
(una intervista al generale sloveno Kranjac, rilasciata nel 1998, sulla cospirazione ed i tradimenti all'origine della cancellazione della RSFJ)

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:21:04 +0200
From: revolucionarnibiro javnegainformiranja 

ovaj inteviju sa generalom Kranjcem je objavilo DELO 1998


Zakaj se niste priključili TO Sloveniji oziroma Janši? Zakaj nobeden od generalov JLA ni hotel sodelovati z njim oziroma z RŠTO?

Končno, »Janševa vojna« (po Zimmermannu) sploh ni bila prava vojna (politiki iz Italije so govorili o mali in operetni vojni). S tisto »trapasto« akcijo JLA (po dr. Bogdanu Deniću) slovenska TO res ni imela resnejših težav (ker general Kolšek ni hotel »udariti« z vso močjo!). Končno, slovenske (in vse druge) častnike so usposobili prav generali z beograjsko vojaško akademijo. Usposobili so jih vedno vrhunsko, saj je bila ravno slovenska TO deležna najvišjih ocen in pohval vojaških inšpekcij iz Beograda.

Slovenski vojaki – mornarji, podčastniki, častniki in generali – admirali smo bili tudi individualno med najboljšimi v vseh tujerodnih vojskah, pa tudi v JLA! Tega se nismo nikdar sramovali, pa tudi ne beograjske vojaške akademije. Svoje pač nismo imeli!  Zakaj se to očita samo generalom? Zakaj se to ne očita množici znanstvenikov, ki so po razne nazive in doktorate hodili v južne republike! Ali pa politikom, ki so prav radi hodili proti Beogradu, pa so še vedno na oblasti!?

Zakaj se nisem pridružil Janši? In seveda vsi ostali generali in polkovniki? Tudi Janša se je že večkrat javno vprašal, zakaj se je od tridesetih Slovencev – polkovnikov in generalov JLA, samo en polkovnik (pravnik?) priključil njemu oziroma Ršto. Kakšni so pravi vzroki takšnega nedomoljubnega odnosa večine visokih predstavnikov slovenske vojaške inteligence? Vse bivše republike so angažirale generale JLA za vodenje svojih nacionalnih armad, le Slovenija se je temu zavestno odpovedala! Zakaj? 

Po mojem mnenju bodo zgodovinarji morali upoštevati dva vzroka. Prvi je psihološke narave – sam Janša, kot idejni vodja napadov na JLA in član procesuirane četverice, obramboslovec, pa republiški sekretar za LO in potem še prvi obrambni minister RS! Trdim: če bi bil  na njegovo mesto postavljen dr. Anton Bebler, kakor smo mnogi pričakovali, za načelnika Ršto pa generalmajor Milovan Zorc, bi vsi aktivni  generali in drugi častniki  JLA takoj prestopili na slovensko stran! O tem smo takrat zaupno razpravljali v ožjih krogih, pa tudi vse naknadne ankete bi potrdile to predpostavko! 

Drugi razlog sega v obdobje začetka in sredine 1990, ko so Janša in njegovi pomočniki (sicer vsi moji dobri »znanci«) nestrokovno začeli in vodili, doslej nepoznano operativno akcijo "vrbovanja" oziroma pridobivanja slovenskih generalov in višjih častnikov, da so nas vse skupaj prav hitro spravili pod kontrolo Varnostne službe JLA! Vsak je doživel glede tega kar grenke pa tudi neprijetne trenutke. Naj navedem zato svoj primer: sredi 1990  je Politična uprava Zslo (seveda, ob sodelovanjuvarnostne) iz Beograda poslala vsem poveljnikom korpusov strogo zaupno depešo z nalogo, da naj osebno in takoj opravijo temeljite pogovore z vsemi slovenskim generali, častniki in podčastniki, in ugotovijo, koga so "janševci" že pridobili za slovensko republiško armado!

Seveda, organi vojaške varnosti so nad vsemi Slovenci takoj vzpostavili operativno kontrolo! Torej, tudi nad menoj! Ker sem bil v bitoljskem korpusu edini Slovenec, obenem pa tudi načelnik štaba korpusa, poveljnik ni imel veliko dela, še posebej, ker so pred tem beograjske Večernje novosti objavile grobi napad Janševe in Bavčarjeve Demokracije na mene osebno, da sem celo od Zslo zahteval pravno zaščito! Poveljnik korpusa je zato zapisal in sporočil v Beograd: "Generalmajor Kranjc ne bi nikdar sprejel sodelovanja v kakršnikolih republiških armadah, in kot sam pravi, genetsko ne bi mogel služiti novokomponiranim belogardistom, ustašem, četnikom in drugim!"

Bil sem prvi slovenski general, ki je takrat uspel zapustiti JLA, ker pač nisem želel sodelovati pri podiranju domin. Vedno mi je bil v podzavesti opomin Vidoja Žarkovića! V kasnejšem razbijanju Jugoslavije (po Mesiću) so pripadniki JLA doživljali največje travme in osebne drame: na pozive svojih nacionalnih liderjev in republiških voditeljev (še vsi so na oblasti!) so se morali na hitro opredeljevati in uperiti orožje proti svojim dovčerajšnjim tovarišem in prijateljem. Trilogija Vojna izljubezni Marije Vogrič je izjemen dokaz tega časa, predvsem pa krivde politikov in njihovih pomagačev iz tujine. 

Nemški novinar in raziskovalec Erich Schmidt - Eeboom v svoji knjigi Schattenkrieger na strani 229 jasno zapiše, da so zahodnonemški obveščevalci imeli tesne kontakte s »skoraj vsemi osebnostmi, ki so po letu 1990 v Sloveniji in Hrvaški zasedli pomembne politične, publicistične in varnostne funkcije«. Zgodovina bo seveda neusmiljena sodnica. Za sodelavce tujih obveščevalnih služb, kakor tudi za medijske pogrome (napade na JLA) in razne manipulacije, desettisoče  pohabljenih, zaklanih in ubitih, na milijone razseljenih in s sovraštvom ožganih duš! Sramota!

Ko je nič krivi šolski tovariš in makedonski general Pavlov kot zadnji pripadnik »agresorske« vojske zapuščal v Kopru slovensko ozemlje, verjetno ni mogel dojeti, kako so nas nacionalistični politiki grdo prevarali in začeli razdruževati svoje podanike in narode z vojno, namesto da so to storili na kulturen in sporazumen način! Mesec dni prej mi je rekel: "Vedi, da proti Slovencem ne bi nikdar vodil prave vojne! O ničemer nisem odločal! Vsi načrti so prišli iz Beograda v zaprtih ovojnicah. Skrbel sem samo, da ne bi bilo žrtev na obeh straneh... Vsi vojaki so bili naši otroci!"

Ali Vas je bilo kdaj sram kot oficirja, da ste Slovenec?

Samo enkrat! Takrat, ko je po kulturnem mitingu, 2l. junija 1988 okrog 23.00, večja skupina precej razgretih demonstrantov hrupno prišla pred vojašnico na Metelkovi! Ker sem pričakoval tudi kakšen izgred, sem naročil, naj se dogodek javno dokumentira z videokamero. Kopijo smo poslali tudi republiškemu vodstvu! Vendar o tem dogodku mediji niso poročali, pa čeprav so bili na kraju dogodka. Torej, ni bilo sram samo mene!

Ali Vas je bilo kdaj sram kot načelnika varnostne službe 9. armade oziroma ali ste kdaj morali delovati proti slovenskim interesom?

V varnostni službi JLA sem bil v Sloveniji bil od 1969 do 1987, še prej pa sem bil od 1959 v Šibeniku, Odredu JNA na Sinaju, Splitu in Puli, pa sem tako 1985. prejel tudi Plaketo varnosti za 25-letno delo v Vs JLA. Nikdar nisem deloval proti slovenskim, pa tudi ne proti interesom drugih narodov in narodnosti. Pretežno sem delal v specializiranih protiobveščevalnih organih (Kog), kjer smo se izključno ukvarjali z odkrivanjem tuje obveščevalne in druge agenture. Seveda smo pri tem dokaj tesno sodelovali z organi Sdv na terenu. Glede tega imam čisto vest, saj smo se vedno in povsod dosledno držali ustavnih in zakonskih pooblastil! 

Bil sem odločno proti podiranju domin in agresivnemu nacionalizmu, tudi slovenskemu (predvsem iz vrst slovenske politične emigracije, ker sem vedel, da za njimi stojijo določeni interesi tujih obveščevalnih služb). Vsi smo zelo dobro vedeli za krvave zgodovinske izkušnje pri reševanju nacionalnih vprašanj, prekrajanju meja in razbijanju skupne države! Samo neodgovorni vodje in ideologi raznih ekstremnih skupin, tudi razumniških, ne pomislijo na človeške žrtve, ki jih navadno povzročijo tudi povsem »navadni« apeli, peticije in protesti!

Zgodovinarji naj preverijo ... Resnica bo prej ali slej prišla na dan! Kakor prihajajo na dan razne zgodbe o osamosvajanju, mentorjih, tujih botrih in podobnih rečeh!

Seveda obsojam vse množične maščevalne in izvensodne poboje domobrancev in drugihkolaborantov in kvizlingov, kakor tudi njihovih simpatizerjev in sodelavcev – civilistov, kakor tudi zločinske poboje ujetih in ranjenih partizanov, sodelavcev in simpatizerjev NOV, edinih zgodovinsko priznanih zavezniških sil na Slovenskem! Krivdo naj ne izrekajo politiki, njo bo najbolj pravično opredelila zgodovina!

Zanima me, kaj menite o vlogi admirala Broveta in generala Kolška?

Verjetno bo odgovor presenetljiv! Ko bodo zgodovinarji razgrnili vse relevantne činitelje osamosvajanja Slovenije, bodo zanamci obema v zahvalo postavili tudi spomenik! Kajti: admiral Brovet je v Zslo miril »jastrebe« in podpisal Brionsko deklaracijo, general Kolšek pa je s svojim ravnanjem rešil Slovenijo vojnih grozot in razdejanja, z njegovo odstavitvijo pa se je de facto začel razpad JLA! Zdaj pa mu celo kratijo socialne pravice... 

Danes zlasti oficirji iz drugih jugoslovanskih republik skušajo doumeti, kako je pravzaprav prišlo do razpada Jugoslavije. Vi ste lahko spremljali razvoj dogodkov »od znotraj« (opravljali ste visoke dolžnosti v varnostni službi JLA), obenem pa svoje ugotovitve tudi oblikujete v besedilu (knjigi), ki ga pripravljate za objavo. Ali lahko v kontekstu globalnega ideološkega spopada med zahodom in vzhodom, kapitalizmom in socializmom, opredelite svoj pogled na razpad Jugoslavije?

Čeprav imamo spominska pričevanja skoraj vseh glavnih akterjev razpada Jugoslavije, je skoraj sigurno, da bo lahko stroka (zgodovinska) šele z določene časovne razdalje in na podlagi podatkov iz tajnih arhivov (sedaj zaprtih) razjasnila prave vzroke, pa tudi krivce tega razpada.

Vsekakor pričevanja treh zadnjih predsednikov Predsedstva SFRJ – Stipeta Mesića, Borivoja Jovića in dr. Janeza Drnovška, zlasti pa armadnega generala Veljka Kadijevića, 1993 (Moje vidjenje raspada) in poslednjega ameriškega ambasadorja v Beogradu, Warrena Zimmermanna, 1997 (Izvori jedne katastrofe), predstavljajo dobro osnovo in fond podatkov za podrobne študije in analize, seveda če odmislimo prizadevanja avtorjev, da polepšajo svojo »resnico«oziroma namerno plasirajo neresnice! Zdi se, da je najbolj iskreno priznal svojo »razbijaško« vlogo Stipe Mesić, medtem ko je ameriški ambasador Zimmermann, ki je koordiniral to razbijanje »od zunaj«, cinično prevalil krivdo na »notranje« faktorje, predvsem na nacionalistične republiške voditelje ali kakor jih imenuje »podleže, ki so krivi za rušenje multietnične Jugoslavije, za izzivanje treh vojn in nesreče dvajset milijonov ljudi …«  Sprenevedanje pa tako!

Njegova teza, da jugoslovanska katastrofa ni rezultat propada komunizma na koncu hladne vojne, verjetno ne bo držala! Namreč, ko bodo čez nekaj desetletij odpirali ameriške tajne arhive, bodo morali zgodovinarji preveriti tudi velik del »zunanje«, torej tudi ameriške (zahodne) podpore in krivde, in sicer:

obstoj tajnih protokolov in dodatkov k Jaltskemu sporazumu in način njihove realizacije;

elemente »Načrta  X«, sprejetega 1948 v Vatikanu o preprečevanju širjenja komunizma na Zahod;

elemente  načrta  »Dan – D« (posttitovsko obdobje) o destabilizaciji Jugoslavije (in balkanske regije);

dokumentacijo ameriške ambasade v Beogradu, predvsem analitična poročila in

dokumentacijo ameriških obveščevalnih in drugih specializiranih služb o agenturnih in drugih pozicijah v Jugoslaviji in med pripadniki politične emigracije.

Ker sem imel vpogled v mnoge operativne dokumente in agenturne podatke, seveda ne morem iz etičnih razlogov podrobneje obravnavati to problematiko, pa čeprav jo delno potrjujejo že objavljena publicistična dela. Tako sem imel priložnost brati interno knjigo »Špijun u mantiji«, izpoved katoliškega duhovnika dr. Krunoslava Draganovića, enega najbolj sposobnih agentov (Cie in Vatikana) na svetu, ki je 1967 prisilno priveden iz Italije v Slovenijo in predan Sdv  BiH. Zaradi zgodovinske vrednosti njegovih  izpovedi posebej o delovanju Cie proti Jugoslaviji in o vatikanskem »podganskem kanalu« (po katerem so ustaši in drugi nacisti odhajali v Južno Ameriko), Draganović ni bil sojen in je 1982 umrl v Sarajevu. Nekateri poznavalci menijo, da je to bil, poleg še vedno prikrite vloge Kurta Walheima, eden od največjih uspehov jugoslovanske varnostne službe! Menijo namreč, da je bil Draganović najboljši tajni sodelavec Ozne!

Če je Cia že 1980 risala »mape« o razkosanju Jugoslavije in  1990 v analitični študiji predvidela »krvavi razpad Jugoslavije v naslednjih 18 mesecih«, potem je tudi nedvoumno jasno, da je morala imeti izvrstne agenturne in prijateljske vire (nekateri člani Predsedstva SFRJ in voditelji posameznih republik so to tudi javno povedali, pa tudi ambasador Zimmermann ni skrival vseh svojih virov)! Iz obveščevalne prakse pa dobro vemo, kakšne načrte innaloge je imela Cia, da bi realizirala globalne načrte in naloge ameriške politike po razpadu Sovjetske zveze in Varšavskega pakta! Za takšno dejavnost so seveda potrebni podrobni scenariji, načrti in  konkretne naloge, da denarja ne omenjam!. 

Šlo je torej za vodeno ali dirigirano destabilizacijo Jugoslavije! Razkroj Romunije smo lahko celo spremljali preko CNN! Tudi ostale tuje obveščevalne službe niso držale prekrižanih rok. Nemški raziskovalni novinar Erich Schmitd - Eenboom je celo zapisal, da je Kinkel, bivši šef Bnd in sedanji zunanji minister, imel v Sloveniji in naHrvaškem izvrstne pozicije na »politični, publicistični in obveščevalni« ravni! Torej, zgodovinarje čakajo številne naloge, ko se bodo odpirali tuji diplomatski in obveščevalni arhivi!

Mnogi jugoslovanski generali, predvsem iz partizanske generacije, menijo, da je šlo za nepotrebno in brezsmisleno bojevanje (generalpolkovnik v pok. Ilija Radaković), ki je narodom Jugoslavije prineslo samo nesrečo in zlo za nekaj prihodnjih generacij (dr. Fadil Ademović). Tudi sam sem bil za miren razhod, razvezo, po zgledu Makedonije ali pa Slovaške! Šele zgodovina bo dokazala kdo je podrl prvo domino oziroma kdo je bil kriv za razpad Jugoslavije: ali nacionalistično usmerjeni republiški voditelji (po Zimmermannu) ali pa interesi tujih sil in sosedov, kakor tudi kapitala in vojaško-tehnološkega kompleksa (Partnerstvo za mir, širitev Nata na vzhod in podobno).

Kako bi strokovno označili osamosvojitveno vojno v Sloveniji?

Politično je izraz posrečen inovativni nadomestek za secesijsko ali odcepitveno vojno. Da ni šlo za pravo vojno, so potrdili priznani tuji in domači vojaški strokovnjaki (pokojni generalpolkovnik Stane Potočar). Zlonamerneži so celo govorili o operetni, mali ali tudi samo psihološki vojni. Osebno menim, da je šlo za najbolj »trapasto vojno« (dr. Bogdan Denić) po načrtih »jastrebov« v GŠ JLA, pa čeprav tudi ambasador Zimmerman pravi, da je bila JLA izprovocirana! Kdo jo je vseeno vsilil, bodo pokazali domači in tuji arhivi.

Po novejših vojaških doktrinah (ameriški LIC) je najbolj ustrezen izraz »notranja (desetdnevna) vojna« ali »vojaško-policijski spopad« (po vrsti oboroženih enot) oziroma še bolj natančno: »mejno-carinski spopad«, ker je po cilju in karakterju šlo za mejno – carinske zadeve. Dejansko tudi ni bilo nobenega večjega operativno-taktičnega boja, temveč je šlo za manjše spopade za stražnice in objekte na komunikacijah. 

Ker ste očitno dober analitik, me zanima ali so se kakšne Vaše prognoze tudi uresničile?

Žal. Sredi leta 1990 sem v zahtevi za upokojitev navedel, da bodo na oblast prišle retrogradne desničarske sile (s podporo tujine!. Ko pa se je začela vojna v BiH sem v slučajnem srečanju visokemu cerkvenemu dostojanstveniku napovedal, da bo šlo za versko vojno (to je potem potrdil tudi Dobrica Čosić, jugoslovanski predsednik) in da bo število žrtev progresivno raslo, od 2.000 do 200.000 mrtvih in 2 milijona pregnanih!

Kateri elementi po Vašem mnenju dokazujejo, da je (bil) Balkan na neki način poligon za preverjanje in preizkušanje sodobnih vojaških doktrin, posebno doktrine spopadov nizke intenzivnosti?

Imel sem izjemno priliko, da sem kot drugi kandidat za generalski čin (prvi je bil pokojni generalmajor Miraž Stožinić) dobil nalogo, da podrobno preučim sodobne vojaške doktrine, posebno ameriško doktrino spopadov nizke intenzivnosti. Dobil sem celo na vpogled prevod njihovega doktrinarnega dokumenta in vso drugo literaturo! Naloge sem se lotil temeljito. 

Na podlagi komparativne analize vojaških in drugih spopadov po II. svetovni vojni sem prišel do sklepa da so Američani, Rusi in drugi na podlagi svojih in drugih izkušenj koncipirali sodobno in ofenzivno vojaško doktrino, s katero je mogoče doseči strateške cilje tudi in predvsem z nebojnim delovanjem. Inovativno sem celo predlagal t. i. nestična delovanja za vsa bojno-elektronska delovanja z razdalje (pametne rakete, laserski in satelitski sistemi).

Zaradi vse hitrejšega vojaško-tehnološkega razvoja se doktrine in posamezni podsistemi preverjajo po računalniških modelih, pa tudi na terenu, na poligonih. Teoretične osnove njihove doktrine spopadov nizke intenzivnosti (LIC – Low Intensity Conflict), predvsem pa podrobnosti o notranji obrambi, pomoči, pritiskih in intervencijah, aplicirani na vsa dogajanja v Jugoslaviji in celotnem Balkanu, so me prepričale, da je Balkan pravzaprav poligon za preverjanje in preizkušanje učinkovitosti te sodobne vojaške doktrine! 

Gre predvsem za dva strateška dosežka: Američani (Nato) so brez boja (prek mirovnih operacij) prišli na Balkan (in preprečile Rusiji izhod na Jadransko morje), in drugič, na večjem delu je dosežena ideološka zmaga (poraz socializma, uvajanje kapitalizma in sistema večstrankarske parlamentarne demokracije) – vse to brez večjih žrtev! Drugi dokaz o iniciranju in vodenju – dirigiranju kriznih situacij (notranje obrambe!) po vseh bivših jugoslovanskih republikah pa so jasna in vsem nam znana dejstva iz teoretičnih zasnov te doktrine:

obveščevalno proučevanje, vdori in pomoč;

prihod raznih svetovalcev (tudi emigrantov) in skupin za vojaško, politično in drugo pomoč;

psihološko-propagandna dejavnost, posebno dejavnost t. i. civilne družbe, razumnikov in drugih agitatorjev (za podiranje domin brez odgovornosti za poznejše žrtve svojega in drugih narodov!);

sestop z oblasti, formiranje večstrankarskega sistema, ustavno-pravno konstituiranje in mednarodno priznanje državnosti;

formiranje paravojaških enot ali namestitev svojih ali vojaških enot OZN ali Nato (Makedonija, Kosovo);

tajne nabave orožja in vojaške opreme;

pomoč pri formiranju nacionalnih armad (inštruktorji, vojaška oprema in denarna pomoč) in pri načrtovanju in vodenju vojaških in drugih operacij (hrvaške operacije »Blisk« in »Nevihta«);

direktna vojaška intervencija (elektronska kontrola zračnega prostora, nestična delovanja na srbske cilje z vodenimi raketami in razne druge manj znane operacije);

sodelovanje v mirovnih operacijah (UNPROFOR, SFOR-l, zdaj se pripravlja SFOR-2);

diplomatsko delovanje (Dayton), psihološko-propagandne manipulacije, ekonomski pritiski (sankcije) in podobno.

Ker naši politiki in publicisti bolj malo vedo o doktrini spopadov nizke intenzivnosti (ali tudi nekonvencionalni vojni), naj navedem samo pregled obeh glavnih zvrsti delovanja. 

Tako v nebojno (neoboroženo) delovanje spadajo: diplomatsko, psihološko-propagandno in informativno, politično-ideološko, ekonomsko-finančno in monetarno, znanstveno-tehnološko in ekološko, socialno-humanitarno in karitativno, kulturološko, versko, demografsko-etnično, upravno-administrativno, policijsko-varnostno, obveščevalno-protiobveščevalno in mirovniško (civilno) delovanje (vzpostavljanje – graditev miru in nadzor kriznih žarišč). 

Bojno(oboroženo) delovanje pa obsega: vojaške intervencije, nestične vojaško-tehnološke udare, diverzantsko-teroristično, nenadno-prevratniško, gverilsko-partizansko, protigverilsko in kontra-revolucionarno, protidiverzantsko-teroristično in ostrostrelsko, demonstrativno-provokativno, reševalno-evakuacijsko, obveščevalno-izvidniško in mirovniško (oboroženo) delovanje (ohranjanje in krepitev miru). 

(Si sta svolgendo in questi giorni presso Trieste l'incontro promosso dalle organizzazioni revansciste degli esuli dei paesi che persero la II Guerra Mondiale. Nel mirino sono soprattutto le Repubbliche jugoslave oggi "indipendenti", ma anche la Repubblica Ceca per la questione dei Sudeti. Nella Europa del 2007, infatti, avere perso la II Guerra Mondiale è un titolo di merito che da diritto a rivendicare ricompense morali e beni materiali...)

Beachtliches Gewicht 


TRIESTE/BERLIN/ZAGREB/PRAHA (Eigener Bericht) - Deutsche, österreichische und italienische Organisationen beschließen an diesem Wochenende die Gründung einer "Europäischen Union der Flüchtlinge und Vertriebenen". Das Gründungstreffen, das gestern begann, findet an der italienisch-kroatischen Grenze statt und verstärkt den Druck auf die Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens. Die "Vertriebenen" erheben milliardenschwere Eigentumsforderungen und wollen den jüdischen Opfern der NS-Massenvernichtung gleichgestellt werden. Hinter der europäischen Kulisse des Treffens von Triest sind mehrere Vorfeldorganisationen der deutschen Außenpolitik tätig. Mit einem parteiübergreifenden Projekt, auf das sich SPD, CSU und CDU jetzt geeinigt haben, unterfüttert Berlin seine europäische Revisionspolitik. In der deutschen Hauptstadt werde man eine Stätte der "europäischen Erinnerungskultur" errichten, lässt das Berliner Bundeskanzleramt nach erfolgreichen Verhandlungen wissen. Allerdings gebe es noch "Einwände grundlegender Art" - die Tschechische Republik verweigert jede Mitarbeit, Polen zeigt sich reserviert.

Dem heutigen Treffen an der italienisch-kroatischen Grenze gingen jahrelange Kontakte zwischen deutschen und italienischen Organisationen voraus. Federführend sind der "Bund der Vertriebenen" (BdV) und die "Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft" (SL, Bundesverband). Als Außenstelle im früheren Kampfgebiet der faschistischen Achsenmächte ist die "Unione degli Istriani" tätig. Sie erhebt Ansprüche auf italienische Vorkriegsbesitzungen an der dalmatinischen Adriaküste, die heute zu Kroatien gehört (Pula, Rijeka, Losinj).[1] Das Gebiet war 1944 von jugoslawischen und alliierten Truppenverbänden befreit worden.[2]


Kooperationstreffen mit der italienischen Frontorganisation wurden von Erika Steinbach (BdV, CDU-Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages) sowie von Werner Nowak (SL) angeleitet.[3] Nowak erhebt Anspruch, Urheber der Gründungsidee für eine europaweite "Vertriebenen"-Lobby zu sein.[4] Im Februar kamen Vertreter der deutschen Verbände in Trieste mit österreichischen Organisationen zusammen, um die aus Jugoslawien umgesiedelten Italiener ("Esuli") zu ehren.[5] Die Kooperation gipfelt in dem heutigen Kongress, der von den europäischen Opfern der NS-Okkupation "die Rückgabe der widerrechtlich beschlagnahmten und verstaatlichten Immobilien" verlangt.[6] Darüber hinaus sei eine "Anerkennung des Rückkehrrechts" nicht nur "der Vertriebenen und Flüchtlinge" unabweisbar; auch den "nachkommenden Generationen" aus Deutschland und Österreich müsse "ihre Heimat" in aller Zukunft offen stehen - als ewige Neusiedler aus dem Westen.


Dem Kongress vorgeschaltet ist ein "weltweiter Appell", in dem "Ansprüche" auf konfisziertes Eigentum angemeldet werden.[7] Da jüdischen Gemeinden eine solche Wiedergutmachung zusteht, müssten auch die "Vertriebenen" in den Genuss ähnlicher Rechtstitel kommen, heißt es in Gleichstellung der rassistischen NS-Arisierungen mit politischen Nachkriegsgesetzen souveräner UNO-Mitglieder.[8] Durchgängig wird die kriminelle Besonderheit des deutschen NS-Systems geleugnet, indem von "Nazi- und Kommunisten-Diktaturen" die Rede ist. Absicht beider Gesellschaftsformationen sei es gewesen, "Menschen wegen ihrer Religion, ihrer Nationalität (und) ihrer sozialen Herkunft" zu verfolgen. Damit treibt der "Appell" die Herabsetzung der Millionen NS-Opfer auf einen verniedlichenden Tiefpunkt. Wer es ablehne, die "Nazi/Kommunisten-Verbrechen" [9] einer juristischen Verurteilung zuzuführen, sei selbst ein Anti-Demokrat, da ihm "das grundlegende Verständnis für die Prinzipien der Gesetzlichkeit fehlt". In diese Kategorie werden nicht näher bezeichnete Regierungen in "Mittel- und Osteuropa" eingereiht, da sie "fortfahren, das (beschlagnahmte) Eigentum zurückzuhalten."


Die radikale Negation der historischen Tatsachen überlässt das offizielle Berlin seinen Vorfeldorganisationen, um mit flankierenden Maßnahmen den Eindruck eines mäßigenden Einflusses zu erwecken. Ohne auf die europaweite "Vertriebenen"-Offensive an diesem Wochenende direkt Bezug zu nehmen, teilen die deutschen Regierungsparteien lediglich mit, man habe sich geeinigt, die "europäische Erinnerungskultur" [10] verstärkt zu "fördern". Der Beraterkreis der Bundesregierung konnte demnach "in wichtigen Punkten" Übereinstimmung erzielen und plädiert für einen "Ort des Gedächtnisses" - in Berlin. Dort soll eine Dauerausstellung die "Flucht in Europa" thematisieren, denn "Vertreibung verletzt das Menschenrecht auf das Schlimmste." Während allgemein gehaltene Wendungen "Aussöhnung mit den Nachbarn im Osten" beschwören, lässt die Zusammensetzung des Beraterkreises ahnen, was tatsächlich gemeint ist.


Mitglied des beim Staatsminister Bernd Neumann angesiedelten Gremiums ist unter anderem der Vizepräsident des "Bundes der Vertriebenen" (BdV) und Generalsekretär des "Sudetendeutschen Rates", Albrecht Schläger. Auch der Stellvertretende Landesobmann der "Sudetendeutschen" im Bundesland Hessen, Herfried Stingl, gehört der Gruppe an. Damit sind die maßgeblichen Organisationen des deutschen Territorialrevisionismus sowohl an der Spitze der Berliner Regierung als auch beim heute stattfindenden "1. Internationalen Kongress der Vertriebenen und Flüchtlinge in Europa" vertreten. Das arbeitsteilige Vorgehen ermöglicht eine ständige Verschärfung der deutschen Ostpolitik, die ihren Stoßtrupporganisationen nur widerwillig zu folgen scheint.


Als Garanten regierungsoffizieller Respektabilität treten deutsche Sozialdemokraten auf. So wirbt der bayerische SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Franz Maget im staatlichen Beratergremium der Bundesregierung für eine "klare Aussprache beim Thema Vertreibung", das über nationale Interessen hinwegweisen müsse - gleichzeitig ist Maget im Kuratorium der BdV-Stiftung "Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen" aktiv. Diese Doppelbesetzung hat Tradition, der sich die SPD verpflichtet fühlt. So rief Maget anlässlich der jetzt angekündigten Einrichtung einer Stätte europäischer Erinnerungskultur die "Vorarbeit" des verstorbenen SPD-Politikers Peter Glotz in Erinnerung.[11]


Warum ausgerechnet Glotz zu den Wegbereitern der "Vertriebenen" gehören soll, wird sich der Öffentlichkeit nicht ohne weiteres erschließen. Glotz trat zeitlebens als Fraktionslinker auf. In den Kulissen der deutschen Außenpolitik war er im radikalen Milieu des Revisionismus tätig: zusammen mit einem ehemaligen Abteilungsleiter beim NS-"Reichsprotektor" in der besetzten CSR (Zoglmann), mit einem in Ungarn verurteilten NS-Kriegsverbrecher (Riedl) sowie mit dem führenden Antisemiten des NS-"Volksgruppen"-Rechts (Veiter). Gemeinsames Ziel der deutschen "Vertriebenen"-Politiker: Öffnung des ehemaligen NS-"Großraums" Europa "für (...) großräumige Zusammenarbeit in kontinentalen Einheiten".[12]


Großräumig wird es auch bei der "Europäischen Union der Flüchtlinge und Vertriebenen" zugehen, deren Proklamation an diesem Wochenende in Triest erwartet wird. Die zukünftige "Verhandlungsstärke" des aus Berlin beschickten Verbandes könne bei den EU-Mitgliedern im Osten ein "beachtliches Gewicht darstellen", heißt es im drohenden Ton der "Vertriebenen", die Milliardenbeträge und Eigentumstitel fordern.[13] An wessen Besitz dabei gedacht ist, lassen die Gründungsmitglieder nicht im Dunkel: "Litauen, Lettland, Estland, Russland, Polen, Tschechische Republik, Slowakei, Ungarn und Slowenien" sowie die "Nachfolgestaaten des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens".

[2] Europa unterm Hakenkreuz. Band 6, Berlin 1991
[3], [4] Prag und Triest im Mittelpunkt; Nachrichten der Sudetendeutschen in Baden-Württemberg, 1-2/2005
[5] Cirimonie solenni dell'Unione degli Istriani a Trieste; Unione degli Istriani 09.02.2007. Als sudetendeutsche Vertreterin trat Frau Isa Engelmann auf, als österreichische "Vertriebene" nahmen Gerda Dreier und Gerhard Eiselt teil.
[6] 1. Internationaler Kongress der Vertriebenen und Flüchtlinge in Europa; Unione degli Istriani 29.03.2007
[7] Un appello a tutto il mondo per l'istutizione di un forum indipendente competente sulle rivendicazioni delle proprieta confiscate/A worldwide Appeal for the establishment of an independent forum competent to deal with confiscated property claims.
[8] "Recalling EP resolution (...) on return of plundered property to Jewish communities...", Punkt 19 des Appells.
[9] Im englischen Original: "Nazi/communist crimes".
[10], [11] SPD-Fraktionschef Maget: Dokumentationsstätte zur Erinnerung an Vertreibungen in Berlin vor baldiger Realisierung; Pressemitteilung 21.03.2007
[12] Internationales Institut für Nationalitätenrecht und Regionalismus; Europa Ethnica 1/1978
[13] 1. Internationaler Kongress der Vertriebenen und Flüchtlinge in Europa; Unione degli Istriani 29.03.2007

Neo-colonialist Pressures on Mugabe's Zimbabwe

1) What's Really Going On in Zimbabwe: Mugabe Gets the Milosevic Treatment

2) Harare/Berlin: No Better Opportunity 

=== 1 ===

March 23, 2007

What's Really Going On in Zimbabwe

Mugabe Gets the Milosevic Treatment


Arthur Mutambara, the leader of one faction of Zimbabwe's main opposition party, the MDC, and one of the principals in the Save Zimbabwe Campaign that's at the centre of a storm of controversy over the Mugabe government's crackdown on opposition, boasted a year ago that he was "going to remove Robert Mugabe, I promise you, with every tool at my disposal." (1)

Educated at Oxford, the former management consultant with McKinsey & Co. was asked in early 2006 whether "his plans might include a Ukrainian-style mass mobilization of opponents of Mugabe's regime." (2)

"We're going to use every tool we can get to dislodge this regime," he replied. "We're not going to rule out or in anything the sky's the limit." (3)

Last year Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of an opposing MDC faction, and eight of his colleagues, were thrown out of Zambia after attending a meeting arranged by the US ambassador to Zimbabwe, Christopher Dell, with representatives of Freedom House, a US ruling class organization that promotes regime change in countries that aren't sufficiently committed to free markets, free trade and free enterprise. (4)

Funded by the billionaire speculator George Soros, USAID, the US State Department and the US Congress's National Endowment for Democracy (whose mission has been summed up as doing overtly what the CIA used to do covertly), Freedom House champions the rights of journalists, union leaders and democracy activists to organize openly to bring down governments whose economic policies are against the profit-making interests of US bankers, investors and corporations.

Headed by Wall St. investment banker Peter Ackerman, who produced a 2002 documentary, Bringing Down a Dictator, a follow-up to A Force More Powerful, which celebrates the ouster of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, Freedom House features a rogues' gallery of US ruling class activists on its board of directors: Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Otto Reich, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Steve Forbes, among others.

The campaign to replace Mugabe with the neo-liberal standard bearers of the MDC is rotten with connections to the overthrow of Milosevic. Dell, the US ambassador, prides himself on being one of the architects of Milosevic's ouster. (5) He held a senior diplomatic post in Kosovo when Milosevic was driven out of office in a US-UK engineered uprising.

Dell's mission, it would seem, is to be as provocative as possible, sparing no effort to tarnish the image of the Mugabe government. In early November 2005, Dell declared that "neither drought nor sanctions are at the root of Zimbabwe's decline," an implausible conclusion given that drought has impaired economic performance in neighboring countries, and that sanctions bar Zimbabwe from access to economic and humanitarian aid, while disrupting trade and investment. "The Zimbabwe government's own gross mismanagement of the economy and its corrupt rule has brought on the crisis," Dell charged. (6)

When not disparaging Mugabe's government, Dell can be counted on to be doling out largesse to the opposition (US$1 million, according to one source, to get the Save Zimbabwe Campaign off the ground earlier this year. (7))

Responding to Dell's call for the opposition to unite, Mutambara has declared his new unity of purpose with MDC opponent, Tsvangirai. "Our core business," he announced, after violent clashes with the police earlier this month, "is to drive Mugabe out of town. There is no going back. We are working together against Robert Mugabe and his surrogates." (8)

While Mutambara is certainly working with Tsvangirai to drive Mugabe out of town, what he doesn't explain is what he wants to replace Mugabe with. The opposition, and the powerful Western governments that back it, make it seem as if they're offended by Mugabe's qualities as a leader, not his policies, and that their aim is to restore good governance, not to impose their own program on Zimbabwe.

We should be clear about what the MDC is and what its policies are. While the word "democratic" in the opposition's Movement for Democratic Change moniker evokes pleasant feelings, the party's policies are rooted in the neo-liberal ideology of the Western ruling class. That is, the party's policies are hardly democratic.

The MDC favors economic "liberalization", privatization and a return to the glacial-paced willing buyer/willing seller land-redistribution regimen a status quo ante-friendly policy that would limit the state's ability to redistribute land to only tracts purchased from white farmers who are willing to sell.

Compare that to the Zanu-PF government's direction. Mugabe's government is hardly socialist, but it has implemented social democratic policies that elevate the public interest at least a few notches above the basement level position it occupies under the neo-liberal tyranny favored by the MDC. A Mutambara or Tsvangirai government would jettison policies that demand something from foreign investors in return for doing business in Zimbabwe. Foreign banks, for example, are required to invest 40 percent of their profits in Zimbabwe government bonds. (9) What's more, the MDC leaders would almost certainly end the Mugabe government's policy of favoring foreign investors who partner with local investors to promote indigenous economic development. And Zimbabwe's state-owned enterprises would be sold off to the highest bidder.

Moreover, the land redistribution program would be effectively shelved, delaying indefinitely the achievement of one of the principal goals of Zimbabwe's national liberation struggle reversing the plunder of the indigenous population's land by white settlers. Mugabe, it is sometimes grudgingly admitted in the Western press, is a hero in rural parts of southern Africa for his role in spearheading land reform, something other south African governments have lacked the courage to pursue vigorously. South African president Thabo Mbeki's reluctance to join in the collective excoriation of Mugabe is often attributed to "respect for Mr. Mugabe as a revolutionary hero (he led the fight that ended white rule in Zimbabwe in 1980, and was a key opponent of apartheid) and because the issue of white ownership of land in South African is also sensitive." (10)

Contrast respect for Mugabe with the thin layer of support the US-backed Save Zimbabwe Campaign has been able to muster. It "does not yet have widespread grassroots support," (11) but it does have the overwhelming backing of the US, the UK, the Western media and US ruling class regime change organizations, like Freedom House. Is it any surprise that Zanu-PF regards the controversy swirling around its crackdown on the opposition's latest provocation as an attempt by an oppressor to return to power by proxy through the MDC?

Stephen Gowans is a writer and political activist who lives in Ottawa, Canada. He can be reached at: sr.gowans@...


1. Times Online March 5, 2006.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. The Sunday Mail, February 5, 2006.
5. The Herald, October 21, 2005.
6. The Herald, November 7, 2005.
7. The Herald, March 14, 2007.
8. The Observer, March 18, 2007.
9. The Observer, January 28, 2007.
10. Globe and Mail, March 22, 2004.
11. Ibid.

=== 2 ===

No Better Opportunity 


HARARE/BERLIN (Own report) - The German presidency of the European Council is using new attempts to overthrow the government of Zimbabwe, to intensify the pressure on President Robert Mugabe's government. The German government insists that Mugabe enters into direct talks with the Berlin-supported opposition. The German minister for Economic Cooperation is calling on Zimbabwe's neighboring nations to "finally unambiguously express" opposition to Mugabe and take measures accordingly. The reason for the years of western campaigning against the Zimbabwean President, is the radical land reform, that has led to the expropriation of the white large landowners, the heirs of old colonial elites. Berlin is afraid that Mugabe's concept of land reform could be copied by other states in Southern Africa, including Namibia, where the heirs of German colonialists would be affected. Because of international pressure, hefty dissention has arisen inside the president's own party. "In any case, there has never been a better opportunity for getting rid of him" writes the German press.

Prayer Meeting

The violent measures, applied by Zimbabwean authorities against Berlin supported members of the opposition, serve as the current pretext for the German threats to the government in Harare. The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and its chairman, Morgan Tsvangirai, for years have maintained good contacts to the German capital. The SPD affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation helped found the MDC, which was formed from trade union oriented circles.[1] The foundation has since maintained good contacts with Tsvangirai, raising suspicions last year of having contributed substantial sums of money to the MDC. Tsvangirai had visited Germany on numerous occasions and had direct talks with the government.[2] At the beginning of the month, Zimbabwean security forces broke up a rally, camouflaged as a "prayer meeting." Tsvangirai and other members of the MDC, which has since split, were injured in the ensuing scuffle. These incidents have been widely covered in the German press.

Factional Fighting

After years of western reprisals and a dramatic deterioration of the economic situation in the country, President Mugabe has been losing support within his own party. In December his majority faction suffered a serious defeat. One party faction turned against the party leadership and indicated their inclination to negotiate with the opposition. Berlin is taking advantage of the inner-party conflict and has intensified international pressure. In the name of the EU, the German foreign ministry is demanding that Harare initiate a "dialog with all political forces" in the country.[3] The minister of Economic Cooperation and Development demands that Zimbabwe's neighboring states take measures against Mugabe.[4]

Palace Revolt

Observers predict that if German interference succeeds, Mugabe's overthrow is within reach. Until recently, the governments of South Africa, Namibia and of those of other bordering states, have refused to withhold their support for the Zimbabwean president. According to the German press, Pretoria has to finally drop him. "That would lend the critics within Mugabe's own party the essential backing needed for a palace revolt."[5] Berlin's demands are currently causing tension in Zambia. Whereas the new president of the country is prepared to give in to the pressure and endorse an early end to Mugabe's reign, his two predecessors are raising serious accusations. The former colonial powers are lacking a "moral right" to utter a word about domestic conflicts in Zimbabwe. Tsvangirai is a western puppet, "financed, to cause trouble in Zimbabwe" explained the leader of the Zambian opposition.[6]

Free Press

Botswana is also agitated. A "Botswana Civil Society Solidarity Coalition on Zimbabwe" has announced that it is developing "strategies" against the Mugabe government. They are supported in their action by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.[7] The German Heinrich Boell Foundation, affiliated with the Green Party, is also involved in the efforts. Its subsidiary in Johannesburg is cooperating with two media projects, an internet-based news agency and a radio station based in Capetown, broadcasting Zimbabwean dissident appeals. Officially these measures are branded "promotion of the free press in Zimbabwe," but falls in line with the foreign ministry's policy of seeking the overthrow of the current government.


The most intimate reason behind Berlin's efforts is to achieve a containment of the land reform measures, with which President Mugabe overthrew the property relations of the society. Following Zimbabwe's independence, Mugabe's party attempted at first to wrest concessions from the previous colonial landowners. To no avail. Even at the end of the 1990s there were approx. 4,500, mostly, white large landowners on the one side and hundreds of thousands of black peasants on the other.[8] Therefore Mugabe began applying more radical measures – that provoked the definitive wrath of the former colonial powers. German interests are not just affected because among the dispossessed are individual Germans or ethnic German large landowners in Zimbabwe, but primarily because of a possible role model function that the Zimbabwean measures could have in Namibia. During Mugabe's recent visit to Namibia, where he sought support for his policy, the German ambassador felt compelled to make inhabitual commentaries. Berlin's emissary threatened that German tourists and investments would cease. "Any impression that link Namibia and Zimbabwe on the land reform issue is poison."[9]

Protest Enthused

Mass demonstrations to overthrow the Zimbabwean president have now been announced by Archbishop Pius Ncube. Several years ago, this African clergyman had consultations with the foreign ministry during his extended stay in Germany.[10] Ncube now declares, he is prepared to lead the protests against Mugabe, even if these should become violent confrontations. His archdiocese recently initiated training courses, to prepare militants for political protests ("Mission for Human Rights and Justice"). The protest's non-negligible finances come from Germany – from the Catholic Missionary institution "missio" based in Aachen. According to "missio" "the overall costs for this project is 60,000 Euros." Only one third of this amount is contributed by the protest enthused archdiocese. The German Christian aid organization, not exactly known for its support of mass demonstrations, provides the lion's share of those costs. "Missio, has therefore promised 25,000 Euros in financial aid and hopes for your contribution."[11]

[3] Erklärung der Präsidentschaft der EU zur gewaltsamen Auflösung einer friedlichen Kundgebung in Simbabwe; GASP Erklärung 12.03.2007
[4] Wieczorek-Zeul: Simbabwes Nachbarstaaten müssen Klartext reden; Pressemitteilung des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung 20.03.2007
[5] Ein Wechsel tut not; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 24.03.2007
[6] Kaunda, Sata and Chiluba rail at Mugabe's critics; 22.03.2007
[7] Civil society deliberates on Zim situation; 19.03.2007
[8] Landreform in Simbabwe; Länder- und Reiseinformationen des Auswärtigen Amts
[9] Namibia: "Choose Your Friends Wisely"; The Namibian 08.03.2007
[11] Simbabwes Katechisten – mutiger Einsatz in tödlicher Gefahr;

(italiano / english / francais)


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 19 MAR - Un campo di addestramento di miliziani wahabiti e' stato scoperto e smantellato dalla polizia serba nella provincia per meta' islamica del Sangiaccato (sud del Paese ex jugoslavo), a coronamento di una operazione che ha portato all'arresto di quattro presunti terroristi in erba. Lo riferiscono oggi i media di Belgrado. La base, secondo gli inquirenti locali, era stata impiantata gia' da mesi in un'impervia zona di montagna nei dintorni di Sjenica. Oltre ai quattro miliziani, la polizia ne ha identificato un quinto, che e' riuscito a fuggire. Si calcola pero' che in totale nel campo sia transitata una ventina di giovani, piu' alcuni ''stranieri''. Tutti gli arrestati - ha dichiarato Camil Hibic, presidente della Corte distrettuale di Novi Pazar, capoluogo del Sangiaccato - sono accusati di detenzione di armi e attivita' sovversive e sospettati di coinvolgimento nella ''preparazione di atti terroristici''. Il Sangiaccato, provincia serba colonizzata come marca di confine all'epoca della dominazione turca, e' tuttora popolato da circa un 50% di musulmani. A differenza del vicino Kosovo (albanofono), esso resta tuttavia bene integrato nella cultura serba e poco sensibile a istanze secessioniste, anche se la predicazione fondamentalista sembra cominciare a far breccia in certi ambienti, specialmente tra giovani sbandati. Il ministro dell'interno serbo, Dragan Jocic, ha affermato che l'attivita' dei wahabiti - una minoranza fra i musulmani autoctoni dell'ex Jugoslavia, convertitasi a slogan rigoristi d'importazione saudita e finanziata dall'estero fin dai tempi della guerre degli anni '90 - minaccia in prima battuta gli stessi ''cittadini serbi di fede islamica'', tradizionalmente moderati. Cittadini che ''lo Stato intende proteggere'', ha aggiunto. Sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda il mufti' di Novi Pazar, Muarem Zukorlic, autorita' religiosa dei musulmani tradizionalisti della provincia, il quale si e' detto ''non sorpreso'' della scoperta del campo d'addestramento e ha denunciato i gruppi radicali come ''corpi estranei che mirano a destabilizzare il Sangiaccato e forse l'intera Serbia''. L'escalation di tensioni fra i neofiti del wahabismo balcanico e la maggioranza islamico moderata ha dato luogo mesi fa a Novi Pazar anche a scontri (con feriti) dinanzi a una nuova moschea cittadina costruita con aiuti arabi. (ANSA). LR
19/03/2007 15:21 


Serbie : la police démantèle un camp d’entraînement wahhabite dans le Sandjak de Novi Pazar

Publié dans la presse : 19 mars 2007
Mise en ligne : lundi 19 mars 2007

La police serbe a démantelé ce week-end un camp d’entraînement de wahhabites armés, situé entre Sjenica et Novi Pazar. Quatre personnes ont été arrêtées, une autre est en fuite. Depuis un an, les wahhabites multiplient les incidents à Novi Pazar, et s’attaquent à la Communauté islamique officielle.

Par Sladjana Novosel

La police a découvert vendredi soir, dans le village de Zabren, dans la montagne de Ninaja, à une trentaine kilomètres de Novi Pazar, un camp qui a servi pour les formations d’un groupe terroriste wahhabite. Ce camp comprenait plusieurs tentes et une caverne. La police a arrêté sur le champ Mirsad Prentic (1977), Fuad Hodzic (1974), Vahid Vejselovic (1984) et Senad Vejselovic (1983), de Novi Pazar, tandis qu’un membre du groupe a réussi à s’échapper. La police a trouvé une grande quantité d’explosif plastique, d’armes et de balles de différents calibres.

La police de Novi Pazar recherche encore deux membres du groupe en fuite. Des mines ont été découvertes dans une propriété privée du village de Razdaginje, sur la commune de Sjenica. La même source confirme la saisie de mitraillettes et de lance-roquettes dans une ferme du village de Vucinice, sur la commune de Novi Pazar.

Trois des wahhabites arrêtés sont soupçonnés de préparation d’actions terroristes et de détention illégale d’armes. Le quatrième membre du groupe est soupçonné d’avoir fait infraction à l’ordre et à la paix publique.

Le juge d’instruction du tribunal communal de Novi Pazar a ordonné une détention de 30 jours pour les quatre wahhabites arrêtés, ainsi que pour Nedzad Memic, qui est toujours en fuite et recherché par la police. Lors de leur interrogatoire, Hodzic, Prentic et Vejselovic ont nié toute responsabilité, affirme le président du Tribunal régional de Novi Pazar, Camil Hubic.

Les sources de Danas au sein de la police indiquent que le groupe découvert comptait une trentaine de membres, qui se déplaçaient en permanence, et qui occupaient le site découvert depuis un mois. Danas a appris de manière non officielle que leur action était surtout dirigée contre le mufti de Novi Pazar, dans l’objectif de provoquer un incident.

Le groupe wahhabite a obtenu des armes au Kosovo. Un des responsables des achats d’armes était Fuad Hodzic, qui a menacé la police de tout faire exploser, affirme notre source.

Le mufti du Sandjak Muamer Zukorlic, réagissant à l’arrestation du groupe des wahhabites, a estimé, dans une déclaration à la presse, que « les structures de l’Etat n’avaient pas compris l’importance du phénomène jusqu’à ce moment ».

« Une Communauté islamique de Serbie unie et stable serait capable des réduire ces phénomènes au minimum », estime le mufti Zukorlic.

Le président du Parti démocrate du Sandjak Rasim Ljajic a déclaré au sujet de l’arrestation du groupe wahhabite que le plus important était de mener l’enquête jusqu’au bout, et qu’il fallait s’abstenir de déclarations précipitées. « Ces événements sont la conséquence de la crise générale du Sandjak ces trois dernières années. La cible des wahhabites est la Communauté islamique du Sandjak, non pas l’Etat ou une autre institution étatique », estime Rasim Ljajic.

Il a déclaré à l’agence Beta que la découverte du camp donnait à Novi Pazar une image de paradis pour la criminalité, la corruption et les différentes formes du radicalisme religieux. Il estime que c’est très regrettable pour le Sandjak et pour Novi Pazar, et a appelé les autorités politiques de la région à faire tout leur possible pour changer cette image.

L’adjoint du mufti du Sandjak, Mevlud Dudic, rappelle que cela fait deux ans qu’il met en garde contre les tentatives de déstabilisation de la Communauté islamique et de tout le Sandjak.

« Ce n’est que la poursuite de tout ce qu’il font depuis des années, et nous l’avons dit », précise Mevlud Dudic, dans un communiqué de presse du mesihat de la Communauté islamique du Sandjak.

Il s’agit du troisième incident impliquant les wahhabites de la région depuis neuf mois. Début juillet de l’année dernière, le groupe wahhabite de Novi Pazar a empêché l’organisation du concert du groupe Balkanika à Novi Pazar. Ils ont également provoqué un incident dans la mosquée centrale de la ville, Arap-dzamija, début novembre 2006. Ce dernier épisode a provoqué un incident armé, et 17 personnes ont été punies par des sanctions pénales ou civiles. Dimanche, l’absence des wahhabites se remarquait fortement dans les rues de Novi Pazar, surtout autour de leurs lieux de rassemblement habituels, la mosquée Arap-dzamija et à l’entrée de la vieille ville.


I wahabiti alla conquista della Bosnia

La Bosnia Erzegovina tra Islam tradizionale e nuove versioni importate durante e dopo la guerra. Una dura presa di posizione del settimanale Dani dopo gli scontri avvenuti in Sangiaccato e altri episodi che hanno coinvolto la locale comunità islamica. Nostra traduzione

Omicidio al seggio elettorale

25.09.2006 - Domenica 10 settembre, durante le elezioni municipali a Novi Pazar, un candidato è stato assassinato. Il clima è sempre più deteriorato nella capitale del Sangiaccato, a causa delle crescenti tensioni tra i principali partiti bosgnacchi e nei confronti del governo serbo
Di Sladjana Novosel, per Le Courrier des Balkans, 12 settembre 2006 (titolo originale: "Sandjak de Novi Pazar: meurtre au bureau de vote") 


With their baggy pants, long beards and extreme opinions, most local Muslims feel startled by this Saudi import. By Amela Bajrovic in Novi Pazar (Balkan Insight, 7 Dec 06)

Sectarian divisions among Muslims in Novi Pazar have resurfaced since a recent incident in which three worshippers were wounded in front of a mosque...

Drogue, armes, traite des êtres humains : les bonnes affaires de Novi Pazar

Novi Pazar : sanglante fusillade à la mosquée

Muamer Zukorlic, le très puissant mufti du Sandjak

Sandjak de Novi Pazar : meurtre au bureau de vote - pensiero resistente - movimento comunista internazionale - 28-03-07 


Appello comune dei Partiti comunisti e progressisti d'Europa nell'anniversario della fondazione della Comunità Economica Europea (CEE)


Il Trattato di Roma per la fondazione della CEE è stato una scelta delle principali potenze e del capitale monopolista europeo occidentale. Oggi, 50 anni più tardi, gli sviluppi nell'UE danno ragione alle forze che hanno lottato contro le sue politiche, che avevano detto e ridetto NO al Trattato di Maastricht, che esprimono la loro opposizione al “Trattato Costituzionale”. Esse rappresentano tutti coloro che oggi continuano a lottare contro l'Unione Europea del grande capitale, il consiglio d'amministrazione delle grandi potenze neoliberiste e militaristiche.




Gli obiettivi tanto strombazzati dalle forze dominanti dell'UE, socialdemocratiche, conservatrici, e di destra - vale a dire, la convergenza delle economie nazionali, il lavoro e il miglioramento delle condizioni dei lavoratori, più democrazia, la pace e la cooperazione basate sull'equità - si sono dimostrati falsi. La missione dell'UE consiste nel rafforzare il capitale transnazionale europeo ed i grandi affari nelle principali potenze europee, a discapito dei diritti e del reddito dei lavoratori, espandendo il suo potere economico e la sua influenza a livello delle politiche europee e statali, e sfruttando nuovi mercati e risorse naturali. Tutto questo comporta un aumento dell'ineguaglianza sociale e delle asimmetrie regionali, la diffusione di povertà e marginalizzazione.


Attualmente assistiamo ad una crescita degli attacchi contro lavoro e salari, pensioni e sicurezza sociale, diritti dei lavoratori e sindacali. Diritti fondamentali, come il diritto all'istruzione, sanità e sicurezza sociale sono trasformati in merci e fonti di profitto. La realtà ci propone sfruttamento crescente, disoccupazione e precarietà.


Così come attraverso la cosiddetta “Associazione per gli Accordi Economici”, relazioni di commercio ingiuste sono imposte ad alcuni dei paesi più poveri del pianeta, allo stesso tempo sono costruiti muri per migranti nella fortezza Europa.


Le piccole imprese agricole e di pesca a carattere familiare sono rovinate, lavoratori autonomi e piccoli imprenditori di industria, commercio e servizi sono annichiliti dal dominio dei colossi finanziari e dalle catene della grande distribuzione. Gravi colpi sono stati inferti ai diritti democratici. C'è una crescita dell'anti-comunismo, in alcuni casi patrocinato dai singoli governi degli stati europei, in altri promosso dalle stesse istituzioni dell'Unione. Le persecuzioni e la messa al bando delle forze politiche di sinistra, anti-capitaliste e dei movimenti popolari sono molto estese. Sono fomentati il razzismo e la xenofobia.


La militarizzazione dell'UE procede, così come la sua cooperazione con la NATO e gli Stati Uniti nelle guerre imperialistiche di Afghanistan ed Iraq e nei voli CIA illegali. Intenti comuni che si manifestano nelle pressioni contro Cuba socialista e Venezuela bolivariano, ed in generale contro tutti i paesi ed i popoli che resistono. Come "richiesto" da NATO e Commissione europea, le spese militari stanno schizzando verso l’alto in una vera e propria corsa alle armi.


Il grande capitale europeo adopera l'allargamento ad est di Unione europea e NATO, così come usa le pressioni politiche contro i paesi d’oriente, al fine di conseguire i propri obiettivi di dominazione politica, economica e geo-strategica.


La sovranità e l'indipendenza dei popoli e delle nazioni sono minate in modo crescente. C'è un piano per rilanciare il "Trattato Costituzionale", nonostante il suo rifiuto esplicito da parte dei popoli francese ed olandese.


Questa offensiva globale dell'imperialismo si sta confrontando con le promettenti lotte dei popoli e dei lavoratori, che noi salutiamo.


I nostri partiti intensificheranno la loro cooperazione attraverso azioni comuni e contribuiranno attivamente a rafforzare l'organizzazione e le lotte della classe operaia e del movimento antimperialista, per resistere, sfidare e combattere le politiche neoliberiste, il militarismo, e rifiutare il "Trattato Costituzionale."


Noi facciamo appello per la creazione di alternative che incontrino i bisogni e gli interessi delle persone, riconoscendo nel socialismo la vera alternativa per i popoli del continente europeo.


Noi facciamo appello per la convergenza di tutte le azioni e le lotte che possano servire a costruire un’Europa della pace, della cooperazione fra stati sovrani, uguali nei diritti. Un'Europa del lavoro e del vero sviluppo economico e sociale. Un'Europa aperta al mondo, capace sviluppare relazioni di amicizia fra i popoli, di commercio equo e di cooperazione con tutti i paesi e i popoli del mondo, rispettando il diritto di ciascuno ad un degno sviluppo economico e sociale. Un’Europa che si faccia promotrice di pace e che si batta per una soluzione politica dei conflitti.


I Partiti:


Partito dei lavoratori del Belgio 
Partito comunista dei lavoratori di Bosnia e Erzegovina 
Partito comunista di Gran Bretagna 
Nuovo partito comunista di Gran Bretagna 
Partito progressista dei lavoratori - AKEL - Cipro 
Partito socialista dei lavoratori di Croazia 
Partito comunista di Boemia e Moravia - Repubblica ceca 
Partito comunista di Danimarca 
Partito comunista di Finlandia 
Partito comunista tedesco - DKP 
Partito comunista di Grecia 
Partito comunista dei lavoratori ungherese 
Partito comunista d'Irlanda 
Partito socialista di Lettonia 
Partito socialista di Lituania 
Partito comunista del Lussemburgo 
Partito comunista di Norvegia 
Partito comunista di Polonia 
Partito comunista portoghese 
Partito di alleanza socialista - Romania 
Partito comunista della Federazione russa 
Partito comunista dei lavoratori di Russia 
Partito comunista di Spagna 
Partito comunista dei popoli di Spagna 
Partito comunista di Catalogna 
Partito comunista di Svezia 
Partito comunista di Turchia 
Partito del lavoro (EMEP) - Turchia 
Partito comunista d'Ucraina 


Traduzione dall’inglese per a cura del Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare

(l'articolo che segue è leggibile nell'originale in lingua italiana
ad esempio alla URL: )

Kosovo : « Indépendance ? Ici c’est le règne des clans »

Tommaso Di Francesco

Decani (KOSOVO) - C’est le monument médiéval le plus important de
Serbie, par ses fresques et par son histoire, tombe de rois et lieu
de couronnements. Eglise, monastère, un grand ensemble monastique, et
maintenant les ateliers du bois et de la peinture d’icônes, et plus
au sud, une antique vigne. Pour l’Unesco elle appartient au
patrimoine de l’humanité, pour l’histoire de l’art c’est « le chaînon
manquant pour comprendre notre Moyen-Âge ».

16 mars 2007 - Il manifesto

Dehors, le contingent militaire italien qui le protège – en 2004 on a
même tiré des coups de mortiers sur le monastère. Dedans, une
communauté de gens réfugiés des destructions qui vont de 1999 à
aujourd’hui, avec un pic en 2004, y compris les quatre religieuses
qui sont venues se mettre à l’abri dans ce couvent après la
destruction de la Sainte Trinité de Djakovica. Une litanie de
réfugiés qui a vu fuir dans la terreur 200 mille serbes et autant de
roms. Et comme il est impossible d’imaginer un lieu de culte dans
l’absolu, d’autant moins chez les orthodoxes, sans une communauté –
d’autant que ces provinces se sont toujours appelées Kosmet (Kosovo
et Metohja, Terre de l’église) – les monastères sont désormais une
lieu de défense, un symbole de ce qui reste de la présence des Serbes
dans ce Kosovo qu’une bonne partie de la communauté internationale
veut remettre à une nouvelle indépendance statale ethnique : albanaise.

Nous avons posé quelques questions au Père Sava, responsable et
souvent porte-parole des Serbes qui sont restés : nous l’avions
rencontré la veille à Villaggio Italia, la base du contingent de la
Kfor, où il était venu pour une rencontre interconfessionnelle avec
des représentants musulmans et catholiques, organisé par le général
Attilio Claudio Borreca, commandant des contingents Kfor de la zone
ouest. Notre entrevue a eu lieu dans l’extraordinaire bibliothèque du
couvent, avec l’aide de Père Andrej.

Que feriez-vous si l’on accordait l’indépendance selon le plan du
médiateur de l’Onu, Martthi Ahtisaari, plan rejeté dans les
négociations officielles de Vienne ? Le Patriarche Pavle a invité les
serbes à rester au Kosovo.

Les Serbes vivent sur ces terres depuis des siècles, ils y ont vécu
sous diverses autorités, et l’église orthodoxe y a vécu, même sous
différents systèmes politiques, en témoignant de la vérité de Christ.
Le Patriarche Pavle a invité notre peuple à rester fidèle à sa foi et
à sa tradition. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’Onu doit encore décider
comment va se développer la crise du Kosovo. Il ne s’agit pas d’une
question « locale » entre Belgrade et Pristina, mais du nouvel ordre
géostratégique mondial. Le plan de Ahtisaari contient pas mal
d’éléments significatifs pour une permanence des Serbes, mais dans le
contexte d’un Kosovo indépendant qui n’aura plus de liens
institutionnels avec la Serbie. Et cela génère une grande
préoccupation du côté serbe, à cause de la peur, fondée, que sans
liens avec la Serbie il ne soit pas possible de garantir la présence
à long terme du peuple serbe au Kosovo. Le plan a de nombreux
éléments positifs, mais le contexte politique institutionnel négatif
qu’il propose décourage les serbes d’accepter même les éléments
positifs. Maintenant on discute beaucoup à Belgrade de la dernière
version du plan Ahtasaari. Qui, d’un côté refuse le projet de
Pristina d’affaiblir les dispositios de protection de la minorité
serbe, mais de l’autre dit non aussi à la demande des autorités de
Belgrade d’une connexion entre les propositions du plan et la
résolution de l’Onu 1244. Cette résolution reconnaissait les accords
de paix de Kumanovo mettant fin à la guerre de l’OTAN, et qui
prévoyait le retour du Kosovo sous l’autorité étatique de la Serbie.

Ces jours ci, après les agressions dont les monastères ont été
l’objet, les autorités de Belgrade ont demandé qu’en plus des
militaires de la Kfor, la police serbe assure la protection des
églises orthodoxes...

Les médias l’ont présenté comme le thème majeur des négociations
auxquelles a participé notre évêque Théodose. Ça n’a été qu’un des
arguments de la discussion, immédiatement abandonné. La proposition,
par contre, a été faite parce qu’à Belgrade on craint que la Kfor,
face à la déclaration de la fameuse indépendance, ne prépare son
retrait de la protection des monastères orthodoxes pour la
transmettre au Corps de police kosovar-albanais (en majorité composé
des ex-milices de l’Uck, NDR). Car, dans le plan Ahtisaari, on dit
qu’ « il faut libérer la Kfor dès que possible de son activité
militaire ». La position de l’Eglise est que la Kfor continue à
protéger le plus longtemps possible les huit lieux sacrés orthodoxes
que la Kfor-OTAN protège déjà – la majorité étant dans cette zone et
impliquant le contingent italien. La police kosovar-albanaise, en
particulier dans cette zone, n’est ni capable ni motivée pour
protéger des monuments chrétiens. Pendant le soulèvement de mars
2004, leur rôle a été décevant. C’est pour cela que la proposition de
la co-présence de la police de Belgrade en appui des militaires OTAN
était assez légitime, mais impossible à proposer parce qu’ensuite il
faudrait encore plus de militaires Kfor pour protéger les policiers
serbes. Mais parler de police serbe n’est pas une provocation, le
danger est encore entier. Et il concerne aussi les églises que nous
reconstruisons à Pristina, à Podujevo, et en particulier à Pec, qui a
été à nouveau violée ces jours derniers. Ce sont des églises qui ont
subi des destructions et des incendies en mars 2004, elles ont été
reconstruites grâce au Conseil européen, qui avaient des
représentants albanais et serbes, et avec l’argent du gouvernement
kosovar ; mais je dois dire qu’elles ont à nouveau été violés et
volées. La police kosovar n’a rien fait.

Mais existe-t-il pour vous des systèmes démocratiques - à l’égard des
minorités, des méthodes non violentes, des garanties des droits
humains – pour concéder son indépendance au Kosovo ?

Nous posons toujours la même question aux représentants de la
communauté internationale : comment peut-on parler d’indépendance
pour une société qui est pratiquement au niveau des clans qui
gouvernent le Kosovo ? Et où les institutions sont une façade
derrière laquelle commandent de puissants personnages de l’ex-Uck ?
Quand nous continuons, nous, à avoir de graves problèmes avec les
municipalités qui nous répondent qu’ils sont impuissants à résoudre
les problèmes que nous posons en tant que communauté religieuse et
serbe, et où tous les problèmes sont délégués, sous l’influence de
personnages comme Ramush Haradinaj et Hasim Thaqui qui se sont
disqualifié internationalement. Alors que pour mettre en acte un plan
d’indépendance assez complexe il faut au moins qu’il y ait une
implication d’autorités réelles, pas seulement locales, et
politiquement crédibles et efficientes. Peut-être que la crédibilité
est plus grande dans le centre du Kosovo, où la présence
internationale est plus importante. Mais le nœud du problème,
partout, reste les municipalités. Avant qu’une décision n’arrive à
Decani, Djakovica ou Pec, elle se perdra en chemin. Et nous
craignons, de ce fait, que de nombreuses dispositions du plan soient
impossibles à garder : les pouvoirs exécutifs doivent rester dans les
mains de la communauté internationale, en espérant que se développe
tôt ou tard une élite démocrate qui n’aura plus besoin de
protectorats. Pour la protection du patrimoine culturel orthodoxe
nous demandons concrètement une tutelle de l’Union Européenne. Nous
voulons que l’OTAN reste le plus loin possible. Ces lieux sacrés
pourraient être détruits en une seule nuit et tout l’effort apporté
jusqu’à présent par vos contingents pourrait être réduit à zéro à
cause de la concession peu prudente à l’indépendance.

Comment cela va-t-il finir, alors ?

Nous sommes optimistes. Bien sûr, pour l’être, nous ne nous fondons
pas que sur des évaluations politiques, sinon nous devrions être plus
que pessimistes. Nous avons une vision eschatologique des problèmes.
Comme les fresques de notre église, nous ne nous représentons pas la
réalité comme elle est mais comme nous croyons qu’elle sera dans le
royaume des cieux. Mais revenons à la réalité. Nous souhaitons, nous,
que la présence internationale demeure, autant militaire que civile,
au moins jusqu’à ce que tous les Balkans occidentaux soient intégrés
dans l’Union européenne. C’est très important de maintenir la
stabilité politique en Serbie, en faisant la concession de ne pas
donner au Kosovo une place aux Nations Unies comme si c’était un état
reconnu internationalement, et cela jusqu’au moment de l’intégration
totale des Balkans occidentaux en Europe quand cette question aura
été résolue. La Serbie est prête maintenant à concéder au Kosovo de
nombreux éléments d’un statut d’autonomie, quasiment étatique, mais à
l’intérieur de la Serbie : il aurait toutes les prérogatives d’un
état sans un poste à l’ONU, et bien sûr avec le maintien de liens
institutionnels avec les Serbes du Kosovo, à travers une
collaboration flexible avec les institutions du Kosovo. La
proclamation d’une indépendance complète entraînerait une
déstabilisation plus grande dans tous les Balkans. Je ne dis pas ça
pour que les Albanais n’obtiennent pas ce qu’ils veulent. Peut-être
eux aussi ont-ils le droit de désirer leur indépendance, de la même
façon que les Serbes ont le droit de continuer à vivre dans leur
pays, dans un Kosovo serbe, comme il l’a été pendant tous ces siècles.

Il faut trouver une solution provisoire, liée à une dynamique vers
l’Union européenne. Cela conditionnerait Belgrade et Pristina à un
objectif commun, et cela les obligerait à être fidèles aux accords.
C’est le seul moyen qui pourrait apporter une plus grande stabilité à
cette région, aux Balkans et à l’Europe. Nous allons voir maintenant
ce que vont décider les grands pouvoirs mondiaux, parce que, pour
finir, l’accord se fera entre Washington, Moscou et Bruxelles, tous
prêts à faire accepter le plan Ahtisaari tel qu’il est.

Edition de jeudi 15 mars 2007 de il manifesto
Traduit de l’italien par Marie-Ange Patrizio

Thinking about Yugoslavia: The Massacre at the Morava – in Our Name

NATO attack on the civilian population on 30 May 1999 in broad daylight

by Hans Wallow*, Germany

Sanja Milenkovic was only 15 years old. She died on a glorious spring day, the religious holiday celebrating the Holy Trinity, when on 30 May 1999 NATO fighter jets destroyed a militarily insignificant bridge across the Morava in Sanjy’s Serbian hometown Varvarin, connecting two parts of the town. Together with her another 10 civilians died in the massacre in the small Serbian province town. 27 Varvarin citizens were severely injured.

Sanja’s mother, Vesna Milenkovic, is one the family of dead or affected persons, who demanded compensation of the Federal Republic of Germany – acting for NATO – before the Federal High Court in Karlsruhe. For the first time after Germany had participated without reservation in a combat mission that was not UN covered and contrary to international law, civilian victims demanded compensation.

“Many people still want to know today, how Princess Diana died, I want to know, why my innocent child had to die”, says Vesna Milenkovic: “We are very concerned about justice and that the truth becomes known and the responsible persons are named. Nobody can reüplace my daughter.”

Although the Federal High Court in Karlsruhe took the same view as in the case of the massacre committed by the SS in the Greek village of Distomo, that war results were to be regulated only among states, the Federal High Court Judges then expressly left open – due to the strengthening of the individual in international law – whether for the example this is also true for combat missions of the German Federal Armed Forces abroad.

The air raid was contrary to international law and thus a war crime

This was what the Varvarin citizens, represented by the Karlsruhe lawyer Professor Dr. iur. Norbert Gross, had hoped for. In the reasons of appeal he states, “that individual civil claims of aggrieved persons deriving from their national right are not excluded beside any claim in international law by their mother country”.

The air raid was contrary to international law for the people of Varvarin and thus a war crime. But the judges in the red robes did not risk anything, they did not want to get involved neither in the contradictory statements of the War Ministry nor in the global liability of the individual war waging NATO states and remained with the dominant opinion. Thus they fell behind the principles of the valid Afghan Islamic tribal law, according to which an act of murder can be atoned for by the “Talnion”, an adequate compensation, as the regulations in the “Sachsenspiegel”, the oldest form of written law in Germany, say.

The 10 dead and 27 severely wounded persons were simply interpreted away. Now the Varvarin citizens decided to appeal with the Federal Constitutional Court.

What happened on 30 May 1999? The day began in the Serbian town of Varvarin at the river Morava like all over Europe as a young, glorious spring day. Very early the anglers sat at the river bank. It was market day, and the celebration of the Holy Trinity was celebrated with a procession. At noon there were many people around the single-lane makeshift bridge, which had been established by the Germans after the Second World War as a compensation. The fifteen-year old student and daughter of the mayor, Sanja Milenkovic, ran with her two friends Marina Jovanovic and Marijana Stojanovic across the bridge.

Murderous attack on civilians

Marina Jovanovic, who appears before the Karlsruhe High Court as claimant, reports about the most terrible moment of her life: “At 1.00 o’clock we came from church and from the market in good mood and went on our way home for lunch, our way leading us across the bridge back to Donji Katun, a borough of Varvarin. We were already close to the other side of the river, and we were not in a hurry, because it was a beautiful, sunny day in May. Suddenly there was a hissing, a dreadful impact hurled us through the air, and I heard my friends screaming. All around there was a terrible heat, I felt like glowing and then floating in the air.”

Marina falls down with the bridge, faints for two or three minutes and then realizes her bleeding hand, hears Marijanas calls for help and sees nothing but the central pillar of the bridge rising before her. Her right leg is totally smashed below the knee, the lower leg seems only be connected to the body by pure flesh. Like the two other girls she is lying on the diagonally hanging down footpath of the bridge.

Sanja seems heavily injured, has the hand on her chest and wants to say something, but she does not succeed. She breathes heavily. After the first impact, she is sitting with her back to the railing, about 1 to 2 meters away from her, then after approximately five minutes the airplanes come back. She sees their trace and also the projectile that dashes towards her. Suddenly Sanja slips away downward and loses consciousness. She now hangs with her head in the water. Marina creeps down, in order to hold her head above water. She slips along on her elbow, because she cannot use her legs, and calls for help. On the back she carries a backpack, which probably saved her life, because a fragment of a kilo had penetrated it. From the backpack she gets a water bottle and moistens the face of the unconscious Sanja. Now it seems, as if Sanja was smiling at her. Marina stands in the water up to the hip, she can hardly keep upright because of the strong current, and she fears that her leg could be amputated completely. Therefore, she gets out of the water again.

Marijana, who is heavily hurt as well, tries to pull herself up at the railing, then sees to her astonishment that from the upper arm a bone protrudes, and at the same moment she is at the end of her tether. With the second impact she sees, how Sanja continues to slip downward. It is dark, sticky, the eyes burn, and both friends lose consciousness repeatedly. The collapsed bridge makes the water level rise, so that the girls lie now with their body in the river. Marijana gets more frightened, she fears for Sanja, and for herself, because she cannot swim. Marijana sees her friend Marina creeping with the water bottle to Sanja, in order to wash to her face and so bring her back to consciousness. Both call it for help and scream loudly: “Take care of Sanja!”

Second attack kills 8 helpers

When the first rockets meet the bridge across the Morava, panic breaks out among 3500 people on the market in Varvarin, and immediately chaos prevails on the roads. Some people scream: “Away, just get away! They are coming back!” There are also calls that girls were on the destroyed bridge and a red car had fallen into the water. Others do not behave so egoistically, for example Milan Savic. He insults his friends in the café saying they were cowards: “But we have to help the wounded!” His decision to save others cost the lives of the 28 year-old man and 7 more helpers, among them the priest Milvoje Ciric.

A second air raid on the almost completely destroyed bridge followed. Sanja did not have a chance to live because of her heavy injuries. She died some hours later under the eyes of her mother in the hospital. Marijana remains crippled for the rest of her life. Marina, who studies medicine in Belgrade today, is still tormented by over 40 bomb fragments in her body, which cannot be removed in an operation. She says: “From that day on I have never been a light-hearted young person any more. I think of the cruel events again and again.”

German Tornadoes take part in attacks

In all lawsuits, from the regional court in Bonn to the Higher Regional Court in Cologne and up to the Federal High Court, the representatives of the Federal Government denied the participation of the German Air Forces in the attack on the bridge of Varvarin. That is very doubtful at least, as the German ECR Tornadoes as well as the reconnaissance tornadoes, which filmed the targets, flew from Italy to deployments in Yugoslavia about 484 times. The ECR bombers alone fired 244 AGM-88-Harm-Missiles at a price of 200 000 Dollars each. The Squadron Commander A. Schulte [name changed] said about the attacks of the German tornadoes before the defence committee of the German Bundestag: “We fired eight missiles per flight – thus eight times we ‘lighted’. Then the world awoke and shot at us.”

But even if German Federal Armed Forces pilots were not involved in bombardment, in the sense of a global liability Germany, too, is responsible for the events in Varvarin. Beyond that, the modern war machine is based on the division of labour to a high extent. Thus, it was a task of the reconnaissance tornadoes of the German Air Force to photograph the targets with the help of 60-mm-infrared cameras in Kosovo and in the Serbian hinterland. The targets were then judged and transferred to the combat bombers of other NATO states to be stored in their satellite-based control systems (GPS). The bomber crews then focussed their targets with the help of these videos.

The first NATO statement after the attack that the bridge of Varvarin had been a secondary target, which the pilots themselves had looked for, has meanwhile been disproved, because in a documentation of NATO of 31 October 1999 headed “Strategic target” as well as in an added target list the “highway bridge of Varvarin” is marked on a map. This “highway bridge” had already been mentioned before as one of 11 targets in Serbia and declared a bomb target. However, in Varvarin there is none. There was only the single-lane makeshift bridge, which led into a local borough. Even judge Sonnenberg in the Bonn regional court had realized this. One does not have to be military personnel in order to exclude this bridge as one of eleven “strategic targets”.

“Pushing the release button required great willpower”

Experts assume that this target had meant the four-lane freeway bridge about 15 km from Varvarin leading from Belgrade to Kosovo and that it was not meant to be the local bridge without military any meaning in the town of Varvarin. A mistake, which led to the “misthrow”?

According to one of the pilots of the reconnaissance squad, pushing the release button for the anti-radar missiles in the ECR or the camera button in the reconnaissance aircraft always requires great willpower. Thus the tornado pilots of the German Federal Armed Forces smooth the way for the following attack formations and that thereby in all probability people are killed – at least indirectly – had a deep effect on him, the soldier said.

The military expert and lieutenant colonel Juergen Rose has not doubt about it, he refers however to the US Air Force aerial war doctrine of the so-called five rings used by NATO, according to which the “target priority” ranks the “civilian population” even before the opposing military. – Did the German generals contribute to an aerial war contrary to international law?

NATO alone could throw a light on the matter, but it has remained silent until today. The existing action plans are still a military secret. Why so? NATO has rejected all accusations to offend against humanitarian international law. However, the defensive alliance admits tragic events, whereas these were not only inevitable incidents.

Air Force General Walter Jertz, once combat pilot and military speaker of NATO writes in his book “Im Dienste des Friedens – Tornados über dem Balkan” (In the name of peace – tornadoes on the Balkans): “Besides deliberately destroyed factories and infrastructure facilities, residential buildings and hospitals were always damaged and destroyed, too, – in the technical wars of the 20th century this often happens widely and intentionally in order to break the moral of the population.”

We certainly hope that the “Varvarin” case at the Federal High Court in Karlsruhe will contribute to disprove the statement of the Federal Government Schroeder/Fischer that it was pushed into the Kosovo war by the Clinton administration in Washington. According to a report in the “International Herald Tribune” the election winner Gerhard Schroeder explained immediately before he presented his credentials with President Clinton together with the delegates Fischer, Vollmer and Verheugen on 9 October 1998 in Washington: “Nobody, not even the president of Yugoslavia, is to hope that we follow a less decisive course than the past administration”.

“The way into war” – the red-green government was bent on doing so

According to Matthias Küntzel in “Der Weg zum Krieg” (Way into war), the war of intervention was assured even before the vote in the German Bundestag on 16 October 1998 of the designated government. The motive was that the red-green government was keen on being taken serious on the international stage in order to be granted a constant seat in the Security Council. The siding in this brutal civil war between Serbs and Albanians with its expulsions on both sides was sold to the good delegates of the Bundestag of the running out electoral period (legislative period between 1994 and 1998), to the homeland media front and to the German public as a crusade for human rights. Particularly the public television channels reacted with blind obedience. It is close to self-censorship that until today no documentation about the 2000 civilian victims of bombardment on Serbian side has been published.

Although Germany joined the Humanitarian International Law, experts in international law still argue about the conformity of the war against Yugoslavia with international law. It is clear that the bombardment of the hinterland of Serbia, including the bridge of Varvarin, was out of proportion. Professor Dr jur Reinhard Merkel said after the Kosovo war at the Evangelische Akademie in Arnoldshain: “Those who want to help someone else by letting indifferent third people pay with their life for the recovery, although this could have been avoided by accepting the risks for one’s own life and body, pursue a shabby maxim. They disavow the standard, to which he appeals for their own actions. – I fear that history will recall not only to the acts of the Mr. Milosevic, but also to the war of his opponents as a reminiscence of horror.”

* For three electoral periods, Hans Wallow served as a Member of Parliament in the German Bundestag. He lives as a writer in Bonn and wrote a theatre documentary about the attack on the bridge of Varvarin, which was played in three German theatres.

One single day out of 78 days...

Update of a strategy to bomb Yugoslavia back to Stone Age

NATO Headquarters, May 31, 1999, 9:30
Operation Allied Force Update

In one of the most intense days of Operation Allied Force, NATO aircraft struck far and wide at strategic and tactical targets throughout Serbia, further reducing the military capability and effectiveness of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia military and police apparatus.

NATO flew 772 sorties, the second highest mission total of the campaign. This included 323 strike and 92 suppression of air defence missions. This strike/SEAD combination of 415 is the highest strike rate of Operation Allied Force.

Regarding ground forces deployed in Kosovo, NATO aircraft successfully located, identified and struck significant numbers of weapons and equipment. These attacks included 12 tanks, seven artillery pieces, six armoured personnel carriers, two mortar positions, 10 revetted positions, a radar site and other military vehicle and troop positions.

The list of strategic targets hit is one of the largest in the 68 days of Operation Allied Force. Targets included [...] Highway bridge at [...] Varvarin.


CP of Bohemia & Moravia, Statement On The Danger of Breaking of Serbian
Republic’s Territory Integration
From: Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia, Monday, March 26, 2007  , mailto:leftnews@

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and
Moravia on the danger of breaking of Serbian Republic’s territory

In the present dispute over the future of Kosovo and Metohija, which has
acquired an international dimension, the Communist Party of Bohemia and
Moravia stands on the side of law, and on the side of support of Serbian
statehood in its full integrity, and for the rejection of the plans to
promote and to achieve a break-up of the Serbian state in favour of a
local separatism from so-called Kosovo´s Albanians.

Both the cases of 1938 Munich and NATO aggression in 1999 represent the
reminders, that every violence poses harm, which is worthy of disdain
and condemnation.

The Kosovo and Metohija region remains an integral part of the Serbian
state territory, even though it can be currently considered to be a
protectorate under an international administration. This fact is
anchored in the constitution and in international documents by which the
international borders of the Serbian state have been ratified; it is
also included in the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1244 of June,
1999, by which has been established the current regime in the region.
Unfortunately, after almost 8 years, that regime always shows a dramatic
deficit in observance of the Resolution No. 1244 as a security standards
for all citizens, for their freedom of movement, for returning of
Serbian exiles back to their homes, for the rights of both the Serbians
and the Non-Albanians to use their personal properties. It follows, that
no advance has been achieved since summer 1999 in anything for which the
Serbian side is neither guilty nor responsible, in conditions of
multiethnic coexistence, but in which the Serbian side is in the
position of victim.

The Central Committee of the CPBM entrusts the group of its Members of
Parliament to strive on the parliamentary grounds for a government of
the Czech Republic’s presentation of an official statement on the
situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and on the manner of solution of that
situation, and strives to achieve that the Czech government will
undertake and not to allow Czech troops in Kosovo to be unilaterally
abused for actions, which could be out of accordance with an official
standing of the Serbian Republic and out of accordance with the UN


Riceviamo e volentieri giriamo:

From:   info  @...
Date: March 23, 2007 11:48:07 AM GMT+01:00


Presentazione proposta di legge per la Giornata della Memoria in ricordo delle vittime africane durante l’occupazione coloniale italiana


Ne discutono:
Angelo Del Boca, Storico
on. Iacopo Venier, Primo firmatarioproposta di legge, Deputato PdCI
on. Nicola Tranfaglia, Storico, Deputato PdCI
on. Khaled Fouad Allam, Deputato Ulivo
Piero Bevilacqua, Docente universitario


Carmine Curci, Direttore Nigrizia



Movimento Resistenza Universitaria
Associazione Puntocritico onlus


24 MARZO 1999 - 2007


Selezione di documenti, commenti ed iniziative nell'ottavo anniversario della infame aggressione della NATO contro la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia

(english / italiano / srpskohrvatski.
Sources: mailing lists STOPNATO, YUGOSLAVIAINFO, others)

1) London: Public Meeting, 27th March 2007, 7pm

(Voice of Russia)

3) Why NATO really smote the Serbs
(JAMES BISSETT, former Ambassador)


5) Aleksinac - 7 aprile 1999 - Camminando fra le rovine
(Uberto Tommasi)

6) The eighth anniversary of NATO bombings of Yugoslavia /  Memorial service held for victims of NATO bombing / Belgrade daily 'Glas Javnosti' on the March 24 anniversary





Kako je ratno vazduhoplovstvo Jugoslavije iznenadilo NATO snage na Tuzlanskom i Tiranskom aerodromu i nanelo im ozbiljne gubitke. O napadima naše avijacije 1999 godine u vreme NATO agresije na aerodrome u Tuzli i Tirani NATO nije izustio ni jednu reč. Krije se to, jer kako bi takva sila priznala da su joj neki srpski piloti očitali lekciju iz taktike i veštine letenja nanevši joj pri tom i značajne gubitke. Posebno poražavajuće po NATO zvuči činjenica da su srpski avioni izvodili takve borbene letove dok su im iznad glava bili silni Avaksi i jata tehnički znatno superiornijih NATO aviona...

=== 1 ===

London - House of Commons

Public Meeting
to commemorate

The 8th Anniversary of NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia

Future of Kosovo
Judgement on Serbia in the Hague
Lessons of past year

Bob Wareing, MP
Member for Liverpool West Darby

Alice Mahon, former Labour MP
The last witness at Milosevic Trial

Neil Clark
Journalist and writer

Misha Gavrilovic, Nedaist Initiative
Aggressors shall not write our History

Tuesday, 27th March 2007

7-8:30 pm
Committee Room 15
House of Commons
St Stephens Entrance


Please come at least 10-15 minutes before the start time in order to pass security check at St Stephens Entrance and get to Committee Room 15.

Map of Parliament Area

Directions to Parliament


From: <cdsmireland  @...>
Date: March 26, 2007 7:56:45 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: Message of Solidarity - RE: 8th Anniversary of NATO Aggression against Yugoslavia - House of Commons Public Meeting - 27th March 2007, 7pm

Dear Friends -

IN THE STRUGGLE FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE AND PEACE we wish to send this message of solidarity and support to the organisers, speakers and all people attending this most important meeting to commemorate the 8th Anniversary of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
We note that the meeting of the 50th Anniversary of the European Union which took place in Berlin last week reinforces the links between the EU and NATO and the EU's desire to interfere in the sovereign affairs of countries both inside and outside Europe and by military means if necessary.

June Kelly - John Jefferies 
for the 
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
(Irish Section)
Tel: + 0861963134
cdsmireland @... 

=== 2 ===

Voice of Russia
March 23, 2007


By Mike Sullivan 

It looks like timing political decisions for
anniversaries is very much becoming a tradition in the

March has been no exception either, with Saddam
Hussein’s onetime second in command, Taha Yassin
Ramadan, hanged in the early hours of March 20,
exactly four years after the start of the US-led
invasion of Iraq.

The low-key execution brought back memories of a
similar hanging of Saddam Hussein who was hastily put
to death right before the onset of the new year 2007.

The symbolism of these two acts is really hard to

The biggest hit, however, at least from the Western
point of view, could be a resolution on Kosovo to seal
the region’s de jure independence from Serbia.

It’s well worth mentioning the fact here that the
approval of the controversial resolution has been
timed for March 24, which is exactly the day when,
eight years ago, NATO planes started bombing
Yugoslavia as if to defend the Kosovo Albanians.

It is already clear, however, that this hit will die
before it’s born: Russia’s ambassador to the United
Nations has made it perfectly clear that under no
circumstances will he vote for the proposed draft.

Meaning that this time round the world will be spared
another strange coincidence.

There was someone in recent European history who, too,
had a predilection for timing his actions for specific
dates and was very fond of March to boot.

As you might have already guessed, this man was Adolf
Hitler, a very superstitious type who even had his
personal astrologer to consult with. The Fuehrer was
also a sucker for other symbols and coincidences.

The Beerhall Putsch of November 9, 1923 was timed for
the fifth anniversary of the end of WWI and the
ensuing revolution in Germany.

The outbreak of WW2 fell on the first day of the fall
and the German troops crossed the Soviet border on the
day of the summer solstice of June 22, 1941.

Moreover, France’s formal surrender in 1940 was signed
in the very railway car where representatives of the
German high command inked their country’s capitulation
in 1918…

March bore witness to all of Adolf Hitler’s main
actions leading up to the Second World War.

On March 7, 1936, in violation of the terms of the
1919 Versailles peace treaty, the Fuehrer sent his
troops marching into Rhineland which quickly became
part of the Third Reich.

On March 11, 1938, in another breach of the Versailles
accords, Hitler annexed his native Austria, and on
March 15, 1939 the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia
which, unlike the previous two invasions, was an act
of direct aggression because the Czechs had no desire
to become part of the Third Reich.

All this will hardly make happy the admirers of
glorious dates in Washington and Brussels because
tying up far-going political decisions to memorable
dates often ends in a flop, just like it happened in
Iraq and Kosovo.

Maybe because the ancient Romans venerated Mars as the
god of war and the month of March, named after this
belligerent deity, has since been seen by astrologers
as the start of bloody wars....The problem is,
however, that oftentimes the stars and history may be
of no help. 

=== 3 ===


Why NATO really smote the Serbs

March 22, 2007

This weekend marks the eighth anniversary of the U.S.-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. The implications of that action are still with us.

The onslaught that began March 24, 1999, continued for 78 days, causing an estimated 10,000 civilian casualties and inflicting widespread damage on the country's infrastructure. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's unprecedented attack against a sovereign state was done without United Nations authority and in violation of the UN Charter and international law. It also set a dangerous precedent: It transformed NATO from a purely defensive organization into a powerful alliance prepared to intervene militarily wherever it chose to do so. And it paved the way for the unilateral U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Bill Clinton and other NATO leaders justified the bombing on humanitarian grounds. It was alleged that genocide was taking place in Kosovo and that Serbian security forces were driving out the Albanian population. Later, it was disclosed there was no genocide in Kosovo. (Of course, the outcome appears to be an independent quasi-state of Kosovo, as shall be recommended next week to the UN Security Council.) Before the bombing, several thousand Albanians had been displaced within Kosovo as a result of the fighting between Serbian security forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army. But nearly all of the Albanians who fled Kosovo did so after the bombing began. The real ethnic cleansing came after Serbian forces withdrew and more than 200,000 Serbs, Roma, Jews and other non-Albanians were forced to flee; more than 150 Christian churches and monasteries have since been burned by Albanian mobs.

The bombing had little, if anything, to do with humanitarian concerns. It had everything to do with the determination of the United States to maintain NATO as an essential military organization. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the withdrawal of Warsaw Pact armies had called into question NATO's reason for existence. Why was such a powerful and expensive military organization needed to defend Western Europe when there was no longer any threat from Soviet communism?

The armed rebellion by the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army provided Washington with the opportunity needed to demonstrate to Western Europe that NATO was still needed. So, it was essential to convince the news media and the public that atrocities and ethnic cleansing were taking place in Kosovo. This was done with relative ease by a campaign of misinformation aimed at demonizing the Serbs and by assertions by Mr. Clinton, Tony Blair and other NATO spokesmen that hundreds of young Albanian men were "missing" and that mass executions and genocide were taking place in Kosovo. Compliant journalists and a credulous public accepted these lies.

In April, 1999, at the peak of the bombing, Mr. Clinton gathered NATO's political leaders in Washington to celebrate the alliance's 50th birthday. The party was used as a platform for Mr. Clinton to announce a new "strategic concept" -- NATO was to be modernized and made ready for the new century. There was no reference to defence or the settling of international disputes by peaceful means or of complying with the principles of the UN Charter. The new emphasis would be on "conflict prevention," "crisis management" and "crisis response operation."

Usually when a treaty is to be amended or changed, it must be approved and ratified by the legislatures of the contracting states. This was not done with the North Atlantic Treaty. It was changed by an announcement from the U.S. president, with little or no debate by the legislatures of member countries. It may well be that NATO should be in a position to intervene militarily in the internal affairs of another country, but it surely is essential that the ground rules for such intervention be in accordance with the UN Charter and only after concurrence of member states. NATO should not become a convenient political "cover" to justify the use of military power by the United States.

James Bissett was Canada's ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1990 to 1992.

=== 4 ===


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 16 MAR - E' morto d'infarto al trentanovesimo giorno dichiarato di sciopero della fame un cittadino serbo impegnato in una forma di protesta estrema per denunciare la mancata promessa di un alloggio nuovo alla sua famiglia in sostituzione della casa distrutta fin dai raid Nato del 1999. Lo scrive oggi il tabloid belgradese Kurir. Protagonista della tragedia, Milovoje Stamenkovic, 60 anni, originario della citta' di Nis (sud del Paese ex jugoslavo). L'uomo, senza casa da ormai otto anni, aveva cercato in tutti i modi di ottenere un nuovo alloggio definitivo, ma non era venuto a capo di nulla malgrado le ripetute promesse delle autorita'. Alla fine ha deciso di portare il suo caso all'attenzione dei media con l'arma dello sciopero della fame, senonche', dopo oltre un mese di privazioni, il suo cuore ha ceduto. Secondo i dati riportati dalla stampa, la gran maggioranza dei serbi rimasti privi di un tetto in seguito ai bombardamenti del 1999 - concentrati soprattutto nel sud - e' costretta tuttora ad arrangiarsi in modo precario. L'intervento militare dei Paesi Nato contro la Serbia - risoltosi in due mesi e mezzo di bombardamenti pressoche' ininterrotti - fu giustificato dall'Occidente con la volonta' di fermare la politica repressiva adottata dell'allora regime serbo-jugoslavo di Slobodan Milosevic per fronteggiare la guerriglia separatista nella provincia del Kosovo.(ANSA). LR
16/03/2007 18:07

=== 5 ===

Vi allego un diario di guerra che scrissi, per un
quotidiano italiano, direttamente sul luogo

Aleksinac - 7 aprile 1999 - Camminando fra le rovine

“…la cosa più difficile è stato levare il piccolo capo dalle braccia
della madre che sosteneva che le labbra si muovevano ancora”

La notizia del bombardamento di un villaggio di minatori, avvenuto la
notte del 5, si è sparsa a macchia d’olio. Le cifre diffuse sono
contraddittorie ed imprecise. Per questo ci siamo decisi a sacrificare
l’ultima riserva di benzina e ottenuto un permesso del Press Center, con
il collega de Il Manifesto, Paolo Boccia, Paolo Rosignoli di Maiz e
Branka Stanisic della Tanjug, abbiamo deciso di partire per Aleksinac.
Usiamo la mia vecchia Mercedes, nonostante tutti ci abbiano consigliato
di procurarci una macchina con targa serba per non incorrere nelle ire
della popolazione.
Presa l’autostrada che da Belgrado porta a Nis, dopo circa 200
chilometri, arriviamo a destinazione, dove abbiamo contattato la polizia
del luogo che ci ha portato fino al punto in cui erano cadute le bombe.
Lo spettacolo ci appare desolante e la luce del tramonto che proietta le
lunghe ombre dei ruderi rimasti in piedi, non aiuta certo a rendere meno
impressionante il paesaggio.
Il piccolo quartiere di casette si presenta come un modellino che sia
stato scomposto dalla manata di un gigante, infatti, non vi sono segni
di bruciature, ma si possono intravedere cumuli di mattoni fra i quali
si aggirano gruppetti di soccorritori muniti di poveri mezzi.
Il problema più grosso sembra essere il fatto che non si può entrare con
i mezzi di soccorso nelle strade intasate dalle rovine. La stessa
ambulanza del prontuario medico non si è potuta utilizzare perché,
sollevata dallo spostamento d’aria,  giace deposta nel bel mezzo di
mucchi di mattoni e materiali vari. La folla, per niente minacciosa,
sembra ansiosa di comunicare al mondo l’ingiustizia della tragedia che
ha travolto la piccola comunità. La gente ci prende per mano dividendoci
e ci porta nei punti in cui sono stati rinvenuti i corpi esanimi delle
vittime e dove si sospetta che ve ne possano essere degli altri.
Camminiamo sulle suppellettili di case povere. Posso intravedere i resti
di una libreria, un testo scolastico di geografia aperto sulla Francia.
Dei panni ancora legati ad un filo per stendere, pezzi di un tavolo, una
bambola rotta e una cancellata quasi intatta ma completamente sradicata
dal muretto di cemento che la sosteneva, raccontano la storia di gente
sorpresa in un momento di vita normale. Un volontario della Croce Rossa,
probabilmente ancora scioccato, cerca di trasmettermi la sensazione che
si prova raccogliendo con le mani la piccola testa di un bambino
decollato: “Aveva un’espressione terribile” ha insistito a raccontarmi:
“Con lui era morta la nonna. Purtroppo quando era suonato l’allarme era
venuta a mancare anche la luce e la vecchia ed il bimbo non se l’erano
sentita di raggiungere il rifugio camminando nel buio. La cosa più
difficile è stato levare il piccolo capo dalle mani della madre, che
sosteneva che le labbra si muovevano ancora.” L’emozione comincia a
sopraffarci, ma continuiamo a scattare delle fotografie ed a registrare
interviste automaticamente fino a che, improvvisa, suona la potente
sirena dell’allarme e vediamo le persone che affollano la strada
affrettarsi. Lo stesso volontario, sale su di una motozappa, con
carrettino, trasformata in mezzo di soccorso e ci saluta spiegandoci di
avere appena cinque minuti di tempo per raggiungere il rifugio. Solo la
polizia attende paziente che terminiamo i nostri riti giornalistici e si
offre di farci strada verso l’uscita del villaggio, dove ci saluta
dandoci le ultime indicazioni. Ma oramai è sera ed i punti di
riferimento non sembrano più gli stessi. Anzi, quando raggiungiamo il
complicato cavalcavia, imbocchiamo una via che ci porta in piena
campagna e dobbiamo tornare indietro continuando a girare invano su
quello che rappresenta un ottimo obiettivo per i missili. In quel
momento suona irreale il telefono portatile: è Pedro, un amico che si
trova a Sarajevo. Gli spiego in fretta la situazione e chiudo.
Finalmente troviamo l’ingresso. Nella cabina, uno sparuto bigliettaio ci
munisce di scontrino e ci augura buon viaggio.
Al ritorno l’autostrada è deserta, sono le nove di sera e ci avevano
raccomandato di ritornare per le otto. La mancanza di luci fa risaltare
il cielo stellato che ci sorprendiamo a scrutare di tanto in tanto in
cerca della scia di qualche orrendo ordigno. Belgrado ci accoglie
illuminata. Attraversiamo il ponte, che i tassisti passano a
centocinquanta all’ora in gara con il destino ed i missili americani.
Mi viene spontaneo chiedermi che cosa starà facendo la mia famiglia in
questo momento, confortato nel saperla al sicuro, ma sempre con il
dubbio che mi attanaglia dall’inizio di questa guerra: fino quando?

=== 6 ===

Voice of Russia
March 24, 2007

The eighth anniversary of NATO bombings of Yugoslavia

Exactly eight years ago today NATO planes started
raining bombs and missiles on the Federal Yugoslavia
at the start of a 78-day campaign which killed an
estimated 3,000 civilians and nearly a thousand
soldiers of the Yugoslav army.

The material damage is estimated at between 50 billion
and 100 billion dollars.

Participants in the Forum for Peace and Equality that
was held in Belgrade on Friday proposed setting up a
special center to collect documented information about
the US-led aggression.

They also asked the Serbian government to file an
official report on the consequences of the use by NATO
of depleted uranium artillery shells and bombs during
the 1999 campaign. 


Government of Serbia
March 24, 2007

Memorial service held for victims of NATO bombing

Belgrade – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica
attended today the memorial service for victims of
NATO bombardment against the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia in 1999, which was held in the St. Marko
Church in Belgrade.
The commemoration was served by Bishop Atanasije of
Hvostan, and besides Kostunica, ministers in the
Serbian government and friends and families of those
killed in the 1999 bombing were also present. 
On this day eight years ago the military action
against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by NATO
began, after which an international protectorate was
established in the Serbian province of
During the 78 days long action of air strikes titled
“Merciful Angel” 1,002 members of the Yugoslav Army
and the Serbian police lost their lives; it claimed
the lives of nearly 2,500 civilians, including 89
children and some 10,000 people were left injured and
The air campaign consisted of some 2,300 air strikes
on 995 targets throughout the country. 1,150 NATO
fighter planes launched nearly 1,300 cruise missiles
and dropped 2,900 bombs on not just military but also
civilian targets. 
Combined with most deadly weapons, NATO also used
banned weapons against Yugoslavia, dropping 36,000
cluster bombs and 15 tonnes of ammunition with traces
of radioactive elements, which were used for
bombarding 112 locations.
Besides military targets, two convoys of refugees in
Kosovo-Metohija, the Varvarin Bridge, a train in the
Grdelica gorge, and a market place in Nis were also
The Dr Dragisa Misovic hospital and the Chinese
embassy in Belgrade were also hit, leaving several
innocent civilians dead. 
Targets in Belgrade also included the building of the
state television Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS)
where 16 workers were killed and four were severely
Wreaths were laid and candles were lit on the monument
for victims of the bombing on the anniversary of the
NATO military action.


[ Minor English editing and a couple of clarifications cf. on geography of
the referred to locations are given in brackets. -- PT ]

Glas Javnosti daily, Belgrade

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Today is the eight-year anniversary of the beginning of the bombing of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Suffering and deaths must not be forgotten

During 78 days of air strikes approximately 2,500 people died, including
557 civilians, while some 12,500 were wounded. The administration at that
time estimated that material damage of 100 billion dollars was done
On today's date eight years ago NATO began the bombing of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia because, as then NATO secretary-general Javier
Solana explained, "all efforts to achieve a political solution through
negotiations of the Kosovo crisis have failed".

During [the] 78 days of air strikes approximately 2,500 people died,
including 557 civilians, while some 12,500 were wounded. Various
[pieces of] information have been presented regarding [the] material
damage. The administration at that time estimated that material damage of
100 billion dollars was done, while G17, then a group of independent
economists, assessed the damage at 29.6 billion dollars. The NATO
aggression against Yugoslavia [FRY, later renamed into Serbia-Motenegro]
lasted 11 continuous weeks during which [the country's] infrastructure,
[as well as many] commercial buildings, schools, health institutions,
media houses and cultural monuments were damaged or destroyed.

After unsuccessful negotiations regarding a proposed peace agreement in
Rambouillet near Paris conducted from February 6 to March 19 [1999] by the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanians, and the collapse
of negotiations between the FRY president Slobodan Milosevic with U.S.
special envoy Richard Holbrooke, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on
March 23 made the decision to bomb FRY.

Then NATO secretary-general Javier Solana who after the meeting of the
NATO Council issued an order for the initiation of the campaign 'Merciful
Angel' accused the government in Belgrade for the collapse of negotiations
and emphasized that actions would be directed toward "interruption of
violent attacks being carried out by the Serbian Army and special police
forces and the reduction of their capabilities" .

Attacks began on March 24, 1999 just before 8:00 p.m. The Yugoslav
government soon proclaimed a state of war, and on the first night more
than 50 buildings in various parts of the country were targeted, including
in Pristina, Kursumlija, Uzice, Danilovgrad, Novi Sad, Pancevo, Podgorica,
Kraljevo, Kragujevac...

According to communique by the Yugoslav Army General Staff, during the
first night 10 soldiers were killed and 38 were wounded. As the bombing
continued, attacks increased in frequency and became more fierce, and the
targets of the bombers were no longer just military but also civilian

In addition to air combat in Kosovo and Metohija all 78 days there were
ongoing battles between the Yugoslav Army and the Kosovo Liberation Army,
which received logistical and military support from NATO. The Alliance
carried out attacks from ships in the Adriatic, from four air force bases
in Italy, and some operations involved strategic bombers who took off from
bases in western Europe and even the U.S.A.

By April 1 one of the symbols of Novi Sad, the Varadin Bridge, had been
destroyed; two days later the Liberty Bridge was also destroyed, while the
most resilient, the Zezelj Bridge, long resisted the bombs but also ended
up in the Danube at the end of April. In Kursumlija on April 2, 13
civilians died and 25 were wounded, and in the bombing of Aleksinac on
April 5, 13 died and more than 50 people were wounded.

Cuprija was bombed on April 8 and on that occasion a settlement of about
800 buildings was destroyed. The next day in an attack on the Kragujevac
factory "Zastava" 124 workers were injured. The Grdelica Bridge was bombed
on April 12 at the very moment a train was crossing the bridge: 14
passengers were killed and more than 20 sustained serious injuries. On
April 14 NATO planes bombed two columns of [Kosovo ethnic] Albanian
refugees on the road from Djakovica to Prizren [in southern Kosovo],
killing 75 and wounding more than 100 civilians.

During the bombing of Batajnica [suburb of Belgrade] on April 17, a single
projectile killed three-year old Milica Rakic in her home. In an attack on
Nis on April 19 one civilian was killed and 11 were seriously wounded. A
settlement of refugees from Krajina [the region in today's Croatia that
used to be overwhelmingly populated by ethnic Serbs] located near
Djakovica was also hit: five people were killed and 19 wounded, and the
settlement burned to the ground.

On the thirtieth day of the bombing, April 22, two missiles hit the
residence of FRY president Slobodan Milosevic in Uzicka Street number 15.
The next day at 2:00 a.m. the Radio Television Serbia building in
Aberdareva Street in Belgrade was hit. On that occasion 16 workers died
and four were seriously wounded. After this tragedy then RTS director
Dragoljub Milanovic was later sentenced to a 10 year prison term for
refusing the carry out orders to remove personnel and technology from the
television building.

In the attack on Surdulica on April 27 20 civilians died, including 11
children, and 200 people were wounded. Belgrade survived the fiercest
attack on April 30 when the building of the Yugoslav Army General Staff
and the old building of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs were hit,
the television tower on Mt. Avala was toppled and several private
buildings in the Vracar quarter destroyed. Three people died and 38 were
wounded. In the village of Murino na Limu five people were killed, and
another person later died from sustained injuries.

In the village of Luzane near Pristina on May 1 40 died and 16 passengers
of a bus bombed by NATO aviation were wounded. Two days later another bus
was targeted with a missile on the Pec - Kula - Rozaje road. Twenty
passengers died, many of them children, and 43 people sustained some
degree of injury.

On May 7 NATO bombed the embassy of the People's Republic of china in New
Belgrade "by mistake", it later explained. Three Chinese citizens were
killed and seven seriously wounded. The same night the Hotel Yugoslavia
was targeted with missiles.

The Cacak industrial zone was bombed on May 10. Four people were killed,
and 13 were wounded. The next day in attack on the Sever industrial zone
in Nis two people were killed, and two high school students in the center
of Vladicin Han. Another column of Albanian refugees was bombed on March
13 near the village of Koris near Prizren. Eighty-one people were killed
and more than 70 wounded.

The penitentiary-rehabilitation center in Istok was bombed the first time
on May 19 and at that time three prisoners were killed and six wounded. In
a second attack two days later 93 prisoners and guards were killed, and
some 200 people were wounded. The following day the Clinical Medical
Center Dr. Dragisa Misovic in Dedinje was hit: three patients and a guard
were killed, and a large number of patients and personnel were wounded.

In an attack on Aleksinac on May 28 three civilians were killed and about
20 were wounded. During the bombing of the bridge on the Velika Morava in
Varvarin on May 30 10 people were killed and more than 40 were seriously
wounded. Surdulica was bombed again on May 31 and on that occasion the
Health Center for Lung Diseases and the Home for the Elderly were hit.
Twenty died and 40 were wounded.

The center of Novi Pazar was bombed on June 1. In a housing building that
was hit 13 people died and 35 were wounded. The last missiles fired at the
FRY were fired on June 9 at 7:30 p.m. near Urosevac, and the next day at
about 1:00 p.m. at the village of Kololec in Kosovska Kamenica

The bombing of Yugoslavia ended on June 10 with the adoption of UN Security
Council Resolution 1244. The previous day representatives of the Yugoslav
Army and NATO signed the Military-Technical Agreement in Kosovo detailing
the withdrawal of Yugoslav Army forces from Kosovo and Metohija and the
deployment of international military troops in the province.

Sinisa Dedeic

=== 7 ===


Instead of a requiem to the innocent victims, and in order to prepare

in following three months actions of warning of humanity facing the

challenge of NATO industry of murder, here is a calendar of main crimes


Remember that 80% of all NATO targets were civilian.




 24TH March NATO aggression commences

 25th March Leskovac - air raid  to "Zdr avlje"  Chemical industries

 27th March Pancevo - heavily damaged Aeroplanes Factory "Lola-Utva"

 28th March Cacak -  heavily damaged Factory "Sloboda"

 1st April Novi Sad - destroyed "Varadinski bridge"

 3rd April Novi Sad - destroyed bridge "Freedom"

 4th April Novi Belgrade - Heating plant hit, one person killed

  Pancevo - raid on Oil refinery, two persons killed

 5th April Vranje - town attacked, two persons killed

  Aleksinac - town centre attacked, seven civilians killed

  Nis - heavily damaged Tobacco Factory DIN

  Lucani - damaged Chemical Industry "Milan Blagojevic"

 7th April Belgrade - missile attack, heavily damaged building of the

 Government of Serbia

 8th April Cuprija - attack on the town, one person killed

  Tornik - attack on the Sports centre "Cigota", three civilians killed

 9th April Kragujevac - heavily damaged Industries "Crvena zastava"

 11th April Merdare - five civilians killed in a missile attack

 12th April Grdelica Gorge - attack on the international train Belgrade -

 Salonika, twenty passengers killed

 14th April Pavlovac (Vranje) - missile attack, one person killed

  Pancevo - heavily damaged Chemical Factories "Petrohemija" and


  Valjevo - damaged structures at "Krusik" Factory

 15th April Rakovica - by missile attack damaged factories "Rekord", DMB,

 IMR, "Minel"

  Krusevac - damaged factory "14. October"

  Smederevo - destroyed bridge Smederevo-Kovin

  Nova Varos - destroyed bridge "Bistrica"

 17th April Batajnica - in a missile attack killed four-years old girl

 Milica Rakic

  Baric - in a missile attack damaged Factory "Prva iskra"

18th April Novi Sad - damaged building of the Provincial Executive


 19th April Nis -  attack on the city, one person killed

 21st April  Belgrade - heavily damaged building of the Head Committee of

 the Socialist Party of Serbia

 22nd April Belgrade - in an attack heavily damaged official residence of

 the President of FR  of Yugoslavia

  Uzice - destroyed building of the Post &Telecommunications

 23rd April Belgrade - attack on Serbia Broadcasting Corporation (RTS),

 17 civilians killed

 25th April Novi Sad  - destroyed "Zezelj Bridge"

 27th April  Surdulica - missile attack on a housing area, ten civilians


 29th April Belgrade - in the missile attack heavily damaged buildings of

 : Interior Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ministry of Defence and

 General Staff, Government of the Republic of Serbia

 30th April  Belgrade - attack on housing buildings in the Maxim Gorki

 and Vardarska Streets, one person killed

  Trstenik -  missile attack, on person killed

 2nd May Sremska Mitrovica - missile attack on the town, one civilian


 7th May Nis - attack on the city centre , fourteen civilians killed

  Novi Belgrade - attack on the building of the Embassy of China

  Novi Belgrade - attack on Hotel "Yugoslavia", four persons killed

 10th May Cacak - attack on the company "Cer", four persons killed

 11th May Nis - missile attack, one person killed

  Doljevac - missile attack, one person killed

 17th May Zajecar - attack on Yugopetrol warehouses, one person killed

 18th May Valjevo - missile attack, one person killed

  Vladicin Han - missile attack, one person killed

 20th  May Belgrade - missile attack to Medical centre "Dragisa Misovic',

 four persons killed

 21st May Sombor - missile attack on town, four civilians killed

 25th May Sabac - missile attack, one person killed

 26th May Ralja, Belgrade - missile attack, three persons killed

 27th May Cekavicki most, Lebane - two persons killed

 28th May Aleksinac - missile attack to the town centre, two killed

 29th May Cerovacki most, Leskovac - one person killed

 30th May Varvarin - nine civilians killed when a bridge attacked

  Novi Sad - missile attack, completely destroyed Serbian Broadcasting

 Corporation building

  Nis - missile attack, two killed

 31st May Belgrade, Ripanj - one person killed

  Obrenovac - one person killed in the attack

  Novi Pazar - missile attack, eleven persons killed

  Surdilica - thirteen persons killed

 7th June Boljevac - thirteen persons killed

 8th June Novi Sad - missile attack, one person killed - popoli resistenti - serbia - 19-03-07 

da: UPI Agency

Resoconto sulla condizione dell’infanzia in Serbia nel 2006


Belgrado, Febbraio 2007


Nonostante gli sforzi fatti per migliorare le condizioni dei bambini in Serbia dagli ultimi anni ’90, oggi esistono ancora più di 300.000 bambini che vivono in povertà o che sono a rischio di povertà, secondo il resoconto dell’UNICEF pubblicato oggi.


Il Rapporto sulla Condizione dell’infanzia in Serbia 2006 sui bambini poveri ed esclusi, prodotto congiuntamente dall’Ufficio Statistico della Repubblica di Serbia, dal Consiglio per i Diritti del Bambino della Repubblica Serba e dall’Ufficio UNICEF di Belgrado, è basato sulle informazioni e sui dati statistici raccolti nella ricerca “ Ricerca sulla situazione della famiglia e sulle pratiche di cura” e dall’ “Indagine sulla povertà del bambino”, e comprende tutti i più recenti e forti indicatori e dati dall’Indagine per indicatori multipli del 2006 (MICS).


“L’infanzia è un’opportunità che non torna più indietro,” disse Liv Svensson, la rappresentante Unicef per la Serbia,” Il futuro della Serbia dipende da una generazione sana ed educata, che richiede delle politiche di integrazione che punti specificatamente sui bambini poveri ed esclusi ed un utilizzo migliore delle risorse”.


Dal Resoconto emerge che più di 155.000 bambini in Serbia sono poveri e che altri 155.000 sono a rischio di scendere sotto la soglia della povertà. Questi sono bambini che a causa delle privazioni materiali, sociali e culturali sono limitati nella realizzazione dei loro diritti all’educazione, alla salute, allo sviluppo e alla protezione. L’analisi dei dati dalle aree rurali e urbane, da famiglie di diverse dimensioni e strutture rivela differenze molto significative all’interno del paese. La più grande percentuale di bambini che sono al di sopra del rischio medio di povertà ( quindi più a rischio), sono:


- bambini che provengono da famiglie numerose


- bambini che vivono in zone rurali, specialmente nella Serbia sudorientale e occidentale


- bambini che appartengono ad alcune minoranze etniche, in particolare Rom


- bambini profughi e rifugiati


 Questi bambini stanno crescendo al di sotto del livello di sviluppo e sono spesso invisibili in tutto il dibattito pubblico, nelle leggi, nelle statistiche e nelle cronache.


Migliorare le condizioni dell’infanzia dipenderà dal livello di priorità che questo obbiettivo conquisterà tra i numerosi obbiettivi di riforma di un paese in transizione. Vi è urgente bisogno di consapevolezza e di buoni dati per concretizzare una politica basata sui fatti e per tenere sotto controllo gli effetti di queste politiche .


Più dell’80% dei bambini Rom che vivono nelle comunità Rom, sono poveri e tutti gli indicatori sottolineano le loro privazioni inaccettabili e le loro discriminazioni multidimensionali. La Ricerca presentata nel Resoconto mostra che questi bambini soffrono molto più spesso di malattie e rachitismo come risultato della malnutrizione e della fame – i bambini Rom sono colpiti da rachitismo quattro volte di più della media nazionale. I primi risultati dell’indagine MICS, indicano che le percentuali di mortalità infantile e dei bambini sotto i cinque anni, sono tre volte più alte tra i Rom rispetto alla popolazione comune. Questi bambini devono spesso assumere ruoli adulti in mancanza di una sufficiente assistenza pubblica, vivono spesso in catapecchie o in case di cartone o di latta e hanno poco accesso ai servizi.


 In Serbia, solo il 33% dei bambini partecipa alle attività pre-scolastiche, ma la percentuale è drasticamente più bassa tra i bambini Rom- solo il 4% e appena il 6% tra il 20% dei più poveri. Il 6% dei bambini che vivono al di sotto del livello della povertà non vanno alla scuola elementare e solo il 13% dei bambini Rom termina la scuola elementare. Una delle ragioni più citate per la non partecipazione è la povertà. E tuttavia, l’educazione è la zona chiave per interrompere il ciclo intergenerazionale di povertà ed esclusione. Tra i poveri, la maggioranza vengono da famiglie i cui membri adulti non hanno nessuna formazione educativa.


Ci sono anche altri bambini che sono esclusi, bambini privati delle cure familiari e in istituzioni assistenziali, bambini disabili e bambini vittime di abuso, di abbandono, di sfruttamento e di violenza.


I bambini disabili non sono solo esclusi dalle cure sanitarie e dal sistema educativo, ma sono anche esposti a emarginazione e alla non accettazione da parte della società. I genitori di bambini disabili sono spesso lasciati soli senza adeguato supporto da parte del governo.


La mancanza di servizi sociali assistenziali adeguati a livello locale per sostenere le famiglie povere o in difficoltà, oppure per provvedere ad un servizio di famiglie affidatarie conduce all’istituzionalizzazione, che priva il bambino del diritto di crescere in un ambiente familiare e limita lo sviluppo del bambino per la vita.


Il Resoconto sulla Condizione dell’Infanzia in Serbia 2006 richiede un intervento da fare urgentemente.




L’Unicef è sul campo in 156 paesi e territori per aiutare i bambini a sopravvivere e a crescere, dalla prima infanzia all’adolescenza. Unicef è il più grande fornitore di vaccini per i paesi in via di sviluppo,sostiene la salute dei bambini e la nutrizione, l’acqua potabile e la sanità. L’educazione di base di qualità per tutti i bambini e tutte le bambine e la protezione dei bambini dalla violenza, dallo sfruttamento e dall’AIDS. UNICEF è finanziato completamente da contributi di individui, aziende, fondazioni e governi.


 Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare:


Signora Jadranka Milanovic, Communication Officer: Tel+3602; e-mail: belgrade@...


Traduzione a cura del Forum Belgrado Italia, per


(L'anniversario dell'inizio della aggressione NATO contro la RFJ nel 1999 ed i concomitanti paradossali festeggiamenti per il della Comunità Europea, gli effetti del DU e delle politiche occidentali in Jugoslavia, la destinazione dei fondi del "Premio Alternativo Heinrich Heine": sono tra gli argomenti trattati nell'edizione del 24 marzo u.s. dall'ottimo quotidiano berlinese "junge Welt")


24.03.2007 / Titel / Seite 1

Friede, Freude, Krieg

Zum Jahrestag des Angriffs auf Jugoslawien macht sich Kanzlerin Merkel für eine EU-Armee stark. »Berliner Erklärung« nimmt Kurs auf Neuauflage der Europa-Verfassung

Von Rüdiger Göbel

PHOTO: Frau Merkel im Manöver - 31. August 2006
Foto: AP

Zum achten Jahrestag des völkerrechtswidrigen Krieges gegen Jugoslawien geben sich Deutschland und die Europäische Union friedlich und euphorisch. Ja fast schon pazifistisch. Am Freitag ließ Bundeskanzlerin und EU-Ratspräsidentin Angela Merkel (CDU) freudig ihre bis dahin geheimgehaltene »Berliner Erklärung« zum 50.Jahrestag der Unterzeichnung der Römischen Verträge verbreiten. Das dreiseitige Dokument umreißt in blumigen Worten die Entstehung, die Werte und die künftigen »Herausforderungen« der Europäischen Union. »Die europäische Einigung hat uns Frieden und Wohlstand ermöglicht. Sie hat Gemeinsamkeit gestiftet und Gegensätze überwunden«, frohlockt das Papier, als seien Belgrad, Nis und Pristina 1999 nicht von europäischen Kampfjets bombardiert worden. 

Merkel konnte am Freitag zufrieden sein. Alle anderen Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU-Staaten hatten ihre Erklärung am Ende abgenickt. Am Sonntag werden sich die 27 auf einer Jubelfeier in Berlin verpflichten, die Union bis 2009 auf eine »erneuerte gemeinsame Grundlage« zu stellen, d.h. die nach den Referenden in Frankreich und in den Niederlanden durchgefallene EU-Verfassung gegen den Willen der Bevölkerung doch noch auf den Weg zu bringen. Kleine Konzession Berlins an Paris: Über die Zukunft des auf Eis gelegten Verfassungsvertrages soll ab Mai – nach den französischen Präsidentschaftswahlen – beraten werden. 

In der Bild-Zeitung vom Freitag machte Merkel klar, wohin die EU-Reise geht. Ziel für die Zukunft der Europäischen Union sei der Aufbau einer eigenen Truppe. »Wir müssen einer gemeinsamen europäischen Armee näher kommen«, forderte die Bundeskanzlerin in dem einflußreichen Boulevardblatt. Diesen Klartext vermied Merkel in ihrer »Berliner Erklärung«. Darin fabuliert sie nachgerade pazifistisch: »Wir Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Europäischen Union sind zu unserem Glück vereint. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, daß Konflikte in der Welt friedlich gelöst und Menschen nicht Opfer von Krieg, Terrorismus und Gewalt werden.« 

Die EU und Konflikte friedlich lösen? Zur Erinnerung: Bis auf Malta und Zypern sind alle 27 Mitgliedsländer derzeit mit eigenen Truppen am US-geführten Krieg in Afghanistan beteiligt. Und im Irak stellt Großbritannien nach den USA das zweitgrößte Kontingent an Besatzungssoldaten. EU-Schwergewicht Deutschland wiederum ist für Wa­shington zur wichtigsten Drehscheibe für die Okkupation des Zweistromlandes geworden. Über US-Basen in der BRD wird Kriegsgerät in den Irak geflogen, auf ihrem Rückweg transportieren die Militärjets die Versehrten und Toten. 

In Serbien wird an diesem Samstag an die Opfer der NATO-Bomben erinnert. In Berlin wird gefeiert. Kanzlerin Merkel bekundete in Bild: »Die Idee der europäischen Einigung ist auch heute noch eine Frage von Krieg und Frieden.« 


24.03.2007 / Inland / Seite 2

»Wir werden jeden Cent überbringen«

Berliner Heinrich-Heine-Preis: Peter Handke wird im Kosovo Opfern des NATO-Krieges mehr als 50000 Euro übergeben. Ein Gespräch mit Rolf Becker

* Rolf Becker ist Schauspieler und Mitglied der Initiative »Dialog von unten statt Bomben von oben – Gewerkschafterinnen und Gewerkschafter gegen den Krieg« sowie Mitinitiator des Berliner Heinrich-Heine-Preises für Peter Handke

An diesem Samstag jährt sich der Jahrestag des NATO-Angriffs auf Jugoslawien zum achten Mal. Ein Datum, das nicht mehr allzu vielen Menschen präsent ist ...

Das hat mit der Geschichte dieses Krieges zu tun. Er ist propagandistisch auf eine Weise vorbereitet worden, die bis heute auf das Bewußtsein der Menschen wirkt. Viele glauben immer noch, in Jugoslawien sei ein Diktator gestürzt worden. Sie glauben immer noch, der Krieg sei aus humanitären Gründen zur Errichtung von Rechtsstaat und Demokratie und für das Zusammenbringen der Völker geführt worden. Das Gegenteil ist eingetreten. Die Nationalitäten sind getrennt und das Land zerschlagen und zerstückelt worden, um es beherrschbar zu machen.

Dem völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg gegen Jugoslawien konnte kein Einhalt geboten werden. Sind die deutschen »Tornados« in Afghanistan die Folge?

Mit Jugoslawien wurde die Grundlage gelegt. Daran haben wir in den Gewerkschaften einen erheblichen Anteil. Der damalige DGB-Vorsitzende Dieter Schulte sagte ja zu diesem Krieg – ohne die Mitglieder gefragt zu haben. Trotz vielfacher Aufforderungen wurde dieses offizielle Ja des DGB nie revidiert. Die Debatte darüber wurde verhindert und damit die Mobilisierung der Kolleginnen und Kollegen. So beschränkt sich bei den »Tornado«einsätzen der Protest nahezu auf das mutige Nein des Oberstleutnant Jürgen Rose vom »Darmstädter Signal« ...

Es gibt auch das Nein von der Linksfraktion im Bundestag. Was halten Sie von deren Versuch, die »Tornados« juristisch zu stoppen?

Krieg ist juristisch nicht zu stoppen. Jeder Versuch, das zu machen, ist anerkennenswert, aber wir müssen die Menschen und vor allem die Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Gewerkschaften erreichen. Nur wenn sie verstehen, können wir etwas verändern. In den USA begreifen immer mehr Menschen – leider erst durch die Zunahme der Zinksärge.

In zwei Wochen begleiten Sie den Schriftsteller Peter Handke in die serbische Provinz Kosovo, der dort sein Preisgeld für den alternativen Berliner Heinrich-Heine-Preises spenden will. Die offzielle Auszeichnung der Stadt Düsseldorf hatte er abgelehnt, nachdem eine denunziatorische Debatte gegen ihn stattgefunden hatte. Warum wird Handke in Deutschland so angefeindet?

Otto Köhler hat einmal gesagt, der Krieg gehört zum Gründungsmythos dieser Republik. Der darf nicht angetastet werden. Der Installation der Berliner Republik und der Regierungsübernahme durch SPD und Grüne folgte bald die Zustimmung zum Krieg. Unter deutscher Beteiligung, erstmals seit 1945. Das alles mit Hilfe der bürgerlichen Medien. Die Herren über Krieg und Frieden können nicht zulassen, daß ihr Gebilde erschüttert wird oder gar zusammenbricht. Entsprechend werden jene schikaniert, die versuchen, die Wahrheit zu verbreiten.

Ihr Ziel war es, 50000 Euro für den alternativen Heinrich-Heine-Preis zu sammeln. Wieviel haben Sie erreicht?

Wir liegen jetzt bei 51700 Euro. Wir haben große Beträge von 5000 Euro bekommen bis hin zu Spenden von 2,50 Euro von ALG-II-Empfängern. Allen ist gleichermaßen zu danken. Mit unserer Sammlung wollten wir, mit Peter Handkes Worten, »mehr als nur vorübergehend aufmerksam machen«. Die Spender haben gezeigt, daß sie begriffen haben. Sie haben nicht nur für einen Poeten gespendet, sondern für einen Poeten, der in der deutschen Literaturlandschaft zur Zeit der einzige ist, der konsequent Stellung bezieht und sich nicht beirren läßt. Er wird geschmäht und auch ästhetisch herabgewürdigt. Aber er läßt sich nicht beirren. Wie seinerzeit Heinrich Heine.

Wofür genau soll das Geld gespendet werden?

Darüber verfügt Peter Handke. Er hat Kontakte in die Enklave Orahovac. Hier wird der Preis im Rahmen des Osterfestes übergeben. Die Lage der Menschen in den Enklaven ist verheerend. Sie leben wie im Ghetto. Wir werden jeden Cent, der auch nach der Reise noch eingezahlt wird, überbringen.

Interview: Wera Richter

* Spenden gehen an: Rolf Becker/Berliner Heine-Preis, Hamburger Sparkasse, BLZ 20050550, Konto-Nr: 1001212180. Weitere Informationen:


24.03.2007 / Wochenendbeilage / Seite 4 (Beilage)

Ruinen und Uranstaub

Welche Schäden entstanden durch den Beschuß mit DU-Munition? Eine Reise durch Serbien acht Jahre nach den Angriffen der NATO

Von Barbara Hug

PHOTO: Bomben auf Belgrad. Am 21. April 1999 schossen die NATO-Angreifer das Hochhaus in Brand, in dem sich u. a. drei Fernseh- und Radiostationen befanden
Foto: AP

Seit dem 24. März 1999 herrschte erstmals wieder nach 1945 Krieg in Europa. An diesem Tag gegen 20 Uhr erfolgten auf Befehl der NATO-Führung Luftangriffe auf die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien. Betroffen waren zunächst Ziele in den Städten Belgrad, Pristina, Novi Sad. Eingesetzt wurden Marschflugkörper, abgefeuert von U-Booten in der Adria sowie B-52-Bombern, Kampfflugzeuge und später auch Tarnkappenbomber. Während des Krieges, der am 10. Juni beendet wurde, verschoß die NATO mindestens 35 000 Geschosse mit abgereichertem Uran. Die Opferzahlen auf serbischer Seite liegen bei 5500 getöteten serbischen Zivilisten und Soldaten.

Der achte Jahrestag des ­NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien näherte sich, und wir machten uns auf die Reise Richtung Belgrad. Unser Anspruch, Eindrücke zu sammeln in einem Land, das schamlos von denen vernichtet wurde, die zu Kalte-Kriegs-Zeiten den Osten stets als Feind darstellten und ihm Angriffspläne unterstellten – und schließlich selbst aggressiv gegen jenes Vielvölker-Staatsgebilde gehandelt hatten. Wir sprachen mit Menschen in Belgrad, in Nis und auf dem Land. Wie war das eigentlich mit dem Krieg? Und: Wie sieht es heute aus?

Erster Eindruck: Noch stehen die zerbombten Hochhäuser als Ruinen, im Zentrum der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Hauptstadt, die in den Morgenstunden des 24. März 1999 erstmals seit den Bombardements der Hitler-Truppen nach dem 6. April 1941 wieder Luftangriffen ausgesetzt war. Nun also die Ruinen des Verteidigungsministeriums, des Radio- und Fernsehsenders und auch von ehemaligen Schulen, Krankenhäusern und Wohngebäuden. An vielen Stellen wird das Bild der Millionenmetropolole an Save und Donau nach wie vor von den Überresten der Zerstörungen durch die NATO-Schläge, durchgeführt aus großer Höhe, geprägt, die weder abgetragen noch wiederaufgebaut wurden.

Manche werden sicherlich dauerhaft als Mahnmale gegen den Krieg dienen. Bei anderen gibt es pragmatische Gründe, sie nicht abzutragen: Ob und wie stark die betreffenden Gelände verseucht sind, blieb bisher ungeklärt. Fest steht, daß die westlichen Angreifer Spezialmunition gegen Jugoslawien verschossen; den Einsatz von zehn Tonnen Munition mit abgereichertem Uran (DU – depleted uranium) in Raketen und anderen Geschossen gestehen sie selbst ein, doch dürfte die wirkliche Menge wesentlich höher liegen. 

»Möglicherweise«, so kommentierte Professor Dr. Siegwart-Horst Günther, der seit langem die medizinischen Folgen von DU-Munition erforscht, in einem Gespräch mit junge Welt, »atmen die Menschen also atomar verseuchte Staubpartikel ein, doch niemand kümmert sich darum. Es könnte sein, daß aus Furcht vor der Schockwirkung, die die Bestätigung einer Kontaminierung in der Bevölkerung auslösen würde, nichts unternommen wird.« Günthers Tip: Die kontaminierten Gebäudeüberreste müßten unverzüglich abgetragen und entsorgt werden. Dabei allerdings, so der Professor, handele es sich um eine gefährliche und heikle Aufgabe. »Es müßte sehr sorgfältig vorgegangen werden – und zwar von Spezialisten mit besonderen Gerätschaften.« Ohne internationale Unterstützung sei dies nicht möglich, und eigentlich sei die Beseitigung der Schäden ja Aufgabe der NATO. 

Auf weitere Gefahren, die von der aktuellen Situation ausgehen, verwiesen Radomir Kovacevic, Direktor des radiologischen Instituts in Belgrad, und Zoran Stankovic, ein Pathologe: Das Einatmen von Uranstab sei ungeheuer gefährlich. Und: Unter dem Strich habe Uranmunition eine krebsauslösende Wirkung, so Stankovioc, der als Arzt am medizinischen Zentrum des Militärs zu den Risiken geforscht hatte.

Auch in Nis, 250 Kilometer südöstlich von Begrad, stehen noch die Überreste der zerbombten Wohnhäuser. Dort war erst wenige Tage vor unserem Besuch eine Kassettenbombe auf einem Schulhausdach entdeckt und von Spezialisten aus Belgrad unschädlich gemacht worden. Diese Art von Waffe, die noch Jahre nach dem Krieg tötet, wird erst dann aktiviert, wenn Menschen mit ihr in Berührung kommen. In der Umgebung der 250000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt sterben nach wie vor Bauern durch Explosionen auf den Feldern. Zudem liegen in den Krankenhäusern viele Menschen, die einige Jahre nach dem Krieg an Krebs erkrankt sind. Die Statistik weist einen steilen Anstieg der Erkrankungen aus. Und im Kosovo sei die Rate noch höher, erklärte die Epidemiologin Natascha Lukic vom onkologischen Zentrum in Nis. Darüber werde geschwiegen. Ob auch die Nahrungskette von DU-Munition tangiert sei? Bis heute blieb diese sich aufdrängende Frage unbeantwortet. 

Die NATO hatte zielgenau – also bewußt – Infrastruktur, Fernsehstationen, Fabriken, Elektrizitätswerke, Brücken, Eisenbahnlinien und Flüchtlingskolonnen bombardiert. Und alle unsere Gesprächspartner gingen davon aus, daß große Teile der Umwelt in Serbien kontaminiert sind. Einig war man sich auch, daß die US-Air-Force Experimente mit neuen Waffen durchgeführt hat. Zumindest drängte sich ein fürchterlicher Verdacht auf: Bis heute findet sich keine schlüssige Erklärung für die Wahl eines der wichtigsten mit Uranmunition bombardierten Ziele. Warum die Attacken auf die Gegend um Urosevac im Süden des Landes, direkt im Quellgebiet von drei Flüssen. Dort befanden sich keine militärischen Einrichtungen, keine Städte, Fabriken, nichts, was von militärisch-strategischem Interesse hätte gewesen sein können. Nach serbischen Schätzungen wurden 15 Tonnen Munition mit abgereichertem Uran abgefeuert. Über die Gründe kursieren Spekulationen, die damit zu tun haben, daß von dort aus drei Flüsse ins Schwarze Meer, in die Ägäis und in die Adria fließen. Ob Tests zu den Folgen des DU-Waffeneinsatzes für diese Meere durchgeführt werden sollten, können nur die NATO-Verantwortlichen sagen. Doch die schweigen. 

Wie auch in Sachen eines anderen Vorgangs, von dem wir bei einem Treffen an der Fakultät für Arbeitssicherheit in Nis erfahren, wo wir mit Professor Srejko Nedeljkovic ins Gespräch kommen: Nicht nur DU-Geschosse, sondern andere Bomben seien in der Nähe der bulgarischen Grenze gefallen. Diese hätten die Nacht zum Tag gemacht – auch diesbezüglich könnte nur die NATO Auskunft geben, wird uns berichtet.

Doch Auskunft gibt es nicht. Im Gegenteil: Der Nordatlantikpakt betreibe, so unsere Gesprächspartner, ein gezieltes Lobbying unter Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGO) in Serbien. Ziel sei es zu verhindern, daß sich eine im Bereich der Umwelt tätige Gruppe mit der Problematik der Uranmunition befasse. Die Einflußnahme läuft über verschiedene Kanäle. Einer davon seien natürlich die Finanzen, die nur für »passende« Projekte an serbische NGOs gegeben würden. Andererseits werde versucht, kleinere Gruppen durch Einordnung in Dachorganisationen zu vereinnahmen. 

Wir sind von unserer Reise sehr bedrückt zurückgekehrt. Wegschauen verbietet sich, und wichtige Fragen müssen einfach gestellt werden: Wer hilft? Gibt es endlich mehr Unterstützung für die überfüllten Krankenhäuser? Was wird aus der Landwirtschaft angesichts der Kontaminierung weiter Flächen? Und: Was ist mit dem Uranstaub?


24.03.2007 / Wochenendbeilage / Seite 4 (Beilage)

Damals in Jugoslawien

Begegnungen in einem Land mitten in Europa, das mit deutscher Hilfe zerstört wurde

Von Gerd Schumann

PHOTO: Bomben auf Nis. Am 7. Mai 1999 verlor Milenko Petrovic sein gesamtes Hab und Gut
Foto: AP

Damals, noch vor dem Krieg, saßen wir in der weißgekalkten Küche mit Herd, Tisch und Bank, an der Wand die Gusle von Milans Bruder Nicola, eine einsaitige Kniegeige, etwas eingestaubt schon, ein serbisches Traditionsinstrument. Und Lluboje Krunic nahm es sich, ein kleiner, knorriger Mann, dessen Blick uns irritierte, weil eines seiner Augen weiß und blind war. Als junger Ziegenhirte hatte ihn ein explodierender Blindgänger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schwer verletzt, deutsche Hinterlassenschaft. Holz brachte nun den Herd zum Bollern, wir saßen eng zusammen, Milan, Hannes, Neso, Cilenko, Daracenko, Dana und Bobica waren auch dabei; der alte Krunic fettete Bogen und Saite der Gusle, brachte die ersten Töne zustande, die andeutungsweise zu einer Melodie wurden, und schon setzte der Gesang ein, laut und ziemlich schräg und gewaltig. Dem selbstgebrannten Slibovitz wurde kräftig zugesprochen, und draußen garte der Hammel am Spieß. Raco von nebenan trat noch ein, brachte Pide mit Käse, ein Hüne um die zwei Meter wohl, Mitte zwanzig mit schon schlechten Zähnen, deren Lücken uns anstrahlten. Ihn begleitete seine Kusine Milica, eine Studentin aus Sarajevo, Bosniens Hauptstadt, in der es bereits an Heizstoff mangelte. Der Krieg warf erste Schatten, doch nahm sie niemand so recht wahr. Das fürchterliche Geschehen, das bevorstand, wurde erst vorstellbar, als es geschah. Vorher reichte die Phantasie dafür nicht aus.

Das war 1990 im Herbst, in dem bosnischen Dorf Bruzna. Eine kühle Nässe lag auf den sattgrünen Wiesen und machte die Gräser klamm. »Deutschland hat jedes Interesse daran, daß es möglichst viele sklavenfähige, auf die Wirtschaftsmacht Deutschland ausgerichtete Kleinstaaten gibt. Das wird immer klarer werden«, prophezeite der Schriftsteller Peter Handke – und es dauerte kein Jahrzehnt, da war der Vielvölkerstaat Jugslawien unter tatkräftiger deutscher Beteiligung zerschlagen, zunächst im mehrjährigen Bürgerkrieg, als die Protagonisten der Sezession seitens der Kohl-Genscher-Regierung kräftig gesponsert wurden; dann ab dem 24. März 1999 auch durch direkte militärische Angriffe der NATO auf die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien. 

Im Jahr 2000 kehrte ich zurück nach Bruzna, und Milan begleitete mich auf den Friedhof, in der Ferne die schwarzen Berge Montenegros, vorne ein klappriges Holztor. Dann das Grab der beiden Brüder. »Simovic, Daracenko, geboren 1974, gefallen 1993, und Simovic, Cilenko, im selben Jahr geboren, zur selben Zeit zur Schule gegangen – sie verließen uns am selben Tag.« Erschossen aus dem Hinterhalt zur selben Stunde. Sie hatten ihre Familie und das Dorf gegen eine Gruppe marodierender Diebe und Mörder verteidigen wollen – und die Eltern Budomir und Jela und Schwester Zorica errichteten das »Denkmal«, wie der Grabstein im Serbischen genannt wird. »Wir werden euch ewig in unseren Herzen tragen«, steht darauf.

Als sei es gestern gewesen, erinnere ich mich an den Augenblick, als ich Lluboje Krunic wiedertraf, den Gusla-Spieler, und ich freute mich, daß er noch lebte und seine Frau auch. Er blieb zurückhaltend, wortkarg, wollte nichts über das Vergangene erzählen, und ich bekam hautnah eine Ahnung von der Dimension des Grauens, das auf Bruzna lastete – und auf dem ganzen Land. Von Raco, Llubojes im Schrecken des Krieges um mindestens zwei Jahrzehnte gealterten Nachbarn, erfuhr ich dann doch noch von den ungezählten Nächten, die die Dörfler in selbstgebauten Unterständen verbrachten – abends aus Angst vor Überfällen das eigene Haus verlassen, morgens zurückkehren – und wie dann das Grauen so richtig begann, als es hieß: »Mars greift an« (Peter Handke über die NATO-Attacken). 

Marsianer kommen von oben. Sie bombardierten die mächtige Betonbrücke im nicht weit von Bruzna entfernten Foca und wendeten direkt über Bruzna – ein Höllenlärm, der das Grauen tief in Knochen, Herz und Kopf fahren ließ. Auch Wohnhäuser wurden getroffen. Radivoj Stepanovic war mit Ehefrau und drei Kindern in den Keller geflüchtet, über der Erde gingen alle materiellen Werte zu Bruch, unter der Erde die Psyche der 15jährigen Tochter. »Die fällt in Ohnmacht eine halbe Stunde lang, schreit dann »Flugzeuge, Flugzeuge« und fällt wieder um. Wir sind alle geistige Invaliden geworden. Krieg ist Schrecken.«

Als Vertreter des Mars daran beteiligt: USA, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Niederlande, Dänemark, Norwegen, Italien, Kanada, Spanien, Portugal, Belgien – und Deutschland. Und obwohl ich wußte, daß unseren Freunden in Bruzna und anderswo im ehemaligen Jugoslawien bekannt war, daß auch Deutsche gegen den Krieg auf die Straße gegangen waren: Ich kam doch aus dem Land, das mitgebombt hatte, und ich fühlte Scham. Ich wußte, warum Lluboje Krunic, der Einäugige, uns nicht mehr zu sich einlud. 

Peter Handke, der den aufrechten Gang ging, sich direkt nach Kriegsbeginn nach Serbien traute und dafür von den Marsianern und deren Handlangern bis heute angefeindet wird, erlebte wenige Tage nach Kriegsbeginn zunächst einen scheinbar unverändert freundlichen Empfang: »Ein Tisch wird für uns ins Freie getragen, und wir bekommen eine Jause aufgetischt, wie sie gastfreundlicher nicht aussehen kann, samt montenegrinischem Krstac-Wein.« Und doch wächst in ihm stark wie nie zuvor eine »Fassungslosigkeit allein schon über den Mißbrauch der unvergleichlichen balkanischen Gastfreundschaft durch die gesamteuropäischen Zugereisten, im Kriegführen jetzt gleichsam tätlich geworden.« 

Als vor acht Jahren – im März und April 1999 – die Bomben und Raketen in Belgrad besonders dicht fielen, zogen Zehntausende auf die Donau- und Save-Brücken, sozusagen als »lebende Schutzschilde« gegen die Aggressoren aus der Luft, die unsichtbar aus ihren Tarnkappenfluggeräten den Tod abwarfen. »In Phase eins traten Schock und Angst auf«, berichtete mir damals die Psychologin Vesna Ognjenovic. Schreie in der Nacht, Schweißbäder, Horror und Zähneknirschen. »In Phase zwei spielten die Kleinen nicht wie 1941 während der deutschen Besetzung »Nazi und Partisan«, sie schlüpften generell nicht mehr in Personenrollen, sondern wurden zu »Bunker und Splitterbombe«. 

Die schwarzen Hakenkreuze an der deutschen Botschaft, gesprayte Graffitis, erinnerten an den penetranten Brandgeruch der Geschichte, als während des zweiten Weltkrieges allein in Belgrad 100 000 Menschen der Wehrmacht zum Opfer fielen. Am Eingangstor steht »Marko and Slavko are not dead«. Marko und Slavko, zwei Kinder, wurden als Metapher verstanden für den jugoslawischen Widerstand gegen deutsche Angriffe damals und heute. Die beiden jungen Partisanenkuriere waren von den Nazis hingerichtet worden. Als Comic-Helden kennt sie in Belgrad auch heute noch jedes Kind. 

Der knorrige Alte von Bruzna erzählte dann doch noch davon, daß die Obsternten nach dem Krieg schlecht ausfielen und Mißgeburten bei den Schafen auftraten, und fragte, ob das vielleicht mit den NATO-Fliegern und der Uranmunition zusammenhängt. Ich wußte es nicht und merkte, daß der 78-Tage-Krieg noch lange nicht zu Ende war.