverished semi-vassal states in 1917 to the world's
second-largest economy in 60 years.

Oil and gas production in the USSR was primarily used to meet the needs
of Soviet society and industry. It was a state-owned industry. It
differed from Exxon-Mobil, Texaco and BP-Amoco in that it was not used
for the enrichment of a class of billionaire investors and owners. Nor
was it used only for domestic consumption. Soviet oil and natural gas
were sold on the world market and became a major source of hard
currency earnings to buy foodstuffs and technology.

Politics is concentrated economics

While the U.S. government championed the cause of "self-determination
and independence" for the various republics and nationalities inside
the USSR, it did so with the political goal of destroying the largest
socialist government. Politics is not an ideological or philosophical
abstraction; it's an _expression of concentrated economics. The
"economics" of imperialism meant turning over the land, labor and
natural resources of the former USSR to profit-making Wall Street

The U.S. capitalist establishment was a vigorous supporter of Boris
Yeltsin and his faction in their struggle to destroy the old socialist
planned economy and the Soviet state.

U.S. billionaires did not do this as a favor to the nascent capitalist
class in Russia, but for their own reasons. They didn't want a strong
and prosperous capitalist Russia. They wanted to exploit Russia the way
they do Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. This is the
ABCs of a Marxist understanding of U.S. foreign policy.

A new partition of global markets

Did Yeltsin and his anti-communist followers really think that the
assistance they got from the U.S. government and Wall Street was
motivated by a yearning for "individual freedom"? Or was the new
Russian bourgeoisie too busy lining its pockets with the sale of
privatized socialist property to care about the larger U.S.
geopolitical designs to permanently weaken Russia after the Soviet
Union was dissolved? If so, they can't help but notice now.

Yeltsin's Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev complained at a Nov. 12 press
conference that "The U.S. strategy toward Russia is aimed at weakening
its international position and ousting it from strategically important
regions of the world, above all the Caspian region, the Trans Caucasus
and Central Asia."

He was defending Russia's use of military force in its fight against
pro-Western separatist forces in Chechnya and Dagestan. Both are
strategic regions in Russia located close to the Caspian Sea.

Yeltsin and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin justify their massive
military attacks against the separatist forces in Chechnya on the
grounds that those fighting for an independent Chechnya are "bandits
and terrorists."

In early August 1999, a force of more than 1,000 fighters from Chechnya
under the leadership of Shamil Basayev entered the neighboring region
of Dagestan. The timing of the invasion is noteworthy. The Russian
crude-oil pipeline monopoly Transneft had lost control of the main
crude-oil pipeline running across Chechnya from Baku, in Azerbaijan on
the Caspian Sea, to the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. The
Russians closed that pipeline and were attempting to move the oil by
rail through Dagestan at the time of the Chechen invasion in early

Was the Chechnyan invasion of Dagestan part of a larger conspiracy by
the United States to detach the countries surrounding the Caspian Sea
from Russia? This is certainly what the Russian government now fears is
happening. The U.S. government would like a "permanent smoldering of a
manageable armed conflict [resulting] in a weakened Russia that will
help the U.S. obtain full control over the Northern Caucasus," stated
Russian Defense Minister Sergeyev at his press conference

The U.S. is attempting to do to Russia now precisely what they have
done in the past decade to Yugoslavia. In Yugoslavia, the U.S. used the
loan and credit practices of the International Monetary Fund and the
World Bank to foster the break-up of a multinational socialist state.
Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia could receive credit and investment only
to the extent that they broke away from federal Yugoslavia.

At the same time the CIA and other covert operations stimulated
national and ethnic rivalries by arming nationalist and separatist
groupings in each ethnic community.

Yeltsin and his advisers saw the U.S. seize Kosovo in Yugoslavia,
making that province into a virtual protectorate. They certainly feared
that the U.S. and NATO could do the same in the Caucasus. In fact,
Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev recently invited NATO to intervene
in its dispute with Armenia. Azerbaijan's capital city of Baku is the
center of oil production in the Caspian Sea.

Socialist construction was the answer

The U.S. media portrays the ethnic struggles raging in Yugoslavia and
the former USSR as the incurable condition of human nature.

But the former territories of the USSR are not simply a collection of
nationalities. Classes exist in these areas, just as in the United
States, Britain, Germany and Japan.

In the Caucasus, the most multinational part of Russia, millions of
workers and peasants enjoyed unity under the USSR. They sought
internationalism and working-class unity against the parasitic elite
groupings who promoted a reactionary nationalism so that they could
help imperialism exploit the home market.

It was precisely in the Caucasus in 1996 that the Communist vote in the
last parliamentary election was greater than in any other part of
Russia: 66 percent in Dagestan, 63 percent in North Ossetia, and 57
percent in Karachoy Cherkessia.

The workers and peasants of the Caucasus and the south Asian republics
of the USSR voted in the 1991 referendum to maintain the Soviet Union
as a unitary state because they had a long and bitter experience of
what imperialist-sponsored "independence" meant. The last time they
were "independent," in 1918-1920, British, Turkish and German troops
moved in their armies and put communist workers before the firing squad.

Yeltsin wants to prevent the U.S. takeover of the Caspian Sea and the
Caucasus, but he is unable to reach these workers with a message of
genuine anti-imperialist solidarity. Yeltsin represents the Russian
bourgeoisie that wants to exploit the Caucasus. He represents a
throwback to the days of czarist oppression when Russia served as an
instrument of national oppression.

Yeltsin can offer only bombs and tanks. But this will fail. National
oppression and division cannot be overcome through force. Only the
reforging of socialist solidarity, including the militant defense of
the right of self-determination, can overcome imperialist manipulation.

Lenin and the early Bolshevik Party offered proletarian
internationalism in place of bourgeois nationalism and the
divide-and-conquer imperialist manipulation of ethnic rivalries. In
their famous appeal at the Baku Conference of 1918, the Bolsheviks
electrified the poor and attracted a mass following from all
nationalities in the region with this unique message:

"Muslims in Russia, Tartars of the Volga and the Crimea, Kirgiz,
Kazakhs, and Sarts of Siberia and Turkestan, Turks and Tartars of
Transcaucasia, Chechens and Mountaineers of the Caucasus, and all you
whose mosques and oratories have been destroyed, whose beliefs and
customs have been trampled under foot by the Czars and the oppressors
of Russia: Your beliefs and customs, your national and cultural
institutions are henceforth free and inviolable. Organize your life in
complete freedom. You have the right. Know that your rights, like all
the peoples of Russia, are under the powerful safeguard of the
revolution and of its organs, the Soviets of workers, soldiers, and
peasants. Lend your support to this revolution and to its government."

The revolutionary struggle to revive socialism in the lands of the
former Soviet Union, while directed first and foremost at imperialism
and its lackeys, must make Lenin's pledge a reality by rejecting
Russian chauvinism and respecting the national rights of all peoples.

- END -

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[ Dalla "centrale" belgradese del Comitato Internazionale per la Difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic - ICDSM - giungono quattro appelli, rivolti al
governo serbo, al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU, all'Ordine degli
Avvocati dell'Inghilterra e del Galles, al Parlamento della Serbia, e
naturalmente alla opinione pubblica internazionale e soprattutto agli
amici della nostra causa: questi ultimi, perche' contribuiscano
attivamente, con donazioni, alla difesa di Milosevic e dunque al
ripristino della legalita' e della verita' sulla tragedia jugoslava. (a
cura di ICDSM Italia) ]

Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
Data: Mar 12 Ott 2004  20:25:23 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Four Appeals from Sloboda

1. To the Serbian Government, to the UN Security Council and to the
international public
2. To the Bar Council of England and Wales
3. To the Serbian Parliament
4. Joint Sloboda/ICDSM Fundraising Appeal

APPEAL of the

On its Session of 11 September 2004 the Assembly of the FREEDOM
Association - The National Committee for Liberation of the President
Slobodan Milosevic - deliberated the commencement of the defence case -
the second phase of the process against long term President of the
Republic of Serbia and FR Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic, which begun on
31 August 2004.
Special attention has been paid to the decision of the "Trial Chamber"
of the Hague "Tribunal" to impose a defence counsel on President
Milosevic against his will, and by that, to deprive him of the right of
defence. After the matter had been duly considered by the Assembly with
participation of the prominent legal experts, the Assembly adopted the


To the Governments of Serbia and State Community of Serbia and
to the United Nations Security Council and to the international public

The decision of the "Trial Chamber" of the Hague "Tribunal" of 2
September 2004 to impose a defence counsel on President Milosevic, thus
depriving him of possibility to defend himself, has been strongly
condemned not only by legal experts at home and abroad, but also by all
people of good-will who are dedicated to legality and justice.

In addition to the fact that the Hague "Tribunal" had been founded in
an illegal manner, the decision of the "Trial Chamber" represents a
flagrant violation of the Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights which provides that an accused is entitled to a "public
trial during which all necessary guarantees for his defence will be

The decision also violates the Article 6 of the European Convention on
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. That article provides for the
right to a fair trial before an independent and impartial court
"established in accordance with the law". Article 6 also guarantees an
accused the right to defend himself in person or to have an assistance
of defence counsel of his own choosing. That right is guaranteed also
by the most important international document in this field, the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in its Article 14.

The right of an accused person to defend himself in person is also
expressly guaranteed by the Article 21, paragraph 4, of the Statute of
the Hague "Tribunal", and the Statute had been adopted by the UN
Security Council.
Again, the said provision provides a defendant with the right to defend
himself in person or have a defence counsel of his own choosing.

In spite of the fact that Slobodan Milosevic continually reinstates his
decision to defend himself in person, the "Trial Chamber" imposed Mr.
Stephen Kay and Ms. Gillian Higgins as his defence counsel. This has
been resolutely rejected by President Milosevic.

The decision of the Hague "Tribunal" has been met with consternation
and strong condemnation by legal expert across the globe. In this
respect, we recall the August 2004 Petition signed by over 90 law
professors and lawyers from 17 countries. The Petition was addressed to
the President of the UN Security Council and to other UN organs. The
Petition was an appeal and attempt to prevent the shameful decision of
the "Tribunal". In spite of this, the decision to impose the defence
counsel has been made, causing bitter protests from legal experts from
the USA, Canada, Russia, France, Italy and other countries.

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association stresses that the imposition of
defence counsel on President Slobodan Milosevic against his clearly
expressed will represents the flagrant violation of his basic human
rights guaranteed not only by international conventions, but also by
the Statute of the "Tribunal". The decision proves the "Tribunal's"
fear of the truth which will come out and its admission of defeat in
this process, during which it failed to prove any of the false and
shameful allegations against President Milosevic.

The decision of the so-called Hague "Tribunal", which pretends to fight
"the gross violations of international humanitarian law" has shown to
the world that, in fact, the "Tribunal" itself violates the basic human
rights, including those guaranteed by its own Statute. Defence counsel
imposed on Slobodan Milosevic are not his lawyers, but represent a new
tool of the prosecution and the "Trial Chamber" whose common goal is to
silence the truth and put the blame for the violent destruction of
Yugoslavia and crimes against the Serbian people on President Milosevic
and Serbian people itself.
Thus the illegal "Tribunal" showed once again that it is not a court of
law and justice, but a political tool of the USA and NATO which is used
in an attempt to justify the aggression against the FR Yugoslavia and
in order to provide a cover for numerous crimes against its peoples.

Considering all this, the Assembly of the FREEDOM Association demands
the authorities of Serbia and the State Community of Serbia and
Montenegro to take all necessary steps in order to protect the basic
human rights of Slobodan Milosevic, as a citizen of this country whose
rights have been flagrantly violated and taken away from him by the
recent decision of the "Tribunal".

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association calls upon the UN Security
Council to act without delay and suspend the decision of its subsidiary
body - the Hague "Tribunal" - since that decision represents a flagrant
violation of the Security Council Resolution by which the Statute of
the "Tribunal" had been adopted.

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association also calls upon the
international public and media to resolutely and firmly condemn the
injustice committed by the Hague "Tribunal", the injustice which is
directed not only against the freedom and sovereignty of the Serbian
people, but also against the peace and equality in the world. Such
body, established in contravention of the UN Charter, and its practice,
have nothing in common with the higher ground of international law and

The "Tribunal" should be abolished without delay and President
Milosevic set free at once.

Done in Belgrade on 11 September 2004

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association - The National Committee for
the Liberation of President Slobodan Milosevic


Sloboda/Freedom Association - Member of the World Peace Council
Belgrade, Rajiceva 16    tel./fax +381 11 630 549

To: Mr. Stephen Irwin QC
General Council of the Bar
289-293 High Holborn
Belgrade, September 30, 2004
Via fax No: 020-78319217


Dear Mr. Irwin,

We are writing to express our deepest concern about the acceptance of
Mr. Stephen Kay and Ms. Gillian Higgins of the role of imposed defence
counsel and co-counsel in the Milosevic case before Trial Chamber III
of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY). We understand that Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins are members of The
Bar Council of England and Wales and are subject to the Rules of your
Code of Conduct.

As you are very well aware the right of an accused to defend himself in
person, as well as to have a counsel of his own choice, is guaranteed
by numerous international human rights instruments. These rights are,
for instance, provided for by Article 6 of the European Convention on
Human Rights, Article 8 of the Inter-American Convention on Human
Rights, as well as by Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights. The said Article of the Covenant also ensures an
accused the right to personally examine the defence witnesses under the
same conditions as witnesses of the prosecution. In addition, Article
21 (d) and (e) of the Statute of the ICTY expressly provides an accused
with the right to defend himself in person. We hope that you, dear Sir,
share our view that these rights represent ius cogens. The very
intention of the Trial Chamber III of the ICTY to impose a counsel on
President Slobodan Milosevic, as an unwilling accused, has been
challenged recently by 100 lawyers and law professors from several
countries (please find here attached their joint petition).

Our concern lies in the fact that Mr. Kay's and Ms. Higgins' acceptance
of the role of imposed counsel of Mr. Milosevic may represent the case
of professional misconduct in accordance with Paragraph 303 (a) of the
Code of Conduct (Part III - Fundamental Principles). According to this
Paragraph, a barrister must promote and protect his client's best
interests. In the situation in which Mr. Milosevic himself claims that
to impose a defence counsel on him represents the breach of his basic
human rights, as well as that he expressly contends that such an
imposition is against his best interests, it is our opinion that Mr.
Kay and Ms. Higgins are not acting in their »client's« best interests.

We are also concerned that this represents the case of professional
embarrassment. And indeed, in the submission to the ICTY filed on 13
August 2004 entitled »Amici Cuiae Submissions in Response to the Trial
Chamber's Further Order on Future Conduct of the Trial Concerning
Assignment of Defence Counsel«, which we attach for your attention, the
then Amici Curiae Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins state: »...given the
consistent stance taken by the Amici Curiae against the imposition of
counsel upon an unwilling Accused, it is submitted that a situation of
professional embarrassment may arise if the Amici Curiae were asked to
assume that role...« and that »...conversion of the role of the Amici
Curiae to imposed or assigned counsel would alter the original role
considerably and could be interpreted as professional embarrassing...«
(p.13 and 14 of the Submission). In spite of such stance, the former
Amici Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins accepted the role of defence counsel of
an unwilling Mr. Milosevic.

We ask you, dear Sir, to deliberate the matter and decide whether the
acceptance of your members Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins to be the imposed
defence counsel on an unwilling Mr. Milosevic represents the violation
of your Code of Conduct. We here also have in view your Annex A: The
International Practice Rules, Paragraph 2, and Article 9 of the Code of
the Professional Conduct of Defence Counsel of the ICTY.

Thanking you for your attention, I remain

Yours sincerely

Professor Mirko Zurovac
Chairman of the Assembly of the Freedom Association - National
Committee for the Liberation of President Slobodan Milosevic


Sloboda/Freedom Association
Member of the World Peace Council
Belgrade, 13 October 2004


The Freedom Association has submitted to the parliamentary factions of
the Serbian Radical Party, the Democratic Party of Serbia and the
Socialist Party of Serbia in the National Assembly of the Republic of
Serbia an initiative to adopt, in urgent procedure, a Resolution
against the human rights violations by the Hague tribunal.

The initiative emphasizes that the recent depriving of President
Slobodan Milosevic of his right to defence represents a peak of the
many-years practice of negation and violation of human rights by the
tribunal. This practice had as a consequence, inter alia, the loss of
at least seven human lives.

The Freedom Association demands also a set up of a Parliamentary
Investigative Commission and an experts' team to prepare an extensive
professional report on human rights violations by the tribunal to be
submitted to the United Nations.

In the reasons for the initiative it is also said that its acceptance
would considerably strengthen the position of our country before the
political pressures connected with the "cooperation" with the tribunal.


Sofia-New York-Moscow

SLOBODA/FREEDOM ASSOCIATION - Member of the World Peace Council


After the Hague tribunal declared war on International Law by banning
the defense of President Milosevic, our activities for his liberation
and the restoration of freedom and national sovereignty for the Serbian
people must be reorganized and intensified.

We need legal professional work more than ever, so the creation of
conditions for that is the imperative of the moment.

The petition of 100 lawyers and law professors from 17 countries ( )  and other activities of ICDSM
Legal Committee produced a public effect incomparable to any other our
previous action.

President Milosevic has truth and law on his side. In order to use that
advantage to achieve his freedom, we must fight the totally discredited
tribunal and its patrons through professionally conducted actions,
which would involve Bar Associations, the European Court, the UN organs
in charge and media.

Our practice had shown that ad hoc voluntary work is not enough to deal
properly with these tasks. The funds secured in Serbia are barely
enough to cover the living expenses and work of President Milosevic's
legal associates at The Hague (one at the present time). The funds
secured by the German section of the ICDSM (still the only one
providing regular contributions) are enough only to cover the minimal
additional work at The Hague connected with contacts and preparations
of the foreign witnesses. Everything else is unfunded.

3000-5000 EUR per month is our immediate need. History and people
oblige us to go on with necessary action. But without these funds this
will not be possible.

Please organize urgently fundraising activity and send the donations to
the following ICDSM accounts:

Peter Betscher
Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Darmstadt, Germany
IBAN: DE 21 5085 0150 0102 1441 63


Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität (VIS)
4000 Basel, Switzerland
PC 40-493646-5

All your donations will be used for legal and other necessary
accompanying activities, on instruction or with consent of President
Milosevic. To obtain additional information on the use of your
donations or to obtain additional advice on the most efficient way to
submit your donations or to make bank transfers, please do not hesitate
to contact us:

Peter Betscher (ICDSM Treasurer) E-mail: peter_betscher @
Phone: +49 172 7566 014

Vladimir Krsljanin (ICDSM Secretary) E-mail: slobodavk @
Phone: +381 63 8862 301

ICDSM and Sloboda have to address governments, international human
rights and legal organizations, to launch legal proceedings. ICDSM
plans a legal conference at The Hague. Sloboda has just sent to the
patriotic factions in the Serbian Parliament an initiative to adopt a
parliamentary Resolution against the human rights violations by the
Hague tribunal and to form an international experts team to make an
extensive report on these violations which would be submitted to the UN.

By truth and law against aggression!
Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!
Freedom and equality for people!

On behalf of Sloboda and ICDSM,

Vladimir Krsljanin,
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (US section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (ICDSM Italy) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)